HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Item Cover PageAGENDA ITEM COVER PAGE File ID: #9020 Resolution Sponsored by: Commissioner Joe Carollo A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY MANAGER DETERMINE THE SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT STAFF THAT ARE NEEDED TO EFFICIENTLY HANDLE THE REAL-TIME COMPLAINTS RECEIVED DURING THE NIGHT AND WEEKEND SHIFTS, WHICH OCCUR THURSDAY THROUGH SUNDAY EACH WEEK, TO ADD A SUNDAY OVERNIGHT SHIFT IN ADDITION TO THE PRESENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT SHIFTS, AND TO DETERMINE IF OTHER DAYS OF THE WEEK SHOULD BE ADDED FOR EVENING SHIFTS. �tzY,°v City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Legislation Miami, FL 33133 r O g % www.miamigov.com Resolution Enactment Number: R-21-0190 File Number: 9020 Final Action Date:5/13/2021 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY MANAGER DETERMINE THE SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT STAFF THAT ARE NEEDED TO EFFICIENTLY HANDLE THE REAL-TIME COMPLAINTS RECEIVED DURING THE NIGHT AND WEEKEND SHIFTS, WHICH OCCUR THURSDAY THROUGH SUNDAY EACH WEEK, TO ADD A SUNDAY OVERNIGHT SHIFT IN ADDITION TO THE PRESENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT SHIFTS, AND TO DETERMINE IF OTHER DAYS OF THE WEEK SHOULD BE ADDED FOR EVENING SHIFTS. WHEREAS, the majority of the workforce for the Building and Code Compliance Department staff work during the during the standard work week of Monday through Friday during the daytime hours; and WHEREAS, the Code Compliance Department, as of almost three (3) years ago, created an after-hours shift operating from Thursday evening through Sunday; and WHERAS, prior to this, any need for night or weekend inspections or patrolling was done on and as needed basis; and WHEREAS, Code Compliance generally has a handful of inspectors who work the night and weekend shift as the majority of investigations and complaints come during the normal work week hours; and WHEREAS, there are still many complaints that come in during the nights and weekends and many these are major quality of life issues such as noise violations, illegal weekend construction activity and other such types of disturbances; and WHEREAS, the Building Department has certain staff in an on -call capacity for night or weekend emergency situations or if aware of inspections that are necessary at such time, redirects work hours to accommodate the need; and WHEREAS, the amount of inspectors available for the nights and weekend shift is not sufficient to meet the demands of the complaints that arise each week; and WHEREAS, to add a Sunday night shift in addition to the present Thursday, Friday and Saturday night shifts, which will provide a more effective response to quality of life complaints within our community; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the City of Miami, Florida ("City") to have the necessary staffing in the Building and Code Compliance Departments to manage the nights and weekend complaints on a real-time basis rather than a next day follow up; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami City Commission hereby recommends the City Manager determine the sufficient number of Building and Code Compliance Department staff that is needed to efficiently handle the real-time complaints received during the night and weekend shifts, which occur Thursday through Sunday each week, to add a Sunday overnight shift in addition to the present Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night shifts, and to determine if other days of the week should be added for evening shifts. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 1 ai4nal ndez, Ufy Httor iey 5/4/2021 Pursuant to the resolution, this item became effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission.