HomeMy WebLinkAboutVolume 1 Wynwood Guidelines Master PlanMIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 SECTION 8 - STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.1 NRD-1 STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN 8.2 STREETSCAPE GUIDELINES 8.3INTENT AND PURPOSE 8.4 LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS 8.4.1 STREET TREES 8.4.2 TREE PLACEMENT AND CLUSTERING Table 4: STREET TREE CATEGORY LIST 1 -'URBAN WILD' Table 5: STREET TREE CATEGORY LIST 2 - PLANTER TREES `WEIRD, WHIMSICALAND COLORFUL' Table 6: SPACING AND PROXIMITY CHART Table 7: STREET TREE DIMENSIONS Table 8: PALM DIMENSIONS 8.4.3 SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER / UNDERSTORY Table 6: SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS / UNDERSTORY LIST 8.4.4 PLANTERS Table 10: BIOSWALE PLANTING LIST Diagram 1: WYNWOOD PARKING LANE PLANTER 1 - BIOSWALE WITH CURB AND GUTTER Diagram 2: WYNWOOD PARKING LANE PLANTER 2 - BIOSWALE WITH VALLEY GUTTER 8.4.5 MULCH 8.4.6 IRRIGATION 8.5 HARDSCAPE DESIGN 8.5.1 HARDSCAPE LAYOUTAND SUBSTRUCTURE Diagram 3: HARDSCAPE DESIGN POINT GUIDE Diagram 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE DESIGN Diagram 5: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE 1 Diagram 6: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE 2 8.5.2 CORNER CONDITIONS Illustration 8.1: CORNER CURB RADII ILLUSTRATION Diagram 7: TYPICAL CORNER CONDITION Diagram 8: CORNER WITH PLANTER Diagram 9: CREATIVE CORNER I MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.5.3 CURB CUTS Diagram 10: CURB CUT 1 Diagram 11: CURB CUT 2 Diagram 12: CURB CUT 3 8.5.4 EXTENDED SIDEWALK Diagram 13: EXTENDED SIDEWALK 8.5.5 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Diagram 14: SHARROW MARKING Diagram 15: BIKE LANE MARKING 8.5.6 CROSSWALKS Illustration 8.2: CROSSWALK LOCATION ILLUSTRATION Diagram 16: DECORATIVE CROSSWALK 1 Diagram 17: DECORATIVE CROSSWALK 2 Diagram 18: MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK 8.6 FURNISHING ELEMENTS 8.6.1 LIGHTING Diagram 19: STANDARD LIGHT POST LOCATION 8.6.2 SEATING LITTER BINS, BIKE RACKS, PARKLETS AND WAYFINDING Diagram 20: STANDARD LITTER RECEPTACLE LOCATION Diagram 21: STANDARD BENCH LOCATION Diagram 22: STANDARD BIKE RACK LOCATION 8.6.3 ART 8.6.4 UTILITIES 8.7 GUIDELINES SPECIFIC TO STREET TYPES Illustration 8.3: STREET TYPE ILLUSTRATION Illustration 8.4: BIKE LANES AND TRAFFIC DIRECTION ILLUSTRATION Illustration 8.5: HIGH -VOLTAGE POWER ILLUSTRATION 8.7.1 A Street Type 1 A 8.7.1 B Street Type 1 B 8.7.2 Street Type 2 8.7.3 Street Type 3 8.7.4A Street Type 4A 8.7.4B Street Type 4B VA MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.7.4C Street Type 4C 8.7.5 Street Type 5 8.7.6 Street Type 6 Diagram 23: STREET TYPE 6 CORNER CONDITION 8.7.7 Street Type 7 Diagram 24: STREET TYPE 7 PARKING LANE PLANTER 3 - BIOSWALE 8.7.8 Street Type 8 Diagram 25: STREET TYPE 8 HARDSCAPE DESIGN Diagram 26: STREET TYPE 8 HARDSCAPE DIAGRAM Diagram 27: STREET TYPE 8 PLANTER DESIGN Diagram 28: STREET TYPE 8 BENCH LOCATION 8.7.9 Street Type 9 Diagram 29: STREET TYPE 9 HARDSCAPE DESIGN Diagram 30: STREET TYPE 9 CORNER CONDITION 8.7.10 Street Type 10 Diagram 31: STREET TYPE 10 BIKE LANE INTERSECTION 8.7.11 Street Type 11 8.7.12 Street Type 12 8.7.13 Street Type 13 8.7.14 Street Type 14 8.8 PLAY STREET Diagram 32: WYNWOOD PLAY STREET 8.9 MAINTENANCE PLAN 8.9.1 WYNWOOD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE: TREE TYPE SPECIFIC CRITERIA 8.9.2 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 8.9.3 HARDSCAPE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Diagram 33: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DIAGRAM 3 1i41/_1i,IMI OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS This page is intentionally left blank. MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.1 NRD-1 STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN The Wynwood District is transitioning from an Industrial District into an active, diverse, mixed - use Neighborhood. The current character of the Neighborhood is demarcated, traversed, and connected by atypical block compositions and narrow Right -of -Ways (R.O.W.$) attributed to the Industrial past. The Neighborhood's predominately zoned fifty -foot (50) R.O.W. combined with a high percentage of nonconforming parcels makes it a challenge to balance feasible development and an adequate pedestrian environment. The NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan will create a series of R.O.W.s, establish appropriate Setback areas and ideal sidewalk conditions to promote pedestrian activity for the future of the Wynwood District. R.O.W. Street Types have been established by the City's Planning and Zoning Department and Public Works Department, and applied to Wynwood's Thoroughfare network based on R.O.W. width and conditions, as identified in Illustration 8.3: Guidelines to Specific Street Types. The NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan will also serve as a set of Design Guidelines to establish a blueprint for a "living street" consisting of street trees and other streetscape enhancements to the District. a. NRD-1 Street Hierarchy The NRD-1 Street Master Plan acknowledges the relative importance of several significant Corridors, known as Wynwood Corridors and NRD-1 Corridors. Due to their importance, these Corridors are given established setback provisions that are different from that of the underlying Transect Zone. NRD-1 STREETS SETBACKS Wynwood NW 291h Street Principal and Secondary Frontage Corridors NW 201h Street Setback is ten (10) feet NW 2ndAvenue Principal Frontage Setback is zero NRD-1 Corridors NW 51hAvenue (0) feet All other street R.O.W.s Wynwood within NRD-1 that are not Principal and Secondary Frontage Thoroughfares specified as Corridors Setback is five (5) feet above. 8.2 STREETSCAPE GUIDELINES The NRD-1 Streetscape Guidelines shall serve as a set of standards to improve and enhance adjacent R.O.W. conditions abutting new Development and Adaptive Use of existing Buildings that require Public R.O.W. improvements throughout the Wynwood Neighborhood. These enhancements are in conjunction with the overall intent established in the NRD-1 and will provide provisions for street trees and landscape, paving materials and hardscape, and furnishing and lighting elements. The NRD-1 Streetscape Guidelines consist of the following volumes: Volume 1: Design Guidelines Volume 2: Data Analysis Volume 3: Design Resources Volume 4: Woonerf Schematic Design MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.3 INTENT AND PURPOSE a. Strengthen a sense of place, neighborhood identity, and aesthetics through the identification of strategic tree species and planting locations at gateways and along thoroughfares. This will enhance the identity of the Wynwood District along major corridors. b. Identify opportunities for landscape in the Right -of -Way which interact with the surrounding art on private property, without conflicting or obstructing visibility of art applied to building exteriors. c. Building the community's resilience to the impacts of climate change through tree canopy to reduce the heat island effect, capture stormwater runoff, and reintroduce native plant species. d. Establish minimum planting standards above and beyond those in Miami 21 and industry best practices for planting treatment and irrigation. e. Promoting Green Infrastructure opportunities to mitigate urban stormwater runoff throughout the District. f. Maintaining and enhancing the quality of air, water and land through a mature tree canopy's ability to sequester carbon and release oxygen. g. Promoting and encouraging actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the creation of attractive and comfortable pedestrian and cycling routes to encourage the use of alternate modes of transportation. h. Improving the pedestrian experience with appropriate street furniture, trash receptacles, street lighting, and other streetscape features. Encouraging integration of surrounding neighborhoods with specific design interventions. Comply with AASHTO, ANSI and ADA Standards throughout. 8.4 LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Refer to Street Type Illustration 8.3 and additional information per street on Section 8.7. 8.4.1 Street Trees Street trees shall be provided along all roadways. Street Tree species shall be selected from Street Tree Category Lists 1 and 2, depending on Street Type and location. Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 is the `Urban Wild' primary native palette for all street types. Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 is the Planter Trees `Weird and Whimsical' and `Colorful' secondary palette, to be used only in Planters. The minimum number of Street Trees required are described in 8.4.2.a and 8.4.2.b. Follow Table 6: Spacing and Proximity Chart for Street Tree Spacing parameters. 8.4.2 Tree Placement and Clustering Clustering trees, rather than spacing them equally, allows for flexible planting distribution affording opportunities to open views to art and architecture in a district known for its iconic MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 facades. Clustering trees also provide the necessary tree canopy to create shady zones of respite, and encourages root systems to intertwine, creating a more hurricane resilient streetscape. a. On frontages with a verge width of four (4) feet: 1. Street Trees must achieve a maximum average spacing of twenty (20) feet on center. 2. Street Trees shall be provided on the verge with the tree centerline thirty (30) inches from back of curb, parallel to the road. 3. Maximum forty (40) percent of the Street Trees meeting this requirement may be Palms. b. On frontages with a verge width of five (5) feet or greater: 1. Street Trees must achieve a maximum average spacing of twenty-five (25) feet on center. 2. Street Trees shall be provided on the verge with the tree centerline forty-two (42) inches from back of curb, parallel to the road. 3. On Street Type 8, Street Trees shall be provided on the verge with the tree centerline forty-two (42) inches from back of detectable warning plate, parallel to the road. Refer to Guidelines Specific to Street Types Section 8.7. 4. Maximum thirty (30) percent of the Street Trees meeting this requirement may be Palms. C. Except for palms and under power lines, Street Trees of the same category size, as identified on Tables 4 and 5, must not be repeated sequentially. Palms may be planted sequentially up to three (3) times. d. Excluding palms, Street Trees species must not be repeated within one hundred and fifty (150) linear feet of frontage, including adjacent parcels. e. The maximum distance between all Street Tree category sizes (excluding palms) in any frontage may be fifty (50) linear feet with the recommendation from the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC) and in coordination with Art mural artist. EXCEPTION: A drive way entrance, up to twenty three (23) feet wide, with adjacent visibility triangles. f. The distance between palms and all Street Tree category sizes is the maximum average spacing distance per verge width, refer to 8.4.2.a and; unless otherwise noted in Guidelines Specific to Street Types Section 8.7. g. The maximum distance between trees or palms, defined in 8.4.2.e and/or 8.4.2.f, shall not be proposed sequentially along a frontage, a minimum ten (10) linear feet of distance variation is required between the trees. h. The maximum distance from the corner property line to the first Street Tree shall be thirty (30) linear feet. EXCEPTION: A drive way entrance, up to twenty three (23) feet wide, with adjacent visibility triangles. Refer to Overhead Power Lines columns on Table 4 and Table 5 for Street Trees allowed underneath power lines. Beneath high voltage (50kV and above) transmission lines installed independent of underbuilt distribution lines, tree height and spread shall not exceed the minimum approach distances specified in the current ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Z133.1 Standards. Refer to Illustration 8.5: High -Voltage Power Illustration. MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1-'Urban Wild' NAME Coccothrinaxargentata OVERHEAD POWERSCIENTIFIC COMMON NAME LINES PALMS Florida Silver Palm allowed VERGE WIDTH FEET 4' TREE OPENING INCHES 36" Sabal palmetto Sabal Palm not allowed 4' 24" Leucothrinaxmorrisii Key Thatch Palm allowed 4' 24" Thrinax parviflora Florida Thatch Palm allowed 4' 24" Thrinaxradiata ml Acacia choriophylla Thatch Palm I W-111 Cinnecord allowed q lllll� allowed 4' 4' 24" i 24" Ardisia escallonioides Marlberry allowed 4' 24" Bourreria ovata Bahama Strongbark allowed 4' 24" Canella winterana Wild Cinnamon not allowed 4' 24" Calyptranthes pallens Spicewood allowed 4' 24" Eugenia axillaris White Stopper allowed 4' 24" Eugenia foetidia Spanish Stopper allowed 4' 24" Eugenia rhombea Red Stopper allowed 4' 24" Gymnanthes lucida Crabwood allowed 5' 24" Myrcianthes fragrans Caesalpinia granadillo Simpson Stopper Bridal Veil allowed not allowed 4' 4' 24" 36" Chrysophyllum oliviforme Satinleaf not allowed 4' 36" Coccoloba diversifolia Pigeon Plum not allowed 4' 36" Exothea paniculata Inkwood not allowed 4' 36" Krugiodendron ferreum Black Ironwood not allowed 4' 36" Pimenta dioica Allspice not allowed 4' 36" Pimenta racemosa Bayrum not allowed 4' 36" Prunus myrtifolia West Indian Cherry not allowed 4' 36" Sideroxylon salicifolium Willow Bustic not allowed 4' 36" Tabebuia bahamensis Clusia rosea White Trumpet Tree Autograph Tree • allowed not allowed 4' 5' 36" 48" Conocarpus erectus Green Buttonwood not allowed 5' 48" Guapira discolor Blolly not allowed 5' 48" Simarouba glauca Lysiloma latisiliquum Paradise Tree EXTRA LARGE Wild Tamarind not allowed not allowed 5' 6' 48" 60" Lysiloma sabicu Cuban Tamarind not allowed 6' 60" Sideroxylon foetidissimum Mastic Tree not allowed 6' 60" Swietenia mahagoni Mahogany not allowed 6' 60" MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 - Planter Trees `Weird, Whimsical and Colorful' NAME Senna surattensis Brachychiton acerifolius COMMON NAME SMALL Glaucous Cassia MEDIUM Flame Tree OVERHEAD POWERSCIENTIFIC LINES I allowed not allowed VERGE WIDTH FEET 4' 4' TREE OPENING INCHES 24" 36" Bulnesia arborea Verawood not allowed 4' 36" Cassia bakeriana White Sapote not allowed 4' 36" Calliandra haematocephala Red Powderpuff allowed 4' 36" Calliandra haematocephala alba White Powderpuff Tree allowed 4' 36" Cassia leptophylla Golden Medallion Tree not allowed 4' 36" Guaiacum sanctum Lignum Vitae allowed 4' 36" Lagerstroemia speciosa Queen Crape Myrtle not allowed 4' 36" Lonchocarpus violaceus Lancepod not allowed 4' 36" Pithecellobium tortum Brazilian Rain Tree allowed 4' 36" Polyalthia longifolia Mast Tree not allowed 4' 36" Tibouchina granulosa Cananga odorata Purple Glory Tree LARGE Ylang ylang allowed not allowed 4' 5' 36" 48" Cassia fistula Golden Shower Tree not allowed 5' 48" Cassia grandis Pink Shower not allowed 5' 48" Cassia javanica Pink Shower not allowed 5' 48" Cassia leptophylla Golden Medallion Tree not allowed 5' 48" Colvillea racemosa Colville's Glory not allowed 5' 48" Dracaena draco Dragon Tree allowed 5' 48" Jacaranda mimosifolia Adansonia digitata Jacaranda EXTRA LARGE Baobob not allowed not allowed 5' 6' 48" 180" Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm not allowed 6' 84" Coccoloba pubescens Big Leaf Seagrape not allowed 6' 60" Copernicia baileyana Bailey Palm not allowed 6' 96" Crescentia alata Mexican Calabash not allowed 6' 60" Elaeis guineensis African Oil Palm not allowed 6' 84" Eucalyptus deglupta Rainbow Eucalyptus not allowed 6' 60" Ficus aurea Strangler Fig not allowed 6' 180" Kigelia pinnata Sausage Tree not allowed 6' 180" Pseudobombax ellipticum Shaving Brush Tree not allowed 6' 60" Spathodea campanulata African Tulip Tree not allowed 6' 60" w MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Table 6: Spacing and Proximity Chart A) Street Tree Spacing: Street Trees shall be spaced at an on -center trunk minimum distance as per table below: TREE SPACING LATERAL PROXIMITY BETWEEN TREE CATEGORIES EXTRA SMALL MEDIUM LARGE LARGE PALMS TREE TREE TREE TREE I PALMS rj, SMALL 81 TREE MEDIUM 81 TREE L LARGE TREE EXTRA LARGE TREE 8' 1 10" 8' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 12' 12' 12' us MIAMI 21 OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS Table 7: Street Tree Dimensions A) Tree Dimensions: Street Trees must meet the following dimensions, each of which are considered a minimum: STREET TREE DIMENSIONS OVERALL HEIGHT CALIPER (FEET) (INCHES) SMALL 10' 1.5" TREE MEDIUM 12' 2" TREE LARGE 14' 3" TREE EXTRA LARGE 16' 4" TREE CLEAR TRUNK (FEET) 3' 4' 4.5' 5' B) Tree Quality: Plant material used in accordance with the provisions of this section of the code shall conform to, or exceed, the standards for Florida Grade No. 1 as provided in the most current edition of "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Parts I and I I," prepared by the State of Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. C) Root Ball: Street Tree root balls and canopy spread shall be in accordance with Florida Grade No. 1 standards based on caliper size. MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Table 8: Palm Dimensions A) Palm Dimensions: Palms must meet the following dimensions, each of which are considered a minimum: PALM DIMENSIONS CLEAR TRUNK (FEET) SMALL 61 PALMS SABAL 181 PALMS B) Sabal Palms shall have character curve(s) with no less than four (4) feet deviation from trunk flare. When planting multiple Palms sequentially, they must vary a minimum of three (3) ft in clear trunk height while maintaining the minimum clear trunk height requirement of six (6) feet. 8.4.3 Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory Shrubs and Groundcovers shall only be provided in Planters and shall be selected from Table 6: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List . a. All shrubs shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) inches in height at time of installation. b. Any combination of species, from Table 6: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List can be installed in Planters to meet the following diversity criteria per square feet of Planter area. Area of Planter in Square Feet Minimum Number of Species 0-50 1 50-100 2 100-200 4 200-400 6 400-1,000 8 More than 1,000 10 12 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 C. Groundcover plants shall be installed in such a manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within one (1) year after planting. Turfgrass is not permitted on the streetscape. Table 6: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List SCIENTIFIC NAME UNDERSTORY glabrata, Benth FCOMMON NAME Perennial Peanut NATIVE N Asclepias Milkweed Y Borrichia frutescens Silver Sea -Oxeye -Daisy Y Chrysobalanus icaco Cocoplum Y Clusia rosea 'Nana' Dwarf Clusia Y Crinum asiaticum Crinum N Ernodea littoralis Golden Creeper Y Flaveria linearis Gaillardia x grandiflora Narrowleaf Yellowtops Y Blanket Flower Y SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMONNAME NATIVE Galphimia gracilis Thryallis N Helianthus debilis Dune Sunflower Y Hymenocalis latifolia Spider Lily Y Lantana depressa Gold Lantana Y Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Muhlygrass Y Peperomia obtusifolia Peperomia Y Phyla nodiflora Frogfruit Y Pilea microphylla Rockweed Y Psychotria ligustrifolia Bahama Coffee Y Psychotria nervosa Wild Coffee Y Salvia coccinea Tropical Sage Y Senna mexicana Mexican Senna Y Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto Y Spartina bakeri Cordgrass Y Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Blue Porterweed Y Suriana maritima Baycedar Y Tripsacum dactyloides Fakahatchee Grass Y Zamia integrifolia Coontie Y 13 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.4.4 Planters Planters are required throughout the district on corner conditions and adjacent to midblock crosswalks. For planters within the Visibility Triangles, a maximum height of eighteen (18) inches shall be maintained. A maximum height of thirty-six (36) inches shall be maintained on all other areas. Planting material shall be selected from Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 6: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List for all Planters except Wynwood Parking Lane planters. A development may coordinate the adjustment of street parking to accommodate Wynwood Parking Lane planters within their frontage. Planting materials for the Wynwood Parking Lane planters shall be selected from Table 10: Bioswale Planting list. a. Wynwood Parking Lane Planters are bioswales and shall be installed throughout the District at locations approved by the City of Miami. 1. On Street Types 1A , refer to Diagram 1: Wynwood Parking Lane Planter 1- Bioswale with Curb and Gutter. On Street Types 1 B Diagram 2: Wynwood Parking Lane Planter 2- Bioswale with Valley Gutter. 2. On Street Type 7, NW 2nd Avenue bus stops, refer to 8.7.7 for Wynwood Parking Lane Planter 3 Bioswale on Street Type 7. 3. Prior to Wynwood Parking Lane Planter installation, drainage system shall be examined including the types and sizes of pipes to conform to a minimum twenty-five (25) year storm event. Locations of utilities must be confirmed by an underground survey at the time of design and implementation. 4. Prior to Wynwood Parking Lane Planter 1, 2, and 3 installation, a well-defined/robust "soft digs" protocol shall take place to verify location of existing utilities so ultimate location of overflow pipes and/or any other below grade basins to address possible conflicts with design. 5. Wynwood Parking Lane Planters 1, 2, and 3 design shall satisfy percolation tests required by Public Works Department. 14 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Table 10: Bioswale Planting List L NAME COMMON NAME Acer rubrum Red Maple OVERHEAD POWERSCIENTIFIC LINES not allowed TREE OPENING INCHES 48" Acoelorrhaphe wrightii Paurotis Palm not allowed 60" Annona glabra Pond Apple allowed 48" Clusia roses Autograph Tree not allowed 48" Conocarpus erectus Green Buttonwood not allowed 48" Conocarpus erectus var.sericeus Silver Buttonwood allowed 36" Pachira aquatics Guiana Chestnut not allowed 84" Sabal palmetto Sabal Palm not allowed 24" Taxodium ascendens Pond Cypress not allowed 60" Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress not allowed 60" SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMONNAME NATIVE Asclepias Milkweed Y Chrysobalanus icaco Cocoplum Y Crinum asiaticum Crinum N Hymenocalis latifolia Spider Lily Y Muhlenbergia capillaris Pink Muhlygrass Y Nephrolepsis biserrta Macho Fern Y Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto Y Spartina bakeri Cordgrass Y Tripsacum dactyloides Fakahatchee Grass Y 15 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 1: WYNWOOD PARKING LANE PLANTER 1 - BIOSWALE WITH CURB AND GUTTER D � n , 1 , p , ° n op I I D ° In D p 1 ID ° I D p I D ° V I p , ° I , SETBACK AREA OVERFLOW INLET AT MAX WATER DEPTH CURB TYPE'D' SIDEWALK 6" MAX. PONDING DEPTH [ciil[i7�91:ill�ll11:7:1�Y�71� CURB GUTTER PARKING/LOADING ZONE 6" CONCRETE CURB OVERFLOW INLET 440- �EDGE OF TRAVEL LANE PLANTING MATERIAL SHALL BE SELECTED FROM TABLE 10: j BIOSWALE PLANTING LIST SEDIMENT CONTROL 4n PERFORATED METAL FILTER FOR DEBRIS CONTROL PARKING/LOADING ZONE VERGE LIMIT LINE R.O.W. LINE REFER TO TABLE 10 FOR PLANTING MATERIAL CURB TYPE'D' TRAVELLANE CONCRETE CURB BEYOND 30" MIN. ENGINEERED SOIL ANSIOTROPIC GEOTEXTILE (AROUND AGGREGATE) OVERFLOW PIPE TIED INTO STORM DRAIN UNCOMPACTED SOIL 16 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 2: WYNWOOD PARKING LANE PLANTER 2 - BIOSWALE WITH VALLEY GUTTER p I D D p I D G 1 o p 0 I I p 1 I p � p D DA , p D 1 D D AD ' D ID Ip j I D D D° p p p , Dp p. SETBACK AREA OVERFLOW INLET AT MAX WATER DEPTH CURB TYPE'D' SIDEWALK 36" OF STRUCTURAL SOIL NOTE: REFER TO 8.4.4 FOR BIOSWALE PLANTER REQUIREMENTS CURB GUTTER OVERFLOW INLET PERFORATED METAL FILTER FOR DEBRIS CONTROL PLANTING MATERIAL SHALL BE SELECTED FROM TABLE 10: BIOSWALE PLANTING LIST 6" CONCRETE CURB SEDIMENT CONTROL EDGE OF TRAVEL LANE PARKING/LOADING ZONE VERGE LIMIT LINE R.O.W. LINE nrFER TO TABLE 10 FOR ANTING MATERIAL NAX. PONDING DEPTH RB TYPE 'D' AVEL LANE CURB BEYOND JGINEERED SOIL ,PIC GEOTEXTILE (AROUND AGGREGATE) V PIPE TIED INTO STORM DRAIN vil-VII „ CTED SOIL 17 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.4.5 Mulch a. Mulch shall be applied in Planters. b. All mulch shall be shredded Melaleuca (Florimulch or equivalent). Melaleuca mulch shall be applied in accordance with the most recent edition of the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Handbook titled "A Guide to Florida Friendly Landscaping" by the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). C. If Melaleuca mulch is unavailable and lack of availability is verified by the City, shredded hardwood mulch shall be used as its substitute. Shredded hardwood mulch must not be cypress and shall contain no dyes/pigments. 8.4.6 Irrigation a. Newly planted and relocated trees shall be watered by a permanent automatic -type irrigation system consisting of drip, trickle and/or bubblers that minimize water use and prevent water spray onto hardscape surfaces. 18 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.5 HARDSCAPE DESIGN The pedestrian realm on Wynwood's Thoroughfares and Corridors was designed with a continuous verge of pervious paving over structural soil to allow for Tree root growth and create root network infrastructure. Typical hardscape guidelines apply to all street types except 4A, 4B, 4C, 8, 13 and 14. Additional hardscape requirements are described in Section 8.7 Guidelines Specific to Street Type. 8.5.1 HARDSCAPE LAYOUT AND SUBSTRUCTURE Refer to Diagram 3: Hardscape Design Point Guide for overall layout concept. a. Refer to Diagram 4: Typical Hardscape Design for layout and design of a typical Wynwood sidewalk. b. Refer to Diagram 5: Typical Hardscape 1 and Diagram 6: Typical Hardscape 2 for information on substrate composition beneath a typical Wynwood sidewalk. 19 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 3: HARDSCAPE DESIGN POINT GUIDE A' ' , l i R.O.W. LINE w I VERGE LIMIT LINE � iiiF---{III I 0 TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD � o i i T TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD :l I� A� I � ' l ' BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE i 'W' LINE VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE R.O.W. LINE ' TREE CENTERLINE w ,y PARALLEL TO THE ROAD V-0" OFFSET LINE FROM a VERGE LIMIT LINE ��--- A —1— EQ. EQ. TREE CENTERLINE 28th STREET ONLY PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD 'W' LINE BACK OF DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD POINT'B': INTERSECTION OF TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD AND THE MIDPOINT BETWEEN STREET TREES. THIS POINT VARIES BASED ON TREE LOCATION POINT'C': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE I DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE POINT'D': INTERSECTION OF PLANTER LENGTH MIDPOINT AND T-0" OFFSET LINE FROM VERGE LIMIT LINE TOWARDS BASE BUILDING LINE POINT'E': PLANTER END POINT POINT'F': CENTER POINT OF BACK OF CURB RADIUS DEFINES PLANTER EDGE POINT'G': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND VERGE LIMIT LINE, REFER TO DIAGRAM 23 POINT H: INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND R.O.W LINE, REFER TO DIAGRAM 30 W-LINE: LINE THAT CONNECTS ALL POINTS TO CREATE EDGE BETWEEN THE CONCRETE AND THE PERVIOUS HARDSCAPE NOTE: REFER ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ON DIAGRAM 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE DESIGN, DIAGRAM 25: STREET TYPE 8 HARDSCAPE DESIGN AND DIAGRAMS 7 AND 8 FOR CORNER CONDITIONS. 20 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE DESIGN v EXISTING ADJACENT VERGE EXISTING ADJACENT SIDEWALK J.CURB :.. LOT LINE � • :,•� GUTTER R.O.W. LINE (SETBACK WIDTH 1 " I' '�.� BONDED RUBBER MULCH AT REQUIREMENT VARIES DEPENDING ALL STREET TREE LOCATIONS ON STREET TYPE. REFER TO ° I 1. (REFER TO TREE OPENING SECTION 8.7 FOR WIDTH I WIDTH ON TABLE 4: STREET REQUIREMENT) I TREE CATEGORY LIST 1 FOR I BONDED RUBBER MULCH a I WIDTH REQUIREMENT) /�T I TRANSVERSE CONCRETE I I o I I SCORE LINES AT POI NT'A'AND I I cr) POINT'B'. IF LINEAR DISTANCE s EXCEEDS 1.25 OF THE WIDTH, of a I ¢o I PROVIDE ADDITIONAL JOINTS I I z z o o SPACED EVERY 9'-0" �a I 1 POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF VERGE o f LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTERLI NE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD I° I.`. 0 TREE CANOPY o I I.. ° I POINT'B': INTERSECTION OF I° TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO REFER TO ° I I I' THE ROAD AND MIDPOINT DIAGRAM 6: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE 2 I BETWEEN STREET TREES. THIS POINT VARIES DEPENDING ON I TREE LOCATION ° I J. PERVIOUS CONCRETE ZONE I : d BETWEENTHE'W UNE AND REFER TO o I I' THE BACK OF CURB DIAGRAM 5: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE 1 I I TREE CENTERLINE STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING 1 I 1. PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD BROOM FINISH ON SIDEWALKS o I TREECENTERLINE PARALLEL TO I . d THE ROAD (REFER TO SECTION ° ' 8.4.2.a OR 8.4.2.b) VERGE LIMIT LINE (VERGE I 'I WIDTH REQUIREMENT VARIES o� ° "I I DEPENDING ON STREET TYPE. I NV LINE CREATED BY REFER TO SECTION 8.7 FOR o I L CONNECTING POINT "A" AND WIDTH REQUIREMENT) ° POINT"B" I NOTE: SETBACK AREA VERGE REFER TO DIAGRAM 25 FOR FRONTAGES ON STREET TYPE 8- NW 28TH STREET 21 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 5: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE 1 BROOM FINISH ON SIDEWALKS 22 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 6: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE 2 I LIMIT OF PUBLIC RO.W. LINE RIGHT OF WAY T z o ' m VERGE (VARIES) SIDEWA (VARIE I SETBACK (VARIES) TREE CENTER LINE. REFER TO SECTION 8.4.2.a AND 8.4.2.b PERVIOUS CONCRETE AT VERGE CURB AND GUTTER —\ ROOT BARRIER J / STRUCTURAL SOIL ROOTBALL, TYP. STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING BROOM FINISH ON SIDEWALKS ROOT BARRIER 23 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.5.2 CORNER CONDITIONS a. Refer to Illustration 8.1: Curb Radii Illustration for required radii throughout the NRD-1. b. For Typical Corner conditions throughout the district follow Diagram 7: Typical corner condition diagram with Planter Diagram. 1. Corner Planters on Street types 1A, 1 B, 2, 3, 9, 11 and 12 ending in North Miami Avenue shall contain Ponytail Palms. C. Follow Diagram 8: Corner with Planter condition diagram for layout and design of corner intersections of Street types 1A, 2, and 11 between NW 23rd Street and NW 20th Street, NW 1st Place and NW Miami Court. d. Creative corner condition within the limits shown on Diagram 9: Creative corner diagram, a hardscape Art installation (scoring, stamping, metal or material embeds) may be applied on the standard sidewalk concrete finish. Hardscape Art surface shall comply with ADA and withstand the exposure to the elements such as saltwater, sun and temperatures of South Florida. Design, materials and installation are subject to approval by the Planning Department and the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC). Illustration 8.1: CORNER CURB RADII ILLUSTRATION �- — — — — — — 1 NW 29'" ST NW 29`" ST � — — 1 1 NW 28" ST 1 NW 28`" ST NW 28'" ST NW 28'" ST ° 1 NW27"TERRACE NW 27P" ST 1 ENW 27`" ST NW 2r ST 1 NW 2T" ST 1 / 1 a A�� z 1 .VW 26 ST � a� NW 26'" ST 1 � 1 NW 26'" ST 1 NW 25'" ST NW 25'" ST / 1 NW 25`" ST / 1 1 NW 24" ST ENW2e:ST / 1 � NW 24" ST / 1 NW 23" ST / 1 NW 23'" ST NW 23" ST / 1 / 1 NW 3" ST 1 — — — — — 7 IDLE][ / r— 7 NW 22otl T / L — — — — — — — — — — — �jl z 000 a dl NW21s'ST FEC 10 FEET RADIUS ZI / 1 / 30 FEET RADIUS 1 / 1 / 20FEET RADIUS ON----NW20'"ST----- ALL OTHER CORNERS 24 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 7: TYPICAL CORNER CONDITION S TBF� ACKAEA TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD } - L` R.O.W. LINE p BACK OF CURB I ' VERGE LIMIT LINE I � ' VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE ' CONCRETE SCORING AS REQUIRED IN A+l-9'-0" GRID ' POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTER LINE r PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD I� l ' BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE 4 + • o 1. > • CURB ' GUTTERPARKING/LOADING ZO NE STREET I INTERSECTION i \ PERVIOUS CONCRETE ZONE BETWEEN THEW LINE AND �I` THE BACK OF CURB MIN. 24'-0" AND MAX. 30'-0" PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE FROM POINT W TO POINT'C' CONNECT POINT W TO POINT'C' TO EXTEND'W LINE TO RAMP FLARE OR BACK OF CURB POINT'C': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND NOTE: BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE REFER REFER TO DIAGRAM 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE CURB EXPANSION PLANTER DESIGN FOR THE REST OF THE FRONTAGE. 25 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 8: TYPICAL CORNER WITH PLANTER S TBACKAREA .;:•���� TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD BACK OF CURB VERGE LIMIT LINE .r / I R.O.W. LINE I •I i � - j >� VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE CONCRETE SCORING AS REQUIRED IN A +/-9'-0" GRID POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTERLINE r , PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD . I P BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE 1 D° s • w . D CURB PLANTER \ � ' PARKING4LQ�jDIGd GUTTER ONE STREET INTERSECTION — PLANTING ZONE BETWEEN THE 'W LINE AND THE BACK OF CURB CONNECT POINT W TO POINT'C' TO EXTENDTHE'W LINE TO RAMP FLARE POINT'C': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT MIN. 24'-0" AND MAX. 30'-0" PERPENDICULAR LINE AND BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE DISTANCE FROM POINT'A' TO POINT'C' PLANTER BETWEEN THEW LINE TO THE BACK OF CURB NOTES: 1. REFER REFER TO DIAGRAM 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE POINT'F': PERVIOUS CONCRETE TERMINATES DESIGN FOR THE REST OF THE FRONTAGE. AT CENTER POINT OF BACK OF CURB RADIUS 26 MIAMI 21 OCTOBER 2020 i Diagram 9: CREATIVE CORNER APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS ° o CURB f�� I GUTTER I I I ° ♦ I I o I , ° I I I. I I 'I' I I q j I 1° BACK OF CURB EXTENSION LINE TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD P I 1° I VERGE LIMIT LINE I I I I I I° ° I I I I VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AS THE HARDSCAPE ART OPPORTUNITY BOUNDARY HARDSCAPE ART OPPORTUNITY / AREA, REFER TO 8.6.3.c FOR GUIDELINES 0 -----------°---------- ---------- I NOTE: REFER TO DIAGRAMS 7 AND 8 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PER APPLICABLE CORNER CONDITION. 27 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.5.3 CURBS CUTS Shall be provided as necessary, follow one of these three options. Diagram 10: CURB CUT 1 1 MEET WITH EXISTING ADJACENT VERGE LIMIT LINE VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE VALLEY GUTTER I . CURB LOT LINE I PLANTERWITHLOWPLANTING ° y� FROM TABLE 9: SHRUBS AND R.O.W. LINE i GROUNDCOVERI I .. 6' 6" UNDERSTORY LIST ONLY CURB o J�I a I G pl � 19 0 'rib n I co � x I RAMP DN TERMINATE LINE BY CONNECTING POINTWTO THE INSIDE CORNER OF PLANTER � I I I ogqo CURB PLANTER WITH LOW PLANTING FROM Q i TABLE 9: SHRUB AND GROUND COVER/ UNDERSTORY PLANT LIST ONLY a i TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD ° i f BACK OF CURB VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE 1 I TREE CENTERLINE I i PARALLEL TO THE ROAD ° TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO ROAD OF ° + q CLOSEST STREET TREE SHALL BE 5'4'FROM THE INTERSECTION OF I VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LINE AND BACK OF CURB POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF w ° VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE ' i 'i ` TREE CENTERLINE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR PERPENDICULAR TO TO THE ROAD I ° i THE ROAD NOTE: a I 0 REFER TO DIAGRAM 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE DESIGN FOR THE REST OF THE FRONTAGE. SETBACK AREA VERGE 2% MAX SLOPE FOR T-0" 28 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 11: CURB CUT 2 MEET WITH EXISTING ADJACENT VERGE LIMIT LINE I VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE CURB ° LOT LINE o ° I o I VALLEY GUTTER R.O.W. LINE I I °I MARKINGS PER FDOT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC I CONTROL DEVICES /'4 �. I I. I i I I / I I I TERMINATE THEW LINE BY CONNECTING POINT'A'TO 7 THE INTERSECTION OF THE TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL "' TO THE ROAD, AND THE � I I RAMP FLARE oRWPIDIN I r I I- o I I ° I � I I I I ° I I I ° I \ I BACK OF CURB VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD I TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO ROAD OF .'. .. CLOSEST STREET TREE SHALL BE 5-0" FROM THE INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LINE AND I I L BACK OF CURB POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF ° ; TREE CENTERLINE VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE i� i PERPENDICULARTO CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR o of THE ROAD TO THE ROAD a , o NOTE: REFER TO DIAGRAM 4: TYPICAL HARDSCAPE DESIGN FOR THE REST OF THE FRONTAGE. SETBACK AREA VERGE 2% MAX SLOPE FOR 3'-0" FROM THE R.O.W LINE 29 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 12: CURB CUT 3 MEET WITH EXISTING ADJACENT VERGE LIMIT LINE POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD SETBACKAREA / 2% MAX SLOPE FOR T-0" COMA TUC O n lAl I IAIC VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE CURB MARKINGS PER FDOT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES TERMINATE THE W LINE BY CONNECTING POINT'A' TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD, AND THE RAMP FLARE U16y11.11 �1:7L1�[e3111:111111h8I1111111111101Iq TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO ROAD OF CLOSEST STREET TREE SHALL BE 5-0" FROM THE INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LINE AND BACK OF CURB TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD 30 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.5.4 EXTENDED SIDEWALK A developer may convert parking spaces from the City of Miami to extend the designated pedestrian zone within their frontage. a. Follow Diagram 13: Extended Sidewalk for layout. b. Extended Sidewalk must include one (1) or a combination of the options listed below, subject to approval by The City of Miami Planning Department and the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC). 1. One (1) Bioswale 2. One (1) 3D Art or Sculpture 3. One (1) tree or two (2) Palms every twenty (20) linear feet or fraction thereof. 4. One (1) parklet or one (1) Wynwood standard bench accessible to the public. 5. Optional: Within the limits shown on Diagram 13, a Hardscape Art installation (scoring, stamping, metal or material embeds) may be applied on the standard sidewalk concrete finish. Hardscape Art surface shall comply with ADA and efficiently withstand the exposure to the elements such as saltwater, sun and temperatures of South Florida. 31 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 13: EXTENDED SIDEWALK VERGE LIMIT LINE R.O.W. LINE POINT'B': INTERSECTION OF TREE CENTERLINE PARALLELTO THE ROAD AND MIDPOINT BETWEEN STREET TREES. THIS POINT VARIES DEPENDING ON TREE LOCATION POINT'A': INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD OPTIONAL HARDSCAPE ART OPPORTUNITY AREA, REFER TO 8.6.3.c FOR GUIDELINES TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD CURB GUTTER TREE CANOPY �I 6'-6" I I I I' z / Q I l I z e \ r l Y I I � IIP I •I I .. h 1 ' I I SETBACK VERGE TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD CONNECT NEAREST POINT'A' TO ORTHOGONAL END OF CURB 32 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.5.5 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Below is the list of materials, refer to Volume 3 for additional information. a. Substrate Soil from the edge of asphalt pavement to the building foundation. 1. Structural Soil- CU-Specification. Refer to Article 1, Section 1.4 of Miami 21. a. Standard Concrete Broom finish for Sidewalk 1. Refer to City of Miami Public Works Engineering Standards. 2. Provide saw cut joints to be provided per Volume 3. b. Pervious Pavement System- Pervious Concrete for verge. 1. Refer to mix specifications from National Ready Mixed Concrete Association in Volume 3. 2. Installer must have minimum five (5) years of experience with pervious concrete installations. 3. A half (1/2) inch radius tooled edge shall be provided on all sides to help minimize any raveling and strengthen the edges adjacent to the other surfaces. 4. Scofield Chromix "Cool Gray" Color. 5. Gray Granite Addapave may be used as an alternate material. C. Bonded Rubber Mulch for Tree Pit throughout. Refer Article 1, Section 1.4 of Miami 21. 1. Black 2. Gold d. Detectable Warning Plate on Street Type 8 and all ADA ramps and Crosswalks. 1. Duralast Cast Iron Detectable Warning e. Thermoplastic (per FDOT standards and specifications for all Road Markings throughout the district. 1. Thermoplastic- DecoMark by Ennis Flint , hot applied , 125 mils thick. 2. Colors: FDOT Bike Lane Green White for Decorative Crosswalk 1 Burnt Orange for Decorative Crosswalk 2 Brick Red for Decorative Crosswalk 2 f. Cycle Track on Street Type 10. 1. Zebra 13- Recycled plastic 33 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 14: SHARROW MARKING NOTE: REFER TO FDOT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 9C-9 FOR GRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS UTTER :URB :111:7:1i]►I►/[ ICLl ,PPROVED DOT -GREEN COLOR OR BIKE LANES 34 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 15: BIKE LANE MARKING . . GUTTER CURB - REFER TO FDOT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 9C-9 FOR GRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS o , BIKE LANE ICON II APPROVED FDOT-GREEN 3'-6" COLOR FOR BIKE LANES 4' 0" 35 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.5.6 CROSSWALKS Refer to Illustration 8.4: Crosswalk Location Illustration for proposed crosswalks. Illustration 8.2: CROSSWALK LOCATION MAP r--� -� 1 NW 29T" ST �� NW 29T" ST 1 1 NW 28T" ST I I NW 28T" ST 1 1 1 21 NW 26T" ST 1 1 1 1 NW 24R° ST 1 I � NW 23R1 ST NW 27T" ST a u, NW 26T" 5T NW 25T" ST L__ NW 24RU ST NW 23F° ST jNW 28T" ST JJ F�NW 27" ST �NW 26T" ST 1� NW 24T" Sl ' J MANA t=1 u Ily r� , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m 1 wl UI a J al �1 zl 1 I NW 28T" ST / NW 26T" Sl NW 25T" ST NW 24T" ST ST NW 20TH ST a. Follow Diagram 16: Decorative Crosswalk 1 marking diagram at all traffic intersections in the District except Street Types 6,7 and 12 b. Follow Diagram 17: Decorative Crosswalk 2 marking diagram for at all traffic intersections on Street Types 6,7 and 12. C. Traffic Analysis and FDOT Warrant to be coordinated with the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County and the Wynwood BID for all Crosswalks. d. Follow Diagram 16: Midblock Crosswalks diagram for proposed midblock crosswalks. e. Provide midblock crosswalks per standards below: 1. Minimum of one (1) in a six hundred (600) feet long block. 2. Minimum of two (2) in a one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet long block. 3. Midblock crosswalks may be coordinated with proposed or existing paseos and shall meet all FDOT requirements. N A 36 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 16: DECORATIVE CROSSWALK 1 TOP OF RAMP CENTER POINT ADA DETECTABLE PLATE CROSSWALKZONE CROSSWALK CENTER LINE GUTTER CURB RAMP TOP OF RAMP CENTER POINT TO ALIGN WITH CROSSWALK CENTER POINT CROSSWALK CONTEXT CROSSWALK CENTERLINE 6" GAP BETWEEN GUTTER AND CROSSWALK STRIPING EDGE OF GUTTER WHITE THERMOPLASTIC. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS STARTING POINT CENTERLINE EDGE OF CROSSWALK ZONE EDGE OF GUTTER 6" GAP BETWEEN GUTTER AND CROSSWALK STRIPING NOTE: CROSSWALK ZONE WITH CROSSWALK PATTERN LAYOUT. CROSSWALK PATTERN 37 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 17: DECORATIVE CROSSWALK 2 ll�crz z c/) z � O 0 a U 0 Q Y w O O � U) m w w p z � � TOP OF RAMP CENTER POINT ADA DETECTABLE PLATE CROSSWALK ZONE CROSSWALK CENTERLINE CROSSWALK CONTEXT 6" GAP BETWEEN GUTTER AND CROSSWALK STRIPING EDGE OF GUTTER WHITE THERMOPLASTIC. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS BURNT ORANGE AND BRICK RED COLORS EDGE OF CROSSWALK ZONE EDGE OF GUTTER 6" GAP BETWEEN GUTTER Alvin (R(1CCIAIAI V( CTRIPIN(; NOTE: CROSSWALK ZONE WITH CROSSWALK PATTERN LAYOUT. CROSSWALK PATTERN 38 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 18: MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK I 1 GUTTER CURB 0 w w I' I z Z 1 I O i I LU z O Q Z I o � I coW W W J J O I 0 I I � W W Z I , Z O O LU I v U N Z � I 0 I FL SH I I I WYNWOOD CROSSWALK, REFER TO 8.3.6 VARIES SETBACK 7" I CONNECT BACK OF CURB TO POINT'A' I I I I , FOR PLANTING MATERIAL REFER TO qP DN i I TABLE 9: SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS 8% ' / UNDERSTORY LIST I I I ' WYNWOOD STANDARD I DETECTABLE WARNING FLU H I ' PLATE, REFER TO VOLUME 3. I CURB I ' VERGE LIMIT LINE I � I R.O.W. LINE I I , I � I I � TREE CENTERLINE h ' ' PARALLEL TO THE ROAD "'•I ;� TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD •I.. I I'' E ' I SETBACK SIDEWALK/VERGE 39 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.6 FURNISHING ELEMENTS 8.6.1 LIGHTING Shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet a minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/ sidewalk areas, an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and an average 2.0 Foot- candles at crosswalks. Unless specified below, lighting requirements per Street Type are described on Section 8.7 Guidelines Specific to Street Types. a. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone throughout the district. Refer to Volume 3 for Data Sheet. Refer to Section 8.7 Specific Street Type for spacing and to Standard Light post Location diagram Diagram 19 for light post location on the verge. b. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone throughout the district. Refer to Volume 3 for Data Sheet. Refer to Section 8.7 Guidelines Specific Street Type or spacing and Diagram 19: Standard Light Post Location diagram for location on the verge. C. Wynwood Standard Type 3 (Arne)Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone on Street Types 7 and 8 only. Refer to Volume 3 for Data Sheet. Refer to Section 8.7 Guidelines Specific Street Type for spacing and Diagram 19: Standard Light Post Location diagram for location on the verge. d. Lighting for Street Types 1A, 1 B, 2, 3, 11 and 12 shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately one hundred (100) linear feet on alternating street sides. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every sixty (60) linear feet on center on both sides of the street. e. Light posts may be installed within the limits of the Visibility Triangle area as necessary. 40 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 19: STANDARD LIGHT POST LOCATION ° I ° FACE OF CURB Io I GUTTER I I�: I TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO / I I TH ROAD I I o I I p .f. I:. C3 I° I. I .I .... . + FACE OF LIGHT POST T-6" FROM FACE OF CURB 00 °L I LIGHT POST R.O.W. LINE SETBACK LINE LU h .:... VERGE LIMIT LINE o I NOTE: LOCATION APPLIES TO ALL LIGHT {: POSTS AND VERTICAL UTILITIES SETBACK VERGE 41 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.6.2 SEATING, LITTER BINS, BIKE RACKS, PARKLETS AND WAYFINDING Urban furnishing elements such as benches, chairs, litter receptacle and bike racks shall be installed throughout the district within the verge, unless otherwise noted. a. Seating may be installed in the Landscape Zone of Street Types 13 and 14, within the median for Street Type 10 and at Play Streets. Locations shall be approved by the City of Miami and upon recommendation by the Wynwood BID. b. Seating may be located within the verge on Street Types 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12. Preferable bench location is under trees, to provide shade and comfort. Follow Standard Bench Location Diagram 21 for location within the verge. C. Seating options below: 1. Wynwood Standard Bench: May be installed throughout the district. Refer to Volume 3 for Data Sheet. 2. W-Bench: Shall be installed on Street Types 4A and 8. Refer to Diagram 28: Street Type 8 Bench Location. For information on Street Types 4A and 413 refer to Volume 2. Refer to Volume 3 for Bench Data Sheet. 3. Customized seating by artists may be located within the verge and at noted locations on 8.6.2.a, subject to approval by the City of Miami and the WDRC. Shop drawings signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer shall be submitted to the City of Miami for review and approval. Refer to 8.6.3.b for additional requirements. d. Wynwood Standard Litter Receptacle shall be located within the verge at corners and midblock crosswalks. Refer to Volume 3 for Receptacle Data Sheet. 1. The minimum distance between litter receptacles shall be three hundred and fifty (350) feet. For location within the verge, follow Diagram 20 Standard Litter Receptacle Location. 2. Two (2) litter receptacles shall be located on opposite corners of all NW 2nd Avenue intersections. e. Wynwood Standard Bike Rack shall be located within the verge. Refer to Volume 3 for Bike Rack Data Sheet. 1. Bike Racks should be placed within twenty-five (25) feet of main entrance in the verge. Follow Diagram 22 Standard Bike Rack Location diagram for location within the verge, parallel with the flow of pedestrian traffic. 2. Avoid placing Bike Racks directly in front of disabled parking spaces, building doors and locations that impede pedestrian flow. 3. Avoid placing Bike Racks within thirty (30) feet of a bus stop, as measured from the bus stop sign counter to traffic flow. f. Parklets may be installed in the parking loading area. Refer to suggestions on Volume 3. 1. Location shall be subject to approval by the City of Miami and the WDRC. 2. All applicable permits shall be attained by developer. 3. Shop drawings signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer shall be submitted to the City of Miami for review and approval. g. Wayfinding elements may be provided throughout the district per suggestions on Volume 2. 1. Design, materials, structure/engineering, and location is subject to approval by the City of Miami and the Wynwood BID. 42 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 20: STANDARD LITTER RECEPTACLE LOCATION CURB p • f .. GUTTER i TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD �I- VERGE LIMIT LINE R.O.W. LINE . •. Io .I LITTER RECEPTACLE . VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE CORNER VERGE LIMIT LINE SETBACK vVERGE MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK -ACLE 43 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 21: STANDARD BENCH LOCATION o I FACE OF CURB ' GUTTER i VERGE LIMIT LINE o� I 1 of i ° of h 1 p �REE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD ° z a\ ID a o � of BACK OF BENCH 2'-0" FROM FACE OF CURB jr BENCH L P LI t l R.O.W. LINE SETBACK LINE SETBACK VERGE �� unun ado THING ELEMENT )ED SEATING 44 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 22: STANDARD BIKE RACK LOCATION 00 o ® I of I v SETBACK VERGE CURB GUTTER I BIKE RACK BIKE RACK TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD 'SETBACK LINE VERGE LIMIT LINE R.O.W. LINE r,,_n- /ISIN 'ILITY 45 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.6.3 ART a. Temporary or Permanent Art installations may be located on the NW 51" Avenue median, NW 271" Terrace, Play Streets, and in the Woonerfs. The Wynwood BID shall define eligibility, credentials, and qualifications of the artists. The art piece itself (including but not limited to materials, structure/engineering and location) is subject to approval by the City of Miami Planning and Public Works, and the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC). b. Customized seating by artists may be located within the verge. The Wynwood BID shall define eligibility, credentials and qualifications of the artists. The chair, bench, seat or set of seats (including but not limited to materials, structure/engineering and location) is subject to approval by the City of Miami and the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC). Shop drawings signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer shall be submitted to the City of Miami for review and approval. C. Within the limits shown on Diagram 9: Creative corner and Diagram 13: Extended sidewalk, a Hardscape Art installation (scoring, stamping, metal or material embeds) may be applied on the standard sidewalk concrete finish. This artistic hardscape surface shall comply with ADA and withstand the exposure to the elements such as saltwater, sun and temperatures of South Florida. Design, materials and installation of artistic hardscape surface are subject to approval by the City of Miami Planning and Public Works, and the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC). 8.6.4 UTILITIES a. Conversion of Distribution lines to Underground is recommended. Refer to Procedural Outline in Volume 3. b. In anticipation of underground utilities in the future. Underground electrical conduits shall be provided when installing all Street Trees. C. All public aboveground utilities shall be located on the verge. d. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway post may be used to install utilities at twenty (20) to thirty (30) feet above ground. Refer to Volume 3 for specifications. e. Wynwood Standard Type 3 Pedestrian post may be used to install utilities at ten (10) to fifteen (15) feet above ground. Refer to Volume 3 for specifications. 46 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7 GUIDELINES SPECIFIC TO STREET TYPES Illustration 8.3: STREET TYPE ILLUSTRATION --, I�NW29T"ST 16--- 1 • 1 5 1 1 NW 28T" ST NW 28T" ST 1 1 5 10 NW 27' ST 1 NW 27<" ST 1 w Q 1 NW 26T" ST 1 L 1 � � 1 -- ---r NW29T"ST • • • 16 - - - NW 28T" ST NW28T"ST'B w 1B NW 271" TEARACE NW 271 ST 13 Z NW 25T" ST 1 1 5 1 NW 24"° ST 1° NW 24"° ST 1 1 5 10 NW 23"° ST 1 NW 2311 ST 1 1 � MANA — 'NW 27<" ST NW 26T" ST L 25T" ST IL-L Imo+ — — — — — — — NW 20T" ST NW 26T" ST NW 25T" sW NW 47 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Illustration 8.4: BIKE LANE NETWORK ILLUSTRATION --, -+ N r - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 A 1 NW29"ST NW29"ST . sir — — + 1 1 NW 28"' ST V 1 728" 77NW 28`" ST NW 28" ST 1 NW27'"TERRACE NW27"ST �• 1 NW 27`r ST NW 27`" ST a 1 NW 27" ST v 1 1 NW 26`" ST 'a NW 26`" ST NW 26'" ST a N 1 z NW 26" ST z L z NN25' ST NW25''SI IF 3 NW25`"ST 1 « ci cc 1 1 NW 24" ST NIVI 24" ST NW 24'" ST 1 ii ii NW 24" ST 1 NVW 23' ST 1 NW 23'" ST NW 23'" ST mmolmopm 1 t 7 NW23 �1E �k �1 — — — — — - NW 22"° ST NW 22n° S 16 — — — — — — - 1 c _ a_ al al NW21`ST Loc zl FE 1 � I 1 �I 1 I 16--- NW20"ST ----- << << BIKE DIRECTION BIKE LANE SHARROWS ON ALL OTHER STREETS 48 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 I L_ I 1 � 51 61. Illustration 8.5: HIGH VOLTAGE POWER ILLUSTRATION N --,-, A 1� - - - - - - - - - - E - + - - - - - - - - , 1 NW 29th ST NW 29t'ST 1 1 INW 28" ST 1 NW 28" ST NW 28" ST NW 28" ST ° 1 NW 27th TERRACE NW 27" ST 1 F27' ST NW27'ST IN 1 NW 2P' ST M w z 1 � z z 1 a NW 26" ST al NW 26'1 ST NUJ 26'" ST NW N ¢ ' 1 26" ST z z , z NW 25" ST FIL NW 25'h ST NW 25'h ST � I 1 1 NW 24'h ST NW 24'� ST 1 � 1 NW 23'h ST NW 24'h ST NW 24'h ST � 1 =23th NW 23'h ST NW �23� [DTEII� NW 21' ST zl 1 1 1 — — — NW 20t'ST — — — — — NW 22° • HI -VOLTAGE POWER LINES 49 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.1A STREET TYPE 1A Standard 50' R.O.W. 5' established setback, curb, and gutter application This is the most prevalent condition on the NRD-1. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Sections 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. TYPICAL SECTION 5'-0" 4'-0" 6'-6" 10'-0" 10'-0" 6'-6" 4'-0" 5'-0" ETBAC ERG PARKING TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE PARKING ERG ETBAC T-6" 2'-0" 2'-0" T-6" SIDEWALK CURB+GUTTER CURB +GUTTER SIDEWALK 50'-0" TYPICAL PLAN L�L- 50 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.1 B STREET TYPE 1 B Standard 50' R.O.W. B 5' established setback, valley and gutter application Affected thoroughfares: NW 261" Street, NW 271" Street, and NW 281" Street between NW 2nd Avenue and North Miami Avenue. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. TYPICAL SECTION 5-0" 4'-01, 6' 01 10'-0" 10' 0" 6'-0" 4'-0" 5-0" ETBAC ERG PARKING TRAVEL LANE TRAVELLANE PARKING ERG ETBAC SIDEWALK VALLEY GUTTER VALLEY GUTTER SIDEWALK i�fYPI I I I I I I AL PL I • I I I I � � • I kN 51 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.2 STREET TYPE 2 0 Standard 50' R.O.W. modified with a bike lane 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 25t" Street and NW 2311 Street between NW 2n1 Avenue and N. Miami Avenue. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. Provide Bike Lane markings per Diagram 22. TYPICAL SECTION N al 5'-0" 5'-0" 4'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 6'-6" 4'-0" 5'-0" ETBAC VERGE BIKE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE PARKING ERGE ETBAC LANE 2'-0" 2'-0' P-6" SIDEWALK CURB+GUTTER CURB +GUTTER SIDEWALK 50'-0" TYPICAL PLAN z-< 1 52 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.3 STREET TYPE 3 One-way travel lane with a bike lane 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 251" Street between NW 51" Avenue and NW 2nd Avenue; NW 241" Street between NW 51" Avenue and N. Miami Avenue. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. Provide Bike Lane markings per Diagram 22. TYPICAL SECTION 5'-0" 5'-0" 6'-6" 5'-0" 10'-0" 6'-6" 5'-0" LETBA"C� ETBAC VERGE PARKING BIKE TRAVEL LANE PARKING VERGE 9' 0" LANE 9 0 SIDEWALK 2'-0" CURB+ GUTTER 2'-0"CURB+GUTTER SIDEWALK 4I I TYPICAL PLAN 53 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.4A STREET TYPE 4A Woonerf 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 1 sr Avenue between NW 291" Street and NW 251" Street. For specific application, please reference Street Type Illustration 8.3 and Volume 4 for Schematic Design package. TYPICAL SECTION 5'-0" b—° PLANTER/ LOADINGZONE /PARKING SHAREDTRAVEL ZONE (varies) PLANTER (vanes) 5'_0�� ETBAC RAMP ETBAC (varies) SIDEWALK 1' 6. SIDEWALK (vanes) TRENCH DRAIN (vanes) 50'-0" TYPICAL PLAN 54 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.413 STREET TYPE 413 Woonerf 4 B 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 1 st Place between NW 23rd Street and NW 201" Street. For specific application, please reference Street Type Illustration 8.3 and Volume 4 for Schematic Design package. TYPICAL SECTION I I o a� �,;l Y� W - t I I I I s "EFBAC PLANTER OR SHARED TRAVEL ZONE PLANTER 5_0" LOADING ZONE (vanes) (vanes) ETBAC SIDEWALK (vanes) SIDEWALK (vanes) 2'-0"CURB+GUTTER (vanes) 50'-0" TYPICAL PLAN 55 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.4C STREET TYPE 4C 0 Woonerf 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 3rd Avenue between NW 291h Street and NW 251h Street. For specific application, please reference Street Type Illustration 8.3 and Volume 4 for Schematic Design package. IN PROGRESS BY OTHERS 2660 NW 3 ?O Avenue It O Ir 5' Setback: 50' Public ROW 5' Setback r2%--31 Line drain — Travel Lane 16' Bollard, Typ 2% 274 NW 27TH ST 56 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.5 STREET TYPE 5 NW 6th Avenue between NW 291" Street and NW 22nd Street. a. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. b. Vegetation for Dense Landscape Buffer next to 1-95 shall be selected from Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1,Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees, and Table 6: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. C. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. d. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately one hundred (100) linear feet on the east side of the street. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every sixty (60) linear feet on center on both sides of the street. On the west side of the street, posts shall be installed twenty-four (24) inches from the edge of the Bike Lane. 57 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 45' R.O.W. against 1-95 rJ 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 61" Avenue between NW 291" Street and Perimeter Road. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION 1-95 14'-6" 10'-0" 10'-0" 4'-0. FDOT(VARIES) ENSE LANDSCAPE BUFFE� TRAVEL LANE TRAVELLANE �ERGE� ETBAC 2'-0" CURB + GUTTER 2'-0" CURB + GUTTER 6"SIDEWALK IQV! �L'1N»_10 58 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.6 STREET TYPE 6 North Miami Avenue between NW 291" Street and NW 201" Street a. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. b. All side streets intersecting North Miami Avenue shall have Ponytail Palms in the corner planters. Refer to Diagram 23: Street Type 6 corner condition. C. Street Tree Bonded rubber mulch shall be gold color. d. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. e. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately one hundred and thirty (130) linear feet on alternating street sides. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every sixty (60) linear feet on center on both sides of the street. Proposed modification to street section geometry shall be coordinated with Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works. All ROW improvements shall be coordinated with MDC-DTPW. 59 1i41/_1i711INI OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS North Miami Avenue 6 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: North Miami Avenue between NW 29t" Street and NW 20t" Street. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION I I Y� m 5'-0" 5-6" 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-0" 10'-6" 5'-6" ET VERGE VARIABLE TRAVELLANE TRAVELLANE VARIABLE VERGE PARKING PARKING 11'-0" I TRAVEL LANE 1 TRAVEL LANE SIDEWALK 2'-0" 2'-0" CURB +GUTTER CURB +GUTTER 10'-0" Ell ffl TYPICAL PLAN I I I 0 0 I .o, MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 23: STREET TYPE 6 CORNER CONDITION S TBACK AREA TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD BACK OF CURB VERGE LIMIT LINE I PONYTAIL PALM R.O.W. LINE / � D °I I VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE \ CONCRETE SCORING AS REQUIRED IN A +/-9'-0" GRID I . w POINT W: INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT uj LINE AND TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD 0 1 CURB GUTTER STREET POINT'G' INTERSECTION MIRROR THE LAST SEGMENT OF THEWLINE - EXTEND TO THE BACK OF CURB ----- ----->------ ------ --_--° NORTH MIAMI AVE MIN. 24'-0" AND MAX. 30'-0" PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE FROM POINT W TO POINT'G' POINT'G': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND VERGE LIMIT LINE 61 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.7 STREET TYPE 7 NW 2ndAvenue between NW 2911 Street and NW 22nd Street a. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. b. Street Tree distribution shall be seventy (70) percent Palms and thirty (30) percent Trees. C. A bioswale planter shall be incorporated at every bus stop on NW 2ndAvenue. Coordinate with Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works and refer to Diagram 24: Street Type 7 Parking Lane Planter 3 - Bioswale. Use Table 10: Bioswale Planting list for the bioswale planters d. Street Tree Bonded rubber mulch shall be gold color. e. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately one hundred and thirty (130) linear feet on alternating street sides. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 3 (Arne) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every sixty (60) linear feet on center on both sides of the street. g. Proposed modification to street section geometry shall be coordinated with Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works. All ROW improvements shall be coordinated with MDC-DTPW. 62 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 70' R.O.W. 0' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 2nd Avenue between NW 291" Street and NW 22nd Street. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL PLAN ti�� III II 63 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 24: STREET TYPE 7 PARKING LANE PLANTER 3- BIOSWALE REFER TO TABLE FOR PLANTING MATERI, CURB TYPE TRAVEL LAf CONCRETE CL 30" MIN. ENGIN ANISOTROPIC GEOTEXTILE (AROUNDA PARKING/LOADING ZONE CURB PLANTING MATERIAL SHALL BE SELECTED FROM TABLE 10: BIOSWALE PLANTING LIST OVERFLOW INLET SEDIMENT CONTROL PERFORATED METAL FILTER FOR DEBRIS CONTROL VERGE LIMIT LINE SETBACK LINE CURB GUTTER OVERFLOW INLET AT MAX WATER DEPTH CURB TYPED' SIDEWALK, TYP 6" MAX. PONDING DEPTH 36" OF STRUCTURAL SOIL OVERFLOW PIPE TIED INTO STORM DRAIN UNCOMPACTED SOIL 64 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.8 STREET TYPE 8 NW 2811 Street between NW 2n'Avenue and NW 311 Avenue. a. Follow Diagram 25: Street Type 8 Hardscape Design and Diagram 27: Street Type 8 Planter Design. b. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. 1. A minimum of one (1) Planter is required per frontage. i. Minimum distance between adjacent Planters is sixteen (16) linear feet. ii. Planters shall be a minimum of two (2) linear feet away from the Lot line. 2. On frontages of up to fifty (50) feet in length, provide Planter(s) with a planting bed length of minimum forty (40) percent, maximum fifty (50) percent of frontage length. i. A Planter is not required if there is another Planter less than twenty (20) feet from Frontage or Lot line. ii. Minimum planting bed length on frontages of fifty (50) feet or less is ten (10) feet. 3. On frontages of fifty-one (51) feet or greater, provide Planter(s) with a planting bed length of minimum thirty (30) percent, maximum fifty (50) percent of frontage length. i. Minimum planting bed length on frontages fifty-one (51) feet or greater, is twenty (20) feet. 4. On frontages of one hundred (100) feet or greater, provide Planter(s) with a planting bed length of minimum thirty (30) percent, maximum fifty (50) percent of frontage length. i. Maximum planting bed length on frontages one hundred and one (101) feet or greater is forty (40) feet. 5. A minimum of one (1) tree shall be planted between Planters at a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the corner of the planting bed. 6. A minimum of one (1) tree shall be planted inside each Planter. Tree locations inside the Planters may deviate from the center of Street Tree center line but must comply with the minimum tree spacing required in guidelines. 7. Trees or palms on corner planters count as part of the Street Tree Requirements. C. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. d. Seating shall be provided on Street Type 8. 1. W- Bench series shall be installed on Street Type 8. 2. Refer to Diagram 28: Street Type 8 Bench location diagram. e. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every three hundred (300) linear feet on alternating street sides. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 3 (Arne) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every sixty (60) linear feet on the same or alternating street sides. Proposed street section geometry modifications shall require approval from Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works. Additional modifications to proposed street section geometry may be required at schematic design and construction drawing phase. 65 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 70' R.O.W. 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 281" Street between NW 61" Avenue and NW 2nd Avenue. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION ETBAC VERGE PARKING TRAVEL OLANE TRAVOELOLANE PARKING VERGE "ErBAc SIDEWALK I VALLEYGUTTERI IVALLEYGUTTER SIDEWALK TYPICAL PLAN I n u I I � I MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 25: STREET TYPE 8 HARDSCAPE DESIGN R.O.W. LINE DIAGRAM 26: STREET TYPE 8 HARDSCAPE DIAGRAM STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING BROOM FINISH ON SIDEWALKS POINT W: INTERSECTION OF VERGE LIMIT LINE AND TREE CENTERLINE PERPENDICULAR TO THE ROAD LOT LINE TRANSVERSE CONCRETE SCORE LINE AT POINT WAND POINT'B'. IF LINEAR DISTANCE EXCEEDS 1.25 OF THE WIDTH, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL JOINTS SPACED EVERY 9'-0"' VERGE LIMIT LINE PERVIOUS CONCRETE ZONE BETWEEN THEW LINE TO THE ° DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO • I I.' THE ROAD 42" FROM BACK OF DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE VALLEY GUTTER mi 4//I i i I o eX I DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE ON CONCRETE I i l I I C7 z . o I • , r— / I 0 O W �o � I I ala I I + I I - I I � w BLACK BONDED RUBBER MULCH AT ALL TREE LOCATIONS (REFER TO TREE OPENING WIDTH ON TABLE 4: STREET TREE �-r CATEGORY LIST 1 FOR 1 I o° \ BONDED RUBBER MULCH ' / •Ii ; WIDTH REQUIREMENT) TREE CANOPY I I I REFER TO DIAGRAM 27: • \} i i STREET TYPE 8 PLANTER ' ^ a DESIGN FOR LAYOUT o e ; INSTRUCTIONS. • ar o I i j; , 5'-0" T-6" SETBACK VERGE DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE 67 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 26: STREET TYPE 8 HARDSCAPE DIAGRAM -1- f VVI UMf LC MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 27: STREET TYPE 8 PLANTER DESIGN R.O.W. LINE a P a a LOT LINE PERVIOUS CONCRETE ZONE BETWEEN THE'W' LINE AND THE DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE VERGE LIMIT LINE DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE ON CONCRETE TREE CANOPY BLACK BONDED RUBBER MULCH AT ALL TREE LOCATIONS 'W' LINE POINT'E': INTERSECTION OF TREE CENTER LINE PARALLEL TO ROAD AND PLANTER END POINT PLANTER POINT'D': INTERSECTION OF PLANTER LENGTH MIDPOINT AND V-0" OFFSET LINE FROM VERGE LIMIT LINE TOWARDS BASE BUILDING LINE TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO ROAD IS 42" FROM BACK OF DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE 1'-0" OFFSET LINE FROM VERGE LIMIT LINE TOWARDS BUILDING BASE LINE MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 28: STREET TYPE 8 BENCH LOCATION ANCHOR POINT 'W BENCH 11) W BENCH LOCATIONS DETERMINED BY INTERSECTING ANCHOR POINTS WITH PLANTER LIMIT LINE. ANCHOR POINT 'W BENCH 2 I 'W BENCH 3 I I ANCHOR POINT NOTE: CONCRETE SIDEWALK MUST EXTEND ;., II(1�r ° o I TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO :1 THE ROAD 42" FROM BACK OF DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE olVERGE LIMIT LINE 0 ° { 'W BENCH 1 ° ° PLANTER LIMIT LINE f ' 1 ° f' =a°/ 0 R.O.W. LINE 0 0 ' o DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE - ON CONCRETE o PLANTER U MIT LINE HIV BENCH 2 ' REFER TO DIAGRAM 27: STREET TYPE 8 PLANTER AND 8.7.8 FOR GUIDELINES oo PLANTER U MIT LINE 'W °A000,\ f ; BENCH 3 o 0 1 � �J d00 00 /oo UNDER THE BENCH BASE TO PROM DE ':;;,; oo SETBACK LINE o CONTINUOUS SUPPORT ° `i ;; r I L,. i foo� SETBACK VERGE 70 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.9 STREET TYPE 9 NW 2911 Street between 1-95 and the FEC Railway Corridor. a. Follow Diagram 29: Street Type 9 Hardscape Design and Diagram 30: Street Type 9 Corner Condition. b. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. C. Trees in median shall be selected from Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. d. Provide Bike Lane markings per Diagram 22. e. FDOT approved green color required on portions of the Bike Lane interrupted by driveways. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on both sides of the street. Alternating with the Pedestrian Light Posts. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on both sides of the street. Alternating with the Type 1 Roadway Light Posts. g. Proposed street section geometry modifications shall require approval from Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works. Additional modifications to proposed street section geometry may be required at schematic design and construction drawing phase. 71 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 80' R.O.W. NW 29th Street approved road diet Affected thoroughfares: NW 291h Street between 1-95 and the FEC Railway Corridor. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION I I I I old old I I 10'-01, 54" 4,_0„ 6, 6„ 11, 01, 101.01, -0" 6'.6" 4.01 SETBACK BIKE VERGE PARKING TRAVELLANE TURNLANEI TRAVELLANE PARKING VERGE BIKE SETBACK LANE MEDIAN LANE 16'-6" 2'-0" 2'-0" 16'-6" SIDEWALK CURB +GUTTER CURB + GUTTER SIDEWALK I I i • TYPICAL PLAN I I I I I I I I I I 72 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 29: STREET TYPE 9 HARDSCAPE DESIGN a ° 0 o I /. 10000 ololo R.O.W. LINE (0000l SETBACK WIDTH o l0000c I REQUIREMENT VARIES DEPENDING ° ° • ON STREET TYPE. REFER TO ° ° m ° I SECTION 8.7 FOR WIDTH REQUIREMENT) CURB 0 ° J` GUTTER ° $ ° —� TREE CANOPY r ° Es° oz 5-0' � I cD 0 .a'4'.. Y WYNWOOD STANDARD DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE, a / f REFER TO VOLUME 3. I o , ° ononc PLANTER PERVIOUS CONCRETE TRANSVERSE CONCRETE SCORE ° 6" CONCRETE CURB LINES SPACED EVERY 9'-0" a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, ° MINIMUM FOUR PER BLOCK o clololololoc Q. o110.0.00oac M ° $ 0 0 -0001 BIKE LANE STRIPING CONTINUES loo.olololl110,01010.1 'I' BIKE LANE ICON, REFER TO DIAGRAM 15 310,010,01, lololololl �.. 10,010.00, • I STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING a o I1010,010.1Nolololl BROOM FINISH ON SIDEWALKS Q ° _ o ° o o PLANTER ° LANE VERGE SETBACK AREA BIKE 73 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 30: STREET TYPE 9 CORNER CONDITION S TBF,, ACK AREA MIRROR THE LAST SEGMENT OF THEW' ' a LINE EXTEND TO THE BACK OF CURB TREE CENTERLINE PARALLEL TO THE ROAD BACK OF CURB z o �' I a / I.o VERGE LIMIT LINE Lu o POINT'G' Lu I. 'I '> R.O.W. LINE oz >e i'y �' I VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE 00 .I°iV, .I z CONCRETfI$CORINC AS REQUIRED IN A+/-9'-0" GRID Q U I o ¢ I •'I N Lu 1 STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING BROOM , FINISH ON SIDEWALKS a a. CONTINUOUS DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE, REFER TO VOLUME 3 FOR SPECIFICATIONS z POINT'H' a AMP AX$° DN i 0 ° o• Z ,° a s • D m 8{8'i:i ii ONm STREET (' a;. ---------------------- ----- -- INTERSECTION WHITE THERMOPLASTIC PERVIOUS CURB STRIPING. REFER TO CONCRETE ZONE GUTTER SPECIFICATIONS PLANTER � 29TH � TREE 6" CONCRETE CURB 6" CONCRETE CURB PAINTED YELLOW STREET CANOPY BIKE LANE STRIPING CONTINUES MIN. 24'-0" AND MAX. 35-0" PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE FROM POINT W TO POINT'H' POINT'G': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND VERGE LIMIT LINE POINT'H': INTERSECTION OF VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE AND R.O.W LINE 74 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.10 STREET TYPE 10 NW 511 Avenue between NW 2911 Street and NW 22nd Street a. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. b. Trees in median shall be selected from Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. C. Street Tree Bonded rubber mulch shall be gold color. d. The median may include Art Installations and Wayfinding Elements, subject to approval by the City of Miami and the Wynwood BID. e. Provide Bike Lane markings per Diagram 22. Follow Diagram 31: Street Type 10 Bike Lane Intersection for protected Bike Lane requirements. g. Bike Lane Barrier zone shall include Cycle Tracks , refer to Diagram 31. Spacing and installation shall be per manufacturer's specifications on Volume 3. h. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every three hundred (300) linear feet on both sides of the street. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on both sides of the street. 3. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed on the median when a pedestrian trail is provided. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on both sides of the street. i. Proposed street section geometry modifications shall require approval from Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works. Additional modifications to proposed street section geometry may be required at schematic design and construction drawing phase. 75 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 100' R.O.W. with bike lanes 0' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 5t" Avenue between NW 29t" Street and NW 22nd Street. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION 9'-0 5'-0° 6'-0 11'-0" 20'-0" 11'-0° 6'-0" 4'-0° 5-0" 9'-0' SIDEWALK VERGE BIB PARKING TRAVELLANE TURN LANEIMEDIAN TRAVELLANE PARKING BIKE VERGE SIDEWALK 2'-0" LANE 7-0" 2'-0" LANE 2'-0„ CURB+GUTTER RIKFRARRIFR RIKFRARRIFR CURB +GUTTER TYPICAL PLAN V0 0 n- 76 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 31: STREET TYPE 10 BIKE LANE INTERSECTION 00 D CONTINUATION OF BIKE LANE WHITE THERMOPLASTIC STRIPING. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS O w z O N O CJ Z_ Cl Of O `L O d OV (h Cn V U a aO a c� cn z 0 U Lu Q o a z > O w �zo �E O U Lu fr 2'-0" 4'-0" VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LIMIT LINE i i i i APPROVED FDOT-GREEN COLOR FOR BIKE BOX BIKE BOX ICON BIKE BOX CURB GUTTER WHITE THERMOPLASTIC STRIPING. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS RECYCLED PVC CYCLE TRACK BARRIER, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS BIKE LANE MA MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.11 STREET TYPE 11 60' R.O.W. with bike lane 5' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 1st Avenue between NW 2311Street and NW 201" Street; and NW 271" Street between North Miami Avenue and FEC Railway Corridor. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1 and Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2- Planter Trees. Provide Bike Lane markings per Diagram 22. TYPICAL SECTION ¢Ial " alk 5'-0" 5'-0" 6'-6" 11'-0" 11'-0" 6'-6" 5'-0" 5'-0" ETBA VERGE PARKING TRAVELLANE TRAVELLANE 5_0 PARKING VERGE ETBA BIKE &0" 2'-0" LANE 2'-0" 8'-0" SIDEWALK CURB+GUTTER CURB +GUTTER SIDEWALK 60'-0" TYPICAL PLAN 78 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.12 STREET TYPE 12 NW 2011 Street between North Miami Avenue and the NW 1 st Place a. Use Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. b. Street Tree Bonded rubber mulch shall be Gold color. C. Provide Sharrow Lane markings per Diagram 21. d. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet an average of 1.5 Foot-candles on the roadways and minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 1 Roadway Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on both sides of the street. Alternating with the Pedestrian Light Posts. 2. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the verge zone. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on both sides of the street. Alternating with the Type 1 Roadway Light Posts. 79 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Northwest 20th Street 10' established setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 201" Street between NW 1st Place and the FEC Railway Corridor. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, 8.5 Hardscape Design and 8.6 Furnishing Elements for additional requirements. TYPICAL SECTION I I I I I I 10'-0" 6' 0" 12'-0" 12-0" 12-0" 12-0" 6'-0" 10'-0" SETBACK VERGE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVELLANE TRAVEL LANE VERGE SETBACK 16' 6" 2'-0" 2'-0" 16'-6" SIDEWALK CURB + GUTTER CURB + GUTTER SIDEWALK 77'-0" TYPICAL PLAN I I I I I I I _ I I � Jt • • I I I I n n MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.13 STREET TYPE 13 West side of the FEC Railway Corridor between NW 291" Street and NW 20nd Street Proposed Edge Park, continuous passageway that revitalizes and activates the district boundary with amenities, Art Installations, and extensive landscape to improve public wellness, connect with nature and neighboring communities. a. Vegetation for the Landscape Zone and the Dense Landscape Buffer next to 1-95 shall be selected from Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1,Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees, and Table 6: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. b. Art installations and Wayfinding Elements are permitted, subject to approval by the City of Miami and the Wynwood BID. C. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet a minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the two (2) feet of the bicycle/pedestrian path. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on alternating sides of the bike/pedestrian path. 81 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 FEC Railway Corridor EDGE PARK 3 10' established setback Affected thoroughfares: FEC Railway Corridor between NW 291" Street and NW 201" Street. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements. Bike & Pedestrian Path Shall be coordinated with the FEC. TYPICAL SECTION 174"151" MIN. 3-0" DENSE SETBACK BIKE & PEDESTRIAN LANDSCAPE BUFFER 13'-0" CONTINUOUS PATH PEDESTRIAN ZONE j MIN. 5-0" LANDSCAPE ZONE VARIES TYPICAL PLAN 82 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.7.14 STREET TYPE 14 NW 2711 Terrace between NW 311 Avenue and NW 2nd Avenue. a. Pedestrian and Bicycle only R.O.W., no vehicular access. b. Landscape Zone Requirements: 1. A minimum of one Planter is required per frontage. L The length of the Planter(s) shall be at least thirty (30) percent of the frontage length and occupy the full width of the Landscape Zone. ii. Portions of the Open planter(s) exceeding thirty (30) percent of the frontage length may vary in width from five (5) feet to the full width of the Landscape Zone. 2. Landscape material shall be selected from Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcovers/Understory List. 3. Shall include drainage and Wynwood Furnishing Elements 8.6. 4. May include art installations and Wayfinding Elements, subject to approval by the City of Miami upon recommendation by the Wynwood BID. C. Hardscape must be approved by City of Miami upon recommendation of the Wynwood BID. d. Lighting shall be provided throughout the R.O.W. to meet a minimum 1.0 Foot-candles at pedestrian/sidewalk areas. 1. Wynwood Standard Type 2 (Linea) Pedestrian Post and Fixture shall be installed within the Landscape zone. Spacing shall be approximately every one -hundred and sixty (160) linear feet on alternating sides of the bike/pedestrian path. 2. If overall implementation is pursued, an alternate pedestrian light post that meets the required foot-candles may be proposed by the developer, reviewed and approved by the City of Miami Director of Department of Resilience and Public Works, upon recommendation by the Wynwood BID. 83 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 <50' R.O.W. 4 0' proposed setback Affected thoroughfares: NW 27t" Terrace between NW 311 Avenue and NW 2n1 Avenue. For specific application, reference Street Type Illustration 8.3. Refer to Section 8.4 Landscape Elements, for additional requirements. Design to be coordinated with property owner. TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL PLAN 84 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.8 PLAY STREET Park areas with additional landscape that provide pedestrians and cyclists a transition from the R.O.W. to the FEC Railway Corridor Edge Park. Play Streets are at the easternmost boundary of NW 281" Street, NW 261" Street, NW 251" Street, NW 241" Street and NW 22nd Street. a. Refer to Diagram 30: Wynwood Play Street b. A fifteen (15) feet wide path that connects the driving lane with the FEC Railway Corridor twelve (12) to fifteen (15) feet path shall be provided. C. Play Street area shall have a minimum of fifty (50) percent canopy coverage. d. Plant material shall be selected from Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees and Table 9: Shrubs and Groundcover/ Understory List. e. Wynwood Standard Urban Furnishings, Art Installations and Wayfinding Elements are permitted, subject to approval by the City of Miami and the Wynwood BID. Pedestrian Lighting shall be provided to meet a minimum 1.0 Foot-candles. Diagram 32: WYNWOOD PLAY STREET --------------- -- ---------- R.O.W. LINE 40'-0" MIN 50'-0" MAX ; =PARKING/LOADIN GUTTER =4ALIGN I �� 36'-0" 6' 0" TRAVEL LANE � of PLAY STREET REFER TO 8.8 TRAVEL LANE i FOR REQUIREMENTS U I � PARKING/LOADING i 4 ZONE ALIGN -----------------i --------------------------- R.O.W. LINE / AW I 85 MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.9 MAINTENANCE STANDARDS All streetscape hardscape and landscaping approved through the Wynwood Streetscape criteria must have a maintenance plan (created by the property owner) that specifies the hardscape surface cleaning, bioswale cleaning, pruning, irrigation, mulch, fertilization, pest management, inspections, and plant replacement requirements for the property. The plan must contain a description of any variation or deviation from the Maintenance Standards for the Wynwood Streetscape Guidelines. Landscape Maintenance Plan — Sample Form in Volume 3. 8.9.1 Wynwood Landscape Maintenance: Tree Type Specific Criteria a. Table 4: Street Tree Category List 1, `Urban Wild'- landscaping is intended to showcase primarily native species growing in a semi -natural form, highlighting how this urban area remains a vital part of the natural environment. Plant species utilized should require minimal irrigation and fertilization, in order to minimize use of water and pollution of stormwater runoff. Trees should be allowed to grow in their natural form without being shaped to limit their growth except to prevent conflicts with infrastructure or to accommodate view/clearance zones specifically identified in the Landscape Maintenance Standards. 2. Groundcover plants should be maintained within distinct planting beds, but do not require separation from adjacent beds. 3. Shrubs should be pruned to establish dense, full forms, and should not be manicured to produce square corners or flat sides. b. Table 5: Street Tree Category List 2 Planter Trees `Weird, Whimsical and Colorful' - landscaping is intended to showcase species with prominent and brightly colored flowers, unique forms, and features to compliment the vibrant colors of Wynwood, as a reflection of the unique and unconventional character of the art and style that is the hallmark of the District. 1. Trees should be allowed to grow in general accordance with their natural form while promoting production and visibility of their fruits and flowers. 2. Adequate planting space must be provided for these trees (per guidelines), since many have large growth forms, fruit, and other growth habits that are not typically conducive for urban environments. 3. Groundcover plants should be maintained within distinct planting beds, but do not require separation from adjacent beds. 4. Shrubs should be pruned to establish dense, full forms, and should not be manicured to produce square corners or flat sides. MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 8.9.2 Landscape Maintenance Standards This section provides guidance for conducting specific landscape maintenance activities within the Wynwood District. These specifications provide a general baseline of standards, they do not cover all potential aspects of maintenance or each individual scenario. Refer to the standards defined below and the Diagram 33: Landscape Maintenance Diagram. The standards are designed to establish measurable benchmarks to ensure sound industry practices are followed, environmental conservation principals are met, and a consistent aesthetic quality is achieved. Trim and prune all trees in accordance with ANSI A300 Standards and Best Management Practices (BMP). a. Infrastructure Clearance 1. Prune all vegetation to provide five (5) feet of clearance around all signs, lights, and post; for roadway signs, remove any obstructions along the required line of site. 2. Remove all vegetation within a five (5) feet of the light posts and any tree branches under the light fixture at any distance. 3. Trim all shrubs and groundcover such that their overlap does not exceed six (6) inches into designated pedestrian and vehicular paved areas. 4. Prune all vegetation to provide a minimum of five (5) feet of clearance of walls and structures (horizontal and vertical clearance). b. Tree Pruning Cut back to lateral branches (no stub cuts); cut at branch bark collar (no flush cuts). 2. No more than twenty-five (25) percent of the living canopy may be removed by trimming in any twelve (12) month period 3. Priorities for trimming: i. Remove all deadwood. ii. Remove damaged/diseased branches that pose a risk of failure (falling). iii. Remove branches to provide clearance for cars, pedestrians, and infrastructure. iv. Prune for aesthetic improvement (including to establish/improve views). v. Prune to improve structure (correcting co -dominant branching, included bark, etc.). 4. Young trees should be trimmed to develop good structure: single central leader, scaffold branches, and form. C. Palm Pruning 1. Pruning should occur three (3) times per year and be limited to fronds that are more than fifty (50) percent dead and those below the ninety (90) degree plane (parallel to the ground). Yellowing fronds should not be removed if they occur above the ninety (90) degree plane. 87 Iiv, 1/_1iv, IHI OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 2. Palm fronds must be removed or tied back when they interfere with pedestrian or vehicular passage. Palms with twenty-five (25) percent or more of their living fronds, above ninety (90) degree plane that interfere with vehicular/pedestrian passage should have fronds tied back with natural fiber (twine) to prevent pencil - necking and reduction of health from excessive frond removal. d. Specialty Pruning 1. Trees in Open Planters or areas in front of art murals may be pruned with non- standard specifications to achieve a specific form or maintain a view of the mural. 2. Specialty pruning must be proposed in the Maintenance Plan for the property and approved by the City of Miami prior to implementation. 3. Specialty pruning is not appropriate for maintaining views of signs, advertisements or building frontage without art murals. e. Shrubs 1. Shrubs are to be pruned to a rounded form, widest at the base. No square pruning/corners are permitted. Natural forms are preferred. 2. Shrubs are to be pruned six (6) months after planting, and thereafter to allow a maximum of six (6) inches of growth in any direction on any stem without branching. The goal is to maintain full forms. f. Mulch 1. All landscape beds with complete vegetative cover are to receive mulch to cover bare ground. 2. Where used, mulch shall be applied in a three (3) inch thick layer 3. Annually, mulch shall be inspected; partially/fully decomposed mulch removed, and new mulch applied. 4. Mulch is to be Melaleuca mulch or shredded hardwood. No Cypress mulch, no coloring added. 5. New tree and shrub plantings should receive a three (3) inch layer of mulch over rootballs. g. Fertilization 1. All landscape beds may be fertilized, though fertilization is not required unless vegetation displays signs of nutrient deficiency. 2. All landscape beds to receive the same fertilizer type: "palm special" fertilizer with 8-2-12+4 (N-P-K-M) content, unless a landscape professional specifies an alternate type based on site/plant specific needs and provides notification of the substitution to the Environmental Resources Division. 3. Fertilizer must be non -soluble (slow release). 4. Fertilizer must be broadcast spread over the soil surface, do not allow granules to remain on leaf surfaces. Iiv, 1/_1iv, IHI OCTOBER 2020 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS 5. Application rate is point three (0.3) pounds per one hundred (100) square feet of landscape bed, per application event. 6. Fertilizer is to be applied at a maximum interval of three (3) times per year to any landscape bed. 7. Mulch application is to follow ANSI A300 Standards and BMP. 8. Applicator/on-site supervisor must have FDACS Commercial Fertilizer Applicator's License. 9. Do not apply fertilizer when local weather reports a fifty (50) percent or more chance of rain of half ('/2) inch or more within twenty-four (24) hours. h. Bioswales (Wynwood Parking Lane Planters 1, 2 and 3) require routine maintenance to uphold the desired performance and aesthetic quality as well as ensure performance throughout its expected lifetime. 1. City of Miami Public Works Department shall inspect and monitor maintenance. 2. Refer to Volume 3 for Bioswale, Green Infrastructure Maintenance Requirements. 8.9.3 Hardscape Maintenance Standards Pervious Concrete requires adequate maintenance to uphold the desired performance. a. Routine maintenance with a pure vacuum and blower shall be performed on pervious concrete surfaces two (2) times a year. The Wynwood BID shall inspect and monitor maintenance. b. Deep Cleaning with a high-pressure nozzle vacuum truck shall be performed one (1) time every five (5) years. Wynwood BID shall inspect and monitor maintenance. C. Refer to Volume 3 for specifications and maintenance requirements from The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. We MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS OCTOBER 2020 Diagram 33: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DIAGRAM z � U Z Z Z U C = W p H 7 U O r 1 SV32 V NVIES303d H3AO / Ntl310�0-8 NIW a .S� 3V3a Wn3lH3U3A0 HV310041 NIW Z Z Z O Z LWi p � O p ti e,