HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsTHE CHILDREN'S TRUST Board of Directors Meeting Summary of Actions Taken May 24, 2021 4:09 p.m. These actions were taken by the Board of Directors of The Children's Trust meeting held on May 24, 2021, with a quorum of members physically present and some members attending virtually: Please note that the number of board members fluctuate based an arrival and departure of some of them throughout the meeting. Motion to approve the April 19, 2021 Board of Directors minutes was made by Pamela Hollingsworth and seconded by Mary Donworth. Motion passed unanimously, 22-0. Finance & Q�erations Committee Report Resolution 2021-48: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Dr. Dorothy Bendross- Mindingall and seconded by Mindy Grimes-Festge. Authorization to negotiate and execute a contract renewal with Marcum LLP, in a total amount not to exceed $28,500.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending July 31, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual appropriations. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Program Services & Childhood Health Committee Report Resolution 2021-49: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Dr. Dorothy Bendross- Mindingall and seconded by Pastor Richard Dunn. Authorization to waive the formal competitive procurement process and negotiate and execute contracts with 14 Family and Neighborhood Support Partnerships providers, identified herein, in a total amount not to exceed $8,914,814.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022. Motion passed, 20-0. Recusais by Lourdes Gimenez, Annie Neasman, and Gilda Ferradaz. Resolution 2021-50: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Karen Weller and seconded by Gilda Ferradaz. Authorization to negotiate and execute contract renewals with eight providers, identified herein, for Family Strengthening services, in a total amount not to exceed $3,796,514.00, for a term of 14 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual funding appropriations. Motion passed, 20-0. Recusais by Dr. Daniel Bagner, Annie Neasman, and Constance Collins. Resolution 2021-51: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Lourdes Gimenez and seconded by Karen Weller. Authorization to negotiate and execute contract renewals with 40 providers, identified herein, to deliver evidence -based parenting services, in a total amount not to exceed $16,435,892.00, each for a term of 14 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual funding appropriations. Motion passed, 20-0. Recusais by Dr. Daniel Bagner, Annie Neasman, and Constance Collins.. Resolution 2021-52: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Dr. Dorothy Bendross- Mindingall and seconded by Karen Weller. Authorization to negotiate and execute contract renewals with Be Strong International, Inc., Florida International University (FIU), and University of Miami (UM), to deliver brief parenting workshops and educational or public health events, in a total amount not to exceed $1,183,852.00, for a term of 14 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual funding appropriations. Motion passed, 22-0. Recusal by Dr. Daniel Bagner. Summary of Actions taken at the May 24, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting 6 Resolution 2021-53: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Annie Neasman and seconded by Lourdes Gimenez. Authorization to negotiate and execute contract renewals with Training and Implementation Associates and the University of Miami, for program and professional development (PPD) support services for The Children's Trust's family services providers and staff, in a total amount not to exceed $500,000.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual appropriations. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Resolution 2021-54: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Pastor Richard Dunn and seconded by Judge Orlando Prescott. Authorization to negotiate and execute a contract renewal with Miami Dade College for The Children's Trust Books for Free program, in a total amount not to exceed $400,000.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual funding appropriations. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Resolution 2021-SS: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Dr. Daniel Bagner and seconded by Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall. Authorization to negotiate and execute a single source contract with Miami Dade Family Learning Partnership for Reach Out and Read, early literacy Programming, in a total amount not to exceed $355,664.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Resolution 2021-56: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Lourdes Gimenez and seconded by Mark Trowbridge. Authorization to negotiate and execute a contract with the Public Health Trust of Miami -Dade County, d/b/a Jackson Health System, in partnership with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, to implement Miami's Injury Free Coalition for Kids, in a total amount not to exceed $408,000.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Resolution 2021-57: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Pastor Richard Dunn and seconded by Annie Neasman. Authorization to negotiate and execute a contract with Miami -Dade County for the HERO truancy prevention program, a component of the Case Management Referral Program, in a total amount not to exceed $880,000.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending July 31, 2022. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Resolution 2021-58: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Judge Orlando Prescott and seconded by Mindy Grimes-Festge. Authorization to enter into a purchase agreement with University of Miami Department of Pediatrics to support the Pediatric Mobile Clinic in providing comprehensive health services throughout Miami -Dade County, in a total amount not to exceed $100,000.00, for a term of 12 months, commencing June 1, 2021, and ending on July 31, 2022. Motion passed unanimously, 23-0. Resolution 2021-59: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Tiombe Bisa Kendrick - Dunn and seconded by Mindy Grimes-Festge. Authorization to launch The Children's Trust's Paradise Found Network initiative, and, as part of that initiative, authorization for a procurement waiver to negotiate and execute a contract with the University of Miami (UM) for development of a social -emotional wellness (SEW) framework and implementation supports for a total amount not to exceed $316,590.00, for a term of 16 months, commencing June 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, subject to annual funding appropriations. Motion passed unanimously, 22-0. Resolution 2021-60: Motion to approve the resolution was made by Lourdes Gimenez and seconded by Annie Neasman. Authorization to negotiate and execute contract renewal with Excel Kids Academy to deliver high -quality after -school programming for 75 elementary school children and summer programming for 75 elementary school children, in a total amount not to exceed $289,245.00 for a term of 12 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending July 31, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual funding appropriations. Motion passed unanimously, 22-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m. Summary of Actions taken at the May 24, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting 7 The Children's Trust Board Meeting Date: May 24, 2021 Resolution: 2021-51 Strategic Plan Priority Investment Areas: Parenting: Group, Advocacy, Home Visitation and Individual Parenting Supports Strategic Plan Headline Community Results: Children are supported by nurturing and involved parents; children are ready for kindergarten; students are succeeding academically; children behave appropriately in schools, homes and communities; and youth successfully transition to adulthood. Recommended Action: Authorization to negotiate and execute contract renewals with 40 providers, identified herein, to deliver evidence -based parenting services, in a total amount not to exceed $16,435,892.00, each for a term of 14 months, commencing August 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, with one remaining 12-month renewal, subject to annual funding appropriations. Budget Impact: Funding in the amount of $16,435,892.00 for this resolution is allocated for FY 2020-2021 and is projected to be available in IY 2021-2022. Description of Services: All parents and families, regardless of their circumstances, face inevitable parenting challenges and can benefit from supports. Effective, consistent, and supportive parenting prepares children for a lifetime of success. The Children's Trust funds a continuum of evidence -based and promising programs that includes group, advocacy, home visitation, and individual supports. Programs offer professional and peer support, educational, and skill -building opportunities for parents and primary caregivers from the prenatal period through children's transition to adulthood, with the goals of supporting positive parent -child interaction and communication. Additionally, some group -based advocacy programs emphasize parent leadership development and civic engagement, allowing parents to become more engaged in child - serving systems and advocating for their own children's success, and for improved family - centered services. Programs are offered in homes, pediatric offices, and other settings, such as child care centers and schools, in high -need communities. They provide skill -building opportunities for parents of children birth to 18 (up to 22 for families with youth with disabilities) with a focus on child health, development, and school readiness/success through encouraging positive and nurturing parent -child relationships. Parents can connect and support each other as they learn and practice new parenting skills. Programs may propose to adjust services for some participants using telehealth and other technology to be responsive to participant needs. Resolution 2021-51 - Parenting: Group, Advocacy, Home Visitation and Individual Parenting Supports May 24, 2021 22 The following programs are recommended for renewal: Agency_ Evidence -based Program Amount Not to Exceed Amigos Together for Kids Inc. Nurturing Parenting Program 1579,843.00 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami Inc. Strengthening Families Program (SFP) $522,674.00 CCDH, Inc. d/b/a The Advocacy Network on Disabilities Nurturing Parenting Program $257,545.00 Children's Home Society Healthy Families Florida 588 856.00 Children's Home Society Nurturing Parenting Program 1 009 351.00 City of Miami The incredible Years $202,032.00 City of Miami Beach Nurturing arenting Program. $343,954.00 Community Health of South Florida Inc. Healthy Steps $304,487.00 Concerned African Women Inc. Peo le Empowering People PEP 136 425.00 Empowering Youth Inc. Nurturing Parenting Program $182,753.00 EnFamilia, Inc. Nurturing Parenting Program, NurturingFathers $138,458.00 Family Central Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Younasters f HIPPYI $627,968.00 Amount Not Agency Evidence -based Program to Exceed Overtown Youth Center Inc. Positive Parenting Program (Triple P 133 408.00 Parent to Parent of Miami, Inc. Parent to Parent Peer Support $926,576.00 Program Richmond-Perrine Optimist Nurturing Parenting Program $405,815.00 Club Inc. Sundari Foundation Inc. Positive Parenting Program (Triple P 216 430.00 The Arc of South Florida Positive Parenting Program (Triple P 352 270.00 The Miami Lighthouse for the Parents as Teachers (PAT) $367,879.00 Blind & Visually Impaired, Inc. University of Miami Department Healthy Steps $758,332.00 of Pediatrics University of Miami Department Parent Child Interaction Therapy $723,333.00 of Pediatrics PCIT University of Miami Department The Incredible Years $912,147.00 of Pediatrics This contract funding amount is higher than the prior year because the upcoming contract term is for 14 months to align with The Children's Trust fiscal year. The annual funding allocation remains the same. Background: On May 29, 2018, the board of The Children's Trust approved the funding recommendations from the request for proposals, RFP# 2018-03, for a five-year funding cycle, following a comprehensive review process. To date, programs have been successfully renewed based on their performance and participants' needs. The most recent program performance ratings available, from before the COVID-19 pandemic (in January 2020), indicate most programs were performing at or beyond contractual expectations. We are currently in the third year of the funding cycle (2020-2021), and our programs have continued to adapt effectively to the evolving crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, at the shutdown onset many programs made the transition to virtual service delivery using online and telehealth platforms. Some programs have reported these modalities have increased their engagement with some families who may have found it difficult to attend in - person services regularly. Current recommendations for renewals for the fourth year of the funding cycle (2021-2022) are based on staff assessment of programs through observations of activities and performance data reviews. These assessments show that providers are offering high -quality, individualized services to meet families' needs. Participant data for the first six months of programming (August 2020 through January 2021) are summarized in the attachment. Geographic Area: Countywide. Resolution 2021-51 - Parenting: Group, Advocacy, Nome Visitation and Individual Parenting Supports May 24, 2021 ►I']