HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsCity of Miami Planning Department ANALYSIS FOR RE -Zoning Application Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-18-340-ZC Location 3227 Charles Avenue Folio Number 0141210075201 Transect T3 - Sub Urban Transect MCNP Designation ISingle Family Residential Commission IDistrict 2 - Commissioner Ken Russell NET District COCONUT GROVE Planner Kevin Martin Property Owner Stirrup Properties Inc., Carol Henley, 3227 Grove LLC. Project Representative Carlos Lago A. GENERAL INFORMATION REQUESTS: Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21, as amended, Carlos Lago, on behalf of Stirrup Properties, Inc., Carol Henley, and 3227 Grove, LLC (the "Applicant") requests a change of zoning from "73-R" Sub -Urban Transect Zone -Restricted with an Neighborhood Conservation District ("NCD-2") overlay to "74-L" General Urban Transect Zone -Limited with an "NCD-2" overlay for the properties located at 3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue; and 3256, 3270 William Avenue (the "Property"). The complete legal description and survey, is on file with the Hearing Boards Section, and is included as Attachment A. Concurrently, the Applicant proposes to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from Single Family Residential ("SFR") to Low Density Restricted Commercial ("LDRCr). The companion FLUM amendment application for this rezone is ePlan File ID No. PZ-19-337. Page 1 of 9 A. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 7 of Miami 21 (Ordinance 13114), as amended, and the findings in this analysis, the Planning Department recommends approval of the requests to Rezone the properties located at 3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue; and 3256, 3270 William Avenue from 73-R" with a NCD-2 overlay to "74-L" with a NCD-2 overlay. B. BACKGROUND The subject site is bounded by Charles Avenue to the south and William Avenue to the north. The Property is adjacent to the Historic Coconut Grove Playhouse to the east and single-family residential units to the neighboring west. The Property is located within the Village West Island and Charles Avenue Neighborhood Conservation District ("NCD-2"), also known as the West Grove. Particularly, the site fronts the historically designated Evangelist Street/Charles Avenue site. Figure 1: Aerial Map of Subject Properties outlined in red As surveyed, the subject site area consists of approximately 42,023 square feet (0.98 acre) in area, composed of six parcels. The site fronts Charles Avenue for 143.75 feet (3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue) and William Avenue for 160 feet (3256 and 3270 William Avenue). The rezone request complies with the minimum requirements for rezone consideration set forth in Article 7, Section of Miami 21. The attached survey includes a complete legal description and site depiction prepared by Nova Surveyors, Inc., dated March 22, 2018. Currently, the Property is mostly unimproved except for three structures along William Avenue. 3270 William Avenue, at the western extend of the Property, houses a single-family home as seen in Image 1. 3256 William Avenue contains two single-family homes (image 2 and Image 3). Image 1: Structure on 3270 William Avenue Page 2 of 9 Image 2: Structure on 3256 William Avenue Image 3: Structure on 3256 William Avenue To the east, the Property is located directly adjacent to the Coconut Grove Playhouse (3500 Main Highway). Although the playhouse has not been operational for years, there are active initiatives to redevelop the site and resume operations. Along the subject site's eastern edge, the theatre's surface parking lot is widely visible, see Images 4 and 5. Images 4 and 5: Coconut Grove Playhouse Surface Parking Wi Page 3 of 9 To the west, the Property abuts residential properties fronting William Avenue to the north and Charles Avenue to the south. Charles Avenue is a historically designated street, described: "The legacy of the most peculiar and unique street in South Florida is directly associated with the Bahamian community that settled in the area known today as West Grove (or West Village) in Coconut Grove. Evangelist Street, as it was first named due to the number of churches it had, symbolizes the thriving black community that helped shape Coconut Grove and of which the local history could not be told separately' (City of Miami, 2012). D.PROPOSAL The Applicant proposes rezoning properties located at 3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue; and 3256, 3270 William Avenue from "73-R" with a "NCD-2" overlay to "74-U with a "NCD-2" overlay for the properties as illustrated in the figures below. 1. Existing Zoning: "73-R" with an "NCD-2" Overlay Subject parcels for rezone are outlined in red. 2. Proposed Zoning: "74-L" with a "NCD-2" Overlay Page 4 of 9 -WILLIAM T4-L ISSN T4-L cl Subject parcels for rezone are outlined in red. 3. Zoning Comparison (a) Transect Development Standards Development Standards Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning TRANSECT T3-R — NCD-2 T4-1- — NCD-2 DENSITY 9 du/ac 36 du/ac Total Max. Units 9 units 36 units HEIGHT Minimum N/A N/A Maximum 2 stories (25') 3 stories (40') Maximum Benefit Height N/A N/A LOT COVERAGE Maximum 50% 60% GREEN/OPEN SPACE Green/Open Space Min. 30% 15% The proposed rezoning would result in increased density, from nine dwelling units per acre to 36 dwelling units per acre. The increased density would result in 27 additional units among these six parcels. The rezoning proposal, would significantly decrease the minimum Green/Open Space requirement from 12,607 square feet (30%) to 6,304 square feet (15%). Other notable changes, resulting from the proposed rezone, include; additional Height allowance and an increased Lot Coverage maximum of 10%. (b) Transect Permitted Uses Permitted Uses Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning TRANSECT T3-R — NCD-2 T4-L — NCD-2 Residential Ancillary Unit Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Page 5 of 9 Permitted Uses Two Family Residence Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Multi -Family Housing Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Dormitory Use Prohibited Allowed by Exception Live — Work Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Lodging Bed & Breakfast Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Office Office Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Commercial Food Service Est. Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Alcohol Beverage Service Est. Use Prohibited Allowed by Exception General Commercial Use Prohibited Allowed by Right Civic Support Community Support Facility Use Prohibited Allowed by Warrant Marina Use Prohibited Allowed by Warrant Public Parking Use Prohibited Allowed by Warrant Transit Facilities Use Prohibited Allowed by Warrant Educational Childcare Use Prohibited Allowed by Warrant Learning Center Use Prohibited Allowed by Exception Research Facility Use Prohibited Allowed by Right The proposed rezoning from "73-R" Sub -Urban Transect Zone -Restricted to "74-L" General Urban Transect Zone -Limited would result in multiple additional uses permitted by right. As noted above; the proposed zoning designation would allow Ancillary Units, Two -Family Residence, Multi -Family Housing, and Live -Work residential uses by right. More notably, the proposed zoning permits Bed & Breakfast, Office, Food Service Establishments, General Commercial, and Research Facility uses by right; Childcare and Civic Support uses by Warrant (administrative review); and Alcohol Beverage Service Establishments and Learning Center uses by Exception, granted by the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board through a public hearing. E. MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN In accordance with the Correspondence Table in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP), the Applicant has also requested a separate Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") amendment (companion item PZ-18-337). Currently, the 2020 Future Land Use Map of the MCNP designates properties located at 3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue; and 3256, 3270 William Avenue as "Single Family Residential" The proposed FLUM amendment requests that all properties be designated as "Low Density Restricted Commercial". The proposed designation is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies, of the Miami Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan as detailed and analyzed in the companion item PZ-18-337. F. CRITERIA Miami 21: Section - Amendments to Miami 21 Code Page 6 of 9 In accordance with Article 7, Section, a change may be made to a transect zone in a manner which maintains the goals of Miami 21. Criteria All: "The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations. " Analysis All: The proposed "73—R" to "74-L" rezone further advances the intent of Miami 21, Article 2, Section 2.1.2, its Transect Principles (Section, and the established Community Guiding Principles (Section including the following: 1. Improving the relationship between low Density Residential neighborhoods and adjacent Commercial Corridors with appropriate transitions of Density and Height following the theory of the Transect. The Transect encourages the making of places that build on historic character and that evolve over time. This evolution, with the principles enumerated below guiding growth or reduction in Density and Intensity, is called succession. Successional change emerges from a vision of the larger urban context and appropriate transitions across Transect Zones. The site is bounded by the Coconut Grove Playhouse, zoned "Cl" Civic Institution Zone, to the east; and the neighboring "73-R" Sub -Urban Zone to the west, north, and south. Although, the Coconut Grove Playhouse has not been in operation for many years, there are active initiatives to restore the historic facility and revitalize the site. Beyond the theatre, Main Highway is lined with a mixture of commercial uses, within the site's vicinity. The proposed "74-L" will create a proper transition between the "Cl" commercial and civic facility to the east and the residential neighborhood to the west. The subject site's proposed "74-L" designations will buffer the residential neighborhood from more intense nonresidential uses to the east. 2. Neighborhoods and Urban centers should be compact, pedestrian -oriented and Mixed -Use. Density and Intensity of Use should relate to degree of transit service. Coconut Grove hosts a neighborhood center with a variety of pedestrian oriented uses and transit services. The proposed increase in Density, resulting from the proposed "74" designation, is consistent with Miami 21 Community Guiding Principles. The subject site is located within the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District, which also supports Miami 21 neighborhood center goals. Coconut Grove Business Improvement District Mission Statement: To help re-establish Coconut Grove as a world -class commercial walking village with impeccably clean and visibly safe streets and to create a stronger sense of place with a more compelling retail mix so that the Village Center can flourish by attracting increasing numbers of high -value customers to shop and dine in our district and to stay as guests at our hotels. Additional Comprehensive Plan analysis is included in companion item PZ-19-3868. Findings All: Consistent. Page 7 of 9 Criteria A2: "The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary." Analysis A2: The proposed rezoning is a response to various changing conditions within the area and citywide. Coconut Grove's neighborhood center has continued to expand and flourish in recent years. The area's changing conditions include the Coconut Grove Playhouse revitalization efforts, additional transportation options, Cocowalk retail complex upgrade, and new office and lodging projects. Further detailed within the application's Letter of Intent: The Subject Property, with its convenient access to public transit options and proximity to major employment and entertainment centers, is uniquely positioned to provide additional development options which will complement the existing and proposed retail, office and civic uses in the surrounding area. Findings A2: Consistent. Criteria B: "A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of this Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height." Analysis B: The proposed rezoning from "73-R" Sub -Urban Transect Zone -Restricted with an Neighborhood Conservation District ("NCD-2") overlay to "74-0" General Urban Transect Zone -Open with an "NCD-2" overlay for the properties located at 3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue; and 3256, 3270 William Avenue is consistent with Miami 21, Section Successional Zone table. The proposal maintains the goals of Miami 21 by providing an improved buffer between commercial uses within "Cl" Civic Institution Zone properties to the east and north and the low -scale residential neighborhood to the east and south, while transitioning building heights approprietly. Findings B: Consistent. G. CONCLUSION Based on Planning staffs analysis of the surrounding context, the Miami 21 Code, and the goals and objectives of Miami 21 and the MCNP, the request to rezone the properties from "73-R" Sub -Urban Transect Zone -Restricted with an Neighborhood Conservation District ("NCD-2") overlay to "74-L" General Urban Transect Zone -Limited with an "NCD-2" overlay for the properties located at 3227, 3247, 3257, and 3277 Charles Avenue; and 3256, 3270 William Avenue is supportable. Pursuant to Article 7 of Miami 21 (Ordinance 13114), as amended, and the aforementioned findings, the Planning Department recommends approval of the requests to Rezone to "74-L", with and "NCD-2" overlay. Page 8 of 9 Jacqueline Ellis Chief of Land Development NOTICE The final decision may be appealed by any aggrieved party, within fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a written appeal and appropriate fee with the Office of Hearing Boards, located at 444 SW 2nd Ave., 3rd Floor, Miami, FL 33130 Telephone number (305) 416-2030. Page 9 of 9 AERIAL ePlan ID: PZ-18-340 REZONE N 0 125 250 500 Feet ADDRESSES: 3227, 3247, 3257, AND 3277 CHARLES AV AND 3256 AND 3270 WILLIAM AV SUBJECT PROPERTY MIAMI 21 (EXISTING) ePLAN ID: PZ-18-340 REZONE T5-O T5-O 0o % T5-R 1 °ao THOMAS AVE * Q T5-O A� c� � a W m a a WILLIAM AVE T1 T3-R CI T3-R CHARLES AVE T4-L z B T5-L-FM T4-L T3-R Gti� FRANKLIN AVE 0�6 OO° Q � T3-R N 0 125 250 500 Feet ADDRESSES: 3227, 3247, 3257, AND 3277 CHARLES AV AND 3256 AND 3270 WILLIAM AV SUBJECT PROPERTY MIAMI 21 (PROPOSED) ePLAN ID: PZ-18-340 REZONE T5-O T5-O 0o % T5-R 1 °ao w THOMAS AVE * T5-O � a W m a a WILLIAM AVE CI T1 T3-R T4-L CHARLES AVE T4-L z B T5-L g / z� T4-L T3-R Gti� FRANKLIN AVE 0�6- OO T3-R ° N 0 125 250 500 Feet ADDRESSES: 3227, 3247, 3257, AND 3277 CHARLES AV AND 3256 AND 3270 WILLIAM AV SUBJECT PROPERTY