HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW-OMNI-CRA-2000-01-24 MinutesCITY OF MIAMI �': iur61W-O'ATED. 0°9 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 24, 2000 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/CITY HALL Walter J. Foeman/City Clerk INDEX MINUTES OF CRA MEETING January 24, 2000 ITEM NO. SUBJECT LEGISLATION 1• WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBER WINTON. 1/24/00 DISCUSSION 2 2. ORDER OF THE DAY — COMMENTS REGARDING 1/24/00 AGENDA DELIVERED LATE FRIDAY. DISCUSSION 2-3 3. BUDGET UPDATE YEAR END 1999. 1/24/00 DISCUSSION 3-4 4. UPDATE OF COST ALLOCATION PLAN. 1/24/00 DISCUSSION 4-5 5. CRA TO NOTIFY PROPOSED DEVELOPER OF 1/24/00 SAWYER'S WALK ADVISING THEM THAT THE CRA SEOPW/CRA M 00-1 BOARD HAS PRELIMINARILY DECIDED THAT IT DOES 5-10 NOT WISH TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AGREEMENT WITH SAID DEVELOPER. 6. (A.) DISCUSS STATUS OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1/24/00 AGREEMENT FOR CRA; DISCUSSION (E) COMMENTS REGARDING CRA RECORDS 10-13 7. RATIFY PURCHASE OF MOBILE TELEPHONES BY CRA 1/24/00 IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE SEOPW/CRA R 00-2 REDEVELOPMENT AREA. OMNI/CRA R 00-1 13-14 8. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED REQUEST FOR 1/24/00 QUALIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING AND SEOPW/CRA M 00-3 RELATED SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH VARIOUS OMNI/CRA M 00-2 PROJECTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY 15 REDEVELOPMENT AREA. 13 9. AUTHORIZE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1/24/00 (THE "CRA") TO PURCHASE PICKUP TRUCK AND SEOPW/CRA R 00-4 TRAILER ($15,000) FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH OMNI/CRA R 00-3 PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. 15-16 10 DEFER CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1/24/00 (A) PROPOSED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) SEOPW/CRA R 00-5 TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL, DESIGN, PLANNING OMNI/CRA R 00-4 AND RELATED SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH 17-21 PROJECTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA. (B) PROPOSED AUTHORIZATION OF BERMELLO ArAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. TO COMPLETE ALL TASKS STARTED PRIOR TO MAY 30, 2000. (C) PROPOSED RFQ FOR RETENTION OF GENERAL LAND PLANNING CONSULTANT OF NATIONAL PROMINENCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. (D) PROPOSED RFQ FOR MASTER DEVELOPER TO IMPLEMENT REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES. (E) PROPOSED RFQ FOR GENERAL CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THIRD AVENUE BUSINESS CORRIDOR PROJECT. 11. UPDATE REGARDING STATUS OF MARGARET PACE 1/24/00 PARK PROJECT. DISCUSSION 21-29 12. BRIEFING REGARDING TIME SQUARE PROPOSAL. 1/24/00 DISCUSSION 29-31 13. BRIEFING REGARDING THE NETWORK AREA POINT 1/24/00 (NAP) - INTERNET TRAFFIC HUB - INTERNET SERVICE DISCUSSION PROVIDERS - TRY TO LOCATE FACILITY IN CRA 31-35 AREA. 14. APPOINT RICHARD JUDY AS DIRECTOR OF 1/24/00 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS SEOPW/CRA R 00-6 OF THE CRA AND ROBERT TYLER AS DIRECTOR OF OMNI/CRA R 00-5 OPERATIONS OF THE CRA. 35-38 15. (A) DESIGNATE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) AS AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO PROVIDE INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SITE SELECTION FOR PROPOSED MARLINS BASEBALL STADIUM; (B) AUTHORIZE CRA TO JOINTLY DEVELOP WITH DDA A PLAN AND STRATEGY TO IMPLEMENT NEW MAJOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND PROVIDE NECESSARY STAFFING; (C) CRA TO COORDINATE AND DEVELOP, IN CONCERT WITH THE PORT OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ("FDOT"), DDA AND METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION ("MPO"), A TRAFFIC STUDY WITH THE GOALS OF: (A) INVESTIGATING TRAFFIC IMPACT WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORIDA MARLINS STADIUM IN BICENTENNIAL PARK OR TWO OR MORE ALTERNATIVE SITES WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT ARE (B) PROPOSING ALTERNATIVES TO PORT TRAFFIC THROUGH THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS IN AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION; (D) CRA TO WORK WITH FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DDA AND CITY OF MIAMI REGARDING OFF RAMPS AFFECTING THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREAS; (E) CRA TO DEVELOP, IN CONCERT WITH FDOT, THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE MPO, A STRATEGIC PLAN REGARDING TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AFFECTED BY MAJOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS LOCATED WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; (F) CRA TO UNDERTAKE A STUDY, IN CONCERT WITH T14E PORT, THE DDA, FDOT AND THE MPO, REGARDING ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO DISTRIBUTE PEDESTRIANS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. 1/24/00 SEOPW/CRA R 00-7 OMNI/CRA R 00-6 SEOPW/CRA R 00-8 OMNI/CRA R 00-7 SEOPW/CRA R 00-8.1 OMNI/CRA R 00-7.1 SEOPW/CRA R 00-8.2 OMNI/CRA R 00-7.2 SEOPW/CRA R 00-8.3 OMNI/CRA R 00-7.3 SEOPW/CRA R 00-9 OMNI/CRA R 00-8 38-54 16. UPDATE REGARDING EFFORTS TO RELOCATE 1/24/00 CAMILLUS HOUSE AND INCREMENTAL SALES TAX DISCUSSION LEGISLATION. 54-58 17. CRA MEETING SCHEDULE. 1/24/00 SEOPW/CRA M 00-10 OMNI/CRA M 00-9 58-59 1. WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBER WINTON. Chairman Teele: Let me first of all apologize to the public about the accommodations. Let me, anyone who wants to be heard on any item just indicate by waving your hand or coming forward if there is not seats available. Secondly, let me take this opportunity to welcome new Board Member Johnny Winton and ask that you would say anything other than, since this is my first time ever being in the DDA (Downtown Development Agency) board room really, and it's a board room that you have been sort of the, one of the persons who have been in for many, many years as a member of the DDA board. So, we should thank you for allowing us to use your boardroom and that of the Vice Chairman, and welcome you to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). [APPLAUSE] Board Member Gort: ... speech. Board Member Winton: Well, thank you. And, I didn't come prepared to say anything other than. I absolutely came prepared to say nothing. And, this is Commissioner Gort's boardroom, and I had the pleasure of serving with Commissioner Gort on the DDA board for a goodly number of years, and I guess it's kind of nice to be back home. Haven't been able to come back up here for a while, so... So, with that, thank you all public for coming and staff for coming this evening, and I look forward to hearing from all of you. Thank you, Commissioner Teele. 2. ORDER OF THE DAY — COMMENTS REGARDING AGENDA DELIVERED LATE FRIDAY. Chairman Teele: Let me note for the record that Commissioner Gort, as Chairman of the DDA (Downtown Development Agency) and myself have called for a joint CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) board meeting in approximately one hour at 6:45. We want to respect the time constraints that are... that we are going to be faced with in asking other organizations to join with the... No matter where we are we are going to recess or adjourn and go to that out of respect for the private sector members that are here. Let me also note that the agenda packet was extremely late being delivered. Ninety percent (90%) of the items on the agenda with the exception of the items related to the DDA joint board meetings are updates and briefings and do not require any action. All of these items have been with the exception of the organizational issues have been on the agenda, and any resolution that is on the agenda may be deferred by any member indicating their unreadiness to take it up... Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: ... at the appropriate time. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I eh... The agenda was given to me, placed in my office after five o'clock Friday. Before I got it this morning, I did not have ample time to look at it. It is a very... It's a complicated voluminous, lengthy agenda, and there are some items that I would like to defer and probably make a motion to have the Administration and see the Legal Department review it and then report back to this board. The following items that I would like to defer is item number six, eight, including A thru B, twelve... Chairman Teele: An update? Board Member Sanchez: Oh, I am sorry. Not twelve, ten. Chairman Teele: Update an update? I tell you, the best thing is, why don't you indicate... 2 January 24, 2000 Board Member Sanchez: This is not ten, this is... (inaudible) Chairman Teele: ... at the time the item comes up, we'll recognize you. Board Member Sanchez: Yeah. Chairman Teele: Resolutions, of course, we will defer regarding the number eight. 3. BUDGET UPDATE YEAR END 1999. OK, and, I would yield now to the Executive Director on the update of the yearend budget of '99, which is an informational item. Please give your name and title for the record. Ms. Charlene Thompkins: My name is Charlene Thompkins and my title is Director of Fiscal Operations for Programs and Projects for the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). And, the update finally that passed out... Can you hear me? OK. I am trying to put the documents in front of my hands, in my hands, OK. For '99, well, the comments that I have on there is that we are actually going to be doing the audit and have the auditors engaged, and it is a part of the report for the fiscal year, for the quarter ending December, 1999. Would you like to defer that until that time or... Chairman Teele: Well, I mean, you know, the point that I am going to make is the same point that I say to this City. We need timely budget information and it's very, very important that the FY '99 budget be presented with the auditors within the next meeting, we've asked, you know, the same thing in the City. And, again, I realize that are some fiscal, some consistence issues, but you know, the reason that it's on the agenda is again, to ensure that everyone on the staff is aware that the '99 budget must be closed out properly and at the next meeting it must be closed out. Ms. Thompkins: OK, we do have them, and there is.... This is a copy of it, and we're able to give you just a synopsis of it. Chairman Teele: Are there any problems with the FY '99 budget that you are aware of? The close-out budget, year ending September 30t'. Ms. Thompkins: Any problems? Chairman Teele: Problems. Ms. Thompkins: All I can give you is a report of the records that are maintained by our fiduciary, which is the City of Miami, and this is the report. And, as far as problems with it, I am not aware of any problems. Chairman Teele: All right, well, we need to share. I mean, you know, I am trying to get board, new board members especially, a level of comfort coming from the private sector. I guess, Johnny, the most important issue to be made on the FY '99 budget which is the same comment that I made in, on the FY'98 and FY'97 and the previous years. All of the horrible things that have been said about the CRA's beings the most mismanaged agency, all of the issues relating to the CRA's budget, money missing. If it's any money missing, it's missing from the City of Miami. Our fiduciary of the CRA, one hundred percent is the City of Miami, Finance Department. And, while we have the obligation of keeping this board informed, I really wanted to do this, you know, because we don't have the opportunity to discuss January 24, 2000 these matters in private. We have an agreement with the City of Miami and the CRA to my knowledge has had that agreement, either in writing or in fact since it's inception. So, all of the funds, all of the checks written by the CRA under the agreement that we have reduced to writing are written by the City of Miami. Any funds that are missing, anything that you may have heard about that was missing, you may have read about, if they are missing, they are missing from the City of Miami's Finance Department. And, one of the things that we agreed on as a part of an Interlocal Agreement which has gone through too many drafts, is that the City would continue to do that providing the City did in a timely manner including giving us a financial update. So, at some point, one of the things that I would like to do is appoint a finance committee or a budget committee. And again, with five Commissioners, you know, everything is extra work and I want to mindful of that to review that. But I would ask that each member Charlene, of the board be given a one on one update as to the financial status of the board. Because, again, even though the City is responsible for keeping our books, it's still our board obligations to ensure that they are correct. Board Member Winton: Do we get monthly financial or does the organization get monthly financial reports from the City on the financial status on a month to month basis? Ms. Thompkins: No, we haven't. I understand that they should be available, but no, we have not. However, this document has been prepared for the quarter September 1st through December 31'. This is a quarterly report that we do, in addition to what the City provides. Board Member Winton: Mr. Manager, is it? Mr. Donald H. Warshaw (City Manager): Possible? Board Member Winton: Yeah. Is it impractical or it is impossible to get monthly financial reports? Mr. Warshaw: We can reach for that goal. [phonetic] Board Member Winton: Yeah, I think that would be very... You know, just like businesses. If we have updated monthly financial information, we really know what's going on and you can begin to pick-up, you can begin to pick-up signals as to things that are going very well from a financial standpoint or going poorly from a financial standpoint. But, if you wait for reports to come out on a quarterly basis for longer, and generally when you are doing quarterly reporting, you don't get the quarterly report until a month to six weeks after the end of the quarter, so you are running four to five months behind, and it really is tough to stay on top of things from a financial standpoint. So, if we could get that, I think it would be a huge help. 4. UPDATE OF COST ALLOCATION PLAN. Chairman Teele: The cost allocation plan is a document that is allowed by the federal government that allows you to able if you are using Community Development funds to be able to take a formula and the Department of Defense Audit Agency, I believe, is the certifying agency for all federal funds and the CRA voted some time ago, in that we use so much of our funds from the Defense Audit Agency to allow for a cost allocation plan, a plan that's normally submitted by the External Auditor. And, the cost allocation plan item relates to an update as to where the External Auditor is on that. Is the External Auditor present, or...? Mr. Judy, can you all give us an update on that? Mr. Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): ... Commissioner. 4 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: The External Auditors of the CRA's is whoever... We can have our own External Auditor recognizing that the CRA is not an agency of the City, it is an independent state agency. It does not operate under City rules except, as we require. However, we have opted in the past, and I strongly recommend that unless that the auditor, the External Auditor of the CRA be the same as the External Auditor for the City. If the External Auditor were to determine a conflict which could very well happen, which I think eventually is going to happen when we continue to unearth some of these dollars, and some quite frankly are contractual obligations that the City has made that they have not lived up to the CRA. Then the External Auditor may declare a conflict at some point. But to -date the External Auditor is a City External Auditor and I would prefer that that be the case, unless they declare a conflict. That auditor is... Mr. Judy: KPMG. Chairman Teel: KPMG. Recognizing that the City is in litigation with one of the big five. How many auditor firms are there now? Mr. Judy: Five. Chairman Teele: Five, and it's a small field out there. Ms. Thompkins: The report on the alloca... the cost allocation is a part of the report given here under the auditor's section and it does refer to a proposal, was requested and prepared by KPMG to prepare the OMB circular A87, Cost Allocation Plan. Chairman Teele: Is it A87? Ms. Thompkins: Yes. And, this plan was requested and received from KPMG. We do have it, and we are ready to proceed with it. However, for informational purposes, it was shared with us from the Community Development Department that direct costing would be the allowed costing, the allowed method of being reimbursed as opposed to an indirect costing method. So, if this, Circular A87 indirect cost allocation plan was used, they were sharing with us that they still would require direct costing. So, in terms of direction, if we do want to continue to go further with it, we are prepared to do so. Chairman Teele: Yeah, I think that's the appropriate way to do it. I am not sure, to my knowledge when I asked the department who was using cost allocation plans, they indicated, no one. But, that is a preferred federal way, and what I don't want to do is get extrapolated under a system, the City's system which has a number of structural problems in terms of the way the funds are allocated with community based organizations. The A87 is the OMB circle is a preferred way to allow for cost allocation of indirect cost. And, what is happening now is indirect cost are being allocated manually and that should not happen. Direct cost, it should be... Direct cost should be on an invoice or cost direct basis. And, so that's an issue that ultimately we'll have to take up with the City in the context of what is the preferred and the federal government on the cost allocation plan. 5. CRA TO NOTIFY PROPOSED DEVELOPER OF SAWYER'S WALK ADVISING THEM THAT THE CRA BOARD HAS PRELIMINARILY DECIDED THAT IT DOES NOT WISH TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AGREEMENT WITH SAID DEVLOPER. Chairman Teele: The next item is the update on Sawyer Walk. Commissioner Winton, Sawyer Walk is a matter that you are familiar with and at some point I think the City Attorney and yourself should have a discussion, a direct discussion outside of this meeting. However, for purposes of the update, there is no January 24, 2000 action being taken except the direction to counsel. I think you will be comfortable, particularly, make your own decisions, so... Mr. William Bloom (Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Attorney): Good evening, my name is William Bloom, I am with Holland and Knight and Special Counsel to the CRA and this is my partner Lloyd Thompson. Based upon the discussions we had in December where Sawyer's Walk approached the CRA with a developer called the Dew Group, who's desirous of building a 60,000 square foot office complex within the three block complex that was subject to an RFP (Request For Proposal) done by the City in '89. The issues, which were raised as to the ability to change the response to the RFP and the rights, if any, that Sawyer's Walk had to develop these three lots based up the RFP. So, based upon those discussions in December, so it's agreed that Holland and Knight can concert with the City Attorney's Office, would review the situation and report back to the board on their findings. AT this point, Holland and Knight has done some preliminary research. We have shared some of that information with the City Attorney's Office, although we have not had the opportunity as yet, to review in detail with the City Attorney's Office, nor have we completed an exhaustive investigation of the records with the Clerk's Office of the City or the Clerk's Office with the County. But, we wanted to share with the CRA board the preliminary findings. At this point, I am going to turn it over to Larry Thompson to give the report. Ms. Lori Thompson: For the record, my name is Lori Thompson, Holland and Knight. My address is 701 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida. I want to start by giving you a brief background that Bill started to give you. In July of 1990, the City issued an RFP to develop blocks 45, 55 and 56 within the Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment area. The RFP invited interested persons to submit a unified development project proposal. The type of development was primarily residential within just some incidental commercial development. On January 18, 1991, Sawyer's Walk Limited was the sole respondent to the RFP, and the proposal was reviewed and evaluated pursuant to the appropriate procedures and the City Manager recommended to the City Commission that Sawyer's Walk be selected as the successful proposer, and on July 11,1991 the City Commission approved that selection and Sawyer's Walk was the successful proposer. No leads was ever executed between the City and Sawyer's Walk and Dade County never approved Sawyer's Walk as a successful developer as is required by the Interlocal Agreement that was executed between Dade County and the City of Miami back in 1983. Nothing really happened in the preceding nine years except for the NBC proposal that came in last year and that deal fell through. Now, based on our preliminary review, we believe that Sawyer's Walk does have, it appears that they don't have any developer's right in the property because, first of all as I said, the... Sawyer's Walk was never approved as a developer by Dade County as is required by the Interlocal Agreement. And, just the award itself does not create development rights in the successful proposer, but rather, you have to have a contract in order for those development rights, in order for the developer to obtain the development rights and no grant was ever executed. Also, based upon the preliminary research that we did, it doesn't appear that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) is required to enterinto a contract with the developer at this point. Again, these findings are preliminary because we haven't had a chance to go over it in detail with Mr. Vilarello, and... Do you want to give the recommendation at this point, what we recommend? We recommend that the board authorize Mr. Judy as Executive Director to draft a letter to the developer advising them that the board has preliminarily decided that they do not want to enter into a contract with the developer, and give the developer 30, 60 or 90 days to come back, and in this regard, you know as to why they believe that they do have rights and that ,you should enter into a contract with them. Mr. Bloom: Was there anybody on the board today, that was on the board when this was done? Unidentified Speaker: For 1993? Mr. Bloom: This is 1991. 