HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitArticle 1 RECOGNITION 1.1 Pursuant to and in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Florida Public Employees Collective Bargaining Law, Chapter 447, Florida Statutes, management recognizes the F.O.P. as the exclusive collective bargaining representative for those employees in the defined bargaining unit for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, including Detention Officers per PERC Order Clarifying Certification 9219 dated July 15, 2008. 1.2 The bargaining unit consists of all sworn employees (hereafter referred to as "bargaining unit members)") currently (on or after the date of ratificationJholding positions in the classifications shown below which may hereafter be added to, reduced or changed as hereinafter provided, and excludes all other employees not specifically shown below in Section 1.4. Changes in the bargaining unit shall only be made upon proper application to and adjudication by the appropriate state agency and/or the appropriate court of competent jurisdiction; or as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties. 1.3 The salaries listed in the appendices represent an approximation. The salary schedule issued by the Human Resources Department is the official City salary document. 1.4 Bargaining Unit Classifications. Class Code Number Class Title 5005 5006 Officer Motor 5011 —44eer- Sergeant 5012 Lieutenant 5013 Captain 5080 Detention For the Date: (� " 1 For 275653 Article 2 REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY 2.1 The City shall be represented by the City Manager, or a person or persons designated in writing to the F.O.P. by the City Manager. The City Manager, or his designated representative, shall have sole authority to conclude an agreement on behalf of the City subject to ratification by an official resolution of the City Commission. It is understood that the designated representatives of the City are the official representatives for the purpose of negotiating an Agreement. Any negotiations entered into with persons other than those defined herein, regardless of their position or association with the City, shall be deemed unauthorized and shall have no standing or weight of authority in committing or in any way obligating the City. It shall be the obligation of the City Manager, or his designated representative to notify the F.O.P. in writing of any changes in designation of the City's representative for the purposes of negotiations. 2.2 For the purpose of this Agreement, reference(s) to the Chief of Police shall include his/her designee. e Date: (—� _I;)-(^ eP' l 445216768 vl (As of 8.31.2021) 4 ArLIde,4 REL'REUSEWATTON OF THE F.OX. 3.1 The FAE ahall be represented by the President of tho ROT. or by person or persons designatedill writing to the City Manager 0.t deSJMc�z• the T.�ireetcat taf tzxa�� l�scaurces by the president of theY.O.P. The identification of representatives shall be made each year by April 1". Such designation shall be accompwiied by an &Ffidayit execated by said.President that the FO.P. has complied with all requirements of State. Law in Cffect at that, time with respect to registration of tl"ae EOC P have fill akithority to conclude an Agreement on behalf of t1w, F.0,P., subject to ratification by a Majority Vote of those bargai-aing unit members voting on the qaestiwi of ratiflodion, It is understood that the F.O.P. representative or represetitatives are the official representatives of the, F.O. P. for negotiating with the City. Any negotiations entered i.r to with ponqotis n th other . , a these defined herein,; regardless of their Position or associatioa with the FOY, sharp be deemed unauthorized and sfiA have iior standing or weight of auffiority it, committing or in any way obligating the F.OT. The F.O.P. shalltiotify the City Mallager in Writing 01, any 011MIges in the desigaadon of the Presi(Jent of tile p,o.)?, or of any certified representative of the F,O,P. Up to five, (5) des sited representativ65 of the F.01p, shall be pf,-.n.nitt6d to attend the.D.W6tiatioii sessions on duty with no loss of pay or emoluments. Two. (2) of the repre.sontatives shall be compensated. by the City and. their shifts and/or days off shall be adjusted to accommodate, the negotiation process, The other thmo (3) shall be compensated by the Time Pool consistent with the provisions of Article 26, The seven day notice requirement will not apply where the lehodule of negotiatiRg sessions prohibits its application, 946503382 3.2 The pai ties agree that tirno,5pont in owitract negotiations will lie paid at the. straight dine rate. 3.3. Barizaining imit members shall obtain auflauritv fro.m. bis/her swervisor in order to meet with the Union President —car des ee_Aqriza tEtat member's Working time. V3 For the CA lll�r ion Date: <2 #4660.1',W Yl (Aof 131.22) Article 4 MANAGEMENT R>CGHTS 4.1. The City has and will continue to retain, whether exercised or not, the ,right to operate and manage its affairs in all respects, and the powers and authority not abridged, delegated or modified by the express provisions of this Agreement or in any Memorandum of Understanding(s) (MOU) that is incorporated in this agreement and attached hereto or referred to herein, in addition to any MOU catered into during the term of this agreement. The F.O.P. and the City retain the right to bring forth additional MOUs which ware entered into by both parties and incorporate them as part of the agreement after notification of the respective party (F.O.P./City Manager or designee) who will confirm the authenticity of the MOUs. Otherwise, any changes of terns and conditions of employment shall not be recognized. Any fixture MOUs that amends the collective bargaining agreement shall be subject to Florida Statute, Chapter 447, Part 11. The parties agree to a sunset provision that begins at the ratification of this labor agreement wherein any MOU that is not included with the labor agreement prior to the expiration of this agreement will be considered null and void. The rights of the City, through its management officials, shall include, but shall not be limited to, the right to determine the organization of City Government; to determine the purpose of each of its constituent departments; to exercise control and discretion over the organization and efficiency of operations of the City; to set standards for service to be offered to the public; to direct the bargaining w-At members, including the right to assign work and overtime; to hire, examine, classify, promote, train, transfer, assign, and schedule bargaining unit members; to suspend, demote, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against bargaining unit members for proper cause; to increase, reduce, change, modify or alter the composition and size of the work #46662180 V2 force, including the right to permanently or temporarily layoff, furlough or otherwise relieve bargaining unit members from duties because of lack of work or funds; to determine the location, methods, means, and personnel by which operations are to be conducted, including the right to determine whether goods or services are to be made or purchased; to establish, modify, combine or abolish positions; to change or eliminate existing methods of operation, equupment or facilities; to establish, implement and ;maintain an effective internal security program, and to establish rules, regulations and rules of conduct. 4.2 Sworn police will be promoted to civil service ranks based upon the rule of one, except promotions may be, denicd or delayed for cause. The following is declared to be cause for denying or delaying a promotion; A bargaining unit inember who at the time of the promotion is under investigation for unlawful or unethical acts by any law enforcement agency or the City's Police Internal Affairs Unit, If a bargaining unit member has a promotion delayed for cause and is later cleared, he/she shall be promoted retroactive as if the event had not occuixed. 4.3 The City has the sole authority to detotmine the purpose and mission of the City, to prepare and submit budgets to be adopted by the City Connnissiou, 4.4 Those inherent managerial functions, prerogatives and policy rnaldng rights which the City has not expressly modified or restricted by a specific provision of this Agreement are not in any way, directly or indirectly, subject to the Grievance Procedure contained in this Agreement. 4.5 If the City fails to exercise any one or more of the above functions from time to time, this will not be deemed a waiver of the City's right to exercise any or all of such functions. This provision will in no way alter or diminish the rights afforded by Article 23, Prevailing Benefits. 9466621so v2 Artie] P 1; NO STRIKE 5.1 ",Strike" means the concerted failure to report for duty, the concerted absence of bargaining unit members from their positions, the concerted stoppage of work, the concerted submission of resignations, the concerted abstinence in whole or in part by any group of employees from the full and faithful performance of their duties of employment with the City, participation in a deliberate and concerted course of conduct which adversely affects the services of the City, picketing or demonstrating in furtherance of a work stoppage, either during the term of or after the expiration of a collective bargaining agreement. 5.2 Neither the F.O.P., nor any of its officers, agents and members, nor any bargaining unit members, covered by this Agreement, will instigate, promote, sponsor, engage in, or condone any strike, sympathy strike, slowdown, sick-out, concerted stoppage of work, illegal picketing, or any other interruption of the operations of the City. 5.3 Each bargaining unit member who holds a position with the F.O.P. occupies a position of special trust and responsibility in maintaining and bringing about compliance with this Article and the strike prohibition in F.S. 447.505 and the Constitution of the State of Florida, Article I, Section 6. Accordingly, the F.O.P., its officers, stewards and other representatives agree that it is their continuing obligation and responsibility to maintain compliance with this Article and the law, including their responsibility to abide by the provisions of this Article and the law by remaining at work during any interruption which may be initiated by others; and their responsibility, in event of breach of this Article or the law by other bargaining unit members and upon the request of the City, to encourage and direct bargaining unit members violating this Article or the law to return to work, and to disavow the strike publicly. 1745216768 vl (As of 8.31.2021) 1() 5.4 Any or all bargaining unit members who violate any provisions of the law prohibiting strikes or of this Article may be dismissed or otherwise disciplined by the City, and any such action by the City shall not be grievable or arbitrable under the provisions of Article 6 - Grievance procedure. For the City 1 Date: 011� #45216768 vl (As of 8.31.2021) 11 Article 6 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 6.1 In a mutual effort to ,provide harmonious working relations between the parties of this Agreement, it is agreed to and understood by both parties that there shall be a procedure for the resolution of grievances or misunderstandings between the parties arising from the application or interpretation of this Agreement. 6.2 A grievance is any dispute, controversy or difference between (a) the parties, (b) the City and a bargaining unit member or bargaining unit memb= on any issues with respect to, on account of or concerning the meaning, interpretation or application of this Agreement or any terms or provisions thereof: A grievance shall refer to the specific provision or provisions of this Agreement alleged to have been violated. Any grievance not eonfonning to the provisions of this paragraph or that contains non -identification of specific; violations of the agreement shall be denied and not eligible to advance through the steps of the Grievance Procedure including arbitration. 6.3 Nothing in this Article or elsewhere in this Agreement shall be consttaed to permit the F.O.P. to process a grievance (a) on behalf of any bargaining unit member without his consent, or (b) with respect to any hatter which is the subject of a grievance, appeal, administrative action before a governmezatal board or agency, or court proceeding, brought by an individual bargaining unit member or group of bargaining unit members, or by the P.O.P. 6.4 it is f irther agreed by the F.O.P. that bargaining unit mernbers covered by this Agreement shall snake an exclusive Election of Remedy prior to filing a 2"d step grievance or initiating action for redress in any other forum. Such choice of remedy will be made in writing on the Election of Remedy form to be available at the Department of Human Resources, Division #46662232 v2 of Labor Relations. The .Election. of Remedy form will indicate whether the aggrieved party or parties wish to utilize the Grievance Procedure contained in this Agreement or process the grievance, appeal or administrative action before a governmental board, agency or court proceeding. Selection of redress other than through the Grievance Procedure contained herein shall preclude the aggrieved party or parties from utilizing said Grievance Procedure for adjustment of said grievance. 6.5 To simplify the Grievance Procedure, the number of "working days" in presenting a grievance and receiving a reply from the different levels of supervision shall be. based upon a forty (40) hour, five (5) day workweek, Monday through Friday not including citywide holidays. All grievances must be processed within the time limits herein provided Curless extended by mutual agreement in writing. Any grievance not processed in accordance with the time limits provided above or not supplemented by a completed and signed Election of Remedy form shall be considered conclusively abandoned. Any grievance not answered by management within the time limits provided will automatically advance to the next higher step of the Grievance Procedure. Where a grievance is general. in nature in that it applies to a number of bargaining unit members having the same issue to be decided, or if the grievance is directly between the F.O.P. and the City, it shall be presented directly at Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure, within the time limits provided for the submission of a grievance in Step 1, and signed by the aggrieved bargaining unit members or the F.O.P. representative on their behalf. .For grievances that apply to a number of bargaining union members having the same issue to be decided, as referenced above, the Union will make a good faith effort to identify the aggrieved bargaining unit members either by name or by definition, The Union and the City will make a good faith effort to resolve any disputes #46662232 vz regarding the identification of the class prior to commencing with the Step 3 hearing. The Union will be permitted to amend its identification (either by name or by definition} of the aggrieved bargaining members in the class up to thirty (30) days prior to the date of the arbitration hearing. The Election of Remedy form as provided in Section 6.4 of this Article -must be completed and attached to grievances presented directly at Step 3. 6.6 Only a bargaining unit member who has permanent Civil Service status as a sworn Police Officer in the Miami Police Department may appeal a suspension, de -notion, or dismissal through the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement or in accordance with the appeal procedure of the Civil Service Rnles, but not both. Such grievances shall be riled at Step 3 within- the time limits set forth for Step 1. 6.7 Disputes involving the granting of workers' compensation shall not be subject to this grievance procedure, but disputes involving the granting of supplemental disability pay shall be grievable. 6.8 Grievances shall be processed in accordance with the .following procedure: Step 1, The aggrieved bargaining unit member shall. discuss the grievance with his immediate supervisor within tens e (10} working days of the occurrence which gave rise to the grievance. The F.O.P. representative may be present to represent the bargaining unit member if the bargaining unit member desires him present. The immediate supervisor shall attempt to adjust the platter and/or respond to the bargaining unit member within seven (7) working days. Such discussion sl-all be confirmed in writing, Step I #46662232 v2 If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 1, the bargaining unit member or the Employee Organization representative shall complete the Election of Remedy form provided for in Section 6.4 of this Axtiole before initiating the grievance to the second step of the Grievance Procedure. If the aggrieved party or parties elect the remedy other than. the Grievance Procedure contained herein, the grievance shall be withdrawn for redress consistent with the Election of Remedy form, When the Election of Remedy form indicates the grievance is to be advanced through the Grievance Procedure, the bargaining unit member or the F.O.P. representative shall reduce the grievance to writing on the grievance form provided for this purpose and present such written grievance to the Department Head. or his designee within seven (7) working days from the time the response was given at Step 1. The Department Plead or his designee shall meet with the bargaining unit member and/or the F.O.P. representative and shall respond in writing to the bargaining unit member and the F.O.P. within ten seven -MO working days from receipt of the written grievance. St If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved in Step 2, the bargaining �Mit member or the F.O.P. may present a written appeal to the City Manager ander. the Labor- of Hunan Resources, or their designee, within ten se(710) working days from the time the response was given at Step 2. The City Manager and/or the Dena ent of -Human Resources Director, or designee, shall hold a grievance hearing with the bargaining unit member and/or the F.O.P. representative. The City Manager and/or the Dot of—FZianan Resources #46662232 v2 Step 4. Director, or designee, shall respond In writing to the bargaining unit member and the F.O.P. within. ton (10) working days from the date of hearing. 1. 1f the grievance is not settled in Step 3, it may upon written request of either the Bargaining unit member, Employee Organization or the City within ten seve4i (710) working days after receipt of reply or answer be referred to arbitration, 2. The arbitration shall be conducted under the rules set forth in this Agreement and not under the rules of the American Arbitration Association unless rnutuall agreed to by the parties. Subject to the following, the Arbitrator shall have jurisdiction and authority to decide a grievance as defined in this Agreement. The Arbitrator shall have no authority to change, amend, add to, subtract from, or otherwise alter or supplement this Agreement, or any part thereof, or any amendment hereto, The Arbitrator shall have no authority to consider or rule upon any matter which is stated in this Agreement not to be subject to arbitration or which is not a grievance as defined in this Agreement, or which is not covered by this Agreement; nor shall this Collective Bargaining Agreement be construed by the Arbitrator to supersede any applicable laws. No Arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to arbitrate any.,dispute arising under the terms of By executed settlement agroemout between the City and the Union or between the City and an bar ainin unit members entered into after ratification of this Agreement, unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the Parties. The Parties to this .A.grcumagree that the terms of an executed settlement agEeement shall control the forLun in which that particular settlement agreement mgy be enforced. #46662232r2 3. It is contemplated that the City and the F.O.P. or bargaining unit member shall mutually agree in writing as to the statement of the matter to be arbitrated prior to a hearing; and if this is done, the Arbitrator shall confine his decision to the particular matter thus specified. 4. Each party shall beat' the expense of its awn witnesses and of its own representatives. The F.O.P, and the City shall bear equally the expense of the impartial Arbitrator, including any retainer fee of the Arbitrator. Should ally individual bargaining unit member bring a grievance uuder this Article, he/sire shall be required to post a bond of an estimated one-half ('/2) of the expenses of the Bearing with the arbitrator before the hearing may be scheduled. The party desiring a transcript of the hearing will bear the cost of same. 5. Copies of the award of the arbitration made in accordance with the jurisdiction or authority under this Agreement shall be furnished to both parties within thirty (30) days of the hearing and shall be final and binding on the aggrieved bargaining unit member(s), the F.O.P. and the City. 6. The Arbitrator shall be selected by agreement of the parties. hi the event the parties cannot agree upon an Arbitrator, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service shall be requested to nominate five (5) persons :for such position. Each party may reject such list in its entirety. If a list is not so rejected, names shall be stricken alternately, the party striping first to be determined by the toss of a coin. 6A Effe r"&-upen. F-at,, 9eatio f tke lab or- a,,,.,,,,,Y. the-Cib-agr-ees !e pay t1, u1' to �brty thousand deIIa"—($40-,G0 er—figea #4062232 V2 Article 8 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE, 8.1 Whenever a bargaining unit member (for purposes of this Article, the terms "bargaining unit mernber" and "law enforcement officer" shall be used interchangeably) is raider investigation and subject to interrogation by members of the City of Miami Police Department for any reason that could lead to disciplinary action, suspension, domotion, or dismissal, such interrogation must be conducted under the following conditions: A. The interrogation shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably while the bargaining unit member is on duty, unless the seriousness of the investigation is of such degree that an immediate action is required. If the bargaining unit member is off duty at the time of tlne interrogation, the bargaining unit member shall be entitled to overtime. R. The :interrogation shall take place either at the office of the command of the investigating officer or at the office of the local precinct or police unit in which the incident allegedly occurred, as designated by the investigation officer or agency. C. The law enforcement officer under investigation shall be informed of the :rank, name, and command of the officer in charge of the investigation, the interrogating officer, and all persons present during the interrogation. All questions directed to the officer under interrogation shall be asked by or through one intexrogator during any one investigative interrogation, unless specifically waived by the officer under investigation, h46685611 vl A The bargaining unit member -under investigation shall be informed of the nature of the investigation before any interrogation begins, and he or she must be informed of the names of all complainants. All identifiable witnesses shall be interviewed, whenever possible, prior to the beginning of the investigative interview of the accused officer. The complaint, all witness statements, including all other existing subject officer statements, and all other existing evidence, including, but not limited to, incident reports, GPS locator information, and audio or video recordings relating to the incident under investigation must be provided to each officer who is the subject 'of the complaint before the beginning of any investigative interview of that officer. An officer, after being informed of the right to review witness statements, may voluntarily waive the provisions of this paragraph and provide a voluntary statement at any time. F. Interrogating sessions shall be for reasonable periods and shall be timed to allow for such personal necessities and rest periods as are reasonably necessary. F. The bargaining unit member under investigation may not be subjected to abusive or offensive language or be threatened with transfer, dismissal or other disciplinary actions. No promise, or reward or threat of action shall be, made, as an inducement to answering any question. G. The formal interrogation of a law enforcement officer, including all recess periods, must be recorded on audio tape, or otherwise preserved in such a manner as to allow a transcript to be prepared, and there shall be no unrecorded questions or statements. Upon the request of the interrogated officer, a copy of any recording of the interrogation session must be made available to the interrogated #46685611 vi officer no later than 72 hours, excluding holidays and weekends, following said interrogation. H. The bargaining unit member shall not be obligated to give a second statement concerning the same facts elicited in an original interrogation. This will not preclude an investigator from asking questions at a later time that were not covered by the first statement, The bargaining unit member's interrogation will take place after all other witness statements have been takers, unless a situation occurs such as; 1) After documented and concerted efforts to locate said witness a witness is thought to be permanently unavailable, 2) The necessity for taking other witness statements becomes apparent after the interrogation of the bargaining unit member wbo is the subject of the investigation, or 3) A supervisor in the normal course of case review makes a determination that the case must be returned to the investigator for additional witness interviews. Should this occur, the bargaining unit member who is the subject of the interrogation shall have the opportunity to present rebuttal evidence, I. No mechanical device, including, but not limited to, polygraph, or psychological stress evaluator, etc., shall be forced onto a bargaining unit member nor shall disciplinary action be taken against a bargaining unit member who refuses to submit to "ch testing, However, a bargaining unit member may request such a test. #46685611v1 ArficRj, 9 LINE OF DKIV URIMS INL_ 9.1 The City agroea to pay all medical and hospitalization expenses as provided by Florida Statute approved by the City and incurred by a bargaining unit member covered by this Agreement who is found to have s;ustaiaed a cornpenKtblo line -of -duty injury providod the bargaining unit member and/or supervisor gives notice to Risk Managnrneat, or Third Party Administrator as provided for by the Wo&ersl Compomation Laws of the State of Ffod,& If the bargttiniag unit member fails to provide the required notice, he/she will waive any supplemental benefits over aTid above what is provided for by the warkers' campo-asation. lawg. However, the patties agree to estabfish a Police Labox/Martagement Committee to establish policies wid to detenmiae how to provide medical troatmcnfian,d equipment, ctc, inedically eqaivalentto that prescribed, by the raost officiorit and cost effective means to curtail excessive medical costs 1br accepted claims in the, following arms: HeaM Club and Countty CIO memberships Capital improvements on the, home Transportation Medical equipmentfor home use. Tlie Police Management CommiVQQ shall cunsist of one member appointed by the FOP .President, one as embor appointed by the Chiof of flolko, and one member sActed, by th"(G two individuaK An individual appohitod byllie Director of Risk Managernont will serve as a Weluiicdl advisor mid Raison wifli. the jnedioal conanivaity, Any additional -medical and hoapitafization requested outside the provisions of Chapter 440, Florida. Statutes, will be considered on a case —by —case basis at the 8ale, discretion of the City. #465034.50 v I (A5 of 1,11,22) 'rho decision, to provide additional benefits will be based on; 1) whether the ti-eatment is doe. tiled reasona 'b le and mn edically eecssaryby a. peer review physician of the City's choosing; 2) Whether there is -unrefuted evidence that shows the same or equivalent Iyeatment cannot be provided by a bealth care provider at Florida's MQdIcal aad Surgical feo, schedule within fifty (50) miles of the claimant 7sresidence, 9.2 Eff'octive as soon as a(4ninistratively fbasible after ratification, flio parties agroo the City will pay the state mandated workon;'cornponsati.Dn indeamitypkiyinents to eligible bargaining unit members as a check separate from any other salary to which a bargaining t�nit niumber may be entitled.. The bargaining unit inember agrees to sign dais workens' compensation check back to the City. Ille City will also issue a second chook to the bargaining unit member which will Onsist of an Eunount equal to the workers' compensation payi=nt'and the supplementary salary as 6et cyat, and subject to the limitations below, After those deductions with inandated preference under :fe deral law, the, City agrees to take deftctions and/oT credits from this second paycheck: H) the following order- works rs' compensation (will be indicated on lbo chcetc, as a credit for the City and will, be non-taxable), pension, bealth in8uranee., and any other dQducdons, The Patties agree that, this procem is intendext to provide tho bai-gailihig unit member with these paychecks without . . . . . . . ... interrupti oils, Should the bargaining trait -member reft),,�e toxetum the workers' compensation clieck to the C ity, the Ofty shall cease malcitg any deductions for the bargaining unit member from the second check Bor pension, health insuratoe, etc. and tho bargaining unit.tnmber shall then be completely responsible for making those payinents can his/her own, -until the bargaining unit member eleets to participate in tho payclieok system h8c ribed. above in section 9.1. 93 MLOVAeLrl �Cofn 2 P46503450 vi (As i?f 1,31 -2?) The City agrees that any ba-rgainjug unit merabor covered under this contract who is disabled as a result of an accident, injury or illaoss. incurred in the line. of duty shall be granted workers' compensation indemnity bwedis, mibjoQt to the following conditions, To the extent required by.and subject to the hinitatiom speciflod in Chapter 440 of tho Florida Statates, the My shall provide worlmrs' compensation inderanity ben6as to injured employees. 9A Suu `M, City agreos that any bargaining iv)ftmember covered under this contract who is di4abl.od as aresult of an accident, i Jiiry or fflaess, inourred hi the line of &A shall be granted A] Y qupplemontaty salary, subject to the following (,,onditions: Supplementary salary will be paid in. tho forin of a cona=afion of the bargaiaingunit mcmber's regular payelieck, as provided by Resolution No.. 39802. Thi.s check will include thaw indernnity payn-vents providod for Lmder Workrrs' Compensation. Law. It is agreed by Me parties that the combination of siippleniental and worker's compaiviation pity shall not exceed nor be 1088 than one hundred percent (100%) of the bargaining unit member's weekly net baso pay (exotuding o,7ertirae and miyPayqupptenionts not included in the bargaining unit mumber's base salary} prior to the Eno of duty fizjury, accident, or OCOLtpational disease, Supplementary salary shall only be gramed for a period of one hundred tuld frRY (150) consecutivo days from the date of injury, Said siipplomentary salary may bo extended lip to an additional sixty (60) (xmsecutive days for scrio-as injuries upon approval of the City.Managm' ar his/her dosignioe. The one hundred fifty (150) days begin when the bargaining unit .member is actually plaecd on "D". While the bargaining Emit member is on "D", siwh finie will be calciflatod 3 J146504.50 vI (A-, of 1.31.),2) consoo-atively inoluding days off. If the bargaining unit Member is removed from 'T", the non "D" tune will not apply to the ono hunch-ed fifty (t 5 0) day pori od. If a bargaiaing'anit member xemains temporarily disablod beyond the period of time in. which he/she, is. entitled to collect tho, 100%srapplcmentary pay benefits, he,/sheshall be entitled to stipplementary pay equal to the 2/3 "D" paymen.u.pui-suant to oun-ont practice. 9.5 If a bargaining unit member, becomms Permanently and, Totality Disabled (PTD), as determined by a City approved attending physician, from the father perf6,rmanw of the duties of his/her classifled position thQu at the end of one hundred four (.104) weeks of disability, hebklAe is considered to hate reached statutory waxim'Lan medical ix-alvorvemmt and is mquiTed to petition :the retirement board forreti-renient, othorwilse he/she must, 0 Request for a ninety (90) day uppald leave of absence under ffie. Family Medical Leave Act (FULA), * Apply fbr another City position; 0 Itesigg, v BedisiiTissedlay Del) art.moti-tAotio.n Dw supplementary salary of the difference of 2/3 ",D" as deacxibedabove shall. eontinue until the F,l,P. 0. board concludes the, hearing With a Snal determ.111ation. For puiposcs of this ardole, in. the event of a mental finpaimient shall be deemed disabled ifpermationfly a -ad totally tuiable to engage in. any usefifl arid efficient service within the City. Mambewable to engage ift any useful and efficient service within the City will not have their pay and benefits reduced duringstich alternate assignment, A grw-ited FMLA. requQst will postpone any ffirther actioii for the, period taken -tip to is statutory liniftation, H the bargainhig unit inember has pefifiuiied the rairement board for 4 1140034ASO Y1 (Ai vf retirem,ent, the bargaining -wift iw-inbcr will reniain, oil their owrent. status until the retirement board bas finally granted or dwiQd the retirement. If during the 'tune of up to one hundred f4or (104) works of disability, it is determined by the: City or thQ bargaining unit member's City -approved attending pbysicfan that the, Member is not PT.D -nor full duty with reasonable aeconmiodatioiis,, the bargaining unit member may roquest to be allowed to work- on a tea poraty basisThQ xequcst shall be made in writing and directed to the City Manager or &Mgneo, Cirantitig this mquest is based upon the medical.restrictians placed by his/her City approved attending physician and available asslgm-aent& The DepartiftG,,nf at its fflqcretion. may maintain tip to a total of twenty (20) tempmary iion- binding assigwents fox tfte sole puaposo, of initigating an.'undue hw-dship on the bargaining unit wombor injured in' the line of duty. These temporary positions will be filed by members, accordhig to sworn classification, on a first4 first -out basis -upon conplefion of FIPO's "Final Deterniinatimi Hearing. OnQQ the 20 positions are filled, the next b,,vgai-ning unit member to be classified in this sta-his ia tt-.LO respective category will b-titup out the bargaining unit member w1lo has boen occupying the position the longest, A bargaining -a-.ujt member who is "buraped" out Request for a ninety (90) day impaid leave of abwnce under the rMLAI; * Apply for another City position; v Resi gm; o Be dismissed by Depattjnental action A gtautod FMLA request will postpone any ftirther action for the period taken up to its statutory limitation, #46503450vI (A8 of 1.31,22) Any bargaining unitmember placed on 'Thnited Duty" status prior to January 1., 2007 mid , presently -working in assignment shall be altowod to remain working -in. a I inilted duty capacity unfit the bargaining unit inember's employment tonninates or the bargain ig unit rise fiber retires, However, if at any tinie tho bargaining unit membov returns to a disabled status, he/she will not be porn.-nited to re -turn to a limited duty status, He04-to inay only be allowed to tetuni to work if full duty. Upoti assiTaiing a dimbled status, the bargaining unit member may cantinue receiving boncfits as stated in the above paragraph until the time limitations and are perinitted benefits bayu been. oxbausted. Afterwards, tb.c membm must: o Requ(st for a ninety (90) day unpaid leave of absence under the FMLA.; Apply for atiothor City poaition, 0 Resign; a Be di=issud by Doj)arltnental actian A granted FMLA request will postpone any ft.ther aofioji for the period taken up to its statutory limitation, Bargaining imit members that have been gyandfafliered are not considered, part of the tww. . Ay (20) temporary positions described above, 9.6 At any time during his/her absence from duty claimed to be flio result of a line of duty injury while the batgainitgy unit movaber is collecting Otysupplemontary pay, the bargaining unit member shall be required, upon the request of the City Manager, or his/tier designee,, to Submit to a physical examination by a physician designawd by the City Manager within fifteen, rags of the rcqiest. If suoh. bargaiaing unit member, without cause, as determined lay the City Manager, shalt 6 446503450 vI (As of 3,3 L22) fa to submit to the examination at the time specified, all City supplementary salary benefits will be Urminated, 9.7 Deductions on Worker.' Cvni eigsaflon Pa menti VIM SU lementary Sakaij in the twejil the line of duty injury enfitles the, bargaining unit member to a workers' compensation benefit and a siappleinentary benefit, the bargaining unit member shall authorize the City to combine the two (2) payments and additionally au(horizr that the City continue to make regular payroll deductions as follows,: 1. First Level: FedoTal and State mandated deductions (for example, MedicaTe, social vciirity, withholding, and child support or gamishmonts), 2, Second Level, Pension contributions (the amount of the pension contribution shall be based. on wi.iablc compensatian. as defined by Miarni Code Saotioii, 40-19 1), medical and life; ingutanoc contributions, I Third.Level: A weekly ain.ount of eighty eight dollas and nhiety five cents ($8 8,95) (oat hcmdrod and 3ovonty sevon dollars and ninety ctmts ($177,90) bi-weekly) deducted firom supplementary salary while can workers' compemati(m, SliouldthQbai:g4iniiigiiii.it.i,.ncinbor receive supplemoubvy and workers' compen.sation pay for less (barn as week, the eighty eight dollars av,d tinoty five cents ($88,95) wookly dedau(ion shall bo prorated as appropriatc for the days, the bargainhig -unit member was on workers' compensation. 4, All other; vol antaq deductions: The City is no[ obligated tea lake deductions to pay fax providers or creditors If the workers' compensationbonefits plus. the supplementary salary does not cover the amount of the deduction, My and all deductious after Level -#I will be made, an the bvgaining unit nierabc:r's behalf to the, c-xtent that suffioiotit fan Ws are available, If there are not sufficicrit Rinds available, the bargaining. unit mernber will be responsible f6r making those 7 W503450 YI (As of'1,31,22) payments directly to those providers and creditors who would have otherwise been paid through the payroll deduction process. 5, Without written consent for tbose deductio-ris o-afli-ned above, tho, City will not make arLy rogular salary deduotiow other than. those nwidated. by law and the, bargaining unit inember will be responsible for all regular deduct[ons hicluding but tot liwited to pension contributiwis, medical zu-Ld life, insurance benefits, No suppletnentary salary will be paid to auyoncinjurod while performing an act Intended to inJure or hart one's self or anotbQr. 9A The parties agree that whore a Bart ainitig unit member resides vulside the Jurisdictional limit's of the City of Miami and the said bargaining unit a).Gnib er is injured going to or coming from work within a reasonable period of time from the commencement or termination of bis&r tour of duty on a rQ8,soaahly direct route of fravel, said accident may be considered as occurring in the lh-ie of duty, 'Mis provision is not applicable if the bargaining unit member is charged with 0 driving wader the isiflueace in violation of the proVisiow; of Chapter 316 of the Florida Statutes entitled "Stato Uiff, . TraffIc Control." Z For the city. Date:- #46503450 v] (As of t—I 1 M) Article 10 NOTrCF.c 10.1 The City agrees to provide in a timely fashion to the F.O.P. President or designee the following notices or bulletins: City Commission Agenda, Civilian Investigative Panel Agenda, and Civil Service Board Agenda, Supervisors report of injury within one week of the incident being reported or any other material which the City Manager or the Director of the Department of Human Resources determines would affect the terms and conditions of employment of the bargaining unit members of the F.O.P. The F.O.P. President may, within reason, request other materials, which would affect the terms and conditions of employment of the bargaining unit )members of the F.O.P., excluding exempt ).materials under the Public Records Act. 10.2 Such notices and bulletins will be delivered to the F.O.P., or may be picked up at the Department of Human Resources, Division of Labor Relations during normal working hours. For the City Date: F C� -''� #45216768 vl (As of 8.31.2021) 32 Article 11 BULLETIN BOARDS 11.1 The City will on the home page of the Miami Police Intranet site dace a link to the F.0.1'. Website. The FOP website currently -is www.fopmiami.com. The link will be clearly visible and easily accessible to all bargaining unit members. Should the website change, the city will make the char Je upon notice from the F.O.P. President. ss5/rrrire.:/�:l...1�1!//l/l•//!►l�l!!l/1►�Y/!!//1�1R%/t 1E�i/#Zfll/1N�I//114�1�1L1 i l�lf�/feR\\/1/l�rE!/lam!/1wRLl1/! Y1k1�1 �i1�1/!ll r ii-� �...:�:.,..a�..�.� �::=�.�rr��sc...����/:a:��/RAsi•/�w�a�i�w��lnlua/:4r/lf�a�f••oiuuiuwIMu■ w The F.O.P. will also be permitted to send electronic notices to its members on the City E-Mail system upon approval of the Chief, whose decision is not subject to the grievance procedure. l For the City Date: L Article 12 DEPARTMENT DISCIPLINARY REVIEW BOARD 12.1 It is the purpose of the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board to provide a method of ascertaining the fairness and consistency of punitive action for infractions of the Departmental Rules and Regulations, Departmental Orders and other Departmental Directives. A part of this review process is the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board, which makes advisory determinations and non -binding recommendations to the Chief of Police on matters of discipline. Departmental actions against a bargaining unit member arising from a claim of fitness for duty or workers' compensation shall not be reviewed by the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board or the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board Chairperson, Any decisions by the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board or any policies established by the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board are not arbitrable under this Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Departmental Disciplinary Review Board does not possess adjudicators or quasi-judicial powers. As such, its hearings are non -adversary in nature; the bargaining unit member appears before the Board voluntarily at his/her request, the bargaining unit member shall be entitled to representation by a bargaining unit member of his/her choice All sworn bargaining unit members, prior to the final determination of a monetary fine, forfeiture of time and/or suspension in excess of two (2) tours of duty, demotion or dismissal shall, upon written request of the accused, if submitted within ten (10) working days, be afforded a review of the recommended action by a board composed of five (5) members of the Department, two (2) members selected by the Department Head and three (3) members selected by the bargaining unit member from a standing list. 12.2 Written disciplinary actions that result in loss of time not in excess of two (2) tours of duty may be reviewed by the Chairperson of the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board if the disciplined bargaining unit member requests a review within ten (10) working days, excluding holidays, of the incident that gave rise to the disciplinary action. Upon receipt of the Chairperson's decision, the disciplined bargaining unit member upon appeal within ten (10) working days, excluding holidays, shall be afforded a Departmental Disciplinary Review Board Hearing. If the bargaining unit member is charged with a forfeiture of time such forfeiture shall first be deducted from Compensatory leave followed by Vacation leave. Exceptions to the above will be as follows: a. If a bargaining unit member refuses to undergo controlled substance testing, the member shall be on no pay status pending termination. 12.3 Since the Departmental Disciplinary Review is at the request of, and for the benefit of, the bargaining unit member, no paid overtime or compensatory time will be given for attendance before the Board; however, a change of work hours shall be scheduled, if possible, so that the bargaining unit member will be working during the hours that the Board is convened. 12.4 It is agreed that the convening of the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board shall be effectuated as expeditiously as possible following the written request of the accused bargaining unit member. Should an accused bargaining unit member facing termination request to continue a hearing or delay it's convening, then it is agreed that the bargaining unit member shall waive his emoluments in exchange for the continuance of the hearing. Continuance or delay of the Departmental Disciplinary Review Board upon the bargaining unit member's request shall not exceed 150 calendar days, unless in the sole discretion of management a further continuance of the Department Disciplinary Review Board would be approved. 12.5 Administrative actions taken that result in the bargaining unit member being carried "W" or "WW" shall subject to the review of the Department Disci i a Review Board. pf For the City Fo t e Union Date: 6b ( Article 13 RECALL AND COURT TIME 1.3.1 If a bargaining -unit member is recalled to work he/she shall be paid from the time of notification in accordance with Article 15, Overtime/Compensatory Time, 13.2 If a bargaining unit member is required to attend court or other proceeding arising out of the course of his/her official duties at a time other than his scheduled work shift, he shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours at one and one-half times his/hex straight time hourly rate or an equivalent amount ofscheduled compensatory time off. 1.3.3 A bargaining unit member performing work or required to attend court or any other proceeding arising out of the course of his/her official duties at a time which is continuous with his scheduled work shift shall be paid. at his/her overtime rate consistent with Article 15, Overtime/Compensatory Time, and the minimum three (3) hours recall shall not apply, 13.4 A bargaining unit member eligible for overtime, attending court or other. proceedings arising out of the course of their Official duties one (1) hour or less before the start of their scheduled tour of duty shall receive one (1) hour of overtime, 13.5 A bargaining unit memb or eligible for overtime for attending court or other proceedings wising out of the cou so of their official duties one (1) hour or less after the end of their scheduled tour of duty shall be paid at their overtime rate, consistent with Article 15 - Overtime/Compensatory Time for the time period starting from the end of the bargaining unit member's work shift to the end of court or any other proceeding arising out of the course of his/llex official duties proceeding or for one (1) hour, whichever is greater. #46693029 v1 out Of ft ooursellorbiAer'offilcWRes for a *odWhioh is gmater thm on 1) hour and less than'and ofte Minute wed cad ofhisker tour of duty, a cpaid'at his oveffimeMe pmuant. to A&Ie 15, Overtime/compensatoryTt fo either the three, khourmimmum or for the mmba Of hom elapsed fmm tho s6eduled car t= of d.uty to me ` 'the court mceedinmWhichaver is gmto, ®BargaiWaS Unitmembmwho m on authorized di ,ity or leve, and m obli"Pted t :'hM A ph�Y!Sd r6or�tD tqePMMting f0r'Mik SW nOt wM not or overt!= Pay. Frig Date: Y Arfigt-a TRANSFERS 14.1 ft shall 'be the sole right of the Gbief of Poli(:e to transfer bargaining unit membenju specialized imits for disciplinary reasopz pruvidQd however, that the bargaining unit member may appeal such a trajisfcr under tiro grievance, procedure set forth iii Article 6 of this agloolnent. bargaining unit membors shall be notifled six, (0) calandat days prior to transfer, except when, the nature of a particular situation requires an immediate but temporary roa,ssignmQnt, or an oniployee returns to work on a th-nited/light duty status and the bargaining wfit inevaber's physical limitatium prtctudo the bargaining -nit.member fi-om being asqigaed to his/her previouq assignment, .I' A transfer means a change for more than firve (5) oonneeufivo working days, a Oiangeffi hours, oracMingoinday8 off, xequitement arc temporary changes of hours or days off necessitated by special events (except 'for the Special events of Calle Ocho, Throo Klags Parade, Martin 1.11(her King's.Paradc or. any draft event hold on New Yeax's live, Apt Basel), civil distabaacos, acts of God, and other olnergelicy Situations as determilledby the, Chief of Police, The, six (6) days' notice, shall be waivod upon conscm of die bargiffiing unit menibor. For the City Date-, 0465CB55 v] (As of 131,22) Ar—dele 15 0 'IME/COMPENSATORY TIME 15A For the terin of.'this Agreement bargaining unit membas shall be paid Ono rind one half (I V2) times their regular rate of pay .Tbr all work perfarmed in excess of a bargaining unit member's normal. work day or in excess of a bargaiting -w-tit member's normal work week, and shall be, considered ovortime work. 1.5.2 Bargaining unit mombers pertbimh-ig compensable overtimo work. shall, at their di,scretion, be paid time and one-half at flicir straight time hourly -rate of pay or sffiatl be givm compcnsatory time at the rate of do iQ and. one41alf (1 V2) for &Lch work, This overtime rate shall be ail -inclusive and no additional compensation in (he f.bnn of additianal holiday pay, etc., shall be paid, 15.3 The parties agree that tho daily overdixto requiren-tents as set fbith in this contract shall not apply in any futare FLSA fifigation concerning a matter for whic.11 daily overtime is not Curretilly paid or for off —duty maintouance of any take home eqripmtnt used in the scope of employment. Practices instituted by man agernent are not suljcct to the forogoing sentence, 15.4 The, maxiinum accumulation of compensatory time hotiTs is two hundred (200), Any ... ..... .... .hours in excess of two hundred (200) will be paid out at current, hoivly rate. Bargaiiiing unit members are encouraged to mquest componsatory leave far .in advance as possible, Request for compensatory thn€ iinist be ,,made ton (10) days price to the requested day(8). A maximum of forty (40) compensatory WrLe hoi-u-s per mwith shall be authorized to be utilized when minimum staffing cannot be maintained as determinod by the Chief of Police or desiguee, A maxiniLun of ton (10) compensatory time hours Aiall be authorized to be udl=d on Friday� Sawrday, or Swiday When ininliumn staffing cannot be maintained as determined by the Chief of Police or #46501051 Y1 (As of 1,31,22) designee. Com.pensatory time Shall. not be titilized in cot&nction with. vacation or training when naininium staffing cannot be maintained as determined by the Chief of Police or d'esigneD, If a reqLmst is .mWe within twonty-four (24) hours, the request for approval will rest with tho c un=anding officer. When'rninhnuin staffing owinot be in.ai ntaiiied its deterniinod by the Chief of Police or designee, then. compensatory timeshall -not be utilized during the holidays listed in Artiole 20— Holidays, or during special eveats, e.g., Halloween, Super Bowl, etc., when ronjor deployment of personnel is requirod, Requcsts submitted within ton (10) days prior to the requested day(s), may be gratited at the sole disoretion of managoment p-=mant to minim -Um staffing. When as bargaining untt metilber taros compensatory time off, the hours in his bank shall be appropriatelyred-acedby such Limo off. If a bargaining, unit .rneinberleaves the service of the City and casbos in, his batik, the hours therein shall be valtiated on the basis of the rate ol"pay earned by the bargsining unit meiriber dwing the lasn pay period, .15.5 111 the vent, a state of einergeacy is declared due to an act of God, and the City Manager grants emorgoncy leave, such feavc shall. not be included fil determining eligibility for overtime. The bargaining unit member utilizing such leave shall be paid straight dine for those hours worked in excess of their normal. work clay or in excess of 1hQir normal worn. week. eqaal to the uwnber of hours tak-m as emergency leave-, before overtime shall apply, 15.6 The parties agree that overti= hours shall tot be used in tho compulatioll of alTivilig at average earnings for purposes of establiaihing peiision benefits. 15.7 'The parties agree that amigamoiits of over6aie work. shall rest 861ely with the Chief of Police, #46504051 Y1.(As of 1.31,22) 15.8 The pubes agree that die assigninunt of owrtime work is on an involuntuy basis and any "bar gaining emit moit� ber refir8ing assignment of such wark is subject to disoiplimuy action as doomed appropriate by the Chief of Police. iTr the City Date:— N6504051 vI (Ai of 1.31M) Article 16 4-10 WORK SCHEDULE 16.1 Those operations currently working a four (4) day, ten (10) hour work schedule will continue through the life of this Agreement. Bargaining unit members at the rank of Detention Officer will not be entitled to work a 4-10 Work Schedule. 16.2 Should the Chief of Police determine the 4-10 Work Schedule in its entirety or in part is detrimental to the efficient operation of the Department, he may discontinue all or that portion of the 4-10 Work Schedule deemed to be inefficient after reviewing his reasons with the President of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 20. Should there be a disagreement as to the discontinuance of the 4-10 Work Schedule, the F.O.P. may grieve according to the provisions of Article 6, Grievance Procedure. Discontinuance of the 4-10 Work Schedule may not occur unless the parties agree or an Arbitrator so rules. Nothing shall preclude Management from implementing a 4-10 Work Schedule in those divisions deemed necessary by the chief on a temporary or emergency basis not to exceed thirty (30) working days. Such temporary or emergency 4-10 Work Schedule shall not preclude Management ending such assigninents when Management determines the 4-10 Work Schedule is no Date: /(— -0 D-- Article 17 STANDBY 17.1 Standby assignments issued by the City of Miami Police Department for reasons other than assignments connected with a court appearance shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half of the bargaining unit member's normal rate of pay with a minimum of three (3) hours. 17.2 Standby is defined as receiving instructions from authorized personnel to remain at a specific location for a stated period of time. 'z V For the City Date: ? ..- , — c)—J #45216768 v 1 (As of 8.31.2021) 43 Article 18 MAGF, 18.1 For the duration of the Agreement bargaining unit members not at their maximum step will be eligible for step increases on their anniversary date, Effective the first full pay period following_October 1, 204-921, bargaining unit members will receive a three percent (3%) across the board increase to their base wages. _Effective October 1, 204422, bargaining unit members will receive a two percent .(2%). across the board increase to their base Wags, and.-9ct�her'�, h gaiaiWunit�i:nemb reent ° ear tpt wftges: 18,2 Any bargaining unit meraber hired on or after the effective date of this agreement, and any existing bargaining unit member hired prior to the effective date of this agreement who did not already receive the FDLE certification bonus shall receive a one-time FDLE certification bonus of one thousand six hundred forty eight dollars ($1,648) upon completion of probation, regardless when hiAer probation is completed. The FDLE certification bonus shall not be included in pension calculations of average earnings. 18.3 All new hires in the classification of Police Recruit shall be paid five percent (5%) per month less than Step 1 of the salary range of the classification of police Officer until the zecruit graduates from the police academy and passes the state certification exam at which time such bargaining unit member shall be eligible to be paid at ,Step 1 of the salary range. The period of probationary service shall not be less than eighteen (18) months nor more than twenty-four (24) months, unless extended by the department or unless provided otherwise in this article. Bargaining unit members hired directly as certified Police Officers with prior law onforcement experience from the City of Miami, not including corrections, who are not required ##46458624 ul (As of2,19,22) 1 to attend the academy, shall be placed at the pay steps in Appendix A commensurate with their years of prior law enforcement experience at the City not to exceed step 4. Newly hired bargaining turit members shall complete six (6) months of satisfactory performance in the Field Training Officer (1j.T.0.) program, which includes four (4) months riding with a field training officer and two (2) months riding solo, and further complete six (6) months in .full -duty status with satisfactory peifoz-mance, The period of probationary service shall not be less than. twelve (12) months nor more than eighteen (18) months, Curless extended by the department. 18.4 Upon. retirement (all binds, including vesting), bargaining unit members shall receive a retroactive salary increase of five percent (5%) for the bargaining unit member's last or higliest one (1) year's salary. The five percent (5%) salary increase shall be reflected in the hourly pay rate for the purpose of calculating leave balance payoffs. The five percent (5%) salary increase shall not be applicable to overtime. 18.5 Any City of Miami employee, unless a former City of Miami police bargaining tout member as specified in 18,6, who transfers or is hired as a police officer into the City of Miami Police Department as a uniformed bargaining unit member shall be placed at a step in accordance with Appendix A, and serve a probationary period as specified in Section 18.3 above, 18.6 Former police bargaining unit members who left the employment of the City of Miami Police Department under honorable conditions, as determined by the Chief of Police in his/her sole discretion, and who were approved by the Chief of Police, shall be placed on a reemployment list provided the former bargaining unit member is a State certified police officer. The reemployment list shall be considered separate from the eligibility list for new hires, #46458624 v1 (As of 2.18,22) 2 Those on the refire list may be hired by the Chief of police at his/her sale discretion, as openings occur without regard to the eligibility list for new hires. In addition the following shall apply: A. Eligibility shall be limited to three (3) years following the effective date of .resignation. B. Under conditions set forth above, any former permanent City of Miami police officer who is reemployed, as a City of Miami police officer will be planed at a step in accordance with. Section 18.3. C. Complete six (6) months of satisfactory performance in the F.T.O, program, which includes four (4) months riding with a field training officer and two (2) months riding solo, and huther complete sip. (6) months in full -duty status with satisfactory performance. The period of probationary service for such employees shall be determined by the Chief of Police in his/her sole discretion, but shall not be less than twelve (12) months not more than eighteen (18) months, unless extended by the department. 