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Exhibit A
E�X�HrIrIrT� "A BINKER',"CJHr R'� O A CJCJ©)�; rP A NY L EJG�A L �EJSJCJRJIrP R'�Ir©�J� E GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 1 inch = 100 ft. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY INW 36TH ST > > a x ro ~ 3 u� z 3 z T T W 34T Fz�' LOCATION SKETCH SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: WE HEREBY CERTIFY, that the attached SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION was prepared under our direction in compliance with Chapter 5J-17, as set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF THIS SHEET IS THE ELECTRONIC FILE DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED UNDER RULE 5J-17-062, F.A.C. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY A Selvin P Bruce 2021.06.10 15:05:23-04'00' ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 529 WEST FLAGLER STREET, MIAMI, FL. 33130 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION LB-0000129 SURVEYOR OF RECORD: SELVIN BRUCE, PSM 5290 FOLIO NO 01-3125-024-0130 SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 53, RANGE 41 �••• LICENSE •': n No. 5290 �:. STATE OF o : FLORIDA i Q 04 PROJECT: 403 NW 35 th STREET, MIAMI, FL. DATE: REV DATE: BEC ORDER # SHEET DRAWN BY DRAWING # CLIENT ARKI CONSTRUCTION, INC. 06/08/2021 03-87128 1 OF 3 RC. 2326-SS-20 N Rs 529 W. FLEL. (05) 32I4 7671FL 33130 449 NW 35TEL.T( 61) 09 23229 ' FL 33431 BISCAYNE SURVEYORS ENGIPLANEER TH ENGINEERING • SINCE 1898 • E-MAIL: INFO@BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM SKE TROK To A cc - rP A � �Y L E E L DECRJIrP T�IrO J ABBREVIATIONS CIL = Centerline ORB = Official Records Book PG = Page P.D.B. = Point of Beginning P.D.C. = Point of Commencement R/W = Right —of —Way RGE = Range SEC = Section TWP = Township LOT 8 LOT 7 LOT 6 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 50.00' LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 P.B. 2 PG. 29 if) 0-) rn rr� N SUBJECT R=1880.08' N PROPERTY A 1 *3133 9.471' L=50.068' SOUTH b' 6.618' --- -------- ----- ----- ---- • NORTH �• w EN GRAPHIC SCALE R/W LINE WEST 50.00' NORTH 0 15 30 P.O.B. R /W LINE � N N I inch = 30 ft. - i____________ _____�____ NW 35TH ST THIS IS NOT A SURVEY PROJECT: 403 NW 35 th STREET, MIAMI, FL. DATE: REV DATE: BEC ORDER # SHEET DRAWN BY DRAWING # CLIENT ARKI CONSTRUCTION, INC. 06/08/2021 03-87128 2 OF 3 RC. 2326-SS-20 EPLANN Rs 529 W. FLEL. (05) 32I4 7671FL 33130 449 NW 35TEL.T( 61) 09 23229 ' FL 33431 BISCAYNE ENGINEERING - SINCE 1898 • E-MAIL: INFO@BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM SRE TRIGHr T0 A CC©)�; rP A NY L EJG�A L DEJSJCJR?IrP 90,110N LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 17, Block 1 of NORTHERN BOULEVARD TRACT according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 29 of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida, thence run north along the west line of Lot 17 for a distance of 6.618 feet to a point; thence run east along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1880.08 feet, through a central angle of 1.31'33" with an arc distance of 50.068 feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 17; thence run south along the east line of said Lot 17 for a distance of 9.471 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 17, thence run west along the south line of said Lot 17 to the point of beginning. Containing approximately 397f square feet. NOTES: 1 Bearings are based on on assumed direction of West along the South line of the NW 35 Street of Section 25, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, Miami —Dade County, Florida. 2 Legal description based on Warranty Deed 2896 PG. 422, recorder in Miami —Dad County, Florida. 3 Reference Documents: —"NORTHERN BOULEVARD TRACT" Plat Book: 2 P.G. 29 —Municipal Atlas City of Miami Sheet: 21B —B.E.C. Field Book: No. 163 PG. 55 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY SKETCH PROJECT: 403 NW 35 th STREET, MIAMI, FL. DATE: REV DATE: BEC ORDER # SHEET I DRAWN BY DRAWING # CLIENT ARKI CONSTRUCTION, INC. 06/08/2021 03-87128 3 OF 3 RC. 2326-SS-20 Rs SURVEYORS 529 W. FLEGL (305) 32I4 7671FL 33130 449 NW 35TEL.TH T(56O) 09 23CA 09 PLAit NNERS ' FL 33431 BISCAYNE ENG ENGINEERING -SINCE 189s• E-MAIL: INFO@BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM