HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Paul Savage-Presentation PacketSubmitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk City of Miami City Commission April 22, 2020 Agenda Items PZ#10 and #11; File ID #8076 Miami Desien District Retail Street Special Area Plan On Behalf of MacArthur Properties III, LLC Description and Document Item/Page Letter on Intervenor Status, February 11, 2021 1. Miami 21 Code Provision and Case Law Quote on Intervenor Standing 2. Aerial Maps of Tuttle South Site and MacArthur Properties 3. Proposed Changes to Regulating Plan Article 4, Table 2, Page F.25, Packet Page 52 4. Selected Hi -Lighted Pages of Staff Report 5. Selected Hi -Lighted Pages of Proposed Changes to Regulating Plan 6. RTZ4%50bwl�-kd-e"I sn1ale-Ke5el-A-kn racket 872-6 Submitted into the public record for items) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk N RASCO I KLOCK O ro U SZ ATTORNEYS QJ 0 4. s U 4- N RAS CO I KLOCK I REREZ I NIETO O CL -1 a' o N O N Paul C. Savage* v v r� Tel.305.476.7092 + :' N Fax 305.675.4689 O O psavage@rascoklock.com s 4- *FLORIDA BAR BOARD CF,RTIFIED IN CITY, COUNTY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW N '0 CO O U February 11, 2021 ly BY EMAIL (C/O Hearing Boards (OZamora@miamigov.com)) Charles Garavaglia, Chair Honorable Members Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) City of Miami City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Miami, Florida 33133 Re: PZAB File Id. #8076; February 17, 2021 Agenda Item PZAB) Application for Amendment of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Request for Recognition of Intevenor Status Dear Chair Garavaglia and Honorable Members: I am writing on behalf of MacArthur Properties III, LLC ("MacArthur"), as the owner of real property directly to the East of the most intensive proposed change to the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan ("Design District SAP") to submit this request to recognize MacArthur as an intervenor. This letter will summarize below the reasons why MacArthur is entitled to intervenor status in connection with the pending Application to Amend the Design District SAP (or "Application"). I. Intervenor Status Under the Text of Miami 21. Miami 21 defines "Intervenor" as: "a person whose interests in the proceeding are adversely affected in a matter greater than those of the general public." §, Miami 21 Code. The governing Code further defines "Abutting" as specifically including properties situated across the street from the subject property, as follows: "Abutting properties include properties across a street or alley." § 1.2, Miami 21 Code. MacArthur's Property is located at 3701 Biscayne Boulevard, 3737 Biscayne Boulevard, 306 N.E. 38th Street, and 316 N.E. 38th Street, Miami, Florida and identified by Miami -Dade County Tax Folio Nos. 01-3219-019-0230, 01-3219-019-0190, 01-3219-011-0310, and 01-3219- 011-0290 (the "MacArthur Property"). The MacArthur Property is generally located on the Southeast corner of Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 38th Street, which is situated on the same cross street and directly across Biscayne Boulevard, and is thus "abutting" the Design District SAP boundary, and 3750 Biscayne Boulevard or the "Tuttle South" Site. 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 PH: 305.476.7100 FAX: 305.476.71 02 WWW.RASCOKLOCK.COM Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) February 11, 2021 While the proposed Design District SAP Amendment seeks to enact many changes that will impact MacArthur's property (i.e., wholesale density and intensity transfer provisions), most alarming is the fact that the Tuttle South Site is singled out by the Application to receive a special height exceedance under the Application that would never be authorized under the existing Design District SAP or Miami 21. The following Illustration 4 from the Staff Analysis depicts the Tuttle South Site (outlined in red) and the MacArthur Property (highlighted in yellow) immediately abutting the East elevation of the Tuttle South Site: Illustration 4: "Gateway Site South" or "Tuttle South" M1. _ 4 U O CSI� O -0 D " O O U v Regulating Plan Section "3.14.3 Gateway Sites" establishes the criteria required for Gateway Site North (illustrated above) to achieve a height of thirty-six (36) stories. The criterion requires the development to be of exceptional architectural merit (to be determined by the Planning Director), to provide a 10,000 square feet Civic Space, to provide public art, and to Facilitate public outreach before seeking construction permits. Staff Analysis at p. 6 (Yellow hi -lighting of MacArthur Property and height text added). The special zoning treatment sought for the Tuttle South Site under the Application will adversely affect MacArthur's interests as an abutting property owner in manner that is "greater than those of the general public" as contemplated by Miami 21. The proposed regime will grant an out -of -context height exceedance and the ability to concentrate unused density and intensity from throughout the Design District SAP onto the Tuttle South Site. Professional Staff points out in their Report and presentations that "no site may exceed the `hard maximum' prescribed for the respective transect" under Miami 21's form based Coded. Staff Analysis at 4. However, the special treatment afforded the Tuttle South Site under the Amendment repeals this catch-all safety net or guard rail fundamental to Miami 21 as a form -based Code. Specifically, by granting an out -of -context and non -successional height exceedance for the Tuttle South Site, the Miami 21 building "form" limitation that would normally be in place to constrain the overall development program is thrown out the window. RASCO KLOCK PEREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) February 11, 2021 Moreover, the out -of -context height treatment for the Tuttle South Site destroys the u a L "successional" zoning policy that undergirds the entire theory of Miami 21: "Transect Zones are sequential in Intensity: successional zoning changes shall only be permitted sequentially and o >. respecting transitions across Abutting Transect Zones as provided in Article 7." §2.1.3, Miami N 55 21 titled "Transect Principals." What this means is that MacArthur, along with all property o a owners, are protected by Miami 21 to be free from dramatic single rezonings greater than one = o level of Intensity. This is what prevents out -of -context structures that tower in comparison to v v N adjacent properties. The Application seeks to strike entirely Article 4, Table 2 governing height o across the Transect Zones and grant a special height allowance for the single Tuttle South Site. -0 4- See Proposed Appendix F at F.25 (proposing to strike Table 2 providing for Design District N o 0 height limitations, with an existing maximum of twelve stories). v The cumulative effect of the development exceedances contained within the Application will present dramatic increases in height, density and intensity of development for the Tuttle South Site, with resulting traffic and other adverse impacts, all of which will be concentrated and foisted upon the abutting MacArthur Property. The MacArthur Property is the only property in the City with its principal frontage facing the Tuttle South Site along Biscayne Boulevard. Also, the MacArthur Property will be uniquely impacted by all of the traffic emanating fiom the Tuttle South Site as it seeks direct and convenient ramp access to I-195, the principal East-West thoroughfare connecting the Design District to Miami Beach and Miami International Airport. Thus, without leaving the four corners of the Miami 21 Code text and the Application and Staff Analysis, MacArthur satisfies the Miami 21 definition of an "Intervenor" as defined by the Code. Based upon the foregoing, we respectfully request that the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board recognize MacArthur as an Intervenor in this process. II. Intervenor Status Under Florida Case Law. A. The Renard Test: "Interest Exceeding the General Interest in Community Good Shared in Common With All Citizens." While MacArthur's status as an Intervenor is satisfied by the express Miami 21 Code provisions and facts within the Application itself, in addition and in an abundance of caution, MacArthur also has a "definite interest exceeding the general interest in community good share[d] in common with all citizens" under the test developed by the Florida Supreme Court. Renard v. Dade County, 261 So. 2d 382, 837 (Fla. 1972). Because the definition of "Intervenor" in Miami 21 tracks this language, MacArthur similarly satisfies this test as enunciated by the Florida Supreme Court. The following bullet points outline the facts presented here that readily satisfy the case law -based analysis: Ownership of Abutting Property. As established above, MacArthur owns abutting parcels directly across Biscayne Boulevard, which is defined as "abutting" by the Code. The MacArthur Prupwty's piinuipai fiuutage abuts the South Tuttle Sitc along Biscayne Boulevard, and both properties share frontage along N.E. 38th Street and rely on its ramp access for direct and convenient access to I-195. 3 RASCO KLOCK REREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVO., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIOA 33134 Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) February 11, 2021 Character of the Neighborhood / Type of Change. The Design District SAP is unique in the City with many special characteristics, one of which being that it has never allowed a height exceedance or density transfer as is sought by the Application for the Tuttle South Site. MacArthur is not merely across the street from a boundary of the Design District SAP and thus impacted by the density transfer and other provisions affecting the entire Design District SAP, but stands to be uniquely burdened by the focused up -zoning of the Tuttle South Site directly across the street from its Property sought by the Application. The proposed Design District SAP Amendment itself recognizes the special neighborhood concerns presented by the redevelopment of the "Gateway Sites" (which include the Tuttle South Site) by imposing a requirement that the Applicant meet with "representatives of the Bay Point Property Owners and Buena Vista East Historic Neighborhood Association not less than fifteen (15) days in advance of submitting any redevelopment site plans for the Gateway Site." See Proposed Amendment at F.23. While the requirement to meet with these neighborhood groups is applauded, MacArthur as the owner of abutting property -- with its principal frontage facing the South Tuttle Site -- faces an even more direct adverse impact than the members of these important neighborhood associations. For all of the foregoing reasons, MacArthur as an abutting owner has even more particularized standing than those who may be generally affected by the Design District SAP Amendment, much less than the citizenry at large. Mail -Out Notice. While evidence of being within required mail -out radius for the subject Item is not entirely dispositive, it is an important factor indicating standing under the recognized legal test: "The fact that a person is entitled to receive notice under the zoning ordinance is a factor to be considered on the question of standing to challenge the proposed zoning action." Renard v. Dade County, 261 So. 2d 382, 837 (Fla. 1972). As can be seen from the attached Composite Exhibit A, all four of the MacArthur Properties are on the mail out notice list for this Application. Again, while receipt of the mail -out notice is not 100% diapositive of the issue, it is a long -recognized factor to be considered as strong indicia of standing. Adverse Impacts. The transfer of development rights and height exceedance afforded by the Application will work to focus, funnel and concentrate transferred density and brand new additional height upon the Tuttle South Site abutting the MacArthur Property. The cumulative effect of the proposed Design District SAP Amendment will work to accumulate and amass unused development rights from other properties and heap them onto the Tuttle South Site reMae © = i nd. lated to eve f se m thatt satisfies adopted levels of service concurrency for public infrastructure, including schools, as required by the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and the Miami Woftoiftof Ordinances. Ak Type of Application. While couched as a legislative ordinance, the Design District SAP Amendment seeks to vest the Tuttle South Site with density and intensity that can be transferred onto the Site, together with height unprecedented within the Design District SAP or surrounding area, and thus authorize a residential or mixed use tower adjacent to MacArthur's Property. The Application seeks to secure these entitlements by way of purported legislation without tracking IV U r1 Y i O � U Q � o s lU 4- N O o E N N � N i E 0 0 c Ln O 0 U P L RASCO KLOCK PEREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) February 11, 2021 the evidentiary burdens, required findings, and other community protections that would be afforded in a more typical process focused solely on a given rezoning or variance. What is worse, the Applicant could not achieve these entitlements under Miami 21 via rezoning, variance or other proceedings because Miami 21 only allows for "successional" zoning such that a zoning change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone. What the Application seeks with regard to height for the Tuttle South Site or "Gateway Site" will essentially change the zoning designation of the Tuttle South Site from T6-12 to T6-36. Further, this height exceedance will be absent payment of any public bonuses to bridge the gap between the currently allowable height of twelve stories and the proposed thirty-six stories. Instead, the proposed Amendment provides a laundry list of public benefits already provided within the Design District SAP and then recites that "Tuttle South is eligible for Bonus Height ... due to the public benefits that the Miami Design District SAP project has provided to the City to date ...... See Proposed Appendix F at F.22. Miami 21 provides for the conveyance of on -site public space in a manner that is "one-to-one" equivalent with the bonus floor area or height granted: "For each square foot of dedicated public Park or Open Space provided, the development shall be allowed an equivalent amount of development Floor Area up to the Bonus Height...." See Article III (Public Benefits), §3.14.4.b.2. Under the pending Application that side steps these requirements, the Gateway Sites are to provide only 10,000 square feet of Civic Space in the face of a potential approximately 240,000 square feet of bonus area with the additional height being allowed. The Professional Staff Analysis provides that "the "Gateway Site" is the only property that will be allowed to exceed the currently enabled height of 20 stories, to a new maximum of 36 stories." See Staff Report at page 11, Criteria No. 10. In all of the City, the MacArthur Property will be impacted the most by the increased transferred density and height focused onto the Tuttle South Site, all without typically required public benefits. MacArthur's definite interest consequently far exceeds the general interest in the community good held by the citizenry at large, and requires formal Intervenor participation in this proceeding to protect its rights. B. The Renard Test Applicable to an Unlawful Ordinance. A close reading of the Renard case reveals that in addition to the "interest exceeding the general interest in community good" test discussed above and paraphrased within Miami 21, standing is also recognized for those parties who are challenging the subject ordinance as unlawfully enacted. If an affected resident is alleging that a given zoning ordinance is not merely unreasonable but unlawful (such as for failure to provide notice), then "any affected resident, citizen or property owner of the governmental unit in question has standing to challenge such an ordinance." Renard at 838. Far from enacting a developmental "speed limit" across a large area of the City, as is the proper subject of an Ordinance, the Application seeks to change the development program for individual parcels. For example, the Design District SAP Amendment seeks to modify glazing requirements for a single site as it "reduces the glazing requirement to 60% for the first 100 feet east from N.E. 1 st Avenue," as well as authorize increased density and height at the single Tuttle South Site. Staff Analysis at pages 5-6. The Application disguises the Tuttle South Site exceedances under a cloak of purported "legislation." Hidden under this cloak is a one-two 5 RASCO KLOCK REREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) February 11, 2021 punch of a wholesale development rights transfer mechanism within the Design District (with no public benefit required of contributing sites, such as historic preservation or green space), and a poorly disguised single -site spot -zone of the Tuttle South Site to T6-36. As explained above, what is particularly egregious is that these entitlements could not be lawfully achieved even if they were more appropriately handled in a site specific or project specific process under Article VII because Miami 21 imposes "successional" zoning changes to avoid the very mischief at play in the present Application. Seeking an Amendment of the Design District SAP to secure entitlements on one Parcel for a single contemplated tower with a height that is out -of -context is not a lawful use of the Special Area Plan ordinance and Miami 21 amendment process. See §3.3. Lb ("A Special Area Plan shall be approved by the process of rezoning with or without Transect Changes.); § ("A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of the Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide proper transitions in intensity and scale."). Further Section 3.9.1(h)(10) expressly provides that a Special Area Plan may include: "Flexible allocation of development capacity and Height, excluding Density on individual sites within the Special Area Plan shall be allowed so long as the capacity or Height distribution does not result in development that is out of Scale or character with the surrounding area, and provides for appropriate transitions." (emphasis added). Thus MacArthur not only objects to the Application on several grounds going to the substantive merits, but also on the grounds that the Application directly violates Miami 21 such that the eventual ordinance, if enacted, will be unlawful. Under Renard, this kind of legal challenge is recognized as an additional legal reason to recognize a distinct interest and standing. See Exhibit B (Order of the Circuit Court, Appellate Division from appeal of Miami World Center street vacation recognizing the standing of a nightclub under Renard on account of its: participation at hearings; proximity on the subject street; and for bringing a challenge based upon the illegality of the enactment). In summary, under all three of the recognized tests: (a) the plain text of Miami 21 defining "Intervenor" and "Abutting"; (b) the "definite interest exceeding the general interest in community good" test under the Renard decision; and (c) the "not properly enacted" test under Renard, MacArthur possesses standing to participate as an Intervenor in this proceeding. For all of the foregoing reasons, MacArthur respectfully requests that the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board recognize MacArthur as an Intervenor as defined by Miami 21. Finally, MacArthur reserves the right to submit additional arguments, materials and evidence both prior to and during any upcoming hearings before the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, City Commission, or other public hearings. Sincerely, Paul C. Savage, Esq. 0 U a � � v � O V Q � +' N U O a E L � a O v� O O U v RASCO KLOCK PEREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) February 11, 2021 a v � sZ � � U v s +' O N u O 41 0_ r I N E a1 N N +� cc: City of Miami Planning and Zoning Appeals Board MembersCn E 0 O o MacArthur Properties III, LLC o Olga Zamora, City of Miami Hearing Boards Amber L. Ketterer, Esq., Assistant City Attorney (AKetterer@miamigov.com) Cesar Garcia -Pons (cgarciapons@miamigov.com) David Snow (dsnow@maimigov.com) Kevin Martin (kmartin@miamigov.com) Jacqueline Ellis Oellis@miamigov.com) Rafael Rodriguez (rafaelrodriguez@miamigov.com) VA RASCO KLOCK PEREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 Charles Garavaglia, Chair a Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) a February 11, 2021 Q- o a� '1U +' O N a rI _0 E N 41 N E O O cn C O O U v L Composite Exhibit A (Mail -Out Notices to MacArthur) PASCO KLOCK PEREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD.. SUITE 600. CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 33134 CITY OF MIAMI (NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING P_f�,jJ,0q. 1(0 Notice to the Public, Subject Property Owner(s) and Owners of Real Estate within 500 Feet A public hearing will be held before the Planning Zoning and Appeals Board as follows: Date: Wednesday, -November 18, 2020 Time: 6:30 PM Place: CITY HALL LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN VIEW AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COM/TV, YOUTUBE, AND CHANNEL 77 (COMCAST ONLY CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENTS). MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN LEAVE PRERECORDED PUBLIC,COMMENT BY CALLING 305-250-5352 FOR SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS. THE PUBLIC MAY ALSO PREREGISTER, ONLINE AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COM/VIRTUALBOARDS OR BY CALLING 305-250-5354, TO PROVIDE LIVE PUBLIC COMMENT BY PHONE DURING THE MEETING. THOSE THAT PREREGISTER WILL RECEIVE A CALL THE EVENING OF THE MEETING (APPROX. 6:45PM) TO ADDRESS THE BOARD BY PHONE DURING THE PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION OF THE MEETING. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PRERECORDED PHONE MESSAGES AND TO PREREGISTER IS NOVEMBER 17, 2020 BY 5:00 PM. PUBLIC COMMENT SUBMITTED AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE PLAYED DURING THE MEETING. PREREGISTRATIONS AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE CALLED. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE SUBMITTED VIA AN ONLINE COMMENT FORM, WHICH MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL THE CHAIRPERSON CLOSES PUBLIC COMMENT. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE PROVIDED LIVE AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DR, MIAMI, FLORIDA. ALL PUBLIC COMMENT SHALL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD. *"PLEASE VISIT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COMNIRTUALBOARDS FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC'COMMENT USI-NG-TH-=SE OPTIONS ON-0-11-AFTER NOVEIV18ER 12, 2020 AT 5:00PM. **ANY EXPERT _ WITNESS THAT CHOOSES TO APPEAR REMOTELY TO PROVIDE EXPERT TESTIMONY MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS 'TO BE SWORN -IN BY OATH -OR AFFIRMATION AT THEIR LOCATION -BY AN-MIDIa,4DUALLIUAL4FI€-D-TO­ PERFORM SUCH . DUTY. PROCEDURES FOR PLANNING AND ZONING AS WELL AS QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY MODIFIED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 13903 AND ORDINANCE 13914 DUE TO THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC. Petition(s) to consider the following: 8076 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, WITH CONDITIONS, OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 3 AND 7 OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED "MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETAIL STREET SPECIAL AREA PLAN" ("MDD SAP"), AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT"A" AND EXHIBIT "B"; TI.IE AMENDMENT PROPOSES: A) UPDATING THE SAP ENTITIES TO REFLECT THE LATEST OWNERSHIP; B) AMEND REGULATIONS ON OUTDOOR DINING AND ART INSTALLATIONS; C) CHANGES TO THE PERMITTED USES ARTICLE 4 TABLE 3; D) MODIFY FAQADE REQUIREMENTS ALONG NE-38TH STREET; E) ESTABLISH A DENSITY AND INTENSITY TRANSFER PROGRAM; F) DESIGNATE GATEWAY SITES AND REGULATIONS FOR GATEWAY S ITES. *SO t 'F ;' U.S. POSTAGE>> PITNEY BOWE City of Miami Planning Department, Hearing Boards Division 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 http://www.miamigov.com/hearing—boards/ Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillll 7019 2280 0000 5750 (( BEARING NOTICE )) 81,65 , 4�1 ZIP 3333�•-• 02 1yV $ 004.05' 0001403219NOV 04 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED File ID 8076 - November 18, 2020 PZAB Meeting MACARTHUR PROPERTIES III LLC 140 E 56 ST STE 1D NEW YORE, N�' L Q2 '1`'1`11�,l� 2��AI 11111' >,���jllll�t„lll'1t�tll,j`�,„�I`},li U N a � � v O U U N d � N N O E rV N N +_' N �O O O O U 0J i CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice to the Public, Subject Property Owner(s) and Owners of Real Estate within 500 Feet A public hearing will be held before the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board as follows: Date: Wednesday,'November 18, 2020 .Time: 6:30 PM Place: CITY HALL LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN VIEW AT WWW:MIAMIGOV.COM/TV, YOUTU BE, AND CHANNEL 77 (COMCAST ONLY CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENTS). MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN LEAVE PRERECORDED PUBLIC,COMMENT BY CALLING 305-250-5352 FOR SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS. THE PUBLIC MAY ALSO PREREGISTER, ONLINE AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COMNIRTUALBOARDS OR BY CALLING 305-250-5354, TO PROVIDE LIVE PUBLIC COMMENT BY PHONE DURING THE MEETING. THOSE THAT PREREGISTER WILL RECEIVE A CALL THE EVENING OF THE MEETING (APPROX. 6:45PM) TO ADDRESS THE BOARD BY PHONE DURING THE PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION OF THE MEETING. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PRERECORDED PHONE MESSAGES AND TO PREREGISTER IS NOVEMBER 17, 2020 BY 5:00 PM. PUBLIC COMMENT SUBMITTED AFTER THE, DEADLINE MAY NOT BE PLAYED DURING THE MEETING. PREREGISTRATIONS AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE CALLED. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE SUBMITTED VIA AN ONLINE COMMENT FORM, WHICH MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL THE CHAIRPERSON CLOSES PUBLIC COMMENT. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE PROVIDED LIVE AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DR, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ALL PUBLIC COMMENT SHALL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECO,RP.- "PLEASE VISIT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COMNIRTUALBOARDS FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT USING THESE OPTIONS ON 6P. AFTER NOVEMBER 12, 2020 AT 5:OOPM: *ANY EXPERT WITNESS THAT CHOOSES TO APPEAR REMOTELY TO PROVIDE EXPERT TESTIMONY MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS 'TO BE SWORN IN BY -OATH OR AFFIRMATION AT THEIR LOCATION BY AN INDIVIDUAL QUALIFIED TO PERFORM SUCH DUTY. PROCEDURES FOR PLANNING AND ZONING AS WELL AS QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY MODIFIED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 13903 AND ORDINANCE 13914 DUE TO THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC. Petitlon(s) to,consider the following:,. 8076 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, WITH CONDITIONS, OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 3-AND 7 OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE. FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED "MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETAIL STREET SPECIAL AREA PLAN" ("MDD SAP"), AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT,!'A" AND'EXHIBIT V; THE AMENDMENT PROPOSES: A) UPDATING THE SAP ENTITIES TO REFLECT THE LATEST OWNERSHIP; B) AMEND REGULATIONS ON OUTDOOR DINING AND ART INSTALLATIONS; C) CHANGES TO THE PERMITTED USES ARTICLE 4 TABLE 3;-D) MODIFY FACADE REQUIREMENTS ALONG NE 38TH STREET; E) ESTABLISH A DENSITY AND INTENSITY TRANSFER- PROGRAM; F) DESIGNATE GATEWAY SITES AND REGULATIONS FOR GATEWAY SITES. i�- Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk r f• CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 'Notice to the Public, Subject Property Owner(s) and Owners of Real Estate within 500 Feet A public hearing will be held before the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board as follows: Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - Time: 6:30 PM Place: CITY HALL LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN VIEW AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COM/ V, YOUTUBE, AND CHANNEL 77 (COMCAST ONLY CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENTS}. . Z MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN LEAVE PRERECORDED PUBLIC,COMMENT BY CALLING 305-250-5352 FOR SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS. THE PUBLIC MAY ALSO PREREGISTER, ONLINE AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COM/VIRTUALBOARDS OR BY CALLING 305-250-5354, TO PROVIDE LIVE PUBLIC COMMENT BY PHONE DURING THE MEETING. THOSE THAT PREREGISTER WILL RECEIVE A CALL THE EVENING OF THE MEETING (APPROX. 6:45PM) TO ADDRESS THE BOARD BY PHONE DURING THE PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION OF THE MEETING. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PRERECORDED PHONE MESSAGES AND TO PREREGISTER IS NOVEMBER 17, 2020 BY 5:00 PM. PUBLIC COMMENT SUBMITTED AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE PLAYED DURING THE MEETING. PREREGISTRATIONS AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE CALLED. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE SUBMITTED VIA AN ONLINE COMMENT FORM, WHICH MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL THE CHAIRPERSON CLOSES PUBLIC COMMENT. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY.ALSO BE PROVIDED.LIVE AT CITY HALL, 3500•PAN AMERICAN DR, MIAMI, FLORIDA. ALL PUBLIC COMMENT SHALL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD. .>**PLEASE,YISIT•.,WWW.MIAMIGOV.COMIVIRTUALBOARDS FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC'COMMENT USING THESE OPTIONS ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 12, 2020 3:QOP * 1V-Y-rX--' T—' WITNESS THAT CHOOSES TO APPEAR REMOTELY TO PROVIDE EXPERT TESTIMONY MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO'BE-SWORN-iN'BY OATH OR AFFIRMATION AT -THEIR LOCATION BY AN INDIVIDUAL QUALIFIED TO PERFORM SUCH DUTY. PROCEDURES FOR PLANNING AND ZONING AS WELL AS QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY MODIFIED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 13903 AND ORDINANCE 13914 DUE TO THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC. Petition'(s) to cddi iderthe following: 8076 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, WITH CONDITIONS, OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PURSUANT -TO ARTICLES 3 AND 7 OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ,,*IKWbESI6N 018TF ICT RETAIL STREET SPECIAL AREA PLAN" ("MDD SAP"), AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN' EXHIBIT•"Q"�AiVD EXHIBIT "B"; THE AMENDMENT PROPOSES: A) UPDATING THE SAP ENTITIES TO REFLECT THE LATEST OWNERSHIP; B) AMEND REGULATIONS ON OUTDOOR DINING AND ART INSTALLATIONS; C) CHANGES TO THE PERMITTED �U� S ARTICLE 4 TABLE 3; D) MODIFY FACADE REQUIREMENTS ALONG NE 38TH STREET; E) ESTABLISH A DENSITY AND•INTENSITY TRANSFER PROGRAM; F) DESIGNATE GATEWAY SITES AND REGULATIONS FOR GATEWAY SITES. C1 E RETURN ADDRESS; FOLD'AT DOTI CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice to the Public, Subject Property Owner(s) and Owners of Real Estate within 500 Feet A public hearing will be held before the Planning. Zoning and Appeals Board as follows: Date: Wednesday; November 18, 2020 Time: 6:30 PM Place: CITY HALL LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN VIEW AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COM/TV, YOUTUBE, AND CHANNEL 77 (COMCAST ONLY CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENTS). MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC CAN LEAVE PRERECORDED PUBLIGCOMMENT BY CALLING 305-250-5352 FOR SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS. THE PUBLIC MAY ALSO PREREGISTER, ONLINE AT WWW.MIAMIGOV.COM/VIRTUALBOARDS OR BY CALLING 305-250-5354, TO PROVIDE LIVE PUBLIC COMMENT BY PHONE DURING THE MEETING. THOSE THAT PREREGISTER WILL RECEIVE A CALL THE EVENING OF THE MEETING (APPROX. 6:45PM) TO ADDRESS THE BOARD BY PHONE DURING THE PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION OF THE MEETING. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PRERECORDED PHONE MESSAGES AND TO PREREGISTER IS NOVEMBER 17, 2020 BY 5:00 PM. PUBLIC COMMENT SUBMITTED AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE PLAYED DURING THE MEETING. PREREGISTRATIONS AFTER THE DEADLINE MAY NOT BE CALLED, PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE SUBMITTED VIA AN ONLINE COMMENT FORM, WHICH MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL THE CHAIRPERSON CLOSES PUBLIC COMMENT. PUBLIC COMMENT MAY ALSO BE PROVIDED LIVE AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DR, MIAMI, FLORIDA. ALL PUBLIC COMMENT SHALL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECOR4.-k*PLEQSE .1(1S17 WWW.MIAMIGOV.COMNIRTUALBOARDS FOR DETAILED IIN�TRUCTIONS ,ON _HOW TO PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT USING THESE OPTIONS ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 12, 2020 AT 5:0013M. ** ANY EXPERT WITNESS THAT CHOOSES TO APPEAR REMOTELY TO PROVIDE EXPERT TESTIMONY MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BE SWORN IN BY OATH OR AFFIRMATION AT THEIR LOCATION BY AN- INDIVIDUAL QUALIFIED -TO PERFORM SUCH DUTY. PROCEDURES FOR PLANNING AND ZONING AS WELL AS QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY MODIFIED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 13903 AND ORDINANCE 13914 DUE TO THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC. Petitions) to* consider the following: 8076 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, WITH CONDITIONS, OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 3 AND 7 OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED "MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETAIL STREET SPECIAL AREA PLAN" ("MDD SAP"), AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" "AND EXHIBIT "B"; THE AMENDMENT PROPOSES: A) UPDATING THE SAP ENTITIES TO REFLECT THE LATEST OWNERSHIP; B) AMEND REGULATIONS ON OUTDOOR DINING AND ART INSTALLATIONS; C) CHANGES TO THE PERMITTED USES ARTICLE 4 TABLE 3; D) MODIFY FAQADE REQUIREMENTS ALONG NE 38TH STREET; E) ESTABLISH A DENSITY AND INTENSITY TRANSFER PROGRAM; F) DESIGNATE GATEWAY SITES AND REGULATIONS FOR GATEWAY SITES. N U d � � v U *' N U 0 a 4N O E N N 4J N E 0 O cn 0 0 U v Charles Garavaglia, Chair �I Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) a February 11, 2021 °J Q v � U O 4-1 s r.., U N o a ri = N N a'•' +' N C � L Q � (n O O U L Exhibit B (Order on Motion to Dismiss on Standing) RASCO KLOCK PEREZ NIETO 2555 PONCE DE LEON BLVD., SUITE 600. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 I OMNIIPARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., and GC LOUNGE, INC. Petitioners, VS. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, MIAMI FIRST, LLC, MIAMI SECOND, LLC, MIAMI THIRD, LLC, MIAMI FOURTH, LLC, and MIAMI AII, LLC, Respondents. Submitted into the public record for item(s) on City Clerk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPELLATE DIVISION CASE NO. 14-200 AP L.T. CASE NO. 08-0105sc ORDER ON RESPONDENTS MIAMI FIRST, LLC, MIAMI SECOND, LLC, MIAMI THIRD, LLC, and MIAMI AII, LLC'S MOTION TO DISMISS PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI FOR LACK OF STANDING THIS CAUSE came before this Court on July 31, 2014 on Respondents, Miami First, LLC, Miami Second, LLC, Miami Third, LLC and Miami AII, LLC's, Motion to Dismiss Petition for Writ of Certiorari for Lack of Standing. The Court has reviewed the memoranda of law and is otherwise advised in the premises. The Motion is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART for the following reasons: Ir , Submitted into the public record for item(s) "k,- 1 on- 2. 1t_. City Clerk Omni/Park West Redevelopment Ass'n, Inc. v. City of Miami, Fla. 14-200 AP 2 1) To have standing, a property owner must have a definite interest, exceeding the general interest in the community good which all citizens share in common, based on factors such as the proximity of the property and the type of change proposed. See Renard v. Dade County, 261 So. 2d 832 (Fla. 1972); City of Ft. Myers v. Splitt, 988 So. 2d 28, 32 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008). 2) Petitioner Omni/Park West Redevelopment Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation that does business on N.E. 7th Street, does not have standing to bring the petition for writ of certiorari to seek review of the resolution of the City of Miami Commission. Petitioner is not an aggrieved party because it did not appear below and argue or present evidence before the City of Miami Commission at the April 24, 2014 hearing regarding the application for road closures. See Battaglia Fruit Co. v. City of Maitland, 530 So. 2d 943, 944 (Fla. 5th DCA), dismissed, 537 So. 2d 568 (Fla. 1988). Petitioner appeared and argued only at the administrative Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board (PZAB) March 19, 2014 hearing. The resulting unanimous decision from that hearing approving the application for road closures with conditions [Resolution PZAB-R-14-023] is not under review before this Court. See Weil v. City off. Miami, 10 Fla. L. Weekly C775 (Fla. I Ith Cir. Ct. Aug. 12, 2003) (on certiorari review of city council's decision, circuit court reviews that decision, not lower board's decision). Therefore, Petitioner Omni/Park West Redevelopment Association, Inc. lacks of standing to bring this petition for -writ of certiorari. 3) Petitioner GC [Grand Central] Lounge, Inc. is an operator of a nightclub on N.E. 7th Street under a lease as a tenant with the Respondent Miami Fourth, LLC. Petitioner has standing as an aggrieved party to bring the petition for writ of certiorari from a unanimous resolution of the City of Miami Commission approving an application for road closures [Resolution 08-01015sc]. Petitioner appeared below and argued before the City of Miami Commission at the April 24, 2014 hearing regarding the approval of an application to close sections of N.E. 7th, 8th and 9th Streets between North Miami Avenue and N.E. 2nd Avenue and N.E. loth Street and the Florida East Coast Railway. Petitioner was also present at the March 19, 2014 hearing PZAB hearing . and argued against the road closures. 4) Further, Petitioner GC Lounge, Inc. has standing because it seeks as an affected resident or citizen to challenge the Resolution as being void because it was improperly enacted. Renard, 261 So. 2d at 837-838; Save Brickell Avenue Inc. v. City of Miami, 395 So. 2d 246, 247 (Fla. 3d DCA 1981). Therefore, Petitioner GC Lounge, Inc. has standing to bring this petition for writ of certiorari. It is therefore ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: N u a � � v � � U v o s U +' N 0 a r; O -0 E N 4J 41 N E 0 0 c in 0 0 v L Submitted into the public record for item(s) on - • 1 '?1`�— City Clerk Omni/Park West Redevelopment Ass'n, Inc. v. City of Miami, Fla. 14-200 AP 3 Respondents, Miami First, LLC, Miami Second, LLC, Miami Third, LLC and Miami A/I, LLC's, Motion to Dismiss Petition for Writ of Certiorari for Lack of Standing is hereby GRANTED as to Petitioner Omni/Park West Redevelopment Association, Inc. AND DENIED as to Petitioner GC Lounge, Inc. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami -Dade County, Florida, this 26thday of August, 2014. ERIC W. HENDON CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE UE 0 CIRC T COURT JUDGE Copies furnished to: Paul C. Savage, Esq. John A. Greco, Esq., Deputy City Attorney Elliot H. Scherker, Esq. Brigid F. Cech Samole, Esq. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk I K U - N � Y L U O 4 City of Miami - v Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board o a ,-i Wednesday, February 17, 2020; at 6:30 PM o Agenda Item PZAB#1; File ID 48076 aE, N N Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Z t N On Behalf of MacArthur Properties, LLC E L �° o Ln L c O O U Miami 21 L "Intervenor shall mean a person whose interests in the proceeding are adversely affected in a manner greater than those of the general publl." §, Miami 21 "Abutting Properties include properties across a street or alley." § 1.2, Miami 21 Florida Suureme Court "An individual having standing must have a definite interest xceeding the general interest in community good share [d] in common with all citizens." Renard v. Dade County, 261 So. 2d 382, 837 (Fla. 1972). Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk City of Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board Wednesday, February 17, 2020; at 6:30 PM Agenda Item PZAB#1; File ID #8076 Miami Desil4n District Retail Street Special Area Plan On Behalf of MacArthur Properties, LLC Illustration 4: "Gateway Site South" or "Tuttle South" stta xax., Regulating Plan Section "3.14.3 Gateway Sites' establishes the criteria required for Gateway Site North (illustrated above) to achieve a height of thirty-six (36) stories. The criterion requires the development to be of exceptional architectural merit (to be determined by the Planning Director), to provide a 10,000 square feet Civic Space, to provide public art, and to facilitate public outreach before seeking construction permits. N L a Y — L � � U Q � v ori +' a- N U o a-ri a ^ N O E N rj -0 o 0 cn _ 0 0 U 9) L Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk v Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk ,y PR I l„_�016 2020 Article 4, Table 2 (intentionally deleted) I /1T n P11DATIM. DIX F: MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETA • / :<",;� 'o RE " NOTICE tIYM wbmtlY M,& b k KCh ied bt d Pdk knl br d— wnlh Omnllne le IBM h me Cly of Mom Code. Tne {WIJUbt. OecltlW—kn0 bMY n rMew the In—M., e1 Mn pvbk munO la Ivrde Mttammt .Cf. Mrl Bedton PZ-20-8067 10/05/20 T4 T5-T6.80 K La km b MUM I.111• 0", rl rtal M110r1 nor S.Oi0rl ein fB01Nv :ot.h rl.na IBI 'dlakon• 1{0.mn/60M1trb• MOA rtMv C.IAICW.W 115-AWW 116%WIBAP 01MA k, 11VA1 W- d FaalnlPl Pile BUMS 1%k 14.0" 0110i6ndd0 AP.M. arms.. a.F WA.1 M5*.k _. "PAnb 600mn 6n W%mM topr %-RBMdr M 6S%n12N WPro 4'A'gtL 06•Anibb LM❑ p•aMC 56 mnN10APb YI'L 06%"'MW" V7N0C 1 Odtly YIdYR]OPnt _ hvMdemxi d{/m0 16OMAnrr 9U10a0A WCK n Mkp"I Reg Ipedre'v E$Aw Me mt. vbMR BKML H Ew- 11IM9.10 11 C!^tit 40knuv!v EWklnn um.MnaM/r Ewac 400+"r?Cf Prunl— MMUXXAM em b 0er—"rlQhl wRrrsrq VIAk 40n lone dehlM 51W ESA6d 10EWdtldnhrhenMeats Madam t EVAKUL—d W AIL bKI/YI.— Oft-".0Rmm• OArnr• OAw Mid nkl_ Oftari 01. rtfi' 0t 1$• V n CmmBnlnrn rwrBtd I1ad dlpd Pd'� b PM W. rtt/lndre pBM1NNd P^I 4. P4 CTYnn"anlCOnl ir.�el,e rICrtI1M1 �_--- Ppht1 Pa d rUvo0541 imreled DmrfvM W Td P. MW d WP rrm p[CBrpd Ivemtod P-1. Ls.wl hMC0 �I45, 01 W PMmlbd M-W) p."W(M#L01 P-"WM QL01 p. tivlM p+nhMtlal 1'"nMbd' pMmCN' p"mYW' n moon PB+NICd Pnnrlxu' 1�.•nrral•� amBnr• 11i U4MI]nLKbII !t1 . ABaW lhlw Blakr'� 6 b rM.•n 4.xc MA IDOItl o:r °-9P eemodilled-In-Degtem 6or lhe-Eslnh shed 6ad]enk Area (EGA) Note; Refer to Adds 5 and Illustlijll4np for Spoomilo Tlansoot Zone Rogulatlons. Note: Bonus shall not be avallable for T8 properties abuWng T3 (refer to Article 3). T" north otNE4f l 11 allow only Mo ad 6torbsarld•T6-42-north olthe mid-Blaek�FNE39th-end-NE40h8Ueele-eheNbe�MritedloMro-addNbnel6lerbs; •=--Ao-�.=selbedrlarogalred when ad)nnoenlBldldlmrhas-rr6eN>aek; L%u -i #"Vng-NE42md-6treet shall h ve o Minimum el-ten{+0'dl"j•6elbad and an additional gve j6Wt6etba*i*lhe-aeoondStory d.5 T5nofthat-NE4lsl60eeMhO,beamexlmum4iaighW-Mty{54 'yfee1 •rn See Dovolo MMj,6gCeomgnt for Improvements or conblbullRpelagglCe9 to meal tl 1s Dpen Spaco rooukeBrittlL F.25 51888342;6 Packet Pg. 52 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. 7.1.d As stated in the proposed definition above, depending on the extent of the u : ..... permitted by right or by Warrant in "75" and "76" Transect Zones. NOTICE l iMwbmf<ilneedi m beneuuled br a pubs 1. hucordmuwMendMa xtlaT hR<Gry 1\ AfmCede.lna dpynutle GeasnrnNhp Ged; rcvewlhelmomwin el the WEk nea.gwrn cmnmaY.ona obuldttbon �PZ-20-8067 t. NE 38th Street Facade Requirements 10/20/20 The applicant proposes amending Article 5 "Section 5.6.5 Architectural Standar • reduce glazing requirements along NE 38th Street. Currently, the Regulating Plan require as minimum 70% glazing for the first 200 feet of ground level story, east of NE 15t Avenue. The proposed language reduces the glazing requirement to 60% for the first 100 feet east from NE 15t Avenue while adding an artistic/architectural treatment requirement for the second 100 feet: "the second one hundred feet (100') of building frontage along NE 38th Street east of NE 1st Avenue shall contain an artistic or architectural treatment in lieu of glazing to be approved by SAP Permit". Density and Intensity Transfer Program The proposed amendment introduces a Density and Intensity Transfer Program for all 76" Urban Core Transect Zone properties within the SAP. The proposed changes will allow T6 properties to transfer unused Density and Intensity (Floor Lot Ratio — FLR) to otter TC properties within the SAP. Receiving sites may use transferred development rights as long as they maintain the building enveloped prescribed within the Regulating Plan and Miami 21 code. Regardless of transfers, no site may exceed the hard maximum prescribed for the respective transect. Density and intensity will be counted on an aggregate basis for all T6 Properties located within the SAP, maintaining the maximum as -of -right permitted in the underlying T6 Properties. 6. Gateway Sites N ;, This proposal introduces "Gateway Sites" to the MDD Special Area Plan. Gateway sites are a rD defined based on their location and relationship to the district, these sites mark important o entrances to the Design District. In regard to development regulations, this designation is paired with site specific restrictions and allowances. O o r+ Section "1.2 Definition of Terms" of the Regulating Plan introduces definitions for Gateway NQ Sites, Gateway Site North or "Tuttle North", and Gateway Site South or "Tuttle South": o o "Gateway Site: lots 9 and 10, as identified on page 1.4 of the Miami Design District Q N r Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book, which are situated at a major o rD entrance to the SAP and front Biscayne Boulevard." _ � c "Gateway Site North or "Tuttle North": lot 10, as identified on page 1,4 of the Miami N " Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book, located in Block 1 East, pursuant to sheet A 4.1 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book. Tuttle North is designated as a "Gateway Site." "Gateway Site South or "Tuttle South": lot g, as identified on page 1.4 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book, located in Block 1 East East, pursuant to sheet A 4.1 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Packet Pg. 170 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk 5 Area Plan Design Concept Book. Tuttle South is designated as a " eligible for height flexibility in accordance with the criteria listed in SAP Regulating Plan." Page 1.4 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Cot Lot 9 as Tuttle (South) — Address: 3750 Biscayne Blvd. — Lot Size: 76,83' is identified in Illustration 4 below. Illustration 4: "Gateway Site South" or "Tuttle South" Regulating Plan Section "3.14.3 Gateway Sites" establishes the criteria required for Gateway Site North (illustrated above) to achieve a height of thirty-six (36) stories. The criterion requires the development to be of exceptional architectural merit (to be determined by the Planning Director), to provide a 10,000 square feet Civic Space, to provide public art, and to facilitate public outreach before seeking construction permits. E. ANALYSIS The Appendix F: Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Regulating Plan and Concept Book govern all development within the previously approved MDD SAP. The Regulating Plan and Concept Book, supported by the required Development Agreement, provide regulations and design standards for future development throughout the district. The following is a review of the request pursuant to the Special Area Plan criteria under Article 3, Section 3.9 and Section 3.9.1 and Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code. The Background section of this report is hereby incorporated into the analysis and its corresponding criteria by reference: Section 3.9: The purpose of a Special Area Plan further is to encourage the assembly and master planning of parcels greater than nine (9) Abutting acres in size, in order to provide greater integration of public and private improvements and Infrastructure; to enable Thoroughfare connectivity; to encourage a variety of Building Heights, massing and Streetscape design, and to provide high quality design elements, all in order to further the intent of this Code expressed in Article 2. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Packet Pg. 171 Criteria 1 Section 3.9.1.a: "The single or multiple owner(s) of Abutting properti (9) acres may apply for a rezoning to a Special Area Plan." NOTICE Tlb fibNllrcebb4e uneaJsbrepulic M1 N MpOYKf.M \R[tYlt ff1 bt01hPS Cy ,1 �ceee.na srwueaeeam-rn.u,\eeq Analysis: The proposed amendment to the MDD SAP does not increase or de of the SAP. The MDD SAP 22.56-acre size remains unchanged. Pz-20-8067 10/20/20 Findings: Consistent. Criteria 2 Section 3.9.1.b: "A Special Area Plan shall be approved by the process of rezoning with or without Transect Changes." Analysis: The MDD SAP includes properties with "T-4" General Urban Zone, "T-5" Urban Center Zone, and 7-6" Urban Core Zone transect designations. The proposed amendment does not include any changes to the underlying zoning or land use designation. Findings: Consistent. Criteria 3 Section 3.9.1.c: "A Special Area Plan shall assign Thoroughfares, Transect Zones and Civic Space Types, with appropriate transitions to Abutting areas. Guidelines for Thoroughfares and Public Frontages may be adjusted to the particular circumstances of the Special Area Plan". Analysis: The proposed amendments to the MDD SAP maintain the designation of Thoroughfares, Transect Zones and Civic Space Types unchanged. The SAP Concept Book assigns thoroughfares, Civic Spaces, and Transect Zones that will continue to regulate the site's development. Additionally, streetscape elements such as street furniture, landscaping, art, and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, have been identified throughout the Concept Book; ensuring a cohesive design unifying the district while transitioning efficiently into the surrounding areas. The proposed amendment designates a "Gateway Site" marking the eastern entrance to the district. The proposal includes additional height allowance for the "Gateway Site" while maintaining the existing Floor Lot Ratio maximum. The additional height can only be achieved on "Block 1 East East" identified in Concept Book Sheet "A4.1" and only when the criteria identified in "Section 3.14.3" of the Regulating Plan has been met. The "Gateway Site" designation, design criteria, and public outreach efforts will ensure an architecturally significant entrance with appropriate transitions to abutting areas. Consistent with previous versions of the MDD SAP, the proposed regulations maintain an on public realm improvements and appropriate transitions. Findings: Consistent. Criteria 4 Section 3.9.1.d: "A Special Area Plan shall include a map of the Thoroughfares and Transect Zones, and the standards that deviate from the requirements of Article 5" Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk F Packet Pg.172 7.1.d 3.9.h.6: A Pedestrian Passage, requiring a minimum twenty (10) foot wide pe : NOTICE reserved between Buildings. rwm�a K.mm e. u°<mn a. w°e. n Y.a<+arcewm erana M 10'01 hRY CJy °futi twe.'nz twtatleac'aenvn.u+p °aR; Analysis: The location of Pedestrian Passages and Paseos is illustrated in Con "A1.9". Furthermore, the design for Pedestrian Passages and Paseos PZ-20-8067 within the Concept Book in sheets "A2.8" and "A2.9". This amendment 10/20/20 , any Pedestrian Passage or Paseo regulations. • Findings: Consistent. 3.9.h.7: A preservation plan acceptable to the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board for any historic resources in the area of the Special Area Plan. Analysis: The SAP shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 23 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances. Findings: Conditionally consistent. Refer to Condition #8. 3.9.h.8: Area Design Guidelines. Analysis: The Applicant has submitted an amended Regulating Plan and Concept Book for the proposed amendment, attached hereto as Attachment "A" and Attachment "B". Findings: Consistent 3.9.h.9: A parking management program that enables shared parking among public and private Uses. Analysis: The MDD SAP Concept Book Sheet "A2.2 — Parking Management Program" identifies both private and public parking options. Findings: Consistent. 3.9.h.10: Flexible allocation of development capacity and Height, on individual sites within the Special Area Plan, shall be allowed so long as the capacity or Height distribution does not result in development that is out of Scale or character with the surrounding area, and provides for appropriate transitions. Analysis: The proposed amendment proposes changing the development standards for T6 properties; allowing flexible transfer of density and intensity from site to site, while maintaining the same height and FLR maximums currently enabled through the city's public benefit program. Findings: Consistent. The following is a review of the request pursuant to the criteria under Article 7 and Section of Miami 21. The Background section of this report is hereby incorporated into the analysis and its corresponding criteria by reference: Criteria 9: "The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Packet Pg. 175 Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulatio : NOTICE and justification for the proposed changes necessary." TW �ubNddraetl. bEe ureeJe. M. pint n n xcaamewa.Rnnes sn i¢�mnve W 16.n�Gode. The ipnt+Me Jec"c'tn-mMty eel; The proposed amendment is consistent with the underlying Trans Future Land Use Map designations. No change to the underlying z Pz-20-8067 designation is proposed as part of the amendment. 10/20/20 Criteria 10: "A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of the Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide proper transitions in intensity and scale". Findings: The proposed amendment does not include a change in the underlying Transect or Future Land Use designation of any property. However, this amendment does propose changing the development standards for T6 properties; allowing a transfer of density and intensity from site to site, while maintaining the same height and FLR maximums currently enabled through the city's public benefit program. The "Gateway Site" is the only property that will be allowed to exceed the currently enabled height of 20 stories, to a new maximum of 36 stories. The proposed development regulation changes to the "Gateway Site" fit the neighborhood context while maintaining a proper transition. Criteria 11: "Special Area Plans shall be adopted by rezoning pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.9." See Criteria 3.9.1.a-3.9.1.g. Finding: In determining the appropriateness of the proposed amendment of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan, the Planning Department deemed that the proposed changes do not adversely affect the intent of the Miami 21, as well as the goals and objectives of the previously approved MDD SAP. F. ADDITIONAL REVIEW REQUESTED City of Miami: - Net Office - Environmental Resources - Public Works - Office of Zoning G. CONCLUSION The Applicant's submitted materials and analysis provided as part of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP Amendment application are consistent with the intent of Miami 21, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, and other relevant city regulations. H. RECOMMENDATION N a Pursuant to Article 3 and Article 7 of Miami 21 (Ordinance 13114), as amended, and the aforementioned findings, the Planning Department recommends Approval with conditions of this amendment to the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP. Packet Pg. 176 ri N U a- Y � � U O s U }' N 0 a ri N O -0 E N 4J N N E a o c N O 0 U v L Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk 0 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk 4RR I :2016 2020 NOTICE me martraeeas n eescnemka ur a wee n<. Frontage Retail: A Principal Frontage facing a public space such as a Thoro wrwm ca°e ine app�rane aecx;anmeknq eoq• rnaew memro„ooame wee nexty ro rm°n pedestrian importance (i.e. traffic volume, number of lanes, etc.) requiring detailed as storefronts in accordance with the requirements set forth in Sec. 5. Pz-20-sos7 r and 5.6.5.b of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP, Retail Frontages do 10/05/20 / Secondary Frontages located on NE 42nd Street between NE 1st and 2nd Aven as those portions of a Pedestrian Passage Frontages located more than twenty-five the intersection of any Thoroughfare and the Pedestrian Passage. Gateway Site: lots 9 and 10, as identified on page 1.4 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book which are situated at a maior entrance to the SAP and front Biscayne Boulevard. Gateway Site North or "Tuttle North": lot 10, as identified on page 1.4 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book, located in Block 1 East, pursuant to sheet A 4.1 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book. Tuttle North is designated as a "Gateway Site." Gateway Site South or "Tuttle South": lot 9. as identified on Daoe 1.4 of the Miami Desion District Retail Street Special Area Plan Desiqn Concept Book, located in Block 1 East East pursuant to sheet A 4.1 of the Miami Desiqn District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book. Tuttle South is designated as a "Gateway Site" and is eligible for height flexibility in accordance with the criteria listed in Section 3.9.1(i) of the SAP Regulating Plan. Loading Space: An area in which goods and products are moved on and off a vehicle, including the stall or berth. SAP Area: the lots which comprise the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan properties are those identified on page A1.4 and A1.5 of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Design Concept Book, as amended. Open Space: Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved by permanent Buildings and open to the sky and/or covered by a Shade Feature; such space shall be reserved for public or private Use. Open Spaces may include Parks, Greens, Squares, Courtyards, Gardens, Playgrounds, paseos (when designed predominantly for pedestrians), pedestrian paths or associated landscaped areas, and those areas covered by a Shade Feature. Retail Merchandising Unit: A freestanding structure open on one or more sides, fixed or portable, which may be connected to electricity and/or potable water, used as Open Air Retail for a commercial purpose or for the display or dissemination of information. Shade Feature: A translucent or transparent framed Structure, which is fixed and self-supporting and provides shade from the sun. Transit Corridor: A mass transit route with designated transit vehicle(s) operating at an average 25 minute or less headway Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. and includes designated transit stop locations within 1/4 mile of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP area. Multiple transit routes or types of transit vehicles may not be added cumulatively under this definition for the purpose of parking reductions. F.9 S 1833342;6 Packet Pg. 36 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk eons :2016 2020 Remaining Aggregate FLR or "RAF": Any FLR which within the T6 Urban Core transect zone within the S parcels located within the T6 Urban Core transe Aggregate FLR will be tracked via an aggregated ri reviewed annually as part of the Annual Review I Agreement. 7.1.a DISTRICT RETAJW RE - NOTICE en utilim�""° ant �x�k,1..P.W hich mthin ASAPA 0���a, --��. 2,ma thPZ-20-8067 is she 10/05/20 it Remaining Aggregate Density or_"RAD": Any Density which has not been utilized for anv parcel located within the T6 transect zone within the SAP Area, which may be transferred to other parcels located within the T6 transect zone within the SAP Area. Remaining Aggregate Density will be tracked via an aggregated rights Tracking Sheet and reviewed annually as part of the Annual Review process, as indicated in the Development Agreement. 1.3 DEFINITIONS OF SIGNS Copy Area: The area computed by surrounding each Identification or Secondary Identification Sign with a square or rectangle shape to determine the area. Less those portions within the square or rectangle consisting of logo brand marks, framing elements, large scale featured artwork swashes, simple lines, back plates, or other decorative elements. Directional Sign: Vehicular or pedestrian -scale signage containing multiple messages that serve to identify the Miami Design District and guide or direct the public safely to destinations within the district. Directional signs may be located on private property or within the Public Right -of - Way, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works for all such signs within the Public Right -of -Way. Directional signs may be combined with address Signs but shall bear no advertising matter, and may be directed to guide area visitors to entrances, exits, retailer/tenants, or Parking Areas. The words "advertising matter" shall not be construed to include graphic logos, registered trade names, or elements of the district identity or "tag lines" that may be incorporated as part of the sign aesthetics. The size of a Directional Sign, and copy thereon, shall be scaled appropriately to the speed of the area traffic. Gateway Sign: A large-scale, mounted identity Sign of not greater than 5,000 square feet in size or 85% of a Building wall that serves to identify the district, mark a destination for visitors, and reinforce the district's character as a destination for art, culture, dining, and fashion. A Gateway Sign may include or be comprised solely of an art installation and recognition of the installation sponsor, which sponsor or donor recognition shall be limited to one (1) recognition comprising no more than 15% of the art installation forming all or a part of the Gateway Sign. Art installations forming part of a Gateway Sign shall not contain any point of sale signage or commercial product expression related to the donor or sponsor. Gateway Signs shall be oriented to face major traffic Thoroughfares, such as 1-195, Biscayne Boulevard and North Miami Avenue, and shall be limited to no more than five (5) such signs within the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP area. F.10 51888342;6 Packet Pg. 37 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk MIAMI 21 APPENDIX F: MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RE' oPRII 2n1r 2020 R ARTICLE 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT 2.1.1 INTENT NOTICE W�da nxxhemleaWaPWhey au h4—wan b.*—x fa htlw aaw Kls Cane The appbue oeCsb Mn haayw eebewMJmb bwa a me F.W hnma to mm. �ecamkaaan oa a, a aaa eeawoh PZ-20-8067 10/05/20 iI The intent of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan ("SAP" or "Miami Design District SAP") is to guide the design, construction and management of a new retail pedestrian street and its surrounding city streets in the Design District to ensure a high quality, mixed use, pedestrian experience. The control of Building location, massing, and surface is intended to produce public space that is safe, comfortable and interesting for pedestrians and attractive to high -end retail tenants. Pedestrian mobility is to be improved by an enhanced Public Right -of -Way Streetscape and by the addition of a four block long Pedestrian Passage. The public space of the Pedestrian Passage is of a scale that is intimate and episodic. The quantity and materials of shared elements in the public spaces, such as pavement, signs and lighting are intended to be minimized and recessive, as the primary experience should be that of the highly individualistic retail stores. The Building Facade lines of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP are drawn to support the continuity of the existing Design District street wall, to form the sequential character of the pedestrian street experience, and to give store tenants appropriate space distribution and visibility. This document precedes the final development program, architectural design and detailing, and infrastructure engineering, and it is expected that adjustments to the development program, architectural design and detailing, infrastructure engineering may be necessary during implementation phases of design development and construction documents. NethiRg iR this Mi.,mi D86igR DistriGt Retail Street SAP, iRGIudiRg the initial development pregrarn as set forth OR Page A Q Af +hP GORGept geek shall hea .. + d + limit development i 4 initial deyelepmen+ zone (76 Properties") may transfer such Remaining Aggregate Density or Remaining Aggregate FLR to other T6 Properties within the SAP Area provided however that each individual project on those T6 Properties must comply with the limits imposed by the SAP Regulating Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. Notwithstanding the forgoing, density and intensity shall be counted on an aggregate basis for all T6 Properties located within the SAP; such that the total aggregated density and intensity throughout the T6 Properties shall not surpass the aggregated as -of -right maximum (i.e. base) density and intensity permitted in the underlying T6 Properties. Aggregated density and intensity, as well as the Remaining Aggregate Density and Remaining Aqqregate FLR will be tracked via an aggregated rights Tracking Sheet and reviewed annually as part of the Annual Review process, as indicated in the Development Agreement. The SAP is based on the Miami 21 Zoning Code, as amended through April 2012, and shall serve to supplement the code. Where standards set forth herein conflict with standards set forth in the code, the standards in this SAP shall govern. Where the standards in the SAP are silent, the underlying Miami 21 zoning code requirements shall govern. By virtue of the adoption of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP, and any subsequent amendments thereto, all provisions of the F.13 51888342;6 Packet Pg. 40 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk APRII —20�6 2020 than the Tree Protection regulations, the Miami Design District Retail Street 21 code shall apply. NOTE: All new Buildings in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. within the Miami Design SAP shall conform to the sustainability requirements set forth in Miami 21. 3.14 PUBLIC BENEFITS IN THE MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT SAP 3.14.1 The Miami Design District SAP has provided the following public benefits: •w< p�, pe NOTICE Thbabr alrc bEexh edb aPIWber n,xwaa.oe. U,ema ionhhftaya MniCme m,>ogrene aanbnmeup EOEya .�, u,�ma�,aurn nme wek n�nu,ony,a., \PZ-20-8067 10/05/20 it • Construction of the Pedestrian Passage (i.e. Paseo Ponti and Jade Alley) from Palm Court to Paradise Plaza. • Activation of Palm Court and Paradise Plaza as publicly accessible civic spaces. • Improvements to the pedestrian realm through enhanced public right-of-way investments which include, paving, utilities, drainage, landscaping, pavers, site amenities, and street lighting throughout the SAP. • Public art investments throughout the SAP. • Artistic garage facades throughout the SAP. • Architectural facades throughout the SAP. • Marketing, operating and curating the district as a premier cultural destination in the City of Miami. • Contributions towards the Institute of Contemporary Art Miami ("ICA"), including the donation of the underlying lots. • Payment of maintenance for the public right-of-way investments and all public benefit investments throughout the SAP. • FEC Right of Way Improvements, in the event one or more of the SAP parcels fronting the Florida East Coast Railway right-of-way ("FEC Right -of -Way") obtains a building permit for demolition or redevelopment, as described further in the Development Agreement. 3.14.2 Tuttle South Tuttle South is eligible for Bonus Height, as established in Illustration 5.6 for Block 1 East East due to the public benefits that the Miami Design District SAP project has provided to the City to date; in addition, Tuttle South shall also provide additional public benefits as described in Section 3.14.3. 3.14.3 Gateway Sites Within the Miami Design District SAP, Tuttle South and Tuttle North are designated as Gateway Sites. In order for development within Tuttle South to achieve a height of thirty-six (36) stories (i.e. Bonus Height), the following public benefits and criteria must be met; F.22 51888342;6 Packet Pg. 49 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk 2020 a is of and Appeals Board within fifteen (15) busi notice with the Office of Hearing Boards; 7.1.a y' GN DISTRICT RETA �• RE NOTICE mn mmmana� o xscn.>.kf na w.k M. n .�,e.,a.,im ame:,aa ,n �o.n n ma w a iat the ro'ect on t w.n cafem a,,P aUt feeann "boon, re.+ewa,am nnm wok n--tonne. banorama�f�an 1a a eel to the P PZ-20-8067 of a determination h - 10/05/20 (2) the applicant shall create 10,000 square feet of Civic Space within the Gateway Site, which shall be publicly accessible; (3) the applicant shall fund and place artwork in the dedicated Civic or Open space within the Gateway Site, which shall be publicly accessible; (4) the applicant agrees to comply with the following design elements in Section 5.6.4(d) and (i), respectively of the Regulatina Plan: • For any above or below -ground parking structures located at the intersection of two Thoroughfares, a retail Liner shall be provided for a minimum of fifty feet (50') in order to complement the surrounding architecture. • Above -grade parking may extend into the Second Laver above a first floor liner with decorative facade treatment matching the liner facade below or an art or green wall. Underground parking may extend above .,grade into a first floor Liner if the Building Facade is designed to meet the Sidewalk in such a manner that fully obscures the Parking Area. (5) the applicant agrees to meet with representatives of the Bay Point Property Owners and Buena Vista East Historic Neighborhood Association not less than fifteen (15) days in advance of submitting any redevelopment site plans for the Gateway Site to the City of Miami; and (6) the applicant shall construct and maintain enhanced street right-of-way improvements including lighting, landscaping, and other non-standard improvements in the right-of-way immediately fronting the Gateway Site, consistent with other non-standard improvements throughout the district. 1'.2-' 51888342;6 Packet Pg. 50 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk APPEN APRi��nnF 2020 Article 4, Table 2 (intentionally deleted) inTnrcuoannN .Loh. M. R."A.R, 1,EL4e1.na aAJOtl sin satJYM a EwrRo le7 nMr can• 6Rnla/oaR eYr' Ntu4 some r Ld Caeca 139%WR/P UGSWGW Iaaebaw of VAI.W - .F—IFOfLR) 61 (we crew•• E17a MOOVIP" eenrr- araraplrla:+tStrcY _ 40LM1 NOW W'f OVA." LooagseRa'.rmm0 65"M Vmpe 4iira.� 4s McMMEMN R4 aabrbVM asM� RS tehbeMo eNNer' e pRep 14sf-- eaeer — .- tYHe. ssaaeAea N If e nxC(Ytltes 10Q~. HI 64— N�a kw.•e Kf— . EM¢.taR mu HO RRP ERt ¢.( MAjL"AAQLA1W E8AA111. pLW W a■i. E4(Erl PsmG a■�R 0 5aae!ar RaR a ,se.-ex••a r ear E&latan ®Rc rM 9M EM-O ESSa (s1 E@Aa HRraa uiRAc EM-6 pAtrelme•1np JMASj am a fib OR--- aft". 4LRa• ales- aar 144em- an Dow afar• n aemartan oaealel pMiM e roe..lMa Mmaw. paYNN EaN4e a,Y�.¢pyau.a Eawxa pa*rwn parrs ab.na a rvx:pfl Derr POWW P-0 ro.�rYa <'YaC ■Otte paMm pemtM f 5-f,t tr44 of aarRsa (rf{,o) petead-Lq —11,110 p CNxr pallet. __— (w.rYN• OaMEer• aeTtnl• penleea P—rkl' V:nrrnf• , 1 w(ux�xsa+rn; ! nre7a ra r sne fm, r en (,. c of .ter pn.. u.�orR rsulay —Gr-aemodeA-kr01 lbeok-Areo-(E6A) Note: Rater to Article 5 pal u=jk q for Specific Transoct Zone RegUatona. Note: Bonus shah not be avallable for TO properties abuhlrg T3 (refer to Artlde 3). T8.8 krxonfy-Avorod 6tales emd-T9-i2rarlholiho-md-Block of Nt391h-end-WHOhBV�led-leTwe-rR4diHeneF6Mrbs: "�`--A S•R-tielbeck fsrequiroeFwhan-od)moenFBtnMirig-hays SeNfeekr +s�ifrNonlMgiJEAZnd ElreetahaNtrave e m n mnm aken{+o Oi setback and dredditarretfive(641-SeNbek-efihe-secondStory- eases_{S.nertholilE44e1-SbeeFeheg beamaxlnemrlteighlel-tiRyj5Q'-9'}ket —Bee Devekwmen[ Agreement for Improvements or cohibulWs required to meet this Open Some requkom(m1 r.2s 51888342;6 ETA • " �""' RE NOTICE ms �emtrar nets m Relcneonea Rx a w5k ae. M a«nram vllm Rn1eMa Kr tam Mmeayd seem eme me aagk.¢e aecnwnmauta xar• r.wewmeMMenawn n me waEc nraMa rorenaa re<m.rMik,a««. ma aeunoR PZ-20-8067 • � 10/05/20/A Packet Pg. 52 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. MIAMI 21 APPENDIX F: MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETA • / ,.,,..: 7.1.a ARRI12015 2020 RE NOTICE mmamarc nW.heWWforawortnear T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE oxc«an«au,nabte&lramnn.rnya ,e*__I Theapp4aNe Poll maany ww. rnlMNtlnbrmatl«i Hmawa,c ea+rM to rtlga rcc«mvMWon«ahxlatttlort DENSITY (UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE' PZ-20-8067 10/05/20 RESIDENTIAL Residential Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: C Minimum of 1.5 spaces per Dwelling Unit F Minimum of 1 additional visitor parking space for every 10 Dwelling Units C Live -Work — Work component shall provide parking as required by the non-residential Use in addition to parking required for the Dwelling Unit(s). C Adult Family -Care Homes — Minimum 1 space per staff member and 1 space per 4 residents. C Community Residence — Minimum of 1 parking space per staff member in addition to the parking required for the principal Dwelling Unit(s). I Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standard, Art. 4, Table 5. r- Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required. See also Art. 3.6.10. C Parking ratio may be reduced within'/2 mile radius of TOD and within'/4 mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%). C Parking may be provided by ownership or lease offsite within 1000 feet. C Loading — See Article 4, Table 5. r Parking may be provided off -site within Parking Structures or Parking Lots identified in the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP Parking Management Program, as illustrated on pg. A2.2 of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP Concept book. LODGING I Lodging Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3. L Minimum of 1 parking space for every 2 lodging units. C Minimum of 1 additional parking space for every 10 lodging units. rD n O F Minimum of 3 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of commercial use, except for Public Q Storage Facilities, minimum 1 parking space for every 2,000 square feet for the first 20,000 0 — s square feet, and 1 parking space per 10,000 square feet thereafter. ry rt + L Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared parking standard, Art. 4, Table 5. N fD rp CL N CD C Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required. See also Art. 3.6.10. N N L Parking ratio may be reduced within'/2 mile radius of TOD and within'/4 mile radius of a Transit i— (D Corridor by thirty percent (30%). O v � C Parking may be provided by ownership or lease offsite within 1000 feet. Q N n C Loading — See Article 4, Table 5. i� ~ F Parking may be provided off -site within Parking Structures or Parking Lots identified in the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP Parking Management Program, as illustrated on pg. A2.2 of the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP Concept Book. ' (Note: parcels with Remainina Aaareaate Densitv within the T6 transect zone may transfer such Remaininq Aggreqate Density to other parcels within the T6 transect zone within the SAP Area, for a maximum of 300 units per acre). F.33 51888342;6 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Packet Pg. 60 Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. MIAMI 21 APPENDIX F: MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETA • A.PR -2n�6 2020 RE • �; rD NOTICE o a,° S? N � c- A SAP Permit shall be approved if the application is consistent with the Com "-IC,,.,,,,,,,,,�1.1=„ m,;,,,,,, ,=, L_ as Rix rVielnbnn.on ttme pu. l¢rM the Miami Design District Retail Street SAP, and its accompanying Developrn «� 0 � o - The Planning Director shall further consider the criteria set forth in Table 12 of Pz-20-8067 N N f+ + fD appropriate. 10/05/20 N oN 3 v ° d. SAP Permit Appeal to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. • o The SAP Permit applicant may appeal the determination of the Planning Director within fifteen o (15) calendar days of the issuance of a final decision. Appeal of the determination of the Planning Director shall be filed with the Office of Hearing Boards and shall be heard de novo by the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. The Board shall determine whether to affirm or reverse the determination of the Planning Director. Should the Board choose to reverse the i determination of the Planning Director, where the Planning Director previously denied the `- SAP Permit, the Board may approve the permit as requested by the applicant or approve with conditions and safeguards necessary to ensure the SAP permits consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, the Miami Design District Special Area Plan, and the terms of the accompanying Development Agreement. The SAP Permit applicant may appeal the ruling of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board to the City Commission within fifteen (15) calendar days of the issuance of its ruling. Such appeals shall be filed with the Office of Hearing Boards and shall be considered de novo by the City Commission. The City Commission shall determine whether to affirm or reverse the ruling of the Board. The filing of all appeals shall state the specific reasons for such appeal and shall be made on forms designated by the Office of Hearing Boards together with the payment of any required fee(s). Modifications to the Initial Development Program & Redevelopment Credits NNW _ . .. - - - .• ■- ■ - .. ■- - - „ ■- ■ _ ■. „-- -■- ■ F.88 51888342;6 This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use novaPDF. Packet Pg. 115 Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice.