HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-City Manager-Project Eclipse Backup1125/2021 ■7 Microsoft Ilesearch Project Eclipse - Microsoft Research Our research- All Microsoft •l C) Overview People Groups Green Citizensco ] c Project Eclipse: a low-cost, accurate air quality sensing platform for cities U SC 00 Poor air quality is something most urban residents experience regularly, but because it's largely invisible and we lack sensors to help inform us it has become something of a "silent killer". Linked to a number of serious health ailments, including heart and lung disease, as well as issues like asthma aggravation, the World Health Organization estimates that 91 % of the world's population live in places where air quality exceeds guideline limits. With Project Eclipse, the Urban Innovation Initiative presents a full stack -from sensors to analytics- air quality sensing platform for cities. The goal is a radical increase (10x — 100x) in the geographic granularity of environmental sensing in cities in support of a variety of public health scenarios. https:lhvmw.microsoft.com/en-uslresearch/pmjecUprojeLt-eclipse/ n h, 116 4 �S�brr� - + �9 pa), 16t)O�-L 1 /25/2021 Custom Hardware Projed Eclipse - Microsoft Research Project Eclipse devices are custom designed, from the electrical engineering to the enclosure, and calibrated in our hardware lab at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. The sensors measure CO, NO2, 502, and 03, as well as PM 1, PM 2.5, and PM 10, along with temperature and humidity. Data is transmitted via LTE-M direct to an Azure data stack. When taking hourly readings, each device should fast about nine months on a single battery. Pon .I FfT FCI 4RR€ ■Tk 61111 TTV SFRSOk P RARTICLE SENSOR Full Azure Data Stacy Project Eclipse utilizes Azure to ingest, process, store, analyze, and visualize air quality data. Final raw data are available in 1SON format via simple REST API, and the Urban Innovation team has developed custom R analytics, Power BI, and web visualizations to help customers monitor and get insight from the data. FT, C rn3 rj 3"5I Co Co rn htlps:Hwww. microsoft.comlen-uslresearchlprojecilprojeci-eclipse/ Q 216 112512021 Project Eclipse - Microsoft Research Next Generation Sensors Analyze data Intake El Processs Serve data u �c Raw dataCL al U � � N —� U O d ri �= O 0 a! Op E C) In O The Urban Innovation team continues to work toward its goal of low cost, low-to-nQpotgr environmental sensors. Additional techniques under development include: N ` 1. Computer vision analytics for camera -based sensors ., �;; ^' CO r� Z Analogue colorimetric ink -based chemical sensors =- 3. Hybrid electro-molecular sensors °D M C.) Deployments Project Eclipse is rolling out in partner cities. In Boston, for instance, Project Eclipse is partnering with the Beta Blocks program that is exploring the public value of technology in communities. In Miami, researchers on the Urban Innovation Initiative are working with local government and civic tech community members to identify pilot projects around low income housing and hyperlocal weather and pollution monitoring. https:lfwww.microsoft.com/en-tisJresearchfprojecUproject-eclipse/ 3/6 1J25J2421 Project Eclipse - Microsoft Research Partners v m w Q - N nr =� A � � iTl C--) O r CO Fri 'nr -:i Beta Blocks 3 COC-) rTl W x CJ Contact Microsoft Research is looking to expand its partnership program to deploy the Project Eclipse sensing platform in cit;es. Contact urbantec@microsoft.com to learn more about how to participate. 00 � CID a a Z3, CU +r o C }' Q R N 03 -------- ----- E 0r-1 a `y N ❑ https:llwww-micrvsoft-comlen-us/researchlprojectlproject-eclipse! 4J6 112512021 Project Eclipse - Microsoft Research Fallow us: V f 0 9 Share this page: V f in What's new Microsoft Education Enterprise Store Surface Duo Microsoft in Azure Account profile education Surface Laptop Go AppSource Download Center office for Surface Pro X students Automotive https:llwww. mi crosoft. co mle n- uslre se a rchlpmj ec Up raj ed-ec l i psel h rTl C— b m c r 5 -t = I.-TI `C-) C {� Developer Microsoft Visual Studio Windows Dev Center Company Careers About Microsoft Company news 5I8 1125/2021 Project Eclipse - Microsoft Research Surface Go 2 Microsoft Store ice 365 for Government Developer Center Privacy at support schools Microsoft Surface Book 3 Healthcare Microsoft Returns Deals for developer Investors Microsoft 365 students & Manufacturing program Order tracking parents Diversity and Windows 10 apps Financial services Channel 4 inclusion Virtual workshops Microsoft Azure HoloLens 2 and training in education Retail Office Dev Center Accessibility Microsoft Store Microsoft Garage Security Promise Financing U ..1L � 00 L 0] � = U CL a Sitemap Contact Microsoft Privacy Terms of use Trademarks Safety & eco About our ads t �; U 4) Microsoft 2021 D g OJ +' C +' rV 0 L rV GJ CO 'p N E O 8 u01 C5 r.a Y N n nC CZP O7 7fi CO .� A n Cra 0 r •• rn CA3 https://www.microsoFtcomfen-uslresearch/projec /project-aclipsel 616 RECEIVE- [) Submitted into the public record for item(s) EH on 01-28-2021, City Clerk. Overview • What • Deployment of air quality and heat index sensors for environmental sensing. 3 WX ITS ""'I JAN 28 AM 8: 31 QFFICCITY OFM ITY CLERIX • Partnership with Microsoft Research, who will provide sensors, data and analytics infrastructure, and website for residents to engage with the data. • Local partners including Code for South Florida and Maker Faire Miami • ''Where • Wynwood: Collection of air quality data in association with the redesign of pedestrian -friendly, mixed -use Woonerf streetscapes • Southwest Miami: Real-time heat/humidity data to inform streetscape masterplan • Sensors + data will help monitor, evaluate, and inform infrastructure projects. • Complements sparse regulatory networks with real-time monitoring at hyperlocal spatial scales. • When • Spring 2021: two initial projects expanding upon pilot deployments. Pilot air quality sensor Microsoft Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH.8, on 01-28-2021, City Clerk a o-- Oa Gas Sensor PM Sensor (1, 2.5,10) NO2 Gas Sensor Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH.8, on 01-28-2021, City Clerk 2021 JAN 28 AM 8: 31 Analyfcs BFFfCClp Y 0 LMII T Y CLERK Far planners and policymakers, the Power BI platform makes it easy to see data over space and time ,...+ 1 ttW 2I1�h 51 TYM�r't3'h "7 tit. CA �x .tee ■ lacks m r _?' T HE F5th$t S 44 un,, CN Nau Arena P0,rFr..r HE 2nd $1 l Nf151St SayFr 17 SE tst51 18.2 f 2,14 ■ 2fi r=7E w Microsoft at -Home — 5010% t..9f ur 5 ,ip 9i AM iS .uy 01 K.-wm. WA For students, developers, and citizen scientists, data are made public via an open data API colr 4� For residents, visualizations are immediately accessible and understandable via an interactive website Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH.8, on 01-28-2021, City Clerk RECEIVED Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH.8. on 01-28-2021, City Clerk RECEI VED 2021 JAN 28 AM 8: 31 Proposed Pr od e ct s OFFiCE OFT8E CITY CLERK cfTY OF HIAMI • Air Quality, Urban Greenspaces and Social Equity— Spring 2021. • Wynwood WQonerf Project: Collection of air quality data in association with the redesign of pedestrian -friendly, mixed -use streetscape • Neat Islets in Mobility —Summer 2021 • Southwest Streerscope Mosrerplon: Real-time publicly accessible data on heat and humidity µ Citrus Grove East Little Havana Auburndale LLatrn Quartet . Parkdale Borth' Shenandoah North; La Pastortta f _ Parkdale South Shenarldoah 5aut� I Roads Coral Gat_ F5Ii r Siu�if Qa las Park Microsoft r 1 r i 'Fashion District ' r ! ' ....: . Vgnwood InduStria Deslncl 1 ! Ra nbrn Village 1 1 r 1 DRagularSveels Ej WoonerrSlraele t t 1 Y � • L 1 /1 w 1 t f Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH.8, on 0128-2021, City Clerk City of Miami Legislation it o� Resolution: R- City Hall 3500 Pars American Drive Miami, F-L 33133 Im%V,nilam igov,corn File Number: Final Action ❑ate: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS), BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4I5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-85(A) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE") WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCEDURES AND RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING THE FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS IN THE CITY MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A" THAT COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS NOT PRACTICABLE NOR ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED PILOT PROGRAM DESCRIBED BELOW; PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-33(C)(9) OF THE CITY CODE, (A) ESTABLISHING A ONE (1) YEAR PILOT PROGRAM WITH MICROSOFT CORPORATION ("MICROSOFT") FOR THE USE OF MICROSOFT ENVIRONMENTAL DATA GATHERING PROJECT ECLIPSE PROTOTYPE SENSORS ON CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES, RIGHTS -OF -WAY, AND FACILITIES TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE CITY, AT NO COSTS TO THE CITY ("PILOT PROGRAM"), (B) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, ALL NECESSARY PILOT PROGRAM DOCUMENTS, (C) REQUIRING REPORTING FROM MICROSOFT TO THE MAYQR, THE 9IT4 TAAA. S SSI 9_N___AND THE CITY MANAGER ON PROVIDE TO THE CITY ALL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION GATHERED FROM THE PILOT PROGRAM; AND (D) REQUIRING THE CITY COMMISSION TO DETERMINE WHETHER SUCH PILOT PROGRAM MAY BE GRANTED A ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION, WITH ALL OF THE FOREGOING TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL, AND CITY LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PILOT PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") has been requested by Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft") to participate, at no costs to the City, in a pilot program which would utilize a research prototype sensing device to measure air quality, temperature, and humidity at City -designated and City -owned properties, rights -of - way, and facilities in order to provide raw data about the local environment in support of a variety of public health scenarios ("Pilot Program"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 18-85(a) of the Code of the City of Miami, c .., as amended ("City Code"), the City Manager has provided in his Memorandum "A" attached and incorporated as Composite Exhibit and is requesting the Miami City Commission ("City Commission"), by a four -fifths (415ths) affirmative vote often a duly noticed public hearing, to waive competitive bidding procedures as not 'Tq, CO Crr practicable and not advantageous to the City; and to ratify, approve, and confirm'} the City Managers findings and determinations in connection with the proposed Pilot Program; and " C-1 oa (J a U x -� 00 L CL 0. cu N ++ i U a W c `= IN W4-ov B 0 a in a WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City for the City Commission pursuant to Section 2-33(c)(9) of the City Code to (a) establish a one (1) year Pilot Program for the use of Microsoft environmental data gathering Project Eclipse prototype sensors on City -owned properties, rights -of -way, and facilities to be designated by the City, at no costs to the City; (b) authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, all necessary Pilot Program documents, (c) require reporting 49FR Microsoft to the n"�nr-the C#y CommissiGn and the Gity Manage provide the City all a4�--data and other information gathered from the Pilot Program; and (d) require the City Commission to determine whether such Pilot Program may be granted a one (1) year extension, with all of the foregoing to comply with all applicable Federal, State of Florida ("State'), local, and City laws, rules, and regulations as may be deemed necessary for said Pilot Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMt, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Commission by a four -fifths (415ths) affirmative vote, after a duly advertised public hearing, hereby waives competitive bidding procedures and ratifies, approves, and confirms the City Manager's finding and determinations in the City Manager's Memorandum, attached and incorporated as Composite Exhibit "A", that competitive bidding is not practicable nor advantageous to the City in connection with the proposed Pilot Program. Section 3. Pursuant to Section 2-33(c)(9) of the City Code, the City Commission hereby (a) establishes a one (1) year Pilot Program with Microsoft for the use of the Microsoft environmental data gathering Project Eclipse prototype sensors on City -owned properties, rights -of -way, and facilities to be designated by the City, (b) authorizes(l) the City Manager to negotiate and execute, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, all necessary Pilot Program documents, (c) require reper+;nn r^^^ Microsoft to the-4ayer� the City G 9M—"S-SiGR and the Qty Managef provide the City all op data and other information gathered from the Pilot Program; and (d) requires the City Commission to determine whether such Pitot Program may be granted a one (1) year extension, with all of the foregoing to comply with all applicable Federal, State, local, and City laws, rules, and regulations as may be deemed necessary for said Pilot Program. Q Y, Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adQPfR)n. _; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS; {1} The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements than! may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to, those prescribed bT applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. X_ LZ M W 0 U_ SL � a � a r 4' iJ o a r' 4-1 N — O cu E U v N L Q 70 171 M 71 CD CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Todd B. Hannon City Clerk FROM: Michael Sarast (n4n& Department ofon and Technology f Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH-8, on 01-28-2021, City Clerk DATE: January 25, 2021 FILE: SUBJECT. Sensors Pilot Program REFERENCES: ENCLOSURE& Ad for Notice of Public Hearing Enclosed you will find an ad for notice of a public hearing to be held by the City Commission on January 28, 2021, for the purpose of establishing a one (1) year pilot program with Microsoft Corporation for the use of Microsoft environmental data gathering project eclipse prototype sensors on City -owned properties, rights -of -way, and facilities to be designated by the City, at no costs to the City. In addition, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute all necessary pilot program documents; requiring Microsoft to provide to the City all data and other information gathered from the pilot program, and lastly requiring the City Commission to determine whether such pilot program may be granted a one (1) year extension. Please place the ad in accordance with public hearing requirements of the City Commission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Approved: W Miriam M. Santana, Agenda Coordinator o ,., n o m N `-) n rF, 7�0 co 1 = no C7 `n FTj Co �-� Z m n OD w .. m W a[ Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH,B on 01-28-2021 City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on Thursday, January 28, 2021, at 9:00 AM at City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, 33133 for the purpose of considering the following: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (415THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-85(A) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE") WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCEDURES AND RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING THE FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS IN THE CITY MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A" THAT COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS NOT PRACTICABLE NOR ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED PILOT PROGRAM DESCRIBED BELOW; PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-33(C)(9) OF THE CITY CODE, (A) ESTABLISHING A ONE (1) YEAR PILOT PROGRAM WITH MICROSOFT CORPORATION ("MICROSOFT") FOR THE USE OF MICROSOFT ENVIRONMENTAL DATA GATHERING PROJECT ECLIPSE PROTOTYPE SENSORS ON CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES, RIGHTS -OF -WAY, AND FACILITIES TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE CITY, AT NO COSTS TO THE CITY ("PILOT PROGRAM"), (B) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, ALL NECESSARY PILOT PROGRAM DOCUMENTS, (C) REQUIRING MICROSOFT TO PROVIDE TO THE CITY ALL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION GATHERED FROM THE PILOT PROGRAM; AND (D) REQUIRING THE CITY COMMISSION TO DETERMINE WHETHER SUCH PILOT PROGRAM MAY BE GRANTED A ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION, VebTH r... ALL OF THE FOREGOING TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FEDE&L,r-_13 STATE, LOCAL, AND CITY LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS AS MAV.BEc-- DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PILOT PROGRAM; PROVIDING FQ ANC M EFFECTIVE DATE. �- _ . r%a C ) r.. as ;TI The Miami City Commission requests all interested parties be present or represeb�e' d atz 'C the meeting and may be heard with respect to any proposition before the City Coiirfiiss� in which the City Commission may take action. Should any person desire to appeany decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this: meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than five (5) business days prior to the proceeding. TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than five (5) business days prior to the proceeding. (City Seal) Todd B. Hannon # City Clerk Submitted into the public record for item(s) PH.8 on 01-28-2021, City Clerk DATE: JANUARY PUBLICATION: ATTN- CITY OF MIAMI AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE 2021 P.O. # PLEASE PUBLISH THE ATTACHED ADVERTISEMENT ONE TIME ON: JANUARY _, 2021 SECTION: LOCAL - -STANDARD DISPLAY SIZE: 9 POINT TYPE/AS NECESSARY SUBJECT: # 10 Day ad Bid Waiver— Microsoft Environmental Sensors Pilot Program 01-28-2021 CC PLEASE SEND NOTARIZED PROOF OF PUBLICATION AND INVOICE TO: CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK P.O. BOX 330708 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33233-0708 ATTN: MARICARMEN LOPEZ For further information please contact Maricarmen Lopez at (305) 250-5374 v n .13 v -n ^� nm CD� c rn Fri co o