HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZAB (11328) ResolutionCity Hall
City of Miami
3500 Pan American Drive
PZAB Resolution Miami, FL 33133
Enactment Number: PZAB-R-22-007
File ID: 11328 Final Action Date: 2/2/2022
WHEREAS, the PZAB has conducted a public hearing on the proposed text
amendment; and
WHEREAS, the PZAB has considered whether the proposed amendment will
further the goals, objectives, and policies of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood
WHEREAS, the PZAB has considered the need and justification for the proposed
change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the
proposed change necessary;
Section 1. The recitals and finding contained in the Preamble to this Resolution
are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in
this Section.
Section 2. The PZAB recommends denial to the Miami City Commission that
Ordinance No. 13114, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended,
INTENSITY AND PARKING in the following particulars:\[1\]
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Residential Uses are Residential Uses are Residential Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces per parking spaces per parking spaces per
principal Dwelling principal Dwelling principal Dwelling
Unit. Unit. Unit.
- - -
Minimum of 1 parking Minimum of 1 parking Minimum of 1 parking
space per ancillary space per ancillary space per ancillary
dwelling unit. dwelling unit. dwelling unit.
-Care -work - Work -work - Work
RESIDENTIAL Homes - Minimum of component shall component shall
1 parking space per provide parking as provide parking as
staff member and 1 required by non-required by non-
space per 4 residential use in residential use in
residents. addition to parking addition to parking
required for the required for the
Dwelling Units. Dwelling Unit.
Residence -
Minimum of 1 parking -Care -Care
space per staff Homes - Minimum of Homes - Minimum of
member in addition to 1 parking space per 1 parking space per
the parking required staff member and 1 staff member and 1
for the Dwelling space per 4 space per 4
Units. residents. residents.
within 500 feet of an Residence- Minimum Residence- Minimum
ungated T3 Transect of 1 parking space of 1 parking space
Zone, the parking per staff member in per staff member in
ratio may be reduced addition to the addition to the
within a TOD area or parking required for parking required for
within a Transit the Dwelling Units. the Dwelling Units.
Corridor area by up
to thirty percent equirement
(30%) by process of may be reduced may be reduced
Waiver; by up to fifty according to the according to the
percent (50%) by Shared parking Shared parking
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process of Waiver standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
and payment into a Table 5. Table 5.
transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as
established by Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
Chapter 35 of the for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
City Code; or by one spaces required. spaces required.
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
Area of ten thousand ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
(10,000) square feet Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
or less Exception. ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with:
parking space for parking space for
every 2 lodging units. every 2 lodging units.
LODGING additional visitor additional visitor
Chapter 23. parking space for parking space for
every 5 lodging units. every 5 lodging units.
may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the
Shared parking Shared parking
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standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
Office Uses are Office Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with:
Story of the Principal parking spaces for
Building or Accessory every 1,000 square
Structure; feet of office use.
Commercial Uses may be reduced
shall be less than according to the
50% Building floor Shared parking
area total. standard, Article 4,
Table 5.
parking spaces for
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every 1,000 square Bicycle Rack Space
feet of office use. for every 20 vehicular
spaces required.
may be reduced
according to the within 500 feet of an
Shared parking ungated T3 Transect
standard, Article 4, Zone, the parking
Table 5. ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or
within a Transit
Bicycle Rack Space Corridor area by up
for every 20 vehicular to thirty percent
spaces required. (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by
within 500 feet of an process of Waiver
ungated T3 Transect and payment into a
Zone, the parking transit enhancement
ratio may be reduced Trust Fund, as
within a TOD area or established by
within a Transit Chapter 35 of the
Corridor area by up City Code; or by one
to thirty percent hundred percent
(30%) by process of (100%) for any
Waiver; by up to fifty Structure with a Floor
percent (50%) by Area of ten thousand
process of Waiver (10,000) square feet
and payment into a or less Exception.
transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with:
Story of the Principal 4,000 square feet per
Building or Accessory establishment.
COMMERCIAL establishments of a
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Commercial Uses maximum seating
shall be less than capacity of 40
50% Building floor patrons.
area total.
parking spaces for
4,000 square feet per every 1,000 square
establishment. feet of commercial
establishments of a
maximum seating Bike space for every
capacity of 40 20 vehicular spaces
patrons. required (before any
parking spaces for
every 1,000 square may be reduced
feet of commercial according to the
use. Shared parking
standard, Article 4,
Table 5.
may be reduced
according to the
Shared parking Bicycle Rack Space
standard, Article 4, for every 20 vehicular
Table 5. spaces required.
Bicycle Rack Space within 500 feet of an
for every 20 vehicular ungated T3 Transect
spaces required. Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or
within 500 feet of an within a Transit
ungated T3 Transect Corridor area by up
Zone, the parking to thirty percent
ratio may be reduced (30%) by process of
within a TOD area or Waiver; by up to fifty
within a Transit percent (50%) by
Corridor area by up process of Waiver
to thirty percent and payment into a
(30%) by process of transit enhancement
Waiver; by up to fifty Trust Fund, as
percent (50%) by established by
process of Waiver Chapter 35 of the
and payment into a City Code; or by one
transit enhancement hundred percent
Trust Fund, as (100%) for any
established by Structure with a Floor
Chapter 35 of the Area of ten thousand
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City Code; or by one (10,000) square feet
hundred percent or less Exception.
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
CIVIC Civic Uses are Civic Uses are Civic Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3. in Table 3. in Table 3.
Minimum of 1
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of every 5 seats of
assembly use. assembly use. assembly use.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5,000 square every 5,000 square every 5,000 square
feet of exhibition or feet of exhibition or feet of exhibition or
recreation area, and recreation area, and recreation area, and
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
other Uses as other Uses as other Uses as
required. required. required.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared parking Shared parking Shared parking
standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 10,000 for every 10,000 for every 10,000
square feet of square feet of square feet of
exhibition or exhibition or exhibition or
recreation area. recreation area. recreation area.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
City of Miami Page 7 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
uses may be uses may be
provided off-site provided off-site
within a distance of within a distance of
1,000 feet. 1,000 feet.
CIVIL SUPPORT Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses
are permissible as are permissible as are permissible as
listed in Table 3. listed in Table 3. listed in Table 3.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 800 square every 800 square every 800 square
feet of Civil Support feet of Civil Support feet of Civil Support
Use. Use. Use.
parking space for Minimum of 1 space Bike space for every
every 5 seats of per staff member. 20 vehicular spaces
assembly use. required (before any
parking space for
within 500 feet of an every 5 seats of -
ungated T3 Transect assembly use. Minimum of 1 space
Zone, the parking per staff member.
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or may be reduced
within a Transit according to the parking space for
Corridor area by up Shared parking every 5 seats of
to thirty percent standard, Article 4, assembly use.
(30%) by process of Table 5.
Waiver; by up to fifty requirement
percent (50%) by may be reduced
process of Waiver Bicycle Rack Space according to the
and payment into a for every 20 vehicular Shared parking
transit enhancement spaces required. standard, Article 4,
Trust Fund, as Table 5.
established by
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Chapter 35 of the within 500 feet of an
City Code; or by one ungated T3 Transect Bicycle Rack Space
hundred percent Zone, the parking for every 20 vehicular
(100%) for any ratio may be reduced spaces required.
Structure with a Floor within a TOD area or
Area of ten thousand within a Transit
(10,000) square feet Corridor area by up within 500 feet of an
or less Exception. to thirty percent ungated T3 Transect
(30%) by process of Zone, the parking
Waiver; by up to fifty ratio may be reduced
percent (50%) by within a TOD area or
process of Waiver within a Transit
and payment into a Corridor area by up
transit enhancement to thirty percent
Trust Fund, as (30%) by process of
established by Waiver; by up to fifty
Chapter 35 of the percent (50%) by
City Code; or by one process of Waiver
hundred percent and payment into a
(100%) for any transit enhancement
Structure with a Floor Trust Fund, as
Area of ten thousand established by
(10,000) square feet Chapter 35 of the
or less Exception. City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
Educational Uses are Educational Uses are Educational Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3. in Table 3. in Table 3.
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 square every 1,000 square every 1,000 square
feet of Educational feet of Educational feet of Educational
Use. Use. Use.
EDUCATIONAL Minimum Minimum Minimum
of 1 parking space for of 1 parking space for of 1 parking space for
each faculty or staff each faculty or staff each faculty or staff
member, 1 visitor member, 1 visitor member, 1 visitor
parking space per parking space per parking space per
100 students, 1 100 students, 1 100 students, 1
parking space per 5 parking space per 5 parking space per 5
students in grades 11 students in grades 11 students in grades 11
and 12. and 12. and 12.
- - -
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Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space
for the for the for the
owner/operator and 1 owner/operator and 1 owner/operator and 1
space for each space for each space for each
employee, and 1 employee, and 1 employee, and 1
drop-off space for drop-off space for drop-off space for
every 10 clients every 10 clients every 10 clients
cared for. cared for. cared for.
within 500 feet of an may be reduced may be reduced
ungated T3 Transect according to the according to the
Zone, the parking Shared parking Shared parking
ratio may be reduced standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
within a TOD area or Table 5. Table 5.
within a Transit
Corridor area by up
to thirty percent Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
(30%) by process of for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
Waiver; by up to fifty spaces required. spaces required.
percent (50%) by
process of Waiver
and payment into a within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
transit enhancement ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Trust Fund, as Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
established by ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
Chapter 35 of the within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
City Code; or by one within a Transit within a Transit
hundred percent Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
(100%) for any to thirty percent to thirty percent
Structure with a Floor (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Area of ten thousand Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
(10,000) square feet percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
or less Exception. process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
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RESIDENTIAL Residential Uses are Residential Uses are Residential Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces per parking spaces per parking spaces per
Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit.
additional visitor parking space per parking space per
parking space for Micro Dwelling Unit, Micro Dwelling Unit,
every 10 Dwelling with a maximum of 1 with a maximum of 1
Units. additional visitor additional visitor
parking space for parking space for
-Care every 10 Micro every 10 Micro
Homes - Minimum 1 Dwelling Units. Dwelling Units.
space per staff
member and 1 space
per 4 residents. additional visitor additional visitor
parking space for parking space for
every 10 Dwelling every 10 Dwelling
Residence - Units. Units.
Minimum of 1 parking
space per staff -work - Work -work - Work
member in addition to component shall component shall
the parking required provide parking as provide parking as
for the principal required by the non-required by the non-
Dwelling Unit(s). residential use in residential use in
addition to parking addition to parking
required for the required for the
may be reduced Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit.
according to the
Shared parking -Care ult Family-Care
standard, Article 4, Homes - Minimum 1 Homes - Minimum 1
Table 5. space per staff space per staff
member and 1 space member and 1 space
per 4 residents. per 4 residents.
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular
spaces required or Residence - Residence -
within a TOD area, Minimum of 1 parking Minimum of 1 parking
one (1) Bicycle Rack space per staff space per staff
Space required per member in addition to member in addition to
Dwelling Unit. the parking required the parking required
for the principal for the principal
Dwelling Unit(s). Dwelling Unit(s).
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking may be reduced may be reduced
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ratio may be reduced according to the according to the
within a TOD area or Shared parking Shared parking
within a Transit standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Corridor area by up Table 5. Table 5.
to thirty percent
(30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
percent (50%) by for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
process of Waiver spaces required or spaces required or
and payment into a within a TOD area, within a TOD area,
transit enhancement one (1) Bicycle Rack one (1) Bicycle Rack
Trust Fund, as Space required per Space required per
established by Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit.
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
(100%) for any ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Structure with a Floor Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
Area of ten thousand ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
(10,000) square feet within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
or less Exception. within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent
twenty percent (20%) (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
of required parking Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
spaces may be percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
exchanged for process of Waiver process of Waiver
bicycle parking at a and payment into a and payment into a
ratio of six (6) Bicycle transit enhancement transit enhancement
Rack Spaces for Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
each required established by established by
parking space. Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
- See hundred percent hundred percent
Article 4, Table 5 (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
twenty percent (20%) twenty percent (20%)
of required parking of required parking
spaces may be spaces may be
exchanged for exchanged for
bicycle parking at a bicycle parking at a
ratio of six (6) Bicycle ratio of six (6) Bicycle
Rack Spaces for Rack Spaces for
each required each required
parking space. parking space.
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provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See Loading - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
LODGING Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3. in Table 3. in Table 3.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 2 lodging units. every 2 lodging units. every 2 lodging units.
additional visitor additional visitor additional visitor
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 10 lodging every 10 lodging every 10 lodging
units. units. units.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared parking Shared parking Shared parking
standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required or spaces required or spaces required or
within a TOD area, within a TOD area, within a TOD area,
one (1) bicycle rack one (1) bicycle rack one (1) bicycle rack
space for every five space for every five space for every five
(5) lodging units. (5) lodging units. (5) lodging units.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
City of Miami Page 13 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
twenty percent (20%) twenty percent (20%) twenty percent (20%)
of required parking of required parking of required parking
spaces may be spaces may be spaces may be
exchanged for exchanged for exchanged for
bicycle parking at a bicycle parking at a bicycle parking at a
ratio of six (6) Bicycle ratio of six (6) Bicycle ratio of six (6) Bicycle
Rack Spaces for Rack Spaces for Rack Spaces for
each required each required each required
parking space. parking space. parking space.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet by process of feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3. of T3.
