HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit AWynwwA Basin- Jmpmem,.t Viffirl. -21-21 A-1 110- erationfilBud tN to 'U. y fe'll- riadod of oho, bida-'d No V- h- lau,J, m as flu budo17 -offi� W Appable Not AppLou"' No. Appi-ble No Applteo!,J� 14, Ap6LI-blo No Appli.Loic Not AnIlLaable NA. i�-�Ho IsksApphuLik No, Atplaable N-Wlalablc Nul Appl"bo NuL �pplleablo Not Appliabi, Not �`,ftufblc N Ic FY'22; TIle W)u­j BID AL M., Dade 1-I-ge to We BID 14-hoeli" App-­wIy9U%ufLo9i, BID Alu-.-I� S 742,080 S 764,206 $ 765.2oo s n2,995 782,000 S 617.ixg S 766.000 5 (16010) G-WF�Kal,(4 11-11 $24K,m di-oul, p.allfiel,) lormtoLU -U.Mr., md 1.1loolod S617,581) 14 a, 15.27.21. ' : -n,, BID -.p-led tUwJIo,LMh7,539byII,,aod,riI­I y., FY'22z TU W�v-sl BID - �pwoc[ to lr� w �H.L fia. --wing a-lar-, lio,, 10 13-202 1. 1- dial Mio-i Dalli, C.-y Will hL ooiWlf, If. Ad Via- �, Cisll.li-1 D�fe,rl,d S 16.7lu S 45,OOD S 55.0ou 9911[JO 1 50 HIM S 222,796 $ 175,000 S 125,QOU rolls B'sWe"Pre"I'l-L-1 L-6. dio Wyti-d BID pool fo--aindy -I'-, up to silfuxc, i� fielat pia,ed by city w�olu Lopi Deraefol,00t FY-21: a. p5td--Sluout WIILIII iN Jw largosLoollooliol- -fNII 11-retilldoel. wil.lLeveby BID, Cnyul M.fHL,-joI oal B-kkoAirg.1lf,e Wyla,wd Tree Truat Filad S S 5 645,000 $ 24,00D S 24,ULF) FY '22: FY12j: We ostllwed $18,000 for T� Trust Fwi& firim to May 201 , a,.,l I,_ b,11sal I. U,e City Ir NIH,LHj fo, r.. projos�j, j_kod at 86 NW 25 St. -d 63 NW 24 y, FY'22: rfl. Wy-uod BID ha, --ii-ly pfoilools SMOK 1�1 p,kii.g ,,I, ., tlu� eorijag y­ We are p­,I to but up W S1,000,0W I., potential pa,k..IN FV2 t: The Wyn-i BID has .11-L.1 (2) 1.11 Lli- I'Ufift a, P.rkI.R W.i-, - R.1triteled $ $ 54,UU0 S 609,')60 S 403,00 S 296,�79 Ji 924,000 S 360,000 $ 63,421 U,oCity b,dg. $1 �,UUL) Pof lPl. -i- p... .. are -trLo.l I­tl­ lot-ju keume - N- 5 $ 500 5 25,00(1 S S (25,UOO) hein ill nocd I.. I.SK I. be 'Llb ... ilod. ILI 11d, fiol lialulalix 1. bo iiiijolied P,bli, B-fil Trvif Fund $ S S - $ - FY'22, 111. Wyu-sli BID It. pL..l $(I OU itol., .,ae, p,bhL B.,uti, T-st F-d. a-,-- flie lat" - lbng hold�[ U. City fMi-i aaeloo be -I by U,e BID -ol Lt C unlit. Jr., bolou WbIsId. R-c-G -dT.0 $779.790 S 1. 153�579 5 1,11M,385 S 1,325,900 $ 171,42L FY-22L S" IHHg tolu, . III fi.sailic as kVZI duo w Ou, -xtainty ul'C,,id a,,d Out uIxoHlilig fi­1 y­ FV'211 On Joate 3, 2021 ED --W , porlio ...... bes- ro , ..""I - .-' Replar S,I,ry itild W,gc* 1 1 S 224.4L'U S 216,50D S 221,500 S 291,500 S 271 22u -10,0LH lo'S132,3wp)`rl��vAt.�Zusal 'U10, ,eirolloalod witobaAgotd-1.111odUllytioill t,,iI,toiiuA,V,rlt 2020, aualwayarollcls --boolgoi o at., -myarr. --- befall'ofHe City I'Mialui FICA T.- S $ 1 10500 $ 25,00U S 33,NO $ 2��692 s 28AD0 S (7,R), VV22; A-goppyoll I-areMIJU for payroll la� C2),[..L I -I latill latoolhorl. 0.1 bLIdgoLjIIg 111dialt Olopllioc' fis"'I y"z FV'21: The wyI-,4 13UPpyoll.- 1,fals.wiHia ulrplusof$9,303b� Ji-xiol"Otojiloalyear.. flecifia I.-aam. $ S 5,8(w S 12,500 S 13.500 S IC425 14,500 I.00u FY'22: -hiel- - oIlll� lballf P-io- -9- a,-[ 6oat $1.914 a.J SI.086 L'ory yout, tl� Ilh-W­ ... I Ri P) -�- I P*-Cbo. puty.11. D.L., S S 500 1 7,OW $ 4.50U S 6,200 S 4,774 5,000 S FY'22: Avmeo pis",11 I 1111,H=od 11 -1111, 11 3) otli" FY-2L: A -ale pml- roo-1.111 1.11, -ID fileill'19 11-o-ors-la Haslikk-plitS, ANw ment, FV'22 - Tie Wy­­j BID -oally 1- . p,.ILsslooll - ag-eet With CCSG -Ii.., ug $4,ODU a FV'21: Avdil Prep' 01000 1 46,000 S 48.00U $ 48,00U $ 491DUO $ 48.000 S S-oc oolloti- A.-I A.& S $ - $ 11,000 $ I 1.50D S 9,500 5 1 i.mu $ - FY-22 .nlu BID Will Folifilest $1 1,�Qll Ror etir miul -hfillg -ut. -d -Lsuolft ,.I. FY'21� Tie WAllood BID'., --1 and a.dif, I'mistlell S9.500 -., a.. SI 1,50U� L.-blLmu- -ta purF-olt h, Doo.o.b. 1� -fi.-tw at $5w Oiker C-t-Hull S-kel S 289,107 5 16,000 S 2u,DOO $ S - 5 4.-%1) S 6.HJ0 $ 5.060 FY'22: A, om­lb� 2020, Illu, Wpl,,W BID 1- Ifi-] Sha,. and B-�o , a 1,,bbyist g-p llsr III, Wy-ved BID. lfl-i- -syOU pv amlib lowliq S6.0Cx). Mccli"jal, Alintod kcir-1 S - S S 2,DUO $ ]ljul) S 2,50D $ 2,351 S 2,500 5 - FY'22 - TU BID Ui eq-1 I, ­.oaofolatj;L� Utelotlioul fi-at �aol t�. or autuill Dil-lo, rotreal flat .Nai- th.-J �l .40putentand Nselaoil maig p,,e 0-9 Illo SP.119 fl ol� �wl. FV2 I: The Wyn-d BID Its-IIIJ 11,11 orallul Wpiwosod Di,soo'l Boa "i ILDj__,Ls retreat flat --od - Ap.1 2801. 2U21 Office suppillo. lJoHlim FYI ; Line i�oui Il L6� 011il. UopaL leekly-dola, Adobe A-IuL Ioall) niouth"I"p, op.. p6nI.L.6 hi,J. Ll ors,ul 2HOU pae�, . l,ou0l.oIIj,lj �Hppji,, I.d S 3,246 5 3�900 S 7,400 $ 11 Aut, S I I IU.li22 S 11,700, S (,0(,) FY'21z 11Y'2Z: AboSqal­b� i.-IU21 III. Wytw-1 BID it[ i.-n -.-j to S4.(10t) por,­ai, locreso,o dualt povioa, lolal -f sl,iuo P� Illonal. a, fWr 21ki y- Office Rew - 50 NW 24 St. $ 24.,S)�l $ 23,484 S 58,U00 5 50,wo $ 42,U00 $L 44.046 S 48,000 S 6,OUQ aglroe,uora idi la Held, FY121: nI.wy .. W BID 1­11. a,er- utli,e So NW 14 St , Wall rerrl� W- J.-I ss'suo a �rfh Ir 001111 1,iodlIlL - S,11.51fi Jill III, limL Joar, is ol S�71.nbor 1. 2U U. FY'22: It. wy".-I 31D "I FY121: Offlo, Fityallitre: 5 6.618 5 2U�W(i $ 10,000 $ 7,666 5 7,OOD S (3,0N) fill, WAwL,.,d 131D iflu I., a --I I. S20,0(on 1. proornpl-typ"Ta't, May 2U20 Wc�liopw,-4�asodaP-Iillllld,,LiSUIC�IIIQ - - .. Half ale City JI-MMITII U., I. olidifil�u 1. lll �R. N- S E560 S 1,2W S S (11?W) FY-21; -rJf.WyrL...J BID di-.16uod this �11311e Ll 1�oauod byllaff D&O I. -rim W.,kosriaan'� Fy' 2: wy tW 140will budgoiSL3,50D Ix- f-I Wyiuvoocl BID Ordiajue, cito-lat-u-.1 H--bapfBo,,rd MjnbS,IIFY2i. C.sup $ 1 9, 1:52 S 12.0013 12.50D S 11,500 S 12.972 $ 13,5DU S 2.000 FV'U: 11wintioal D&O lusuouum Labilily M-flityProrol-otaloo $12,972 for Hut, eurrolit lissel year, If- Hie BID-H ilicreawbiLdget amoort, siaweivc I-e- WAI.-i BID-- pli,r ill J.-Itry2U22 ono ,,III 1�,ylj,� cojfto�-, opfullL ljll� Adverd'emelat, Marketlikil. & FI`12: 'n. Wrl-d BID -11 .,,.k aii kii-solvi expalodiLare, Lit fileal year, J�r Ull,bioldliab off'Rigoircy. ­1 j­Ii, ­d p[,,Iogvjphy Jherejs,LIIRFpH,,I,� C"ri-ityArLICalture $ 91.317 $ 135,0w S Mijuu S 270,186 S 337,DUO S 2S1,363 S 3&2,UM S 23.DDO S-Lo. Lo III holp plo--ad ..Ill itte N-1-ses 111, BID Will ILL- .Jw,, spLoial ouit sitmil gralts to ­isf om ptort-hip G ... 1, b iLL P-.IitlW -IstIoLl VY'21! IIiWy-.,,[BlDI,us oL=paNijlg16.LJU0 lorPR,av��alli�p�twL"1.1�bUligi, Our Ileatile-11- ..-I- L11- 1-1. U.. U-tlu� Off Dwy poice se"ic" S S 27D,000 $ 159,169 - S S luan a.w dis-li-od kfyyIl,,edaa,fi,-I,,,iLSI IK,UU0 forFY22 LS-rk, limi0on.- I I $ 36,7ED S 7,2K $ $ S WYuwood Blot urrr lmprovcmenl Distract �•n•sn4 WpIWJua ]miulu,•FY E�II-1ulE r-.Y'' \\IoW�F�" I+Y 2111 F-1i NY tall -IX pY 3YIIX-la p'1'EUIY-]Ullf FY la2a-2021 Fl"El i3,tJaat lt1'21121.21122 - y\v1uw113wJevt all"1'r„Itt[i�n ifwJ�Y�[ ��� &ntulN Jeel Mluul NuJi.; ,Y.elurl Nu4ect YANIA'\Ch Ownti—I BIld-1 NowE N,uuGX'u1 I'uU: tia+c Pwlilwwy 1 - 3 S - � 5 5 V Wyn ,.v.41fW•naa.nr631�11ia.wil'.+JUI['L+i, l..,.ui,u+niibv.. -ti.v; our Wsibaus tiulJW at uWu Nc, MU NU .1 NINO NO buJaui! .lr,iu Il x, bow IuwL is iu Qis wdyel'r Nul .4ppliwbk Nwl Appttvabl. Nol Apygwbk Not APPIiwbL: N,n ,Yppeubk Nul Alplliubk Not Appllcnbk N.A. — - 4i yu, Xaw ulndt u w ate olliu Not Appliwbk N.I Appli•sbk Not Applubk N(A AppllwUle Nat :YppGwbk Not Appl"bk N.I AMp la N;A. n AruCuN M trhing i;ranl ProgramndSF PY'22 TI WYN WOOD BID Mll ri An 3 ( Iluru n.1111in � I D. - t u lb.i5 a5 a u a I 11 - .aul W mural. n work. tnprev —L, LC side bS[ Y Cam d G and Mc[crX, - S 50,000 $ 8U,01@ .I'wa'Dadc Kin k 4 Wit g uolh an vuutptX ns Ion,. iu>wll,xl, to uuurcthe BID gh r, hack w ns amsls, propuKy owum attd lutan[s The BID well alwdelwtu:amtras am{ Rrlait:Analysi, - NEW eow.,muss luwd. III Nui,c ordiltnnu'lvs—Wsului rudiny!,in-'IIIi-,--tu.raudultillg a!wail uwlysi5 k. prnpvilyuw. and lularlu. FY'22: The WYllwood BID czar a0y cwtuats (7) J.,, tutu it.—b- whaling appm naliy 200 —bly hours, sc}.n days a wok, aid nr.'nt itar8. ufel.'.0 lag lb. ('Icon T nl Srrviel:s S - 5 ti11,00t) S 113,440 5 177,3911) S 189,879 S 164,576 5 186.000 S (1,879) Dislrul's 47 blui, Di.1rl I n'ilituut t11I "Ip of any Cily I M atii +I.partwutl. We Iva U iad., ui vi,:wning nwl.rwls mtdtr dvs line Ituu, FY'21: During afis iiswl ywr, bo Wy—,W BID col 111 •1k s A llo Ull dUalig Wepmld..- Ill Isar. llus salty, hmvw a uc Ina,asul lileir hour. as We "wad's prag—M. Was why wahad a -' surplus n OliS tin. ita Clean Tcam tiupPncs S - S 6,WU 5 - $ 12,V00 S - S - S - g - FY-22 - Tlu: Wy'rtwusi BID I—aU—tul Ibis liue iwn wi0i "Clwn Twit &rti..a" utal iwnpal all dsc .vpulsu wtd.a utw ilu:t f:l b,tlu' dliciutcy. W.have budgiot --- 81I,501i lur supplVu'Ent, our svctYasuls,daily'ivaling vyuip,nul and ntaturiuls fur W. 111121 xuullQ0110 parkil;gc\pan5ili iailiuti,t, wiW dlu City utMianti_ FY'22: Ia, Wyxtwupl BID hus -i—ati-ly prujva'bs S247K fur purkinp wainua Ill,.0 Wing year, w'. arc "I" iui to bill up to S 1.0w,00016r lutunial parking w'aiV,N3�. L'apiivOReslriclyd Parking as p,R pulu_Is nl pxuv[ss now FY'21: 77n: Wy—,,d BID 1 - s coll(viwl Ig -. m v 5276,O00 utd $456K punipg and plu. mg al () i -I Iah[ S4G%K Wu h;ry v�l T-1. Fund Prircis NEW $ - ' - S 5,{IbU'S 405,Uw $ Mpw S 315.363 S 247.805 S 35,Stx1 We City db.ugh Ote dupurOnuK gawnlu. Duu wdWuri w o a—[I-pu f aollul uuw,huln,acl di—ily'ship lnllj6lillig, which way Nxluulul 7.2821. Plu-1,11, budx.iul Parking Wuiv,r Illy roll.I nt a1'10/.wlUlbu1ial1u We Parking Wai(vtrustltud as rsyuir.,l by City Ordiluuc,, 13556. Eacb spa.. is.r my pri.at aI Si 2,IIUU P. Spil- PalkiLle waitxx.ap zllo al. aru YUF[i tut in nadtu.,, All OONx F,"Ldilw[s $ 82,865 S - $ - $ - S - S - S - Not Appli.tibl. Espeudilurc Grand Tolnl I S 70103 I S 833A70 I S 863,206 I$ 1,292p9s I$ I,153,579I S 1,222390 I S 1.325,000 I S 171,421 Reveouos Moo, Expeoditures S 344,107 [ S {54680) 5 - S - $ - S 607,yy5 S - --. yvto —.-