18.7 Effective the first full pay period following October 1, 20219, bargaining unit members currently rently and actively working (not relieved of duty for any reason) in the wh &wA- Y � below listed assignments, shall receive a five percent (5%) pay supplement (to be prorated and paid on a bi-weekly basis) on their base rate of pay. Captains of the below „listed assignments are not elm for this nav stioDlement. A. Neighborhood Resource Officer B. Mounted Unit/Motors/K-9 #4645M4 vl (As of 2.19.22) 3 #46458624 vl (As of 2.18,22) 4G 57 iG Se " pay sh-Al SL ]7 LL _ffiee or 75 6G 77 LO li N OF {L 7] 64 77 ... . .......... --M ®. _ "Police Officers (Investigators) and Sergeants (Investigators) assigned to the Office of the Chief, bvestigations Division, Inteinal Affairs Division, .recruitment and Selection Unit, and Traffic Homicide who predominantly perfoi-in the duties of investigating cases as determined 446458624 vl (As of2.18.22) by the Chief of Police will receive the annualized pay supplement. The annualized paysupplement will only be paid to bargaining unit members assigned to non. -administrative positions and either investigate or supervise the investigation of cases. Qualifications (a) Not less than fifteen (1 S) consecutive years of service as a sworn police officer or sergeant in the department. (b) Currently assigned, anti no less than previous two (2) consecutive years assigned as a police officer (investigator) or sergeant (investigator). (c) No evaluation below satisfactory. No sustained IA investigations with a reprimand as discipline within the past two (2) years. Under the below listed circumstances, bargaining unit members receiving Police Officer (Investigator) or Sergeant (Investigator) pay shall forfeit such pay when: (d) Transferred out of the position of Police, Officer (Investigator) or Sergeant (Investigator), (c) promoted, (1) Relieved of duty or administratively reassigned (temporary loss during period). 2. .Application for Police Officer (Investigator) or Sergeant (Investigator) supplementary pay, shall be the responsibility of the bargaining unit mcinber and shall be made via a redline memorandum submitted through chainiels to #46458624 v1 (As of2.18,22) 6 the chairperson of the Police Officer (Investigator) and Sergeant (Investigator) Committee. 3. Police Officer (Investigator) and Sergeant (Investigator) pay committee shall be comprised of one F.O.P. representative, one Department representative assigned to the Investigations Division, and one representative chosen by the first two (2) members. The committee's function will 'be to review applications for recommendations of approval or denial to the Chief of Police for final approval. The committee shall also review appeals and disputes arising out of the granting or forfeiting Police Officer (investigator) and Sergeant (Investigator) pays. The committee shall establish its own rules and procedures. EE.Certified Underwater Recovery Specialist Diver Assigned to the Marine Patrol Unit. FF.Effective the first firll pay period following October 1, 2021,9, bargaining unit members and supervisors active or managing the Bon2b Squad will receive a ten percent (10%) pay supplement (to be prorated and paid on a bi-weekly basis) on their base rate of pay. F. Effective the first full pay period following October 1, 204-821, bargaining unit members and supervisors active or managing the S.`N.A..T. will receive a five percent (5%) pay supplement (to be prorated and paid on a biweekly basis) on their base rate of pay. 18.8 Bargaining unit members active in the below listed assignments shall receive a pay supplement as indicated; A. Certified Instructors (CJIS) assigned to MPD Training Unit— two percent (2%). B. Crisis Intervention Teams - two and one half percent (2.5%)_ M6458624 A (As of2.r8.22) 7 C. Bargaining unit members active in the assignment of Field Training Officer will receive a five percent (5%) pay supplement (to be prorated and paid oil a bi-weekly basis) on their base rate of pay. D. lhi9'_1wo fan a4ni . ism ufn�. avn n4iv rn i.� Sys Ga �, .1 n �la�# ••f`'TLZ7 2IGS�riY GQIIICPL—CC tv�' ni�)v4uet.nnl�wo../•(+.i. p-paid E1 �3=—vrrczy rmmcs� Bar ag inin,g„unit members active in the assent of Bicycle Response Team will receive a five vercMt 5% a su lement to be prorated and paid on a bi-weeklybasis on their base rate of a , E. Bargaining unit members active hi the assigunent of Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) will receive a five percent (5%) pay supplement on their base rate of pay. DRE assignnents shall be limited to no more than fifteen (15) officers. �'. ei�ic.�__Uniforrn Patrol 6Jfficer�"._and "5en,ior Unifarm Patrol Sergeants" will receive a three (3%}day ssuplement on their base rate of pay. The annualized r)a dement_will only. be paid to bargaining.unit members assigned to non- adrninis .xive t�ositions cluding frontWdcsk Qfficexs. �_ (�ualiClcatioX�5 �- Senior Uniform Patrol 0 cer La)--- Not less than f en l5consecutive ea of sgnd as swam police officer in the department. r�ltl ass i and no less ,,,.ihan previous two . Zi consecutive aus assigned to th Field Operations ' ision. N evalua 'iQm below satisf c o -*46458624 vl (.As of2JE.22) No -sustained IA javestiggi2plaM a ropr_imand as discipline .._.___..... within the past two (2) vearL b) Son ior Urti P 1' E aTA Not less than fAfi:ee l S) congeraitive years o - service in the fb)...-- Currently at rank of Serant ar�d no le s fh a re 'ou years as a Sergeant. e MO ssl s than reyA uS % cQueoulive 3mm..assi,gaed to_uaifoM NET as a Sergew t. No e atio , elo atis to e No -a i nine IA in fi ti s ' h a primaud as discipline with_the past two (2) spars. 2. Under the below listed eircurAastancc a bard ink ink 1it� it; members fie_ ceiving "Senior Uniform Patrol_, Officers" or "Senior Uniform Patrol Ser e� ant" taav ssl forfeit sudh.paywhen: a ransfe ed._out ofuWf"orrn TTET. _Promoted. 0 Relieved _of duty or minis ati re s i e tem ar loss during period). I A l Qatiou for "Senior I.Jnifonn Patrol Offiger" m"Senior Uniform Patrol S can ' 1y shall be the reg onsib' it of the bargaining unit cinb and � ll bQ rnade via red line memorandum submitted t rough channels to the chairperson of the'-Sfmior Uniform Patrol Officex" comA . it -tee. #46458624 vt (As of 2,18.22) nior Uniform Pa Off c d "S ni r Uni Patrol Sergeant" „�,�zr]rriittee. al The "Se��'--I niform Patrol Officer,'„md "Senio Unifo n. Poftol Sergeant" DU comlMitlee shall be ComnriU4 of one F.O.p re,gresmw5ye, one DwaudMent representative, and one representativ� chosen by the t two Q members,e a itte 's fimetion e to revie r applications ibr recon mendatiQn.s of any o a1 or a ial to the Chief of Policejor final an2roval.�otxlmittee shall. also review � Lind — Les arising out the grantm or itirr " for T Patrol Officer" or " j2ujgjjU i Petro eant" s. !be rQm=.'ttm shall establish itand pure G. Bargainina unit members actin in the assi nment of Trainer in the followirlg t2nits: I��9, ,SWXr, Bicycle Response Team, Motors and Field Force, will receive a two and a half pergent (2, 5%) nay supplement to be rorated and aid on a bi-weeklybasis ore their base rate of pqy. 18.9 Under no eircumstances naay_ a bar aining unit member's combined total supplements under this Article exceed twelve and a half percent (1.,2,5%) of their base rate o. f ay. 18.10 All active sworn bargaining unit members shall receive Cringe Prevention pay in the form of an am-aaliced $2,700 pay supplement (to be prorated and paid on a bi-weeldy basis). Crime Prevention pay shall be subject to pension deductiow and applicable federal taxes and shall be included in calculating a bargaining unit member's average earnings for pension purposes. All hours of leave of absence without pay shall be deducted from the Crime Prevention payment on the basis of one hour deduction for each flour of leave of absence. #46458624 v1 (As of 2.18.22) 10 18.101 Any bargaining unit rnembor, upon normal retirement from City service, or separating under honorable conditions, as deternaincd by the Chief of Police in his/her sole discretion, who has ,sewed for a period of twenty-five (25) years or more, shall be granted, at the time of his/her normal retirement or honorable separation one hundred seventy-three and three tenths (173.3) hours of pay, provided such pay shall not be included in calculating a bargaining Unit member's average earnings for pension purposes. 18.112 Any pay supplements received shall be calculated on the bargaining unit member's base rate of pay, Pay supplements shall not be included in bargaining unit member's base rate of pay for purposes of calculation of overtime or for purposes of pay off of Sick Leave or Vacation upon separation or retirement from the City, but shall be included in calculating a bargaining unit member's average earnings for pension purposes. Should a bargaining unit member cease to be eligible fox a pay supplement but continues to receive the pay supplement, said pay supplement shall be recovered by the City through biweekly pay deductions fi orn the bargaining unit member's paycheck. Such biweekly deductions will be deducted at the salve rate or amount as the bargaining unit member was overpaid, if the bargaining unit member ceases to be are. employee of the City, any balance due will be deducted from any monies due the bargaining unit member, including retirement benefits, or at the City's option collected in any other legal manner. 18.123 Effective the first full pay period following October 1, 204-921, shift differential supplemental pay shall be paid at a rate of 2.5% (to be prorated based upon hours worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and paid on a biweekly basis) on the bargaining unit members' base rate of pay. A bargaining unit member that works less than four (4) hours during the established shift differential time period (6;00 p.m. to 7,00 a.m.) will not be entitled to shift differential pay. #i46458624 vl (As of2,18.22) 11 Shift differential shall not apply to pay for time not worked. Shift differential shall not be used in calculating a bargaining unit member's average earnings for pension purposes. 18.134 All changes in salary because of promotion, demotion, merit step increase, etc., shall begin to accrue the effective date of the change, but actual payment for the same shall not be made until the first full pay period following the effective date of change, 15.154- ]Leaves of absence without pay, or suspensions of any duration, shall cause the effective date of the merit increase to be deferred by the same number of work days equal to said leave, 1$.1615 Bargaining unit members who have obtained or successfully obtain a college or university degree from an accredited univerrsity in the United States, with a field of study related to their job duties, will receive the following annual bonus (prorated and paid on a bi-weekly basis) upon successful completion of probation, regardless when his/her probation is completed, a, Associate in Arts Degree- $-1—,2-901 800 b. Bachelor's Dogree- $2 4001600 c. Master's Degree- $3-,fl85,400 d. 3uris Doctor, Ph.D., or Ed.D.- $479087,200 It is the, responsibility of the bargaining unit member to request for the degree bonus by submitting a red line memorandum to the Director of Human Resources, through channels, accompanied by a certified true original of the college or -Lmiversity transcripts. The degree bonus shad not be included in pension calculations of earnings. 1.8,176 Any pay supplement, additive or extra pay that is paid because of a bargaining unit member possessing a particular certification, appointment, assignment, etc., shall cease to be paid effective #4645WA vT (As of2.18.22) 12 Article 19 TOTAL AGREEMENT 19.1 The parties agree that this Collective Bargaining Agreement represents the total agreement for terms and conditions of employment during the life of this contract and no request shall be made to increase other bargaining unit member benefits through the Civil Service Board, the Mayor, or the City Commission during the life of this Collective Bargaining Contract. 19.2 Such Agreement precludes the initiation either directly or indirectly of any municipal legislation which would result in the alteration or cost increase of the benefits agreed to in this Collective Bargaining Agreement or to increase the cost of other bargaining unit member benefits not specifically provided for in this Collective Bargaining Agreement. For the City Date: 445216768 vl (As of &31.2021} 54 Aydele 7.0 HOOT DAYS 20.1 The following days shall be eonqidered holidays; New Year's Day Presidents' Birthday Mernorial Day Tndependonce Day Labor Day Colwnbus Day Vetetans'Day Thanksgi-ving Day Day aftu Th-wksgiving Christmas Day MattinLarch or King Day_ JuneLe,2nth 20,2 Any additional holidays declared by official directive of the City Manager shall bo added to the above list, 20.3 Bargaining unit members pexforn.iing work an any of the above holidays shall be paid eiaht (8) hours or to I ).hours bo Ii . a qr the number of h2_Ws egual to the bar aining j�nit me—nibe tirac and ono -half (I'/;,) of tbeir straight th-rie hour[y rate or shall be given scheduled compensatory time at the xPae of time and half (I I/?-) but suet pay Bor a holiday worked shall riat be paid in addition to overtime pay. 20.4 All conditions aced qualifications outlined in Article 15, titled. "Overtinlo/Compensatory Time," shall apply to this Article. Flours of oarnod three amuni-alated under this Article, when added to the compensatory time earned ardor the Article titled "Overtitne/Compen8atory Time," ,shall -Aot oxcued two hinadrod (200). Those bargaiting unit raenibers, who are assigned to administrative positions shall observe holidays on the same dates as the civilian employees of the City. For the City *16504091 vI (M of La 1.22) Article 21 Blank page (Reserved) Article 22 -UNIFOILM/ 22,1 Upon ratification of the labor agreement by Both parties cotmnoncing the first year of 5ervice, bargaining unit ix embors shall receive a unffbim allotment of fotir (4) uniform trousersk4U, six (6) vniform shirts, and one (1) uniform hat for their first t2y_o fliras�(32) years, and one Wlotment of shoes, leather, and web gear for the first yeast`. Thereaft- -or, every other yw, they Shall receive; an allottgolit authorized deal gr. the selection of loath.ej., accessories and/or uniforins, the bagaining unit mumber will not be entitled to a credit or refund should such. sOlectiot, riot equal the dollar ania-unt Specified above. 22.1 Alt worn bargaining twit jzemibers, depolading on assignmont or exhibited need as dotom-ined by the Chief of Police or dosigazo,shall be ftiruished one (1) set of Clam C uniforms, one (1) got of rainwear, one (1) helmet, and. one (1) winterjac&4, which shall, be replaced as needed Upon request by a bargaining unit member one (1) bulldproof vest shall be iaidally provided. A replace-ment bulletproof vest shall be pro-vided upon rearrest by a barg'-wining -u-nit member -upon reaching manufacturer's expiration date or through such police related actians that Inak-es tho Yest110 longer safe for use as determined by the Chief of Police or designee. The bargaining uiait meniber is responsible for requesting the initial issuancee-and any mplacer.n.ent. 22.3 On a year when a bargaining twit inombey is not entitled to any uniforn-I aflntmeIlt' he/she -=y request tip to four (4) 'uniform trausevqNdrts, six (6) unifbiTri shirts, and. oDe (1) unirorm hat for replacemem of damaged, tinifbnn as determined by tb.e Chi.of of Police or P46504121 YI (Ai fif 1,31,22) de,6gn s , however, such replacement shall require the requesting party to turn in the uniform he/she is requesthig to be replaced, 22,4 All bar airrin unit xG�e abers � 1.1 receive teznrzla rsetz�e i c txa o $800.00 for die ��rcltase of an ap�?�'oved �Sulle;tprocal" vest. lane::-�ri�����i � ��r-���-��-�r.�; i"i�--�i���dt���-�=�-(;'���--�`�r•- �`e��l�r:�, �iil--b� ���iie�a � r rz�i 3 r s 5ueli Purchased vest shall follow the Department's guidelines, ���t�-3u�.�_�"�e....e:s�'rcrz%—�zf��i3�'-'�k`n� z,••,�L'���� Y�"viri�a—'F�—�$3"E�?;�-�4��ai��,�' .}' �aasrrrs� �;�--cv:�u:xcrraer�*--��f�✓i�i3�4tb�-�c"3�f�i{��"k�$��--'�i-'�i�§9�� e�� ���"[���� �:�"'�rs:nnLcnn�, +:4.G. , ..n4 ..� �'� �'}v��•wii4e�v�'��:"'^���'"'���� ri��..:�i�t�i•i��-- ................ ' - l ar ainixL unit members wlio wparate from employment U tcler ho.norable COMi i,011, with ton 00) years of Service shall be awaxded his/her crest upon reque-St. 23 As determined by the Chief of Police or designee, bargaining unit members ahall rein'burse the City for the rgair or current roplacen ent cost of lout, stolen., or damaged City equip.ment whoa the leargairiing resit member's careless' and/or negligent act(s) resulted in the loss, theft, or dawa e. A. city issued vohiolo d=agod by a bargaining w1it'.member will follow 2 -946504121 v1 (As d 1,31.7,?,) the Police DGpartmont Orders rogarding City issued vehicle accidents, In any grievance of as ac tiom taken under this section, the City shall bear the burden Uf proof, 22.6 Bargaining unit inembers who, due to the natare of their assignmenti and/or job finictionq, are not.requi%d, in the sole qpiaion of the Chief of Police to wear a unif6rin hereafter "non-uaitbn-ned bargaining unit menibers" shall. be entitled to a clatl-ingallowancc. Bargaining unit members assigned to administrative or non -operational assignments in which the department Provides, uniform or alternative clothing shall not be entitled to a ciothing allowance, All uniformed and. non.-tmiformed assignments will be dotennined solely by the Chief of Police. Author zed non-unifotmed bargafi-dng -unit xnernbcrs AMI receive a clothing allowance of s�nt Jfjy_fifty-dollars ($5075) pet pay patiod, Authorized non -uniformed bargaining imit ineinbers who are absent without pay, on military leave, and/or on. disability leave, shall receive no clothing allowance payments during the periods of absence, 22.7 Authorized non-tinffbXMed bargaining unit menibers not receiving a clothing allowance for any of the foregoing mas,ms shall begin to receive the allowance on the date of their return to regular duty as full-tiniesworn .police officers, bargaining unit inembers temporarily transferred to a positioil that normally would entitle: a bargaining unit member to reoelye a clothing allowance shall not receive the allowance Uldess his/her transfers) oxcecds th . i . r . ty . (30) consecutive worldng days. Bargaining unit menabers authorized to receive a clothing allowance as specified in thissection may sclect' after their third (3'1) allotrnent of clothing as provided in Section 22J. and thereafter, one (1) shirt and one (1) frouser4WA or a combination of inliforins and leather accessories from a list pio-vided by the department, not to exceed sixty five, dollars ($65). Such solec- Aicyn shall be in Neu of the normal uniform allottilont the bargaining unit member would 3 #465(14121 vt (A4 or Otherwise receive as provided in Section 22,2 following his/her third year of employment, Replacement of these, uniform articles. shall OCCUt as specified in Section 22.3, 22.8 Bargaining emit n-mi-ribers who were xi.ot provided a City Gellular phone and/or required to use Celhilar phones dfiring employment, sis dotemiined by the Chief of Police or designee, shall receive a celhilar phone alloww1ce of seventy 'five dollars ($75) ppr month. Facia bargaining unit mambet receiving a cellular phone allowance is roqtlirod to purchase a cellular phone at their own expense. Bargaining unit members requixod to use cellular phones dining the courso of and as part of their employment must be accessible at 0.1 times by such pliones and such phones must include vokemail, Upon request of the Chief of Police of designee, employees will be reqifirod to provide proof' of payment of their ceuxllar phonqb!S, Sectioll 21 18 �isilni effeatuntil qnt issu q. d%gLftmes mil) ncs, For the City 1� Date:-.- 4 t4GS04121 7-7, Artivio, 24 GROUP I RANC.F� NSU 24.1. The City agrees to pay six dollars and ninety-two =18 ($6.92) per pay period toward the cost of h fe insurance and, accidental death and dismemb ormant coverage as ctirrently enjoyed by bargahiing unit members, Life, insuratice, and accidental death and dismomberment costs shall not be considered in the total plan costs and payment shall be calculated, separately front the City's contributions to the total plan cost, 24.2 The FAR plan partloipantq shall, contribute thirty five percent (35%) of the plan costs to ffi-o YO.P. Health Trust. The City shall contdbute sixty-five percent (65%) of Clio total plan cost. Total plan cosO shall'be determined an, an annual basis, by sound accounting practices and projectiong ftorn a firm ongaged by the FAR Trust. The City reserves the, tight to conduct its own. Actuarial and p1mi wvkw to evaluate plena management and to verify the -projections subinitted by the FO,P. Bealth Toast at no cost to the plan. Upon request, the F.O.P. Health Thi8t agrees to provide trite City's desigme and/or benefit consultaxits wid.1 all pertinetit plan projec,tims, plan deaign, and wen dor arrangements. If thore are any discrepancies between. the findings of the City and thtplaii',,; memagemant and projections of the Trust's AQtualy which cannot be resolved, a mutually agrecablo third party Actuary shall review the findings fro.m both parties and render a decision, The decision ot" t1te third party Actuary' shall be fmat and binding with regard to the determinatlom The third party Actuary will be a membor of the Academy of Actuaiie,s with the designation of Member of the Academy of Actuaries Assmiation (AAA) or a Fellow of the Academy of Actuaries Association (FA.A.A). The cost of the third party will be shovm as a cost to the ROX. Health Trust and the City will pay sixty five percent (65%) a& part of the total plan. costs and the F.O.P. Health Trust shalt pay 35%, To the Went there is ati #46504190 vi (A.9 of 1.3 I,Z2) impact on the 'aust clue to th'C' "(Joyertim.,-�at Accountbag Standards Board ("GASB") issued. Statement No. 45, such impact will bo exotaded from the funding Woulations for total plan cost as staked in the collection bargaining agreement. The City reserves the -right to request i-nonthly claims n,-poxt's for monitoring purpose,' arid to conduct a projection analysis and plan. review should the F.0,P. Ffealth.Trust fund drop below tbroo million dollars ($3,000,000) at any time during the plan year in deteranining coiiLribution adjitstments. Plan adjustinents will be made no more than once. a year mid implemented at the begirming of each calendar year, Based on the agreed projected total plan costs, the City sli6l contribute- sixty five percent (65%) paid in equal bi-weekly ame-unts during the Plan year, The F.O.P. agrees Chat; the City ManagGr hay the right tQ appoint a reprcscntative to act as a non voting incinber of the FO,P. Ifealth Trust Board to attend all regular and special m.ectings, including, [nit not limited to moetings with regard to plan des igia, plan costs, utilization, experiouce, and plan projot,,tion for upcoming plan years, =d legal discl'Issions pertaining to tho F.O.P. Health Trust that do ziot involve thQ City of Miaini. The appoilitC4 representative, will sip a confide)Atiality agreement and follow theplan's -rules and gLddelines, HrPAA cortification is .required by the City's designees to attend thcsc, i-neeting,% thereforo, the FAR agr"s 0 provide such certification training, 24.3 If the total EOZ IlQalth'Rust fund drops below three million ($3,000,000,00) over the - combined twolvo (12) inonths of each of the FUIlds' Fiscal Years, them the City agrees to Te,imbw,se the RO.P. Health. Trast for the. diMronee bringing die FOY, 'Hcaltb Trust fund. balance tip to the throe million ($3,000,000.00) loge]. Should a reinibursement be necemary, the City shall pay ffie difference to the FOT, Rafli'rtust within. thirLy (30) days of receiving notice 2 f1465.04190 Y1 (Am of of the sped flod Fiscal .Ye based oil the Funds' filiancial statement and confim-iod by the yearly audit and adjusted accordingly, For each Fiscal Plan Ye,,wl any claims older than three and ofie-half (3 1/2) months shall not be charged aq a dobit to bring the 4)[al of the hnd below the three million ($3,000,000,00) level, Delays in submitting clan caused by the review process alld the ordinaxy "QL[rsu Of processing claims shall not be subject to the th, W- mid one-half (3 1/2) month period. 5hould, the Fund level exceed six ruillion ($6,000,000,00) dollars at the end of each Fund fiscal year then the FAR salty T.ILI,,qtlq total Plan, costs ibr [lie upcoming Phan. year shall be reduced by the excess amount over six million. ($6,000po.00) dollftr& The benefit tevels of the F.0,P, "Health Trust shall not be obanged if such changes would result in incireased liability to the City hi inainWning the three infflion ($ 3,000,000m) level. 24.4 The F.0,P, Shall Maintain its own group health, life, aad acuidental death and dismomber.r.n.ent insuvance plan, All current, fanfare, and retired swarn police bargaining unit mcm.be:rs shall be eligiblo, to participate in the ROT-'s plaii, but shall forfeit the right to participate irx the Citys plan. 24.5 Upon request, the ROR aul its ins ranca plan administrat . or .. shall permit t6 city to review any Tecordsretated to the F.O,R's health jnsiarance plan. 24.6 The FAR shall indemnify, and hold the City harmless, apiivst ary claim, demand, suit, or liability and for all Lc gal oo&Li arishig in relati= to the iraplemuntation car admiaistrdion orthe F'O'Ps health insurance PICITI. 24.7 The FAR agrees to onroll swot-.n manap.tant per'sotmel it its plan if those individuals elect Such GOVOxage" 3 11465 M 90 vi (As of 24.8 If there is a dissolution of tho F-OR 'Realth Trust, gfll plan paitloipants under the F.0,P. Flealth Trust -will maintain the right to elect coverage under the City's current Healtb Benefit Plan. Additionally, the fmal. dis,aolufion af ffic RO.P. Health Trust and distribation of any assets existing after all eligible claims are paid gill bomad` jointly and agreed to by the City of Miam.1 aw"14e, F.0,13. Health Trust- Adininistration. Kor the City "'A Date:- 4 1146504190 v] (As of 1,31,22) Article 25 DUES CHECK OFF 25.1 The City agrees to deduct F.O.P. membership dues in an amount established by the F.O.P. and certified in writing by an accredited F.O.P. Officer to the City from the pay of those bargaining unit members in the bargaining unit who individually make such request on a written check off authorization form provided by the City. Such deduction will be made by the City when other payroll deductions are made and will begin with the pay for the first full pay period following receipt of the authorization by the City. 25.2 The City shall remit deductions of dues during the week following each biweekly pay period to a duly authorized representative as designated in writing by the Union. The F.O.P. shall remit to the City the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per payroll year for administrative cost. This amount shall be payable in full at the beginning of each payroll year. 25.3 In the event a bargaining unit menaber's salary earnings within any pay period, after - deductions for withholding, Social Security, retirement, group health insurance, and other priority deductions, are not sufficient to cover dues it will be the responsibility of the F.O.P. to collect its dues for that pay period directly from the bargaining unit member. 25.4 Deductions for the Union dues shall continue until either: A. Revoked by the bargaining unit member by providing the City with thirty (30) days' written notice that he is terminating the prior check off authorizati oil, �. The separation of employment of the authorizing bargaining unit member, C. The transfer, promotion, demotion of the authorizing bargaining unit member out of this bargaining unit, D, The revocation or suspension of dues deduction as certified by the duly authorized Union representative or, E. The decertification of the F.O.P. as the bargaining unit. 445216769 v1 (As of 8.31.2021) 65 25.5 The Union shall indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, agents and employees harmless against any claim, demand, suit or liability (monetary or otherwise) and for all legal costs arising from any acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents and bargaining unit members in complying with this Article. The FOR shall promptly refund to the City any funds received in accordance with this Article that are in excess of the amount of dues which the City has agreed to deduct. 25.6 This Article applies only to the deduction of membership dues and shall not apply to the collection of any fines, penalties, or special assessments. 445216768 v1 (As of 8.31.2021) 66 Article 26 F.O.P. TIME POOL A F.OR time pool is hereby authorized subject to the following: 26.1 The City agrees to establish a time pool bank of seven thousand (7,000) hours per fiscal year to be used in accordance only for Union times eat directly re resenting em Io ees in the bargaining unit. including, but not limited to collective bargaining,.attendance at FeC).P,_ conferences and grievance and disc Aline activities,tart-- All unused hours will be carried over to the following fiscal year. 26.2 For each bargaining unit member, except the F.O.P. President, who is authorized by t Lie President to use time from the time pool, the President shall fill out the appropriate form as provided by the City. This form shall be processed through channels of the bargaining unit member who is to use the pool time. The form must be processed so that a copy shall be in the Office of the Chief of Police a minimum of seven (7) calendar clays prior to the time the bargaining unit member has been authorized to use the pool time. It is understood on rare occasions the seven (7) day time limit may not be met. The President shall then forward a detailed explanation to the Chief of Police as to why the seven (7) day rule wasn't met. Failure to file this properly completed pool time usage forra within seven (7) days or failure to file an explanation with the Chief of Police as to why the seven (7) day time limit wasn't met, shall result in the bargaining unit member not being paid for all such time requested. It is incumbent upon the employee to submit the gppropriate forms. Failure to submit the a rontiate forms may result in. denial of the Union pool time, as well as a delay in payment to the employce for the Union pool time. 446662609 v2 26.3 To guali , for Union pool time, bargaining unit members must be ,active and current employes not relieved of duty for an reason in good standing with the City. Bargaining unit members &hail -may be released fiom duty on pool time only if the needs of the service permit, as determined b the Chief of Police, or designee but such release shall not be, unreasonably denied. 1f because of the needs of the service a bargaining unit m.etnber cannot be released at the time desired, the F.O.P. may request an alternate bargaining unit member be released from duty during the desired time. 26.4 ROY. Time Pool hours will be used on an hour for hour basis, regardless of the hourly rate of the bargaining unit member using Tine Pool hours. I reporting a bargaining unit member's absence as a result of utilizing the Organization Time Pool, the daily attendance record shall reflect:: "Officer Doe on FOP" (F.O,P. Time Pool) 26.5 Any injury received or any accident incurred by a bargaining unit member whose time is being paid for by the F.O.P. Time Pool, or while engaged in activities paid for by the F.O.P. Time Pool, except the F.O.P. President and two designees when on full-time release shall not be, considered a line -or duty inJuty, nor shall such injury or accident be considered to have been inc-Lured in the course and scope of his/her employment by the City within the meaning of Chapter 440, Florida Statues as amended, except for injuries sustained in Miami -Dade, Droward or Monroe Counties while in, the cmirse of attempting to halt a felony in progress or apprehending a fleeing felon.. 26.6 Upon written request though channels, the F.O.P. President and the two (2) designees will be released for the term of this Agreement from his or her regularly assigned duties for the #46662609 v2 City of Miami Police Department. The terms of this Agreement for such release are only to be implemented if the following qualifications are met by the F.O.R: A. The F.O.P. ]President and the two (2) designees will reasonably be available at the F.O.P, office currently located at 710 SW 12th Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33135, for consultation with the Management of the City. B. The RO.P. President and the two (2) designees shall be the only Bargaining Unit representatives released to appear before City Boards or Commission. Release for appearances before City Boards shall be on T.O.P." time pool and release for appearances before the City Commission shall be designated as Administrative Leave (AL). In the absence of the President, the President's two (2) designees may represent the F.O.P.; however, the designee must comply with Section 26,2 of this Article. C. The Time Pool will be charged for all hours during which. the RO.P, President and the two (2) designees are on off --duty release except that absence due to use of vacation leave, sick leave, holidays, or compensatory leave will be changed to the President and designee's leave accounts. 26.7 All applicable riles, regulations and orders shall apply to any bargaining unit member on time pool release. Violations of the above mentioned rules, regulations and orders shall subject the bargaining unit member on pool time to the regular disciplinary processes currently provided for in the Miami Police Department. 26.8 The City reserves the right to rescind the provisions of this Article in the event any portion of the Article is found to be illegal, but shall not preclude further negotiations of future bargaining unit member pool time. #46662609 v2 Article 27 DISCRIMINATION 27.1 NoThe City will comply with all local, state and federal laws with regard to discrimination based upon image, race, religion, national origin, sex, union affiliation, disability or sexual orientation. The filing of a charge of discrimination with any local, state or federal agency by any bargaining unit member shall be seen as an election of remedy, and thus the underlying basis for the charge of discrimination shall not be subject to the grievance process. Datc: � t — 3 o Article 28 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE 28.1 Any bargaining unit member covered by this Agreement may, in the case of death in the immediate family, be authorized up to a maximum of forty (40) hours of paid leave. Said paid leave time shall be utilized by the bargaining unit member within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the immediate family member's death. The immediate family is defined as father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, domestic partner (who meets the criteria of the FOP Health Trust), children, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents, spouse's grandparents, stepfather, stepmother and/or legal guardian as specified by court documentation submitted to the Department of Human Resources, Division of Labor Relations. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the bargaining unit member returns from a death in the family, the bargaining unit member will file a copy of the death certificate of the deceased family member. Said death certificate will be attached to the form provided by the City and submitted to the Department of Human Resources. Failure to produce the death certificate will result in the bargaining unit member reimbursing the City for any paid leave taken under this Article. Any bargaining unit member found to have falsified his application for a "K" day will be disciplined up to and including dismissal. 28.2 It is understood that under certain circumstances the bargaining unit member will be unable to obtain a death certificate. In this event, in lieu of a death certificate, the bargaining unit member shall submit a notarized statement and/or a newspaper account showing the death and the relationship of the deceased to the bargaining unit member and/or other appropriate criteria as deemed appr riate by the Department of Human 14-4-4-11 For the City Date: ' Union of Labor Relations Article 29 COMMENDATION PAID LEAVE 29.1 The Chief of Police, upon approval of the City Manager or his designee, may grant up to forty (40) hours of paid leave to any bargaining unit member whose job performance is of such an exemplary or heroic nature as to warrant this special consideration. This Article shall not be subject to the Grievance Procedure or arbitration. For the City Date: ( _ -r), (r 445216768 v1 (As of 8.31,2021) 72 Article 30 FAMILYM—DICAL LEASE' AND LEAV E 'WITHOUT PAY XI Bargaining -anit members may request a leave of absence without pay in accordance with the, Family and Medical Loave, Act of 1991 Q71MLA), or the Miami lade County Family Leave Ordinance. 30.2 Bargaii)ing unit inembers. may take FMLA leave of absence without pay not to exceed. ninety (90) days ill a twelve (12) Month rolling peHod for the birdi or adoption of a child, to care -fat an fini-nediate tlainily inomber with a serious health cotidition, Or the bargaining unit Mombor's own serious health t;undidcyn, eligible deploymont/return -froul deployment rights or any other FMLA eligible evont. 30.3 Upon 4pproval of the Chief of Police, aild. the City Manager or his/her designee, a leave of absence without pay, for a period not to execed six (6) months, may be grantedfbr the purpose of a bargaMing Unit inembQx entering pon. a course of training or study diteetty related to the bargaining unit member's job, expected improve the quality of the bargaining unit member's 'gel -vice to the City, 'Upon request, such leave of abseaco without pay may be extended for an additional six (6) months upon the appi.oval of the Chief of Police mid the City Manager or his/her desiguou. Any bargaining unit member requesting leave of absence without pay under this Section shall submit to the, Chiaf of Police evidence of registration upon enteTing each qoartor/sonicstor of sollool, 30.4 Upon. approval of the Chief of Police, and the City Manager or His/her designee, a leave of absence without pay may be g", itedfibra period. not to exceed ninety (90) days. Approval or denia.1 of said leave of absence without pay is at the scale discretion of the City Manager or 1. #465042,47 A (As of 1.31,22) his/leer designee and shall not be raviowable through the (Movance Pr000duro, including arbitration, or appcalablc to Civil Service Board, 30.5 BargainlnguDit members who desire to take a leave of absonce without pay for ally reason sp(:cffled in this Article; excluding Serious heaItti candition, must first use all accrued vacation, sick and compensatory leavQprior to taking a leave witho-ut pay. A bargaining vnit mornber requesting leave without pay for a serimis health condition under the Family mid Medical Leave Act must first use all sick, vacation, and csoinpena atmy leave priox to taking leave without pay 30,6 Unless required by law, bargailling, unit members who take a loave of absonce without pay pursnant to this Atticle shall not accrue seniority oar leave time, At the expiration. of a leave of absence -without pay, the bargainffig unit member shall be retLwaed to the position vacated when said leave of abscxioo w6ovt pay was granted unless otherwise prohibited by physical limitatimis. Leave of abwnce without pay d-wing the required probationary period of sffvice shall o-xtand the probationary period equal to the length of time used dining the said leave of absence without payr 30.7 The acceptance of another position. or engaging .in other omployrnont by the bargaining unit ineiabcr while on a Wave of abswico without pay shall constitute an. automatic Voluntary rosignation from the servim of tho City of.Minmi without right to roview through the G. rievance .Prooeduro, including arbitration, or by Civil Service, a court of law, adminiArativ-Q agency, other govertimental body or any other aaffiority. Stich resignation may oily be appealed to the Director of Employee Relations or desigpoe who will meet with the F.O.P. president and if the parties do.not. agree on resrindjagg the, resignation, the resignatianshall be final and biading as of 2 04650420 v1 (Ag of tho date the employee accepted mother position ear angagcd in other employment as des bed F - or . th - o Csty—' Data: #46504247 vl (As of 1,31.22) Article 31 VACATION 31.1 Vacation shall be calculated on actual service in the previous calendar year and shall only be taken afex the completion of six (6) months of actual continuous service. If a bargaining unit member is employed prior to the 15th of the month, it shall be considered as a full month of service and count in prorating vacation. 31.2 Earned personal leave shall no longer be credited to bargaining unit members and shall cease as available time. (Note: the fourteen (14) hours of earned personal leave was incorporated into the vacation leave accrual). 31.3 Bargaining unit members shall accrue vacation in accordance with the following schedule: 1----- 5 years ---------------------------- 94 hours 6----- 10 years --------------------------- 134 hours 11 --- 15 years --------------------------- 154 hours 16 ---20 years --------------------------- 174 hours 21 --- 25 years -----------------------. --- 194 hours 26 ---and over--------------------------- 214 hours Bargaining unit members will not be credited with anniversary vacation. 31.4 Vacations shall be taken by the last payroll period of the calendar year in which the vacation was credited. Bargaining unit members shall only be allowed to carryover two hundred (200) hours of the previous year's credited vacation. Any excess vacation over the two hundred (200) hour automatic carryover shall be forfeited as of the last payroll period of the calendar year in which the vacation was credited, and no exceptions to the maximum carryover allowance shall be permitted absent the express wz7tten approval of the City Manager. Bargaining unit members with unused accrued vacation hours in excess of two hundred (200) fours as of October 1, 2012 shall have those hours in excess of two hundred (200) hours grandfathered. Bargaining unit members who were on disability at the time of their scheduled vacation shall be paid for all excess vacation over two hundred (200) hours at the rate of pay the bargaining unit member was earning at the time the bargaining unit member was placed on disability. If a bargaining unit member has a vacation for which he/she was eligible and previously approved cancelled due to staff shortage or emergency conditions, and is not permitted to reschedule by the end of the calendar yeas.', he/she shall be paid for any hours in excess of two hundred (200) hours which would have been forfeited. These hours will be paid up to eighty (80) hours and at the bargaining unit member's current hourly rate of pay. 31.5 A bargaining unit nnember's annual vacation, accrual shall be reduced for leaves of absence without pay and suspensions. The bargaining unit member's annual vacation accrual shall be reduced on a yearly basis in accordance with the following schedule. Hours Without Pgy _ Penalt 88 - 176 Hours 1 month annual vacation accrual 177 - 349 Hours 2 months annual vacation accrual. 350 - 522 Hours 3 months annual vacation. accrual 523 - 695 Hours 4 months annual vacation accrual 696 - 868 Hours 5 months annual vacation accrual 869 - 1041 Hours 6 months annual vacation accrual 1042 - 1214 Hours 7 months annual vacation accrual 1215 - 1387 Hours 8 months annual vacation accrual 1388 - 1560 Hours 9 months annual vacation accrual 1561 - 1733 Hours 10 months annual vacation accrual 1734 - 1906 Hours 11 months annual vacationa accrual 1907 - 2080 Hours 12 nnonths annual vacation accrual 31.6 Vacation leave must be requested. twenty-four (24) hours in advance of use and shall be taken in increments of not less than one (1) hour. Vacation leave may be granted by the Police Chief or designee on an emergency basis. Upon separation of the bargaining unit member from. Article 32 BLOOD DONORS 32.1 Bargaining unit members covered by this Agreement who volunteer as blood donors to contribute to City approved Blood Donor Organizations will be authorized the absence necessary to accomplish this purpose. The Blood Donor Organization's personnel will determine what amount of time the donor will need from the point of donation till they are released to go back to work. For the City Date: — —a t 445216768 v] (As of 8.31.2021) 78 Article 33 R CK L�SAW 33.1 The parties agroe that care and discretion shall. be exercised by Management and the F.O,P� in order to prevent: the ab-use of sick leave privileges, Absowoo,, for trivial reasons n1ust be discouraged, To determine the extent or reasons, for a bargaining emit: membor's absence on sick leave, the bargaining unit or a Managed-nent designee may visit the hon-io of the bargaining unit member on side. leave with pay. In cases Where Management suspects that a bargaining unit niumbey is malfiigering, sick leave -with. pay shall not be granted, 33.2 Permam-,-nt bargaining unit members who are in. pay status at least one handr&l. and twenty (120) horns pernionth sliall accrue up to eight (8) houYs side leave per month, to be utilized in not lesa than one (1) how incroments. 3313 Bargainiag unit zombens in pxobationaty stave will accrue sick leave in accordance with Section 33,2,, however, no sick leave with pay will be granted during the employee's first ninety (90) days of employnieut, 314 To receive sick leave with Pay, a bugainirig unit n-tornbQt must notify his/her im-mediate supervisor or designated Pohca" Department persomiul of illness at lomt filleen (15) minutes before the schcdnkd starting time of bis/her shift, The bargaining unit member is responsible for notifying a supervisor within hiVber Districthissikp=ent cuoh day ho/she is out ill, miless previously approvedby a supQrvisor- 33.5 Any bargaining -unit member absent oii sick leave -for more thaw throe (3) consecutive work days irmst roport to the Dopaittnvat of Human Rosoirroes and obtain approval boforo returning to work. 1. #46504-286 vI (As of LI 1,22) 33.6 Other bat -Aced leave ffi-ne may be substituted fai, sick leave only whoa a bargaining unit mernber has depleted all of his/her sick leave bank, When a bargaining wit inembor hus- depleted all of - his/ho leave time balances and has not been approved for Family Medical, leave as outlined in Article 28 of this Agreement, he/she will be as follows: --- Rhiess without Pay 33.7 All bargaining unit mombers covered by this Agreement may be allowed to use Lip to eighty (80) hmim of acorurA sickleave in any o-ne calendar year due to Serious injury OT. acute illness (if any actual member of the bargaining unit mcrnbcr's immediate family. The im-mcdiato family shall be defined. as father, mother, sister, brother, Imsband, wife, domestic partner (who meets the criteria of the FOP Hoalth.Trust), children, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents, spouse's grandparents, stepfaflior and/or stepmother. 33.8 Bzwgainij,.i.g -unit members who have not -afilizod any sick leave and/or who have next been oxa disability or in a leave withoixt pay Status for the full payroll catendar year shall receive eiglit (8) Ito us of c(numendation paid leave, 33.9 Bargaining unit inembers covered by, this Agrooment who exercise normal retirement . ... ... ... . (oxeli,Lding bargaining unit mombers who leave on vostUf rights) shall be paid for w-to hundred percant (10(I%) at arcumulated sick leave. -a.p to om thousand (1,000) Hours and fifly pereent (501/6) of accumulatod sick- leave above tame thousand (1,000) hours. 33.10 Bargaining unit mombers. with. ton (10) or more years of service who tk'=inate employimut with the City tinder honaiable conditions shall receive a cash payuient equal to oae- ffourth (11/4) of thoix imusod. aoourr.mlatedslok In, vo, 2 #46504986 71 (M of 33.11 Baxgahiing unit: mombers with. fiffeeri (15) or more years of service who terminate employment with the City under honorable conditions shall receive a cash payment equal to one- half (1/2) of their unused aooumulated sick leavo, 33.12 Bargaining unit inembers who are terminatod ftoln em-ployment, forfeit all sick leave employ payout, 33.13 Payoff for accw-nulated sick leave shall not be used to calculate average earnings for pensi on purposes. 13.14 When a bargaining -unit member is unable to work due to an extended, non -work related illness Enid the bargaining iuiii naernber's sick leave, earned time, and -V40'ation, time are fully depleted, employees may donate credited vacation and/or earned time to the affected bargaining unit wmnbex in increments of four (4) hours or more- Such thue may only be don. atod by employees whose hourly rate of pay is oq ual to or greater than that of the donee, Sadhdonaitierrs of time shall be subsnitted for approval to the Director of Humaa Resuames or dosi&�we on a form to be provided by the City. Except as provided above, donations of leave time. shall not be authmized. Should. there be extraordinary circum.,,,ta=6 beyond what is oontained ixi this Aaticic, a bargaining unit nienib,,r may request considoration from the Director of Human Resources or designee for a 1-fixio transfer, The Diroctor of Human Resources or designee decision shall be final. 33.15 Begaining unit rneinhers, who aro eligible for -retirornont may, at their uole discretion, make an irrevocable election hi the calendar year prior to the caWndar year in Which the, bargaining unit n-Lembor severs service with the City of Miami to convert any portion. 0.1 their acCUMLdated sick time to vacation time at the time of sevcxaaco of seM'Ce, The conversion of sick time to vacation time shall be at the rate of om., hundrtd percent. (100%) of accumulated sick 3 W46504286 YJ (As of I M.22) leave, up to one thougand (1,000) hours and fifty percent (50%) ofaccumulatedsick leave above one tbmiswd (1,000) hours. 33-16 liffecti-ve upon ftyiplernentation, of the Post Ehiployment Health. Plan, bargaining unit mombors covered by this Agrcwne-atMi,-W have crettited to their Post Employment Real th Plan account one hundred percent (100%) of accumulated sick leave up to one thovisand (1,000) hours* end fifty percent (50%) of acaim-alated sick leave above; once thousand (1,000) hours at timQ of severance, of service with the Dcepaitniont, including any vacation oonvorted under �U-tlefQ 31, Section 31,921 NOTE: Any vacation leave time balances that are converted to s A leave, undor Altiole 31 - Vacation, Section 31..E shall be added over and above the 1,000 hour limitations sot fordo in Section 3 3 . 1, 5. 'N port the CItk- Date: 4 #46504286 -YI (AN of 1.31,22) T Article 34 SUBSTANCE/ALCOHOL - PERSONNEL SCREENING 34.1 In an effort to identify and eliminate on or off duty controlled substance abuse and on duty alcohol abuse, a bargaining unit member will be ordered to undergo a urinalysis/blood test immediately upon notification as provided herein: A. Following any vehicular accident occurring on -duty, on an off -duty detail, or traveling to or from same, and/or involving bargaining unit member(s) while driving a City vehicle or rented vehicle, where a staff level officer has reasonable belief based upon objective factors that the involved bargaining unit member(s) may be under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance, unlawful, mind - altering, or non -physician prescribed drugs. B. Where a staff level officer has a reasonable belief, based upon objective factors that a bargaining unit member is under the influence of any illegal drug or controlled substance not prescribed for him/her by a licensed physician. 1) If the reasonable belief giving rise to the testing order arises while the bargaining unit member is on duty, a reasonable effort shall be made to have the test performed while he/she is still on duty or as soon thereafter as is practical, 2) In the event that the reasonable belief arises while the bargaining unit member is off duty and the bargaining unit member is not at the scene of an accident, arrest, or other event he/she shall be directed to undergo a urinalysis/blood test immediately unless there are compelling reasons to wait until the next tour of duty or the next morning, whichever occurs first, 34.2 C. Where a staff level officer has a reasonable belief that a bargaining unit member is under the influence of alcohol on duty, or off=duty, while driving a City vehicle or rented City vehicle, or while covered for portal to portal pay for workers' compensation. Random Substance Screening A. Throughout each calendar year the City may conduct up to one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) random substance screenings on members of the bargaining unit. A bargaining unit member may be randomly selected no more than two (2) times during each calendar year and notified that he/she must report for testing. B. Bargaining unit members selected for random substance screening shall report to either a hospital,of aeer-editaa testing laboratory or any other accredited and/or certified location ("Approved Testing Location"), as chosen by the City. The Approved TestingLocation hospital a -- aeeredite a testing labe„a4eFsl-shall include sufficient safeguards to ensure that proper chain of custody procedures is enforced. C. The following drugs or classes of drugs and cut off concentration levels shall be applicable for determining whether specimens are negative or positive for the initial or confirmation test. A positive result shall be a concentration in excess of the following: Initial Test Level (ng/mI) Anabolic Steroids Cannabis (Marijuana) Metabolites 50 GUMS Level (ng/ml) In accordance with industry standards 15 Cocaine Metabolites 300 Opiate Metabolites 2000 Phencyclidine .25 Amphetamines 1000 Methaqualone 300 Methadone 300 Propoxyphine 300 Tricyclic Antidepressants 300 Ketamine are Gamma-hydroxybutyrat 150 In accordance with levels specified by Department of Human Services Federal Register, Part III, dated April 13, 2004. 25 500 150 150 150 150 25 — until Federal and State "Industry Standards" established 150 until Federal and State "Industry Standards" arc established Methylenedioxymethampetamine 300 150 (MDMA, Ecstasy) (Additional drugs may be added to the list as dictated by applicable law or upon mutual agreement of the parties.) D. Bargaining unit members shall give either a blood sample (only to be used for testing blood alcohol content), or a urine sample as directed by management, at an Approved Testing Location, eithe . N3 ��,nn+���'�'�, chosen by the City. During said test, the bargaining unit member shall provide sufficient urine for the Approved Testing �Location _leberateryto secure two (2) samples to be tested. The first sample will be used for the test and confirmation of same. The reserved sample shall be tested. E. Bargaining unit members may, upon request, have an F.O.P. representative present on Approved Testing Location -I -+-Fy premises during the collection procedure, provided that the test will not be postponed for more than sixty (60) minutes. A telephone call will be made to the F.O.P. President advising of said pending test, but in no instance will the sixty (60) minute waiting rule be waived. F. Any test showing a "positive" result will be confirmed by the Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (G.C.M.S.) method or other industry standard method before administrative action is commenced, by testing the second portion of the sample tested. G. Pursuant to applicable law, a medical review officer (MRO) shall notify the Bargaining unit members of a positive result. Notice to the bargaining unit member of the test being positive shall be considered to have been served upon the bargaining unit member by the MRO upon oral communication. H. All chemical tests shall be conducted as soon as practical, preferably the same day. I. The F.O.P. will be advised of passed or failed tests to the extent that the releasing of such data is not inconsistent with federal or State laws regarding the privacy of said test, unless the individual involved does not want the test results released to F.O.P. 34.3 Where a bargaining unit member alleges that an order made under this section is not consistent with the criteria cited herein, he shall comply with the order, and may simultaneously file a protest with the communicator of the order. Disputes arising out of such protests shall be arbitrable under Article 6 of this Agreement. 34.4 Refusal to comply with an order to submit to substance/alcohol screening will constitute grounds for termination. The bargaining unit member refusing to be tested shall be placed on leave without pay pending the final determination. 34.5 Any positive test for a controlled substance which is confirmed by G.C.M.S. or better testing shall result in discipline up to and including dismissal. The bargaining unit member refusing to be tested shall be placed on leave without pay pending the final determination. 34.6 Any positive test of alcohol which is confirmed shall result in discipline up to and including dismissal. The bargaining unit member refusing to be tested shall be placed on leave without pay pending the final determination. 34.7 In the event that the results of the urinalysis/blood test are positive, the following criteria will apply; A. The employee at his/her own cost shall, within seventy-two (72) hours of a positive test notification (excluding weekends and holidays), enter and remain in a drug/alcohol program approved by the City and the Union until the approved program administrator is able to state that he/she has successfully completed the program, including aftercare. While in the program, the employee will be allowed to return to work if the program administrator approves; if not, the employee may be suspended until the program administrator approves return to work. Such suspension shall not exceed six months. If the employee cannot return to their regularly assigned position after six (6) months, they shall be dismissed. If the employee does not successfully complete the program, he or she will be terminated. 34.8 Employees shall not be permitted to work until program administrators feel certain there is no possibility they are using drugs and submit this opinion in writing to the City. If and when the employee successfully completes the in -patient portion of the program, as determined by the program administrator, the employee shall be allowed to return to work. A. Upon being notified of a positive test, the employee will be immediately relieved of duty. If relieved of duty, the employee, if eligible, will use all of his/her earned time, vacation time, and sick time, and then he/she will go off the payroll. B. If the employee fails to enter, participate in and/or successfully complete any part of the rehabilitation program, including any after -care program, the employee shall be terminated from his/her employment with the City. C. Effective upon ratification of the labor agreement, employees cleared to return to work by rehabilitation administrators, shall be subject to substance screenings at management's discretion for a period of two (2) years from the date the employee returned to work. The City will be limited to a maximum of six (6) screenings per twelve (12) month period. Employees tested shall be entitled to a second or confirmatory test as outlined in this article. Bargaining unit members who decline to offer a sample for the confirmatory test shall have the reserve portion of the first sample utilized as outlined by this article. Bargaining unit members who test positive to a confirmatory test shall be terminated from employment with the City. D. Effective upon ratification of this agreement, bargaining unit members will be entitled to one chance at a successful rehabilitation during their employment with the City. Bargaining unit members who have been through at least one (1) rehabilitation program, who are screened shall be entitled to a separate second or confirmatory test as outlined in this article. Bargaining unit members whose sample tests positive on confirmatory test shall be terminated from employment with the City. Article 34 SUBSTANCE/ALCOHOL - PERSONNEL SCREENING 34.1 In an effort to identify and eliminate on or off duty controlled substance abuse and on duty alcohol abuse, a bargaining unit member will be ordered to undergo a urinalysis/blood test immediately upon notification as provided herein: A. Following any vehicular accident occurring on -duty, on an off -duty detail, or traveling to or from same, and/or involving bargaining unit member(s) while driving a City vehicle or rented vehicle, where a staff level officer has reasonable belief based upon objective factors that the involved bargaining unit member(s) may be under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance, unlawful, mind - altering, or non -physician prescribed drugs. B. Where a staff level officer has a reasonable belief, based upon objective factors that a bargaining unit member is under the influence of any illegal drug or controlled substance not prescribed for him/her by a licensed physician. 1) If the reasonable belief giving rise to the testing order arises while the bargaining unit member is on duty, a reasonable effort shall be made to have the test performed while he/she is still on duty or as soon thereafter as is practical. 2) In the event that the reasonable belief arises while the bargaining unit member is off duty and the bargaining unit member is not at the scene of an accident, arrest, or other event he/she shall be directed to undergo a urinalysis/blood test immediately unless there are compelling reasons to wait until the next tour of duty or the next morning, whichever occurs first. C. Where a staff level officer has a reasonable belief that a bargaining unit member is under the influence of alcohol on duty, or off -duty, while driving a City vehicle or rented City vehicle, or while covered for portal to portal pay for workers' compensation. 34.2 Random Substance Screening A. Throughout each calendar year the City may conduct up to one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) random substance screenings on members of the bargaining unit. A bargaining unit member may be randomly selected no more than two (2) times during each calendar year and notified that he/she must report for testing. B. Bargaining unit members selected for random substance screening shall report to either a hospital.-op-acem44e&testing laboratory or any other accredited and/or certified location (``Approved Testing Location°'), as chosen by the City. The Approved Testing Location shall include sufficient safeguards to ensure that proper chain of custody procedures is enforced. C. The following drugs or classes of drugs and cut off concentration levels shall be applicable for determining whether specimens are negative or positive for the initial or confirmation test. A positive result shall be a concentration in excess of the following: Initial Test_ Level ng/ml) GC/MS Level (ng/ml) Anabolic Steroids In accordance with industry standards Cannabis (Marijuana) Metabolites 50 15 Cocaine Metabolites 300 150 Opiate Metabolites 2000 In accordance with levels specified by Department of Human Services Federal Register, Part III, dated April 13, 2004. Phencyclidine 25 25 Amphetamines 1000 500 Methaqualone 300 150 Methadone 300 150 Propoxyphine 300 150 Tricyclic Antidepressants 300 150 Ketamine 25 —until Federal and State ,,Industry Standards" are Gamma-hydroxybutyrat established 150 until Federal and State "Industry Standards" are established Methylenedioxymethampetamine 300 150 (MDMA, Ecstasy) (Additional drugs may be added to the list as dictated by applicable law or upon mutual agreement of the parties.) D. Bargaining unit members shall give either a blood sample (only to be used for testing blood alcohol content), or a urine sample as directed by management, at an Approved Testing Location, either &h itft �,r �-�;* a fi '� chosen by ;�:,, ux uvvivua wu �c,�za-rr�uc.T the City. During said test, the bargaining unit member shall provide sufficient urine for the Approved Testing Location labefaletry to secure two (2) samples to be tested. The first sample will be used for the test and confirmation of same. The reserved sample shall be tested. E. Bargaining unit members may, upon request, have an F.O.P. representative present on Approved Testing Location l-aher-a-tefy premises during the collection procedure, provided that the test will not be postponed for more than sixty (60) minutes. A telephone call will be made to the F.O.P. President advising of said pending test, but in no instance will the sixty (60) minute waiting rule be waived. F. Any test showing a "positive" result will be confirmed by the Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (G.C.M.S.) method or other industry standard method before administrative action is commenced, by testing the second portion of the sample tested. G. Pursuant to applicable law, a medical review officer (MRO) shall notify the Bargaining unit members of a positive result. Notice to the bargaining unit member of the test being positive shall be considered to have been served upon the bargaining unit member by the MRO upon oral communication, H. All chemical tests shall be conducted as soon as practical, preferably the same day. 1. The F.O.P. will be advised of passed or failed tests to the extent that the releasing of such data is not inconsistent with Federal or State laws regarding the privacy of said test, unless the individual involved does not want the test results released to F.O.P. 34.3 Where a bargaining unit member alleges that an order made under this section is not consistent with the criteria cited herein, he shall comply with the order, and may simultaneously file a protest with the communicator of the order. Disputes arising out of such protests shall be arbitrable under Article 6 of this Agreement. 34.4 Refusal to comply with an order to submit to substance/alcohol screening will constitute grounds for termination. The bargaining unit member refusing to be tested shall be placed on leave without pay pending the final determination. 34.5 Any positive test for a controlled substance which is confirmed by G.C.M.S. or better testing shall result in discipline up to and including dismissal. The bargaining unit inember refusing to be tested shall be placed on leave without pay pending the final determination. 34.6 Any positive test of alcohol which is confirmed shall result in discipline up to and including dismissal. The bargaining unit member refusing to be tested shall be placed on leave without pay pending the final determination. 34.7 In the event that the results of the urinalysis/blood test are positive, the following criteria will apply: A. The employee at his/her own cost shall, within seventy-two (72) hours of a positive test notification (excluding weekends and holidays), enter and remain in a drug/alcohol program approved by the City and the Union until the approved program administrator is able to state that he/she has successfully completed the program, including aftercare. While in the program, the employee will be allowed to return to work if the program administrator approves; if not, the employee may be suspended until the program administrator approves return to work. Such suspension shall not exceed six months. If the employee cannot return to their regularly assigned position after six (6) months, they shall be dismissed. If the employee does not successfully complete the program, he or she will be terminated. 34.8 Employees shall not be permitted to work until program administrators feel certain there is no possibility they are using drugs and submit this opinion in writing to the City. If and when the employee successfully completes the in -patient portion of the program, as determined by the program administrator, the employee shall be allowed to return to work. A. Upon being notified of a positive test, the employee will be immediately relieved of duty. If relieved of duty, the employee, if eligible, will use all of his/her earned time, vacation time, and sick time, and then he/she will go off the payroll. B. If the employee fails to enter, participate in and/or successfully complete any part of the rehabilitation program, including any after -care program, the employee shall be terminated from his/her employment with the City. C. Effective upon ratification of the labor agreement, employees cleared to return to work by rehabilitation administrators, shall be subject to substance screenings at management's discretion for a period of two (2) years from the date the employee returned to work. The City will be limited to a maximum of six (6) screenings per twelve (12) month period. Employees tested shall be entitled to a second or confirmatory test as outlined in this article. Bargaining unit members who decline to offer a sample for the confirmatory test shall have the reserve portion of the first sample utilized as outlined by this article. Bargaining unit members who test positive to a confirmatory test shall be terminated from employment with the City. D. Effective upon ratification of this agreement, bargaining unit members will be entitled to one chance at a successful rehabilitation during their employment with the City. Bargaining unit members who have been through at least one (1) rehabilitation program, who are screened shall be entitled to a separate second or confirmatory test as outlined in this article. Bargaining unit members whose sample tests positive on confirmatory test shall be terminated om employment with the Cit. For the City Date: ` O Arft-�§ 36.1. Any full-time Sworn Miaiui Police Officer wlio is killed while in the performance of his or her official duties or who subseqiieiitly dies Irma injuries within tw&lve (12),months of the inci.detit from his or tier woimds shall be given apromotion to the rank- of Major, Leave balances will be paid of at the hourly rate of the nowly promoted rank, The boneficiary of the deceased shall reoeive a sum or ftr—ve two-han(b.-ed thousand dolhws ($2,3 00,000) from the City of Miami upon said bargaining -Lmit inumber'S death, ApplWatian shall be made to the Departmt�tt of Human'Resoinces for paymcrit of such death benefits, X, 'Ro city Date:- 946504,321 v] (As of 1,31.22) Article 38 RESERVED #45216708 v] (As of 8.31.2021) 95 Article 39 PENSION 39.1 The pension benefits and employee contributions of employees covered by this Agreement shall remain unchanged as they presently exist as currently set forth in Section 40- 191 through 40-212, Miami City Code, of the City of Miami Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust (" FIPO"), except as modified below. Effective October 1, 2018, bargaining unit members who were vested into their pension benefits on or before September 26, 2010, shall have the pension benefits in accordance with the provisions of the FIPO in effect on September 26, 2010. Those bargaining u11it members shall be eligible to participate in the Backdrop Option set forth in section 39.3, below, or the Front Drop with the option of c1coting i.-ip to seven (7) years, but not both. Effective September 30, 2021, bargaining unit members who were not vested into their benefit on or before September 26, 2010, shall have the pension benefits in accordance with the provisions of the FIFO in effect on September 26, 2010, with a cap on benefits of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($120,000.00). Those bargaining unit members will remain eligible to participate in the Backdrop Option set forth in section 39.3, below. Employee ee pension contributions The Employee pension contribution will be seven percent (7%) of compensation for all employees hired before October 1, 2012. For all employees persons hired on or after October 1, 2012, the employee pension contribution shall be ten percent (10%) of compensation. 39.2 In the event the City decides to pursue the issuance of a securitized instrument as an asset to FIPO, the City and the Union agree to negotiate a sharing arrangement for a portion of the savings. 39.3 BACKDROP option. A Backdrop benefit option shall be implemented on January 1, 2013, The Backdrop option shall be implemented for members who were not vested in the Plan on. December 31, 2012. Vested members as of December 31, 2012, remain eligible for the forward DROP, or in the alternative are eligible for the Backdrop. Members who become vested on or after January 1, 2013, shall only be eligible for Backdrop. (a) An eligible employee who elects the Backdrop option shall receive a monthly Benefit payable on the employee's aetaal retirement date (date of retirement and separation from City employment) based on the benefit the employee would have received if he/she had left City employment and retired on an earlier date after attaining .normal retirement eligibility (the "Backdrop date"), In addition, an eligible employee who elects the Backdrop option will receive a hump sum payment equal to the accumulation of monthly retirement benefit payments .helshe would have received during the period following the Backdrop date through the actual retirement elate ("Backdrop period."), plus interest at the rate of 3% per year, compound animally. An eligible employee may elect a minimum Backdrop period of 1 year and maximirrn Backdrop period of trip to seven years. An eligible employee who elects the Backdrop option must select the normal form of benefit or an optional form of benefit in accordance with section 40-203(m) at the time of electing the Backdrop option. The employee's monthly benefit as well as the Jump sum payment under the Backdrop option is based on the form of benefit selected. (b) Employees are eligible to elect the Backdrop option after completing one year of creditable service following the normal retirement date. The maximum Backdrop period is 7 years. Eligible employees who wish to elect the, Backdrop option roust provide written notification to the Department Director and the Department of Human Resources at least 8 months prior to the employee's retirement date; provided a lesser notice period may be, approved by the City Manager due to special circumstances, Employees are not required to elect the Backdrop option. (c) All or part of the lump sung payment under the Backdrop option may be rolled over to an eligible retirement plan or IRA in accordance with federal law. If the back. DROP is ever terminated, for any reason, the rights of all persons then in the DROP shall not be diminished or impaired. Additionally, if the back DROP is over terminated, all persons who are then eligible for a back DROP will still be eligible for a 7 year back DROP, The Board of Trustees of FJP0 shall dovelop operational rules for the implementation of this provision. The parties agree to support the change of the approved actuarial cost method from the current aggregate method to the Entry Age Normal actuarial cost method based on reasonable amortization periods and as,sumed'payroll growth with an expected reduction in contribution requirements of approximately 2.58 million dollars estimated rising a 25 year amortization period and 3% payroll growth. If legally necessary or legally required, the parties agree to jointly petition the Circuit Court judge in the case of Gates v. City of Miami to alter the judgment accordingly, to be effective for the plan year beginning October 1, 2012. Upoir receipt of approval from the Court, the City shall implement the change by ordinance. 39.4 Service Retirement Benefit 11'l(ul.4pljer Article 40 BID PROCE,881STNIOTITTY 40.1 The Deparftn;mt shall be limited to a once per yeat citywide bid of all Field O.Perations Division positioii.s, if deerned necessary by the Chief of PoliceThe Department shall dete'rMine what slots will be staffed and filled. 40,2 —Bareaininaunit members who Relieved of Dutyare noteli2ible to nartiQiDW in any bid gt%gss wider this Article. Rugaining unit nignibers who are on light duty or any type of U&A or medically related leave .shall medical certification sa=)rtiur a reftim to work date that is no later than thbv- (30) dot from the date that .the pqition/shjft is t reason, they shall forfeit the, -Peinfmnt position on. the bid urtfit t LZ, . �xt bid, 40.23 I'lic Chief of Police m continue to fill slots as opening-. occur doing the year through the established regular bidding pmQQss. The, Chief of Police shall detennino what open slots will be staffed and bid. When one or inore vacant slots need to be filled, penonnel tuay be toinporarily assigned to cover staffing needs. Those bargaining twit membus who are, temporarily . . ..... ..................................... ....... .............. azigned witt come from bargaining unit members most recently txansfierred to Field Operations Divi,sion, laterals ftom tither Depakiment, probatiot.-iary ufficers/sergeants, and bugaining -unit nicinbers who have not yet bid for a porinanent position, TGrnpoirai-y a,"Ignments will be for a period not to exceed twelve (12) nionths. 40.34 Seniority shall only -be used in deteraii-nitig Nhiflt a8sigaraQnt, urca, and in the assignment of days off within a patrol unit, should an V4650 v I (As of 1,11.22) obi -Smiol"ity.mv y &haR-ftEA-bc used in determiniag wisignment to a specialized unit. In specialized imifts seniority is defined as cm-itinwim time, within tho specialized unit. 40,4�5 Senictity shatI, fear be purposo of this Article, be drpOnwd ante of hilt' os Police Officer 50051WbQTo SenioAty is the, same for two or..pjpvg,..Police. . 0 Mcgrs. the (late of hire as. a Reemit (5003) shall be aatilized. Where the date, of hhv-asay(dice Recruit is the same the most recent data, of�TPILcation as a Police Recruit With the ..City...shall . be utilized. Fo.r the tank p Soracant (5011), genigij!y is defined aq the cf betive date of promotiap tp..user gcant, Where 010 date of plo-m-ption. to Sgrgegpt is the same -for two or more Sergewitg t,e date of hirc. as. Ea Police Officer Aall be utilized, For the rank, of Lieutenant. (5012),.,,imdLn!Y is defined m:Lf�o effective state of promotion taliggtWant, Where the date of promotion to Lieutqnant is the same for two or more Lieutcriants, the effective date of pramotion as Saracant Rhall be utitized, For the rank of Captain (50 13), seniority is defined as. the effrai-ve dato, of promotion to CAptain. Wherp the dafe the effective date of vrolng.tiojl to Lieutenant shall be utilizeA. The above mocess shall be, used to break all ties jpjsgpioiityjU!jL4!q qf a0ligration as Police R mnkl ff-ebatieafwy A^t-0 ef 4- -41—eA qq efLieu*,nantlk P46501724 vl (A,4 or 131.22) 40.65 Exceptions to the use ol'6eniority as specified in 4035 may occiir in an emergency or where speoial. knowledge, or skills are .needed of as determined by the Chief of Police or the Cblef s RLIIPRL) hLSS/SENIQIqTY FOR DETENTION GF F ICERS QL_ _ _ 40.76 One full. yeax after the conmiencement of the Detention Officer position' the CAW of Police shall. fill slats to 11011-probationary Deftmtion Officers, TIx open. slots will be filled throughout the mgidat biddhig proces& 40.8-7 Tfiereafter, Cite Chief of Police shall determine what open slots will be staffed and bid, When one or j nore vacant slots need to be filled, persomI m ay be tmporarily assigned to covet staffing aced.g. Temporavy mi&ri-qnemt-s, will be for a period not to e=eed tweive (12) manths, 40.98 Seniority shall only be wed in determining sbiff assignment, area. and ill the assigm-nent of days off upon an opening occurrilig, 40,109 Seniority shall, for the purpose of this Attiele, be defined as the date on WIlich the employee obtained petmanent status as a Mention offlci r, ml-tiding probationary periods and initial) and employmeut, irL nori-swom status. WI-Lere seniority is the same for two or raore dotGntion officus, dion the most recent date of hireshall be utilized, Whom s miority 3 )14601724 vI (As of 1.31.22) by date of hire is the same, then the Mst mcout date and time of the employment application with the Qityvwill be utilized, For piirposos of this Article, lwtvts of absence without pay ox su6p=sions will reduce the Dotendon Officer's seniority by the amount of tisane for such leave of absonm or suspension. 40.1119 Exceptions, to the use of seniority as specifit,:d III 4U may occur in ail emurgency or when apecial knowledge or skills are Iieeded, as determined by the Chief of Police or the Chief.'$ dk�signee' For iho City te"i Ml Data: 4, 6501724 Y1 (As of 1.51,22) Article 41 VEHICLE PROGRAM 41.1 In an effort to :reduce costs to the City in maintenance, repairs, accidents and liability, the following take-home vehicle program will be implemented. - A. All sworn bargaining unit members, with the exception of Detention Officers, will be assigned only one twenty-four (24) bour vehicle upon his/her successful completion of probation. Bargaining unit members assigned to the Motors Unit may use a City provided pool vehicle if such pool vehicle is available. However, nothing in this Article shall be construed as requiring the City to haveool vehicles available. B. Twenty-four (24) hoer vehicles will only be used for travel to and from the bargaining unit member's home and work or any function within the scope of his/her official duties, C. Twenty-four (24) hour vehicles will only be used for personal reasons within the boundaries of the City of Miami, except for use within Metro -Dade County for the purpose of attending college classes. D. Under no circumstance will a City vehicle be used to transport a passenger outside the scope of his/her official City bri.siness. E. Any bargaining unit member involved in a vehicular accident determined to be preventable by the Accident Review Board will lose the privilege of a twenty-four (24) hour vehicle as follows: Reasonable action No injuries Under $1,000 damage No Loss Reasonable action 1 Month No injuries Over $1,000 damage Reasonable action 2 Months Injuries Unreasonable action. 3 Months No injuries Unreasonable action 6 Months Injuries F. The above -mentioned sanctions will be imposed in addition to any disciplinary actions that may be imposed by the City. G. A bargaining unit member, whose twenty-four (24) hour vehicle is unavailable due to maintenance, repairs, or damage, will not require, the replacement of said vehicle on a twenty-four (24) Dour basis. H. Departmental policy on the use and operation of police vehicles shall apply. To facilitate the dissemination of information to bargaining unit members regarding changes to Departmental policy on the use and operation of twenty-four (24) hour vehicles, the Department agrees to notify the president of the F.Q.P. or designee of'such changes five (5) days prior to the,; effective date of the change, however, a failure to notify shall not be grrievable or arbitrable. I. (i) It will be the intent of the City to replace twenty four (24) hour vehicles every seven (7) years with no mileage, requirements. For the term of this Agreement, the City will purchase/lease vehicles as set forth in (ii) below. Mid -size vehicles may be purchased/leased as replacement vehicles if the vehicle being replaced is not a pursuit vehicle in patrol. FenH (4)._oy4T..e Vehis' ,n may be . ee ' 1 rY�1 11 c a t1Bi1ST-G&MH-fli'ni'�Cj--mac lfk�(�1'11 , "l�'«". `t, 7�. 8k"cam cxA—e„te1 Uu +a ,.Wduv,e�rll et c ,�,<�., ,+ (ii) The City will purchase/lease and allocate twenty --four (24) hour vehicles. Sixty percent of the vehicles will be marked vehicles and the remainder unmarked. All insurance monies recovered by the City for police vehicular accidents which is not used to repair police vehicles rnay wi-R-be used to purchase/lease additional police vehicles in the next fiscal year. The F.O.I. agrees that bargaining unit members are required to have routine preventative maintenance performed on their assigned City -owned vehicle. The officer's responsibility is limited to taking in their assigned vehicle for maintenance, as required in subsections 1) __ 4), below. Those maintenance items that bargaining unit members will be required to have performed on their vehicles, at the City's expense, shall include the following: 1) Check and refill if necessary, power steering fluid, radiator coolant reservoir, transmission fluid, and tire pressure. 2) Wiper blade inspection. 3) Lubricate chassis, hood, and door hinges. 4) Oil and oil filter change, (API Service SF/CC RPMHD -10 W-30 energy conserving or 30-40 W). (Motorcycle preventive maintenance shall include change of oil, change of all fluids, and lubrication of chassis). Such preventive maintenance shall be performed every five thousand (5,000) miles (preventive maintenance for motorcycles shall be performed every four AAL46LJ2 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 42,1 The tuition rei-mburscment program is desip.ed to onuumage bargaiDing unit members to improve their job p erformanco and increase thoir value to the City try pursuing cmirses of study related to their job duties is accredited technical school, college aruaiveysityaaWor miy approved accredited: on -litre college/university in tho United States where accreditation is recogruized by tba, United States Department of Edi:tcalion, Other educaaanal programs -may be covered, provided. the City and the F.O.P. mutually agree upon inclusion of the educationdl. program. 41.2 Any full-time sworn, permanent bargaining unit niernbcr shall be eligible to participate in the Tuition %Arnb Linsement Program so —Io—im as —the with the Qj!Y'S adminiatrativo orereavi,8ites for Pallicipation in "he LrogL krn. 42.3 All course, work .must be taken at ot from an accTedited college, university or educational iti,qtihitioa approved. by the City Manager or the Departnirmt of Hxnaa Resources designee, Course wmk- taken under provisions of this Axticle i)Liust be directly related to the bargainiiig unit mombGr'sjob duties. Uw5s atlendanoe will be on the barg�dnfiig unit membeVs own. time unlem otlwrwise noted in the course announcoment and authorized by tho City Manager or the Labor Relations/Deputy Director Departiiieftt of Human Resources, 42.4 Reimbur8orneiit will be limited to actual Wition costs up to a inaximur . of few —,—six thousand dollajrs ($4( 2,000) per calendar year, Bo As, housing., fficidetitad fees, and all other fees and costs -related to the coursework will not be reitribursed by the City. 42.5 To be eligible fbi reimbursement, the bafgailling Unit Member MQSt 911=33ftIlly corapletc the course work and provide ovidenoc of a grade of "C" or bettor to flie City. P4650532 YQA.-, of 1,3 L22) 1. 4U Proccdures for raimb-Lirseirkent will be as follows: AThe bargaining imit member must obtain three (3) copies of the Application for Titition Roirnburgement .form for each course -6,om the Police Deparftnent or the Human Rksoutces Department. 13. The bargaining unit inomber Diust complete the application in triplicate and s0mit it to the Chief of Police subsequent to registration and immediately prior to the first day of class at the education institWion, C. The Chief of Police will r(Mew the application and if he/she approves, and will fbiward the original and one cony to the Human Resources Department, If the application is disapproved, it will be -returned to the bar gainhig unit member by tho Chief of Police, 1). The Director of Human 1(esoarces or designee also has disareticyn &nd authority to aipprove or disapprove the application, and applications not approved will be rettimed. to the Chief of Police with the reason for rejection noted thereon. 42.7 la the event the bargaining Lnr[t member re5i giis or is terminated from, the City within. one ................. ..... ... . . .. .... . (1) year following completion of the course(s) for which City farads were expended, the amount of tuition Yoimbmsement paid to the bargaining unit member will be refinb-arsed to the City by Clio bargainiiig unit inember upon, his/her termination from the City tl-a-ough a deduotiot from higAier final payat-teok, 42.8 'Upon completion of the course work, die bargaining iLnit member ta-ust 811-bmit his/bor semester gradc roport. together with the taidon fee rccoipf to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will submit the approved 4pplicatioa for tuitioji rc hnbursenwh nt along with the bargaining #4654 1,532 vljAs of 1,31,22) 2 Emit member's seine stor grado repoo to the Finance .Department Who shall then reimburse the bargaining wait moniber for the City's share of the tuition refinbarsemont. The Chic f of Police will advise die 1.1-utman Rosourcos Department of the bzwgainhig unit men bees satisfacWry conpldjon of the coin s Z " Date:— 1: 114610.1512, vl.(M of 1.3J.,92) 3 Article 43 POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN 43.1 The parties agree that the F.O.P. will establish the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #20, Post Employment Health Plan ("PEHP"), consistent with current IRS Rules and Regulations. 43.2 Eligibility for membership, taxability, funding and administration of the PEHP, will be as outlined in the PEHP Document. 43.3 The PEHP will establish individual accounts for each member in the PEHP. 43.4 Upon separation of service from the City all members will have their sick leave balances calculated at their hourly rate of pay at time of separation and transferred to their PEHP accounts. 43.5 Any losses, charges or expenses incurred by the participant in the PEHP will be borne by the participant and shall not be made up by the City of Miami, the F.Q.P. or the PEHP. For the City Date: 445216768 vl (As of8.31.2021) 108 Article 44 44.1 Promotiom will be done, if budgetat-ily and administrafively feasible as doteraiiiied by the City Managor. Wban a classified perinanont promotional vacanoy occurs in any bargaining emit position, it shall be filled within areasonable pedod of thne after o&tAlishnient of the Eligible Registor per tll'e Civil fez-Vice:Rules, Filling of all swom classified budgeted vacancies shall be in accordance with. the Civil.Sorvice Rates and Regulations, so long as they are not inconsistent with provisions of this Agroe,mcnt, All sworn classified budgewd vacaricies shall be filled froin the prorriotional register in effbol at the time the budgeted vacancy occurs. If a pmmotional register is not .in effect, Vacancies will be filled from the -next promotional Yegistor, Promotions will be made upon the eff6cave date, of the budgeted vacancy for the classified position, Fav pay and seniority purposes, if the City fails to promote within Clays from Vie effoctivo Elate of the budgeted vacancy, retroactive pay shall be paid beginning j calendar days from the, offective date of the biulgoted vacancy to the date of promotion, The date of promotion forseniority ptuposw will be on the 18 1 ' day from the effective date of the budgeted date- of tlie budgeted vactincy, if tile, - promotion is not made before 180 days. However, the City shall fill all budgeted vacaneics for the position of Sergoatt, Liuntenant and Captain pAor to the expiration of the roister, 44.2 'I'llis provision shall not apply whoa a QM:mride froeze is declared by the City Manager, or the position is abolished, frozen, or audited fyom one- barga.iuing unit classification to a different bar,giduiag iin it classificatioti by be City Mann or,,ftor shaU it apply when a prornotioli is delayed due to co -art order(s), judgment -and/or Order Rom the Department of Yumice.(DOJ) axpte,8sly #46461413 A, (A$ of 1.31,2022) 1 prohibithig the adininistration of an examiliation/proinotion. Once froezo is lifted, vacancies shall be Filled as outlined in 44,1 , The City shall not abolish a sworn classified position for the sole purpose of reclassifying to a sworn unclassified position The parties agr.ee that, the City shall, upon xatification of this Agreonlent, audit no less that four sworn iinelassifted/senior staff positions within the Police Department to deteanine if budgetarity and administratively fe=4(e to iinploment reclassifloation to the position of Police Captain, 44.3 The Dopaitment of RumanResourcos will keep the members of fire bargithibig unit covered by this,Agreemeut advised as to promo-[iomeil oppurLutitiag within Article 1, Rucogniflom 44A Further.., the Dopart ment of Human Roso-Luces Director via Offictalffiflietin of the Miami Police .department and. norni'al notification via the Employri ctit Office will advise eligible applicants Bor promotional opportufflties of -the general area to be reviewed for propuation prior to the exatn, 44.5 All promotional regii3ters for Police Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain shall remain, in off-mt for a period of two (2) years from the date the rv-gisteT becomes dfbatve, unless the register is e'Alauste'd. TST flioru are no Yacancies, no exam will be required hi the ranks of Police Sergeant; ......... .... . ... ........ . ....... Lieiitenaiit, andlor Captain, however, the City reserves (lie right to develop and adTninistot oxanis in order to maintain eligible registers in. anticipation of -staff-ing.requireinents. 44�6 possible after the expiration of the previous promotional register from the classified position, The cutoff date to detertnine seniority and eligibility ft)r the exainination will ho the first day the e,xarn�r.tatinahs adnainistered, 040461,413 vI (As of IJI.20U) 2 44,7 Promotional register for't"Olice Sergewit, Lieutmanto and Captain shall. lave ties broken using "�eniority credit tt-lat was Provimsly used in calolating the smiorityscore for the exam If a tie still exists., it shall. bebrokon in favor o'tlie highest ranIdlig Police, OfEwer on the Department seniority list for the Sergemit's tog.ister, or the high.eA ranking OfTwer on tbo appropriate seniority in grade list -lbr the Lieutenants' or Captains' register, 44.8 ioi—ttw city he Union�' Date: - #4646 [413 v I (&of 1.31.2022) Article 45 TERM OF AGREEMENT 45.1 After a majority vote of those bargaining unit members voting on the question of ratification and thereafter upon its ratification by an official resolution of the City Commission ratifying the Agreement and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City, then the Agreement, upon being signed by the appropriate F.O.P. representatives and the City Manager, shall become effective October 1, 20214-$, except where otherwise stipulated. The Agreement shall continue in force and effect until 11:59 p,m., September 30, 2024-3. 45.2 Unless mutually agreed otherwise, on or before Februaryl, 2024-3, the F.O.P. shall notify the City in writing of its intention to renegotiate the Agreement in force, and attached thereto shall include a complete list of proposals which shall inform the City of the articles which they desire to negotiate, together with specific language embodying and. describing their proposals. The changes indicated in the proposals shall be designated by article numbers and/or section numbers with a strike through of deleted language (same) and new language will be underlined (sam le . 45.3 On or before March 1, 2024-3, unless mutually agreed otherwise, the City will present the YO.P. with a list of proposals it desires to negotiate, together with specific language, describing its proposals. The changes indicated in the proposals shall be designated by article numbers and/or section numbers with a strike through of deleted language and new language will be underlined (sample). 45.4 Initial discussions shall thereafter, and no later than March 15, 202471 be entered into by the City and the, F.O.P. Addendum A (Base) Yrs of Servi Step Police Officer Police Sergeant Police Lieutenant Police Captain Detention 1 Police Recr 01.FOP 03.FOP 05.FOP 07.FOP O1.FOP-DG OO.FOP 5005 5011 5012 5013 5080 5003 0 1 26.8393 30.9993 35.8042 41.3538 23.7507 25.5612 11 2 28,1811 32.5492 37,5944 43,42151, 24,93831 25.5612 Stepincrease % 5% 5% 5% 5% 25.5612 21 3 29.5901 34.1766 39,4740 45.5925 26.1852 25.5612 . , 0 Step lncre.ase l 5JO :. 5% - SlD- -. 5% 6 Sf 25.5612 3 4 31..0697 35,8855 41.4478 47.8721 27.4943 25.5612 *"crease I 5% 5% 5% 5% 59'0' 25.5612 41 5 32.6233 37.6799 43,5202 50.2658 28,8691 25.5612 Step increase / 5% S✓ . 5l ` 5. 25.5612 51 6 34.2543 39.5638 45,6963 52.8000 30,3125 25.5612 SLOP Increase % 5% 5% 5% 5f6 5%� 25.5612 6 7 35.9672 41.5420 47.9810 55.4181 31,8280 25.5612 Step Incr�A V-13 5% S% S! -:' 25.5612 7 81 37.7654 43.6191 50.3801 58.1889 33.4195 25.5612 Sce{ ncrea�s - 5% 51 S% 5% 5/ 25.5612 8 9, 39.6537 45.8001 52.8991 61.0983 35.0905 25.5612 ;.: CreaSB o /a �.�E��il u 5%5% 5% ,. 5% ;? 5%' 25.5612 9 10 41.6364 48.0901 55.5441 64.1533 36.8450 25.5612 Step:Encrease % 5% 5% 5%' ='✓ _° 25.5612 10 11 42,4691 49.0519 56.6549 65.43631 37.5819 25.5612 Step' Increase:., 2% 2% ?_%' 2% 25.5612 Ili 12 43.3185 50.0329 57.78801 66.7451 38.3335 25.5612 51?..�1nCease 2% 2% 21 2% 2%0' 25.5612 121 13 44.1849 51.0336 581.94381 68.0800 39.1002 25.5612 1lep crease % in 2% 2% . 2% 2% 2% 25.5612 131 14 44.6267 51.5439 59.S332 683608 39.4912 25.5612 Increase g/ .., 1%°fo % . 1% ;` 1% 25.5612 141 151 45.1333 52,1289 60.2099 69.5412 39.93941 25.5612 Step.l crease % 1% i% 1% 1% zr,3 %0 25.5612 151 16 46.0360 53.1715 61.4131 70,9320 40.7382 25.5612 # {� 'ease % -2% 2% ?_f 2%n_ 2° ; 25.5612 Addendum A (Year 13%) Yrs of Sere Step I Police Offid Police Sere Police Lieu Police CapI Detention I Police Recruit 01.FOP 03,FOP 05.FOP 07.FOP O1.FOP-DCOO.FOP 5005 Sell 5012 5013 5080 5003 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 0 1 27,6445 31.9293 36.8783 42.5944 24.4632 26.3280 1 2 29,0265 33.5257 38.72221 44.7241 25.6864 2 3 30.4778 35.2019 40.6582 46.9603 26.9708 3 4 32.0018 36.9621 42.6912 49.3083 28.3191 4 5 33.6020 38.8103 44.8258 51.7738 29.7352 5 6 35,2819 40.7507 47.0672 54.3840 31,2219 6 7 37.0462 42.7883 49,42041 57.0806 32.7828 7 8 38.8984 44.9277 51.89151 59.9346 34.4221 8 9 40.8433 47.1741. 54.48611 62.9313 36.1432 9 10 42.8855 49.5328 -57.21041 66.0779 37.9504 10 11 43,7432 50.5235 58.3545 67.3994 38.7094 11 12 44.6181 51.5339 59.3156 68.7475 39.4835 12 13 45.5103 52.5646 60.7121 70.1224 40,2732 13 14 45.9655 53.0902 61.3192 70.8236 40.6759 141 151 46.4873 S3.692771 62.015171.71.62744 41.13758 151 161 47,41091 54.76661 63.25551 73.0600 41.9603 VW Addendum A (Year 2 2%) Yrs of Servi Step Police Offi Police Serg Police Lieu Police Capi detention 1 Police Recrt 01.FOP 03.FOP 05.FOP 07.FOP O1.FOP-DC OO.FOP 5005 5011 5012 5013 5080 5003 1.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0 1 29.1974 32.5679 37.6159 43.4463 24.9525 26.8546 1 2 29.6071 34,1962 39.4967 45.6186 26.2002 2 3 31.0874 35.9059 41.4714 47.8995 27.5102 3 4 32.6418 37.7013 43.54511 50.2944 28.8855 4 5 34.2740 39.5865 45.727-31 52.8092 30.3299 5 6 35.9876 41.5657 48.00851 55.4717 31.8463 6 7 37.7871 43.6440 50.4088 58.2223 33.4385 7 8 39.6763 45,8262 52.9293 61.1333 35.1105 8 9 41,6602 48.1176 55.5758 64.1899 36.8661 9 10 43.7432 505235 58,3546 67.3995 38.7094 10 11 44.6180 51.5339 59.5216 68.7474 39.4835 11 12 45.5 1 D41 52.5646 60.5020 70.1224 40.2732 12 13 46.4206 53.6159 61.9264 71.5248 41.0787 13 14 46.8848 54,1520 62.5456 72,2401 41.4895 14 15 47.4170 54.76661 63.25551 73.0600 41.9603 15 161 48,35911 SS.86201 64.52061 74.52121 42.7996