HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2022-03-11 Advertisement Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Rock Hill el Nuevo Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
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Bellingham Herald Idaho Statesman Raleigh News&Observer The Telegraph-Macon
Att,p,McCLATCHY Bradenton Herald Island Packet The Olympian San Luis Obispo Tribune
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Fresno Bee Miami Herald Sun Herald-Biloxi
Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
33010 226929 MIA Neighbors #38496 $805.00 3 4.68 in
Attention: Maricarmen Lopez PUBLISHED DAILY
MIAMI,FL 33133
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared:
Amanda Grisham,who on oath says that he/she is
W� woa CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald,a daily
cm orNina or srecw.CITY COMMON ern we newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,
Florida;that the attached copy of the advertisement
. that was published was published in said newspaper in
the issue(s)of:
"'mimtINMal Coml•" OMNI. • "illown*«a+—i+=mi■ Publication:Neighbors
K....rri..tT r. NE SOW INwlp%WWII% Carrawa^
0 MEI Gig
Ha ISO Pim1MIriios MIA R.amBummge14,4141 No.of Insertions: 3
:swim k.+ate oao6•rrdir.wcm Warm.u�.rrr,rrrs rlo tuelhem�.rrin Beginning Issue of: 03/06/2022
rir.i .
nr Minh n,1202 Swim City .r Im t.>mr Bair rya rMm Ending Issue of: 03/06/2022
-- ClIfa»r fopenalinilimmrfty.ranr�1r�,feud Tel Ormor r:I er*r
--`"a Card lire Affiant further says that the said Neighbors is a
Pot rho retneellon. aM°b.a+e:�i�u W.tOM 0412�lr.'�1COMI W+�'0rr��rw a:.a`l newspaper published at Miami,in the said Miami-Dade
Y Y Lilo Trail 7rta OYY1»b rrrholl arnrrl i Y odor tlYllit ern.i cam dam ar
Chtem.on tr is Ewald r..r,. County,Florida and that the said newspaper has
Filr rs mouln rrelrlm lama atMNawl .irrm r.r oft t.r. heretofore been continuously published in said Dade
rr,r...r,ur+%rr..t.r rb b.,r rd r fulmmel man Cly
AM*ae+141e K+ .rlrr+oo..-. County,Florida each day and has been entered a second
,�,.nsi W.m i ,�.r„t,Wi "r°M�id"e"r'ts on herb Proem class mail matter at the post office in Miami,in said
pobbA am of the wench r Its Ord+ aomiYYn rrwta r. ha .+ar a Miami-Dade County,Florida,for a period of one year
d.+r r lewd •dm r nr as Dail,..0 fmoire d w saima Im next preceding the first publication of the attached copy
r"""'—c a..t^ dui ""Tway et is"""'w`� of advertisement;and affiant further says that he/she
a,a,�rrarr� �r,r^r.wl= CF.a y
h weer tmee m TM errrrrr.r rm arrr.w na a lr.amoons WSWmararoxmolletre le has neither paid or promised any person,firm or
Waal buIuelnese a Y w ra ing. Y m of rr/cal62"in/161
lWir14 rare nla ti: corporation any discount,rebate,commission or refund
1.0 Ex Wiwi der 6644 to pw+a+n• for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
or ha: �o publication in the said newspaper(s).
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of
April in the year of 2022
5)&(liage; 444eZ
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
Dallas County
l't My Nobly ID1131711451
,✓• Oclober 23,2022
Extra dtarge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
Legal document please do not destroy!
Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Rack Hill el Nuevo Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
Belleville News-Democrat Herald Sun-Durham Modesto Bee The News Tribune Tacoma
Bellingham Herald Idaho Statesman Raleigh News&Observer The Telegraph-Macon
Bradenton Herald Island Packet The Olympian San Luis Obispo Tribune
hMCCLATCHY Centre Daily Times Kansas City Star Sacramento Bee Tri-City Herald
Charlotte Observer Lexington Herald-Leader Fort Worth Star-Telegram Wichita Eagle
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer Merced Sun-Star The State-Columbia
Fresno Bee Miami Herald Sun Herald-Biloxi
Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
33010 227025 MIA Neighbors A 38496 CREOLE $805.00 3 4.68 in
Attention: Maricarmen Lopez PUBLISHED DAILY
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared:
Amanda Grisham,who on oath says that he/she is
.oM n1=11� CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald,a daily
ion sermon MOM.aAaIrow+nL LA newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,
4:x3 Florida;that the attached copy of the advertisement
n that was published was published in said newspaper in
'1/4.1;07 the issue(s)of:
=p`~kum Sri..to Mimi DIPOP=ipp iti minpr—+r*.r.ym=EP k*'mpg= Publication:Neighbors
ammo norm w tun-wr a!mind n_—s OM. ...d Minion Id MR
lIMIONIO•NAM"•OmIGE"11.R' No.of Insertions: 3
wnoAnn nrrll:ox"""70tI.p I , Beginning Issue of: 03/06/2022
�r¢..�emIMAM r—rl.rro.pm.wlpm rrmerrcur�so■my��trr g g
II MP P=1.Y PO PlmMIP NIPPMIP EIIIPPAI 1%.=.=NWr+RPOPEo urRaob=4a.1r..rr Ending Issue of: 03/06/2022
I.min*w la CmalmipraNQ rronb.nkftlno ri.ruba,Mc gml T1 ICarrot urn.,r.0 ocio
k as Oman IA WW1 3.
w■l.k>I.ntono n a o pi Loma Ab.INei=pl=am M+M ir.s..m 011=01 WW1 r r Affiant further says that the said Neighbors is a
r»pim 10=br aa6.Yirmiparmliri-I4mi+.lNKrtwiAdiikr,.ibrawl
k�S 4ti MP.st urs kIkemb .ps po mim k�r •r ,b.r ti a Er.r.k newspaper published at Miami,in the said Miami-Dade
op no 0 PnrOw Wimp NomOrgoo vW mono.wool County,Florida and that the said newspaper has
ram:a`1:Tio M.iY eda,don on 'w 0 wool w,mood es a: Os*-Mk r heretofore been continuously published in said Dade
'o w.....r anropy
AI"` County,Florida each day and has been entered a second
MPfir:l.'— .a mil r pm�,...p,�Pm 1 �"���a� class mail matter at the post office in Miami,in said
'. mei °'arm 1m WO on no'M }o tub "w `m"ox Gown' `OHO" v. In no, Miami-Dade County,Florida,fora period of one year
•on on ram N K are r NM erinion lrrilmm w r im d Sin r.oe*waytr„915 don next preceding the first publication of the attached copy
.—wMpampm.aSananuad.mi.I imp,1►pm Poo rm imp ra—parpN of advertisement;and affian tfurthersa s that he/she
..r iw.at�a f is pa Minkba tip Imo^m ai Ml4ge} Y
on..am u=1 At1mt r.o.,a Anima}q drop k kam 1 rr..li mtrr MI ate has neither paid or promised any person,firm or
'.,pentium Ingsb410151=11--t.r.tr"in '0D470tMs)po Open gyp"imam con oration an discount,rebate,commission or refund
n..mom a Mil Trr,g root nip n.rt 1 IMr Fal ivtan lift IQ is pa ram.tl.011!a P Y
iamb we morel• for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
Pk.fMw u2,L I .
MI=r o0,.rk publication in the said newspaper(s).
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of
April in the year of 2022
,5". .6.{..,,te: 15.2 /[.fif/
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
Dallas County
` bbA�1
Extra dtarge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
Legal document please do not destroy!
BROWARD COUNTY 1 WILTON MANORS identified and was alone RUBIN I N
at the time,was taken to DENISE B 1 #1 R EALTO R
Broward Health Medical t OVER 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS IN SALES
Spray gun used for Center in serious,but
a'"'- stable condition.Gollan "" 3 Direct 305 409 0019
construction explodes, said he suffered second _ "
" - - office 305.4932-9326
degree bums to his arms ,...a.. wvvw.DeniseRubin.com
and other burns through- `_ «a..«."
blasting apartment; man out his body.He was later HERE ARE SOME OF DENISE RUBIN'S EXCLUSIVE USTINGS:
transferred to Jackson
is m hospital burn unit Memorial Hospital's buns
unit. '
Videos provided by fire A A
equipment to be using in rescue show a blown-outs *
BY MICHELLE MARCHANTE that environment,"Fort window on the second
mmarchante@miamiherald,com Lauderdale Fire Rescue floor.Videos also shows a z4 +
Batallion Chief Stephen charred apartment with ..
A man suffered serious Gollan said. debris scattered every- T P H uywood fr2102 $3,400,000 Oceania V N2251 $%sas oeo
burns after a spray The blast happened at where. - "et Direct Ocean Views!100%Redone ' Amazing Ocean Views in I•s corns,.i 1 -hr
P y gun— pP . . -Open Kitchen!3062 sf-3 bd/3.5 ba bl Aoorsl_1 a.i r
being used for construction around 11:30 a.m.at a Crews were able to
inside the bathroom of a building in the Manor contain the major structu-
Broward County apartment Grove Village complex at ral damage to the unit g
—exploded,Fort Lauder- 12 NE 19th Ct.in Wilton where the explosion took - -u - '
dale Fire Rescue said. Manors,near North An- place,Gollan said.There =`
The blast was so strong, drews Avenue. was some smoke damage 4 -
the apartment's windows Gollan said the spray gun throughout the building, ,,---
shattered and the doors was being used without but everyone was allowed The Parc at Turnberry 112022 5875,000 Del Vista#1721 5475,000
blew off their hinges.It proper ventilation.There back in their units. Fabulous condo with private elevator, Spectacular newly renovated residence with panoramic
also caused a fire that was also a compressor that nand are ocean+Int acoaral viewsi 2ndt:ba-1425 s' lase mews!Nothing,nginal re-news,2 bd/2 ha
quickly spread throughout likely caused the accident, Michelle Marchante: •! ter T
the unit and into the attic. Gollan said. 305-376-2708, *++* ,++w,.0 T.. is
"It wasn't the proper The man,who has been @TweetMichelleM WORK WITH THE BEST FOR THE BEST RESULTS
I ettture Problems
Pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution R•22-0032,adopted on February 7,2022,a epochal mooting
�OTO lied.14ianasse,D.M.D.r P.A. of the Miami City Commission will be held on Friday,March 11.2022,at 10:00 a.m.in the City Commission
chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The ouroose of the special
Fred Geljand.0:. 1 Tech ` meeting will be to consider and take any and all actions related to the redistrictina of City Commission districts
E Otit17{' 'f' I Implants Q21Qt RI Dentistry lncluoina but not limited to.the drafting of any related maps and boundaries No business shall be conducted,
,,$; or a vote taken at a Special City Commission Meeting on business other than the subjectlsl for which the special
meeting is called.
_ .%; The March 11,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view
on the City's webslte(www.miamlgov.com/tv).Facebook.Twitter,YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for
��� residents living in the City of Miami).
For your information,public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting can be submitted
Compliant vie an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Administration and made part
„ of the public record.The deadline to submit public comment via the online comment form will occur when the
Chairperson closes public comment for the special meeting.
,tart 3e it Ones
x - t,,." - ``' P Public comment on the agenda items)to be heard at this special meeting may also be provided live at City Hall,
'- -" 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florda subject to any and all rules and procedures as the City may Implement
' d : at r'3D0ea. or emend.Public comment will begin at approximately 10:00 a.m.
" / ••Please visit btmc//www.miamiany,enm/moetinninstrtsr sE for detailed instructions on how to provide
,, - public comment using the online public comment form.'•
#Flare The Dental Mire&laboraton Glow Lowther' A copy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at
•;tnplain Merv,•Pocceuto r:murn and amlge,•Caumtt Botkfulg•Clxmpk features•civ.e begun•Ewank•fo httaJ/miamifl.iam2.eom/Chlzens/D./auh.seee
•s,xx Caaal Therapy Patuai wish Om toviabbrtaop•Soft Bawd Dowel,•Cosnatic 0ba.luvg•/exist w- r.,r. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
•Repairs A Relines While Sea Wait•:Mtfivar Emervery Dratrrrr Available considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made
•Cleanings•Exam•State of the Art Digital X-ray including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based(ES.286.0105).
Lab On Premises•12 Month inteipit-Free Financing For Those Who Quality In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special accommodations to
Ll Senior Citizen iS+t+Qua
nl- participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than
I'€t1 EDENTURE CONSULTATION CTATIQ* two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TT,/users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than
(954)925-5153 •n'OA' •saa est•MMO"M' two(21 business day prior to the proceeding.
:iv)! Federal HySha-ay.Surun WT.ttal1rstdak BearA We%P€:H ".tIS ,uto Pm tr>m,,tf tisn..»:, Todd B.Hannon
'.Vest at Bq Fir CatAnn seANt42t as kieStiWte r.-i 0,e t_ Ad No.38496 City Clerk
Pursuant to Section 233(1)of the Code of the City of Miami,Florida,as amended,a special meeting of the Dapre Rezoliayon Komisyon Vil Miami R-22-0032,yo to adopte nan dat 7 Fevriye 2022 a,you reyinyon
Miami City Commission will be held on Wednesday,March 9,2022,at 10:00 a.m.In the City Commission espesyal Komisyon VII Miami an prel fet Vendredi 11 Mas 2022 a 10:00 a.m.nan chanm Komisyon ki sfliye
chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The purpose of the snag$ nan Miami City Hell,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.Obiektif revinvon esoesval sa se oou konsidere era(
meeting will be to consider and take any and all actions related to the proposed lease for the Miami Freedom Aran kelkeswa ak tout aksvon ki pen rape ak redistribisvon distri Komisyon Vil la ki gen laden san wete redaksven kj
Park)MFP)oroiect,No business shall be conducted,or a vote taken at a Special City Commission Meeting on gen nape ak ka)ievooratik vo ansanm ak limit vo Pa gen okenn bunts k ap fet,oswa pa gen vet kap fet nan Reyinyon
business other than the subject(s)for which the special meeting is caged. Espesyal Komisyon Minisipal la sou bionic ki pa gen anyen pou we ak she(yo)ki iakoz yo ft reyinyon espesyal W.
The March 9,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view 11 Mas 2022,y ap transmet Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon Minisipal la an direk you manm piblik la ka we 1 sou
on the City's website(www.miamigov.com/lv),Facebook.Twitter,VouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for sit entenet VII la(www.miamigov.com/tv),Facebook,Twitter,YouTube.ak Kenai 77(Comcast selman pou moon
residents living in the City of Miami). k ap vlv nan VII Miami yo).
For your information,public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting can be submitted Pou w jenn enfemasyon pa w,yo kapab pibllye kbmante piblik sou she yo tande nan reyinyon espesyal sa a
via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Administration and made part atrave you fbmlle kbmante sou Entenet epi yo prat distribye I bay Otisyel ki Kaliye yo ak Administrasyon Minisipal
of the public record.The deadline to submit public comment via the online comment form will occur when the la epi y ap fe pall dosye piblik la.Denye dat you yo voye kbmante plbilk la nan fbmlle kbmante sou Entenet la
Chairperson closes public comment for the special meeting. ap rive le Preziden an femen kbmante piblik you reyinyon espesyal la.
Public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting may also be provided live at City Hall, Komante piblik sou she y ap gen you tande nan reyinyon espesyal sa a too an direk nan Merl,3500 Pan
3500 Pan American Drive,Miami.Florida,subject to any and all rules and procedures as the City may implement American Drive,Mayami,Florid.dapre tout rag ak pwosedi Vil la kapab aptlke oswa chanje.Komante piblik la
or amend.Public comment will begin at approximately 10:00 a.m. ap)(Omense ak apepre 10:00 a.m.
**Please visit bttoe//www.miamiaov.com/meetinalnstructlons for detailed instructions on how to provide **Tenor!vizite bltos://www.miamiaov.com/meetlnalnstructlona you nou jwenn pits enstriksyon sou Eason you
public comment using the online public comment form.** seal ak fbmlle kbmante piblik la sou entenet pou nou fe kbmante.••
A copy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at ilti9J/mlamifWam2.eon1/ Y ap mete disponib you kopi nan !Is she yo trete nan Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon VII to non:
CKizens/Defaultasng httat//miamffl.lam2.cam/Citizens/Defautt.alga
Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be SI gen you moon ki pa dekb ak keikeswa desizyon Komisyon Vil to pran ki gen rape ak pwoblem yo dwe
considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made egzamine nan reyinyon espesyal sa a.mown sa a dwe asire I ke yo le you dosye mo pou mo nan pwosedi yo kJ
including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based(F.S.286.0105). gen laden tout temwayaj ak prey ke yo kapab bate kelkeswe kontestasyon an(F.S.286.0105).
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.persons needing special accommodations to Dapre Lwa 1990 Ameriken genyen sou Andikape yo.moon ki bezwen fe kek aranjman espesyal you padsipe
participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than nan pwosedi sa a kapab kontakte Biwo Greye Minisipal to nan(305)250-5361(Vwa)you pita de(2)jou ouvrab
two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TTY users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later then anvan pwosedi a.Silicate TTY yo kapab rein nan 711(Seals Retransmisyon Florid la)pa pita pose de(2)jou
two(2)business day prior to the proceeding. ouvrab anvan pwosedi a.
Todd B.Hannon Todd B.Hannon
Ad No.38495 City Clerk Piblisite N.38496 Greye Vil to
Dapre Seksyon 2-33(1)Ked VII Miami,Florid la,amends,gen yen Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon VII Miami Pursuant to Miami City Commlaaion Resolution R-22-0032,adopted on February 7,2022,a special meeting
an prat fe Mekredl 9 Mas 2022 a 10:00 a.m.nan chanm Komsyon Id sitlye nan Miami City Hall,3500 Pan of the Miami City Commission will be held on Friday,March 11,2022,at 10:00 a.m.In the City Commission
American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.Obiektif revinvon espesyal la se oou konsidere sot pran kelkeswa ak lout chambers located at Miami City Hal,3500 Pen American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The ouroose of the special meeting
aksvon ki gen rape ak kontra(wave vo ow000,e sou Pak Ltbete Miami an(MFPL Pa gen okenn birds k ap Pet. will be to consider and take any and all actions related to the redistricting of City Commission districts including but
oswa pa gen vet kap fel nan Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon Minisipal la sou bagay ki pa gen anyen you we ak not limited to.the drafting of any related maos and boundaries No business shall be conducted,or a vote taken at
she(yo)ki takoz yo fe reyinyon espesyal la. a Special City Commission Meeting on business other than the subiect)s)for which the special meeting is called.
9 Mas 2022,y ap transmet Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon Vil la an direk you manm piblik la ka we I sou sit entenet The March 11,2022 Special City Commission Meeting wit be broadcast live for members of the public to view
VII la(www.miamigov.com/N),Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,ak Kenai 77(Comcast setman you moun k ap via nan on the City's website(www.miamlgov.com/tn).Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for
VII Miami yo). residents living in the City of Miami).
Pou enfomasyon w.yo kapab pibllye kbmante piblik sou she yo tande nan reyinyon espesyal sa a atrave you For your Information,public comment on the agenda Item(s)to be heard at this special meeting can be submitted
fbmlle kOmante sou Entenbt epi yo prat distribye I bay Ofisyel ki Kalifye yo ak Administrasyon Minisipal la epi y via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Administration and made part
ap ft pall dosye piblik la.Denye dot you yo soumet kbmante piblik la non fbmilt komante sou Entenet la ap rive of the public record.The deadline to submit public comment via the online comment form wig occur when the
le Prezidan an lemon komantt piblik you reyinyon espesyal to. Chairperson closes public comment for the special meeting.
KOmante piblik sou she y ap gen you tande nen reyinyon espesyal sa a tou an direk nen Merl,3500 Pan Public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting may also be provided live at City Hall,
American Drive,Miami,Florid,dapre lout rag ak pwosedi Vil la kapab aplike oswa chanje.)(entente piblik la ap 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida.subject to any and all rules and procedures as the City may implement
komanse ak apepre 10:00 a.m. or amend.Public comment will begin at approximately 10:00 a.m.
•'7anpri vizite bttos://www.mlamlacoccom/meetInalnstructiona you nou jwenn pgs enstriksyon sou fason you "Please visit blips://www.miamiaan.com/meetlealnatructlona for detailed Instructions on how to provide
nevi ak fbmlle komante piblik la sou entenet you nou fe komante." public comment using the online public comment form."
V ap mete dlsponib you kopi nan Hs sije yo trete nan Reylnyon Espesyal Komisyon Minisipal la nan: A COPY of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at
btto://miemifl.lam2.com/Citizens/Defauf.asag hkw'/miaMIL1RM.com/Citizens/DefauH.asoa
SI gen you moun kl pa deice ak keikeswa desizyon Komisyon VII la pran ki gen rape ak pwoblem yo dwe Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
egzamine nen reyinyon espesyal sa a.moun sa a dwe asire I ke yo ft yen dosye mo you mo nan pwosedi yo kl considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made
gen laden tout temwayaj ak prey ke yo kapab bate kelkeswa kontestasyon an(F.S.286.0105). including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based(ES.286.0105).
Dapre Lwa 1990 Ameriken genyen sou Andikape yo,moun ki bezwen fe kek aranjman espesyal you patialpe In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special accommodations to
nan pwosedi sa a kapab kontakte Biwe Greys Minisipal la nan(305)250-5361(Vwa)you pica de(2)jou ouvrab participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than
anvan pwosedi a.Itilizate TTY yo kapab rele nan 711(Penis Retransmisyon Florid la)pa pita pass de(2)jou two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TTY users may call Na 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than
ouvrab anvan pwosedi a. two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.
Todd B.Hannon Todd B.Hannon
Pibilslte No.38495 Greye VH la Ad No.38496 City Clerk
a �e
Dapre Rezolisyon Komisyon VII Miami R-22-0032,yo to adopte nan dat 7 Fevriye 2022 a,you reylnyon Pursuant to Section 2.33(I)of the Code of the City of Miami.Florida,as amended,a special meeting of the
espesyal Komisyon VII Miami an prat fet Vandredi 11 Mas 2022 a 10:00 a.m.nee chanter Komisyon ki sitlye Miami City Commission will be held on Wednesday,March 9,2022,at 10:00 a.m.In the City Commission
nan Miami City Hall,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.Obiektd revinvon esoesval sa se on::konsidere eon chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The Purpose of the sooctel
gra0$elbeawa ak tout aksvon ki Pen rape ak redistribisvon tllstri Komisvon Vil la ki Pen ladan nan wete redaksvon kj meeting will be to consider and take any and all actions related to the or000sed lease for the Miami Freedom
gen ram)ak kat ievooraflk no ansanm ak limit vo Pa gen okenn blooms k op let,oswa pa gen vet kap let nan Reylnyon Park fMFPI Protect No business shall be conducted,or a vote taken at a Special City Commission Meeting on
Espesyal Komisyon Minlslpal la sou blznls ki pa gen anyen pou we ak see(yo)ki lakoz yo fe reylnyon espesyal la. business other than the subject(s)for which the special meeting is called.
11 Mas 2022,y op transmet Reylnyon Espesyal Komisyon Minlslpal la an direk you manm piblik la ka we I sou The March 9,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view
sit entenet Vil la(www.miamigov.com/tv),Facebook,Twitter,YouTube.ak Kenai 77(Comcast selman you noun on the City's website(www.miamigov.com/tv),Facebook,Twitter.YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for
k ap viv nan VII Miami yo). residents Wing In the City of Miami).
Pou w lenn enfomasyon pa w,yo kapab pibtye komante piblik sou sije yo tande nun reylnyon espesyal at.a For your information,public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting can be submitted
atrave you lomile komante sou Entenet epi yo prat disiribye I bay Ofisyel ki Kalifye yo ak Administrasyon Minislpal via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Administration and made part
la epi y op fe pad dosye piblik la.Denye dal you yo voye komante piblik la nan IOmlle komante sou Entenet la of the public record.The deadline to submit public comment via the online comment form will occur when the
ap rive le Prezidan an(amen komante piblik you reylnyon espesyal la. Chairperson closes public comment for the special meeting.
KOmante piblik sou sije y ap gen pou tande nan reylnyon espesyal sa a nou an direk nan Med,3500 Pan Public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting may also be provided live at City Hall,
American Drive,Mayami,Florid,dapre tout rag ak pwosedi Vil la kapab aplike oswa thane.Kerman*piblik le 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida,subject to any and all rules and procedures as the City may Implement
ap kbmense ak apepre 10:00 a.m. or amend.Public comment will begin at approximately pproximately 10:00 a.m.
"Tenors viztte bttosd/www.miamiaen.com/meetlnainatructiona pou nou jwenn pits enstriksyon sou Eason you "Please visit httos://www.miamiaov.com/meetinainstructions for detailed instructions on how to provide
sevi ak fOmile komante piblik la sou entenel you nou fe komante.'` public comment using the online public comment form."
Y ap mete disponlb you kopi nan Its sije yo trete nan Reylnyon Espesyal Komisyon Vil la nan: A copy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at:bttp://mlamitt.iam2.com/
http:/LMIAMI.Wm2eom/Citizen,/Default.asoa Citizens/DefaslLagga
Si gen you mown ki pa dak6 ak kelkeswa desizyon Komisyon VII la pran ki gen raps)ak pwobiem yo dwe Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
egzamlne nan reylnyon espesyal sa a,mown sa a dwe asire I ice yo fe you dosye mo you mo nan pwosedi yo M considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made
gen laden tout temwayaj ak prey he yo kapab haze kelkeswa kontestasyon an(F.S.286.0105). including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based(F.S.286.0105).
Dapre Lwa 1990 Ameriken genyen sou Andikape yo,moon ki bezwen fe keit aranjman espesyal you patisipe In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special accommodations to
nan pwosedi sa a kapab kontakte Biwo Grefye Minlslpal la nan(305)250-5361(Vwa)you pita de(2)jou ouvrab participate In this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk et(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than
anvan pwosedi a.I011zate TOY yo kapab rele nan 711(Sevis Retransmisyon Florid la)pa pea pace de(2)jou two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TTY users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than
ouvrab anvan pwosedi a. two(2)business day prior to the proceeding
Todd 8.Hannon Todd B.Hannon
Piblisite No.38496 Grelye VII la Ad No.38495 City Clerk
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution 19.22.0032,adopted on February 7,2022,a special meeting
In order to haiance the need for the City of South Miami to function and conduct vital business during the CDVID 19 pandemic and at of the Miami City Commission will be held on Friday.March 11,2022,at 10:00 a.m.In the City Commission
the same time,to protect the health,safety aid welfare of its coronas.officers.officials and administrative stag,and pursuant City of South chambers located at Miami City HaN.3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The ouroose of the special meednn
Miami Code,Chapter 28h.011,Fla Sim,the finis Home Rule Powers,and City Managers declaration of a state of emergency due to the Will be to consider and take any and all actions related to the redistricting of CM Commission districts including but
Coronavim s.the City will be holding its City Commission Meeting live in chambers and VIRTUALLY through 0mnpmnieatiuoa media not limited to.the drafting of any related mass and boundaries.No business shall be conducted.or a vote taken at
technology iCMTI until the stale of emergency has ended or social distancing is no longer required by any relevant Executive Orders.All a Special City Commission Meeting on business other than the subjects)for which the special meeting is called.
