HomeMy WebLinkAboutHCLC ApplicationCity of Miami — Department of Housing & Community Development Housing & Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC)1 Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) C t� Q n 1 PPLICATION FORM Afl HCLCIAHAC members shall be of 18 years of age or older, A cony of the applicarWs Resume MUS T be svb !sled wlih this application. H=MHAc members shall serve four -yeas terms. .. Cum plQQyer................_....... _ 1 �iY...ibS Cu abonfTi e _ �rCS t IJ 1 7redellndus[ry atfilletlaans Llst a!! membershl s<board membersh! s aftl!laled with �L S a i 1 _.......___..................__....... ....... ,.............. _........ .......... ........._.. 1 The following is a list orthe specific qualifications required to apply for HCLC/AHAC Board membership. For more on these, refer to Ch. 2, Art. Xf, Div. t9 and Ch.2, pn, Xl, Diu. (7 of the City of Miami Code. Please check the carrecf box below for alllhe member seals for which you qualify and indicate whether these are in connection with affordable housing. ff the box is shaded, than thatmemberseaUs occupied. Preference wr`!1 be green to Phase appflcants who ale direcAy engaged in affordable housing. Quelifrcatlon Requirements Active en ed as a. for- rgfrt housq .............. A person who works in the following tradesfin law enforcement, fire.safelylemeWNy,.anq Active engaged in the residential home built Actvely engaged in the banking or mortgage. Actively engaged as a net for�rofd housing F Actively angaged as.a_real estate professions Actively engaged as an advocate for low-fnca The shaded positions are presently filled. within the Cheakall that twith Affordable Apply ! Housin ? care, ; ❑ ;.._.......... ❑ ❑ �............,................ o ❑ ri Conflict of Interest - A person is not eligible to serve -the HCLC/AHAC if that person owns financial interest, is employed by, or is an officer ofany entity that receives or intends to receive funding from the City of Miami. i • Are you or will you become employed by fun or have a financeaP interest in, an entity that receives or applies for ding ' homlheCi ofMlami� ' :...... ........ ...... tY ...... _... _........, ❑Yes f. _ Are you pr w+11 you become an officer of any eni ty lhat.recen es or appbes for funding from the Cityof M fly signing and submitting this application,! understand thatlf f am accepted as a member of the HCLC/AHAC any false statement or misrepresentation may result in my dismissal from the committee. Your signature Date If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact Alfredo Duran at 2 305-416-1999. ......... . Q at www.miamigov.com/communitydevelopmeni This completed HCLCiAHAC form can be mailed, along with the afpp+I resume sume a Utyaplication islof Miami Dept. of Housing & Community Development, ATTN: HCLClAHAC application.14 NE 1 Ave., 2rd Floor, Miami, FL 33132. The submission can also be faxed to 305-416-2090 or e•mai4d to aduran miamioov.com. Update.' zrznzl.