HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitSTATE OF FLORICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (F007) SUBGRANT FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY FUNDS 500 065-01 SAFETY 9= -Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: G 1 S22 -Federal Funds Awarded. $232,500 FDOT DUNS Number: 80-939-7102 -Subgrant Award (Start) Date.- Subgrant End Date: 09/3012021 Part 1: GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Federal Funding: $232,500 Match: $ Total Cost: $232,500 1. Subrecipient Agency: 2. Implementing Agency: Agency Name: City of Miami Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department Address Line 1 3500 Pan American Drive Address Line 1: 400 NW 2nd Avenue Address Line 2: Address Line 2-, City: Miami City: Miami State: Florida State, Florida Zip: 33133 Zip: 33128 3. Federal ID Number: 59-6000375 4. DUNS Number: 072220791 5. Chief Financial Cfficer; & Project Director: Name: Sandra Bridgeman Name: Magdiel Armenteros Address Line 1: 444 Southwest 2nd Avenue Address Line 1: 400 NW 2nd Avenue Address Line 2: Address Line 2: City: Miami City: Miami Stater Florida State: Florida Zip: 33130 zip: 33128 Telephone No: (305) 416-1027 ext. Telephone No: (305) 603-6960 ext. E-Mail Address: SBridgeman@miamigov.com E-Mail Address: 0197@Miami-Police.org 7. Financial Reimbursement Contact: 8. Project Activity Contact: Name: Maricelis Perez, Name: Tymokia Gibson Title. Adman. Asst. I Title: Contract Compliance Analyst Telephone Number: (305) 603-6207 ext, Telephone Number: (305) 60-6142 ext. E-Mail Address: 5629@Miami-Police.org E-Mail Address: 41860@Miami-Pclice.org 9, Payment Remittance Address: Name: City of Miami Police Department Address Line 1: 400 NW 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor Address Line 2: Business Management Section City: Miami State: Florida Tip: 33128 Amendment Number: Original 5UB-2021-CityofMiam-00301 Page 1 of 33 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: aC-20n-00301 FoorContract Number: n1azo w0-055-01 9120 Part fl: PROJECT PLAN AND SUPPORTING DATA State clearly and in detail the aims of the project, precisely what wilf be done, who will beinvolved, and what is expected to result. Use the following major headings: Statement of the Problem: Desp4e progress in other areas, such as increased safety belt usage and fewer drunk driving fatalities, speeding continues to be a contributing factor in a significant number of roadway fatalities. In 2018, 9,148 peop|e died in speeding -related crashes-25% of all fatalities (1). In addition, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has found that rising state speed limits over the past 25 years have cost nearly 37,000 lives, including more than 1.B08{n2U17alone. By2O1V.42states had maximum speed limits of7Omph orhigher Miami is the sixth most densely populated major city in the United States, with an estimated 2018popu|ation uf47O.3i4, We are a major center and leader in finance, commerce, culture, media, entertainment, the arts, and international trade. The metro area is by far the largest urban economy in Florida and the 12th largest in the United States, with e$344.9billion GDP maof 2017(3).Downtown Miami iaalso home tothe Port ofMiami, the largest passenger port globally, and one of the largest cargo ports in the United States. Miami ranks second toNew York City aaopopular destination for international visitors Asaresult, the City attracts ogrowing number ofnew residents, visitors, omdaniQmficmntoommuting workforce, |nonurban city that isdensely populated and isapopular U.8.tourist doetinaUon.the daytime population can sometimes reach almost a miflion—significantly increasing the number of cars on the road during peak season, With the rising demands of a growing service population, the City of Miami lies within the top 25Y6ofcities inthe FOOTFiscal Year (FY)2O21 Highway Safety Matrix — Ranking ufFlorida Cities. |t|w#4 |n^Speeding64ggnyaaiveDhvinQ°categories. The City of Miami has experienced mtotal of13.300 speed -related crashes between 2017thm201S.with a steady increase cfcrash incidents year after year. The City ofMiami Police Department (MPD)isstretched for resources asittries tomeet the demands ofamajor global city. Aggressive driving and speeding leads |ocar accident injury, and, sadly, even fetaDty. MPDmust commit additional resources and workforce throughout the City ofMiami to positively affect aggressive driving behavior and moving traffic offenses . to reduce the number of vehicular crashes and accidents due iospeed and aggressive driving. Sources: (1) https:Xvmww.0haa.o/g/ineues/speadimg-aggressive (2) httpo:Xvwvwj|iorg/faot-atahoho/facty-mtetiotioaeggreauive-dhvinQ 2 Proposed Solution: According tothe FDOTFY2021Highway Safety Matrix—RankingofBorida Cities, Miami is ranked #4in "Speeding or Aggressive Driving" and lies within the top 25% of cities in the State. To ensure the public's safety, the City of Miami Police Department proposes to use FDOT funding tosupport a "Speed ing/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project" to decrease hazardous driving incidents attributed UoSpeeding orAggneasiveDriving. The project will use concepts from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Countermeasure That Work Guide found in Chapter 3, Speeding and Speed Management, 2,7High Visibility Enforcement. High visibility enforcement campaigns have been used tndeter speeding and aggressive driving through specific and general deterrence. |nthe high visibility enforcement Amendment Number: Original Project Title: SpeedmggressiveDriving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project NumuonSoeuo-0o301 FOOT Contract Number: aIo2r model, law enforcement targets selected hlgh-crash or high -violation geographical areas usingeither expanded regular patrols ordesignated aggressive driving patrols. The strategy isvery similar iosaturation patrols directed at aicohol-impaired drivers, Because speeding and aggressive driving are moving violations' officers cannot use checkpoints. Rather, they must observe driving behavior onthe road, Therefore, MPDwill use FDOTfunding Nenhance its enforcement offortmnnddetemanuemapab||ity.withthn*xeoutionofdtymide^'Spesding64ggeau|weDrivingSeturation Patrols" (Saturation Pmno[a),FDOTfunds will heallocated toward off -duty personnel who must work overtime topatrol the streets. This project will use ahigh via|bi|dyenforcement model, where officers will focus ondrivers who commit common a8gresslvedriving actions such as: ~ Speeding and/or Facing; ^ Improper or erratic lane changing; ~ Sudden and erratic speed changes; ~ Illegal driving onshoulders, sidewalks, ormedian� ~ Prohibited and dangerous passing and merging; ~ Following other vehicles too closely; ` Running red lights; ^ Failure toyield right nf�� Making improper turns Each of Miami's (3) three Police Districts (North, Central, and South) will be assigned Saturation Patrols, Officers assigned 1oodistrict operate from one ofthree police stations throughout the City ofMiami . and a District Commander leads every area and its officers. Officers who are laser/radar certified will beassigned toa Saturation Patrol operation, Commanders ordesignated Supervising officers for each District will schedule these operations throughout the subgrant period. They will target high -accident locations and major corridors in their respective areas. These corridors or "hot spots" will be identified using data from resident calls to police, crash reports, and speeding 'ticket reports. Tbensure this project will decrease Speed A\ Qreomivebaffinincidentsoitywide.emohnfthe0hree(3)Po|ice Districts will have 3-5 Saturation Patrol operations per week. For large-scale operations, Saturation Patrols will consist of 3-6 officers and one Supervisor. Small-scale operations will include individual officers targeting apeoiholooafions whemaggressivedriving has been determined, The amount ofweekly operations plus the Officers who will crew each Saturation Patrol operation, may result in anywhere from 5-25 Officers working throughout the Districts on*weekly basis during the sobQrantperiod. FDOTfunding dedicated toovertime pay for the Saturation Patrols will bodivided among the thirteen (13) Neighborhood Enhancement Areas (MET) throughout the City. MPD is limited to 60 laser speed measurement devices divided among the North, South, and Central Police Districts. To complete this project's scope, the City will also utilize FDOT funding for the purchase of additional laser speed measuring devices. While aggressive driving tactics will also bethe target ufthe Saturation Pako7m.the|asersonsthemusLaccuratehao|Offioemhaveuzcmptuneapeedvio|atom.ThioiaenpecisUy important in hot spots where officers are deployed to reduce speeding infractions. The devices also emit Class 1 eye -safe signal, measure speeds ranging from 2to200 mph. and provide Complete vehicle classification. Lasers can detect speeds from omfar away aa1.OQ8feet, providing Officers with enough time tosafely acquire areading MPDiscommitted tothe safety ofall who live, work, and visit the City ofMiami. Pre and post operations' briefings will be conducted to ensure all officers are made aware of and understand the operation's policies and pvooeduma, gom]s, duUea, and objectives. The Saturation Patrols will have high visibility police presence and serve to reduce serious vehicular crashes. I Project Objectives: Amendment wumu*r�Original 500-065-m SAFETY W20 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: GIS22 500-065-01 SAFETY 9120 a. Strive to decrease speed and/or aggressive driving crashes and fatalities citywide by 5% when compared to the previous three-year average. b. Conduct at least 1 speed and/or aggressive driving high visibility overtime enforcement operations per month. c. Participate in the Southern Shield campaign through speed and/or aggressive driving overtime enforcement operations and ed ucational/comm unity activities. d. Conduct and or participate in 3 educational/community outreach events to increase speed and/or aggressive driving awareness during the project period. a. Provide speed and/or aggressive driving information and education to the public through the use of message boards/local media outlets/social media/press releases at least 3 times during the project period. Evaluation: a. Speed and/or aggressive driving crashes and fatalities are reduced by 5% citywide, compared to the previous three-year average, b. The number of speed and/or aggressive driving high visibility overtime enforcement operations conducted per month, c. The number of speed and/or aggressive driving overtime enforcement operations conducted, and eclucatiorlcommunity activities conducted/participated in cludrig the Southern Shield campaign. d The number of educational/community outreach events conducted or participated in to increase speed and/or aggressive driving awareness during the project period. e. The number of instances that speed and/or aggressive driving information and education is provided to the public through the use of message boards/local media outlets/social media/press releases during the project period, Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021 -CityofMiam-00301 Page 4 of 33 Project Title; Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: GIS22 Part III: PROJECT DETAIL BUDGET 5OC-066-01 SAFE7Y W20 Each budget category subtotal and individual line item costs listed below cannot be exceeded. The FIDOT State Safety Office may approve shifts between budget categories and lire items via an amendment. BUDGET CATEGORY FEDERAL FUNDS MATCH TOTAL COST INDIRECT ELIGIBLE A. Personnel Services, Overtime Salary and Benefits $200,000 $1 $200,0 21 No Overtime Salary and Benefits for law enforcement officers, benefits to include FICA (Social Security and Medicare), Retirement, and Workers Compensation, Subtotal: 1 $200,0001 $1 .$200,000—r— B. Contractual Services I sutotal:l $1 $1 C. Expenses - Any purchase with a per item unit cost of $2 0 or more from any line item within this Category, excluding software, must have FDOT State Safety Office written approval, prior to purchase. Speed Measurement Devices $ . . . . ............... $32: I , 50 0] No Purchase of speed measurement devices for program implementation. Subtotal:- - 1 $32,5001 $ 1 $32,500 1 D. Equipment Costing $5,000 or More Subtotali $I :jT -$ E. Indirect Cost $ vu,"a �'g $ Total Cost of Project: $232,500 $ $23:2:,:500 Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021 -CityofMiam-00301 Page 5 of 33 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: G1S22 I 500-065-01 SAFETY 9120 Minimum Performance Standards The following are the minimum performance standards required in this subgrant agreement. The status of these standards will be reported using FDOT form number 500-065-19 Performance Report and shall be included with each request for reimbursement. 1. Submit request(s) for financial reimbursement. 2. Provide performance report(s). 3. Collect and analyze crash data to determine focus areas for targeted speed and aggressive driving enforcement. 4, Conduct speed and aggressive driving high visibflity enforcement operations. 5. Conduct outreachleducational activities for speed and aggressive driving. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Required Activity Reporting The following statistics are required reporting for any traffic safety enforcement qrant. (enforcement grants only) 1. Number of seat belt citations issued during subgrant-funded enforcement activities. 2, Number of impaired driving arrests made during subgrant-funded enforcement activities. 3. Number of speeding citations issued during subgrant-funded enforcement activities. Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021 -CityofMiam-00301 Page 6 of 33 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: oo-2o21-0mam pourContract Number: o/oz2 50MBS-m SAFEW *m PauV: Acceptance and Agreement Conditions nfSub0namtAgreement. Upon approval ofthis yub0nantagreement for highway safety finds, the following terms and conditions shall become binding. The term ^Subrecipient" referred to henain, will reference both the Subrecipient and its Implementing Agency. This agreement is line item specific and an amendment to the subgrant agreement is required for any reallocation of funds provided under this subgrant agreement. FEDERAL REGULATIONS 1. Access »»Public Records and Monitoring. The Florida Department ofTransportation (FDOT).National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and Auditor General (AG)ofthe State of Florida, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination of books, documents, papers, and records of the Subrecipient and to relevant books and records of the Subrecipient which are not protected from disclosure by State or Federal law, and its consultants and contractors under this subgrant agreement, as provided under applicable State or Federal law, In addition to review of audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 2010, herein incorporated by reference, monitoring procedures will include on -site visits byDepartment staff, limited scope audits omdefined by2CFRPart 2UO. and status checks of subgrant activity via telephone calls from FDOT State Safety Office staff to Subre6pients.By entering into this subgrant agreement, Subrecipients, agree to comply and cooperate with monitoring procedures, In the event that alimited scope audit of the Subredpient is performed, the Subrecipient agrees to bring the project into compliance with this subgrant agreement. The Sub,recipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, oraudits deemed necessary bythe CFO orAGtothe extent allowed byState ur Federal law. 2. Audit. The administration ofresources awarded through the Department tuthe Subrecipientbythis nubgrant agreement may bosubject to audits and/or monitoring b�y the Department. The following requirements donot limit the authority of the Department to conduct or arrange for the conduct of additional audds or evaluations of Federal awards or limit the authority ofany State agency inspector general, the State nfFlorida Auditor General orany other State official. With the exception of documents protected by State law, the Subrecipient shall comply with all aud� and audlt reporting requirements easpecified below. (a) In addition to reviews Of audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F-&udit Requiremento, monitoring procedures may include but not balimited toon-site visits byDepartment staff and/or other procedures including mv�ewing any required performance and financial reports, following mp, ensuring corrective action, and issuing management decisions on weaknesses found through audits when those findings pertain tm Federal awards provided through the Department by this subgrant agreement. By entering into this subgrant agreement, the Subreciplent agrees to comply and cooperate fully with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Department. The Subrecipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audfts deemed necessary by the Department, State of Florida Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or State ofFlorida Auditor General. (b) The Svbecipisnt'anon-Federal entity as defined by 2CFRPart 200^Subpart F Audit Requirements, as subrecipient of a Federal award awarded by the Department through this subgrant agreement is subject to the following requirements: |nthe event the Subrecipient expends atotal amount ofFederal awards equal tzurinexcess of the threshold established by2CFR Part 20lSubpart F Audit Requirements, the 8ubreciplantmust have a Federal single or program-spedfic audit for such fiscal year conducted in accordance with the provisions uf2CFRPart 2OO.Subpart F-Audit Requirements. Part X|tothiouubQrsniagreement provides the required Federal award identification information needed by the Subrecipient to further comply with the requirements of2CFRPart 2OQ.Subpart F Audit Requirements, |ndetermining Amendment Number: original Project TitleSpeed/Aggressive Ddving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 MOT Contract Number o1uuz Fedaraiawards expended hafiscal year, the Subrecipient must consider 21|sources ofFederal awards based on when the activity related to the Federal award occurs, including the Federal award provided through the Department by this oubgnautaQroamenL The determination of amounts of Federal eynrde expended should he in accordance with the guidelines established by 2 CFR Part 20O.Subpart F- Audit Requirements. An audit conducted by the State of Florida Auditor General in acnonjenma with the provisions of2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, will meet the requirements of this part, ii, |nconnection with the audit requirements, the Oubreuipientshall fulfill the requirements relative |othe augitee responsibilities as provided in 2 CFR Part 2OD.Subpart F Audit Requirements. ill. |uthe event the Subrecipfent expends less than the threshold established by 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F Audit Requirements, in Federal awards, the Subreciplent is exempt from Federal audit requirements for that fiscal year. However, the Subrecipient must provide a single audit exemption statement to the Department etPDOT8inglePmdit@dot.state. fluammlater than nine months after the end ofthe Subrecipient's audit period for each appiicable audit year, I'n the event the Subrecipient expends less than the threshold established by CFR part 200, Subpart F Audit Requirements, in Federal mwenda in a fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audd Requirements, the cost of the audit must be paid from non -Federal resources (i. e,, the cost of such an audit must be paid from the Subr,ecipient's resources obtained from other than Federal entities). iv. Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, and required by this section, shall besubmitted, when required ty2CFR §200.512, by or on behalf of the Subrecipient directly to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAG) as pmvidedin2CFR§20O.3SandQ2OO.512.TheFAC'awebe|topnovideaadataentrynystamandrequired forms for submitting the single audit reporting package. Updates tothe location of 'the FAG and data entry system may be found at the OMB website, The FAG is the repository of record for audits required by 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, and this Agreement. However, the Department requires acopy nfthe audit reporting package also besubmitted tuFD()TSing|oAud1t@dd,atat .fl.uu within the earlier of 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor's report(s) or nine months after the end ofthe audit period asrequired by2CFRPart 2OO^Subpart F Audit Requirements. Within six months ofacceptance of the audit report bythe FAG, the Department will review the Subrecipient"s audit reporting package, including corrective action plans and managementletters, to the extent necessary to determine whether tirnely and appropriate action on all deficiencies has been taken pertaining to the Federal award provided through the Department by this subgrant agreement. If the Subrecipient fails to have an audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F Audit Requirements, the Department may impose additional conditions to remedy noncompliance. If the Department determines that noncompliance C2nnot be remedied by imposing additional conditions, the Department may take appropriate actions to enforce compliance, which actions may include but not be limited to the following: 1. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction ofthe deficiency bythe Gubreupien or more severe enforcement action bythe Department 2. D/aa||mw (deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or port of the cost of the activity oraction not incompliance 3, Wholly orpartly suspend orterminate the Federal award 4. Initiate suspension or debarment proceedings as authorized under 2 CFR Part 180 and Federal awarding agency regulations (or in the case of the Department, recommend such a proceeding beinitiated bythe Federal awarding agency) Amendment Number: Original 8UB-2021-CityoMN/am-00301 Page 8ofao 500-w5-ui 9/20 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDO,T Contract Number: G1822 5. Withhold further Federal awards for the Project or program 6. Take other remedies that may be legally available vi, As a condition of receiving this Federal award, the Subrecipient shall permit the Department, or its designee, the CFO or State of Florida Auditor General access to the Subrecipient's records including financial statements, the independent auditor's working papers and project records as necessary. Records related to unresolved audit firdings, appeals or litigation shall be retained until the action is complete or the dispute is resolved, vil. Copies of financial reporting packages required by this section shall be submitted by or on behalf of the Subrecipient directly to each of the following-, Office of Comptroller, MS 24 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 FDOTSi no. IeAud�itpd of. state, fl. us The Auditor General's Office at the following address: Auditor General Local Government Audits/342 Claude Pepper Building, Room 401 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1450 The Auditor General's website (h!LLL.//fia_U_di_t0_r_gov/) provides instructions for filing an electronic copy of a financial reporting package. viii. Any reports or other information required to be submitted to the Department pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with 2 CFR §200.512, section 215.97, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 1C.550 (local government entities) and 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. ix. The Subrecipient, when submitted financial reporting packages to the Department for audits done in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, or Chapters 10,550 (local government entities) and 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the Subrecipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package, (c), The Subrecipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of the award and this Agreement for a period of five years from the date the audit report is issued and shall allow the Department, or its designee, the CFO or State of Florida Auditor General access to such records upon request. The Subrecipient shall ensure that the audit working papers are made available to the Department, or its designee, the CFO, or State of Florida Auditor General upon request for a period of five years from the date the audit report is issued unless extended in writing by the Department, The Subrecipient shall further permit access to all Project records by the Secretary and Inspector General of the United States Department of Transportation and the Comptroller General of the United States, or their designees. (d) The Subrecipient shall permit, and shall require its contractors to permit, the Department's and NHTSA's authorized representatives to access the Project site; inspect all work, materials, payrolls, and records; and to audit the books, records and accounts pertaining to the financing and development of the Project. SUB-2021-C4ofMiam-00301 Page 9 of 33 Amendment Number: Original 500-065-01 SAFETY 9120 p*4"" 7tle: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: mC-m21-003o/ roorContract mumvwnGlaou 500-w5-01 SAFETY W20 n. Offsets. If, after subgrant completion, any claim is made by the Department resulting from an audit or for work or services performed pursuant to this Agreement, the Department may offset the amount cle�medfrom payments due for work or services under any other agreement it has with the Subreciplert if, upon demand, payment of the claimed amount is not made within 60 days to the Department. Offsetting any amount pursuant to this paragraph shall not be considered a breach of contract by the Department, 4. Buy America Act. TheGubrecipient agrees to comply and require consultants and contractors to comply with all applicable standards, orders, oadegulaUonoisauadpumuonttotheBuyAmeAoaAct.BuyAmercaAct Waiver (Docket No. NHTGA-2015-0065)and NHTSAGuidance Buy American Act Procedure for Highway Safety Grant Programs (revised 11-20-2015) herein incorporated by reference, The Subrecipient shali include the following Buy America provisions in all subcontract awards'. The Buy America Act prohibits the use ufFederal highway safety grant funds topurchase any manufactured product or softwareVinformaticn technology systems whose unit purchase price is $5.0OOnrmore, including motor vehicles, that is not produced inthe United States. NHTSA may waive those requirements if (1) their application would be inconsistent with the public interest; (2) such materials and products are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality; or (3) the inclusion of domestic material will increase the cost of the overall project contract by more than 25 percent. Each manufactured end product must comply with the provisions of the Buy America Act. Additionally, any manufactured add -on to an end product is, itself, an end product that must comply with the Act, To be reimbursed with Federa7highway safety grant funds for apurchase, aState must comply with the requirements of the Buy America Act. Non-compliance will result in denial of reimbursement, 5. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Subgnant agreements for amounts inexcess of $150,000 must comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act(42 U.S,C. 7401'7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act us amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Subrecipient shall include this provision in all subcontract awards in excess of $150,000. 6� Code ofConduct. The Subreo�pienthas watabU hod.andwNmaimtain.awrittenoodeorstandmnjmfoondrct applicable <oits officers, employees, board members uragents, and those individuals' relatives, that prohibits their involvement in the selection, award, or administration of any contract in connection with the Project if they have a present or potential financial or other Significant interest therein and prohibits the acceptance of any gratuity, favor, or other thing ofmonetary value from any person interested nrinvolved inthe performance of work onthe Project. z Conferences and Inspection of WorkConferences may beheld etthe request ufany party tothis aubgnam agreement. Representatives mfthe Department orthe US. Department of Transportation (UGUO7).orboth, shall be privileged tovisit the site for the purpose of inspection and assessment of work being performed at any time. 8. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. Where applicable, oUsubcontracts under this s/bgrant agreement imexcess nf$1OO.OQUthat involve the employment ufmechanics orlaborers must include oprovision for compliance with 40 U.S.C, 3702 and 3704. as supplemented by Department nfLabor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U,S.C, 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis cfmstandard work week of4Ohours. Work inexcess ofthe standard work week ispermissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of4Ohours inthe work week. The requirements uf40O.B.C, 37O4are applicable toconstruction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, ordangerous. These requirements donot apply bothe purchases mfsupplies o/materials mr articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. 9. Debarment and Suspension. Nusubcontract issued under this aubgramagreement, will bemade to parties listed on the governmentwide Excluded Parties List System in the System forAward Management (SAM), in Amendment Number: Original Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation pmtrm Project Project Number: oc-2o 1-00301 poorContract Number: GIozz 500-0551m SAFETY 9�20 accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1986 Comp,, p. 189)and 12689(3CFRPart 1QG8Cmnp,p.236."Debarment and Sumpenaiow " The Excluded Parties List System in SAM contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. 10. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE). (a) The S«brecicientagrees to the following assurance: The8ubrecipient shall net discriminate on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, or sex inthe award and performance a[any UGDOT*eaotedcontract orimthe administration ofits DBEprogram required by49CFR. Part 26'herein incorporated byreference. The Subn*cipientshall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR, Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation ofthis aubgnanLagreement. Upon notifimationiothe Sobnodpientofits failure tocarry out its approved program, the USDOT may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18U0.C. 1001 ancVurthe Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of1888(31 O.&C�38U1etaeq).herein incorporated byreference. (b) The SUbreciplent agrees to include the following assurance in each contract with a consultant or contractor and to require the consultant or contractor to include this assurance in all subcontract agreemerts: The consultant or contractor and subconsultant or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The consultant or contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of4Q CFR' Pert 26 in the award and administration of USDDT'asoiotag contracts. Failure by the consultant or contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result inthe termination ofthis contract orsuch other remedy, aathe 8ubnaui9ientnrthe Department deems appropriate. M. Equal Employment Opportunity. No person shall, onthe grounds �race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be refused the benefits of, mbeotherwise subjected to discrimination under this Agreement, or any project, program, or activity that receives or benefits from this Agreement, The Subrecipient agrees tocomply with Executive Order (E.O.) 11246.aaamended byE.Q. 11375.and aasupplemented by41 CFR.Part OO. herein incorporated by reference, The Equal Opportunity Clause contained in41 CFRsection 60-1.4 is included in this Agreement byreference. inconnection with the carrying out of the Project, the Subrecipiontshall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, age, creed, color, Sex or national origin and will comply with all Federal Statutes and implementing regulations relating bonondiscrimination. The Subnacipiantwill take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, age.nroed' color, sex, urnational origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment upgrading, demotion, orUamefecrecruitment nrrecruitment adverdming� layoff orLemnina\|on�rates ufpay orother forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship, The SUbrecipient shall insert the foregoing provision modified only to show the particular contractual relationship in all its contracts in connection with the development or operation of the Project, except contracts for standard commercial Supplies or raw materials, and shall require all such contractors to insert a similar provision in all subcontracts, except subcontracts for standard commercial suplefies or raw materials. When the Project involves installation, construction, demolition, removal, site improvement, or similar work, the Subrecipient shall post, in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment for Project work, notices 12. NuFederal Obligation. This agreement is financed byfederal funds, However, payments tuthe mubmcpien will homade bythe Department. The United States iwnot uparty tothis Agreement and moreference inthis Agreement, 8o the United States, USDOT, NHTSA, or any representatives of the federal government makes the United States a party Amendment Number: onumw Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project mumuer:ou-2o21-On301 poqTContract wum»ecoIm2u to this Agreement, 13. Nondiscrimination. Subrec�ierts wifl comply with all Federal statutes and implementing regulations relating to oundiyuMm|nmbmn(^Federa|MundacdminationAuthoh1ieu'^),Thmaeinc|udebutonenot[mitedto: (a) Title V1ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.&C, 2000d ���7Dstat. 252).(prohibits discrimination onthe basis ofrace, color, national origin) and 48CFRpart 21 (b) The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies A ' ct of 1970, (42 US.C. 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal -aid programs and projects) (o) Federal -Aid Highway Act of1B73.(23US.0 324eteegj. and Title |Xofthe Education Amendments, ofl972. aaamended (28U8.C, 1681-1083and 1685-18$G)(prohibit discrimination onthe basis ofsex) (d) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. 794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis ofdisability) and 4BCFRpart 27 (o) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination onthe basis ofage) C0 The Civil Rights Restoration Act o[1887.(Pu�L,1QO-2OQ).(broadens scope, coverage and applicability ofTitle V1nfthe Cki�Rights Act of1QG4 The Age Discrimination Act of 1$75and Section 504ufthe Rehabilitation Act of1873. byexpamdinythedefinitionofth*termo^pmgremewraotivitias''+oinduUeaOofthoproQnamnor activities ofthe Federal aid recipients, 8ubnscipiont'aand contractors, whether such programs oractivities are Federo|8y-fuodedmrnot) (g) Titl6s 11 and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12131-12189) (prohibits discrimination on the basis ufdisability inthe operation ofpublic entities, public and private transportation systems, places ofpublic accommodation, and certain testing) and 40CFRparts 87and 5B (h) Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Jiusdce in Minority Populations and Low -Income Populations (prevents discrimination against minority populations bydiscouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income popu|edon*) (i) Executive Order 13186. Improving Access |oServices for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (guards against Title Vl national origin discrimination/cliscrimination because of limited English proficiency (LEP) by ensuring that funding recipients take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to programs (70FR74On7-741OO) 0) Nondiscrimination Clause, During the performance ufthis pubgrent, the Subreuipientagrees: (a) To comply with aill Federal nondiscrimination |2WS and regulations, asmay be amended from time to time (b) Not toparticipate directly orindirectly in the discrimination Pmhibltedb/any Federal non-discrimination law or regulation, as set forth in appendix B of 49 CFR part 21 and herein (c) To permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as required bythe FDOTState Safety Office, U8DOTurNUTSA Amendment Number: original SU8-2021-Chym0Miam-O0301 Page 1omrax 50G-06 5.m SAFETY mm Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: ao-2o21-0o 01 FOOT Contract Number: a/a22 W; That, in event a Subrocipient fails to comply with any nondiscrimination provisions in this nubgrant,the FDOT State Safety Office will have the right to impose such subgrartaanctions asdorNHTSA determine are appropriate, including but not limited to withholding payments to the Subrecipient under the contract/agreement until the Subrecipient complies-, and/or cancelling, terminating, or suspending a contract nrfunding agreement, inwhole u«|npart. (*) To insert this clause, including paragraphs (a) through (e), in every subcontract and sub -agreement and in every solicitation for a subcontract or sub -agreement, which receives Federal funds under this program 14. Ownership ufData and Creative Material, The ownership m[material, discoveries, inventions and results developed, produced, or discovered by this subgranit agreement are governed by the terms of 2 CFR, Section 200-315, Intangible Property, herein incorporated by reference. 15. Political Activity. The Subreciplent will comply with provisions ofthe Hatch Act (5U.S, C. 1501-1508).whichUmito the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 16. Property Accountability. The Subrecipient shall establish and administer a system to control, protect, preserve, use, and maintain and dispose of any property furnished by the Department, or purchased pursuant to thissubgrort agreement in accordance with Federal Property Management Standards as set forth in 49 CFR, Section 18,32, 49 CFR 19, Section 19,34, or 2 CFR, 200.33, herein incorporated by reference. This obligation continues as long as the property is retaired by the Subrecipient notwithstanding the ending of this subgrant agreement. 17. Restrictions on: Lobbying. The 8ubrecipiert agrees to comply and require consultants and contractors to comply with 49 CFR, Part 20, New Restrictions on Lobbying, herein incorporated by reference, for filing of certification and disclosure forms. (a) Certification Regarding Federal Lobbying, The 8ubrecipientcertifies, to the best ofhis mher knowledge and belief, that l. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing wrattempting to influence anofficer oremployee of any agency, eMember of Congress, an off icer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. ii. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer oremployee nfCongress . oranemployee nfeMember ofCongress inconnhctionwith this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. iii The Sobreopienkshall require that the language ofthis certification bnincluded mthe award documents for all sub -award at all tiers (including subcontr@ots, subgrants, and contracts under grant, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all Subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. iv. This certification is amaterial representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made orentered into, Submission ufthis certification is aprerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed bysection 1352.title 31.U.B. Code, Any person who fails tofile the required certification shall be subject tua dW| penalty of not lees than $10.000 and not more than $1OO.00Qforoechsuch failure. Amendment Number: Original QUB-2021'Cityoftom-00301 Page 13oroa 300-065-01 SAFETY Wm Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number:ac-2021-0mmx poorContract m=mu"=Glozz 530-w5-01 SAFETY ,120 0* Restriction: onState Lobbying, None ofthe funds under this program will heused for any activity specifically designed Lourge orinfluence oState urlocal legislator tofavor moppose the adoption ofany specific legislative proposal pending before any State or local legislative body, Such activities include both direct and indirect ( e.g., ^'graasmots^)lobbying activities, with one exception. This does not preclude mState official whose salary in supported with NHTSA funds from engaging in direct communications with State or local legislative officials, in accordance with customary State practice, even if such communications urge legislative officials to favor or oppose the adoption ofaspecific p*ndiuQlegislative proposal. k* Restriction ofUse for Federal Civilian and Military Employees. Gubgnmntfunding isnot allowable for the cost of training federal civilian and military employees, Indian Nations may besupported with written approval from the FDOT Traffic Safety Administrator and NHTSA, 18. Termination and Suspension. (a) Generally. If: (I)the Subeupien ubandonnor,before the end ofthe state fiaoalyear for which flnunc4 assistance for the Project isprovided under this Agreement, fmallydiscontinues the Project; @; the Subnacpient falls tocomply with applicable law orthe terms ofthis Agreement; or(iii)for any other reason, the commencement, prosecution, ortimely completion of the Project by theSubeciplent is rendered improbable, infeasible, impossible, or illegal, the Department may, by written notice to the Subrecipient, suspend any or all of its obligations under this Agreement until such time as the event or condition resulting in such suspension has ceased or been corrected, or the Department may terminate any or 211 of its obligations under this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200. (b) Actions Upon Termination mSuspension, Upon receipt of any final termination or suspension notice from the Department, the Subreciplen shall proceed promptly tmcarry out the actions required insuch notice, which may include any or all of the following: (1) necessary action to terminate or suspend, as the case may be, Project activities and contracts and such other action as may be required or desirable to keep to the minimum the costs upon the basis of which the financing is to be computed; (2) furnish a Statement of the Project activities and contracts, and other undertakings the cost of which are otherwise includable as Project costs; and, (3) remit to the Department such porbon of the financing and any advance payment previously received as is determined by the Department to be due under the provisions of the Agreement. The termination or suspension shall be carried out in conformity with the latest schedule, plan, and budget as approved by the Department or upon the basis of terms and conditions imposed by the Department upon the failure of the Subredpient to furnish the schedule, plan, and budget within a reasonable time, The approval of a remittance by the Subrecip&t shall not constitute a waiver of any claim which the Department may otherwise have arising out ofthis Agreement. 19. Human Trafficking. The Subreoipien shall include eprovision ineach contract itenters into with aprivate entity in connection with the Project by which the Subrecipient's contractor agrees that it and its employees that perform any work on the Project shall not, during the term of this Agreement, engage in trafficking in persons, procure a commercial sex act, oruse forced labor inthe performance ofwork onthe Project. 20. Unauthorized Aliens. The Department shall consider the employment by the Subrecipientofunauthorized aliens e violation ofSection 274Aofthe Immigration and Nationality Act. If the Subreoipientknowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation will be cause for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement. 31- Title N|'Civil Rights Act of1964.Execution of this Agreement constitutes ucertification that thuSobrecipient will comply with all the requirements imposed by Title VII of the Civil Rights Actof1S64(42U.S.C. 1881.e1eeqlwhich among other things, prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, and age. 22. Americans with Disabilities Act mf1ggV(AUDA).Execution ofthis Agreement constitutes acertification that the Subrecipient will comply with all the requirements imposed by the ADA (42 U.S.C' 12101.etmeq.), the regulations ofthe federal government issued thereunder, and the assurance by the Subrecipient pursuant thereto. Amendment Number: Original Project Tifle;SpeedlxgressiveDriving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: ac-2ou-0uom poorContract Number: GIoze 23. Integrity Certification. By signing this 3uhgrant Agmemart. the Subrecipient certifies that neither itnor its contractors are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating inthis Agreement byany federal department oragency. This certification ls amaterial representation of fact upon which the Department iorelying inentering this Agreement. |fitiolater determined that the Subreoipient knowing|yrendoed an erroneous certification, in addffion to other remedies available to the federal government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remecl|es, including suspension and/or debarment, The Subreciplent shaii provide to the Department immediate written notice if at any time the Subrecipient learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed riomme1enoea. 24. Federal Encouragements. (a) Vehicle Pursuits. Pursuant to 23U.S. C. 402)'all law enforcement agencies are encouraged to follow the guideHnes stablished for vehicular pursuits issued by the lrternationad Association of Chiefs of Police that are currenfiy in effect. (b) Policy onSeat Belt Use. In accordance with Executive Order 13043, Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United Gtatem, eubreopients are encouraged to adopt and enforce on-the-job seat belt use pnUoiou and programs for its employees when operating nompany'owned. rented, urpersonally-owned vehicles, (c) Policy omBanning Text Messaging While Driving. In accordance with Executive Order 13513, Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging WhHeDriving, and DOT Order 39021O.Text Messaging While Driving, oubreoipientsare encouraged to: i Adopt and enforce workplace safety policies to decrease crashes caused by distracted driving, including policies to ban text messaging while driving company -owned orrentedvahicles' Government -owned, leased or rented vehicles, or privately- owned vehicles when on official business or when performing any work on behalf of the subrecipient agency and/or the Government. ii. Conduct workplace safety initiatives inamanner commensurate with the size ufthe business, such aa establishment ofnew rules and programs orre-evaluation ofexisting programs hzprohibit text messaging while driving, and eduoation, swamneaa, and other outreach to employees about the safety risks associated with texingand driving. iii Insert the substance ofthis section, including this sentence, in 21|aub-aAreement/nuboontruutsfunded with the subaward provided under this Agreement that are $15,000 or more. 25. Reversion ofUnexpended Subg,ant Funds. All funds granted bythe Department under this Agreement that have not been expended during the term of this, Agreement shall revert to the Department. STATE REGULATIONS 26, Compliance with State Procurement mf Personal Property and Services Laws. The SubrecipientoQrees to comply with all applicable provisions of Chapter 287, Florida Statutes (F.S.), The following provisions are stated in this auoAmntagreement pursuant 8zsections 2O7.153(2}(e)and 2O7.134(2)(u).F.S. �Section �133 (2)(a), F.S.Aperson or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public ertity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity-, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity: and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287,017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date ofbeing placed onthe convicted vendor list. 8UB-2021-CityoMN|mm-00301 Page 1snf 33 Amendment Number: Original 50M65-m SAFETY y�20 Project Title: mneemAoumo ive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: mo-2n 1-00301 roorContract wvmuereIazz (b) Section 2S7.134<q(u).F.S, Anentity oraffiUatewho has been placed onthe discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity-, may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building orpub|iommr�maynotuubmitbido,Anopuaa|s.orrap|iwemn|eoeeoofnem|pmperty1oapub|ioentity;maynu{ be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant Linder 2 contract with any public entity: and may not transact business with any public entity, (c) The convicted vendor list and discriminatory vendor list can be found on the Florida Department of Management 27. Compliance with State Public Records Laws. The Gubnaoipimrdagrees tucomply with oUprovisions provided in Chapter 11A�S. If the Subrecipient receives a public records request concerning its work undertaken pursuant to this Depertmenteubgrant agreement, the Subre�pient must take appropriate action as required by Chapter 119.F.8. If the Submdpient in unable in ascertain how best to comply with its ob||godona, it should seek the advice of counsel endlbr FDQTState Safety Offioe. The Department shall unilaterally cancel this mubQrartagreement if the8ubenipient refuses to allow public ucCea to all documents, papers, �ett*m.orother material subject tmthe provisions ofChapter 119.FS..and made orreceived bythe 8ubreuip�iwnt inconjunction with this aubgnan\agreement. 28. Cooperation with Inspector General. It is the duty ofevery Gubecipient to cooperate with the inspector general inany investigation, audit, inspection, revlew, or hearing pursuant to this subgrant agreement. Section 20.055(5), F,S, The Subrecipient agrees to comply with Section 20,055(5), F.S., and to incorporate in all subcontracts the obligatlon to comply with Section 28.055(5)' F.S. 29. E-Vehfy. Submcip�ents: (a) Shall utilize the Q.S. Department ofHomeland Security's E4Verifysystem 0overify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the Vendor/Contractor during the term of the contract-, and (b) ShaUexpreanly require any subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the statecontract to likewise utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the contract term. 30. Indemnification and Insurance. (a) Indemnification. Tothe extent permitted bylaw and aslimited by and pursuant to the provisions of Section 768,28, Florida Statutes, the Subrecipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Department, including the Department's officers and employees, from liabilities, dsmeQeu. |oeaes, and ooata, including, but not limited to, naosonab|eottomey's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, reck|essness, or intentional wrongful rn�sconduct of the Subrecipient and persons employed or utilized by the Subrecipient in the performance of this Agreement. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement.Nothing contained inthis paragraph is intended to nor shall it constitute a waiver of the State of Florida and the Subrecipient's sovereign immunity. (b) Subrecipient Contracts. Subrecipient agrees to include the following inderrinftation clause in all contracts with onntrontors, muboontnactona, conau|Lants, oreyhoonau|bmntswho perform work inconnection with this Agreement (modihedtoappropriately identify the partime): "To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Subrecipient's contractor/consultant shall indemnify and held harmless the Subrecpierkand the State ofFlorida, Department ofTransportation, including the Department's officers and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by tho negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of the xme*nen Number:o�mmu/ SUB�O21'C�yohMiam-003O1 Page 1sofnn 5CO-065 m SAPETY B120 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number! mo-2o21-0o301 MOT contract Number mlazz controctoVcor su Ita ntand persons employed urutilized by the contra cite r/consulta ntinthe performance of this Agreement. Th�s indemnification shall survive the termination oythis Agreement. Nothing contained inthis paragraph is intended to nor shall it constitute a waiver of the State of Florida and the Subrecipient's sovereign immunity." (u) Workers' Compensation. The Subrecipient shall provide Workers' Corr pen sation Insurance in accordance with Florida's Workers' Compensation law for all employees, |fcontracting for any ofthe work, the 8ubnecipient shall ensure that its contractors have Workers' Compensation Insurance for their employees in accordance with Florida's Workers' Compensation law. If using "leased employees" or employees obtained through professional employer organizations ('PEO's"), the Subrecipient shall ensure that such employees are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance through the PEO's or other leasing entities, Ensure that any equipment rental agreements that include operators or other personnel who are employees of independent contractors, sale proprietorships or partners are covered by insurance required under Florida's Workers' Compensation law. 31. Reimbursement Obligation. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to ro�mburse the Subrecipient shall be subject to the availability of Federal highway safety funds and an annual appropriation by the Legislature. 32. RuapmmmibM#y for Claims and Liability. Subject to the limitations of Section 768.28, F.S., the Subrecipient shall borequired 8mdefend, hold harmless and indemnify the Department, NHTOA FHVVA,and USDOT from all claims and liability, or both, due to negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct Of Subrecipient, and its contractor, consultant, agents and employees. The Subrecipient shall be liable for any loss of, or damage to, any material purchased or developed under this subgrant agreement which is caused by the Subrecipient's failure to exercise such care in regard to said material as a reasonable careful owner of similar materials would exercise, The parties executing this aubgrentagreement specifically agree that noprovision inthis aubgnantagreement isintended tocreate inthe public orany member thereof, athird-party beneficiary, or0uauthorize anyone rot oparty tuthis subgrant agreement to maintain a suit for personal injuries or property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of this xubgoantaQmem*nL 33. Restrictions omLobbying, Nofunds nubgmntedhereunder shall heused for the purpose oylobbying the legislature, judicial branch, or state agencies, per Section 216.347, F,S. 34. Retention nfRecords. The Subrecipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this nubQrantagreement for aperiod offive years from the date themudlt report isissued, and shall allow the Department, or its designee, the state CFO, or AG access to such records, which are not protected by State law, upon request. The Subrecipient shall ensure that the independent audit working papers are made available to the Department, orhsdmaigneo.thamtateCFO.orAGupunrequey1formp*hodofa1|eanthveyears from the date the audit report io �snued.unless extended inwriting bythe Department. 35. Tangible Property. Property purchased under this subcontract does not qualify eaTangible Personal Property ea defined by Chapter 273, F.S. Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021-Ciq'oMNiem-00301 Page 17or33 5aa-a65-oi SAFETY 9120 Project TitleSpeed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation PatroProject Project Number: ao-2021-00a1 FoorContract w"mo°r�oIozz MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 500-CE5-w SAFETY mm 36. Prohibited Interests, The Subrecipient shall not enter into a contract or arrangement in connection with the Project or any property included or planned to be included in the Project, with any officer,directororemployeeof the Subrecipient, or any business entity of which the officer, director or employee or the officer's, director's or employee's spouse or child is an officer, partner, director, or proprietor or in which such officer, director or employee or the officer's, director's or employee's spouse or child, or any combination of them, has a material interest. i "Material Interest" means direct orindirect ownership ofmore than 5% of the total assets mcapital stock of any business entity, 8. The Gubroripiomshall not enter into any contract or arrangement inconnection with the Project orany property included or planned to be included in the Project, with any person OF entity who was represented before the Subrocipient by any person who at any time during the immediately preceding two (2) years was an officer, director or employee of the Subrecipient. iii. The prov ionsofthisvuhseotionahailmotte applicable toany agreement between the Subrecpientand its fiscal depositories, anyogreemont for utility services the rates for which are fixed orcontrolled bythe government, or any agreement between the Subrocipient and an agency of state government, 37.|,tenst of Members of, or Delegates to, Congress orLegislature. No member or de�egate to the Congress of the United States, orthe State ofFlorida legis|atum, shall beadmitted toany share orpart ofthe Agreement orany benefit arising therefrom. 38. Department Not Obligated to Third Parties. The Department shall not be obligated or liable under this Agreement toany party other than the Subredpient, It is specifically agreed between the Parties executing this Agreement that it is not intended by any of the provisions of any part of this Agreement to create in the public or any member thereof , a third party beneficiary under this Agreement, nrhoauthorize anyone not oparty tothis Agreement tomaintain asuit for persoria� injuries or property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of this Agreement. 39. Relationship of Par -ties, The Subrecipient, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and SUbconsultants are not agents of the Department as a result of this Agreement. 40.When Rights and Remedies Not Waived. In no event shall the making by the Department of any payment to the Smbrecipient constitute urbeconstrued asowaiver bythe Department of any breech of covenant orany default which May then exist, onthe part ofthe Subr*ciplent.and the making ofsuch payment bythe Department while any such breach o/default eho||exiatuha||inmnway|mpairorpnejmdiceonyrightorremedyovaHmb>a1otheDepartmenkwith respect hzsuch breach ordefault, 41.Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 42. Sovereign Immunity. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by either party of its sovereignknrnuohy for any damages claimed bXthird parties. 43. SmnmSo,Cmmmiseion.Byexeout|nnofdheAgreementthe8uhneoipianteapnsoentethatitboano1paidund.o|su. agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its application for the financing hereunder. Amendment Number: Original Project TML: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: G1S22 44. Notices. Any notice, demand, or request which is required to be given under this Agreement in writing shall be delivered to the following address: Florida Department of Transportation Attn: Traffic Safety Administrator State Safety Office, MS 53 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 45, Agreement Format. All words used in this Agreement in the singular form shall extend to and include the plural. All words used in the plural form shall extend to and include the singular, All words used in any gender shall extend to and include all genders. 46. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. The Subrecipient and the Department hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive trial by jury in any legal action or proceeding relating to this agreement and for any counterclaim therein. 47. Execution of Agreement, This Agreement maybe simultaneously executed in a minimum of two counterparts, each of which so executed shalt be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one in the same instrument. 48. Agreement not Assignable. The Subrecipient may not assign any of its rights or obligations under thisAgreement. GRANT MANAGEMENT 49. Amendments. The Subrecipient shall obtain prior written approval from the FDOT State Safety Office for changes to this subgrant agreement. Amendments to this subgrant agreement will be approved if the modifications) to be made will achieve or improve upon the outcome of this subgrant agreement's scope of work, or where factors beyond the control of the Subrecipient require the change. Requested amendments to this subgrant agreement shall be in the form of a written request signed by the one of the original signatories of this subgrant agreement. Specific deleg@tion(s) for amendments must be provided in writing from the original signatory of the Subrecipient, 50. Disputes and Appeals,. Any dispute, disagreement, or question of fact arising under this subgrant agreement May be addressed to the Traffic Safety Administrator of the FDOT State Safety Office in writing. The Traffic Safety Administrator's decision may be appealed in writing within 30 calendar days from the notification to the Governor's Highway Safety Representative, whose decision is final. Addresses are: Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Transportation Attn: Traffic Safety Administrator Attn: Governor's Highway Safety Representative State Safety Office, MS 53 State Safety Office, MIS 53 605 Suwannee Street 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 The Subrecipient shall proceed diligently with the performance of this subgrant agreement and in accordance with Department's decision(s). 51, Equipment. Any equipment purchased under this subgrant agreement with highway safety funds shall not replace previously purchased equipment that is damaged, stolen, lost, or that wears out as a result of misuse, whether the equipment was purchased with federal, state, or local funds, (a) Use of Equipment. All equipment shalt be used for the originally authorized subgrant agreement purpose(s) for as long as needed for those purposes. Subrecipients must maintain an inventory control system that has Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021 -CityofMiam-00301 Page 19 of 33 500-065-01 SAFETY 9120 Project rule: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation PatroProject Project Number: on-2o21-0u301 poorContract Number: a1u2o adequate safeguards inplace tuprevent loss, damage, nrtheft. 500,065�m SAFETY 9�20 (b) Equipment Costing $5,000ormore. Equipment with uuseful life ofmore than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit shall be subject to the following requirements: i Purchases shall receive prior written approval from the FDOTSafety Office. ii Biannual uertrOoahonofappropriate use and condition ofequipment shall boprovided bthe MOT Safety Office. iiiDispositions must be requested and shall receive prior written approval from the FOOT Safety Office, (c) Disposition of Equipment Costing $6,000 ormore. [nthe event the equipment is no longer needed for the originally authorized aubgrantagreement purpome(s)m/has reached the end ofits useful life, 3uboycipients should use the Equipment Disposition Request Form 500-065-026 to coordinate with the FDOT State Safety Office to obtain required approvals to dispose of the equipment of or transfer the equipment to another agency for use (d)Dis;osition of Equipment Costing Less than $5,000.Equipment that does not meet the unit purchase price threshold of $5,000 should be disposed of in accordance with the agencies own procurement and disposition policies. Documentation of this disposition should be noted in the Subrecipient files. (e) Equipment Replacement arRepair. The Qubreuplen(is respmnoUWe,attheir own cost, for replacing or repairing any equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds that isdamaged, stolen, mrlost, orthat wears out osoresult ofmisuse. The FDDTState Safety Office retains the right toreplace o/repair any equipment for Statewide programs based on exceptional individual circumstances. (D Equipment Repossession. Ownership of ali equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds rests vvbhtheSubecipient,-Uowever, the USDOTmaintains oninterest |nthe equipment and title vests inthe 8ubeoipiendsubject toseveral conditions and obligations under 2CFR Section 2OO.513.The 8ubnadpientmust use the equipment for the authorized purposes of the project, whether or not the project continues to be supported bythe Federal award, unless the FOOTState Safety Office, onbehalf ufUSDOT.provides written authohzs¢ionfhranoUheruaeoftheequipmentthatiapennineib|eonder2CFRSeudnn200.313.Aoyequipmeni purchased with Federal highway safety funds that is not being used by the Subrecipient for the purposes deam1bod|nthe project orinaccordance with other authorized uses under 2 CPBSection 28O.513.imsubject 10 repossession by the FDOT State Safety Office, on behalf of the USDOT. Items that are repossessed shall be disbursed to agencies that agree to use the equipment for the activity described in this project or for other uses authorized byU3DQT 52Expense Purchases for $200 ormore: Any purchase with aper item unit cost of $200 ormore from any line item within the Expense Category, excluding software, must have FDOTState Safety Office written approval, prior to purchase. 53. Excusable Delays. Except with respect tothe defaults cf Subredpient'aconsultants and contractors which shall be attributed to the Subreciplent, the Subrecipient shall not be in default by reason of any failure in performance of this subgrant agreement in accordance with its terms if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the �ubrecipient. Such causes are acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Government in either its sovereign orcontractual capacity, fires, flooda, opidenni[ca' quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather, but in every case the failure to perform must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Subrecipient. If the failure to perform is caused by the failure of the Subreclpient's consultant or contractor to perform or make progress, and if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control of the Subrecipient and its consultant or contractor, and without the fault or negligence of any of them, the Subrecipient shall not be deemed to be in default, unless (1) the supplies or services to be furnished by the consultant or contractor were Amendment Number: Original Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: G1 $22 obtainable from other sources, (2) the FDOT State Safety Office shall have ordered the Subrecipient in writing to procure such supplies or services from other sources, and (3) the Subrecipient shall have failed to comply reasonably with such order. Upon request of the Subrecipient, the FOOT State Safety Office shall ascertain the facts and extent of such failure and, if it shall be determined that any failure to perform was occasioned by any one or more of the said causes, the delivery schedule shall be revised accordingly. If the Subrecipient is unable to fulfill the activities stated in the Proposed Solution or Project Objectives in this agreement (Part 11: PROJECT PLAN AND SUPPORTING DATA) due to the COM D-19 pandemic, the Subrecipient must contact the FDOT State Safety Office immediately to discuss potential amendments and/or alternate plans, 54. How this Subgrant Agreement is Affected by Provisions Being Held Invalid. If any provision of this subgrant agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this subgrant agreement shall not be affected. In such an instance, the remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law, The Subrecipient acknowledges that federal grant requirements are subject to change and agrees that the most recent requirements shall govern its obligations under this Agreement at all times. 55. Ineligibility for Future Funding, The Subreciplent agrees that the Department shall find the Subrecipient ineligible for future funding for any of the following reasons: (a) Failure to provide the required audits (b) Failure to continue funding positions created with highway safety funds after the Federal funding cycle ends (c) Failure to provide required performance and final narrative reports in the required time frame (d) Failure to perform work described in Part 11 of this subgrant agreement (e) Failure to provide reimbursement requests and performance reports in a timely manner (f) Providing fraudulent performance reports or reimbursement requests (g) Misuse of equipment purchased with Federal highway safety funds 56. Performance. In the event of defaWt, noncompliance, or violation of any provision of this subgrant agreement by the Subrecipient, the Subreclpient's consultant(s) or contractor(s) and supplier(s), the Subrecipient agrees that the Department will impose sanctions. Such sanctions include withholding of reimbursements, retainage, cancellation, termination, or suspension of this subgrant agreement in whole or in part. In such an event, the Department shall notify the Subrecipient of such decision 30 days in advance of the effective date of such sanction. The sanctions imposed by the Department will be based upon the severity of the violation, the ability to remedy, and the effect on the project. The Subrecipient shall be paid only for those services Satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of such sanction . 