HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsNOTICE Thls submittal needsm be Iheaolee mra pubic heming h accorbanm whh tlmelln1 set forth in the City M Miami Cone. The aPplicalde dmiWon-making bony will reWewthe inm'matlon at the public hearing t. render a recommendation or a final rleciaoc. +� PZ-20-6099 / \\ 12/07/20 ,; 4`�l' i)F• �l ram- City of Miami IICI11 lllilp to op Planning Department 0 g A EXCEPTION Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099 Location 2838 Northwest 2 Avenue Folio Number 0131250243040 Miami 21 Transect "75-0", Urban Center Transect Zone — Open "76-8-0", Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Specific Designation "NDR-1 ", Neighborhood Revitalization District — 1 W nwood MCNP Designation General Commercial Commission District 5(City Commissioner Jeffrey Watson NET District 10 W nwood/Ed ewater Planner Vickie Toranzo, Planner II vtoranzo miami ov.com Property Owner Thor W nwood Walk Owner LLC Applicant Bottled Blonde Miami, LLC Project Representative Ian G. Bacheikov, Esq. ian.bacheikov akerman.com A. REQUEST Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 6, Table 13, "Supplemental Regulations" and Article 7, Section "Exceptions"of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended, and per Chapter 4, Section 4-7 of the City Code of Ordinances, as amended, Bottled Blonde Miami, LLC (the "Applicant") is requesting an Exception for an Alcohol Service Establishment exceeding 5,000 square feet located at 2838 Northwest 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida. B. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 6, Table 13, and Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended, and per Chapter 4, Section 4-7 of the City Code of Ordinances, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions of an Exception for an Alcohol Service Establishment exceeding 5,000 square feet based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 1 NOTICE This submittal needsm be Iheaolee mra pubk hex,ing h azcorbanm whh tlmelln1 set forth in the City M Mlaml Cone. TheaPpUm ile dmi,o making bony will reWewthe inlormatlon at the pabkc hearing to render a recommendation or a final rleciaon. +� PZ-20-6099 / \\ 12/07/20 // C. PROJECT DATA SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 MCNP / Density Existing Use "CI" Major Public Facility Transportation -Utilities, North "T6-8-O " and NRD 1 General Commercial Institutional, and Industrial South 75-0" and NRD-1 General Commercial Commercial and Industrial East "T6-8-O" and NRD 1 General Commercial Commercial and 75-0" and NRD-1 Industrial West 76-8-0" and NRD 1 General Commercial Industrial 75-0" and NRD-1 D. BACKGROUNC' The subject area is generally located at 2838 Northwest 2 Avenue and consists of approximately 75,144 square feet (1.725 acres) of land. The site is developed with four existing structures and is collectively known as Wynwood Walk (the "Development"). The site is located within the 75-0" Urban Center Transect Zone and 76-8-0" Urban Core Transect Zone, and Neighborhood Revitalization District — 1. Pursuant to Chapter 4, Exhibit J of the City Code, the site is located in the Wynwood Caf6 Specialty District. The structure that is subject to this application is approximately 8,285 square feet and is located on the southwest corner of Northwest 2 Avenue and Northwest 29 Street. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 2 NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheaolee mr a pubk hex,ing In azcorbanm whh tlmelln1 set forth in the City M Miami Cone. The aPpUm ile dmiWon-making bony will reWewihe inlormatlon at the pabkc hearing to render a recommendation or a final rleciaon. +� PZ-20-6099 / \\ 12/07/20 // AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6099 EXCEPTION ADDRESSES: 2838 NW 2 AV IO Subject Property 0 125 250 500 Feet Figure1: Aerial of subject site Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 3 1♦�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.seeds m te.Ihe&w dm,. p.bk h.,,,g is .�o�a.�� whn t1,[ 1 let ronh I me Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwtl, decision-mahing bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. rece —dat.n or a final d-id.n. PZ-20-6099 / \\ 12/07/20 /f NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICT EPLAN ID PZ-20-6099 EXCEPTION N ADDRESS: 2838 NW 2AV Q Subject Property 125 250 500 Feet m Neighborhood Revitalization 6lstrlct Figure 2: Overlay District Diagram Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 4 Bottled Blonde at Wynwood Walk Proposal SCALE: 1= = 1'-b' —t—r — NW 29th STREET Figure 3: Site Location Plan 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.­e, m—Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h—,g h .�o�a.�� wim um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwd' decision -making bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da .n orz final d-id.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA Through the City's Exception process, and in accordance with Article 6, Table 13 of Miami 21,the Applicant seeks to adaptively reuse the tenant space at 2838 Northwest 2 Avenue that is located on lots 1, 2, and 3 in block 18 of "NORTHERN BOULEVARD TRACT" for an Alcohol Service Establishment (the "Establishment") and part of the Development Project. The Establishment will occupy 8,285 square feet of floor area. The Establishment will operate with a State 4-COP Quota alcohol license. There are two dining areas, each with it's own bar, and there are a total of 203 seats. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 5 NOTICE mi.need, m be.Ihedwed m, a pabk heeling h .�o�aa�� wan t1,[ 11let fl& m the Citym Mlaml CWe. The apphwd' decision-mahing bwywill rewewthe inbrmation at the pabdc hearing t. render a recommendation or a flnM deciaon. PZ-20-6099 12/07/20 E. ANALYSIS Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP' The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designates the site of the project as General Commercial. Areas designated as "General Commercial" allow all activities included in the "Restricted Commercial" designations. These uses include commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above. The proposed Exception in this application to allow Commercial Use (Alcohol Service Establishment) are aligned with "Objective LU-1.2: Promote, facilitate, and catalyze the redevelopment and revitalization of blighted, declining or threatened residential, commercial and industrial areas through a variety of public, private, and public -private redevelopment initiatives and revitalization programs including, where appropriate, historic designations." The proposed Commercial Use (Alcohol Service Establishment) is consistent with the objective of encouraging the redevelopment and revitalization of blighted, declining or threatened residential, commercial, and industrial areas outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Exception Request Exception pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 Supplemental Regulations of Miami 21 Code, as amended, and Chapter 4, Section 4-5 and Section 4-7(c) of the City Code of Ordinances, as amended, to permit, with City Commission approval, an Alcohol Service Establishment in excess of 5,000 square feet of Floor Area. Pursuant Chapter 4 Section 4-7(c) - "all Alcohol Service Establishment that require an Exception shall be subject to approval by the PZAB, and when required, final approval by City Commission. Alcohol Service Establishment requesting extensions of hours of operations or variance from distance requirements shall only be permitted by process of Exception with final approval by the City Commission. In determining the appropriateness of such request, the PZAB and the City Commission, as applicable, shall take into consideration the recommendation of the Department of Planning Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 6 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rn1.­e, m t Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h.,,,g h .�o�a.�� whn um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym M1_1Theapphwdl' decision -ma i,g bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da ., or z final decm.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA based on the following materials to be submitted by the Applicant as criteria as well as the criteria listed in the Miami 21 Code: • Criteria 1: An operational/business plan that addresses hours of operation, number of employees, menu items, business goals, and other operational characteristics pertinent to the application. Analysis 1: The Applicant provided an operational plan containing number of employees, menu items, business goals, and other operational characteristics. • Finding 1: Complies • Criteria 2: A parking plan which fully describes where and how the parking is to be provided and utilized, e.g., valet, self -park, shared parking, after -hour metered spaces, and the manner in which the parking is to be managed. The City Commission or the PZAB, as applicable, may grant approval for one hundred percent (100%) of the required parking to be located offsite within a distance of six hundred feet (600) from the subject Alcohol Service Establishment if the proposed parking is to be "self -park" and a distance of one thousand feet (1,000) from the subject Alcohol Service Establishment if the proposed parking is to be by "valet." • Analysis 2: The Establishment is located within the Project. On October 19, 2017, Warrant Final Decision 2017-0044, pursuant to Appendix J, Table 2, was issued which allowed for a 30% parking reduction because the project is located within a '/4 mile of a Transect Corridor. Per a letter of the Miami Parking Authority, dated June 22, 2017, they verified that the project had 30 on -street parking spaces for use by customers. On February 11, 2019, the Planning Department issued a Permanent Off Street Parking Certificate of Waiver, pursuant to Chapter 35 Article V of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances, as amended, for 13 parking spaces. • Finding 2: Complies Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 7 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.­e, m—Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h—,g h .�o�a.�� wim um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwdl' decision -making bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da ., orz final d-id.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA • Criteria 3: Alcohol Service Establishment proposing capacities over three hundred (300) persons, an indoor/outdoor crowd control plan that addresses how large groups of people waiting to gain entry into the Alcohol Beverage Service Establishment with a 4COP Quota alcohol beverage license and already on the premises will be controlled. • Analysis 3: The Establishment proposes a capacity of 352 patrons. In connection with a crowd control and security plan, the Applicant's security personnel and staff will: Require proper identification; Keep alcohol from leaving the premises; Keep an accurate count of patrons entering the building so as to not exceed capacity; Set up a rope line to ensure crowd management and keep the exit clear when at or nearing capacity; Ensure that walkways are clean and clear and the exits are not obstructed and maintained clear at all times; Identify overly intoxicated patrons and refuse entry at the door; Escort overly intoxicated persons to a cab or release to family/friends; Receive training in and be able to deescalate any situation that may result in an altercation; Maintain awareness of surroundings and inform management of any property damage immediately; Ensure rapid response in case of emergency by equipping security and management with radio headsets; Provide proper attire with identification to security personnel so that patrons and law enforcement my easily and quickly identify them; and enforce a strict dress code. • Finding 3: Complies • Criteria 4: A security plan for the Alcohol Service Establishment and any parking facility. • Analysis 4: Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 8 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rn1.­e, m t Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h.,,,g h .�o�a.�� whn um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"ITheapphwdl' decision -ma i,g bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da ., or z final decm.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA The Applicant will provide and monitor security cameras that will afford coverage of the entire venue. For security personnel, during peak hours there will be a security guard checking identification at the front door. Additionally, the Applicant's staff will check identification to enforce patron age restrictions and maintain overall control. • Finding 4: Complies • Criteria 5: For Alcohol Service Establishment proposing capacities over three hundred (300) persons, a traffic study and traffic circulation analysis and plan that details the impact of projected traffic on the immediate neighborhood and how this impact is to be mitigated. • Analysis 5: The Establishment proposes a capacity of 352. A Traffic Study and Traffic Circulation Analysis, dated March 3, 2020, was provided and verified by the Office of Capital Improvement's Transportation Division. • Finding 5: Complies • Criteria 6: A sanitation plan which addresses on -site facilities as well as off -premises issues resulting from the operation of the Alcohol Service Establishment. • Analysis 6: The Applicant has contracted with a sanitation removal company for the removal of waste daily. Additionally, staff keeps the premises and trash area clean. There will be one large enclosed trash room. Additionally, staff will maintain the surrounding area clean. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 9 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.­e, m—Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h—,g h .�o�a.�� wim um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwdl' decision -making bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da ., orz final d-id.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA • Finding 6: Complies • Criteria 7: Proximity of the proposed Alcohol Service Establishment to Districts - Residential. • Analysis 7: The closest residential district and residential use is approximately eight hundred (800') from the Property. • Finding 7: Complies • Criteria 8: If the proposed Alcohol Service Establishment is within two hundred feet (200) of any residential use, a noise attenuation plan that addresses how noise will be controlled shall be required, especially in the case of indoor/outdoor uses." • Analysis 8: There is no residential use within 200' of the Property. • Finding 8: Complies Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 10 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.­e, m—Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h—,g h .�o�a.�� wim um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwd' decision -making bwywill rewewtheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da .n orz final d-id.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA F. NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE Pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code, the Planning Department has made referrals to the agencies below: • Office of Zoning • Wynwood/Edgewater Neighborhood Enhancement Team ("NET") Office • Office of Code Compliance • Wynwood Design Review Committee • Urban Design Division — Planning Department • Transportation Division — Office of Capital Improvements • Department of Solid Waste • Fire Department The comments and recommendations from the reviewing departments and agencies have been considered and are reflect in this analysis. (; ('nN(;I IlSI(?N The proposed Alcohol Service Establishment Use allowed by Miami 21 Code, as amended, and the City Code of Ordinances, as amended, and align with the goals and objectives of the Miami Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan. The requested Exception complies with all criteria and regulations set forth in Miami 21 and Chapter 4 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the City Code. Pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code, as amended, and Chapter 4 of the City Code of Ordinances, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions of the Exceptions as presented with the following conditions: H. CONDITIONS. 1. This Exception has been approved for an Alcohol Service Establishment with 8,285 square feet of floor area with a total capacity of 352. 2. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall maintain all areas in compliance with ADA separation requirements. A minimum of 3-feet clearance between tables for pedestrian circulation on all pedestrian pathways including the ADA accessible route as well as a 1.5 minimum allowance between furniture (i.e. pulled away from table when occupied) and obstructions (walls) is required. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 11 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni.­e, m—Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h—,g h .�o�a.�� wim um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwdl' decision -making bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. recemme da .n orz final d-id.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA 3. It shall be unlawful to play or operate music boxes, jukeboxes, radios, musical instruments or any other musical devices on or about the premises between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. the following day, unless said music devices are played or operated in a closed building and the sound is not audible from the outside of the building so as to disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of persons in any dwelling, hotel or other type of residence. 4. The Alcohol Service Establishment shall be limited to the following hours of operation: 11:00 am to3:00 am Monday through Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Sunday. An extension of hours beyond these hours of operation shall require a new Exception with approval by the City Commission. 5. Pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 4-5 of the City Code of Ordinances, as amended, shall be closed during school hours. 6. Any noise generated onsite shall conform to Chapter36 of the City Code noise regulation. 7. Any concerns or complaints related to noise nuisance will be addressed and resolved immediately. 8. Per Miami City Code Chapter 4, no loitering or drinking outside of the establishment shall be permitted at anytime. 9. This Exception is limited to the applicant, Bottled Blonde Miami, LCC, or owner, Thor Wynwood Walk Owner LLC . Any other entity must be approved by the Planning Department and may require a new Exception. 10. Signage shall be processed under separate permit in accordance with Article 10 of Miami 21. 11. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall comply with the requirements of all applicable departments/agencies as part of the City of Miami building permit submittal process. 12. The Applicant, owner, or successor must meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances, and other laws and pay all applicable fees due prior to the issuance of any building permit. 13. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall meet the conditions all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 12 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rn1.­e, m t Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h.,,,g h .�o�a.�� whn um,[ 11let fl& I th, Citym M1_1 CWe. The apphwd' decision-mahing bwywill rewewthe inbrmation at the p.bc hearing t. render. recemme da .n or z final decm.n. kPZ-20-6099 / " 12/07/20 AA 14. Any modifications to the approved plans as a result or consequence of the Applicant's compliance with other departments and/or agencies and/or codes, shall require a new review for approval confirmation from the Planning Director in accordance with Article 7 of the Miami 21 Code. 15. Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Section "an Exception shall be valid fora period of two years during which a building permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. This excludes a demolition or landscape permit. A one-time extension, for a period not to exceed an additional year, may be obtained if approved by the Planning Director." 16. Failure to comply with the conditions here in may result in the immediate revocation of this Permit and shall be subject to any fines and penalties pursuant to City Code of Ordinances, as amended. Digitally signed by Ellis, Ellis, Jacqueline Jacqueline Date: 2020.12.07 14:23:43-05'00' Jacqueline Ellis Chief of Land Development NOTICE The final decision may be appealed by any aggrieved party, within fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a written appeal and appropriate fee with the Office of Hearing Boards, located at 444 SW 2"d Ave., 31 Floor, Miami, FL 33130 Telephone number (305) 416-2030. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6099_2838 NW 2 AV — Page 13 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6099 EXCEPTION �. Q � C? �IIIIIIIIIIII NWIWTH ST /j``t.SY NOTICE rn1 eobmidalneedsmre,,dedeiee mf a p�dd�neehng i� e�o�aen� wim umennee set fMh m the ciri m mi"i CWe. The appdwde decision -making bwywill rewewihe inbrmatiran at the pubdc hearing to render e re�ommenaation o�ennal eeudon. PZ-20-6099 A 12/08/20 OMNI _NW2 r NW 28TH ST" LU TO d - � NW 27TH TER -� NW�27THlST N ADDRESSES: 2838 NW 2 AV L Subject Property 0 125 250 500 Feet FUTURE LAND USE MAP (EXISTIN EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6099 EXCEPTION mmercial NW NW,29TH ern"st, Piesublic Facilit, ransp And I0z >N z a J NW 28TH ST General w17 W a 0 Of M ILI NW 27TH TER z r NW 27TH ST N 0 125 250 500 Feet 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rn1.­e, m—Ih.&w dm,. p.bk h.,i,g h .�o�a.�� whn um,[11let fl& I th, Citym Mi"I CWe. The apphwd' decision-mahing bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the p.bdc hearing t. render. rec.mme da .n orz final d-in.n. PZ-20-6099 / 12/08/20 Jf Medium Densil IMultifamily Residential mmercial ADDRESSES: 2838 NW 2 AV Subject Property 0 City Parcels `11Y flp� MIAMI 21 (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6099 NOTICE rni..ebminal �eee. m—Ihe�e m,. pbk h.,, g �h�lef & it Miml�pph-d'bew -mii,gb ywllEXCEPTION at the pabe hearing t. render a re�emme„aatie� o,. n„al eeuae�. PZ-20-6099 12/08/20 IT-T4-L Q T5-L � • C1 NW 30TH'ST NW 28TH ST w Q 0 Of M �: NW 27TH TER Z T5-0 NW 27TH ST N ADDRESS: 2838 NW 2 AV Q Subject Property 0 125 250 500 Feet 0 City Parcels �vY OF Gfir, * I N C 0 R P 0BAY E0 7f 10 OR L 0 R 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Fact Sheeti This document is used to provide a summary for Planning Department related pro Project Name: Bottled Blonde Miami Project Address: 2838 NW 2 AV Miami, FL Company Name: TBottled Blonde Miami LLC Primary Contact: Ian Bacheikov Email: ian.bacheikov@akerman.com Secondary Contact: Email: Exception pursuant to Article 6, Table 13 Supplement Regulations of the Miami 21 Code and Chapter 4, sections 4-5 and 4-7(c) of the City of Miami to allow for an Alcohol Services Establishment greater than 5,000 square feet of floor area. Lead Staff: Vickie Toranzo C NLV� NOTICE This submittal nestle t be scheduled for a pubk nearing In arcord—wd, timelines set forth in the City of Mlarni CW, The appk.c ,bx_making bWyvnll renewthe iWannation at the pubk hearing to render a mendadon or a final d-ieon. PZ-20-6099 12/07/20 Principal Division: Land Development Email: vtoranzo@miamigov.com GRAPHIC(S) 0 HEPB 0 WDRC 0 PZAB ® City Commission 0 UDRB 0 AIPP Transect Zone(s): T5-0, T6-0, NRD Commissioner District(s): 5 NET Office(s): Wynwood/Edgewate Department Director: Francisco Garcia Revision Date: 1/15/2020