HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Manuel A. Morales DATE: March 8, 2022 FILE Chief of Police Police Department SUBJECT: Request for Commission Approval- qCoander h Channe Audit of Civilian Classifications FROM e S-wag1G REFERENCES: Personnel Unit ENCLOSURES: This memorandum is to seek the approval of the City Commission to audit six (6) temporary, grant -funded Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator) positions and two (2) temporary, grant - funded Victims Advocate positions to eight (8) full-time, regular Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator) positions. The costs of these positions will be funded by the State of Florida Victims of Crime Act ("VOCA") Grant as awarded in fiscal year 2022-2023. The reclassification from a temporary designation to a full-time, regular designation will bring parity to the grant funded positions in paid leave accruals, benefits, increases, pension and wages afforded to the positions funded by the City. The grant -funded positions will be retained by the department each year the grant is awarded. The department will not fill the reclassified positions until the grant is awarded and approved by the City Commission. To facilitate this request, please see the supporting documents attached. Upon your approval, please forward this packet to Joy Saunlett, Administrative Assistant I, in the Business Management Section for placement on the next Commission agenda. to your concurrence below. 0 Attachment(s) TLC/JI/qsb Itog Date I RECEIVEDI MAR 18 2022 LEGISLATION DETAIL CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Arthur Noriega, V To : City Manager FROM: Manuel A. Morales Interim Chief of Police Police Department INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 9, 2022 DATE : FILE SUBJECT: Request to Reclassify and Fill — Victims Advocate, T and Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator), T REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: The purpose of this memorandum is to request your authorization to reclassify six (6) temporary, grant -funded Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator) positions and two (2) temporary, grant - funded Victims Advocate positions to eight (8) full-time, regular Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator) positions. The costs of these positions will be funded by the State of Florida Victims of Crime Act ("VOCA") Grant as awarded in fiscal year 2022-2023. The reclassification from a temporary designation to a full-time, regular designation will bring parity to the grant funded positions in paid leave accruals, benefits, increases, pension and wages afforded to the positions funded by the City. The grant -funded positions will be retained by the department each year the grant is awarded. The department has the following positions allocated in this fiscal year: (1) Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator — City funded (2) Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator) 41395 — City funded (6) Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator) #9004 — FY21-22 VOCA grant funded (2) Victims Advocate 99359 — FY21-22 VOCA grant funded Due to the increasing population of the City and the steady increase in caseloads, having the appropriate job classifications to maintain services provided to victims of crimes is strategically important. In order to complete the FY22-23 grant application process, the City shall submit the job descriptions for the full-time, grant funded positions to the grantor. Budget and HR Classification Audit documents have been submitted and are pending final review and approval. The department will not fill the reclassified positions until the grant is awarded and approved by the Ci Commission. App ed/Disapproved: V �� Arthur Noriega, V., City Manager Date MAM:gsb c: Interim Chief Manuel A. Morales, Police Department Assistant Chief Thomas L. Carroll, Administration Division Major Jesus Ibalmea, Personnel Resource Management Section Qiana Sanders -Bell, Personnel Unit MPD22016 A. 2022/2023 COPS Base Salary- Victims Advocate Witness Coordinators Per Oiana- The City funded Advocates are a 28.A1907. In October 2022, the employees will receive a 1% Increase (this Is already part of the hourly for 10/22) to their base salary. This is In addition to 5% increase on the anniversary of their hire Into the City funded position. Vacation and Sick Leave should be Included in base salary per VOCA. Vacation & sick leave are part of hourly pay rate and/or base salary per City policy. Note: the actual hourly wage with an annual 5%raise is $33.012, which gives a gross salary of $68,664.96, VOCA online budget only allows the hourly rate written as $33.01, which gives a gross salary of $68,660.8OThe difference Is $4.16 Hours per week 40 ($33.012=$33.01) Hourly Rate $31.44 5%RAISE VAWC 1 (Single Medical) - GROSS Salary Original gross ♦5%RAISE salary 68660.80 $ 65,395.20 YEARLY Per Pay Period d RATE EMPLOYER COST Approved Budget Gross Salary $68,660.80 $68,660.80 $2,640.80 FICA 7.65% 5 252.55 $202.02 Retirement 46.5827% 1 $31984.05 $1230.16 Health Insurance $7661.42 $294.67 Life Insurance 206.44 7.94 Dental Insurance -+i3.xsr $0.00 $0.00 Worker's Comp E 1.50% 3029.91 39.61 Unemployment (1st $7K) I 0.50% 35.00 1.35 Other RNOWN$0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $114,830.17 $4,416.SS 8 VA WITNESS COORDINATORS $918,641.36 U Program Match: There are no match requirements for VOCA FY 2022-2023. Note: the actual hourly wage with an annual 5% raise is $33.012, which gives a gross salary of $68,664.96. VOCA online budget only allows the hourly rate written as $33.01, which gives a gross salary of $68,660.80 The difference is $4.16 VOCA BUDGET ESTIMATE: WITH PENSION COSTS Personnel-SAI.ARIFS INCI iinF RFNFFITS Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 1 $ 114,830.17 100% $ �v114.830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 2 $ 114,830.17 100% $ 114,830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 3 $ 114,83& 17 100% $ 114,830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 4 $ 114,830.17 100% $ 114,830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 5 $ 114,830.17 100% $ 114,830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 6 $ 114,830.17 100% $ 114,830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 7 $ 114,830.17 100% $ 114.830.17 Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator 8 $ 114,830.17 100% $ 114,830.17 Personnel total s 918,641.36 Training Budget--- awaiting response from VOCA to see if Training is a required cost. Victime Advocate Training for Unit Staff (10 VAWC @ $2 000 ea.) 1 $20.000.00 2n nnn MATCH ITEMS: Victim Advocate Witness dvocate Witness Coordinator (100% of salary) $ MATCH $ Training Total VOCA GRANT REQUEST 1 $ 938,641.36 PROJECT COST (VOCA GRANT REQUEST + MATCH) 1 $ 938,641.36 9 / Z.'L .%,l oFCity of Miami Hours of work DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES CLASSIFICATION/SALARY QUESTIONNAIRE F� Shift Position Title Position# Occ. Code Victims Advocate (Witness Coordinator), T 9114, 9009, 9188, 9187, 9132, 9054 19004 Department & Division Immediate Supervisor Police/Criminal Investigations Therese Homer Section A: To be completed by department representative or by supervisor. Action requested (check one) ✓❑ Reclassification (complete items 1-6) ❑ New classification (complete items 5-8) ❑ Pay range review (complete item 8) ❑ Other, specify 1. Describe below the duties of the position. Attach additional pages if needed. Be specific: List duties from the most time-consuming to the least time-consuming, or in the order performed if they are done daily. Indicate approximate percentage of time spent on each task. Also identify the level of importance. Defined below are the categories for frequency and importance. FREQUENCY IMPORTANCE Constant - More than 80% (6.5 hrs, or more per 8 hr. day) 3 Critical Part of Job; can't be done any other way Very Frequent - 51 to 80% (4.5 to 6 hrs. per 8 hr. day) 2 - Important, but may be performed in some other way Frequent - 21 to 50% (2.5 to 4 hrs, per 8 hr. day) 1 - Not Critical; may be reassigned or not performed at all Occasional - 6 to 20% ( 1 or 2 hrs. per 8 hr. day) Rare - 0 to 5% (less than 1 fir. per 8 hr. day) FREQUENCY IMPORTANCE DUTIES OF THE POSITION % OF TIME See the attached job description for Victims Advocate (#1395) . Same duties and functions, funding is provided by the VOCA Grant as awarded. Positions 9188, 9187, 9132, 9054 are currently filled and positions 9114, 9009 are currently vacant. C HR/AL•042 Rev. 05/97 2. Tools/equipment used in work. ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list and check frequency. Tools/Equipment A) ❑ Rarely ❑Occasionally ❑ Frequently B) ❑ Rarely ❑Occasionally ❑ Frequently C) ❑ Rarely ❑ Occasionally' ❑ Frequently D) ❑ Rarely ❑ Occasionally ❑ Frequently 3. Supervision Exercised, Titles; names, number of positions supervised; Check activities that are part of the supervisory duites. ❑ Hiring ❑ Disciplining ❑Coaching ❑ Promoting ❑ Budgeting ❑ Performance Evaluation 1. 2. ❑ Training ❑ Terminating ❑ Developing 3. ❑Counseling ❑Scheduling ❑Other 5. 6. No. Supervised TBD Name(s) Title(s) 2. 3. 5, 6. 4. Supervision Received (How work is assigned, how it Is checked, how often; what problems referred to supervisor. An employee in this position will work under the direction of the Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator or designee. 5. Ph,ylscal Demands. Please check applicable physical demands on Job and the frequency of performance. CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Standing Sifting Walking Running Pushing or Pulling Bending Squatting Kneeling Crawling Reclining Balancing Filing Physical Demands (con'tj CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Reaching above shoulders Reaching below shoulders Lifting light/0-14 lbs. Lifting moderate/15-50 lbs. Lifting heavy/over 50 lbs. Lifting from floor Lifting from arm level Lifting bulky items Driving motorcycle/scooter Driving motor vehicles Driving lawn maint./equip. Driving heavy equipment Driving normal driving Driving emergency high rate of speed *Equipment Operation/Office & Mechanical small automatic hand tools (le, electric drill, saw, screwdriver, grinder, calculator, copier, fax mach., pistol, 2-way radio, etc.) *Equipment Operation/Office & Mechanical medium automatic hand tools (ie, weedwacker, edgers, chain saw, etc.) *Equipment Operation/Office & Mechanical large automatic hand tools lie, lawn mower, jumping jock, street saw, hand roller, polisher, buffer, etc.) *please list any tools or equipment used on the job. Some additional space has been provided below. If more space is needed for tools operated, please list on a separate piece of paper and staple it to the questionnaire. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) Physical Demands (con't) CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Climbing stairs Climbing ladders Climbing utility/telephone poles Hand Dexterity grasping Hand Dexterity holding Hand Dexterity keyboarding Hand Dexterity repetitive movements Hand Dexterity finger dexterity Reading English Reading other language/specify A) B Writing English Writing other language/specify A) B) Eye -Hand Coordination Seeing color vision Seeing depth perception Seeing field of vision Seeing clear •vision required -near and/or far Hearing Talking Smell/Odor Sliding Under Automobile Swimming Use of Telephone Contact with General Public/Customers Working Alone Working long hours between meals or breaks Working under stress 6. Environmental Conditions. Please check applicable environmental conditions of job and their frequency. CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Working Around Hazardous Machinery Working at Considerable Height Electrical Hazards Wet Surroundings Working at Plight Loud Noise Low Noise Cluttered Floor Area High Temperature Low Temperature/or Humidity Poor Ventilation Poor Lighting Odor/Smell Vibrations Dust or Fumes Working Inside Working Outside Working Underground f Scaffold Working Overtime Travelling 7. Complete for New Classification only, Describe duties and desirable qualifications, Also complete items 5,6 and 3 If applicable. 8. To be completed for new classification or change of salary only. Indicate why present salary should be reviewed if applicable. Audit the temporary classification to the full-time regular classification to be funded by the VOCA Grant for the duration of the award. 28A1907 Salary Range Requested: The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain facts about the jobs, not the employee(s). This information is used to reclassify or downgrade positions, not employees. Employees whose positions are reclassified do not have automatic rights to the higher level jobs, unless specified otherwise by Civil Service Rules or the Labor Agreement. I certify that the entries made above are correct and to the best of my knowledge are true and accurate. 'Oj"n' CA & lw / Pri t Name of E ployee Providing Q ) �/11?F�a Signature of lmployee Providing Data Date Section B - To be completed by Immediate Supervisor Are statements regarding duties of the position complete and accurate? (Indicate any incomplete items or Inaccuracies,) Signature Date Section C - To be completed by Department Head Comment on above statements made regarding duties of position. Indicate any inaccuracies. Signature Date Once this questionnaire has been completed, reviewed and signed by the three parties above, please return it to the Department of Human Resources together with a current table of organization of the Department and any applicable supporting documentation. Request for Position Reclassification Department Name: Police Date: 1 /20/2022 Reclassification Audit Requested Information A. Position Name and Number being Audited: #9004 Victims Advocate Witness COOrdinator)T - 6 B. New Position Name: Victims Advocate (#1395) C. Filled/Vacant: 9188, 9187, 9132, 9054 filled; 9114, 9009 vacant D. Current Salary Rate- if filled: $27.65 appointment rate E. New Proposed Salary: 28.A1907 - Step 1 F. Funding Source: VOCA Grant G. Justification for Request: Auditing the positions will bring parity of wages and benefits to all the Victim Advocates. Approval Routine Process I. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Impact A. Position Budgeted Amount: B. Budget Impact: C. OMB Analysis: D. Approval/Denial/Hold (Please sign): II. Human Resources (HR) Audit Final A. HR Audit Recommendation: Attach Audit Study B. Approval/Denial/Hold (Please sign): C. Comments: III. CM/DCM/ACM Approval A. Approval/Denial/Hold (Please sign): B. Comments: NOTE: Police and Fire -Rescue Departments require Commission approval. N 14 OF M' City of Miami DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Hours of work CLASSIFICATION/SALARY QUESTIONNAIRE Shift Position Title Position# Occ. Code Victims Advocate, T 11642 19359 Department & Division Immediate Supervisor Police/Criminal Investigations Therese Homer Section A: To be completed by department representative or by supervisor. Action requested (check one) ❑✓ Reclassification (complete items 1-6) ❑ New classification (complete items 5-8) ❑ Pay range review (complete item 8) ❑ Other, specify, 1. Describe below the duties of the position. Attach additional pages if needed. Be specific: List duties from the most time-consuming to the least time-consuming, or in the order performed if they are done daily. Indicate approximate percentage of time spent on each task. Also identify the level of importance. Defined below are the categories for frequency and importance. FREQUENCY IMPORTANCE Constant - More than 80% (6.5 hrs. or more per 8 hr. day) 3 Critical Part of Job; can't be done any other way Very Frequent - 51 to 80% (4.5 to 6 hrs. per 8 hr. day) 2 - Important, but may be performed in some other way Frequent - 21 to 50% (2.5 to 4 hrs, per 8 hr. day) 1 - Not Critical; may be reassigned or not performed at all Occasional - 6 to 20% ( 1 or 2 hrs. per 8 hr. day) Rare - 0 to 5% (less than 1 hr. per 8 hr. day) FREQUENCY % OF TIME IMPORTANCE DUTIES OF THE POSITION See the attached job description for Victims Advocate (#1395) . Same duties and functions, funding is provided by the VOCA Grant as awarded. Position 11642 is currently vacant. C HR/AL•042 Rev. 05/97 2. Tools/equipment used In work. ❑ Yes ❑ No If .yes, please list and check frequency. Tools/Equipment A) ❑ Rarely ❑Occasionally ❑ Frequently B) ❑ Rarely ❑Occasionally ❑ Frequently C) ❑ Rarely ❑ Occasionally' ❑ Frequently D) ❑ Rarely ❑ Occasionally ❑ Frequently 3. Supervision Exercised, Titles; names, number of positions supervised; Check activities that are part of the supervisory duites. ❑ Hiring ❑ Disciplining ❑Coaching ❑ Promoting ❑ Budgeting ❑ Performance Evaluation y 2. ❑ Training ❑ Terminating ❑ Developing 4. ❑Counseling ❑Scheduling ❑Other 5, 6. No. Supervised TBD Name(s) Title(s) 2. 3. 3. 4. 5, 6, 4. Supervision Received (How work is assigned, how it is checked, how often; what problems referred to supervisor. An employee in this position will work under the direction of the Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator or designee. 5. Ph,yiscal Demands. Please check applicable physical demands on job and the frequency of performance. CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Standing Sitting Walking Running Pushing or Pulling Bending Squatting Kneeling Crawling Reclining Balancing Filing Physical Demands (con't) CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Reaching above shoulders Reaching below shoulders Lifting light/0-14 lbs. Lifting moderate/15-50 Ibs. Lifting heavy/over 50 Ibs. Lifting from floor Lifting from arm level Lifting bulky items Driving motorcycle/scooter Driving motor vehicles Driving lawn maint./equip. Driving heavy equipment Driving normal driving Driving emergency high rate of speed *Equipment Operation/Office & Mechanical small automatic hand tools (ie, electric drill, saw, screwdriver, grinder, calculator, copier, fax mach., pistol, 2-way radio, etc.) *Equipment Operation/Office & Mechanical medium automatic hand tools (ie, weedwacker, edgers, chain saw, etc.) *Equipment Operation/Office & Mechanical large automatic hand tools (ie, lawn mower, jumping jock, street saw, hand roller, polisher, buffer, etc.) *please list any tools or equipment used on the job. Some additional space has been provided below. if more space is needed for tools operated, please list on a separate piece of paper and staple it to the questionnaire. A) B) C) D) F) F) G) H) Physical Demands (con't) CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Climbing stairs Climbing ladders Climbing utility/telephone poles Hand Dexterity grasping Hand Dexterity holding Hand Dexterity keyboarding Hand Dexterity repetitive movements Hand Dexterity finger dexterity Reading English Reading other language/specify A) B Writing English Writing other language/specify A) B) Eye -Hand Coordination Seeing color vision Seeing depth perception Seeing field of vision Seeing clear vision required -near and/or far Hearing Talking Smell/Odor Sliding Under Automobile Swimming Use of Telephone Contact with General Public/Customers Working Alone Working long hours between meals or breaks Working under stress 6. Environmental Conditions. Please check applicable environmental conditions of job and their frequency. CONSTANT VERY FREQUENT FREQUENT OCCASIONAL RARE IMPORTANCE Working Around Hazardous Machinery Working at Considerable Height Electrical Hazards Wet Surroundings Working at Plight Loud Noise Low Noise Cluttered Floor Area High Temperature Low Temperature/or Humidity Poor Ventilation Poor Lighting Odor/Smell Vibrations Dust or Fumes Working Inside Working Outside Working Underground i Scaffold Working Overtime Travelling 7. Complete for New Classification only, Describe duties and desirable qualifications, Also complete items 5,6 and 3 If applicable. 8. To be completed for new classification or change of salary only. Indicate why present salary should be reviewed if applicable. Audit the temporary classification to the full-time regular classification to be funded by the VOCA Grant for the duration of the award. 28A1907 Salary Range Requested: The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain facts about the jobs, not the employee(s). This information is used to reclassify or downgrade positions, not employees. Employees whose positions are reclassified do not have automatic rights to the higher level jobs, unless specified otherwise by Civil Service Rules or the Labor Agreement. I certify that the entries made above are correct and to the best of my knowledge are true and accurate. tP t Name of ��ployee Providing Data /� K - ` I L-7 Signature of Employee Providing Data Date Section B - To be completed by Immediate Supervisor Are statements regarding duties of the position complete and accurate? (Indicate any incomplete items or inaccuracies.) lli�I�3� Signature Date Section C - To be completed by Department Head Comment on above statements made regarding duties of position. Indicate any inaccuracies. y l ZZ Signature Date Once this questionnaire has been completed, reviewed and signed by the three parties above, please return it to the Department of Human Resources together with a current table of organization of the Department and any applicable supporting documentation. Department Name: Request for Position Reclassification Police Date: 1 /20/2022 Reclassification Audit Requested Information A. Position Name and Number being Audited: #9359 Victims Advocate T - 1 B. New Position Name: Victims Advocate (#1395) C. Filled/Vacant: 11642 vacant D. Current Salary Rate- if filled: $18.00 appointment rate E. New Proposed Salary: 28•A1907 - Step 1 F. Funding Source: VOCA Grant G. Justification for Request: Auditing the position will bring parity of wages and benefits to all the Victim Advocates. Approval Routing Process I. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Impact A. Position Budgeted Amount: B. Budget Impact: C. OMB Analysis: D. Approval/Denial/Hold (Please sign): II. Human Resources MR) Audit Final A. HR Audit Recommendation: Attach Audit Study B. Approval/Denial/Hold (Please sign): C. Comments: III. CM/DCM/ACM Approval A. Approval/Denial/Hold (Please sign): B. Comments: NOTE: Police and Fire -Rescue Departments require Commission approval. Sanders -Bell, Qiana From: Aguilar Jr., Armando (Assistant Chief) Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 5:21 PM To: Sanders -Bell, Qiana Cc: Carroll, Thomas (Assistant Chief); Valdes, Ivonne; Guzman, Elvin; Blanco, Jorge; Ibalmea, Jesus (Major); Lozano, Winsor, Jr. (Capt); Homer, Therese; Cook, William (Major) Subject: Re: Victim Advocate Witness Positions Audit Approved. Thank you! Armando R. Aguilar Assistant Chief of Police Miami Police Department Criminal Investigations Division Voice: 305-603-6020 E-mail: 0056@miami-police.or� FBI National Academy, Session 263 Get Outlook for iOS From: Sanders -Bell, Qiana <26890@miami-police.