HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW OMNI CRA 2000-05-22 MinutesCITY OF MIAMI CRA MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MAY 22, 2000 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/CITY HALL Walter J. Foeman/City Clerk ITEM NO. INDEX MINUTES OF CRA MEETING May 22, 2000 SUBJECT 1. (A) CHAIRMAN TEELE QUERIES CITY CLERK REGARDING PUBLIC NOTICE OF TODAY' S CRA MEETING; FURTHER REQUESTS OF CLERK TO STATE NOTICE PROVIDING OF CRA MEETING ON THE RECORD; FURTHER INQUIRY OF CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION BOB TYLER REGARDING POSTING OF AGENDA ON THE INTERNET. (B) INSTRUCT AND DIRECT THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION TO DESIGNATE INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS LIAISON STAFF PERSONS TO NOTIFY OMNI ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD OF CRA BOARD MEETINGS TO ENSURE THAT SAID LIAISONS RECEIVE AGENDA CONCOMITANTLY WITH OTHER INDIVIDUALS RECEIVING REGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF SAID AGENDA. 2. UPDATE OF CRA AUDIT BY KPMG; FURTHER DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION TO INVITE NEW OWNERS OF THE OMNI MALL TO THE NEXT CRA BOARD MEETING FOR PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING HOW TO PROVIDE BUSINESS TO SAID FACILITY. LEGISLATION 5/22/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-31 OMNI/CRA R-00-24 2-5 5/22/00 DISCUSSION 6 3. (A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 28 (AUTHORIZE CRA TO ENTER INTO LEASES AT MARKET RATES WITH LAND OWNERS OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PARCELS TO ALLOW THE CRA TO UTILITZE SAID PROPERTIES ON AN INTERIM BASIS SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OR RESOLUTION OF TITLE ISSUE, ETC.). (B) INSTRUCT CRA ATTORNEYS AND GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS TO PROVIDE DIRECT INPUT TO BOARD MEMBER JOE SANCHEZ. (C) FURTHER CLARIFICATION REQUESTED BY BOARD MEMBER JOHNNY WINTON REGARDING DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRA AGENDA, RESOLUTIONS AND SUPPORT MATERIALS AS WELL AS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA. 4. (A) UPDATE REGARDING HISTORY OF TAX INCREMENT FUNDING SINCE 1982; (B) DIRECTION TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF AND CRA STAFF TO PREPARE A JOINT REPORT REGARDING WHAT DOLLARS WERE DISTRIBUTED, HOW WERE THE DOLLARS DISTRIBUTED AND HOW WERE THE FUNDS USED FROM TAX INCREMENT FUNDING; FURTHER INSTRUCTING AFOREMENTIONED STAFF TO GO BACK TO INTER -LOCAL CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY, COUNTY AND CRA TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE MATCHING SAID INTER - LOCAL CONTRACT; (C) CRA CHAIRMAN TEELE INSTRUCTS THE CRA STAFF TO BRING SAID TAX INCREMENTAL FUNDING BACK BEFORE CRA BOARD FOR A FULL DISCUSSION IN 30 TO 60 DAYS AND ONCE STAFF IS PREPARED, IT WILL PROVIDE PHILLIP YAFFE, ELEANOR KLUGER, ET AL., WITH ADEQUATE NOTICE REGARDING SAME. 5/22/00 SEOPW/CRA M-00-32 7-9 5/22/00 DISCUSSION 10-17 5. UPDATE REGARDING CRA AUDIT FROM KPMG. 5/22/00 DISCUSSION 18-25 6. DEFER CONSIDERATION AGENDA ITEM 3 5/22/00 (PROPOSED FIVE YEAR SALARY HISTORY OF SEOPW/CRA EMPLOYEES IN THE CRA). M-00-33 OMNI/CRA M-00-25 26-27 7. AUTHORIZE CRA TO ISSUE DIRECTIVE TO CITY 5/22/00 OF MIAMI TO DEPOSIT ALL FUNDS ALLOCATED SOPW/CRA OR DUE TO ACCOUNTS OF THE CRA-FURTHER R-00-34 STIPULATING THAT CITY NOT MAKE OMNI/CRA WITHDRAWALS FROM ANY CRA ACCOUNT R-00-26 WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION 28-29 FROM CRA. 8. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING INTER -LOCAL 5/22/00 AGREEMENT. DISCUSSION 30 9. (A) DESIGNATE DAIN RAUSCHER AS 5/22/00 FINANCIAL ADVISOR TO CRA. SOPW/CRA (B) DIRECTION TO CRA EXECUTIVE R-00-35 DIRECTOR TO PROVIDE THE CRA BOARD OMNI/CRA WITH A BRIEF REPORT REGARDING R-00-27 FEASIBILITY OF USING CERTAIN 31-35 DESIGNATED PARKING LOTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHUTTLE SERVICE TO FACILITATE PARKING FOR EVENTS AT THE AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA, ESPECIALLY DURING MIAMI HEAT BASKETBALL SEASON -- FURTHER DIRECTING CRA STAFF TO BRING BACK A PLAN IN 60 DAYS FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED INCLUDING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OR BID THAT INCLUDES A GUARANTEED AMOUNT. 10. RATIFY ALL WORK ORDERS FOR WORK 5/22/00 PERFORMED BY BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND SOPW/CRA PARTNERS PRIOR TO MAY 31, 2000; FURTHER R-00-36 STIPULATING THAT ALL PENDING WORK OMNI/CRA ORDERS SHOULD COME BACK BEFORE THE CRA R-00-28 BOARD ONCE THE WORK IS COMPLETED; 36-44 FURTHER DIRECTING THE CRA STAFF TO PROVIDE A LIST OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND PARTNERS; DIRECTION TO CRA ADMINISTRATION BY BOARD MEMBER REGALADO TO BRIEF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PRIOR TO CRA MEETINS AND ASCERTAIN THAT MEMBERS ARE COMFORTABLE WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN CRA AGENDAS. 11. AUTHORIZE CRA TO RETAIN KPMG TO PROVIDE 5/22/00 MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES TO CRA, AT SEOPW/CRA AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000. R-00-37 OMNI/CRA R-00-29 45-46 12. APPROVE CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF 5/22/00 OPERATIONS, DEVELOPMENT AND SEOW/CRA ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION R-00-38 AUTHORIZING CRA TO APPOINT BRIAN OMNI/CRA HANKERSON, AS COMPTROLLER OF THE CRA. R-00-30 47-50 13. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED 5/22/00 AUTHORIZATION OF REVISIONS TO BUDGET OF DISCUSSION CRA 51 14. UPDATE -- ON STATUS OF NETWORK AREA 5/22/00 POINTS (NAP); RATIFYING COMMITMENT (CRA SEOPW/CRA BOARD OF $750.000) FOR SAME; FURTHER R-00-39 REQUEST THAT A WORK PLAN BE ESTABLISHED SEOPW/CRA INCLUDING CERTAIN INFRASTRUCTURE R-00-40 IMPROVEMENTS (I.E. ROADS AND SIDEWALKS) 52-67 ASSOCIATED WITH PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS) SUITABLE FOR NETWORK AREA POINTS (NAP) TO BE DEVELOPED BY BRIAN GOODKIND, NORTHEAST OF THE ARENA IN OVERTOWN; FURTHER DIRECTION TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO ASSIST DEVELOP IN ACQUIRING NEEDED PERMITS THROUGH CITY GOVERNMENT; FURTHER REQUESTING VICE CHAIRMAN WINTON TO CHAIR A COMMITTEE CHARGED WITH DEVELOPING A LIST OF INCENTIVES FOR TENANTS; FURTHER WAIVING CONFLICT REPRESENTED BY CRA COUNSEL, HOLLAND & KNIGHT, IN CERTAIN LEGAL MATTERS ON BEHALF OF CALOR DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MIAMI HEAT WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PROVIDING LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE CRA BOARD. 15. UPDATE REGARDING STATUS OF ALTERNATIVE 5/22/00 SITES FOR MARLINS PARK; FURTHER DIRECTING DISCUSSION THE CRA DIRECTOR FOR STRATEGIC PANNING 68-69 AND DEVELOPMENT, ALONG WITH CONSULTANTS TO PREPARE A REPORT TO CRA BOARD WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS REGARDING MARLINS PARK; FURTHER REQUESTING MR. RICHARD JUDY AND ROBERT TYLER TO MEET WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHICH IS CHAIRED BY COMMISSIONER REGALADO AND MAKE A PUBLIC PRESENTATION TO SAID COMMITTEE ON ITS RECOMMENDED PROPOSED MARLINS PARK 16. REPORT BY WILLY BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND 5/22/00 PARTNERS REGARDING STUDY AND PLAN FRO A DISCUSSION SPORTS FACILITY PEDESTRIAN MALL. 70-73 17. DIRECT CRA STAFF TO FACILITATE CREATION OF 5/22/00 PARK WEST CIVIC ASSOCIATION - CHAIRMAN DISCUSSION TEELE STRESSES TO CRA STAFF THAT 74 CONSISTENT WITH THE ORIGINAL PHILOSOPHY AS IT PERTAINS TO THE SPECIAL LIGHTING DISTRICT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID DISTRICT MOVES FORWARD THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO CREATE THE SAME IN OVERTOWN. 18. REPORT REGARDING STATUS OF CAMILLUS 5/22/00 HOUSE GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEOPW/CRA $50,000 FROM CDBG FUNDS FOR PLANNING AND R-00-41 DESIGN OF PROPOSED RELOCATION OF SEOPW/CRA CAMILLUS HOUSE OR THE IMPROVEMENT OF R-00-42 CURRENT FACILITY; FURTHER CREATING A SEOPW/CRA CAMILLUS HOUSE FUND RAISING COMMITTEE; R-00-43 FURTHER DESIGNATING BOARD MEMBER 75-85 REGALADO AS ITS CHAIRPERSON OR LIAISON; FURTHER REQUESTING BOARD MEMBER REGALADO TO ASSIST CAMILLUS HOUSE IN OBTAINING ACCESS TO RADIO AND TELEVISION; REQUIRING EACH BOARD MEMBER TO APPOINT ONE MEMBER AND THE MAYOR TO HAVE UNLIMITED APPOINTMENTS; URGING SAID COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH CRA BOARD, DIRECTORS OF CAMILLUS HOUSE, MIAMII-DADE CHAMBER, ETC.; ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000 FOR AN APPRAISAL OF CURRENT CAMILLUS HOUSE FACILITY. 19. UPDATE REGARDING PROPOSED USE OF POWER 5/22/00 OF EMINENT DOMAIN BY CRA. DISCUSSION 86 20. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED WHITE 5/22/00 PAPER SETTING FOR BLACK OWNERSHIP EQUITY DISCUSSION AND REDEVELOPMENT PARTICIPATING 87 PROGRAM FOR SOUTHEASTERN SUB -AREA COMMITTEE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. 21. DIRECTING CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF 5/22/00 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT TO SEOPW/CRA DELETE • PROPOSED MASTER PLAN FOR R-00-44 BICENTENNIAL PARK AND THE PARK WEST OMNI/CRA SECTION OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN R-00-31 DISTRICT FROM THE CRA BUDGET. 88-89 22. AUTHORIZE CRA TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTUAL 5/22/00 COMPANY OR CITY'S LIST OF APPROVED SEOPW/CRA COMPANIES FOR THE DEMOLITION OF R-00-45 BARKETTE PROPERTY (LOCATED AT 936 NW. 3 90 AVENUE AT P5) - COSTS NOT TO EXCEED $13,000 SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 23. AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF WARD ROOMING 5/22/00 HOUSE; ALLOCATING 25,000 FROM CDBG CRA SEOPW/CRA FUNDS FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OF R-00-46 WARD ROOMING HOUSE. 91-98 24. AUTHORIZE CRA TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN 5/22/00 AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS P2 AND SEOPW/CRA P5 PURSUANT TO INTER -LOCAL COOPERATION R-00-47 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND DOSP - COSTS 99-103 NOT TO EXCEED 1,000,000 SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 25. APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT FOR DORSEY 5/22/00 HOUSE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. SEPW/CRA R-00-48 104-105 26. APPROVE GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $95,000 5/22/00 FROM TAX INCREMENT FUNDS TO ST. JOHN'S SEOPW/CRA CDC FOR ACQUISITION, GUTTING AND R-00-49 BOARDING WITH DESIGNATED SITE LOCATED AT 106-108 NW 3ID AVENUE AND 12TH STREET; IN FURTHERANCE OF PILOT FRANCHISE INITIATIVE. 27. APPROVE REPORT DESIGNATING "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM" - DESIGNATING ERNEST KING AS ARTIST AND RESIDENT PURSUANT TO ONE YEAR CONTRACT - COSTS NOT TO EXCEED $6000 SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS; BOARD MEMBER REGALDO TO WORK WITH THE CULTURAL ARTS BOARD OF THE CITY TO DESIGNATE "ARTIST IS RESIDENCE PROGRAM" MORE OFTEN IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE CITY; FURTHER URGING THE ADMINISTRATION TO SEEK PRIVATE DONATION FOR SAME. 28 AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE CLERK OF THE CRA BOARD TO RECEIVE AND FILE OFFICIAL RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITIONS OF DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT, AS WELL AS THE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING. 29. AUTHORIZE CRA TO TAKE ANY ACTION NECESSARY AND AUTHORIZE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT TO EXCEPT ANY DOCUMENT TO EXTEND REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, REGARDING REZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS P1 - P7, SP-1 - SP - 3, AND M1 TO CONFORM TO ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS OF SUCH PARCELS WITH PROPOSED USES OF SAME. 30. AUTHORIZE CRA TO REQUEST OF THE CITY NOT TO DEMOLISH STRUCTURES WITH HISTORICAL, CULTURAL AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA WITHOUT CRA APPROVAL. 31. DISCUSS STATUS OF LEGAL RIGHTS OF POINCIANA VILLAGE AND POINCIANA VILLAGE PHASE FOUR, UPDATE ON SAWYER'S WALK - CHAIRMAN TEELE DIRECTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON POINCIANA VILLAGE AND SAWYER'S WALK AT THE NEXT CRA MEETING. 5/22/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-50 109-111 5/22/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-51 OMNI/CRA R-00-32 112 5/22/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-52 113-114 5/22/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-53 OMNI/CRA R-00-33 115-116 5/22/00 DISCUSSION 117 32. DIRECTION OF THE CRA ADMINISTRATION, 5/22/00 NAMELY MR. ROBERT TYLER (DIRECTOR OF DISCUSSION OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND 118 DEVELOPMENT) AND RICHARD JUDY (DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PTO MEET WITH THE CITY' S PARK DIRECTOR AND ELEANOR KLUGER REGARDING HER IDEA AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE MASTER PLAN FOR MARGARET PACE PARK; FURTHER REQUESTING OF MS. KLUGER TO ALSO WORK WITH BOARD MEMBER WINTON REGARDING SAID MATTER. 33. ACCEPT INVITATION FROM BLACK ARCHIVES TO 5/22/00 HOLD THE NEXT CRA BOARD MEETING IN JUNE DISCUSSION AT THE BLACK ARCHIVES FACILITY. 119 34. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING. 5/2200 SEOPW/CRA M-00-54 OMNI/CRA M-00-34 120 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST and OMNI DISTRICTS On the 22ND day of May 2000, the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency for the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni districts of the City of Miami met at the Omni Wyndham Hotel, Orange Bowl Room, 1601 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr., with the following Board Members found to be present: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Absent: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort, who entered the meeting at 5:40. ALSO PRESENT: Carlos Gimenez, City Manager, City of Miami Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney, City of Miami Walter J. Foeman, City Clerk, City of Miami Sylvia Lowman, Assistant City Clerk, City of Miami Richard Judy, Executive Director, CRA Robert Tyler, Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA William Bloom, Legal Counsel, CRA Nathalie Legagneur, Esq., Holland & Knight, LLP Chairman Teele: Mr. Manager, I don't know why we're seated this way. Why don't we seat ourselves? Mr. Manager — Where is Carlos? Just take a seat wherever you like. If you would, please rise for a brief invocation, and following the invocation, we will have the pledge of allegiance. And would someone make sure that the Manager and his staff — where is Chip? If you all would just — you know, we don't have these beautiful offices like at City Hall, so we — Chip, there's a seat over there for you as well as the director. And Ana — where is Ana? Please come forward so the Manager -- Are any of the department heads here, please? Board Member Sanchez: Everybody is afraid of the first row. 1 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Everybody's afraid of the first row? Take out the first row, and — NOTE FOR THE RECORD: An invocation was given by Board Member Winton, followed by the pledge of the allegiance to the flag. l . A) CHAIRMAN TEELE QUERIES CITY CLERK REGARDING PUBLIC NOTICE OF TODAY' S CRA MEETING; FURTHER REQUESTS OF CLERK TO STATE NOTICE PROVIDING OF CRA MEETING ON THE RECORD; FURTHER INQUIRY OF CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION ROBERT TYLER REGARDING POSTING OF AGENDA ON THE INTERNET. B) INSTRUCT AND DIRECT THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION TO DESIGNATE INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS LIAISON STAFF PERSONS TO NOTIFY OMNI ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD OF CRA BOARD MEETINGS TO ENSURE THAT SAID LIAISONS RECEIVE AGENDA CONCOMITANTLY WITH OTHER INDIVIDUALS RECEIVING REGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF SAID AGENDA. Chairman Teele: Would everyone who's presenting today please come forward a little bit today I know KPMG. We don't need to be charged extra for the walk. Just take a seat. Ladies and gentlemen, this meeting of the Southeast Overtown/Park West and the Omni Redevelopment Areas Board of Meeting for May 22, 2000 is called to order. Mr. Clerk, would you read into the record whether or not proper notice has been given, and whether or not notice has been published. Walter J. Foeman (City Clerk, City of Miami): Yes, Mr. Chairman. Notice of this meeting was given in the Miami Herald Sunday, April 30th in the Neighbors Section. Chairman Teele: And is this Board Agenda as well as the background information posted on the website, as we had requested? Mr. Foeman: To the best of my knowledge, it is. Chairman Teele: Mr. Tyler, our Director? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Yes, sir, it is. Chairman Teele: All right. Well, I understand that there are several persons that are very concerned that they did not receive individual notice as this Chair has instructed. Mr. Joseph, would you please come forward and state whatever you'd like to state on the record, because we did ask that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) staff give the Omni Advisory Board in your role the notice that you're requesting. Fred Joseph: At your direction, as the minutes may reflect, at the last meeting, you instructed that we be advised. We've seen no notice, whatsoever or contact, whatsoever, and we were aware that they were looking to place a meeting, and got -- When we called to find out about it, we never got a response. Myself, and Eleanor and other members have been waiting for the Agenda to come to us, and not received it. So I understand what you're referring to as on the website, and I understand 2 CRA 5/22/00 your posting of it. But if we don't have information or a working dialogue with your staff or the staff at the CRA of the Omni Advisory Board, you're putting us at a very strong disadvantage of our constituents, as well. One of mine happens to be 2700 people in the Grand. Eleanor represented the west side for a lot of people, and so on and so forth. So I don't know if that's where you want to take this but I appreciate your effort, but it went on deaf ears. — Chairman Teele: I don't want to take it anywhere, but I can tell you this. As you know, from any time that I've presided, everything is open and out front. I'm not going to cover for staff. We instructed staff to do it. Mr. Tyler, can you designate a person here now publicly who will be responsible for the Omni Advisory Board? Mr. Tyler: Yes, sir. That person will be Chelsa Arscott. And I apologize on behalf of staff. I accept full responsibility if you were not notified. I think our staff sent to both the Omni Advisory Board and the Overtown Advisory Board an announcement of the meeting, but if that did not occur, again, I accept full responsibility, apologize, and I'll designate Chelsa Arscott, who is my personal Executive Assistant to facilitate that in the future. Mr. Joseph: And I appreciate it, Mr. Tyler, but I also handed our cars to everybody as long as you — as well as you, and Mr. Judy and everybody else. They were easy — easily available for al notices and everything else. We just — Mr. Tyler: No, there's no excuse, I mean, if you don't have proper notification, as the Chairman stated, I mean, we want this to be out front, and open and available, particularly to the Omni Advisory Board and to the general public. Chairman Teele: And to the Overtown Advisory Board. Ms. Kluger, would you like to make a comment, since this is ... pile on? Eleanor Kluger: It should be a simple process of just letting Holland and Knight put a "cc" onto Holland and Knight's thing to you all. I mean, this is everybody going like this and saying that — everybody's responsibility. This is at least the third time I've asked for communities to be involved and notified that there is a meeting. And I realize that this meeting is not that much pertaining to the Omni Board, but also to the Park West people. But certainly, they should be notified and be here. And I did try to even notify a few Park West people that should be here, also. And I have since Friday afternoon, after finding out that there was a meeting, did fax out all the information to the Omni Advisory Board, and I had volunteered to do that. You only need to send one fax to me, as far as the omni is concerned, and I would fax all of our membership. Chairman Teele: Could you put your fax number on the record, please? Ms. Kluger: Yes. 305-884-1200, and I would get it. Mr. Tyler: And your name? Ms. Kluger: Eleanor Kluger. CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: And your address, please? Ms. Kluger: OK. 6600 Northwest 741h Street. But I also am 1000 Venetian Way right here in Miami, a resident, and have business here for over 30 years in the Omni area. Chairman Teele: Ms. Kluger, or any member of the public, is there any item that you would like for us not to take up today, based upon the fact that you — Ms. Kluger: No. The only thing I would like you to put on the Agenda is Margaret Pace Park, just to have a short discussion on the progress of that park. Board Member Sanchez: It is on the agenda. There are a lot of items pertaining to the park. Chairman Teele: It will be done, ma'am. Ms. Kluger: Thank you very much, Commissioner. Chairman Teele: Let me just say again for the record, I think the comments of the public are very important. From the day that I came in when Hilda was the Executive Director, I asked that a staff person be designated for the Omni. At that time, it was Hilda Tejera. I asked that a staff person be designated for Overtown. At that time, it was Hammond Noriega. I'd be very -- Mr. Tyler: (Inaudible) still in place, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Well, I'd be very interested in looking at the budget, because as you know, one of the challenges we have in the future with the CRA is we have no money for any support for the Omni based upon the fact that all of the funds for the redevelopment are going directly into the Performing Arts Center. And that was the decision. But we've got to have — you know, if we've got to rob Peter to pay Paul, we've got to pull some administrative dollars out and support the Omni, just on the information loop. So again, I would — I recognize that you're naming your Executive Assistant. But I would also ask that a staff person, a live staff person be designated, as well that would be a formal liaison to them. Can you do that? Mr. Tyler: Yes. That is in place. Hilda Tejera is the liaison between the Omni Advisory Board and Hammond Noriega is with the Overtown Advisory Board. Chairman Teele: Finally, on this point, the persons that are on the "cc" are hand delivered. So what you're talking about, none of this is delivered by mail. It's either delivered by E-mail or it's delivered by hand. Obviously, you cannot fax documents like this. But it's my understanding that everything that's contained in here is posted on the website that is available. If Commissioner Winton would move it, I would ask that he would move the instructions to the Director and the lawyer that the — that a designated person from the Omni Advisory Board and a designated person from the Overtown Advisory Board be included for hand -delivered agendas at the same time the Mayor, the Manager, the City Attorney and the members of this Board receive their agenda. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman, I so move. 4 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: It's been moved by Commissioner Winton. Board Member Regalado: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Regalado. Is there discussion? Is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All those opposed, say no. The following motion was introduced by Board Member Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-31 OMNI/CRA 00-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") I) INSTRUCTING THE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT (THE "DIRECTOR") TO DESIGNATE CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE CRA STAFF TO TIMELY NOTIFY CERTAIN BOARD/ COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF CRA BOARD MEETINGS AND lI) SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATING HAMMOND NORIEGA TO NOTIFY MEMBERS OF THE OVERTOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF ALL CRA BOARD MEETINGS. Upon being seconded by Board Member Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort 5 CRA 5/22/00 2. DIRECT THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION TO INVITE NEW OWNERS OF THE OMNI MALL TO THE NEXT CRA BOARD MEETING FOR PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING HOW TO PROMOTE BUSINESS TO SAID FACILITY. Chairman Teele: Are there any items that any member of the Board would like to have withdrawn or deferred that is not time sensitive? Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman, on the issue of Omni, we are holding this meeting in the Omni Complex. And we all know that the mall is closed and this is a symbolic situation that we all face in downtown Miami, this area. Is there anything that together the CRA, the Omni Advisory Board can do to sort of bring about new businesses and new enterprise, a new face to this mall? Because I remember when the Omni was one of the most visited malls in this area. And I just don't know what happened. Maybe no one knows. But I don't know if we have the capability of trying to do something, or at least getting behind any project in terms of the City or the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). Just a comment. Chairman Teele: I think one of the things that we should do is that we should ask the Director to invite the new owners of the Omni at our next Board meeting of this facility to give us an overview as to what they are proposing and what we could do to help, if anything. I've heard that concern from any number of people, and I think that's a very appropriate recommendation. And I would assume that at the next Board meeting, or when it's convenient for the new owners that we could sort of have a "get acquainted" party or reception at the beginning, and let the first order of business be sort of an update, because I do think that's of concern. 6 CRA 5/22/00 3. A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 28 (AUTHORIZE CRA TO ENTER INTO LEASES AT MARKET RATES WITH LANDOWNERS OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PARCELS TO ALLOW THE CRA TO UTILIZE SAID PROPERTIES ON AN INTERIM BASIS SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OR RESOLUTION OF TITLE ISSUE, ETC.); B) INSTRUCT CRA ATTORNEYS AND GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS TO PROVIDE DIRECT INPUT TO BOARD MEMBER JOE SANCHEZ; C) FURTHER CLARIFICATION REQUESTED BY BOARD MEMBER JOHNNY WINTON REGARDING DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRA AGENDA, RESOLUTIONS AND SUPPORT MATERIALS AS WELL AS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA. Chairman Teele: All right. Items to be deferred. At the request of Commissioner Sanchez, unless the item is deemed to be time sensitive. It does not appear to be. Mr. Director, Item Number 28, which is the — entering into the leases at market rate with owners pending the completion of eminent domain proceedings. Is there any reason why that item cannot be deferred? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): No, sir, I don't see a reason. Chairman Teele: Motion by Commissioner Sanchez. Seconded. In favor, "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA M-00-32 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 28 (PROPOSED LEASES AT MARKET RATES WITH LANDOWNERS OF PARCELS P-1 THROUGH P-7, SPA THROUGH SP-3, SP-5 AND M-1 TO ALLOW THE CRA TO UTILIZE PROPERTIES ON INTERIM BASIS PENDING COMPLETION OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OR RESOLUTION OF TITLE ISSUES CURRENTLY DELAYING ACQUISITION OF SAID PARCELS). Upon being seconded by Board Member Teele, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Board Member Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Vice Chairman Gort 7 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Item 28 is deferred to the next meeting with instructions to the legal staff and Greater Miami Neighborhoods, as well as the Director to provide direct input to Commissioner Sanchez and the other Board Members. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Winton: Just a point of clarification. I have — I brought this book with me, which was hand -delivered to me. Chairman Teele: Right. Board Member Winton: And then I have this one here that was at the table. Is there any difference between these two? Chairman Teele: Madam Attorney? Board Member Winton: Last meeting... well, I didn't get the supplemental agenda. That was not hand - delivered. Just the primary agenda was. But I want to make sure that as we're going through this — because I put notes in this one. Nathalie Legagneur: Right. That's your main one? Board Member Winton: Yeah. That's the one I got delivered to my office. Chairman Teele: Well, I didn't know there was a supplement. Ms. Legagneur: Right. The supplement is just some extra exhibits that go along with the main one. Board Member Winton: that answers my question. Chairman Teele: Are there any changes in this and are there any differences? Ms. Legagneur: The only changes with your supplement are the insertion of the name of the comptroller firm... Walter J. Foeman (City Clerk, City of Miami): Excuse me. Could you speak into the mike, please? Chairman Teele: Identify yourself for the record and speak into the mike, please. Ms. Legagneur: Nathalie Legagneur for Holland and Knight. The supplement just has the addition of the name of the comptroller firm, and the revision of the resolution, and the resume for Robert Tyler is included as Item 33, and the resume for Richard Judy is Item 34. Board Member Winton: But the supplement wasn't delivered to us, was it? 8 CRA 5/22/00 Ms. Legagneur: No. Board Member Winton: Yes. Well, the supplement is new. So this is the first time I get the supplement. I understand that. Ms. Legagneur: Right. Board Member Winton: But is the primary Agenda book that I — Ms. Legagneur: It's exactly what was delivered to you on (inaudible). Board Member Winton: Thank you. Chairman Teele: In other words, for example, on the name of the comptroller, there would not be a firm as comptroller. So that's an error. But on the name of the comptroller, the comptroller's name is put in here; is that correct? Ms. Legagneur: Right. Chairman Teele: So there's no change to the resolution other than that name. Ms. Legagneur: Exactly. Chairman Teele: And then on the resumes that were asked to be made a part of the agenda, the resumes were not there? Ms. Legagneur: Exactly. Chairman Teele: So the resumes have been brought forward. That's the only difference in the supplement, and maybe one or two exhibits. All right. Board Member Winton: Thank you. 9 CRA 5/22/00 4. A) UPDATE REGARDING HISTORY OF TAX INCREMENT FUNDING SINCE 1982; B) DIRECTION TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF AND CRA STAFF TO PREPARE A JOINT REPORT REGARDING WHAT DOLLARS WERE DISTRIBUTED, HOW WERE THE DOLLARS DISTRIBUTED AND HOW WERE THE FUNDS USED FROM TAX INCREMENT FUNDING; FURTHER INSTRUCTING AFOREMENTIONED STAFF TO GO BACK TO INTERLOCAL CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY, COUNTY AND CRA TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE MATCHING SAID INTERLOCAL CONTRACT; C) CRA CHAIRMAN TEELE INSTRUCTS THE CRA STAFF TO BRING SAID TAX INCREMENTAL FUNDING BACK BEFORE CRA BOARD FOR A FULL DISCUSSION IN 30 TO 60 DAYS AND ONCE STAFF IS PREPARED, IT WILL PROVIDE PHILLIP YAFFE, ELEANOR KLUGER, ET AL. WITH ADEQUATE NOTICE REGARDING SAME. Chairman Teele: Item Number 1. Most of this Agenda is an update and continuation, and Item Number 1 is the update of the tax history. It was in chart form, graph form. Somewhere, the graph got lost, but I guess those of us who can read charts can see that the bad news is, is that the Omni — is that the Southeast Overtown, which started out with a six hundred thousand dollar ($600,000) tax increment in 1993 has gone down as low as a hundred and seventy-six thousand dollars ($176,000). Tax Increment Districts normally increase, and my recollection is, is that they were talking about five million dollars ($5,000,000) by the end of the — 2000. You can see we're about one -tenth of that. And there's been an upkick from the previous year. So the Tax Increment District has actually gone up from a hundred and seventy-six in `98/99 in the Southeast Overtown to five hundred and seventy. That's important, because the funding of the Tax Increment District of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) generally is from the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) funds, and it's only been because of the support of the Mayor, the Management and the Commission that CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds have been used to subsidize the CRA with a five-year plan. In the Omni, I guess the news is somewhat bright, and that is, is that the TIT is up about a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the previous year, a little more than a hundred thousand. And 100 percent of these funds go to the County. Is that correct, Mr. Director? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Yes, sir, that is correct. Chairman Teele: And what is the limit by which we begin to get money back? Is it one point two million or — Mr. Tyler: One point two million. Chairman Teele: So in other words, the Tax Increment District has got to reach one point two million dollars ($1.2 million) before any money comes back for the Omni. So there is no dollar at all to support staff, or resources for the Omni. All of the funds from the Tax Increment District will go to the Performing Arts Center. And after the one point two million dollars ($1.2 million) has been reached, any additional dollars will come back into the TIF. And that's our current situation. And based upon these numbers, at a hundred dollar — a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand dollar ($200,000) increment, we can make our own guess, but the best guess will be what happens in reality. Phil, I respect you very much. Please, if you've got a different view, you can come forward and say it. 10 CRA 5/22/00 Philip Yaffa: Thank you, Commissioner. Philip Yaffa, 100 South Biscayne Boulevard, Miami. The Interlocal Agreement that was signed between the County and the City — I'm not exactly sure what year it was signed right now. Chairman Teele: It was in '93. Mr. Yaffa: '93. It had a provision in there — Ms. Nathalie Lagagneur: Ninety-seven, six. Chairman Teele: All right, '96. Mr. Yaffa: '96, right. It was using a 1987 base. Chairman Teele: 1987 was the base year, though. Mr. Yaffa: It was the base year. But nobody funded us at all. And then in 1996 or 1997, the agreement was finally signed. And I don't know if staff here has a copy of the Interlocal agreement, but that agreement provides — it provides that one point two — it was contemplated that the Performing Arts Center would not go into the bonding markets for a period of several years when that agreement was signed. And so the first one point two million dollars ($1.2 million) of tax increment financing taxes would be spent in the Omni area. there after, the next increment that would be used to support fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000) worth of bonds for the Performing Arts Center. Chairman Teele: Right. Mr. Yaffa: That was the commitment. So the one point two million dollars ($1.2 million) is available — should be available now. Chairman Teele: It is not available. You came before this Board. We voted to commit 100 percent of the one point two million dollars ($1.2 million) for Margatet Pace Park. Mr. Yaffa: Correct. I'm sorry. Chairman Teele: And not only that, Phil, we've also committed to find another one point two million dollars ($1.2 million) or roughly two million dollars ($2,000,000) in addition for the Margaret Pace Park. So — but you can only count the one point two one time. Mr. Yaffa: You're correct. We have allocated — this Board already allocated where the one point two would go. Chairman Teele: It's gone. Mr. Yaffa: And then, this Board also passed a resolution — I don't believe it was ever brought before the City Commission, but at that same meeting that the one point two was allocated to Margaret Pace Park, you graciously reminded the Board that the City had taken out of general revenues the amount of nine 11 CRA 5/22/00 hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) to pay its share of the funding for the Tax Increment District. The County, however, did not allocate it in their budget, and therefore, the City money went back to general revenues. You made a motion that was unanimously passed by the CRA to reallocate that nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000), even though it was not being matched by the County, you were going to reallocated nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) and put that into our fund, into our trust right now so that in the beginning, before any allocation, we had two point one million dollars of tax monies. Chairman Teele: But Phil, Phil, in fairness, am I correct or am I wrong when I said there — after the first one point two million dollars ($1.2 million), I mean, that we get to keep, but the remaining goes to the Performing Arts Trust up to one point two million dollars ($1.2 million), and therefore, we get — Mr. Yaffa: No. After the one point two — OK? — the tax increment, we have pledged under the Interlocal Agreement all of the tax increment funds necessary to support fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000) worth of bonds. Board Member Winton: That's about one point four million. Mr. Yaffa: Now, under a traditional theory, you'd go one to ten. In today's financial markets, I don't know that that formula works. So it would be one point four million dollars ($1.4 million) that should be available. However, we're projecting with the developments that are — Chairman Teele: Yeah, but don't do that. See, that's what killed us before. Everybody starts the blue skies. And God knows you all are doing it. And you just walk out the door, we know. But I don't think we ought to start talking blue skies. Let's just talk the hard dollars. Board Member Winton: Where we are. Chairman Teele: The hard dollars are we get the first one point two million dollars ($1.2 million). You came to us a year — six months ago. We committed that one point two. That one point two is gone. It's committed to Margaret Pace Park. Mr. Yaffa: Correct. And then I thought that we also had committed another increment of general revenues of nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) into our trust fund. Chairman Teele: No, no. No, sir. No, sir. The CRA cannot commit City funds, just like the City cannot commit CRA funds. What we voted to do is that we would seek a full funding agreement to the tune of — how much is it? Two point five million? Mr. Tyler: For the park? Chairman Teele: Yeah. Mr. Tyler: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: -- two point five million, which is an additional one point three million dollars ($1.3 million). So we're — we, as the CRA, are committed to coming up with that. Even if we have to borrow 12 CRA 5/22/00 money to do that, we're committed to that as a Board. What we also said is that we would work with the City to determine whether or not the nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) that had been allocated and went back to general funds could be made available. But you have to understand this: That nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) would be a part of the first one point two. You don't get to count the one point two twice. Mr. Yaffa: You know, I respect your recollection, Commissioner, but in fact, we clarified at that CRA meeting that the nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) is on top of the one point two. Don't forget, the one point two is coming from — Chairman Teele: Phil, we're saying the same thing, except for one thing. This CRA Board cannot commit the nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) for the City. Mr. Yaffa: I understand. I was thinking of that as I said when I started my remarks that I'm not sure the CRA ever went back and sat as a City Commission and allocated those dollars. Chairman Teele: No. We asked the City staff — and the City staff is aware of it — we've asked them to come forward with a recommendation, just like we asked them to come forward with a recommendation for funding that took 18 months to do that. And so these things take time. But please know that we are just as committed to the one point three million dollars ($1.3 million) and the — whether the nine hundred thousand comes from that source or whether it comes from CDBG, or whether it comes from other deals that we may be able to put together, we're committed to the full funding of the park at two point five million. Mr. Yaffa: I understand, yeah. But you're talking about the second one point three, the nine hundred would be part of that. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Mr. Yaffa: Absolutely. I don't know... absolutely correct. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Vice Chairman Gort entered the CRA Board Meeting at 5:40 p.m. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Winton: Could I ask you a question, then, as it relates to the report in front of us? The report in front of us shows the revenue from Omni in the four years that it's generated revenue, and that total revenue is three million dollars ($3,000,000). Chairman Teele: Right. Board Member Winton: So that three million certainly includes the one point two million that you're — Chairman Teele: Right. 13 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: -- talking about. But -- and the Interlocal Agreement determined that all of the next dollars after that one point two million, all of them that were necessary to service fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000) in debt would be dedicated to the Performing Arts Center; is that right? Mr. Yaffa: That's correct. Board Member Winton: But — and when does that kick in? Chairman Teele: That's in now. Board Member Winton: It is? Chairman Teele: That's in now. So right now — Board Member Winton: Is it part of the bonds? Chairman Teele: Yes. See, Johnny, just so that we're clear, because this gets very confusing — Board Member Winton: Are you sure? Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Every dollar that the City of Miami gives to the CRA and every dollar that the County gives to the CRA from the Omni goes into our bank account, as held by the City. We immediately request a check for the amount of the — those two totals or those totals. And a check goes right back out to the County for the Performing Arts Trust Fund. See, that's what's so crazy. And then when we're paying ten mils — 9.5 mils — and they're charging — what is it? Five mils, four mils? Mr. Tyler: Five mils. Board Member Winton: Well we'll be glad when we get... Chairman Teele: So what happens is we're putting in two times the amount of money that they're putting in for the Performing Arts Center. That's why this whole deal is so crazy. Board Member Winton: Well, that's just because our taxes are too high. Mr. Yaffa: Well, it's even crazier, Commissioner, because my understanding — I just want to refresh my recollection — was the CRA money was supposed to be used — and again, I have to refresh my recollection — solely for construction, solely to support one point four — fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000) in bonds. In fact, my understanding is that the money you're sending to the County is being used by the Performing Arts Center Trust to support staff and administrative uses. Chairman Teele: Look, I'm going to tell you something. Mr. Yaffa: Well, that's not the Agreement — 14 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: That's something — but this isn't where you should have that discussion. What I will do is I will ask the City staff in a Commission meetings, I'll ask the CRA staff now to prepare a joint report on the history of this, and when the dollars were distributed, and how much they're being distributed, and to the extent we can, how the funds are being used, so that you see the exact date, and the amount of the checks that are going. But please be assured, every dollar that we receive from the City of Miami and from the County for the Omni Trust today and for the foreseeable three or four years, 100 percent of that money will go right back to the County for the Performing Arts Trust. Now, how they spend the money is something that you, as a distinguished citizen — I think Mr. Joseph is a member of the Performing Arts Trust Board. So I mean you all can determine how the funds are being spent better than we can. Mr. Yaffa: But this is an agreement that — you know, a binding agreement between the City and the County. And if the County is not holding up to that agreement — Board Member Winton: And Mr. Commissioner — I mean Mr. Chairman, in terms of the analysis that you've asked staff to do, I hope that staff, when they do that analysis, goes back to the Interlocal Agreement to make sure that what we're doing matches the Interlocal Agreement. Now, we all may — it may not be. And if it isn't, at least we know it, and we know what's really going on. Or it may be. And then if it is, then we're — everybody's happy about that. But if it isn't, at least we know how the system's really working. Mr. Yaffa: And then finally, Commissioner, again, it's been so many years since I read that agreement, but I believe that agreement provides that the first 20 percent of the tax increment — this is before the one point four three that goes to the County to support the Performing Arts Center Building, that 20 percent is allocated for staff positions for the CRA. I think — Chairman Teele: It's my recollection that Joe Gersten took that out. I remember Joe specifically hammering — what was the guy's name who was the director of the CRA? Mr. Tyler: Herb Bailey. Chairman Teele: Herb Bailey. It may be in there, but I remember distinctly Joe Gersten -- Is it in there? It's not in there. Well, look, this is not the issue today. We will bring this back and have a full discussion on this in 30 or 60 days, whenever the staff is ready, and we'll make sure that you're noticed on that. Eleanor Kluger: Whatever happened to an independent Community Redevelopment Agency that was supposed to study all of this funding? And it was going to get back to us. This was something about a year ago, an ordinance. Chairman Teele: The independent CRA Agency was — this is not on the Agenda. The independent CRA Agency and a lot of the things that were in that were repealed, and that agency will not come forward. The Oversight Board basically stepped up and said they agreed to insure that the twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) of the — that the City had allocated to the CRA will go forward to the CRA, and that the — it was agreed that the CRA would be sunsetted after five years or after the funding, and that the City Commission would conduct that independent analysis. 15 CRA 5/22/00 Ms. Kluger: And is it not true that there was another ordinance passed in 1998 that designated five million dollars ($5,000,000) going to the each year for the four years? Chairman Teele: But that has nothing to do with Tax Increment District. We're going to get — Ms. Kluger: But that is money that the CRA would have, and it's supposed to be allotted to the Omni Area, also, of the CRA, under your direction. And how much of that money would go to the Omni? Chairman Teele: Well, we're not — Ms. Kluger: Of the Twenty million dollars. Chairman Teele: We're not anywhere near there or in there. But the fact of the matter is, is that the Omni needs to be extremely careful that you don't — I mean, we're trying to get money to you, but there are some very real concerns, I think, that we need to be very clear about as it relates to slum and blight. And I'm not sure that what we're dealing with right now in this area, Margaret Pace Park or the area fully qualifies. But I'd like to just move to the Agenda if I could. Ms. Kluger: One more thing — Chairman Teele: No, ma'am. We'll get back to you a little bit later during the meeting. Ms. Kluger: I wouldn't like us to be referred to as a rich area, because that is how you refer to us and — Chairman Teele: I did not. Ms. Kluger: I have it in writing. Chairman Teele: I said that this does not qualify for — this does not clearly — just like Flagler Project Marketplace -- You know, look — Ms. Kluger: Well, if you look at West Omni, which is the majority of the property around here, we are slum and blight. And we have been the dumping ground for 20 years, and it's got to end. Chairman Teele: Do you have anything else you want to say? Ms. Kluger: No, thank you. That's fine. I appreciate all of your help. That's one thing I do know. And Chairman Teele: Could we move to Item Number 2, please. Ms. Kluger: -- let's go on with the Agenda. Chairman Teele: Well, I can tell you this. This is not going to be a "let's go on" -- this Agenda is going to be run by this Board. You are here as our guest, and you will conform yourself in accordance with parliamentary procedures, and you will not speak unless you're recognized. 16 CRA 5/22/00 Ms. Kluger: I appreciate your chance to talk. Thank you. Chairman Teele: Thank you. 17 CRA 5/22/00 5. UPDATE REGARDING CRA AUDIT FROM KPMG. Chairman Teele: All right. Can we get an update, please, from the audit? Would you introduce yourselves. Ken Deon: Ken Deon, the audit partner on the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) audit. Donovan Maginley: Donovan Maginley, senior manager. Chairman Teele: And the firm you're with? Mr. Maginley: KPMG. Chairman Teele: In light of the City Commission's most recent action, will you all have a lot more work to do on the audit? Mr. Deon: No, we don't. Actually, we're waiting — the resolution that was passed on May 9th — well, dated May 9th, on the five hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars ($559,000) in past subsidies that have — will be reflected in the CRA's financial statements as revenue. And also, there's the four hundred and forty thousand dollars ($440,000) in debt service payments on the Section 108 loans. The City is going to continue to make, or guarantee the payments, or make the payments on the debt. And the debt's always been recorded on the City of Miami's financial statement, so it'll stay there. It won't be recorded on the records or the financial statements of the CRA. Board Member Winton: Excuse me, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Winton: Do you mind if I interrupt for a second? I'm — you have me confused, because you've jumped to a couple of specific line items. So I'm not following where you're going with this. So — and plus I wanted to understand. Here's what I have here. This is a draft of the audit. So that's what we have in our book; is that correct? Chairman Teele: Correct. Mr. Maginley: The draft that you have there probably does not reflect the — Board Member Winton: The things that he's talking about? Mr. Maginley: Exactly. Mr. Deon: Right. Board Member Winton: OK. 18 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: And let me apologize. Subsequent to the audit, the City Commission took certain actions. Among those certain actions that the City Commission took was the City Commission agreed that funds for parking had been — had been diverted to the City. And the City agreed to make the CRA whole by allocating five hundred — what is the amount of money? Mr. Deon: Five hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars ($559,000). Chairman Teele: Of what would be general funds into the CRA's account. This represents some unspecified back year of funds that have been — that have — Mr. Deon: Accumulated. Chairman Teele: -- accumulated. That's the first item. And that was not contained in the audit, because the Commission just acted. Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: The second item relates to the 108 loans. The 108 loans which, again, specifically relate to the slum and blight. And the so-called parking lots that are around the old Arena, the parking lots that make up the Poinciana Village site and the Sawyer's Walk largely are examples of the uses of the 108 loan, generally. The 108 loan was guaranteed by the City of Miami, and, in fact, the 108 loan was made by the City of Miami. It was not made by the CRA. Is that a correct statement? Mr. Deon: That's a correct statement. Chairman Teele: But the City has been — Community Development Office has been charging the 108 payments annually. The last two payments — how many payments is it? Three? Ms. Henry, you need to — Mr. Maginley: I think it was more than that. Chairman Teele: -- been charging it really to the CRA. In other words, the CRA gets money, and then they've been making the payments for the 108 from the CRA CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) fund, without the Board approval, or without any other action. The Manager agreed to reverse those transactions, in effect, and to make an additional four hundred and eight thousand dollars ($408,000) of CDBG — Bertha Henry (Assistant City Manager): Four hundred and forty. Chairman Teele: -- four hundred and forty thousand dollars ($440,000) of CDBG dollars available to clarify the record on that. Bertha Henry, you need to introduce yourself for the record, and — Ms. Henry: Bertha Henry, Assistant City Manager for the City. Yes, there were three, primarily three issues outstanding for the audit. The first issue was the payment of the 108 loans, and we had to do some research to find out who technically obligated — was obligated for that loan. The City did issue the loan. And consequently, the Community Development Block Grant funds for that year, 1998, was not used to 19 CRA 5/22/00 pay the loan. A resolution was presented to you back in `98/'99 to do so, to catch up. We're just bringing the books up to catch up with that. The second was — Board Member Winton: And who will have responsibility for servicing the debt on that loan moving forward? Ms. Henry: The Community Development Block Grant funds have been — the HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) portion will be servicing that loan. Board Member Winton: Earmarked. OK. Chairman Teele: The City of Miami. The City of Miami is going to be servicing that 108 in the future? Ms. Henry: Yes. Board Member Winton: OK. Ms. Henry: The second issue was general fund subsidies that were budgeted for the CRA and were not provided either at all or some portion thereof. We did a reconciliation. It went back to 1997. We found that five hundred and fifty-nine thousand of that did not transfer over to the CRA. And then finally, we resolved the issue of who was responsible for special obligation debt of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) a year. And that's where you need to — Chairman Teele: Before you go to that -- but that's two different issues. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: The general fund support, including the parking revenues that were never transferred to the CRA -- and we're all talking estimates now — is about five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). And when we say "CRA," for the purpose of the kind of audience that we have here today, all of this is Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA. Ms. Henry: Yes. Chairman Teele: This has nothing to do with Omni. Ms. Henry: Right. Chairman Teele: Just like the twenty-five thousand — twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) where the people marched in the rain and demonstrated, that didn't have anything to do, and the record will be very clear with that. But I've always said we've got to treat these communities as one. But the five hundred thousand dollars ($5001000) is general fund dollars that were diverted from the CRA which we documented — Board Member Winton: Right. 20 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: -- including parking revenues. And then the 108 was really money that was always City money. But when the City made CDBG allocations to the CRA in the past and there were funds in the balance, CD (Community Development) drew down against the CRA funds — CDBG funds — as opposed to drawing down against other funds. And it's my understanding that there is going to be a protocol established, and that will not happen in the future. Ms. Henry: That protocol has been established. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman -- Chairman Teele: There's a third pot of money that she wants to talk about and that — this is the more complicated issue. And — please. Ms. Henry: Finally, that issue is we issued special — there were special obligation bonds issued on behalf of the CRA. The Tax Increment financing was deemed first pledged for that debt. The Tax Increment financing never generated sufficient revenues to pay the debt. It's somewhat declining, but today, it's about three hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars ($356,000). For some time — Board Member Winton: Per year for the debt service. Ms. Henry: Per year, per year for debt service. Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: It actually goes up a little bit, and it'll come back down. It'll go up to about four -fifty, I think, in one year or four something. Board Member Winton: And then slides again. OK. Chairman Teele: And then it'll slide back down. Ms. Henry: The City for quite some time has assumed responsibility for first pledge. And so with — capping the amount at three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). Basically, at some point in time, the CRA could just barely generate another — you know, a portion to subsidize. So what the resolution did was to acknowledge that the City, through its guaranteed entitlement funds would continue to provide that three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) up front until the debt is retired in exchange for some other issues. And I'm sure (inaudible) can explain it. Chairman Teele: In exchange for the fact that the CRA will agree that the six million dollars ($6,000,000) that was — of land -that was transferred by the City from the CRA to the City, and then the City sold it to MSEA (Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority) and received six million dollars ($6,000,000) in cash that that debt or that obligation will be deemed satisfied based upon the City accepting responsibility for the first three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) by contract or covenant to us. The indenture will not be changed. The indenture reads now that the three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) is a guarantee and not an obligation. And obviously, we've had to trigger that guarantee every year. What we're saying is if the Overtown/ Park West Redevelopment really kicks in and the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) goes up to six 21 CRA 5/22/00 hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), we're not going to have to take the first three hundred thousand and pay this; that that first three hundred thousand will continue to come from the guarantee. And whatever is remaining, we will pay, the same way it's being worked now. Theoretically, if you take a positive scenario, best -case scenario, it probably represents about six million dollars ($6,000,000) of payments from the City, which the City legally is not obliged to pay unless we can't pay it from the TIF. And -- the difference between the guarantee and an obligation. And it's a good deal for the City, because the three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) is already pledged in the indenture as the guarantee, and it's set aside in every budget. They can't use it anyway until after the end of the budget year. And it was done at the time of the debt. In other words, the bond not only pledged the TIF funds, but it guaranteed the — what do you call that stuff? — the guaranteed entitle — which is that sales tax — Ms. Henry: The State revenue sharing. Chairman Teele: State revenue sharing from sales tax. Ms. Henry: Just in general, Commissioners, very rarely will you be able to issue debt with at Tax Increment financing as a pledge without some other support. I mean, by its very nature, they're risky, so that they want some secure pledge in the event the TIF does not perform. Board Member Winton: And the secure pledge is the City. Ms. Henry: Is the City. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort, Vice Chairman Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me go back. You talk about the — we made the allocation of five hundred and how much? Mr. Deon: Five hundred fifty-nine thousand, five twenty-two. Vice Chairman Gort: Five fifty-nine, five twenty-two. And that was for CDBG funds that were not given before? Mr. Deon: No, no. Ms. Henry: Those are general fund dollars. Vice Chairman Gort: General fund. Chairman Teele: Parking monies that were diverted, general funds or — Vice Chairman Gort: It's funds owed to the CRA. Mr. Deon: Right. 22 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: That arguably was owed. I mean, the years have been closed out. They could take a position; see us in court, something like that. I mean, it's documented. But — Vice Chairman Gort: The second amount is the one of four hundred and — Ms. Henry: Four hundred and forty thousand. Vice Chairman Gort: And that's the one from the — Ms. Henry: That's from Community Development Block Grant. Vice Chairman Gort: How long have we been paying the debt service there? Because I know the — we have not been able to derive enough taxes to pay for the debt service there. Ms. Henry: For — under the CRA? Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Ms. Henry: Well, at this point, it's now forever pledged from the CDBG. Vice Chairman Gort: I understand. But before that, we were paying before, because I don't think we ever had enough Tax Increment money come in to pay all of the -- Ms. Henry: Right. The general fund was pay — it was coming from all — from everywhere. So we basically went back to the documents, read what was pledged, did the reconciliation, and now we're doing the clean up to say we have to acknowledge how this has happened in the past (inaudible). Vice Chairman Gort: But before that, it was being paid by the CDBG funds? Ms. Henry: Some of it was being paid by the CRA. Some of it was being paid by the City's revenue that would normally go to the general fund. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Ms. Henry: And then a couple of years ago, a resolution was passed that confirms that the Community Block Grant funds would be the pledge for that. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, ma'am. Board Member Winton: So are you saying then that the City acknowledges the fact that parking revenues that went to the City from parking lots within the CRA boundaries was, in fact, due to the CRA? Ms. Henry: Yes. Board Member Winton: So the City acknowledges that. 23 CRA 5/22/00 Ms. Henry: Our City Attorney can tell you — Chairman Teele: You have a City Attorney -- Ms. Henry: -- that says yes. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney, City of Miami): Commissioner, it's not parking lots within the CRA — Chairman Teele: Give him the mike so — Mr. Vilarello: These were parking lots owned by the CRA. Board Member Winton: Oh, that's — OK. Mr. Vilarello: Which the revenues go back to the City. Board Member Winton: Which was even worse. Right. Mr. Vilarello: So it's not just parking lots within the CRA district. Board Member Winton: It's specific parking lots owned by the CRA. Mr. Vilarello: Yes, sir. Board Member Winton: Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Is that with the use of the -- Chairman Teele: In Overtown. Those parking lots are in Overtown, not Park West. Board Member Winton: And then one more point of — or question of clarification. You said this audit is only the Overtown/Park West audit? Chairman Teele: No. No, sir. Mr. Deon: No. Board Member Winton: This is a combined audit? Mr. Deon: This is combines — Board Member Winton: Of the two — Mr. Deon: -- includes the general fund, the Omni and the Southeast Overtown/Park West. 24 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: OK. And one last question. Is there a management letter coming with this? Mr. Deon: There will be a management letter in draft being issued along with the financial statements. Board Member Winton: Thank you. Mr. Deon: The only thing I want to add is that once this resolution is ratified by the CRA Commission, those transactions that we just discussed will be reflected in the new draft financial statements. Board Member Winton: And Mr. Chairman, could I have an opportunity at some point after this to — I don't want to take up the public's time here, because I'm a little slow. I don't understand all this stuff in here. So I'd like to meet with some of your staff to ask questions about individual line items that I don't understand. Chairman Teele: That certainly is always appropriate. We're not approving the budget now — I mean the audit now. What we're going to approve -- Do we have the resolutions in here, Ms. Henry? And are there resolutions in here to adopt what you all have just said? Ms. Henry: I have not had a chance to go through all of the CRA's Agenda, but I did not see the resolution. Chairman Teele: It's my understanding that the way this works is the Mayor's period for the veto had not run. Once the Mayor doesn't exercise the veto — [audio tape malfunction, missing a few seconds] -- for this Board to ratify those things that have been briefed on. Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: In other words, just like the City can't bind the CRA, the CRA can't bind the City. So the City has passed their resolutions, and they are subject to our approval of those resolutions. So we would have to pass, Mr. Bloom, matching resolutions accepting those and literally closing the books, so nevermore will anyone ever say again that the City took money from the parking lots and didn't pay it back. Board Member Sanchez: Hey, I studied the issue. That's why I'm keeping my mouth shut. Chairman Teele: Are there any other issues? Are there any Management issues or issues that you all would like to point out that require further discussion? Mr. Deon: No. not at this point. I think we've covered all the issues. Chairman Teele: Thank you very much. 25 CRA 5/22/00 6. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 3 (PROPOSED FIVE-YEAR SALARY HISTORY OF EMPLOYEES IN THE CRA). Chairman Teele: The next item. Board Member Sanchez: Five-year salary history of employees of the CRA. Chairman Teele: This is an informational item. Did we get the five-year salaries complete? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration and Development, CRA): No, sir. And I'm looking at the package. What's included is not that. And — Chairman Teele: The problem with the five-year history is the fact that most of the CRA were City employees, and pulling that information has been — Board Member Sanchez: Let's defer that. Chairman Teele: Let's defer this. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, since it's not complete I would — since it's not completed, I would move to defer the item to the next CRA meeting. Chairman Teele: All right. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved and accepted. Board Member Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Second by Commissioner Winton. The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-33 OMNI/CRA 00-25 A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 3 (PROPOSED FIVE-YEAR SALARY HISTORY OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CRA). 26 CRA 5/22/00 Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur Teele NAYS: None ABSENT: None 27 CRA 5/22/00 7. AUTHORIZE CRA TO ISSUE DIRECTIVE TO CITY OF MIAMI TO DEPOSIT ALL FUNDS ALLOCATED OR DUE TO ACCOUNTS OF THE CRA—FURTHER STIPULATING THAT CITY NOT MAKE WITHDRAWALS FROM ANY CRA ACCOUNT WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM CRA. Chairman Teele: Item Number 4 directs that the — a directive to the City of Miami as fiduciary to deposit all funds and allocate funds that are due on accounts, and to not make withdrawals from the CRA account without written authorization. That's just standard procedure. Number 4. Board Member Regalado: Move it. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Regalado. Seconded by Commissioner Winton -- Board Member Sanchez: Second. Chairman Teele: -- Commissioner Sanchez. Discussion. Mr. Director. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Yes, sir. I just wanted to let the Chairman know that under your right elbow, I think, is the memorandums that cover these resolutions. Under your right elbow, I think Hilda just handed them to you. Board Member Winton: Yeah, because in my book, I have — Vice Chairman Gort: In my book, I have something different, too. Board Member Winton: Yeah. I have the Dain Rauscher or Dean Rauscher. Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah, that's what I have in my book. Board Member Winton: In Section 4. I have the Dain Rauscher resolution in Section 4 of my book. Board Member Sanchez: Well, the resolution is self-explanatory. Chairman Teele: The resolution is self-explanatory on Number 4. Number 4 is a resolution that is a housekeeping — simply saying to the City, as our fiduciary, to deposit money — Vice Chairman Gort: Johnny, what happened to you, you're missing item 5, just like I am, which is part of the next one. Board Member Winton: Oh, is it? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Board Member Winton: All right. 28 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Item number — is there further discussion on 4? Moved by Commissioner Regalado, seconded by Commissioner Sanchez. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All those opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-34 OMNI/CRA 00-26 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO DIRECT THE CITYOF MIAMI ("CITY"), ACTING IN THE CAPACITY AS AFIDUCIARY TO THE CRA, I) TO DEPOSIT ALL FUNDS ALLOCATED OR DUE TO THE ACCOUNTS OF THE CRA AND II) NOT TO MAKE WITHDRAWALS FROM ANY ACCOUNT OF THE CRA WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE CRA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 29 CRA 5/22/00 8. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. Chairman Teele: Item Number 5 is status of the Interlocal Agreement. In light of the discussion by the independent auditor, the Interlocal Agreement must be modified to conform with what the Assistant Manager and the independent auditor and the Commission have agreed on. Mr. Judy, can you work with Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): They're being sent to the City Attorney's office. Chairman Teele: Can we expect at the next meeting to have an Interlocal Agreement that is acceptable to the City, so that we can get it signed? Hopefully, you know, we won't — Mr.Judy: The one now is signed; it is subject to what we call housekeeping... Chairman Teele: Well, it's going to have — the signature is going to have to be revoked, because the decisions today that were agreed upon by the City substantially change the four corners of that agreement. Mr. Judy: Yes, we'll do that. Chairman Teele: And hopefully, we'll get it before the Manager leaves. We've negotiated (inaudible). Mr. Manager, we do want to acknowledge your presence here, and that of your staff. At any point if you'd like to say anything or slow something down, we — Carlos Gimenez (City Manager, City of Miami): No, the pace is fine. It's just that I'm learning. Chairman Teele: We all are. 30 CRA 5/22/00 9. A) DESIGNATE DAIN RAUSCHER AS FINANCIAL ADVISOR TO CRA. B) DIRECTION TO CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PROVIDE THE CRA BOARD WITH A BRIEF REPORT REGARDING FEASIBILITY OF USING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PARKING LOTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SHUTTLE SERVICE TO FACILITATE PARKING FOR EVENTS AT THE AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA, ESPECIALLY DURING MIAMI HEAT BASKETBALL SEASON — FURTHER DIRECTING CRA STAFF TO BRING BACK A PLAN IN 60 DAYS FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED INCLUDING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OR BID THAT INCLUDES A GUARANTEED AMOUNT. Chairman Teele: All right. Item Number 6 is a resolution designating — how do you pronounce this? — Dain Rauscher as a financial advisor under the terms and conditions of the contract between the City and Dain Rauscher, not to exceed thirty thousand per year, subject to annual extensions as provided for in the City contract. As you are aware, the City selected I think three firms as financial advisor to the City, and the various agencies of the City. This firm has had extensive research in the Overtown/Park West area, and is a part of the City contract. Is there discussion? Board Member Winton: One question. On the first page, I have a blank here in Section 2. Seems to me we need to fill that in. It says, "Provided for in the City contract, subject to availability of `X' funds from Account number." Do we need to — Chairman Teele: Yes. Can you give us the funding source of this? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): The funding source is — I'm sorry. The amount is thirty thousand per year. Chairman Teele: Not to exceed thirty thousand. Mr. Tyler: Not to exceed thirty thousand. Chairman Teele: The funding source would have to be general funds. Mr. Tyler: And — yes. Mr. Chairman, I was saying that the memorandum — Chairman Teele: Is "general funds," Commissioner Winton, satisfactory to you? Board Member Winton: Yes, sir. Mr. Tyler: General funds. I'm sorry. I was just saying that the Commissioners don't have the memorandum that were placed before you. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Winton: Isn't the availability of funds -- it's the availability — The only method for the CRA to pay for these services is through revenue generated by the CRA. So it has to be — no? 31 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: No. No. We have actually four different sources of funds. The four sources of funds — the one that all CRAB have is Tax Increment funds. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: We're upside-down. I mean, we're short about eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) a year from that source. When you consider the debt and any staff, minimum staff, you're at least eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) upside-down. So the next thing we do is we look at revenues generated by the CRA, which in the past have been parking revenues. In the past, we've received approximately — what? — two hundred and — how much have we received in parking revenues? As much as three hundred plus thousand dollars. Board Member Winton: Oh, three hundred. Chairman Teele: Right now, we're anticipating receiving less than a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) because of the shift in the old Arena to the new Arena. But revenues — in addition, we have lease arrangements with Poinciana Village that is supposed to be paying us various parking — I'm sorry — various real estate deals that predate my moving to the City of Miami, most of which have paid nothing. One church has a real estate deal with us — so those are program revenues. The third source of funds is, of course, the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) dollars. And in the past, and as we continue, the City has provided three hundred and seventy-nine thousand dollars of CDBG funds for the support of the CRA, plus other CDBG dollars for various projects. A part of that process is you get to take about 15 to 20 percent of those to pay indirect costs. So you really create dollars by handling dollars. Board Member Winton: Programs. Chairman Teele: Yeah, program. And then the fourth source of funds are general dollars support. In the past, the CRA received from a very wonderful County Commission Chairman a grant of a million dollars ($1,000,000), a payment in lieu of taxes, and that money was done because of the de -annexing of the Courthouse Square. So the CRA has really been living off of the million dollars ($1,000,000) that the County gave for a lot of the activities. And then the City has given general fund support under the non - departmental accounts, normally in the amount of about two hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($280,000). That compares with about a million and a half, for example, of general fund support to the Bayfront Trust. So those funds are various pots of money. And each one has certain restrictions with it. Bertha Henry (Assistant City Manager): Bertha Henry. If I might add, so it's not as confusing. The City of Miami has a general fund. Chairman Teele: Right. Ms. Henry: The CRA also has a general fund. Board Member Sanchez: So this is coming out of the CRA general fund. Ms. Henry: Right. 32 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Oh. I didn't understand. Ms. Henry: I mean, I think that's what might be confusing. Board Member Winton: OK. Yeah, I didn't under — that — thank you. Ms. Henry: And the funding source, they get various funding sources to support its general funds and its other funds, as well. Board Member Winton: I got it now. Chairman Teele: The one thing that we want to be very careful about is that we do not want to put funds that are general funds or CDBG funds into our TIF (Tax Increment Fund) account. And that has been a big debate. I know that there's been a lot of discussion back and forth. But the reason for that is the County Commission and the City Commission must approve all expenditure of our TIF funds. And that's just a footnote to be aware of. Board Member Winton: Well, she cleared up that big cloud here. I couldn't get through the general funds, why the City's doing it, and it isn't. It's the CRA's own general fund. Chairman Teele: CRA's general fund. Board Member Winton: I understand now clearly. Thank you. Chairman Teele: Or maybe we should say unrestricted funds. Board Member Winton: Well, whatever. Right. Chairman Teele: "Unrestricted" is a better term. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes. Board Member Regalado: I would like to request from the CRA staff to — We were talking about a decrease in funding because of the new Arena. I would like to request for the next meeting or in 60 days a brief report about the feasibility of using the parking lots around the old Arena with a shuttle service during the different events, especially during the Heat season that starts next October. The reason is that the parking in the Biscayne Boulevard area will get worse instead of getting better. And I think that if we were to establish some kind of shuttle that would be easy to the people, we can compete with the less cost to the people that are, you know, visiting and attending the game. So I think that that would raise a little, I'm sure, the CRA funding on the parking issue. Chairman Teele: I think that's an excellent point. Is there anyone here from Off -Street Parking? 33 CRA 5/22/00 Mr. Tyler: No, sir. Off -Street Parking is at a convention in Broward today, and their representatives are there today. Chairman Teele: Well, Commissioner Regalado is raising, I think, an excellent point. And what I would like is to embellish, just ask that in 60 days, you all present to us a plan including, if necessary an RFP (Request for Proposals) or a bid that includes a guaranteed amount. I think one of the things we should do is encourage the private sector to be innovative and tell us how they can help manage our resources. And I think the Manager has undertaken a significant audit of parking at the old Arena, and there are CRA properties, I can tell you right now that nobody is managing, not one person is managing. The homeless and anybody else who wants to figure out how to make money is making money off of us. And — Board Member Sanchez: Everybody is entitled to make an honest dollar. Chairman Teele: Yeah, everybody is entitled to make an honest dollar. And we need to cover that in the next 60 days. We need to have a plan. Mr. Tyler: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: All right. The motion on Number 6 of unrestricted funds moved by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Winton. All those — discussion? "Ayes"? The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-35 OMNI/CRA 00-27 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO DESIGNATE DAIN RAUSCHER AS FINANCIAL ADVISOR TO THE CRA, UNDER THE SAME TERMS AS THE CONTRACT EXISTING BETWEEN DAIN RAUSCHER AND THE CITY OF MIAMI (THE "CITY CONTRACT"), AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $30,000 PER YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, SUBJECT TO ANNUAL EXTENSIONS AS PROVIDED FORIN THE CITY CONTRACT, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF GENERAL FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 34 CRA 5/22/00 Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort 35 CRA 5/22/00 10. RATIFY ALL WORK ORDERS FOR WORK PERFORMED BY BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND PARTNERS PRIOR TO MAY 31, 2000; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT ALL PENDING WORK ORDERS SHOULD COME BACK BEFORE THE CRA BOARD ONCE THE WORK IS COMPLETED; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CRA STAFF TO PROVIDE A LIST OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND PARTNERRS; DIRECTION TO CRA ADMINISTRATION BY BOARD MEMBER REGALADO TO BRIEF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PRIOR TO CRA MEETINGS AND ASCERTAIN THAT MEMBERS ARE COMFORTABLE WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN CRA AGENDAS. Chairman Teele: The next item is Number 7, and this is ratifying all work performed by B&A (Bermello, Ajamil & Partners). This is three years of work, just so that everybody understands. This is not one year, this is from the beginning. And just so that particularly Commissioner Sanchez and Commissioner Winton are aware that in the first 18 months that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) started under my tenure as Chairman, we had a staff of about three people, as compared to a staff of about 11 people when we first came in. We made the decision that B&A would provide staffing. So most of the analyses, most of the writings were done by B&A people. In fact, the entire budget process was run by B&A. So I did want you to know that while I would expect the CRA staff would be like that of any other department in the future that B&A served during the planning period when we really weren't running projects, but trying to plan what we were going to do, we used B&A in lieu of staff. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Upon receiving and going through the resolution, Number 6, which is the — Chairman Teele: Number 7. Board Member Sanchez: Correction, Number 7. There was some confusion on the Agenda. One was four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($450,000), and then it was scratched, and then it was moved to six hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($680,000), which created some confusion, which has been cleared up now when I was briefed on it. However, looking at it, some of the services, you're absolutely right. Going back to Major Suarez — Chairman Teele: Mayor Suarez. Board Member Sanchez: I mean Mayor Suarez. — was the Mayor here with Mayor -Council power point presentation. And going through the services provided by the Bermello firm, looking at — where it gets confusing was on one of the issues, it has a high (inaudible), which after comparing and doing some research on it, the way it looks, you're looking at a project which is almost two point seven million dollars ($2.7 million), the Margaret Pace Park. And at eight percent, I mean, that's a very reasonable price of a hundred and forty thousand dollars ($140,000). However, when -- it gets confusing at the bottom, where it says work completed and paid, which is two hundred and thirty-nine thousand, thirteen dollars and sixty-five cents ($239,013.65), and then work completed, two hundred and fifteen thousand, three -hundred twenty-nine dollars and fifty-seven — fifty-three cents ($215,329.53). And then it includes specific 36 CRA 5/22/00 instruction documents for Margaret Pace Park three parking lots totaling one hundred and eighty-one thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine dollars and zero cents ($181,399.00). Chairman Teele: Mm-hmm. Board Member Sanchez: Where it gets confusing is I didn't -- First of all, the way I read it, and I still read it, which I want to clarify is if the work's completed, I mean, that should be subtracted from the six hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($680,000). Chairman Teele: No. What we asked them, what we asked the staff to do was to present us the full financial picture of B&A from the day they started through the end of their contract, which we are deeming to be ended in the end of May, through the completion of all work that will be done perhaps even a year later, such as the inspection of the work done in Margaret Pace Park. Board Member Sanchez: That would be the work orders issued prior to May 31, 2000. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Could I direct, or if it takes a motion to direct — Chairman Teele: No, no, just direct. Board Member Sanchez: -- yourself, Mr. Tyler, to provide — or anybody from the CRA to provide us with — the Board with a list of those services, because I have not received the list of those services. Chairman Teele: Listen, let's do this. Let's defer the item to the next — Board Member Sanchez: No, we cannot — I don't want to — Chairman Teele: No, no. If you're not comfortable, I mean, I just want you to be comfortable. I'd rather do it today and furnish us with the list. You can always bring it back. Board Member Winton: Do it subject to. Board Member Sanchez: Well, Mr. Chairman, if I may. Chairman Teele: However you want to do it. Board Member Sanchez: What I want to do is if we're going to pay a hundred and ninety-eight thousand dollars ($198,000), you know, I want to see the work product. And I want to see where we're paying the money, because when it comes to the bottom line, by us voting on this issue, I mean, we should know exactly what services this great firm of Bermello provides for us. And all that I asked for is that I did not have all the information. And my statement here is very clear. It is confusing. This presentation really confused me. As a matter of fact I — when I got here a little earlier, I spoke to the lovely lady from Bermello's firm who cleared all the things, but that's the perception, or just getting a little confused on it, I 37 CRA 5/22/00 wanted to clarify it. I'm willing to defer it till the next Commission meeting — I mean next CRA meeting. I get both hats. Board Member Winton: And Mr. Chairman, could I add one piece to that? In -- particulary for staff -- in my book, the only thing I got was this schedule. It's not even a schedule. It's four or five little line items that has no explanation at all. And while I understand clearly that we typically won't be just ratifying these kind of expenditures in the future, we'll be approving them so we'll have all that documentation in front of us, I think that for the benefit of all of us — and Robert, you're new and Commissioner Teele is relatively new as Chairman of the Commission — I think that just from a public perception standpoint in making sure that we get off on the right foot, we need to make sure that we have outstanding documentation, and rules, and procedures, and processes in place so that when the public asks us two years from now — not next month — that we've got all the documentation in place. We can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that we followed all the procedures that we needed to follow, including bids, if those are required, and can defend to the dollar everything we've done. And that's what our real mission here is, is to just make sure that — because it'll happen two years from now. It won't happen tomorrow. It'll happen two, three or four years from now when we're trying to defend ourselves, and we can't remember all this stuff, and we don't have the appropriate documentation, and then we all look bad, when today we don't think we're looking bad, but we would down the road. So that's why I asked for that. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Yes, I agree 100 percent. You echoed the sentiments of the Chairman, the Board and the staff. Right now we're moving in that direction. Board Member Winton: Thank you. Mr. Tyler: We're also trying to get you an updated Agenda book right now, too. Board Member Sanchez: Also, Mr. Chairman, also, Robert, just for your information, on the resolution, the change orders are confusing. There's no bill for change orders. I mean, the bills are outstanding invoices, which I'm sure they're all services that were provided. Just for us to be able to make, you know, ratify the expenses -- Chairman Teele: It's a legal term, but I think the lawyers are taking to note. The contract itself is a — and this will come up again. It will be bid. It will be bid one time. We will have another general consultant. In other words, B&A is the general planning, architectural and engineering consultant, the general. There will be specific architectural jobs and specific engineering jobs that will come out. But in the way these agencies normally work, this is really more of what you call a planning function than an A&E (architectural and engineering) function. But there's always gray in there. What they have been is they have been the general planning architectural consultant to the CRA for the last three years. They were selected off of a City bid list — OK? — that was competitively bid, and the only reason this is here is because I insist upon transparency, so that everyone can put it on the table and see it. It normally wouldn't even come before the Board, in that the payments have been made. The embarrassing thing is that we owe these people two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), which is horrible, in the sense that, you know, nobody works for free. And — but in addition to the two hundred thousand we owe them, we are identifying about a hundred and sixty, a hundred and eighty thousand dollars of ta$ks that they've already begun the assignment on, or they will complete an assignment on that will carry them beyond the period 39 CRA 5/22/00 of the formal contract. So when their contract has ended, they will be allowed to complete, for example, the inspection of the construction work at Margaret Pace Park, as a clear example. Board Member Winton: And finalize. Chairman Teele: It doesn't make sense to bring in anybody else to do that. Board Member Winton: No, I agree, right, right. Well, now, I didn't under — I'm sorry. I didn't understand something there. You said that we owe them two hundred thousand? Chairman Teele: Based upon this, it says — Board Member Winton: I thought we owed them six hundred and eighty — Chairman Teele: No, no, no. We have paid them two hundred thousand. Board Member Winton: We would be paying -- Chairman Teele: We've already paid them two hundred thousand. Board Member Winton: Two hundred and thirty-nine thousand. Chairman Teele: Two hundred and thirty-nine thousand. We have work in progress or invoices that are waiting to be paid in the amount of how much? Mr. Tyler: In the amount of one hundred and ninety-eight thousand, almost two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). Chairman Teele: Two hundred thousand. Vice Chairman Gort: Plus the two hundred fifteen they're owed and twenty-six taken off. Mr. Tyler: That's correct. What you have in front of you is — Vice Chairman Gort: That comes to four hundred and fifty thousand. Four hundred and fifty thousand, five hundred and sixty-five is the balance as of right now. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman if I may just — I don't want to hold up this firm from not getting paid, and they've done the services and all. But — I mean I don't want to hold them out of the money that they've done already. Let me just make a motion that we just hold off on paying them the one hundred and ninety-eight thousand, eight hundred and ten dollars and forty-two cents ($198,810.42), which is work orders issued prior to May 31St, 2000. And the simple reason is that I just want to see the work product, and that we know exactly what work they did, and provide us with a list of the service they did. I'm willing to pay them. 39 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Why don't we do it this way: Why don't we ratify the orders and work scope up to and including the amounts that have been completed, and await further action and details on the one hundred — what is it? — a hundred and eighty? Board Member Winton: Ninety-eight thousand. Mr. Tyler: Almost two hundred, sir. Chairman Teele: -- on the hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($180,000) — hundred and ninety thousand dollars ($190,000) of proposed work plans that would have to be subsequently provided. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Chairman Teele: That's the same thing. Tere, you want to say something? Tere Gon-. Tere Garcia: No, Gonzalez. Chairman Teele: Tere Garcia. Ms. Garcia: Gonzalez, Garcia, Sanchez, sounds the same. But Tere Garcia, a partner with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners. I have one question, which is, obviously in that amount, it includes all the amounts of all the work that we have completed within three fiscal years for the CRA, like the Commissioner was saying. And two hundred and thirty-nine have been already paid and completed. We have outstanding invoices for work that has been completed for two fifteen. The rest, a hundred and ninety-eight are work orders that have been signed prior to May 31St, and some of the work we have started. And certainly, there is no problem in listing all the projects that are included in there. My question is, if any -- Our contract technically finishes on May 31St. Your next Board meeting is in June. If in June you make any other decision, that means that any work that we have done within those one ninety-eight is in question or is floating. So I just want to make sure that whether, you know, we stop with the work or we continue or — I just want to make you aware that the next CRA Board meeting is after that May 31St date. Board Member Sanchez: An outstanding... Chairman Teele: Could you -- Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: I think one of the confusions was that the payment had already been paid and it looked like the bond was (inaudible), which was not (inaudible). Number two is that this firm has been working for quite a bit now, and they've been paid according to the availability of the funds being there. But I'm not in that trade. But I mean, if you have been given orders and you have contracts before May 3 1 " for a hundred and ninety-eight, I don't think you'll have any problem with you being paid for that. I mean, this was — and you can check with our attorneys and your attorneys. I think what the Commission has been asking in specific is that you list the specific tasks that you're doing for the one ninety-eight, what it is. OK? We just want to look at it. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. 40 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Commissioner Regalado, Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Regalado: Just briefly. Why is the May 31" date -- Are we planning to issue any other order other than the ones that have been issued before May 315t, or do you have everything now? Y Chairman Teele: No. May 301" was an arbitrary date established so that we could begin the process of just cleaning up everything. We would hope to be out on the street by July with a new contract for a general planning consultant. We're on the street now with an engineering firm, just a specific engineering firm. And what we need to do is just clean this contract up, put it out in the open, get it all worked out. And we could just as easily extend the contract today an additional 30 days to June 30t", which may be the easiest thing to do. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman, if I may. We -- Every time that we have a CRA meeting, we encounter some of these problems that we do not have the detailed information, and it takes a lot of time away from the public's input, and the people that are willing to invest or bring in ideas. And I think that in this case, Bermello and Ajamil should have gone to the staff of the members of the Commission or the Commissioners and explained this before we got here, because we have been discussing, and explaining, and asking for a few minutes. And I think that — I think that the CRA staff should make sure they are comfortable with the information that the Board Members have, and then call a meeting, because we are certainly using a lot of time here asking questions that we shouldn't. And not only that, we really look not well informed about things that we're voting on. So I would ask the CRA staff to — that, you know, when they feel they're comfortable with what is in the Agenda, then we should call the meeting. Chairman Teele: OK. Would you — would — Is there a motion that anyone would like to make? Commissioner Sanchez, you've wrestled with this. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I would like to make a motion, but I don't want to complicate the process. They worked for three years. I think that we owe them for what they've worked for. My motion is just to pay them for the services that they have done, except for the work order issued prior to May 31st, 2000, and that, when it comes back, will have the work list and the work product that they have done. I, for one, don't like to pay people until the service is completed, and I feel much comfortable. I think that we hold ourselves responsible for the CRA's — Chairman Teele: Well, I think part of the problem is this: We're not approving the payments today. We're ratifying the work performed, and the work authorization, and the outstanding invoices. The outstanding invoices. Any invoices not outstanding cannot be paid. This six eighty represents three years of work. It probably will be paid out over the next year and a half or year, depending on how fast Margaret Pace — some of it. So the only thing that's before us today is really to terminate or to end the B&A contract as of May 301" and to ratify all work orders that have been issued by the CRA staff for the work that they've done. And I would simply ask that we approve that resolution and then further state that all pending work orders be presented back to this Commission in — this Board meeting in the next meeting so that we can go through that well before that meeting. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman, and I think we should, because what she's asking is the logical thing. I mean, they want to make sure that if we order them, then we don't change our minds. 41 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Right. Board Member Regalado: And none of the — Chairman Teele: And we're not going to do that. Board Member Regalado: Well, we aren't going to do that, but they just want to make sure. I think that it makes sense. Chairman Teele: Is there a motion on the resolution to ratify the work order with the proviso — with the proviso other than stated that work to be performed in the future, that is the approximately two hundred thousand will be presented in the next meeting for a detailed discussion. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner -- Board Member Sanchez: With a friendly amendment that we are provided with a list of the services being provided. Chairman Teele: A motion by Commissioner Sanchez. Vice Chairman Gort: I'll second. Chairman Teele: Second by Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: And the reason I am seconding is that my understanding is that in this resolution, we are approving here there was payment in accordance with availability of funds. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Vice Chairman Gort: OK? Chairman Teele: And that's very important. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed? 42 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-36 OMNI/CRA 00-28 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") RATIFYING ALL WORK PERFORMED BY AND OUTSTANDING WORK AUTHORIZATIONS, CHANGE ORDERS AND OUTSTANDING INVOICES FROM BERMELLO, AJAMIL, & PARTNERS, INC. ("BA") IN CONNECTION WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $680,000.00, AS DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Let me just say one thing, Commissioner Regalado. The reason — this normally would not even be here. It doesn't have to be. In light of what's happening in Bayfront Trust, in light — Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: -- the kinds of things, I think we've got to spend a little time. You know, as unpleasant as it is and as — I mean, we've got very distinguished businesspeople here who — I'm embarrassed that they're seeing some of the horrible work, you know, workings of the CRA. But the fact of the matter is we have to be responsible Board Members — Board Member Winton: I agree. Chairman Teele: -- on the financial side. And I know that Commissioner Sanchez would rather do it this way than the way he's doing some of his other stuff. 43 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: -- on the financial side. And I know that Commissioner Sanchez would rather do it this way than the way he's doing some of his other stuff. Board Member Sanchez: That's a compliment, that's a compliment. 44 CRA 5/22/00 11. AUTHORIZE CRA TO RETAIN KPMG TO PROVIDE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES TO CRA, AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000. Chairman Teele: OK. Resolution to — it's not -- to retain KPMG to provide management advisory services. And this is pursuant to work that is ongoing for the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) relating — Vice Chairman Gort: Is this relating to the audit? Chairman Teele: -- relating to the audit. Vice Chairman Gort: Move it. Chairman Teele: Moved by — Board Member Sanchez: Is this relating to the audit, or to other management services? Chairman Teele: Management services to provide more details regarding the audit. One of the things, for example, is we're trying to get for the first time a list of all of the contracts and debt that is owed by the various developers to the CRA. There are records that are just not there. Board Member Sanchez: Second. Chairman Teele: Moved and seconded. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-37 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO RETAIN KPMG TO PROVIDE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES TO PROVIDE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES TO THE CRA AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000.00, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FROM NUMBER 689004.055011.4.356. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 45 CRA 5/22/00 RESOLUTION NO. OMNI/CRA 00-29 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO RETAIN KPMG TO PROVIDE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES TO PROVIDE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES TO THE CRA AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000.00, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 689004.550011.6.280. Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. 46 CRA 5/22/00 12. APPROVE CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION AUTHORIZING CRA TO APPOINT BRIAN HANKERSON AS COMPTROLLER OF THE CRA. Chairman Teele: A resolution designating a new comptroller. And would you read into the record the name of the comptroller, please. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Brian Hankerson. Chairman Teele: Is Mr. Hankerson present? Mr. Tyler: Yes, he is. Would you stand, Brian? Chairman Teele: Mr. Hankerson, would you come forward and give us your name and address for the record. And would you tell us whether or not you are a licensed certified public accountant. Brian Hankerson: Brian Hankerson, 1840 Northwest 167TH Street, Miami, Florida. I am a certified public accountant here in the State of Florida since 1982. Chairman Teele: One of the things coming out of the audit was that the auditors clearly stated that they would be much more comfortable with a certified public accountant serving as comptroller for the CRA. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman, what is our — what is this Board's obligation as it relates to any hire of the CRA? Chairman Teele: We don't — Board Member Winton: What is our assigned task? Chairman Teele: We can only ratify hirings. We cannot make hirings other than the Director of Operations and the Director of Planning. Board Member Winton: And we have to make sure that there are — that there's budgeted dollars available for individual positions or just in total? Chairman Teele: In total. In total. Board Member Winton: OK. So we — I just have to ask whether or not we have funds available in total salaries that will cover the cost of this new hire. Is that what I -- We need to know that then, right? William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): This is not hiring an employee. This is hiring a firm. Chairman Teele: That's not true. Board Member Sanchez: No. 47 CRA 5/22/00 (Inaudible comments) Mr. Tyler: No, it really — it's shown as a resolution, but this is really an appointment. I know (inaudible). Board Member Sanchez: How about he tells us a little bit about himself? Board Member Winton: Actually, it says "firm" here in this document. Chairman Teele: The resolution is wrong. I stated that. Board Member Winton: OK. Mr. Hankerson: Sure, I'd be happy to. I'm a Miami native, born in Miami. I've worked six years with Price Waterhouse coming out of college. I received my bachelor's degree in accounting, master's degree in taxation. While at Price Waterhouse, I worked in the auditing and international tax department. Leaving Price Waterhouse, I worked with Sharpton, Brunson and Company for eight years, headed up their tax and their consulting department. After leaving Sharpton and Brunson, I was the chief financial officer for a local development company, an urban organization. (Inaudible comments) Mr. Hankerson: Excuse me? Board Member Winton: What was that? Mr. Hankerson: Urban organization. That's a local — it was a local construction company. And subsequent to that, I've worked with my own firm, Hankerson and Associates, doing primarily consulting and tax work. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the opportunity to learn a little bit about his background, but I'm still — I don't want to get into the habit of focusing on issues that really aren't within the purview of this Board. So what we need to know, I guess, is whether or not this individual salary fits within the budget that's already been approved by the Board, the budget of the CRA already approved by the Board. Mr. Tyler: Commissioner — actually Board Member — we're taking on Mr. Hankerson on a part-time basis, so we are going to back into -- Chairman Teele: Is the answer "yes" or "no," that you have money? Mr. Tyler: Yes. Board Member Winton: It's "yes"? Chairman Teele: Yes. 48 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: OK. And so then what — we don't have to — Chairman Teele: We don't approve. Board Member Winton: We don't have to — Chairman Teele: We don't have to -- Under the resolutions, we have the right, if we choose to, to approve the hiring of employees. We've delegated that to the Director. However, I said that on the fiscal issue, we need to make sure that the comptroller has a relationship with us, so that if something is wrong, the comptroller knows that he can come to the Board directly, or to the Manager or anyone in the process. And I think it's very, very normal that the comptroller be given an opportunity to interface directly with the Board in corporations. And I want to extend that privilege to Mr. Hankerson. Board Member Winton: So the resolution that we need to pass — Chairman Teele: -- is to ratify the appointment of Mr. Hankerson as the CPA on a part-time — as the comptroller on a part-time basis, and working — what is it? — 20, 24 hours? Mr. Hankerson: We said 16 to 32 hours. Chairman Teele: Sixteen to 32 hours a week. Board Member Winton: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Winton. Board Member Sanchez: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those have the same right, oppose. 49 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-38 OMNI/CRA 00-30 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE HIRING OF BRIAN HANKERSON, AS A PART-IME CONTRACT EMPLOYEE OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA) TO ACT IN THE POSITION OF COMPTROLLER AND FURTHER REQUIRING THE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENTS TO PERSONALLY SIGN, OR COUNTERSIGN, ALL PURCHASE ORDERS, CONTRACTS AGREEMENTS AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS CREATING FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE CRA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: All right. Thank you, Mr. Hankerson. And again, we're looking to you to keep us informed of anything that you observe or that you think is not appropriate or proper from a fiscal point of view. And you have the right to meet with any Board Member on that without -- Obviously, you should advise the Director, but we want to make it very clear that we're holding you responsible under the Anti - Deficiency Act, even though it doesn't apply to this Agency. But I gave you a copy of it personally and asked that you would conform this Agency to the Anti -Deficiency. Mr. Hankerson: Thank you. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you. Board Member Sanchez: Thank you. 50 CRA 5/22/00 13. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AUTHORIZATION OF REVISIONS TO BUDGET OF CRA. Chairman Teele: Next item. Vice Chairman Gort: This is a detailed budget of the — Chairman Teele: I would ask that this item be deferred in the interest of time, and bring it back up at the next meeting. Board Member Sanchez: Which one is that one? Chairman Teele: The authorization to revise the budget. Board Member Sanchez: Revise the budget. OK. Chairman Teele: Yeah. Board Member Winton: Defer. Chairman Teele: Defer. Vice Chairman Gort: And my suggestion is defer and make sure you don't have opposition here in this budget, and make sure you show it. Chairman Teele: Right. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Thank you. I will. 51 CRA 5/22/00 14. UPDATE — ON STATUS OF NETWORK ACCESS POINT (NAP); RATIFYING COMMITMENT (CRA BOARD OF $750,000) FOR SAME; FURTHER REQUEST THAT A WORK PLAN BE ESTABLISHED INCLUDING CERTAIN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (I.E. ROADS AND SIDEWALKS) ASSOCIATED WITH PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS) SUITABLE FOR NETWORK AREA POINTS (NAP) TO BE DEVELOPED BY BRIAN GOODKIND, NORTHEAST OF THE ARENA IN OVERTOWN; FURTHER DIRECTION TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO ASSIST DEVELOPER IN ACQUIRING NEEDED PERMITS THROUGH CITY GOVERNMENT; FURTHER REQUESTING BOARD MEMBER WINTON TO CHAIR A COMMITTEE CHARGED WITH DEVELOPING A LIST OF INCENTIVES FOR TENANTS; FURTHER WAIVING CONFLICT REPRESENTED BY CRA COUNSEL, HOLLAND & KNIGHT, IN CERTAIN LEGAL MATTERS ON BEHALF OF CALOR DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MIAMI HEAT WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PROVIDING LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE CRA BOARD. Chairman Teele: All right. I would really like to move to the — just for a moment into the areas of the strategic planning. I note the presence of the Executive Vice President or Senior Vice President of the joint venture that is dealing with the NAP (Network Area Points), Item Number 15. And Mr. Goodkind, it's a pleasure to see you in our audience. If you would just introduce yourself for the record. What we'd like to do is just pull up Item Number 15 and get you to give us a little bit of insight or input on how you see us and where we're going on this NAP. Brian Goodkind: Thank you, Mr. Teele. My name is Brian Goodkind. I'm Executive Vice President of Terramark Worldwide. We are joint venture partners with Calor Development, which is a subsidiary of the Heat -- excuse me, I have a little bit of a cold — in the project known as the Technology Center of the Americas. Chairman Teele: Is your other partner here? I thought I saw him come in but — Mr. Goodkind: I don't believe so. Chairman Teele: Is Jay Cross here? Mr. Goodkind: I wasn't expecting him. The Technology Center of the Americas, as most of you probably know, is a 700,000 square foot telecommunications facility that we are developing with the Heat on a 3.4- acre City block immediately northeast of the old Arena. And Chairperson, I'm not sure exactly how much detail you want me to get into or what the exact subject of the meeting is. Board Member Regalado: What — sorry. What is that concept, when you say "telecommunications"? Mr. Goodkind: A telecommunications hotel, which is the generic concept, is a four to five structure, generally without windows, very large floor to ceiling floor plates, at least 14 feet, very large, low -bearing floors, climate- controlled with fiber optics that are brought into the building, fire suppression systems, raised ceil — raised floors, a variety of other infrastructure amenities that make them suitable for the housing of computer switches and routers for telecommunication companies, internet service providers and the like. Our particular facility is going to be one of the largest in Florida, and the largest ground -up construction of a telecommunications hotel in the country that we're aware of. Most of these are rehabs of 52 CRA 5/22/00 old buildings. But in various communities, we're running out of old buildings, so we're going to build them from the ground up now. We're going to use tool construction, which is something — you pour the slab on the ground, and you raise it up with a crane, and the whole building is built and ready to go with tenant improvements done in less than 12 months. Board Member Sanchez: In 12 months? Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Board Member Regalado: And parking for — how many employees would you think that you'll be using eventually? Mr. Goodkind: The telecommunications hotel itself is for computer switchers and routers. Board Member Regalado: Right. Mr. Goodkind: Very few employees actually in that building itself. Board Member Regalado: That's what I — right. Mr. Goodkind: What I believe is going to happen — and I don't know if Commissioner — if Chairperson Teele wants to get into it or not — what I believe is going to happen is that the NAP, the Network Access Point, is going to get located, if not in this building, in the immediate vicinity, due to a lot of pressures that are going on in the private sector right now. And there will be an enormous number of jobs created in the periphery service industry to support all of this. But inside this building itself, very few actual people will be working. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: My question is are you setting this up for the NAP or to provide service once the NAP is created? Mr. Goodkind: We're building our building as a telecom. hotel. It is suitable to house the NAP. We would like to have the NAP if the NAP ends up being there, but we're building our building with or without the NAP. Vice Chairman Gort: Without it. So you don't have a tenant right now for your building? Mr. Goodkind: We have — we are in conversations with several telecommunication companies. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Mr. Goodkind: We do not have a signed lease today. 53 CRA 5/22/00 Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. Chairman Teele: There is no backup in here. I know that — who has this, Commissioner? Mr. Judy or you? Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): What the Chairman — I mean, excuse me — the head of the committee is Mr. — Johnny is responsible. We met today for our first meeting on the NAP. Board Member Sanchez: This is just an update. Chairman Teele: All right. Let me try to refresh the CRA's recollection, and Brian, please correct me if I'm wrong. We undertook about four months ago, under B&A's (Bermello, Ajamil and Partners) contract with their economist, Mr. Paul Lambert, to update on the NAP, based upon input that we had received from the legislature, from Chairman Rojas, which indicated that a NAP, a Network Area — Network Access Point, is needed for Latin America, the Caribbean and South America. And it's going to be built somewhere. Unfortunately and fortunately, Government has nothing to do with the designation of a NAP, neither the Secretary of Commerce, or the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), or the Governor. It's a voluntary arrangement between the top 15, 20 or so top tier carriers who come together voluntarily and make that decision. You recall that we received a long report -- I think we were at the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) Board meeting -- on the NAP, and there's a lot of literature being circulated on that. Unfortunately, the — this is sort of like mercury. It just sort of flows, and nobody really knows the starting point or the stopping point, and it's more like, I guess, a floating crap game than a science. But the NAP very well could be built in San Jose, California. It could very well be built in Austin, Texas, or in a telecommunications or high intellect per capita location, anywhere along the southern coast. I think we all agree on that. Most people in this State believe that the NAP will be either in Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, or Miami -Dade County. And in that regard, the legislature has just passed a bill that provides incentives for the equipment of about fifty-five million dollars ($55,000,000), waiving all sales tax for the NAP. What this Center of the Americas is, is it is a possible venue for the NAP, possible venue for the NAP. In other words, they're assuming that the NAP is going to be designated. They're assuming it's going to be designated in downtown Miami, Park West/Overtown area, and they're going to go ahead and move forward with the construction. Just so that it's very clear — and Commissioner Gort, this is very important from the DDA point of view — we are in a very real competition with a site in West Dade that is a very logical site for the NAP, and that is a site that is under the control of, I guess, Grandmit (phonetic) or — Mr. Goodkind: BellSouth. Chairman Teele: -- BellSouth in conjunction with Florida East Cost, Grandmit activities or any — Mr. Goodkind: No, sir, I don't think Florida East Coast or Grandmit has anything to do with that. Chairman Teele: Florida East Cost is not going to be -- Mr. Goodkind: Actually, their property is downtown. Board Member Winton: Not with that building. 54 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: OK. Not with that building. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: In any event, there are several venues. Fortunately, the company that Mr. Goodkind represents also controls the most logical site in Palm Beach, which is the old IBM (International Business Machines). Mr. Goodkind: The Blue Lake Facility. Chairman Teele: The Blue Lake Facility. So I think we can safely say you're not going to be against yourself on the NAP there. The whole essence of this is the following: When the NAP companies or when the company is designated, it's a question of how fast you can get the facility up; is that a fair statement? And time is really the real issue here, as well as location? Mr. Goodkind: I think not only how fast we can get the facility up, the location is important, but how fast we start getting the facility up. What's happened to date, over the last several months, is there's been a lot of talking an no action. So our game plan is if you build it, they will come type of scenario. Chairman Teele: So you all are — you're getting at risk to do this thing. Mr. Goodkind: Yes, exactly. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Regalado. Board Member Regalado: I was listening to you and to him, but I remember what happened before the City Commission, I think one or two years ago, when we lost Channel 6 to Broward. I think — (inaudible) Board Member Regalado: Yes, it was. No, but you know, I think — Board Member Winton: I knew that was coming. Board Member Regalado: I think, Johnny, at that time, at that time, the City Commission wasn't that helpful to you, so you can bring, you know, the people some goods that the City Commission ... And I think that if we don't move and do something more aggressive, well, they might go somewhere. But I'll tell you something. I'll tell you something. I think that from the image point of view or the perception point of view, the fact of Miami being a bilingual, trilingual, tri-cultural, multi -cultural City, the fact that you are close to downtown where all the big things are happening or going to happen, I think that at least this will be, from the perception point of view — I mean, any building can house that computer anywhere in the United States. We all know that. But in terms of being the Port of the Americas, and the fact that you have people that understand the hemisphere, if we do something — I don't know what — the Chairman 55 CRA 5/22/00 has written a letter, and I think it's very appropriate that he has done that, and I think that we should pursue that. I think that we can win it and — but if we are not aggressive, then you guys will have just another building. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: We've had several meetings with DDA. We've talked to the (inaudible) the committee that's getting all those people, and they're talking to all those people, and they're having a meeting. Mr. Goodkind: (inaudible)Committee. Vice Chairman Gort: I don't know which committee it was. My understanding is, and the bottom line, gentlemen, is how much technical and economic assistance we can provide. And the bottom line is who's going to save money. And they're going to go to the site which is the best for them and they save the most money. We made a commitment in the DDA that we will do everything possible. We also had a meeting with several of the City staff, to put a package together, along with what the CRA had committed where we can offer these individuals the technical and economic incentive. And let me you, I think we have enough economic incentives to bring those people down to this area here. I think what we should do is — I agree with Tomas Regalado on this. We got to put all those incentives together and present a package to them. And I think that will bring them together, because right now, all they're doing is talking, because nobody has presented something to them. I think if we can put a package to them where they can be a part of it, because my understanding is what they wanted to do is -- the ones in the past have been built by Government — what they want to do now is they want to build them through the private sector. So they don't want to be doing a joint venture with you all if we have enough incentive in there. And what do we need here? Chairman Teele: Well, this is what we need — Vice Chairman Gort: Do we need a motion or — Chairman Teele: We need a motion, first of all, to ratify the commitment on behalf of the CRA of at least seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000). Vice Chairman Gort: Move it. Chairman Teele: Before we do, let me just say, which is primarily to assist in the cost of fees that will be paid by the developer to the City of Miami. In addition, we're looking for a work plan from Mr. Goodkind of the other kinds of incentives, such as road improvement, open space, sidewalk amenities and those kinds of things that can be put together under a neat package, which we are at this point pegging at seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000). The importance of this is this: The Manager has directed very quickly, and put one of the Assistant Managers, Mr. Rollason in direct contact with them. And basically, what they need is support in terms of moving things through the system, getting things expedited. To the extent that we give them a grant for their building fees, and they pay the building fees 56 CRA 5/22/00 back to the City, it's — and the City's giving us money, it's really a wash. And it's the kind of unique incentives that we can provide that the City can't provide, because the City can't waive their fees, in effect. It winds up sort of looking like a waiver, but it's not a waiver. They will have to pay their fees. And the reason we can do it is if they build a hundred million dollar ($100,000,000) facility that they're proposing, they're directly going to dramatically increase the value of the Tax Increment District. So all of the property taxes they pay will come back into it. So that's the reason for the seven fifty commitment. And I apologize. Under the Sunshine Law, I didn't discuss it, but I hope you know that the Mayor and others have expressed strong support, and Commissioner Gort has moved the support. Is there a second? Board Member Regalado: I'll second it. I'd just say, Mr. Chairman, to win the Florida Lottery, there is one in fourteen million possibilities. So really, we are — we're taking this chance. And I just think that the possibilities are better and bigger on your side, but I do think, I do think, Mr. Chairman that if we make a commitment, we have to come through with the infrastructure in terms of streets and sidewalks, because, I mean, people would like to visit that site. And we can't afford for somebody from falling from the sidewalk. So I'm just concerned. Chairman Teele: On the motion, Commissioner Gort, Commissioner Sanchez, Commissioner Winton. Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding is this is within the Empowerment Zone, also. Am I correct? Mr. Goodkind: It's within the Empowerment Zone. It's within the Enterprise Zone. Vice Chairman Gort: All right. So with all those, there's additional economic incentives and technical incentives that can be applied to this so you can make the presentation to the right people. Mr. Goodkind: That's correct, Commissioner. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: I would like to see a plan and see exactly what we're going to benefit out of this. I know we're going to get jobs. And we're basically gambling on something that I am not prepared to — and this is just me speaking — commit seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) or up to one point five million dollars ($1.5 million). Very clearly, not having all the facts and not studying the issue, I right now would — I'm prepared to vote no on this issue. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Winton. Board Member Winton: Well, I wasn't expecting that comment so I might, if you don't mind, address that, Commissioner Sanchez' concern there and then ask my own question. I think that — Chairman Teele: Before — while you're doing that, would somebody on the staff calculate what a hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) pays annually to the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) on an annual basis forever while they're doing that? 57 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Right. You're making a good point. Chairman Teele: Because I think that's the question -- Board Member Winton: Absolutely right. Mr. Richard Judy: Using 16 mils? Chairman Teele: Using ten mils — nine mils. Board Member Winton: Nine and a half. Chairman Teele: Nine mils. Mr. Goodkind: Chairman Teele, if I might, it's a lot more than a hundred million dollars ($100,000,000). A hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) is the shell of the building. Chairman Teele: I understand that. That doesn't include any of the tenant improvements, right? Mr. Goodkind: Exactly. Chairman Teele: I want to deal with the issue that Commissioner Sanchez is — 16 mils is fine, yeah, it's the City and the County. Board Member Winton: Yeah. So in — Chairman Teele: Who's doing it? Board Member Winton: What's going on in the technology world, Commissioner Sanchez, particularly in this arena, there is significant competition for getting the NAP established. The Governor has appointed his own task force to focus on getting a NAP in Florida. And that task force's at least preliminary recommendation is that the NAP be located in South Florida, and more particularly, in Miami. And there were representatives from West Palm Beach, from Broward and Dade County Governments. Chairman Teele: About a hundred and sixty thousand. Board Member Sanchez: Johnny — Vice Chairman Gort: One point six. Board Member Winton: Well, I'll finish after they — Board Member Sanchez: Johnny, and what assurance do we have that it'll be Miami? Board Member Winton: I'm going to get to that. 58 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Hold it, hold it. Board Member Winton: Are we ready? Chairman Teele: Commissioner, I think Sanchez has raised a very valid question. First of all, we have no assurance that the NAP will go into South Florida or in this location. What we do have assurances of is that a hundred million dollar ($100,000,000) building is going to be built in the Redevelopment District, the TIF. It is the only significant construction that will take place or that has to — that will be taking place, if you understand that the American Airlines Arena is on the other side of the street, which may as well be in West Dade as far as the Tax Increment Fund is concerned. In addition, it's a municipal facility, so it bears no tax burden. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: If the hundred million ($100,000,000) facility is built, plus the tenant improvements -- this thing could go a hundred and fifty and higher — at 16 mils, that will generate one point six million dollars ($1.6 million). Board Member Winton: Annually. Chairman Teele: Annually, of new dollars. And right now, we're tinkering around between a hundred thousand, if you look at the first chart, a year and three hundred thousand. So the difference — I mean, we get our money back in one year. We get our money back plus in one year. But more importantly, we get our money back from the City, because all we're really doing is facilitating for the City the ability for them to pay their permitting fees and other fees which they would have to pay the City anyway. And the City, of course, is free, if they choose to, to reimburse us back, so it winds up being a wash. So there's really no economic impact to the City other than the fact that we wind up in the long run getting a hundred and fifty million dollar ($150,000,000), a hundred million dollar ($100,000,000) building and we contribute seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000), which will generate well in excess of a million and a half per year. Per year. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding is this group, the reason they're getting together is because they would like to be a part — like I said before, this has been built by the Government in other locations. This is going to be built by the private sector. And I think the more incentives that this company has in dealing with these individuals — we're giving them a lot of leverage to take the competition away from any other places. I think what could happen is — and I'm sure you as businesspeople -- and they would probably like to be a part of the project themselves. They might want to have some investment themselves. So that's something that you all would have to figure out. But by having the economic incentive, I think it would give you a great leverage to negotiate. Go for it. 59 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Yeah. And I see virtually no risk to the City. The risk is what the developer that's going to — Chairman Teele: Absolutely. Board Member Winton: -- put this building up spec And whether it turns into the NAP or whether it's just a major telecom hotel, there will still be significant value coming to our city. So a seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar ($750,000) up front investment to get a return of — let's say it's only a million dollars ($1,000,000) a year because the value doesn't get there some way or another. That's a heck of a lot of — that's a great return in anybody's book. Chairman Teele: Mr. Clerk, would you call the roll. Board Member Winton: One question, though. My question that I was going to ask is we need to make sure — and I don't — I can't tell this from what I'm looking at — that we have — where does the seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) come from? Chairman Teele: The seven hundred and fifty thousand comes from unrestricted funds. Board Member Winton: That we have? Chairman Teele: That we have. And again, the idea is, is that the City will reimburse us the funds coming back around anyway. So it's seven hundred and fifty thousand of unrestricted funds that will go to this initially. But what we're hoping to get is a plan from him, and then we'll back out the unrestricted funds those things that are CD (Community Development) eligible. Vice Chairman Gort: You might not need that much. Chairman Teele: Those things that are CD eligible, like road improvements, sidewalk improvements, those kinds of things. Vice Chairman Gort: You have the impact fee within that area, also. Chairman Teele: Yeah. And the impact fee. Board Member Winton: So — but it comes from unrestricted funds. Chairman Teele: Unrestricted funds initially, and they will -- as Mr. Goodkind's company provides us with a work plan of how they will use that, we'll try to determine the availability — I mean the appropriateness of CD funds. Board Member Winton: OK. Mr. Goodkind: Commissioner Teele, if I could. In addition to what you're talking about, which you have touched upon, more important than what you're doing for the building itself is what you could do for potential tenants who are willing to locate there, because that's what lures in the NAP. 60 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Before you get to that, I want to pass this, and then I'll give them the rest of the news. Mr. Clerk, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-39 A RESOLUTION I) AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO ALLOCATE $750,000.00 OF UNRESTRICTED CRA FUNDS, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") FEES, ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CREATION OF OPEN SPACE AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY KNOWN AS THE "TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS" TO BE DEVELOPED BY BRIAN GOODKIND ("DEVELOPER") AND LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA ("ARENA") IN THE OVERTOWN SUBAREA OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA, AND II) DIRECTING THE CRA ADMINISTRATION TO ASSIST THE DEVELOPER TO ACQUIRE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FROM THE CITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Now, I've asked Commissioner Winton if he would chair a committee, in hopes that the DDA would look to Commissioner Winton and MSEA (Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority) would look to Winton. The Mayor obviously wants to be directly a part of this, as he said, from the City's point of view. We need to try to develop by Thursday's Commission meeting a list of other incentives for the tenants, and we need to do that, hopefully, in conjunction with the developer and with the City's 61 CRA 5/22/00 Community Development Office and others. Again, I think that the CRA can't lose in this effort if the NAP were to be here. And I would imagine that a lot of those concessions would be first of all tiered based upon the NAP being here. And then if the NAP is here, I think you almost have an unlimited budget of five to ten million dollars ($10,000,000). If the -- If this is strictly based upon the building, I think we have to be a lot more conservative. Remember the study that Paul Lambert presented to us. If the NAP is designated, we can expect one -- "B" -- billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) of construction in the close proximity of the NAP. MCI, Worldcom, Telefonica or whomever the big companies are, they're going to want — many of them are going to want to have their own offices and their own facilities. And I think, Mr. Goodkind, you all would admit that you'll only be able to accommodate some small percentage of all of the telecommunications — Mr. Goodkind: A very small percentage. And I personally believe — Chairman Teele: About 15 percent. Board Member Winton: So we need to have a meeting then with — I need to have a meeting with staff of the CRA. Mr. Goodkind, I understand you could provide us some technical assistance in terms of thinking through who these companies might be. Mr. Goodkind: I can. Board Member Winton: And who else should be at that meeting if we're going to do it before Thursday, Mr. Chairman? Chairman Teele: Certainly, Mr. Rollason, who the Manager has designated, because I really do think one of the incentives they're going to be looking for is just the government not to slow them down. Board Member Winton: And someone — OK, great, yeah. Vice Chairman Gort: And someone from DDA. Chairman Teele: DDA. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: As well as — Vice Chairman Gort: So they have a (inaudible). Board Member Winton: OK. And can I ask staff to pull this meeting together and contact my office first thing in the morning, so we can get the meeting set up? Chairman Teele: Mr. Judy? Mr. Judy is having that? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Yes. 62 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: OK. Mr. Goodkind, are there any other issues that you'd like to — I'm sorry. Mr. Bloom. William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): Mr. Chairman, I want to disclose a conflict -- Chairman Teele: Can you get — the Clerk can't hear you, unfortunately. Mr. Bloom: Yes. I'd like to disclose a conflict that Holland and Knight has in representing the CRA Board in connection with this particular matter as it goes to incentives. Holland and Knight has also served, and I personally have served as counsel to Calor Development in connection with the negotiation of — Chairman Teele: Who is Calor Development? That's the — Mr. Bloom: That's the Heat entity. Chairman Teele: All right. In that matter could -- Would you just recuse yourself on the incentive matters? And we'll rely upon the City Attorney. Mr. Bloom: OK. The reason I'm bringing it up is Mr. Judy, unaware of my representation, has had my partner, David Cardwell working on some availabilities of — incentives that are available. And so the question is whether the CRA Board is willing to waive the conflict. Chairman Teele: Motion to waive the conflict — Vice Chairman Gort: So move. Chairman Teele: -- by Commissioner Gort. Is there a second? Second by the Chair. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-40 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO WAIVE THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST OF HOLLAND & KNIGHT, LLP ("H&K") WITH RESPECT TO ITS SIMULTANEOUS REPRESENTATION OF CALOR DEVELOPMENT ("CALOR") AND THE CRA IN CONNECTION WITH THE NETWORK AREA POINTS ("NAP") PROJECT. 63 CRA 5/22/00 Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: Board Member Tomas Regalado Chairman Teele: So you all are free to continue to work, but please coordinate closely with the City. And Mr. Clerk, make sure that that disclaimer that notice is in the minutes. Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, if I may, I just want to ask one more question. This is to the City. Mr. City Manager, do we have the funds available or we'll have to — for the tenants? Mr. Carlos Gimenez(City Manager): Depends on what those incentives are. And I need to get some kind of number, and then we've got to take a look at the budget and see if it's available or not. Chairman Teele: He has nothing to do with this budget. Vice Chairman Gort: That's our budget. That's the CRA budget. Chairman Teele: He has nothing to do with this -- Vice Chairman Gort: That's our budget. Board Member Sanchez: Didn't you say that all the incentives the City will pay — Chairman Teele: No. No. What we want the City Manager to do is hear that we're going to pay the permit fees, so that when we — let's assume — what's a good number, Mr. Manager and Mr. Rollason on permitting fees for — and impact fees to the City, to the City for a hundred million dollar ($100,000,000) project? Mr. Frank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): It's up there. Board Member Winton: "It's up there," he said. I was going to say that — Chairman Teele: Three quarters of a million dollars. So right there, we know that three hundred and forty — three hundred — seven hundred and fifty million dollars in fees — Board Member Sanchez: Seven hundred and fifty thousand. Chairman Teele: I thought it was a half a million. 64 CRA 5/22/00 Mr. Goodkind: But you'll make seven hundred and fifty million here. Chairman Teele: I thought it was a half a million. Mr. Rollason: I think you're closer to a million. Chairman Teele: In any event, we will make the funds available from unrestricted funds. We're then going to be asking the Manager when — in the budget cycle next year or whenever we make this if he would give us some consideration in giving us, rather than two hundred and seventy-nine thousand of general funds, if he would consider giving us two seventy-nine plus the seven fifty or whatever those numbers are. Board Member Winton: But that's a different issue than — OK. You under — because there's one — this is one set of incentives just to get this project going now. Board Member Sanchez: And there'll be others. Board Member Winton: We're going -- Right. What -- I am meeting with the staff and everybody to figure out a separate incentive package for all of the tenants. Vice Chairman Gort: Additional and separate incentive package, correct. Yes. Board Member Winton: Right, right. Board Member Sanchez: But is the question in the long run going to be are we going to look for the City to reimburse the CRA? Chairman Teele: We'll make the request, but they are not obliged to do it. Board Member Sanchez: Then that should be spoken, because, you know, the City is going to buy the cake and the CRA is going to eat it all the time. Board Member Winton: Good point. If the City — if the — this is a discussion for another day. Chairman Teele: Another discussion, yeah. You know — yeah. Board Member Regalado: Let me tell you, let me tell you, I don't think that we should discuss where the money is coming from or the money that's getting back to us or whatever for one reason. The important thing is that eventually, the media and the specialized media will report that the City of Miami through the CRA is willing to put up almost one million dollars ($1,000,000) and more, just in case that we need it, to bring this thing here. Board Member Winton: Right. 65 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Regalado: And I'm pretty sure that it will be the first City or the first entity that has done that in order to bring the NAP, so — or maybe other cities have. Board Member Winton: Absolutely. Board Member Regalado: And I guess that we've got to compete with them. Board Member Winton: Right. Board Member Regalado: Remember; remember what cities do for political conventions? I mean, they spend millions and millions and millions in dollars. Vice Chairman Gort: And let me tell you the difference. All the other facilities have been built by the Government. The government is the one that built it, and then brought the people in. Board Member Winton: So this is costing us a lot less, and still, hopefully, gets the people. Mr. Goodkind: Right. Vice Chairman Gort: OK? Chairman Teele: Brian, we hope that you will get to Commissioner Winton and to all of us before the Thursday meeting, because I think it's really important that the City of Miami Commission pass a resolution in support of the NAP in the downtown area, and anything else that you think would be helpful, because at the end of the day, nobody in Madrid or in Rome knows about the DDA, and the CRA, and the Vice Chairman Gort: Or the Enterprise Zone. Chairman Teele: Or the Enterprise. All they know is, is that the Mayor, and the Commission, and the business community are all together, and they want us to come, and it would be great if we can get a letter that's got about five signatures of — six signatures, the Mayor and Commission, everybody saying we want you to come, here is a resolution and here are some incentives, and this, that, and the other, because at the end of the day, it's all one City, one community. And this area has lagged behind now for 20 some years. I mean, 20 years. If you look at the Tax District, it's very clear what's happened. And it cost the City of Miami money. All right? So thank you. Mr. Goodkind: Thank you, Commissioners. Commissioner Winton -- Chairman Teele: In that regard — Mr. Goodkind: I'm sorry. Commissioner Winton, if you'll let me know when the meeting is, I will be there. Board Member Winton: Mr. Chairman, who from staff is going to lead getting this meeting put up tomorrow, put together? 66 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: Dick Judy is — Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: -- a planning function, Dick Judy is on that. Board Member Winton: That's fine. Chairman Teele: The Manager's person — I guess the Department of — Board Member Winton: Call me in the morning. Chairman Teele: The Department of Economic Development. But the DDA Chairman has got those folks out in -- Board Member Winton: I just need to know who is going to coordinate this. Chairman Teele: -- has everybody out west at the Shopping Center Convention. Mr. Judy: You're going to be at your office? Board Member Winton: Yes, in the morning. (Inaudible comments) Board Member Winton: We'll probably use the COW (Committee of the Whole) Room. Mr. Goodkind: Thank you. Board Member Winton: Thank you. All right. 67 CRA 5/22/00 15. UPDATE REGARDING STATUS OF ALTERNATIVE SITES FOR MARLINS PARK; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CRA DIRECTOR FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, ALONG WITH CONSULTANTS TO PREPARE A REPORT TO CRA BOARD WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS REGARDING MARLINS PARK; FURTHER REQUESTING MR. RICHARD JUDY AND ROBERT TYLER TO MEET WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHICH IS CHAIRED BY COMMISSIONER REGALADO AND MAKE A PUBLIC PRESENTATION TO SAID COMMITTEE ON ITS RECOMMENDED PROPOSED MARLINS PARK. Chairman Teele: OK. Number 12, Dick, do you have any update on the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Board on the alternate site for the Marlins Stadium? You need the microphone, please. Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): Sure. We will be prepared at the next meeting to give a report. Board Member Sanchez: What? Vice Chairman Gort: A report was introduced by the committee. The committee — it was just approved by the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) Board on this Friday, and they're just going to pass it out to the Commissioners. Chairman Teele: Now, the DDA — the DDA Board has voted. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Chairman Teele: And you all have voted on what site? Vice Chairman Gort: On the — When you look at all the numbers and you look at all the information, there's only one site that made sense at that time, because we were told to select — to select between two sites. Chairman Teele: We don't have an easel? Vice Chairman Gort: Park West/Overtown and the Bicentennial. And all the numbers and all the benefits, it looked like the Bicentennial was the ideal site for that. Chairman Teele: Well, what I'm going to do is request that the Director of Planning, jointly with the Director of Operations, jointly with the consultants, B&A (Bermello, Ajamil and Partners) to prepare a report to the CRA Board based upon your recommendations, the CRA's recommendations within the next two weeks so that that can be reviewed. And I'm specifically going to request that you all get with the City Economic Development Committee under the leadership of Commissioner Regalado and others, and make a public presentation to them as to what your recommendations are, as well. Vice Chairman Gort: At the same time, we gave the information that the City Commission passed a resolution where they named a committee, which committee; I think they had one meeting already. They're going to have other meetings. But they're going to be looking for all the — and everybody has 68 CRA 5/22/00 been invited to be a participant of this committee — look at all the different projects that could take place within that Bicentennial Park, and then that will come in front of us later on. Board Member Sanchez: Which committee was that, that you're talking about? Which committee? Unidentified speaker: Your committee. The one you (inaudible) Board Member Sanchez: Oh. So we're putting them all together. Chairman Teele: All right. Can we expect that report, Dick, in two weeks or so? Sir? Mr. Judy: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. Judy: (inaudible) Chairman Teele: No, that's your report. We're asking them to prepare us a report to the CRA. You all recommend this site and — all right. 69 CRA 5/22/00 16. REPORT BY WILLY BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND PARTNERS REGARDING STUDY AND PLAN FOR A SPORTS FACILITY PEDESTRIAN MALL. Chairman Teele: All right. We received a request, an oral request from the Heat regarding a pedestrian mall. One of the big challenges — and I think, you know, discussion regarding the NAP (Network Area Point) underscores this — is that the Miami Arena has been built. Miami -Dade is building now — what is this? — about a fifteen hundred car garage? And yet the citizens that come to this place are running around like jackrabbits in the woods. I mean, there is no continuity. It's terrible. I think, you know, we look terrible. I mean, part of the reason that we didn't win the game is that we shouldn't win, the way we're treating our people, I believe. I mean, I was really embarrassed. I was really embarrassed at how bad the traffic flows. And Chief, I don't know if you've looked at it but — Board Member Winton: It's terrible. Chairman Teele: -- it's terrible, I mean. And even -- one of the things that somebody in the City needs to look at is right there where the parking garage is; we ought to even look at some kind of pedestrian over walk to go into that. I mean, the thing is just a mess. The Heat has made a proposal. This is their drawing, is that right, Alfredo, primarily? Alfredo Sanchez: Right. Chairman Teele: So why don't you just take the mike and just go through what they would like to see. We're not committed to anything, but they've asked us to look at it. And this is the — Item 13, the study of a planned sports facility pedestrian mall. Mr. Sanchez: Yes. For the record, my name is Alfredo Sanchez. I'm a partner with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners. Let me just show you what the idea has been. First of all, to create a pedestrian mall to connect both the existing Miami Arena and the proposed American Airlines Arena through Seventh Street. This would imply the condemnation of substantial amounts of properties along that edge, and the creation of a — of a plaza to be able to create a focal point for the development of Park West and to connect to the existing parking area proposed in the — that's being built in the Sixth Street and Northeast First Avenue for Miami -Dade. This is one option that we have been looking at building, is this mall along this edge. Another option that we've looked at and — I'm sorry. Another option that we have looked at is the Eighth Street. Chairman Teele: Get that hand-held mike for him, please. Mr. Sanchez: Building — looking at doing the same connection through Eighth Street and seeing what the amount of properties that would have to be — the amount of property that would have to be taken to be able to create also this type of connection. Of course, this is has a disadvantage that it's further from the existing parking structure here on Miami Avenue and First Street, and First Avenue and Sixth Street. So that poses that limiting factor. There's also been some talk of filling in part of this basin and still creating a little basin out here. One issue to be dealt with would be the Ninth Street Mall and how it would connect from the Ninth Street Mall to the American Airlines Arena and to the Miami Arena. By the way, this is the site that is being proposed for the technology facility, the site between Eighth Street and Ninth, and between Miami Avenue and First Avenue. 70 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Regalado: Is this what the Heat is planning, in terms of restaurants and expanding, or this is different? Chairman Teele: The Heat is looking at Seventh Street, the other one. Show him the other one. That's what the Heat gave us. Mr. Sanchez: Now, if you look at this, and if you look at this, all the examples (inaudible) you could create something really, really interesting here if you went and did this, you know. And in Europe, when they create a lot of these boulevards — I'm sorry. Vice Chairman Gort: I only have one question. Who is going to pay for this? Mr. Sanchez: Well, we haven't really addressed this yet. Vice Chairman Gort: I mean, we've been very, very good to the Heat. And you know what we can do? About ten or 15 years ago, someone came up with a plan, which maybe you can work into, in that area to create what was called the Walk of the Americas, which was to create an entertainment center with the different restaurants, and the different flavors for all the different countries in South, Latin American and Europeans, and the Caribbean, where there could be sort of a mall, an attraction to that area. And this is something that might fit there. But my understanding at that time, the — we would work with them, but we would do RFQ's (Requests for Qualifications) and the private sector would be coming in to do that. Mr. Sanchez: And I think your ideas, your comments are well taken. I think perhaps a strip like this, which is about 150 feet deep, you don't need a mall that deep, so you could, you know, get restaurants and put all the uses in there. That's something that I was alluding to when I was talking about some of the European examples. Vice Chairman Gort: And the good thing about that is not only will it be used during the Heat games, it'll be used constantly. That could be — especially the entertainment center going out and being developed within that area. I think this could be really — could really bring and expand the entertainment center. Mr. Sanchez: And adding to that also, there's the fact of these parcels here are relatively shallow, about 150 feet, that don't lend themselves to large intensity development, which is something we'd like to for -- for Park West. And we also have the railway line here that it's right behind this, so you — the parcels are relatively of little use. Vice Chairman Gort: The other thing you can do and they do in a lot of other countries in Europe and Latin America is after 6 o'clock, you close it to traffic and become a pedestrian mall. Mr. Sanchez: Absolutely. But I think also, going back to what we were talking about, I think all — throughout all these plans for Park West, there's a need to create some kind of identifying space. And I think perhaps this is what this is alluding to, that we need to create a space that will identify Park West and create that kind of a — 71 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: All right. That is the plan that the Heat is interested in doing. That's Item Number 13. Item Number 14 very briefly — (Inaudible comment) Chairman Teele: I think the point that — you should have thrown out a number. What's the number to acquire that land there? Four million, five million? Mr. Sanchez: More than that, sir. This land here is about 285,000 square feet with the plaza. Without the plaza, we're talking about these two blocks, 79,000 square feet, about maybe eight million at a hundred dollars ($100) a square feet. Board Member Sanchez: The whole thing? Mr. Sanchez: No, no. Board Member Winton: Not the whole? Mr. Sanchez: Only these two blocks. If you're talking about the whole thing, you're talking about around twenty-eight million dollars ($28,000,000). OK? Chairman Teele: All right. And I — I mean, I think it's important that we, as the people who are responsible for trying to work with development, our job is to work with the private sector. And that is what makes the Development Authority different from any other governmental agency, is that we're here to support the private landowners, because our goal is to increase property values. And that's the challenge. So I think we should continue a dialogue. We should ask the Heat to come in. But I wanted the Board to at least be aware of it, because these are their drawings, pretty much, and they're looking at them in a lot of different circles, a lot of different lights. Board Member Winton: Well, frankly, if the Heat's interested in doing that, and the lot sizes are already designed for the small restaurant thing, then put eight million dollars ($8,000,000) down and build a bunch of restaurants. Vice Chairman Gort: And then sell it. Board Member Winton: Yeah. So we can provide infrastructure improvement to make the streetscape look better. But — Chairman Teele: I don't disagree with you, but redevelopment — Board Member Winton: Well, let me — Chairman Teele: Look at Hollywood. If you look at redevelopment, the malls — the most, the most beautiful example of redevelopment is the Pennsylvania Avenue redevelopment. All of the redevelopment, the public amenities are done essentially by the redevelopment authorities. That's the role. It's not to try to build restaurants and the clubs, but to build the public amenities that makes it 72 CRA 5/22/00 different. And even in Hollywood, if you'd just go up to Hollywood, they have done a wonderful job of taking land and reusing it, and creating the kind of effect — and I just think we need to take a very broader view. Even though we don't have the money, as we build the Tax Increment District, we will have the funds to do some of this. Board Member Winton: But it seems to me when we get into the business of creating better public space Chairman Teele: Right. Board Member Winton: -- in Park West that it has to be part of a master plan for Park West and for that whole Overtown/ Park West area, not just — just this idea kind of stuck in the middle of everything all at once. Chairman Teele: And Johnny, that's the frailty in where we are. We're sitting here trying to get, you know, the thing right -sides -up. But at the same time, the private landowners, like the Heat, are hiring consultants. This is their plan. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: This is not our plan. And we need to be able to respond to them, and we, quite frankly, need to be able to respond to them positively to the extent that they want to spend money. But this is designed so that you don't see this in a Miami Herald or somewhere; at least you know this is what they're proposing in your redevelopment area. Board Member Winton: Well, it seems to me, then, that our message should be to the Heat. If they're interested in spending private sector dollars for private sector development, then we're interested, as the Community Development Agency, in providing the appropriate kind of infrastructure support to make their private development successful. Chairman Teele: And unfortunately, if you take, that position which I want to take, the amenities, such as a mall would be on our side of the equation, not theirs. And the problem with that is we don't have the money. If this were a successful TIF (Tax Increment Fund), if we had four or five million dollars ($5,000,000), then we could look at something like this. Board Member Winton: If I had four or five million, I could do a lot more with my business. 73 CRA 5/22/00 17. DIRECT CRA STAFF TO FACILITATE CREATION OF PARK WEST CIVIC ASSOCIATION — CHAIRMAN TEELE STRESSES TO CRA STAFF THAT CONSISTENT WITH THE ORIGINAL PHILOSOPHY AS IT PERTAINS TO THE SPECIAL LIGHTING DISTRICT, TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID DISTRICT MOVES FORWARD THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO CREATE THE SAME IN OVERTOWN. Chairman Teele: All right. One of the other things is Number 14, is that the Heat — and this is largely being driven by the Heat and their efforts. And again, they're putting their money where their mouth is in the context that they are a joint venture partner on the NAP (Network Area Point), and they're putting the land in on that deal. They are very interested in — Board Member Winton: Special tax lighting — Chairman Teele: -- in moving something forward to get something done in Park West. Again, pedestrian amenities. The Special Lighting Tax District and the Special Security District are two ideas that have been thrown around. One of the things that I wanted to ask the staff to do in meeting with them is to insure that the original — I don't want to use the word "foray," necessarily, but the original philosophy which was articulated by the Mayor, who created this agency and created all of this, which is that Park West and Overtown, that portion of it would be joined. And anything that they do in Park West, we want to continue that. That has been the cornerstone of the Commission policy for 20 years. And so, you know, to the extent that they want to create a Lighting District, we want them to create the same district in the redevelopment portions of Overtown. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. Attorney. Board Member Regalado: Which, Mr. Chairman, just briefly, brings me back to the idea of using some of the parking lots for the Heat season. And I think that the lighting will be enhanced, you know, that — that facility that they are going to use. So it benefits all. Chairman Teele: It benefits all. 74 CRA 5/22/00 18. REPORT REGARDING STATUS OF CAMILLUS HOUSE GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 FROM CDBG FUNDS FOR PLANNING AND DESIGN OF PROPOSED RELOCATION OF CAMILLUS HOUSE OR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CURRENT FACILITY; FURTHER CREATING A CAMILLUS HOUSE FUND RAISING COMMITTEE; FURTHER DESIGNATING BOARD MEMBER REGALADO AS ITS CHAIRPERSON OR LIAISON; FURTHER REQUESTING BOARD MEMBER REGALADO TO ASSIST CAMILLUS HOUSE IN OBTAINING ACCESS TO RADIO AND TELEVISION; REQUIRING EACH BOARD MEMBER TO APPOINT ONE MEMBER AND THE MAYOR TO HAVE UNLIMITED APPOINTMENTS; URGING SAID COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH CRA BOARD, DIRECTORS OF CAMILLUS HOUSE, MIAMI- DADE CHAMBER, ETC.; ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000 FOR AN APPRAISAL OF CURRENT CAMILLUS HOUSE FACILITY. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. Bloom, Camillus House report. Mr. Judy. Board Member Sanchez: That's Johnny's favorite. Board Member Winton: What's it, 16? William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): We have been having ongoing discussions with — Chairman Teele: Camillus House. Bill, you're going to have to speak up. Mr. Bloom: Can you hear me now? Chairman Teele: Can you all turn him up a little bit, please? Mr. Bloom: We've had ongoing discussions with Camillus House with respect to their proposed relocation. We've had some discussions with their board of directors, their board — Chairman Teele: Either relocation or enhancement where they are. Mr. Bloom: Either enhancement of where they are now, or relocation to an alternate site. The board is — the Camillus House Board is currently debating alternatives, and they expect to be ready to proceed with one or several alternatives that have been presented to them with — at their next board meeting, which will be the first week in June. The CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) has discussed with Camillus House representatives the — giving to Camillus House a grant of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to allow them to get some preliminary architectural plans prepared, which will enable Camillus House to move forward as far as its zoning. And they would have to ask for a special exception to be in any D-2 zoning classification if they were to relocate. They've also asked that the CRA Board assist them and — in going forward to the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce to make the relocation or upgrading of the Camillus House a goal of the community. And — Chairman Teele: At its Chamber Goal Conference over there. Mr. Bloom: At its Chamber's Goal Conference. 75 CRA 5/22/00 Vice Chairman Gort: For the last 15 years. Mr. Bloom: And also to seek to obtain grants of up to five million dollars ($5,000,000) to facilitate either upgrading their facility or the relocation of their facility. Chairman Teele: How much? Mr. Bloom: Up to five million dollars ($5,000,000) for, again, upgrading the facility or helping them find an alternative facility. Board Member Winton: The five million comes from where, did you say? Mr. Bloom: They're looking for funds either from the private sector or from the public sector to do this. Board Member Winton: OK. Mr. Bloom: Which is really — one of the third things they're looking for is really to work with the Camillus House in an — almost like a joint venture in finding alternatives for raising funds for upgrading their facility or relocating their facility. You know, they want to continue their mission in the area, which is to feed the homeless and get people off to a new start in life. And they feel they've been a valuable contributor to the community, and they'd like to have, again, a joint effort, effort moving forward to accomplish their goals. Chairman Teele: All right. So you need three things from us tonight. Mr. Bloom: Right, three things. One, the resolution dealing with the grant of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). It is an initial grant of seed money with respect to providing conceptual plans and specifications for either upgrading their existing facility or relocating to a new facility. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort, you are the history of this Commission. You've got the longest longevity. Would you be kind enough to make a motion to make available a grant of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to the Camillus House from our CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) allocation for the purpose of planning and the design of an enhanced facility, or a new facility? Vice Chairman Gort: I'll move it with the — also the conditions that they make sure that if they're looking at relocations — and we have to look at them both, because in the existing place where they're at, if they can spend five million dollars ($5,000,000) and really make it a place that's not as damaged as it is today, I don't have any problem. At the same time, where are they going to go? If they're not going to stop any development, where are they going to go? So we have to make sure that the planning is one where everything is kept within doors. So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Gort. Is there a second? Second by the Chair. Discussion. Look, this Camillus House thing is an embarrassment to this City. The CRA is not responsible. And I think everybody knows what the issue is. Everybody wants the Camillus House to leave. Nobody wants to house them. Nobody wants to host them. And, Commissioner Gort, I can remember watching on TV the efforts to move them into your district, and I think we had five, six hundred people — 76 CRA 5/22/00 Vice Chairman Gort: I was not an elected official at that time, thank God. Chairman Teele: And the problem is there. It's everywhere. Overtown has become — We've got the HAP (Homeless Assistance Program). We've got this, we've got that. You know, it seems to me like Coconut Grove, Brickell — Vice Chairman Gort: Let me tell you — Chairman Teele: Johnny, you didn't hear me. Board Member Winton: No. No. Chairman Teele: I said Coconut Grove is a logical place for them. Board Member Winton: Yeah. Chairman Teele: But we have a motion to start trying — dialoguing to work with them. They're going to have to go somewhere. Obviously, it's going to have to be in a commercial area and not a residential area. But that's not going to be our call for the CRA. That's going to be the City Commission's decision. And we can only work to do our part, which is to facilitate the redevelopment of the Park West/Overtown area. So we have the request. I think it's a fair request. Further discussion on the motion? Board Member Winton: Where — the money's coming from CDBG funds? Chairman Teele: CDBG. From the CDBG allocation of the CRA. Board Member Winton: OK, got it. Chairman Teele: All right. Further discussion? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed have the same right. 77 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-41 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO GRANT FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000.00 FROM CDBG FUNDS, TO CHARITY UNLIMITED OF FLORIDA, INC. ("CHARITY") TO RETAINAN ARCHITECTURAL FIRM TO PREPARE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DOCUMENTS AND DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS (THE "DESIGN DOCUMENTS") IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED RELOCATION OF CAMILLUS HOUSE, INC. ("CAMILLUS") TO A NEW FACILITY OR THE ENHANCEMENT OF ITS CURRENT FACILITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Now, the second issue is a fund-raising committee where we would work with them to raise the five to seven million dollars ($7,000,000) that they're going to need. I'm going to specifically ask that Commissioner Regalado share or at least be the liaison to a committee that will be put together by the Camillus House, and ask that each member of this Board name one person, a distinguished person who can raise money to work with the Camillus House and their board. Their board has said they're willing to work with us if we will work with them in raising the money from the private sector and the Federal Government as well as local. And I think it's time to move forward. So Commissioner Regalado, they need to get accessed on radio and TV to lay out the story. I think you're uniquely situated to sort of represent us with the Camillus House. You would also have one appointment, as I would. Obviously, we would ask the Mayor to make as many appointments as he would like. But it's going to be under the Camillus House leadership. I think everybody knows that the Camillus House can raise more money than the City of Miami can raise for anything. Board Member Regalado: Sure, and they do. They have a lot of friends. Mr. Chairman, I'm honored, and I will do that, and I will guide them through what I think is the access to the media. But I just want to 78 CRA 5/22/00 say on the record that they have to know that me, personally, and me as an elected official, I think that they have to leave downtown. And — Chairman Teele: Yeah. Does that mean your district is available to host? Board Member Regalado: No, sir. Chairman Teele: All right. Board Member Regalado: I'd just say leave. Leave. Chairman Teele: Leave. Board Member Winton: By the way, I think it's important to make, Mr. Chairman, a point of clarification in terms of — I can't — I'm sorry, I can't believe I forgot your name. Mr. Bloom: William Bloom. Board Member Winton: William. Gee, William, I've only known it 50 times. My apologies, but I couldn't remember. But what William said Camillus House needs to do, and that is continue their mission of feeding. The Camillus House is moving towards a new primary mission. The new primary mission, which is the reason why we really need to step up to the plate — and I don't think the City needs to be helping them with money here. These guys are great fundraisers. We need to give them a lot of assistance in getting their fundraising going, because they're good fundraisers. But their primary mission moving forward — and not to say that they're not going to do feeding, but they want to provide the same kind of continuum of care services to the homeless male population that the HAC (Homeless Assistance Center) is currently providing to the easier to serve homeless population, which is primarily families and single mothers, et cetera, et cetera. And that's a service that this community, our City desperately needs. And that's a problem that isn't going to go away, no more than the other homeless problem is going to go away unless we're willing to step to the plate and address the problem, and help get some organization focused on this issue, just like people back several years ago were strong enough to get the HAC going. And there were a lot of doubters about the HAC. And thank goodness, there were a lot of good, quality people who did doubt what the HAC was going to do and held their feet to the fire to design and create the right kind of program. And we want to do the same thing with Camillus House here to help with the second process. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. Bloom, the third issue was what? Mr. Bloom: Goals Conference. Chairman Teele: The Goals Conference. Can the CRA resolve unanimously that we would support, as one of the goals of the Chamber to assist us in raising funds for the upgrading or relocation of the Camillus House, a goal of, say, five million dollars ($5,000,000) for that? Is that something -- Moved by Commissioner — Board Member Winton: Winton. 79 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: --Winton. Seconded — Board Member Sanchez: Second. Chairman Teele: -- by Commissioner Sanchez. Objections? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Board Member Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-42 A RESOLUTION (I) AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT.AGENCY ("CRA") TO CREATE A CAMILLUS HOUSE, INC. ("CAMILLUS") FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE ("THE COMMITTEE") TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CAMILLUS, (II) DESIGNATING BOARD MEMBER TOMAS RAGALADO ("REGALADO") TO ACT AS CHAIRPERSON/LIASON FOR THE COMMITTEE, (III) REQUESTING THAT REGALADO ASSIST CAMILLUS IN OBTAINING A ACCESS TO BROADCAST MEDIA, (IV) PROVIDING THAT EACH BOARD MEMBER APPOINT ONE MEMBER AND THAT THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI (THE "CITY ") APPOINT AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE, AND (V) STIPULATING THAT THE COMMITTEE WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CAMILLUS. Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur Teele NAYS: None ABSENT: None Mr. Bloom: There's one other matter with respect to Camillus House. We feel that it would be appropriate for the CRA to retain an appraiser on the City of Miami's approved appraiser list for a cost not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to obtain an appraisal of the current Camillus House facility, so that if there is a negotiated purchase of that facility, we would have current price information. 80 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: And it would exceed more than four thousand. We do that routinely, but normally, it's below four thousand dollars ($4,000). Mr. Bloom: Right. Chairman Teele: So a motion to approve the Director from using a City -approved appraiser to get appraisal of the Camillus House. Mr. Bloom: That's correct. Chairman Teele: And part of that, Johnny has to do with whether you upgrade the existing facility or you really focus on relocating. Board Member Winton: But it seems to me that it would be way premature that we spend a dime on appraising that property when we don't know what's going to happen. I mean, it doesn't — it takes — Chairman Teele: It's hard to — Board Member Winton: It takes 30 days to — 30 to 45 days to do an appraisal. Chairman Teele: That's right. And that's why they are very — they're asking us to assist them in this, because they can't determine — (INTERRUPTION IN MAGNETIC TAPE) Chairman Teele: -- their having a dialogue with us, and I think that we should honor their request. Board Member Winton: They only — they own less than half that block, don't they? Chairman Teele: They own less than — they own — Unidentified speaker: They own the whole block. Board Member Winton: No, they don't own the whole block. Mr. Bloom: They own approximately one third of the block. Chairman Teele: One third of the block. Board Member Winton: I don't see how that's going to cost more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). So where does fifteen come from? Chairman Teele: But Johnny, the point is whatever it costs is what it's going to cost. Board Member Winton: Right. 81 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: It's a City appraised — Board Member Winton: Well, but the problem is that as soon as we announce that it's fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), then all the appraisers out there charging you fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) — Chairman Teele: They can't do that, because it's a City appraise — appraisal list. That list is locked up for a year. Dena Bianchino — I mean not Dena Bianchino, but what's the lady's name in Asset Management? Board Member Winton: Lori Billberry. Chairman Teele: That's her list that we're dealing with. Board Member Winton: But do those get fixed prices in them? Chairman Teele: They basically have prices based upon the number of hours. Board Member Winton: I'm sorry. Let me go — and I'll get away from the price for a second here. Let me just understand why — the Camillus House is asking us to pay for an appraisal of that property? Chairman Teele: Exactly. We need to know the price of the property to help us to develop whether or not we're going to push to relocate it, or to push to enhance it. My view is real simple. If the property is valuable, I'm going to want to move them out. If the property is not, I'm going to — you know, but I think those are a series of issues that we need to analyze. Nobody knows what it's going to appraise at. Board Member Winton: Well, we know a minimum it's going to appraise at, because there's a comp. that Chairman Teele: Please don't say that on the record. Please don't say that on the record, because we think — that's the issue. We don't think it's going to appraise nearly at that. Board Member Winton: Well, but the argument here is whether or not we're going to spend — and we're a CRA that doesn't have much money, and we're going to spend money on this step here. And I'm all in favor of helping Camillus House. I want to get the Camillus House done. But — Chairman Teele: Johnny, if this were a private sector deal, and you were going to look at it and evaluate it, you would want to know what the value of everything is. Board Member Winton: If it were a private sector deal, I would be able to go out and hire my own brokerage company for virtually nothing, and get them to give me an estimate of value. Chairman Teele: Because you're going to pay them a big brokerage fee at the end of the day. Board Member Winton: Yeah, which — Chairman Teele: You're either going to pay them on the front end or the back end. 82 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Well, not necessarily. Chairman Teele: Oh, come on, Johnny. You're going to pay at least five percent. Board Member Winton: How many -- Oh, I don't know many people in our business that go out and get appraisals done on their properties to figure out the value unless they're doing financing. Chairman Teele: Johnny, they have a board of directors that's a citizens board. Their board would very much like to know the appraised price. I think it's fair that we assist them in doing that. I mean, we're talking now about ten thousand, or twelve thousand, or six thousand dollars ($6,000). And at the end of the day, we're talking about a major economic deterrent to this district, which cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars every year — Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: -- by being there. Board Member Winton: I guess it's just -- I agree with that last statement. It's absolutely a hundred percent right. And you don't want to be — whatever that saying — pound-foolish and — whatever that darned thing is. Chairman Teele: Johnny, we'll just say we'll -- If there is going to be a sale, and if there is any kind of sale, we ain't paying the five percent. You will pay the five percent. And that's why the real estate brokers can do it. Board Member Winton: Listen. We get used, the brokerage community gets used all the time by — Chairman Teele: Are you a broker? Board Member Winton: Yeah. Chairman Teele: Oh, OK. I didn't know you were like that. All right. Board Member Winton: We get used all the time by the same very companies and businesses. Come on, I want to sell my property. Come do me an appraisal and value. So you give them the -- You do all the work, you give them number. Well, I changed my mind. I don't want to sell it. Happens all the time in the industry. But that's not the point here. Your point is the right point, and that is that there is significant stagnation in that community that is a direct result of the current operation of Camillus House, plain and simple. And I am going to -- The Camillus House folks are my friends. I'm going to encourage them to step to the plate a little more. But I won't — this thing is just kind of stuck in my craw here — but I won't block the — I won't block the City giving them assistance in this regard. Chairman Teele: OK. Well, Commissioner Regalado, would you make the motion since you're going to be working with them every day, hopefully? 