HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW-CRA-2000-06-26 Clerk Reportr SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 26, 2000 ITEM 4 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 4 (PROPOSED SETTLEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY [CRA] AND THE CITY OF MIAMI RELATED TO DISPUTE INVOLVING ANNUAL PAYMENT OF $300,000 PER YEAR BY THE CITY IN CONNECTION WITH [1] SERIES 1990 SPECIAL OBLIGATION DEBT ISSUED ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY [CRA]; [2] PARKING REVENUES COLLECTED BY A CONTRACTOR FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CRA ADJACENT TO MIAMI ARENA WHICH REVENUES WERE PAID TO THE CITY AND NOT TO THE CRA; [3] PAYMENT OF $559,522 TO SUPPORT THE CRA FOR 1997 THROUGH 1999, WHICH WERE NOT TRANSFERRED TO THE CRA; AND [4] CLAIMS CRA HAS AGAINST THE CITY WITH RESPECT TO LAND DEEDED TO THE CITY AND LATER SOLD TO MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY FOR MIAMI ARENA). ITEM 4 Direction to the CRA Board Attorney and the City Attorney: by Board Member Sanchez to prepare a written legal opinion reference proposed settlement between the CRA and the City of Miami with respect to certain claims by the CRA against the City of Miami as more fully outlined in Item No. 4 (see Motion No. SEOPW/CRA 00-58, above.) ITEM 1 Note for the Record: Board Member Sanchez indicated that he does not support any funds being transferred from the N.W. 3rd Avenue Business Corridor to be used for the Park West area. Page No. 1 SEOPW/CRA M-00-55 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: TEELE ABSENT: WINTON SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 26, 2000 ITEM 1 Note for the Record: Board Member Gort inquired as to the involvement of the CRA Board in any future planning of Camillus House; further stating that the mission of said homeless facility should be to not only feed the homeless, but to give them adequate skills to assimilate into society. ITEM 1 Note for the Record: City Manager Gimenez stated that he supports the concept but not the process proffered in connection with the proposed purchase of Camillus House; further stating that a Camillus House acquisition should go through a normal CDBG process. ITEM 2 Note for the Record: Board Member Regalado stated that is should be the City's Parks Department's responsibility to staff Margaret Pace Park; further stating the need for security and personnel to ensure safety of the park, once construction begins; further stipulating to include restrooms in the first phase or at the latest, the second phase of the construction. ITEM 8 A RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) ADMINISTRATION TO REQUEST OF THE CONSULTANT FOR THE TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS, NAMELY MR. PAUL LAMBERT, TO MAKE ALL OF HIS NOTES AND PRESENTATION BEFORE THE CRA BOARD ON THIS SAME DATE AVAILABLE TO THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA); FURTHER REQUESTING THAT MR. LAMBERT FULLY COOPERATE WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DDA AT THE CRA' S EXPENSE. Page No. 2 SEOPW/CRA R-00-59 MOVED: GORT SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 26, 2000 ITEM 9 Direction to the CRA Executive Director: by Chairman Teele to work with the consultants for the City and the County and come up with a plan in furtherance of the Technology Center of the Americas. ITEM 10-a Direction to the CRA Executive Director: by Board Member Gort to identify whether proposed agenda items are in compliance with the master plan. ITEM 10-a Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board Member Winton to identify future proposed allocations to be made by the CRA by stating (1) whether said allocation has been previously approved in the CRA budget; and (2) from what specific fund said allocation is to be paid. ITEM 11 Note for the Record: Chairman Teele indicated that more reports by Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. should be circulated to the CRA Board members; further urging Greater Miami Neighborhoods to develop some specific measurable tasks. ITEM 13-i A RESOLUTION (subject matter: authorizing the Community Redevelopment Agency [CRA] to implement the policy of a commercial revitalization supplemental grant program). Page No. 3 SEOPW/CRA R-00-65 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: WINTON SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 26, 2000 ITEM 13-ii A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF ITEM 13-ii (PROPOSED EXPENDITURE OF $420,000 IN GRANTS WITH RESPECT TO THE GRANT PROGRAM, WHICH INDIVIDUAL GRANTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CRA BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR APPROVAL) TO A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CRA TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2000 BEGINNING 2 P.M., IN CITY HALL CHAMBERS. NON- A MOTION OF THE COMMUNITY AGENDA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INDEMNIFYING ACTIONS OF THE DIRECTOR OF FISCAL OPERATIONS, NAMELY, MS. CHARLAYNE THOMPKINS, DURING HER TENURE AT THE CRA, RELATING TO THE USE OF HER SOCIAL SECURITY AND/OR FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE CAPACITY IN WHICH SHE SIGNED THE CRA' S APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT MS. THOMPKINS HAS NOT BEEN DIRECTOR OF FISCAL OPERATIONS OF THE CRA SINCE MAY 19, 2000 AND IS NO LONGER RESPONSIBLE FOR SAID POSITION, AND THEREFORE, HER NAME SHOULD BE REMOVED. Page No. 4 SEOPW/CRA M-00-66 MOVED: WINTON SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS OMNI/CRA M-00-39 SEOPW/CRA M-00-72 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS 1 Amended 7-24-00 SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 26, 2000 NON- Direction to the CRA Administration: by Chairman AGENDA Teele to have external auditor KPMG, the City Attorney, the CRA Special Counsel, CRA Comptroller Brian Hankerson and Ms. Charlayne Thompkins meet regarding her request to be indemnified of her actions as Director of Fiscal Operations of the CRA during her tenure; further directing the aforementioned external auditor to investigate and report on all actions from which the CRA Board of Directors may indemnify her. NON- Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board AGENDA Member Sanchez to include in the special meeting of the CRA to be held on June 29, 2000 a proposed CDBG funding agreement acceptable to the City of Miami and the CRA. NON- A RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE AGENDA ADMINISTRATION OF THE CRA TO WORK WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI CULTURAL AND FINE ARTS BOARD TO DESIGNATE ARTISTS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THE "ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM," THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF MIAMI, SIMILAR TO THE PROGRAM IN EXISTENCE CURRENTLY AT THE DORSEY HOUSE; FURTHER URGING THE CRA TO SEEK PRIVATE DONATIONS TO FUND THE "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM" THROUGHOUT THE CITY. Page No. 5 SEOPW/CRA R-00-73 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS Op ar 9 'CZ INCORR CRATED 'u IB 96 o Q q�FCQ,F1.0��0 SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 26, 2000 NON- Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board AGENDA Member Regalado to request of the law firm of Katz, Cutter, Haigler, Alderman, Bryan and Yon, designated to perform certain federal lobbying activities, to provide a list of the different cultural foundations in Washington, D.C., that could be possible sources of funds for the Cultural and Fine Arts Board. '04*44^000011*1 WALTER J. FO Page No. 6 NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTES A JOURNAL OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) BOARD PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE MEMBERS OF THE CRA WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A BOARD MEMBER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A BOARD MEMBER , IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE .f RECEIPT DATE ; JUNE 29, 2000 SUBJECT; MARKEM AGENDA / CRA MEETING OF JUNE 26, 2000 Received By: MAYOR CAROLLO :t COMMISSIONER WINTON COMMISSIONER GORT COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ COMMISSIONER REGALADO COMMISSIONER TEELE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE