HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit BCITY OF MIAMI INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Members of the City Commission FROM: Art V. Noriega City Manager 9 V DATE: August 31, 2021 SUBJECT: Information for the First Budget Hearing - FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget The preparation of the FY 2021-22 Operating and Capital Budgets for the City of Miami continues to be a dynamic process that involves changes in information and policy, both of which ultimately affect the budget as proposed. This memorandum is prepared to provide the City Commission with the most up-to-date information, to offer proposed changes for Commission consideration of both revenues and expenditures since the issuance of the FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget on July 12, 2021, to present attachments that reflect these changes, and to provide updates to the Proposed Capital Plan. General Fund Revenues Recommended Changes (Summary values in Attachment A) The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget for the General Fund revenue as of July 12, 2021 is $866.130 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $869.244 million to include the following changes: The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget of $16.020 million as of July 12, 2021 for the "Transfer -in" category includes $10.410 million of anticipated revenue loss from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. It is recommended that the budget be revised to include an additional $1.214 million to cover additional positions as mentioned below in this memo. • The Other Revenues category increased by $1.900 million from Building Reserve to cover the transfer to capital cost for the Enterprise Permitting Solution. General Fund Departmental Changes (Summary values in Attachment A) Human Resources The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $5.427 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $5.592 million to include funding for four Human Resources Generalists. The total cost of $165,000 includes computer cost ($5,000), and four months of attrition (-$80,000). Planning The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $5.414 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $5.818 million to include seven new positions (GIS Specialist, Project Manager, Legislative/Policy Coordinator, (3) Planner II, and Planner III). The total cost of Page 2 Information for the First Budget Hearing - FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget August 31, 2021 $404,000 includes communications and computer cost ($43,000), and four months of attrition (-$181,000). Zoning The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $4.709 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $4.889 million to include four new positions: (2) Zoning Information Specialist, and (2) Zoning Plans Examiner. The total cost of $180,000 includes computer cost ($3,000), and four months of attrition (-$89,000). Resilience and Public Works The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $29.095 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $29.560 million to include seven new positions: Resilience Programs Manager, (2) Engineer I, Engineer II, (2) Engineering Technician III, a Professional Engineer I, and a Deputy Chief Resilience Officer. The total cost of $465,000 includes computers and equipment cost ($74,000), and four months of attrition (-$195,000). Police The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $276.072 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $276.843 million to reflect the revised Pension required contribution ($771,000). Fire -Rescue The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $178.206 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $178.650 million to reflect the revised Pension required contribution ($444,000). Non -Departmental Accounts (NDA) The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $44.768 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $42.641 million to reflect the reduction of the Reserve for Uncollectable from $11.050 million to $8.923 million to account for the following changes: Increase in retirement cost due to the reduction of the actuarial rate of assumption from 7.34 percent to 7.0 percent for a net amount of $627,000 ($1.215 million for an additional cost and a reduction of $588,000 for the Pension Stabilization); and • to cover the other increase in the Transfers- out section ($912,000) Transfers -Out The FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget as of July 12, 2021 is $64.592 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $67.404 million to reflect the following changes ($2.812 million): • Increase "Transfers -Out" to the Capital Project Fund in the amount of $1.900 for the Enterprise Permitting Solution. • Increase "Transfers -Out" to the Capital Project Fund in the amount of $500,000 for the MRC Garage Access Plan, further detailed below in the Capital Section Page 3 Information for the First Budget Hearing - FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget August 31, 2021 • Increase "Transfers -Out" to the Capital Project Fund in the amount of $1.000 million for the Oracle Cloud startup cost. • Decrease "Transfers -Out" for Pension Stabilization Fund in the amount of $588,000 due to the revised actuarial rate assumption. Proposed Capital Plan The FY 2021-22 Proposed Capital Plan as of July 12, 2021, has been subsequently updated to properly reflect current statuses, completion dates of projects, and minor aesthetic changes. It is also recommended that the capital budget be revised to reflect the following: • Newly appropriated capital project number 40-13223120 entitled "Enterprise Permitting Solution" ($1.900 million). • An additional contribution of $1.000 million (from $2.000 million to $3.000 million) to the City from the Omni Community Redevelopment Agency to be placed in Project 40- B183510 Museum Park Improvement pursuant to the "Global Agreement" between the City, the Community Redevelopment Agencies, and Miami -Dade County. • An appropriation of $500,000 for the "MRC Garage Access Plan" capital project number 40-13223118 as per adopted Resolution No. 21-0221. • An appropriation of $1.000 million for the "Oracle Cloud Startup" capital project number 40-13223119. All these updates will have changed the overall funded amount and projects reflected in the Proposed Capital Plan due to the appropriation of new capital projects. Attachments: Summary of Values in Attachment A Updated Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Count in Attachment B Attachment A General Fund Revenue Proposed Budget FY 2021-22 July 12th 2021 Changes to proposed Budget #1 Preliminary Budget FY 2021-22 September 13th 2021 Property Taxes $ 453,802,000 $453,802,000 Franchise Fees and Other Taxes 117,795,000 117,795,000 Interest 3,061,000 3,061,000 Transfers -In 16,020,000 $1,214,000 17,234,000 Fines and Forfeitures 7,189,000 7,189,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 75.757,000 75,757,000 Licenses and Permits 66,500,000 66,500,000 Other Revenues Inflows 10,220,000 1,900,000 12,120,000 Charges for Services 115,786,000 115,786,000 Total Revenues $866,130,000 $3,114,000 $869,244,000 General Fund Expenditures Mayor $ 2,636,000 2,636,000 Commissioners 7,858,000 7,858,000 City Manager 5,802,000 5,802,000 Agenda Coordination 404,000 404,000 Independent Auditor General 1,602,000 1,602,000 City Attorney 11,050,000 11,050,000 City Clerk 2,031,000 2,031,000 Civil Service 571,000 571,000 Code Compliance 9,190,000 9,190,000 Communications 1,750,000 1,750,000 Equal Opportunity and Diversit Pro rams 572,000 572,000 Finance 11,535,000 11,535,000 Grants Administration 1,761,000 1,761,000 Human Resources 5,427,000 165,000 5,592,000 Innovation and Technology 14,635,000 14,635,000 Management and Budget 3,293,000 3,293,000 Procurement 3,161,000 3,161,000 Human Services 8,660,000 8,660,000 Building 22,568,000 22,568,000 Planning 5,414,000 404,000 5,818,000 Zoning 4,709,000 180,000 4,889,000 Housing and Community Development 1,734,000 1,734,000 General Services Administration 28,485,000 28,485,000 Resilience and Public Works 29,095,000 465,000 29,560,000 Solid Waste 41,528,000 41,528,000 Capital Improvements 4,115, 000 4,115,000 Fire -Rescue 178,206,000 444,000 178,650,000 Police 276,072,000 771,000 276,843,000 Real Estate and Asset Management 15,956,000 15,956,000 Parks and Recreation 53,177,000 53,177,000 Risk Management 3,773,000 3,773,000 Non -Departmental Accounts NDA 44,768,000 2,127,000) 42,641,000 Transfers - Out 64,592,000 2,812,000 67,404,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $866,130,000 $3,114,000 $869,244,000 FY 2021-22 Position Summary Schedule Attachment B City of Miami Departments, Offices, and Boards Adopted Budget FY 2020-21 September 24, 2020 Budget Amendment No.i January 28, 2021 Budget Amendment No.4 June 24, 2021 Amended Budget FY 2020.21 Addition FY 2021-22 Proposed Changes Final Proposed FY 2021-22 Change Memo 1 FY 2021.22 Addition/Deletion Final Adopted Budget FY 2021-22 Mayor 18 18 18 18 Commissioners 89 89 89 89 City Manager 13 (1) 12 12 24 24 Agenda Coordination 3 3 3 3 Building 128 1 129 41 170 170 Capital Improvements 52 52 1 53 53 City Attorney 60 60 60 60 City Clerk 12 12 12 12 Civil Service 3 3 3 3 Code Compliance 71 71 4 75 75 Communications 11 11 11 11 Equal Opportunity and Diversity 3 3 3 3 Finance 68 68 68 68 Fire -Rescue 884 2 886 14 900 900 General Services Administration 140 140 140 140 Grants Administration 9 9 9 9 Housing and Community Development 35 35 35 35 Human Resources 34 1 35 35 4 39 Human Services 88 88 (1) 87 87 Independent Auditor General 9 9 9 9 Innovation and Technology 82 82 82 82 Management and Budget 19 1 20 20 20 Neighborhood Enhancement Team 0 0 0 0 Parks and Recreation 288 288 288 288 Planning 40 1 41 41 7 48 Police 1,672 63 1,735 17 1752 1752 Procurement 20 20 20 20 Real Estate and Asset Management 50 50 50 50 Resilience and Public Works 154 154 154 8 162 Resilience and Sustainability 0 0 0 0 Risk Management 24 24 24 24 Solid Waste 263 263 13 276 276 Zoning 28 28 28 4 32 Non -Departmental Accounts 11 11 11 11 TOTAL 4,381 63 5 4,449 101 4550 23 4573