HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW-CRA-M-00-0103• • 6 V. November 21 lull', "' r > C:, � Dr. Dorothy Fields Black Archives Foundation 5400 NW 22"d. Avenue ~ < Miami, Florida 33142' . o > Re: Limited Phase II Report on Parking Lot P-7 _ -_.,,' Dear Dr. Fields; This letter is to inform you that the CRA has absorb the cost for a Phase I1 Environmental on the lot located next to the Lyric Theater at 801 NW 2"d Avenue (P7) at a cost of $7,500 which includes the cost of the study and consultant fees. The Phase II Environmental was conducted on November 10, 2000 by ATC Associates, Inc. I have included a copy of the Assessment Report for your review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me in the office at (305) 579-3324. Regards. Arth�Teele, Chairman Cc: Dipak Parekh, Executive Director Vice -Chairman Johnny L. Winton Honorable Members of the CRA Board Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney V Walter Foeman, City Clerk Mr. Heisenbottle, Architect to Black Archives Ms. Bernice Sawyer 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way 9 Suite 430 • Miami, Florida 33131 o Phone (305) 579-3324 9 Fax (305) 372-4646 Limited Phase 11 Subsurface Assessment Report Proposed City of Miami Parking Lot P-7 801 NW 2 nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003 Prepared by: ATC Associates Inc. 9955 Northwest 116 Way, Suite I Miami, Florida 33178 November 10, 2000 SEOPWXR&- CD N) r i i> E • Limited Phase II Subsurface Assessment Report Proposed City of Miami Parking Lot P-7 801 NW 2°a Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003 Submitted To: Southeast Overtown/Park %vest Community Redevelopment Agency 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33131 Prepared For: Civil -CARD Engineering, Inc. 1011 Ives Dairy Road, Suite 107 Miami, Florida 33179 November 10, 2000 Prepared By: ATC Associates Inc. 9955 Northwest 116th Way, Suite 1 Miami, Florida 33178 Gre A. Mohr, P.G. Project Manager F tamveld, P.G. Project Manager a //-�o- C7v TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 L 2.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES.........................................I 3.0 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS.....................................................................3 4.0 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................4 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIXA........................................................................................................ Tables & Figures APPENDIX B.................................... Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain of Custody Record SE®PyvX 00 ` . 0 Limited Phase II SubsurfaceOssoessment Report City of Miami Proposed Parkin Lot P-7 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request Civil -CARD Engineering, Inc. (CC), ATC Associates Inc. (ATC) conducted a limited Phase H Subsurface Assessment for the Southeast Overtown/Parkwest Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), at the Proposed City of Miami Parking Lot P-7 (P-7). The Site is located at the NE corner of NW 2nd Avenue and NW 8th Street in Miami, Florida. The site is currently a vacant grass covered lot surrounded by a chain link security fence. The Phase H assessment was implemented to investigate the potential for soil and/or groundwater contamination resulting from former onsite automotive service station activities and to assess the potential from offsite contaminant sources. The Phase H assessment activities were performed in accordance with the scope of services outlined in ATC Proposal Numbers 31-2000-0600314 and 31-2000-0600344R-1, dated June 7, 2000 and October 20, 2000, respectively. 2.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Prior to the initiation of subsurface activities, a utility clearance was performed in accordance with Florida Statute 553.851 (Chapter 77-153), to determine the presence and locate existing underground utilities in the proposed assessment area. Soil assessment activities were initially accomplished June 12, 2000 at this site through the utilization of a backhoe to excavate a series of test pits. The test pits were performed to determine if potential underground storage tanks (USTs) may still be present at the Site and to provide soil vapor quality data. During the performance of the test pits three, relict product lines were encountered along the southern portion of the site. Further excavation revealed a large rectangular area of previously excavated soil which, had subsequently been backfilled. As shown on Figure 1, Appendix A, this area is thought to have been the location of the former USTs. Further excavation along the abandoned product lines encountered a smaller area of disturbed soil along the western margin of the site. This area is thought to have been the location of the former dispenser