HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Commission Fact SheetCITY COMMISSION FACT SHEET File ID: 13960 Title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AMENDING APPENDIX J, "WYNWOOD NRD-1 - NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICT," OF ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"); MORE SPECIFICALLY, BY AMENDING SECTION 2.1, TITLED "PURPOSE AND INTENT", ARTICLE 3, TITLED "GENERAL TO ZONES", SECTION 4, TABLE 2, TITLED "TABLE 2. T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE" AND "TABLE 2. T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE", ARTICLE 5, TITLED "SPECIFIC TO ZONES", ARTICLE 9, TITLED "LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS", ARTICLE 10, TITLED "SIGN REGULATIONS", AND SECTION 8, TITLED "STREET MASTER PLAN", TO MODIFY STANDARDS FOR PARKING FOR DEVELOPMENTS LESS THAN 10,000 SQUARE FEET, ALLOW PARKING WITHIN MEZZANINE LEVELS, AND THE ESTABLISH THE WYNWOOD STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN WITHIN THE NRD-1 BOUNDARIES; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION 3.3, TITLED "LOTS AND FRONTAGES", TO ESTABLISH A PROGRAM TO ALLOW LOT ASSEMBLAGES EXCEEDING MAXIMUM LOT AREA WITH PUBLIC BENEFIT CONTRIBUTIONS; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION 3.5, TITLED "WYNWOOD TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PROGRAM", TO ESTABLISH A PROGRAM TO ALLOW UNUSED DENSITY THROUGHOUT THE NRD-1 BOUNDARY TO BE TRANSFERRED FOR THE BENEFIT OF AFFORDABLE/WORKFORCE HOUSING, CIVIC OPEN SPACE AND LEGACY USES, THE ABILITY TO PAY INTO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL DENSITY, ALIGNMENT OF THE AFFORDABLE/WORKFORCE HOUSING BENEFIT TO THE MIAMI 21 CODE'S STANDARDS, AND A CALIBRATED ATTAINABLE MIXED INCOME PROGRAM; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. APPLICANT(S): Arthur Noriega V, City Manager on behalf of City of Miami PURPOSE: This will amend Appendix J : Neighborhood Revitalization Districts, specifically by amending Section 2 titled "Purpose and Intent", Section 3 titled "General to Zones", Section 4, Table 2 titled "Table 2. T5 - Urban Center Zone" and "Table 2. T6 - Urban Core Zone", Section 5 titled "Specific to Zones", Section 6 titled "Landscape Requirements", Section 7 titled "Sign Regulations", and Section 8 titled "Street Master Plan", and by amending/adding Section 3.1 titled "Lots and Frontages" and amending Section 3.5 titled "Wynwood Transfer of Development Rights Program" to establish a set of guidelines for right-of-way improvements for private development to follow that will result in strengthening a sense of place, creating a public landscape experience, building the neighborhood's resilience to the impact of climate change, promoting green infrastructure, and improving pedestrian experience with street furniture, trash receptacle, lighting, and other features. To establish a program to allow lot assemblage exceeding maximum lot area with public benefit contributions to facilitate development that is in the City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 character and vision of NRD-1 and to establish the Wynwood Transfer of Development Rights and Density Program that will to continue encourage development needs for Affordable/Workforce Housing, Civic Open Space, and Legacy Uses for the NRD-1. FINDING(S): PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Recommended approval PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD: Recommended approval on September 16, 2020, by a vote of 10-1. City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 tti V °F�i =rf City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pann Drive kuei;; uai/� Legislation Miami, FL 33133 Q-A Ordinance www.miamigov.com Enactment Number:13960 File Number: 8032 Final Action Date: 12/10/2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AMENDING APPENDIX J, "WYNWOOD NRD-1 - NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICT," OF ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"); MORE SPECIFICALLY, BY AMENDING SECTION 2.1, TITLED "PURPOSE AND INTENT", ARTICLE 3, TITLED "GENERAL TO ZONES", SECTION 4, TABLE 2, TITLED "TABLE 2. T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE" AND "TABLE 2. T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE", ARTICLE 5, TITLED "SPECIFIC TO ZONES", ARTICLE 9, TITLED "LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS", ARTICLE 10, TITLED "SIGN REGULATIONS", AND SECTION 8, TITLED "STREET MASTER PLAN", TO MODIFY STANDARDS FOR PARKING FOR DEVELOPMENTS LESS THAN 10,000 SQUARE FEET, ALLOW PARKING WITHIN MEZZANINE LEVELS, AND THE ESTABLISH THE WYNWOOD STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN WITHIN THE NRD-1 BOUNDARIES; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION 3.3, TITLED "LOTS AND FRONTAGES", TO ESTABLISH A PROGRAM TO ALLOW LOT ASSEMBLAGES EXCEEDING MAXIMUM LOT AREA WITH PUBLIC BENEFIT CONTRIBUTIONS; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION 3.5, TITLED "WYNWOOD TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PROGRAM", TO ESTABLISH A PROGRAM TO ALLOW UNUSED DENSITY THROUGHOUT THE NRD-1 BOUNDARY TO BE TRANSFERRED FOR THE BENEFIT OF AFFORDABLE/WORKFORCE HOUSING, CIVIC OPEN SPACE AND LEGACY USES, THE ABILITY TO PAY INTO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL DENSITY, ALIGNMENT OF THE AFFORDABLE/WORKFORCE HOUSING BENEFIT TO THE MIAMI 21 CODE'S STANDARDS, AND A CALIBRATED ATTAINABLE MIXED INCOME PROGRAM; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 22, 2009, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 13114 as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami ("Miami 21 Code"); and WHEREAS, on September 24, 2015, Ordinance No. 13561 was adopted and amended the Miami 21 Code to include Appendix J, titled "Neighborhood Revitalization Districts" ("NRD- 1 "); and WHEREAS, the NRD-1 was established to foster medium -scale development and promote the transition of Wynwood from an industrial district into a diverse, mixed -use, residential neighborhood; and City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 WHEREAS, as a result of Wynwood's industrial past, there is a dramatic need for green and open space areas along its streets and throughout the NRD-1 with an enhancement to the tree canopy for the benefit of its current and future residents; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2018, the City of Miami ("City") awarded Request for Qualifications No. 16-17-044 to the firm of Arquitectonica GEO to work with the City and the community to develop a blueprint for a "living street" consisting of street trees and other streetscape improvements to Wynwood; and WHEREAS, from August 2018 to December 2018, the City engaged in several community outreach meetings and workshops to receive ideas and feedback on the proposed streetscape master plan design; and WHEREAS, the Wynwood Streetscape Master Plan ("Plan") will establish a set of guidelines for right-of-way improvements for private development to follow that will result in strengthening a sense of place, creating a public landscape experience, building the neighborhood's resilience to the impact of climate change, promoting green infrastructure, and improving pedestrian experiences with street furniture, trash receptacles, lighting, and other features; and WHEREAS, the Plan will establish an implementation strategy to successfully fund, construct, and maintain segments of the Plan using private development contributions within the NRD-1; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that modifying Section 4, Table and Section 5.1 of Appendix J related to parking requirements for small scale development less than 10,000 square feet to continue activation of retail frontages within the NRD-1 and to facilitate parking flexibility within a mezzanine level of a building is appropriate; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that modifying Section 8 of Appendix J, titled "Street Master Plan," to incorporate a higher level of streetscape design guidelines for the NRD-1 boundary resulting in a holistic vision of a "living street" consisting of street trees and other streetscape improvements for the neighborhood is appropriate; and WHEREAS, as the NRD-1 continues to evolve into a vibrant mixed -use neighborhood, it has been identified that unused density throughout the NRD-1 could be used to benefit the need for Affordable/Workforce Housing, Civic Open Space, and Legacy Uses; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that adding Section 3.1 to Appendix J, titled "Lots and Frontages," to establish a program to allow lot assemblages exceeding maximum lot area with public benefit contributions to facilitate development that is in the character and vision of NRD-1 is appropriate; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that modifying Section 3.4 of Appendix J, titled "Wynwood Transfer of Development Rights and Density Program," to continue encouraging development needs for Affordable/Workforce Housing, Civic Open Space, and Legacy Uses for the NRD-1 is appropriate; and WHEREAS, the Wynwood Business Improvement District, at its meeting on August 27, 2020, considered Item No. 7787 and by a vote of seven to zero (7 - 0), recommended the adoption of this proposed amendment to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2020, the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board ("PZAB"), at a duly noticed public hearing, considered PZAB Item No. 5 and adopted Resolution No. City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 PZAB-R-20-035 by a vote of 10-1, recommending approval to the City Commission of the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, consideration has been given as to whether the proposed amendment will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the Miami 21 Code, and other City regulations; and WHEREAS, consideration has been given to the need and justification for the proposed amendment, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FL, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The recitals and finding contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Section 2 of Appendix J, titled "Neighborhood Revitalization Districts," of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 2 — PURPOSE AND INTENT 2.3 EFFECTS OF DISTRICT DESIGNATION e. Where standards in the NRD-1 are silent, the underlying Miami 21 standards and requirements shall govern. At the time fixed rail transit services become available within the NRD-1 Boundaries, TOD benefits and regulations generally available in this Code and the City Code shall be made available except to the extent explicitly modified herein. Section 3. Section 3 of Appendix J, titled "Neighborhood Revitalization Districts," of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 3 - GENERAL TO ZONES 3.1 LOTS AND FRONTAGES Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanaed material. City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 3.1.1 Lot assemblv shall reauire a Unitv of Title or covenant in lieu of Unitv of Title in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Contiguous Lots in one (1) ownership, as of the effective date of this Code, may be developed as one (1) Lot in excess of the maximum Lot size. Development of contiguous lots under common ownership or assembled via a covenant in lieu of Unity of Title for one (1) or more Principal Buildings may exceed maximum lot area by Warrant for Uses that serve the neighborhood and upon determination of compliance with neighborhood compatibility performance criteria set forth below: 1. Building Facades on Primary and Secondary Frontages shall emphasize activated ground floor Habitable Space and incorporate facade treatments that are compatible with the neighborhood character and implement variations in facades through art, glass, or architectural treatments and materials of a design aaaroved by the Plannina Director with the recommendation of the WDRC. Provides for native saecimen street trees within the verae with a DBH of 25% above the typical standards required by the WSMP and Chapter 17 of the City Code; and 3. Incorporates one of the following public benefits for the community within the NRD-1 boundary: a. A Cross -Block Pedestrian Passage, at least fifty percent (50%) open to the sky, which connects at least two (2) Thoroughfares or which is aligned so as to connect with another Paseo or Cross -Block Pedestrian Passage across a Thoroughfare to the subject property and is publicly accessible 24-hours a day or reduced hours by process of Waiver; b. In addition to required Open Space, a minimum of 10% or 5,000 square feet of aross lot area. whichever is areater. as Civic Space Tvae donated as a plaza or courtyard and publicly accessible seven (7) days per week; C. A transit transfer station with direct pedestrian access from a primary or secondary frontage and no less than 5,000 square feet of enclosed space on ground Floor for micro -mobility and paratransit with direct service to a transit station. includina aublicly accessible sanitary facilities and lockers available to the aeneral aublic: or d. Contribution to the NRD-1 Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund may be utilized for up to 20% at an amount equivalent to the balance of the square feet otherwise required for compliance with Section — c. above. 