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THIS DOCUMNET IS A SUBSTITUTION. ExbibitA THE ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THE DOCUMENT. JOB CODE JOB TITLE BARGAINING 1052 Neighborhood Service Center Representative AFSCME 1907 1054 Service Center Aide A FSCME 1907 1324 Safety Specialist AFSCME 1907 1362 Info & Referral Specialist (Homeless Program) AFSCME 1907 1363 Info & Referral Aide AFSCME 1907 1419 Public Relations Aide AFSCME 1907 2013 Eng Tech I AFSCME 1907 2015 Eng Tech 11 AFSCME 1907 2017 Eng Tech III AFSCME 1907 2100 Roofing Inspector AFSCME 1907 2103 Senior Building Inspector AFSCME 1907 2105 Senior Plumbing Inspector AFSCME 1907 2107 Senior Mechanical Inspector AFSCME 1907 2109 Senior Electrical Inspector AFSCME 1907 2112 Chief Building Inspector AFSCME 1907 2113 Chief of Inspection Services AFSCME 1907 2114 Building Inspector AFSCME 1907 2116 Structural Engineer(plans Exam) AFSCME 1907 2122 Bec Insp Chief AFSCME 1907 2123 Electrical Inspector AFSCME 1907 2125 Senior Roofing Inspector AFSCME 1907 2127 Senior Elevator Inspector AFSCME 1907 2132 Plumbing Insp Chf AFSCME 1907 2134 Plumbing Inspector AFSCME 1907 2155 Code Compliance Inspector AFSCME 1907 2156 Code Compliance Inspector 11 AFSCME 1907 2160 Mechanical Insp Chief AFSCME 1907 FILE NO. 11032 EXHIBIT A SUB 1 of 7 JOB CODE JOB TITLE BARGAINING 2161 Mechanical Inspector AFSCME 1907 2167 Chief Elevator Inspector AFSCME 1907 2169 Senior Chief of Unsafe Structures AFSCME 1907 2195 Housing Quality Inspector AFSCME 1907 3001 Laborer I A FSCME 1907 3010 Labor Crew Ldr I AFSCME 1907 3011 Labor Crew Ldr 11 AFSCME 1907 3022 Sanitation Supervisor AFSCME 1907 3023 Heavy Eqp Specialist AFSCME 1907 3024 Recycling Coordinator AFSCME 1907 3358 Composting Facility Supervisor AFSCME 1907 3404 Auto Mech Helper AFSCME 1907 3406 Auto Mechanic AFSCME 1907 3407 Auto Mech Supv AFSCME 1907 3409 Heavy Eqp Mech Helper AFSCME 1907 3410 Heavy Eqp Mech AFSCME 1907 3411 Heavy Eqp Mech Supv AFSCME 1907 3452 Supt.- Garage Or Motor Pool AFSCME 1907 5017 Police Property Mgr AFSCME 1907 5022 Pot Prop Spec I A FSCME 1907 5024 Pot Prop Spec 11 A FSCME 1907 5025 Crime Scene Investigator I AFSCME 1907 5026 Crime Scene Investigator 11 AFSCME 1907 5027 Crime Scene Investigations Supervisor AFSCME 1907 5030 Latent Print Examiner AFSCME 1907 5032 Latent Print Examiner Supervisor AFSCME 1907 5035 Forensic Investigations Manager AFSCME 1907 2of7 JOB CODE JOB TITLE BARGAINING 5040 Public Service Aide AFSCME 1907 5060 Police Records Supr AFSCME 1907 5315 Fire Supplies Clerk I AFSCME 1907 5413 Emergency Dispatch Assistant AFSCME 1907 5415 Emergency Dispatcher AFSCME 1907 5418 Comm Center Supervisor, Medical/Fire AFSCME 1907 5421 Communications Center Administrator - Police AFSCME 1907 5436 Emergency Dispatcher Supervisor, M/F AFSCME 1907 5446 Emergency Dispatcher Supervisor, Police AFSCME 1907 5510 Guard A