83 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: OK. Well, Commissioner Regalado, would you make the motion since you're going to be working with them every day, hopefully? Board Member Regalado: I sure will, Mr. Chairman. I'm moving that — Chairman Teele: Up to twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) from the City appraised list. Board Member Regalado: Up to twelve thousand dollars ($12,000). Chairman Teele: Of CDBG funds. Board Member Regalado: Right. That will be the motion. Chairman Teele: Is there a second? Second by the Chair. Is there discussion? All those in favor, say "aye." Board Member Regalado: Aye. Board Member Winton: Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: Aye. Chairman Teele: Aye. All opposed? Board Member Sanchez: No. One "no." Chairman Teele: Oh, one "no." OK. The following motion was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-43 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO OBTAIN AN APPRAISAL OF THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "CAMILLUS HOUSE" FROM AN APPRAISER ON THE CITY OF MIAMI' S (THE "CITY") APPROVED LIST, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $12,000, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILTY OF FUNDS. 84 CRA 5/22/00 Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: Board Member Joe Sanchez ABSENT: None Board Member Winton: I'll make sure that it's not twelve thousand dollars ($12,000). Chairman Teele: Johnny, would you write down what you think the price is going to be, based upon a comparable sale within the last — what did that thing sell for? Mr. Bloom: There were two sales of very comparable property. The whole block to the north sold. Chairman Teele: Within the last — what? Mr. Bloom: Within the last nine months. Chairman Teele: And I can assure you, Johnny, the price is not going to appraise because of the use of that facility. That's the whole argument. Board Member Winton: The building has got no value. There is zero value to the building. And you scrape it and you got land that's the same value. 85 CRA 5/22/00 19. UPDATE REGARDING PROPOSED USE OF POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN BY CRA. Chairman Teele: All right. On the update, Number 17, the update on the powers of eminent domain. When will we get that to the City Commission? Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, if I may. 16 doesn't have part two, authorizing the City to — Chairman Teele: No. Board Member Sanchez: OK. I must have the wrong — Chairman Teele: No. We dropped that. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Chairman Teele: That's one of the options that we've been trying to work with these people on. That's not coming forward. Board Member Sanchez: It's not coming forward? Chairman Teele: No. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Chairman Teele: Because we didn't agree on a price. Use of eminent domain powers. When the CRA was created, there was a legal defect. Mr. Judy, you promised to work with the Attorney to get to the City Commission the right resolution. When can we expect that resolution to go to the City Commission, Mr. Bloom? Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): We're preparing it right now. Chairman Teele: When can we expect to get it to the Commission? Mr. Judy: It's going to be on the next meeting. I'd like to have it Thursday. Chairman Teele: Not this Thursday. Mr. Judy: Well, then, the next one, the next meeting. Chairman Teele: OK. The five-day rule is already up. Mr. Judy: OK. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. Judy: This is mandatory. 86 CRA 5/22/00 20. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED WHITE PAPER SETTING FOR BLACK OWNERSHIP EQUITY AND REDEVELOPMENT PARTICIPATING PROGRAM FOR SOUTHEASTERN SUB -AREA COMMITTEE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Chairman Teele: The white paper on black equity ownership, I'm going to ask that that be deferred again. Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): Again? Chairman Teele: It was deferred on March 131h. Several people have asked me some questions on it. I'd like to try to get some briefings into the African -American community. 87 CRA 5/22/00 21. DIRECTING CRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT TO DELETE PROPOSED MASTER PLAN FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK AND THE PARK WEST SECTION OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN DISTRICT FROM THE CRA BUDGET. Chairman Teele: A resolution on the master plan. As you know, Commissioner Sanchez, in the budget that we have approved is funds for the master planning of Bicentennial and Park West. I'll recognize you for a motion to delete that from the budget and from the approved list of projects. Board Member Sanchez: Say that again? Sorry. Chairman Teele: You indicated that you didn't think that the CRA should do the master plan for Bicentennial. It's in the budget, and I'm bringing it forward so — Board Member Sanchez: Motion to delete. Chairman Teele: Motion to delete by Commissioner Sanchez from the CRA approved budget. Vice Chairman Gort: Second. Chairman Teele: Second by Commissioner Gort. Is there discussion? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All those opposed? The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-44 OMNI/CRA 00-31 A RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO DELETE FROM THE CRA BUDGET THE PROPOSED MASTEER PLAN FOR PARKWEST AND BICENTENNIAL PARK. 88 CRA 5/22/00 Upon being seconded by Vice Chaiman Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 89 CRA 5/22/00 22. AUTHORIZE CRA TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH A COMPANY FROM CITY'S LIST OF APPROVED COMPANIES FOR THE DEMOLITION OF BARKETTE PROPERTY (LOCATED AT 936 N.W. 3RD AVENUE AT P5) — COST NOT TO EXCEED $13,000, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. Chairman Teele: Mr. Tyler, you've got five minutes on any items that require an action. Progress reports. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): We could go to 20-B. Chairman Teele: 20-B is a resolution to demolish a building. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Seconded by the Chair. All those in favor, say GG 7) aye. The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-45 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH A COMPANY ON THE CITY MIAMI' S APPROVED LIST OF COMPANIES TO DEMOLISH CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA LOCATED AT 936 NW 3RD AVENUE AT P-5 ("BARKETTE PROPERTY"), AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $13,000.00, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None GZI � I►�►aLli7 23. AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF WARD ROOMING HOUSE; ALLOCATING 25,000 FROM CDBG CRA FUNDS FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OF WARD ROOMING HOUSE. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): 20-C is the acquisition and improvement of Ward Rooming House. Chairman Teele: How much is it going to sell for? Twenty thousand, twenty five thousand? Mr. Tyler: We think it's going to be a nominal number like that, somewhere around there. Board Member Regalado: Who owns this? Mr. Tyler: Ms. Bloomfield. Chairman Teele: It's owned by a family that's had it in their ownership for over 75 years. Reverend Albury, Cleo Albury is one of the owners. It has been demolished or extensively damaged, I should say, by fire. And it is scheduled to be looked at for restoration of some type. Motion — Board Member Winton: What? I'm sorry. Chairman Teele: Historic. Board Member Sanchez: It's an historic site. Chairman Teele: Major historic. It was one of the first rooming houses in Overtown. Board Member Winton: So that's the reason the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) is — Chairman Teele: No. That's the — the one that's fenced around is the Culture Tech Building. A motion by Commissioner — please, Regalado? Board Member Regalado: Yeah. Chairman Teele: Restore — acquire and restore the Ward Rooming House. Is there — second. Is there objection? All those in — Board Member Winton: Wait, wait, a question. We — I don't see how we approve anything like this when there's no dollars attached. I mean, the concept is nice, but there's no dollars attached. I don't know where the budget — I don't know where the money comes from, and how do I prove this? Board Member Regalado: (inaudible) twenty-five thousand. Chairman Teele: It's twenty-five thousand. It comes from CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds if it's historic preservation. 91 CRA 5/22/00 Mr. Tyler: (inaudible) on the resolution, as well, for the improvement. Chairman Teele: But just state for the record it's CDBG funds, right? Mr. Tyler: It is CDBG funds, that's correct. Board Member Winton: And it's CDBG funds that we have in our budget currently? Chairman Teele: It's CDBG funds that we have in our budget currently. Now, whether we have the funds available from the City, that's another administrative issue. But our budget contains eight million dollars ($8,000,000) of CDBG funds that have been approved. Board Member Winton: Well, then, let me ask the question differently. Oh, that have been approved, you said. Chairman Teele: In September, when we did our budget, we relied upon the City ordinance that gave us three million dollars ($3,000,000) for the Third Avenue Business Corridor and five million dollars ($5,000,000) for this year's increment of the five million dollars ($5,000,000) that you heard the talk about. Board Member Winton: Right. But that money we all know doesn't exist. Chairman Teele: That's not true, Johnny. That's absolutely not true. Board Member Winton: It does exist? Chairman Teele: We just approved four million dollars. We just — Board Member Winton: The whole eight million dollars ($8,000,000)? Board Member Sanchez: No. Board Member Winton: Oh, the five million. Chairman Teele: Three, three and one of CDBG dollars do exist. Board Member Winton: OK. So what we have to do from a budgeting standpoint, though, is assume we have — whatever the number is — four or five million dollars ($5,000,000) and build an expense plan around that budget. Chairman Teele: Johnny that was done. That was done in September. That — Board Member Winton: Well, I got here in November, so I don't know. 92 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: It's all been laid out two or three times. And all of these projects — in fact, there is a chart. Where is the chart, the Third Avenue Chart? It shows every one of them. We've briefed on this thing for 18 months. Board Member Winton: OK. I don't want to have — cause problems for anybody, but I just want somebody to tell me. And I'm going to ask this question every single time, because otherwise, we will get our rear ends in the wrong hangar. I just want to make sure that when we're voting up here to spend dollars that I know exactly where they're coming from, that we have them in our accounts, that we're authorized to use the dollars, and then I'm happy as a pig in a blanket. Chairman Teele: We can't tell you any time that we have it in our account, but we can't get a check cut until we do have it in our account. And they can't get a check request until there is a Board resolution approving it. Now how the CR — the CDBG — how they are able to hold money once the Board approves it and not transfer it to the account, that's something I still don't understand. But I can tell you this: That this Board has approved in excess of six — five million dollars ($5,000,000) of CDBG monies that should be in the account right now as we speak. Now, whether it's there or not, that's a matter between the Finance Director, the Budget Director, the Assistant Manager, the Manager, ultimately. Board Member Winton: Well, if it's been authorized by the City Commission — Chairman Teele: And appropriated. Board Member Winton: -- and appropriated — Chairman Teele: It has. Board Member Winton: Then -- And that's all I'm asking. So I want to know — I would like to know every time one of these proposals comes forward, so that I don't have to ask this question and cause everybody heartburn here. I want -- Chairman Teele: And having the comptroller aboard is going to help a lot of that, because the way this should work is before there's a meeting, somebody should come by and show you exactly how those accounts are flowing. Board Member Winton: Absolutely, so we can see that we're not spending money that we don't have. Chairman Teele: But we need to go back again and review the whole Third Avenue Business Corridor and the whole plan for the twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000), because in conceptual terms, all of those funds have been programmed against accounts, against activities. And, of course, it will be helpful for B&A (Bermello, Ajamil and Partners) to bring in their financial planner who did all of the prgamming for us. But the Ward Rooming House has always been viewed as something we're going to restore and turn it probably into something like an art gallery or something like that for the community. Board Member Winton: And that's fine. And the only thing, just so you understand where I'm coming from, what I'm trying to guard against is us waking up three years from now and being in the same boat that Commissioner Sanchez is in here, where the body misspent the money, and somebody found out after 93 CRA 5/22/00 the fact that there had been money misspent. And I want us to make sure that we don't wake up at some point down the road and miss this opportunity. So that's all I'm trying to do. Chairman Teele: Look, let me just say one thing. The City of Miami received a letter. What the letter said, and very politely, is that the Federal Government is concerned about the fact there are community development funds that have been allocated by the Federal Government that have not been drawn down. And, you know, this is not a City meeting; it's not a discussion of the CD (Community Development) process. One of the commitments that I've made to the Manager, the previous Manager, the current Manager and the Director of CD is that once we get our money — which we got, OK? — by Commission resolution — that we would engage in the execution of contracts and purchases on an expedited basis before the end of September 301h. Otherwise, the City — and Ms. Warren — Mr. Manager, if it's all right with you -- Ms. Warren, this may be a good time for you to come forward and say that the City and the CRA have agreed to expedite — please, at the mike — to expedite the expenditure of funds, based upon approval of a plan, before the end of this fiscal year, and what the necessity is. And this is on behalf of the entire City, not just the CRA. Gwendolyn Warren (Director, Community Development): I guess I should call you "Board Members." It's hard to look at you if I call you "Commissioner." Gwendolyn Warren, the Director for the City's Department of Community Development. At the May 1 Ith meeting, the City Commission approved five million dollars ($5,000,000). Three million dollars ($3,000,000) of Community Development funds, three million dollars ($3,000,000) was to go to fund the Business Corridor. And there was an additional two million dollars ($2,000,000). One million dollars ($1,000,000) was for — to be determined by you guys and turn to us in contract negotiations, and an additional million dollars ($1,000,000) of HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS) funds. You also have currently an unallocated amount of about a million and a half that you have been awarded both last year and this year. And we're negotiating the budget and how those monies will be spent. The only caution that I would give is to ensure that when you're allocating the use of the funds that they're for appropriate activities. And we are working with your staff right now. Chairman Teele: OK. Ms. Warren: And in terms of the line of credit, there's a little bit of a correction. The City has received a letter, again, which was brought to the City Commission at your May I Ith meeting. It gives us a time certain to spend the monies. The expenditure, we're looking to take place by September 301h. Because of the way the Federal regulations work, we cannot transfer monies to you. We can pay for actual expenditures. OK? So we can't transfer five million dollars ($5,000,000) to the CRA. Board Member Winton: Got it. Ms. Warren: We can pay for authorized, approved budget expenditures. Chairman Teele: Ms. Warren, I respect what you're saying. I would really like to discuss that with you but — in the context that you can transfer — but just so that Commissioner Winton and the public are clear, our fiduciary is the City Finance Department. So it's — Community Development would be approving it, but the checks would be coming out of the Finance Department. But our staff will process it. And until 94 CRA 5/22/00 they get a Board resolution, we can't even move that, any of that. What did you say was the number that you're looking at the CRA to expend by September 301n? Or what does the City need to expend? Ms. Warren: Well, we need to expend -- there's approximately four million dollars ($4,000,000). And that would — Chairman Teele: Of outlay. Of outlay. Money out the door. Ms. Warren: Expenditures, out of the door. And again, based on — Board Member Winton: And if we don't? Ms. Warren: It's important for me to — Chairman Teele: Tell him what happens if we don't. Ms. Warren: First, let me say it's very important that we do understand that although the City and the CRA are partners in this venture, all Community Development monies are reimbursable expenditures. These are not monies that can be transferred. Board Member Winton: Got it. Ms. Warren: These are not monies that we can debit from our Federal line of credit. There actually has to be expenditures. Obviously, the moment you have the contract, we'll transfer the monies for the appropriate expenditures. Board Member Winton: Got it. What happens, though, if we don't spend the money by September 301n? Ms. Warren: We very carefully chose and recommended to the Commission the Third Avenue Business Corridor, its projects, including some of the items that you're discussing, because the preparation has already been done, and we have been assured that these are projects that can go into full implementation. And we have so notified the Federal Government that we have a planned expenditure pattern. Board Member Winton: What happens if we don't spend the money by September 301". Ms. Warren: We lose it. The Federal — well, let me be cautious. What we have been directed is to submit a corrective action plan, which we did, saying how we were going to go about spending the money. Based on the fact that the City has been under -spent for three years, what that would — the next step the Federal Government could choose, since we've been noted by the Secretary, is they could recapture the money and reallocate it to another City. Board Member Winton: OK. Ms. Warren: We, again, have received formal notice that we need to do a corrective action. And again, based on the Federal process, the next step would be reallocation. 95 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Got it. Mr. Chairman, one last question, then, on this boarding house. It says twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for the acquisition and extensive restoration. I don't know what — I'm sorry? Chairman Teele: Twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) is acquisition. The extensive — Board Member Winton: Renovation. Chairman Teele: -- renovation will be a separate action coming back to you. But that's only notice that the — that is notice to you that the house is in very bad condition. In fact, the Building Department is saying if we don't acquire it — Mr. Rollason, you all are still saying if we don't acquire it and secure it, you all are going to demolish it; is that correct? Frank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): Are we talking about the Culture? Chairman Teele: Ward Rooming House. Mr. Rollason: Yes. Both of those are — both of those are in that shape now. The Culture Tech is coming up before the HEP (Historic and Environmental Preservation) Board this month, and same with this one. If they're not restored, they'll — they'll be brought down. Board Member Winton: OK. Then I just want to make sure, because I'm only reading what I have in front of me. Maybe the resolution is here, but... the resolution is clear. So it's clear on the twenty-five thousand plus more. Chairman Teele: Plus more, yeah. But the point that we're trying to advise you is that the house is substantially damaged. Board Member Winton: Sure. Chairman Teele: Yeah. Board Member Winton: If you're getting it for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) (inaudible) William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): The resolution in your package talks about the cost to acquire the Ward Rooming House and to — an estimated amount for the renovation. So the question is whether you're going to approve a motion just for the acquisition at this point or also to allocate funds for the renovation. Ms. Warren: But again, not at the risk of — not trying to complicate the issues. Once we're clear about what your intended use is, then based on the appropriate regulations, we'll put together a budget with your staff and then be — So just talking about the process. Board Member Winton: For restoration purposes. Ms. Warren: For the use of your five million dollars ($5,000,000). 96 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Oh, OK. In terms of this resolution, it seems to me that what we're passing is a resolution that supports the acquisition of the property, and supports the concept of restoration, but we can't support any restoration dollars, because we have no idea what that is. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Not fully. But it's going to be extensive. Board Member Winton: Oh, absolutely. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman, are we aware that the legislature appropriated several million dollars for historic preservation in South Florida? And — and that we may tap into that, and also into any funds from the Department of State of the State of Florida. So that's — Board Member Winton: Great point. Board Member Regalado: Well, my question is similar to Johnny. We're only voting on the twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), but not even — and I think that we are voting [audio tape difficulty -missing comments] for we don't know how much that would be, nor if we have the funds available; is that correct? Chairman Teele: No. We have the funds available. Board Member Sanchez: For acquisition. Chairman Teele: For acquisition. Board Member Regalado: For acquisition. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Board Member Regalado: But I don't mean acquisition. I mean restoration. Chairman Teele: We have the funds available for restoration. The three million dollars ($3,000,000) for the Third Avenue Business Corridor Project, the Ward Rooming House was always a main component of that. And again, in that it is going to wind up being designated as a historic site or activity by the Commission, the issue of the funding is really not — I mean the issue of the Federal regs. is really not going to be an issue. The point is this: The Third Avenue Business Corridor Plan contains a list of about 18 projects which have been over -studied to death. That's what the six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) of Bermello, Ajamil largely is about, at least four hundred thousand of it. This thing has been studied, restudied and over -studied. And I think it's time that we go ahead and decide that decide we're going to do something or we stand the risk of losing the funds, as well. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: I think it would be very important. My understanding is that we've had at least ten dozen studies on what to do in Overtown and how to do it. And I think, so the members could have a 97 CRA 5/22/00 In better understanding, and the public, also, if we can come up with the specific — like I know this is one of the projects that we had in mind — with the specific projects and the different actions that we're going to do, I think it would be important for everyone to better understand the investment that's going to take place. Chairman Teele: OK. And we'll be happy to redo that, and a memorandum by Mr. Tyler and the B&A people would be very helpful, project by project with a time zone. But again, I think the Clerk's report will show each of the projects that's listed here has been briefed. Mr. Judy briefed them on — about 15 months ago or about a year and a half ago. They've been back twice. And this is the Third Avenue Business Corridor, which three million dollars ($3,000,000) was allocated for 18 months. So on the motion on the Ward Rooming House, it is moved and seconded. Is there further objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-46 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF THE WARD ROOMING HOUSE BY THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $25,000.00, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 689005.550012.6.860. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 98 CRA 5/22/00 24. AUTHORIZE CRA TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS P2 AND P5 PURSUANT TO INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND DOSP — COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. Chairman Teele: On Item Number E, this is a resolution to proceed with design and construction of parking lots -- this is purely parking lots — pursuant to an Interlocal Agreement between the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) and the City of Miami's Off -Street Parking at a cost not to exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000). And you have the list of the parking lots. Again, one of the biggest problems in the City of Miami in the poor areas is the fact that there are no parking facilities. Every — if you go to any business in the black community, I can assure you, you're not going to have a place to park. What we've said is there are six blocks that we're trying to create as a destination -- sort of like on Brickell — between 8TH Street and 14TH Street where we are going to — sort of, "If you build it, they'll come." We're going to get the infrastructure straight -- the parking, the lighting, the sidewalk -- and this is the first phase of that. All of the work would be done pursuant to a competitive bid process managed by Off -Street Parking. And Off -Street Parking has been engaged in a series of meetings and bid advertisements to do this. It's a little bit complicated. There are some septic tanks and fuel tanks on some. All of that will have to be removed, et cetera. And that's what the "P's" are. "P" means parking. So on the motion — again, this is one million dollars ($1,000,000) of the three million dollars ($3,000,000) that were committed to try to outlay before September 30tn Board Member Winton: You need a motion; is that right? Chairman Teele: Yes, I do. Board Member Winton: I'll move it, for discussion. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Winton. Seconded by Teele. This is an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Miami, CRA, and Off -Street Parking. There is a detail on every parking lot, and every parking lot has got a story. And I think the Black Archives will be pleased to note that the parking lot adjacent to your building has been prioritized and moved forward as a part of that, based upon the very real need that you all have right now for parking. Further discussion. Board Member Winton: Commissioner Teele. Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Winton: I met with your staff some time ago and — Chairman Teele: Your staff. Board Member Winton: I'm sorry. I met with the CRA staff — Chairman Teele: Right. Board Member Winton: -- some time ago and talked about the Third Avenue Business Corridor, and gave my views in terms of things that we should be doing along that business corridor. Now, unfortunately — 99 CRA 5/22/00 and it's my fault — I didn't follow up and have any other dialogue after that conversation. But — and 1 understand from them the need in certain areas for the increased availability of parking. And I do understand that. But I never really focused on the depth of new parking that we're creating here. And it seems to be substantial, if each of these pieces in red are the parts that — or the — at least the "P's" in red are the parking lots that were focused on. And the concern that I tried to express then and it's a concern that I still have is that if we're trying to create a business corridor in Overtown, there's a number of things — and you mentioned like Brickell — there's a number of things that have to go in lock step with business development. And one is that you have to have — and I think, frankly, in many instances more importantly than parking — you have to have good sidewalks, and streetscape and landscape, and lighting more than parking lots, because people will find ways to park. Now, that's not in all cases. There are a number of examples, and I don't remember all of them, but there are a number of examples where there is existing business, and there isn't adequate parking, and those problems have to be solved. But I don't remember which ones those are, because it's been too long. But the other part that's going to make the area successful is, in fact, the part related to landscaping and public spaces that we've talked about in Park West. So we have to have some process that's related to creating the appropriate green spaces and landscaping in that corridor some way or another. And then the final part of it that I think is the biggest missing element — and I recognize very clearly that it's outside the CRA boundaries — but the fact of the matter — Chairman Teele: Housing cannot be done in that area. Board Member Winton: Housing cannot — no, that's not my point. Chairman Teele: Well, sorry. Board Member Winton: The fact of the matter is that if we don't create a better environment in the parts of Overtown that are not within the CRA District boundaries — and there's two particular zones. I don't remember the addresses, but one is like at 12th Street and Miami Avenue or Second Avenue or — Chairman Teele: Second Avenue. Northwest Second. Board Member Winton: Right. Where there's a lot of activity that goes on that is not conducive to business development. And it's within blocks of this business development. If we don't address that problem, then we're going to spend all this money, and there's not going to be any businesses that are going to come to the development. So I hope that even though this is outside the CRA domain that if we, as — put our Commissioner hats on — don't address fully that problem, this money is wasted. Chairman Teele: Yeah. And that's really the biggest concern that we all have. But I do think there's three things that you should give some deference to. Number one, this process has been going on in full gear for two years. There have been studies, restudies, neighborhood meetings, church meetings, you know. Board Member Winton: A (whole) charrette. Chairman Teele: You have to understand also the history of Overtown. Overtown was a pedestrian community. Everything was within walking distance. It was built during a different era. 100 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: There is not a building in Overtown, there is not one residential building in Overtown that has any parking. I mean, Johnny, you may not believe it. If you just stop and look at every building in Overtown between Eighth Street and 141h Street — and there is a building that's narrow that's north/south, right off of every avenue. Third Avenue, it's a building on every street. There's not one parking space. Parking destroys the businesses in Overtown. Businesses can't survive there. In addition, the parking lot all the way up at 14TH is, quite frankly, going to not just the business, it supports the Gibson Park area, which is right here. If you go to Gibson Park on Saturday, the parking will be all the way down to Seventh Avenue from Third Avenue. Board Member Sanchez: Soccer matches. Chairman Teele: Soccer matches et cetera. I mean, that couldn't happen in any other community but the black community. I mean, the City would have done the right thing. You're — we're looking at literally Jim Crow. We're doing the infrastructure that has never been done since the Jim Crow era. We can't do it all over Miami. We can't do it all over Overtown. Just six blocks from 8TH Street to 14TH, with the little leg there, it's going to cost us over a million dollars ($1,000,000) just in infrastructure. Now, obviously, the landscaping, the sidewalks, those are the amenities that you do after you've done all of the other infrastructure. We've got some water and sewer issue problems along Third Avenue. We've got -- Everybody wants to put up trees, but trees are the last thing you do on a project -- Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: -- not the first thing you do. We're trying to agree on a lighting plan. Let me tell you. You know why people shoot out lights in Overtown or in many communities? It's because people live there and the lights shine in their houses at night. It's not big mystery. If you — if we go down and put lighting on 3RD Avenue without putting on — what are those things called? — the shutters that go over those buildings, especially the building right there in the — Mr. Yuken's building, let me just say that -- every one of those lights are going to be shut out. We've got to make sure that when we put lighting up that we're not destroying the sleep patterns and the quality of life. There are a lot of issues associated with something like this in a community like Overtown that really have to be thought through. But your basic policies that you've outlined are all contained in the plan. At the very end will be the landscaping. The one thing that we talked about earlier on is we're trying to get the Heat and the other people that want to put a Lighting District in Park West, we said to them tonight, if you put a Lighting District in Park West, you've got to put the same kind of district in Overtown, because that was the way that this whole TIF (Tax Increment Fund) — Board Member Winton: Was designed. Chairman Teele: -- was created. And so we want to work with the private sector in that. But there are some things that are essentially municipal government functions. And parking is one of the core municipal functions. See, what happened is, is when we created Off -Street Parking, we basically said, we're out of the parking business. And that's fine if you live on Brickell or somewhere, but if you live in the inner City, who's going to provide parking if it doesn't create a profit? 101 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Winton: So just so I'm clear, these parking lots are all part of the — Chairman Teele: Third Avenue Business Corridor Plan. Board Member Winton: -- the comprehensive plan. Chairman Teele: The comprehensive plan. Board Member Winton: And the next steps are coming along right behind this. Chairman Teele: That's right. Board Member Winton: So I can meet with staff and — so I won't hold this up — and I need a refresher course on the whole Third Avenue Business Corridor Plan so that if there are parts of it that I really think are wrong, I'm going to come back and say that. Chairman Teele: Well I hope that — Board Member Winton: Thank you. Chairman Teele: But I really do hope that you can — let's look at the next step. This is the first of about six steps. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: This step has gone; it's been bedded (phonetic). And I think, you know, what you wind up with is why Government doesn't work, is every time a new elected official comes in — Board Member Winton: That's right. Chairman Teele: -- everything that's been planned has got to stop, and you got to start all over. Board Member Winton: Yeah. And understanding that it is a part of the master plan makes me a whole lot more comfortable. It isn't just — it's not apiece pulled out of the clear air. So I'm satisfied. Chairman Teele: On the motion on the Interlocal Agreement for Off -Street Parking, is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All opposed? 102 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-47 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS P2-P5 WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA PURSUANT TO THE 1NTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF STREET PARKING ("DOSP") AT ACOST NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000.00, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILTY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 103 CRA 5/22/00 25. APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT FOR DORSEY HOUSE, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. Chairman Teele: Resolution approving a lease agreement for the Dorsey House. The CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) has entered into the agreement. The Dorsey House is owned by the Black Archives. It is a building that has been vacant. I think Miami -Dade Community College used it. The agreement was supposed to be that the funds would be used to upgrade and restore the building first, and then anything left ---- go to the Archives. Is that — Mr. Richard Judy: No. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Excuse me. Mr. Chairman I have — in my memo, I outlined some changes to the currently signed lease agreement for a number of reasons. Chairman Teele: Does the dollar amount change? Mr. Tyler: No, the dollar amount doesn't change. Chairman Teele: It's roughly a thousand dollars ($1,000) a month? Mr. Tyler: That's correct. Chairman Teele: So the motion would be to approve the modifications recommended to the Dorsey Lease House, which is a thousand dollars ($1,000) a month for the use of a historic home that will be a part of a community outreach. We're going to recommend that the Overtown Advisory Board have space there and others to begin to bring more life down to that end of the area. Mr. Tyler: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: Motion. Moved by Commissioner Regalado, seconded by the Chair. Is there objection? Board Member Sanchez: Discussion. The lease will be on a — what? A year-to-year -- Chairman Teele: A year-to-year basis. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Opposed? 104 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-48 A RESOLUTION RETROACTIVELY APPROVING THE LEASEAGREEMENT, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, BETWEEN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), AS TENANT, AND THE BLACK ARCHIVES, HISTORY AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, AS LANDLORD ("LANDLORD"), FOR THOSE PREMISES LOCATED AT 250 NW 9TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA AND KNOWN AS THE DORSEY HOUSE ("DORSEY HOUSE") WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Chairman Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 105 CRA 5/22/00 26. APPROVE GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $95,000 FROM TAX INCREMENT FUNDS TO ST. JOHN'S CDC FOR ACQUISITION, GUTTING AND BOARDING WITH DESIGNATED SITE LOCATED AT N.W. 3' AVENUE AND 12TH STREET; IN FURTHERANCE OF PILOT FRANCHISE INITIATIVE. Chairman Teele: All right. The next item -- next to the last and then we're going to have to leave — is a resolution approving from the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) funds not to exceed ninety-five thousand of a grant to the CDC (Community Development Corporation) for the acquisition, and gutting and boarding of a site, and that site is contained there in the plan. It's been briefed for some time. This is on 12`" Street, Johnny, the most — the most — Board Member Winton: Yeah, that's ... Chairman Teele: That is the most difficult area in this entire area which will be designated as a pilot initiative, and reserving funds to upgrade the site pending designation by the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Board of a suitable franchisee to operate, to be selected on a competitive bidding. And I can tell you that the Director has accepted my request that Mr. Soyka is going to be the chairman of the selection committee to select the franchisee when we get there. Board Member Winton: He's agreed to that? Chairman Teele: He's agreed to that. He's excited about it. He thinks that we've got to put more energy into this community. Motion on the grant to St. John's CDC. Commissioner Regalado, would you move it, please? Board Member Regalado: Sure. So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Gort, would you second? Vice Chairman Gort: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All right. 106 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-49 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THECOMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") (1) APPROVING A GRANT FROM TAX INCREMENT FUNDS, TO ST. JOHN'S CDC FOR THE ACQUISITION, GUTTING AND BOARDING OF THAT CERTAIN SITE LOCATED AT NW 3RD AVENUE AND 12TH STREET (THE "FRANCHISE SITE"), WHICH FRANCHISE SITE IS TO BE DESIGNATED FOR THE PILOT FRANCHISE INITIATIVE, AND (II) INSTRUCTING THE CRA TO RESERVE FUNDS TO UPGRADE THE FRANCHISE SITE PENDING THE DESIGNATION BY THE CRA OF A SUITABLE FRANCHISE TO BE SELECTED BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: All right. The next is one of the things that I'm very excited about. Mr. — Board Member Winton: We have funding for this; is that right? Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Sanchez: Can we have a time certain to start the project? Chairman Teele: God, I don't now. Board Member Sanchez: They have it boarded up, and just — Chairman Teele: It's boarded up now, but what we're going to do is gut it and all that. 107 CRA 5/22/00 Board Member Sanchez: Gut it. I mean, time certain and cost certain. Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Acquisition, we hope to have within the next 45 days. And we have the RFP (Request for Proposals) that will be ready probably in the next 30 days, and probably sooner, the way the Commission (inaudible) Board Member Sanchez: And what's the projected cost for the project? Mr. Tyler: What we have budgeted in there is, I believe two hundred and fifty thousand. Chairman Teele: Two hundred and fifty thousand plus acquisition. Mr. Tyler: Plus acquisition. Board Member Sanchez: Is in the budget. OK. Mr. Tyler: For a total of three twenty-five, I believe. Board Member Sanchez: Three twenty-five. Chairman Teele: All right. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: In this documentation that's going to be put together on each proposal, I think it would be beneficial to us, and to the public and everyone is to show each project, what we're going to do, how much we're going to pay for it, when it's going to be done and what is going to be the benefit to the plan, and what part of the plan that is. I think that would be very important for everyone. Chairman Teele: I agree. 108 CRA 5/22/00 27. APPROVE REPORT DESIGNATING "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM" — DESIGNATING ERNEST KING AS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PURSUANT TO ONE YEAR CONTRACT — COSTS NOT TO EXCEED $6,000, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS; BOARD MEMBER REGALADO TO WORK WITH THE CULTURAL ARTS BOARD OF THE CITY TO DESIGNATE "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM" MORE OFTEN IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE CITY; FURTHER URGING THE ADMINISTRATION TO SEEK PRIVATE DONATION FOR SAME. Chairman Teele: Hilda, Ms. Tejera, who's going to introduce our artist in residence? Robert Tyler (Director, Operations, Administration & Development, CRA): Could I do that myself? Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Who's going to walk him up, though? Mr. Tyler: Would you bring him up, please, Hilda. Chairman Teele: You want to bring him up? Why don't you help bring him up? Mr. Tyler: I'd like to introduce to our Board, and to the officials and our general public Mr. Ernest King, who is an established and well renowned artist in the Overtown area. He's been practicing on the streets, on the sidewalks of Overtown for years. And please receive our artist, Mr. King. Chairman Teele: Mr. King. (APPLAUSE) Chairman Teele: We'll, sir, Mr. King, you want to tell us who you are, and where you live, and just a little bit? Just for the record, please, just — we require that of everyone. Ernest King: I'm Ernest King. I stay on the streets of Overtown. I'm residing now on Ninth Street and Second Avenue. Chairman Teele: And a part of the program that we're undertaking is a program that you will be the resident artist in the Dorsey House, itself. Mr. King: OK. Chairman Teele: And there will be a test every — a periodic test to insure that you remain drug -free, and you are a part of a program that -- Because we are government officials, we want to work with you. Mr. Tyler: That's true. Chairman Teele: And we're just showing some of the work that Mr. King has done. The mural is original swearing in of the first African -American firefighters — police officers in 19 — I forget the year. Unidentified Speaker: '47. 109 CRA 5/22/00 Chairman Teele: '47. Unidentified Speaker: '44. Chairman Teele: '44 she's saying. And there's another picture that he's done of Jackson's Soul Food. Mr. Tyler: Which is on the Third Avenue Corridor. Chairman Teele: Which is on the Third Avenue Corridor. There's a — by the way, Board Member Sanchez: If you don't know where it's at, they serve the best catfish. Chairman Teele: By the way, how many parking spaces does Jackson Soul Food have? Vice Chairman Gort: You can't park. Board Member Winton: Across the street. Chairman Teele: Not one parking space. Board Member Sanchez: Johnny knows the place. Board Member Winton: I've been there many times. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. King, there's going to be a motion, I believe, by one of the Commissioners to designate you as the artist in residence. We're counting on your work, to work with Ms. Tej era, and with Mr. Tyler and Ms. Lee, Brenda Lee — Board Member Winton: So move. Chairman Teele: -- in being a very active citizen and positive citizen in our community. Mr. King: No problem. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Winton. Board Member Regalado: I'll second it. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Regalado. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Winton, who moved its adoption: 110 CRA 5/22/00 RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-50 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") (1) APPROVING THE REPORT DESIGNATING THE ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM, AND (II) DESIGNATING EARNEST KING AS THE ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PURSUANT TO A ONE-YEAR CONTRACT TO PERFORM CARETAKING FUNCTIONS AT THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHING THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA KNOWN AS THE DORSEY HOUSE ("DORSEY HOUSE") AND TO PRODUCE A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) ORIGINAL PAINTINGS PER YEAR. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman just very briefly. (APPLAUSE) Board Member Regalado: I — Mr. Chairman, I think that we should follow through on this issue, and we should work with the Cultural Fine Arts Board of the City of Miami in order to do this more often in different areas and have different artists for certain areas of the City. And I believe that we can get donations or that committee will be able soon to get donations from the private sector, and we can do a lot for the arts and the culture. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me tell you, that committee, the next phase is going to recognize one of the paintings, and we'll have an exhibition at the — at your NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) Office, which used to be a museum. And that will take place, and I think we should do that. Board Member Winton: My NET Office is your NET Office. III CRA 5/22/00 28. AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE CLERK OF THE CRA BOARD TO RECEIVE AND FILE OFFICIAL RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITIONS OF DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT, AS WELL AS THE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING. Chairman Teele: I've been instructed by Commissioner Sanchez to defer the balance of the Agenda, and I'm going to accede to his request, except for — hold on. A motion by Commissioner Regalado on Items 33 and 34, that the official resume and qualifications of both Director of Operations and Administration and the Director of Strategic Planning shall be submitted and filed with the Clerk. There's a motion by Commissioner Regalado. Vice Chairman Gort: Second. Chairman Teele: Second by Commissioner Gort. Is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Opposed? The following motion was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-51 OMNI/CRA 00-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE CRA BOARD TO RECEIVE AND FILE THE OFFICIAL RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENTS AND THE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING (COLLECTIVELY, THE "DIRECTORS") ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND EXHIBIT "B" AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 112 CRA 5/22/00 29. AUTHORIZE THE CRA TO TAKE ANY ACTION NECESSARY AND AUTHORIZE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT TO ACCEPT ANY DOCUMENT TO EXTEND REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, REGARDING REZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS (P 1-P7, SP I -SP3 AND MI) TO CONFORM TO ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS OF SUCH PARCELS WITH PROPOSED USES OF SAME. Chairman Teele: Now, Mr. Lawyer. William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: Let's just give the lawyer an opportunity to get us up to date on one very sensitive legal matter. Mr. Bloom: Before I do that, there's Number 25 on the agenda, in connection with some of the parking lots that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) is acquiring. There's some zoning application that's been submitted and we need a resolution authorizing — Chairman Teele: Motion by Commissioner — Vice Chairman Gort: Move it. Chairman Teele: -- Gort. Board Member Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Second by Commissioner Winton on Item Number 25. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. 113 CRA 5/22/00 The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-52 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO TAKE ANY ACTION NECESSARY AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENTS TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS, TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY ANY APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS P-1 THROUGH P-7, SP-1 THROUGH SP-3, SP-5 AND M-1 (THE "PARCELS"), AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, IN ORDER TO CONFORM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS OF SUCH PARCELS WITH THE PROPOSED USES OF THE PARCELS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 114 CRA 5/22/00 30. AUTHORIZE CRA TO REQUEST OF THE CITY NOT TO DEMOLISH STRUCTURES WITH HISTORICAL, CULTURAL AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA WITHOUT CRA APPROVAL. Chairman Teele: And motion -- same motion by Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Winton on a request, Number 26, not to demolish historic items -- Board Member Winton: Oh, absolutely. Chairman Teele: -- in the CRA — Board Member Winton: So move. Vice Chairman Gort: So move. Chairman Teele: -- without permission of the CRA. Board Member Winton: So move. Chairman Teele: All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-53 OMNI/CRA 00-33 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO REQUEST THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") NOT DEMOLISH STRUCTURES WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA HAVING HISTORIC, CULTURAL AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE OR WHOSE DESTRUCTION MIGHT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CRA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 115 CRA 5/22/00 Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None 116 CRA 5/22/00 31. DISCUSS STATUS OF LEGAL RIGHTS OF POINCIANA VILLAGE AND POINCIANA VILLAGE PHASE FOUR, UPDATE ON SAWYER'S WALK — CHAIRMAN TEELE DIRECTS THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON POINCIANA VILLAGE AND SAWYER'S WALK AT THE NEXT CRA MEETING. Chairman Teele: Mr. Attorney. William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): Yes. You wanted an update on — Chairman Teele: Poinciana ... Mr. Bloom: There's two. One is Poinciana and one is Sawyer's Walk. The Director of Strategic Planning of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) had sent a letter to Ted Weitzel regarding the Sawyer's Walk Project, giving them 60 days to respond with their legal arguments of why they felt they had any rights with respect to the RFP (Request for Proposals) when the lease and documentation was never executed. We received a letter this afternoon from the — from Mr. Klein, the attorney for Sawyer's Walk, indicating that they felt that Sawyer's Walk did have rights in the project. We have done some review of the case law cited in that memorandum, and we do not believe it supports their position. They — basically, they're taking the position that the City enticed or the CRA enticed Sawyer's Walk to defer moving forward with the Sawyer's Walk Project so that they could complete Poinciana Village first. There's no documentation to support that position, and it would be our intention to further the correspondence to the City Attorney's Office and see if they concur with sending a formal order, notice of termination to Sawyer's Walk. Chairman Teele: Mr. Attorney, City Attorney, how long do you think it will take you to make that review and -- what's a reasonable amount of time? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney, City of Miami): I need to receive the documents to see exactly what they have stated before I could recommend you a course of action to take to the Commission in terminating the rights of that developer. Chairman Teele: The big issue, of course, I think we all know is that the City Commission, sitting as a City Commission, but so-called on behalf of the CRA did all this stuff, but the land belonged to the CPA. So it's going to require joint actions. Everything that we do is going to require joint CRA/City actions, because the rights, the responsibilities were always somewhat less clear than they are today. At the next Board meeting, can we get an update on that? Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: I think we should allow (inaudible). 117 CRA 5/22/00 32. DIRECTION TO THE CRA ADMINISTRATION, NAMELY MR. ROBERT TYLER (DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT) AND RICHARD JUDY (DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING) TO MEET WITH THE CITY' S PARKS DIRECTOR AND ELEANOR KLUGER REGARDING HER IDEAS AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE MASTER PLAN FOR MARGARET PACE PARK; FURTHER REQUESTING OF MS. KLUGER TO ALSO WORK WITH BOARD MEMBER WINTON REGARDING SAID MATTER. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Chairman, on Margaret Pace Park, I think there's a couple of questions that came up during the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) presentation the other day. Chairman Teele: Ms. Kluger, we apologize. We appreciate you staying here with us, and we would like to hear your input. Eleanor Kluger: All right. I appreciate the opportunity to do so. What I would like to say is that for three years now, we've been wanting the Margaret Pace Park to be done. We've worked very hard on it. We spent about a year and a half with B&A (Bermello, Ajamil and Partners) in plans. But in the last ten months, almost a year now, we have not had any input into what the park is being done — what is happening in the park with the master plan, which is what we requested. We have — did not see the plans until our last meeting. And there were things put in the plan that we did not approve of, and things taken out that we did not approve of. And we would hope that we would have another meeting, which we tried to have happen for the last six weeks. And before you sign off on those plans, I would like to request a meeting with Mr. Judy, with the Parks people, and with the community that we all agree on a what a master plan, a final should be on that. And I beg that you do that for us. Chairman Teele: Mr. Judy, what I would like to do — the Parks Director was here. He's still here. I would like to see if we could coordinate with the Parks Director a meeting with Ms. Kluger. And then on the next Agenda, we will have the plan that you all are recommending, and we will have any differences on an equal basis from the community. We will, or course, absorb the cost of any input that the community needs in putting your ideas on paper through the architectural planning firm. And I would hope that we can make a final decision before — during the next meeting. I would particularly ask that you all work with Commissioner Winton's office in making sure that he's up to date. And in that regard, I would invite everyone to go from here to the Margaret Pace Park at Mr. — what's the guy's name? — As well as I know this guy — Board Member Winton: Post. Chairman Teele: -- at Mr. Post's Omni office at the 1800 Club, and Mr. Post will entertain everyone at his expense this evening. And that's a sincere request. If anyone would like to go to the park this evening, I'm going to go over with Mr. Post and others, and I'd like to understand that. But you all are invited to relax after this meeting at the 1800 Club, which is right next to the park. 118 5/22/00 33. ACCEPT INVITATION FROM BLACK ARCHIVES TO HOLD THE NEXT CRA BOARD MEETING IN JUKE AT THE BLACK ARCHIVES FACILITY. Chairman Teele: Finally, we have received an invitation from the Black Archives to hold our next Board meeting at the Lyric Theater. That would be the June Board meeting. And I would assume that that's a unanimous support for that, and we're looking forward to being there and being a part of the history. 119 CRA 5/22/00 34. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING. Chairman Teele: Motion to adjourn is always in order. Motion by Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Winton: Here, here, here. The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-54 OMNI/CRA .00-34 A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE CRA MEETING FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST DISTRICT AND THE OMNI DISTRICT. Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Meeting adjourned. 120 CRA 5/22/00 There being no further business to come before the Community Redevelopment Agency for the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Districts, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN, City Clerk SYLVIA LOWMAN, Assistant City Clerk ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR., Chairman (SEAL) 121 CRA 5/22/00