island. The location of these features is consistent with information observed during an ATC review of the historical ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003 e 1 • 0 Limited Phase H Subsurface Assessment Report City of Miami Proposed Parking Lot P-7 aerial of the Site. photographs Assessment of the groundwater at this Site was accomplished through the installation of two shallow monitoring wells. One monitoring well was installed in the suspect former UST area, and one monitoring well was installed in the suspect former dispenser island area. These locations are shown on Figure 1, Appendix A. Soil Assessment Activities The soil excavation test pits were advanced to a total depth of approximately seven feet below land surface (BLS), which resulted in penetration of the surface of the groundwater table. Approximately 18 test pits were performed during this portion of the investigation. Soil samples were collected during the performance of each of the test pits for organic vapor headspace screening. The soil samples were placed in half-filled, 16-ounce glass jars and covered with aluminum foil. The headspace within the jars was then field screened using a Foxboro Model 128 Organic Vapor Analyzer equipped with a flame ionization detector (OVA/FID). In the event of a positive response, an activated carbon filter was used to estimate the concentration of naturally occurring methane and/or ethane gases within a duplicate sample. The filtered hydrocarbon reading is subtracted from the total hydrocarbon reading to yield a corrected vapor content indicative of petroleum -related compounds. No detectable hydrocarbon vapor concentrations were encountered during this investigation. Groundwater Assessment One monitoring well, designated MW-1 was installed to assess potential surficial ground, ater impacts in the former suspect tank area. The second monitoring well, designated MW-2, was installed in the suspect former dispenser island area. Both monitoring wells were installed using the hollow -stem auger drilling method to a total depth of approximately 14 feet BLS, and were constructed of 2-inch diameter, flush -threaded Schedule 40 PVC casing and 0.010-inch slotted PVC screen. The shallow monitoring wells were installed with ten feet of well screen and ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003? r 2 SE®PW J C" li v i Limited Phase II Subsurface Assessment Report City of Miami Proposed Parking Lot P-7 approximately four feet of solid PVC riser. Approximately two feet of the well screen was set aPp Y pp above the water table, with approximately eight feet of well screen extending into the upper water -bearing zone. No water was added to the formation during installation of the monitoring wells. The location of monitoring well MWA and MW-2 is shown on Figure 1, Appendix A. To prepare the monitoring wells for sampling, each well was purged of five well volumes utilizing a laboratory -decontaminated Teflon bailer. Discharge water during this operation was allowed to evaporate on the adjacent asphalt roadway. Groundwater samples were collected from each monitoring well and submitted for analysis by EPA Method 8021B for Volatile Organic Halocarbons (solvents) and Volatile Organic Aromatics (gasoline), by EPA Method 8270C for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (diesel fuel), by EPA Method 239.2 for Dissolved Lead, by EPA Method 504 for Ethylene Dibromide and by the ATC's Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) FL -PRO Method for Petroleum Range Organics (weathered petroleum and oil). �J All groundwater sampling was conducted in general accordance with FDEP approved Quality Assurance Quality Control Plan Number 890174. Groundwater quality samples were submitted to Envirodyne Inc., a state -certified laboratory for analyses following chain of custody protocol. A copy of the laboratory analytical reports and chain of custody record are contained in Appendix B. 3.0 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Review of the groundwater analytical data from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2 confirmed a discharge of petroleum compounds either at or within the vicinity of the Site. Volatile Organic Aromatic (VOA) compounds and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in the groundwater suggesting the discharge may have been from gasoline or diesel fuels. Four VOA compounds, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Total Xylenes were detected in the two groundwater samples. Only the Benzene concentration detected in MW-2 (5.3 ug/L) resulted in an exceedance of the applicable Table I, Chapter 62-777, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels (GCTLs). The Chapter 62-777, FAC GCTL for Benzene is ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003 �T, p A _ n c Page 3 �'1� SEo 0 Limited Phase II Subsurface Assessment Report City of