HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo from City ManagerCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of DATE: February 22, 2422 City Commission SUBJECT: Substitution of Item RE 4 11502 Budget Amendment FROM: ArthurNoriegaV° REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES: Revised item RE 4 11502 Budget Amendment The Office of Management and Budget respectfully requests that item RE 4 amending the FY 2021-22 budget to allocate funding to District 2 and District 5 District offices, be substituted in the February 24, 2022 City Commission Meeting, to reflect the changes and add prior resolution and ordinance numbers associated with this item. M 0 L�9 f-0,0, C^b'Ij'W''v's'uL City of Miami ``�� e�F.s�-s "sf City Hari ° ''� �. Legislation 3500 Pan American Drive Miami. FL 33133 lif i ill±'YIII n! fl www.miamigov.com N1 ,: I,0 Resolution: Gfir� - File Number: llir ;:r',i Final Action gate: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET AS ORIGINALLY AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0402 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2021, AS AMENDED ("ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET"), TO RE -ALLOCATE FUNDING FROM HUMAN SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) AND RE -ALLOCATE FUNDING FROM THE NDAI BUDGET RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTABLE REVENUES IN THE AMOUNT OF FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($400,000.00) TO THE NEW DISTRICT OFFICE NO. 5 IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($700,000.00) AND THE NEW DISTRICT OFFICE NO. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($700,000.00); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES TO ADJUST, AMEND, AND APPROPRIATE THE ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET, FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN, STRATEGIC PLAN, AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN REGARDING CITY OF MIAMI SERVICES AND RESOURCES AS NECESSARY AND LEGALLY ALLOWED; RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING CERTAIN NECESSARY ACTIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER AND DESIGNATED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENTS TO UPDATE THE RELEVANT FINANCIAL CONTROLS, PROJECT CLOSE-OUTS, ACCOUNTING ENTRIES, AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND FOR GRANTS AND OTHER FUNDING SOURCES IN PROGRESS AND FOR NECESSARY RELATED DOCUMENT NEGOTIATIONS AND EXECUTIONS, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABLE EFFECTIVE DATES. WHEREAS, on September 23, 2021, the City Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. 21-0402 ("Resolution No. 21-0402"), adopted a General Fund Budget for the City of Miami ("City") for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022 ("Fiscal Year 2021-22") in the amount of $877,301,000 and the total Budget for all non -capital funds in the amount of $1,368,052,000 (collectively, "Adopted Budget"); and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021, the City Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0353, authorized the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Multi -Year Capital plan ("Capital Plan"); and WHEREAS, on October 1, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0408, during a special meeting, the City Commission modified and amended on the floor the City's Adopted Budget and the Capital Plan for this Fiscal Year 2021-22, as follows: (i) Notwithstanding the language in Resolution No. 21-0402, including but not limited to the language in Resolution No. 21-0402's Section 16, in order for the creation of or change in temporary or permanent positions in the Police Department and in the Department of Fire Rescue (collectively, "Positions") to be City of Miami Page 1 of 8 Pile ID: 11502 (Revision;) Printed On: 2122/2022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: effective, the City Commission must first confirm the creation or modification of such Positions by an affirmative vote, (ii) Requiring that notwithstanding anything in Resolution No. 21-0402 or the Capital Plan to the contrary, an affirmative vote of the City Commission is required prior to any and all movements of monies that are different from the line item -budgets' approved amounts, as adopted on September 13, 2021 for the Capital Plan and as adopted on September 23, 2021 for Resolution No. 21-0402, for the departmental budgets of the Police Department and the Department of Fire_ Rescue, -provided _that_such-r-equir-ements-shall-not apply to the Department- of= Fire -Rescue =for-Urban=Se- arch -and -=Rescue CUSAR")=funds; Urban Security Initiative ("UASI") funds, or for movements of money pursuant to a catastrophic event, (iii) Eliminating three (3) current vacant positions in the Police Department, which are two (2) major's positions and one (1) executive assistant position, and adding ten (10) new police patrol officer positions ("Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 1 "); and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0462, the City Commission amended, for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 2, by adding $100,000 to the New Year's Eve events; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0512, the City Commission amended, for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 3, by adding three (3) major's position in the Police Department with no fiscal impact in the Police's budget; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0514, the City Commission amended, for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 3, by allocating and appropriating an amount not to exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) ("Funds") from the Mayor's API Fund Account to the special revenue project fund titled "Emergency Hotel/Motel Placement Program" for the provision of temporary emergency hotel/motel accommodations for homeless families; and WHEREAS, on January 13, 2022, pursuant to Resolution No. R-22-0025, the City Commission amended, for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 4, by adding one (1) Sergeant at Arms position in the Police Department with no fiscal impact in the Police's budget; and WHEREAS, on February 10, 2022, pursuant to Ordinance No. 14046, the City Commission amended, for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 5, by adding three (3) Assistant City Attorney positions in the Office of the City Attorney with no fiscal impact in the Office of the City Attorney's budget; and WHEREAS, the City Administration recommends this Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment No. 6 ("Amendment No, 6"), in which the Adopted Operating Budget, the General Fund appropriation $877,301,000, and the total Adopted Budget for all non - capital funds in the amount of $1,368,302,000 remain unchanged; and City of Miami Page 2 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 212212022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: WHEREAS, the major source of revenue for the General Fund is derived from the category identified as "Property Taxes" in the amount of $453,802,000; and WHEREAS, the total Special Revenue Fund appropriation of $334,853,000 remains unchanged; and WHEREAS, the total -Debt Service-F-und-appr-opr-iation-of-$677-69;000-remains -_ -unchanged, and- -- - - - WHEREAS, the total Internal Service Fund appropriation of $88,379,000 remains unchanged; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adjust the funding within different City departments in the General Fund to re -allocate funding from the Department of Human Services in the amount of $400,000.00 (District 2 organization 450007) and in the amount of $600,000.00 (District 5 organization 450008), and to re -allocate funding from the NDA/ Budget reserve for uncollectable revenues in the amount of $400,000.00, to the new District Office No. 5 in the amount of $700,000.00 and the new District Office No. 2 in the amount of $700,000.00; and WHEREAS, it is also in the best interest of the City to ratify, approve, and confirm certain necessary actions of the City Manager and designated City officials and departments to update the relevant financial controls, project close-outs, accounting entries, and computer systems in connection herewith and for grants and other funding sources in progress, and for necessary related document negotiations and executions, all in forms acceptable to the City Attorney; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: GENERAL FUND Adopted Amendment Appropriation value Departments, Boards and Offices: Mayor Commissioners City Manager Agenda Coordination Independent Auditor General City Attorney City Clerk Civil Service Code Compliance Communications Equal Opportunity and Diversity 2,636,000 7,858,000 5,804,000 409,000 1,602, 000 11,221,000 2,067,000 574,000 9,413,000 1,778,000 572,000 1,400,000 2,636,000 9,258,000 5,804,000 409,000 1,602,000 11,221,000 2,067,000 574,000 9,413,000 1,778,000 572,000 City of Miami Page 3 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 212212022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: -- Programs Finance 11,757,000 11,757,000 Grants Administration 1,786,000 1,786,000 Human Resources 5,634,000 5,634,000 Innovation and Technology 15,051,000 15,051,000 Management and Budget 3,315,000 3,315,000 - Procuremen _ _ - -- -3 215,000- _ _ --- 3,215,000 Human Services 8,824,000 1, ( 000,000) 7,824,000 Building 22,962,000 22,962,000 Planning 5,912,000 5,912,000 Zoning 4,977,000 4,977,000 Housing and Community Development 1,847,000 1,847,000 General Services Administration 28,949,000 28,949,000 Resilience and Public Works 29,987,000 29,987,000 Solid Waste 41,657,000 41,657,000 Capital Improvements 4,296,000 4,296,000 Fire -Rescue 178,956,000 178,956,000 Police 277,787,000 277,787,000 Real Estate and Asset Management 16,064,000 16,064,000 Parks and Recreation 53,953,000 53,953,000 Risk Management 3,830,000 3,830,000 Non -Departmental Accounts (NDA) 44,279,000 (400,000) 43,879,000 Transfers - Out 68,329,000 68,329,000 Total $ 877,301,000 $ - $ 877,301,000 Section 3. The above appropriations for the General Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: GENERAL FUND Property Taxes Franchise Fees and Other Taxes Interest Transfers -In Fines and Forfeitures Intergovernmental Revenues Licenses and Permits Other Revenues (Inflows) Charges for Services TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $ 453,802,000 117,795,000 3,061,000 24, 541, 000 7,189, 000 75,757,000 66, 500, 000 12, 870, 000 115,786,000 $ 877, 301, 000 Section 4. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the Debt Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds Special Obligation Bonds TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS APPROPRIATONS $ 23,428,000 48,106,000 $ 71,534,000 City of Miami Page 4 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 212212022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: Section 5. The above appropriations for the Debt Service Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: DEBT SERVICE FUNDS REVENUES Property Taxes $ 19,367,000 T-ransfers-In-and-Other-Revenues - -_ _ - _52,167;000 TOTAL-DEBTSERVICE FUNDS - $ - 71;534,000 - - - - Section 6. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the Special Revenue Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS General Special Revenues $ 604,000 Sport Facilities and Activities 13,000 Planning Services 20,510,000 Planning and Zoning Tree Trust Fund Public Art Fund Historic Preservation Trust Fund Fire Rescue Services UASI-Fire Rescue Parks and Recreation Services Police Services Law Enforcement Trust Fund Public Works Services Solid Waste Recycling Trust City Clerk Services Community and Economic Development Homeless Program Human Services Bayfront/Riverfront Land Acquisition Rouse Trust Miami Ballpark Parking Facilities Departmental Improvement Initiatives Transportation and Transit Emergency Funds American Rescue Plan Act TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 4,554,000 3,138,000 40,000 4,955,000 31,630,000 879,000 9,404,000 923,000 6,622,000 163,000 1,708,000 64,347,000 2,407,000 647,000 1,860,000 8,764,000 12,150,000 21,795,000 100,000 137,640,000 $ 334,853,000 Section 7. The above appropriations for the Special Revenue Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Sources TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS REVENUES $ 334,853,000 $ 334,853,000 City of Miami Page 5 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2/22/2022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: Section 8. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the Internal Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Life and Health Insurance APPROPRIATIONS 43,194, 000 Workers' Compensation 18,369,000 ---- - - -TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND-- -- - - - $ - --_- -----88,379,000 - Section 9. The above appropriations for the Internal Service Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: INTERNAL SERVICE FUND REVENUES All Sources $ 88,379,000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $ 88,379,000 Section 10. This Resolution is a resolution of precedent and all other resolutions in conflict with it are held null and void insofar as they pertain to these appropriations; however, no provision contained in this Resolution shall be construed to violate the Anti -Deficiency Act, as set forth in Sections 18-500 through 18-503 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"). The appropriations are the anticipated expenditure requirements for the City but are not mandatory should efficient administration of City departments and boards or altered economic conditions indicate that a curtailment in certain expenditures is necessary or desirable for the general welfare of the City. The City Manager is specifically authorized' to create awards and transfer funds between accounts and awards and withhold any of these appropriated funds from encumbrance or expenditure should such action appear advantageous to the economic and efficient operation of the City. The City Manager is also authorized' to transfer any excess unrestricted moneys from other funds to the General Fund provided that those are appropriated monies which are no longer needed to implement the original purpose of the appropriation, which are legally available at the time of such transfer, and whose expenditure is not limited to use for any other specified purpose Section 11. The City Manager is authorized' to make any changes to adjust, amend, and appropriate the City's Adopted Operating Budget, Strategic Plan, and Multi -Year Capital Plan as amended by Amendment No. 6 to the Adopted Operating Budget. Section 12. All departments and the number of employees designated therein provided for in this budget either by position summary or by the organizational chart are deemed approved by the City Commission. Any permanent change regarding same shall require City Commission approval. Section 13. The City Manager is authorized' to administer the executive pay plan and benefit package and to disburse the funds appropriated herein for said purpose in a manner he deems appropriate. The City Manager is also authorized' to administer and disburse the City Commission benefit package. Except for those positions in which the salary is established by City Commission action, the City Manager is further authorized' to establish the salaries of ' The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, including but not limited to, those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. City of Miami Page 6 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2/22/2022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: those employees in executive and staff positions in accordance with the executive and staff pay plan. These employees may receive any salary increases given in this Resolution. Section 14. The City Manager is authorized' to disburse any funds that may be designated by the City Commission as cost -of -living or other pay adjustments to Civil Service, executive, and staff employees as may be approved by the City Manager. - S-ectcon=1'�Nothmg-contain- ed=in=thrs-Resoluttorrshall=be�o�s#rrre=d a��o=prohrf7t=o prevent the City Manager, the administrative head of the City, who is responsible for the efficient administration of all departments, from exercising the power granted to and imposed upon him in the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Charter"), to fix, adjust, raise, or lower salaries and to create, abolish, fill, or hold vacant, temporary, or permanent positions whenever it has been determined by the City Manager to be in the best interest of efficient and economical administration of the City and all its departments. The authority' contained in this Section shall also be applicable whenever the City Manager shall cause a department to reorganize itself to perform its services more efficiently. Such reorganization may include reduction of budgeted positions, reclassification of positions, and/or alteration of the number of budgeted positions in any given classification. Section 16. The transfer of funds between the detailed accounts comprising any separate amount appropriated by the above Sections hereof is approved and authorized when such transfer shall have been made at the request of the City Manager and when such transfer shall have been made of any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to or for a purpose or object for which the appropriation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 has proved insufficient. Section 17. The transfer of funds between the detailed accounts comprising any separate amount appropriated by the above Sections hereof is approved and authorized' when such transfer of funds is made at the request of the City Manager and when such transfer is to be made between the detailed accounts appropriated to the same office, department, or division. Section 18. To effect salary adjustments, the City Manager is further authorized' to make departmental and other transfers from any reserve accounts established in the General Fund and is authorized' to approve transfers for any unforeseen requirements of all appropriated funds as may be required so long as such transfer is consistent with the provisions contained in Chapter 18, Article IX of the City Code. Section 19. To facilitate effective budgetary control and sound fiscal management, the City Manager is further authorized' to transfer funds from departmental budget reserve accounts to the Emergency Account of Non -Departmental Accounts to other Funds and to departmental budget reserve accounts from the Emergency Account of Non -Departmental Accounts to other Funds. Section 20. The Emergency Account is declared to be appropriated to meet emergency expenses and is subject to expenditure by the City Manager for any emergency purpose. Section 21. Except as herein provided, transfers between items appropriated shall be authorized by resolution amendatory hereto except that transfers from the Non -Departmental Accounts may be made by resolution. Section 22. The City Manager is authorized' to invite or advertise for bids for the purchase of any material, equipment, physical improvement, or service provided by the City of Miami Page 7 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2/22/2022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: aforementioned appropriations or which may be provided for in accordance with Chapter 18 of the City Code for which formal bidding is required. Such bids to be returnable to the City Commission or City Manager in accordance with Charter and City Code provisions. Section 23. Expenditure of the herein appropriated funds is authorized' in the procurement of goods and services by award or contract for the same by the City Commission folLowing the uae,_if_applicable, of_competiti_ve_negotiation_ sunless the_awar_d-o-f-such-contract-by na he ClWMager-is= cpres I"Ilowe�l=u= n�I� C rter nd Uty9Cod"r ovis 6n Section 24. Certain necessary actions by the City Manager and the designated City officials and departments to update the relevant financial controls, project close-outs, accounting entries, and computer systems in connection herewith and for grants in progress are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed. Section 25. The City Manager is hereby further authorized' to undertake certain necessary related document negotiations and executions, all in forms acceptable to the City Attorney, in connection herewith. Section 26. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 2 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it is passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 8 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 212212022 City of Miam Legislation Resolution: City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number: 11502 Final Action Date: = RED O L U-T=-I GN-0 F T=H E M-IAM 1-GIT G0 M NI 1��10 "- MEN D__LN - -APPROPRIATIONS AND MAKING DE -APPROPRIATIONS AND RL` APPROPRIATIONS RELATING TO THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET AS ORIGINALLY AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0402 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 ("ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0408 ADOPTED OCTOBER 1, 2021 ("AMENDMENT #1 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0462 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 18, 2021 ("AMENDMENT #2 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0512 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 2021 ("AMENDMENT #3 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-22-0025 ADOPTED ON JANUARY 13, 2022 ("AMENDMENT #4 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 10, 2022 ("AMENDMENT #5 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), ALL AS SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHMENT "A" THERETO, ALL AS ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED (COLLECTIVELY, "COMPOSITE ATTACHMENT A" AND WHICH CONSTITUTE "OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT #6"); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES TO ADJUST, AMEND, AND APPROPRIATE THE ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET, FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN, STRATEGIC PLAN, AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN REGARDING CITY OF MIAMI SERVICES AND RESOURCES AS NECESSARY AND LEGALLY ALLOWED; RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING CERTAIN NECESSARY ACTIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER AND DESIGNATED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENTS TO UPDATE THE RELEVANT FINANCIAL CONTROLS, PROJECT CLOSE-OUTS, ACCOUNTING ENTRIES, AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND FOR GRANTS AND OTHER FUNDING SOURCES IN PROGRESS AND FOR NECESSARY RELATED DOCUMENT NEGOTIATIONS AND EXECUTIONS, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABLE EFFECTIVE DATES. WHEREAS, on September 23, 2021, the City Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. 21-0402 ("Resolution No. 21-0402"), adopted a General Fund Budget for the City of Miami ("City") for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022 ("Fiscal Year 2021-22") in the amount of $877,301,000 and the total Budget for all non -capital funds in the amount of $1,368,052,000 (collectively, "Adopted Budget"); and City of Miami Page 1 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed On; 212212022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Dumber: WHEREAS, on September 13, 2021, the City Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0353, authorized the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Multi -Year Capital Plan ("Capital Plan"); and WHEREAS, on October 1, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0408, during a special meeting, the City Commission modified and amended on the floor the City's Adopted Budget and the Capital Plan for this Fiscal Year 2021-22, as follows: (i) Notwithstanding the language in Resolution No. 21-0402, including but not limited to the language in Resolution No. 21-0402's Section 16, in order for the creation of or change in temporary or permanent positions in the Police Department and in the Department of Fire Rescue (collectively, "Positions") to be effective, the City Commission must first confirm the creation or modification of such Positions by an affirmative vote, (ii) Requiring that notwithstanding anything in Resolution No. 21-0402 or the Capital Plan to the contrary, an affirmative vote of the City Commission is required prior to any and all movements of monies that are different from the line item -budgets' approved amounts, as adopted on September 13, 2021 for the Capital Plan and as adopted on September 23, 2021 for Resolution No. 21-0402, for the departmental budgets of the Police Department and the Department of Fire Rescue, provided that such requirements shall not apply to the Department of Fire Rescue for Urban Search and Rescue ("USAR") funds, Urban Security Initiative ("'UASI") funds, or for movements of money pursuant to a catastrophic event, (iii) Eliminating three (3) current vacant positions in the Police Department, which are two (2) major's positions and one (1) executive assistant position, and adding ten (10) new police patrol officer positions (collectively, "Floor Modifications"); and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0462, the City Commission amended for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial 'Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with this Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment #2 adding $100,000 to the New Year's Eve events; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-21-0512, the City Commission amended for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with this Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment #3 adding three (3) major's position in the Police Department with no fiscal impact in the Police's budget; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2021, pursuant to Resolution. No. R-21-0514, the City Commission amended for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with this Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment #3 allocating and appropriating an amount not to exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) ("Funds") from the Mayor's API Fund Account to the special revenue project fund titled "Emergency Hotel/Motel Placement Program" for the provision of temporary emergency hotel/motel accommodations for homeless families; and WHEREAS, on January 13, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. R-22-0025, the City Commission amended for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with this Fiscal Year 202.1-2022 Adopted Operating Budget Amendment #4 adding one (1) Sergeant at Arms position in the Police Department with no fiscal impact in the Police's budget; and WHEREAS, on February 10, 2021, pursuant to , the City Commission amended for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 the City's Operating Budget, Five -Year Financial Plan, Strategic Plan, Multi -Year Capital Plan, and in connection with this Fiscal Year 2021-2022 City of Miami Page 2 of 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2122/2022 File to: 11502 Enactment Number: Adopted Operating Budget Amendment #5 adding three (3) Assistant City Attorney positions in the Office of the City Attorney with no fiscal impact in the Office of the City Attorney's budget; and WHEREAS, the City Administration recommends Amendment #6 in which the Adopted Operating Budget, the General Fund appropriation $877,301,000 remains unchanged and the total Adopted Budget for all non -capital funds in the amount of $1,368,302,000 remains unchanged; and WHEREAS, the major source of revenue for the General Fund is derived from the category identified as "Property Taxes" in the amount of $453,802,000; and WHEREAS, the total Special Revenue Fund appropriation of $334,853,000 remains unchanged; and WHEREAS, the total Debt Service Fund appropriation of $67,769,000 remains unchanged; and WHEREAS, the total Internal Service Fund appropriation of $88,379,000 remains unchanged; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adjust the funding within different Departments in the General Fund to reallocate funding as per Resolution R- adopted and passed by the City commission February 10, 2022, from the Department of Human Services ($400,000 - ❑istrict 2 organization 450007 and $600,000 District 5 organization 450008), and reallocate funding from the NDA/ Budget reserve for uncollectable revenues ($400,000) to the new District Office #5 ($700,000) and new District Office #2 ($700,000); and WHEREAS, it is also in the best interest of the City to ratify, approve, and confirm certain necessary actions of the City Manager and designated City officials and departments to update the relevant financial controls, project close-outs, accounting entries, and computer systems in connection herewith and for grants and ether funding sources in progress, and for necessary related document negotiations and executions, all in forms acceptable to the City Attorney; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. In accordance with Composite Attachment "A", the following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: GENERALFUND Departments, Boards and Offices: Mayor Commissioners City Manager Adopted Amendment Appropriation value 2,636,000 $ 2,636,000 7,858,000 1,400,000 9,258,000 5,804,000 5,804,000 City of Miami Page 3 of 8 File ill: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2/2212022 File Id: 11502 Enactment Number: Agenda Coordination Independent Auditor General City Attorney City Clerk Civil Service Code Compliance Communications Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs Finance Grants Administration Human Resources Innovation and Technology Management and Budget Procurement Human Services Building Planning Zoning Housing and Community Development General Services Administration Resilience and Public Works Solid Waste Capital Improvements Fire -Rescue Police Real Estate and Asset Management Parks and Recreation Risk Management Non -Departmental Accounts (NDA) Transfers - Out Total 409,000 1,602,000 11,221,000 2,067,000 574,000 9,413,000 1,778,000 572,000 11,757,000 1,786,000 5,634,000 15,051,000 3,315,000 3,215,000 8,824,000 22,962,000 5,912,000 4,977,000 1,847,000 28,949,000 29,987,000 41.657,000 4,296,000 178,956,000 277,787,000 16,064,000 53,953,000 3,830,000 44,279,000 68,329,000 (1,000,000) (400,000) 409,000 1,602,000 11,221,000 2,067,000 574,000 9,413,000 1,778,000 572,000 11,757,000 1,786,000 5,634,000 15,051,000 3,315,000 3,215,000 7,824,000 22,962,000 5,912,000 4,977,000 1,847,000 28,949,000 29,987,000 41,657,000 4,296,000 178,956,000 277,787,000 16,064,000 53,953,000 3,830,000 43,879,000 68,329,000 $ 877,301,000 $ - $ 877,301,000 Section 3. In accordance with Composite Attachment "A the above appropriations for the General Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: GENERALFUND REVENUES Property Taxes $ 453,802,000 Franchise Fees and Other Taxes 117,795,000 Interest 3„061,000 Transfers -In 24,541,000 Fines and Forfeitures 7,189,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 75,757,000 Licenses and Permits 66,500,000 Other Revenues (Inflows) 12,870,000 Charges for Services 115,786,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 877,301,000 City of Miami Page 4 of 9 File ID: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 212212022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Humber: Section 4. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the Debt Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: DEBT SERVICE FUNDS APPROPRIATONS General Obligation Bonds $ 23,428,000 Special Obligation Bonds 48,106,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $ 71,534,000 Section 5. The above appropriations for the Debt Service Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: DEBT SERVICE FUNDS REVENUES Property Taxes Transfers -In and Other Revenues TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $ 19, 367, 000 52.167, 000 $ 71,634,000 Section 6. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the Special Revenue Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS General Special Revenues Sport Facilities and Activities Planning Services Planning and Zoning Tree Trust Fund Public Art Fund Historic Preservation Trust Fund Fire Rescue Services UASI-Fire Rescue Parks and Recreation Services Police Services Law Enforcement Trust Fund Public Works Services Solid Waste Recycling Trust City Clerk Services Community and Economic Development Homeless Program Human Services BayfrontlRiverfront Land Acquisition Rouse Trust Miami Ballpark Parking Facilities Departmental Improvement Initiatives Transportation and Transit Emergency Funds American Rescue Plan Act TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 604,000 13,000 20,510,000 4,554,000 3,138,000 40,000 4,955,000 31,630,000 879,000 9,404,000 923,000 6,622,000 163,000 1,708, 000 64, 347, 000 2,407,000 647,000 1,860,000 8,764,000 12,150,000 21,795,000 100,000 137,640,000 334.853,000 City of Miami Page 5 of 8 Fife 1D: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2/2212022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: Section 7. The above appropriations for the Special Revenue Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS REVENUES Ali Sources $ 334,853,000 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 334,853,000 Section 8. The following appropriations are made for the municipal operations of the Internal Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2021-22: INTERNAL SERVICE FUND APPROPRIATIONS Life and Health Insurance 43,194,000 Workers' Compensation 18,369,000 Others 26,816,000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $ 88,379,000 Section 9. The above appropriations for the Internal Service Fund are made based on the following sources of revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-22: INTERNAL SERVICE FUND REVENUES All Sources $ 88, 379, 000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $ 88,379,000 Section 10. This Resolution is a resolution of precedent and all other resolutions in conflict with it are held null and void insofar as they pertain to these appropriations; however, no provision contained in this Resolution shall be construed to violate the Anti -Deficiency Act, as set forth in Sections 18-500 through 18-503 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"). The appropriations are the anticipated expenditure requirements for the City but are not mandatory should efficient administration of City departments and boards or altered economic conditions indicate that a curtailment in certain expenditures is necessary or desirable for the general welfare of the City. The City Manager is specifically authorized' to create awards and transfer funds between accounts and awards and withhold any of these appropriated funds from encumbrance or expenditure should such action appear advantageous to the economic and efficient operation of the City, The City Manager is also authorized' to transfer any excess unrestricted moneys from other funds to the General Fund provided that those are appropriated monies which are no longer needed to implement the original purpose of the appropriation, which are legally available at the time of such transfer, and whose expenditure is not limited to use for any other specified ,purpose Section 11. The City Manager is authorized' to make any changes to adjust, amend, and appropriate the City's Adopted Operating Budget, Strategic Plan, and Multi -Year Capital Plan as amended by Amendment #6 to the Adopted Operating Budget, Operating Budget. Section 12. All departments and the number of employees designated therein provided for in this budget either by position summary or by the organizational chart are deemed The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, including but not limited to, those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. City of Miami Page 6 of 9 Fife W: 11502 (Revision:) Printed on: 2/22/2022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: approved by the City Commission. Any permanent change regarding same shall require City Commission approval. Section 13. The City Manager is authorized to administer the executive pay plan and benefit package and to disburse the funds appropriated herein for said purpose in a manner he deems appropriate. The City Manager is also authorized' to administer and disburse the City Commission benefit package. Except for those