HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitTRAFFIC FLOW MODIFICATION(S)/ STREET CLOSURE(S) PROCEDURE ICI IA I• PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION Revised January 2009 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure TRAFFIC FLOW MODIFICATION(S)/ STREET CLOSURE(S) PROCEDURE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 Table of Contents Page 2 Introduction Page 3 Phase 1: Summary of Procedure Page 4 Phase 2: Summary of Procedure Page 5 Phase 1: Procedure Details Page 8 Phase 2: Procedure Details Page 15 Appendices: I. Policy on Traffic Calming Measures Page 26 II. Policy on Traffic Calming for Low Volume Narrow Streets Page 27 III. Policy on Speed Humps Page 28 IV. Report on Speed Humps Page 29 V. Traffic Flow Modification/ Street Closure Application Form Page 34 VI. Interdepartmental Review Page 36 VII. Sample Ballot 1: Traffic Circles, PWD Use Page 37 Vill. Sample Ballot 2: Traffic Calming Devices, PWD Use Page 38 IX. Sample Ballot 3: Residents/Property Owners and HOA Use Page 39 TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '® Page 3 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 4 INTRODUCTION The Public Works Department and Metropolitan Planning Organization obtained the professional engineering services of Frederic R. Harris, Inc. to conduct a Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Study that was completed in July 1996. The primary objectives of the study were to: Evaluate and recommend traffic control alternatives to street closures; Develop a uniform set of guidelines or warrants to be followed by local municipalities, the County and the State for implementing neighborhood and localized area traffic control; and Develop a standardized set of procedures to be followed by local applicants desiring enhanced neighborhood traffic control. A Steering Committee was assembled and periodically convened to meet with the Consultant to provide input throughout the study process. The Steering Committee consisted of representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami -Dade County and local municipalities; some of whom had previous experience with citizen requests for street closures. The draft report was developed as a series of Technical Memorandums that were reviewed by the steering committee and later compiled to form the final report. The Steering Committee developed standardized procedures and guidelines for use by the public, local officials, or other private sector interests requesting traffic flow modifications that may affect local neighborhoods as well as other roadway traffic patterns. The intent of these procedures was to provide Miami -Dade County and municipalities with a uniform approach to facilitate government action in response to requests to restrict local traffic access via street closures, other physical modifications or traffic calming alternatives. These proposed procedures were also intended to ensure that such issues are given appropriate study and timely response, and that the full range of traffic and community impacts is considered. The procedures addressed traffic issues in an incremental fashion with the least restrictive measures applicable to a particular situation tested first, then monitored and supplemented, modified or replaced with more stringent measures, if necessary. When non -traffic issues enter into the decision process, the procedures weigh both the traffic and non -traffic implications of a street closure or traffic flow modification. Although each citizen request is unique, the process applies equally to any residential traffic control situation and provides government officials with an objective tool to address neighborhood traffic control issues. On May 20, 1997, the Miami -Dade County Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. R-545-97 authorizing an eighteen -month pilot program to implement and evaluate traffic flow modification/street closure study recommendations. A subsequent extension was granted under Resolution No. R-66-00 on January 25, 2000. Since then, County staff has been using this procedure. It has been enhanced over the span of the last twelve years and updated and revised to appropriately address the needs of residents of Miami -Dade County in order to improve their safety as well as their livability standards. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE Page 5 Phase 1: INITIAL TRAFFIC STUDY BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 1.1 All applicants, whether residing within unincorporated Miami -Dade County or a municipality, may submit a request for a traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) to the Miami -Dade County Public Works Department (PWD) in the form of a letter or complete the application in Appendix V. 1.2 PWD will conduct the initial traffic study to confirm the applicant's concerns and to identify and recommend traffic calming measures. Should the request be initiated through or by a municipality or the Florida Department of Transportation, then these agencies, at their option, may conduct traffic studies utilizing their staff or a traffic consultant. 1.3 PWD will make the determination of whether the location(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County or a municipality, and coordinate the review with the respective municipality. 1.4 PWD will make the determination of whether the review from various affected entities, such as Police, Fire, etc., is required. If review is not required, proceed to Step 1.6. 1.5 Should review be required, PWD will request the affected entities, including but not limited to, Police, Fire, respective municipality, etc., to review the request and provide comments. If review by any of the entities results in a denial as a result of concerns which cannot be resolved, or if the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) does not meet all criteria outlined under this process or applicable County and State laws, then the application will be denied. 1.6. PWD will make the determination if concurrence from the required affected residents and/or property owners is required. If concurrence is not required, proceed to Step 1.8. Required Concurrence: Traffic Circles: Requires 100% concurrence of affected residents and/or property owners from four (4) corners adjacent to the proposed circles. This may be extended to the full block should a larger representation be desired by the District Commissioner. Traffic Flow Modifications other than Traffic Circles: Requires concurrence of two- thirds (2/3) of the affected residents and/or property owners, who elected to vote (ballots received). Non -voters are not counted (ballots not returned). Municipal Jurisdictions: In lieu of concurrence from the affected residents and/ or property owners, a municipality may pass a resolution after a public hearing requesting PWD to consider the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 1.7 PWD will mail out ballots to obtain concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners. Should the required concurrence be secured, PWD will proceed to the next step. Should the affected residents and/or property owners fail to reach a consensus to implement TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure the proposed improvement, then the process ceases. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '® Page 6 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 7 Reinitiating the balloting process: Should residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the balloting process, it can be initiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the date that ballots were opened, provided that the applicant is willing to pay the processing and mailing cost for the ballots. 1.8 PWD will schedule the construction of temporary or permanent traffic calming device as funds and contracts are identified. 1.9 PWD will assess the traffic impact and determine if the improvements are acceptable to the affected area residents and/or property owners. 1.9.1 Should the determination be made by PWD staff that temporary devices have caused adverse impact, such devices will be removed by PWD. 1.9.2 If improvements are not acceptable to affected area residents and/or property owners: Residents and/or property owners may request removal of temporary traffic calming devices as per a requirement of Step 1.6. Such request must be initiated in the form of a petition signed by 10% of the affected residents and/or property owners. 100% of the adjacent affected residents and/or property owners is required for the traffic circles petition. Or Residents and/or property owners may proceed to Phase 2 procedure, Step 2.1. 1.9.3 Improvements did not cause adverse impact and are acceptable to residents: proceed to Step 1.10. 1.10 PWD will initiate the design. 1.11 PWD will install permanent traffic calming devices as funds and contracts are identified. PHASE 2: TRAFFIC STUDY BY APPLICANT'S CONSULTANT 2.1 In the event that the action taken by PWD in accordance with Phase 1 procedure is unacceptable to the municipal jurisdiction, or the affected area residents and/or property owners, they have the option of engaging a traffic consultant, at their cost, in order to perform an independent traffic study. Should the request be initiated through or by a municipality or the Florida Department of Transportation, then these agencies, at their option, may conduct traffic studies utilizing their staff or a traffic consultant. 2.2 The consultant conducts a pre -implementation traffic study to identify and confirm traffic concerns (i.e., traffic intrusion, excessive traffic volume, speeding, traffic accidents, etc.) and to determine if the collected traffic data meets the PWD criteria for traffic calming devices. 2.3 The consultant identifies traffic calming alternatives and generates staged alternative plans. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 8 2.4 The consultant performs pre -implementation study to determine potential impacts of proposed traffic calming devices on roadways within and outside of the study areas, and documents findings in the form of a report. 2.5 PWD makes the determination whether the location is within a municipality or unincorporated Miami -Dade County and coordinates the review with the respective municipality. 2.6 PWD makes determination if the review from various affected entities, such as Police, Fire, etc., is required. 2.7 PWD requests various affected entities, to include Police, Fire, etc., to review the request and provide their comments. 2.8 PWD reviews comments from various entities and makes determination whetherto approve or deny the request. 2.9 PWD makes determination if concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners is required. If concurrence is not required, proceed to Step 2.11. Required Concurrence from affected Residents and/or Property Owners: Traffic Circles: Requires 100% concurrence of affected residents and/ or property owners from four (4) corners adjacent to the proposed circles. This may be extended to the full block should a larger representation be desired by the District Commissioner. Traffic Flow Modifications excluding Traffic Circles: Requires concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the affected residents and/or property owners, who elected to vote (ballots received). Non -voters are not counted (ballots not returned). Municipal Jurisdictions: In lieu of concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners, a municipality may pass a resolution after a public hearing requesting PWD to consider the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 2.10 Applicant obtains concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners, if required. In the event that the affected residents and/or property owners do not approve the proposed improvements, return to Step 2.3. 2.11 Applicant's contractor installs temporary traffic calming devices upon securing approvals and permits from appropriate entities. 2.12 Applicant's consultant conducts post -implementation study to determine if traffic calming measures are operating at an acceptable level to the residents and/or property owners. 2.13 If the post -implementation study results, as well as the traffic calming devices are acceptable to residents and/or property owners, the process is completed unless residents and/or property owners desire further aesthetic enhancements. Should further aesthetic enhancements be required, proceed to the next step. If the post -implementation study results are unacceptable, return to Step 2.3. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 9 2.14 Applicant's consultant designs permanent traffic calming devices if the temporary devices are installed. 2.15 Applicant's contractor installs permanent traffic calming devices upon securing approvals and permits from appropriate entities. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure PROCEDURE DETAILS Page 10 PHASE 1: INITIAL STUDY BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS (PWD) 1.1 Submittal of Application for Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) In order for an applicant to submit an application for a traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s), including the re -opening of a previously closed street(s), the applicant, whether residing in unincorporated Miami -Dade County or within a municipality, shall follow the procedures outlined herein: 1.1.a Submit the request in the form of a letter or complete the application form in Appendix V , and 1.1.a.1 Identify any traffic concerns, such as: • Traffic intrusion • Excessive traffic volume • Speeding • Traffic accidents • Other 1.1.a.2 Explain how long these problems have existed and the conditions that have caused these problems. 1.1.a.3 Identify the type of traffic control measure that is being requested and include a map illustrating the location(s) of proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 1.1.a.4 Identify on whose behalf the application is being made. • Homeowners' Association • Individual • Other 1.1.a.5 All applicants, whether residing in unincorporated Miami -Dade County or within a municipality, must submit their letter or a completed application to PWD at the following address: Chief, Traffic Engineering Division Miami -Dade County Public Works Department 111 N.W. First Street, Suite 1510 Miami, Florida 33128-1970 TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 11 1.1.b. If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is due to reasons other than traffic, such as crime, etc., the following procedures shall be utilized: 1.1.b.1 Creation of a Special Taxing District: Contact PWD, Special Taxing District Division to obtain procedure details. 1.1.b.2 Reverting of the Public Right-of-way to Adjacent Property Owners: 1.1.b.2.1 If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, please contact PWD, Right -of -Way Division to obtain additional information. 1.1.b.2.2 If the location falls within a municipality, contact the respective municipality and follow their established procedures. 1.1.b.3 Converting of a public roadway to a private street to be maintained by the Homeowners' Association (HOA): See 1.1.b.2.1 and 1.1.b.2.2 Miami -Dade County has exclusive jurisdiction over traffic control within a municipality. As such, the municipal jurisdictions are required to submit a traffic study to PWD for their review and approval. The study must support the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) and show that County and State roadways would not be adversely impacted as a result of such traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s); creating a Special Taxing District or due to reverting of the right-of-way or converting a public street to a private street. 1.2 Initial Traffic Study by PWD PWD will conduct an initial study to confirm traffic concerns and to identify and recommend the traffic calming measures. Should the request be initiated through or by a municipality or the Florida Department of Transportation, then these agencies, at their option, may conduct traffic studies utilizing their staff or a traffic consultant. The scope of the initial study, depending on the nature of the complaint, may include twenty- four (24), forty-eight (48), or seventy-two (72) hour counts, turning movement counts, license plate survey, spot speed studies, etc. Requests for traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) and reopening of previously closed streets, will be considered by PWD on a case -by -case basis, for streets meeting the following criterion. 1.2.a The streets for which modification(s) are proposed must be local or collector residential street(s) and not arterial roadways or part of the State Highway System. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 12 1.2.b The proposed closure(s) shall not create street(s) longer than 600 feet, as per Miami -Dade County Code, Section 28-14.6. 1.2.c The street(s) proposed for closure shall have sufficient right-of-way to adequately construct T-turn around or cul-de-sacs as per PWD Standards Details. 1.2.d Pre -implementation data confirms that a problem exists. 1.2.e The traffic study reveals that the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) meets the criteria for the installation of traffic calming devices on Appendices I, II and 111, and the proposed measures will not adversely affect the traffic on nearby streets, by the diverted traffic. 1.2.f The projected vehicular volumes on any other adjoining street do not exceed the threshold limits stated in Phase 2, Step 2.4.a. 1.2.g The changes in traffic flow will not create any liability to the County. 1.3 Requests within a Municipality 1.3.a If the request for traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD coordinates the review as per Step 1.5.a. 1.3.b If request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within a municipality, PWD will request affected entity to coordinate the review, as per Step 1.5.b. 1.4 Review Required from Various Entities PWD will make the determination if the proposed traffic calming measures will impact other entities and if review is required from affected entities, to include Police, Fire, etc. If review is required, then proceed to next step. If review is not required, proceed to Step 1.6. 1.5 Preliminary Review by Various Entities 1.5.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s) or street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, shall coordinate a review with agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s), which may include, but not be limited to, the following entities: • Miami -Dade County Fire Rescue (MDFR). • Affected Municipal Fire Department. • Miami -Dade Police Department (MDPD). • Affected Municipal Police Department. • Miami -Dade County Planning and Zoning Department (MDP&Z). • Miami -Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS). • Miami -Dade Transit (MDT). TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Page 13 1.5.a.1 PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, shall review all comments brought forth by the aforementioned entities. If all agencies and departments concur, then the Director of PWD will approve the application. However, under the following conditions the application for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) will be denied. 