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 3:46 PM To: Aguilar Jr., Armando (Assistant Chief) Cc: Carroll, Thomas (Assistant Chief); Valdes, Ivonne; Guzman, Elvin; Blanco, Jorge; Ibalmea, Jesus (Major); Lozano, Winsor, Jr. (Capt); Homer, Therese; Cook, William (Major) Subject: FW: Victim Advocate Witness Positions Audit Good afternoon Chief, Please confirm your approval to move forward with the audit of all of the temporary, grant -funded Victim Advocate (Witness Coordinator) positions as indicated in the email from Therese (initial email below). Upon your approval of the audit, documents will be submitted to the Interim Chief of Police and the City Manager requesting same and the item will be placed on a City Commission agenda for review and approval. Thank you. Qiana Sanders -Bell 1 Personnel Manager E: 26890 a miami-police.org P: 305-603-6679 This communication may contain confidential and/or otherwise proprietary material and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: Sanders -Bell, Qiana Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 3:04 PM To: Homer, Therese <42623@miami-police.org> Cc: Cook, William (Major) <1184@miami-police.org>; Lozano, Winsor, Jr. (Capt) <4182@miami-police.org>; Blanco, Jorge <43473@miami-police.org>; Ibalmea, Jesus (Major) <3319@miami-police.org> Subject: RE: Victim Advocate Witness Positions Audit Good afternoon Therese, Noted. I will follow up with you accordingly. Thanks. Qiana Sanders -Bell ► Personnel Manager E: 2689o(d)miami-police.org P: 305-603-6679 This communication may contain confidential and/or otherwise proprietary material and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: Homer, Therese <42623@miami-police.org> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 12:19 PM To: Sanders -Bell, Qiana <26890@miami-police.org> Cc: Cook, William (Major) <1184@miami-police.org>; Lozano, Winsor, Jr. (Capt) <4182@miami-police.org> Subject: Victim Advocate Witness Positions Audit Good afternoon Ms. Sanders -Bell, I am following up from the VOCA Funded Victim Advocates Witness Coordinator Fringe Benefits telephone call held on November 30, 2021. Specifically, in order to move forward with providing full fringe benefits to the Victim Advocate Witness Coordinators, an Audit will need to be done by Personnel to remove the "T" (indicating temporary) from the job description in order for them to be full-time employees. I am therefore requesting that an Audit be done on the Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator position. I am also requesting, as proposed by the Employee Relations Manager that the Victim Advocate position be eliminated and that we have only the Victim Advocate Witness Coordinator positions. This would bring the VOCA funded VAWC positions to seven (7) instead of six (6). Thank you so much for your assistance with this request. Please let me know if I can assist in any way. -warmest regards, Therese Homer, M.S. Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator Commander, Victim Advocate Services Unit Criminal Investigations Division City of Miami Police Department 400 NW 2"d Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 305.603.6290 Office l 305.603.6291 Direct I. therese.homer@miami-police.org ...Face your Fear with Faith" Deepak Chopra City of Miami - Class Specification Bulletin Page 1 of 4 C10"I "p- VICTIMS ADVOCATE , (WITNESS COORDINATOR) Class Code: : tit �1.itl r 1395 r� n r} R r Bargaining Unit: AFSCME General Employee (1907) CITY OF MIAMI Established Date: Jan 1, 2009 Revision Date: Nov 14, 2018 SALARY RANGE $31.13 - $61.63 Hourly $2,490.30 - $4,930.59 Biweekly $5,395.64 - $10,682.95 Monthly $64,747.70 - $128,195.39 Annually FLSA: Exempt NATURE OF WORK: This is professional work functioning as an advocate for victims of violent crimes with injuries such as sexual battery, domestic violence, and homicides and furthermore facilitating the participation of victims and family members in the judicial process of the criminal justice system. Position incumbent assesses clients for support needs, refers victims to appropriate social agencies/service centers for victim compensation, counseling, shelter, obtaining an injunction for protection, and follows up on victims' criminal case and well-being, as needed as it relates to case management. Ensures that victims' rights are protected; educates victims on community services and other resources at their disposal. An employee in this position will work under the direction of the Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator or designee; however, considerable latitude will be afforded at the discretion of the Violent Crimes Intervention Administrator or designee, as the employee in this position will be one of the department's experts in this field. Responsibility will include providing information on victims rights as required by Florida State Statute (F.S. 960.001) and performing the proper follow up activities to ensure that victims, family members, and/or survivors or friends are contacted and provided with the requisite information to facilitate their participation in the judicial process. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Assists all victims of violent crimes, survivors, or next of kin by providing initial crisis intervention, counseling referrals to existing counseling programs or agencies, as circumstances dictate. Accompany and/or transport the victim to civil and criminal court proceedings, responding to crime scenes, or to the hospitals as directed by the victim advocate supervisor. https://agency. governmentj obs.com//miamifl/default.cfm?action=specbulletin&C1assSpecI... 1 / 19/2022 City of Miami - Class Specification Bulletin Page 2 of 4 Schedule office appointments to begin the victim compensation process by completing the application. Performs crisis intervention by visiting crime scenes, homes, and hospitals to provide assistance to primary and secondary victims. Provides immediate support assistance to victims by contacting family members or next of kin. Ensures that proper services are provided to victims and survivors. Services may include, but are not limited to, crisis intervention, facilitating compensation for victims or next of kin, providing referrals for counseling or shelter. Makes sure that victims' rights are protected by ensuring that victims receive the appropriate services and that they are treated with respect and compassion. Notifies victims of their legal rights. Provide a copy of the Victims Rights Brochure. Follows up with victims to ensure the receipt of quality service and ascertain additional needs every 90 days or often if the case is open. Provides information and facilitates victim's participation in the criminal justice system. Provides educational awareness workshops, meetings, training to the public concerning the State's Victims Compensation Program and the importance of participating in the criminal justice process. Coordinates workshops and seminars on violent crimes and victim's rights for the department, as well as the community. Establishes and maintains a detailed and concise case management (database) system which includes a record of follow up contacts with detectives and post -incident contacts with family members until all court proceeding are finalized. Develops, plans, and recommends enhancements to the victim/witness program. Recruits and trains volunteers and/or interns. Completes statistical reports on victim contacted. Responds to report requests from the Attorney General's office or designee. Prepare and facilitate the U-Visa process. Coordinate and attend monthly community meetings, as required. Perform other related work as required. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Social Work or closely related field. Considerable (2 — 4 years) practical experience working as a victim advocate in a local program or agency. A https://agency. govermnentj obs.com//miamifl/default. cfm?action=speebulletin&Class SpecI... 1 / 19/2022 City of Miami - Class Specification Bulletin Page 3 of 4 Valid Driver's License from any state (Equivalent to a State of Florida Class E) may be utilized upon application, however prior to appointment a State of Florida Driver's License (Class E or higher) must be presented to the Department of Human Resources. Fluency in Spanish or Creole desirable. A Victim Service Practitioner Designation certificate must be obtained within the 1 st year of employment and must be maintained throughout employment. •E Equivalent combination of education and experience beyond a high school diploma or its equivalent. SPECIAL NOTE: Must be willing to work evenings, nights, and weekends on a regular basis. DESIRABLE KNOWLEDGE ABILITIES AND SKILLS: Considerable knowledge in establishing and maintaining a detailed and concise case management system, tracking and following up on cases from their inception through fraction closure. Considerable knowledge of the surrounding communities served and available services and resources. Considerable knowledge of the State's Victim Compensation Program. Ability to communicate effectively, orally, and written. Ability to coordinate and conduct seminars or workshops on violent crimes and victim's rights. Ability to relate well and provide compassion to the public and work within a police environment. Knowledge of the criminal justice system and processes. Knowledge of law enforcement investigative procedures. Ability to deal with the public in stressful situations. Knowledge of Florida State Statute 960. Knowledge of criminal statutes and terminology as it relates to violent crimes. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS: Telephone, personal computer, copier, fax machine, calculator and other related office equipment. https:Hagency.gover=entj obs.com//miamifl/default.cfm?action=speebulletin&ClassSpecI... 1 /19/2022 City of Miami - Class Specification Bulletin Page 4 of 4 WORKING ENVIORNMENT: The noise level in the work environment is usually quiet in the office. Sometimes work may become stressful when working under pressure. https://agency.governmentj obs.com//miamiflldefault.cfm?action=specbulletin&C1assSpecI... 1 / 19/2022