57. Personnel Hired or Paid Under this Subgrant Agreement. (a) Project Director. Persons holding the position of Project Director for this SUbgrant agreement shall not receive reimbursement for personnel hours nor receive any other benefit under this subgrant agreement. (b) Employer Responsibility. Any and all employees of the Subrecipient whose positions are funded, in whole or in part through this subgrant agreement, shall be the employee of the Subrecipient only, and any and all claims that may arise from said employment relationship shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the Subrecipient, Personnel hours will only be reimbursed based on actual hours worked on this subgrant agreement. No other allocation method is allowable for reimbursement. Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021-CitYofMiam-00301 Page 21 of 33 500-065-01 SAFETY 9120 Project Title: opeed[AuoressmnDriving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: ou-2no-0o30/ pomT Contract Number: G1u2u (c) Overtime. 500-065-w SAFLTY 9120 i Overtime Hours, Subgrantfunds cannot heused 8osupplant standard activity houno�therefore, only hours qualifying as "overtime", per the Subrecipient policies will be eligible for reimbursement by this subgrant agreement, In the event a Subrecipient is awarded more than one subgrant agreement within federal fiscal year, overtime hours for each traffic safety effort must be tracked, reported, and billed based umhours worked for each nubQrantagreement type. il. Overtime Rate. Overtime hours are intended for enhanced/ increased traffic safety activities, The overtime pay rate for personnel isbased mnactual cost per employee inaccordance with the Subredpiant'apayroll policy. Each 8ubredpimn1shall comply with Fair Labor Standards Act (FL8A) requirements and thresholds for overtime accrual and payment and its own policies and procedures, insofar as those policies apply uniformly to both federally -financed and other activities of the Subrecipient, as required by 2 CFR 200,403(c). Additional hours may be called overtime, off duty, extra, additional, etc,, as long as it enhances/incre2SeS traffic safety activities, Acopy ufthe policy shall be maintained bythe Submcipientand made available for review |frequested. (d) Additional Requirements for Law Enforcement Agencies. Created Pu*Mjom(s)Reporting and Maintenance Requirement. 8ubreoipientsreceiving first year funcli[ng for a newly created full-time position(s) through a subgrant agreement shall provide written not|fication to the FDOT State Safety Office within 30 days of this subgrant agreement being awarded that a new position(s) has been created in the agency as a result of this subgrant agreement being awarded. Positions created with subgrant funding shall continue to be funded by the Subrecipient after federal funding ends tobeeligible for future aubgrantfunding, 58. Reports. The followlng reports are required for reimbursement ofoubgr2nt funding-. (a) Performance Reports. (FDOT Form No. 500-065-19). A performance report shall be provided with each request for financial reimbursement, providing the status of the subgrant minimum performance standards, as described in Part IVofthis oubgnyntagreement. (b) Final Narrative Report. (FDOT Form No, 500-065-20). A Final Narrative Report giving a chronological history of the subgrant activities, problems encountered, major accomplishments, and NHTSA Required ActivityReporting shall besubmitted byOctober 31 Requests for reimbursement will not beprocessed and wiUb*returned tothe Subrecipient as unpaid if the required reports are rot provided, following notification. (c) Enforcement Activity Reports. Enforcement Activity Report(s) for each type of enforcement shall be provided with each request for financial reimbursement for overtime worked. Agency specific activity reports may beUsed, if those reports include all information detailed ineach FDDTAotivityForm . (d) Other Reports. The FOOT State Safety Office reserves the right to require other reports not specified above, as necessary, for eubgrant agreement monitoring. 59. Term ofthis SubgountAB,nommnt, Each smbgrantagreement shall begin omthe date the last party signs this eoUgrandmgreement and shall end onSeptember 30, unless otherwise stipulated bythe FDOTState Safety Office on the first page of this respective subgrant agreement, � |nUheeventlaoubgxanta0nsament iofor services inexcess uf $25.O8O.Q8and eterm for eperiod ofmore than 1year, the provisions ofSection 339.185(6)(a).ES,are hereby "The Department, during any fiscal year, shall not expend money, incur any liability, orenter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such fiscal year, Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this subsection is null and void, and no money may be paid on such contract. The Department shall require a statement from the Comptroller Amendment Number: Original Project Title: Speedmggreswveoawng Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: en-2o 1-00301 poorContract mumu,n G1oe2 5GO-ce5-m SAFETY mm of the Department that such funds are available prior toentering into any such contract mrother binding commitment offunds. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making ofcontracts for periods exceeding 1year, but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years: and this paragraph shall be incorporated' verbatim in all contracts of the Department which are for an amount in excess of $25,000.00 and which have a term for a period of more than 1 year." 60. Travel. (a) Required Forms, Travel costs for approved travel shall be submitted on the FDOT Contractor Travel Form (FDOTForm No. 300-000-06) or other approved Florida Department of Financial Services form and will be reimbursed lnaccordance with Section 112.061.F.S. and the most current version ofthe Disbursement Handbook for Employees and Managers. (N Auth orization and Restriction. All travel authorized under this subgrant shal l be subject to any additional authorization requirements orrestrictions imposed by: the Governor's Executive Order orother guidance; any requirements nrforms for travel cost reimbursement imposed bythe Subredpientthat donot violate PDOTtravel cost reimbursement requirements; and/or FDOTduring the aubgnan1period. (c) Prerequisite Approvals. Travel meeting any of the following criteria shall require a written request for approval from the FDDTState Safety Office prior to the incurring of actual travel costs, Request should include sufficient justification to prove that the travel will have significant benefits to the outcome of the subgrant activities and is within the travel budget ofthe project and relevant tnthe project: i, Purchase of Air fare ii Travel to conference iii. Travel which includes eregistration fee iv. Out-of-auhgnent-*pacifiedwork area travel V. OLIt-Of-St2te travel Failure to receive prior wrtten approval will deem the entire travel cost ineligible for payment, regardless o{ available funding |ntravel budget. � (d) Lodging Reimbursement Limit. The FDOTState Safety Office shall not pay for overnight lodging/hotel room rates that exceed $175.00per night (before taxes and feae), ASobnaoipimntand/or traveler will berequired to expend his or her own funds for paying the overnight lodging/hoW room rate in excess of $175.00 plus the applicable percentage of fees (other than flat fees). If multiple travelers share a room and the individual cost of the lodging/hotel exceeds the $175 per night limit, the Subredplent and/or travelers will be required to expend his orher own funds for paying the excess amount. 0another entity is covering the cost ufthe overnight lodging/hotel then this paragraph does not apply. (e) Lodging for SubgramFunded Statewide Coalition Meetings and Conferences. Lodging contracts may befunded tuaccommodate attendance ofaubgrordfunded statewide coalition meetings, conferences, and programs. If lodging a lodging contract is executed to cover lodging cost, all travelers shall be expected to use the contract, and any attendees choosing alternate lodging accommodations based on preference, shall do so at their own out of pocket costs. Cost for these lodging contracts will be reviewed and approved for program appropriateness and costs savings tothe State, as determined and approved by the FDOT State Safety Office. 61. Vehicles. Any Subrecipient receiving subgrant funds to purchase a vehicle (excluding law enforcement vehicles) ohe0maintain 2 travel log that contains the beginning and ending mileage, location, and purpose of travel. All agencles must report any vehicle Use (OXCIUding law enforcement vehicles) and maintenance with each request for reimbursement using the Safety Grant Vehicle Use Form (FDOTForm No. 5UO-O05- 1)andthe&afetyGmmtEquipmantMain0anonc* Form (FDOT Form No. 500-065-22). Amendment Number: OriWual Project Titre: Speed/Aggressive D6ving Enforcement Saturation Patroll Project 530-065.01 Project Number: SC-2021-00301 SAFETY FDOT Contract Number: GlS22 9M Vehicles purchased with federal highway safety funds shall be used for program use only and in accordance with Rule 6OB-1.004 F.A.C. Subrecipients who are responsible for the operation and use vehicles for official state business are allowed to permit persons other than state officials or employees to travel in the vehicle provided these persons are conducting official state business or only on special occasions if the purpose of the travel can be more usefully served by including such persons and no additional expense is involved. It is permissible to transport persons other than state officials and employees during disasters and emergency situations where the state must protect life and property. Providing assistance to motorists whose vehicles are disabled may be considered as an emergency when there is a need to protect life and property. Any vehicles used for personal reasons or not being used by the Subrecipient for the purposes described in this subgrant agreement shall be subject to repossession by the FDOT State Safety Office. FINANCIAL/FISCAL 62. Allowable Costs. The allowability of costs incurred under this subgrant agreement shall be determined in accordance with the general principles of allowability and standards for selected cost items set forth in the Applicable Federal Law, state law, and the FDOT Disbursement Handbook for Employees and Managers, to be eligible for reimbursement. All funds not spent in accordance with the Applicable Federal Law will be subject to repayment by the Subrocipient. Only costs directly related to this subgrant agreement shall be allowable. 63. Subcontract Agreements. (a) Requirement for Pre- Approval, All subcontract agreements must be submitted to the FDOT Safety Office in draft form for review and approval. Approval of this subgrant agreement does not constitute approval of subcontract agreements, (b) Minimum Mandatory Subcontract Language. All subcontract agreements shall include as a minimum the following information: i. Beginning and end dates of the subcontract agreement (not to exceed this subgrant agreement period) ii. Total contract amount iii. Scope of work/Services to be provided iv. Quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable units of deliverables V. Minimum level of service to be performed and criteria for evaluating successful completion Vf. Budget/Cost Analysis vii. Method of compensation/Payment Schedule (c) Additional Required Clauses All subcontract agreements shall contain the following statement:, "The parties to this contract shall be bound by all applicable sections of Part V: Acceptance and Agreement of Project # (insert project number), FDOT Contract # (insert contract number). A final invoice must be recefved by (insert date) or payment will be forfeited." ii. Buy American Act clause (see Section 4 of Part V) iii. Certification Regarding Federal Lobbying (see Section 17 of Part V) iv. Cooperation with, Inspector General (see Section 28 of Part V) V. DBE Clause (see Section 10(b) of Part V) vi. E-Verify clause (see Section 29 of Part V) vii. Nondiscrimination clause (see Section 13 of Part V) viii. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act clause (subcontracts in excess $150,000) (see Section 5 of Part V) ix. Integrity Certification Clause (see Section 23 of Part V) Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021-CityofMiam-00301 Page 24 of 33 Project Title: Speed[Aggressive Driving EnforcementSaturati on Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number; G1822 X. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (subcontracts in excess of $100,000) (see Section 8 of Part V) xi. Indemnification and Insurance (see Section 30 of Pad V) Xii. Policy on Banning Text Messaging While Driving Act (subcontracts in excess of $15,000) (see Section 24 of Pail V) Xiii. Human Trafficking Clause (see Section 19 of Part V) 64. Indirect Costs, indirect costs included in this subgrant agreement in Part NJ, under the indirect line item are based on the indirect costs rate the Subrecipient used in the competitive concept paper application process. The rate will be ,applied in accordance with 2 CFR 200 and the Subrecipients federally approved rate agreement. If the Subrecipient does not have a federally approved costs rate agreement, a do minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs in the manner described in 2 CFR 200.414 will be used. [The de minimis rate is available only to entities that have never had a negotiated indirect cost rate. When selected, the de minimis rate must be used consistently for all federal awards until such time the Subrecipient chooses to negotiate a rate. A de minimis certification form must be submitted to the Department for review and approval.] All subgrant awards are based on cost benefit, available funding, and if the indirect costs rate requested significantly affects the proposed project's ability to adequately address the traffic safety need . 65. Obligation of Subgrant Funds. Subgrant funds shall not be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the end date of this subgrant agreement period. Only project costs incurred on or after the effective date and on or prior to the end date of this subgrant agreement are eligible for reimbursement. A cost is incurred when the Subrecipient's employee or approved contractor or consultant performs the service required or when goods are received by the Subrecipient, notwithstanding the date of order. 66. Procedures for Reimbursement. (a) Required Forms. All requests for reimbursement of subgrant costs must be submitted on forms provided by the Department (FDOT Form Numbers 500-065-04 through 09 and 19) unless otherwise approved, Forms Must be completed in detail sufficient for a proper pre -audit and post audit based on the quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable units of deliverables and costs, inducling supportive documentation. ALL requests for reimbursement shall include FDOT Form 500-065-019 Performance Report for the period of reimbursement, (b) Supporting Documentation. Invoices for cost reimbursement subgrants must be supported by an itemized listing of expenditures by category (salary, travel, expenses, etc.). Supporting documentation shall be submitted for each amount for which reimbursement is being claimed indicating that the item has been paid. Documentation for each amount for which reimbursement is being claimed must indicate that the item has been paid. Check numbers may be provided in lieu of copies of actual checks. Each piece of documentation should clearly reflect the dates of service. Only expenditures for categories in the approved subgrant budget may be reimbursed. These expenditures must be allowable (pursuant to law) and directly related to the services being provided. Contracts between state agencies may submit alternative documentation to substantiate the reimbursement request, which may be in the form of FLAIR reports or other detailed reports. The Florida Department of Financial Services, online Reference Guide for State Expenditures can be found at this web address httl2s:11www,myflorid a cfo.com]D ivisio n/AA]Ma n ua Isid oc umen ts/Refe,ren ceG u idefo rS tateExpo n d itu res. p df. Listed below are types and examples of supporting documentation: I. Personnel Services. a. Salaries: Timesheets that support the hours worked on the project or activity must be kept. A payroll register, or similar documentation should be maintained. The payroll register should show gross salary charges, fringe benefits, other deductions, and net pay. If an individual for whom reimbursement is being claimed is paid by the hour, a document reflecting the hours Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021 -CityofMiam-00301 Page 25 of 33 500-065-01 $ArETY 2i20 pnojoctrmm SpeediAggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol p^oj=t Project Number; SC-2021-003o1 FoorContract Number olouu worked times the rate o[pay will beacceptable. b. Fringe Benefits� Fringe benefits should be supported by invoices showing the amount paid on behalf of the employee, e.g,, insurance premiums paid. If the contract specifically states that fringe benefits will be based on o apacIfimd percentage rather than the actual cost of fringe benefits, then the calculation for the fringe benefits amount must beshown. ii. Contractual Services. Should bosupported byocopy of the approved subcontract agreement, invoice showing payment request and dates of service from the vendor, and proof of payment by the Gubracipi*nL iii. Expenses. Should be supported by a copy of any required pre-eppmva|e, invuicosh*wing payment request from the vendor, and proof ofpayment bythe Subnecipient. iv. Travel. Reimbursement for travel must beinaccordance with a. 11Z061. r.&and the most recent version ofthe MOT Disbursement Handbook, which includes submission of the travel costs on an approved atatmtreve) fmmn along with supporting receipts and invoices, v. Equipment Costing Over $5,000, Should be supported by a copy of any required pre -approvals, invoice showing payment request from the vendor, and proof nfpayment bythe 8ubnao|p|enL vi. Indirect Cost. |fthe aubQran stipulates that indirect costs will bnpaid based nnaspecified rate, then the calculation should beshown. Indirect costs must beinthe approved agreement budget and the entity must beable todemonstrate that the costs are not duplicated elsewhere axdirect costs. All indirect cost rates must be evaluated for reasonableness and for allowability and must be allocated consistently, All documentation should be readable and include the necessary calculations to support the amounts being requested. Illegible documents or documents for the wrong time -period or calculation amounts will require resubmittal by the Subrecipient. If documents provided do not equal totals requested, additional documentation may be requested, or amounts reimbursed will be reduced to totals supported -by documentation, Subg rant agreements between state agencies, and/or subgrant agreements between universities may submit alternative documentation 8osubstantiate the reimbursement request that may be in the form nfFLAiRreports nr other detailed reports and donot have kzinclude check numbers, (c) Frequency and Deadlines, for Submission. Partia|Cl'abne. Subrenpiemts should submit all costs for reimbursement monthly unless nocosts were incurred within a month, Reimbursement for personnel costs may besubmitted after each pay period, |fdesired. FaDure0osubmit reimbursement requests imatimeIymanner may /eaud|nthis aubAna^tagreement being terminated. Final' Claim. Afimal financial request for reimbursement shall besubmitted and/or postmarked molater than October 31following the end u[this oubgrantagreement period. Such request should bedistinctly identified amFinal. The Subrecipient agrees to forfeit reimbursement of any amount incurred or expended if the final request is not submitted andlor postmarked by October 31 following the end of this *ubgmntagreement period, (d) Travel Reimbursement. Bills for travel expenses specifically authorized inthis oubgnentagreement shall ba submitted on the FDOT Contractor Travel Form (300-000-06) and will be paid in accordance with Section Amendment Number: Original 500-m5-01 SAFETY 9120 pnojvo rmm Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation PatroProject Project Number: mu-202/-Do301 pooTContract Number: oiouz 112.061, F.S. and the most current version of the FDOT Disbursement Handbook for Employees and Managers. (e) Equipment Reimbursement. All requests for reimbursement of equipment having munit cost of$5,U08or more and a useful life of one year or more shall be accompanied by a Non- Expendable Property Accountability Record (FDOTForm No. S00-055-08) Reimbursement ofthese equipment costs shall not bemade before receipt ofthis form. (f) Media Purchase Reimbursement, Proof of performance (e,g,copies and/or images of posters, air schedules, mtc.)ofo|[paid media purchased with subgmnt funds shall boattached to reimbursement requests. (g) Signature Requirements. All requests for reimbursement shall be signed by an Authorized Representative of the Subrecipient,ortheir delegate, De�legatjon letters must be provided for each eubgrant agreement, (h) Reimbursement Timellne.Subrecipients providing goods and services to the Department should be aware of the following time frames. The FDOTState Safety Office has a3O-doyreview process tnapprove goods and services that starts on the date of receipt of financial reimbursement request. After that review and approval, the Department has 20 days to deliver a request for payment (voucher) to the Department of Financial Services.The 20 days are measured from the latter of the date the invoice is received or the goods or services are received, inspected, and approved. Financial reimbursemcnt requests may be returned if not completed properly, if a payment iunot available within 4Odays from the FD(JTState Safety Office approval, aseparate interest penalty otarate uoeotuby[shedpursuant tnSection 56,O3(1). F.&..will bedue and payable, inaddition tothe financial reimbummmentrequest amount, tothe SuboacipienL Interest penalties ofless than one (1)dollar will not be enforced unless the Subrecipient requests payment, Financial reimbursement requests that have to be returned to a 8ubrwcipientbecause ofSubmo|pien1preparation errors wilt e*nu|1 in adelay inthe payment, The financial reimbursement re,quest payment requirements do not Start until a properly completed financial reimbursement request isprovided 10the Department, (i) Financial Consequences. Payment shall bemade only after receipt and approval nfdellverab|oyand costs incurred. If the Department determines that the, performance of the Subrecipient is unsatisfactory, the Department shall notify the Subrecipient of the deficiency to be corrected, which correction shall be made within a timeframe to be specifled by the Department. The Subrecipient shall, within five days after notice from the Department, provide the Department with acorrective action plan describing how thmSubrecipient will address all issues of subgrant agreement non-performance, unacceptable performance, failure to meet the minimum performance levels, deliverable deficiencies, or subgrant agreement noncompliance. ifthe corrective action plan is unacceptable to the Department, the Subrecipient will not be reimbursed to the extent of the non-performance. The Qubveoipientwill not bereimbursed until the 8ubx*cipientresolves the defioian^y,|fthe deficiency ia subsequently resolved, the Subrocipient may bill the Department for the unpaid reimbursement request(s) during the next billing period, if the Subrecipient is unable to resolve the deficiency, the funds shall be forfeited at the end ofthis eubQnan\agreement term. �) Vendor Ombudsman. AVendor Ombudsman has been established within the Department ofFinancial Services. The duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for Subrocipients who may be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payment(s) from a state agency, The Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at 67. Tracking and Retention of Financial Records. The Subrecipient shall maintain an accounting system or separate accounts toensure funds and projects are tracked separately. Records nfcosts incurred under the terms of this subgrart agreement shall be maintained and made available upon request to the Department at all times during the period ofthis aubyoantagreement and for five years after final payment iumade. Copies ufthese documents and records shall befurnished tothe Department upon request. Records ofcosts incurred include the 8ubnenipientsgeneral accounting records and the project records, together with supporting documents and records, of the contractor and all subcontractors performing work. Amendment Number; mwminal SUB-2021-ChyoOM|am-80301 Page 27ofaa 60D 055-m SAFETY mm Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: GIS22 68. Program Income. Program income means gross income earned by Subrecipient that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of the subgrant award during the subgrant period of performance. Program income must be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income must be used for current costs and any remaining program income must be offset against the final request for reimbursement. Program income that the Subrecipient did not anticipate at the time of the subgrant award must be used to reduce the Federal award and Subreciplent contributions rather than to increase the funds committed to the project. 69. Registration for Attendance, No activities funded under this subgrant agreement shall charge a registration fee for attendance. 70. Responsibility of Subrecipient. The Subrecipient shall establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that assure proper disbursement and accounting of subgrant funds and required non-federal expenditures. All monies spent on this project shall be disbursed in accordance with provisions of the Project Detail Budget as approved by the FDOT State Safety Office. All expenditures and cost accounting of funds shall conform to 2 CFR, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements For Federal Awards, herein incorporated by reference, (hereinafter referred to as Applicable Federal Law). REQUIREMENTS 7C Child Safety Seats. Any agency that receives child safety seats must have at least One staff member who is a current Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. 72. Enforcement. (a) Automated Traffic Enforcement. No subgrant funds will be awarded or expended to carry out a program to purchase, operate, or maintain an automated traffic enforcement system. (23 U.S.C. 402(c)(4)). The term .'automated traffic enforcement system" includes any camera that captures an image of a vehicle for the purposes only of red light and speed enforcement, and does not include hand held radar and other devices operated by law enforcement officers to make an on -the -scene traffic stop, issue a citation, or other enforcement action at the time of violation. Subgrant funding will not be utilized or reimbursed for continuing priorly initiated investigations, court or Administrative Hearings, and enforcement from aircraft. (b) Data Driven, Selection of enforcement activity locations should be based on current data that identifies high -risk areas with the greatest number of crashes, serious injuries, fatalities, and/ortraffic violations (citations). Data should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the most current high -risk areas are continually addressed throughout this subgrant agreement period. (c) High Visibility Enforcement, All law enforcement agencies shall conduct High Visibility Enforcement while conducting enforcement under this subgrant agreement. High Visibility Enforcement is defined as: Intense: Enforcement activities are over and above what normally takes place. Frequent: Enforcement occurs often enough to create general deterrence. Visible: A majority of the public sees or hears about the enforcement, Strategic. Enforcement targets high -risk locations during high -risk times, (d) Impaired Driving Enforcment. Hours of Emphasis. A strong emphasis of enforcement operations should be during the hours of 6:00 pm to 6:00 am. Explansion of enforcement operation hours can be adjusted based on supporting data and prior approval by the FDOT State Safety Office. Agencies should ensure that enforcement saturation/wollipack/roving patrols are conducted in periods of no fewer than 3 consecutive hours. The Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021-CitYofMiam-00301 Page 28 cf 33 500-065-01 SAFETY W20 Project Title; SpeedlAggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021.00301 FDOT Contract Number: G1S22 FDOT State Safety Office reserves the right to request a copy of any subgrant funded checkpoint After Action Report. H. Mobilization Participation. All law enforcement agencies that receive impaired driving subgrant funding should participate in all NHTSA impaired driving mobHzations for the following holidays and events: New Year's Day, NFL Super Bowl, St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, and the end of year holiday season. fli. Required Credentials for Impaired Driving Enforcement, Any law enforcement officer who takes enforcement action and receives compensation under an impaired driving subgrant must have successfully completed at least one of the following within the last five years: a NHTSA/IACP 24 hour DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) course b. NHTSA/IACP 4 hour DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) refresher course c NFITSAIIACP DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Instructor Development course d, NFITSAIIACP 8-hour DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Instructor Update course e NHTSA/IACP Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ABIDE) course f. Be an active certified Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) (e) Motorcycle Enforcement. No subgrant funds will be used for programs to check helmet usage or to create checkpoints that specifically target motorcyclists. (f) Occupant Protection Enforcement. All law enforcement agencies that receive occupant protection subgrant funding should participate in all NHTSA occupant protection mobilizations for Click It or Ticket and are encouraged to participate in Child Passenger Safety Week and National Seat Check Saturday. (g) Speed and Aggressive Driving Enforcement. All law enforcement agencies that receive speed and' aggressive driving subgrant funding should participate in the NHTSA Regional speed and aggressive driving rnoblization for Operation Southern Shield. i. Required Credentials for Speed Enforcement. Any law enforcement officer who is using a radar or lasar speed detection system, must be certified in the use of that piece of equipment. 73. Public Service Announcements, Marketing, and Advertisements. (a) Closed Caption Requirement. All public service announcements produced with Federal highway safety funds shall be closed captioned for the hearing impaired. (b) Media Plan. All paid media reimbursed with subgrant funds shall contain a traffic safety message, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the paid media, when marketing or advertising is included in subgrant activities, it shall be done only in conjunction with, proven, effective countermeasures, and when the message of the media is designed to call attention to those countermeasures. Before incurring costs related to the paid media, a final draft of the media and media plan shall be submitted to the FDOT State Safety Office for review. Media plans should include the following: i. What program/policy the paid media is supporting ii, How the paid media will be implemented to support an operational enforcement program whether it be a periodic crackdown/mobilization or an on -going saturation or roving patrol iii. The amount allocated for paid media Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021 -CityofMiam-00301 Page 29 of 33 500-065-01 SAPETY Gf-70 Project Title: eneemlAmymoo*oDriving Enforcement Saturation patm/Project Project w"mmmoo-2oxoa301 FonT Contract Number; o1moz v The measures that will beused toassess message recognition and penetration of the target audience. (c) Tagging, All subgrant funded public service announcements, marketing, and advertisements shall be tagged "Funding provided by the Florida Department of Transportation, or Funded by FDOT". "Brought to you by" or "Provided by" may also be used for this requirement. The name of the Subrecipient and its logo can appear on the paid media but the names of individuals connected with the Subrecipient shall not appear when paid for with Federal highway safety funds, unless otherwise approved by the FDOT State Safety Office. (d) Prohibition of Gifts. Contractual agreements for marketing and advertising which include communications, public information, and paid media expenditures shall not include gifts asdefined bySection 112312^F.8.. which includes items such as tickets, seats, food, travel, apparel, memorabilia, etc., to any representative of this subgrant agreement or any of their traffic safety partners unless the item or service is regularly made available tothe general public atnocost. w". cc^' SAFETY 9/20 7cPublic Information and Education Items. Public Information and Education Items are defined as materials whose purpose is to convey substantive information about highway safety, Paper, pamphlets' flash drives, CD`RQMs, and sim0ar media that contain educational materials are all allowable because their purpose is to, contain and convey educational information. In order to be considered educational, distributed material must provide substantial informational and educational content to the public (not mereiy 2 slogan) and have the sole purpose of conveying that information. If a Subrecipient chooses to provide educational content on a flash drive, CD-ROM, or similar device, that device must be an economical method ofconveying the information. ' Before printing or ordering any public information and education items, a final draft or drawing of the items shall be submitted to the FDOT State Safety Office for reVieW End approval. Requests should include the foifo*inQ� (e) What public information oreducational item |abeing requested (b) What program/Policy isthe item supporting (o) Who the target audience ia (d) How the item will bedistributed (e) Estimated unit cost(a)for the item The FDOT State Safety Office shall provide written approval for reimbursement if the items are appropriate for purchase under this subgrant agreement, Copies and/or images of all public information and education items purchased with highway safety funds shall be attached to the forms requesting reimbursement for the items, Printed materials (tip cards, brochures, safety pledges, numeym, activity books, booklets, guides, etc,) can befreely distributed, however tangible items (helmets, DVDs, CD-ROMs, flash or thumb drives, reflective tape, etc.}require the person receiving the item to interact with the Subrecipient in some manner related to the goal of the project in order to receive the item. Interaction includes attending a presentation, having a discussion with a program representative, signing mpledge sheet, filling out osurvey form, answering atraffic safety question, etc, The results cfthis interaction Must bereported inthe performance report. VVhere feasible, either the Florida Department of Transportation logo or the words "Funding provided by the Florida Department ofTransportation orFunded byFDQT Shall appear onorinall items . "Brought ioyou by" nr"Provided by" rnay also be used for this requirement. The name of the Subrocipient and its logo can appear on any of the public information and education items. The names of individuals connected with the SubreoipientahmU not appear on any printed materials, and advertisements paid for with highway safety funds. Per 2CFR2OOand NHTSAMemo "Use nfNHT8AHighway Safety Grant Funds for Certain Purchases" (dated May 18, 2O16).Use ofNHTSAgrant funds to purchase promotional items or memorabilia (backpacks, cups, flashlights, key Amendment Number: Original 3UB-2021-ChyoM%iam-00301 Page 38ofna Project Title: SpeediAggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021-00301 FDOT Contract Number: G1S22 chains, magnets, shirts, stickers, sunglasses, umbrellas, etc.) is prohibited and therefore unallowable under this subgrant agreement. 75. Publication and Printing of Observational Surveys and Other Reports. (a) Review and Publication. During this subgrant agreement period, but before publication or printing, the final draft of any report or reports required under this subgrant agreement or pertaining to this subgrant agreement Shall be submitted to the FDOT State Safety Office for review and concurrence. After this subgrant agreement period has concluded, Subrecipients May publish after providing the FDOT State Safety Office with at least a 1 5-day prior written notice. (b) Discussion. Both written and oral releases are considered to be within the context of publication. However, there is no intention to limit discussion of the study with small technical groups or lectures to employees or students. Lectures that describe plans but discuss neither data nor results may be given to other groups without advance approval, (c) Required Language. Each publication or other printed report covered by Paragraph 75(a) above shall include the following statement on the cover page: i. This report was prepared for the FDOT State Safety Office, Department of Transportation, State of Florida, in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation and/or Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. li. The conclusions and opinions expressed in these reports are those of the Subrecipient and do not necessarily represent those of the FDOT State Safety Office, Department of Transportation, State of Florida, and/or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation and/or Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, or any other agency of the State or Federal Government, 76. Safety Belt Policy. Each Subrecipient shall have a written safety belt policy, which is enforced for all employees. A copy of the policy shall be maintained by the Subrecipient and made available for review if requested. 77. Special Conditions. Amendment Number; Original SUB-2021-CityofMfam-00301 Page 31 of 33 500-065-01 SAFFTY 9120 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SC-2021.00301 FDOT Contract Number: G1 S22 Part VI: Federal Financial Assistance (Single Audit Act) Federal resources awarded Pursuant to this subgrgrit are as follows: CFDA Number and Title: 21 20.600 -State and Community Highway Traffic Safety, Program LNHTSA 402 Funds) © 20,611 - IncentiveGrantProgram to Prohibit Racial Profiling (NHTSA 1906 Funds) 20-614 - National Aghway Traffic Safety Administration Discreti naw Safetv Grants LT�L —HSA 403 funds) D 20.616- National Priority Safety Program _LNHTSA405 Funds *Federal Funds Awarded: $232,500 Awarding Agency: Rorida Department of Transportation Indirect Cost Rate: "Award is for R&D: No Federal resources awarded 12ursuant to this 'sub rant are subject to the folloWingi audit requirements-, (a) 2 CFR Part 200 - Urifform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards vv,w,x.ecfr.gov Federal resources awarded pursuant to this subgrant may also be subject to the following: (a) Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act TFATA) Sub -award Reporting System (FSRS) Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN): FAIN Award Date: 6gA37519300004020FL0 04/17/2019 Amendment Number: Original SUB-2021-CityofMiam-00301 Page 32 of 33 500-065-01 SAF5-tTY V20 Project Title: Speed/Aggressive Driving Enforcement Saturation Patrol Project Project Number: SO-2021-00301 FOOT Contract Number: GlS22 500-065-ul SAFETY sr20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties affirm that they have each read and agree to the conditions set forth in Part V of this Agreement that each have read and understand the Agreement in its entfrety. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein have executed this Agreement by their undersigned officials on the day, month, and year set out below. (For FDOT Use Only) STATE OF FLORIDA SUBRECIPIENT DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION By: Signature of Authorized Representative By: Authorized FDOT State Safety Office Representative Name: Arthur Noriega V Authorized Representative's Name Printed Date! Date Signed Title: QiLy Manager Authorized Representative's Title Printed Date! Date Signed Reviewed for the Florida Department of Transportation: IMPLEMENTING AGENCY By: By: Authorized FDOTAttorney Signature of Authorized Representative Name: :Torge R. C,olina Authorized Representative's Name Printed Date: Date Signed Title: ChiefcifPolice Authorized Representative's Title Printed Date: Date Signed NOTE: These signatures are the only recognized authorized representatives for this agreement, unless delegation is granted in writing. Amendment Number: Original SLIB-2021-CityofKam-00301 Page 33 of 33 Florida Department of Transportation FY 2021 Speed/Aggressive Driving Saturation Patrol Project CITY OF MIAMI, a Florida Municipal Corporation M Arthur Noriega V, City Manager Attest* Date: By: Date: Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Correctness: By: Date: Victoria Wndez, City Attorney Approved as to Insurance Requirements: By: Date: Ann -Marie Sharpe, Director of Risk Management