HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW OMNI CRA 2000-11-20 Marked Agenda1 Southeast Overtown/Yark West and Omni Redevelopment Areas BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA Miami Arena 701 Arena Boulevard Miami, Florida 33136 Location: V.I.P. Room November 20, 2000 5:00 p.m. www.miami-cra.org A. Updates from Previous Board Meeting I. Resolution approving the procurement of the Not -For -Profit Liability Insurance in the amount of $5 million dollars with an annual premium of $7,963.00 for the CRA Board Officers and its Directors. [Requested by Comm. Sanchez] OMNUCRA,R-00'51; SEOPW/CRARAAo-101 -MOVED: -,!. SANCHEZ <°>?: "SECONDED: WINTONN 2. Resolution on the Special Committee on educating the public regarding technology [Requested by Comm. Teele] OMNI /CRA.R=00-52;;SEOPW/CRA;=R=00-102 (AS MODIFIED) " 3 ;.. NLOVED GORT:': :.. SECONDED'- _SAN,CHEZ 4° UNANIMQUS:;,z.r _ .:, 3. Update on homelessness issue in the CRA. [Requested by Comm. Winton] DISCUSSED`;. , , r„ 4. Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to select the lowest bidder for Phase I(A), Phase I(B) or Phase I(A) and Phase I(B) for Margaret Pace Park, and further authorizing the Executive Director enter in an agreement with the lowest bidder on either Phase I (A), Phase I(B) or both Phase I(A) and Phase I(B) and start construction. [Requested by Comm. Winton] OMN UCRA 'R`00=53.' :# MOVED: yWINTON n_ .SECONDED.- REGALADO ` ABSENT:--`' GORT: 5. Update on the history of the tax increment funding (TIF) for the OMNI CRA and SEOPW CRA. [Requested by Comm. Teele] DISCUSSED _.__ 6. Update on the anticipated funding for tax increment funding (TIF) for next fiscal year and a five year budgetary projection [Requested by Comm. Teele] U'SSED 7. Discussion Items a. Update on Park West Studios. [Requested by Comm. Teele] A PDISCUSSED b. Special Presentations by Performing Arts Center (PAC) -D!S,'0"USSE D c . Special Presentations by City of Miami zntsdUSSE, t� i. Miami Millennium Media Project (3MP) DISCUSSEDr. ii. Ordinance creating ONINI Media Productions special district DISCUSSED., iii. Status on the development of a grand promenade from Biscayne Boulevard to Miami Avenue between I Ot" Street and I Ith Street. Vz, DISCUSSED B. Administration 8. Resolution approving the CDBG Funds -Economic Development Agreement `9EOPWtRA R-00-1 08;�O'MNVCRA:-R-00-54 movfb: REGALAbO SECONDED: WINTON11", UNANIMOUS 7­ 9. Update on the preliminary Fiscal Year End 2000 Financial Report. DISCUSSED 10. Resolution approving the organizational structure and administrative budget for the CRA. SEOPW/CRA R-00409; OMNI/CRA kZ60-55 MOVEW WINTM REGALADQ�,". SECONDED: _4 UNANIMOUS a. Resolution approving the accounting policy and procedures manual. '00755�1' S E 0 P W XkE. R A R_' 0 0 - 10 9. 1, MN I C RA_-,R MOVED: 7,,,�,,,',. WINTON SECONDED:. REGALADO UNANIMOUS b. Budget and Financeschedule for Fiscal Year 2001. W/CRA M-0:0.110! OMNI/CRA M-00-5W ; SEOP MOVED: REGALADO <" 2. SECONDED-,,," : S°ANCHEZ y�. ABSENT: GORT - c. Resolution approving the reconciled Tax Increment Funding (TIF) Budget for FY 2000 and FY 2001 SEOPW/.CRA;R=00=11;1 OMNI/CRA R-00-57---'-" MOVED. ; `SANCHEZ S SECONDED: - WINTON :: `::. ABSENT: ,,i x;i ; ... :: GORT•� �, d. Resolution authorizing the salary and benefits received by the Executive Director of the CRA. SEOPW/C[ZA'R=00=41f OMNUCRA R-00=58 ` MOVED: ,d; REGALADO SECONDED: WIN TON UNANIMOUS e. Resolution authorizing the salary and benefits received by the staff of the CRA and approving the administrative manual [Deferred] ,DEFERRED f. Resolution approving the request to the City of Miami to unrestrict the cash with Fiscal Agent and Fund balance in the amount of $554,148. SEOPW/CRA R-00-113 = MOVED az" GORT = SECONDED-'-,-, WINTON UNANIMOUS' H. Resolution directing the City of Miami as a fiduciary to the CRA, i) to deposit all funds allocated or due to the accounts of the CRA and ii) to not make withdrawals or disbursements from any CRA account without proper and written authorization from the CRA. SEOPW/CRA R-00-114;`OMNI/CRA°R-00-59 MOVED: WINTON a. SECONDED:-" GORT UNANIMOUS C. Strategic Planning 12. Resolution authorizing the CRA to advertise the RFQ for a Certified General Appraiser with experience in the redevelopment area with preference to women, minorities and businesses within the empowerment zone. SEOPW/CR_ A R-00-115 "OMNI/CR —,R-00-60 MOVED: '' SANCHEZ -. H SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS w..:- 13. Discussion item on vacant City of Miami and/or CRA property. [Requested by Comm. Gort] EOpWXCRA M-00-116; OMNUCRA,M-00-61 S ._ MOVED:.... GORT SEC ONDED:, WINTON_. _. UNANIMOUS ` _.= , D. Development 14. Development schedule for Fiscal Year 2001. DISCUSSED= F ..: ~ U, z, 15. Resolution approving the in -kind grant agreement between the CRA and Technology Center of the Americas, LLP pursuant to which the CRA will provide temporary parking for 300 to 500 construction workers for the proposed NAP facility, and the CRA will provide a grant in an in -kind amount up to $1.1 million for a period not to exceed two years to facilitate the development of the NAP and the Technology Center of the Americas. aDEFERRED BY SEOPW%CRA M-0011:7 x.. , `MOVED:;` SANCHEZ SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS 16. Update on the RFQ for the design —build of the Overtown Cultural and Technology Center. °DISCUSS.ED a. Resolution authorizing the capital and operating budget of $3 million for the Overtown Cultural and Technology Center, subject to available funds. SEOPW/CRA R-00-118 x MOVED: GORT SECONDED: SANCHEZ '. `. UNANIMOUS mA b. Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to prepare and advertise for an RFP for a management firm with experience in cultural program and/or technology program and grant writing to oversee the management of the Overtown Cultural and Technology Center, to include the utilization of local non -profits. SEOPW/CRA"R-00�119£ =MOVED:'_ GOIU 1 SECONDED: REGAI✓ADO =-UNAN,IMOUS 11. Kesolution approving the purchase of the Simmons Property in an amount not to exceed $32,000 and any encumbrances, and other closing costs. SEOPW/CRA R-00-120 1VIOVED: :a G;ORT- .. , @SECQNDED:x 'REGALADO ;: "UNANIMOUS: 18. Resolution approving the ground lease agreement on the Historic Ward Rooming House . 9E6P�W/CRA-R=.00-121 (AS MODIFIED) Iv1OVED: `WINTON SECONDED:,::, REGALADO r _ .. z UNANIMOUS•:..,. 19. Resolution ,subject to approval of a loan to the CRA from the Fannie Mae Corporation, approving a grant of $900,000 to Arena Square Apartments for fagade improvements SEOPW/CRA.IvI-00==122- u MOVED: £; SANCHEZ , SECONDED: --GORT ;A £. UNANIMOUS =. 20. Resolution ratifying the agreement between the CRA and Offstreet Parking referencing construction of parking lots. N.OT. TAKEN UP , a. Resolution approving the low bidder for the construction of CRA Parking Lots P2, P3 and P4 and further authorizing the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the same contractor. SEOPW/CRA M-00-103 MOVED-:-,' TEELE :, SECONDED:. SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS :.Jbl IY;W'/l KH 1V1=U#Uzr ,U4 'MOVED`-- ;zTEELE SECONDED:° EaSANCREZ UNANIMOU Sg` SEOPW/CRA M-00-105: MOVED: -',-:. TEELE SECONDED: REGALAD6 UNANIMOUS SEOPW/CRA R-00-106 a=SANC'HEZ US ---------------------------------------- �::::- .... H: b. Resolution approving the same contractors assigned to Parking Lots P2, P3, and P4 as the sole source contractor for Parking Lots P1, P5 and P7 and any additional fencing. SEOPW/CRA R-00-107 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: ..SANCHEZ a 21. Status on the selection of a parking management consultant DISCU.SS:ED« - 22. Resolution approving the display of signs on all CRA ongoing projects in the Redevelopment Area. EOPW/,CRA R=00-123. OMNI/CRA R-00-62 MOVED.:', SANCHEZ :ar... SECONDED: REGALADO -. UNANIMOUS E. Legal/Litigations 23. Resolution approving final deed for Sost's Subdivision (Holland and Knight). SEOP, RA R-00-124;;OMNU6RA MOVED.::.. WINTON = r .SECONDED: GORT;,' UNANIMOUS.. a 24. Status of the Declaratory Judgement regarding Sawyers Walk DISCUSSED sgr_, = 4o 25. Status of the Declaratory Judgement regarding Lyric Village DISCUSSED �. Z�$ 26. Motion to transfer the $95, 000 grant for the national food franchise from St. John's CDC (SEOPW/CRA R-00-49, dated May 22, 2000) to Greater Miami Neighborhoods. ;SEOPW/CRA M-00-125 ,' " 1VIOVED::; - WINTON SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS �az;