positions in which the salary is established by City Commission action, the City Manager is further authorized' to establish the salaries of those employees in executive and staff positions in accordance with the executive and staff pay plan. These employees may receive any salary increases given in this Resolution. Section 14. The City Manager is authorized' to disburse any funds that may be designated by the City Commission as cost -of -living or other pay adjustments to Civil Service, executive, and staff employees as may be approved by the City Manager, Section 15. Nothing contained in this Resolution shall be construed as to prohibit or prevent the City Manager, the administrative head of the City, who is responsible for the efficient administration of all departments, from exercising the power granted to and imposed upon him in the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Charter"), to fix, adjust, raise, or lower salaries and to create, abolish, fill, or hold vacant, temporary, or permanent positions whenever it has been determined by the City Manager to be in the best interest of efficient and economical administration of the City and all its departments. The authority' contained in this Section shall also be applicable whenever the City Manager shall cause a department to reorganize itself to perform its services more efficiently. Such reorganization may include reduction of budgeted positions, reclassification of positions, and/or alteration of the number of budgeted positions in any given classification. Section 16. The transfer of funds between the detailed accounts comprising any separate amount appropriated by the above Sections hereof is approved and authorized when such transfer shall have been made at the request of the City Manager and when such transfer shall have been made of any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to or for a purpose or object for which the appropriation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 has proved insufficient. Section 17. The transfer of funds between the detailed accounts comprising any separate amount appropriated by the above Sections hereof is approved and authorized' when such transfer of funds is made at the request of the City Manager and when such transfer is to be made between the detailed accounts appropriated to the same office, department, or division. Section 18. To effect salary adjustments, the City Manager is further authorized' to make departmental and other transfers from any reserve accounts established in the General Fund and is authorized' to approve transfers for any unforeseen requirements of all appropriated funds as may be required so long as such transfer is consistent with the provisions contained in Chapter 18, Article IX of the City Code. Section 19. To facilitate effective budgetary control and sound fiscal management, the City Manager is further authorized' to transfer funds from departmental budget reserve accounts to the Emergency Account of Non -Departmental Accounts to other Funds and to departmental budget reserve accounts from the Emergency Account of Non -Departmental Accounts to other Funds. City of Miami Page 7 or 8 File ID: 11502 (Revision: ) Printed on: 2/22/2022 File ID: 11502 Enactment Number: Section 20. The Emergency Account is declared to be appropriated to meet emergency expenses and is subject to expenditure by the City Manager for any emergency purpose. Section 21. Except as herein provided, transfers between items appropriated shall be authorized by resolution amendatory hereto except that transfers from the Non -Departmental Accounts may be made by resolution. Section 22. The City Manager is authorized' to invite or advertise for bids for the purchase of any material, equipment, physical improvement, or service provided by the aforementioned appropriations or which may be provided for in accordance with Chapter 18 of the City Code for which formal bidding is required. Such bids to be returnable to the City Commission or City Manager in accordance with Charter and City Code provisions. Section 23. Expenditure of the herein appropriated funds is authorized' in the procurement of goods and services by award or contract for the same by the City Commission following the use, if applicable, of competitive negotiations unless the award of such contract by the City Manager is expressly allowed under Charter and City Code provisions. Section 24. Certain necessary actions by the City Manager and the designated City officials and departments to update the relevant financial controls, project close-outs, accounting entries, and computer systems in connection herewith and for grants in progress are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed. Section 25. The City Manager is hereby further authorized' to undertake certain necessary related document negotiations and executions, all in forms acceptable to the City Attorney, in connection herewith. Section 26. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.z APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 2 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it is passed and adopted. if the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 8 of 8 File Ili: 11602 (Revision: ) Printed on: 212212022