6 January 24, 2000 Ms. Thompson: Yeah, I can tell you that. Board Member Gort: Yeah. Mr. Bloom: Ninety-three or ninety-one? Ms. Thompson: Yeah. Mr. Bloom: What about in '93? Thomas when did you get here? Unidentified Speaker: '94. Mr. Bloom: I got here in November of '93... Ninety-eight. Well, being that nobody was here, I mean, its... I am willing to make the motion for the will of the Commission for 60 days. Board Member Gort: I have a couple questions. Board Member Winton: There is a motion and a second for the... to move it for the purpose of discussion. Commissioner Gort, Board Member Gort. Board Member Gort: Does these contract... pass over to the CRA? Does the CRA? [phonetic] Mr. Bloom: At the time the RFP (Request For Proposal) was conducted, there had to have been a transition at that point in time for it to be done... the CRA, and at this point the CRA has taken over all the rights with respect to the... Board Member Gort: So, the CRA does have the right to? Ms. Thompson: ... at the given at the time... is in July, and then... entered the Interlocal Agreement in November. Board Member Winton: But, as I have told counsel, the final... the arbitrator of the City's intent, because it wasn't the CRA that awarded. The final arbitrator of the City's intent will... must be the City Attorney on that. Have you all conferred with the City, or did you all advise them... Mr. Bloom: As I said to you, Commissioner we have provided some preliminary research to the City Attorney's office, however we have not had the opportunity nor have they had the opportunity to have a full detailed discussion... and we agreed Friday at the attorney's office, that would be undertaken in the next week or so. Board Member Winton: I would only say to my colleagues that when I was elected two years ago, and I asked to review the file, the CRA had literally made no demands on the developer to do anything at all. There have been a series of at least two or three letters asking the developer to put forth a plan to give him time. I think you will recall there was some discussion that the developer would renounce those rights subject to something else, I don't remember. Mr. Bloom: There was some discussion without me renouncing that rights in exchanW for an extension of time to allow the NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) 6 deal to be put together last... November, December of 1998. That deal ultimately fell apart. That deal ultimately fell apart, I believe in approximately Septem... February of 1999. 7 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: Well, again, I mean... Mr. Bloom: At this point we were, we had the Clerk to review the transcript from that meeting to see if there were any statements made on the record by the developers agreeing to relinquish their development rights. The NBC 6 deal was not put together and I said when we talk about developers rights again, if we... developer's rights. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Regalado. Board Member Regalado: I remember that we gave them, I think you were there at the Commission meeting and I think that they were told, I don't know if Arthur was there. Board Member Teele: I was there. Board Member Regalado: Oh. They were told, you know, you got so much time, if you don't do it... Chairman Teele: I think the record should speak for itself, and what I am asking the attorneys to do is to provide us a written record and a written transcript again in this matter. Because what has happened is, is that essentially the City designed an RFP (Request For Proposal) that has a number of issues that I would have really liked to have flushed out, but it is what it is. One of the issues is the leasehold interest in the land as opposed to a fee interest in the land which to me works totally against the CRA in the long term because the land doesn't bear the maximum tax burden. The tax burden gets amortized, I mean, there are a whole series of issues. The second thing is, in light of the current posture, I would be much more of the opinion that the type of development that the Drew Development team or other teams have proposed is more consistent with where we are today and land use and where we were ten years ago. But, we are con... We are, I am advised by the City Attorney, we are constrained by the RFP as it was issued, and if the developer is not prepared to develop it in accordance with the RFP, we don't have the flexibility to change the RFP. In some subsequent discussions, I have said as it relates to NB6, NBC 6, I would be supportive of going to the CRA board and asking for sort of a sole source, but again, that would require a cancellation of the RFP. So, I want to make sure that those records are on the record and Commissioner Winton, Board Member Winton. Board Member Winton: Commissioner Regalado, I think that, and I want to make sure we are all thinking about this the same way. In the NBC 6 deal there was a separate development group, separate and apart from the Sawyers Walk Group that this Commission voted to give that finite timeframe to, in order to get the NBC 6 deal done, and so that was a vote for that separate development group which I was a part of back then. So, but it didn't have anything to do, I don't think with the, I think it's called the Sawyer's Walk Group that's had, that developed Poinciana Village, and that's the group that we are discussing at this point. Isn't that correct, Chairman Teele. Chairman Teele: I am not certain. You're correct as far as it goes, but at the end of the day, the underlying development would have been with the development team, and what I indicated in just those round table discussions is that we would have to at least have a release by the Sawyer's Walk Group to go forward, in that it would have to be a separate transaction, which is your point, and it would have to be sort of a sole source kind of thing. I mean how many NBC 6's are there? 8 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: Commissioner Winton. To answer your question. There are two separate RFPs that were done. One was the Poinciana Village project, and one was the Sawyer's Walk Project. There is a similarity of individuals who are involved in each of those projects, but they are separate legal entity. Chairman Teele: OK. Board Member Winton: All right, -so while we're dealing with... the general partner of Poinciana Village, he is also a general partner of, a corporation that he controls as a general partner is Sawyers Walk Limited as well, and the Sawyers themselves were limited partners in both transactions. Again, irrespective of the Channel 6 transaction, what our research was really focusing on was when the City undertook the RFP, did that RFP in and of itself without the rights to the successful respondents, so there would be an obligation on the part of the CRA or an obligation on the part of the City to go forth with the transaction contemplated by the RFP. And, our research where there is two primary reasons. One being the County had to, then of course with the Interlocal Agreement had to approve the selection of the ... and they did not. And, two that there was never a contract entered into by the successful respondents to the RFP with the City or with the CRA which would give them the... rights pursuant to contract. Board Member Winton: Why were both of those things missed? Mr. Judy: And, again, this is rumor, but I believe at the time period when the RFP was undertaken, that because the relationship with the City and the County that it was a conscious decision not to go forward and approach the County for the approval of the developer. As for why the contract was never consummated, that I have no idea. There is really no track record, no correspondence as Commissioner Teele mentioned in the file that indicated why the transaction was not moving forward to finalization. I would assume it was because of, you know, maybe the market was quite ready, maybe the financing wasn't ready, and once a contract, once a lease was entered into there would be time parameters which would... The developer would have to look for sale in order to keep his lease alive. Also, under the RFP, the developer has to be able to prove that he had the financial wherewithal to complete the transaction. Board Member Gort: Commissioner. Chairman Teele: Board Member Gort. Board Member Gort: My understanding is, it's not a contract, and there should have been. If there was a contract there should be a time limit to the contract for something to be executed. So, the motion before us to go ahead and send a letter to... Chairman Teele: Sixty days. Board Member Gort: Call the question. 9 January 24, 2000 The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION 00-1 A MOTION — AUTHORIZING RICHARD JUDY, AS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST DISTRICT TO DRAFT A LETTER TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPER OF SAWYER'S WALK ADVISING THEM THAT THE CRA BOARD HAS PRELIMINARILY DECIDED THAT IT DOES NOT WISH TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AGREEMENT WITH SAID DEVELOPER; FURTHER PROVIDING SAID DEVELOPER 60 DAYS TO COME BACK WITH A RESPONSE. Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Johnny Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Chairman Teele: And, would you make sure that that letter is please coordinated with the City Attorney as well, because again, the area that I am most uncomfortable with is the fact that in the end the entity that must interpret its agreement or its intent is the City Attorney and perhaps even the City Commission, and not the CRA. 6 (A) DISCUSS STATUS OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR CRA; (B) COMMENTS REGARDING CRA RECORDS Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Yes. Board Member Sanchez: We have heard many times the Intergovernmental Agreement. What's the status on the Intergovernmental Agreement between the CRA and the City of Miami? Chairman Teele: Mr. City Attorney. Starting with the fact that the Oversight Board ahs approved the agreement, the intent as outlined in a meeting with the Manager, myself, Mr. Beatty, and other persons. Mr. Alex Vilarello (City Attorney): That, quite some time that took place, and in the interim, the CRA has received... Mr. Judy has reviewed the agreement and as late as, late last week, I received a copy of, 10 January 24, 2000 some modifications to it. This morning I received back my copy of the changes and I am in the process of reviewing those changes to see if they are material. To the extent that those changes and modification prevented by Mr. Judy are material, it may very well require further approval by the City Commission and the Oversight Board. Chairman Teele: Well, let me speak for myself since Commissioner Sanchez, Board Member Sanchez brought it up. I would prefer if the CRA Executive Director, Mr. Judy would execute .that agreement today, tonight or forthwith, and then propose any changes to that agreement that he would like, because those changes are going to have to go through the same process that they did before and that could take one week, it could take one year. Board Member Sanchez: Why has it been amended so many times? Why is it? Mr. Vilarello: It has not been amended so many times. There was a draft that was approved by the City, the CRA and the Financial Oversight Board, was prepared quite a few months ago. There has been one draft presented by Mr. Judy. And, if Commissioner Teele's suggestion is to approve and sign -off on a new directive, I will ask the Director to sign that agreement [phonetic] that was approved by the Financial Board, I think I will recommend to the Manager that he execute as well that agreement... Mr. Bloom: As a point of clarification, I believe that we are very close to the last draft that reflected what the Oversight Board had approved. However, at a meeting at the City Attorney's Office, Mr. Judy indicated that he was going to be making more changes even though we are on the last few... of finalizing that draft. The Assistant City Attorney who has reviewed the document stopped at that point waiting to receive Mr. Judy's final draft. Mr. Vilarello: We certainly will have to incorporate those comments that, those issues that were reached and agreements that were reached at a meeting with, between Commissioner Teele, Mr. Beatty, the City Manager and myself. And, when those comments are incorporated into the agreement I am sure that they will be agreeable. Chairman Teele: I think the draft that Mr. Judy has labored over and worked on are far improved from the original draft that was agreed to by Mr. Beatty. But, the answer to the question that Commissioner Sanchez has raised which I want to be supportive of, is that I believe that it required, we can't... Life doesn't start when any of us get here, we all inherit this process. I don't like the RFP (Request For Proposal) that we just documented... [phonetic] We got to inherit it and work from that. I think it would be in the best interest if Mr. Judy would indicate his willingness to at least execute the agreement that the CRA board has approved, the City Commission has approved, the Oversight Board has approved and then come forward with those other changes as an amendment to that because, obviously it has to work its way back through the process, and I think, you know it's just a question of, do you do it once or you do it twice. Obviously, I think Mr. Judy is right in wanting to do it once, but I think we really have an obligation to enter into the agreement. So, I think, I'll sort of yield to you, but I really do recommend that you execute the agreement that's been signed, I mean, that's been negotiated. Board Member Sanchez: Let me just, for my clarification. Any amendments, if any amendments are made it has to go through the whole process again, and it's already went, it went through the process once. And, it passed, this City Commission approved, the Oversight approved it? Mr. Judy: That's the wish of the... It's obvious that that's the wish of the board, and of my Chairman... you know, it's very important to me that I can sign that. But, I want to tell you that I am signing it with the understanding that the special counsel and the current City counsel... agreement as it is written that qualifies with the statutes that previously are in the plan subject to 163 Part I of the Interlocal Agreement, 1 I January 24, 2000 that's the issue. And, I would also, hope that the board would in effect, agree that I would... that the redrafted agreement I have done roughly with others, that that should be given... consideration by the City, by the parties, especially by this board. Board Member Sanchez: Well, is that agreement in compliance with the 163, the agreement that's before the financial assessment? Mr. Judy: Yes. Mr. Bloom: I think, Commissioner Sanchez, the issue is, and Mr. Judy and his staff has spent a lot of time rewriting the Interlocal Agreement in part to put in the proper perspective the powers and authority of the CRA, historically that weren't reflected in the prior draft that reflect the relationship of the parties. At this point in time however, the City Attorney's Office nor has Special Counsel has had the opportunity to sit down and negotiate that. But, I think maybe as a compromise, if we take the latest draft that everyone agreed on that reflected the changes that the Oversight Board required and have that executed... Board Member Sanchez: Right. Mr. Bloom:... and when the opportunity to review in detail the refinements that the Executive Director has proposed, we can present that as an amended and restated document which will in its entirety reflect everything so we don't have to look at amendments in one document. Mr. Judy: Yes. And, I... Yeah, what I can say to everybody here is that... Board Member Sanchez: We'll vote on it. Mr. Judy:... the agreement that... as extracted today will be an agreement that is helpful to everyone in terms of ... and the dreams of all of us in regard to the CRA area. I think each board member... has got a very good insight into reading what all of our responsibilities are. Mr. Bloom: Alright, in response to Commissioner Sanchez's question, why is it taking so long? Because there is a long history at the CRA, and Mr. Judy is to be congratulated for taking the time and energy to go through all the historic records of the CRA and try to put some meat on the bones, because he understood the process and understood how the documents should be working, and then try to incorporate that into the Interlocal Agreement so everyone would understand what the relationship is between the CRA and the City, and that's what taking so long. Chairman Teele: Look... Mr. Vilarello: If I can act on your comments. Mr. Judy did spend quite a bit of time going through this document, and in a brief review of it, I think a lot of comments and changes that Mr. Judy incorporated merit the attention of this board and the City Commission. However, in order to expedite the execution of the Interlocal Agreement the documents that have been agreed to by both parties we need to execute a draft and come back to the... agreement, but that's not to say Mr. Judy's time spent on it was not spent properly. Mr. Judy: Absolutely, I think that's a very wise... My Chairman wants me to stay on top of, thatI can tell you. Chairman Teele: But, I must say this. In fairness to everyone and everything. One of the big frustrations that I have had for two years, that Dick Judy has had ever since he's been here, is that the records of the 12 January 24, 2000 CRA are non-existent. I mean, all of the records of the CRA have been retained and made through the process of the City, and while there are archives and there are documents, the City Commission functioned as the CRA, it functioned as the City and there was a division line. In fact, the first division line, and correct me if I am wrong... Mr. Vilarello: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Mr. Attorney. Mr. Vilarello: The City and the CRA acted as almost one entity. They met separately, they had different meetings and boards, but administratively, it was much the same body. I think this is the first attempt really, in the last tow years to draw a clear distinction between the two... as is required by state law. Chairman Teele: As required by state law. And, that's the point that Dick is trying to make. CRAs are not unique creatures around the state. There are probably 15 or 20 CRAs. They've just been unique in the City of Miami where there has been this absolute obsession with controlling it as opposed to allowing the CRA to be an independent agency to operate within the context of what the state law not only mandates. As a result, their documentations like in Omni, so we haven't found where the CRA was fully and properly brought into life. I mean, and part of the mission of the Director of Strategic Planning that we are talking about here, is an important role of researching the documents, analyzing them and publishing and codifying a history if you will, but more than just a history, but the legal entity of the CRA. I mean, much of what you heard about the City of Miami in the past is very much a part of what the CRA is, and the same books being kept, the same records being kept, the same horror stories in some cases, and the CRA has done a lot of good work, and there have been a lot of good, competent, dedicated people. But, the CRA has never had the kind of management and board support to create an independent entity that we are trying to basically say that the state law mandates. TRATIFY PURCHASE OF MOBILE TELEPHONES BY CRA IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Chairman Teele: With that, the issues relating the ratification of telephones. Board Member Sanchez: I don't have a problem with that, Commissioner. Chairman Teele: There is a motion. Board Member Regalado: What was that? Board Member Gort: Wait a minute, let's go back a minute. What are going to do on the... Mr. Judy: On the... Board Member Gort: ... agreement? Are we going to stick to the? Chairman Teele: The Interlocal is not on the agenda. The Interlocal was a question by a Board Member. We are asking the Executive Director to sign it forthwith, tonight, tomorrow morning... Board Member Sanchez: Right. 13 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele:... and the Manager do the same which raises a whole series of issues which I am going to get in after we finish all of this. Because, I am going to tell you something, you know, the way we got here over the last 18 months we getting ready to go right back, because I am not going to sit by and watch what is going on with the management of the City as it relates to the CRA in the context of the financials. This is wrong. It's absolutely wrong, and we'll discuss it. But, I have not said... I have said, taken the position very clearly that until the Interlocal Agreement is signed, I am just going to leave it like it is, but, we'll get into it, and it will be what it is. Do you have a problem with number six? I mean number five, the ratification of the purchase of telephones Board Member Gort: No, he moved it, I seconded. Chairman Teele: Moved and seconded. Is there objection? All those I favor say... Board Member Regalado: What are we ratifying? I just want to know. Chairman Teele: Thirty-seven and ninety-five dollars ($37.95) of telephones. Mr. Judy: Customer monthly service charge. Chairman Teele: Customer monthly service charge. Moved and seconded. Is there objection? All those in favor say "aye." The Bard Members (Collectively: Aye. Chairman Teele: Opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-2 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-1 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE PURCHASE OF MOBILE TELEPHONES BY THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: Board Member Regalado Board Member Sanchez Board Member Winton Board Member Gort Chairman Teele NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 14 January 24, 2000 8. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PORPOSED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING AND RELATED SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH VARIOUS PROJECTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Chairman Teele: Number six. Board Member Sanchez: Defer. Chairman Teele: Moved to defer it. Seconded? Is there objection? All those in favor? The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO.00-3 AND OMNI/CRA MOTION NO. 00-2 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE RETENTION OF A CIVIL ENGINEERING FIRM TO PERFORM CIVIL ENGINEERING AND RELATED SERVICES AND TO PERFORM MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH VARIOUS PROJECTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: Board Member Regalado Board Member Sanchez Board Member Winton Board Member Gort Chairman Teele NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 9. AUTHORIZE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO PURCHASE PICKUP TRUCK AND TRAILER ($15,000) FOR USE IN CONNECTGION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Chairman Teele: Item number seven. Board Member Sanchez: Not a problem. Board Member Gort: Move it. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Gort, seconded by Commissioner... Board Member Sanchez: Sanchez. 15 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: Sanchez. All those in favor? This is a resolution authorizing the purchase, a lease. All those in favor say "aye." The Board Members (Collectively): Aye. The following was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-4 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO PURCHASE A PICKUP TRUCK AND TRAILER (AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $15,000) FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: Board Member Regalado Board Member Sanchez Board Member Winton Board Member Gort Chairman Teele NAYS: None. Chairman Teele: I would ask the Executive Director to ensure that this item is not available through the federal surplus process before the purchase. 16 January 24, 2000 10. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: (A) PROPOSED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL, DESIGN, PLANNING AND RELATED SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA. (B) PROPOSED AUTHORIZATION OF BERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. TO COMPLETE ALL TASKS STARTED PRIOR TO MAY 30, 2000. (C) PROPOSED RFQ FOR RETENTION OF GENERAL LAND PLANNING CONSULTANT OF NATIONAL PROMINENCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. (D) PROPOSED RFQ FOR MASTER DEVELOPER TO IMPLEMENT REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES. (E) PROPOSED RFQ FOR GENERAL CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THIRD AVENUE BUSINESS CORRIDOR PROJECT. Chairman Teele: Number eight. Board Member Sanchez: Defer "A" through "D". Chairman Teele: "A" through "D" is asked to be deferred. I have no objection to it. Let me just explain to the Board Members what is happening. The CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) have a deliberate process, again, this is mandated by state law. We are required to develop a plan, in effect, the plan is our Bible, we operate on a plan that is a plan that was approved by the City and the County that creates it. It's called "The Development Plan" where it's required annually to update that plan in that regard. One of the main services that we have to utilize would be that of a planning consultant or the general consultant. Currently, the general consultant is the Bermello, Ajamil. This proposal "A" through "D" which are being deferred in effect would terminate Bermillo, Ajamil, without prejudice, they could reapply. Board Member Sanchez: Absolutely. Chairman Teele: As of September 30`h, it would require that they cannot accept any new assignments as of May 30"' and between the period of May 30'h and September, they would, you know, work their way out. The... that's `B". "A" would begin to allow for the RFP (Request for Proposal), RFQ (Request for Quotation) process to select a new consultant as of October 1. Both items are being deferred. Item "C" requires a national land planner of national prominence. It's a part of what we are going to talk about in the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) meetings. Again, Commissioner Sanchez would like to defer this. Mr. Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): Mr. Chairman, are we working from a revised agenda, because I have an agenda... Board Member Sanchez: So do I. I think it's... I working from, I guess it's been revised. I have just been handed one with "E." Mr. Judy: There's an "B"? Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): There is a revised agenda. 17 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: It's definitely, correct. There is a revised agenda. Chairman Teele: It's a strikethrough. Board Member Sanchez: Strikethrough. Unidentified Speaker: "A" through `B"? Chairman Teele:... I said "A" through "D". Board Member Sanchez: Well, I have another one. One this one I have an "E", so I would change it to "B" also because... "E" also be deferred. Chairman Teele: OK. Board Member Sanchez: OK, OK. Chairman Teele: And, just so that everybody is aware, so that, I mean, you know I don't want to seem... It's going to be deferred. It's going to be deferred, so that everybody is aware. Item "C" is a national... of national prominence, a master planner which is approved by your budget. It's simply a part of the execution of the budget that the CRA approved in September. We have agreed to go out with one master plan for the entire CRA areas including Park West, including Overtown, including the Omni, and to coordinate that closely with the DDA. All those matters are being deferred. In addition there is an add - on that requires, that requests the CRA to authorize the proceeding with an expedited RFP for the, RFQ for the purpose of implementing the Third Avenue Business Corridor which was approved a year and a half ago, but still is waiting for the City to provide the funding as required for, by the resolution approved by the City. This was pursuant to public discussion and public demonstrations which are overly noisy. But again, the CRA has not carried forth on any of its commitments to the community. All of those items are being deferred at the request of Commissioner Sanchez. Is there objections? Board Member Winton: Mr. Commissioner, could I ask one question? You said at the beginning that the descriptions of these particular line items that by nature of the, the creation of the CRA, the CRA is working under the master plan for the redevelopment of the neighborhood. And, I don't want to take everybody's time up here, because it's inappropriate, but is there a way for me to get up to speed in terms of what that plan is, so I can understand how the plan fits in. Chairman Teele: Yeah, that's one of the things that we're hoping that Dick Judy is going to just sort of focus on briefing. Everybody up there... Because what we have got is these operational issues... Board Member Sanchez: He's not ready, I guess. Chairman Teele: And, the plan in effect of a plan that was approved in '83284. Erdal probably is the expert on it, he wrote it. Board Member Winton: That was the plan? Unidentified Speaker: 1982. Chairman Teele: In'82. 18 January 24, 2000 Board Member Sanchez: What role does... and the reason why is that requested when I haven't gotten it? Board Member Winton: OK. Mr. Judy: A legal concept. [phonetic] Chairman Teele: The plan is published. It's a legal concept. It's pursuant to state law, and the plan is the term of art that we — that essentially is a plan of redevelopment and then you pass annually increments to carry out that plan. The plan, more detailed studies and... Board Member Sanchez: Can you provide the board with, can you provide, is there a copy of it? Mr. Judy: Yes, I would do my best. Board Member Winton: And, you are going to need... Chairman Teele: Individually. Board Member Winton: Individually, yes. Mr. Judy: Yes, I think that that's the way it should be done... Board Member Winton: Could I say one more thing? To my personal viewpoint, the redevelopment of the Overtown Park West Omni West area, and this morning I went to Phyllis Wheatley... Chairman Teele: Elementary School. Board Member Winton:... Elementary School because I had met the principal in Overtown in another meeting, probably six weeks ago and she invited to the school, and it's coincidental that it's this morning that we set that meeting up. And, I spent time in and out of Overtown, but not to the degree that I did today. I spent time driving up and down all those streets in Overtown and frankly, it's very bad, and there is a lot of work to be done. And, Commissioner Teele and I talked about this many times in the past, and I am usually in favor of us figuring out ways where our City is going to be better served by a long shot once we develop a long-term master plan for the redevelopment of Overtown Park West Omni West. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Board Member Winton: That's a huge, huge opportunity for us, because the plan has to be done right. And so... And, I think a lot of us have real thoughts about that. But, if we don't solve that problem, this City is never going to live up to its potential. So, from my viewpoint... I am usually in favor of us doing the things we need to from a City standpoint to make this neighborhood, that whole area, very successful, but the planning part of it is absolutely the crucial first step. Mr. Judy: And, we are critical, we should be going forward with this. I mean, all we're doing is going out and getting Requests for Qualification. Chairman Teele: If a Board Member has objections... Mr. Judy: If there is ten people come in, you people can throw the whole things out. But, I think the housekeeping here should go on. 19 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: Look, I don't want to debate the issues of delays, and not subject to debate, but I think, you know, I mean, very candidly it's very difficult to rationalize why anybody constructively would not want to allow a planning process just to proceed. You are not selecting anybody, you are not even approving the RFP. I mean, you are just saying we are going to do it. But, in any event, it's been voted upon and I want to basically, you know, in light of the telephone calls that are being made et cetera and et cetera, I want to keep a little bit of order and peace at this point. But what comes around goes around. Board Member Winton: Well, I think though that, and I am not, I am in favor of deferring because there is no information. I mean, these are big decisions that we have to make and there is a lot of money involved. And, I personally would like more information. So, the fact that you can have Dick Judy get on his horse and go visit each of us individually and really bring us up to speed on the real details behind this is going to put us in a much better position to make the right decision for our community. Chairman Teele: Let me just say one thing. The time to object to these issues is when the budget is done, everything in here is pursuant to a budget, OK. The budget was done in September. The reason we have these thick budget documents, you know, is really, and those documents are out. I mean, we circulate them, is to ensure that everyone is aware of what we are doing. This is a unique committee. It's the only committee that's a Commission type of process unlike say, the DDA or the Bayfront Trust Board. But, I can assure you that this is the last time this kind of process is going to develop in here because the staff didn't get it out on time, so I am not prepared to fight it out with my colleagues. But clearly, there is nothing on this agenda that we are talking about now that has not been already voted upon. The tragedy in this process is that the City of Miami's redevelopment area is one of the worst areas in this entire area, and you know, we have not been able to get the funds released that the City has voted on. We have not gotten the cooperation, and quite candidly, you know, I am going to do what I have got to do starting tonight, because I am not going to sit here and be a Commissioner of the area that is, literally looks the way Overtown and Park West look, and it's not fair. Particularly, when we get to Bayfront Trust, I mean, Margaret Pace Park. I am to going to see if those issues are going to be deferred which are for the White community, and these things are approved. The CRA is sending more money in the Omni from our internal budget than we are spending for Overtown, and that may be a shock. But, we will get to that item, we will deal with it, and the fact of the matter is, is that we have made more commitments and spent more time in the Margaret Pace Park, in the Margaret Park areas than anywhere in this entire City, because there is a need for it. I mean, there is a need to keep the development moving forward. It always just... It's strange to me, Johnny how anything that happens in the really inner city go through different hurdles, and you know, I have said that every time I have sat here. We approve money, what was it, a million dollars ($1,000,000), a million two? — for community development money for a housing project in the downtown which is not even a CD (Community Development) eligible area within the last six months, nobody said a word. And, that's all I am going to say. Chairman Teele: The next item is the Margaret... Is there objection to the motion to defer? All those in favor say "aye." The Board Members (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed? 20 January 24, 2000 The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION 00-5 AND OMNI/CRA MOTION 00-4 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: (A) PROPOSED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) TO RETAIN A GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL, DESIGN, PLANNING AND RELATED SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA; (B) PROPOSED AUTHORIZATION OF BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. TO COMPLETE ALL TASKS STARTED PRIOR TO MAY 30, 2000; (C) PROPOSED RFQ FOR RETENTION OF GENERAL LAND PLANNING CONSULTANT OF NATIONAL PROMINENCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT AREAS; (D) PROPOSED RFQ FOR MASTER DEVELOPER TO IMPLEMENT REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES; (E) PROPOSED RFQ FOR GENERAL CONSULTANT AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THIRD AVENUE BUSINESS CORRIDOR PROJECT. Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Regalado Board Member Sanchez Board Member Winton Board Member Gort Chairman Teele NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 11. UPDATE REGARDING STATUS OF MARGARET PACE PARK PROJECT. Chairman Teele: Margaret Pace Park. Did I say Chase Park? Is it Pace Park. Board Member Sanchez: Pace Park. Chairman Teele: Margaret Pace Park. And again, we have an outstanding update that has been done. There has been a lot of process on this, and the only project, to my knowledge that we started and that we are close to completing, unlike the Third Avenue Business Corridor is the Margaret Pace Park. So, and a tremendous level of community participation in that. And, I know that Mrs. Kruger, that you and Mr. Hollow and others, Mr. Yaffa, have been instrumental in this process, and I appreciate your cooperation. Board Member Regalado: Are we getting the update on the Third... street conditions? [phonetic] 21 January 24, 2000 Unidentified Speaker: I am sorry. Board Member Sanchez: It was... Chairman Teele: It was deleted at the request of the Executive Director. Ms. Tere Garcia: My name is Tere Garcia, and I am a partner with Bermillo, Ajamil and Partners and we have been consultants on Margaret Pace Park. In the past CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) board meeting we had given an update of the design. We are now in construction documents, and at this time, we have been requested to give a presentation on the budget and the phasing plan, and the schedule. With that, I leave with Elizabeth Newland our director of landscape architecture. Ms. Elizabeth Newland: Good evening, my name is Elizabeth Newland, I am director of landscape architecture for Bermillo, Ajamil and Partners. And tonight, we have left in a packet for you a phasing budget which ties in to the plan that we have on display up here which is also in your packets. There is a few revisions that I want to mention to the budget. Under the FIND, F-I-N-D column which is monies that are available through the FIND grant process. That number should be read as, one hundred and thirty-four thousand, one hundred and fifty. Unidentified Speaker: As what? Ms. Newland: One hundred and thirty-four thousand, one hundred and fifty. And, under the column that says "99 Tax Increments Funds" that should be correctly titled "Tax Increment Funds Balance and Trust Funds." Obviously, with a park of this magnitude, everything can't be done at once. We have broken it into three phases, and if you kind of follow along with me with your budget, I will go through he plan up here. The green outline includes Phase I, which consists of the infrastructure for the park which is all the underground utilities, site grading, demolition, insulation of water sewer and electric. The second phase consists of this red hatched area which will be the main center feature of the park and the third phase which is the blue hatch are these other items here which will happen in Phase III. If you pardon me for just a second. OK, and Phase II of the project will be completing the site paving in the red area as well as walk... First, the large piece of ply equipment will go in, the vitacourse takes people on an exercise circuit around the park will go in along with the paving related to that and the... both sidewalks are also suitable access by police vehicles. We will have a security building in this spot, the large trailer... The overlook at the Bayfront as well as irrigation of landscaping in those areas. In Phase III, we will be looking at the insulation of the tennis courts, the cricket pitch, basketball and there is also several open-air pavilions that we have included for gathering. It's a large park, in the event of rain, we have decided that that would be an important addition of the park, as well as, we have provided restroom facilities in, right near the entrance feature. In conjunction with this phasing plan, we also have prepared a timeline that shows you where we are and where we hope to be throughout the next year. Of course, the design development documents are done and we are now in the construction document phase which this first section here is the design develop... the entire design phase, all the engineering structural site lighting. All that will be completed by the end of March. Then, we go into permitting which is going to be happening concurrently with some of the construction documents, and there will be some overlap and then the completion of the construction documents, you know, I am sorry the permitting, in the beginning of June. We anticipate that bidding can happen during this permitting process, and that will avoid the contract and mobilization with Phase I construction actually starting in July 11t' of this year. And, these three lines indicate the three phases that we have broken the budget into, and of course, we anticipate that Phase II could start somewhere in the middle of this Phase I, and it appears we have funds available for that. Phase III could start at this point, best case scenario, or it could be moved out further, depending on available monies. Are there any questions that I answer at this time? Tere. 22 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: The thing that I would like for Board Member Winton to know is that this is a plan that started out as a one point three million dollar ($1,300,000) project. Is that fai; Mr. -- One point two million dollar ($1,200,000) project. When the neighborhood gave their input, and this was a very deliberate, very prolonged process, a number of changes were recommended and made. The CRA took the mission that we were going to try to maximize and accommodate all of the neighborhood changes and recommendation. So, we have not really tried to do a budget reduction in this park, and we are not recommending it. Even if we're recommending phasing, and even if we don't have the funds to cb all of it, we're still going to try to hold it out as one. We believe that the development that is underway in that area will be so much more enhanced, and it will enhance the property values. The important thing about this, and I want to be very clear to my colleague, Commissioner Sanchez. The CRA is not proposing to take over this park or manage this park at all. We are providing strictly the dollars to rebuild it, and it goes back to the Park Department. In other words, we are putting in the money from all of the sources that we can pull together for the purpose of turning it over to the Parks Department and the neighborhood, and the community to operate and manage. In that regard, we have voted to commit ninety percent (90%) of all of the CRA funds in the Omni district. Ninety percent (90%) of all of the funds which is about one point two million dollars ($1,200,000) that is under the Interlocal Agreement. After we get one point five million dollars ($1,500,000), the first one point five million ($1,500,000), the County gets all of the other money each year from now until, probably in realistic numbers, probably for the next 20 years to service the bond on the Performing Arts Center. Technically, once the tax increment district gets up annuallyto, I think it's one point four or one point five million, then we get the remainder. Board Member Winton: So, if it goes above one point five million, then the... How much? Board Member Gort: ... is one point two. Chairman Teele: One point two, one point four, it's somewhere in there. But, we don't foresee it getting there four, five, ten years... So, in effect, we're getting absolutely naked, we're breaking... We doing everything that we have to make this park work. We will not have sufficient funds "to operate" the CRA after we commit the funds to this. However, we believe that the operation of the CRA in the Park West, in the Omni area is going to be very minor. Board Member Winton: What portion of the tax bill, property owner tax bill goes into the CRA pool? Board Member Gort: I think it's the base of... What was the base that was used for year? Mr. Judy: 1987. Board Member Gort: 1987. Board Member Winton: 1987. Board Member Gort: ... the base year was 1987. Board Member Winton: But, what portion of the tax bill that's, you know, is it special taxing school? Mr. Judy: There's the special taxing increment. Board Member Winton: I understand. There the tax, there is the whole amount, the City's and the County portion also. 23 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: Stated on your... Stated on your bill, nothing on your bill goes, is earmarked to the CRA. It is a... It's a mathematical calculation based upon the base year, and whatever the increment is above that base year goes. And, that base year, it goes up. I mean, the increment goes up and down. Obviously, for example, if the Omni were to close and shut down... Board Member Winton: It would go downtown. Chairman Teele: ... the base year, I mean, the increment will just go into a tail spin. Board Member Winton: Right. But, I just curious. I just wanted to make sure that both the County and the City portion of ad valorem tax goes back into it, it isn't just the portion. Chairman Teele: It is the County... Board Member Winton: I was trying to do a calculation on how quickly we could get to that million and a half. Chairman Teele: Johnny... Board Member Winton: That's not very far if we can get some development going. Board Member Gort: Right. Well, there is... Chairman Teele: That's through, Johnny, but... Board Member Winton: I mean, that's not far at all. Chairman Teele: ... development dollars in this context realistically, have a lead of three to five years, really. There are a lot of reasons for that, but you are always a year behind, first of all. There is a series of issues. One of the things that you need to be very cognoscenti of in this context is that... There are two things. The CRA, the City and County entered into this Interlocal Agreement. It literally gives all of the money from the tax increment up to one point two, whatever the number is. Unidentified Speaker: It's one point four thirty. Chairman Teele: But, essentially all of the funds for the next five to ten years for the Performing Arts Center, except for the first one point five million. We are taking that one point five million or one point two of that... Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele:... and throwing, putting it right into the park. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: The second thing that you should be cognoscenti of in this context is obviously, the City tax rate has been ten mils, the County unincorporated tax rate is, Mr. Manager, can you help us? Ms. Charlene Thompkins (Fiscal Director, CRA): It's five point six five. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Five point six five. 24 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: I don't think so. You're adding in for our district. The unincorporated tax is about three and a half mils. OK. So, the more we reduce our taxes which I am strongly support of, the more you hurt the CRA and the tax... I shouldn't say hurt. The more you reduce the tax increment to the CRA, both from the Omni and from Park West remembering that the crazy thing about the deal with the City and the County is we gave away the increment when we are putting in twice as much money as the County is, and the facility is a County facility. That's just sort of side bar issue, but... Board Member Winton: But, it's in our district, so it may be a County facility, but the benefits of all the patrons that go there, come to the City, not to the County. Chairman Teele: Theoretically. So, it is definitely being financed by the City of Miami. Board Member Winton: Correct. Chairman Teele: But as you reduce the millage rate, you also reduce the millage rate, not only tothe Omni, but also to the Overtown Park West areas as well. Mrs. Kluger, thank you very much, and Mr. Joseph who also has been very active. Ms. Eleanor Kluger: I just wanted to say that the reason the park really started with the park was that there was a bond, a bond issue. There was a bond issue where the parks would get money from all the parks within the County, and Margaret Pace Park got six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) designated for the park there. And, with that six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) the community went to work trying to develop a master plan rather than having the park which they first started to do, just throw some lights in there and a few other things, and it wasn't really what the neighbors wanted. So, we got the whole neighborhood together and we started working on it. And, when the money came through for the, from the Performing Arts Center, you know, the Performing Arts Center, the money, one point two mil, we decided we would like to see something actually work and go through and have that master plan and this is the result of about almost a year and a half worth of work. Chairman Teele: All of the elements of this park plan are actually provided by the neighborhood, and I just think... Obviously, this is Commissioner Winton's district, and I wanted to just make sure that from this point of view, you were aware that the plan is not a plan of the architects, but more... Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: ...a unity plan that tries to accommodate using the mailable land space. Board Member Winton: And frankly, I hope that sort of master planning is what we do with all of our neighborhoods in the entire City of Miami. We need that kind of joint effort staff and public, master planning go on throughout all of our neighborhood. That's where we've really missed the ball. Board Member Gort: Well, that's where... That's where the NET concept comes in. That's the one part that's missing. Board Member Winton: Yes. Board Member Gort: Each neighborhood is different. Board Member Winton: Yes, right. 25 January 24, 2000 Board Member Gort: Each neighborhood should have its own planning and what to do with the neighborhood. Board Member Winton: Right. Board Member Gort: Each neighborhood should have its own plan and what (unintelligible) neighborhood. And that was part of the NET. And our hope is we have more people in the Planning Department, we'd be able to do that. Board Member Winton: Yes. Chairman Teele: Is there any discussion on the plan itself? Board Member Gort: I have a question. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort. Board Member Gort: My understanding is, the sources of funds that you have received up to now is two point eight... Chairman Teele: No, that's the total cost. The total funding we have is how much? Ms. Charlayne Thompkins (Fiscal Director, CRA): Four point three. Bond issued is 1,185,316. Board Member Winton: And, how do you figure that out from this? Ms. Thompkins: One sixty-one from the fine grant. The answer in... Board Member Winton: Wait, wait, wait. You have got point two somewhere. Ms. Thompkins: For the first sheet. Chairman Teele: At the very top. Ms. Thompkins: The fine grant is less. We could change it to one thirty-four, but it's actually the fine grant of one sixty-one, the asset... The Safe Neighborhood Park funds for ninety-seven and ninety-eight, and the fund balance that's available from the one point, the one point two million dollars, it's seven sixty-five and that is the total of one point one eighty-five three fifteen. Board Member Gort: That not how it's published here, that's why I have asked the question? The numbers that I have it shows the total social funds is two point eight six nine. Chairman Teele: That says total funding. Board Member Gort: Right. Board Member Winton: Oh, the last line, Commissioner, it says "additional funds to be provided". Board Member Gort: To be provided, OK. Board Member Winton: So, that's where the, that's where the difference is, I guess. 26 January 24, 2000 Board Member Gort: That's where the difference is. The one point needs to be provided. Chairman Teele: The only thing that I say is, it is critical that the community support the CRA in our appeal. We voted, as a part of the budget process to request the County to provide an additional four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). This goes in as a request from the CRA to the County TIF (Tax Increment Fund) Committee which is a tax increment fund committee which is shared by, I think, the Budget Director of the County. Who is the Chair by the way? George Burgess or David Morris. In any event... Ms. Thompkins: Tony Crapp. Chairman Teele: In any event... Winton has that meeting been scheduled with Tony Crapp? Ms. Thompkins: Tony Crapp is the Chairperson of that committee. Chairman Teele: When is that meeting scheduled? Ms. Thompkins: We have not gotten a date for the rescheduling of the next TIF meeting. Chairman Teele: In effect, it is really important that we ask the community, Mr. Kluger to go to the TIP Committee and to contact some people asking them... What we are asking the County to do is, to release four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) of the monies that the City has committed to them. I mean, you know, in '87 and to let it go into this park. And, it's up to them to do that. Board Member Winton: So, this four hundred thousand that's on, in this... line item has not been approved yet? Chairman Teele: No. Ms. Thompkins: NO. Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: It's been approved by the CRA board... Board Member Winton: But not by the County. Chairman Teele: ... as a request... Board Member Winton: Alright. Chairman Teele: ... from the County, and it was approved... Board Member Winton: So, you have four hundred thousand left. [phonetic] Chairman Teele: ... again by the budget of the CRA. Ms. Tere Garcia: ... that they need to go under construction under certain dates. Those elements are coming first. 27 January 24, 2000 Board Member Regalado: OK. Just a question, because that park never, never has an attendant, and there is no staffing, and if you go there on Saturdays or Sunday, you see a lot of people playing soccer. And, that's a very park, and we have to think that you need staffing and cleaning for that park. And so, all parks are supposed to close at sundown. Ms. Garcia: Sundown. Board Member Regalado: So, can we close that park, or? Chairman Teele: Let me just pull a point of order. The operation of this park is not within the purview of this board. And, what I don't want to do is start going back and back respectfully. Board Member Regalado: No, I understand Commissioner. Chairman Teele: We are not, we are only do the capital work. The City of Miami Commission and its Parks Department you know, in the context of the City will operate this park, staff this park now and in the future. The only thing we are doing is giving money to the park and doing the construction plan for it, and it's a part of the kind of thing that the... that I was saying before that we, as a CRA have to stay limited to what the jurisdiction of the CRA is, and I am sure that on Thursday... Board Member Regalado: But, the reason that I was saying this is precisely because it is not for this board to decide... Chairman Teele: Right. Board Member Regalado: ... the staffing and the maintenance. And, this board should be on record that, you know, we are spending a lot of money to have a beautiful park, but if there is no staffing, then we have a problem. Chairman Teele: I agree with you, and one of the things we ask the staff to do is, to work closely with the Parks staff to do reductions based upon maintenance cost and any kind of thing that would lower the operating cost of the park. And, Dick Judy has personally been involved with... Mr. Judy: I have spent numerous amount of time... And, I can tell you that we are even looking at (unintelligible) to minimize costs, things of that nature. That's a challenge. And, I want to say to you all that what we have done in here, we have designed a park to, in a manner that it should be designed, it should be built. This business of compromising with the infrastructure of our community, and the very thing that we give to our citizens are parks, and the minute I have been... I am getting to my Chairman, I want you to know this. I brief him and he says "go" and when he says "go" he knows we are going for it. And, I am sure that all of you think this way. But I, we went in and we are designing a park that has flexibility in it. As an example if four tennis courts aren't work, we are doing it in such a way we can go to three and put somebody else in. So, parks functions to the needs at any one time. If a new sport comes up and it's a demand, that means it's a demand of our citizens then we are going to have methodology to an effect that we have that type of flexibility. It's not fixed forever with exception of a certain amount of the underground infrastructure. Then, knowing the funding problem, as tradition. We went through one funding, one contract approach, and we end up, we can't do it because the money is not enough, we have got everything now, a little bit like the Performing Arts. I think we could have done a lot differently in terms of quality, but... So, what we have done is, we have brought that into phases so that we can begin the first phase we have funding for at the same time after that funding, that first phase is done where the infrastructure is all underground, this thing can become function of the park again which is very, very important. Then if the second area of funding comes in, we can put the next level on, then the third. And, 28 January 24, 2000 we actually have on design fourth and fifth phases, because we know there are some other issues that are very, very important. It takes that kind of effort, and I think we are in a dynamic approach here to do the job. And, I will also speak to each of you. And, I must say this too, this park has been more regional, to be frank with you. Yes, there is a lot... use here. So, in effect we are not only talking about just the neighborhood, we are talking, this is great to see. To see people coming from all areas of our neighborhoods playing together, working together and being together rather than some fixed area group of nationalities and everything, it's all mixed. It's a beautiful thing. And, I spend a lot of time morning and night there seeing it function, and I am sure others do so that we can do the best. And, again I must say that we will be successful here one way or another. And, in the Interlocal Agreement that I have redrafted and done there is provisions in there for loaning money between the two CRAB. And let me say to you, that type of money back and forth and moving money from one CRA to another has to be done through an Interlocal Agreement. So, I accept those types of mechanisms into the Interlocal Agreement for the CRA so that they can function and do these types of things and also working with the City, because after all, the CRAB belongs to the City. They created them, and next meeting you guys can kill both CRAB. We work for the City in many ways, and the people of this community. We have CRAs because it can do the job, there are special powers under the legislation that we should use. The City wants to use it, they created us. We didn't create ourselves, so there should be ... And, you'll see the draft that I wrote shows that type of togetherness. [APPLAUSE[ And, I believe with that we can do and get the CRA areas working and functioning for this community. And, it's a major, major play for the County. This central City of this community is not just the City, it's the whole County and a little bit of the State. This is a special, special area., all of Dade County. 12. BRIEFING REGARING TIME SQUAR PROPOSAL. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort. Commissioner Gort, I want to be respectful of the time issues that we have outlined. Lourdes, you need to leave right? Mr. Judy: Yes, we need Lourdes. Ms. Lourdes Y. Slazyk (Asst. Director/Planning Department): I can wait a few more minutes. [phonetic] Chairman Teele: Alright, we are going to take the... The Time Square proposal is a proposal that I am sure Commissioner Sanchez will take some interest. It's very similar to the New York's Time Square. It's a concept now, the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) is looking for ways to develop revenue streams. What the CRA is going, is proposing is to create in effect, a Time Square along Biscayne Boulevard and create it as a development project in addition to the Tax Increment Fund, Funding (TIF). In effect, the project would be authorized by the City of Miami Commission and through the land use legislation. Any landowner that would like to opt in could opt in, any landowner that would like to go with their own. But, this would provide for a project that would have quick reviews and expedited oversights. And, Lourdes, would you like to just give a brief... Ms. Slazyk: OK, just real quickly. The Biscayne Boulevard frontage of the CRA district has recently been rezoned to SD-6. SD-6 is the zoning district that's also in place up in the Omni area and for the Performing Arts district. SD-6 was specifically written to be the most liberal zoning district in the City with respect to signage. Chairman Teele: What year was that? Ms. Slazyk: That was done in 1987, I believe. 29 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: You said "recently." I am... Ms. Slazyk: Oh, no, the rezoning was within the last year. Chairman Teele: OK. Ms. Slazyk: Within the last year, maybe six, eight months ago. But, the sign regulations were done at, right around the time we did out downtown master plan, we foresaw that this was the area of the City where we wanted to be our Time Square. Technology has changed a little bit since then. The type of signs that we are talking about in a Time Square type of atmosphere have changes a little. And, what we are doing along with the CRA, is going back and taking a look at those signs ordinance and updating it so we can get more of the Time Square feel in our SD-6 district. This is something that is part of the overall plan to make downtown Miami, you know, a 24-hour activity pattern downtown. We want, you know, we have got a bunch of new residential projects in the Brickell area, new retail and entertainment projects and the Performing Arts Center, the Arena, you know, and so on and so on. And, Biscayne Boulevard is, you know, is foreseen to be the, you know, the gateway into downtown, you know and the sign ordinance specifically is going to be geared letting you know when you have arrived. You know, to activating the Boulevard. Board Member Winton: What's the boundary for the? Ms. Slazyk: The SD-6 right now goes up to just north of the Omni on the north to about 17t' Terrace, and it used to stop at 3-95, including the Boulevard frontage properties and it was just expanded, like I said, six or eight months ago to include the Biscayne Boulevard frontage through the CRA district to about seven, six maybe. So, the properties that... Board Member Winton: So, it's only to... Ms. Slazyk: It's only the first block off of Biscayne Boulevard. Board Member Winton: OK. Ms. Slazyk: It would not go further back into the district, not at this point. Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: The concept, of course, is seen on the Today Show, it's seen throughout what we are looking at. And, what we are proposing is that the CRA will take the lead in creating the development, in effect, the legislation and will permit and will provide a joint permitting with the City, and will provide a development fee. At least two or three of the property owners have expressed some great enthusiasm about that kind of process, in that it is very similar to the way the Urban Development Corporation in New York functions and has made work with the property owners in creating the Time Square. For of the six landowners or property owners have indicated support for this concept. Board Member Winton: Did you say that participation on the part of property is volunteered, voluntary? Chairman Teele: Voluntary. Board Member Winton: OK. 30 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: They don't have to do anything. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: OK, the.... And, we are going to bring that up. We are writing this in a way that also will allow for the Bayfront Trust areas to utilize the same language. In there case, they would be their own property owners. So, if they... That opportunity would extend to Bayfront Trust, but it would not extend to the West side of downtown. Board Member Winton: The way it's written. Ms. Slazyk: Right. Chairman Teele: OK. And, what we are talking about are large signs, large pictures... Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: ... huge TVs, and we are going to work with the Florida DOT (Department of Transportation) that has some restrictions relating to safety off of 3-95 any signage facingto the West or visible to 3-95 will have a series of safety restrictions built in. We are proposing, and we are going to work, have staff to work with you to do a site visit for those who would like to do it, and meet with Urban Development Corporation of New York and look at just how some of this Time Square stuff is doing, probably in mid -February depending on the Commission meetings and the available dates. 13. BRIEFING REGARDING THE NETWORK AREA POINT (NAP) — INTERNET TRAFFIC HUB — INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS — TRY TO LOCATE FACILITY IN CRA AREA. Chairman Teele: I should indicate that we have some guests here on number 14, if I could. And, who is here? If you all would just come, get a mike and introduce yourselves. One of the things that's very, va-y important, and I know the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) is going to want to take note of this and... Could we get a chair for Mr. Migoya please, sitting at the table, I know that he has come in. I saw him right behind me. Mr. Ann Sterling: Here he is. Chairman Teele: ... and Ms. Tucker, right. If the DDA board members that are here... If we could get tables rolled around or if we could minimize the staffing that's here to allow board members to get a chair - Diane, thank you — There was a special on the TV this weekend on Sunshine Network. And, that special was on the IT (Internet Taskforce) Committee of Florida. The IT Committee is the Information Technology? Unidentified Speaker: It's the Internet Taskforce. Chairman Teele: Internet Taskforce, which Governor Bush has appointed. One of the things that the Internet Taskforce has said is that they are very, they have a committee structure, and one of the committees is looking at something called a NAP. When they first met with me with Comnissioner Rojas who wrote the legislation and has briefed the Governor on this, I had no idea what a NAP was, I still don't have a lot of ideas, but... The bottom line is, is that a NAP, it could very well generate as much as three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000) — excuse me, ladies and gentlemen — A nap could very well generate as much as three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000) of development in and 31 January 24, 2000 around it. So, without further adieu, I am going to recognize the, Paul Lambert who will introduce our guests. We have asked Paul Lambert to sort of interface on some of this, and the representatives of the Governor's Task Force, and this is a part of the final committee report that is written for the Governor. Paul. Mr. Paul Lambert: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am here tonight with... My name is, by the way, Paul Lambert. I am the Economic Development Consultant to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). Nice enough to join me tonight is, Mr. Julio Ibarra of the Governor, of Governor Bush's Internet Task Force as well as Mr. Rich Paul-Hus also of the task force. We are talking tonight as Commissioner Teele said about a proposal which could have a profound impact on the future of high technology investment in the City of Miami and the CRA, in particular. The task force is in the process of about to recommend that the... that the State strongly support the development of something which is called The Network Area Point better known as NAP. Now, the way... the best way to explain NAP is, it's essentially the equivalent of a hub for internet traffic just as Miami International Airport is a hub for passenger and cargo traffic. And, currently within the... throughout the entire United States there are only six or seven NAPS on the size or order of magnitude of the NAP which is going to be proposed for the State of Florida. And, obviously the Florida NAP, the one which is going to be located potentially in the City of Miami is actually going to be serving potentially, primarily the State as well as Latin American traffic coming in and out. Just to give you a sense of how important the location of a NAP in the State of Florida actually is. Currently, if you have an office on Biscayne Boulevard and you want to send an e-mail to Brickell or if someone has an office in Lima, Peru and wants to send an e-mail to Buenas Aires, Argentina, then actually, that traffic actually now goes all the way up to Washington, D.C., and comes all the way back down. So, even though you may be across the street within a half a mile, in actuality, you traffic is going all the way up now. What that actually does is, even though it's moving at the speed of light, with the amount of traffic that goes on, an increasing number of a -mails and other data which is sent across the web, what ends up actually happening is there is a real slow down because of the distance factor. And, not only that, but the transmission costs, the cost associated with transmission are actually on a distance factor. So, what ends up happening is, costs are increased and the time of transmission is actually quite a bit slowed down. The impact on the local economy as the Chairman indicated can actually be quite, quite significant. The facility itself is about a eighty million dollar ($80,000,000) facility. No order of... It's sizeable anywhere from 150,000 square feet to 500,000 square feet, depending upon the NAP. But, the facility itself only has employment of about 25 to 30 employees. It's not a... The facility itself is not a big employment generator. The real generator or the real benefit to having a NAP in areas, actually the spin off generation because what ends up happening with these facilities is, is that these facilities provide are basically wholesalers who was called Internet Service Providers or I, which is better know as ISPs. ISPs want to be located in and around the NAP because of the speed of transmission purposes, as well as these interactions are not or the... Well, there has to be a lot of interactions between the ISPs themselves. And, these aren't all done over e-mails. There is actually a lot of interaction among the groups, among the firms, and it likes to be located around these network area point. Just to give you a quick example. There has been, recently we have been doing some work in New England and a lot of discussion in the City of Boston which is one of the four major, major internet points on the East Coast. In Boston what essentially happened is there is a large amount of warehousing district, and warehousing stock which essentially has fallen out of the market in the Boston area. Today, though released five years ago out of the market, today that warehouse stock is renting from anywhere from ten to twelve dollars ($12) per square foot. Largely, as the result of the fact that these NAPs and internet service providers that want to be around the NAPs are locating within the warehouses, reusing the space for new use and essentially, we are in the process of fully revitalizing the entire city. Last point about why, why is this important to the CRA Board? The CRA is actually in an excellent location from the NAPs perspective. It's near the waterfront. Remember, the main, this is where the main internet cables come in off the coast. So, it's coming in to the CRA. It's also along railroad tracks where there is significant, where... That's where the right-of-way is for high speed internet access up and 32 January 24, 2000 down the East Coast. I would like to turn this over, just real quick, to Rich Hus, again with the Internet Taskforce. When you are talking about the process that the task force is going through, and where they think it's going to be... where the proposal is going in several months. Chairman Teele: The report is a report being written by the sub -committee to the committee which go(s to the Governor, and the Governor has indicated that he is going to include elements of the report in his budget and will work with the legislature to implement elements. So, this is... I think you all have until January 301h or when to get the report through? Mr. Rich Paul-Hus: We submitted our policy recommendation after the meeting that we had with you and Representative Rojas. And, our next meeting of the entire task force is on February V in Tallahassee. Chairman Teele: Your name and... Mr. Paul-Hus: My name is Rich Paul-Hus, and the subject matter expert on the Internet Task Force, Julio Ibarra and myself. Julio is with FIU (Florida International University), he's Director of Telecommunications there. I am actually the local firm that builds fiber networks. The Governor, the whole idea here is to make Florida not necessarily one of the top five states with regards to Internet activity in the country, and specially e-commerce, but at least shift for the top ten right now. And, we are working through eight committees on the task force in that direction. What Julio and I are doing within the infrastructure committee is working on the NAP proposal and the NAP is very important to the State of Florida, because right now what's happening is, we are being circumvented, mostly through Dallas for Latin American exchange, and it's obvious that we are defacto hub for Latin, U.S. Latin American commodity commerce and what we need to or the bricks and water commodity commerce, and what we need to do is make sure we maintain our advantage with respect to a -commerce. And, the way that we do that is by developing such a massive network access point with critical mass that has enough areas to create a low cost, you know connection point so that, as Paul Lambert so well put, we can reduce our cost for the local companies and for the U.S. Latin American exchange. As we all know, for the people that are on the internet, the... there is an explosion in South and Central America right now with the internet. So, we want to be proactive, the Governor wants to be proactive and take the steps at this point to get this sort of facility put in place. We have met with Commissioner Teele on a location that we have identified as having all of the factors that would be needed for such a facility. And now, what we are doing is working on discussions with some of the carriers that would come in and participate in this. So, we are moving in that direction with the hopes that we can eventually do something. Now, I just wantto say that with what we have done so far, all we are doing at this point, is coming up with a policy recommendation within the infrastructure committee, but it still has to be voted and accepted by the rest of the task force on February 4`h to go to the next step to be finalized and submitted to the legislature sometime in April. So, we are kind of taking our baby steps at this point. So just keep it in mind that it's not a final policy recommendation of the task force yet. It's still a committee recommendation to the rest of the task force. And, I just want to let, well Julio wants to discuss a little bit of the more technical aspects of the facility. Board Member Winton: Could I ask question then, before they move to the second phase of this discussion? Will there not be serious competition within the State or, particularly South Florida for this NAP? Mr., Paul-Hus: Right now, we were at a meeting in which we presented this last week, on Thursday. We had the full support of the Economic Development Councils of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. This is going to be in South Florida. It's sort of a natural hub, because this really centers on U.S. Latin American exchange at this point... 33 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: Right. Mr. Paul-Hus: ... and later it can kind of establish us as a major international player with respect to the internet. So, we have the Beacon Council, the Broward Alliance and the Palm Beach Development Council all in support of this, and they have all given their commitment that if Dade County or if the CRA actually is a logical place which we believe it is at this point, they are in full support of it, and that helps the Governor considerably, obviously. Board Member Regalado: I have got a question. What do we need from the legislature that? Mr. Paul-Hus: What we are looking for the legislature is some... Well, we put in a policy recommendation. The best way to do that would be for me to submit to you the recommendation that we have right now that would explain that, but it deals with the incentives from the State level working with the CRA to provide the best possible facility for these people to locate here, rather than in some other area of South Florida. Board Member Winton: Well, OK. If... Chairman Teele: One of the things that Representative Rojas talked to the Governor's Office on our behalf was to get an agreement that a redevelopment area such as Overtown, Park West would carry out other governmental redevelopment purposes. And so, this area has a lot... Obviously, it's close to the water. The slip that everybody keeps talking about, feeling is really the hook that we got. There are two hooks, the slip at this point and the Florida East Coast Railway, because the East Coast Railway right -of way in effect is just a huge receptacle for fiber optics, that would take you right up to Washington. So, that's what sort of brings us in. The point I think that is being said that is not really, really clear is that this would be the Latin America NAP. Mr. Paul-Hus: Right. Chairman Teele: This is not the South Florida NAP. This is the Latin American NAP. This would be, so if a message were going from Nicaragua to Costa Rica, it would go from Nicaragua to Miami back down to Costa Rica. Board Member Gort: Like the airport. Board Member Winton: Well, I hate to have... You know, because this... and maybe I am missing something here, but it seems to me that the competition for this location would be fierce, I mean fierce. And, so I don't want to wake the competition up, if they are asleep right now, but I also don't want us to miss the opportunity to do every single thing in our power to get this NAP center located in the City of Miami. I mean, this is a huge, huge thing for us long term. So, without waking up the competition, I'm... I guess I am trying to figure out how we can get the information we need so that we win the battle here. Board Member Regalado: That's why I asked, what do we need from the legislature because... Chairman Teele: At this point, we don't need anything from anybody other than the IT Committee, and it's important that we not make this a legislative issue at this point. This is a report that is coming from the IT Committee which was authored by Representative Rojas who has basically said, this is a site that they would like to see. He's discussed it with the Governor from logical reasons, not political reasons. It's also a report now that is going to the Governor, not to the legislature. The Governor will then send his report to the legislature, and I think the thing that the IT Committee has really tried to do was to work 34 January 24, 2000 with all of the competing, like Boca, that was my first reaction. Boca is a logical place and that kind of thing, to work with everybody and get everybody signed on to this thing, becatse what we are saying is, this is a very important part of the redevelopment area that we are talking about in terms of the strategic planning process that we are going to be trying to do. Julio, I don't want to, you know, you need to... I think the real thing that we need is for everybody here ... Board Member Gort: To understand it. Chairman Teele: ... to understand it, so when we start talking about NAP, Chelsea won't have to give me a sheet of paper like she has to give, give you all sheets of paper like she gives to me to try to understand what we're doing. So, Julio, why don't you just go through a really brief bullet of what it is and the technical issue. Mr. Julio Ibarra: Yes, sir. Commissioner, you're right on target as far as Latin America and you are correct, there will be fierce competition, but there is ideal conditions here in the CRA and if subsidies incentives can be provided, whatever it is that needs to be done to be able to track this facility here. You already have the presence of it in this location. You have three... Board Member Winton: Right. Ms. Ibarra: ... ISPs here already, and you have a tele-house right over here on Biscayne, al right, very, very close by here. So, you already have the foundation, it's just a matter of further developing it. The NAP, as it was touched on earlier, is a hub, but one of the key ingredients that we need to keep focused on is, it needs to be developed for a critical mass to occur there. So as that critical mass starts to develop, more and more ISPs will start to want to come down here, especially from Latin America. You want to start to attract more of the ISPs from the Latin American countries so that they can develop their businesses here as extensions of their countries. So, this is the ideal location for it since we already have the facilities before the trade with Latin America. Once we have that "peering" as it's called taking place here, that will also allow traffic to be inter -exchanged with other continents, such as Europe and Asia Pacific, and that can all occur right here from South Florida where you have large cables, undersea cables landing in South Florida from many large carriers already. So, infrastructure is already developing in this area, it's just a matter of getting this facility now to be developed here. Chairman Teele: Commissioners, are there questions of the task force or of the consultant and? Board Member Gort: Let's keep it quiet. Chairman Teele: Let's keep it quiet. And, obviously, there is going to a lot of interest in this as we go along. 14. APPOINT RICHARD JUDY AS DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS OF THE CRA AND ROBERT TYLER AS DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS OF THE CRA. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Gort, how would you like to proceed? Board Member Gort: Well, I think we have one more item, the... Chairman Teele: Yeah. 35 January 24, 2000 Board Member Gort: The item 13, the staff appointment, which I think you need, we need in order to get this going. Chairman Teele: I would like to yield to you for the purpose of making the motions. Where is, you know? Board Member Gort: We are on item 13, staff appointments. Chairman Teele: Bill would you help me? I am yielding to Commissioner Gort. I think, you know "The Dear Colleague Letter" outlines what it is we are trying to do. It's very, very clear that one of the things, one of the big challenges that I have had for the last two years, is trying to really understand the legal framework of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), particularly in light of this history that we've had with the City of Miami. For the purpose of trying to move forward with a strategic planning process and moving into some of the areas that we are going to discuss with the DDA (Downtown Development Authority), I think it's very, very important that Dick Judy be given the authority to move singularly on behalf of focusing on the redevelopment plan as outlined by the state law, and particularly, as it relates to the issues that were being discussed earlier which includes the Strategic Planning Director to develop a history of the CRA and to codify and publish said documents. The organizational issues associated with the CRA at best, are very difficult to decipher. At the same time, we are proposing that the Director of Operations and Administration which would report directly to the board, will be basically be, in giving the role of carrying out the development plans that have been approved already by the CRA. That is, we have a series of backlog of issues, particularly issues that Commission Winton talked about today, The Third Avenue Business Corridor which was approved 18 months ago which we are still waiting for the funding on, and some of the planning process to be completed. In a word, we have not met nearly our goals and our responsibilities to the citizens of Miami and the redevelopment area, and I am very, very dissatisfied with the rate that we are moving in beginning that process. And so, I would move that Commissioner, that Mr. Judy be made the Director of Strategic Planning with the salary... it was previously approved and the terms and conditions, work conditions, that were previously approved that are contained as Attachment A, number one. And, that Mr. Bob Tyler who I think most of you have read about, if you don't, is a degreed expert in construction and development who has at least three different state, two different state licenses in construction and has been covered, on the cover of Black Enterprise magazine as one of the foremost construction experts being named the Director of Operations and Administration with the same salary and benefits package. And that, these are both subject to the Director submitting within 90 days from the date of this resolution a reconciled budget, and further it places the Director of Administration subject to the City of Miami's Anti -deficiency Act as it relates to the board. As you know, previously we had discussed the Anti -deficiency Act, in that we need to make these applicable both to the CRA, locally by the board and of course, to the Bayfront Trust separately. I would so move and ask my colleagues to second and move forward. Board Member Gort: There is a motion, is there a second? Board Member Sanchez: Second. Board Member Regalado: Second. Board Member Gort: It's been moved. It's been second. Is there any discussion? Is there any discussion? Board Member Winton: Yes. Board Member Gort: Commissioner. 