HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Paul Savage-PowerPoint PresentationSubmitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk AMENDMENT To DESIGN DISTRICT SPECIAL AREA PI-Ai�J (&�) `• N' RI VL � `, ' �, •,..�`� Ate• � ac rthur s Si e is� abutting property, directly across the street from the Gateway Sites where 36-Story Tower is proposed. Traffic from the Train Station, Tower A and Tower 6 will directly impact the MacArthur Site. BOARD CERTIFIED IN CRY, COUNTY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTLAW February 11, 2021 BY EMAIL (C/O Hearing Boards (OZamoragniiamigov.com)) Charles Garavaglia, Chair Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Honorable Members Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Re: PZAB File Id. #8076; February 17, 2021 Agenda Item PZAB.1 Application for Amendment of the Miami Design District Retail Street Special Area Plan Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Miami 21 defines "Intervenor" as: "a person whose interests in the proceeding are adversely affected in a matter greater than those of the general public." §, Miami _ 1 Code. The governing Code further defines "Abutting" as specifically including properties situated across the street from the subject property, as follows: "Abutting properties include properties across a street or alley." § 1.2, Miami 21 Code. While the proposed Design District SAP Amendment seeks to enact many changes that will impact MacArthur's property (i.e., wholesale density and intensity transfer provisions), most alarming is the fact that the Tuttle South Site is singled out by the Application to receive a special height exceedance under the Application that would never be authorized under the existing Design District SAP or Miami 21. The following Illustration 4 from the Staff Analysis depicts the Tuttle South Site (outlined in red) and the MacArthur Property (highlighted in yellow) immediately abutting the East elevation of the Tuttle South Site: Illustration 4: "Gateway Site South" or "Tuttle South" In summary, under all three of the recognized tests: (a) the plain text of Miami 21 Regulating Plan Section "3.14.3 Gateway Sites" establishes the criteria rE defining "Intervenor" and "Abutting"; (b) the "definite interest exceeding the general interest in Site North (illustrated above) to achieve a height of thirty-six (36) stories. ' the development to be of exceptional architectural merit (to be determines community good" test under the Renard decision; and (c) the "not properly enacted" test under Director), to provide a 10,000 square Feet Civic Space, to provide public 1:;..:.;. Renard, MacArthur possesses standing to participate as an Intervenor in this proceeding. I public outreach before seeking construction permits. 2020 2020 ARTICLE 4, TABLE 4 DENSITY, INTENSITY, T4 - GENERAL Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk NOTICE Public Package Regulating Plan �z-zo-sos- APPENDIX F: MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT RETAIL STREET SLAN Latest Regulating Plan? REGULATINGPLAN ARTICLE 4, TABLE 4 DENSITY, INTENSITY AND PARKING T4 -_GENERAL URBAN ZO .. Public Package Development Agreement SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED DEVELOPMEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI, I RIDA �� AND F-LAGLERH/lT OL7ING GROUP, INC., Y�`1ONTE C ARI G P 29202028- 10 SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND F A G ro HOLDING GROUP, INE , MONTE E P.LE� W 10/05/20 Latest Development Agreement? ss1192d45 56264360:1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice to the Public, Subject Property Owner(S) and Owners of Real Estate within 500 Feet A public hearing will be held before the CITY COMMISSION as follows: 22, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM Place: 3500 Pan American Drive i Traffic flow between the Gateway Sites and MacArthur Site is integrated, with the principal Westbound access ramp to I-19: along our property line. AIL - ow Ilk xn Street Any Amendment and Traffic Study Must Include Traffic To and From r Our Site. February 1, 2021 Mr. Alex Schapiro Miami Design District Associates 3841 NE 2'' Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 33137 Re: Miami Design District Trip Generation Analysis Dear Mr. Schapiro: Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. has performed a trip generation analysis for the proposed amendment to the previously approved Miami Design District Special Area Plan (SAP) generally bounded by NE 431 Street to the north. NE 381 Street to the south. North Miami Avenue to the west, and Biscayne Boulevard to the east in Miami, Florida. Please note that the Miami De riot SAP was previously amended and approved as part of the Miami Design District Special Area Plan &W meq#;-Tp?ffic Impact Analysis, May 2013. The previously approved SAP amer*dm_PntyGQns>c+�+: of a development program conrempiating approximately 1,089.83 square fee',, of retail space, 181,146 square feet of office space. 52 hotel rooms. 561 multifamily residential units, and 32,267 square feet of retail sp. 4 square feet of office space. 110 and 11. " feet of restaurant space. TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS A trip generation analysis was conducted for the previously approved SAP amendment and the proposed SAP amendment using the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Taro Generation Manuel, 10" Edition_ Consistent with the previously approved SAP amendment, trip generation calculations were prepared for the P.M. peak hour_ Trip generation for the previously approved and proposed SAP amendment was determined using ITE Land Use Code (LUC) 820 (Shopping Center), LUC 710 (General Office Building), LUC 310 (Hotel), LUC 220 (Multifamily Housing [Low -Rise]), and LUC 932 (High Turnover [Sit-Downl Restaurant). submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Relies on 2013 Era Traffic Study Relies on 2013 Era Development Program (Because no Study Done Since) Relies on Unsupported or Now Repealed "Development Program" Use May 2013 Tr. Proposed in Study and Amendment Per SAP Trip Generation Amendment Rpt. Retail Space in Sq. Ft. Office Space in Sq. Ft. Restaurant Space Total Additional Square Feet Hotel Rooms Multi Family Residential Units Total Additional Units % Change I Number Change The Trip Generation �6, 7c'",,"sis Reflects Dramatic Increases in Square Foo f' u e c W ,j-f-rice, Hotel Multifamily Units and Restaurants Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk nr Existing (to be Building Area ;New Net Usable demo] (new} Area TOTAL RESIDENTIAL TOTAL KEYS I TOTAL OFFICE TOTAL RETAIL ADAPTIVE USE Parking REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING SURPLUS i Provided PARKING PARKING REQ"D j PARKING Total Total Req'd Total Req'd Total Req'd Adaptive Use 1 without with on AGGREGATE wl � UNITS Req'd in Units Units in aggregate in aggregate Units in Spaces � on -site parking discount street and discount Actual aggregate aggregate i adaptive use spaces required 225 209 2 699 095 1531939 5b1 521 i 1 1,159,37211 I 4441 3 308 3 583 3 752 2,866 1 886 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk r wrra 1 A F N w �a4!ihi' J.i 77p o r _ Walmart.': �4. ttilit � "Iw . Walmart :;: Wal-Mart Super Centers (179K) = 358,000 Sq. Ft. Wal-Mart Discount Stores (109K)=327,000 Sq. Ff. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.1 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk I low Many I IN �� U ncleii e role Development Program R Table 1: Net New P.M. Peak Hour Trip Generation Summary Development Plan In Out Total Previously Approved any Ogg 2,038 SAP Amendment Currently Proposed SAP Amendment 884 1.172 2,056 Net Change -85 103 18 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk This Amendment Does not Just Allow Density Transfer, It Repeals the Maximum Caps of the Development Program, Destroying All Prior Maximum Concurrency/Load Determinations of Parking, Al Permitted Uses By Square Footage, Maximum Residential Units & Maximum Hotel Units. in limplementati-on :phases of design development and construction documents. 140thing, in mia a 0 . a 1 s • a i `3 a i •a a■ ■ a a yi •■ i as a a • • ■ •12MM■ a a i ■ i ; • • • a a • • i 3 • a •• • a a • a a a' • i we •.0 a "TAT i• I E F ar-T.-•• ■ 1■ i a • 1 �i • I ON ! i s # i ! a!! I ! a!NELSON a ■ a Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Exception ' xceedance? Process for 10%+ Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Criteria 10: "A change may be made . Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of the Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-2_2-2021, City Clerk The Applicant Asks you to Look Outside of the Design District for Zoning and Compatible Height (defeating the purpose of the Special Area Plan), but inside the Design District for Traffic Data (which is based on all surrounding sources, not just within the SAP) c surrounding properties South of 9-1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk The Traffic "Trip Generation" report providing for only 13 additional trips Is not a Traffic Impact Analysis & Study, instead relies on 2013 Study and Repealed Development Program The Amendment Repeals the Development Program Limits and Increases Restaurant and Hotel Uses by hundreds of thousands of square feet without adequate traffic analysis The Amendment violates the Code based Criteria for SAP Amendment The Amendment rewards past public benefit already used for prior amendments and approvals The Amendment violates the Comprehensive Plan -W 0 0111► I DIM IOT4*116 b m Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.10 and PZ.11 on 04-22-2021, City Clerk