HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW-CRA-2000-06-26 Marked AgendaSoutheast Overtown/Park West and
Omni Redevelopment Areas
Board of Directors Meeting
Lyric Theater
819 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida
June 26, 2000
5:00 p.m.
Camillus House
1. Update regarding Camillus House (Holland & Knight, LLP/Richard
Judy/Dale Simpson/Tomas Regalado)
a. Resolution (i) approving the letter of intent between the CRA and
Camillus House Inc., (ii) authorizing the CRA to enter into a contract to
purchase Camillus House at a price equal to the appraised value
determined by a MAI appraisal prepared by an appraiser on the City of
Miami's approved list, at a cost not to exceed $2,400,000.00,
authorizing the CRA to conduct due diligence investigations of the
property, including without limitation, survey, appraisal, environmental
and other tests and studies deemed necessary by the Director of Strategic
Planning, at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00, and (iv) authorizing the CRA
to expend up to $2,400,000.00 to purchase Camillus House utilizing up to
$ in HOPWA funds and ub to $1,400,000.00 in CDBG funds.
Margaret Pace Park
Report regarding Margaret Pace Park (Richard Judy/Parks
Department/BA/Public discussion)
a. Resolution (i) authorizing the CRA to proceed with an RFP for the
selection of a contractor to construct the Phase I(A) and I(B)
improvements of Margaret Pace Park in accordance with the plans and
specifications prepared by Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. pursuant to
plans dated April 21, 2000, under Project No. 9999.400 (the "Plans"),
consisting of demolition, shoreline stabilization, site grading, storm water
management, water systems, sanitary systems, electric systems, site
paving and walls, pergola, tennis courts, volley ball courts, basketball
court and pavilion, vita course, security building, site lighting,
landscaping and irrigation, with the successful respondent and the
contract with such successful respondent to be presented to the Board of
Directors for approval, and (ii) approving the construction documents for
the Phase II improvements of Margaret Pace Park, consisting of site
paving, play equipment, restrooms, a recreation pavilion, site furniture,
Finance and Administration
* Report regarding history of Tax Increment Funding. ( )
* Update regarding audit. (Deferred)
* As per directive from May 22, 2000 CRA Board Meeting, list of all services
and all pending work orders to be performed by Bermello, Ajamil & Partners,
Inc. (Deferred.)
* Status of the Interlocal Agreement. (Richard Judy) (Deferred)
3. Overview of 2000 budget/proposed 2001 budget. (Brian Hankerson)
• Resolution ratifying the purchase of six (6) computers and approving the
purchase of five (5) additional computers and a frame relay router at a cost
not to exceed $33,000.00. (Deferred)
Resolution approving the terms and provisions of a Settlement between the
CRA and the City of Miami (the "City") with respect to (i) a dispute involving
the annual payment of $300,000.00 per year by the City in connection with
the Series 1990 Special Obligation Debt issued on behalf of the CRA; (ii)
parking revenues collected by a contractor for property owned by the CRA
adjacent to the Miami Arena which revenues were paid to the City and not to
the CRA; (iii) the payment of general funds subsidies in the amount of
$559,522.00 to support the CRA for the years 1997 through 1999 which were
not transferred to the CRA; and (iii) to resolve claims that the CRA had
against the City with respect to land deeded to the City and later sold to the
Miami Sports Exhibition Authority for the Miami Arena, pursuant to which
settlement the CRA and the City agreed that the City of would assume the
obligation to pay the $300,000 annual payment to be applied until retirement
of the Series 1990 Special Obligation Debt issued on behalf of the CRA from
the City's guaranteed entitlement revenue from the State of Florida and pay
the CRA $559,522.00 of general funds subsidies owed to CRA as the result of
the City appropriating $858,976.00 as subsidy to support the CRA for the
fiscal years 1997 through 1999 and only transferring $299,454.00 to the CRA
in exchange for the CRA to waiving its claims against the City for parking
revenue collected by the contractor and paid to the City derived from
property owned by the CRA adjacent to the Miami Arena and the CRA
waiving any claims it may have against the City with respect to the land
deeded to the City by the CRA and later sold by the to the Miami Sports and
Exhibition Authority for the Miami Arena.
Resolution authorizing the CRA to enter into a funding agreement with the
City of Miami regarding funding for various projects within the
Updates from Previous Board Meetings
* Update on Section 8 subsidization of apartment homes within the
Redevelopment Area. (City of Miami Department of Community Development)
(Deferred from May 22, 2000 CRA Board Meeting) (Deferred)
* Update and status on budget for year ending September 30, 1999.
(_ ) (Deferred from May 22, 2000 CRA Board Meeting) (Deferred)
Strategic Planning
6. Report from March 13, 2000 CRA Board Meeting regarding status of
alternative sites for the Marlins Park. (Richard Judy) (Deferred from May
22, 2000 CRA Board MeetinL-)
6-a. Resolution of the Board of Directors accepting the report submitted by
the Director of Strategic Planning and Development and the Director of
Operations, Administration and Development regarding the status of
alternative sites for the Marlins Park without comment or concurrence and
directing the Director of Strategic Planning and the Director of Operations,
Administration and Development to forward the report to the City Manager
for review and appropriate action.
* Update from March 13, 2000 CRA Board Meeting regarding proposed use of
the power of eminent domain by the CRA. (Richard Judy) (Deferred from May
22, 2000 CRA Board Meeting) (Deferred)
• Resolution approving the White Paper setting forth the Black Ownership
Equity and Redevelopment Participation program for the Southeast Sub -
Area of the Community Redevelopment Area. (Deferred from May 22, 2000
CRA Board Meeting) (DP.fPrrPdl
7. Resolution directing the Director of Strategic Planning to negotiate a lease
with the FDOT to lease to the CRA the land under I-395 from Biscayne
Boulevard up to NW 3rd Avenue, at a cost not to exceed $1.00 per year for the
purpose of allowing the CRA to carry out the Redevelopment Plan, including
without limitation, relating to parking and storage of movie production
9. Update regarding enhancements to Park West subsection of the
Redevelopment Area. (Robert Tyler). (Deferred from May 22, 2000 CRA
Board Meeting)
a. Coordination of water mains, capacity of of water and sewer lines to
service NAP and surrounding development in the Park West subarea of the
Redevelopment Area, and impact fees for water and sewer connection
b. Street lighting - (City Public Works)
c. Entertainment District (Planning Department)
d. Time Square (CRA/Planning Dt nartmi ntl
10. Update regarding status of pedestrian walkway at 9th Street Mall and
parking lots within the Redevelopment Area. (Robert Tyler). (Deferred from
May 22, 2000 CRA Board Meeting)
a. Resolution i) authorizing the CRA to enter into a contract with Metric
Engineering, Inc., ("Metric") an engineering firm on the City of Miami's
approved list, to provide design and engineering services with respect to
the construction of the pedestrian walkway at the 9th Street Mall within
the Redevelopment Area, on the same terms and conditions as contained
in that Professional Services Agreement (General Engineering Services),
dated January 4, 2000, by and between the City of Miami and Metric), at
a total cost not to exceed $89,520.00, and ii) authorizing the Director of
Operations, Administration and Development to execute the contract on
behalf of the CRA.
(continued 10)
b. Resolution i) authorizing the CRA to enter into a contract with C.A.P.
Engineering Consultant, Inc. ("CAP"), an engineering firm on the City of
Miami's approved list, to provide engineering services with respect to the
construction on Parcels P-1, P-5 and P-7 within the Redevelopment Area,
on the same terms and conditions as contained in that Professional
Services Agreement (Architectural Engineering Services), dated December
6, 1999, by and between the City of Miami and CAP, at a total cost not to
exceed $40,000.00, and ii) authorizing the Director of Operations,
Administration and Development to execute the contract on behalf of the
11. Update regarding the services being performed by Greater Miami
Neighborhoods, Inc. (Robert Tyler) (Deferred from May 22, 2000 CRA Board
a. Resolution authorizing the CRA to enter into an amendment to extend the
existing agreement with Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc., for one
additional vear at a vest not to PxePPrl .1�71;; noo „ov. xrn�-
b. Report on the Jubilee Housing Project (Robert Tyler).
1) Resolution authorizing the Director of Operations, Administration and
Development to negotiate a development agreement for the
construction of the HUD 202 Housing Facility for the elderly at Parcel
P-1, which development agreement shall be presented to the Board of
* Update regarding land acquisition by the CRA. ( ) (Deferred
from May 22, 2000 CRA Board Meeting) (Deferred)
12. Resolution authorizing the CRA to enter into leases at market rates with the
landowners of Parcels P-1 through P-6 and M-2 to allow the CRA to utilize
the properties on an interim basis pending the completion of acquisition
proceedings or the resolution of title issues which delay the ability of the CRA
to acquire the respective parcels. (Deferred from May 22, 2000 CRA Board
13-1) Resolution authorizing the CRA to implement a commercial revitalization
1J--a) autnorizing the UAA to expend an amount not to exceed $410,000.00 in
grants with respect to the Grant Program, which individual grants shall be
14. Resolution authorizing the Director of Operations,
Development to participate in the LEGISTAR Progr
information system being implemented by the Office
Administration and
am, a management
of the City Clerk to
15. Resolution authorizing the CRA to enter into a grant agreement to grant
funds to the St. John's CDC in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.
16. Resolution authorizing the CRA to file a declaratory judgement action with
17. Resolution authorizing the CRA to file a declaratory judgement action with
18. Status of Poinciana Village Phase IV and status of the legal rights of
Poinciana Village (Ted Weitzel/Robert Tyler/GMN/Holland & Knight LLP).
(Deferred from May 22, 2000 CRA Board MeetinE)
19. Resolution authorizing the CRA to retain Katz, Cutter, Haigler, Alderman,
Bryan and Yon to perform lobbying services with respect to federal agencies
and Congress on appropriation requests and legislation at an amount not to
exceed $50.000.00. (Deferred from Mav 22. 2000 CRA Rnnrri Maa+;nol
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