FSCME 1907 5511 Park Ranger Assistant Supervisor AFSCME 1907 5515 Park Ranger A FSCME 1907 5516 Park Ranger Supervisor AFSCME 1907 5517 Senior Park Ranger AFSCME 1907 5530 Marinas Faclt Aft AFSCME 1907 6003 Grounds Tender A FSCME 1907 6005 Park Tender I A FSCME 1907 6007 Park Tender 11 A FSCME 1907 6010 Greenskeeper AFSCME 1907 6029 Beach Operations Supv AFSCME 1907 6035 Parks Supv I AFSCME 1907 6047 Parks Recreation Coordinator AFSCME 1907 6048 Superintendent Of Maintenance, Assistant AFSCME 1907 6049 Parks Operations Coordinator AFSCME 1907 6054 Superintendent of Parks and Recreation AFSCME 1907 6055 Sports Turf Manager AFSCME 1907 r6O68 I Marinas Aide AFSCME 1907 3 of 7 JOB CODE JOB TITLE BARGAINING 6069 Marinas Supervisor AFSCME 1907 6070 Marinas Manager, Asst. AFSCME 1907 6080 Parks & Recreation Mgr I AFSCME 1907 6081 Parks & Recreation Mgr 11 AFSCME 1907 6082 Waterfront Park Manager AFSCME 1907 6101 Specialized Fitness Instructor AFSCME 1907 6106 Ocean Rescue Lifeguard AFSCME 1907 6107 Pools Supervisor AFSCME 1907 6108 Senior Ocean Rescue Lifeguard AFSCME 1907 6115 Irrigation Specialist AFSCME 1907 6123 Program Coord. AFSCME 1907 6124 Program Coord, Asst AFSCME 1907 6125 Therapeutic Recreation Spec AFSCME 1907 6127 Program Assistant AFSCME 1907 6128 Disabilities Program Leader AFSCME 1907 6131 Disabilities Recreation Leader AFSCME 1907 6148 Aquatic Specialist AFSCME 1907 6149 Rec Specialist AFSCME 1907 6161 Recreation Aide AFSCME 1907 6164 Parks & Recreation Sery Coord AFSCME 1907 6300 Day Care Admin AFSCME 1907 6302 Day Care Ctr Supv AFSCME 1907 6303 Day Care Specialist AFSCME 1907 7031 Sanitation Inspector 11 AFSCME 1907 7032 Sanitation Inspector Chief AFSCME 1907 7035 Sanitation Inspector AFSCME 1907 8177 Code Compliance Field Supervisor AFSCME 1907 4of7 JOB CODE JOB TITLE BARGAINING 8178 Code Compliance Coordinator AFSCME 1907 8476 Homeless Program Administrator AFSCME 1907 8811 Case Management Assistant AFSCME 1907 8927 Grant Funded Homeless Housing Specialist AFSCME 1907 8928 Grant Funded Homeless Housing Supervisor AFSCME 1907 5 of 7 JOB CODE JOB TITLE BARGAINING 3017 Waste Collector-Garbg AFSCME 871 3018 Waste Collector II AFSCME 871 3020 Waste Collector -Trash AFSCME 871 3108 Waste Col Op I AFSCME 871 3109 Waste Col Op II AFSCME 871 3110 Waste Eqpt Op AFSCME 871 6of7 JOB JOB TITLE HR EMPLOYEE GROUP CODE 1048 Neighborhood Service Managerial/Confidential Center Adm inistrator 1049 Neighborhood Service Managerial/Confidential Center Adm inistrator 8168 Neighborhood Service Managerial/Confidential Center Adm inistrator 7 of 7 Exhibit "A JOB TITLE JOB CODE Info & Referral Specialist (Homeless Program) 1362 Info & Referral Aide 1363 Eng Tech 1 2013 Eng Tech II 2015 Eng Tech III 2017 Roofing Inspector 2100 Senior Building Inspector 2103 Senior Plumbing Inspector 2105 Senior Mechanical Inspector 2107 Senior Electrical Inspector 2109 Chief Building Inspector 2112 Chief of Inspection Services 2113 Building Inspector 2114 Structural Engineer(plans Exam) 21 Elec Insp Chief 122 Electrical Inspector 2123 Senior Roofing Inspector 2125 Senior Elevator Inspector 2127 Plumbing Insp Chf 2132 Plumbing Inspector 2134 Code Compliance Insp ctor 2155 Code Compliance Ins ctor II 2156 Mech Insp C of 2160 Mechanical Inipector 2161 Chief Elevat Inspector 2167 Senior ChX f of Unsafe StActures 2169 Housin Quality Inspector 2195 Laborer 3001 abor Crew Ldr 1 3010 Labor Crew Ldr II 3011 Sanitation Supervisor 3022 SUBSTITUTED Composting Facility Supervisor 3358 Auto Mech Helper 3404 Auto Mechanic 3406 Auto Mech Supv 3407 Heavy Eqp Mech Helper 3409 Heavy Eqp Mech 3410 Heavy Eqp Mech Supv 3411 Supt.- Garage Or Motor Pool 3452 Police Property Mgr 5017 Pol Prop Spec 1 5022 Pol Prop Spec II 5024 Crime Scene Investigator 1 5025 Crime Scene Investigator II 5026 Crime Scene Investigations Supervisor 5027 Latent Print Examiner 030 Latent Print Examiner Supervisor 5032 Forensic Investigations Manager 5035 Public Service Aide 5040 Police Records Supr 5060 Fire Supplies Clero 5315 Guard 5510 Park Ranger A istant Supervisor 5511 Park nger 5515 Park Ran Supervisor 5516 Senioypark Ranger 5517 Mpfinas Faclt Att 5530 rounds Tender 6003 Park Tender 1 6005 Park Tender II 6007 Greenskeeper 6010 Beach Operations Supv 6029 SUBSTITUTED. Parks Supv 1 6035 Parks Recreation Coordinator 6047 Superintendent Of Maintenance, Assistant 6048 Parks Operations Coordinator 6049 Superintendent of Parks and Recreation 6054 Sports Turf Manager 6055 Marinas Aide 6068 Marinas Supervisor 6069 Marinas Manager, Asst. 6070 Parks & Recreation Mgr 1 6080 Parks & Recreation Mgr II 6081 Waterfront Park Manager 6082 Specialized Fitness Instructor 6101 Ocean Rescue Lifeguard 6106 Pools Supervisor 610 Senior Ocean Rescue Lifeguard 6 8 Irrigation Specialist 6115 Program Coord. 6123 Program Coord, Asst 6124 Therapeutic Recreation Spec 6125 Program Assistant 6127 Disabilities Program Lea r 6128 Disabilities Recreation L,4ader 6131 Aquatic Speciali 6148 Rec Speciali t 6149 Recreation,Aide 6161 Parks & Recreati n Sery Coord 6164 Day C re Ad m i n 6300 Day are Ctr Supv 6302 Day are Specialist 6303 Sa nation Inspector 11 7031 Sanitation Inspector Chief 7032 Sanitation Inspector 7035 Code Compliance Field Supervisor 8177 Code Compliance Coordinator 8178 Homeless Program Administrator 8476 Case Management Assistant 8811 Grant Funded Homeless Housing Specialist 8927 Grant Funded Homeless Housing Supervisor 8928 Waste Collector-Garbg 3017 Waste Collector II 3018 Waste Collector -Trash 3020 Waste Col Op 1 3108 Waste Col Op II 3109 Waste Eqpt Op 3110 Emergency Dispatch Assistant 6413 Emergency Dispatcher 5415 Comm Center Supervisor, Medical/Fire 5418 Communications Center Administrator - Police 5421 Emergency Dispatch Supervisor, M/F 5436 Emergency Disp cher Supervisor, P lice 5446