36 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: Now, these positions have already, previously been approved both their terms of position and the cost associated with those positions have been approved in an existing budget? Chairman Teele: The funding is contained in the existing budget by other positions that will have to be restructured and organized, which is required that that be submitted within 90 days to us, and the positions are actually being approved as of today. Board Member Winton; So the, so there will be... Ultimately, you will up... There will be a reorganization in terms of kind of staffing levels you're looking for to accommodate these two positions. Chairman Teele: Which is contained in the resolution that he must submit within 90 days... Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: ... for this board approval, a revised program policy and budget document which must be approved by this board. Board Member Gort: Any further discussion or question? Being none, all in favor say so by saying "aye" The Board Members (Collectively): "Aye." Board Member Gort: "Nays?" No "nays." The following resolution was introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO.00-6 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE OMNI AREA (COLLECTIVELY, THE "CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPOINTING: 1) A DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS OF THE CRA AND AUTHORIZING THE SALARY AND BENEFITS TO BE RECEIVED BY SUCH DIRECTOR; AND 2) A DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS OF THE CRA AND AUTHORIZING THE SALARY AND BENEFITS TO BE RECEIVED BY SUCH DIRECTOR. 37 January 24, 2000 Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny L. Winton Chairman Teele NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 15. (A) DESIGNATE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) AS AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO PROVIDE INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SITE SELECTION FOR PROPOSED MARLINS BASEBALL STADIUM; (B) AUTHORIZE CRA TO JOINTLY DEVELOP WITH DDA A PLAN AND STRATEGY TO IMPLEMENT NEW MAJOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND PROVIDE NECESSARY STAFFING; (C) CRA TO CVOORDINATE AND DEVELOP, IN CONCERT WITH THE PORT OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ("FDOT"), DDA AND METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION ("MPO"), A TRAFFIC STUDY WITH THE GOALS OF: (A) INVESTIGATING TRAFFIC IMPACT WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORIDA MARLINS STADIUM IN BICENTENNIAL PARK OR TWO OR MORE ALTERNATIVE SITES WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT ARE (B) PROPOSING ALTERNATIVES TO PORT TRAFFIC THROUGH THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS IN AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION; (D) CRA TO WORK WITH FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DDA AND CITY OF MIAMI REGARDING OFF RAMPS AFFECTING THE SOUTHEASTOVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREAS; (E) CRA TO DEVELOP, IN CONCERT WITH FDOT, THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE MPO, A STRATEGIC PLAN REGARDING TRANSPORTAITON ISSUES AFFECTED BY MAJOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS LOCATED WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; (F) CRA TO UNDERTAKE A STUDY, IN CONCERT WITH THE PORT, THE DDA, FDOT AND THE MPO, REGARDING ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO DISTRIBUTE PEDESTRIANS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, if I could back the... I think that it's very important that we... Board Member Gort: Go right ahead. Chairman Teele: ... suspend item 16-A, B, and C and D, and go into the joint board meeting because the essence of these items which has been stated in the press is clearly something that I want to apologize to you, as the Chairman, and to the members of the DDA (Downtown Development Authority). What the goal and the intent of the CRA have been in this is simply this. The CRA board is a unique board in that we have a dual responsibility. Our responsibility as CRA directors is to carry out the redevelopment plan which in a word is to maximize property values in the Overtown Park West area, and in a word, our goal is to increase property values and to carry out the redevelopment plan. I have publicly stated as it relates to the fact of the Marlin Stadium on Bicentennial that I would prefer to see it on the West side. Having 38 January 24, 2000 taken that position, I believe that the CRA is not in a position to basically make recommendations to the City Commission, which must make final decisions as it relates whether we would utilize the park lands of the park, or whether or not they are opportunities based upon the Park West. In my discussions with the publisher of The Miami Herald, what I indicated that I would do is, seek out a private sector group that would have the responsibility of making recommendations not to the CRA, but to the City Commission, and that the CRA in effect would provide some staffing support along with the DDA staffing support in providing a filter to, to basically analyze the benefits of the two or three sites that are available. One of the most embarrassing things that I witnessed as a Commissioner was in the context of the Miami Heat Arena where the City of Miami had absolutely no traffic analysis, no independent studies. We were required to rely upon all of the statements and all of the analysis that the developer is. And, this is one of the fundamental shortcomings, I think that we are beginning to recognize enough of us are going to say, we have got to strengthen our planning process. My goal, Chairman Gort of the DDA is simply to allow that the DDA board and the DDA board alone would make recommendations to the Miami City Commission on the site selection of the Marlin Stadium based upon all of their available information. The CRA and the CRA board would not be involved in that, it would be the DDA which I respect, does include a member, but I think, of the Commission, but I think it's very important that the public perceive the intent of the Marlin Stadium, or my certainly, my intent and that of elected officials is not to try to politicize the process, but to in effect, filter the process by independent business leaders. Mr. Chairman, I understand that Commissioner, Mr. Migoya is being discussed, and I can... I think everyone in this community respect that Mr. Migoya is not somebody that anyone can advise or influence on what to do, and we all... And so, the sole intent of what it is we would like to do is to say that the CRA cannot make the recommendation. It would be inappropriate in my judgment for the CRA staff to make the recommendation and be in a competition with say, the Marlins or, because then you say well, it's a political process. I believe that if we can agree as a joint process that the DDA would filter all of the recommendations, and we had that meeting on Friday which was a very good meeting where The Heat, I mean the Marlins agreed to a similar process. And, I think what it does is, it takes the politics if you will, out of this and it places it in the hands of the citizens committee as you would deem appropriate to make recommendations for the board. I would be willing on Thursday to sponsor or to resolution much like the ones we have done in the Virginia Key that says, we turned this over to the DDA board, and we will not take presentations, we will not... We will send everyone who has got a presentation to the DDA board or the process that the DDA establishes for the purpose of filtering all of these recommendations. And, that's the intent that we had here. There is a series of technical issues that I would go through at the appropriate time, but I think it's very, very important that this City for the first time basically say again, we are not going to make the initial recommendations, we are going to allow the citizens or citizens committee, and I would respectfully ask, Mr. Chairman, if you would give me the benefit of your views in that the Sunshine Law doesn't allow me to talk directly to you. Board Member Gort: The resolution, the resolution that was passed by the Board of Directors of DDA the other day was to have a joint committee with the CRA, but also we voted on the Bayfront Park, the Omni. All those individuals are going to be affected, not only to study the stadium and theability, and if a stadium could be built in downtown, Miami. But, create a master plan with all of it which you have incorporated here, the Port, the Bayfront Park, the Omni Park West. We all look at the whole downtown area a massive plan, since we have... we have been working on little things, it's about time that we bring it all together into one master plan for the whole area. So, this is the idea and that's what the board of the... the resolution that was passed. I would also to inform that Laura Cockran was one of the board members here, very active for the last four years. She's been very helpful, she's also part of the Park West Committee, and she has worked in that area for quite a bit, as part of that committee that we put together. It should be a committee made out of those individuals, and Jeff Berkheart is also going to check and see if he could become part of that. He has some requirements he has to check on. I would like to also like be... We passed a resolution where we would like to have the Bayfront Park Trust to send someone to work with us along with the Port, the City and the County. And, right now, we are 39 January 24, 2000 working on a project, which has been very difficult for the last five years, and you being part of this, and Mr. Judy, I am sure you working with different jurisdictions is aware of the difficulties there is to brining people together. Chairman Teele: Yeah. Board Member Gort: The Flagler Street Market Place was a project that we all need, because let's face it, the central business districts are living, the living room for all Miami -Dade. The State, the County, the City working together. DDA finally was able to bring all the parties together. We are working on an agreement right now, the attorneys are drafting an agreement, that we are putting together that specifies which are the conditions and the requirements that each one of the committees will be. So, I think the DDA board, and I will let them speak for themselves, agree and they are willing the stand for it, they have taken this before and they are welcomed to do so. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, before you allow, and I will yield to Commissioner Sanchez. The only thing that made me uncomfortable is that I really don't think there should be a joint... Board Member Sanchez: Right. Chairman Teele: ... board, but a board made up of the DDA... Board Member Gort: Oh. Chairman Teele: ... and maybe expanded to include more representative aspects of the community, such as... Board Member Sanchez: Right. Chairman Teele: ... some more representation perhaps from the Overtown property owners or the environmental and parks community who have also expressed concern. But, I really do think that... We wear two hats, and it's really, with the exception of yourself, Mr. Chairman, you wear three in this regard. It really is sort of inconsistent for us to be the final decider... Board Member Sanchez: Uh-huh. Chairman Teele: ... sort of the jury, and then to try to be the judge. And, what I have been saying is, that I think the CRA should step back and let the private sector take the lead in this, and we, the CRA, the Bayfront Trust and the DDA provide joint staffing resources and support including the Port of Miami. Because, I think, you know, the one thing that the demonstration and I don't want to get into a political thing. So, the Port of Miami, it really is, one of the life bloods of this community. We... The Port is the largest... The Port and one other piece project are the two projects that diminish the property values of Overtown, I mean of Park West more than anything thing. We have got to study those... We have got to make these studies in concert with the port, and in concert with the neighborhoods and not all sort of look at this thing as our way. And, this was not an attempt to consolidate or to influence, to increase the influence of the CRA which I want to apologize to anyone who took that impression after reading the story. It really is a way of taking the CRA out of it, but putting somebody in charge that can make recommendations. I am going to have a vote at the Commission, and I am not going to give up my vote at the Commission, but I am willing to give up my vote at the CRA to be a part of this. So, I... Commissioner Sanchez might know... 40 January 24, 2000 Board Member Sanchez: And, I agree with you strongly on that. One of the things that I was concerned with, if we start putting this group together, and of course, the CRA would be, you the Chairman, me as the Chairman of Bayfront Park, I think it would be viewed in the public eye as to much, politicized and I think in the long term we will, it will come back and hurt the City. So, I agree that, you know, the more public input that we have pertaining to such an issue that has gotten national attention, and probably international attention as soon as we start implementing whatever the ideas may bring forth. I think that you and the DDA should be involved in putting together a committee of citizens, and then of course, regress [phonetic] because in the long run, we are going to have a vote in it. And that would be my recommendation, so I agree with Commissioner, Chairman Teele. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, I think it's incumbent upon us, not as CRA board members, but as Commissioners to say if we support this, and we have to vote on this on Thursday, the Commission meeting, that we will remove ourselves from all of the intramural movements that are going to go on, the back and forth. We are not going to take a lot of presentations, we are going to send all those presentations through a process setup by the DDA so that you all can serve as the place where everything goes, and we not basically cut across you, and we won't make a vote or a decision until that recommendation has come from the DDA. Board Member Sanchez: Yeah. Board Member Gort: I don't have any problem finding the best way... Board Member Sanchez: Johnny is over there thinking, right? Board Member Regalado: I think that... Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner. Board Member Regalado: We are eventually, Arthur, going to be blamed and accused of... Board Member Gort: Go ahead. Board Member Regalado: ... I mean, you know. Board Member Gort: It's going to be international news. Board Member Regalado: No, no, no. But, no, no. It is not about giving reason. I think that, you know, the DDA is the best forum for this, but we need to add more input from more people, from more areas because it's, you know, this is going to impact the whole community, and we cannot just remove ourselves. Because, we have responsibility to many, many people and I don't... I just don't agree that we should remove ourselves from this process, because we are going to have to make the decision anyway. So, I don't know what you all want to do... Board Member Gort: Let me tell you now. I have worked as... I became Chairperson of this board. As the Chairperson of this board, my job has been to direct the meetings, the decisions are taken by the board members. Our staff bring the presentation to them, and Johnny Winton has been a member for this board, so he knows how I function. The way the DDA will function is, we make sure we receive the input from everyone. We also will setup a system where we receive the input from the neighborhoods, because I know what you, where you're coming from. I mean, everybody is going to be affected by it, by this and also it's going to be... impact. The one thing that I would like to bring, Commissioner Teele, and the other day I was at a meeting in Liberty City to do, dealing with crime and so, on. You know, the City is 41 January 24, 2000 always being blamed for everything. And, I understand, we have some blame, but at the same time, some of the major problems that this City has acquired is because of the, especially in our neighborhoods, because of the I-95. Chairman Teele: Uh-huh. Board Member Gort: ... the 112, the East/West. All those things affected our area quite bit, even downtown Miami there was a split, and all our neighborhoods has been split. ... we need to bring these dates and so on, at the same time, whenever we are creating the original Park, or original use of any particular land within the City of Miami, somehow I think the burden should not only be within the citizens of City of Miami, the burden should be of all of Miami -Dade or the original impact. And, that's something, I am sure that DDA will be looking into. And, I don't have any problem, I understand, and Johnny I would like for you to express your opinion on this. The process that DDA will establish, that will be a process that will be passed to all of you to be accepted by all of you and approved by all of you, but I can assure that we can have the public input. Board Member Winton: I guess, I have one minor twinge and you all maybe can put it to rest. Excuse me. And, my twinge is this, there really are at least as any of us know now, there is only two sites, potential sites left for the stadium. One is in Park West and the other is in the Park, and we are going to ultimately have to make the decision about which of those two locations this baseball stadium lands in and how. And, I really like the idea of the DDA and probably the expanded group of citizens taking the lead at understanding what all the options are and how we can get there. What makes me a little nervous, however, is that I am just a little nervous about taking myself out completely of any opportunity to gather additional information from people when at the end of the day, I have to make the decision and it's my name that's going to be in newspaper and on the radio. And so, I don't want to have... I am echoing Commissioner Regalado's point here, that does make a bit nervous. Now, now maybe there is a way we can get around this and I can fee better about it, but right now that's the thing that I was frowning at. I am thinking, man I have got to ultimately make that decision, and I am going to make the decision. I don't need a public referendum to make the decision. I am willing to stand up and make the decision, but I sure want to make sure that I have asked every single question I can ask and understand all the pros and cons and having a group like this helps that process immensely, but being locked out of the ability to gather additional information from any of those parties, that's the only bothersome point in this, so help me. Board Member Gort: Commissioner, the other thing that I can tell you is, all our board meetings and all our committee meetings are public hearings, and everybody is welcomed to come, and everybody is welcomed to send in suggestions. If any of the Commissioners would like to suggest someone or a group or individual would like to participate we will be more than open to do so. So, I don't think we will be out of the process. I can tell you, all of us will be in the process because before... when it comes time to make the decision... At the same time, we have to have a life, if we really have it and if we want, of if it's going to benefit the City. These are the sort of things I think the committee is going to have to look at. Board Member Sanchez: And, nobody else could make that decision in the DDA that really, you know... You are going to get a lot of input from a lot of people from the DDA, you are getting input from a professional source, I think. Chairman Teele: I think the City Attorney wanted to weigh in on... I do think though that there are two issues here. One issue is the DDA role in granting to the DDA the advisory role... Board Member Winton: Right. 42 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: ... and agreeing that they would basically be that. The other decision is a decision we make in the City Commission meeting on Thursday, this coming Thursday, as to what our role could be or should be and I think that should be made based upon what Mr. Migoya and the task force basically asked us to do. Because, what I think we don't want them to do is, to go through a process and then not give it difference, and my concern... And, I have seen the Gucci's, Johnny. I mean, these guys, ladies will be all over this town lobbying you in these restaurants and all that. And, the only thing that I am thinking is, we won't be rubber stamps or potted plants, but we not basically start getting the lobbyist involved with us... Board Member Winton: Yeah. Chairman Teele: ... to do that. And, Mr. Attorney, and then I wanted to hear from Mr. Migoya and the DDA. Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Very briefly, because some of the comments made by Commissioner Winton and Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Teele just mentioned, this is an advisory capacity. Ultimately, the authority to do anything with regard to Bicentennial Park will have to go through a series of either City Manager recommendations to the City Commission, and if it goes to the CRA or West of Biscayne Boulevard those sites are subject to the CRA approval, CRA's board approval anyway. You cannot delegate the authority to make the selection. Ultimately, the buck stops with you, either as the CRA or as the City Commission depending on the site. Board Member Regalado: No, but we are removing, or we are trying for the City Commission to be removed out of any presentation. Board Member Winton: Right. Mr. Vilarello: My understanding is... Board Member Regalado: No, no, that's what he said. Mr. Vilarello: Well my... As I understood the process, it was a deferral of the review in an advisory, in an advisory capacity to the CRA and to the City Commission. And, under those circumstances, I don't have any legal problems with the DDA establishing a committee in doing it. That's not a question. The policy considerations, Commissioner, of course are appropriate, but I don't have any legal problems as long as it's in advisory capacity. Board Member Gort: What's the motion on the table? Chairman Teele: Well, I think we need to hear from the DDA board before we do it. And, is Mr. Narona here, because I know that the, there has been a lot of discussion about the airport, I mean, the DOT (Department of Transportation), the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization. Mr. Narona would you come in and join us please? Mr. Francis Narona: The biggest mistake I ever made as a member of the Board of the DDA was missing the first meeting in which Chairperson Gort drafted me as treasurer of the DDA. So, I made sure that I was at this meeting, then I could.... When I was heard I was -- at this meeting... I needed to be here to make sure that I was properly represented at this time. But, and hearing everything that we are talking about here, first of all, I think the DDA is the right venue in which to listen to all the needs of the Downtown Development as it relates to the Baseball Stadium. One of the two major areas that we need to worry about in the downtown environment is the northern corridor from 5 h Street north along with Main 43 January 24, 2000 Street as the two major areas that we need to worry about in downtown. And, how we go forward in the development of the northern corridor is extremely, extremely important. Whether it's on the East side or the West side of the Boulevard or whatever happens, I really don't know at this point, and frankly, I don't have much of a bias except to say that we do need the major economic development that not only the baseball stadium, but the overall infrastructure will come into play. As far as we are concerned, besides the DDA board, I think it's extremely important that, and listening to everybody's concerns is that we not only listen to the people that are residents of Park West and Overtown, but all the people that are residents of the City of Miami, and predominately the people that live in the City of Miami andwork in the City of Miami as it relates to where the final placement of the baseball stadium happens. Along with that, I think it's important and you say... I am having trouble understanding what you mean by saying that you will be blocked out from any input, because I think this whole, if we do this correctly, we would not be blocking anyone out from understanding of getting input from this environment, quite the contrary. What we are talking about here is, to give you input and you, yourselves would have input because it is, as Commissioner Gort said, it is a public venue and anyone would feel to have input so anyone of the citizens that would normally give you input will be able to give input to this committee, in addition to give you individual input as to how it goes about that. And, what I would hope we would be able to do is, give you the recommendation that would be about ninety to ninety-five percent of what the right decision would be, and besides whatever additional input that you would all receive on you own which may not have anything to do with this kind of environment. So, I frankly think that... First of all, I would like to think that the DDA would be a very unbiased group that would not be, that would be somewhat influenced, but I really believe it will be no. non -influence. I know that, I personally know Loretta and I am not speaking for Loretta, I would like for her to say a few things. But, I have known Loretta for a few years to know that she would not be influenced with, do the rightthing from what we believe which is the downtown, and many of you here know Loretta as well. So obviously, what we are really interested in is the Downtown Development and the economic development of downtown and we would make but... we will be... what I believe is the right recommendation as to what the location of the stadium would be. Board Member Gort: Thank you. Ms. Loreta Cochrum: Well, I really just... agree with what he said. I think once Johnny of the DDA... are probably the two most vocal members of the board, so... Probably why we ended up here tonight. But, I think that truly the make-up of the board and the objective of the board now is quite representative of the... of all of the areas of the City, and I think it is the decision and certainly one that would be pretty much inclusive., Board Member Gort: Jeff, you want to say anything? Mr. Jeffrey Bercow: Just to welcome eh, formerly welcome the board members to the DDA, and to thank you for being here. Hopefully, this will herald a new era in cooperation and working together between our two agencies. I know that Commissioner Sanchez is eager to leave, so I'll just save my remarks and leave it at that, and I agree fully with my two colleagues, and I hope we can work together on this, and I think the DDA board is the right place. Board Member Sanchez: So moved the motion. There is a motion. There is no motion, similar motion to have DDA be the committee of citizens to, as an advisory committee to provide information pertaining to the stadium. So moved. (phonetic] Board Member Winton: Second. 44 January 24, 2000 Board Member Gort: It's been moved and seconded. We would like to amend that to, not only to the stadium but to future development and come up with a master plan for all downtown area, or do you want to wait for that. Chairman Teele: I think we should wait for that, I tell you to see how this process works out. I mean, I mean... Board Member Gort: ... OK. There is a motion, is there a second? Open for discussion. Commissioner Regalado. Board Member Regalado: Discussion. An amendment, a... amendment to the motion that none of the meetings that would deal with the study and site would be held here. It's very difficult. The... is good, but this is very difficult to get here, parking is very difficult. So, you will have to go... Board Member Winton: No, parking is only expensive. Board Member Regalado: Well, it's only expensive, and we need to beat that, but... Unidentified Speaker: [inaudible] Board Member Gort: We will find the right location, don't worry. Board Member Regalado: But, no, no, I am serious. It's... Board Member Gort: The owner of the building is here, so we will find another location, don't worry. Board Member Regalado: It's very difficult for people who would like to have input to come here, certainly. At what time you meet? Board Member Gort: We have not set-up yet the meeting to be.. Board Member Regalado: In the morning, right? Board Member Gort: Well, we meet at 8:30 in the morning. But Commission, this is a different thing. Board Member Regalado: It is a different. That's what I am saying. Board Member Gort: Excuse me, no, no. Board Member Regalado: It is a different thing. So, they cannot... It cannot be held in the same style or venue. Board Member Gort: Let me try... This is not, this is not a big deal during the regular DDA Commission meeting. This is another committee that will set-up the meetings at the right time so everybody can participate, if you want it six o'clock, seven o'clock. And, like I have said it before, any one individual, that you all wanted to participate, let us know, we will be more than glad to put them on the mailing list, although all our meetings are advertised and it will be opened to the public, and we will find a location which is easier for everyone to arrive. Board Member Regalado: OK, so what you say is that the meetings on the stadium site will not be the regular DDA meetings? 45 January 24, 2000 Board Member Gort: No, no, this is a committee that will be doing that. Board Member Regalado: This is a committee that would meet outside of the DDA's office? Board Member Gort: Right. Board Member Winton: But it's not... That's not necessarily true. I mean, there may be a need, there may be somebody, a group of people that are meeting, they are all downtown and this is the most logical place to have it. I don't think you can preclude having any meetings. Chairman Teele: Yeah, I... Board Member Regalado: No, no, I am... No, no, I am saying... Board Member Gort: that's up to the committee. Chairman Teele: I think we have to give them the authority to let them... Board Member Winton: Right. Board Member Gort: They will work it out. Chairman Teele: ... and just express your concerns and make those concerns a part of the record. Board Member Gort: If you gentlemen would recall, I have been in charge of two different committee which should be very difficult and we have public hearings throughout the whole city. So, we have been very good at that, and my commitment is, that we will do that again. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, I have one unreadiness. Board Member Gort: Yes. Chairman Teele: I did not hear the board's respond to the concern that I have. I heard a lot about representativeness, but I really do think that the issue of the park raises a number of specific issues related to the park advocacy and the environmental community. And, I would only hope that the committee, that the Chairman and the DDA would be inclusive if you put together a select committee or a task force that would include some people that have credentials in the parks and environmental community as a part of that. I mean, I don't want to recommend any names, I don't think we ought to do that. Would that be something... Mr. Migoya: No, no, no, you are absolutely correct. I mean, that's something that we did not mention, but I... Not only economic development, but also environmentally that's... Board Member Winton: Right. Mr. Migoya: ... the right thing to do from the standpoint of development from downtown, you are absolutely right. Mr. Bercow: Let me... 46 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: No, that's... correction. Board Member Gort: It's OK. Chairman Teele: No, it's just a correction. Mr. Migoya: OK. Board Member Gort: Any further discussion? Chairman Teele: You... the meeting, you got it? Board Member Gort: All in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Board Members (Collectively): "Aye." Board Member Gort: "Nays"? No, "nays." The following motion was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO.00-7 AND OMNI/CRA MOTION 00-6 A MOTION DESIGNATING THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) AS AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO PROVIDE INFORMATION (MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS AND INPUT) PERTAINING TO THE SITE SELECTION FOR PROPOSED MARLINS BASEBALL STADIUM. Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Board Member Johnny L. Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Note for the Record: Board Member Sanchez left the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, there was a lot of discussion about the Florida DOT (Department of Transportation). The impact of 95, et cetera. I would like just very briefly to the joint DDA meeting to introduce a gentleman that I have just gotten to know, Mr. Francisco Norona who is the consultant to the Florida MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) in the Port of Miami. Mr. Norona is under contract now to begin a process to recommend to the MPO alternative routing for the trucks that are currently coming off of 95, 3-95 and down Second Avenue. A part of any study of stadiums or parks, et cetera is 47 January 24, 2000 going to necessarily include where those trucks are now and where they are going. And, Mr. Norona, I wanted to introduce you, and if you would just tell us very briefly what you are doing, because it's the whole idea of getting all of the stakeholders involved. He's being paid by the Florida Department of Transportation. And, I met with the... Mr. Abreu by telephone call, told him that I was recommending the DDA and to make Mr. Norona available to the DDA as a part of the consulting team and of course, we would jointly work to get the Florida DOT or the MPO to provide additional funding to carryout this scope of work. So, Mr. Norona. Mr. Francisco Norona: Yes, I am Francisco Norona. I am the president of (inaudible) and associates, and we have been providing, conducting services to the Florida Department of Transportation, to the Port of Miami, Dade County Public Works, et cetera for many years. And, one of the big issues with the Port has been throughout the years the increase in truck traffic to the Port, to and from the Port. And most significant, this has been an impact to the area of First Avenue, Second Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard between 3-95 and Fifth and Sixth Street. And really, this is a situation that is getting worst and basically is also a detriment for any kind of a development around that area. So, a couple years back, we made study of giving an optional route which would generalize the traffic through Fifth and Sixth Streets and around the corridor of I-95 and Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue. And, generalizing the traffic like that would require some modifications for the... around Eight Street and between the I-95 north bound and south bound. And, the idea is to provide that intersection of traffic to 1-95, truck traffic to I-95 and 836. In that way, the traffic would be channelize on Fifth and Sixth Street to and from the Port and going north and coming south on Third Avenue going north and Fourth Avenue coming south with the exit to I-95 and 836 at Eight Street. Now this study was a preliminary study was completed a certain time ago, but of course, the important thing is to have a community endorsement. But also, in talking with Commissioner Teele there is an opportunity to combine, not only the Port traffic, any possible study and any possible location of the ball park. Their impact which basically combines with the impact from the Port. Make a study to integrate those two impacts from the ball park, from the Port and of course, also from the Arena which already is an impact and come up with a recommendation which would go to... If there is community endorsement, and of course, we coordinate with all the parties, you know that are effected, the community and so forth. And then, if there is a final recommendation, it would go to the MPO for funding, and the funding could come. And of course, this would accommodate all the improvements or say alterations [phonetic] to the community, you know, because... And that's basically what we have been discussing with Commissioner Teele. Board Member Winton: At the last meeting, the public meeting that we had discussing the tunnel at the County. It seems to me there was a discussion there about figuring out a way to get funded, a master transportation plan that encompassed really Brickell, downtown, Park West, Omni area, this whole, our whole greater downtown area. And, it seems to me that your suggestion for a, for a kind of a mini -master plan if you will, it seems to me that what we really ought to, instead of just moving in just direction is really push forward to get a true master traffic plan done that takes into account all of the future development and hopeful development that we will see in this greater downtown area over the course of the next 25 to 30 years. And that's the kind of plan it seems to me that we need. So, I like this idea a lot. I just wish we could figure out a way to get it expanded. Board Member Gort: I think... Mr. Chairman. Chairman Gort: Commissioner Gort. Board Member Gort: My understanding is that each major development that takes place in here has to do a traffic study. Unfortunately, and Johnny... This is what Johnny is... We need to figure all this together. The different areas have their own little traffic study... 48 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: Right. Board Member Gort: ... and the impact they are going to make on that. So, we need someone like yourself that can come in and take all those studies that have taken place and put them together and try to create the master plan that we so much needed. Now, my understanding is, you have amotion in here to handle this. Chairman Teele: That's 16-E. I have a note here, which I am going to give to the Clerk for the Sunshine Law purposes that indicates that Commissioner Sanchez has no problems with 16-A, B, C and D. And, so I am going to just pass that... you can make it for part of the file — and ask for a motion on 16-A, B, C, D as well as E. Because the point is this: The study that is going on now that has been briefed is on the way now, and the Port is doing it whether we agree or not. Now, this is our opportunity... Board Member Winton: What study? Chairman Teele: The study that Mr. Norona just briefed on. Board Member Winton: It's already on the way? Chairman Teele: It's well on the way. Board Member Winton: Oh. Chairman Teele: It's been on the way for how long? Board Member Gort: It's been out forever. Mr. Norona: Probably two, three years or part of that. Chairman Teele: Two or three years. Mr. Norona: Yes. Well no, the idea has been for two, three years. Chairman Teele: But how long has your study been on the way? Mr. Norona: The study, actually they gave us the go ahead in two months, three months... you know. Chairman Teele: And, initially the study, just so that everybody is aware. He, if you heard what he said. I want to be very careful, but very clear. Any traffic that is diverted out of Park West is ultimately going to be effected in Overtown in some way. What he said is, is that the place where the traffic would go up would be on Eight Street. The previous plan pick it up on Eleventh Street which would go straight up Third Avenue, pass Eight, pass 9`h, pass the restaurants right up through 1 Vh which I strongly objected to. So, this is like the third version of this study which again will have an impact, but we have got to try to move the community forward. So, I just wanted the DDA to know that we are going to propose that Mr. Norona be available to the DDA because they are doing the study anyway. They are already funding it. Additionally, the DOT indicated that they would be willing to support them picking up the cost or some of the cost associated with this which you know, they indicated to us that they have already made a commitment of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to the CRA for a traffic study that we could take some of that out of there. So, in effect, that's where Mr. Norona comes from. He's going to do the study on the Port traffic with or without us, but he's got to get the City's endorsement of support before it goes forward. So, it's a little bit of a... 49 January 24, 2000 Mr. Norona: Correct, yes. Yeah, basically the DOT wants to have community support before going to MPO and get funding for the overall study, you know. Board Member Gort: Sure. For the whole master plan study. Mr. Norona: Correct. Board Member Gort: OK. Mr. Norona: So, that's the status in which we are now. Mr. William Bloom (CRA Legal Counsel): Clarification. You know, for the CRA to basically piggyback off of the contract with the Port, there is issues with respect to... Chairman Teele: No, no, no. We are not piggy backing. We are basically giving the Port the funds and let them amend their scope of work. We are not going to enter into a contract. We are going to give the DDA, I mean, the Port of Miami funding for the change of scope to include this. There is a difference between us issuing a contract. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner, that is going to require essentially an Interlocal Agreement with the County... for that funding. Chairman Teele: Yeah, and as I have said, the Florida DOT has already indicated they will support that, it's their funding, yes. Mr. Norona: Yeah, I wanted to... Basically, I will contact the Port of Miami. They are basically Dade County Public Works funds. So, really when we enter into an agreement it would be with the Port of Miami, Dade County Public Works and of course... Chairman Teele: Public Works. Mr. Norona: Yes. And, then of course could be supplemented, you know, once the scope of work is approved and the amount, the amount of effort is approved by the Dade County Public Works. Then that amount, that figure actually that remains to the stadium or to the ball park would be supplemented, I presume... Chairman Teele: Correct. Mr. Norona: ... you know, to Public Works. Chairman Teele: Exactly. Board Member Winton: So, the funding that the CRA would propose having an Interlocal Agreement with the County to provide our side of the fund from... Where does that money come from? Chairman Teele: The DOT has committed... Board Member Winton: DOT, oh. 50 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: FDOT has committed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to the CRA for the purpose of a transportation, the pedestrian mobility. I think when, Patty you were there when you all proposed this, the DDA proposed this... Ms. Patricia Allen (Executive Director, DDA): Fast track, sir. Chairman Teele: ... contract and the DOT indicated that they would give the CRA rather than amending the DDA fast track. So, it's subject to the funding would be the main issue. Board Member Winton: OK. Chairman Teele: Mr. Vice Chairman, with your permission, since Commissioner Sanchez has indicated he had no problems with A, B, C, D. I would move 16-A, B, C and D. Board Member Winton: There is a motion, is there a second. Board Member Regalado: Second. Board Member Gort: Any further discussion? Hearing none, all those in favor say "aye." The Board Members (Collectively): Aye. Board Member Gort: No "nays." The following motion and resolutions were introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved their adoption: SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO.00-8 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO JOINTLY DEVELOP WITH THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI (THE "DDA") A PLAN AND STRATEGY TO IMPLEMENT NEW MAJOR PROJECTS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECOMMENDING PLANS AND OPTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIES TO IMPLEMENT NEW MAJOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADJACENT AREAS AND TO PROVIDE NECESSARY STAFFING TO DEVELOP SUCH PLANS AND STRATEGIES. 51 January 24, 2000 SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-8.1 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 7.1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") I) TO COORDINATE AND DEVELOP, IN CONCERT WITH THE PORT OF MIAMI (THE "PORT"), THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (THE "FDOT"), THE FOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (THE "DDA") AND THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (THE "MPO") A TRAFFIC STUDY WITH THE GOALS OF: (A) INVESTIGATING THE TRAFFIC IMPACT WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLORIDA MARLINS STADIUM IN BICENTENNIAL PARK OR TWO OR MORE ALTERNATIVE SITES WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; (B) PROPOSING ALTERNATIVES TO PORT TRAFFIC THROUGH THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS IN AN ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS AND (C) RECONFIGURING THE OFF RAMPS AFFECTING THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS; II) TO ADVANCE FUNDS TO BEIFWENGER, HOCH AND ASSOCIATES, THE TRAFFIC CONSULTANT UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE POST TO PERFORM ASPECTS OF THE TRAFFIC STUDIES AND COORDINATE WITH THE DDA AND THE POST OFR THE REIMBURSEMENT OF THESE COSTS BY FDOT. SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO. 00-8.2 AND OMNI/CRA MOTION NO. 7.2 A MOTION DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO WORK WITH The FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI REGARDING OFF RAMPS AFFECTING THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. 52 January 24, 2000 SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-8.3 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 7.3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") TO DEVELOP, IN CONCERT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (THE "FDOT"), THE CITY OF MIAMI (THE "CITY") AND THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (THE "MPO"), A STRATEGIC PLAN REGARDING TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AFFECTED BY MAJOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS LOCATED WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND TO COORDINATE A PLAN WITH THE FDOT, THE CITY AND MPO . Upon being seconded by Board Member Regalado, the motion and resolutions were passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Johnny L. Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Teele: And, I would move 16-E in principle subject to additional funding determinations to be worked, authorizing to go out and negotiate it in principle. Board Member Winton: And, you said subject to funding from FDOT. Chairman Teele: Subject to... Board Member Gort: There is a motion, is there a second? Is there a second? Board Member Winton: Second, second. Board Member Gort: OK, any discussion? Mr. Walter J. Foeman (City Clerk): Excuse me, Mr. Vice Chairman. Board Member Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Sanchez had indicated on the record that he wanted to defer 16-E. Chairman Teele: Yeah, but we said this is a motion to approve in principle... Board Member Gort: In principle. 53 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: ... not to approve... Mr. Foeman: I just wanted to put it on the record because that's the way it was reflected on the napkin. Board Member Gort: What happened? Chairman Teele: OK, he's just doing his job. Board Member Gort: Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor state it by saying "aye." The Board Members (Collectively): Aye. Board Member Gort: "Nays"? No "nays." The following resolutions were introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved their adoption: SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-9 AND OMNI/CRA RESOLUTION NO. 00-8 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE"CRA") TO UNDERTAKE A STUDY, IN CONCERT WITH THE PORT OF MIAMI ("PORT"), THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ("DDA"), THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ("FDOT") AND THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION ("MPO"), REGARDING ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO DISTRIBUTE PEDESTRIANS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL FUNDING. Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolutions were passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Johnny L. Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Board Member Joe Sanchez 16. UPDATE REGARDING EFFORTS TO RELOCATE CAMILLUS HOUSE AND INCREMENTAL SALES TAX LEGISLATION. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, there is only one other item and I think the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) probably should hear this, and it involves the Camillus House. This is a legislative update. Simply that we will be going to the legislature and proposing formally funding for the Camillus House. There is a white paper that is being disseminated, but it... The intent is the following. 54 January 24, 2000 We have had, the Chairman of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), myself and Brother Paul and subsequently to Brother Paul's departure, Brother Rafael have had an agreement in principle that the CRA will work to help them relocate. Because, again as you look at our budget document the highest budget priority in the 2000 budget is the Camillus House. That is our number one within the context of our number one priorities. What we will be doing is coming back with a formal resolution asking to move forward with providing planning and architectural and engineering support for the construction of a state-of-the-art Camillus House facility for the purpose of providing a legislative package to Tallahassee to begin to seek the funding. The important thing is that the Camillus House option would include one or two locations, which would require the City of Miami in all probability to have to act as the facilitator or to build the state -of -the art facility in place where it is now. As you know, at least three Mayors and twenty Commissions have proposed to move the Camillus House all to be brought down by community opposition. The purpose of this advisory is to indicate that again, today Brother Rafael and the management team confirmed that they are prepared to work with the CRA in developing a state-o€the-art facility either in their current location or in an additional location and to fully cooperate with us with a legislative program to gain funding for the removal or the upgrading of the Camillus House. [AUDIOTAPE DIFFICULTY — MISSED A FEW SECONDS] Chairman Teele: ... eight million dollars ($8,000,000). Just so that everybody understands what the magnitude of the issue is. But, as we said earlier, there are two factors that really degrade Park West from its property values. The truck traffic on Second Avenue and the other is the Camillus House. I would think that as we begin to move forward we re going to need to get community support, DDA, the City of Miami Commission fully. But the goal is not to move the Camillus House. The goal at this point is to develop the funding and the legislative support to either move the Camillus House or upgrade the facility, and there are a lot of reasons why we want to keep that option. But obviously, if this board were to announce today that we are going to remove the Camillus House, we would have a real problem with property values in that one of the things that the Camillus House is going to want is to be paid for their current site before they leave. And, right now the property values around the Camillus House, if I am right, they have doubled in the last 12 months. So, we think we can't wait any longer, but at the same time we want to be very mindful of the fact that we view the Camillus House as the number one deterrent to property values within the redevelopment area at this time, and our goal is to move forward to seek legislative funding in the amount of six to eight million dollars ($8,000,000) beginning in this session. We are already plan to do that. And, what we are going to need, what the CRA is going to have to do is allow our architects and planners, our general consultant, if you will to put some pen to paper and to come up with a plan that we can go to the legislative committees and say how we got the numbers. Board Member Winton: Why wouldn't Camillus House do this with their dollar? Chairman Teele: Ah, for a number of reasons. First, they don't have the funding available to do it. Secondly, they are, in fact, a blight in our, in the community by any standard and our mission is to remove... and blight. It's the same kind of provision we would do. It's a technical assistance agreement for any business that does not have the capability of doing it. I think if we rely on the Camillus House we are going to be right we have been for the last 20 years on this thing, and it's really going to be up to the CRA and the legislature to provide both the funding and the support to move them. Board Member Winton: Well, what do you think the cost to the CRA would be in providing this technical support? Chairman Teele: I would yield, but in a planning... in a planning scope, probably somewhere between twelve and twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). But to go to the legislature we need a plan.. 55 January 24, 2000 Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: And I mean, you know, it's sort of the cost of doing the business of what it is we have got to do. Remember, all of the tax increment dollars that we get, all one hundred and fifty thousand a year are for the purpose of the redevelopment of the area, and I think it's very important that we use those funds in that way. Board Member Winton: Well, maybe I am mistaken, but I have had a whole series of conversations with folks from Camillus House over the past 18 months, and frankly, I think that they have a strong desire to create a new facility and change the way they do their business. So, so while I am sure they're excited that we would be willing to step to the plate with some planning money on their behalf, and I guess I am going to read about this now, anyhow, but... But, frankly I am not sure they don't have the money to do this kind of planning, but... Chairman Teele: Well... Board Member Winton: ... if it took us to help kick-start something, I guess I would be in favor of that. But, I think they are ready to do something, and I think they have funding to... excuse me, to make some of the things happen, so... Chairman Teele: Johnny, one of the things that they have committed to do is that they have committed to use their good office. Because I have told them today, there are agencies, entities and corporations and foundations that we give them money before they would give the City of Miami or the CRA one dollar (1). Board Member Winton: Absolutely. Chairman Teele: And, they have committed to being a partner with us if we go together and to be a funding source so that as we look at developing the funding streams for the construction of this that they would work with us as an equal partner. But, I think it's very, very important to remember that the facility that is built their now in Overtown... is one hundred raised money. Board Member Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: I mean, you know, that was largely government money. And, I don't think... We have to be proactive. We cannot, I think get caught up over who is going to do the initial plan and cost it out, because what we're really doing is a plan and a costing and they have got some numbers, and they have got some support that they are prepared to give us. Board Member Winton: But, I think their hold back has been over the course of the past few years has been the fact that they have been burned so many times, so... So, if the City of Miami were, or the CRA was willing to step up and help in some partnering fashion... I guess my point is, I don't like to spend money where I don't need to spend money, and I think they have some money. They're looking for some signals from the leadership of this City that says, gees, we would like to work with you to build a new state -of -the art facility that's geared towards, towards treating the most intractable part of the homeless problem which is single males which they've made a commitment to doing and I think that's an outstanding commitment. But, they have been reluctant to move forward because the City's burned them over and over again. 56 January 24, 2000 Chairman Teele: And, I mean I think that's a fair statement. But, Johnny I think the most important thing in this context is this. The Camillus Houses stands singularly in the way to property values being... Board Member Winton: I don't disagree. Chairman Teele: It is in our economic advantage more so than anybody. It's not to their economic advantage to move or to stay there. I mean, it... Board Member Winton: I... Chairman Teele: ... It is the mission of the CRA to increase property values. And, to the extent that we expend funds to do that, I think we have got to provide the leadership. Board Member Gort: Chairman Teele, let me ask you a question. Is part of this study and research is going to contemplate the existing programs that we have like the Homeless Trust which have... Chairman Teele: The study that we are look at is a planning and technical study based on the state-o€art as it relates to the services that they would provide. I think it's important for us to understand that... We can't make them move, we can but, we are not prepared to make them move and so this has got to be partnership. They have got to tell us how they want it, how they want the kitchen, how they want the restrooms, how they want that and we have got to basically put pen to pencil to that and to provide a plan for the legislative committees. This is going to be going to this legislative session and we need to document. When is the session beginning? Board Member Gort: Next month, ... yeah. Chairman Teele: Next month, so you know, we are going to rush through this with all deliberate speed. It's in the budget, it's in the plan and it's just to make you aware of it so that as the discussions get started, because after today, we re going to be contacting legislative delegations trying to make this a high priority. Board Member Winton: And, I don't want to be misunderstood here at all. I mean, I am hugely in favor of us partnership with the Camillus House in getting something changed. Because, there is no question that facility the way it's run today is the single largest blight on that entire community. No question about it. They recognize it and we recognize. So, I will do anything that I can in my power to help make something positive happen out of this. My only argument was a minor one about trying to save us a few dollars. Anyway I can save us some dollars, I am going it. That's my only, that was my only point. I am very much in favor in us playing a partnership and leadership role with them in getting the right thing to happen. Chairman Teele: It's an update item and it doesn't require any action. It's contained in the current budget that we will facilitate and work with them in that it's carefully written so that it doesn't... So, we are going to move them. But, the other issue relates to the issue that was in the legislative package last year which we have had discussion with. Again, Representative Rojas and Lacasa and the Governor and we have gotten some major business support to basically consider a pilot sales tax increment which would augment the property tax increment. Right now, all of the funding of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) other than the funds that come from Community Development which has been the historical funding for the CRA and I would be the first to say the CRA must become emancipated from that after the five year plan which has already been approved where the Commission has voted and made a part of our five year plan to the federal government that the CRA will receive five million dollars ($5,000,000) of Community Development funding. That, of course, has been approved by the Oversight 57 January 24, 2000 Board and the Oversight Board has indicated to the Manager and myself that they intend to vigorously enforce that and we have not taken it up again because of the Interlocal Agreement issue. But, in this context the tax increment of the CRA is nowhere near what it was projected to be five years ago. It's spending off about two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand a year. And, one of the ways we are looking at is to create a whole new state law that allows for sales tax increments. This would have a very positive impact, particularly in light of the Marlin Stadium or The Heat as the sales activities increase, and the Budget Office has indicated some support for that. That legislation was drafted last year and we will make a part of our legislative package this year. Are there any other matters to come before the CRA? Mr. Attorney, is there anything that you would like? Board Member Gort: Move to adjourn. Chairman Teele: Move to adjourn. 17. CRA MEETING SCHEDULE. Board Member Gort: What I would like in the future is, I think we should meet more often, maybe once a month, set up the regular dates. Mr. William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): I would suggest, particularly in light of the items that were deferred by Commissioner Sanchez, that there be a meeting very soon because there are some very important items. Chairman Teele: All right. The staff has requested... Mr. Talbor, by the way Mr. Talbor where are you? Mr. Talbor: I am right here. Chairman Teele: Mr. Tyler, would you just stand and let everyone that does not know you. If you have not met with all of the members I would ask that you do so. Mr. Tyler's resume has been distributed and I should also indicate that he is an ordained minister as well, so... and actively practices thefaith of the ministry in addition to his many duties as a family man and a very real role model in the community. So some of the language will get cleaned up around here pretty soon. We need to schedule a date for a special meeting within two to three weeks, as well as the... Two weeks? Board Member Winton: Yes. Chairman Teele: Two weeks at the request of Mr. Gort. Board Member Gort: What's your last name? Chairman Teele: Mr. Tyler, Bob Tyler. And, to get that date confirmed by all of the members of the board. A motion to adjourn. Board Member Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: All those in favor? The CRA Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Thank you very much. Thank you. 58 January 24, 2000 The following motion was introduced by DDA Chairman/CRA Vice Chairman Gort, who moved its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO. 00-10 AND OMNI/CRA MOTION 00-9 A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE COMBINED MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "CRA") OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKWEST DISTRICT, THE OMNI DISTRICT, AND THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (THE "DDA"). Upon being seconded by CRA Board Member Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: CRA Board Member Wifredo Gort CRA Board Member Tomas Regalado CRA Board Member Johnny L. Winton CRA Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: CRA Board Member Joe Sanchez THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT BOARD, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8:20 P.M. ATTEST: Walter Foeman CITY CLERK COMMISSIONER ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR. CHAIRMAN 59 January 24, 2000