Miami Proposed Parkin Lot P-7 1.0 ug/L. The detected Benzene concentration however, is below the Table V, Chapter 62-777, FAC, Natural Attenuation Default Source Concentration of 100 ug/L. The four VOA compounds and highest detected respective concentrations are Benzene 5.3 ug/L, Toluene 6.2 ug/L, Ethylbenzene 16 ug/L, and Total Xylenes 16 ug/L. Table 1, Appendix A summarizes these compounds in comparison to applicable regulatory guidance concentrations. Ten PAH compounds, Naphthalene, 1-Methylnaphthalene, 2-Methy1naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Acenaphthylene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Fluoranthene, and Pyrene were detected in the two groundwater samples. Only the Benzo(b)fluoranthene concentration detected in MW-1 (0.22 ug/L) resulted in an exceedance of the applicable Table I, Chapter 62-777, FAC GCTL of 0.2 ug/L. The detected Benzo(b)fluoranthene concentration however, is below the Table V, Chapter 62-777, FAC, Natural Attenuation Default Source Concentration of 20 ug/L. Table 1, Appendix A summarizes these compounds in comparison to applicable regulatory guidance concentrations. Dissolved lead was present at a concentration of 5.7 ug/L in MW-2, which is within the Table I, Chapter 62-777, FAC, Lead GCTL of 15 ug/L. Petroleum Range Organic concentrations ranged from 0.43 mg/L to 0.72 mg/L, which are below the Table I, Chapter 62-777, FAC, GCTL of 5 mg/L. Neither Ethylene Dibromide nor VOHs were detected above laboratory guidance levels in either of the monitoring well locations. Laboratory Groundwater quality data and applicable regulatory standards are summarized in Table 1, Appendix A. Copies of the laboratory analytical reports and the chain of custody record are contained in Appendix B. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of this assessment, evidence of groundwater contamination was identified along the western and southern tested portions of the Site. This was indicated by the presence of isolated VOA and PAH compounds above the Table I, Chapter 62-777, FAC, GCTLs. These compounds are indicative of petroleum discharges resulting from the storage and dispensing of gasoline and/or diesel fuels. Considering the Site was formerly utilized as an automotive service ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003 CR& C Page 4 • 0 Limited Phase B Subsurface Assessment Report City of Miami Proposed Parking Lot P-7 station it is inferred that the dischar g e may have originated onsite. However, without additional sample location data, ATC cannot ascertain the origin of the detected groundwater contamination. If the detected concentrations were reported to the Miami -Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), it is possible they would issue the responsible property owner a Notice of Violation (NOV) and Orders for Corrective Action (OCA). These notices typically require the owner of such properties to conduct further assessment and/or groundwater monitoring activities until the detected contamination has attenuated to levels at/or below regulatory guidance levels. ATC Project Number 31.18136.0003 — age 5 SE®PVd/ C� APPENDIX A Tables & Figures o- 103 SE®PW/CR, TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA PROPOSED CITY OF MIAMI PARKING LOT P-7 801 NW 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA ATC Project No. 31.18136.0003 SAMPLE DATE 10/26/2000 10/26/2000 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION MW-1 MW-2 � Natural Attenuation Levels Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels PARAMETER Volatile Organic Aromatics (ug/L) Methyl-tert-butyl-ether BDL BDL 500 50 Benzene BDL 5.3 100 1 Toluene BDL 6.2 400 40 Ethylbenzene 3.3 16 300 30 Total Xylenes 4.0 16 200 20 Petroleum Range Organics 0.43 0.72 50 5 Dissolved Lead u BDL 5.7 150 E I5 Eth lene Dibromide u BDL BDL 20 0.02 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (ug/L) Naphthalene 4.6 5.3 200 20 1-Methylnaphthalene 1.5 7 200 20 2-Methylnaphthalene 3.9 14 200 20 Phenanthrene 0.4 BDL 2,100 210 Acenaphthylene BDL 4.7 2,100 210 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.22 BDL 20 0.2 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 0.24 BDL 2,100 210 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.15 BDL 20 0.2 Fluoranthene 0.4 BDL 2,800 280 Pyrene 0.22 BDL 2,100 210 LEGEND: BDL - Below Detectable Limits CS - Compound Specific Target Levels u - Above FAC Chapter 62-777 Table I Groundwater Cleanup Target Levels and Below FAC Chapter 62-777 Table V Natural Attenuation Levels Above FAC Chapter 62-777 Table V Natural Attenuation Levels • • THEATER BLDG. FORMER BUILDING LOCATION w D z a MW-2 SUSPECT FORMER c DISPENSER ISLAND N AREA 3 z SUSPECT FORMER UNDERGROUND r STORAGE TANK AREA L-M'"'J NW 8TH STREET PROPOSED CITY OF MIAMI PARKING LOT P-7 s s. ate, NE CORNER OF NW tad Ave. & NW 8th Street 1"=20' m 1 PROJECT NO, 31.1 B 136.003 Mom, Florida _ - " FIGURE T"E: SITE LAYOUT MAP v FIGURE: 1 SE®PW/CRA -' APPENDIX B Laboratory Analytical Report & Chain of Custody Record SECPWICRA 0 0- i 6 3 11-07-2000 04:12PM FROM-ENVIRODY16 561-989-52010 T-667 P.003/012 F-678 jin An %%�, 4805 N. W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-989-5225 ATC Associates Inc_ November 7, 2000 9955 NW 116 Way Suite ##1 Reporc 2000/10411 Miami, FL 33178-5126 Sample No: 2000/10411- 1 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31.18136.0003 CC P-7 ESA II Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE 1D: MW-1 Received on: 10/27/00 PARAMETER RESULT METHOD DID UNITS DATE ANALYST Lead, Dissolved BDL 200.7 0.0050 mg/L 10/30/00 MHA 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BDL 504.1 0.020 /ig/L 11 /03/00 ML Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A. Methods Laboratory CerdFcarion No. H86188 QA/QC Review BDL=Bclow DcR un urL DL -Deiecdon Limn 1 sB0"w/cx� 0 � 11-07-2000 04:13PM FROM-ENVIRODYNb Envirodyne inn. ATC Associates Inc. 99S5 NW 116 Way Suite # 1 Miami, FL 33178-5126 561-ees-52019 T-667 P.004/012 F-678 4805 N.W_ 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33437 561-989-5226 November 7, 2000 Report: 2000/10411 Sample No: 2000/10411- 1 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31,19136-0003 CC P-7 ESA 11 Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE W: MW-1 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 10/31/00 PARAMETER 601 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST Bromodichloromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Bromoform BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Bromomethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Carbon tetrachloride BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chloroethane BDL 1 ' 0 µg/L ADM 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chloroform BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chloromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Dibromochloromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDTa 1.0 µg/L ADM Dichloradifluoromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1 ,1-Dichloroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 1 . 0 µg/L ADM 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichloropropane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Methylene chloride BDL 5-0 µg/L ADM 1, 1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Tetra chloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,1,1-Trichlaroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1 ,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Trichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Trichlorofluoromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Vinyl chloride BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A. Methods Laboratory Cutificadon No. F-86188 QA/QC Review (A, DDL—Below Dctcc O�illl� DL--Demcdon Limit 2 SFOPW/CPA, C 0 - ��3 11-OT-2000 04:19PM FROM-ENVIRODY� Envirodynaft inc. _s 561-989-52016 T-66T P.005/012 F-678 4$05 N. W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 567 988-5225 ATC Associates Inc. November 7, 2000 9955 NW 116 Way State #1 Report: 2000/10411 Miami, FL 33118-5126 Sample No: 2000/10411- 1 Attention. Greg Mohr, P.G. Project:31.18136.0003 CC P-1 ESA II Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazerritar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE 11): NM-1 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 10/31/00 602 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS PARAMETER RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST Benzene BDL 1. 0 µg/L ADM Chlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Ethylbenzene 3.3 1.0 µg/L ADM Methyl-tert-butyl ether BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Toluene BDL 1.0 µg/.L ADM Xylenes, Total 4.0 1.0 µg/L ADM Total BTEX 7.3 µg/L ADM Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A. Methods Laboratory Certification No- E86188 QA/QC Review�l} BDL—Below Deter on mu"LiL—nor' DL a Detection Lunar 3 S.EOFw/cR& 6 0 - 103 .f 11-07-2000 04:13PM FROM -ENV I RODY6 En virodyn e Inc. ATC Associates Inc. 9955 NW 116 Way Suite #1 Miami, FL 33178-5126 561-989-5200 T-66T P.006/012 F-678 4805 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 551-989-5225 November 7, 2000 Report: 2000/ 10411 Sample No: 2000/ 10411- 1 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31.18136.0003 CC P-7 ESA H Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Paity Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE ID: MW-1 Received on_ 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 11/03/00 Date of Extraction. 11/01/00 PARAMETER 8310 POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST Acenaphthene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Acenaphthylene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Anthracene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Benzo(a)anthracene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH BenzoMfluoranthene 0.22 0.10 µg/L SPH Benzo(g,hJ)perylene 0.24 0. 10 µg/L SPH Benzo(k)fluoranthene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Benzo(a)pyrene 0.15 0.10 µg/L SPH Chrysene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Fluoranthene 0.40 0. 10 µg/L SPH Fluorene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH 1-Methylnaphthalene I. S 0.10 µg/L SPH 2- Methyl naphthalene 3.9 0.10 µg/L SPH Naphthalene 4.6 0 _ 10 µg/L SPH Phenanthrene 0.40 0.10 gg/L SPH Pyrene 0.22 0.10 µg/L SPH Total Naphthalenes 10.00 µg/L SPH Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A. Methods Laboratory Cav6cation No. E86188 4 QA/QC Review`hl ODL—Below Docc on [nu[ DL =Detection Limit SEOPw'cRA 0 0 - 103 r 11-07-2000 04:13PM FROM -ENV I RODY6 561-989-52010 T-667 P.007/012 F-678 Envirodyne Inca 4B05 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-989-5225 ATC Associates Inc. November 7, 2000 9955 NW 116 Way Suite #I Report: 2000/10411 Miami, FL 33178-5126 Sample No: 2000/10411- 1 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31.18136.0003 CC P-7 ESA II Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE ID: MW-1 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 11/01/00 Date of ExEraciion: 11/01/00 FL -PRO TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS PARAMETER Petroleum Range Organics Hydrocarbon Range RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST 0.43 0.40 mg/L KMK C8-C36 KMK Analysis Performed m Accordance with E,P.A. Methods Laboratory ceraica[ioa No. E86188 5 SEOPW/CRA QA/QC Review' EDL=Below Dercc on�urut DL=Dctccdon Lirm - 0 11-07-2000 04:13PM FROM-ENVIRODY 561-989-52010 T-66T P.008/012 F-678 �® ® C-07 111 r 4805 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 567- 989-5225 ATC Associates Inc. November 7, 2000 9955 NW 116 Way Suite #1 Report: 2000/10411 Miami, FL 33178-5126 Sample No: 2000/10411- 2 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project; 31.18136.0003 CC P-7 ESA II Proposed Parking 901 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kueinfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SA.AeLE+ W: NM-2 Received on: 10/27/00 PARAMETER RESULT METHOD DL UNITS DATE ANALYST r- Lead, Dissolved 0.0057 200.7 0.0050 mg/L 10/30/00 MHA } 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BDL 504.1 0.020 ,pg/L 11 /03/00 ML Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A. Methods Laboramry Cerdficaaan No. L-86188 6 SEOFW/CPA QA/QC Review V 61` -- EDL-BOo- Dctec ol—n1—=—C DT-Detecdon Limit 11-07-2000 04:13PM FROM -ENV I R0016 s Envirodyne inn. ATC Associates Inc. 9955 NW 116 Way Suite #1 Miami, FL 33178-5126 561-969-520fe T-667 P.009/012 F-678 4805 N. W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33437 561-989-5225 November 7, 2000 Report: 2000/10411 Sample No: 2000/10411- 2 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31.18136.0003 CC P-71ESA 11 Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazetnfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE ID: MWM2 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 10/31/00 601 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS PARAMETER RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST Bromodichloromethane BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Bromoform BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Bromomethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Carbon tetrachloride BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chloroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chloroform BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Chloromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Dibromochloromethane BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Dichlorodifluoromethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1 ,1-Dichloroethane BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichloroethane BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1,1-Dichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg-/L ADM cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichloropropene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Methylene chloride BDL 5.0 µg/L ADM 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BDL 1. 