HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW OMNI CRA 2000-05-22 Clerk ReportOF INCORR ORATE' IB 96 q�E,�Q.FLO�`O SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 NON- A RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE DIRECTOR AGENDA OF OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION FOR THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) TO DESIGNATE CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS ON HIS STAFF AS LIAISON STAFF PERSONS TO TIMELY NOTIFY CERTAIN BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF CRA MEETINGS; FURTHER ACCEPTING THE DESIGNATION OF HILDA TEJERA AS THE LIAISON STAFF PERSON TO NOTIFY MEMBERS OF THE OMNI ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF ALL MEETINGS OF THE CRA; FURTHER ACCEPTING THE DESIGNATION OF HAMMOND NORIEGA AS THE LIAISON STAFF PERSON TO NOTIFY MEMBERS OF THE OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD OF ALL MEETINGS OF THE CRA. NON- Direction to the CRA Administration• by Chairman AGENDA Teele to invite the owners of the Omni Mall to the next CRA Board meeting in order to discuss how to promote business to said facility. ITEM 28 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 28 (PROPOSED LEASES AT MARKET RATES WITH LANDOWNERS OF PARCELS P-1 THROUGH P-7, SP-1 THROUGH SP- 3, SP-5 AND M-1 TO ALLOW THE CRA TO UTILIZE PROPERTIES ON INTERIM BASIS PENDING COMPLETION OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OR RESOLUTION OF TITLE ISSUES CURRENTLY DELAYING ACQUISITION OF SAID PARCELS). Page No. 1 SEOPW/CRA R-00-31 OMNI/CRA R-00-24 MOVED: WINTON SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT SEOPW/CRA M-00-32 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: TEELE ABSENT: . GORT of IN CORK ORATED y} IB 96 � 4 SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 Page No. 2 ITEM 1 Direction to the CRA Administration: by Chairman Teele to prepare a report outlining funds used for Southeast Overtown/ Park West jointly with Omni districts; Board Member Winton stipulated for staff to ascertain that said funds comply with the pertinent interlocal agreement(s) among the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County and the CRA; further directing the CRA Administration to reschedule update on history of Tax Increment Funding between 30 or 60 days. ITEM 3 A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF SEOPW/CRA M-00-33 AGENDA ITEM 3 (PROPOSED FIVE-YEAR OMNI/CRA M-00-25 SALARY HISTORY OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CRA). MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS ITEM 6 Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board Member Regalado to report on feasibility of using old arena parking lots with shuttle service to facilitate parking during events at the American Airlines Arena; Chairman Teele further directed staff to report back to the CRA Board in 60 days with a plan that has guaranteed revenues and proceed to prepare a request for proposals for same. ITEM 7 Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board Member Sanchez to provide him with the list of services which have been provided to the CRA by Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board Member Regalado to brief members of the board prior to CRA meetings and ascertain that members are comfortable with the information contained in CRA agendas. OF i �( INCORR ORATEO 8 96 Q SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 ITEM 15 A RESOLUTION I/ RATIFYING THE COMMITMENT OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO PROVIDE $750,000 FROM UNRESTRICTED CRA FUNDS TO ASSIST TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS, LTD., (THE "DEVELOPER") IN DEVELOPING A TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY SUITABLE TO ACCOMMODATE NETWORK AREA POINTS ("NAP") TO BE LOCATED NORTHEASTERLY OF THE AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA IN THE OVERTOWN SUBAREA OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA, WHICH FUNDS SHALL BE EXPENDED BY THE CRA FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FEES, ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, CREATION OF OPEN SPACE, SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, AND II) DIRECTING THE CRA TO ASSIST THE DEVELOPER TO FACILITATE THE ABILITY OF THE DEVELOPER TO ACQUIRE ALL NECESSARY CITY OF MIAMI PERMITS AND APPROVALS FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. ITEM 15 A RESOLUTION TO WAIVE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FOR LAW FIRM OF HOLLAND & KNIGHT, DUE TO ITS REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF CALOR DEVELOPMENT WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY SERVING AS LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE CRA BOARD IN THE MATTER RELATED TO THE PROPOSED NETWORK AREA POINTS [NET] FACILITY. Page No. 3 SEOPW/CRA R-00-39 MOVED: GORT SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS SEOPW/CRA R-00-40 MOVED: GORT SECONDED: TEELE ABSENT: REGALADO -1 op ' `r INCORO DRATED LS 8 96 Q Q. q�`°CQ,FLOQ`O SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 ITEM 15 Note for the Record: Richard Judy is to meet with Board Member Winton in City Hall on May 23, 2000 in connection with incentives for proposed Network Area Points (NET) facility; further designating Board member Winton to chair a committee charged with developing a list of other incentives for the potential tenants for the telecommunications hotel being developed by Brian Goodkind. ITEM 12 Direction to the CRA Administration: by Chairman Teele to have the Director of Strategic Planning, the Director of Operations and Development and the consultants to prepare a report to the CRA Board within the next two weeks related to proposed Marlins Park; further requesting of the CRA Administration to meet with Commissioner Regalado's Economic Development Committee and make a public presentation to said committee on its recommendations for proposed Marlins Park. Note for the Record: The CRA Board changed the title of Director of Operations and Administration to Director of Operations, Administration and Development; the title of Director of Strategic Planning and Development to Director of Strategic Planning; see SEOPW/CRA M- 00-51 and OMNI/CRA M-00-32. Page No. 4 OF Q iNCORR ORATED S IB 96 Q' q�F�Q.FL�Q`O SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 ITEM 16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") TO GRANT FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000.00 FROM CDBG FUNDS, TO CHARITY UNLIMITED OF FLORIDA, INC. ("CHARITY") TO RETAIN AN ARCHITECTURAL FIRM TO PREPARE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DOCUMENTS, SCHEMATIC DESIGN DOCUMENTS AND DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED RELOCATION OF CAMILLUS HOUSE, INC. TO A NEW FACILITY OR THE ENHANCEMENT OF ITS CURRENT FACILITY. Page No. 5 SEOPW/CRA R-00-41 MOVED: GORT SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS I of 9 �`( INCORP GRATED B, 96 SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 ITEM 16 A RESOLUTION CREATING A CAMILLUS HOUSE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE; FURTHER DESIGNATING BOARD MEMBER REGALADO AS ITS CHAIRPERSON OR LIAISON; FURTHER REQUESTING BOARD MEMBER REGALADO TO ASSIST CAMILLUS HOUSE IN OBTAINING ACCESS TO RADIO AND TELEVISION; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT EACH CRA BOARD MEMBER APPOINT ONE MEMBER AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI APPOINT AS MANY MEMBERS AS HE WISHES; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT SAID COMMITTEE WORK WITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CAMILLUS HOUSE. ITEM 16 Note for the Record: Chairman Teele urged the CRA Board to appeal to the Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce to commit to help raise $5,000,000 in support of the relocation or upgrade of the Camillus House. Page No. 6 SEOPW/CRA R-00-42 MOVED: WINTON SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS ITEM 16 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT SEOPW/CRA R-00-43 TO EXCEED $12,000 FOR THE CRA TO OBTAIN MOVED: REGALADO AN APPRAISAL OF THE CURRENT CAMILLUS SECONDED: TEELE HOUSE FACILITY BY A CITY APPROVED NAYS: SANCHEZ APPRAISER. ITEM 16 Direction to the CRA Attorney: by Vice Chairman Gort to ensure that the plan for Camillus House, whether relocating or upgrading, keeps all activity related to said facility indoors. ITEM 19 A RESOLUTION TO DELETE PROPOSED MASTER SEOPW/CRA R-00-44 PLAN FOR BICENTENNIAL AND PARKWEST OMNI/CRA R-00-31 FROM THE CRA BUDGET. MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS OF INCORC ORATE' B 96 Q Q SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 ITEM 20(c) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF THE WARD ROOMING HOUSE BY THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $25,000.00, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 689005.550012.6.860. ITEM 20(g) Direction to the CRA Administration: by Vice Chairman Gort to provide documentation on all proposed CRA projects showing what we are going to do, how much the project costs, when it is going to be done, what are the benefits. ITEM 20(h) Direction to the CRA Administration: by Board Member Regalado to work with the Cultural Arts Board of the City to designate Artist in Residence Program more often in different areas of the City; further urging the CRA Administration to seek private donations for same. ITEMS A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING 33 + 34 THE CLERK OF THE CRA BOARD TO RECEIVE AND FILE THE OFFICIAL RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENTS AND THE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING. ITEMS 24, Direction to the CRA Administration: by Chairman 29 + 30 Teele to have an update of Poinciana Village and Sawyer's Walk at the next CRA meeting. Page No. 7 SEOPW/CRA R-00-46 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS SEOPW/CRA R-00-51 OMNI/CRA R-00-32 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS OF INCORC ORATE' e 96 Q q�Z,�Q.FLOQ�O SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2000 NON- Direction to the CRA Administration: by Chairman AGENDA Teele to have a meeting between Parks Director, Dick Judy, CRA Director of Strategic Planning and Eleanor Kluger regarding Margaret Pace Park; further directing the aforementioned to listen to Ms. Kluger's ideas for a master plan for Margaret Pace Park; further requesting of Ms. Kluger to work with Board Member Winton regarding said matter. NON- Note for the Record: the next meeting of the CRA is to AGENDA be held at the Black Archives facility next June. Page No. 8 NON- A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE CRA MEETING SEOPW/CRA M-00-54 AGENDA FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST OMNI/CRA M-00-34 DISTRICT AND THE OMNI DISTRICT. MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS TER J.1DA-N—CITY CLERK NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTES A JOURNAL OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) BOARD PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE MEMBERS OF THE CRA WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A BOARD MEMBER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A BOARD MEMBER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE