HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Item Summary Formikt� Ike IAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM { f Second Reading rl k S a ra 1 Date: 07/08/2020 Requesting Department: Department of Resilience and Public Works Commission Meeting Date: 12/10/2020 Sponsored By: Type: Ordinance District Impacted: All Subject: Amend Code - Chapter 39 - Vending Districts PURPOSE OF ITEM: An Ordinance of the Miami City Commission amending Chapter 39/Article II, entitled "Peddlers and Itinerant Vendors/Sidewalk and Street Vendors" of the Code of the City of Miami, as amended by providing additional definitions and restrictions. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Article II of Chapter 39 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), regulates vending on streets, rights of way and publicly owned parking facilities within the City of Miami. The proposed amendment will update the City Code to more effectively address vending in the public right of way. Budget Impact Analysis Item has NO budget impact Item is NOT Related to Revenue Item is NOT funded by Bonds Reviewed By City Commission Nicole Ewan Meeting Completed 07/23/2020 9:00 AM Office of Resilience and Sustainability Alan M. Dodd Department Head Review Completed 08/12/2020 9:29 AM Office of Management and Budget Donovan Dawson Budget Analyst Review Completed 08/28/2020 11:43 AM Office of Management and Budget Christopher M Rose Budget Review Completed 08/28/2020 12:56 PM City Manager's Office Nzeribe Ihekwaba Assistant City Manager Review Completed 08/31/2020 1:34 PM City Manager's Office Arthur Noriega V City Manager Review Completed 08/31/2020 7:41 PM Legislative Division Valentin J Alvarez Legislative Division Review Completed 09/01/2020 11:59 AM Office of the City Attorney Daniel Goldberg ACA Review Completed 09/04/2020 9:45 AM Office of the City Attorney Barnaby L. Min Deputy Attorney Review Completed 09/04/2020 9:56 AM Office of the City Attorney Victoria Mendez Approved Form and Correctness Completed 09/15/2020 1:52 PM City Commission Nicole Ewan Meeting Completed 09/24/2020 9:00 AM City Commission Nicole Ewan Meeting Completed 10/08/2020 9:00 AM Legislative Division Valentin J Alvarez Legislative Division Review Completed 10/16/2020 9:24 AM Office of the City Attorney Daniel Goldberg ACA Review Completed 10/16/2020 11:06 AM Office of the City Attorney Barnaby L. Min Deputy Attorney Review Completed 10/17/2020 9:24 AM Office of the City Attorney Victoria Mendez Approved Form and Correctness Completed 10/22/2020 11:18 AM City Commission Nicole Ewan Meeting Completed 11/19/2020 9:00 AM Legislative Division Valentin J Alvarez Legislative Division Review Completed 11/23/2020 1:28 PM Office of the City Attorney Daniel Goldberg ACA Review Completed 11/23/2020 1:49 PM Office of the City Attorney Barnaby L. Min Deputy Attorney Review Completed 11/23/2020 2:11 PM Office of the City Attorney Victoria Mendez Approved Form and Correctness Completed 11/24/2020 9:59 AM City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: B) Printed On: 1212812020 City Commission Nicole Ewan Meeting Completed 12/10/2020 9:00 AM Office of the Mayor Mayor's Office Unsigned by the Mayor Completed 12/16/2020 12:25 PM Office of the City Clerk City Clerk's Office Signed and Attested by the City Clerk Completed 12/16/2020 12:34 PM Office of the City Clerk City Clerk's Office Rendered Completed 12/16/2020 12:34 PM City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: B) Printed On: 1212812020 - City of Miami City Hall Legislation 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Ordinance www.miamigov.com Enactment Number:13947 File Number: 7632 Final Action Date: 12/10/2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 39/ARTICLE II OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), TITLED "PEDDLERS AND ITINERANT VENDORS/SIDEWALK AND STREET VENDORS", BY DELETING REQUIREMENTS AND DEFINITIONS RELATED TO THE OBSOLETE COCONUT GROVE, MIAMI ARENA, BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, AND RESTAURANT ARCADE SPECIAL VENDING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR PROHIBITIONS AGAINST VENDING IN THE WYNWOOD AND COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS AND ON ANY RIGHT-OF-WAY ABUTTING A T3 TRANSECT ZONE; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR A MODIFIED MAXIMUM WIDTH FOR VENDING STANDS IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY; CLARIFYING CONTINUED ALLOWANCE FOR PEDDLING; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 39/Article II of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), titled "Peddlers and Itinerant Vendors/Sidewalk and Street Vendors", regulates vending on streets, rights -of -way, and publicly owned parking facilities within the City of Miami ("City"); and WHEREAS, the Department of Resilience and Public Works' review of the City Code has determined that the same requires updating in order to delete references to obsolete vending districts that are no longer in use as well as to modify the width of allowed vending stands to ensure the unimpeded use of the public rights -of -way where vending continues to be permissible; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Chapter 39/Article II of the City Code is further amended in the following particulars:' "CHAPTER 39" PEDDLERS AND ITINERANT VENDORS ' Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanaed material. City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 ARTICLE II. SIDEWALK AND STREET VENDORS Sec. 39-26. - Definitions. For the purposes of this Article: Business tax receipt (BTR) as defined in Chapter 31 of the City of Miami Code. Civic center special vending district is defined as all public rights -of -way within that area bound by and including both sides of Northwest 12th Avenue on the east, Northwest 14th Street on the north, Northwest 12th Street on the south, and Northwest 14th Avenue on the west. 06—p-r--p—PUt G—FG�� speGiai Vending Glist.flr--t is defopead as all p6ibliG Fights ef way WithiR that area Read, theR flriie to M FY Street Whinh is the PeiRt of hegiRRO N1Arthe;;5;VN1erftnce1;t Tenth QtYeet en the north Motor vehicle is defined as any vehicle used for the displaying, storing, or transporting of articles offered for sale by a vendor, which is required to be licensed and registered by the department of highway safety and motor vehicles. Open flame is defined as being a heat source which consists of a visible flame or which produces smoke at any time. Open flame cooking is defined as the cooking of food utilizing a heat source which consists of a visible flame or which produces smoke during the cooking process. terms aR d pFeyisie% of this arti nle Person is defined as any natural individual, firm, trust, partnership, association, or corporation, in his/her or its own capacity or as administrator, conservator, executor, trustee, receiver, or other representative appointed by a court. Whenever the word "person" is used in any section of this article prescribing a penalty or fine as applied to partnerships or associations, the word shall include the partners (both general and limited) or members thereof, and such word as applied to corporations shall include the officers, agents, or employees thereof who are responsible for any violation of said section. Planning sticker is defined as the sticker issued by the planning, building and zoning department pursuant to section 39-34(7). Posted notice lottery is defined as a lottery with notice to be given solely by the posting of at least four signs in each of the city's special and restricted zoning districts, with the exception of the arcade and Miami Arena vending districts, at least 30 days prior to the lottery date. Pushcart is defined as a wheeled vehicle propelled solely by a single human. City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 Qualified vendor is defined as any vendor who successfully completes prequalification of his, her or its application for a vending zone; including pushcart certification and proof of all required licenses and permits. Restaurant arcade is defined as a second -level structure authorized, pursuant to section 54-186 of this Code, to extend within the public right-of-way by revocable permit, which is elevated over a portion of the public sidewalk, and which at the second level contains only seating for a restaurant located within the second floor of an adjacent building. y eXteRd beyGGRd and parallel to the s+ree+ side of cl Inh res+�l IrroN+ �rnarle vcrc ci mac-vrvavrr-rcvcaurarrc-arvaa� Sec. 39-32. Vending prohibited in certain locations. Vending, but not peddling, is prohibited in the following locations: (1) Within special vending districts er rest7a Ir7N+ er`+adta venrliRg ZeNes except within designated vending zones of said areas. (11) Within the boundaries of the Wynwood Business Improvement District. 12) Within the boundaries of the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District. (13) Within the right-of-way abutting a T3 Transect Zone. Sec. 39-34. 6+r tat en iithmnr ^^eNl I+ Gre.,e SP9Giel VeNrliRg dis+riGt Reserved. r speGifiGally ereyided helew: (I NE) m„reF haNdise shall he ded F displayed ^theFt#a� arrcrrac�rra�vei-lcr � has h N ruff shape, design ferrN er fl INn+IeN IC has a� �rte-arr-eet+r eree+ , I^ as aR eFigiRal ehien f aF r GFaf+ The f r aF hies f sale must aeeep c Ict�r r-�clrrt�rcna�r.-nT�C��rt�r-crrt��cct�rcaTc� be pFeq ^rnIm i R a R tlyerea ted e F altered I N feFFn ytrh e street-a'rcivt-eT" rcFa ftsp a Fse R .. Assembly aleNe Apes Ne+ ne Ns+i+l I+e handmadl +h� R a PUGhP GhGaTt eT+he type shI' wR eR attaGhm^N+ A here+^ (N^+ FepFe -!I iGed IN the b IsiNess tax reneie+ fer mere +haR eNe el Ichner+ OR the hereiN dic+rin+ (3) Ver ding zeRes.. e Q aR a NI Irnber ofy diRg Res shell Ne+ a��-aurrtFt'JF-ai�-iec-atf6i-l-e�lFei-l'��Ze�}es��-n-arrrr�cr-crvei-lcrrrigzZe,��rran-nvi Isle ding shell he e N Ge NI I enlel eRdiRg e�ceeed teri�ve�lcrrrrg-a,Ta�r�c-peril-Ftte��rrt�vee,�cr ccrcn-=P'cncnrig gr^,GattaGhed herete as°attar; eRt,A," as amended, and heFeiR FefeFred teas the -"vendi Ng map I, (AttaGhrneRtA is RetFepFedeeed� +e Iene+ie NC eyed by the rliren+er of the depaFtmeN+ of resilieNne ep City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 the fraR co r ed .III fFaR shall he sl Ihient to a Rew letteryi i�p2�lva--cnr-rrarr err ii The rlirenter is aI hherized to issl le a "RGtine of streetyerir iRg fFaRGhise GppGrtWRitie�GGGR It Greve." fer nh frer�nhiscp ed �FEL-rcr2� cn--rrui�crTr.� �Ivcr shell he p Ihlinly advertised OR a Rewspaper of geNerel nirnl Metier OR appFevimetely mid August aR d mid February of eenh neleRdaF deer aR d shell iRdiGete the Ne RdiR y availability of evnll IsiyeyeRdiR y ZGRes OR the arrtFiC.t andthe t FngsTrsef SUGh a\ aIlahIllt\/ IN IdiNg the placid time of the lettery NOtines as fer a pested Petine lette Fy Fnay also he ` iyeN but shell he neRsidered nel IrtesY RE)tine eRlY City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 Mr.. NZIN 1110 Oil ,MAUI ..LIM #ems City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 W-0. 'milli Ifig . _. h PushartS S-haH b buk f durable weed S Gh as eaL er similar selod weeds. 1 PI shGaFt GeRS# IAeR chel d exhibit thei lohtfi II des jR aR d good tenh RWq ie j. PushGaAS Wise by de Sig Red to GoRtaiR all prod IGtJ supplies aR d eoi iipn er# RenessaF / to their eoera4e--1 L � Garroust aye carGaRreoy= vhnhrGems outfr body of trt err. I FNSNRg er meVJRg Nghtc ere Ne} ��. m Use of lei dspeakerc er renerrled high volume F'R icin is Ret oerrnitte/-1 City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 ... .. Af the ••. ..a.m. and. .. .. ... .m le - e -me - - I - I . affill 101111MINi Oil go. NNW. 1111111i NIN.1 1,10 Oft��_ ■ W-1 all Sec. 39-36. L omo+,+;GRS w0th;r Festa FaRt „-GaleyeRdORP ",row Reserved. City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 Ga Repioc and umbrellas, whinh are REA Feq mFed e. AddtieRall y0 all p shcaa Fts s all satisfy the FeIIG\ ORg design g iidelis�. 1 EaGhchpashGaFt must e a miRim61m E)Ftn[WG-W -eC . City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812025 transferable IN aRy FnaR eF a Feas f9F a "GemmI IN1+\/ er CpCarp\ eRt" aw+h�pp�pFFn + 1CCApdy}� ,.1 C„T!^I.I,IiGe PIepaF+GmeRt al.,,, d. The Feq �iurr�the } �iVGTI �.�n } GTI}TT,f,ITJJ,.I,,GZ�I� l efr-rrestaWFaRt aFGade i'uiRg r�o h c roo+ sidewalk, t�yFemevalv-al ve E)r r aiFS Retie o S inh rin+inr� y�r2�urr�--i�cccSS+t-a-t blin �e eFkS nr Mtn.. depar FneRt may and z6rrcS \r"v=rT2�i��rccr�acvrcrtn�-vrzr o The d aF ff r�neRno �T�cr�ur��i� pelinGe p �T cp c-muY City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 f The `+i+, and itS AffiiGemstand empleyees shalul! RGt for restallrapt n beTcSPvRisihIo arnarde 7nne nnmpnnentc relnnaterd d firing emergenniec n to anr-I ...ade part of the permit appearanne at all times and Oho area shall he nlearerJ of all rlehric nn a perinrlin hack rJi firing the Glayr anrd again at the nlnce of eanh hi iciness rlayr Fight _nf_way• this shall not prnhihit Oho 1 ice of i imhrellac narnring nnmpan �r iWTtiR I' es' r ,,,I, he-per.M.4tee Gh;luri-rnry t diree� r•'rclstlleRGe anr•J NOG WE)Fks h. PH 2. The-permittee doeas et i suranr_o whir-h i_rreet ;4rnrcd tQ eetM,gQ-�i-rA -haven minima im amni ant rJecnriher-J in ci �hcentinn thLQ (F\ nr Vehini filar traffin nai ice nnngectinn 3 (`hanging GGRditinnc of perdectrian rreicrvs+tat+g9--ree�v�rv-ai-v rTervtaiir rn�'ABAd- i�nngZE)no Ci inh dtaruisinn chill he hated i ipnn fiRdingc of rdirentnr path that the ten_feet is inci iffinient i inrder evicting nirrui 1mst.anruos pedestrian anrd represents a danger to the health safety, nr general welfare of pedectrianc nr rehini filer troffir s;At+ens ef this A_.r A 0 4. Thefailed teruerresty peFrnittee;as his/her permityVithin three days of �art+slea reneipt of the rdirentnr"c nntir-e of came rdeloyered ORto the peFrnittee 1r+ r��+ -aGt+eTTTtG pr�FehibitVelat+e Rots fFe Fn wFitINg 5. p heeFrn ittee hasfailedto takeesitive FeGWFFIR— Q The p ail make failed to make medifiGa ieRs •thiN thr of r G p f ��T .�r7eTlTTftt the r'ilre Gte F'S rletiGe of Came delivered 17'r-reGe7�7t�T IN wFitlrlg to the peYmlttee FGad amay be 7 Di fish its and ether �rrEarc�-�rrcry ��--vc�cr9 yestic��ftnhee�t��Tta r yeRdi�Ngg zeRec remeyed by the departrvme Nt of recilieNne f er ark t�Ttat�Tl�.TtGR�j�fTGLR�r- and pi ihlin werks and a reaseNahle 0 N and s erage should p ttee fall to eTITTfCCGG-fGTr-CQ Tee- � remeye the items 36 hei arc of reneipt of the direnter'c fiNal Netine to r-le withiN se feF aRy TeaeoNr led f�eF if the-act+eR is takeebas� � 6iRdeFthms-aFt+c-ke. nN si bsegtieN 2 er Q the antieN shall heger•Yme effegtnre i rpeN the (7)a (7)a TeG+eipt ^�Gh RetiGe andthepeF ttee shall have fei it hei arc to remeye the City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 Sec. 39-37. I o mi+ri+iGRS wi+hir, Miami /\Fe Ra speGial \/eRdiRg dic+rin+ Reserved �--rvv-„-reFC aRuscsrrarrbe veRdedvr- displayed etheF thaR feed. /-Q\ Ne TlirEei$ e��9r held a Irn CaI b GnORress tci-Fe Geirpt frr FnrEwe +hunE)r c pshear+ OR the heFeiR dic+rin+ depaTt�eRt of r�neRno and P i , NOG WE)Fkc SORg the sta ,chars aR d GGFiteF a Ee�Ft"h' \/ ding roc and deF IE)na+iE)RG magi be deleted by -a+l� � # �eicrrrigzZenc�urrcrve�iuvr-rvca crvrr�rray-�czrcr�. cca�y exosteRGe of G ,nh Zeno E)r IE)GatOE)R GFeates aR E)hc+ri Gt0E) R +E) pedec+ririR E)r City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812025 ten_ :rnr_,rnrn an. _ a. • feeds, as defiRed by 61 G 1.001, paGkaged ... City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 ■_ .. ■_ A A A A Aw Ali i ■ op A A. IARFOAOA4@)A*.AwmiliAlAmANA.Iiiii- Mel ligtt■. .. W. W., WN • .. ...JL ..PA. A =.:. A _ .. City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 ii The rlirenter is ai hherized to issi ie a °I EAGe of Street VeRdiRg FFaRG ise QppAFtNRitieSOR :tFiGt. Said RGtFGe, feF each taRGhise-peFied,shall he p blinly advertised OR a Rewspaper of geNerel nirni 1letiGR OR appFevimetely mid August aR d Mod February of eenh neleRdaF deer aR d shell iRdiGete the Ne RdiR y availability of eXd lsiyeyeRdiR y ZGRes IN the �tFiCt andthe tern s Tr of 66IGh ayailab lity, ORGIUdiRgt ate pleGe aRa time of the lettery Netinec as fer a rested RGtine letteryi Fnay also he `ryeN but shell he neRsodered GEWrtesY Retiree E)RIY City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 , ,lip 4~1- Fr�rinhico Foo be used OR this rlis4rint has boom appFeyed and sales 4av % 4iFl/+a41r1N City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 .. ■Nm A Fna N4aiN S inh p blin liability and pFepeFt y damage Fre m all dam age 4n r�rnr,ort y eF bedily death nihinh Fna y ririco From r e pe FatmORS URdeF the FraNnhico dGG FneRt and aSSOGiated Innal hi iciNocc t .---.Pt GF OR Chi R1QGt0eR t eFewit--Snh iNcrr�rrSUFaRGe shall pFevide Gey r'�iage of City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 Sec. 39-41. - Size requirements for vending stands. No stand shall exceed three 7n!"i „no -half feet min width and six feet in length and five feet in height exclusive of the height of umbrellas, canopies, and similar devices, except that stands within the Downtown Miami special vending district shall not exceed three and one half feet (35) in width. Canopies and umbrellas shall have a minimum seven -foot clearance above ground level. *„ Section 3. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final reading and adoption thereof.2 2 This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10) days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein. whichever is later. City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Vyt6riai dez,City Attor iey 9115/2020 ria i " dez, Cify Attor iey 10/22/2020 1 ria i dez, C ity ttor ey 11/2412020 City of Miami File ID: 7632 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 1212812020