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Composite Exhibit A SUB
THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. OMNI a Community Redevelopment Agency 1401 �"iam venue Omni Miami, FL 33136 Legislation www.miamicm.00m C R A OMNI CRA Resolution: CRA-R-20-0011 File Number: 7797 Final Action Date: 8/3112020 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA'), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S PROPOSED GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET AND TAX INCREMENT FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE BUDGET TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI- DADE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, as a prerequisite to carrying out Fiscal Year 2020-2021 redevelopment activities, the Board of Commissioners must approve the CRA's proposed General Operating Budget and Tax Increment Fund Budget ("Budget") for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021 ("Fiscal Year"); and WHEREAS, the CRA's Budget is in the total amount of $62,856,996.00 for the Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS, unused portions of line items 3 and 23 of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget will be rolled over to the CRA's Fiscal Year Budget; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Budget is required to be transmitted to the City of Miami ("City') and Miami -Dade County ("County"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Budget for the Fiscal Year, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A", is approved and adopted. Section 3. The Executive Director is directed to transmit a copy of the budget to the City and the County. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. City of Miami Page 1 of 2 Rio ID. 7797 (Revision: A) Printed On: W312020 7791 Composite Exhibit A SUB THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. File ID, 7797 Enocbnwd Number. 2M-R 20-Ml APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Bamaby L. Min, Deputy City Attomey 91312020 city of Mwand pago 2 of 2 P" IU: I fvl jlc9rlSlw�. ry r�uraa� P THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ."2M FT Z02D BUD66T QII+WI.TAX lwPl HMT;FI(ND BUDGET PROPQ6ED BUDOET ADOPTED BUDOET VAfIiANCE CrrY EVEIRJEL OF MAMI -TAX INCREMENT $18,726.124 S10,27S,009 $WS2,115 WAMIDADECWNTY-TAXINQEM91T(ORKNINALDOUNDARIES) $11401,481 $10,465,59 $9 "I# C TYOF WMI -TAX INCREMENT 120139 ALT01110N EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) 5650.015 $531,6>i7 $118A2B MWADADECOUNTY - TAX INCREMENT (ZO09ADDITIONEXPANDED BOUNOARIES) $395021 S327,766 $67.265 Tb41TIFRMIwreee $RL.ASp1 2020 FUND BALANCE LOAN SERIFS 2018 A and 30199 (Pumb held M llwit UnbM $31,767,372 $11,755,752 $111tiZ0 FROM MIDTOWN CRA (Ad *nlwntlon) $s An $88,837 S9,630 RENT'INCOME $80,000 $101,4A1 421A91 202DCHRDRENTRUST CONTRIBUTION $1,246906 $1.132,001 $114,903 2020 ES7WTED FUND BALANCE it III UM $4.552.500- Asim Minim otffom L,oen $181 $12.667,306 $M4,1104 ACCOUNYIING AND AUDIT $15 $1SA00 PROFESSIO AL SERVICES -OTHER S32s,92o $61133,384 -$277A64 OTHER OONTRACRl41. SERVICES $300,00B $638,692 •$338A992 INTERFlNDTRANSFFR(Dd*SW0m4 $2,814,UO $7,o$"6 - NfEPFUFDTRANSFER (GrwI $812.50D $2,SD3,723 