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City of Miami 4E�t as r, City Hall -�' 3500 Pan American Drive Legislation Miami, FL 33133 " " www.miamigov.com �.r " �'Y'' Resolution: R-21-0254 File Number: 9246 Final Action Date: 6124/2021 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ANY AND ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO PERMIT THE TEMPORARY RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS FOR FULLER STREET AT ITS RESPECTIVE INTERSECTIONS WITH MAIN HIGHWAY AND GRAND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA FOR OUTDOOR CAFE PURPOSES, SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ("'COU-NTY") DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS' TRAF, I+ P", DIVISION, WITH CONDITIONS AS STATED HEREIN; DIRECTING T CI�i CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COU1#TY-5, TRAFFIC DIRECTOR. '�,;" a SPONSOR(S): Commissioner Ken Russell is WHEREAS on Ma 14 2020 the Cit Commission ado led Resolution No R-204D18 1 YI Y p authorizing the City Manager to identify feasible portions of City of Miami ("City") rights -of -way �� that may be repurposed for pedestrian and cafe usage ("Outdoor Dining Program") and to take any and all steps necessary to effectuate such repurposing until August 20, 2020 in order to assist businesses negatively affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic; and z Uj m Z z LU WHEREAS, on July 23, 2020, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. R-20-0231 which extended the Outdoor Dining Program to further assist struggling businesses; and t= a o WHEREAS, on January 14, 2021, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. R-21- r-Z0 R 0021 which again extended the Outdoor Dining Program to further assist struggling businesses; 0 and v_,�0 WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. R-21-0176 directing the City Z U V m Z u Manager to establish a permanent Outdoor Cafe program; and WHEREAS, the Outdoor Dining Program has been a successful and popular program n t7 Z that has enhanced the commercial experiences for the City's residents and visitors, as well as = v Uj helped businesses in the City while keeping everyone safe; and "' WHEREAS, Fuller Street, Miami, Florida has been closed to vehicular traffic since May 2020 pursuant to approvals by the City and the Miami -Dade County ("County") Department of Transportation and Public Works ("Department"); and WHEREAS, City staff has initiated the process under Section 54-16 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, to prohibit vehicular access on Fuller Street; and WHEREAS, a condition of approval of said prohibition of vehicular access is that access for emergency and solid waste vehicles be provided at all times through any barricades; and City of Miami Page 1 of 2 File ID: 9246 (Revision: A) Printed an: 6/30/2021 g1�Flo L�isl���-sug File 10. 9246 Enactment Number: R-21-0254 0 W r WHEREAS, the City Commission believes that it is in the best interest of the public to Z O m Z W prohibit vehicular access on Fuller Street at its respective intersections with Main Highway and � o Grand Avenue, Miami, Florida; i=Z O NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF m Z 0 N MIAMI, FLORIDA: D Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are Z d Z UJ adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. g mUJ Section 2. The City Commission authorizes' and permits the temporary restriction of � o a ? � a vehicular access for Fuller Street at its respective intersections with Main Highway and Grand V Z Avenue, Miami, Florida for outdoor cafe purposes, subject to final approval of the County's F Ix ® W LU Department. Section 3. The prohibition of vehicular access shall be subject to any requirements or conditions that may be imposed by the City's Resilience and Public Works Department, Miami Police Department, Fire -Rescue Department, and Solid Waste Department.. Section 4. The City Commission further directs that pedestrian access be provided at all times through any barricades at Fuller Street at its respective intersections with Main Highway and Grand Avenue, Miami, Florida. Section 5. The City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the the County's Traffic Director. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: r t,06ria-rVrdc�z, CiTy Attomey 5f15/2021 ria dez, i y ttor ey 6130I2021 CD r-3 C'7 � i f ., C3 r ' The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, including but not limited to, those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. City of Miami Page 2 of 2 File IA: 9246 (Revision: A) Printed on: 613012021 City of Miami Legislation Resolution: R-21-0254 File Number: 9246 City Hall 3500 Pan Ame6 Drive Miami, FL 133 www.mia ov.com Final Action DaCe: 612412021 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORI NG THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ANY AND ALL STEPS NECESSARY T ERMIT THE, TEMPORARY RESTRICTION OF VEHICULA/N;DIRECTING FULLER 2�J? STREET AT ITS RESPECTIVE INTERSECTIHIGHWAY AN7 /, GRAND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA FOR OUPURPOSES, �''�O ' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORSUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVALTATION ON ANDF THE S' TRAFOIUIVTY" f 4*11 : C DIVISION, WITH CONDITIONS AS STATED TING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RETHE COUNTY'S z`4, TRAFFIC DIRECTOR. SP©NSOR(S): Commissioner Ken Russell WHEREAS, on May 14, 2020, the City Co mission adopted Resolution No. R-20-0156 authorizing the City Manager to identify feasible ortions of City of Miami ("City") rights -of -way that may be repurposed for pedestrian and c usage ("Outdoor Dining Program") and to take any and all steps necessary to effectuate s repurposing until August 20, 2020 in order to W assist businesses negatively affected by a novel coronavirus pandemic; and WHEREAS, on July 23, 2020 e City Commission adopted Resolution No. R-20-0231 D which extended the Outdoor Dinin rogram to further assist struggling businesses; and WHEREAS, on Januar 4, 2021, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. R-21- 0021 which again extended Outdoor Dining Program to further assist struggling businesses; and ca WHEREAS, th ity Commission adopted Resolution No. R-21-0176 directing the City M Manager to establis permanent Outdoor Cafe program; and V) XERE , the Outdoor Dining Program has been a successful and popular program that haha ed the commercial experiences for the City's residents and visitors, as well as helped busi sses in the City while keeping everyone safe; and HEREAS, Fuller Street, Miami, Florida has been closed to vehicular traffic since May 2020 rsuant to approvals by the City and the Miami -Dade County ("County") Department of Tra portation and Public Works ("Department"); and r WHEREAS, City staff has initiated the process under Section 54-16 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, to prohibit vehicular access on Fuller Street; and WHEREAS, a condition of approval of said prohibition of vehicular access is that access for emergency and solid waste vehicles be provided at all times through any barricades; and City of Miami Page 1 of 2 File ID: 9246 (Revision:) Printed On: 612912021 File Ire: 9245 Enactment Number: K-21-0254 WHEREAS, the City Commission believes that it is in the best interest of the blic to prohibit vehicular access on Fuller Street at its respective intersection with Main Hi way and Grand Avenue, Miami, Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF YE: CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamb! o this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Sectio Section 2. The City Commission authorizes' and pera temporary restriction of vehicular access for Fuller Street at its respective intersection with ain Highway and Grand Avenue, Miami, Florida for outdoor cafe purposes, subject to fin/ pproval of the County's Department. Section 3. The City Commission authorizes2 the ity Manager to take any and all steps necessary for permitting the temporary restriction of ehicular access for Fuller Street at its respective intersection with Main Highway and Grand venue, Miami, Florida for outdoor cafe purposes. Section 4. The prohibition of vehicular a ess shall be subject to any requirements or conditions that may be imposed by the City's R ifience and Public Works Department, Miami Police Department, Fire -Rescue Departm t, and Solid Waste Department. Section 5. The City Commission f rther directs that pedestrian access be provided at all times through any barricades at Fuller treet at its respective intersection with Main Highway and Grand Avenue, Miami, Florigra. Section 6. The City Clerk i directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the the County's Traffic Director. Section T. This Resod ion shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.' APPROVED AS TO FORM D CORRECTNESS: G ez, �4a Jr tO ' The herein uthorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, i uding but not limited to, those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code Z The h9fein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be impos d, including but not limited to, those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code If a Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from t date it was passed and adopted. If the mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective mediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. in W City of Miami Page 2 of 2 Fife 10, 9246 (Revision:) Prinfed on: &29/2021