HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit ASURVEYOR'S NOTES: - Bearings and coordinates are relative to the State Plane Coordinate System, Florida East Zone (901), Transverse Mercator Projection, North American Datum 1983 (NAD83), 1990 adjustment. - A bearing of N87056'56"E has being established along the Baseline of Survey of State Road 968 West Flagler Street. - Additions and/or deletions to survey maps, sketches or reports by any party other than the signing party are prohibited without the written consent of the signing party. - Not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. - Baseline of Survey for State Road 968 West Flagler Street and Right of Way Lines are based on Right of Way Monumentation Map, Sec. 87053 Dated 01-2015 and provided by Florida Department of Transportation, District VI. - I hereby certify that this Sketch to Accompany Legal Description is in compliance with the standards of practice as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyoes and Mappers as referenced in rule 5J-17, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. - Manuel G. Vera & Associates, Inc. does carry Professional Liability Insurance for Surveying and Mapping Services. - All stations and offsets refer to the Baseline of Survey of SR 968 (W. Flagler Street). LEGEND: A Arc Length PG. Page 10- Base Line P.I. Point of Intersection G Center Line it Property Line (C) Calculated P.T. Point of Tangency D Degree R Radius (D) Deed (R) Record A Delta RGE. Range EXIST. Existing RT. Right FDOT Florida Department of R/W Right of Way Transportation STA. StationF. L P. NO - Lengthal Project Number TEC. Section Tangent ���� �� •f••�a��yl, ��i� LB. Licensed Business TWP. Township �y LT Left SR State Road X •b L/A Limited Access SO FT Square Feet LL ,c•: No. Number U O ORB Official Record Book w Q Plat PB PB -Plat Book P.C. Point of Curvature -Spring Line Carlos E. AI nio Date P.O.B. Point of Beginning �; 63Q Profession Surw� yr & Ma %rc`, P.O.C. -Point of Commencement O -Parcel Number � `� � Florida Ce ificate Ng) ,6669 �\b Ol Block Number Licensed siness: LB 24�q 1 1 t t 13960 SW 47th street Miami, Florida 33175 This document consists of four (4) sheets and neither shall be considered full, valid, and complete without the other. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Prepared by: Florida Department of Transportation, District VI MANUEL G. VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC. Item/Seg No.: N/A LB#2439 Sec/Job No.: 87053 13960 SW 47th STREET F.P. No.: N/A MIAMI, FL 33175 S.R. No.: 968 County: Miami -Dade Parcel No.: 6347 Sheet 1 of 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PARCEL 6347 A portion of the Existing Right -of -Way for State Road 968 West Flagler Street as shown Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Monumentation Map, Section 87053, Dated 01-2015, said portion also shown on IDLEWILD PARK, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 87, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County Florida, lying and being in the Section 3, Township 54 South, Range 41 East and more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast (NE) corner of the Southeast (SE) % of said Section 3; Thence S87057' 16"W along the North line of the Southeast (SE) % of said Section 3 for a distance of 69.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel; Thence S01059'14"E for a distance of 35.01 feet; Thence S87056'56"W for a distance of 140.05 feet; Thence N01036'49"W for a distance of 24.85 feet to a point on a circular curve concave to the Southeast; Thence Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc of said curve to the Right, having a radius of 15.00 feet and a central angle of 73000'28" for an arc distance of 19.11 feet to a point on reverse curve concave to the Northwest; Thence and Easterly and Northeasterly along the arc of said curve to the Left, having a radius of 991.93 feet and a central angle of 06042'00" for an arc distance of 115.99 feet; Thence S67054'14"E for a distance of 22.15 feet; Thence S01059'14"E for a distance of 34.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 8,159 square feet more or less. This document consists of four (4) sheets and neither shall be considered full, valid, and complete without the other. Prepared by: MANUEL G. VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC. LB#2439 13960 SW 47th STREET MIAMI, FL 33175 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Florida Department of Transportation, District VI Item/Seg No.: N/A Sec/Job No.: 87053 F.P. No.: N/A S.R. No.: 968 County: Miami -Dade Parcel No.: 6347 Sheet 2 of 4 Lij ORANGE PARK Ild- P.B. 1, PG. 109 W 0 dL `�'. �CIST • R1W ��NE� � E ro STATE ROAD 968 W z° W. FLAGLER STREET ul N87056'56"E I V N87057' 16"E ,/ w NORTH LINE OF S.E. 1.4, J 0� SEC.3, TWP. 54S, RGE. 41E F- fi d LU 0 U z co Lu a1 tQtD � o to t\z� 0 0 z �YN U Na EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION H a w O w �Lr) Ln Q w r'M 4-1 Z O O z � LU LL.r, Ln o .--i n O !_4rri R* o\ w Jw Q� n 0 Z Z P.O.B.� 408+60.45 T .. I 4.99RT I 50'(P) a 4 0 OF SURVEY 6347 � 50'(P) 50'(P) ``-EXIST. IR/W LINE 3 l I 2 0 2 Ln Ln IR �o 0 0 + p p .-, N i4 p p � N 0 6 E- Z Ul Oz P.I. STA. 409+ r_1 t,=89058'56" ( RT N 523872.986 — 69.01 E- S87°57' 16"W 59' IDLEWILD PARK ' P.B. 2, PG. 87 S.E. CORNER OF S.E. %4, SEC.3, TWP. 54S, RGE. 41E ------------- FOR PARCEL 6347 GEOMETRY SEE SHEET FOUR (4) OF FOUR (4) ------------- This document consists of four (4) sheets and neither shall be considered full, valid, and complete without the other. Prepared by: MANUEL G. VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC. LB#2439 13960 SW 47th STREET MIAMI, FL 33175 Ic 01 E. 911946.157 SET MAG N&W STAMPED FDOT STA. 409+34.45 2 P.O.C. NE CORNER OF S.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 3, TWP. 54S. RGE. 41E STA. 409+ a% 5.00(RT) rn 0 �o N w maw rn CA 0 0 0 � o w rr O U1 w Ln zI;t ..Ln J F- °- Ul a w M U w �2Ln 10 /\ 11 0 30 60 120 180 Scale: 1" = 60' THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Florida Department of Transportation, District VI Item/Seg No.: N/A Sec/Job No.: 87053 F.P. No.: N/A S.R. No.: 968 County: Miami -Dade Parcel No.: 6347 2401 Sheet 3 of 4 w LU (.7 cc vi R* Ln a rYi 0 CU w Ln EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORANGE PARK P.B. 1, PG. 109 STATE ROAD 968 WEST FLAGLER STREET 407+31.27 0.88'RT H R=15.00' a: A=73°00'28" Z L=19.11'� 407+20.55 15.15'RT NO1036'49"W 24.85' 407+20.36 40.00'RT D,p6o &.1 pp 6347 S87056'56"W 140.05' IDLEWILD PARK P.B. 2, PG. 87 408+40.27 38.59'LT S67054'14"E 22.15' P.O.B. 408+60.48 29.52'LT r-S01°59'14"E 34.52' 408+60.45 4.99' RT — 69.01 - 2 P.O.C. S87057'16"W `SO1059'14"E NE CORNER OF S.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 3, TWP. 545 RGE. 41E 35.01' STA. 409+29.45 5.00' (RT) 408+60.41 40.00'RT PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAME PARCEL AREA REMAINDER COMMENTS 6347 FDOT ± 8,159 SQ. FT. N/A N/A LINE TYPES: SECTION LINE CITY LIMIT LINE EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY LINE BASELINE OF SURVEY EXISTING LIMITED ACCESS R/W LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE — — �� EXISTING EASEMENT — — VACATED/ORIGINAL LOT LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I EXISTING NON -VEHICLE ACCESS LINE SUBDIVISION LIMITS 0 30 60 120 180 240 This document consists of four (4) sheets and neither shall be considered full, valid, and complete without the other. Prepared by: MANUEL G. VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC. LB#2439 13960 SW 47th STREET MIAMI, FL 33175 Scale: 1" = 60' THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Florida Department of Transportation, District VI Item/Seg No.: N/A Sec/Job No.: 87053 F.P. No.: N/A S.R. No.: 968 County: Miami -Dade Parcel No.: 6347 Sheet 4 of 4