HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsFUND TITLE RESOURCES USAR READINESS COOPERATIVE AGREEMEN T FY 2020 Department of Homeland Security-FEMA- USAR-Cooperative Agreement Fiscal Year 2020 Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") $1,222,631.00 APPROPRIATIONS: $1,222,631.00 Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency ..B 18884)073 URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE RESPONSE SYSTEM Expires December 31, 2018 Task Force Narrative Workbook FEMA Form 089-0-10 Public reporting burden for this data collection is estimated to average 4 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and submitting this form. This collection of information is required to obtain or retain benefits. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed on this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472- 3100, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0073) NOTE: Do not send your completed form to this address. Purpose The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are accountable to provide support and funding for the maintenance and readiness of the National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System. The purpose of the Readiness Cooperative Agreement is to support the continued development and maintenance of a national urban search and rescue capability. Specifically, the agreement provides a mechanism for distribution of Cooperative Agreement funding for certain purposes in preparation for US&R disaster response. The Cooperative Agreement allows each Sponsoring Agency of a US&R task force the opportunity to maintain a high standard and condition of operational readiness and includes guidance on key areas for task force management to focus on continued preparedness efforts. The Cooperative Agreement provides direction to the US&R task force Sponsoring Agency for the use of funding to provide: administrative and program management, training, support, equipment cache procurement, maintenance and storage. This workbook is designed for use by the Sponsoring Agencies of all current task forces within the US&R Response System when applying for the US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement solicitation. For more specific information and instructions for submission, refer to the applicable Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) package and Statement of Work Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Readiness Cooperative Agreement Task Force Narrative Workbook CONTENTS Purpose........................................................................................ i Contents....................................................................................... 1 SampleCover Letter......................................................................... 2 Preparer & Contact Information (FEMA Form 089-0-10A)........................... 3 Budget Summary (Detailed) (FEMA Form 089-0-1OB)................................ 4 Sample of "Purpose of Cooperative Agreement" from Task Force ..................... 5 Administration and Management (FEMA Form 089-0-1OC)........................... 6 Training (FEMA Form 089-0-10-1OD)................................................... 7 Equipment (FEMA Form 089-0-1OE) ..................................................... 8 Storage & Maintenance (FEMA Form 089-0-1OF)...................................... 9 BudgetTotals.................................................................................. 10 Position Descriptions (FEMA Form 089-0-101T)........................................ 11 Form for Additional Budget Clarification Information (FEMA Form 089-0-101)... 12 SAMPLE COVER LETTER FOR COPERATIVE AGREEMENT APPLICATION 7/20/2020 US Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Grants Management Branch Attn: Ms. Tawana Mack 800 K Street NW - Rm: S430-5 Washington, DC 20472 Dear Ms. Mack: Enclosed is the US&R application of City of Miami Fire -Rescue Department for the year 2020 Department of Homeland Security/FEMA, Urban Search & Rescue Cooperative Agreement for a total of $1,222,631. The following items have been completed electronically within ND Grants: 0 1. Application for Federal Assistance, SF 424 0 2. Budget Information -Non Construction Programs FEMA form SF 424A 0 3. Summary sheet for Assurances and Certifications, SF 424 B 0 4. SF GG/SF LLL - Lobbying Activities The following are included in the Narrative Statement (FEMA Wkbk 089-0-10) and attached with the Application: 0 5. Preparer & Contact Information Sheet 0 6. Budget Narrative (Budget Summary Sheet, four cost categories and Budget Totals) p 7. Position Descriptions for all Staff paid by the Cooperative Agreement The following are submitted as additional attachments: El 8. Single Audit Report for FY2019/Corrective Action Plan ❑ 9. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement El 10. Specifications for all rolling transportation ❑ 11. Pre -Award Cost Request and Approval Please call Capt. Erik Sanchez at (786)554-3155 or email at ErikSanchez@miamigov.com or Miroslava Diaz at (786) 236-7598 or email at mirosdiaz@miamigov.com for any other information that you may need. Sincerely, Erik Sanchez, Fire Captain US&R Program Manager City of Miami Fire -Rescue Florida Task Force 11 PREPARER INFORMATION Preparer Prefix Ms. First Name Miroslava Middle Name Last Name Diaz Title Grants Manager Agency/Organization City of Miami Florida Task Force 2 Address 1 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Address 2 10th Floor City Miami State Florida Zip 33130 Phone 305-569-4044 Fax E-mail dia=@m m go om CONTACT INFORMATION Point of Contact Prefix Captain First Name Erik Middle Name Last Name Sanchez Title Program Manager Agency/Organization City of Miami Florida Task Force 2 Address 1 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Address 2 10th Floor City Miami State Florida Zip 33130 Phone 305-554-3155 Fax E-mail E­S.r,.he=c�m APPLICANT INFORMATION Task Force Florida Task Force 2 Organization Name City of Miami Employer Identification Number 59-6000375 DUNS Number 72220791 Address 1 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Address 2 10th Floor City Miami County Miami -Dade State Florida Zip 33130 Country United States Submission Date Type of Applicant Congressional District Applicant Congressional District Project Authorized Representative First Name Authorized Representative Middle Name Section 3 FEMA Form 089-0-10A Preparer Contact Information Page 8 of 2 Authorized Representative Last Name Authorized Representative Title Authorized Representative Phone Number Applicant Identifier (if applicable) State Applicant Identifier (if applicable) Organizational Unit: Department: Division: Made available for EO 12372 (Answer Y or N ) Date Reviewed If applicable) "Y" for not covered "N" for not selected Section 3 FEMA Form 089-0-10A Preparer Contact Information Page 9 of 2 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY BUDGET SUMMARY Grant Program Function or Activity (a) Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number (b) Estimated Unobligated Funds New or Revised Budget Federal (c) Non -Federal (d) Federal (e) Non -Federal (f) Total (g) 1. US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement 97.025 0.00 0.00 1,222,631.00 $ 1,222,631.00 2. 0.00 3. 0.00 4. 0.00 5. Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,222,631.00 $0.00 $1,222,631.00 BUDGET CATEGORIES 6. Object Class Categories GRANT PROGRAM, FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY Total (5) (1)Admin. & Mgmnt. (2) Training (3) Equipment (4) Storage & Maint. a. Personnel $778,501.00 $10,080.00 $0.00 $0.00 $788,581.00 b. Fringe Benefits 87,462.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87,462.00 c. Travel 39,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 51,000.00 d. Equipment 0.00 0.00 111,038.00 49,000.00 160,038.00 e. Supplies 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 f. Contractual 80,730.00 14,000.00 0.00 35,820.00 130,550.00 g. Construction N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A h. Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i. Total Direct Charges sum of 6a-6h 990,693.00 36,080.00 111,038.00 84,820.00 1,222,631.00 j. Indirect Charges 0.00 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.00 k. TOTALS (sum of 6i and 6j) $990,693.001 $36,080.001 $111,038.00 $84,820.00 $1,222,631.00 7. Program Income Is Is Is Is Is Section 4 FEMA Form 089-0-10B Budget Summary Page 10 of 2 NON-FEDERAL RESOURCES (a) Grant Program (b) Applicant (c) State (d) Other Sources (e) TOTALS 8. $ $ $ $0.00 9. 0.00 10. 0.00 11. 0.00 12. TOTAL (sum of lines 8-11) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FORECASTED CASH NEEDS 13. Federal Total for 1st Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter $0.00 $ $ $ $ 14. Non -Federal 0.00 15. TOTAL (sum of lines 13 and 14) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BUDGET ESTIMATES OF FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED FOR BALANCE OF THE PROJECT (a) Grant Program FUTURE FUNDING PERIODS (Years) (b) First (c) Second (d) Third (e) Fourth 16. $ $ $ $ 17. 18. 19. 20. TOTAL sum of lines 16-19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OTHER BUDGET INFORMATION 21. Direct Charges: 122. Indirect Charges: 123. Remarks: Section 4 FEMA Form 089-0-10B Budget Summary Page 12 of 2 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System US&R Task Force Readiness Cooperative Agreement Budget Narrative Purpose of Agreement The purpose of this Readiness Cooperative Agreement is to continue the development and maintenance of National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System resources to be prepared for mission response and to provide qualified personnel in support of Emergency Support Function-9 (ESF-9) activities under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF). Our Task Force agrees to manage the continued development and maintenance of this National US&R Response System resource. We will be prepared to provide qualified, competent US&R personnel in support of ESF-9 activities under the National Response Framework. Specifically, the FY2020 US&R Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and the accompanying budget narrative provides our plan to accomplish our objectives identified by DHS/FEMA. This work plan identifies the key areas that our Task Force will focus its continued readiness efforts. These key areas are admistrative and program management, training, support, equipment cache preparedness, maintenance and storage. These key areas are detailed in the Grant Guidance/Statement of Work. This Cooperative Agreement will allow our Task Force to maintain a high standard and condition of operational readiness. It is the intent of our Task Force to comply with the US&R Response System FY 2020 US&R NOFO throughout the duration of this agreement. While portions of the FY2020 US&R NOFO are included in the budget narrative, we acknowledge compliance with the FY2020 US&R NOFO in its entirety. Section 7 Purpose of Agreement Section 7 Purpose of Agreement ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT Task Force General Comments )ur Task Force will accomplish the goals set forth in the DHS-FEMA statement of work, guidance, and directives provided by the Urban Search & Rescue Program Office. The costs for the Administration & Management portion of this rudget/narrative will be addressed in this section and will cover costs for a maximum amount of time of 12 months, and the costs will occur within the 36 month period of performance. The cost details will be provided in the object classes vithin this Program Category. The Administrative/Management personnel under this Readiness Cooperative Agreeement is responsible for the day -today operations of the Task Force and will be responsible to ensure that all management, administration and operational requirements are accomplished. Our Task Force will attempt to maintain the preparedness of the Task Force under this Readiness Cooperative Agreement, in order to provide critical emergency response services aE me of the 28 teams for the National Urban Search and Rescue Response System under the Response Cooperative Agreement. Funding for any deployments will be handled under the Response Cooperative Agreement. Total Administration & Management Cost $990,693 Personnel Salaries & Fringe Benefits Votes for Personnel Salaries and Fringe Benefits Section -he US&R Task Force will provide sufficient staff far management and administration of the Task Force day- to -day activities to accomplish required supervisory, administrative, training and logistical duties. Specifically: program management; Irants management; financial management; administrative support; training coordination and instruction; logistics management and property accountability. This shall include, but is not limited to, funding personnel salaries relating to Task admce development and management; record -keeping, inventory and maintenance of the US&R Equipment Caches; comespondence with Task Force members and parties who support Task Force activities; along with similar management and inistrative tasks. rovide the staffs' salary, benefits, and also note any cost of living increases (percentage and amount) below that will be paid under the Readiness Cooperative Agreement. There is a drop down menu for the staff positions, and any additional taff not noted can be added. If a staff position is part time, please provide the hours and hourly rate in the Personnel box below to clarify the time to be allotted, e.g., one day a week, 40 hours a month at a rate of $45.00 per hour , etc. If tvertime hours are listed, please note them as a separate line item below. Put the total amount under salary. Note the hourly rate in the clarification box. lersonnel Salaries and Frin a Benefit Staff Position Name Full/Part Timad Overtime Hours Salary Dates (Current) Salary Dates (Prior) Fringe Benefits Salary Total P ram Mana er Enk Sanchez Full -Time 10/11/2020 - 10/9/2021 10/13/19 - 10/10/202g $21,131 $137,350 $158,481 Traini Manager Gustavo Amllano Full -Time 10/1112020 - 101912021 10/13/19 - 10/10/2020 $19,690 $127,981 $147,671 L istios Mana er Jose Barber Full Time 10/11/2020- 10/9/2021 10/13/19- 10/10/2020 $17,696 $115,020 $132,716 Grant Maria er Miroslava Diaz Full -Time 10/11/2020- 10/9/2021 10/13119- 10/10/2020 $12,414 $80,6B8 $93,102 Administrative Specialist ialist m Maritza Gomez Ti Full -me 10/11/2020 - 10/912021 10/13/19 - 10/10/2020 $10,717 $69,661 $80,378 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Trove/Ral mdBackfi// $63.00 @ 600 him $5,815 $37,800 $43,615 Part-T Task Force Memheis $63.00 @ 3000 hrs $189,000 $189,000 HEPPAlaintenance $50.00 @ 420 him $21,000 $21,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Tob/s $87,462 $778,501 $865,963 a below is for any additional notes the Task Force may need to add for clarifying the paid staff s. If the position is part-time list the hours, and hourly rate. Also there is a separate area (Tab 11) 0 Union Agreements Position descriptions for each staff position listed, or position descriptions may be added as an gent. I I City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ling Manager, Logistics Manager, and Min in istiative Specialist are responsble for the day-to-day administration .pp., t of the Task Force. Duties include procurement, personnel time management overtime administration, ❑' Historica/Data budget oversght Grant Manager is responsible for all grant and financial requirements in sr ppoft of Task Force ities. For a breakdown of part time staff and functions, please see Position Descriptions attachment Al funded me postions spend 100%of their time on activities within the scope of this agreement HEPP ❑ Bids/Quotes tenance/inventory/calibration is included under Perscnnel Salaries and Fringe Benefits Salary rates are based contractual agreements set forth by the City of Miami and the respective Unions involved. Task Force Costs are in Comparison w/other TFs for5i nd-Tasks or Items iing/Exercise will be used to upgrade task force preparedn—to respond to all types of events ❑ Other (List here): Frin a Benefits Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. The area below is to state the total percentage (e.g., 23%) for the Fringe Benefits (if applicable) and list the items (e.g., health, dental, workers' comp) that are included. ❑ Union Agreements Fridge Benefit Regular Wages Rate is 15.3847% andit includes: M dlcare, Workers Comp, Unemployment, H lath Benefits. However, we have 27otherparticlpating agencies with d1Tfennntpercentages. ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historica/Data ❑ Bid/Quotas ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or.1mms I I Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarificatiob 1 n use ta2 Sonion 6 crow wawarao-tac Administration Management vage is as Travel Notes for Travel Section Attend DHS/FEMA-sponsored or DHS/FEMA-approved 11S&R meetings, conferences, and training sessions, to include Task Force Leader meetings, Advisory Organization Meetings, Ad Hoc Groups and Sub -Groups, Incident Support Team (IST) training/meetings, workshops, or others as directed by the 11S&R Program Office as they relate to the National 11S&R Response System. Other activities include on -site peer Administrative Readiness Evaluation (ARE) of other Task Forces, quality assurance oversight of FEMA-sanctioned training courses, training with other Task Forces, grants management training, and research and development for equipment, as directed by the 11S&R Program Office. Based on approval by the 11S&R Program Office and available funding, Task Forces can use funds to cover travel for product research and development efforts, thereby keeping apprised of cutting edge technology for equipment used within the System. There are also miscellaneous meetings that are required due to the dynamic program. Costs can be provided in detail or by trip costs, and a detail of the costs should be listed in the comments sections, that will show how you arrived at the trip total. The costs listed below are estimates due to travel locations that are unknown at the time of application. It is at this time when costs are generally based on historical data. There are drop down menus for some of the meetings, and you n add others that are in line with the statement of work. The drop down menu in the section below includes all events, allowing you the flexibility to account for your travel costs in this section Admin/Management Program Category or the Training Program Category. The Task Force is authorized to reallocate funds between Admin/Management travel and Training travel without requesting a budget change authorization. However, this change must be reflected in your Performance Report and note the reason(s) for the change. T-1 Event Title No. of Personnel No. of Trips Cost Per Person Lump Sum Work Group Meeti s 4 1 $1,500 $6,000 Grant Workshop 3 1 $1,500 $4,500 Task Force Representatives' Meeting 3 1 $1,500 $4,500 Sporsonm Agency Chiefs' Meeting 2 1 $1,500 $3,000 East Coast TERM tins 4 1 $1,500 $6,000 IST Workshop 6 1 $1,500 $9,000 Additional FEMA Ta ve/Abt Yet K con 4 1 $1,500 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $39,000 Brietty describe breakd—n of travel Cott nor Person. Provide examples a t'dherauthorisd travel"BseleRetl atovc. Travel breakdowns are approximations based on previous values (airfare and lugguage - $600, hotel - $150 ❑ Union Agreements per day for average 3 day trip $450; per diem - $50 per day for 3 days $150, car rental - $50 per day for 3 days $150, parking - $50, fuel $100). Travel expenses are figured at a cost of $1500 for actual travel and ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements $1500 per day (24 hour) backfill (line item under Staff Positions). Backfll for students is fgued at a rate of $62.50 per hour (see salaries). Additional TFL meeting, East Coast TFL/Log meetings and Other Authorized ❑ Histonca/Data Travel are included under Travel heading. Other authorized travel covers unfunded meetings surfacing throughout the budget period. Work group meetings are also held at the regional level as part of the East Coast TFL/Log meetings. Other authorized travel covers meetings that are requested in the midst of a ❑ Bids/quotes budget cycle that were not planned or anticipated by FEMA. Examples of other travel might include: State level 11S&R meetings and conferences, HR Canine Workshops, East Coast Logistics Meetings and State ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items Meetings such as TFL, Logisitics, ADSAR and FASAR. This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 ❑ Other (List here), Equipment Notes for Equipment Section Purchase of office furniture and equipment specifically for administrative purposes are allowable under this Cooperative Agreement. This shall include, but is not limited to, laptops and desktop computers, higher -end printers, scanners, copy machines, desks, book shelves, etc. The costs noted in this area are for the purchase of equipment and not service agreements, which should be included under contractual or other. Rolling or floating transportation will require specifications as part of the application and should be listed under the Equipment Program Category. The general definition out of 2 C.F.R. Part 200 is: Equipment is tangible personal property with a useful life of at least 1 year & a per unit cost of at least $5,000 (or the non-federal entity's equivalent threshold, whichever is lower). These are the items our Task Force anticipates requiring for this Cooperative Agreement for the equipment object class under the Administration/Management Program Category. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items (within the amount approved at time of award for this object class) may change. Any changes to listed items will be reflected in the Performance Reports, with the reason for the change noted and the Task Force will not be required to submit a budget change if items are on the approved cache lists, authorized by program guidance or directives. Item Description additional sumortina information for eauioment costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Histonca/Data ❑ Bid/Quor s ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/other TFs forSimi/r Tasks orltems Section 6 Administration Management additional sumortina information for eauioment costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Histonca/Data ❑ Bid/Quor s ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/other TFs forSimi/r Tasks orltems Section 6 Administration Management This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification, use tab 12. C OMer (G"st here): sc 16 Administration Management Supplies Notes for Supplies Section In the below area, provide an approximate listing of the supplies necessary for the administration/management of this cooperative agreement. Supply items/costs that should be listed are items to support the administration/management of the Task Force and other than what the equipment definition states in 2 C.F.R. Part 200. Supplies, on the other hand, are tangible personal property lower than the $5,000 equipment threshold or have a useful life of less than a year. Phones, tablets, etc. would more likely be supplies than equipment. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items (within the amount approved at time of award for this object class) may change. Any changes to the listed items will be reflected in the Performance Reports, including the reason for the change(s) noted. Suoul e These are the items we anticipate requiring for this Cooperative Agreement. However, due to the dynamic program, requirement of these items may change and anychanges will be reflected in the Performance Reports, with the reason for the chanqe noted. Abe any additional supporting information for supply costs below. ellaneous office supplies might include paper, pens, folders, printer ink, replace old printer, etc. We will ❑ Union Agreements need to outfit the new full-time position with a computer, printer, office equipment, office furniture, ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Hetonca/Data 71 Bid/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Companson w/other TFs forSimi/r Tasks orltems narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification, use tab 12. 1 ❑ Other (List here): Contractual Notes for Contractual Section In the area below, list any contractual costs for medical exams, services, rentals, etc. The Task Force will ensure that Task Force Medical Screening will take place in accordance with Program Directive 2005-008 or a more current revised directive issued by the JS&R Program Office. Service Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Medical Screening 40 $250 $10,000 Phone/ iPad Data Service (Verizon) 12 $2,570 $30,840 Phone Data Service (Sprint) 12 $609 $7,308 ATi FirstNet 6 $1,333 $7,998 Satellite Iridiums - SatCom Global 12 $350 $4,200 Satellite BGANS/G2 - SatCom Global 12 $155 $1,860 Satellite -Ground Control 12 $567 $6,800 M-Sat - NI Government 12 $727 $8,724 My DB Solution 12 $250 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $80,730 ibe any additional supporting information for contractual costs below. al screening line item will be utilized up to a cost of $250. This cost will cover deductibles and special ❑ Union Agmemsots not covered by insurance or sponsoring agencies for compliance with team medical physical ents. Official personnel cellphones (see attachments as to full-time and part-time staff). Service for ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements satellite phones which remain with the cache for emergency use only (deployments). Contractual e period for Phone Data and Satellite will be from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2020. Last 0 Histonca/Data e period was from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019. These centractural costs do not cover than a 12 month time frame. o Bids/Quotes narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification, use tab 12. ❑ Costs are in Companson w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items f Other (List here), Sedion 6 Admin,t,atiun Management Other Notes for Other section This area will cover any miscellaneous items that are not covered in the other object classes and are allowable within the Statement of Work. Item Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost $o $o $o $o $o $o r tht $o ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Histonca/Data ❑ eid/Quotes ❑ Costsare in Comp —son w/other TFs forSimi/r Tasks -Items narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification, use tab 12. ❑ Other (List here), Indirect Costs Notes for Indirect Costs Section Indirect Its can only be listed if there is an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that has been approved by a cognizant Federal Agency. A copy of the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement should accompany the application. The Indirect Cost Rate Agreement you provide should state what category or categories the Indirect Costs are based on, ie equipment, salaries, all expenses, etc. The information provided below should list the description of the cost category for the base, the mount on which it's based, the percentage, and the total. The rate or amount approved at time of award will prevail thru the term of the Cooperative Agreement. T..A:. r­ Item/Category Item Description Base Amount Percentage Total Cost Total $0 ibe any additional supporting information for indirect costs below. Please advise who is the Cognizant al Agency and the date of approval. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Histonca/Data ❑ Bibs/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Companson w/other TFs forSimi/r Tasks orltems ❑ Other (List here): narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification, use tab 12. sedion s Ado, —Ration Management TRAINING Task Force General Comments This Program Category covers the costs for the training portion of this Readiness Cooperative Agreement. The training portion of this budget/namative will cover costs for a maximum amount of time of 12 months, and will be accomplished within the 36 month period of performance. This Task Force intends to maintain a deployable Task Force and will provide the required training to insure mission readiness, safety, and management of the Task Force. The training will be accomplished in accordance with the Urban Search & Rescue Program Office statement of work, program guidance, directives, and will also include training to meet the NIMS compliance requirements. The training cost details will be provided in the below object classes under this Program Category. Our Task Force will attempt to maintain the preparedness of the Task Force under this Readiness Cooperative Agreement, in order to provide critical emergency response services as one of the 28 teams for the National Urban Search and Rescue Response System. Funding for any deployments will be handled under the Activation Cooperative Agreement The below list of training and costs covers what is anticipated for this Readiness Cooperative Agreement. Due to the dynamic program, training scheduling and requirement changes, some of the training listed may require revisions. Any changes will be noted within the Performance Reports, and will include the change and the reason for the change. It will not require a budget adjustment as long as the change is within the Program Category total as noted at time of award, and is an approved training requirement within the statement of work, program guidance, and directives. The only exception to this is the movement of travel funds between the Administration/Managmenit Program Category and the Training Program Category, which can be accomplished without requiring a budget change, however, it must be noted in the Performance Reports, with the change and the reason for the movement of funds. Total Training Cost $36,080 Personnel Salaries & Fringe Benefits The Task Force can use this category to account for the salaries of Task Force Members attending US&R-related, US&R required, and local training as well as salaries for the training coordinator. This includes, but is not limited to, functional training, mobilization training, local training for the program, grants management training, training with other task forces, research and development for equipment, and other DHS/FEMA approved training events, or training related to the requirements of the US&R program, as approved by the Program Manager/Grants Assistance Officer. This may also include backfill expenses for the individual(s) attending training. If specific costs are unknown, give estimated salary hours and average salary rate. If specific dates are unknown, provide estimated time frame (e.g., 1 day per week/month, etc.). If overtime hours are listed, please note them as a separate line item below. Put the total amount under salary. Note the hourly rate in the clarification box. Dnrennnnl Calarine and Frinnc Rennfite Staff Position Training Event Description Full/PartTime Overtime Hours Date Salary Charged Fringe Benefits (If Applicable) Salary Total Training/Exercise Related Backfill FEMA Position Specific Training Part -Time $63.00 @ 160 Hrs Fringe Benefits may vary $10,080 $10,080 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals $0 $10,080 $10,080 Personnel Salaries Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box(es) below. The area below is to provide additional notes the Task Force may need to add for clarifying the range of salary rates used to develop the average hourly costs. D Union Agreements Backfill costs for conducting training and exercises. Examples of Training and Exercises include: Structural Collapse Shoring, Rescue Specialist refresher courses, Water Specialist 7 City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements Training, Hazmat and Medical Refresher, Air Force Patriot Exercises, Search and Rescue Full Scale Exercises, etc. 7 Histarioa/Data ❑ 8ids/Quotes Costs are in tompanson w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Otber (Usthere): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Frin a Benefits Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. The area below is to state the total percentage (e.g., 23%) for the Fringe Benefits (if applicable) and list the items (e.g., health, dental, workers' comp) that are included. D ❑ Union Agreements City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements Items included under Fringe Benefits are medical, Dental, Workers Compensation. Total percentage is 26.4824 for the City of Miami Fire Rescue. However, we have 27 other participating agencies with different percentages. ❑ Historical Data ❑ 8ids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in tompanson w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Otber (Usthere): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section FEMA FORM 089-0-1 OD Training Page 20 of 5 Travel Attend DHS/FEMA-sponsored or DHS/FEMA-approved US&R meetings, conferences, and training sessions, to include Task Force Leader meetings, the Advisory Organization Meetings, Incident Support Team (IST) training/meetings, workshops, or others as directed by the US&R Branch as they relate to the National US&R Response System. Other activities include on -site peer Administrative Readiness Evaluations (AREs) of other US&R Task Forces, quality assurance oversight of FEMA-sanctioned training courses, training with other Task Forces, grants management training, and research and development for equipment, as directed by the US&R Branch. Based on approval by the US&R Branch and available funding, Task Forces can use funds to cover travel for product research and development efforts, thereby keeping apprised of cutting edge technology for equipment used within the System. There are also miscellaneous meetings that are required due to the dynamic program. Costs can be provided in detail or by trip costs, and a detail of the costs should be listed in the comments sections, that will show how you arrived at the trip total. The costs listed below are estimates due to travel locations are unknown at the time of application. It is at this time when costs are generally based on historical data. There are drop down menus for some of the meetings/training, and you can add others that are in line with the statement of work, program guidance, and directives. This will allow you the flexibility to account for your travel costs in this section (Training) or Admin/Management categories. The Task Force is authorized to reallocate travel funds between Admin/Management travel and Training travel without requesting a budget change authorization. However, any changes must be reflected in your Performance Report, with an explanation on the reason(s) for the change. Travel Event Title No. of Personnel Cost Per Person Lump Sum Task Force Leader 1 $1,500 $1,500 Communications Spedalist 2 $1,500 $3,000 Heavy Equipment & Rigging Specialist 0 $1,500 $0 Logistics Specialist 0 $1,500 $0 Canine Search Specialist 0 $1,500 $0 Medical Specialist 2 $1,500 $3,000 Grants Manager Traini 1 $1,500 $1,500 Other Authorized Travel 2 $1,500 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOta/ $12,000 Travel Cost Basis: Please mark a roriate box es below. Briefly describe breakdown of travel Cost Per Person. Provide examples of "other authorized travel" if selected above. ❑ Union Agreements Travel breakdowns are approximations based on previous values. (airfare and luggage- $600, hotel $150 per day for avg 3 day trip $450, per diem $50 per day for 3 days $150, car ❑ City/County/OrganizaaYon NegoaYaied Agreer ants rental $50 for 3 day $150, parking $50, fuel $100). Travel expenses are figured at a cost of $1,500 for actual travel and $1,500 per day. ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bds/Quo[es ❑ Casts are in Companson w/o6er TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Offier (Usthem) This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section FEMA FORM 089-0-1 OD Training Page 21 of 5 Equipment Notes for Equipment Section Purchase of equipment specifically for training, to include props, training materials, training facility expenses, etc. are allowable under this Cooperative Agreement. The costs noted in this area are for the purchase of equipment and not service agreements, which should be included under contractual or other. Rolling or floating transportation, if allowable, will require specifications/approval as part of the application. The general definition of "Equipment' out of the CFR is: "Equipment" means an article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the governmental unit for financial statement purposes, or $5000. Equipment These are the items our Task Force anticipates requiring under this Cooperative Agreement for the equipment object class under the Training Program Category. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items (within the amount approved at time of award for this object class) may change. Any changes to listed items will be reflected in the Performance Reports, noting the reason for the change and the Task Force will not be required to submit a budget change if items are on the approved cache lists, authorized by program guidance or directives. Rolling or floating equipment requires the specifications to be submitted to the Program Office/Grants Assistance Officer for prior approval. -- t -- t -- t -- t -- r -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- r -- t Equipment Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for equipment costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization NegodatedAgreernents ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bds/Quotes ❑ Casts are in Companson w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Offier (Usthem) This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section FEMA FORM 089-0-1 OD Training Page Y of 5 Supplies lotes for Supplies Section n the area below, provide an approximate listing of the supplies necessary for preparing and/ or delivery of training within this cooperative agreement. upply items/costs that should be listed are items other then what the equipment definition states as follows: The general definition of"Equipm r-C'out of the CFR is: "Equipment' means an article of nonexpendable, 3ngible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the governmental unit for financial statement urposes, or $5000. Supplies These are the items our Task Force anticipates requiring under this Cooperative Agreement. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items may change and any changes will be reflected in the Performance Reports, with the reason for the change noted. A budget change is not required to be submitted if the costs in this category if costs remain the same and items are allowable under the Grant Guidance, current Cache List and official documentation from the US&R Branch. •r -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t Describe any additional supporting information for supply costs below. A Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historica/Data Bids/Quotes 7 Costs are in Comparison w/otirer TFs for Similar Tasks or Items This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 7 Other (Usthere): Contractual In the area below, list any supporting information for the contractual costs of services, rentals, etc., as it pertains to training. •f - - �'. ttt . � ttt -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- r -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t -- t Describe any additional supporting information for contractual costs below. Canine Insurance is provided to certified Task Force canines. narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization NegotiatedAgreernents 0 Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Casts are in Comparison w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Offier (Usthere): section FEMA FORM 089-0-1 OD Training Page 23 of s Other Notes for Other Section This area will cover any miscellaneous items that are are training -related and allowable under the Statement of Work but not covered in the other object classes. nth— rTf 4—H—hle1 Item Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOtal $0 -ibe any additional supporting information for other costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ 8ids/Quotes ❑ Casts are in Companson w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 ❑ Other (Listhem): Indirect Costs lotes for Indirect Costs Section ndirect Costs can only be provided if there is an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that has been approved by a cognizant Federal Agency. A copy of the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement should accompany the application. The -direct Cost Rate Agreement that you provide should state what category or categories the Indirect Costs are based on, ie equipment, salaries, all expenses, etc. The information provided below should list the escription of the cost category for the base, the amount on which it's based, the percentage, and the total. The rate or amount approved at time of award will prevail thru the term of the Cooperative Agreement. Tnrliru- r— Item/Category Item Description Base Amount Percentage Total Cost TOtal $0 Describe any additional supporting information for indirect costs below. Please advise who is the Cognizant Federal Agency and the date of approval. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements Historical Data ❑ 8ids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in CDmpanson w/other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items 7 Other (List Here): narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use Section FEMA FORM 089-0-1 OD Training Pape U of 5 EQUIPMENT This Program Category covers the costs for the equipment portion of the Readiness Cooperative Agreement for our Task Force. The period of performance covers a 36 month period to accomplish the work in this area. Our Task Force intends to maintain a deployable Task Force and will provide the required equipment to insure mission readiness, safety, and management of the Task Force. The equipment will be purchased in accordance with the requirements of the Urban Search & Rescue Branch statement of work, current cache list, and official guidance from the US&R Branch. The equipment and supporting cost details will be provided in the below object classes under this Program Category. Our Task Force will attempt to maintain the preparedness of the Task Force under this Readiness Cooperative Agreement, in order to provide critical emergency response services as one of the 28 teams for the National Urban Search and Rescue Response System. The below list of equipment and costs covers what is anticipated for this Readiness Cooperative Agreement. Due to the dynamic program, training scheduling and requirement changes, some of the equipment listed may require revisions. Any changes will be noted within the Performance Reports, and will induce the change and the reason for the change. It will not require a budget adjustment as long as the change is within the Program Category total as noted at time of award, and is an approved equipment requirement within the statement of work, current cache list, and offidal guidance from the US&R Branch. Total Eauiciment Cost 111 036 Personnel Salaries & Fringe Benefits The Task Force can use this category to account for the salaries of Task Force Members who pertorm duties related to maintenance of US&R equipment and vehides. This may also include backtill expenses individual(s) who are working with the cache. If specific costs are unknown, give estimated salary hours and average salary rate. If specific dates are unknown, provide estimated time frame (e.g., 1 day per week/month, etc.). If overtime hours are listed, please note them as a separate item below. Put the total amount under salary. Note the hourly rate in the clarification box. P.—nnal Gla riac awl Frinna R... fihc Staff Position Full/Part Overtime Hours Date Salary Charged Fringe Benefits (If Applicable) Salary Totals $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals $0 $0 $0 Personnel Salaries Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. The area below is to provide additional notes the Task Force may need to add for clarifying the range of salary rates used to develop the average hourly costs. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): ------ This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Fringe Benefits IfApplicable) Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. The area below Is to state the total percentage (e.g., 23%) for the Fringe Benefits (If applicable) and list the items (e.g., health, dental, workers' comp) that are inducted. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section e FEMA FORM 089-0-t0E Equipment Page 25 of 6 Travel Travel in this category would cover costs relating to quality assurance on equipment or vehicle, or any other travel related to cache management within the scope of the Grant Guidance. Please note: These expenses can be reflected within the Administrative/Management or Training travel category instead. Costs can be provided in detail or by trip costs, and a detail of the costs should be listed in the comments sections, that will show how you arrived at the trip total. The costs listed below are estimates due to travel locations that are unknown at the time of application. It is at this time when costs are generally based on historical data. There are drop down menus for some of the meetings, and you can add others that are in line within the Statement of Work. Travel (If Applicable) Event Title No. of Personnel Cost Per Person No. of Trips (approm) Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, /1st here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 Total $0 Travel Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Briefly describe breakdown of travel Cost Per Person. Provide examples of "other authorized travel' if selected above. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section e FEMA FORM 089-0-t0E Equipment Page 26 of 6 Equipment Your agency is authorized to purchase equipment as listed in the approved DHS/FEMA 2015 US&R Task Force Equipment Cache List, or any subsequently approved DHS/FEMA US&R Equipment list. Task Force personnel are reminded and directed not to exceed quantity and/or cost caps as listed on the cache list. Task Force must follow department procurement regulations, which are in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 to ensure reasonable prices are obtained. The US&R Program Office and the Grants Office Assistance Officer must provide written approval for any other equipment not identified on approved oche list(s), in program guidance, or spedfications. Those Task Forces who maintain an ISi Medical Cache are to include the appropriate amount below for replacement of equipment and pharmaceuticals. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items (within the amount approved at time of award for this object class) may change. Any changes to listed items will be reflected in the Performance Reports, noting the reason for the change and the Task Force will not be required to submit a budget change if items are on the approved oche lists, noted in the statement of work, or authorized by program guidance or directives. Rolling or floating equipment requires the specifications to be submitted to the US&R Branch/Grants Assistance Officer for prior approval. The general definition of "Equipment' out of the CFR is: "Equipment' means an article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the governmental unit for financial statement purposes, or $5000. These are the items our Task Force antidpates requiring for this Cooperative Agreement under the equipment object dass within the Equipment Program Category. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items (within the amount approved at time of award for this object dass) may change. Any changes to listed items will be reflected in the Performance Reports, noting the reason for the change and the Task Force will not be required to submit a budget change if items are on the approved oche lists, authorized by program guidance or directives. Rolling or floating equipment requires the —cifiratinns and hurinpt infnrmatinn to hp suhmiffed to the Pronram Office/Grants Accistanrn nffimr fnr nrior annrnval_ Item Description Item # Cache # Unit Cost No. of Units Total Cost H—t,--type, iowpr.aie, ASTM/NFPA—pl—t.r Logistics $333 50 $16,650 Deedduamn Mo�m, iz Lad Ca brim, Dean, CPR, P—,iz Medical $39,790 2 $79,580 Lithium Batter HEPP fired Equip.) N/A $86 120 $10,320 Generator, 6500 / 7000 watt...(HEPP) N/A $4,488 1 $4,488 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $111,038 Equipment Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for equipment costs below. ❑ Union Agreements Cache List Items shall cover what has been previously approved from the FEMA oche list and/or Statement of Work. Examples: small engines, hydraulic tool seals, dhainsaws, medical 0 City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements equipment. Funds will be used in accordnnce with forthcoming guidnace from the US&R Branch. We are currently updating all of our old/worn equipment with new equipment, along ❑ Histonca/Data with purchasing new equipment in -order to become 100 % compliant with the current oche list. The purpose of the HEPP Recapitalization is to replace PAPR's. ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section 8 FEMA FORM 089-0-t0E Equipment PageV of 6 Supplies In the area below, provide an approximate listing of necessary supplies. Supply items/costs that should be listed are items other then what the equipment definition states as follows: The general definition of "Equipment' out of the CFR is: "Equipment' means an article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the governmental unit for financial statement purposes, or $5000. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items (within the amount approved at time of award for this object class) may change. Any changes to the listed items will be reflected in the Performance Reports, including the reason for the change(s) noted. These are the items our Task Force anticipates requiring under this Cooperative Agreement. However, due to the dynamic program, the requirements for these items may change and any changes will be reflected in the Performance Reports, with the reason for the change noted. A budget change is not required to be submitted for approval if the costs in this object class remain as approved at time of award and the items are allowable in accordance with the statement of work, program guidance and directives. Item Cache # Unit Cost No. of Units Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 Supplies Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for supply costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section e FEMA FORM 089-0-t0E Equipment Page 28 of 6 Contractual In the area below, list any supporting information for the contractual costs of services, rentals, etc., for equipment. r.,nr.art...i Service Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 Contractual Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for contractual costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Other area will cover any miscellaneous items that are are Other Item Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 costs ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): racter limitations. For additional clarification use Section 8 FEMA FORM 089-0-t0E Equipment Page N of 6 Indirect Costs Indirect Costs can only be provided if there is an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that has been approved by a cognizant Federal Agency. A copy of the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement should accompany the application. The Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that you provide should state what category or categories the Indirect Costs are based on, i.e., equipment, salaries, all expenses, etc. The information provided below should list the description of the cost category for the base, the amount on which its based, the percentage, and the total. The rate or amount approved at time of award will prevail thru the term of the Cooperative Agreement. Indirect Costs Item/CategoryItem/Category Item Description Base Amount Percentage Total Cost Total 1 $0 Indirect Costs Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for indirect costs below. Please advise who is the Cognizant Federal Agency and the date of approval. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 section e FEMA FORM 089-0-t0E Equipment Page W of 6 STORAGE & MAINTENANCE This Program Category covers the costs for the storage/maintenance portion of this Readiness Cooperative Agreement. The costs for the Storage/Maintenance portion of this budget/narrative will be addressed in this section for any warehouse lease or maintenance costs for the equipment/vehicles, and the costs will occur within the 36 month period of performance. Task force management is reminded you may only use cooperative agreement funds to pay for warehouse leases for a twelve-month consecutive period within the overall period of performance and that there is no guarantee of cooperative agreement funding in future years (See Statement of Work, Section F, Cooperative Agreement Funding at pages 21-22). Task forces may write contracts with an available fund's clause or option years for protection. The storage and maintenance will be in accordance with the requirements of the Urban Search & Rescue Branch statement of work, program guidance, Our Task Force will attempt to maintain the preparedness of the Task Force under this Readiness Cooperative Agreement, in order to provide critical emergency response services as one of the 28 teams for the National Urban Search and Rescue Response System. The below list of costs covers what is anticipated for this Readiness Cooperative Agreement. Except for minor renovations and modifications of existing warehouse facilities that do not change the footprint of the structure, construction and renovation costs are not allowed. Examples of permissible minor renovation and Total Storage & Maintenance Cost $84,820 Personnel Salaries & Fringe Benefits The Task Force can use this category to account for the salaries of Task Force Members who perform duties related to storage & maintenance. This may also include badcfill expenses for individual(s) who are working with related projects. If specific costs are unknown, give estimated salary hours and average salary rate. If specific dates are unknown, provide estimated time frame (e.g., 1 day per week/month, etc.). If overtime hours are listed, please note them as a separate line item below. Put the total amount under salary. Note the hourly rate in the clarification box Personnel Salaries and Frinne Benefits Staff Position Full/Part Time Overtime Hours Date Salary Charged Fringe Benefits (If Applicable) Salary Totals $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals $0 $0 $0 Personnel Salaries Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. The area below is to provide additional notes the Task Force may need to add for clarifying the range of salary rates used to develop the average hourly costs. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/county/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Fringe Benefits Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. The area below is to state the total percentage (e.g., 23%) for the Fringe Benefits (if applicable) and list the items (e.g., health, dental, workers' comp) that are included. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/county/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Section 9 FEMA FORM 089-0-10F storage Maintenance Page 31 of 6 Travel Notes for Travel Section This section can be used for those travel items related to storage, maintenance and/or equipment (e.g., mileage, etc.) allowable within the scope of the Statement of Work. Please note: These expenses can be reflected within the Administrative/ Management travel category instead. Costs can be provided in detail or by trip costs, and a detail of the costs should be listed in the comments sections, that will show how you arrived at the trip total. The costs listed below are estimates due to travel locations that are unknown at the time of application. It is at this time when costs are generally based on historical data. There are drop down menus for some of the meetings, and you can add others that are in line within the Statement of Work. Travel (If Applicable) Event Title No. of Personnel Cost Per Person Number of Trips Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 If other, list here $0 Total $0 Travel Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Briefly describe breakdown of travel Cost Per Person. Provide examples of "other authorized travel" if selected above. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/county/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use cob 12 Section 9 FEMA FORM 0894-10F Storage Maintenance Page 32 of 6 Equipment This section may be used to reflect expenses related purchasing, maintenance and repair of equipment and vehicles, as approved by DHS/FEMA and within the scope of the Statement of Work. Your Task Force is authorized to purchase equipment as listed in the approved DHS/FEMA 2017 US&R Task Force Equipment Cadre List, or any subsequently approved DHS/FEMA US&R Equipment list. Task Force personnel are reminded and directed not to exceed quantity and/or cost caps as listed on the cache list. Task Force must follow department procurement regulations, which are in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 to ensure reasonable prices are obtained. The US&R Branch and the Grants Office Assistance Officer must provide written approval for any other equipment not identified on approved cache list(s). Those Task Forces who maintain an IST Medical Cache are to include the appropriate amount below for replacement of equipment and pharmaceuticals. Please note: These expenses can be reflected within the Equipment category instead. Eauioment Item Description Item # Cache # Unit Cost No. of Units Total Cost Equipment and Fleet Maintenance/Repair $35,000 1 $35,000 HEPP Maintenance $14,000 1 $14,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $49,000 Equipment Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for equipment costs below. ❑ Union Agreements Fleet Repair/maintenance includes new tires, oil and fuel filter changes, shock absorbers, replace burned out lights and other wear consumables. HEPP and Task Force Equipment ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements repair/maintenance is to repair any damage from wear and tear, or maintenece for any of our gas, electric, and hydraulic equipment. 0 Historical Data 17 Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Section 9 FEMA FORM 0894-10F storage Maintenance Page 33 of 6 Supplies In the area below, provide an approximate listing of necessary supplies. Supply items/costs that should be listed are Items other then what the equipment detmition states as tollows: The genes definition of"Equipment' out of the CFR is: "Equipment' means an article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the governmental unit for financial statement purposes, or $5000. S... lies Item Cache # Unit Cost No. of Units Total cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 Supplies Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for supply costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/county/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Section 9 FEMA FORM 0894-10F Storage Maintenance Page 34 of 6 Contractual Notes for Contractual Section In the area below, list any supporting information for the contractual costs of services, rentals, etc., as it pertains to the maintenance and/or lease of storage facilities and associated US&R equipment and supplies. Under the quantity for leases please include the square footage of the warehouse. Task force management is reminded you may only use cooperative agreement funds to pay for warehouse leases for a twelve-month consecutive period within the overall period of performance and that there is no guarantee of cooperative agreement funding in future years (See Statement of Work, Section F, Cooperative Agreement Funding at pages 21-22). Task forces may write contracts with an available fund's clause or option years for protection. Contractual Service Mii A Prior Coverage Dates Lease Begin Date Lease End Date Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Alarm Service 10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020 10/1/2020 9/30/2021 12 $113 $1,356 Controlled Temperature Envoirnment 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020 1/1/2021 12/31/2021 12 $1,046 $12,552 USAR Trailer Offices 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020 1/1/2021 12/31/2021 12 $1,625 $19,500 Directv 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020 1/1/2021 12/31/2021 12 $119 $1,428 AES Portable 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020 1/1/2021 12/31/2021 12 $82 $984 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $35,820 Contractual Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for contractual costs below. Include square footage and cost per for any facility leases included above. ❑ Union Agreements FL-TF2 facilities warehouse contains an overall area of 25,000 square feet. This area includes equipment storage, vehicle storage, training facility and administrative support. Direct TV ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements service is for the USAR trailer office. Alarm System is for the security of cache items, and Controlled Temperature Enviornment is for the rental of a trailer (approx. 1,300 square feet) for p Historica/Data the storage of temperature sensitive items; examples include: computers, radios, HazMat monitors, MRE's, medical cache, etc. FL-TF2 USAR Trailer Offices contain the working offices for full-time and part-time staff. Lease costs will not exceed a 12 month period in this FY2020 CA. 0 Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 1 Other This area will cover any miscellaneous items that are are storage & maintenance -related and allowable under the Statement of Work but not covered in the other object classes. Except for minor renovations and modifications of existing warehouse facilities that do not change the footprint of the structure, construction and renovation costs are not allowed. Examples of permissible minor renovation and modification costs include but are not limited to office/storage space build-out/reconfiguration, ceilings, loading docks/doors, lighting, HVAC, and security fencing. US&R Branch Other (List minor renovation/modification costs here) Item Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0.00 Other Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for other costs below. ❑ Union Agreements ❑ City/County/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Section 9 FEMA FORM 089-0-10F Storage Maintenance Page 35 of 6 Indirect Costs Indirect Costs can only be provided if there is an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that has been approved by a cognizant Federal Agency. A copy of the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement should accompany the application. The Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that you provide should state what category or categories the Indirect Costs are based on, ie equipment, salaries, all expenses, etc. The information provided below should list the description of the cost category for the base, the amount on which its based, the percentage, and the total. The rate or amount approved at time of award will prevail thru the term of the Cooperative Agreement. Indirect Costs Item/CategoryItem/Category Item Description Base Amount Percentage Total Cost Total $0 Indirect Costs Cost Basis: Please mark appropriate box es below. Describe any additional supporting information for indirect costs below. Please advise who is the Cognizant Federal Agency and the date of approval. ❑ ❑ Union Agreements City/county/Organization Negotiated Agreements ❑ Historical Data ❑ Bids/Quotes ❑ Costs are in Comparison w/ other TFs for Similar Tasks or Items ❑ Other (List here): This narrative box has character limitations. For additional clarification use tab 12 Section 9 FEMA FORM 0894-10F Storage Maintenance Page 36 of 6 BUDGET TOTALS This summary will be populated based on figures entered into other sections of this narrative. Activity Cost Administration & Management $990,693.00 Training $36 080.00 Equipment $111,038.00 Storage & Maintenance $84 820.00 Object Class Cost Personnel $788 581.00 Fringe Benefits $87 462.00 Travel $51,000.00 Equipment $160 038.00 Supplies $5,000.00 Contractual $130 550.00 Other $0.00 Indirect Charges $0.00 Activi Sum 1 $1 222 631.00 Object Class Sum 1 $1 222 631.00 Total 1 $1 222 631.00 Section 10 FEMA FORM 089-0-10G Budget Totals POSITION DESCRIPTIONS Please fill in position descriptions below, or attach pre -typed descriptions. Describe Administrative specialist functions here. Describe Financial Grants Manager functions here. Describe Grant Manager functions here. Describe Logistics Coordinator functions here. Describe Logistics Manager functions here. Describe Program Manager functions here. Section 11 FEMA FORM 089-0-10H Position Descriptions Page 38 of 2 7. Training Coordinator: Name Describe Describe Training Coordinator functions here. Other Please list position and name Describe position functions here. functions here. Name Describe Training Manager functions here. Other Please list position and name Describe position functions here. functions here. Section 11 FEMA FORM 089-0-10H Position Descriptions Page 39 of 2 BUDGET CLARIFICATION Please use the blocks below if additional space is needed to clan other sections of the narrative ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Personnel salaries I Eouiamenta Fringe Benefits. Supplies., Travel. Contractual; ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Other; Direct Section 12 FEMA FORM 089.0.101 Budget Clarification Page 40 of 5 I Personnel Salaries. I Beneritsa Travel. Equipment; Contractual; Section 12 FEMA FORM 089-0-101 Budget Clarification Page 41 of 5 TRAINING Other; Direct ENT Travel. ING Contractual; Section 12 FEMA FORM 089-0-101 Budget Clarification Page 42 of 5 ENT Direct Section 12 FEMA FORM 089-0-101 Budget Clarification Page 43 of 5 South Florida Urban Search and Rescue Excerpts from Strategic Plan (Position Descriptions) ADMINISTRATION FL-TF2 will maintain administrative staffing organized as a Division of the City of Miami Fire Rescue Department with the following dedicated full time personnel: • Program Manager: Captain Erik Sanchez: Establishes division goals and objectives. Coordinates all task force grant goals to comply with cooperative agreements. Oversees the day-to-day task force operations. • Staff Lieutenant /Administrative Logistics Specialist: Lieutenant Joseph Barber: Responsible for all Finance and Procurement activities within the organization. Responsible for all personnel issues within the organization (Overtime reporting, time sheets, etc). Provide supervisory assistance to the Program Manager. • Staff Lieutenant/Administrative Training Specialist: Lieutenant Gustavo Arellano: Responsible for the timely delivery of training in accordance with the requirements set forth by FEMA (Approximately 30 courses delivered in a two year period), as well as the yearly training requirements set forth by the Program Manager (Approximately 72 hours per member). Responsible for tracking and reconciling all Task Force Training hours. Provides supervisory assistance to the Program Manager. • Grants Manager: Miroslava Diaz: Responsible for overall programmatic administration of all grants awarded to the Urban Search and Rescue/Florida Task Force II by the Federal Government. Daily oversight of programmatic grant matters in support of task force activities. Responsible for fiscal reporting on all our grants, approximately $1.3 Million in grants annually. • Administrative Specialist: Maritza Gomez: Responsible for overall financial administration of all grants awarded to the Urban Search and Rescue/Florida Task Force II by the Federal Government. Daily oversight of financial matters in support of task force activities. Part Time Personnel are also utilized as Discipline Coordinator positions. This allows for the most cost effective means of personnel allocation. They are utilized on an as needed basis and do not burden the organization with the cost of full time salaries. The following part time positions have been established within the Table of Organization: • Discipline Training Coordinator: Frank Manaide: Responsible for assisting each discipline with their monthly/yearly discipline training needs. Assists and facilitates our Drills and Mobility Exercises. • Readiness Coordinator: Firefighter Timothy Gleason: Responsible for assuring the Task Force is in a readiness state at both the Training, and Equipment levels. Responsible for updating our deployment rosters. • Financial Officers: Julio Mestas: Responsible for the financial oversight of team activity during deployments. During deployments he assists with the day to day financial support and management of grant goals. Conducts all reconciliation of reimbursement paperwork and coordinates any After -Action Reports. • Medical Coordinator: Firefighter Ahmed Abousaleh: Responsible for the implementation and oversight of the Medical Team. This responsibility includes response activities during deployments, readiness activities, and team welfare. Coordinates yearly medical exams and oversees the HIPAA related information within the TF personnel files. • Communications Coordinator: Gabriel Rodriguez: Responsible for the readiness and implementation of the communications plan. Ensures communications equipment is functional and deployable. Monitor and updates equipment and conducts training within his discipline on same. • Hazmat Coordinators: Tony Prado and Juan Abrue: Responsible for the WMD component of the Task Force. (One fully stocked tractor trailer containing about 1.2 million dollars in equipment.) Oversees training and maintenance for all HazMat components and the new HazMat Equipment Push Package Cache stored at FL-TF2 warehouse. • Canine Coordinator: Lieutenant Jorge Cruz: Responsible for the readiness of the K-9 and search component of the Task Force. Ensures that all search team members are in compliance with requirements set forth by FEMA. Coordinates all training for TF members within his discipline as well as oversees the coordination and site maintenance of the FL-TF2 training prop located in Davie, Fl. • Public Information Officer: Captain Iggy Carroll: Ensures that the message released by this Task Force is in line with the position of the Department of Homeland Security and the Sponsoring Agency, The City of Miami Fire Department. Disseminates TF related information to the local media and coordinates the TF Media Policy as it relates to any and all media resources. • Rescue Team Coordinator: Captain Carlo Soldevilla: Responsible for the oversight of all Rescue equipment. Assists with the institution of rescue methodology and the implementation and maintenance of light, medium and heavy rescue vehicles. Guarantees the readiness of the Rescue equipment cache and oversees training and skill testing for every TF member in his discipline. • Flood /Swiftwater Coordinator: Firefighter Greg Barhorst: Responsible for the Flood/Swiftwater cache, maintenance, and training in support of FEMA Directives. Oversees the continuing education and training for all TF members. • Task Force Leaders: Chief Joseph Zahralban, Chief Scott Dean, Chief David Duenas, Chief Alejandro Fernandez and Captain Grant Musser: Utilized on an as needed basis for special projects requiring management oversight with regard to higher level administrative duties (Example: hurricane reimbursements, audits). Additionally responsible to function as non - department member liaison and represents FL-TF2 at all local and national US&R meetings. • Logistics Coordinator: Firefighter Jesus Garcia: Responsible for all response equipment contained within the organization (over 20,000 individual items). Also responsible for excess property and the day-to-day operations of the Warehouse Manager, Transportation Officer, and Air Response Manager. • Warehouse Manager: Firefighter Jesse Santerre: Responsible for the inventory, tracking, and maintenance of all of our equipment, apparatus, and supplies. Oversees the day-to-day operational readiness of our equipment cache. • Air Response Manager: Ishmael Colon -Marquez: Responsible for assuring our equipment and apparatus are in a state of readiness to be deployed by air. Creates load plans for response to disasters which include our equipment pallets, transportation vehicles and apparatus, as well as our personnel. • Transportation Officer: Rene Gomez: Responsible for the entire task force fleet (4 tractors, 5 fifty foot trailers, 5 box trucks, 3 flatbeds, 2 SUV's, 5 F-350, 1 F-550, I Excursion, 2 forklifts, 8 off road ATV's). Establishes and implements a transportation policy for active drivers and a transportation plan during deployments. Oversees the day-to-day operational readiness for the Transportation Cache, including but not limited to monthly maintenance, minor repairs, and modifications, yearly inspections, records, etc. • Personnel Support Coordinator: Chief David Duenas: Responsible for the administration of the Personnel Support Program to include Critical Incident Stress Management, Employee Assistance, Assisting personnel and family with needs during times of deployment and coordinates CISD for the TF members and their relatives after deployment and on an as -needed basis. • Planning Team Coordinator: Lieutenant Santiago Ramos: Responsible for planning drills and exercises, conducting and preparing HSEEP AAR Reports. oversees training and skill testing for every TF member in his discipline. STORAGE & MAINTENANCE I Travel. STORAGE & MAINTENANCE I Direct STORAGE& MAINTENANCE I Contractual; STORAGE& MAINTENANCE I Section 12 FEMA FORM 089-0-101 Budget Clarification Page 44 of 5 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 12/31/2022 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 1. Type of Submission: ❑ Preapplication ® Application ❑ Changed/Corrected Application " 2. Type of Application: If Revision, select appropriate letter(s): ® New ❑ Continuation Other (Specify): ❑ Revision " 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: E10212020 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: 5b. Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: fl 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: `a. Legal Name: City of Miami • b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): ` c. Organizational DUNS: 0722207910000 59-6000375 d. Address: * Street1: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 5th Floor Street2: " City: County/Parish: Miami "State: FL: Florida Province: • Country: USA: UNITED STATES " Zip / Postal Code: 33130-1910 e. Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Miami Fire Department f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: Captain " First Name: Middle Name: Erik Last Name: Sanchez Suffix: Title: Organizational Affiliation: `Telephone Number: (786) 554-3155 Fax Number: `Email: usarpm@miamigov.com Tracking Number:GRANT13158590 Funding Opportunity Number:DHS-20-DOD-025-00-01 Received Date:Jul 02, 2020 12:44:10 PM EDT Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 " 9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type: C: City or Township Government Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type: " Other (specify): 10. Name of Federal Agency: Department of Homeland Security - FEMA 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 97.025 CFDA Title: National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System " 12. Funding Opportunity Number: DHS-20-DOD-025-00-01 " Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: 14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachment " 15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Urban Search and Rescue Response System Attach supporting documents as specified in agency instructions. Add Attachments Delete Attachments View Attachments Tracking Number:GRANT13158590 Funding Opportunity Number:DHS-20-DOD-025-00-01 Received Date:Jul 02, 2020 12:44:10 PM EDT CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Statement for Loan Guarantees and Loan Insurance The undersigned states, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: If any funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this commitment providing for the United States to insure or guarantee a loan, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. Submission of this statement is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required statement shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. • APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION City of Miami • PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Prefix: Ms. ' First Name: I Lillian Middle Name: " Last Name: Blondet Suffix: . Title: Office of Grants Administration, Director ' SIGNATURE: Lillian Blondet ' DATE: 07/02/2020 Tracking Number:GRANT13158590 Funding Opportunity Number:DHS-20-DOD-025-00-01 Received Date:Jul 02, 2020 12:44:10 PM EDT Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 16. Congressional Districts Of: " a. Applicant FL-027 " b. Program/Project Attach an additional list of Program/Project Congressional Districts if needed. Add Attachment Delete Attachment L View Attachment 17. Proposed Project: "a. Start Date: 09/O1/2020 `b. End Date: 08/31/2023 18. Estimated Funding• ($): a. Federal 1,222,631.001 " b. Applicant 0 . 00 " c. State 0 . 0 0 "d. Local 0.00 " e. Other 0 . 00 "f. Program Income 0.00 "g.TOTAL 1,222,631.00 " 19. Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? ❑ a. This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on ❑ b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. ® c. Program is not covered by E.O. 12372. " 20. Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yes," provide explanation in attachment.) Yes ® No If "Yes", provide explanation and attach Add Attachment Delete Attachment View Attachrne1-t 21. "By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications— and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances— and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001) ® "I AGREE "" The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions. Authorized Representative: Prefix: Ms . " First Name: Lillian Middle Name: " Last Name: Blondet Suffix: "Title: Office of Grants Administration, Director * Telephone Number: 305-903-1315 Fax Number: "Email: lblondet@miamigov.com " Signature of Authorized Representative: Lillian Blondet ` Date Signed: 07/02/2020 Tracking Number:GRANT13158590 Funding Opportunity Number:DHS-20-DOD-025-00-01 Received Date:Jul 02, 2020 12:44:10 PM EDT The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) National Urban Search and Rescue Response System NOTE: If you are going to apply for this funding opportunity and have not obtained a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and/or are not currently registered in the System for Award Management (SAM), please take immediate action to obtain a DUNS Number, if applicable, and then to register immediately in SAM. It may take 4 weeks or more after you submit your SAM registration before your registration is active in SAM, then an additional 24 hours for Grants.gov to recognize your information. Information on obtaining a DUNS number and registering in SAM is available from Grants.gov at: hllp://www. rg ants.gov/web/grants/register.html. Detailed information regarding DUNS and SAM is also provided in Section D of this NOFO, subsection 4, How to Register to Apply. A. Program Description 1. Issued By U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Office of Response and Recovery, Response Directorate, Operations Division, Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Branch 2. Assistance Listings (formerly Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number) 97.025 3. Assistance Listings Title (formerly CFDA Title) National Urban Search and Rescue Response System 4. Funding Opportunity Title Fiscal Year 2020 National Urban Search and Rescue Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement 5. Funding Opportunity Number DHS-20-DOD-025-00-01 6. Authorizing Authority for Program The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub. L. No. 93- 288, as amended, 42 U.S.0 § 5165f 7. Appropriation Authority for Program Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub. L. No. 116-93), Title III Protection, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Operations and Support. 8. Announcement Type Initial Page 1 of 48 9. Program Overview, Objectives, and Priorities The National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System (the System) provides funding for 28 national task forces staffed and equipped to assist State and local governments conduct around -the -clock search -and -rescue operations following a Presidentially declared major disaster or emergency under the Stafford Act (e.g., earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, aircraft accidents, hazardous materials spills and catastrophic structure collapses). When deployed, these task forces support State and local emergency responders' efforts to locate survivors and manage recovery operations. This program supports DHS Mission 5, Goal 5. 1: "Enhance National Readiness," as provided in the DHS 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. The objective of this Cooperative Agreement is to provide for the sustainment and readiness of the System and local jurisdictions, through the funding of administration and management, training, equipment, and storage and maintenance. Program Priorities are as follows: 1. Ensure that System Sponsoring Agency Administrative Organizations manage and administer task force affairs and activities consistent with best practices; to include making available training and exercises that enable task force personnel to safely perform assigned duties in accordance with established FEMA and System standards and guidance. 2. Ensure a state of readiness and enhance operational effectiveness by acquiring and maintaining equipment and tools in accordance with the System's current approved FEMA Equipment Cache List. 3. Provide leased space to meet the office, training site and storage requirements of the System. 4. Optimize standby activities by making available resources to enable catastrophic event planning, mobilization exercises and technical assistance. 5. Provide forums to enable FEMA and System Sponsoring Agency senior leadership coordination and discussion on System strategic issues. 10. Performance Metrics A FEMA Urban Search & Rescue resource will arrive on scene within 16 hours of notification for no -notice events within the Contiguous United States from the time a request is received from the Authority Having Jurisdiction. B. Federal Award Information 1. Available Funding for the NOFO: $37,832,000.00 2. Projected number of Awards: 28 3. Period of Performance: 36 months Details of funding amounts can be found in the accompanying Appendices. Extensions to the period of performance will not be permitted unless the recipient has a compelling Page 2 of 48 justification. Recipients shall follow the steps identified in Section H of this document to obtain an extension to the period of performance. 4. Projected Period of Performance Start Date: 09/01/2020 5. Projected Period of Performance End Date: 08/31/2023 6. Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement Program authority and responsibility under this Cooperative Agreement reside with FEMA. FEMA retains the right to terminate all or part of the Cooperative Agreement and may conduct site visits and monitoring throughout the Period of Performance. FEMA will work with the recipient to develop and refine the details of executing this award, including work plans, goals and objectives, timelines, deliverables, effectiveness measures, selection of key partners, outreach or educational materials, coordination of multi state efforts, and definition of eligible and ineligible tasks to ensure that program is effectively implemented. The recipient shall not engage in the development of tasks not approved in the recipient's application without prior approval and the issuance of an amendment to the award by FEMA. Details for implementing this Cooperative Agreement are provided in the Statement of Work. (Appendix A) C. Eli2ibility Information 1. Eligible Applicants FEMA-designated Urban Search and Rescue Task Force Sponsoring Agencies (See Appendix C) 2. Applicant Eligibility Criteria FEMA-designated Urban Search and Rescue Task Force Sponsoring Agency. 3. Other Eligibility Criteria There are no Other Eligibility Criteria for this program. 4. Cost Share or Match There is no Cost Share or Cost Match requirement under this program. D. Application and Submission Information 1. Key Dates and Times a. Date posted to Grants.gov 06/24/2020 b. Initial Application Submission in Grants.gov (SF-424) 07/10/2020 Page 3 of 48 c. Application Submission Deadline in ND Grants: 07/24/2020 at 5:00 pm ET d. Anticipated Funding Selection Date: 08/30/2020 e. Anticipated Award Date: 09/01/2020 f. Other Key Dates Event Sueeested Deadline for Completion Obtaining DUNS Number Four weeks before actual submission deadline Obtaining a valid EIN Four weeks before actual submission deadline Updating SAM registration Four weeks before actual submission deadline Starting application in Grants.gov Two weeks before actual submission deadline Final application in ND Grants One week before actual submission deadline 2. Agreeing to Terms and Conditions of the Award By submitting an application, applicants agree to comply with the requirements of this NOFO and the terms and conditions of the award, should they receive an award. 3. Address to Request Application Package Initial Applications will be processed through the Grants.gov portal, and the complete application will be processed through the ND Grants System. Hard copy applications will not be accepted. Application forms and instructions are available at Grants.gov. To access these materials, go to http://www. rg ants.gov Hardcopies of the NOFO may be downloaded from http://www.grants.gov In addition, the following Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) and/or Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) number available for this Notice is: (800) 462-7585 4. Steps Required to Submit an Application, Unique Entity Identifier, and System for Award Management (SAM) To apply for an award under this program, all applicants must: a. Apply for, update, or verify their Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) and Employer ID Number (EIN) b. In the application, provide a valid Data Universal Numbering System DUNS number, which is currently the unique entity identifier; c. Have an account with login.gov; d. Register for, update, or verify their SAM account and ensure the account is active before submitting the application; e. Create a Grants.gov account; f. Add a profile to a Grants.gov account; a. Establish an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) in Grants.gov; Page 4 of 48 b. Submit an initial application (SF-424) in Grants.gov; g. Submit the final application in the Non -Disaster (ND) Grants system; and h. Continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active federal award or an application or plan under consideration by a federal awarding agency. Applicants are advised that DHS/FEMA may not make a federal award until the applicant has complied with all applicable DUNS and SAM requirements. Therefore, an applicant's SAM registration must be active not only at the time of application, but also during the application review period and when DHS/FEMA is ready to make a federal award. Further, as noted above, an applicant's or recipient's SAM registration must remain active for the duration of an active federal award. If an applicant's SAM registration is expired at the time of application, expires during application review, or expires any other time before award, DHS/FEMA may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive a federal award and use that determination as a basis for making a federal award to another applicant. 5. Electronic Delivery DHS is participating in the Grants.gov initiative to provide the grant community with a single site to find and apply for grant funding opportunities. DHS encourages or requires applicants to submit their applications online through Grants.gov, depending on the funding opportunity. For this funding opportunity, the DHS/FEMA requires applicants to submit initial applications through Grants.gov and the final and complete application through the ND Grants System. How to Register to Apply Instructions: Registering in Grants.gov is a multi -step process. Read the instructions below about registering to apply for DHS funds. Applicants should read the registration instructions carefully and prepare the information requested before beginning the registration process. Reviewing and assembling the required information before beginning the registration process will alleviate last-minute searches for required information. The registration process can take up to four weeks to complete. Therefore, registration should be done in sufficient time to ensure it does not impact your ability to meet required application submission deadlines. Organizations must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number, active System for Award Management (SAM) registration, and Grants.gov account to apply for grants. If individual applicants are eligible to apply for this grant funding opportunity, then you may begin with step 3, Create a Grants.gov account, listed below. Creating a Grants.gov account can be completed online in minutes, but DUNS and SAM registrations may take several weeks. Therefore, an organization's registration should be done in sufficient time to ensure it does not impact the entity's ability to meet required application submission deadlines. Complete organization instructions Page 5 of 48 can be found on Grants.gov here: https://www. grants. gov/web/grants/applicants/organization-registration.html 1) Obtain aDUNS Number: All entities applying for funding, including renewal funding, must have a DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Applicants must enter the DUNS number in the data entry field labeled "Organizational DUNS" on the SF-424 form. For more detailed instructions for obtaining a DUNS number, refer to: https://www. rg ants.gov/web/ rag nts/applicants/organization-registration/step-I- obtain-duns-number.html 2) Register with SAM. All organizations applying online through Grants.gov must register with the System for Award Management (SAM). Failure to register with SAM will prevent your organization from applying through Grants.gov. SAM registration must be renewed annually. For more detailed instructions for registering with SAM, refer to: hitps://www. grants. gov/web/grants/applicants/organization-registration/step-2- register-with-sam.html 3) Create a Grants.gov Account: The next step is to register an account with Grants.gov. Follow the on -screen instructions or refer to the detailed instructions here: https://www. rg ants.gov/web/ rag nts/applicants/registration.html 4) Add a Profile to a Grants.gov Account: A profile in Grants.gov corresponds to a single applicant organization the user represents (i.e., an applicant) or an individual applicant. If you work for or consult with multiple organizations and have a profile for each, you may log in to one Grants.gov account to access all of your grant applications. To add an organizational profile to your Grants.gov account, enter the DUNS Number for the organization in the DUNS field while adding a profile. For more detailed instructions about creating a profile on Grants.gov, refer to: https://www. rg ants.gov/web/ rag nts/applicants/registration/add-profile.htrnl 5) EBiz POC Authorized Profile Roles: After you register with Grants.gov and create an Organization Applicant Profile, the organization applicant's request for Grants.gov roles and access is sent to the EBiz POC. The EBiz POC will then log in to Grants.gov and authorize the appropriate roles, which may include the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) role, thereby giving you permission to complete and submit applications on behalf of the organization. You will be able to submit your application online any time after you have been assigned the AOR role. For more detailed instructions about creating a profile on Grants.gov, refer to: https://www. rg ants.gov/web/ rag nts/applicants/registration/authorize-roles.html Page 6 of 48 6) Track Role Status: To track your role request, refer to: https://www. rg ants.gov/web/ r�pplicants/registration/track-role-status.html 7) Electronic Signature: When applications are submitted through Grants.gov, the name of the organization applicant with the AOR role that submitted the application is inserted into the signature line of the application, serving as the electronic signature. The EBiz POC must authorize people who are able to make legally binding commitments on behalf of the organization as a user with the AOR role; this step is often missed, and it is crucial for valid and timely submissions. 6. How to Submit an Initial Application to DHS via Grants.gov Standard Form 424 (SF-424) is the initial application for this NOFO. Grants.gov applicants can apply online using Workspace. Workspace is a shared, online environment where members of a grant team may simultaneously access and edit different webforms within an application. For each NOFO, you can create individual instances of a workspace. Below is an overview of applying on Grants.gov. For access to complete instructions on how to apply for opportunities using Workspace, refer to: https://www. rg ants.gov/web/ rag nts/applicants/workspace-overview.html a. Create a Workspace: Creating a workspace allows you to complete it online and route it through your organization for review before submitting. b. Complete a Workspace: Add participants to the workspace to work on the application together, complete all the required forms online or by downloading PDF versions, and check for errors before submission. The Workspace progress bar will display the state of your application process as you apply. As you apply using Workspace, you may click the blue question mark icon near the upper -right corner of each page to access context -sensitive help. c. Adobe Reader: If you decide not to apply by filling out webforms you can download individual PDF forms in Workspace. The individual PDF forms can be downloaded and saved to your local device storage, network drive(s), or external drives, then accessed through Adobe Reader. NOTE: Visit the Adobe Software Compatibility page on Grants.gov to download the appropriate version of the software at: hitps://www.grants.gov/web/grants/applicants/adobe-software-compatibili .tom d. Mandatory Fields in Forms: In the forms, you will note fields marked with an asterisk and a different background color. These fields are mandatory fields that must be completed to successfully submit your application. Page 7 of 48 e. Complete SF-424 Fields First: The forms are designed to fill in common required fields across other forms, such as the applicant name, address, and DUNS number. To trigger this feature, an applicant must complete the SF-424 information first. Once it is completed, the information will transfer to the other forms. f. Submit a Workspace: An application may be submitted through workspace by clicking the Sign and Submit button on the Manage Workspace page, under the Forms tab. Grants.gov recommends submitting your application package at least 24- 48 hours prior to the close date to provide you with time to correct any potential technical issues that may disrupt the application submission. g. Track a Workspace Submission: After successfully submitting a workspace application, a Grants.gov Tracking Number (GRANTXXXXXXXX) is automatically assigned to the application. The number will be listed on the Confirmation page that is generated after submission. Using the tracking number, access the Track My Application page under the Applicants tab or the Details tab in the submitted workspace. For additional training resources, including video tutorials, refer to: https://www. grants. gov/web/grants/Uplicants/applicant-training.html Applicant Support: Grants.gov provides applicants 24/7 support via the toll -free number 1-800-518-4726 and email at support(cr�,grants.gov. For questions related to the specific grant opportunity, contact the number listed in the application package of the grant you are applying for. If you are experiencing difficulties with your submission, it is best to call the Grants.gov Support Center and get a ticket number. The Support Center ticket number will assist DHS with tracking your issue and understanding background information on the issue. 7. Submitting the Final Application to DHS/FEMA in ND Grants After submitting the initial application in Grants.gov, eligible applicants will be notified by DHS/FEMA and asked to proceed with submitting their complete application package in ND Grants. Applicants can register early with ND Grants and are encouraged to begin their ND Grants registration at the time of this announcement. Early registration will allow applicants to have adequate time to start and complete their application. If you need assistance registering for the ND Grants system, please contact nd_rants e,fema.dhs.gov or (800) 865-4076. For step-by-step directions on using the ND Grants system and other guides, please see hlt2s://www.fema.gov/non-disaster-grants- management-system. In ND Grants, applicants will be prompted to submit the standard application information required as described below. The Standard Forms (SF) are auto generated in ND Grants, but applicants may access these forms in advance through the Forms tab under the SF- 424 family on Grants.gov. Applicants should review these forms before applying to ensure they have all the information required: Page 8 of 48 ■ SF-424A, Budget Information (Non -construction) o For construction under an award, submit SF-424C, Budget Information (Construction) in addition to or instead of SF-424A ■ SF-424B, Standard Assurances (Non -construction) o For construction under an award, submit SF-424D, Standard Assurances (Construction), in addition to or instead of SF-424B ■ SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities ■ Indirect Cost Agreement or Proposal, if the budget includes indirect costs and the applicant is required to have an indirect cost rate agreement or proposal. See further information below regarding allowability of indirect costs and documentation requirements, including if the applicant does not have or is not required to have an indirect cost rate agreement or proposal, or contact the relevant DHS/FEMA staff identified in Section G, "DHS Awarding Agency Contact Information" for further instructions. Generally, applicants have to submit either the non -construction forms (i.e., SF-424A and SF-424B) or construction forms (i.e., SF-424C and SF-424D), meaning that applicants that only have construction work and do not have any non -construction work need only submit the construction forms (i.e., SF-424C and SF-424D) and not the non -construction forms (i.e., SF-424A and SF-424B), and vice versa. However, applicants who have both construction and non -construction work under this program need to submit both the construction and non -construction forms. For program -specific application submission requirements, please refer to the subsection titled "Content and Form of Application Submission" under Section D of this NOFO, Appendix A, and FEMA Form 089-0-10 (Available on http://www.grants.gov) 8. Timely Receipt Requirements and Proof of Timely Submission As application submission is a two-step process, the applicant with the AOR role who submitted the application will receive an acknowledgement of receipt and a tracking number (GRANTXXXXXXXX) from Grants.gov with the successful transmission of their initial application. This notification does not serve as proof of timely submission as the application is not complete until it is submitted in the ND Grants System. Applicants can also view the ND Grants Agency Tracking Number by accessing the Details tab in the submitted workspace section in Grants.gov, under the Agency Tracking Number column. Should the Agency Tracking Number not appear, the application has not yet migrated from Grants.gov into the ND Grants System. Please allow 24 hours for your ND Grants application tracking number to migrate. All applications must be received in ND Grants by 5:00 PM (ET) on 07/24/2020. Failure to submit by the deadline may result in an applicant being denied consideration for this funding opportunity. Proof of timely submission is automatically recorded by ND Grants. An electronic date/time stamp is generated within the system when the application is successfully received by ND Grants. Additionally, the applicant(s) listed as contacts on the application will receive a system -generated email to confirm receipt. Page 9 of 48 9. Content and Form of Application Submission The following forms or information are required to be submitted in either Grants.gov or ND Grants. The Standard Forms (SF) are submitted either through Grants.gov, through forms generated in ND Grants, or as an attachment in ND Grants. Applicants may also access the SFs at https://www. _rg ants.gov/web/grants/forms/sf-424-family. a. Grants.gov ■ SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance (Initial Application) ■ Grants.gov Lobbying Form, Certification Regarding Lobbying b. ND Grants: Standard Forms or Information ■ SF-424A, Budget Information (Non -construction) o For construction under an award, submit SF-424C, Budget Information (Construction) in addition to or instead of SF-424A ■ SF-424B, Standard Assurances (Non -construction) o For construction under an award, submit SF-424D, Standard Assurances (Construction), in addition to or instead of SF-424B ■ SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities ■ Indirect Cost Rate Agreement or Proposal if the budget includes indirect costs. See further information below regarding allowability of indirect costs and documentation requirements, including if the applicant does not have or is not required to have an indirect cost rate agreement or proposal, or contact the relevant DHS/FEMA staff identified in Section G, "DHS Awarding Agency Contact Information" for further instructions. c. ND Grants: Program -Specific Forms or Information (Available on hllp://www.grants.gov or https://www.fema.gov/grant-forms) In addition, applicants are also be required to submit the following in ND Grants: ■ Completed US&R Budget Narrative Workbook, FEMA Form 089-0-10 ■ Any requests & approvals received for pre -award costs (if applicable) ■ If one or more vehicle purchases is/are included in the budget narrative, include the following: o Vehicle (rolling or floating) specifications of the vehicle(s) the applicant intends to purchase o A completed Vehicle Support Unit Purchase Replacement/Disposal Justification Form, FEMA Form 089-0-26 10. Other Submission Requirements Submitting Sponsoring Agency applicants must submit one complete application each, including a budget plan that is in accordance with the items outlined in the US&R Task Force FY 2020 Readiness Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work. (Appendix A) 11. Intergovernmental Review An intergovernmental review may be required. Applicants must contact their state's Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to comply with the state's process under Executive Order 12372 (See https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive- Page 10 of 48 order/ 123 72.html, https://www.whitehouse. og v/wp-contegt/uploads/2019/02/SPOC- February-2019.pdf). 12. Funding Restrictions and Allowable Costs Federal funds made available through this award may only be used for the purpose set forth in this award and must be consistent with the statutory authority for the award. Award funds may not be used for matching funds for any other Federal grants/cooperative agreements, lobbying, or intervention in Federal regulatory or adjudicatory proceedings. In addition, federal funds may not be used to sue the federal government or any other government entity. Additional instructions on funding restrictions and allowable costs are in US&R Task Force FY 2020 Readiness Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work (Appendix A) and through internally issued National US&R Response System Program Directives. (Available from the US&R Branch) a. Pre -Award Costs Per 2 C.F.R. § 200.458, pre -award costs are those incurred prior to the effective date of the Federal award directly pursuant to the negotiation and in anticipation of the Federal award where such costs are necessary for efficient and timely performance of the scope of work. Such costs are allowable only to the extent that they would have been allowable if incurred after the date of the Federal award and only with the written approval from FEMA. To apply for the approval to of pre -award costs (i.e., costs incurred prior to the beginning of the Period of Performance for this Cooperative Agreement) the recipient shall submit a justification as to why the pre -award cost approval is necessary, along with a detailed estimate of costs, in the application. The US&R Branch will review and forward the application to the Grant Programs Directorate for approval. The recipient will then be instructed to include their request and the approval with their application package submission. Once the cooperative agreement is awarded, the recipient may then draw down this funding to cover the pre -award expenses at that time. b. Direct Costs • Planning: Planning costs related to training or exercises are allowed under this program. • Training: Training related costs are allowed under this program. • Exercises: Exercise related costs are allowed under this program. • Equipment: Equipment costs are allowed under this program. • Medical Monitoring: Medical Monitoring costs are allowed under this program • Domestic: Domestic travel costs are allowed under this program. • International: International travel is not an allowable cost under this program unless approved in advance by FEMA. • Except for minor renovations and modifications of existing warehouse facilities that do not change the footprint of the structure, construction and renovation costs are not allowed. Examples of permissible minor renovation and modification Page 11 of 48 costs include but are not limited to office/storage space build-out/reconfiguration, ceilings, loading docks/doors, lighting, HVAC, and security fencing. US&R Branch approval is required for reimbursement of renovation and modification costs. The purpose of allowing minor renovation and modification costs is to ensure the equipment cache is maintained as required under the National Urban Search and Rescue Response program. See 42 U.S.C. § 5165f(1)(2); 44 C.F.R. § 208.23(c)(4). You may only use cooperative agreement funds to pay for warehouse leases for a twelve-month consecutive period within the overall period of performance and that there is no guarantee of cooperative agreement funding in future years. Task forces may write contracts with an available fund's clause or option years for protection. c. Management and Administration (M&A) Costs Management and Administration costs are allowed under this program, as outlined in 44 C.F.R. § 208.23. Management and Administration costs are activities directly related to implementing the award. Funding levels for M&A costs, if proposed, will be negotiated on a per applicant basis. d. Indirect Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs Indirect costs are allowable under this program as described in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, including § 200.414. Applicants with a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement that desire to charge indirect costs to an award must provide a copy of their negotiated indirect cost rate agreement at the time of application. Applicants that are not required by 2 C.F.R. Part 200 to have a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement but are required by 2 C.F.R. Part 200 to develop an indirect cost rate proposal must provide a copy of their proposal at the time of application. Post -award requests to charge indirect costs will be considered on a case -by -case basis and based upon the submission of an agreement or proposal as discussed above. E. Application Review Information 1. Application Evaluation Criteria a. Programmatic Criteria Only FEMA-designated Urban Search and Rescue Task Force Sponsoring Agencies (28 total, see Appendix 0 are eligible to apply for this NOFO. Applicants must be a FEMA-designated Urban Search and Rescue Task Force Sponsoring Agency. Submitting Sponsoring Agency applicants must submit one complete application each, including a budget plan that is in accordance with the items outlined in the US&R Task Force FY 2020 Readiness Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work. (Appendix A). b. Financial Integrity Criteria Prior to making a federal award, FEMA is required by 31 U.S.C. § 3321 note, 41 U.S.C. § 2313, and 2 C.F.R. § 200.205 to review information available through any Page 12 of 48 OMB -designated repositories of government wide eligibility qualification or financial integrity information. Therefore, application evaluation criteria may include the following risk -based considerations of the applicant: 1) Financial stability. 2) Quality of management systems and ability to meet management standards. 3) History of performance in managing federal award. 4) Reports and findings from audits. 5) Ability to effectively implement statutory, regulatory, or other requirements. c. Supplemental Financial Integrity Criteria and Review Prior to making a federal award where the anticipated total federal share will be greater than the simplified acquisition threshold, currently $250,000 (see Section 805 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018, Pub. L. No. 115-91, OMB Memorandum M-18-18 at hltps://www.whitehouse.gov/wp- content/uploads/2018/06/M-18-18.pdf): 1) FEMA is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM, which is currently the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) and is accessible through the https://www.sam.gov/SAM/ website. 2) An applicant, at its option, may review information in FAPIIS and comment on any information about itself that a federal awarding agency previously entered. 3) FEMA will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 C.F.R. § 200.205. 2. Review and Selection Process FEMA staff, professionally and technically qualified in the System, will evaluate applications and select applicants for funding. Applicants will be evaluated and selected for funding based on the following: a. The applicant demonstrates expertise and qualifications necessary to support Emergency Support Function 99 (ESF #9) activities under the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework. b. The applicant's proposed work plan is consistent with the US&R Task Force FY 2020 Readiness Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work. (Appendix A) c. The applicant proposes costs that are allowable, reasonable and allocable in relation to proposed projects and tasks. F. Federal Award Administration Information 1. Notice of Award Before accepting the award, the AOR and recipient should carefully read the award package. The award package includes instructions on administering the grant award and Page 13 of 48 the terms and conditions associated with responsibilities under federal awards. Recipients must accept all conditions in this NOFO as well as any special terms and conditions in the Notice of Award to receive an award under this program. Notification of award approval is made through the ND Grants system through an automatic e-mail to the awardee point of contact (the "authorized official") listed in the initial application. The date FEMA approves the award is the "award date." The awardee should follow the directions in the notification to accept the award. Recipients must accept their awards no later than 90 days from the award date. The recipient shall notify the awarding agency of its intent to accept and proceed with work under the award or provide a notice of intent to decline through the ND Grants system. For Instructions on how to accept or decline an award in the ND Grants system, please see the ND Grants Grant Recipient User Guide. Funds will remain on hold until the recipient accepts the award through the ND Grants system and all other conditions of award have been satisfied, or the award is otherwise rescinded. Failure to accept the grant award within the 90-day timeframe may result in a loss of funds. 2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements a. DHS Standard Terms and Conditions All successful applicants for DHS grant and cooperative agreements are required to comply with DHS Standard Terms and Conditions, which are available online at: DHS Standard Terms and Conditions. The applicable DHS Standard Terms and Conditions will be those in effect at the time the award is made. What terms and conditions will apply for the award will be clearly stated in the award package at the time of award. b. Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Compliance As a Federal agency, FEMA is required to consider the effects of its actions on the environment and/or historic properties to ensure that all activities and programs funded by the agency, including grant -funded projects, comply with Federal EHP regulations, laws, and Executive Orders as applicable. 3. Reporting Below is an overview of the reporting requirements for this program. Additional reporting information is in US&R Task Force FY 2020 Readiness Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work. (Appendix A) a. Federal Financial Reporting Requirements The Federal Financial Report (FFR) form (SF-425) is available online at: https ://www. grants. gov/web/grants/form s/post-award-reporting- forms.html#sortby=l. Recipients must report obligations and expenditures on a quarterly basis through the FFR to DHS/FEMA. Recipients must file the FFR electronically using the Payment and Reporting Systems (PARS). Page 14 of 48 An FFR must be submitted quarterly throughout the period of performance (POP), including partial calendar quarters, as well as in periods where no grant award activity occurs. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be withheld if these reports are delinquent, demonstrate a lack of progress, or are insufficient in detail. b. Programmatic Performance Reporting Requirements Awardees are responsible for providing updated performance reports using FEMA Form 089-0-11 (Available on http://www. rg ants.gov or hLtps://www.fema.gov/grant-forms) on a Semi -Annual basis through ND Grants. FEMA Form 089-0-11 is due within 30 after the end of the reporting period; recipients must complete FEMA Form 089-0-11 and submit it as an attachment to the ND Grants system. c. Financial and Programmatic Reporting Periods and Report Due Dates Report Type Reporting Report Due Date Period Quarterly Federal Financial Report October 1 — January 30 SF-425 December 31 Semi -Annual Performance Report October 1 — January 30 (FEMA Form 089-0-11) December 31 Quarterly Federal Financial Report January 1 — April 30 (SF-425) March 31 Semi -Annual Performance Report January 1 — July 30 (FEMA Form 089-0-11) June 30 Quarterly Federal Financial Report April 1 — July 30 (SF-425) June 30 Quarterly Federal Financial Report July 1 — October 30 (SF-425) September 30 Semi -Annual Performance Report July 1 — January 30 FEMA Form 089-0-11 December 31 d. Financial and Compliance Audit Report For audits of fiscal years beginning on or after December 26, 2014, recipients that expend $750,000 or more from Federal funding sources during their fiscal year are required to submit an organization -wide financial and compliance audit report. The audit must be performed in accordance with the requirements of Government and Accountability Office's (GAO) Government Auditing Standards, located at: hLtp://www.gao.gov/govaud/ybkOl.htm, and the requirements of Subpart F of 2 C.F.R. Part 200, located at: httbs://w w.izovinfo.izov/abb/details/CFR-2014-title2-voll/CFR-2014-title2-voll- art200-subpartF e. Closeout Reporting Requirements Page 15 of 48 Within 90 days after the end of the period of performance, or after an amendment has been issued to close out a grant, recipients must submit the following: 1) The final request for payment, if applicable; 2) The final FFR (SF-425); 3) The final progress report detailing all accomplishments; 4) A qualitative narrative summary of the impact of those accomplishments throughout the period of performance; and 5) Other documents required by this NOFO, terms and conditions of the award, or other US&R Branch and GPD guidance. If applicable, an inventory of all construction projects that used funds from this program must be reported with the final progress report. After these reports have been reviewed and approved by the US&R Branch and GPD, a closeout notice will be completed to close out the grant. The notice will indicate the period of performance as closed, list any remaining funds that will be deobligated, and address the requirement of maintaining the grant records for three years from the date of the final FFR, unless a longer period applies, such as due to an audit or litigation, for equipment or real property used beyond the period of performance, or due to other circumstances outlined in 2 C.F.R. § 200.333. In addition, any recipient that issues subawards to any subrecipient is responsible for closing out those subawards as described in 2 C.F.R. § 200.343. Recipients acting as pass -through entities must ensure that they complete the closeout of their subawards in time to submit all necessary documentation and information to FEMA during the closeout of their prime grant award. The recipient is responsible for returning any funds that have been drawn down but remain as unliquidated on recipient financial records. f. Disclosing Information per 2 C.F.R. § 180.335 This reporting requirement pertains to disclosing information related to government -wide suspension and debarment requirements. Before a recipient enters into a grant award with FEMA, the recipient must notify FEMA if it knows if it or any of the recipient's principals under the award fall under one or more of the four criteria listed at 2 C.F.R. & 180.335: 1) Are presently excluded or disqualified; 2) Have been convicted within the preceding three years of any of the offenses listed in 2 C.F.R. § 180.800(a) or had a civil judgment rendered against it or any of the recipient's principals for one of those offenses within that time period; 3) Are presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses listed in 2 C.F.R. § 180.800(a); or 4) Have had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated within the preceding three years for cause or default. Page 16 of 48 At any time after accepting the award, if the recipient learns that it or any of its principals falls under one or more of the criteria listed at 2 C.F.R. § 180.335, the recipient must provide immediate written notice to FEMA in accordance with 2 C.F.R. � 180.350. g. Reporting of Matters Related to Recipient Integrity and Performance Per 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Appendix I § F.3, the additional post -award reporting requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Appendix XII may apply to applicants who, if upon becoming recipients, have a total value of currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from all federal awarding agencies that exceeds $10,000,000 for any period of time during the period of performance of an award under this funding opportunity. Recipients that meet these criteria must maintain current information reported in FAPIIS about civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings described in paragraph 2 of Appendix XII at the reporting frequency described in paragraph 4 of Appendix XII. 4. Monitoring Per 2 C.F.R. § 200.336, FEMA, through its authorized representatives, has the right, at all reasonable times, to make site visits to review project accomplishments and management control systems to review project accomplishments and to provide any required technical assistance. During site visits, FEMA will review grant recipients' files related to the grant award. As part of any monitoring and program evaluation activities, grant recipients must permit FEMA, upon reasonable notice, to review grant -related records and to interview the organization's staff and contractors regarding the program. Recipients must respond in a timely and accurate manner to FEMA requests for information relating to the grant program. G. DHS Awarding Agency Contact Information Contact and Resource Information 1. The following Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) and/or Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) number available for this Notice is: (800) 462-7585. 2. For Program Questions About Applying for an Award The Centralized Services Information Desk (CSID) is a non -emergency comprehensive management and information resource developed by DHS for grants stakeholders. CSID provides general information on all FEMA grant programs and maintains a comprehensive database containing key personnel contact information at the Federal, State, and local levels. When necessary, recipients will be directed to a Federal point of contact who can answer specific programmatic questions or concerns. CSID can be reached by phone at (800) 368- 6498 or by e-mail at: askcsidkfema.dhs.gov, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. ET. 3. For Financial and Administrative Questions About Applying for an Award Page 17 of 48 GPD's Grant Operations Division Business Office provides financial support and technical assistance, such as for password resets and registration requests, questions regarding Form 1199A, payment status, amendments, closeouts, and tracking de - obligation and award amounts. Additional guidance and information can be obtained by contacting the FEMA Call Center at (866) 927-5646 or via e-mail to: ASK- GMDkfema.dhs.gov. 4. Office of Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (OEHP) OEHP provides guidance and information about the EHP review process to FEMA programs and its recipients and sub -recipients. All inquiries and communications about EHP compliance for FEMA grant projects or the EHP review process should be addressed with the US&R Branch. H. Additional Information 1. Period of Performance Extensions The POP for this Cooperative Agreement is 36 months to allow sufficient time to complete and execute the budget. Extensions to the POP for this program are allowed. Extensions to the POP identified in the award will only be considered through formal, written requests to both the US&R Branch and the FEMA Grants Assistance Officer and must contain specific and compelling justifications as to why an extension is required. All extension requests must be submitted using FEMA Form 089-0-012 — Amendment (Available on hitp://www.grants.gov or https://www.fema.gov/grant-forms) and must address the following: • Brief status of ongoing activity under this Cooperative Agreement • Outline of remaining funds available and necessary to finish activity during extension, and • Explanation of why activity could not be completed within the Period of Performance Awardees should submit all proposed extension requests to DHS/FEMA for review and approval at least 60 days before the end of the Period of Performance. 2. Payment FEMA utilizes the Payment and Reporting System (PARS) for financial reporting, invoicing and tracking payments. Additional information can be obtained at: https://isource.fema.gov/sf269/execute/Login?sawContentN4essage=true . DHS/FEMA uses the Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Transfer (DD/EFT) method of payment to Recipients. To enroll in the DD/EFT, the Recipient must complete a Standard Form 1199A, Direct Deposit Form. 3. Appendices: A. National Urban Search and Rescue Response System (US&R) Task Force FY 2020 Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work Page 18 of 48 B. Cooperative Agreement Funding — Recommended Allocations C. Task Force Allocations and Budget Totals D. Administration Budget E. Special Cache Allocations (HEPP, IST, Medical) F. Annual Advisory Organization Stipends G. Summary of Deliverables Page 19 of 48 Appendix A US&R Task Force FY 2020 Readiness Cooperative Agreement Statement of Work A. Purpose The U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are accountable to provide support and funding for the maintenance and readiness of the National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System (the System). The purpose of this Readiness Cooperative Agreement is to support the continued development and maintenance of a national urban search and rescue capability. Specifically, this agreement provides a mechanism for distribution of Cooperative Agreement funding for certain purposes in preparation of a Federal US&R capability for disaster response. This Cooperative Agreement allows each Sponsoring Agency of a System US&R task force the opportunity to maintain a high standard and condition of operational readiness and includes guidance on key areas for task force management to focus on continued preparedness efforts. This Cooperative Agreement provides direction to the System task force's Sponsoring Agency for the use of funding to provide administrative and program management, training, support, equipment cache procurement, maintenance and storage. B. Background FEMA, in cooperation with other federal, state and local agencies created the System to provide a national US&R capability that provides lifesaving resources to survivors of structural collapse. When the System was developed in 1990, there was limited capability in only a few states to perform this mission and no resources were available for a coordinated national response. In 1992, the Federal Response Plan (FRP) was published by FEMA and coordinated activities with 26 federal agencies. The federal government's response to disasters was classified into 12 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs). ESF 99 (Search and Rescue) was established with FEMA as the Primary Agency. FEMA maintains a national consensus on standard operating procedures, organizational structure, equipment, training and exercise requirements. Currently, 28 state and local Sponsoring Agencies in 19 states participate in the System by making their task forces available for national disaster response. FEMA had no organic heavy rescue capability of its own and realized the best sources for US&R knowledge and skills reside at the state and local level. The System was developed and continues as a federal —state —local partnership, based on a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and individual Response and Readiness Cooperative Agreements. While the MOA provides the basic operational "Agreement" between FEMA, the state and Sponsoring Agency, the individual Readiness Cooperative Agreement provides the mechanism for distributing federal funds to the Sponsoring Agencies of the System's 28 US&R task forces for continued readiness efforts. In December 2004, the National Response Plan (NRP) was published by DHS which integrated the Federal Response Plan. The NRP was then updated in January 2008 and is Page 20 of 48 now referred to as the National Response Framework (NRF). At that time, ESF#9 was expanded to encompass urban, water -borne, and land -based search and rescue environments. C. FEMA Objectives FEMA, through the Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Branch or Grant Programs Directorate, shall: 1. Provide oversight and funding to System Sponsoring Agencies to manage and administer US&R task force affairs and activities in accordance with accepted standard business practices. 2. Provide oversight and funding to train and exercise System personnel to safely perform assigned US&R duties in accordance with established FEMA/System approved standards and guidance. 3. Provide oversight and funding to acquire and maintain the equipment in accordance with the US&R Equipment Cache List as approved by the US&R Branch. 4. Provide oversight and funding for the lease of space to provide offices, training facilities and/or storage of vehicles and equipment, as needed. 5. Provide resources (e.g., staff, equipment, funding) to support readiness and standby activities, subject to availability of funds (e.g., catastrophic planning, technical assistance, mobilization exercises). 6. Provide a forum for discussion of strategic issues by facilitating the hosting of Sponsoring Agency Chief/Head meetings with the FEMA Administrator, or designee' as well as regularly scheduled meetings with the System's Strategic Group. D. Approvals Advance approval must be obtained in writing from both the US&R Branch and the FEMA Grants Assistance Officer for the following (in accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200): 1. Approval for activities or expenditures not identified in the task force narrative and budget, but that are allowable within the scope of work for this Cooperative Agreement (i.e., budget changes) 2. Requests for extension of the Period of Performance (POP) for this Cooperative Agreement. (The POP for this Cooperative Agreement is 36 months to allow sufficient time to complete and execute the budget. Extensions to the POP for this program are allowed. Extensions to the POP identified in the award will only be considered through formal, written requests to both the US&R Branch and the FEMA Grants Assistance Officer and must contain specific and compelling justifications as to why an extension is required). See also section H.1 of the NOFO for more information on the POP extension process. 3. Requests for spending Cooperative Agreement funds prior to the beginning of this period of performance ("pre -award costs"). See also section D.12 of the NOFO for further information on pre -award costs. For more detailed information pertaining to submission of amendments to this Cooperative Agreement, refer to US&R Program Directive 2016-010 — US&R Readiness Amendment Guidance, dated September 6, 2016, and any updates. (Available by contacting the US&R Branch) Page 21 of 48 Unauthorized expenditures may be denied and required to be reimbursed to FEMA. Use of Cooperative Agreement funds provided through this agreement for any activity that occurs outside the United States and its territories is prohibited, unless authorized by the US&R Branch, FEMA Grant Programs Directorate and FEMA International Affairs prior to incurring costs for the activity. See also section D.12 of the NOFO for further information on funding restrictions and allowable costs. E. Applicable Laws and Policies/Order of Precedence This award is subject to the laws and regulations of the United States. This Cooperative Agreement incorporates the terms and requirements of any applicable Agency policies and all US&R Program Directives issued by the US&R Branch, including those issued during the term of this Cooperative Agreement. Any inconsistency or conflict in terms and conditions specified in the award will be resolved according to the following order of precedence: public laws, regulations, applicable notices published in the Federal Register, Executive Orders, OMB Circulars, agency award conditions, the terms and conditions of the Sponsoring Agency's Memorandum of Agreement with FEMA, applicable DHS and FEMA policies, US&R Program Directives, and US&R General Memoranda. (Available by contacting the US&R Branch) Some of the terms and conditions contained herein may contain, by reference or substance, a summary of the applicable statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, or OMB Circulars. To the extent that a term or condition contained in this NOFO is a summary of an authority, such provision is not in derogation of, or an amendment to, any such statute, regulation, Executive Order, or OMB Circular. F. Cooperative Agreement Funding The FY 2020 Cooperative Agreement base total (or minimum amount) for each task force is $1,176,631. The US&R Branch recommended allocations are outlined in Appendix B of this NOFO. Additional funds allocated to specific task forces are provided by the US&R Branch in Appendices C, D, and E. Each task force can apply for up to the amount allocated to their agency as shown in Appendix C. All Sponsoring Agencies must submit supporting documentation with each application. The Period of Performance for the FY 2020 US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement funding is 36 months. Each task force should submit a budget narrative detailing daily operation costs within that period of performance as follows. Certain costs may be expended during any point in the period of performance while other costs must be budgeted for a set period within the period of performance. For costs to conduct trainings and for procurement of equipment and supplies task forces shall only charge costs for work done in the period of performance. Where part (or all) of the work under a grant is equipment to be put into service, then that work needs to be fully completed (including receiving the equipment) within the period of performance. These costs may be incurred at any point throughout the period of performance. Page 22 of 48 Task forces are reminded that you may only use cooperative agreement funds to pay for warehouse leases for a twelve-month consecutive period within the overall period of performance and that there is no guarantee of cooperative agreement funding in future years. Task forces may write contracts with an available funds clause or option years for protection. G. FEMA/US&R Branch Responsibility 1. Review, approve, and adopt System -related products, including technical manuals, operational procedures, training curriculum and supporting manuals, meeting agendas and other requirements for the System. 2. Coordinate and support meetings relating to System activities, to develop and implement policies, procedures and System documents. 3. Establish and disseminate policy and Program Directives for the System based on established regulations and with substantial involvement and input from the partner sponsoring agencies and their members. 4. In cooperation with the System's Strategic Group, determine annual funding levels for readiness activities. 5. Purchase equipment and deliver to System task forces, based on need and available funding. 6. Review and/or approve expenditure reports, performance reports, personnel records, training records, task force self -evaluation documents, equipment cache and excess property inventories and other deliverables required by the US&R Branch. 7. Review and approve/disapprove in writing, in conjunction with the Grants Assistance Officer, any cost deviations or budget revisions from those prescribed in this agreement or from other FEMA established policies. 8. Implement the policy, criteria and procedure for task force evaluations. Distribute an annual Task Force Self -Evaluation survey with 45-day submission suspense, for completion by the task forces. Conduct a cooperative peer -based Readiness Assessment Program (RAP), to include Administrative Readiness Evaluations (ARE) and Operational Readiness Exercise Evaluations (OREE). 9. Track, disseminate, and consistently update the status of recommendations generated from the Advisory Organization to all System components. 10. Based on various planning factors, the US&R Branch may alert or activate System resources for activities associated with scheduled National Special Security Events (NSSE). Task forces activated under this section will be notified in advance, through written activation orders that will provide authorization for travel and to carryout activities required of the operations. Prior to any activities under this section, the US&R Branch will request cost estimates from identified task forces. This item would be funded separately from annual Readiness Cooperative Agreement funding but could be either an amendment to this Cooperative Agreement or the Response Cooperative Agreement. 11. Provide at least one full-time US&R Branch staff member to serve as project officer for each of the recognized Functional Groups within the Advisory Organization to assist the Group leader in the administration of the Group. H. Sponsoring Agency Responsibility and Requirements Page 23 of 48 Under this Readiness Cooperative Agreement, the Sponsoring Agency shall use funding to prepare the task force under the following categories: Administration/ Management, Training, Equipment, and Storage/Maintenance. Administration and Management a. Provide sufficient staff for management and administration of task force day-to-day activities. This staff shall be responsible for program management, grants management, financial management, administrative support, training coordination and instruction, logistics management and property accountability. These management responsibilities include, but are not limited to, task force salaries and expenses coordination; record -keeping; inventory and maintenance of task force equipment caches; communicating with task force members and parties who support task force activities; and similar management and administrative tasks. b. Maintain a comparison of expenditures with budgeted amounts for each Federal award, per 2 C.F.R. § 200.302. This includes maintaining a budget that reflects budgeted versus actual expenditures, tracking back to the four budget categories and nine object classes as detailed within their budget of their application on SF-424A — Budget Information (Non -Construction) or SF-424C — Budget Information (Construction). c. Task forces may purchase equipment & supplies for the administration of their program with US&R funding, with their own funding, or both. These items may include but are not limited to, laptop and desktop computers, cellular telephones/wireless tablets, personal communication devices (e.g., smart phones), printers, scanners, copy machines, office furniture, video conference capability, etc. d. Recruit, train and maintain a roster of personnel to enable complete staffing of a National Incident Management System (NIMS) Type 1 US&R task force. Positions shall be staffed from within the task force organization, unless prior approval is given by the US&R Branch. The rostered staffing level shall be a maximum 210 personnel, plus up to 10% allowable staffing overage, to address attrition, Incident Support Team (IST) members, etc. The task force shall pursue the goal to roster the minimum of 140 deployable personnel; two deep at each of the 19 functional positions required for a NIMS type 1 US&R task force configuration. Ensure all members have a completed, signed and notarized Appointment Affidavit on file with the task force. e. The task force shall procure and maintain the required Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) preparedness and response equipment and supplies and train personnel according to current System policy. Doing so will allow the task force to perform rescue operations in a contaminated environment, as defined in the System's Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) Concept of Operations. f_ Ensure each task force member meets the necessary license, certification or other professional qualification requirements of their assigned position at time of deployment. Further ensure that the task force has the documentation on file to verify currency. g. The task force may use funds to cover salary and travel for product research and development efforts, when authorized by the US&R Branch who will coordinate with the Grant Programs Directorate. Page 24 of 48 h. The task force may use funds to cover salary and travel to enable task force personnel to collaborate with federal, state, or other entities (e.g., other US&R resources or emergency responders) to enhance the capabilities of the System. i. Ensure the task force is prepared for AREs by completing an internal self -evaluation operational readiness and preparedness survey (Phase I Self -Evaluation) as provided by the US&R Branch. The completed electronic copy of the self -evaluation shall be submitted as directed by the annual Program Directive. j. Submit to the US&R Branch the following items in accordance to instructions in Appendix G by January 31st: l . A current task force US&R equipment cache database in a Microsoft Access - compatible database format. This database shall include both equipment caches. 2. A current Time -Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) form ( "Aircraft Loading Data "), in a format provided by the US&R Branch. 3. A transportation plan including all vehicles and trailers for a NIMS type 1 US&R task force over -the -road configuration. 4. An Annual Maintenance and Inventory Log, from each task force that maintains one of the three Incident Support Team (IST) equipment caches, 5. An Annual Maintenance and Inventory Log, from each task force that maintains one of the seven Hazardous Materials Equipment Push Package (HEPP) caches. h. Ensure funds are properly allocated, accounted for, and reported for those task force members who serve as Sponsoring Agency Chief Representatives, Advisory Group Chair, Deputy Advisory Group Chair, IST Representative, Legal Representative, Functional Group Leaders, Deputy Functional Group Leaders, Subgroup Leaders, National and Divisional Task Force Representatives, Incident Support Team leadership as appropriate and authorized by the US&R Branch. These funds are intended to defray personnel salary, backfill, travel and other administrative costs associated with these positions for assigned task forces in accordance with Sponsoring Agency policies and Appendices C, D, E, and F. i. Ensure timely reporting of expenditures for readiness activities carried out under this agreement and timely delivery of Cooperative Agreement reporting. Refer to Section I of this Appendix, Reporting. j. As funding allows, ensure personnel salaries and expenses relating to task force and Incident Support Team administration, development and training preparedness activities are paid in accordance with established Sponsoring and Participating Agency policies/practices and in a timely manner, but no later than 120 days after completion of a training exercise. Appropriate personnel records shall be kept in accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200. k. Compliance with NIMS is a condition for award of this Cooperative Agreement as outlined in Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5), Management of Domestic Incidents. Sponsoring Agencies must comply with the NIMS Implementation Activities established annually by FEMA. Sponsoring Agencies must report NIMS compliance activities in accordance with state and local NIMS guidance. Additionally, a certificate of completion for each required course in accordance with current the Position Descriptions must be in each System task force member's personnel file. State offered NRF, NIMS, or equivalent certificates may be substituted for those courses offered on the FEMA NIMS website provided they Page 25 of 48 meet federal NIMS standards. For further information on compliance and guidance, refer to the following website: https://www.fema.gov/national-incident-management- system. 1. Attend FEMA-sponsored or FEMA-approved System meetings, conferences, and training sessions, or other events as directed by the US&R Branch as they relate to the System. Other activities include on -site peer AREs, OREEs, quality assurance oversight of FEMA-sanctioned training courses, training with other task forces, grants management training, non-federal search and rescue meetings/activities (e.g., State Urban Search and Rescue (SUSAR) Alliance), and research & development for equipment, as directed by the US&R Branch. The US&R Branch is recommending allocation of certain funds as identified in Appendix B for travel. All travel funds shall be accounted for under Management and Administration and/or Training at the task force level. m. Provide complete medical evaluations and immunizations to task force members as defined by the System's Medical Subgroup. Medical screening should be conducted, at a minimum, on a triennial basis for each task force member. Each task force member must have a current Fit for Deployment form signed by the examining physician on file. This document along with the medical evaluation shall become part of each member's personal medical record. Please refer to the most current Program Directive. n. Expend at least 98% of the Cooperative Agreement funds for which the task force has budgeted. Failure to expend 98% might be taken into consideration for future award amounts. 2. Training a. Provide System -related or System -required training for task force personnel, including the delivery of local US&R training courses or other courses specifically required by the System's Position Descriptions or authorized by the US&R Branch. This should include equipment specific training provided by the manufacturer and authorized repair technician certification training to allow task forces to have members certified to conduct manufacturer approved repairs in-house. b. As funding permits, complete all five modules of the OREE over a three-year period either as individual exercise components, or as one comprehensive deployment exercise. The task force is encouraged to exercise as many task force members as possible during this Cooperative Agreement. c. A task force deployment may cover all five modules or portions thereof, in which case those components not addressed in a deployment must be exercised once every three years. d. When a task force completes all five modules, those funds originally set aside for a deployment exercise may then be used for other System approved items within the same budget category. This change must be addressed in the Semi -Annual Performance Report. A budget change is required when funds exceeding 10% of the Cooperative Agreement award amount are moved to another program budget category. e. The task force should notify the US&R Branch of mobilization or deployment exercises as soon as the exercise is scheduled, but not later than 60 days before the Page 26 of 48 exercise begins. Notification should be brief, but include dates, scope of exercise, number of participants, and other agencies involved. (Appendix G) The intent of this notification is to provide the US&R Branch planning information for AREs and scheduling joint exercises with other DoD/federal Agencies. It does not take the place of, and should not be confused with, sanction request letters to obtain FEMA approval of task force sponsored training and exercises in accordance with the Training Program Administration Manual (TPAM), dated January 27, 2020 (issued as US&R Program Directive 2020-004), or most current training manual. (Available from the US&R Branch) f. Submit an after -action report within 90 days of the completion of a mobilization or deployment exercise, or a training activity with duration of more than 24 consecutive hours. Send the report to the attention of the US&R Branch Chief and written in a format where lessons learned may be shared with other task forces in the System. g. Ensure training and exercise activities of the task force meet System standards, requirements and certifications. Ensure training records for all task force personnel are kept in a central, secure location. h. Provide funding for expenses related to the acquisition, maintenance, training and certification of Canine Search Teams. This statement is not related to the funding provided to host canine evaluations. i. The task force is authorized to fund the acquisition, maintenance, training and certification of Canine Search Teams — Human Remains Detection. This allows the task force the ability to have this resource within the task force. Task force support of this resource is voluntary. j. When authorized, ensure funds are distributed in support of hosting a System Canine Search Team Certification Evaluation or Preparation, as identified in Appendix D. When funding provided for the canine evaluations exceeds actual costs, the excess allocated funds may be redirected to other System activities that support the task force's canine program under Items 6 & 7. If remaining funds are used to cover costs under Items 6 and/or 7, provide this information and the associated cost(s) in their Semi -Annual Performance Report submission. k. Provide grants management training to assigned task force Grant Managers and Assistants who have not previously attended training. Grant management training is mandatory for all task force Grants Managers and Assistants. Grant management training is optional, but highly recommended, for task force Program Managers and other key personnel assigned to System administrative duties. Every effort shall be made to attend continuing education by task force Grant Managers and Assistants during the Cooperative Agreement to stay current with regulation updates/changes. Personnel should attend training from a facility that provides a "Grants Certificate Program" and/or the US&R Grant Manager course. The US&R Branch and/or Grants Assistance Officer may be contacted for further information on classes offered. Examples of some grant management course topics are: 1. Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients 2. Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards: 2 C.F.R. Part 200 3. Applying for Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements 4. How to Prepare the Application Budget Page 27 of 48 5. Business Management Systems for Recipients 6. Audit of Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements Provide appropriate database and systems training, as needed to task force logistics and program management personnel to maintain personnel, equipment, grant, financial and accountability records. Equipment and Supplies a. In addition to the requirements in this Appendix, states must use, manage, and dispose of equipment, as defined by 2 C.F.R. § 200.33, in accordance with state laws. Non -state task forces must follow the 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(c)-(e) regarding the use, management, and disposition of equipment. All task forces must comply with the requirements of 2 C.F.R. § 200.314 for supplies, as defined by 2 C.F.R. § 200.94. All task forces must also comply with 2 C.F.R. § 200.312 regarding federally owned property. Equipment is tangible personal property with a useful life of at least 1 year & a per unit cost of at least $5,000 (or the non-federal entity's equivalent threshold, whichever is lower). Supplies, on the other hand, are tangible personal property lower than the $5,000 equipment threshold or have a useful life of less than a year. Phones, tablets, etc. would more likely be supplies than equipment. b. The Sponsoring Agency is authorized to purchase equipment as listed in the System's most current TEAM Approved Equipment Cache List, dated March 31, 2020 (issued as US&R Program Directive 2020-007), or most current Approved Equipment Cache List. (Available on https://www.responsesystem.org or by contacting the US&R Branch) Task force personnel are reminded and directed not to exceed the current Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), unless prior approval is received in writing from the US&R Branch. The task force must follow the applicable federal procurement requirements at 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.317 — 200.326. The rules differ depending on whether the task force is a state entity or a non -state entity. Non -state entities must follow their own documented procurement procedures that reflect applicable state and local laws and regulations, provided the procurements conform to applicable federal law and the federal procurement requirements. Part of the purpose of following the federal procurement requirements is to ensure reasonable prices are obtained, and reasonable costs are also a requirement of the federal cost principles per 2 C.F.R. § 200.403. Special consideration is given to the task force to purchase other equipment items in support of training, administrative, and warehouse/maintenance needs. Any other equipment not specified above can only be purchased after receiving written approval from the US&R Branch. c. Specific task forces are identified and provided funds to cover maintenance costs of the IST "A", `B" and "C" caches and medical kits. Cooperative Agreement regulations apply to these funds and shall not be transferred to a Participating Agency (See Appendix E). d. Specific task forces are also identified and provided funds to cover maintenance costs of the seven HEPP caches in accordance with the most current version of the System's HEPP Concept of Operations, (See Appendix E). Cooperative Agreement Page 28 of 48 regulations apply to these funds and shall not be transferred to a Participating Agency. These task forces are also required to submit an annual HEPP maintenance cost estimate by October 30t' of each year to the US&R Branch's Program Management Section Chief to assist with the budgeting for future Cooperative Agreements, subject to the availability of funds. This cost estimate shall be based on actual expenses incurred from the previous year and any additional costs anticipated for the following year, as funding allows. e. Task forces are to ensure that the full complement of Communications capability that meets the requirements, per the current FEMA Approved Equipment Cache List has been purchased and/or identified within the Sponsoring Agency for immediate deployment. This Communications capability shall be maintained in a state of readiness for response. Service agreements, as required, shall be in place for immediate use of equipment upon activation. Communications capabilities shall be addressed in the following priority order: 1. Radio UHF, VHF, 800MHz, Marine, and Air frequency capability, to include the required quantities of portable handheld radio units; portable base station(s), mobile and convertiacom unit(s), and portable repeater(s); and mobile radio units installed and operational in all task force prime mover vehicles; 2. Satellite capability including satellite data via transportable .98-1.2M dish system, mobile satellite data system(s), and handheld and mobile satellite phones; 3. Cellular -based data and phone capability to include wireless mobile hotspots and wireless phones. Correcting deficiencies in task force communications capabilities remains a priority within the FY2020 Cooperative Agreement Period of Performance. f. Purchase equipment or supplies necessary to conduct operations within the disciplines of the task force (e.g., Communications, Search & Logistics). These items may include but are not limited to, wireless tablets, personal communication devices (e.g., smart phones), software, printers, etc. g. For state task forces regarding grant -purchased equipment, they must maintain and track equipment in accordance with state laws and procedures. For non -state task forces regarding grant -purchased equipment, all equipment must be tracked as to its origin. Equipment that is procured with this Cooperative Agreement funding shall be identified with the source, cache list number and Cooperative Agreement number, in accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200. Additionally, for all task forces, federal equipment shall be properly identified as to the ownership and funding source (including Agency name and Cooperative Agreement number or Disaster/contract number). The tracking can be accomplished through procurement documents, through fields in a database, or spreadsheet. It is the responsibility of each task force to develop a method of tracking in accordance with this section. However, it should be a system that will easily and quickly identify the information. Additionally, all procurement records and receipts should be cross-referenced and coded with the Cooperative Agreement number, cache list item number, Statement of Work section, or source of origin, or a system to easily and quickly identify the information. See also 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.313, 200.318, 200.333. h. Transportation equipment is authorized for purchase as part of this Cooperative Agreement with prior approval from the US&R Branch in writing after submitting a Page 29 of 48 completed FEMA Form 089-0-26. (Available on https://www.fema.gov/grant-forms) or by contacting the US&R Branch) i. Equipment and prime mover vehicles purchased with federal funds or provided by FEMA shall be for the use of the System. 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(a)(1). States must follow their own laws and procedures when using equipment. 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(b). Non -state task forces must use the equipment in accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(c), including that equipment must be used for the original program or project as long as needed, whether or not the program or project continues to be funded by a federal award. 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(c)(1). The task force must make the equipment available for its other federal programs or projects as long as it does not interfere with the ability to use under the US&R award. 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(c)(2). The task force may use US&R-acquired equipment for non-federal purposes as long as it does not interfere with the ability to use the equipment under this US&R award. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(a)(1), (c)(1), (c)(2). For example, equipment or vehicles may be used on a local, regional, or state disaster response or under other extraordinary circumstance as long as the use does not interfere with the original purpose of the federal award. The US&R Branch Chief shall be notified immediately in writing of any exceptional use of the two US&R equipment caches that diminish the response capability of the task force. The task force or Sponsoring Agency is responsible for replacement, re- supply, and/or repair of equipment used or consumed during activities not associated with the System, and for an immediate return to a state of readiness. j. Title for the original cache, vehicles, and all equipment purchased under the Cooperative Agreements reside with the task forces (44 C.F.R. § 208.27, 2 C.F.R. Part 200). k. Title to the FEMA (i.e., "Second Cache") equipment cache, as well as the IST and HEPP Caches, which were purchased and distributed to their respective task forces by FEMA, resides with FEMA. 1. Should a non -state task forces transfer, sell, or scrap any of the equipment and/or vehicles, they are required to first ask for prior written approval and disposition instructions from the US&R Branch and Grants Assistance Officer for all grant - purchased equipment with a current per unit fair market value over $5,000 (in accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.313). m. For any federally -furnish property, upon completion of the award or when the property is no longer needed, all task forces must report the property to FEMA or obtain instructions from the US&R Branch and Grants Assistance Officer per 2 C.F.R. § 200.312 and FEMA Manual 119-7-1, "Personal Property", or current edition at time of disposition. (Available on hgp://www.fema.gov) n. For the purpose of accountability and safety, the task force is authorized to purchase an identification (ID) system, as long as they meet the requirements outlined in US&R Program Directive 2006-019 — Accountability and Medical Information Cards. (Available by contacting the US&R Branch) 4. Maintenance and Storage a. Maintain an accountability of property acquired under Cooperative Agreement funding, distributed federal property, and acquired federal excess property. Provide an annual report to FEMA on the status of federal property on January 31st of each Page 30 of 48 year, as part of the database submittal to the US&R Warehouse per 2 C.F.R. § 200.312. Conduct an inventory of federal property and property acquired under Cooperative Agreement funding, in accordance with 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.312, 200.313, 200.314. b. Provide manufacturer's recommended maintenance and repair to US&R equipment acquired and specifically identified on the System's current TEAM Approved Equipment Cache List. Also, provide maintenance and repair to any supplemental equipment as approved by FEMA, which was purchased with FEMA funding and delivered to the task forces, purchased during a federal System response, or was acquired with FEMA approval through the Federal Excess Property Program. Task forces are expected to perform routine maintenance of equipment to maintain a state of readiness. c. As part of the operational readiness of each task force, all US&R equipment shall be maintained in an immediate state of readiness in a cache storage facility or facilities. This may include planning and engineering and other costs for development, maintenance, and/or lease of storage facilities and associated equipment for US&R equipment and supplies. Except for minor renovations and modifications of existing warehouse facilities that do not change the footprint of the structure, construction and renovation costs are not allowed. Examples of permissible minor renovation and modification costs include but are not limited to office / storage space buildout / reconfiguration, ceilings, loading docks / doors, lighting, HVAC, and security fencing. US&R Branch approval is required for reimbursement of renovation and modification costs. The purpose of allowing minor renovation and modification costs is to ensure the equipment cache is maintained as required under the National Urban Search and Rescue Response program. See 42 U.S.C. § 5165f(1)(2); 44 C.F.R. § 208.23(c)(4). d. Task force management is reminded you may only use cooperative agreement funds to pay for warehouse leases for a twelve-month consecutive period within the overall period of performance and that there is no guarantee of cooperative agreement funding in future years. See Section F of this Appendix, Cooperative Agreement Funding. Task forces may write contracts with an available fund's clause or option years for protection. e. The day-to-day repair, maintenance, storage, insurance, and administrative costs for all equipment purchased or provided by FEMA will be accomplished via this Cooperative Agreement funding provided and in accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200. 1. Sponsoring Agencies and/or task forces are responsible for purchasing insurance for all vehicles and equipment they own, including gap insurance and/or riders necessary to insure vehicles for actual losses as described in 2 C.F.R. Part 200. The Federal government's self-insurance does not cover actual loss and/or damage to vehicles owned by the Sponsoring Agencies and/or task forces. 2. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), the federal government self- insurance program applies to all vehicles owned by the federal government. This act applies in the context of tort liability as well as to property damage or loss caused by employees acting within the scope of their official duties. See 28 U.S.C. § 2671. This act does not apply to rental vehicles used by Sponsoring Agencies and/or task forces when federally activated. Page 31 of 48 I. Reporting The Sponsoring Agency shall use the following procedure for reporting. There are several types of reports required for this agreement. Refer to Appendix G for specific instructions and points of contact to submit all reports and deliverables. See also section F.3 of the NOFO for any additional reporting requirements. 1. Requirements a. Task Force Self -Evaluation: As identified in Section H of this Appendix, Subsections Li of this document is due when directed by the US&R Branch. b. Equipment Information Submission: As identified in Section H of this Appendix, Subsections I j and 4.a. Provide FEMA with an updated database of the task force US&R equipment cache (both federally owned, and grant purchased). Also provide a current TFPDD form, in a format provided by the US&R Branch and a transportation plan including all vehicles and trailers for a NIMS type 1 US&R task force over -the - road configuration. Submission shall include a cover letter addressed to the US&R Branch as directed in Appendix G by January 3lst. Those task forces who have been identified to maintain one of the three ISTs and/or one of the seven HEPP caches are also required to submit the inventory of these caches as well. c. HEPP Maintenance Annual Cost Estimates: Those task forces who have been identified to maintain one of the seven HEPP caches are required to submit an annual HEPP maintenance cost estimate by October 30th of each year to the US&R Branch's Program Management Section Chief. This information will be used to assist with the budgeting for future Cooperative Agreements, subject to the availability of funds. This cost estimate shall be based on actual expenses incurred from the previous year and any additional costs anticipated for the following year, as funding allows. d. Semi -Annual Performance Report: This report is due to the US&R Branch for the duration of this agreement and is a written report providing a narrative and expenditures, as explained below. 1. The Sponsoring Agency shall electronically send a report semi-annually by January 30th (covering the time period of July Ist through December 31st) and by July 30th (covering the time period of January Ist through June 30th) of each year until the Cooperative Agreement is closed. 2. The Performance Report shall include task force accomplishments and the total budgeted, expenditures and balance for the Cooperative Agreement funding within the following areas: Administration/Management, Training, Equipment, and Maintenance/Storage. 3. Performance Narrative and Funds Report (FEMA Form 089-0-11- available on hM2://www.grants.gov or https://www.fema.gov/grant-forms) shall be used. 4. Completed Performance Report shall be uploaded into the NDGrants System, or as otherwise directed. 5. All changes, whether requiring prior approval or not, shall be noted in the Performance Fund Reports and subsequent closeout documents. 6. The Final Performance Reports shall be included in the completed closeout package and emailed to the US&R Branch and FEMA Grant Programs Directorate, unless otherwise directed. Page 32 of 48 2. Closeout Reports The scope of work identified in the task force's approved budget plan for the Cooperative Agreement must be completed within the Period of Performance. The task force will have 90 days after the Period of Performance to complete the final payments and prepare the closeout documents. If unable to complete the closeout process by the due date, the task force must contact the Grant Programs Directorate and US&R Branch to request an extension of the liquidation and closeout reporting period. For more detailed information pertaining to submission of the Closeout Report for this Cooperative Agreement, refer to the US&R Program Directive applicable at the time. At a minimum the following closeout documents must be submitted: a. Cover Letter: The recipient's closeout cover letter should reference the closeout cooperative agreement number. Please note in the cover letter any items that are not applicable. If the equipment and/or supplies are maintained by the recipient, a statement that addresses the intention to continue use of this equipment needs to be included and that the equipment/supplies will continue to be used for their intended purpose of the cooperative agreement over the life cycle of the equipment/ supplies. Also provide a statement expressing the intent to continue use of Federally Furnished Property for the Federal US&R Program, as noted in the most recent equipment information database submission. Instructions for the Equipment Information database submission are contained in the statement of work and are not part of the closeout procedure. b. Cover Page: Provides basic information pertaining to the Cooperative Agreement, to include the Assistance Listings number, recipient name, EIN number, Cooperative Agreement number, address, email address, contact person and a signature of certification by an authorized official that all information contained within the closeout package is correct. c. Final Performance Report: Recipients must submit a final progress report detailing all accomplishments and a qualitative summary of the impact of those accomplishments throughout the period of performance. Provide a summary of the qualitative accomplishments made through the duration of the FEMA cooperative agreement period of performance. For example, if the cooperative agreement included items under the equipment category (i.e., personal protective equipment), indicate not just the number of pieces of equipment purchased, but also describe the results of the purchase in terms of the response capability or safety, training, or other respects. The report should be broken out in the four program categories: Administrative, Training, Equipment, and Storage/Maintenance and their associated object classes. d. Final Financial Status Report: The Final Federal Financial Report (SF-425) is to be submitted through the Payment and Reporting System (PARS). A copy of the PARS - generated SF-425 report should also be included in the closeout package. e. Refund Checks: If applicable for non -state task forces per 2 C.F.R. § 200.305, a check should be submitted to FEMA to return any unspent federal funds plus interest earned. f. Record Keeping/Retention: Retain records pursuant to the Cooperative Agreement conditions. Cooperative Agreement records should include a copy of the award document, Cooperative Agreement articles, ledgers, documentation of expenditures, Page 33 of 48 documentation -copies of cancelled checks, paid invoices, payrolls, time and attendance records, contract records, etc. Upon completion of all required actions, the submission of all required items, and any appropriate financial adjustments and payments, FEMA will advise the task force in writing when the award can be considered closed out. This information must be kept for at least three years after the date of submission of the final expenditure report (SF-425). This retention period may be longer if any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of that three-year period, in which case the record retention period is until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving those records have been resolved and final action taken. Other types of documents pertaining to indirect costs, equipment, real property, or program income have a different start date for the record retention period. See 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.318, 200.333-200.337, 200.403(g) for further information about the items in this paragraph. 3. Timelines (See Appendix G) a. Task Force Self -Evaluation: Submitted as directed by the US&R Branch, by way of a US&R Program Directive. b. Equipment Information Submission, due January 31s' of each year, including: 1. Inventory of Federally owned equipment. 2. Inventory of HEPP and IST Caches (when applicable). 3. A current Task Force Deployment Data Form (Aircraft Loading Data), FEMA Form 089-0-15. (Available on https://www.fema.gov/grant-forms or by contacting the US&R Branch) 4. A current transportation plan including all vehicles and trailers for a NEWS type 1 US&R task force over -the -road configuration. c. HEPP Maintenance Annual Cost Estimates: For those task forces who have been identified to maintain one of the seven HEPP caches, the deadline to submit an annual HEPP maintenance cost estimate is October 30'h of each year. d. The Semi -Annual Performance Report: This semi-annual report is due by January 30t' and July 30'h each year during the Period of Performance. e. The Quarterly Federal Financial Report (FFR) — SF-425: This quarterly report is due within 30 days after the end of each quarter: January 30t', April 30t', July 30th and October 30t'. f. Final Cooperative Agreement Closeout Package: The closeout package is due to FEMA within 90 days after the Period of Performance expires. This package includes the following items: l . Cover Letter 2. Cover Page 3. Final Performance Report 4. Final Federal Financial Report (FFR), SF-425 5. Final Payment/Unexpended Funds Task forces must be current with all reports at the time of award of this Cooperative Agreement. Page 34 of 48 J. Time is of the Essence FEMA is providing an annual Readiness Cooperative Agreement and it is strongly recommended that the Sponsoring Agency seek expedited approval for the acceptance and management of the Cooperative Agreement. The US&R Branch and Grant Programs Directorate acknowledge the time -sensitive nature of processing and awarding the Cooperative Agreement and will make every effort to expedite the process. The United States Congress closely scrutinizes the timely spending of Readiness Cooperative Agreement funds and failure to meet necessary requirements and time frames may result in the loss of funding for this and future Cooperative Agreement periods. Page 35 of 48 Appendix B-1 Cooperative Agreement Funding — Recommended Allocations FY 2020 - $37.832M Budget Spend Plan - 04/03/2020 2020-OS-A391-D60D-XXXX Final Budget Amount: $ 37,832,000 Task Forces: $ 34,820,168 1 Direct Support:1 $ 3,011,832 Task Force Readiness Cooperative Agreements 8 ITEM UNIT COST QTYJ EXTENDEDCOST SUBTOTAL 1 Program Management $ 652,000 28 $ 1,176,631 $ 32,945,668 2 Staff & Other Travel - TAVs $ 50,000 3 Support & Mtg. Travel or as directed by US&R Branch $ 60,000 4 Readiness Assessment Program Participation $ 5,000 5 Support & Trvl - Nat'l & Local Trng/Exer/Canine Evals $ 82,500 6 Equip-Veh Acquisition and Lifecycle Mgmnt $ 157,309 7 Equip Recapitilization - Congressional Intent $ 19,822 8 Storage/Maintenance $ 150,000 S ITEM SPECIFICTFs QTYJ UNIT COST SUBTOTAL 9 IST Cache see: spend Plan TF Details 1 $ 289,500 $ 289,500 10 HEPPCache See: Spend Plan TFDetails 1 $ 322,000 $ 322,000: 11 Nat'l Level Training Delivery Hosting See: Spend Plan TF Details 1 $ 575,000 $ 575,000 12 Nat'l Level Training Initiatives See: Spend Plan TF Details 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 13 Divisional Multi -Task Force Field Exercises None budgeted this FY 0 $ 15,000 $ - 14 Divisional Multi -Task Force Table Top Exercises None budgeted this FY 0 $ 10,000 $ 15 IST CE Wkshp & New Mem. Orntation Hosting - CY19 None budgeted this FY 0 $ 47,000 $ 16 IST National Level Training Course (S-420) None budgeted this FY 0 $ 90,000 $ 17 IST Support see: spend Plan TF Details 1 $ 133,000 $ 133,000 t 18 Annual Meetings Hosting see: Spend Plan TF Details 1 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 19 AnnualAdvisory Organ izationStipends See. Spend Plan TFDetails 1 $ 326,000 $ 326,000 20 Canine Search Specialist Certification Process see: Spend Plan TF Details 1 $ 195,000 $ 195,000 ` 21 TF Readiness Cooperative Agreements Subtotal: 92.0% $ 34,820,168 22 TF Readiness CA Supplemental Funding - End of Year US&R Funding: 23 TF Readiness CA Supplemental Funding - End of Year PDO Funding: 24 Direct Task Force Support Subtotal: 8.0% $ 3,011,832 25 Budget Task Force Surplus/Deficit Subtotal: $ - 26 27 Administrative Travel Spend Plan Total (amount not paid from Appropriation): 000 $ Page 36 of 48 Appendix B-2 Cooperative Agreement Funding - Recommended Allocations Spend Plan Task Force Details # ITEM I DETAILS QTY I UNITCOST SUBTOTAL 28 IST Cache Maintenance (Exercises, Med Kits, database) CA-76, TX-TF1, VA-TF2 3 $ 91,500 $ 274,500 29 IST Cache Recapitalization C4-TF6, Tx-TF1, VA-TF2 3 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 30 Line 8: IST Cache Maintenance Total: $ 289,500 31 HEPP Cache Maintenance CA-77, CO-71, FL-72, IN- TF1, MD-71, NV-TF1, Tx- TF1 7 $ 35,000 $ 245,000 32 HEPP Cache Recapitalization(PAPR Year3 of3) C4-TF7, CO-TF1, FL-72, IN- TF1, MD-71, NV TF1, TX- TF1 7 $ 11,000 $ 77,000 33 Line 9: HEPP Cache Maintenance Total: $ 322,000 34 Nat'lLvlTrainingHosting -CSS NY-TF1 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 35 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - Comm N Workshop MA-TF1 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 36 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - Comm Spec CA-72 1 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 37 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - HERS OH-71 1 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 38 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - Log IN-71 1 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 39 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - MTT CA-TF4 1 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 40 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - MTT PA-71 1 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 41 Nat'l Lvl Training Hosting - PTT CA-TFS 1 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 42 Nat'lLvlTrainingHosting -SOFR CO-TF1 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 43 Nat'lLvlTrainingHosting -TFL NV-TF1 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 44 Nat'lLvlTrainingHosting -TSS UT-TF1 1 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 45 Line 10: Nat'l Level Training Delivery Hosting Total: $ 575,000 46 Nat'l Lvl Annual Water Cps Training Workshop MD-71/VA-71 1 I $ 10,000 $ 10,000 47 Line 11: Nat'l Level Training Initiatives Total: $ 10,000 48 IST Support - ISTL Stipend - Red IST VA-TF2 1 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 49 IST Support - ISTL Stipend - White IST CA-TFs 1 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 50 IST Support - ISTL Stipend - Blue IST NE-71 1 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 51 IST Support - C&GS Stipend Facilitation NE-71 10 $ 1,500 $ 15,000 52 IST Support - IST Trng Facilitation NE-71 1 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 53 Line 16: IST Support Total: $ 133,000 54 Annual Mtg Hosting - Bienniel SAC Meeting (CY20) CO-71 1 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 55 Annual Mtg Hosting - CY21 Strat Mtg CO-TF1 2 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 56 Annual Mtg Hosting - CY21 Adv Grp Mtg CO-71 2 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 57 Annual Mtg Hosting - CY21 TFR Mtg 0 $ 40,000 $ - 58 Annual Mtg Hosting - CY21 Grants Wkshp (1 day) 0 $ 5,000 $ 59 jAnnual Mtg Hosting - CY21 Trng/Exercise Wkshp (2 days) 0 $ 10,000 $ 60 Annual Mtg Hosting - CY21 Adv Org Meetings 0 $ 40,000 $ - 61 Line 17: Annual Mtg Hosting Total: $ 24,000 62 Annual Adv Org Stipends - SACR-Ds CA-TFs, CO-TF1, OH-TF1 3 $ 8,000 $ 24,000 63 Annual Adv Org Stipends - TFR-N Tx-TF1 1 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 64 Annual Adv Org Stipends - TFR-Ds CA-76, CO-71, NY-TF1 3 $ 15,000 $ 45,000 65 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Adv Grp Chair IN-71 1 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 66 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Dep Adv Grp Chair UT-71 1 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 67 Annual Adv Org Stipends - IST Rep CA-TFs 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 68 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Legal Rep UT-71 1 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 69 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Func Grp Ldrs see currentAdv Org List 4 $ 12,000 $ 48,000 70 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Dep FGLs & ISTGAs See current Adv Org List 8 $ 4,000 $ 32,000 71 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Subgroup & Unit Ldrs See current Adv Org List 15 $ 4,000 $ 60,000 72 Annual Adv Org Stipends - IT Support UT-71 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 73 Annual Adv Org Stipends - Exer Unit Support NE-TF1 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 74 Line 18: Annual Advisory Organization Stipends Total: $ 326,000 75 Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluations C4-73, MO-TF1, UT-TF1,WA-TF1, MD-TF1, NY-TFI 6 $ 32,500 $ 195,000 76 Line 19: Canine Search Specialist Certification Process Total: $ 195,000 Page 37 of 48 Appendix C Task Force Allocations and Budget Totals Sponsoring Agency/Grantee Base Funding Administrative Costs Special Cache Total Amount Amount Costs 1 City of Phoenix Fire Dept. $1,1769631 $0 $0 $1,176,631 AZ-TFl 2 City of Los Angeles Fire Dept. $1,176,631 $4,000 $0 $1,180,631 CA-TFl 3 Los Angeles County Fire Dept. $1,176,631 $90,000 $0 $1,266,631 CA-TF2 4 Menlo Park Fire Protection $1,176,631 $32,500 $0 $1,209,131 District CA-TF3 5 City of Oakland Fire Services $1,176,631 $90,000 $0 $1,266,631 Agency CA-TF4 6 Orange County Fire Authority $1,176,631 $85,000 $0 $1,261,631 CA-TFS 7 City of Riverside Fire Dept. $1,176,631 $15,000 $96,500 $1,288,131 CA-TF6 8 City of Sacramento CA-TF $1,176,631 $0 $46,000 $1,222,631 9 City of San Diego Fire -Rescue $1,176,631 $4,000 $0 $1,180,631 Dept. CA-TF8 10 West Metro Fire Protection $1,176,631 $82,000 $46,000 $1,304,631 District CO-TFl 11 Metro -Dade County Fire Dept. $1,176,631 $0 $0 $1,176,631 FL-TFl 12 City of Miami Fire and Rescue $1,176,631 $0 $46,000 $1,222,631 FL-TF2 13 City of Indianapolis - DPS $1,176,631 $74,000 $46,000 $1,296,631 IN-TFl 14 City of Beverly Emergency $1,176,631 $35,000 $0 $1,211,631 Management Agency MA-TFl 15 Montgomery County Fire and $1,176,631 $37,500 $46,000 $1,260,131 Rescue Service MD-TFl 16 Boone County Fire Protection $1,176,631 $32,500 $0 $1,209,131 District O-TFl 17 City of Lincoln Fire and Rescue $1,176,631 $156,000 $0 $1,332,631 Dept. -TFl 18 New Jersey State Police $1,176,631 $0 $0 $1,176,631 J-TFl 19 Clark County Fire Dept. $1,176,631 $43,000 $46,000 $1,265,631 TFl 20 NYC Office of Emergency $1,176,631 $86,500 $0 $1,263,131 Management -TFl 21 Miami Valley Fire/EMS $1,176,631 $77,000 $0 $15253,631 Alliance OH-TFl 22 Philadelphia Fire Dept. $1,1765631 $98,000 $0 $1,274,631 A-TFl 23 City of Memphis Division of $1,176,631 $4,000 $0 $1,180,631 Fire Services TN-TFl 24 Texas Engineering Extension $1,176,631 $84,000 $142,500 $1,403,131 Service TX-TFl 25 Salt Lake Urban Search & $1,176,631 $73,500 $0 $1,250,131 Rescue UT-TFl 26 Fairfax County Fire and $1,176,631 $5,000 $0 $1,181,631 Rescue Dept. VA-TFl 27 Virginia Beach Fire Dept. $1,176,631 $18,000 $96,500 $1,291,131 A-TF2 28 Pierce County Dept. of $1,176,631 $36,500 $0 $1,213,131 Emergency Mgmt. A-TFl Totals: $325945,668 $1,2635000 $611,500 $34,820,168 Page 38 of 48 Appendix D Administration Budget SAC/National/ TFR Strategic Group, Advisory Group Leadership Divisional Meetings/Advisory Canine National IST ConEd, Task (Attachment G) &National Meeting Name/ Rep/Advisory Group/SG Search Spec. Training IST Training, Total Amount Per Force Purpose of Financial Facilitation Group Meeting/SAC Certification Host IST Support Task Force Member/Financial Meeting Host $$ $$ Facilitation $$ AZ-TF1 0.00 CA-TFI L71 - Unit Ldr - Exercise 4,000.00 4,000.00 CA-TF2 L36 - Nat'l Trng Host: Comm Spec 90,000.00 90,000.00 L75 - Canine Certification Evaluation 32,500.00 CA-TF3 32,500.00 L39 - Nat'l Trng Host: MTT 90,000.00 CA-TF4 90,000.00 L41 - Nat'l Trng Host: PTT 40,000.00 L49 - ISTL Stipend 6,000.00 L62 - SAC-D 8,000.00 CA-TFS 85,000.00 L67 - Adv Org IST Rep 15,000.00 L69 - Functional Grp Ldr - Logs 12,000.00 L70 - IST Group Adv - Ops 4,000.00 CA-TF6 L64 - TFR-D 15,000.00 15,000.00 CA-TF7 0.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Training 4,000.00 CA-TF8 4,000.00 L 42 - Nat'l Trng Host: SOFR 3.5,000.00 CO-TFI L54 - Hosting Biennial SAC Mtg 20,000.00 82,000.00 L55 - Hosting Strat Grp Mtg , 2 Mtgs 2,000.00 Page 39 of 48 L56 - Hosting Adv Grp Mtg, 2 Mtgs 2,000.00 L62 - SACR-D 8,000.00 L64 - TFR-D 15,000.00 FL-TFI FL-TF2 L38 - Nat'l Trng Host: Logs IN-TFI L65 - Advisory Group Chair 30,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Transportation 4,000.00 MA-TFI L35 - Nat'l Trng Host: Comm N. Wkshp L46 - Nat'l Lvl Trng - Water Ops Workshop MD-TFI L75 - Canine Certification Evaluation L75 - Canine Certification Evaluation MO-TFl L50 - ISTL Stipend L51 - C&GS Stipend Facilitation (10ppl g$1,500) L52 - IST Support - Training Facilitation NE-TFI L69 - Func Grp Ldr - Finance/Admin 12,000.00 L70 - Dep. Functional Grp Ldr - Ops 4,000.00 L70 - Dep. Functional Grp Ldr - Adm/Fin 4,000.00 (hold) L73 - Exercise Unit Support 15,000.00 NJ-TFI NV-TFI L43 - National Training: TFL L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Public Affairs L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Safety 4,000.00 4,000.00 L34 - Nat'l Trng Host: CSS NY-TFI L64 - TFR-D 15,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Canine 4,000.00 L75 - Canine Certification Evaluation OH-TFI L37 - Nat'l Trng Host: HERS L62 - SACR-D 8,000.00 Page 40 of 48 40,000.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 32,500.00 32,500.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 32,500.00 45,000.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 74,000.00 35,000.00 37,500.00 32,500.00 156,000.00 0.00 43,000.00 86,500.00 77,000.00 L69 - Functional Grp Ldr - Planning 12,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Leader - Communications 4,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Leader - Management Policy 4,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Rescue 4,000.00 L40 - Nat'l Trng Host: MTT 90,000.00 PA-TFI L70 - Planning Functional Group - IST GA 4,000.00 98,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Medical 4,000.00 L70 - Dep. Functional Grp Ldr - Planning 4,000.00 TN-TFI 4,000.00 L44 - Nat'l Trng Host: TSS 40,000.00 L 63 - TFR-N 20,000.00 L69 - Functional Grp Ldr - Ops 12,000.00 TX-TFI 84,000.00 L70 - ISTGA - Logistics 4,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Equipment 4,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Structures 4,000.00 L66 - Dep Adv Group Chair 24,000.00 L68 - Legal Rep 8,000.00 UT-TFI L70 - ISTGA - Admin/Finance 4,000.00 73,500.00 L72 - Adv Org IT Support 5,000.00 L75 - Canine Certification Evaluation 32,500.00 L46 - Nat'l Lvl Trng - Water Ops Workshop 5,000.00 VA-TFI 5,000.00 L48 - ISTL Stipend 6,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Search 4,000.00 VA-TF2 18,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Ldr - Hazmat 4,000.00 L70 - Dep. Functional Grp Ldr - Log 4,000.00 L71 - Subgroup Leader - Comm 4,000.00 WA-TFI L75 - Canine Certification Evaluation 32,500.00 36,500.00 11 Totals: 326,000.00 24,000.00 195,000.00 585,000.00 133,000.00 1,263,000.00 Page 41 of 48 Appendix E Special Cache Allocations Task Force HEPP Cache Maintenance & Recapitalization (PAPR Year 1 of 3) — Line 10 IST Cache Maintenance & Recapitalization — Line 9 Total Amount per Task Force AZ-TF1 CA-TF1 CA-TF2 CA-TF3 CA-TF4 CA-TF5 CA-TF6 $96,500 $96,500 CA-TF7 $46,000 $46,000 CA-TF8 CO-TF1 $46,000 $46,000 FL-TF1 FL-TF2 $46,000 $46,000 IN-TF2 $46,000 $46,000 MA-TF1 MD-TF1 $46,000 $46,000 MO-TF1 NE-TF1 NJ-TF1 NV-TFI $46,000 $46,000 NY-TFI OH-TF1 PA-TF1 TN-TF1 TX-TF1 $46,000 $96,500 $142,500 UT-TFI VA-TFI VA-TF2 $96,500 $96,500 WA-TFI Totals: $322,000 $289,500 $611,500 Page 42 of 48 Appendix F Annual Advisory Organization Stipends Line # Position Task Force Stipend $ 62 SAC - Division Central CO-TF1 8,000 62 SAC - Division East OH-TF1 8,000 62 SAC - Division West CA-TF5 8,000 63 TFR - National TX-TF1 20,000 64 TFR - Division Central CO-TF1 15,000 64 TFR - Division East NY-TF1 15,000 64 TFR - Division West CA-TF6 15,000 65 Advisory Group Chair IN-TF1 30,000 66 Advisory Group Chair - Deputy UT-TF1 24,000 67 Advisory Group - IST Representative CA-TF5 15,000 68 Advisory Group - Legal Representative UT-TF1 8,000 69 FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER TX-TF1 12,000 69 FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER OH-TF1 12,000 69 FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER CA-TF5 12,000 69 FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER NE-TF1 12,000 70 DEPUTY FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER NE-TF1 4,000 70 DEPUTY FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER TN-TF1 4,000 70 DEPUTY FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER VA-TF2 4,000 70 DEPUTY FUNCTIONAL GROUP LEADER NE-TF1 4,000 70 IST GROUP ADVISOR CA-TF5 4,000 70 IST GROUP ADVISOR TX-TF1 4,000 70 IST GROUP ADVISOR UT-TF1 4,000 70 IST GROUP ADVISOR PA-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - CANINE NY-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - COMMUNICATIONS OH-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - EQUIPMENT TX-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - EXERCISE CA-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - FINANCE WA-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - HAZMAT VA-TF2 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - MANAGEMENT - POLICY OH-TF1 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - MEDICAL PA-TFI 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - PUBLIC AFFAIRS NV-TFI 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - RESCUE OH-TFI 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - SEARCH VA-TF2 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - STRUCTURES TX-TFI 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - TRAINING CA-TF8 4,000 71 SUBGROUP LEADER - TRANSPORTATION IN-TFI 4,000 71 UNIT LEADER - SAFETY NV-TFI 4,000 72 Annual Advisory Org Stipends - IT Support UT-TFI 5,000 73 Annual Advisory Org Stipends - Exercise Unit Support NE-TF1 15,000 Totals: 326,000 Page 43 of 48 Appendix G Summary of Deliverables YEARLY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Deliverable Due Date(sl Method(s) of Submittal Point(s) of Contact Additional Information 1 Grant Application June 1 st Submit initially through John Conklin Use current template Grants.gov (www.grants.gov). (FEMA Form 089-0-10) Once determined eligible, submit complete package through NDGrants System 2 Task Force Self -Evaluation scheduled in advance Email Parry Boogard National US&R Response System Task Force Self - Evaluation Scoresheet (FEMA Form 089-0-14) 3 Equipment Database January 31st Submit via email or by mailing Bruce Barnett / Dave an approved encrypted thumb Conrad drive to the US&R Branch 4 Inventory of Federally January 31 st Bruce Barnett / Dave Owned Equipment (2nd Conrad Cache, HEPP & IST, where applicable); Current copy of 18-4 5 Time -Phase Force January 31 st Bruce Neuhaus Deployment Data (TPFDD)/"Aircraft Loading Data" form FEMA Form 089-0-15 Page 44 of 48 6 HEPP Maintenance Annual October 30th Submit via email Bruce Barnett This cost estimate shall Cost Estimates be based on actual expenses incurred from the previous year and any additional costs anticipated for the following year. 7 Semi -Annual Performance January 30th Submit through NDGrants John Conklin Report (FEMA Form 089-0- 11) System July 30th 8 Quarterly Financial Report October 30th Submit SF425 through the Tawana Mack - Grant Must be submitted in (SF-425) Payment and Reporting System Programs Directorate PARS to continue to draw January 30th (PARS) down funds April 30th July 30th 9 Notification of Mobilization No later than 60 days before Email Brian Smith Notification should be or Full -Scale Exercise the exercise begins brief, but include dates, scope of exercise, number of participants, and other agencies involved. (not take the place of, and should not be confused with sanction request letters to obtain FEMA approval of TF sponsored training and exercises) Page 45 of 48 10 Exercise After Action Report Within 90 days of the Submit via email or by mailing Brian Smith AAR should be written in completion of a mobilization an approved encrypted thumb a format where lessons or full-scale exercise, or a drive to the US&R Branch learned may be shared training activity with duration with other task forces in of more than 24 consecutive the National US&R hours. Response System. CLOSEOUT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS - Due 90 days after end of the Cooperative Agreement Period of Performance Deliverable Method(s) of Submittal Point(s) of Contact Additional Information USE CURRENT CLOSEOUT PACKAGE TEMPLATE Email entire package to Tawana Mack / (CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS with exception of FEMA-USR- Rayna Bal (FEMA- the SF-425): GRANTS@fema.dhs.gov USR- cc: Grants@fema.dhs.gov) Tawana.Mack fema.dhs. ov 1 Final Performance Report (should show actual expenditures, Email as a Microsoft Word or Consolidates and by budget category) PDF file summarizes all prior performance reports 2 Final Financial Status Report (SF-425) Submit through the Payment and Reporting System (PARS) and email that submission as .pdf file with closeout package 3 Financial Payment and Unexpended Funds (if applicable) Discuss specific method of Payment of all repayment with Grants Officer unliquidated obligations at time of closeout for FEMA and report unexpended funds to Assistance Officer 4 Cover Letter, including statement of intent for future use of Email Include in cover letter equipment stating the equipment / supplies will be used for their intended purpose of the grant over the life cycle of the equipment / supplies. Page 46 of 48 POC NAME EMAIL Phone ADDRESS US&R BRANCH CONTACTS GROUP EMAIL ACCOUNT FEMA-USR- GRANTS c�fema.dhs. ov N/A U.S. Department of Homeland Security Brian Smith briand.smith&fema.dhs.gov 202-212-4316 Federal Emergency Mana ern Agency Bruce Neuhaus bruce.neuhaus&fema.dhs.gov 202-924-1707 US&R Branch, ORR- RS-OP-UB Buddy Ey elwood.ey-iiinfema.dhs.gov 202-702-8854 Attn: (Appropriate name here) John Conklin iohn.conklingfema.dhs.gov 202-212-7234 500 C Street, SW Parry Boogard parr boogardjrA_fema.dhs.gov 202-212-4570 Washington, DC 20472 Rayna Bal Rayna.BaIkfema.dhs.gov 202-646-7933 US&R WAREHOUSE CONTACT- EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ITEMS Federal Emergency Management Agency US&R Warehouse Bruce Barnett bruce.barnettgfema.dhs.gov 202-212-1763 13990 Park Center Road Dave Conrad davidp.conradkfema.dhs.gov 202-322-3717 Building 9 Herndon, VA 20171- 3222 GRANT PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE CONTACT U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Tawana Mack Tawana.Mackkfema.dhs.gov 202-786-9863 DHS-FEMA-GPD Robert Tate Robert.Tategfema.dhs.gov 202-297-0743 Attn: (Appropriate name here) 400 C Street, SW, 3N Page 47 of 48 Washington, D.C. 20472-3635 ADDRESS TO RETURN REFUND CHECKS Please go to www.fema.gov/how-make- pavment-fema for further instructions and addresses. Page 48 of 48 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20472 ZAK�4A 5)° FEMA f� US&R GENERAL MEMORANDUM — 2020-047 June 24, 2020 FOR: National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Task Force Represe ti es d Program Managers FROM: Buddy Ey, Chi Admin / Finan Section Urban Search and Rescue Branch SUBJECT: US&R General Memorandum 2020-047 - Notice of Funding Opportunity Posted for the FY2020 US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement This General Memorandum (GM) informs the National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System (the System) that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) package for the FY2020 US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement has been posted to Grants.gov. In addition, the checklist used for review of each submitted application is attached. Every task force is strongly encouraged to use this document as a reference during application preparation. To locate the Grant Opportunity in Grants.gov, type 97.025 into the search box and press Go. The projected timeline for the FY2020 US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement is as follows: June 24, 2020: Cooperative Agreement Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) package to post on www. rg ants.gov and available for access July 10, 2020: DUE - Submit SF424 through www.grants.gov for initial approval July 24, 2020: DUE — All application packages submitted through the NDGrants System. Must be received by S:OOPM Eastern Time. August 30, 2020: Anticipated Funding Selection Date Sept O1, 2020: Anticipated Award Date Anticipated Period of Performance: September 01, 2020 — August 31, 2023 Please note: Previous Appendixes A (Statement of Work) and C through H (Spend Plan, supporting documents, reporting requirements and contact lists) are no longer attachments; they are rolled into the body of the NOFO as Appendix A - G. The former Appendix B, the Budget Narrative, is a stand-alone attachment. US&R Task Force members have 90 days to accept their awards from the time of ND Grants System Notification. Note that this date is flexible, due to the time frame the task forces may need to obtain organization approvals. D 5 D ;D www.fema.gov US&R General Memorandum 2020-047 — Notice of Funding Opportunity Posted for the FY2020 US&R Readiness Cooperative Agreement Page 2 Attachments: 16162 FY2020 Application Review Checklist US&R Strategic Group US&R Advisory Group US&R Branch Staff FEMA Regional/Federal/International ESF 49 Representatives US&R Task Force Grant Managers www.fema.gov Award Letter U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20472 Erik Sanchez City of Miami - Florida Task Force II 444 SW 2ND Avenue, 10th Floor Miami, FL 33130 - Re: Grant No. EMW-2020-CA-00056 Dear Erik Sanchez: Congratulations, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, your application for financial assistance submitted under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement has been approved in the amount of $1,222,631.00. You are not required to match this award with any amount of non -Federal funds. Before you request and receive any of the Federal funds awarded to you, you must establish acceptance of the award. By accepting this award, you acknowledge that the terms of the following documents are incorporated into the terms of your award: • Agreement Articles (attached to this Award Letter) • Obligating Document (attached to this Award Letter) • FY 2020 National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement Notice of Funding Opportunity. Please make sure you read, understand, and maintain a copy of these documents in your official file for this award. In order to establish acceptance of the award and its terms, please follow these instructions: Step 1: Please log in to the ND Grants system at https://portal.fema.gov. Step 2: After logging in, you will see the Home page with a Pending Tasks menu. Click on the Pending Tasks menu, select the Application sub -menu, and then click the link for "Award Offer Review" tasks. This link will navigate you to Award Packages that are pending review. Step 3: Click the Review Award Package icon (wrench) to review the Award Package and accept or decline the award. Please save or print the Award Package for your records. System for Award Management (SAM): Grant recipients are to keep all of their information up to date in SAM, in particular, your organization's name, address, DUNS number, EIN and banking information. Please ensure that the DUNS number used in SAM is the same one used to apply for all FEMA awards. Future payments will be contingent on the information provided in the SAM; therefore, it is imperative that the information is correct. The System for Award Management is located at http:// www.sam.gov. If you have any questions or have updated your information in SAM, please let your Grants Management Specialist (GMS) know as soon as possible. This will help us to make the necessary updates and avoid any interruptions in the payment process. CHRISTOPHER PATRICK LOGAN GPD Assistant Administrator Agreement Articles Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT 2020 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20472 AGREEMENT ARTICLES National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement GRANTEE: City of Miami - Florida Task Force II PROGRAM: National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement AGREEMENT NUMBER: EMW-2020-CA-00056-S01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 Article II Universal Identifier and System of Award Management Article III Nondiscrimination in Matters Pertaining to Faith -Based Organizations Article IV SAFECOM Article V Copyright Article VI Federal Debt Status Article VI Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Article VIII False Claims Act and Program Fraud Civil Remedies Article IX Duplication of Benefits Article X Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging while Driving Article XI Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation Article XII Non -Supplanting Requirement Article XI II Best Practices for Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Article XIV National Environmental Policy Act Article XV Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Article XVI Limited English Proficiency (Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI) Article XVII Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 Article XVIII Disposition of Equipment Acquired Under the Federal Award Article XIX Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) Article XX Prior Approval for Modification of Approved Budget Article XXI Reporting of Matters Related to Recipient Integrity and Performance Article XXII Acceptance of Post Award Changes Article XXIII Assurances, Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, Representations and Certifications Article XXIV Whistleblower Protection Act Article XXV Patents and Intellectual Property Rights Article XXVI Energy Policy and Conservation Act Article XXVII Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI Article XXVIII Notice of Funding Opportunity Requirements Article XXIX Lobbying Prohibitions Article XXX Terrorist Financing Article XXXI Drug -Free Workplace Regulations Article XXXII Acknowledgement of Federal Funding from DHS Article XXXIII Age Discrimination Act of 1975 Article XXXIV Activities Conducted Abroad Article XXXV DHS Specific Acknowledgements and Assurances Article XXXVI Article XXXVII Article XXXVI II Article XXXIX Article XL Article XLI Article XLI I Article XLIII Article XLIV Article XLV Article I - USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 Civil Rights Act of 1968 Education Amendments of 1972 (Equal Opportunity in Education Act) - Title IX Fly America Act of 1974 Debarment and Suspension Use of DHS Seal, Logo and Flags Procurement of Recovered Materials Program Income Cooperative Agreement; Federal Involvement Renovation and Modification Costs Warehouse Leases Recipients must comply with requirements of Section 817 of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act), Pub. L. No. 107-56, which amends 18 U.S.C. sections 175-175c. Article II - Universal Identifier and System of Award Management Recipients are required to comply with the requirements set forth in the government -wide financial assistance award term regarding the System for Award Management and Universal Identifier Requirements located at 2 C.F.R. Part 25, Appendix A, the full text of which is incorporated here by reference. Article III - Nondiscrimination in Matters Pertaining to Faith -Based Organizations It is DHS policy to ensure the equal treatment of faith -based organizations in social service programs administered or supported by DHS or its component agencies, enabling those organizations to participate in providing important social services to beneficiaries. Recipients must comply with the equal treatment policies and requirements contained in 6 C.F.R. Part 19 and other applicable statues, regulations, and guidance governing the participations of faith -based organizations in individual DHS programs. Article IV - SAFECOM Recipients receiving federal financial assistance awards made under programs that provide emergency communication equipment and its related activities must comply with the SAFECOM Guidance for Emergency Communication Grants, including provisions on technical standards that ensure and enhance interoperable communications. Article V - Copyright Recipients must affix the applicable copyright notices of 17 U.S.C. sections 401 or 402 and an acknowledgement of U.S. Government sponsorship (including the award number) to any work first produced under federal financial assistance awards. Article VI - Federal Debt Status All recipients are required to be non -delinquent in their repayment of any federal debt. Examples of relevant debt include delinquent payroll and other taxes, audit disallowances, and benefit overpayments. (See OMB Circular A-129.) Article VII - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Recipients must comply with the requirements of Titles I, II, and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Pub. L. No. 101-336 (1990) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. sections 12101-12213), which prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities. Article VIII - False Claims Act and Program Fraud Civil Remedies Recipients must comply with the requirements of the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. sections 3729-3733, which prohibits the submission of false or fraudulent claims for payment to the federal government. (See 31 U.S.C. sections 3801-3812, which details the administrative remedies for false claims and statements made.) Article IX - Duplication of Benefits Any cost allocable to a particular federal financial assistance award provided for in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart E may not be charged to other federal financial assistance awards to overcome fund deficiencies; to avoid restrictions imposed by federal statutes, regulations, or federal financial assistance award terms and conditions; or for other reasons. However, these prohibitions would not preclude recipients from shifting costs that are allowable under two or more awards in accordance with existing federal statutes, regulations, or the federal financial assistance award terms and conditions. Article X - Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging while Driving Recipients are encouraged to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving as described in E.O. 13513, including conducting initiatives described in Section 3(a) of the Order when on official government business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the federal government. Article XI - Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation Recipients are required to comply with the requirements set forth in the government -wide award term on Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation located at 2 C.F.R. Part 170, Appendix A, the full text of which is incorporated here by reference in the award terms and conditions. Article XII - Non -Supplanting Requirement Recipients receiving federal financial assistance awards made under programs that prohibit supplanting by law must ensure that federal funds do not replace (supplant) funds that have been budgeted for the same purpose through non-federal sources. Article XIII - Best Practices for Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Recipients who collect PII are required to have a publicly available privacy policy that describes standards on the usage and maintenance of the PII they collect. DHS defines personally identifiable information (PII) as any information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including any information that is linked or linkable to that individual. Recipients may also find the DHS Privacy Impact Assessments: Privacy Guidance and Privacy Template as useful resources respectively. Article XIV - National Environmental Policy Act Recipients must comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), Pub. L. No. 91-190 (1970) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. section 4321 et seq.) and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA, which require recipients to use all practicable means within their authority, and consistent with other essential considerations of national policy, to create and maintain conditions under which people and nature can exist in productive harmony and fulfill the social, economic, and other needs of present and future generations of Americans. Article XV - Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Recipients must comply with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Pub. L. No. 93-112 (1973), (codified as amended at 29 U.S.C. section 794,) which provides that no otherwise qualified handicapped individuals in the United States will, solely by reason of the handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Article XVI - Limited English Proficiency (Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI) Recipients must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (42 U.S.C. section 2000d et seq.) prohibition against discrimination on the basis of national origin, which requires that recipients of federal financial assistance take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) to their programs and services. For additional assistance and information regarding language access obligations, please refer to the DHS Recipient Guidance: https://www.dhs.,qov/quidance-published-help-department-supported-organizations-provide-meaningful-access- people-limited and additional resources on http://www.lepgov. Article XVII - Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 In accordance with Section 6 of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, 15 U.S.C. section 2225a, recipients must ensure that all conference, meeting, convention, or training space funded in whole or in part with federal funds complies with the fire prevention and control guidelines of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, (codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. section 2225.) Article XVIII - Disposition of Equipment Acquired Under the Federal Award When original or replacement equipment acquired under this award by the recipient or its sub -recipients is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by DHS/FEMA, you must request instructions from DHS/FEMA to make proper disposition of the equipment pursuant to 2 C.F.R. Section 200.313. Article XIX - Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) Recipients must comply with the requirements of the government -wide financial assistance award term which implements Section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), codified as amended at 22 U.S.C. section 7104. The award term is located at 2 C.F.R. section 175.15, the full text of which is incorporated here by reference. Article XX - Prior Approval for Modification of Approved Budget Before making any change to the DHS/FEMA approved budget for this award, you must request prior written approval from DHS/FEMA where required by 2 C.F.R. Section 200.308. DHS/FEMA is also utilizing its discretion to impose an additional restriction under 2 C.F.R. Section 200.308(e) regarding the transfer of funds among direct cost categories, programs, functions, or activities. Therefore, for awards with an approved budget where the Federal share is greater than the simplified acquisition threshold (currently $250,000), you may not transfer funds among direct cost categories, programs, functions, or activities without prior written approval from DHS/FEMA where the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total budget DHS/FEMA last approved. You must report any deviations from your DHS/FEMA approved budget in the first Federal Financial Report (SF-425) you submit following any budget deviation, regardless of whether the budget deviation requires prior written approval. Article XXI - Reporting of Matters Related to Recipient Integrity and Performance If the total value of any currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from all federal awarding agencies exceeds $10,000,000 for any period of time during the period of performance of this federal award, then the recipients must comply with the requirements set forth in the government -wide Award Term and Condition for Recipient Integrity and Performance Matters located at 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Appendix XI I, the full text of which is incorporated here by reference in the award terms and conditions. Article XXII - Acceptance of Post Award Changes In the event FEMA determines that changes are necessary to the award document after an award has been made, including changes to period of performance or terms and conditions, recipients will be notified of the changes in writing. Once notification has been made, any subsequent request for funds will indicate recipient acceptance of the changes to the award. Please call the FEMA/GMD Call Center at (866) 927-5646 or via e-mail to ASK-GMDa_fema.dhs.gov if you have any questions. Article XXIII - Assurances, Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, Representations and Certifications DHS financial assistance recipients must complete either the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Standard Form 424B Assurances - Non -Construction Programs, or OMB Standard Form 424D Assurances - Construction Programs, as applicable. Certain assurances in these documents may not be applicable to your program, and the DHS financial assistance office (DHS FAO) may require applicants to certify additional assurances. Applicants are required to fill out the assurances applicable to their program as instructed by the awarding agency. Please contact the DHS FAO if you have any questions. DHS financial assistance recipients are required to follow the applicable provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards located at Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Part 200, and adopted by DHS at 2 C.F.R. Part 3002. Article XXIV - Whistleblower Protection Act Recipients must comply with the statutory requirements for whistleblower protections (if applicable) at 10 U.S.0 section 2409, 41 U.S.C. section 4712, and 10 U.S.C. section 2324, 41 U.S.C. sections 4304 and 4310. Article XXV - Patents and Intellectual Property Rights Recipients are subject to the Bayh-Dole Act, 35 U.S.C. section 200 et seq, unless otherwise provided by law. Recipients are subject to the specific requirements governing the development, reporting, and disposition of rights to inventions and patents resulting from federal financial assistance awards located at 37 C.F.R. Part 401 and the standard patent rights clause located at 37 C.F.R. section 401.14. Article XXVI - Energy Policy and Conservation Act Recipients must comply with the requirements of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Pub. L. No. 94- 163 (1975) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. section 6201 et seq.), which contain policies relating to energy efficiency that are defined in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with this Act. Article XXVII - Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI Recipients must comply with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. section 2000d et seq.), which provides that no person in the United States will, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. DHS implementing regulations for the Act are found at 6 C.F.R. Part 21 and 44 C.F.R. Part 7. Article XXVIII - Notice of Funding Opportunity Requirements All the instructions, guidance, limitations, and other conditions set forth in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for this program are incorporated here by reference in the award terms and conditions. All recipients must comply with any such requirements set forth in the program NOFO. Article XXIX - Lobbying Prohibitions Recipients must comply with 31 U.S.C. section 1352, which provides that none of the funds provided under a federal financial assistance award may be expended by the recipient to pay any person to influence, or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any federal action related to a federal award or contract, including any extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification. Article XXX - Terrorist Financing Recipients must comply with E.O. 13224 and U.S. laws that prohibit transactions with, and the provisions of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. Recipients are legally responsible to ensure compliance with the Order and laws. Article XXXI - Drug -Free Workplace Regulations Recipients must comply with drug -free workplace requirements in Subpart B (or Subpart C, if the recipient is an individual) of 2 C.F.R. Part 3001, which adopts the Government -wide implementation (2 C.F.R. Part 182) of Sec. 5152-5158 of the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. sections 8101-8106). Article XXXII - Acknowledgement of Federal Funding from DHS Recipients must acknowledge their use of federal funding when issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposal, bid invitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with federal funds. Article XXXIII - Age Discrimination Act of 1975 Recipients must comply with the requirements of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Pub. L. No. 94-135 (1975) (codified as amended at Title 42, U.S. Code, section 6101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Article XXXIV - Activities Conducted Abroad Recipients must ensure that project activities carried on outside the United States are coordinated as necessary with appropriate government authorities and that appropriate licenses, permits, or approvals are obtained. Article XXXV - DHS Specific Acknowledgements and Assurances All recipients, subrecipients, successors, transferees, and assignees must acknowledge and agree to comply with applicable provisions governing DHS access to records, accounts, documents, information, facilities, and staff. 1. Recipients must cooperate with any compliance reviews or compliance investigations conducted by DHS. 2. Recipients must give DHS access to, and the right to examine and copy, records, accounts, and other documents and sources of information related to the federal financial assistance award and permit access to facilities, personnel, and other individuals and information as may be necessary, as required by DHS regulations and other applicable laws or program guidance. 3. Recipients must submit timely, complete, and accurate reports to the appropriate DHS officials and maintain appropriate backup documentation to support the reports. 4. Recipients must comply with all other special reporting, data collection, and evaluation requirements, as prescribed by law or detailed in program guidance. 5. Recipients of federal financial assistance from DHS must complete the DHS Civil Rights Evaluation Tool within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice of Award or, for State Administering Agencies, thirty (30) days from receipt of the DHS Civil Rights Evaluation Tool from DHS or its awarding component agency. After the initial submission for the first award under which this term applies, recipients are required to provide this information once every two (2) years as long as they have an active award, not every time an award is made. Recipients should submit the completed tool, including supporting materials, to Civil Rig htsEvaluationCcahq.dhs.gov. This tool clarifies the civil rights obligations and related reporting requirements contained in the DHS Standard Terms and Conditions. Subrecipients are not required to complete and submit this tool to DHS. The evaluation tool can be found at https://www.dhs.gov/publication/dhs-civil-rights-evaluation-tool. 6. The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties will consider, in its discretion, granting an extension if the recipient identifies steps and a timeline for completing the tool. Recipients should request extensions by emailing the request to Civil Rights Evaluationahq.dhs.gov prior to expiration of the 30-day deadline. Article XXXVI - Civil Rights Act of 1968 Recipients must comply with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Pub. L. No. 90-284, as amended through Pub. L. 113-4, which prohibits recipients from discriminating in the sale, rental, financing, and advertising of dwellings, or in the provision of services in connection therewith, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, disability, familial status, and sex (see 42 U.S.C. section 3601 et seq.), as implemented by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at 24 C.F.R. Part 100. The prohibition on disability discrimination includes the requirement that new multifamily housing with four or more dwelling units-i.e., the public and common use areas and individual apartment units (all units in buildings with elevators and ground -floor units in buildings without elevators) -be designed and constructed with certain accessible features. (See 24 C.F.R. Part 100, Subpart D.) Article XXXVII - Education Amendments of 1972 (Equal Opportunity in Education Act) - Title IX Recipients must comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Pub. L. No. 92-318 (1972) (codified as amended at 20 U.S.C. section 1681 et seq.), which provide that no person in the United States will, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. DHS implementing regulations are codified at 6 C.F.R. Part 17 and 44 C.F.R. Part 19. Article XXXVIII - Fly America Act of 1974 Recipients must comply with Preference for U.S. Flag Air Carriers (air carriers holding certificates under 49 U.S.C. section 41102) for international air transportation of people and property to the extent that such service is available, in accordance with the International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974, 49 U.S.C. section 40118, and the interpretative guidelines issued by the Comptroller General of the United States in the March 31, 1981, amendment to Comptroller General Decision B-138942. Article XXXIX - Debarment and Suspension Recipients are subject to the non -procurement debarment and suspension regulations implementing Executive Orders (E.O.) 12549 and 12689, which are at 2 C.F.R. Part 180 as adopted by DHS at 2 C.F.R. Part 3000. These regulations restrict federal financial assistance awards, subawards, and contracts with certain parties that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs or activities. Article XL - Use of DHS Seal, Logo and Flags Recipients must obtain permission from their DHS FAO prior to using the DHS seal(s), logos, crests or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials, including use of the United States Coast Guard seal, logo, crests or reproductions of flags or likenesses of Coast Guard officials. Article XLI - Procurement of Recovered Materials States, political subdivisions of states, and their contractors must comply with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, Pub. L. No. 89-272 (1965), (codified as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. section 6962.) The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 C.F.R. Part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition. Article XLII - Program Income Per 2 CFR section 200.307, recipients are encouraged to earn income to defray program costs where appropriate. Program income means gross income earned by the recipient that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of the Federal award during the period of performance except as provided in 2 CFR section 200.307 paragraph (f). Program income includes but is not limited to income from fees for services performed, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under Federal awards, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under a Federal award, and principal and interest on loans made with Federal award funds. Interest earned on advances of Federal funds is not program income. Except as otherwise provided in Federal statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of the Federal award, program income does not include rebates, credits, discounts, and interest earned on any of them. When the recipient earns program income under this cooperative agreement, this program income must be added to the Federal award as described by 2 CFR section 200.307(e)(2)). The program income must be used for the purposes and under the conditions of the Federal award. Article XLIII - Cooperative Agreement; Federal Involvement Program authority and responsibility under this cooperative agreement resides with FEMA and the recipient, consistent with the terms of the award, including the Notice of Funding Opportunity. FEMA will work with the recipient to review and refine work plans to ensure program goals and objectives can be effectively accomplished. The recipient and its subrecipients shall not develop or engage in the development of tasks not approved in recipient's application without post -award approval from the FEMA program office, and the issuance of a Grant Amendment from FEMA. FEMA will monitor the project on a continual basis by maintaining ongoing contact with the recipient and will provide input to the program's direction, in consultation with the recipient, as needed. Article XLIV - Renovation and Modification Costs Except for minor renovations and modifications of existing warehouse facilities that do not change the footprint of the structure, construction and renovation costs are not allowed. Examples of permissible minor renovation and modification costs include but are not limited to office/storage space build-out/reconfiguration, ceilings, loading docks/doors, lighting, HVAC, and security fencing. The National US&R Branch approval is required for reimbursement of renovation and modification costs. The purpose of allowing minor renovation and modification costs is to ensure the equipment cache is maintained as required under the National Urban Search and Rescue Response program. See 42 U.S.C. 5165f(I)(2); 44 C.F.R. 208.23(c)(4). Article XLV - Warehouse Leases Task force management is reminded you may only use cooperative agreement funds to pay for warehouse leases for a twelve month consecutive period within the overall period of performance and that there is no guarantee of cooperative agreement funding in future years. See Section VI, Cooperative Agreement Funding at pages 3-4. Task forces may write contracts with an available fund's clause or option years for protection. BUDGET COST CATEGORIES Personnel $788,581.00 Fringe Benefits $87,462.00 Travel $51,000.00 Equipment $160,038.00 Supplies $5,000.00 Contractual $130,550.00 Construction $0.00 Indirect Charges $0.00 Other $0.00 Obligating Document for Award/Amendment 1 a. AGREEMENT NO. 2. AMENDMENT NO. 3. 4. TYPE OF ACTION 5. CONTROL NO. EMW-2020-CA-00056-SO1 *** RECIPIENT AWARD WX03758N2020T , NO. WX03757N2020T 596000375 6. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS City of Miami - Florida Task Force II 444 SW 2ND Avenue, loth Floor Miami, FL, 33130 - 7. ISSUING FEMA OFFICE AND ADDRESS FEMA-GPD 400 C Street, SW, 3rd floor Washington, DC 20472-3645 POC: 866-927-5646 8. PAYMENT OFFICE AND ADDRESS FEMA Finance Center 430 Market Street Winchester, VA 22603 9. NAME OF RECIPIENT PHONE NO. 10. NAME OF FEMA PROJECT COORDINATOR PROJECT OFFICER (786) Central Scheduling and Information Desk Erik Sanchez 554-3155 Phone: 800-368-6498 Email: Askcsid@dhs.gov 11. EFFECTIVE DATE OF 12. 13. ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT 14. PERFORMANCE PERIOD THIS ACTION METHOD Cost Reimbursement From: To: 09/01/2020 OF 09/01 /2020 08/31 /2023 PAYMENT Budget Period PARS 09/01 /2020 08/31 /2023 15. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION a. (Indicate funding data for awards or financial changes) PROGRAM CFDA NO. ACCOUNTING DATA PRIOR AMOUNT CURRENT NAME (ACCS CODE) TOTAL AWARDED TOTAL ACRONYM XXXX-XXX-XXXXXX- AWARD THIS AWARD XXXxx-XXXX-XXXX-X ACTION + OR (-) National Urban 97.025 2020-OS-A392-D60D--3160-D $0.00 $19,821.00 $19,821.00 Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement National Urban 97.025 2020-OS-A392-D60D--4101-D $0.00 $1,202,810.00 $1,202,810.00 Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement $0.00 $1,222,631.00 $1,222,631.00 b. To describe changes other than funding data or financial changes, attach schedule and check here. N/A CUMULATIVE NON- FEDERAL COMMITMENT See Totals See Totals $0.00 16 a. FOR NON -DISASTER PROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE (3) COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT TO FEMA (See Block 7 for address) National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System Readiness Cooperative Agreement recipients are not required to sign and return copies of this document. However, recipients should print and keep a copy of this document for their records. 16b. FOR DISASTER PROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN This assistance is subject to terms and conditions attached to this award notice or by incorporated reference in program legislation cited above. 17. RECIPIENT SIGNATORY OFFICIAL (Name and Title) DATE 18. FEMA SIGNATORY OFFICIAL (Name and Title) �/, � fa V DEBORAH SUSAN SCOTT , Assistance Officer DATE Fri Jul 24 20:57:03 GMT 2020