1.5.a.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be resolved. 1.5.a.1.2 The proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) or extenuating circumstances do not meet all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws. These reviews shall be relevant to the agency reviewing the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). The scope of the traffic review shall be determined on a case -by -case basis by PWD. 1.5.b If the request affects local streets within a municipality, then PWD will request the municipality to coordinate the review with agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s), which may include, but not be limited to, the following entities: • Municipal Fire Department. • Miami -Dade County Fire & Rescue (MDFR). • Municipal Police Department. • Miami -Dade County Police Department (MDPD). • Miami -Dade County Planning and Zoning Department (MDP&Z). • Miami -Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS). • Miami -Dade Transit (MDT). • Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). • PWD, Traffic Engineering Division. These reviews shall be relevant to the agency reviewing the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closures(s). The scope of the traffic review shall be determined on a case -by -case basis by PWD. 1.5.b.1 The municipal representative shall review all comments brought forth by the aforementioned entities. The municipality, under the following conditions, shall deny the application for traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s): 1.5.b.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be resolved. 1.5.b.1.2 The proposed locations or extenuating circumstances do not meet all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws. 1.5.c If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in denial of the request, then the process ceases. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 14 1.5.d If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in concurrence with the request, then the municipality endorses the request and forwards it to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for their review and approval. If the request is approved by PWD, proceed to the next step. 1.6. Is Concurrence from the Affected Residents and/or Property Owners Required? PWD, depending on the proposed traffic calming devices, will determine if concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners is required. Required Concurrence: Traffic Circles: Requires 100% concurrence of affected residents and/or property owners from four (4) corners adjacent to the proposed circles. This may be extended to the full block should a larger representation be desired by the District Commissioner. Traffic Flow Modifications other than Traffic Circles: Requires concurrence of two- thirds (2/3) of the affected residents and/or property owners, who elected to vote (ballots received). Non -voters are not counted (ballots not returned). Municipal Jurisdictions: In lieu of concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners, a municipality may pass a resolution after a public hearing requesting PWD to consider the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). The affected area within unincorporated Miami -Dade County will be established by the County's staff. If the location falls within a municipality, the affected area will be established by both the City's and the County's staff. The affected area may include, but is not limited to, those properties where normal travel routes to and from the affected area are to be altered by the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) and/or properties that are significantly impacted by the diverted traffic. 1.6.a If concurrence from the required affected residents and/or property owners is required, proceed to next step. 1.6.b If concurrence from the required affected residents and/or property owners is not required, proceed to Step 1.8. 1.7. Approval of the Plan by Homeowners 1.7.a PWD, under certain circumstances, may elect to obtain concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners. 1.7.b PWD will mail out ballots to obtain concurrence of the affected residents and/or property owners. 1.7.c If the location is within a municipality, that jurisdiction, in lieu of the concurrence from the affected residents/property owners may elect to have their elected body vote on the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) after a public hearing and TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 15 may submit the resolution to PWD requesting consideration of the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s). 1.7.d If the required number of affected residents and/or property owners as per Step 1.6 do not approve the proposed improvements by PWD, then the process ceases. 1.7.e If the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such process can be reinitiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the previous opening date of the ballots. However, the applicant will be charged with the mailing and processing cost, which will be determined on a case -by -case basis. 1.8 Implementation of Temporary Traffic Calming Measures 1.8.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD will implement the improvements as funding and contracts are identified. 1.8.b If the request falls within a municipality, PWD will coordinate with the municipality for the installation of the traffic calming devices. 1.9 Evaluation of Temporary Traffic Calming Measures: If the evaluation of the temporary devices by PWD reveals that: 1.9.a The improvements implemented by PWD did not cause an adverse impact to traffic and are acceptable to the residents and/or property owners, proceed to Step 1.10. 1.9.b The improvements implemented by PWD are unacceptable to the residents and/or property owners, or create unexpected operational and/or safety concerns, then: Either the removal of temporary devices are requested through the process as per step 1.6, or a more restrictive traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) may be considered as per Phase 2, Step 2.1. 1.10 Desiqn of Permanent Traffic Calminq Devices 1.10.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD will develop construction plans for permanent traffic calming devices as funding and contracts are identified. 1.10.b If the location falls within a municipality, PWD will coordinate the design of permanent traffic calming devices with the municipality. 1.11 Installation of Permanent Traffic Calming Devices 1.11.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD will install permanent traffic calming devices, as funding and contracts are identified. 1.11.b If the location falls within a municipality, PWD will coordinate the installation with TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure the municipality. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '® Page 16 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure PHASE 2: TRAFFIC STUDY BY APPLICANT'S CONSULTANT 2.1. Applicant Engages a Traffic Consultant to Perform a Traffic Study Page 17 In the event that the action taken by PWD in accordance with Phase 1 procedures is unacceptable to the municipal jurisdiction, or the residents and/or property owners, they have the option of engaging a traffic consultant, at their cost, to conduct an independent traffic study. Should the request be initiated through or by a municipality or the Florida Department of Transportation, then these agencies, at their option, may conduct traffic studies utilizing their staff or a traffic consultant. 2.1.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, this study is coordinated by PWD. 2.1.b If the location falls within a municipality, the study is coordinated by the municipality and reviewed by the PWD. 2.2. Conduct Pre -implementation Traffic Study The traffic consultant hired by the applicants shall perform a pre -implementation traffic study. This study shall identify and confirm the applicant's concerns (i.e., traffic intrusion, excessive traffic volume, speeding, traffic accidents, etc.) and determine if the collected traffic data meets PWD traffic calming criteria. On a case -by -case basis, PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, may require the following data depending on the type and complexity of the concerns: 2.2.a License Plate Survey: If the reason for the request is due to traffic intrusions, this survey will be required for confirmation of cut -through traffic. Sampling during the morning and afternoon peak hour periods will be considered adequate. 2.2.b Average Daily Traffic: If the reason for the request is due to an excessive amount of traffic in the area, a sampling of twenty-four (24) will be acceptable, and forty eight (48), or seventy-two (72) hour counts will be preferred. 2.2.c Speed Studies: If the reason for the request is due to speeding, then speed studies are required to confirm vehicular speed. A speeding problem can be verified when the 85th percentile speed of all vehicles is at least 10 mph greater than the posted speed limit. A non -peak hour daytime minimum sampling of 100 vehicles will be considered acceptable. A twenty-four (24) hour speed study utilizing traditional dual hoses will be preferred. 2.2.d Traffic Accident History: If the reason for the request is due to traffic accidents, then traffic accident reports for the last three (3) years are reviewed to confirm accident history. The proposed traffic calming measure shall mitigate significant crashes. 2.2.e Other data and/or studies as needed. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 18 PWD, on a case -by -case basis, may require additional traffic data or studies if needed. 2.2.f. If the pre -implementation study reveals that the traffic data does not support PWD Policy for Traffic Calming Measures (Appendices I, 11 and III) then a final decision of denial is rendered and the process ceases. PWD will notify the applicant of the denial. 2.2.g If the pre -implementation study confirms that a problem exists and the traffic data meets PWD Policy for Traffic Calming Measures (Appendices I, II and III), the applicant may proceed to the next step. 2.3. Identify Traffic Calming Alternatives The consultant shall adopt an area -wide systematic approach to the development of traffic calming alternatives. This approach must work within the overall framework of the existing roadway classification system and encourage community participation. There are three (3) levels of traffic calming ranging from I to III to distinguish those least restrictive (passive) traffic control measures from those that are most restrictive (active). Among the categories, there could be many design variations unique to each device. Ideally, the least restrictive measures to address traffic concerns should be employed first, followed by more active and physical traffic calming devices. This incremental approach allows a cost-effective opportunity to identify the real traffic problem, if any, and better evaluate the impact of more restrictive measures. Keeping the above -staged approach in mind and a handful of traffic calming alternatives available for use on local roads, a typical request for a traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) might proceed accordingly: 2.3.a The traffic consultant will assess the community's needs. 2.3.b The consultant will generate staged alternative traffic calming plans, including design plans for temporary and permanent traffic calming measures, for approval by PWD, as well as cost estimates. 2.3.b.1 PWD will implement the lowest level of (Level I through Level III) traffic control measures on a temporary basis that, in the consultant's opinion, will satisfy the applicant's concerns. 2.3.b.2 Allow traffic to stabilize and reevaluate traffic patterns after six (6) months. 2.3.b.3 If Level I measures is selected and its impacts are unacceptable, then proceed to Level II and reevaluate more restrictive traffic calming alternatives. If Level II impacts are unacceptable, then proceed to Level III and reevaluate. 2.3.b.4 If the impacts of Level I, II or III measure, so selected are acceptable, PWD will implement permanent traffic control measures, as funding and TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure contracts are identified. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '® Page 19 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 20 The following categories of traffic calming alternatives are most effective when used in combination with each other: LEVELS OF TRAFFIC CALMING LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL III Education Chokers Semi Diverter Neighborhood Speed Watch Roundabouts Diagonal Diverter Program Traffic Circle Street Closure Law Enforcement Speed Humps Speed Humps Movement Restrictions Raised Median through One -Way Streets Intersections (Right Turn Only) Multi -Way Stop Control Mid -block Raised Islands/Medians Textured Pavement Gateway Treatments Border Landscaping Treatment The consultant shall also prepare a cost -estimate for the traffic calming alternatives identified above and proceed to the next step for a pre -implementation study. 2.4. Perform Pre -implementation Study to Determine the Potential Impact of Traffic Calming Measures on Roadways within and outside of the Study Area The consultant shall conduct a pre -implementation study to determine the potential impact of the proposed traffic calming devices/street closure(s), within and outside of the study area. Depending on the type, complexity and requirements of the area in question, PWD may, on a case -by -case basis, require analysis per Step 2.4.d and 2.4.e, which must conform to the following criterion: 2.4.a Volume Criteria: 2.4.a.1 Future traffic volumes due to traffic diversion on any of the Residential Local Streets may not exceed 1,500 vehicles per day (150 vehicles per hour (VPH) during the peak hours) if a traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure is implemented. The threshold values define those limits when a local residential street begins to lose its livability and are used for analysis purposes only. They do not guarantee that the traffic flow modification(s) or closure(s) will be approved. 2.4.a.2 Future traffic volumes due to traffic diversion on any of the Residential Collector Streets may not exceed 3,000 vehicles per day (300 VPH during the peak hours) if a traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is implemented. These threshold values define those limits when a residential collector street begins to lose its livability and are used for analysis purposes only. They do not guarantee that the traffic flow modification(s) or closure(s) will be approved. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure 2.4.b Level of Service (LOS) Criteria: Page 21 2.4.b.I Future overall intersection Level of Service (LOS) must not exceed LOS "D" or if operating at LOS "E" must not degrade to LOS "F". 2.4.b.2 The same criterion applies for an individual intersection approach within the critical intersection approach. 2.4.b.3 If intersection or approach is already at LOS "F", then diverted traffic volumes must not be more than 10% of the existing traffic volumes without diversion. 2.4.c Determine Affected Area: The affected area may include, but is not limited to, those properties where normal travel routes, to and from the affected area, are to be altered by the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) and/or properties that are significantly impacted by the diverted traffic. 2.4.c.1 If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD will establish affected area boundaries on a case -by -case basis and obtain concurrence from FDOT if their facilities are impacted. 2.4.c.2 If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within a municipality, both the City's, and County's staff will determine the boundaries of the affected area on a case -by -case basis, and obtain concurrence from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), if their facilities are impacted. 2.4.d Conduct Traffic Analysis within the Study Area: For critical locations, if any, provide projection of the expected diverted traffic within the study area. This will require the following steps: 2.4.d.1 Peak -hour turning movement counts (TMC). 2.4.d.2 Twenty-four (24), forty eight (48), or seventy-two (72), hour counts on those streets that are proposed to be closed or modified. 2.4.d.3 Twenty-four (24), forty eight (48), or seventy-two (72) hour counts on those streets that may be impacted by proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 2.4.d.4 LOS analysis at critical locations that will be affected by redistributed traffic. 2.4.d.5 A schematic diagram for both morning and afternoon peak hours showing existing and redistributed traffic and Average Daily Traffic (ADT). TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure 2.4.e Conduct Traffic Analysis outside the Study Area Page 22 Projection of the expected diverted traffic at critical intersections, if any, adjacent to and surrounding the affected area. Particular attention shall be paid to the impacts on the State Highway System and County roadways, including: 2.4.e.1 Peak -hour TMC. 2.4.e.2 Queuing analysis and storage requirements at signalized intersections. 2.4.e.3 LOS analysis at critical signalized and un-signalized existing intersections. 2.4.e.4 A schematic diagram showing the results of the TMC and ADT analyses for critical locations. 2.4.e.5 Phasing modification requirements at existing signalized intersection. 2.4.e.6 A detailed evaluation of the impacts caused by the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) on emergency vehicle response times and fire hydrant accessibility, as well as other services such as mail delivery, school bus routing, transit service, trash pick-up, etc. Each individual case will dictate which of the above items are required, depending on the complexity and requirements of the study area. 2.4.f The Report: The consultant will document the study in the form of a report. PWD will require the following items as part of this report: • A drawing that shows the exact location of existing and proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). • Boundary of the affected area. • Critical intersection geometries. • Analysis of the critical intersections and roadway links per Section 2.4.d and 2.4.e. • Comparison of before and after LOS. The consultant will indicate the optimum traffic calming measure from each of Levels I, II and III, which adequately satisfies the applicant's concern. The Level I measure generally should be implemented first. However, depending on the severity of the case at hand and/or unusual circumstances a higher level of measures can be implemented. If the results are not satisfactory, then the next level measure will be implemented until Level III is reached. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 23 Any traffic study performed for traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) should be compiled by the traffic consultant in the form of a formal report, signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer. If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of the report to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, which, in turn, forwards a report to the FDOT if State facilities are impacted. If the location falls within a municipality, applicant shall submit three (3) copies of the report to the municipality, which in turn, forwards a report to PWD and the FDOT if State facilities are impacted. 2.5 Is the Request within a Municipality? 2.5.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD coordinates the review as per Step 2.7.a. 2.5.b If request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within a municipality, PWD will request the affected entity to coordinate the review as per Step 2.7.b. 2.6 Is Review from Various Entities Required? PWD will make the determination if the proposed traffic calming measures will impact other user entities and if review is required from affected user entities, such as police, fire, etc. If review is required, proceed to next step. If review is not required, proceed to Step 2.8. 2.7 Preliminary Review by Various Entities 2.7.a If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, shall coordinate a review with agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s), which may include, but not be limited to, affected Municipal Police and Fire Departments, MDFR, MDPD, MDP&Z, MDCPS, MDT, FDOT. 2.7.a.1 PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, shall review all comments brought forth by the aforementioned entities. If all agencies and departments concur, then the Director of PWD will approve the application. However, under the following conditions, the application for traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) will be denied. 2.7.a.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be resolved. 2.7.a.1.2 The proposed locations or extenuating circumstances do not meet all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 24 2.7.b If the request affects local streets within a municipality, then the municipality coordinates review with other agencies potentially affected by the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s), which may include, but not be limited to, affected Municipal Fire and Police Departments, MDFR, MDPD, MDP&Z, MDCPS, MDT, FDOT, PWD, Traffic Engineering Division. 2.7.b.1 The municipal representative shall review all comments brought forth by the aforementioned entities. The municipality, under the following conditions, shall deny the application for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s): 2.7.b.1.1 Comments made by any entity revealed concerns, which cannot be resolved. 2.7.b.1.2 The proposed locations or extenuating circumstances do not meet all criteria outlined under this process or applicable State laws. 2.7.c If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in denial of the request, the process ceases. 2.7.d If the preliminary review performed by the various affected entities results in concurrence of the request, then the municipality endorses the request and forwards it to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division. These reviews shall be relevant to the agency reviewing the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). The scope of the traffic review shall be determined on a case -by -case basis by PWD. 2.8 Approval or Denial of the Reauest 2.8.a If the location falls within an unincorporated area, PWD makes the determination on the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s). 2.8.a.1 If the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is denied by PWD, the process ceases. 2.8.a.2 If the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is approved by PWD, then proceed to the next step. 2.8.b If the location falls within a municipality, that entity makes recommendations on traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 2.8.b.1 If the municipality denies the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s), the process ceases. 2.8.b.2 If the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) is endorsed by the municipality, the request is forwarded to PWD for review and approval. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure 2.9 Is Concurrence from the Affected Property Owners Required? Page 25 Depending on the traffic calming devices, PWD will determine if concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners is required. Required Affected Residents and/or Property Owners: Traffic Circles: Requires 100% concurrence of affected residents and/or property owners from four (4) corners adjacent to the proposed circles. This may be extended to the full block should a larger representation be desired by the District Commissioner. Traffic Flow Modifications other than Traffic Circles: Requires concurrence of two- thirds (2/3) of the affected residents and/or property owners, who elected to vote (ballots received). Non -voters are not counted (ballots not returned). Municipal Jurisdictions: In lieu of concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners, a municipality may pass a resolution after a public hearing requesting PWD to consider the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 2.9.a If concurrence of the affected residents and/or property owners is required, proceed to the next step. 2.9.b If concurrence of the affected residents and/or property owners is not required, proceed to Step 2.11. 2.10 Approval of Traffic Plan As a result of the above -referenced steps, the affected residents and/or property owners must support the traffic calming flow modifications derived. Residents (one per household) must be either property or business owners, or tenant, within the affected area by the proposed traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s). A public workshop, organized by the applicant's traffic consultant, will be held and affected residents and/or property owners and business owners will be invited to participate. The purpose of the workshop will be to determine the proposed alternative(s) having the greatest community support. The public workshop should include participation by the municipality, PWD and FDOT officials. 2.10.a If the location is within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, PWD will mail out ballots to obtain concurrence from the affected residents and/or property owners. 2.10.b If the location is within a municipality, and PWD is funding the installation of the devices then the County shall mail out ballots to obtain concurrence from the required affected residents and/or property owners. 2.10.c If the location is within a municipality, and that municipality is funding the installation of the devices then such municipality shall mail out ballots to obtain concurrence from the required affected residents and/or property owners. (see Appendices VII, VIII and IX for sample ballots). TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 26 2.10.d A municipality, in lieu of the concurrence from affected residents and/or property owners, may elect to have their elected body vote on the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) after a public hearing and may submit the resolution to PWD for review of the proposed traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 2.10.e If the required number of affected residents and/or property owners do not approve the proposed improvements, then the process ceases. 2.10.f If the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such process can be reinitiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the previous opening date of the ballots. However, the applicant will be charged with the mailing and processing cost, which will be determined on a case -by -case basis. 2.10.g If the request for traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then the applicant agrees to pay for all costs directly associated with the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) beyond the installation of signs and markings. 2.10.h If the request affects local streets within a municipality, then determination will be made by the local entity and either the applicant or the municipality will share the costs directly associated with the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) beyond the installation of signs and markings. 2.10.i Depending on the complexity of the traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s), PWD may direct the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC), Transportation Planning Technical Advisory Committee (TPTAC), or MPO, to provide input prior to the final recommendations by PWD. 2.10.j If CTAC, TPTAC or MPO technical reviews recommend against the proposed traffic calming alternative(s), then that decision will be final. 2.10.k If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then PWD will notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) request. 2.10.1 If the location falls within a municipality, then PWD will notify the applicant and the municipality, of the approval or denial of the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) request. 2.10.m If the required number of the affected residents and/or property owners does not approve the proposed improvements, then the process ceases. 2.10A If the residents and/or property owners desire to reinitiate the process, such process can be reinitiated after ninety (90) calendar days from the previous opening date of the ballots. However, the applicant will be charged with the mailing and processing cost, which will be determined on a case -by -case basis. 2.10.1 If the required number of the affected residents and/or property owners concur with the traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) plan approved by PWD, proceed to TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Step 2.11. 2.11 Installation of Temporary Traffic Calming Devices Page 27 2.11.a The applicant's consultant develops a plan for the temporary and permanent traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s). 2.11.b If the jurisdiction falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then the applicant submits construction plans to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for approval of the temporary traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s), including all signs and markings. 2.11.c If the jurisdiction falls within a municipality, then the applicant submits construction plans to the municipality for approval of the temporary traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) including all signs and markings. 2.11.d Municipality forwards plans to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for traffic engineering review and approval. 2.11.e Applicant engages a contractor to install temporary traffic control devices, which will be allowed only for a 90-day trial period. 2.11.f At the expiration of the 90-day trial period, the applicant shall remove the temporary traffic calming devices, unless the Director of the Public Works Department grants an extension, or constructs permanent devices. 2.12 Conduct Post -implementation Study to Assess if the Impact of Implemented Devices are Acceptable Once the temporary traffic calming devices are implemented, they need to be evaluated prior to the installation of the permanent traffic calming devices. 2.12.a Applicant requests traffic consultant to collect traffic data after the traffic pattern has been established over a period of thirty (30) days and shall be completed within the remaining sixty (60) days. 2.12.b Traffic consultant analyzes the data and submits reports either to PWD or the municipality, whichever has jurisdiction. 2.13 Post -impact Analysis Results If the study reveals that the impact of the temporary traffic control devices are unacceptable, then the consultant shall go back to Step 2.3 to identify more restrictive traffic calming alternatives. If it is determined that the temporary traffic control devices are ineffective, then the request TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 28 for permanent installation shall be denied and the applicant shall direct the contractor to remove the temporary traffic control devices at the expiration of the 90-day trial period. 2.13.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then PWD will notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the permanent traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). 2.13.b If the location falls within a municipality, and if the request is initiated by the municipality, then PWD will notify the municipality. The municipality, in turn, will notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the permanent traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s). If the study reveals no adverse impacts and temporary devices are acceptable, then proceed to Step 2.14. 2.14 Design of Permanent Traffic Control Devices 2.14.a If the location falls within unincorporated Miami -Dade County, then construction plans are prepared by the applicant's consultant and are submitted to PWD for approval of the permanent traffic flow modifications or street closures, including all signs and markings. 2.14.b If the location falls within a municipality, then construction plans are prepared by the applicant's consultant and are submitted to a municipality for approval of the permanent traffic flow modifications or street closures, including all signs and markings. The municipality shall then forward plans to PWD, Traffic Engineering Division, for traffic engineering review and approval. 2.15 Installation of Permanent Traffic Calming Devices Applicant directs private contractor(s) to install permanent closure, at their expense, upon obtaining necessary approvals and permits from the appropriate agencies. In situations where a traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) in one municipality affects an adjacent municipality, then both municipalities shall mutually agree to such modification(s). Miami -Dade County has the sole discretion, subject to all applicable laws, to approve, modify, remove, continue or deny any traffic flow modification(s)/street closure(s) request regardless of any support or lack thereof via the petition process. The approval or denial issued by the Director of PWD for a traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) is final. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure APPENDICES TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '® Page 29 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure APPENDIX 1 Public Works Department — Traffic Engineering Division Policv on Traffic Calminq Measures Page 30 Must meet the first criteria and at least one of the remaining criteria in order for the Public Works Department to consider traffic calming measures: Criterion Residential Residential Local Streets Collector Streets Minimum Traffic Volume >1,500 VPD <3000*** >3,000 VPD <8,000*** >150 VPH <300*** >300 VPH <800 85th Percentile Speed+ 10 MPH> Speed Limit 10 MPH> Speed Limit Correctable Accidents per year >3 per year >6 per year Cut Through Traffic during >25% >50% the a.m. or p.m. peak hour Pedestrian Crossing Volume during the a.m. or p.m. peak >25 >50 hour Concurrence from affected 2/3 of returned ballots** 2/3 of returned ballots ** residents/property owners.* VPD = Vehicles per day; VPH = Vehicles per hour + It is the speed at which 85% of motorists travel. * Affected residents/property owners to be determined on a case by case basis. ** For traffic circle 100% concurrence from adjacent affected residents and or property owners is required. Municipal Jurisdictions: In lieu of concurrence a resolution is acceptable from municipalities. *** The traffic volume within a municipal boundary could be reduced by a total of 30%, and speed by 50% at the request of and for those municipalities, which provide funding for their traffic calming program. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure APPENDIX II Page 31 POLICY ON TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES FOR LOW VOLUME NARROW STREET General Requirements: • The street must be a local residential street. • The street width must be less than 20 feet. • The posted speed limit must be 30 mph or greater. • The street is not on an emergency vehicle route. • The street is not on a school bus route. • The street must not be on a curve. • The proposed TCD will have no adverse effect on pedestrians, bicycle safety or drainage. • The street does not have any sidewalks. Criteria: The Street must meet the first criteria and any one of the other criteria: • 85t" percentile speed must be 5 mph over the posted speed limit, • Traffic volume shall not be less than 500 vehicles per day or more than 1000 vehicles per day. • Cut -through traffic must be over 25%. • Pedestrian volume must be over 15 pedestrians per hour. • Two or more correctable -type accidents per year. •W • 85t" percentile speed must be greater than or equal to posted speed limit. • Cut -through traffic must be greater than or equal to 40%. • Traffic volume shall not be less than 500 vehicles per day or more than 1000 vehicles per day. • Pedestrian volume must be over 15 pedestrians per hour. • Two or more correctable -type accidents per year. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure APPENDIX III POLICY ON SPEED HUMPS Page 32 PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the installation of speed humps along local residential streets within Miami -Dade County. POLICY: Speed humps will be considered, on a case -by -case basis, and only on local residential streets, which meet the following criterion: CRITERION: • The street must be a local residential street. Speed hump shall not be constructed on collector and arterial roadways. • The street shall not have more than one traffic lane in each direction. The street must be at least 750 feet long, with no intersecting roadways in between. • Traffic volumes on the street must equal or exceed 750 vehicles per day. • The street is posted at or has a speed limit of 30 MPH or less. • The traffic engineering study has determined that the 851" percentile speed on the street is at least 10 MPH over the speed limit. • The speed humps will not be considered within 250 feet of a traffic signal, within 50 feet of an intersection, in front of a driveway, within an intersection or adjacent to fire hydrants. • The speed humps will not be considered in, or on the approaches to, a horizontal or a vertical curve where visibility of the hump is restricted. • The street should not be located along an emergency response route, regional transit or school bus route and must be approved by the respective agencies for the installation of speed humps. • Installation of these devices shall not cause the traffic to divert to other neighborhood streets. • 2/3 of the residents/property owners of the block(s) concur with the installation of the speed hump. • The District Commissioner approves the use of PTP funding for the installation. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure APPENDIXDV REPORT ON SPEED HUMPS Memorandum v�m������um Dote: December 14, zoo* RTC To: Honorable Chairman Carlos A.Gimenaz and Members, Regional Transportation Committee From: GenrgeK0. Burgess County Manager ~~ � Subject: Speed Tables/Humps Report This memorandum isinresponse murequest by Commissioner Gknenerfor areport onthe pros and cons ofspeed humps. Aspeed hump isatraffic calming tool designed toslow traffic or control the volume of through traffic. It is u raised area in the pavement surface extending transversely across the roadway. Speed humps normally have a minimum height of3to4 inches and a travel length between 12 feet to 22 fee. In some cases, the speed hump may raise the roadway surface tuthe height ofthe adjacent curb for ashort distance. Advantages of Speed Humps The main advantage of speed humps is speed reduction. Reductions in cut -through traffic are also omajor benefit of these devices. Research and Education, Iowa State University, a number of studies have evaluated differences in speeds at e location before and after a speed hump was installed. Review ofthe various studies indicate that the magnitude of speed reduction depends on u number of factore, including the design and spacing where the speed difference was collected in relationship to the traffic calming devine, the surrounding environment, and vehicle mix. Speeds between humps have been observed tvbereduced between 20and 2spercent nnaverage. Studies also indicate that traffic volumes are reduced nnaverage by18percent depending on alternative routes available. Additionally, collisions have been reduced on average by18 percent on streets where installations have occurred. Disadvantages of Speed Bumps Among disadvantages several jurisdictions as a result of speed hump installations. Also, although speed humps are effective in reducing traffic speed, they also reduce the speed of emergency vehicles and delay response times substantially. The amount of delay that is incurred depends on the type of emergency vehicle and the desired operating speed. This can be as much as 10 seconds per device. In a study done in the USA, it was calculated that more deaths would arise from delayed arrival of ambulances than lives could be saved by any possible accident reduction. Several studies have evaluated the impact of speed humps on emergency response times. In general, there is an approximate delay of between 3 and 5 seconds per speed hump for fire trucks and up to 10 seconds for an ambulance with a patient. In addition, traversing speed humps provides major discomfort to ambulance passengers and emergency personnel. Speed humps have also been documented to cause accidents and injuries. Experimental devices placed on a street to protect children at local schools in Portland, Maine, resulted in an increase incrashes nf35percent. Bicyclists and motorcyclists are more prone hohephysically impacted. If bicyclists hit a speed hump too quickly while still within the speed limit, they may be rAomzen Flow Mou /nmmmn Street owo m.mm Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Honorable Chairman Carlos A. Gimenez And Members, Regional Transportation Committee Page 2 launched into the air losing total control of their bicycle. Drivers have also been observed to be distracted by the humps, therefore, ignoring other hazards such as children. Therefore, speed humps may be a potential safety hazard. Other disadvantages are: • Increase in air pollution and fuel usage as traffic travels in a lower gear using significantly more fuel per mile. • Increases in vehicle wear and tear because speed humps frequently cause damage to vehicles even at normal speed levels. • An increase in roadway maintenance costs because the road surface before and after a hump tends to develop potholes after a few years. • Accidental automobile air bag deployment Recommendation A reduction in vehicle speed and volume may be accomplished either by horizontal controls, such as traffic circles or vertical controls such as the speed humps or tables. Our current policy favors horizontal control over vertical control since they are safer and can provide comfortable maneuvering for people with disabilities and those transported on emergency vehicles. As such, our current policy on the vertical controls, as described in Attachment A, is limited to those low volume local residential streets where there is no intersecting street within a distance of 750 feet, and where the speed is determined to be at least 10 MPH over the posted speed limit. Date a CADocuments and Settings\Igomezt\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\0LKA6\Speed Tables -Humps Memo (Final).doc TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE E Page 34 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure PURPOSE: POLICY: CRITERION: ATTACHMENT A POLICY ON SPEED HUMPS The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the installation of speed humps along local residential streets within Miami -Dade County. Miami -Dade County has the sole discretion, subject to all applicable laws, to approve, modify, remove, continue or deny speed hump(s) request regardless of any support or lack thereof via the petition process. The approval or denial issued by the Director of PWD for a speed hump(s) is final. Speed humps will be considered on a case -by -case basis, only on local residential streets which meet the following criteria. • The street must strictly be a local residential road, specifically excluding arterial or collector roadways. • The street shall not have more than one traffic lane in each direction. • The street must be at least 750 feet long with no intersecting roadways in between. • Traffic volumes on the street must range between 750 and 1500 vehicles per day. • The street is posted at or has a speed limit of 30 MPH or less. • The traffic engineering study has determined that the 85th percentile speed on the street is at feast 10 MPH over the speed limit. • The speed humps will not be considered within 250 feet of a traffic signal, within 50 feet of an intersection, in front of a driveway, within an intersection or adjacent to fire hydrants. • The speed humps will not be considered in or on the approach to a horizontal or a vertical curve where visibility of the hump is restricted. • The street should not be located along an emergency response route, transit route, school bus route or truck route, and must be approved by the respective agencies for the installation of speed humps. • Installation of these devices shall not cause the traffic to divert to other neighborhood streets. • 100% of the residents/property owners immediately adjacent to the proposed speed humps (one vote per residence) and two-thirds of the residents/property owners of the block(s) shall concur with the installation of the speed humps. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: • Individual residents, neighborhood associations or the entity having municipal jurisdiction over the area may initiate the request for a speed hump installation. The applicant must submit a request, in writing, to the Chief of the Traffic Engineering Division, Miami -Dade Public Works Department, 111 NW 1 Street, Suite 1510, Miami, Florida, 33128-1970. 3 CADocuments and Settings\IgomevIocal Settings\Temporary Intemet Flies\OLKA6\Speed Tables -Humps Memo (Final).doc TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE E Page 35 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure • After a request for speed humps is received, the Traffic Engineering Division will conduct an initial study to determine if the street meets the aforementioned criteria for the installation of said devices, or if other alternative measures may be taken to resolve the residents' traffic concerns. • If the above criteria are not met, the street will not be considered for speed hump installation and the applicant(s) will be notified of the denial. • If after the initial study it is determined that the street qualifies for speed hump installation, a petition packet consisting of the speed hump petition will be mailed to the applicant(s). The project applicant(s) will be responsible for circulating the petition in the applicable area. • Once the approved petition is received, the applicant will be notified of the PWD's recommendations. • If approval is granted, the Traffic Engineering Division will seek approval for allocation of PTP funding from the District Commissioner. • Upon approval, PWD will initiate the design and subsequently proceed with the installation of the permanent traffic calming devices. • The initial installation will be allowed for a six-month trial period. The final determination on the retention/removal of the hump(s) will be made at the expiration of the trial period. SPEED HUMP REMOVAL: The process for speed hump removal is as follows: • Individual residents, neighborhood associations or the entity having municipal jurisdiction over the area if not satisfied with the devices may initiate the request for speed hump removal. • The applicant must submit a request in writing to the Chief of the Traffic Engineering Division, Miami -Dade Public Works Department, 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1510, Miami, Florida, 33128-1970. • The application must accompany a petition signed by 100% of the residents/property owners immediately adjacent to the existing speed hump(s) (one vote per residence) and two-thirds of the property owners of the block(s) in favor of the removal of the speed hump. • In case the PWD determines that an unforeseen problem exists as a result of the humps, the devices may be redesigned or removed by the County. In such a case, the County will bear the full cost of the speed hump removal. • If the device is installed by a municpal jurisdiction, then such entity will be responsible for the removal of such device(s) upon approval from PWD at no cost to the County. DESIGN: The following design is adopted by PWD as the County's Standard for Speed Hump(s). C Eocuments and SettingsNlgomezt%Local Settings%Temporary Internet Files\OLKAMSpeed Tables -Humps Memo (Final).doc TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE E Page 36 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '® Page 37 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure FLAT-TOPPED SPEED HUMP DESIGN a ai � � a o1 o 1' SAW CUT -••j' f 10, 7 i +1 �t +t--1' SAW CUT I'— -- 6'— ,SECTION AA ` A w a Lu SPEED HUMP CURB FACSPEED HUMP N/ID TH H12" TAPFJi� DI��l VAIES SPEED HUMP TAPER AT CURB 5 CADocuments and SetNngs4gomezt1ocal Set6ngslTemporary Intemet Files\OLKA61Speed Tables -Humps Memo (Finai).doc TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE T a M w 4. r 1 Page 38 Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Applicant: Contact Name: Local Address: Location: APPENDIX V Traffic Flow Modification/Street Closure Applicant Form Date: Phone: Page 39 1.a.1 Rank your neighborhood's traffic problems and provide a brief description of each (for instance, time when the problem is most serious, or specific issue, such as a pothole). Traffic intrusion Excessive traffic volume Speeding Accidents Other (please explain) _ 1.a.2 How long have these problems existed? What conditions have caused these problems? 1.a.3 Please check the type of action requested. Traffic Circle Median Treatment Street Closure Special Taxing District Reverting the right-of-way Other (please specify)_ List locations where traffic flow mod ification(s)/street closure(s) is requested and provide an area map identifying these devices TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure 1.a.4 This request is made on behalf of homeowners by: () Homeowners Association () Individual () Other (please specify) 1.a.5 Please return the completed application form to: Chief, Traffic Engineering Division Miami -Dade County Public Works Department 111 N.W. First Street, Suite 1510 Miami, Florida 33128-1970 For Office Use Only Project Number Date Preliminary Analysis Completed Date of First Neighborhood Workshop Director Action: ( ) Favorable ( ) Unfavorable Date of Project Implementation Project Review Date: TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Page 40 Date Application Received: Identified Problems: ( ) Exist () Perceived Traffic Team: ( ) Yes ( ) No Consensus Reached: () Yes () No Project Successful: ( ) Yes ( ) No Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure APPENDIX VI Traffic Flow Modification/Street Closure Interdepartmental Review To: Director, Public Works Department 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1610 Miami, Florida 33128-1970 Page 41 We have reviewed this request and based on the reasoning stated above, we recommend the following action: () Request Approved () Request Denied Signature: Print Name: Reviewing Agency: Address: Please attach additional sheets as necessary. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE Date: Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 42 February 1, 2008 Mr. & Mrs. 0000 SW 00 Street Miami, Florida 33143-5952 Dear Mr. & Mrs. APPENDIX VII Sample Ballot 1: Traffic Circles, PWD Use OFFICIAL NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING RESIDENT AND/OR PROPERTY OWNER BALLOT The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department (PWD) has completed a traffic study at NW 10 Avenue and NW 50 Street. As a result of this study, a traffic circle is being proposed for the intersection of NW 10 Avenue and NW 50 Street. (See attached sketch) Should 100% of the residents and/or property owners adjacent to the proposed traffic circle concur with the proposed improvement, the PWD will proceed with the installation of this device, at no cost to the residents and/or property owners. In the event that 100% of these residents and/or property owners fail to reach a consensus, PWD will not pursue this matter any further. Please read through the ballot, check the appropriate box, complete the pertinent information and return this original ballot to PWD no later than Friday, February 29, 2008. A self-addressed return envelope with pre- paid postage is enclosed for your convenience. All submitted ballots (one ballot per lot) must be original, completed in ink. Ballot: I, the undersigned resident and/or property owner do hereby indicate my preference by checking the appropriate box, FOR or AGAINST the installation of the proposed traffic circle at the intersection of NW 10 Avenue and NW 50 Street. ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST Signature Property Address Print Name Phone Number Date Your presence is welcome at the opening and tabulation of the received ballot envelopes on Friday, March 7, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 NW 1st Street, 15t" floor, rear conference room. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Muhammed M. Hasan, P.E., Chief, Traffic Engineering Division, at (305) 375-2030. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 43 APPENDIX VIII Sample Ballot 2: Traffic Calming Devices, PWD Use November 18, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. 0000 SW 00 Street Miami, Florida 33143-5952 Dear Mr. & Mrs. OFFICIAL NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING RESIDENT AND/OR PROPERTY OWNER BALLOT The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department (PWD) in response to the request from the residents is proposing to construct a median diverter along SW 74 Street west of SW 52 Avenue in order to enforce the existing right turn restriction (See attached sketch). Should two-thirds (2/3) of the affected residents and/or property owners concur with the proposed median diverter, PWD will proceed with the installation of this device at no cost to the residents and/or property owners, upon securing funding from the District Commissioner. In the event that two-thirds (2/3) of these residents and/or property owners fail to reach consensus, PWD will not pursue this matter any further. Please read through the ballot, check the appropriate box, complete the pertinent information, and return this original ballot to PWD no later than Friday, December 7, 2007. A self-addressed return envelope with pre- paid postage is enclosed for your convenience. All submitted ballots (one ballot per lot) must be original and completed in ink. Ballot: I, the undersigned resident and/or property owner do hereby indicate my preference by checking the appropriate box FOR or AGAINST the installation of the proposed median diverter along SW 74 Street west of SW 52 Avenue. ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST Signature Property Address Print Name Phone Number Date Your presence is welcomed at the opening and tabulation of the received ballot envelopes on Friday, December 14, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 NW 1st Street, 15t" floor, rear conference room. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Muhammed M. Hasan, P.E., Chief, Traffic Engineering Division, at (305) 375-2030. TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 44 APPENDIX IX Sample Ballot 3: Residents/Property Owners and HOA Use OFFICIAL NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CALMING RESIDENTS' AND/OR PROPERTY OWNERS' BALLOT The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department (PWD), in response to the request for street closures, is proposing half closures at NE 88 St and NE 90 Street east of NE 10 Avenue that will prevent vehicles from entering NE 88 Street and NE 90 Street from NE 10 Avenue (See attached sketch). Please note that initially the half closures will be constructed using signs, plastic batons and pavement markings in order to receive input from the residents and make any needed adjustments to the design. It will be revaluated after ninety (90) days. Subsequently, should this device be acceptable to all parties involved, it will be made permanent utilizing concrete curb and gutter. Should two-thirds (2/3) of the affected residents and/or property owners concur with the proposed half closures, PWD will proceed with the installation of these devices. All submitted ballots (one ballot per lot) must be original and completed in ink. Ballot: We, the undersigned resident and/or property owner do hereby indicate our preference by checking the appropriate box FOR or AGAINST the installation of the proposed half closure along NE 88 St and NE 90 Street east of NE 10 Avenue. Name: Address: Signature: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST Name: Address: Signature: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST Name: Address: Signature: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST Name: Address: Signature: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST Name: Address: TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc M IAM I DADE '® Traffic Flow Modification(s)/Street Closure(s) Procedure Page 45 Signature: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST TACitizen Su ort\Traffic Flow Moadification - Street Closure.doc MIAMIDADE '®