- See - See Loading - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Office Uses are Office Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with:
of 3
second Story of the parking spaces for
Principal Building and every 1,000 square
Office and feet of office use.
OFFICE Commercial Uses
OFFICE shall be less than
25% Building floor may be reduced
area total. according to the
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Shared parking
standard, Article 4,
parking spaces for Table 5.
every 1,000 square
feet of office use.
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular
may be reduced spaces required or
according to the within a TOD area,
Shared parking one (1) Bicycle Rack
standard, Article 4, Space required per
Table 5. 3,000 sq. ft. of Office
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular within 500 feet of an
spaces required or ungated T3 Transect
within a TOD area, Zone, the parking
one (1) Bicycle Rack ratio may be reduced
Space required per within a TOD area or
3,000 sq. ft. of Office within a Transit
area. Corridor area by up
to thirty percent
(30%) by process of
within 500 feet of an Waiver; by up to fifty
ungated T3 Transect percent (50%) by
Zone, the parking process of Waiver
ratio may be reduced and payment into a
within a TOD area or transit enhancement
within a Transit Trust Fund, as
Corridor area by up established by
to thirty percent Chapter 35 of the
(30%) by process of City Code; or by one
Waiver; by up to fifty hundred percent
percent (50%) by (100%) for any
process of Waiver Structure with a Floor
and payment into a Area of ten thousand
transit enhancement (10,000) square feet
Trust Fund, as or less Exception.
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one twenty percent (20%)
hundred percent of required parking
(100%) for any spaces may be
Structure with a Floor exchanged for
Area of ten thousand bicycle parking at a
(10,000) square feet ratio of six (6) Bicycle
or less Exception. Rack Spaces for
each required
parking space.
twenty percent (20%)
City of Miami Page 15 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
of required parking
spaces may be provided by
exchanged for ownership or lease
bicycle parking at a offsite within 1000
ratio of six (6) Bicycle feet by process of
Rack Spaces for Waiver, except when
each required site is within 500 feet
parking space. of T3.
ing may be - See
provided by Article 4, Table 5
ownership or lease
offsite within 1000
feet by process of
Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet
of T3.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with:
st and
second Story of the 55,000 square feet
Principal Building and per establishment,
Office and except for Public
Commercial Uses Storage Facilities.
COMMERCIAL shall be less than
25% Building floor
area total. parking spaces for
every 1,000 square
feet of commercial
55,000 square feet use, except for Public
per establishment. Storage Facilities,
minimum 1 parking
space for every
parking spaces for 10,000 square feet
every 1,000 square with a minimum of 8
feet of commercial parking spaces.
may be reduced
may be reduced according to the
according to the Shared parking
Shared parking standard, Article 4,
standard, Article 4, Table 5, except for
Table 5. Public Storage
City of Miami Page 16 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular Bicycle Rack Space
spaces required or for every 20 vehicular
within a TOD area, spaces required or
one (1) Bicycle Rack within a TOD area,
Space required per one (1) Bicycle Rack
3,000 sq. ft. of Space required per
Commercial area. 3,000 sq. ft. of
Commercial area.
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect within 500 feet of an
Zone, the parking ungated T3 Transect
ratio may be reduced Zone, the parking
within a TOD area or ratio may be reduced
within a Transit within a TOD area or
Corridor area by up within a Transit
to thirty percent Corridor area by up
(30%) by process of to thirty percent
Waiver; by up to fifty (30%) by process of
percent (50%) by Waiver; by up to fifty
process of Waiver percent (50%) by
and payment into a process of Waiver
transit enhancement and payment into a
Trust Fund, as transit enhancement
established by Trust Fund, as
Chapter 35 of the established by
City Code; or by one Chapter 35 of the
hundred percent City Code; or by one
(100%) for any hundred percent
Structure with a Floor (100%) for any
Area of ten thousand Structure with a Floor
(10,000) square feet Area of ten thousand
or less Exception. (10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
TOD area,
twenty percent (20%) ,
of required parking twenty percent (20%)
spaces may be of required parking
exchanged for spaces may be
bicycle parking at a exchanged for
ratio of six (6) Bicycle bicycle parking at a
Rack Spaces for ratio of six (6) Bicycle
each required Rack Spaces for
parking space. each required
parking space.
provided by
ownership or lease provided by
offsite within 1,000 ownership or lease
City of Miami Page 17 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
feet by process of offsite within 1000
Waiver, except when feet by process of
site is within 500 feet Waiver, except when
of T3. site is within 500 feet
of T3.
- See
Article 4, Table 5 - See
Article 4, Table 5
related, Drive-Thru or
Drive-In Facilities -
See Article 6.
Civic Uses are Civic Uses are Civic Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
Minimum of 1
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of every 5 seats of
assembly uses. assembly uses. assembly uses.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5,000 square every 5,000 square every 5,000 square
feet of exhibition or feet of exhibition or feet of exhibition or
recreation area, and recreation area, and recreation area, and
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
other Uses as other Uses as other Uses as
required. required. required.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared parking Shared parking Shared parking
standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 10,000 for every 10,000 for every 10,000
square feet of square feet of square feet of
exhibition or exhibition or exhibition or
recreation area. recreation area. recreation area.
Except for sites
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
City of Miami Page 18 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet by process of feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3. of T3.
ding - See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
CIVIL SUPPORT Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses
are permissible as are permissible as are permissible as
listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3,
limited by compliance limited by compliance limited by compliance
with: with: with:
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 800 square every 1000 square every 1000 square
feet of Civil Support feet of Civil Support feet of Civil Support
Use. Use. Use.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of every 5 seats of
assembly use. assembly use. assembly use.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
City of Miami Page 19 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
every 5 slips of every 5 slips of every 5 slips of
marine use. marine use. marine use.
- -
may be reduced Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space
according to the per staff member. per staff member.
Shared parking
standard, Article 4,
Table 5. may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the
Shared parking Shared parking
Bicycle Rack Space standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
for every 20 vehicular Table 5. Table 5.
spaces required.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
within 500 feet of an for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
ungated T3 Transect spaces required. spaces required.
Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
within a Transit ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Corridor area by up Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
to thirty percent ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
(30%) by process of within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
Waiver; by up to fifty within a Transit within a Transit
percent (50%) by Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
process of Waiver to thirty percent to thirty percent
and payment into a (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
transit enhancement Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
Trust Fund, as percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
established by process of Waiver process of Waiver
Chapter 35 of the and payment into a and payment into a
City Code; or by one transit enhancement transit enhancement
hundred percent Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
(100%) for any established by established by
Structure with a Floor Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
Area of ten thousand City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
(10,000) square feet hundred percent hundred percent
or less Exception. (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
- See Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
Article 4, Table 5 (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
City of Miami Page 20 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Educational Uses are Educational Uses are Educational Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 square every 1,000 square every 1,000 square
feet of Educational feet of Educational feet of Educational
Use. Use. Use.
Minimum Minimum Minimum
of 1 parking space for of 1 parking space for of 1 parking space for
each faculty or staff each faculty or staff each faculty or staff
member, 1 visitor member, 1 visitor member, 1 visitor
parking space per parking space per parking space per
100 students, 1 100 students, 1 100 students, 1
parking space per 5 parking space per 5 parking space per 5
students in grades 11 students in grades 11 students in grades 11
and 12. and 12 or and 12 or
College/University. College/University.
Minimum of 1 space - -
for the Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space
owner/operator and 1 for the for the
space for each owner/operator and 1 owner/operator and 1
employee, and 1 space for each space for each
drop-off space for employee, and 1 employee, and 1
every 10 clients drop-off space for drop-off space for
cared for. every 10 clients every 10 clients
cared for. cared for.
may be reduced
according to the may be reduced may be reduced
shared parking according to the according to the
standard, Article 4, shared parking shared parking
Table 5. standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
spaces required. for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required.
be reduced within ½
mile radius of TOD or be reduced within ½ be reduced within ½
City of Miami Page 21 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
within ¼ mile radius mile radius of TOD or mile radius of TOD or
of a Transit Corridor within ¼ mile radius within ¼ mile radius
by thirty percent of a Transit Corridor of a Transit Corridor
(30%) by process of by thirty percent by thirty percent
Waiver, except when (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
site is within 500 feet Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
of T3. site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
Zone, the parking ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
ratio may be reduced Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
within a TOD area or ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a Transit within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
Corridor area by up within a Transit within a Transit
to thirty percent Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
(30%) by process of to thirty percent to thirty percent
Waiver; by up to fifty (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
percent (50%) by Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
process of Waiver percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
and payment into a process of Waiver process of Waiver
transit enhancement and payment into a and payment into a
Trust Fund, as transit enhancement transit enhancement
established by Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
Chapter 35 of the established by established by
City Code; or by one Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
hundred percent City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
(100%) for any hundred percent hundred percent
Structure with a Floor (100%) for any (100%) for any
Area of ten thousand Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
(10,000) square feet Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
or less Exception. (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See - Refer to
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
City of Miami Page 22 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Residential Uses are Residential Uses are Residential Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces per parking spaces per parking spaces per
Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit.
additional visitor parking space per parking space per
parking space for Micro Dwelling Unit, Micro Dwelling Unit,
every 10 Dwelling with a maximum of 1 with a maximum of 1
Units. additional visitor additional visitor
parking space for parking space for
-Care every 10 Micro every 10 Micro
Homes - Minimum 1 Dwelling Units. Dwelling Units.
space per staff
member and 1 space
per 4 residents. additional visitor additional visitor
parking space for parking space for
every 10 Dwelling every 10 Dwelling
Residence - Units. Units.
Minimum of 1 parking
space per staff Live-work - Work -work - Work
member in addition to component shall component shall
the parking required provide parking as provide parking as
for the principal required by the non-required by the non-
Dwelling Unit(s). residential use in residential use in
addition to parking addition to parking
required for the required for the
may be reduced Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit.
according to the
shared parking -Care -Care
standard, Article 4, Homes- Minimum 1 Homes- Minimum 1
Table 5. space per staff space per staff
member and 1 space member and 1 space
per 4 residents. per 4 residents.
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular
spaces required or Residence- Minimum Residence- Minimum
within a TOD area, of 1 parking space of 1 parking space
one (1) bicycle rack per staff member in per staff member in
space required per addition to the addition to the
Dwelling Unit. parking required for parking required for
the principal Dwelling the principal Dwelling
Unit(s). Unit(s).
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking may be reduced may be reduced
City of Miami Page 23 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
ratio may be reduced according to the according to the
within a TOD area or shared parking shared parking
within a Transit standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Corridor area by up Table 5. Table 5.
to thirty percent
(30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
percent (50%) by for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
process of Waiver spaces required or spaces required or
and payment into a within a TOD area, within a TOD area,
transit enhancement one (1) bicycle rack one (1) bicycle rack
Trust Fund, as space required per space required per
established by Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit.
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
(100%) for any ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Structure with a Floor Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
Area of ten thousand ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
(10,000) square feet within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
or less Exception. within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent
twenty percent (20%) (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
of required parking Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
spaces may be percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
exchanged for process of Waiver process of Waiver
bicycle parking at a and payment into a and payment into a
ratio of six (6) Bicycle transit enhancement transit enhancement
Rack Spaces for Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
each required established by established by
parking space. Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
-60 & T6-80, hundred percent hundred percent
parking for residential (100%) for any (100%) for any
Uses located within Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
1,000 feet of a Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
Metrorail or (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
Metromover station or less Exception. or less Exception.
shall not be required.
twenty percent (20%) twenty percent (20%)
provided by of required parking of required parking
ownership or lease spaces may be spaces may be
offsite within 1,000 exchanged for exchanged for
feet by process of bicycle parking at a bicycle parking at a
Waiver, except when ratio of six (6) Bicycle ratio of six (6) Bicycle
site is within 500 feet Rack Spaces for Rack Spaces for
of T3. each required each required
parking space. parking space.
- See
City of Miami Page 24 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Article 4, Table 5 -60 & T6-80, -60 & T6-80,
parking for residential parking for residential
Uses located within Uses located within
1,000 feet of a 1,000 feet of a
Metrorail or Metrorail or
Metromover station Metromover station
shall not be required. shall not be required.
provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3. in Table 3. in Table 3.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 2 lodging units. every 2 lodging units. every 2 lodging units.
additional visitor additional visitor additional visitor
parking space for parking space for parking space for
LODGING every 10 lodging every 10 lodging every 15 lodging
units. units. units.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
shared parking shared parking shared parking
standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required or spaces required or spaces required or
within a TOD area, within a TOD area, within a TOD area,
one (1) bicycle rack one (1) bicycle rack one (1) bicycle rack
space for every five space for every five space for every five
(5) lodging units. (5) lodging units. (5) lodging units.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
City of Miami Page 25 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
twenty percent (20%) twenty percent (20%) twenty percent (20%)
of required parking of required parking of required parking
spaces may be spaces may be spaces may be
exchanged for exchanged for exchanged for
bicycle parking at a bicycle parking at a bicycle parking at a
ratio of six (6) Bicycle ratio of six (6) Bicycle ratio of six (6) Bicycle
Rack Spaces for Rack Spaces for Rack Spaces for
each required each required each required
parking space. parking space. parking space.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1,000 offsite within 1,000 offsite within 1,000
feet by process of feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3. of T3.
- See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
-80 within the
Downtown Flagler
District, Loading for
Lodging Uses may,
City of Miami Page 26 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
by process of Waiver,
be provided by
ownership offsite
within 200 feet, by
lease offsite within an
abutting property, or
within a DOSP
owned and operated
loading facility within
100 feet with a
minimum lease term
of thirty (30) years as
established in and
pursuant to the
requirements of
Chapter 35 of the
City Code.
Office Uses are Office Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3.
compliance with:
parking spaces for
allowed for office use every 1,000 square
on each lot is limited feet of office use.
to four Stories of the
Principal Building and -24, T6-36 and
OFFICE Office and T6-48, a minimum of
Commercial Uses 1 parking space for
shall be less than every 800 square
25% of Building floor feet of office use
area total. shall be provided
-60 and T6-80,
parking spaces for a minimum of 1
every 1,000 square parking space for
feet of office use. every 1,000 square
feet of office use
-24, T6-36 and shall be provided
T6-48 a minimum of
1 parking space for
every 800 square may be reduced
feet of office use according to the
shall be provided shared parking
standard, Article 4,
-60 and T6-80, Table 5.
a minimum of 1
parking space for
every 1,000 square Bicycle Rack Space
feet of office use for every 20 vehicular
shall be provided spaces required or
City of Miami Page 27 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
within a TOD area,
one (1) Bicycle Rack
may be reduced Space required per
according to the 3,000 sq. ft. of Office
Shared Parking area.
Standard, Article 4,
Table 5.
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect
Bicycle Rack Space Zone, the parking
for every 20 vehicular ratio may be reduced
spaces required or within a TOD area or
within a TOD area, within a Transit
one (1) Bicycle Rack Corridor area by up
Space required per to thirty percent
3,000 sq. ft. of Office (30%) by process of
area. Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by
process of Waiver
within 500 feet of an and payment into a
ungated T3 Transect transit enhancement
Zone, the parking Trust Fund, as
ratio may be reduced established by
within a TOD area or Chapter 35 of the
within a Transit City Code; or by one
Corridor area by up hundred percent
to thirty percent (100%) for any
(30%) by process of Structure with a Floor
Waiver; by up to fifty Area of ten thousand
percent (50%) by (10,000) square feet
process of Waiver or less Exception.
and payment into a
transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as twenty percent (20%)
established by of required parking
Chapter 35 of the spaces may be
City Code; or by one exchanged for
hundred percent bicycle parking at a
(100%) for any ratio of six (6) Bicycle
Structure with a Floor Rack Spaces for
Area of ten thousand each required
(10,000) square feet parking space.
or less Exception.
provided by
twenty percent (20%) ownership or lease
of required parking offsite within 1,000
spaces may be feet by process of
exchanged for Waiver, except when
bicycle parking at a site is within 500 feet
ratio of six (6) Bicycle of T3.
City of Miami Page 28 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Rack Spaces for
each required - See
parking space. Article 4, Table 5
-80 within the
provided by Downtown Flagler
ownership or lease District, Loading for
offsite within 1,000 Office Uses may, by
feet by process of process of Waiver,
Waiver, except when be provided by
site is within 500 feet ownership offsite
of T3. within 200 feet, by
lease offsite within an
- See abutting property , or
Article 4, Table 5 within a DOSP
owned and operated
loading facility within
100 feet with a
minimum lease term
of thirty (30) years as
established in and
pursuant to the
requirements of
Chapter 35 of the
City Code.
Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
establishments allowed for 55,000 square feet
limited to a maximum Commercial Use on per establishment,
area of 4,000 square each lot is limited to except for Public
feet each and shall two Stories of the Storage Facilities.
COMMERCIAL be less than 25% Principal Building and
building floor area Office and
total. Commercial Uses parking spaces for
shall be less than every 1,000 square
25% of Building floor feet of commercial
allowed for area total. use, except for Public
commercial use on Storage Facilities,
each lot is limited to minimum 1 parking
the first two Stories of 55,000 square feet space for every
the Principal Building. per establishment. 10,000 square feet
with a minimum of 8
parking spaces.
parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 square every 1,000 square
feet of commercial feet of commercial may be reduced
use. use. according to the
City of Miami Page 29 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Shared parking
standard, Article 4,
may be reduced may be reduced Table 5, except for
according to the according to the Public Storage
shared parking shared parking Facilities.
standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space spaces required or
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular within a TOD area,
spaces required or spaces required or one (1) Bicycle Rack
within a TOD area, within a TOD area, Space required per
one (1) Bicycle Rack one (1) Bicycle Rack 3,000 sq. ft. of
Space required per Space required per Commercial area.
3,000 sq. ft. of 3,000 sq. ft. of
Commercial area. Commercial area. -related - Drive-
Thru or Drive-In
- See Facilities - See Article
Article 4, Table 5 within 500 feet of an 6.
ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced within 500 feet of an
within a TOD area or ungated T3 Transect
within a Transit Zone, the parking
Corridor area by up ratio may be reduced
to thirty percent within a TOD area or
(30%) by process of within a Transit
Waiver; by up to fifty Corridor area by up
percent (50%) by to thirty percent
process of Waiver (30%) by process of
and payment into a Waiver; by up to fifty
transit enhancement percent (50%) by
Trust Fund, as process of Waiver
established by and payment into a
Chapter 35 of the transit enhancement
City Code; or by one Trust Fund, as
hundred percent established by
(100%) for any Chapter 35 of the
Structure with a Floor City Code; or by one
Area of ten thousand hundred percent
(10,000) square feet (100%) for any
or less Exception. Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
twenty percent (20%) or less Exception.
of required parking
spaces may be
exchanged for twenty percent (20%)
bicycle parking at a of required parking
ratio of six (6) Bicycle spaces may be
City of Miami Page 30 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Rack Spaces for exchanged for
each required bicycle parking at a
parking space. ratio of six (6) Bicycle
Rack Spaces for
each required
provided by parking space.
ownership or lease
offsite within 1,000
feet by process of provided by
Waiver, except when ownership or lease
site is within 500 feet offsite within 1,000
of T3. feet by process of
Waiver, except when
- See site is within 500 feet
Article 4, Table 5 of T3.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
-80 within the
Downtown Flagler
District, Loading for
Commercial Uses
may, by process of
Waiver, be provided
by ownership offsite
within 200 feet, by
lease offsite within an
abutting property, or
within a DOSP
owned and operated
loading facility within
100 feet with a
minimum lease term
of five (5) years as
established in and
pursuant to the
requirements of
Chapter 35 of the
City Code.
CIVIC Civic Uses are Civic Uses are Civic Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of every 5 seats of
assembly uses. assembly uses. assembly uses.
City of Miami Page 31 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5,000 square every 5,000 square every 5,000 square
feet of exhibition or feet of exhibition or feet of exhibition or
recreation area, and recreation area, and recreation area, and
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
other Uses as other Uses as other Uses as
required. required. required.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
shared parking shared parking shared parking
standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 10,000 for every 10,000 for every 10,000
square feet of square feet of square feet of
exhibition or exhibition or exhibition or
recreation area. recreation area. recreation area.
- See
Article 4, Table 5 within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
City of Miami Page 32 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
offsite within 1,000 offsite within 1,000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
CIVIL SUPPORT Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses
are permissible as are permissible as are permissible as
listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3,
limited by compliance limited by compliance limited by compliance
with: with:. with:.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 800 square every 1000 square every 1000 square
feet of Civil Support feet of Civil Support feet of Civil Support
Use; or Use. Use.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of every 5 seats of
assembly use; or assembly use. assembly use.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 slips of every 5 slips of every 5 slips of
marine use; or marine use. marine use.
- -
may be reduced Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space
according to the per staff member. per staff member.
shared parking
standard, Article 4,
Table 5. may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the
shared parking shared parking
Bicycle Rack Space standard, Article 4, standard, Article 4,
for every 20 vehicular Table 5. Table 5.
spaces required.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
within 500 feet of an for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
ungated T3 Transect spaces required. spaces required.
Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
within a Transit ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Corridor area by up Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
to thirty percent ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
City of Miami Page 33 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
(30%) by process of within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
Waiver; by up to fifty within a Transit within a Transit
percent (50%) by Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
process of Waiver to thirty percent to thirty percent
and payment into a (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
transit enhancement Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
Trust Fund, as percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
established by process of Waiver process of Waiver
Chapter 35 of the and payment into a and payment into a
City Code; or by one transit enhancement transit enhancement
hundred percent Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
(100%) for any established by established by
Structure with a Floor Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
Area of ten thousand City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
(10,000) square feet hundred percent hundred percent
or less Exception. (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
- See Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
Article 4, Table 5 (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1,000 offsite within 1,000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
EDUCATIONAL Educational Uses are Educational Uses are Educational Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with:. compliance with:
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 square every 1,000 square every 1,000 square
feet of Educational feet of Educational feet of Educational
Use. Use. Use.
Minimum Minimum Minimum
of 1 parking space for of 1 parking space for of 1 parking space for
each faculty or staff each faculty or staff each faculty or staff
member, 1 visitor member, 1 visitor member, 1 visitor
parking space per parking space per parking space per
100 students, 1 100 students, 1 100 students, 1
parking space per 5 parking space per 5 parking space per 5
students in grades 11 students in grades 11 students in grades 11
City of Miami Page 34 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
and 12. and 12 or and 12 or
College/University. College/University.
Minimum of 1 space - -
for the Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space
owner/operator and 1 for the for the
space for each owner/operator and 1 owner/operator and 1
employee, and 1 space for each space for each
drop-off space for employee, and 1 employee, and 1
every 10 clients drop-off space for drop-off space for
cared for. every 10 clients every 10 clients
cared for. cared for.
may be reduced
according to the may be reduced may be reduced
Shared Parking according to the according to the
Standard, Article 4, Shared Parking Shared Parking
Table 5. Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space imum of 1
for every 20 vehicular Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
spaces required. for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required.
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
Zone, the parking ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
ratio may be reduced Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
within a TOD area or ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a Transit within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
Corridor area by up within a Transit within a Transit
to thirty percent Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
(30%) by process of to thirty percent to thirty percent
Waiver; by up to fifty (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
percent (50%) by Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
process of Waiver percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
and payment into a process of Waiver process of Waiver
transit enhancement and payment into a and payment into a
Trust Fund, as transit enhancement transit enhancement
established by Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
Chapter 35 of the established by established by
City Code; or by one Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
hundred percent City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
(100%) for any hundred percent hundred percent
Structure with a Floor (100%) for any (100%) for any
Area of ten thousand Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
(10,000) square feet Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
or less Exception. (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
- See
City of Miami Page 35 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Article 4, Table 5
provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1,000 offsite within 1,000
feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver, except when Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
of T3. of T3.
- See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
* Please refer to
Diagram 9
RESIDENTIAL Uses are permissible
as listed in Table 3, parking space for
limited by compliance every 800 square
with: feet of Residential
intensity, parking and ng - See
loading regulations to Article 4, Table 5
match that of the
most restrictive
Abutting zone.
parking space for
every 800 square
feet of Residential
- See
Article 4, Table 5
OFFICE Office Uses are
permissible as listed parking space for
in Table 3. every 800 square
feet of Office Use.
parking spaces for - See
every 1,000 square Article 4, Table 5
feet of Office Use.
Bike space for every
City of Miami Page 36 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
20 vehicular spaces
required (before any
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or
within a Transit
Corridor area by up
to thirty percent
(30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by
process of Waiver
and payment into a
transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
be reduced according
to the shared parking
provided offsite in CI,
D, T5 or T6 within
500 feet through a
parking management
Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed parking space for
in Table 3. in Table 3, limited by every 800 square
compliance with: feet of Commercial
parking spaces for
every 1,000 sf of allowed for - See
commercial space. Commercial Use on Article 4, Table 5
each lot shall be less
than 25% Building
City of Miami Page 37 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
COMMERCIAL Bike space for every floor area total.
20 vehicular spaces
required (before any
reductions). parking spaces for
every 1,000 sf of
commercial space
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking parking space for
ratio may be reduced every 7 seats in a
within a TOD area or Major Sports Facility
within a Transit
Corridor area by up
to thirty percent Bike space for every
(30%) by process of 20 vehicular spaces
Waiver; by up to fifty required (before any
percent (50%) by reductions).
process of Waiver
and payment into a
transit enhancement within 500 feet of an
Trust Fund, as ungated T3 Transect
established by Zone, the parking
Chapter 35 of the ratio may be reduced
City Code; or by one within a TOD area or
hundred percent within a Transit
(100%) for any Corridor area by up
Structure with a Floor to thirty percent
Area of ten thousand (30%) by process of
(10,000) square feet Waiver; by up to fifty
or less Exception. percent (50%) by
process of Waiver
and payment into a
be reduced according transit enhancement
to the shared parking Trust Fund, as
standard. established by
Chapter 35 of the
- See City Code; or by one
Article 4, Table 5. hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
including Area of ten thousand
maneuvering, shall (10,000) square feet
be accommodated on or less Exception.
be reduced according
to the shared parking
be reduced for Major
City of Miami Page 38 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Sports Facility within
1 mile of a Metrorail,
Metromover Station,
or mass transit facility
by up to 10%.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
maneuvering, shall
be accommodated on
Civic Uses are Civic Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed parking space for
in Table 3. in Table 3. every 5,000 square
feet of exhibition or
recreation area and
parking space for parking space for a minimum of 1
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of parking space for
assembly uses. assembly uses. every 800 square
feet of Civic Use.
CIVIC parking space for parking space for
every 5,000 sf of every 5,000 sf of Bicycle Rack Space
exhibition or exhibition or for every 10,000
recreation space, and recreation space, and square feet of
parking spaces for parking spaces for exhibition or
other Uses as other Uses as recreation area.
required. required.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
parking space for parking space for
every staff member every staff member
for recreational uses. for recreational uses.
parking space for parking space for
every 500 sf of every 500 sf of
Building area for Building area for
recreational uses. recreational uses.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 10,000 for every 10,000
square feet of square feet of
exhibition or exhibition or
recreation area. recreation area.
City of Miami Page 39 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided offsite in CI, provided offsite in CI,
D, T5 or T6 within D, T5 or T6 within
500 feet through a 500 feet through a
parking management parking management
plan/zone. plan/zone.
CIVIL SUPPORT Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses
are permissible as are permissible as parking space for
listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3, every 800 square
limited by compliance limited by compliance feet of Civil Support
with: with: Use.
- See
minimum of 1 parking minimum of 1 parking Article 4, Table 5
space for every 1,000 space for every 1,000
sf. sf.
minimum of 1 parking a minimum of 1
space for every 5 parking space for
slips. every 5 seats.
within 500 feet of an minimum of 1 parking
ungated T3 Transect space for every 5
Zone, the parking slips.
City of Miami Page 40 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or Daycare -
within a Transit Minimum of 1 space
Corridor area by up per staff member and
to thirty percent 1 space for owner.
(30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by within 500 feet of an
process of Waiver ungated T3 Transect
and payment into a Zone, the parking
transit enhancement ratio may be reduced
Trust Fund, as within a TOD area or
established by within a Transit
Chapter 35 of the Corridor area by up
City Code; or by one to thirty percent
hundred percent (30%) by process of
(100%) for any Waiver; by up to fifty
Structure with a Floor percent (50%) by
Area of ten thousand process of Waiver
(10,000) square feet and payment into a
or less Exception. transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
Educational Uses are Educational Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed parking space for
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by every 800 square
compliance with: compliance with: feet of Educational
Minimum of 2
parking spaces for parking spaces for - See
every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of Article 4, Table 5
educational space educational space
Bike space for every of 1 parking space for
20 vehicular spaces each faculty or staff
required (before any member, 1 visitor
reductions). parking space per
100 students, 1
- parking space per 5
Minimum of 1 space students in grades 11
per staff member, 1 and 12 or
space for owner and College/University.
City of Miami Page 41 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
1 drop-off space for
every 10 clients -
cared for. Minimum of 1 space
per staff member, 1
space for owner and
within 500 feet of an 1 drop-off space for
ungated T3 Transect every 10 clients
Zone, the parking cared for.
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or
within a Transit Bike space for every
Corridor area by up 20 vehicular spaces
to thirty percent required (before any
(30%) by process of reductions).
Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by
process of Waiver within 500 feet of an
and payment into a ungated T3 Transect
transit enhancement Zone, the parking
Trust Fund, as ratio may be reduced
established by within a TOD area or
Chapter 35 of the within a Transit
City Code; or by one Corridor area by up
hundred percent to thirty percent
(100%) for any (30%) by process of
Structure with a Floor Waiver; by up to fifty
Area of ten thousand percent (50%) by
(10,000) square feet process of Waiver
or less Exception. and payment into a
transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
Residential Uses are
permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by
compliance with:
City of Miami Page 42 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
parking space per
Dwelling Unit.
RESIDENTIAL Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular
spaces required.
within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or
within a Transit
Corridor area by up
to thirty percent
(30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by
process of Waiver
and payment into a
transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are Lodging Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3 limited by in Table 3 limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking space for parking space for
parking space for every 2 lodging units. every 2 lodging units.
every 2 lodging units.
additional parking additional parking
space for every 10 space for every 10
LODGING additional parking lodging units for lodging units for
space for every 10 visitors. visitors.
lodging units for
City of Miami Page 43 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
visitors. requirement may be requirement may be
reduced according to reduced according to
ng requirement the Shared Parking the Shared Parking
may be reduced Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
according to the Table 5. Table 5.
Shared Parking
Standard, Article 4, Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
Table 5. for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required.
Bicycle Rack Space within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
for every 20 vehicular ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
spaces required. Zone, the parking Zone, the
ratio may be reduced parking ratio may be
within a TOD area or reduced within a
within 500 feet of an within a Transit TOD area or within a
ungated T3 Transect Corridor area by up Transit Corridor area
Zone, the parking to by up to thirty percent
ratio may be reduced thirty percent (30%) (30%) by process of
within a TOD area or by process of Waiver; Waiver; by up to fifty
within a Transit by up to fifty percent percent (50%) by
Corridor area by up (50%) by process of process of Waiver
to thirty percent Waiver and payment and payment into a
(30%) by process of into a transit transit enhancement
Waiver; by up to fifty enhancement Trust Trust Fund as
percent (50%) by Fund as established established by
process of Waiver by Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
and payment into a City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
transit enhancement hundred percent hundred percent
Trust Fund, as (100%) for any (100%) for any
established by Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Chapter 35 of the Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
City Code; or by one (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
hundred percent or less Exception. or less Exception.
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor provided by provided by
Area of ten thousand ownership or lease ownership or lease
(10,000) square feet offsite within 1,000 offsite within 1,000
or less Exception. feet by process of feet by process of
Waiver except when Waiver except when
site is within 500 feet site is within 500 feet
provided by of T3. of T3.
ownership or lease - See - See
offsite within 1,000 Article 4, Table 5. Article 4, Table 5.
feet by process of
Waiver, except when
site is within 500 feet
of T3.
- See
Article 4, Table 5
City of Miami Page 44 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Office Uses are Office Uses are Office Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of
office space. office space. office space.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared Parking Shared Parking Shared Parking
Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required. spaces required.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
City of Miami Page 45 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet and in Transect feet and in Transect feet and in Transect
Zone D by process of Zone D by process of Zone D by process of
Waiver. Waiver. Waiver.
