HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
TO: Arthur Noriega V DATE: April 9, 2021 FILE:
City Manager
SUBJECT: Recommendation to Award
Sole Source 20-21-010: SOP
Technologies Stormwater Filters
FROM: Annie Perez, CPPO, Director REFERENCES:
Procurement Department
Market Research was conducted to determine whether Eddie Lopez Technologies, LLC d/b/a Stop
Ocean Pollution ("SOP"), a local vendor, located at 1801 Coral Way, Suite 315, Miami, FL 33145, is
the sole source provider for aluminum curb inlet stormwater drainage filters ("Filters").
The City of Miami's Department of Resilience and Public Works ("Public Works") is seeking to
purchase 1,000 Filters, including the storm drain markers, shipping, installation, annual reporting, and
permitting. The Filters are installed at drainage structures and effectively prevent both large debris
and small particle contaminants from entering the stormwater system.
SOP designs and produces its Filters to trap fine particles and debris at street level by using a
proprietary smaller groove and lateral technology to convey water flows into inlets. The first level of
filtration blocks large items from entering the drainage system such as bottles, caps, and tree debris.
Such contaminants are picked up by streetsweepers on a regular basis. The second level of filtering
blocks smaller debris and "floatables" that are not swept away by streetsweepers such as man-made
litter, leaves, and organic matter, which contribute to nutrient pollution.
One outcome of using SOPs Filters is that inlets are less frequently cleaned because less small-scale
debris enters the inlets. Another outcome is having less nutrient pollution entering the City's
waterways. As a result, cleaner water enters and leaves the stormwater system and underground
water table, including the Miami River and Biscayne Bay. Based on the data gathered during the pilot
project, a significant number of leaves (that leach nutrients) and street litter were prevented from
reaching the water system. In fact, SOP conservatively estimates, based on data obtained in 2020,
that installing 1,000 Filters will result in an annual reduction of at least 51 pounds of total phosphorus
and 106 pounds of total nitrogen from entering stormwater catch basins every year.
Cost savings are also realized because sweeping leaves and debris on the roadway costs less than
using vacuum trucks for removing the debris from basins and drainage pipes. Moreover, cleaner
drainage pipes will lead to less flooding from clogged pipes. Lastly, the City will be better prepared to
handle rain events and have a more resilient stormwater drainage system.
Some features unique to SOP's Filters:
• Superior Life Cycle: Public Works has already installed 20 of SOP's Filters on a trial basis
and has determined that SOP's Filters are superior to all other stormwater filters. The City of
Key West also found that "no other no other comparable products exist to the staff's
knowledge after lengthy research." Furthermore, the Filters are effective at keeping debris out
as intended and have had no mechanical or corrosion issues to date.
• Pollution prevention: SOP's Filters are more capable than any other product of filtering
smaller size particles and debris. In fact, no other vendor is currently producing a comparable
product. The Filters prevent smaller size particles from entering the stormwater system and
preventing further contamination of the underground water table and surrounding stormwater
• Community Education: Storm drain markers with QR codes linking to a website will provide
community members with an easy way to learn more about stormwater pollution, the City's
work to address stormwater pollution, and provide additional collaboration with the community.
SOP's Filters, which make use of proprietary technology, are manufactured, sold, and serviced
exclusively by SOP. The Filters are protected by United States Patent Number 8017006.
Accordingly, pursuant to Section 18-92 (b) of the Code of the City of Miami, it is recommended that
the requirements for competitive bidding be waived, and these findings be approved: Eddie Lopez
Technologies, LLC d/b/a Stop Ocean Pollution ("SOP"), is the sole source provider for aluminum curb
inlet stormwater drainage filters ("Filters"), in the amount of two hundred sixty-nine thousand five
hundred dollars ($269,500.00), and that the City purchase the SOP Filters, allocating funds from
various sources of the end -user department, subject to budgetary approval at the time of need.
Approved: Date: 1 \
Arthur Norrega
City Manager
cc: Fernando Casamayor, Assistant City Manager, Chief Financial Officer
Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief of Operations
Juvenal Santana, P.E., Director, Public Works
Yadissa A. Calderon, CPPB, Assistant Director, Procurement
TO: Annie Perez
Department of Purchasing
Santana Digitally signed by
Santana, Juvenal
Juvenal Date 2021.03.08
FROM: Juvenal Santana Jr., P.E., CFM
Director, Public Works
Department of Resilience & Public Works
DATE: March 8, 2021 FILE: M-0180
SUBJECT: Sole Source Finding
REFERENCES: Purchase of SOP Technologies Inlet Filters
ENCLOSURES: Eddie Lopez Technologies, LLC Proposal
The Department of Resilience and Public Works is requesting a sole source finding for the purchase of
one thousand (1,000) SOP Technologies Inlet Filters with Eddie Lopez Technologies, LLC, in order to
continue with our efforts of pollution reduction in our waterways in the amount of $269,500.00;
allocating funds from the Stormwater General Fund Account Code No. 00001.534000.208000.0.0. Based
upon the attached documents, please take the necessary steps to verify that Eddie Lopez Technologies,
LLC, located at 1801 Coral Way, Suite 315, Miami, Florida 33145 is the sole provider of this purchase.
The SOP Technologies inlet filters are installed at drainage structures and will prevent larger and smaller size
particle contaminant to enter the stormwater system as it utilizes a smaller grove and a lateral technology to
convey water flow into the inlets.
Eddie Lopez Technologies, LLC affirms that they are the sole source manufacturer of SOP Tehcnologies Inlet
Filters that are uniquely design to address the specifications of water quality protection needs and is a sole
source company for the City of South Miami and Aventura; US Patent No. 8,017,006.
The Resilience and Public Works department strongly feels that this purchase will comply with our efforts
to control water pollution and continue to protect and serve the residents of the City of Miami with cleaner
Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
Digitally signed by Perez,
Perez Annie Annie
� Date:2021.04.08
Annie Perez,
Procurement Director
SOP Technologies
November 18, 2019
To: Elyrosa Estevez
Public Works Department
City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33130
Dear Elyrosa,
SOP Technologies
1801 Coral Way, Suite 315 Miami, FL 33145
305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
This letter is to confirm that our stormwater filter designs with an upward flow are patented, and we are sole
source providers for the technology. SOP Technologies' stormwater filters have therefore been approved for
purchase as sole source procurements. The reference for our patent is U.S. Patent No. 8,017,006. We have
also included a copy of the "sole source" designations approved by the cities of South Miami and Aventura.
To provide additional details, the next page includes photos and illustrations of the ways our filters can be
used at stormwater curb inlets, under grates as a basket, and at basin structures to prevent debris from
entering stormwater pipes.
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
All the best,
Emilio Lopez, CEO
SOP Technologies
@ 2019 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved.
SOP Technologies
SOPTechnologies 1801 Coral Way, Suite 315 Miami, FL 33145
soptechlnt.com 305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
Patented upward flow filters - Sample Photos and Illustrations
Curb Filter Configuration
Basket Filter Configuration
Catch Basin Configuration
@ 2019 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved.
City of South Miami documents in the pages that follow:
i. Letter SOP Technologies sent to South Miami for sole source
designation approval.
2. Confirmation email from South Miami of Sole Source
designation for SOP Technologies filters.
SOP Technologies
SOPTechnologies 14 NE 1 st Avenue, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33132
soptechlnt.com +1-305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
June 26, 2017
To: Steven Kulick, C.P.M.
Chief Procurement Officer/Procurement Division
City of South Miami, 6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FI 33143
Dear Steven,
This letter is to provide more details your team requested:
• Sole Source Technology: SOP Technologies' stormwater curb inlet filters are a patented technology,
and have therefore been purchased as sole source procurements. The reference for our patent is U.S.
Patent No. 8,017,006.
• Filter Maintenance: The next page shows some of our stormwater filters in the City of Key West. Those
filters are maintained as a part of the city's regular street sweeping efforts, without an increase in
frequency of cleanings. The maintenance crew knows to sweep the front of the filters.
• Installation Process and Costs: Filter installations require typical tools used by public works
departments in the field. A hammer drill is used to make holes in concrete, where anchors are
hammered into place to secure the filters. For the inlet/filters sizes for South Miami, installation time
with a 2-person crew is approximately 5-10 minutes per filter. When we outsource installations, the
rate for the 2-person crew with equipment, including SOP Technologies to oversee the work, is
approximately $128 per hour.
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
All the best,
Emilio Lopez, CEO
SOP Technologies
@ 2017 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2
SOP Technologies
SOPTechnologies 14 NE 1 st Avenue, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33132
soptechlnt.com +1-305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
SOP, Technologies: Stormwat+er
• Key West, Flo
S !'
@ 2017 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 2
ONO= Emilio Lopez <emilio@soptechint.com>
SOP Technologies Proposal
Kulick, Steven P <SKulick@southmiamifl.gov> Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 9:00 AM
To: Emilio Lopez <emilio@soptechint.com>
Cc: "Webster, John" <JWebster@southmiamifl.gov>, John Reese <JReese@southmiamifl.gov>, Shari Karnali
The City Attorney has agreed to the sole source designation for your company and process.
Please complete the attached Vendor Registration form. Completion of the form will allow
the City to issue PO's pay invoices, etc.
Shari Karnali indicated she spoke to you regarding a few inlets in the downtown area. Please
provide a quote. Your contact going forward will be John Reese/Public Works.
Steven Kulick, C.P.M.
Chief Procurement Officer/Procurement Division
City of South Miami - 6130 Sunset Drive - South Miami, FI 33143
Ph: 3051663-6339, Fax: 3051663-6346 - Email: skulick@southmiamifl.gov
From: Emilio Lopez [mailto:emilio@soptechint.com]
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 4:00 PM
To: Kulick, Steven P <SKulick@southmiamifl.gov>
Cc: Webster, John <JWebster@southmiamifl.gov>; John Reese <JReese@southmiamifl.gov>; Shari Karnali
Subject: Re: SOP Technologies Proposal
City of Aventura documents in the pages that
1. Letter SOP Technologies sent to Aventura for
sole source designation approval.
2. Confirmation email from Aventura of Sole
Source designation for SOP Technologies filters.
SOP Technologies
SOPTechnologies 14 NE 1st Avenue, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33132
soptech;nt.com +1-305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
August 7, 2017
To: Anthony Mihalko
Public Works Stormwater Coordinator
City of Aventura
19200 West Country Club Dr
Aventura, FI 33180
Dear Anthony,
This letter is to confirm that our stormwater curb inlet filter designs are patented, and we are sole source
providers for the technology. SOP Technologies' stormwater curb inlet filters have therefore been approved
for purchase as sole source procurements. The reference for our patent is U.S. Patent No. 8,017,006. We've
also included a copy of the "sole source" designation approved by the City of South Miami.
To provide additional details, the next page shows some of our stormwater filters in the City of Key West.
Those filters are maintained as a part of the city's regular street sweeping efforts, without an increase in
frequency of cleanings. The maintenance crew knows to sweep the front of the filters.
Filter installations require typical tools used by public works departments in the field. A hammer drill is used to
make holes in concrete, where anchors are hammered into place to secure the filters. For the inlet sizes of the
FDOT Type 5 & Type 6 inlets, filter installation time with a 2-person crew is approximately 15-20 minutes per
filter. If your team would like us to provide installation services, we can subcontract to a local contractor.
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
All the best,
S �A
Emilio Lopez, CEO
SOP Technologies
@ 2017 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2
SOP Technologies
SOPTechnologies 14 NE 1st Avenue, Suite 800 Miami, FL 33132
soptech;nt.com +1-305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
SOP Technologies: Stormwater Filters
t� ' Key West, FL.,-
( o gle
@ 2017 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 2
Meeting / call Fwd: Stormwater filters proposal
Anthony Mihalko <mihalkoa@cityofaventura.com>
To: Emilio Lopez <emilio@soptechint.com>
Emilio Lopez <emilio@soptechint.com>
Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 8:55 AM
The City Manager has approved you as a sole source vendor. I have entered a requisition and you should have a
purchase order by next week. How long will it take once you get the purchase order to deliver? Let me know so I can
schedule accordingly.
Anthony Mihalko
Public Works Stormwater Coordinator
City of Aventura
19200 West Country Club Dr
Aventura, Fl 33180
305 466 8927
305 466 3277 fax
From: Emilio Lopez [emilio@soptechint.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 12:14 PM
To: Anthony Mihalko
Subject: Re: Meeting / call Fwd: Stormwater filters proposal
[Quoted text hidden]
SOP Technologies
SOP Technologies
1801 Coral Way, Suite 315 Miami, FL 33145
305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
QUOTE # CM2021020801
Date February 8, 2021 (Quote valid 90 days)
Customer City of Miami, FL
Payment Terms Payments due as products and services are delivered.
Notes This quote is for 1,000 SOP Technologies Patented Stormwater Inlet Filters, filter installations,
storm drain markers at each filter site, and annual report showing the impacts of the filters.
Photo of stormwater filter Sample storm drain marker Analysis of Filter Impacts
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Implementing 1,000 SOP Technologies patented stormwater curb filters can prevent over 135,000 pounds of leaves, trash and
debris from entering stormwater catch basins (and Biscayne Bay), every year. This includes an annual reduction of Total
Phosphorus (TP) of 51 Ibs, and Total Nitrogen (TN) of 106 lbs. This is based on field measurements taken in the City of Miami in
2020, and a conservative estimate using 50% of the calculated values. Additional details are included in the pages below.
Price per
Price includes the following
Ext. Price
- For the installation locations, capturing inlet measurements and
adding to the online map.
- 1,000 aluminum SOP Technologies patented curb inlet filters of
Filters with
various height and length combinations.
Storm Drain
- 1,000 storm drain markers and associated website.
- Manufacturing and consumable materials for installations
n / Shipping
- Transporting/shipping stormwater filters
- Installation of stormwater curb inlet filters and markers.
- Includes MOT using cones and flashing lights.
- Cost for city permits to conduct installations.
- If additional permitting costs are needed, or costs for law
enforcement or other city needs, those would be added and
invoiced at cost.
- N/A because the city is tax exempt
Grand $269,500
For questions, please contact Emilio Lopez at 305-792-8778 or emilioC@soptechint.com
@ 2021 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 3
SOP Technologies
1801 Coral Way, Suite 315 Miami, FL 33145
305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
QUOTE #CM2021020801
Addressing Stormwater Pollution with SOP Technologies
About Stormwater Pollution Issues
Stormwater inlets in the City of Miami, similar to inlets at most cities around the world, receive significant
amounts of leaves and man-made litter. Leaves and organic matter contribute to nutrient pollution, and both
the leaves and litter often leach into the ground or contribute to pollution of Biscayne Bay.
Photos showing street litter that entered some City of Miami stormwater catch basins.
About SOP Technologies Patented Stormwater Filters
Benefits of implementing SOP Technologies Patented Stormwater Filters and Storm Drain Markers
• Pollution prevention: Based on the data gathered during the pilot project, a significant amount of leaves (nutrients) and
street litter will be prevented from reaching the Biscayne Bay.
• Cost savings: Sweeping leaves and debris on the roadway will cost less than using vacuum trucks for removing the debris
from basins and drainage pipes.
• Flood prevention: Cleaner drainage pipes will lead to less flooding from clogged pipes. The city will also be better prepared
to handle rain events and will have a more resilient stormwater drainage system.
• Community Education: Storm drain markers with QR codes linking to a website will provide community members with an
easy way to learn more about stormwater pollution, the city's work to address stormwater pollution, and provide additional
collaboration with the community.
Since early 2020, the City of Miami has been using and analyzing the impacts of SOP Technologies patented
stormwater drainage filters. This page includes a video and photos of the filters in the City of Miami.
Online map of installed SOP Technoloeies
stormwater filters
@ 2021 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 3
SOP Technologies
SOPTechnologies 1801 Coral Way, Suite 315 Miami, FL 33145
soptechlnt.com 305-792-8778 info@soptechint.com
QUOTE # CM2021020801
Analyzing the Impacts
Using field measurements taken with the City of Miami Public Works Department and the FDEP MS4 Load
Reduction toolwe estimated how much Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN) and pounds of leaves,
trash and debris each SOP Technologies stormwater filter prevents from entering City of Miami catch basins.
The analysis methodology used for the City of Miami stormwater filters impacts is similar to that used for the
City of Aventura analysis (link for more details).
Leaves, cigarette butts, bottle caps and other litter that SOP Technologies curb inlet filters prevented from entering catch basins
The City of Miami has approximately 28,000 storm drains. Using data collected in the City of Miami, here are three
scenarios estimating the impacts of implementing different quantities of stormwater curb inlet filters.
Scenario analysis• Environmental Impacts of SOP Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen Total Ibs of leaves, ;
(TP) prevented (TN) prevented trash and debris ;
Technologies Curb Inlet Stormwater Filters each year each year prevented each
Scenario 1: Implement 1,000 stormwater filters in the City of Miami.
Use the existing field measurements to estimate the annual nutrient
load reductions and total pounds of leaves and litter prevented from
entering stormwater catch basins and Biscayne Bay. Using a more
conservative estimate, assume the results are 50% of the averages
measured in the field.
Scenario 2: Implement 6,000 stormwater filters. Also use the 50016
conservative measurement.
Annual pollution reduction estimates.
Scenario 3: Implement 28,000 stormwater filters and also use the 50%
conservative measurement.
Annual pollution reduction estimates.
51 106 135,153
307 637 810,919 '
1,431 2,971 3,784,290
@ 2021 SOP Technologies International. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 3
Contract No.: Sole Source 20-21-010
Current Term:
Expiration Date:
Title: SOP Stormwater Filters
® Sole Source Contract
❑ Solicit Competition
Procurement Contracting Officer:
❑ Access Contract
J. Justin Griffin
❑ Other
The City of Miami's Department of Resilience and Public Works ("Public Works") has expressed a need for
aluminum curb inlet stormwater drainage filters ("Filters"). Eddie Lopez Technologies, LLC d/b/a Stop Ocean
Pollution ("SOP"), is the sole designer, manufacturer, and distributor of these Filters. The Filters are installed
at drainage structures and effectively prevent both large debris and small particle contaminants from entering
the stormwater system. Accordingly, the Department of Procurement ("Procurement') has been asked to
research the feasibility of issuing a sole source finding for the procurement of SOP's Filters.
Research Conducted:
Public Works is seeking to procure the Filters to equip its drains to better protect and serve the residents of
the City of Miami ("City"). SOP designs and produces its Filters using a smaller groove and lateral technology
to convey water flows into inlets. Accordingly, SOP's Filters are protected by United States Patent Number
The first level of filtration blocks large items from entering the drainage system such as bottles, caps, and
tree debris. Such contaminants are picked up by streetsweepers on a regular basis. The second level of
filtering blocks smaller debris that is not swept away by streetsweepers such as man-made litter, leaves, and
organic matter. One outcome of using SOPs Filters is that inlets are less frequently cleaned because less
small-scale debris enters the inlets. Another outcome is having less nutrient pollution entering the City's
waterways. The final result is cleaner water entering and leaving the stormwater system and underground
water table, including the Miami River and Biscayne Bay.
Public Works has already installed 20 of SOP's Filters on a trial basis and determined that SOP's Filters
are superior to other stormwater filters. This is because SOP's Filters are more capable than any other
product of filtering smaller size particles and debris. Furthermore, SOP conservatively estimates that the
installation of 1,000 Filters will result in an annual reduction of at least 51 pounds of Total Phosphorus and
106 pounds of Total Nitrogen from entering stormwater catch basins every year.
There is no separate distributor of the Filters and all purchases must go through SOP's offices, which are
located at 1801 Coral Way, Suite 315, Miami, FL 33145. SOP submitted a letter indicating that it is the
sole provider of the Filters.
Public Works' Maintenance Operations Division does not have the proper equipment, skills, and familiarity
with the product to provide for proper installation of 1000 Filters. Installation requires drilling specific to each
inlet, custom anchors that are hammered into place, and an overall familiarity with the Filter system to achieve
optimum results through installation.
Comparable Contracts:
Some comparable contracts with SOP for the Filters are listed below. All the purchases listed were done
after a sole source finding was issued.
City of Key West, FL ("Key West") — On December 16, 2016, Key West passed Resolution 16-363 to
purchase and install 13 Filters from SOP. The total amount of the procurement was $28,077.00 for
the purchase and installation of the Filters. Key West determined that the Filters should be purchased
as a sole source after a written determination and verification from the purchasing agent that, after
conducting a good faith review of available sources, there was only one source for the Filters. In
its memorandum, the City Manager found that no other comparable products exist to the
staff's knowledge after lengthy research.
City of Key West, FL ("Key West") — On June 6, 2018, Key West purchased 50 Filters from SOP. The
total amount of the procurement was $36,607.00 for the purchase and installation of the Filters. Key
West determined that through current and past use, as well as price quotes, that the patented
products provided by SOP are effective, solidly constructed, and lower in cost than similar products.
Furthermore, Key West was only able to find one other similar product, but this product could not
meet the needs and specifications of Key West. In its determination of sole source, Key West stated,
"...the SOP filters are exempt from competitive procurement where, "[I]n the opinion of the City
Manager exceptional circumstances exist to exempt a purchase from the competitive bid
requirements of this subdivision for the best interests of the city." In fact, Key West recognized that
SOP's Filters were effective at keeping debris out as intended and have had no mechanical or
corrosion issues to date.
• City of Aventura, FL ("Aventura") — On November 14, 2018, Aventura ordered 177 Filters from SOP.
The total amount of the procurement was $125,000 for the purchase and installation of the Filters.
Aventura's City Manager concurred with the Procurement Department and entered a finding of sole
source for SOP. Installation of the 177 Filters was performed by SOP using a 2-person crew that
labored approximately 20 minutes for the installation of each Filter.
Cost Comparison:
# OF
Price Per
Key West, FL
Measurements, Filters,
Shipping, & Installation
Key West, FL
Measurements, Filters,
Shipping, & Installation
Aventura, FL
Measurements, Filters,
Shipping, & Installation
Measurements, Filters, Storm
Miami, FL
Drain Markers, Shipping,
Installation, Annual Reports,
and Permitting
Procurement recommends that the City enter into a sole source contract for the purchase and installation of
1,000 Filters. SOP is the designer, creator, and sole distributor of the Filters within the United States. Sole
source documentation from the manufacturer is attached. The Filters are the only equipment that meets the
specialized needs of Public Works and no other comparable product exists to prevent contaminants from
entering the stormwater system and underground water table.
Procurement Contracting Officer: James Justin Griffin
Procurement Contracting Manager
Charles Johnson
Director/Asst. Director: =4
Date: 04/26/2021
_ Date: 4/8/21
Date: 4/8/21
1/15/2021 Detail by Entity Name
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