3.4-2 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS 3.4-2.1 Parking Program 3.4-2.2 Loading Standards 3.2-3 THOROUGHFARES 2-3.1 NRD-1 Thoroughfares and Corridors Improvements and new Development along Wynwood Thoroughfares and Corridors within the NRD-1 boundaries shall conform to the following pedestrian safety and comfort standards unless otherwise specified herein: City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 4. Right-of-Wway sections for distinct categories of Thoroughfares and Corridors have been identified within the NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan to establish ideal sidewalk conditions, achieving an enhanced pedestrian experience within the NRD-1. b. NRD-1 Setbacks: Refer to the NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan described within Section 8 for specific setback conditions along Thoroughfares and Corridors within the NRD-1 boundary 3.34 WYNWOOD PUBLIC BENEFITS PROGRAM The intent of the Wynwood Public Benefits Program established in NRD-1 is to allow bonus Building Height in the T5-0, T6, and D1 Transect Zones in exchange for the developer's contribution to specified programs that provide benefits to the Public within the NRD-1 boundaries. The Wynwood Public Benefits Program shall supersede the Public Benefits Program generally applicable in the City under Section 3.14 of this Code. No Building permit shall be issued for bonus Height and FLR until the Zoning Administrator has certified compliance with the provisions of this Section upon referral and assurance of compliance from all applicable departments. Certification shall be made only after a certified check has been deposited and cleared to the Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund or, for non -cash contributions, a binding commitment has been approved by the City Manager. The cash contribution shall be nonrefundable. a. The proposed bonus Height shall be permitted in exchange for contributions to the NRD-1 for the following public benefits: Affordable/Workforce Housing, Public Parks and Open Space, Civic Space or Civil Support space, aPA-Cross-Block Connectivity and Civic Street Type Right - of -Way Enhancements. The City shall establish a Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund for the collection of cash contributions for Affordable/Workforce Housing and Public Parks and Open Space. The Wynwood BID shall annually decide the allocation of funds from the funds collected under this section. Expenditures of these funds shall be in accordance with the Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund as defined in Chapter 62 of the City Code. Definitions Affordable/Workforce Housing shall mean: housing available to families which meet the qualifications as established by Section 13-5 of the City Code. 2. Public Parks and Open Space shall mean: Open Space meeting the standards of Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. 3. Civic Space or Civic Support Use shall mean: a Building Function defined within Article 1, Section 1.1 f. of this Code. 4. Cross -Block Connectivity shall mean: a Paseo, cross -Block Pedestrian Passage, or vehicular cross -Block passage that connects two (2) Thoroughfares, Corridors, or combination thereof; and is publicly accessible City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 24-hours a day and enforced covenant, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 5. Civic Street Type Right -of -Way Enhancements shall mean: rights -of -way specifically identified within the Wynwood Streetscape Master Plan as streets differentiated by prioritizing open pedestrian space, mobility improvements (particularly cycling infrastructure), and the selection of iconic tree species. The woonerf designs will be iconic and emblematic of Wynwood by way of landscape, art, and resilience and provide new opportunities for Civic Space. b. For the purposes of the Wynwood Public Benefits Program, the following criteria shall apply: Affordable/Workforce Housing. A Development project within the NRD-1 boundaries may provide any of the following or combination thereof: i. Affordable/Workforce Housing On -site: For each square foot of Affordable/Workforce Housing priced at or below eighty percent (80%) Area Median Income (including appurtenant shared space such as Parking and circulation) provided on site, the Development shall be allowed twe (2) three 3 square feet of additional area up to the bonus Height as described in Section 3.34(c). For each square foot of Affordable/Workforce housing priced above eighty percent (80%) Area Median Income (including appurtenant shared space such as parking and circulation) provided on -site, the development shall be allowed an equivalent amount of development Floor Area up to the bonus Height and FLR as described in Section 3.4(c). ii. Affordable/Workforce Housing Off -site: For each square foot of Affordable/Workforce Housing (including appurtenant shared space such as Parking and circulation) provided off site, in a location within the City approved by the City Manager, the Development shall be allowed an equivalent square footage of additional area up to the bonus Height as described in Section 3.34 (c). No additional allowance or credit is given for the purchase of the site. 2. Public Parks and Open Space. A Development project within the NRD-1 boundaries may provide any of the following or combination thereof: Dedication On -site: Public Open Space, in addition to required Open Space, may be provided on -site in a location and of a design to be approved by the Planning Director. For each square foot of dedicated Public Park or Open Space provided, the Development shall be allowed an equivalent amount of Development Floor Area up to the bonus Height described in Section 3.34(c). The project shall maintain the Frontage requirements of the Transect Zone set forth within Section 3.23.1(b). The Open Space may be a Civic Space Type. GeuFtyaFd, Plaza e Pedest, i.ar Passage eF €EG GTeenwa-)�-. See Article 4, Table 7 of this Code 3. Civic Space des and Civil Support Uses. For a Development project within the NRD-1 boundaries that donates a Civic Space Type or Civil Support Use on site to the City, an additional two (2) square feet of area for each square foot of donated spaEe-erBuildin Floor Area for use, up to the bonus Height described in Section 3.34(c), shall be allowed. 4. Cross -Block Connectivity. In efforts to further improve neighborhood connectivity and connections through the District, F-ef a Development project within the NRD-1 boundaries that provides a Paseo, cross -Block Pedestrian Passage, or vehicular cross -Block passage, ;f City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 f_ #4& +hen which is at any point more than two -hundred fifty (250) feet from anythe nearest Thoroughfare intersection, further than five -hundred (500) feet from any other Paseo or cross -Block Pedestrian Passage, or aligned with another cross -block Pedestrian Passage or Paseo across a Thoroughfare to an adjacent property, connects two (2) Thoroughfares, and is publicly accessible 24-hours a day or reduced hours by process of Waiver, additional floor area shall be allowed as follows: i. For portions of provided Cross -Block Connectivity that are roofed, the Development shall be allowed an equivalent amount of Development Floor Area up to the bonus Height described in Section 1-34 (c). For portions of provided Cross -Block Connectivity that are open to the sky, the Development shall be allowed five (5) times the Development Floor Area up to the bonus Height described in Section 3.34 (c). 5. Civic Street Type Right -of -Way Enhancements. The Wynwood Streetscape Master Plan designation of Civic Street Types including NW 3 Avenue, NW 1 Avenue, and NW 1 Place Woonerfs and NW 29 Street, NW 5 Avenue, NW 27 Terrace, and NW 28 Street has positioned these roads as landmarks within the District. The Woonerf designs will be iconic and emblematic of Wynwood by way of landscape, art, and resilience and provide new opportunities for Civic Space. In efforts to construct Woonerfs and other specialized Civic Street Types throughout the District as identified within the Wynwood Streetscape Master Plan, a Development project within the NRD-1 boundaries may provide any of the following or combination thereof: For each sauare foot of constructed Civic Street Tvae Riaht-of-Wav Improvements beyond standard Department of Resilience and Public Works right-of-way improvements required by Section 54-56 of the City Code, the Development shall be allowed two (2) times the Development Floor Area uD to the bonus Heiaht described in Section 3.34(c) For a cash contribution to the Right -of -Way Improvement Trust Fund, the Development project shall be allowed additional Floor Area up to the bonus Height described in Section 3.34(c). The cash contribution shall be determined by criteria set forth within Section 8.1.d. -56. Trust Fund contribution. For a cash contribution to the Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund, the Development project shall be allowed additional Floor Area up to the bonus Height de- scribed in Section 3.34(c). The cash contribution shall be determined based on a percentage of the market value of the per square foot price being charged for units at projects within the market area where the proposed project seeking the bonus is located. The calculation assumes a land value per saleable or rentable square foot within market area to equate to between ten percent (10%) to fifteen percent (15%) of the market area's weighted average sales price per square foot. The cash contributions shall be adjusted on an annual basis to reflect market conditions effective October 1 of every year. 3.45 WYNWOOD TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND DENSITY PROGRAM 3.5.1 Wynwood Transfer of Development Rights Program City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 3.5.2 Wynwood Transfer of Development Density Program It is the intent of the Wynwood Transfer of Development Density (TDD) Program to encourage the development of Affordable/Workforce Housing, Civic Open Space, and Legacy Use Floor Area within a Legacy Structure by creating a process whereby the otherwise unusable Development Density of a New NRD-1 development site, Legacy Structure, or improved open space area may be converted into an asset that may be sold to eligible receiving sites located within the NRD-1 boundaries. The Wynwood TDD Program, permitted only within the NRD-1, will facilitate the transfer of Density from Existing or New NRD-1 Development Sites, Legacy Structures, and improved Open Space sites to encourage new residential development that supports the character of Wynwood. Notwithstanding Chapter 23 of the City Code, no property within the NRD-1 boundaries may utilize any other TDD program that may be applicable under this Code or the City Code, either as a sending property or receiving site except as allowed herein. b. Owners of eligible properties may be issued a "certificate of eligibility" by the Zoning Administrator if the aroaerty meets the criteria established by the Wvnwood BID as defined below: 1. Legacy Structure shall mean: See Section 3.5.1 criteria. 2. New NRD-1 Development Site shall mean: Any primarily non -Residential development completed after September 2015 within the NRD-1 boundary. 3. TDD exchange system: The owner of property improved with a New NRD-1 Development Site, Legacy Structure, or Privately Owned Public Open Space may sell TDDs at any time to new Development with Residential or Lodging uses within the NRD-1 Boundary up to fifty percent (50%) increase above allowable Density within T5-0, T5-L, and T6-8-0. New Developments with Residential or Lodging uses may receive up to fifty percent (50%) increase above allowable Density within T5-0, T5-L, and T6-8-0 permitted through the participation in one of the following TDD Benefit Programs: a. Affordable Housing Payout Bonus Density shall be permitted for a Dwelling Unit less than 650 square feet or efficiency units and only if the Development contributes cash to the Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund in the amount of $20,000.00 per Dwelling Unit up to fifty percent (50%) increase beyond otherwise allowable maximum Density. b. Public Parks and Open Space Dedication Off -site: For dedication of Public Park or Open Space provided off -site within the NRD-1 boundary, the Development shall be allowed an equivalent amount of the Development Density up to the amount described in Section 3.5.2.b.3.ii. The Open Space may be a Civic Space Type as more fully described in Article 4, Table 7 of this Code. c. NRD-1 Legacy Use City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 Legacy Use shall mean: Legacy Structure site with an active Certificate of Occupancy and a Certificate of Use. A Legacy Structure site selling TDDs shall be allowed an equivalent amount of the site Development Density of the active Certificate of Occupancy and a Certificate of Use for its gross leasable floor area. 3.5.3 Wynwood Attainable Mixed Income Program a. As a pre -requisite to qualify as a Wynwood Attainable Mixed -Income Development eliaible for anv of the special benefits described in Article 3. Section 3.15 of this Code, an applicant shall submit to the Office of Zoning: 1. Certification by the City's Housing and Community Development Department that the proposed Development will provide a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the Dwelling Units as Affordable Housing serving residents at or below sixty percent (60%) of AMI and the remainder of the Dwelling Units up to Market Rate Housing or certification by the City's Housing and Community Development Department that the proposed Development will provide a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the Dwelling Units as Affordable Housing serving residents at or below fifty percent (50%) of AMI and the remainder of the Dwelling Units up to Market Rate Housing. 2. A recorded covenant running with the land acceptable to the City and in a form acceptable to the City Attorney confirming the property will meet the criteria in subsection (1) above for a period of no less than thirty (30) years from the date of the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancv. which shall be automatically extended for Deriods of ten (10) vears that may be released only by a vote of the City Commission at a publicly noticed hearing. b. Wynwood Attainable Mixed Income Development shall be provided all the flexibilities described in Article 3, Section 3.15 of this Code except as modified below. Any Development that meets the criteria in Section 3.5.3.a and provides a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the Dwelling Units as Extremely Low Income as defined herein shall be provided a one hundred percent (100%) Density bonus. The Development after the Density bonus shall maintain the Affordable and Market Rate Housing mix described in Section 3.5.3.a(1) and shall provide ten Dercent (10%) of the Dwellina Units as Extremelv Low Income Housina for the entire Development. 2. Any Development that meets the criteria in Section 3.5.3.a and provides a minimum of five percent (5%) of the Dwelling Units as Extremely Low Income as defined herein shall be Drovided a fiftv Dercent (50%) Densitv bonus. The Development after the Densitv bonus shall maintain the Affordable and Market Rate Housing mix described in Section 3.5.3.a(1) and shall provide five percent (5%) of the Dwelling Units as Extremely Low Income Housing for the entire Development. 3. The income restricted housina reauired under Section 3.5.3 can be fullv or Partially paid out into the Affordable Housinq Trust Fund at the rate of $35,000.00 per required unit at sixty percent (60%) AMI, $55,000.00 per required unit at fifty percent (50%) AMI, and $75,000.00 per required unit at thirty percent (30%) AMI. A Wvnwood Attainable Mixed Income Development that fully or partially pays out anv income restricted housina reauired under this Section shall not be permitted to utilize Article 3, Section 3.15.4 or 3.15.5 of this Code. City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 Section 4. Section 4 of Appendix J: Neighborhood Revitalization Districts of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 4 — STANDARDS AND TABLES TABLE 2. T5 - URBAN CENTER ZONE Limited Open DENSITY (UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE RESIDENTIAL See Article 4, Table 5 Residential Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Residential Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Dwelling Unit 650 square feet or less Dwelling Unit 650 square feet or less • Minimum of one (1) parking spaces per • Minimum of one (1) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure, or off -site within a Parking Structure, or • Payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per • Payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per Dwelling Unit may be provided for off- Dwelling Unit may be provided for off- street Parking into the Wynwood Parking street Parking into the Wynwood Parking Trust Fund, for up to the first forty (40) Trust Fund, for up to the first forty (40) spaces per development project. For any spaces per development project. For any required spaces after the first forty (40), required spaces after the first forty (40), payment -in -lieu of remaining half (0.5) payment -in -lieu of remaining half (0.5) space per Dwelling Unit of required off- space per Dwelling Unit of required off- street parking may be provided into the street parking may be provided into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (10) Dwelling parking space for every ten (10) Dwelling Units shall be provided on -site or off -site Units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure within a Parking Structure Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required-, or within a TOD vehicular spaces required-, or within a TOD area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per Dwelling Unit. Dwelling Unit. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be T3 Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit by process of Waiver and payment into a enhancement Trust Fund, as established by transit enhancement Trust Fund, as Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor by one hundred percent (100%) for any Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand less. (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle required parking spaces may be exchanged for parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack for each required parking space. Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 LODGING Lodging Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3. Lodging Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3. • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every vehicular spaces required-, or within a TOD 20 vehicular spaces required-, or within a TOD area, one (1) bicycle rack space for every five area, one (1) bicycle rack space for every five (5) lodging units. (5) lodging units. • Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated • Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit by process of Waiver and payment into a enhancement Trust Fund, as established by transit enhancement Trust Fund, as Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor by one hundred percent (100%) for any Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand less. (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle required parking spaces may be exchanged for parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack for each required parking space. Spaces for each required parking space. • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 OFFICE Office Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Office Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 3 parking spaces for every 1,000 • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 square feet of office use-, or within a TOD area, vehicular spaces required-, or within a TO one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per square feet of Office area. 3,000 square feet of Office area. Parking requirement may be reduced according • Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated to the Shared parking standard, Article 4, Table T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be 5. reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor ' Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces maybe exchanged for Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. Within a TOD area or for Developments along Parking may be provided by ownership or lease offsite within 1000 feet by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 for each required parking space. Parking may be provided by ownership or lease offsite within 1000 feet by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 COMMERCIAL Commercial Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Commercial Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a vehicular spaces required, or within a TO TOD area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per required per 3,000 square feet of 3,000 square feet of Commercial area. Commercial area. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit reduced within a TOD area or within a Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty by process of Waiver and payment into a percent (50%) by process of Waiver and transit enhancement Trust Fund, as payment into a transit enhancement Trust established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand City Code, or by one hundred percent 1 (10,000) square feet or less. (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along • Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Spaces for each required parking space. Rack Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 Commercial Auto -related, Drive-Thru or Drive -In • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 Facilities - See Article 6. CIVIC Civic Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Civic Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Civic area 3,000 square feet of Civic area Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be T3 Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit by process of Waiver and payment into a enhancement Trust Fund, as established by transit enhancement Trust Fund, as Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor by one hundred percent (100%) for any Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand less. (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle required parking spaces may be exchanged for parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack for each required parking space. Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 CIVIL SUPPORT Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Civil Support area. 3,000 square feet of Civil Support area. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be T3 Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit by process of Waiver and payment into a enhancement Trust Fund, as established by transit enhancement Trust Fund, as Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor by one hundred percent (100%) for any Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand less. (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle required parking spaces may be exchanged for parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack for each required parking space. Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 • Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 EDUCATIONAL Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Educational area. 3,000 square feet of Educational area. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be T3 Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit by process of Waiver and payment into a enhancement Trust Fund, as established by transit enhancement Trust Fund, as Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor by one hundred percent (100%) for any Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand less. (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle required parking spaces may be exchanged for parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack for each required parking space. Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 Loading- Refer to Article 4, Table 3 TABLE 2. T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE Limited Open DENSITY (UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE RESIDENTIAL See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Residential Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Dwelling Unit 650 square feet or less • Minimum of one (1) parking spaces per Dwelling Unit shall be provided on -site or off - site within a Parking Structure, or • Payment -in -lieu of one (1) space per Dwelling Unit may be provided for off-street Parking into the Wynwood Parking Trust Fund, for the first for (40) spaces per development project. For any required spaces after the first forty (40), Payment -in -lieu of remaining half (0.5) space per Dwelling Unit of required off-street parking may be provided into the Wvnwood Parking Trust Fund. • Minimum of one (1) additional visitor parking space for every ten (10) Dwelling Units shall be provided on -site or off -site within a Parking Structure Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required-, or within a TOD area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per Dwelling Unit. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver; by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 LODGING See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Lodging Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3. • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required-, or within a TOD area , one (1) bicycle rack space for every five (5) lodging units. • Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver; by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 OFFICE See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Office Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required -,or within a TOD area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Office area. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transact Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 COMMERCIAL See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Commercial Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TO area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Commercial area. Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code; or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 Commercial Auto -related, Drive-Thru or Drive -In Facilities - See Article 6. CIVIC See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Civic Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Civic area Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver; by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. Loading - See Section 4, Table 3 CIVIAL SUPPORT See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Civil Support Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD area. one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Civil Support area Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver; by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six 6 Bicycle Rack City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 Spaces for each required parking space. • Loading - See Article 4, Table 3 EDUCATIONAL See Article 4, Table 5 See Article 4, Table 5 Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 1, limited by compliance with: Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required, or within a TOD area, one (1) Bicycle Rack Space required per 3,000 square feet of Educational area Except for sites within 500 feet of an ungated T3 Transect Zone, the parking ratio may be reduced within a TOD area or within a Transit Corridor area by up to thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver; by up to fifty percent (50%) by process of Waiver and payment into a transit enhancement Trust Fund, as established by Chapter 35 of the City Code, or by one hundred percent (100%) for any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less. Within a TOD area or for Developments along bike line network identified in the WSMP Illustration 8.4, twenty percent (20%) of required parking spaces may be exchanged for bicycle parking at a ratio of six (6) Bicycle Rack Spaces for each required parking space. Loading- Refer to Article 4, Table 3 Section 5. Section 5 of Appendix J: Neighborhood Revitalization Districts of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 5 - SPECIFIC TO ZONES 5.1 URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONE (T5) b. Building Configuration 1. Building Heights shall be measured in Stories and shall comply with Article 4, Table 2 and be as shown in Illustration 5.1, except as to bonus Height where applicable according to Sections 3.34 and 3.45 contained herein. For a ground floor retail Story with a total Height of twenty-five (25) feet, a parking level may be contained within the mezzanine space by Waiver if masked from the Frontage by City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 a Liner Building or an art treatment of a design approved by the Director with the recommendation of the WDR, is provided for one hundred (100%) percent of that portion of the Facade. Louvers and other parking garage ventilation openings are not permitted along street Frontages within mezzanine space. 2. A one (1) Story Building may be allowed through the Warrant process provided that the ground level Story is no less than fourteen (14) feet in Height and one of the following is provided or a combination thereof: i. Green Roof treatment no less than fifty percent (50%) of the ground Development Floor Area; ii. On -site Civic Space Type including landscaping consisting of pavement, lawn, and trees as provided within Article 4, Table 7 of this Code of an area no less than forty percent (40%) of the Development Floor Area; or iii. A cash contribution to the Wynwood Public Benefits Trust Fund equivalent to the Development Lot Area on which the one (1) Story Building is placed. The value of this cash contribution will follow the provisions described in Section 3.34(b)(5). Drive-through/Drive-in Facility Uses shall not be allowed in one (1) Story Buildings. 3. Mechanical equipment on a roof shall be enclosed by parapets of the minimum Height necessary to conceal it, and a maximum Height of five (5) feet. Other ornamental Building features may extend up to ten (10) feet above the maximum Building Height. Roof decks shall be permitted up to the maximum Height. Trellises may extend above the maximum Height up to eight (8) feet. Extensions up to ten (10) feet above the maximum Height for stair, elevator, mechanical enclosures, Habitable Space, or non -Habitable Rooms shall be limited to twenty (20%) of the roof area, unless approved by Waiver. Habitable Space shall be treated as Public Benefit Floor Area. d. Parking Standards Primary Frontage. All Parking, including drop-off drives and Porte-cocheres, open Parking areas, covered Parking, garages, Loading Spaces and service areas shall be located within the Third Layer and shall be masked from the Frontage by a Liner Building or Streetscreen as illustrated in Article 4, Table 8. Parking may extend into the Second Layer above the first Story or parking level contained within a mezzanine space, by Waiver, if an art, glass, or architectural treatment, of a design to be approved by the Director, with the recommendation of the WDRC, is provided for one hundred (100%) percent of that portion of the Fagade. Surface Parking may extend into the Second Layer a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the length of the Primary Frontage up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet. g. Landscape Standards City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 3. The First Layer shall be hardscaped to match the Public Frontage as described within the adopted Wvnwood Streetscape Master Plan. c+roo++rooms chill ho Y e7+l„ 7ll9 era IY +ho Verge, and the Verge shall be permeable pavement All improvements within the Public Right--of-Way shall comply with Section 8 — Wvnwood Streetscape Master Plan. 5.2 URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONE (T6) b. Building Configuration 2. Building Heights shall be measured in Stories and shall comply with Article 4, Table 2 and be as shown in Illustration 5.1, except as to bonus Height where applicable according to Sections 3.34 and 3.45 contained herein. For a ground floor retail Story with a total height of twenty-five (25) feet, a parking level may be contained within the mezzanine space by Waiver if masked from the Frontage by a Liner Building or an art treatment of a design approved by the Director with the recommendation of the WDRC is provided for one hundred (100%) percent of that portion of the Facade. Louvers and other parking garage ventilation openings are not permitted along street Frontages within mezzanine space. 3. Mechanical equipment on a roof shall be enclosed by parapets of the minimum Height necessary to conceal it, and a maximum Height of five (5) feet. Other ornamental Building features may extend up to ten (10) feet above the maximum Building Height. Roof decks shall be permitted up to the maximum Height. Trellises may extend above the maximum Height up to eight (8) feet. Extensions up to ten (10) feet above the maximum Height for stair, elevator, mechanical enclosures, Habitable Space, or non - Habitable Rooms shall be limited to twenty (20%) of the roof area, unless approved by Waiver. Habitable Space shall be treated as Public Benefit Floor Area. e. Landscape Standards The First Layer shall be hardscaped to match the Public Frontage as described within the adopted Wvnwood Streetscape Master Plan. Stroo+ trees shall be Read„ aligned Or, the VeFge, aflc` the VeFge shall be peFF cable pavemeRt All improvements within the Public Right--of-Way shall comply with Section 8 — Wvnwood Streetscape Master Plan. Section 6. Section 6 of Appendix J: Neighborhood Revitalization Districts of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIXJ: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 SECTION 6 — LANDSCAPE REQURIEMENTS 6.1 INTENT AND PURPOSE Within the NRD-1, Article 9 of this Code shall apply, except as modified below or within the Wynwood Streetscape Master Plan. If such requirements conflict, NRD-1 requirements shall apply. Section 7. Section 7 of Appendix J: Neighborhood Revitalization Districts of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 7 - SIGN REGULATIONS 7.1 NRD-1 SIGN STANDARDS The following Sign standards shall apply within NRD-1 for T5, T6, and D1 Transect Zones. a. Painted Wall Signs as defined within Article 1, Section 1.3 and Article 10, Table 15 shall be allowed by Right. b. All other Building Identification and Business Identification Signs shall be subject to Article 10, Table 15 Sign Design Standards and approved by the Director with the recommendation of the WDRC. c. Any Signs, including digital kiosks, located within the Public Right -of -Way shall be approved by the Department of Resilience and Public Works with the recommendation from the Wvnwood BID. Section 8. Section 8 of Appendix J: Neighborhood Revitalization Districts of the Miami 21 Code is amended in the following particulars:' "MIAMI 21 APPENDIX J: NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION DISTRICTS SECTION 8 - STREET MASTER of nniSTREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 (REMOVE MAP) (REMOVE SECTIONS/ILLUSTRATIONS) City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 8.1 NRD-1 STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN Wynwood is transitioning from an industrial district into an active, diverse, mixed -use neighborhood. The current character of the neighborhood is demarcated, traversed, and connected by atypical block compositions and narrow rights -of -way attributed to the industrial past. The neighborhood's predominately zoned fifty -foot (50') rights -of -way combined with a high percentage of nonconforming parcels makes it a challenge to balance feasible development and an adequate pedestrian environment. The NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan creates a series of rights -of -way, establishes appropriate Setback areas and ideal sidewalk conditions to promote pedestrian activity for the future of Wynwood. Right -of -Way Street Types have been established by the City's Planning Department and Resilience and Public Works Department and applied to Wynwood's Thoroughfare network based on right-of-way width and conditions as identified in Illustration 8.3: Guidelines to specific street types. The NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan also serves as a set of Design Guidelines establishing a blueprint for a "living street" consisting of street trees and other streetscape enhancements. a. NRD-1 Street Hierarchy The NRD-1 Street Master Plan acknowledges the relative importance of several significant Corridors known as Wynwood Corridors and NRD-1 Corridors. Due to their importance, these Corridors are aiven established setback provisions that are different from that of the underlvinc Transect Zone. b. NRD-1 Setbacks NRD-1 STREETS SETBACKS Wynwood Corridors NW 29th Street NW 20th Street Principal and Secondary Frontage Setback is ten (10) feet NRD-1 Corridors NW 2nd Avenue NW 5th Avenue Principal Frontage Setback is zero 0 feet Wynwood Thoroughfares All other street rights -of -way Principal and Secondary Frontage Setback is five (5) within NRD-1 that are not specified as Corridors above. feet c. Alternative Rights -of -Way Alternative right-of-way sections have been created for thoroughfares between fifty (50) and one hundred (100) feet in width. A Woonerf has also been provided as an alternative right-of-way type and applied to several locations throughout the NRD-1. The application of these Alternative riaht-of-wav conditions can be seen within the Streetscape Master Plan Volume 1: Design Guidelines. d. NRD-1 Streetscape Master Plan Contribution 1. Street Tree Contribution: For street tree placement along Wvnwood Thoroughfares and Wvnwood/NRD Corridor, the applicant shall provide street trees pursuant to Streetscape Master Plan Volume 1: City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 Design Guidelines. For adaptive reuse projects that have limited verge space less than four (4) feet in width, projects shall provide a cash contribution into the Wynwood Public Benefit Trust Fund for the sum of three thousand dollars ($3.000.00) for each street tree uired alona a corridor Frontaae. 2. Right -of -Way Improvement Contribution: For a development project exceeding $1,000,000.00 in total value along a Wynwood Thoroughfare or Wynwood/NRD Corridor, the applicant shall provide enhanced Right -of - Way improvements pursuant to Streetscape Master Plan Volume 1: Design Guidelines. If improvements cannot be achieved by a development, projects may provide a cash contribution into the Enhanced Right -of -Way Improvement Trust Fund in the total amount anticipated for the Right -of -Way improvements identified within Volume 2: Data, Analysis, and Illustrations. 8.2 STREETSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES The NRD-1 Streetscape Guidelines shall serve as a set of requirements to improve and enhance Right -of -Way conditions. These enhancements are in conjunction with the overall intent established in the NRD-1 and will provide provisions for street trees and landscape, paving materials and hardscape, and furnishing and lighting elements. The NRD-1 Streetscape Guidelines consist of the following volumes and shall be maintained by the Planning Department: Volume 1: Design Guidelines Volume 2: Data, Analysis and Illustrations Volume 3: Design Resources Volume 4: Woonerf Schematic Design Section 9. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 10. It is the intention of the City Commission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Miami 21 Code, which provisions may be renumbered or relettered and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word to accomplish such intention. Section 11. This Ordinance shall be effective ten (10) days after its adoption and signature by the Mayor.2 2 This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10) days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein. whichever is later City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Vyt6riai dez,City A ttor iey 11124/2020 City of Miami File ID: 8032 (Revision: A) Printed On: 1212812020