- See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are Commercial Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of
commercial space, commercial space, commercial space,
except for Public except for Public except for Public
Storage Facilities, Storage Facilities, Storage Facilities,
COMMERCIAL minimum 1 parking minimum 1 parking minimum 1 parking
space for every space for every space for every
10,000 square feet 10,000 square feet 10,000 square feet
with a minimum of 8 with a minimum of 8 with a minimum of 8
parking spaces. parking spaces. parking spaces.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared Parking Shared Parking Shared Parking
Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
Table 5, except for Table 5, except for Table 5, except for
Public Storage Public Storage Public Storage
Facilities. Facilities. Facilities.
m of 1
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required. spaces required.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
City of Miami Page 46 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
-Thru or Drive--Thru or Drive--Thru or Drive-
In Facilities - Refer to In Facilities - Refer to In Facilities - Refer to
Article 6. Article 6. Article 6.
arking may be
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet and in Transect feet and in Transect feet and in Transect
Zone D by process of Zone D by process of Zone D by process of
Waiver. Waiver. Waiver.
- See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Civic Uses are Civic Uses are Civic Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
of 1
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats of every 5 seats of every 5 seats of
assembly uses. assembly uses. assembly uses.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5,000 sf of every 5,000 sf of every 5,000 sf of
exhibition or exhibition or exhibition or
recreation space, and recreation space, and recreation space, and
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
other Uses as other Uses as other Uses as
required. required. required.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared Parking Shared Parking Shared Parking
Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
City of Miami Page 47 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 10,000 for every 10,000 for every 10,000
square feet of square feet of square feet of
exhibition or exhibition or exhibition or
recreation area. recreation area. recreation area.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet and in Transect feet and in Transect feet and in Transect
Zone D by process of Zone D by process of Zone D by process of
Waiver. Waiver. Waiver.
- See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses Civil Support Uses
are permissible as are permissible as are permissible as
listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3, listed in Table 3,
limited by compliance limited by compliance limited by compliance
with: with: with:
City of Miami Page 48 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 1,000 sf. of every 1,000 sf. of every 1,000 sf. of
Civil Support Use. Civil Support Use. Civil Support Use.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared Parking Shared Parking Shared Parking
Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
Table 5. Table 5. Table 5.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required. spaces required.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 seats for every 5 seats for every 5 seats for
assembly uses. assembly uses. assembly uses.
parking space for parking space for parking space for
every 5 slips for every 5 slips for every 5 slips for
marine Uses. marine Uses. marine Uses.
- - -
Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space Minimum of 1 space
per staff member. per staff member. per staff member.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
City of Miami Page 49 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet and in Transect feet and in Transect feet and in Transect
Zone D by process of Zone D by process of Zone D by process of
Waiver. Waiver. Waiver.
- See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Educational Uses are Educational Uses are Educational Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of
educational Use. educational Use. educational Use.
EDUCATIONAL Minimum Parking requirement
of 1 parking space for may be reduced may be reduced
each faculty or staff according to the according to the
member, 1 visitor Shared Parking Shared Parking
parking space per Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
100 students, 1 Table 5. Table 5.
parking space per 5
students in grades 11
and 12 or Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
College/University. for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required.
may be reduced
according to the within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
Shared Parking ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Standard, Article 4, Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
Table 5. ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit
Bicycle Rack Space Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
for every 20 vehicular to thirty percent to thirty percent
spaces required. (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
- percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
Minimum of 1 space process of Waiver process of Waiver
City of Miami Page 50 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
for the and payment into a and payment into a
owner/operator and 1 transit enhancement transit enhancement
space for each Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
employee, and 1 established by established by
drop-off space for Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
every 10 clients City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
cared for. hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
within 500 feet of an Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
ungated T3 Transect (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
Zone, the parking or less Exception. or less Exception.
ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or
within a Transit provided by provided by
Corridor area by up ownership or lease ownership or lease
to thirty percent offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
(30%) by process of feet and in Transect feet and in Transect
Waiver; by up to fifty Zone D by process of Zone D by process of
percent (50%) by Waiver. Waiver.
process of Waiver
and payment into a - See - See
transit enhancement Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
Trust Fund, as
established by
Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one
hundred percent
(100%) for any
Structure with a Floor
Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet
or less Exception.
provided by
ownership or lease
offsite within 1000
feet and in Transect
Zone D by process of
- See
Article 4, Table 5
Industrial Uses are Industrial Uses are Industrial Uses are
permissible as listed permissible as listed permissible as listed
in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by in Table 3, limited by
compliance with: compliance with: compliance with:
ease refer to
Article 6 for additional Article 6 for additional Article 6 for additional
City of Miami Page 51 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
specific specific specific
requirements. requirements. requirements.
parking spaces for parking spaces for parking spaces for
every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of every 1,000 sf of
Industrial Use, except Industrial Use, except Industrial Use, except
for Commercial for Commercial for Commercial
Storage Facilities, Storage Facilities, Storage Facilities,
minimum 1 parking minimum 1 parking minimum 1 parking
space for every space for every space for every
10,000 square feet 10,000 square feet 10,000 square feet
with a minimum of 8 with a minimum of 8 with a minimum of 8
parking spaces. parking spaces. parking spaces.
may be reduced may be reduced may be reduced
according to the according to the according to the
Shared Parking Shared Parking Shared Parking
Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4, Standard, Article 4,
Table 5, except for Table 5, except for Table 5, except for
Public Storage Public Storage Public Storage
Facilities. Facilities. Facilities.
Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space Bicycle Rack Space
for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular for every 20 vehicular
spaces required. spaces required. spaces required.
within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an within 500 feet of an
ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect ungated T3 Transect
Zone, the parking Zone, the parking Zone, the parking
ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced ratio may be reduced
within a TOD area or within a TOD area or within a TOD area or
within a Transit within a Transit within a Transit
Corridor area by up Corridor area by up Corridor area by up
to thirty percent to thirty percent to thirty percent
(30%) by process of (30%) by process of (30%) by process of
Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty Waiver; by up to fifty
percent (50%) by percent (50%) by percent (50%) by
process of Waiver process of Waiver process of Waiver
and payment into a and payment into a and payment into a
transit enhancement transit enhancement transit enhancement
Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as Trust Fund, as
established by established by established by
Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the Chapter 35 of the
City Code; or by one City Code; or by one City Code; or by one
hundred percent hundred percent hundred percent
(100%) for any (100%) for any (100%) for any
Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor Structure with a Floor
City of Miami Page 52 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022
Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand Area of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet (10,000) square feet
or less Exception. or less Exception. or less Exception.
provided by provided by provided by
ownership or lease ownership or lease ownership or lease
offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000 offsite within 1000
feet and in Transect feet and in Transect feet and in Transect
Zone D by process of Zone D by process of Zone D by process of
Waiver. Waiver. Waiver.
- See - See - See
Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5 Article 4, Table 5
* AZ: Density of lowest Abutting Zone nearest to the subject property not to exceed 65
* * * *
Section 3. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of
this Resolution is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of the Resolution shall not
be affected.
Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately after the adoption
\[1\] Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be
added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicated omitted
and unchanged material.
Reviewed and Approved:
City of Miami Page 53 of 53 File ID: 11328 (Revision: ) Printed On: 2/9/2022