0 µg/L ADM Tetrachloroethyiene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1 ,1 ,1-Trichloroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Trichloroethylene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Trichlorofluoromethane BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM Vinyl chloride BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A_ Laborarory Certification No. E86189 Merhods QA/0C Review B L=Bctow Dctec on tnn 7 SE®PW/CRA DL=Detection Limit GU- 03 11-07-2000 04:14PM FROM-ENVIRODY6 Envirodyne Inc. 561-989-52010 T-667 P-010/012 F-678 4806 N. W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 567-989-5225 ATC Associates Inc. November 7, 2000 9955 NW 116 Way Suite #1 Report: 2000/10411 Miami, FL 33178-5126 Sample No: 2000/10411- 2 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project:31.18136.0003 CC P-7 ESA 11 Proposed Parking 801 NW tad Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE ID: MW-2 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 10/31/00 PARAMETER 602 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST Benzene 5.3 1.0 µg/L ADM Chlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1-0 µg/L ADM 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Ethylbenzene 16 1.0 µg/L ADM Methyl-tert-butyl ether BDL 1.0 µg/L ADM Toluene 6.2 1.0 µg/L ADM Xylenes, Total 16 1. 0 µg/L ADM Total BTEX 43.5 µg/L ADM Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A_ Methods Laboratory Certificadon No. E86188 S SE®PW/CRA QA/QCDL-Bc Revie� BDL=Bdo�� Dec on urn DL—Detection Limit 0tU'— 03 11-07-2000 04:14PM FROM -ENV I ROD* Envirodyne Inc. ATC Associates The. 9955 NW 116 'Way Suite # 1 Miami, FL 33178-5126 561-M-520 fe T-667 P-011/012 F-678 4805 N. W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 567-989-5225 November 7, 2000 Report: 2000/10411 Sample No: 2000/10411- 2 Attention; Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31.18136.0003 CC P-7 ESA 11 Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE ID: NM-2 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 11/03/00 Date of Extraction: 11/01/00 PARAMETER 8310 POLYINUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST Acenaphthene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Acenaphthylene 4.7 0.10 µg/L SPH Anthracene BDL 0 _ 10 µg/L SPH Benzo(a)anthracene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH BenzoMfluoranthene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BDL 0 _ 10 µg/L SPH Benzo(k)fluoranthene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Benzo(a)pyrene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Chrysene BDL 0.10 µg/1; SPH Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Fluoranthene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH Fluorene BDL 0 _ l0 µg/L SPH lndeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene BDL 0 . 10 µg/L SPH 1-Methyl naphthalene 7.0 0.10 µg/L SPH 2-Methylnaphthalene 14 0 . 2 o µg/L SPH Naphthalene 5.3 0.10 µg/L SPH Phenanthrene BDL 0 _ 10 µg/L SPH Pyrene BDL 0.10 µg/L SPH TOTal Naphthalenes 26.30 µg/L SPH Analysis Performed in Accordance with E.P.A. Methods Laboratory Cervficafion No_ E86188 9 S ,oPW / CRA l V '`D O_A/QC RevievJ✓or' l $ L=Below DctcC un ulll DI=Derec6on Limir 11-07-2000 04:14PM FROM-ENVIRODY119 561-989-52040 T-667 P.012/012 F-678 Envirodyne inc. 4805 N. W. 2nd A venue Bata Raton, FL 33431 567-989-5225 ATC Associates Inc. November 7, 2000 9955 NW 116 Way Suite #1 Report: 2000/10411 Miami, FL 33178-5126 Sample No: 2000/10411- 2 Attention: Greg Mohr, P.G. Project: 31.18136,0003 CC P-7 ESA 11 Proposed Parking 801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL Collected by: Patty Kazemfar Collected on: 10/26/00 SAMPLE in: MW-2 Received on: 10/27/00 Date of Analysis: 11/03/00 Date of Extraction: 11/01/00 FL -PRO TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS PARAMETER RESULT DL UNITS ANALYST 8c. Petroleum Range Organics 0.72 0.40 mg/L KMK Hydrocarbon Range CS-C36 KMK Analysis contained herein conform to EPA and DEP approved methods per Envirodyne Comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan No. 890041. Additional Laboratory Certification numbers: E86006, $4269, E83079, E86240, South Carolina 96022. All relevant quality assurance samples were within specified control limits unless otherwise stated. Project Manager Quality Assurance Director Analysis Performed in Accordance with E_P.A. Methods OA/QC Review Laboratory Certification No. E86188 BDL=Below Detcc ofi fi unit' � DI=Dctcction Limit 10 SEOPW/C cf _ r" I Envirodyne Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST i i Page of 4805 NW� venue • oca Raton, FL 33431 61) 989-5225 Fax (561) 989-5204 0 0 PROJECT NUMBER 31.I'tdl3f,.oQo3 PROJECT NAME — "7IPO.NUMBERSAMPLE 1 �G �S/�-11- PRESERVATIVE fZ� L1St Qn 1A1'lC L07 TYPE , PROJECT LOCATION Q ANALYSES REQUESTED A \ ►v ��lJ . 02M IL�`- �O ?�(/ RUSH TAT CLIENT NAME CLIENT ADDRESS gS5 NmJ )4,4 GU J� ��Q (SURCHARGE) � ° a;� � o ❑ ,a PKON 305) 382 - LSD FAX 30 2 - 12, C�n SAMPLE INFORMATION oF o • Vh uj I (/ti ��•e,ctis� 2 �- l Gl� �1-- Z-- SSo 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SAMPLE GOLLECTED BY gzeA ARE THESE SAMPLES LISTED OR CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE? ❑ YES LINO TOTAL OF ALL ARE THESE SAMPLES FROM 0 PETROLEUM 0 DRY CLEANER OR ❑ OTHE IT ? CONTAINERS ^ RELINQUISHED BY DA E T1M6 IN DATE TIME SEND REP Q (P R5O 10161 n 1 1 SAMPLES Cfl TIO� floc QG NUMBER &l%0 //j 6 5