Commission mashers will participate in Chambers or by video conferencing through the Zoom pianism and members of the public may
join the meeting via lom at fh®rs:zoom us I/10 5 0 63 632 8i and participate.Ata minimum,at least three members of the City Commission The March 11,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view
will be physically prsent in the City Cowoission Chamb s'and they will he broaticastom the Zoom platform along withal!other members on the City's website(www.miamigov.com/tv),Facebook,Twitter.YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for
of the Commission.City Staff and the public who tray ancnd remotely nom the Commission Clambers and from other locations. residents Wing In the City of Miami).
The meeting is scheduled to begin on Ttosdas.March IS.2022.at 7:00 ea,to consider the following public hearing iteuasl: For your Information,public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting can be submitted
.A Resolution suiloriring the City Manager to enter Irma min-year piggyback agreement with Compuquip Technoiigiee.LLC, via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Administration and made part
fora Fortinan fin.all appliance for the South Miami Police Department. of the public record.The deadline to submit public comment via the online comment form will occur when the
An Ordinance of the City of South Miami,Florida,approving an ioteriaal agreement between the Village of Pineaest and Chairperson closes public comment for the special meeting.
City of South Miami repo-ding the adminisrnotiom of land use.zooung,.and other regulations for real proponrnc.each of which Public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting may also be provided live at City Hall,
fronts Koadall Dnve to the south and is hound to the north by the Snapper Creek Carol.and each of which is located uithirr the 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida,subject to any and all rules and procedures as the City may implement
municipal boundaries of both the Village of Piracreg and City of South Miami. or amend.Public comment will begin at approximately 10:00 a.m.
If you desire to present evidence or you are unable to use Zoom,deem arc procedures to follow and other options available including a **Please visit hit.'l/www.miamiaoy.com/meetinalnstrucdons for detailed Instructions on how to provide
dedicated phone line to listen and panictpate in the meeting and limited public attendance,a0 of which is set forth in rice riveting notice
posted at City Hall and at bps)=iwww.noulhmiamifl cot580Pubb-Meetmos-Nottaes.Anyone who wishes to review pending application, public comment using the online public comment form."
supponing documentation or who desire to have tkaumenu made available for trotting by everyone during the meeting must contact the A copy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at blto://miamiti,iam2.com/
City Clerk by calling 305-663-6340. Citizens/Default-am*
Note that pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.0105.a person who decides to appeal any decision made by a Board.Agency or
Commission with respect to any matter considered at Its meeting or hearing,a record of the proceedings will be required for said Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
appeal and such person will be required to have a verbatim transcript of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence considered at this special meeting,that person shell ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made
upon which the appeal is to be based. Including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based(F.S.286.0105).
ADA:To request a modification to a policy,practice or procedure or is request an auxiliary aide or service in order to participate In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.persons needing special accommodations to
in a City program.activity or event,you must on or before 4:00 p.m.3 business days before the meeting(not counting the day of participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than
the meeting)deliver your request to the City Clerk by telephone:305663-6340.by mail at 6130 Sunset Drive,South Miami.Florida two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TTY users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than
or email at npaynee?s0uthmiamtl.gov.
Nkenga A.Payne,CMC,FORM two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.
City Clerk Todd B.Hannon
Din minimum standards lion adopting a resolution or eructing anordmance are.et forth in166.04uN1 •••1 maiont'of the nxmhers of the governing Ad No.38496 City Clerk
body shall cnsntuh a quorum.ad,af rmanve vote ofauuimotl of a gmatm presents nets enact 1'ordinances'adult any reaolunon.•••
March 14 - 18, 2022
' MONDAY,March 14
.3:30 p.m Transportation,Parking 8 Bicycle-Pe- b11ge'(/bit lv(3Y000P6
destrian Facilities Committee 1.786.636.1480
a Hybrid Meeting Access ID 2049557260
Pursuant to Section 2-33(I)of the Code of the City of Miami,Florida,as amended,a special meeting of the Perking Dept.Conference Row
Miami City Commission will be held on Wednesday,March 9,2022,at 10:00 a.m.In the City Commission 1755 Meridian Avenue.end FL
chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The purpose of the special 3:30 p.m. Disability Access Committee Dhoti y/be te/3HioDc6
meeting will be to consider and take any and all actions related to the tr000sdd lease for the Miami Freedom Microsoft Team Meeting 1.786.636.14e0
Access ID 9649358290
Park(MFP)0rolect,No business shall be conducted,or a vote taken at a Special City Commission Meeting on 4:00 p.m. Human Rights CommitteMkt/ineMkt/inIv/3C8Anw+
business other than the sublect(s)for which the special meeting Is called. Mkmsoa Team Meeting 1786.636.1480
The March 9,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view Access ID 9 7 616 51 8 8e
on the City's website(www.miamigov.com/N),Facebook,Twitter.YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for TUESDAY,March 15
residents living In the City of Miami). 9b0 a.m. Committee for Quality httcai/us02web.aoom us/V57479841014oved-Ym9oRihuTidccoVdcoR2K
For your information,public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting can be submitted Education in Miami Beach Zkxe3vduio9
Zoom Meeting Amu ID 5747969101•Pattern.2oy135P
via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Administration and made part 1.929.205.6094
of the public record.The deadline to submit public comment via the online comment form will occur when the Aaceae ID 5747969101*•Pasecode 401692a
Chairperson closes public comment for the special meeting. 9:30 a,m. An In Public Places Committee
Public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting may also be provided live at City Hall, Zoom Meeting 1,411iy7evyMT4t9
1.301.715.8592 or 1.312.626.6799
3500 Pan American Drive,Miami.Florida,subject to any and all rules and procedures as the City may implement Amu ID...3657652v•Pa...0335alt
or amend.Public comment will begin at approximately 10:00 a.m. woo a.m. Black Affairs Advisory Committee httcdv/u507web•urn.us:V89991003116dowd•NEt1 eUNUoFSHUk617Nii
**Please visit btta.//www.miamitiov.com/meetinainstructions for detailed instructions on how to provide Zoom Meeting 9171 ROSTVI UTOg
public comment using the online public comment form.— 1.848.558.8656
Access ID 8999100311.•Pass..4113935a
A copy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at htg:LLmlaml8,lgm2.ggm[ 4;00 p.m. Youth Commission des•//u+02web+pan.usi6574 7 9 6 91 01'awd-YmyoeatcTldpuzV4czR7K
Citizens/Defauh.aso. Zoom Meeting ZkxaJVJUTOB
Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be Acgees ID S747969101•Passcode 2oy05P
considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made 1.929.205.6099
Access ID 5747969101v•Pest..401682e
including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based(FS.286.0105). 5:00 p.m. Affordable Housing Advisory hnnsJ/us06we5.aoom:in,b0599411n6142'nwv1MHh2VF,1MSFxaNVmv7-
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special accommodations to Committee BpUH1511tROOloh
participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than Zoom Meeting 1.301.715.8592 or 1.312.626.6799
two(2)business day prior to the proceeding,TTY users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than Access ID 8599400e142e•Pass..3197110
two(2)business day prior to the proceeding. WEDNESDAY.March 16
Todd B.Hannon 9:30 a.m. Special Magistrate Hearing- City Han Commission Chamber
Ad No.38495 City Clerk 3401 Prairie Avenue. 1700 Convention Center Drive.3rd FL
moo a.m. AFSCME Contract Negotiations ON Manager's Large Col Room
Sesslon 2 1700 Convention Center Orin,dth FL
5:30 p.m. Parks and Recreational Facitmes btos'//bit Iv/3sa0who
FGRID,VIL MIAMI Advisory Board and Convention 1.786.636.1480
Center Advisory Board to Discuss ...ID 591301368.
Microsoft Team Meeting
$ THURSDAY,March 17
8:30 sin. City Pension Fund for Flrefghters end bite+//rs06weh man us/l/F15902319730
Poise Officers In the COB 1.312.626.6i 99 or 1.929.205.6099
Hybdtl Meeting Access ID 859023197300
Fire 8 Polka Pension C/19ro
Deers RezoOs on Komisyon Vt1 Miami R-22-0032, o to adopts nan det 7 Fev 1691 Michigan Avenue.Suite 355
Y Y Y rtye 2022 a,Yon reylnyon
espesyal Komisyon VII Miami an oral fat Vandredi 11 Mas 2022 a 10:00 a.m.sac chasm Komisyon ki sltlye 9:00 a.m. Spacial Magistrate Hearings. City Hell Commission Chamber
1700 Convention Center Drlw,3rd FL.
nan Miami City Hell,3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.Oblektff revinvon esbesval sit se Dou kOnsidere eel
Dram ke)keswa ak tout aksvon kl aen rao0 ak redistrfblsvon distil Komisvon VII la kl pen laden.son wets redahsvon It( 9:30 a.m. Lincoln Road BID/ bbpc/Onnm.era/ita7445470557 c0'-03ollmi/re02NMm1VNlyLZWEV
500 rape oh kat)evocrafik vo ansanm ak limit vo Pa gen okenn biznis k up let,oswa pa gen vet kap fat man Reyinyon Executive Committee jpe7s09
Espesyal Komisyon Minisipal la sou biznis ki pa gen anyen pou we ak sije(yo)ki lakoz yo Ie reylnyon espesyal la. 1.301.715.8592 or 1.312.626.67119
Acceee ID 4744K7055e•Pass..808.9a
11 Mas 2022,y op transmet Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon Minisipal la an direk pou manm piblik la ka we I sou 10:00 a.m. Ribbon Culling for Fitness Zone at Pride Park.Neer tee street
sit entenet V9 la(www.mlamlgov.com/tv),Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,ak Kenai 77(Comcast selman pou moon Pride Park Behind Me MB Convention Canter
k tip vie nan VII Miami yo). FRIDAY,March 18
Pou w lens enfdmasyon pa w,yo kapab pib0ye komante piblik sou sile yo tande nan reylnyon espesyal sa a No Meetings Scheduled
atrave yon iomile komanle sou Enlenkt eel yo prat distdbye I bay Oflsyel ki Kallye yo ak Adminislrasyon Mlnisipal
la epl y op fe pall dosye pibilk la.Denye dat you yo voye Piemonte piblik la nan fAmile kemante sou Entenet la For any and/or all of the above meetings.one or more members of the Miami Beach Chy Commission,end or City board/
ap rive lb Prezidan an femen kbmante piblik pou reylnyon espesyal la. committee memben may be in attendance and participate in discussions.
Kbmanl0 piblik sou tile y tip gen you lands nan reyln on es Wt.the on Mfg,:Manticilroanband asp CVLira,.,39 Holedre wmmunicadas.1=5 s mono device an PEG.,
y espesyal sa a jou an direk nan Med.3500 Pan enmnNsrcnn Cnmmman Akan U.o,n Mary
American Drive.Mayeml,Florid,dapre tout rbg ak pwosedi VII la kapab aplike oswa chanje.KOmente plbfik la AD No,03062022-01M
ap kOmanse ak apepre 10:00 a.m. A listing of all formai competitive solicitations Issued by the City of Miami Beach,Florida is available at https•//www miamibsarh0•
ape/ena eoaavorocurementettwcon acts/.To access any formal competitive ion h t on Issued
by the
City o any or to
"Tanpri vizhe bttos9/www.miamiaovcom/meetinainstruetlons pou sou jwenn pits enstriksyon sou fason you addendum issued to a formai comp./dye solicitation.you may also visa o
sevl ak fbmIM kdmente pibik la sou entenet you sou le kdment6.•' notices can be found on the Procurement Calendar at fake A w.b sir m amlbeachtl0gv/caw i/ororuremenceiender/.
V op mete disponib yon kopi nan lis sae yo trele nan Reyinyon Espesyal Komisyon VII la nan: MIAMIBEACH
hteo•//mdam111.1nm2.ppm/Gilizena/DefauR.ages we ate wmmileo ra n/so p g excellent,ubla senor°and surly to all who we,were.and play m our°°dent 0100O"referee con• miry
Members of me peak mey pellet eueolrauel.AN materp!s•aatinw to Agenda Items al C.ry COMM.,Meetings by utiroe0 me Gry'a AV equipment.provided Mar
Si gen yon moun ki pa dak0 ak kelkeswa desizyon Komisyon VII la pren ki lien rape ek pwoblem yo dwe meter.are sudmraed re me Department/I arkeeng ands coo 0/eel ns bys30 am..one lu business day odor rote Advance suomasi of a pmertea n
iota allw me Cnmmurecayom Department w plan Mr rise we o!the appropnete AV equipment AV nlLwrals must be suertdled en amain at communteaeprs r
egzamine nan reylnyon espesyal sa a,moun on a rives asire I he yo le yon dosye mo pou mo nan pwosedi yo ki i amibea,X pr.The body of the email must,nclude 3 rotation aserw tie name or group,career person.daytime Telephone mind,smut address.desenprwniren
gen laden tout temwayaI ak prey ice yo kapab bate keikeswa kontestasyon an(F.S.286.0105). of Me presentation.and Mende Liam 611e a wevl as me Mega Liam Number.Pleasere!ererce 4udw,'k'buai Makmel'rn Me stied sadecumv.Acceptable formats ro
ekcoonk submiss are pal ppl pot.bps.ppax wan,aw.and rim Note Met.pol is de preferred formal ler Poeereoim wesennaons 1
Deere Lwa 1990 Amedken genyen sou Andlkape yo,moan ki bezwen le kek aranjman espesyal you patlsipe Div Ad islastedd a at 1700 Convention Center Drive.end be Miami fleece Convention center is located at 1901 Comemkn Center Drive.Any meeting,ray be
man pwosedi sit a kapab kontakte Biwa Greys Minisipal la men(3051 250-5361(Vwe)you pita de(2)jou ouvrab Pawned and_named.and under such circumstances,additional legal notice wet not be provided.To request this materiel in enemata format sign language
Intemreter Ahem nonce required!.Information on access for Ft/elemcees with dhapides snare,my avedola daeon t0 redder my document or participate In any
amen pwosedi a.Iglkate TTY yo kapab rele nan 711(Bevis Retransmisyon Florid la)pa pita pace de(2)jou Oh-sponsored apceadmgs caw 305.60.7AD?and west 1 for ETON.then option 6;ted users may col via 711 WierM.Racy service).A meeting not noticed in
ouvrab anvan pwosedi a. vie weekly Weenie NCMce ad and determined te bit en emergency meeting era In posted on the outtalk boards throughout City Hai and we be available on me
ciy's wilds at OpPI/evb miameMere dor/ct sm/or chub asIs public
Todd B.Hannon Pursuant to Seethe is6Dt05.Fie,Ste..the City hweoy advises the pubic hat If a person decides to appeal any deosgn made oy the board,agency,a
Piblisite No.38d96 Greye VII la Cammi sign silk respect to any matter nsldered et such meeting a heao de he m sheaf need a retard of me nd/lo rings,end met.for such mums,de a
she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of rre proceedings is made.wNcn record includes the testimony and evidence upon Wien He appal Is to be based
The Miami Times
900 NW 54th St. • Miami Florida 33127 • Phone: 305-694-6210
Published Weekly
Miami Dade, County, Florida
COUNTY OF Miami-Dade
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared LORRAINE CAMMOCK, who
on oath, says that she is the Advertising Representative of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly
newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of
advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of:
March 9, 2022
Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami-Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously
published in said Miami-Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as
second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami-Dade County, Florida, for a
period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy
of advertisement: further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm,
person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of
securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper..
� ' err_' V
Ad ertising Rep esent ve
‘to EPH P i>>,tioso �ly
Swo n to an su s ,
ribed before me 0 t Q I avi. kof MARCH A.D. 2022,
,,:R: e az
NOTARYPUBLIC STATE OF FLO W ?'A°iidoomo'," •{•`.I '"rT DMc uode,• t ''
AT/LARGE, My commission expires ,,'tez; ..............
� ``\
-17 NI
q a. 47
r 4 fr7
Classified Sell It I Rent It
House I AnApartme tole A Car
FO' F0' EMPL I YAR I maw �
340 NE 55 Temee Gated community cable lull WORKEREam up to S10,000 sloes. t l UJ
Oct bedroom One bath khcnen access and air.Call ram Eve YARD SALE eon rneney Great prKee LICENSE StEll.
954 678-8996 Full or part-time.Sast Aces.
ryMirq Sr51 dollar and Se 3o Years a Experience
Senate parking.I 00my bars. salary4-6 3.057$18.51 per hour.Cal 6 .-until. NW B73t. Cad LIE REAL
ESTATES aCACO56B50 Call]86393-
Seaon80K$i.tlxlrrontnly MIAMI GARDENS AREA 954-683fi573 Moans,F1331 a]. RIG LIC.REAL ESTATE 0a]9 „
Call 305-778-2613 Seeking healthy retired BROKERS SANDERS ELECTRIC INC. FIND IT
mature person to share nice COLSON TREE TRIMIING, License No.ECr3002636 .IN OUR
Efficiencies hm Ca11305-625-5496 ROUTE DRIVERS LAWN CARE AND PRES. Service. SeMee and Repay LASSIFIEDS
after3 p.m. We are seeking drivers to SURE CLEANING DELIGHT Mr SMderst 306773-5565
10315 NW 26 Avenue - deliver newspaper to mad Planters landscaping design AIR CONDITION SERVICES
Fully furnished with cable. Houep outlets in Brawand and ley sods trim rg len.. re Se ng South Florida for over
reIngerator and microwave Miami Dade trash removal pressure clean. 50 years JOHN L.CHEEVER.
nc ode es.Call 954-6 6- 2130 Wilmington StreS Wednesday Only mg and sidewalks Free THE BREEZE MAN 786-222- ■_ • -£
0996 Four bade one bats Sec V must be available a mates We do h all Call 6380 M
Furnished Roans Eon 8 3 6-0a67orr Lo 78635641.6 me Cal Ggi 786. between d 3 P M 6 e ]86-490 3882. Y U R ]
1T5 NW 151 Stirrer reliable.insured D le and HAVING A t..�...a l
One person55 Microwave MIAMI GARDEN AREA nerd Driver License. HAVINGA GARAGE SALE? ■ (1� `* (i(�
andrefriuse f khherlerator free able.air. SeparateTwo entrance 786274-rooms for rem. C4 the anlce 3ose945210 YARD SALE? CALL
305-694-6210 $1+T,,INFSa
Call 305-635-2728 2266. CALL 305-694-6210
McDonald's to temporarily close 850 stores in Russia
DEE-ANN DURBIN "who have poured - 5 ip to reopen its stores. McDonald's could fast-food brands is donating all of the
The Associated Press their heart and soul - . "The situation is take a big financial in Russia that are profits from its LO50
into our McDonald's ^_.aa..-.,.a..�� extraordinarily chat- hit because of the owned by franchi. restaurants in Russia
McDonald's said brand" Butin an lengrng for glob- closures.Ina recent sees,including KEG. to humanitarian e4
Tuesday it is tempo- open letter to em- w al brand like ours, regulatory filing,the Plan Hut,Starbucks forts.It has also sus-
rarily closing all of ployees,McDonald's — and there are many Chicago-based corn- and Burger King,Mc- pended new restau-
its 850 restaurants in President and CEO considerations," he parry said its restau- Donald's owns 84% rant development in
Russia in response Chris Kempczinski r wrote in the letter. rants in Russia and of its Russian iota- the country. Burger
to the country's in- said closing those e McDonald's works Ukraine contribute Lions. King said it is redi-
vasion of Ukraine, stores for now is the with hundreds of 9%of its annual rev- Yum Brands, the ecting the profits
a highly symbolic right thing to do. Russian suppliers,for enue, or around S2 parent company of from its 800 Russian
move for the US. "Our values Mean example,and serves billion last year. KFC and Pizza Hut, stores to relief ef-
chain that was among we cannot ignore the millions of custom- Unlike other big said Monday that it forts.
the first to enter the needless human f- ens each day.
former Soviet Union fering unfolding in �, ..{ The company has
three decades ago. Ukraine,"h id. 4. also temporarily LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
The burger giant Kempczm let also '3 V 1 , Y closed 108 restau-
said it will contin- said that it's rmpos - rants in Ukraine and
ue paying its 62,000 ble to know when the This McDonald's in Russia is among the 850 to as is continuing to pay
employees in Russia company will be able apse. those employees. roam"`
tackle Pnivce and Mafia Maaxka Minmbeaux a Nramn.
-� Hard have 'd thebsM of thew- kW.lad s-a.
RUSSIA the situation. Rus Min 08:22 Wedoday Angus 10 3116,a Pollnow
Sian authorities have a j► Grand/SePiul of Hialeah.Joshua7 k oghed ninon,I
repeatedly and false- ���t 2 annex kehua lack man hit ea H ter Soya Ilion hn n axber
CONTINUED FROM 11B ly decried reports Nan, liner Hided laid 9".The pannal wandallnn and
of Russian military 9r�• -.3 /fiz graohnxhv are Pml Pion and l hneiare Doemc of Mumi
they also wouldn't setbacks or civilian O t119■i 4 ! The malac.l gr dfadwr mil aranaaahyr an Ruin,c'rnardo
be able to see videos deaths in Ukraine as CRA Miramheans sea Mans Alurrvvas Imtiou of 1'otw.
shared from else- "fake" ne . State Iad+valak
Domrmcan k.pWhc
where in the world. media outlets refer to OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT
"In light of Russia's Russia's invasion of COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY
new'fake news'law, Ukraine as a"special .Gist
we have no choice military operation" PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners Meet-
but to suspend lives- rather than a war or ing of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Mew Seek balerare
treaming and new an invasto Agency(CRA)scheduled to take place on Wednesday,March Otb, Jordon Pray d KMw Wmry of M P�1 nda
content to our von The law envisages 2022,at 10.00 a.m.or thereafter,in the City Commission Chambers have announced the bits d Men am.�drai b
eo service while we sentences of to located at Miami Coy Hall located at 3500 Pen American Drive Miami Jars was her al fl Minn Friday,tkhitwi at
review up Parkway Regional ekdlac Center /ri.
the safety tide,,years or fines Florida 33133 has been rpchedukd to take place on Thursday, t . Beach�Imtarr Wdrkt Jule gN ks rt � (�
implications of this for spreading what March 10th2022 at 2:30p.m.or thereafter at Miami City Hal,beat- mums jamarr jome Die stew jam the e
law,"TikTok said in a authorities deem to .d at 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida 33133. patreal grandfather and grant abe(31j l Pram A q
statement on Twitter. be false news about and Orrullane Dorow of lob aterwl fk` tie L"
"Our in app mss eag the military,but the Al Interested persons are invtted to attend.For more information, gmddiather and grandmaM^r arc Hider la d Naonu e V r,'!:
ing service will not please contact the OMNI CRA office at(305)679-6868. Hears orYanagewa,Japan. ..to
be affected." maximum punish- pn.,nreN;;ao .4..C^1 ee,.n,�
me rises to 15 years nt , Y1,
TikTok spokesp for cues deemed tom Baaby L.Min,Interim �"+•--{
son Hilary McQuaideade have led to"severe Ad No.38494 Omni Redevelopment District 7 < ...M....M. qy
said the TikTok app consequences." Community Redevelopment Agency `,", o �&
in Russia now ap-
pears in"view-only" Jan,lira I'rbte F" e'
CITY OF MIAMI,FLORIDA ] klm Prince and keiW hints oi ,PiP.4%
mode and won't let ' kf V
people post or see NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING lave arwunsrsl the both a first daugn
new videos or lives- y,^;a, How, liana was Min at 151 am Su March?CO"
breams.Theycan still ) IXl,a at I ks,xa Memorial Flab b a Aikwv.
'1 ) v weighed 7 pounds 7 aver,nit Mond
see older videos,but s grundtather aid grandmother am Paul Pram.and
not if they came from - Christian Porcine of Miami. Themanna'
outside the country, 00 r7 dlathe and yandmatus arc Helen and Mo.
she said. Pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution R-22-0032,adopted on February 7,2022, Hrrala of Yaoagawa,Japan.
"The safety of em- a special meeting of the Miami City Commission will be held on Friday,March 11,2022,at j..
ployees is our [op 10:00 a.m.In the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan Amed- Pars
priority," she said, can Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The purpose of the special meeting will be to consider and take any
adding that the yid- and all actions related to the redlstrictina of City Commission districts Includina but not Iimiteg - _
eo-sharing service- Io the drafting of any related maps and boundariel_No business shall be conducted.or a vote
part of China-based taken ate Special City Commission Meeting on business other than the subject(s)for which the The fling is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers
special meeting is called. to be able to identity the true owner of a buslrwss.Prince.Jacldtn,living
tech company ByreD- at 12925 Northwest 15th Avenue,Miami,Florida,are the General Executor/
ante-didn't want to The March 11,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Name PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS:12925
put either its Russian public to view on the C s website www.miam ov.colnMJ Fecebook,Twitter,YouTube,and NW 15TN AVE MIAMI,FL 33187,in the following Certificate of Assumed
employees or users at Donly ( i9 Nemo Minnesota Statutes.Chapter 333 to wt.JACKLIN PRINCE
risk of severe cram- Channel 77(CorKast for residents living in the City of Miami). ESTATE Sled on 01/24/2022 Original File Number/Affilve01124 and In Good
risk penalties.Some Standing 1 2916 37 2000 21;,ACK!IN PRINCE fled on 01/242022 OnonN•
For your inbrmation,public comment on the agenda demist to be heard at this special meeting fieNM Number/Ai-Me and in Good Standing 1File Nu 100075; JACKLIN
protesters who've NMN PRINCE filed on 01/24/2022 Original File Number/Active and In
taken to the streets can be submitted via an online comment form and veil be r ismbuted to the Elected Officials and Good Standing 1291661200024;PRINCF JACI(I IN filed on 0104(1077
in Moscow. St. Pr
City Administration and made part of Me public record.The deadline to submit public comment Nona'File Number/Active and in Good Standina 1291641000024-
tersburg and other via the online comment form will occur when the Chairperson closes public comment for the IANIYAHANA PRINCE ESTATE filed on 01/24/2022 Onatnal File Number/
Russian cities to de- special meeting. Ptddye and N Good Standina 1791868600029 JANIVA HANA PRINCE,
Sled on 01/24120220ng1nal File NumberlAOOve and In Good Standing
cry the invasion of the1291873000025; ,y1]JIYA PRINCE Ned on 0117420270n0nal File
Public comment on agenda item heard tre(s)to De hea at this special meeting y also be provid-
Ukraine have used Nud on01roveantlmGood Number/otloe20 JIn Goo Standing
social media plat- ed live r Coy Hall,City
Pan element r a nd. o comment
gin and p mks and flied on 006026; ANITA File Sled on and/Good Standing
forms to broadcast Drocedures as the City may implement or emend.Public will begin at approximately 1297674600026; IANIYA H PRINCF filed on o124(7n770nginal Fib
their cause. 10.00 a.m. J1Rmlar/Active and in Good Stanoina 1291675600070 JAMARR HIDEKI
The new "fake JACK PRINCE ESTATE on 01/24120220nginal File Number/Active and
_ "Please visit hops:/Avww.mtamtgov.com/meettnginstructtons for detailed instructions on how to In Good Standing 1291674100026; IAMARR HIOFKl JACK Standing provide public comment using the online public comment form." gad on 012420220riginal File Number/Ac4ra and in Good Standing
[ion, quickly rub- 1291676000028 JAMARR PRINCE,filed on 01/25/20220,191nel File
bers[amped by both l/ Number/Active and In Good Standing 1291995100021.d8 5
s of the Keene- Acopy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at httpmiamil. I1J PRINCE Ned on 01252 and
0720ncanal Fie Number/Actve and ahouse
parka- igm2.coMCitoens/Defauhaspx Good Standina 1791677200073 JAMARR H.J.PRINCE,tied on
lin-co01/24/20220dginal File Number/Active and In Good Standing
meet and signed by Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission mat respect to any 1291676400028, iOSHIlA JACK PRINCF ESTATE Ned on 01242077
Putin,imposes pets- wind Fie Number/Active and in Good Stantina 129164reNgp77;
gn sentences of up mailer to be considered at this special meeting,that person abal ensure that a verbatim record J
OOSHUA JACK PRINCE,filed on 01/24/2022 Original File Numbed
to U years for those of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be Active and In Good Standing 1291657400021; JOSHUA J PRINCE
based(FS.286.0105). filed on 01/74/7077 OAatnal File Number/Acsve and in Good Starting
spreading informa- 12 9166 5 500024-JOSHUA J.PRINCE fled on 01/24/2022 Original
tips that goes against In accordance with the Amencans with Disabilities Act of 1990.persons needing special armor- Flle NumberlAcive and In Good Standing 1284064700025;JOSk1UA
the Russian govern- medations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)250- PRINCE Ned on 01242072 Onatnal File Number/Acbve and In Good
meet's narrative on 5361(Voice)no later than two(2)business day prior to the proceeding,TTY users may call via Standina 119 7 671 000o7'1;JACKIJN PRINCE sled on 02/02/202 Odglnal
the war. 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than two(2)business day prior to the proceeding. JACKLFile Number/Active and In Good Standing G21lAvbue and 450;PRINCF
Multiple news out- Standirila N G21d000o on 01615 ON MEHOLDER(e-Num09r�ce.Jackli,InPn<e,
lets have also said Janiya Hana,Pnnce,Jamarr Adel.,Jack Pnnce,Joshua Jack do Post
they would pause 111111111111111, Todd B.Hannon Office Box 880042 Miami Florida Republic without the United States
their work inside City Clerk [33168],and the nature of the said business is commerce.
Russia to evaluate
A Singular Voice in urt Evolbini t'flt -
Pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution R-22-0032,adopted on February 7,
2022,a special meeting of the Miami City Commission will be held on Friday,March
MIAMI TODAY 11,2022,at 10:00 a.m.in the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall,
3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The ouroose of the special meetina will be to
consider and take any and all actions related to the redisttictino of City Commission districts
ntcludivg,but not limited to the draftino of any related maps and boundaries No business
Published Weekly shall be conducted.of a vote taken al a Special City Commission Meeting on business other
than the cubleclsl for which the special meeting is called
Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida
The$tii^h 11 2022 Special City Commission Meeting will he broadcast live for members
of the public to view on the City's webs:te (+va,,rniamigov com<tv). Facebook,Twitter.
STATE OF FLORIDA YouTuhe.anti Channel 77(Comcast nn!y Ica residents living in the City of Miami).
For you,information public comment on the agenda items)to be heard at this special
COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: meeting can he submitted via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected
• Officials and City Administration and made part of the public record.The deadline to submit
public comment via the online comment form will occur when the Chairperson closes public
comment for the special meeting
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared:
Public comment on the agenda items)to be heard at this special meeting may also be
Diana Uribe provided live at City Hall.3500 Pan American Drive.Miami,Florida,subject to any and all
odes and procedures as the City may implement or amend.Public comment will begin at
approximately 1000 a m
Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of -Please visit httos://www.miamiaov.com/meetinainstructions for detailed instructions
Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form.—
Miami-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copyof a A mt: „I the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at
notice of publication: Public Notice Should any person termite to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to
any matte!to be considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim
-record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any
RE: City of Miami Publication Notice#38496 appeal maybe based(F S.286.0105)
Special City Commission Meeting Notice in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special
accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk
03-11-2022 CC-English AD at(305!250-5361 tVoice)no later than two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TTY
.oars may call via 711 iFlonda Relay Service)no later than two 12)business day prior to
Todd B.Hannon
City Clerk
Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s)of:
March 10,2022
Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a
Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami-Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore
been continuously published in Miami-Dade County, Florida
each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter o� o
at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami-Dade County, -TI r�`'.s
Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication nrn =
of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says .:.gyp �
that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or '<—i
corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund form
the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in =9 i,.
the said newspaper. - >'-< ZMI
_� o
Di a ribe,Accountin ctor
Notary ' i
i At ���rar,\11lNIIPI/////�
: orn to an. subscribed lief re me this `\�� PF1GE(,q�F�
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lad 4, , 2D22 � _'� UY N: _
5•.,i G 30�7 :*
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Miami splits last of bond money for sea level and flooding
BY IOHN CHARLES ROBBINS city's legacy. The measure earmarked$192 million the city's social fabric and diversity.
The bond has been funding projects for sea level rise mitigation and flood "...And,the commissioner for each
Leaders of the City of Miami,consid- to transform the future of Miami by prevention intended to mitigate the most city commission district is best situated
ered by many as Ground Zero for sea investing$400 million in five key cat- severe effects of sea level rise,flood- to know and understand the needs of his
level rise,are devoting the last chunk egories,which align with the city's list ing risks, and vulnerabilities through or her respective district;and...the com-
of a special bond issuance to paying of most pressing needs:sea-level rise strategic infrastructure. mission believes it is in the best interest
for sea level rise mitigation and flood and flood prevention,roadways,parks The city's goal is to minimize flood- of the city to apportion the remaining
prevention. and cultural facilities,public safety,and ing frequency,severity, duration,and $177,865,072 to the five commission
This latest allocation of millions of affordable housing. impacts;protect critical infrastructure districts,"it reads.
dollars is to be spent city-wide. Bond projects are to benefit current and high-use areas;and reduce financial The resolution also apportions $5
On Feb. 24 the commission unani- and future residents, businesses and and economic vulnerability. million from each district to fund city-
mously approved legislation to appro- visitors,while also creating jobs and Feb. 24's resolution noted that wide sea level rise mitigation and flood
priate the remaining Miami Forever lowering costs related to sea-level rise $10,294,928ofthosefundshavealready prevention projects.
Bond Limited Ad Valorem funds to sea and increased storm events. been allocated by the City Commission The bond program is managed by the
level rise mitigation and flood preven- It was in November 2017 when a city for eligible projects: Miami Forever Bond Program Citizen's
tion,dividing more than$177 million referendum allowed the city to issue up "One of the themes that the city has Oversight Board and staff from the city's
equally among the five commission to$400 million in general obligation developed and implemented for the Office of Capital Improvements.
districts. bonds, with interest at or below the Miami Forever Bond is equity with the The other funding categories are:$100
The intent of Miami Forever Bond is maximum allowed by law payable from purpose of ensuring that the benefits million for affordable housing,$78 mil-
to build a stronger,more resilient future, ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable of the Miami Forever Bond are fairly lion for parks and cultural facilities,$23
alleviating existing and future risks to property,provided that the capital prof- distributed across the city and all income million for roadway improvements and
residents, economy, tourism and the ects'debt millage did not exceed0.5935. levels,maintaining the cohesiveness of $7 million for public safety.
Coral Gables asks consulates to co-sponsor cultural events
BYABRAHAM GALVAN "While we have nothing concrete,we Celebration." closures and special events application fees.
have been working with The partnerships are to create commu- "Coral Gables is a cosmopolitan,inter-
A Coral Gables international cultural one consulate that is nity-focused activities with the purpose of national city and has much to offer.That
events initiative is starting to take shape as looking to apply in the learning and experiencing the culture and is why I proposed and secured funding to
thecitycontinuestosearch forparticipating r-4. near future,"said Mayor ethnicity of other countries for the benefit work with the consulates to bring special
foreign consulates. . i Vince Lago."And,we of residents,businesses and visitors. events to our city,"Mayor Lago said told
The city is looking to co-sponsor a total ,. . have been advised that Once a consulate's event pitch is ap- Miami Today in December. "We look
of five cultural events after securing the the Mexican Consul- proved by the city's special events com- forward to sharing many of the world's
Mexican Consulate's interest to come back ^' ate will once again be mince,the city will cover overhead costs cultures with our residents and attracting
with its"Day of the Dead"celebration in Vince Lego applying to continue up to$20,000,which include parking,bar- an even greater number of visitors to ex-
October. their Day of the Dead ricades,police and fire,inspections,street perience Coral Gables."
F concluding two studies
tf '.4•.
of Homestead base site
Pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution R-22-0032,adopted on February 7,
2022,a special meeting of the Miami City Commission will be held on Friday,March BY GABRIELA HENRIQUEZ STOIKOW Miami-Dade got the land as part
11,2022,at 10:00 a.m.in the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall, of 601 acres of the former Home-
3500 Pan American Dr,Miami,FL 33133.The ourpose of the special meeting will be to The Florida National Guard is stead Air Reserve Base it received
consider and take any and all actions related to the redistricting of City Commission districts wrapping up two studies north of at no cost from the Air Force in
including.but not limited to the drafting of any related maps and boundaries No business Homestead Air Reserve Base as July 2004.The entire area was to
shall be conducted,or a vote taken at a Special City Commission Meeting on business other part of its lease agreement with be used for economic development
than the subject(s)for which the special meeting is called. Miami-Dade County to develop 70 of the region,but the county has not
The March 11,2022 Special City Commission Meeting will be broadcast live for members county-owned acres and expand been ableteyet. opshigh-imp high-impact
of the public to view on the City's website (www.miamigov.com/tv), Facebook, Twitter, tocapabilitiesloce in the area.The plan is projeht there yet.
YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for residents living in the City of Miami). to relocate nearly Sell guardsmen "The Floridad National Guard is
to the site over 10 years and build committed to developing this site
For your information,public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special administrative andreadinesscenters. and expanding our capabilities to
meeting can be submitted via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected In return,the guard is to pay the support the citizens in Miami-Dade
Officials and City Administration and made part of the public record.The deadline to submit county$78,000 a year for five years and throughout the state,"Mr.Man-
public comment via the online comment form will occur when the Chairperson closes public as part of an agreement signed Dec. ley said in a written statement.
comment for the special meeting. 20,2021.The fiscal impact for the The 70 acres containing ware-
lease term is estimated to yield the houses and other structures would
Public comment on the agenda item(s)to be heard at this special meeting may also be county S390,000 in payments. now aidnational security,economic
provided live at City Hall,3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida,subject to any and all The document allows the guard developmentandjobcreation,aSep-
rules and procedures as the City may implement or amend.Public comment will begin at to buy the site for a nominal$1 by [ember2021 resolution authorizing
approximately 10:00 a.m. 2026,provides six months for the the lease says.
"Please visit hops-//yyww.miamigov.com/meetinginstructions for detailed instructions environmental studies and allows [fthearnydecidestobuytheland
on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form.'" six additional months if more time the agreement says the property is
is required for completion. to be used"for the Florida Army
A copy of the agenda for the Special City Commission Meeting will be available at: Collaborating with the Miami National Guard or other military
htto://miamifl.iam2.com/Citizens/Default.asox Division of Environmental Man- purposes,which may include the
agement,the state's National Guard construction of a communications
Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to startedaThreatenedandEndangered and logistics readiness center,an
any matter to be considered at this special meeting,that person shall ensure that a verbatim Species and tree survey in October aviation readiness center,andanen-
record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any 2021; results are expected this gineering and administration build-
appeal may be based(F.S.286.0105). month. ing,and other matters of training,
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special Also, an Environmental Site operations and national security."
accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk Assessment Phase II started in The county would have pemis-
at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than two(2)business day prior to the proceeding.TTY October,with results due in April sion to access and use fuel storage
may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than two(2)business day prior to to determine if the site's surface tanks now on the property and
the proceeding. has contamination or hazardous remove them when necessary for
materials. a seven-year period The property
Todd B.Hannon "We'll make a determination on could also be returned to the county
City Clerk whether additional time is required if the land is not used for military
inApril,"Deputy Communications purposes after funds are appropn-
Directorofthe Department ofMili- ated,a memorandum from county
#38496 tary Affairs William Manley told Chief Financial Officer Edward
Miami Today. Marquez says.
(s(r vasion de Ucrania por parte
C ina asume papel mediador,, de Rusia.Laprioridad inmediata
es que todas las partes in-
en guerra rusa contra Ucrania volucradasejerzanlamo-
deracion necesaria,evi[en
que la situation empeore
aim mas y redoblen los es-
fuerzos diplomaticos para
"Evitar que empeore la situation" es el pedido de Pekin a ambas partes lograr una solution poli-
tica.China dale bienvenida
durante la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas .RASE APAG.14A
r,:.iF. ,-ji r,&%
T .}n `6 R i>
z �".
'. 4" De conformidad con la Resolution R-22-0032 de la Comision de la Ciudad de
ffi , , - 44, Miami, aprobada el 7 de febrero del 2022, la Comision de Ia Ciudad de Miami
celebrara una reunion especial el viernes 11 de marzo del 2022, a las 10:00 a.
m.,en el auditorio de la Comision Municipal en el Ayuntamiento de Ia Ciudad de
) / —' Miami, sito en 3500 Pan American Dr. Miami, FL, 33133. El obietivo de la reunion
// especial sera analizar y tomar todas las medidas relativas a la redistribution de los
distritos de la Comision Municipal, que incluve entre otros, la preparation de los
'' } mapas v los limites pertinentes. En una reunion especial de la Comision Municipal no
�•' •`
4 se trataran otros asuntos ni se votara acerca de ningun otro tema,que no sea el tema
-- para el que se convoca la reunion especial.
(.f•i I N A 4 7----- r " La reunion especial de la Comision Municipal del 11 de marzo del 2022 se transmitira
` i'i"""`' _ �` en vivo para que el publico pueda seguirla en el sitio web de la Ciudad
FR (www.miamigov.com/tv), Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, y el canal 77 (Comcast, solo
AFP) para los residentes que viven en la Ciudad de Miami).
El embajador chino ante las Naciones Unidas,Zhang Jun. Para su Information, los comentarios del publico en cuanto al tema de la agenda que
se analizara en esta reunion especial se pueden enviar por internet mediante un
REYESUREAA Sena la agencia de noticias formulario de comentarios, que se distribuira a los funcionarios electos y a la
rurena®diariolasamericas.com Ukrinfrom.
El ministro chino re- administration de la Ciudad, y formara parte de los registros publicos. La fecha limits
®reyesured afirmo el apoyo inque- para que el publico envie sus comentarios mediante el formulario en internet sera
China,aliada de Rusia,re- brantable de China a la cuando la persona que presida la reunion de por concluida la option de presentacion
chaza la invasion liderada soberania e integridad te-
por Vladimir Putin a Ucra- rritorial de Ucrania,des- de comentarios del publico para la reunion especial.
niayapelaraaladiplomacia tacando la naturaleza
para que cese la incursion estrategica de las relacio- El publico puede presentar sus comentarios sobre el tema de la agenda en vivo, en el
delastropasrusasenterri- nes bilaterales.Aseguro a Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad, ubicado en 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida,
torioucraniano. Dmytro Kuleba que China conforme a todas las normas y procedimientos que la Ciudad pueda poner en practica o
Luego de que Rusia deci- esta dispuesta a hacer todo
diera invadir Ucrania bajo to posible para poner fin cambiar.La presentacion de comentarios del publico comenzara a aproximadamente las
el pretexto de que su ve- a la guerra en suelo ucra- 10:00 a.m.
cino pais descartara el in- niano a traves de la di-
gresoalaOTANylaUnion plomacia, incluso como **Por favor, visite https://www.miamiqov.com/meetinqinstructions para instrucciones
Europea y desencadenara miembro permanents del detalladas sabre como el publico puede aportar sus comentarios mediante el formulario
un conflict° belie° que Consejo de Seguridad de la
suma miles de muertos, ONU",dice el comunicado. de comentarios en Internet.**
otros miles de heridos y al China,que no habla de
menos un millon de des- invasion,reconoce que la Una copia de la agenda de la reunion especial de la Comision Municipal estara
plazados desde Ucrania a actual situation es"inde- disponible en el sitio web http://miamifl.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx
otros paises de Europa,el seable"para Pekin.
ministro chino deRelacio- Asi,el portavoz del Mi- Si una persona desea apelar cualquier decisiOn de la ComisiOn Municipal con respecto a
nes Exteriores,Wang Yi, nisterio de Exteriores, al Un asuntoque se vaya a analizar en esta reunion especial, esa persona debera
llama a su homologo ucra- Wang Wenbin,sostuvo que gy p
niano, Dmytro Kuleba, la position de China sabre asegurarse de que se haga un registro textual de los procesos, incluidos todos los
e insto a una resolution Ucrania es"consistente"y testimonios y pruebas en las que cualquier recurso pueda basarse(F.S.286.0105).
del conflicto mediante la matiza que Pekin no tiene
negotiation,inform°un "intereses egoistas" con De conformidad con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990, las
medioestatal,acerca deun respecto al pais europeo. necesitenadecuacionesespeciales participareste proceso
gesto que ha sido evaluado Por ello, indica buscar personas que para en
como de"equilibrio diplo- jugar un rol"constructivo" pueden ponerse en contacto con la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad por el (305)
matico por parte de Pekin en el marco de la crisis. 250-5361 (voz), a mas tardar dos (2)dias habiles antes de la audiencia. Los usuarios
ante la invasionrusa". China solicit°a ambas del sistema TTY pueden Ilamar al 711 (Florida Relay Service), a mas tardar dos (2)
Kuleba le pidio a Wang partes del conflict°"evi-
que use el nivel de las re- tar empeorar la situation" dias habiles antes del proceso.
laciones entre Pekin y en la Asamblea General de
Mosce para que Rusia Naciones Unidas que cele- Aviso num.38496 Todd B. Hannon
ponga fin a su agresion bra esta semana con una Secretario de la Ciudad
armada contra el pue- sesion especial de emer-
blo ucraniano,segun re- gencia,para abordar la in-