41,689 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $1=1000 $9,90SAM 481 gamines REGULAR SALARIES $913, $84Z $71,300 FICA TAM $69,8 $64,454 $SA89 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE SIZ0,000 W1 $311000 REMENTCONTRIBUTION $50, $50 $0 FRMKiE BEIFAIS $5 $64,S00 $0 STIIFIICONTRACTUALSEiVICE $130ADD $94 $4UW TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $30 $30. $0 UTILITY SERVICE $20 $ $D INSURANCE $115 $1WAM $10,834 OTHER CURRENT WARGE $216AP $199,596 $17,271 SUPPLIES $10.AW WA00 $0 OPERATWO SUPPLIES $10.000 $10.000 $0 SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHIP $17A00 $17AW $0 MAWINERYAND EQUIPMENT $6A00 $24AW $24A00 ADVERTISING $300000 S30,000 $0 RENRAL AND LEASES $%500 $3,6D0 $0 POSTAGE $Z000 $ZODO $0 REPAI"mWTENANCE-OUTSIDE UAW $2A00 $0 INTERFUND TRANSFER DAMAO SISAW su.0001 $011,000 $0 $4,231,000 Idd ee.rsr.ewewwr« RESERVE FOR 2007GLOBAL AGRfiEAIEM(TUPWQ RESERVE FOR 2007 GLOBAL AGREEMENT" PAC) $10,910,424 $0 =910,424 RESERVE FOR RITERLOCAI,CIiILDAWSTRUST $0 $1,24%9DG RESERVE FOR MRTTOWII ADM EXP04MRES S98A67 $88A37 $9,630 FORSEWRrTYDEP05f1'-mm ERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT-1401 GROUP U.0 $12SAW $40AD0 $12SADD $40.000 $0 $D RESERVE FOR CAPITALDWENlNfl1RE5 $4311,442 $1,28009 $301783 ESERVE- BILLBOARD IINCOME GENERATED) $B0,322 $0 $81 RESERVE FOR PAYMENT 0FPROPERTY TAXES -MEC $209.367 $1 $17,T71 RESERVE FOR LOAN PROCEEDS SERIES 2D19 A t B $47,300 $47AW $0 RESERVE FOR UNSOLWATED PROPOSALS $50 $SGAW $0 2019 BUDGET RESERVE (BUdskSun") $28A93 $9.% MZ -$66.809 020BUDGET RESERVE $249,298 $1,119,471 4MI73 Bugg aim Vu no Ap OWS ablION&O Mth N*wd L6�N,lm�eyuM Fork Wk*r dw 0"'aftlyb,CGlAVftm nN iR 6c AOW cf OW dUfOtlyosNo�fl betMaal MM co pd Ah i. HIt Ayfr�fP. TI1l Ueterff�el AQmte�nt u %YhfQf tNb alnal/JtJ PaY�e b tlOLG/tA I UCm adod f -I'm of die 6fah0� kde*CdApn mm�t ar14�o1 � alNlff drlONlt Of fhaQ he droerrMned by fhenatduNoa oJSedl OnpW�p d@LitSliofp TUx+tb 11a fVEet fhfN llfi'lfdtAa amomn !>•U� Nlder tlk arTeM,rterms aJthe t3loLyd hYabmtA9neesneat wkh fcrpeet ro Attueurn hrkj '%IRSTIPRevw m 2011TMRwfofAffWA feHI %2022 Buds* for Affordome I wAlk 20ZLTIF Raoarete 21n AdadnkWMi m ErSendkwes %AdwkMM W F>tP / 2021 TIF MV40 w wrdgell m i (2019,19fiendX=) TOWN am kww x =1 Dodger Rew n /TOW =1 WOO E779:7Exhibit A -SUE $5147t i41 $4117,1" im Si<1.1L72,641 $1,B1BA00 06 S110111 o $UASMN 1.i2% THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EXHIBIT A FY2= "M" "IDGIl:f ,'riiX �l ApIT <K Ip tlDeEr "' PROPOSED ADOP'jEb I VARWJa natt�ulNq CITY OF MIANN -TAX INCREMENT $18,726.124 $16,97SAM 51.751,1Z MIA118DADEODUNTY- TAX INCREMENT (ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES) $11,40L481 $10,46565i2 $935" CITY OF bYAMI -TAX INCREMENT (2009 ADDMON EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) 965%MS $S3 5118 m MIAMI MADE ODUNTY-TAX INCREMENT(2009 ADDITION E) PANDL•D BOUNDARIES) $896,021 $327, $671265 TaIM TIF Nawaw "1,ifl,441 2020 FUND BALANCE LOAN SEINES 203E A arrd 2018 B (grads habd by Bank U04 $12,767,372 $11,755,752/14,905 TRANSFER f°ROM MIMVWN CRA (AdmUWtratlan) S98,A67 $IK937RENTINCOME $80,000 $101,4812020OWDRENTRUSTCONT%WrUON $1,246,906 $1,132,OD12MO MI MTED FUND BALANCE )111rw1udesaU+e$4;552,500 - %Ambarsemant Ram tmat+ 518,491,610 $11fA7 20 $13ADDSo ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - OT HSR WNW 4277AM OTHER CONTRACTUALSDAKI6s $3DQA00 -S",892 INIESFTUNDTIANSFER(DabtS-Aca) $7,045.1 $7,04t�,02i -S886 IHTEWNDTRANSFER (GrorAj 12 $2.601,723 $442.317 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $10 4 $9Ap5,0D.S $3.00,41.9 AN 7 708 7 REGULAR SALARIES $913,640 %42,540 $71.100 FICATAXF3 $691893 $64A" MA39 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE NC $12DAM SWAIN MAM RETIREMENTCONTRIBUTION $sod= $50r000 $0 FLANGEBENEPITS $54,500 $54,80D $o OTHER CONTRACiUALSERWE $1A000 $90,01m S40Aoo TRAVEL AND PER UIEM $ $30.000 $0 LITILM SERVICE S20 $20,300 $0 INSURANCE $11S $104,vi6 61 AM OTHER CURRENTCKUSE $216,887 $1991586 $17271 suppm $10AO0 SWAM $0 OPERATVIGSUPPUES $10AM MADD SO SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHIP $17AW $17ADD $0 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT $6.000 $24,00D $18,00D ADVERTISING $30 $30ADD $0 RENTAL MID LEASES $3,60D $3, $0 POSTAGE SZA00 $ZOO $0 REPAfOM WENANCE- OUTSIDE $2AD0 $2,owl INTEAFUND TRANSFER 160 RESEit11E FOR M TOYIN ADM EXPENDFI\ITIES $95AW SB$,E3T $9 RESERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT, MEC $125,000 $125 RESERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT -1401 GROW $40ADD RESERVE FOR CAPITAL DIPEND TURES $1,311,442 $1,280, S30,783 RESERVE -BILUNOARD(M INCOEGBVW S80,322 $0 S8D.322 RMOM FOR PAYMENT OF PNOPERTY T - MEC $209,00 $192,596 $17,I71 RESERVE FOR LOAN PROCEED6 SERI 19 A & B $47,500 $47,500 $0 RESERVE FOR UNSOUCITATED P $50,000 "DAD $0 2D19 BUDGET RESEW (Budsot ) Sz"g $7.702 � 2020B UDGETRESERVE 5249,298 $1,U9,471 -OM)173 738 1§4DIET _ 7a no MEMO o* respect to ANW." Pork WKW the 6Wa1lreerlba0 AprnnaAt are thr arddecraf onuvft s� between the ckyand forAVmAThe AiU °doraIraYMietMamountrPefe haowrdar+atwhhthe mtpWtermsq(theGlob@kftd6m1A2rfmmmt Brtd/areedloNter a►dwpbetkOretkre'dbYthettstohrtbnQiAa7NlonpoLplaN�mnOerrrRaUrp6flkwdth<a1MdMbPaleWdV the «bh>af o! the c�YoW ma+Wad Mrot�t wR6 retpaa to Mwwm POW A) 2m TF Rdeamta P1,17?,641 2= Ti Rev ft ARotdW* Raft $81117X4 % = Budsk TOr Aftnbbk Hmain8 201t g) 20211IFRevsme 20n AdMb Arwd" EWsrdINfts S Adminbbatlw EV / 2021;F %arenas q amdNat atraerva (MO, 2020 on AU) uW2021Bude t %2R21Nufatftsom oirOW20216049 0 $81,172AM 6N $1.*UVM 1.82% THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. j126A OMNI OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency 1401 N. Miami venue O Miami, FL 33136 m n i Master Report hto://mismim.com Enactment Number. CRA-R-20-0011 File Number: 7797 File Type: OMNI CRA Status: ADOPTED WITH Resolution MODIFICATION(S) Revision: A Controlling Body: OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency File Name: Approving Omni CRA's General Operating Budget & Introduced: 8/21/2020 Tax Increment Fund Budget for FY'20-21 Requesting Dept: OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Final Action Date: 8/31/2020 Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S PROPOSED GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET AND TAX INCREMENT FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE BUDGET TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. Notes: Unlit;: Atlachmenls: 7797 Exhibit A -SUB (PDF) History of Legislative File: Revision: Acting Body: tube: Action: Result Bameby L. Min 8/21/2020 Approved Form and Completed Correctness OMNI Community 8/31/2020 Meeting Completed Redevelopment Agency OMNI Community 8/31/2020 ADOPTED WITH Passed Redevelopment Agency MODIFICATION(S) A Bamaby L. Min 9/3/2020 Approved Form and Completed Correctness with Modification(s) A City Clerk's Office 9/3/2020 Rendered Completed C#y of MA30V Page 1 of 1 Pdnted on. 9V 2020 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. FY 2021 FY 202o BUDGET ©MRI TAU(, INCRkh%* TfUNA WIDGET PROPOSED ADOPTED VARIANCE BUDGET EM ET REVENUES CITY OfMIAMI -TAX INCREMENT $18,726,224 $16,975.009 $1,7S1,115 MIAMI DADE COUNTY- TAX INCREMENT (ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES) $11,403,4n $30A"'S62 $945,919 CITYOFMIAMI-TAX INCREMENTJ2009 ADDRIONEXPANDEDBOUNDARIES) $650,015 $531,687 $123,329 MIAMIDADECOUNTY -TAX INCREMENT(2009ADDITION EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $395,021 $327,756 $67,265 Total TIF R4Wreas RtL17t w1 202O P rM BALANCE LOAN SERIES 2018 A and 20198 (FWdc heM by Banc UnlWd) $11,767,372 $11,755,752 $11,6211 TRANSM FROM MIDTOWN CAA (AdmlNstratbn) $98A67 $SS,337 $9,530 RENTINCOME MOD0 $101,481 -$21A81 2020CHI LDRENTRUST CONTRIBUTION $1,246,906 $2,132,OD1 $224,905 2020 ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE (It Indudes the $4,552,600 - Ralmburserrent from loan $lBA91,610 $12,667,305 $5,87A,304 Sevin ZMRA TC/TAV 54 91 D NDFfURES ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT $15ADD $15,000 $0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -OTHER $M,920 $603,384 4277A64 OTHER CONTRACTUALSERVICES S3WADD $638,682 433091 W ERFUND TRANSFER IDebt Servkm) $2,814,M0 $7,044026 44,231.8116 INTERFUNDTRANSFER (Gtent) S812,500 $2,502,723 41,689,223 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $1,91XIAM $9,905,005 -$BA0%WS OTHERGRANTSANDAIDS S3S.902.708 $28,633,639 26g069 gQM101'RATIVI EXIMN0110RIK REGULARSALARIES $913,640 $842,540 $7LIW FICA TAXES $691R93 $64A54 $SA39 UPE AND HEALTH INSURANCE $120,000 $90,000 $30,000 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION $50,000 $50,D00 $D FRINGE BENEFITS $54,500 $54,5W $0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $130AM $901000 $40,000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $30,0DD $3%000 $0 UTIUTYSERVICE SM30D $20,300 $0 INSURANCE $115,000 $104,166 $20,934 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $216,867 $199,S96 $17,271 SUPPLIES $10,0011 $10,000 $0 OPERATING SUPPLIES $l"w $10,00D $0 SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHEP $17,OOD $17AW $D MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT $6c001) $24,000 -%&000 ADVERTISING $3o,DDD $AND $0 RENTAL AND LEASES $3,600 $3,600 $0 POSTAGE $2,000 $2,000 $0 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE-OUTSIDE $2.000 $2,000 $0 INTERFUND TRANSFER S18.00D . rot.tladniil,.a,e e,peaar. SY4em RESERVE FOR 2007 GLOBAL AGREEMENT (TUNNEL) $4 232,000 $0 $4,231,000 RESERVEFOR 2W7GLOBALAGRGEMENT(35%PAC) $1%910,424 $0 $10,920,424 RESERVE FOR INTERLOCALCHILDREN'STRUST $1,246,906 $0 $1,246,906 RESERVE FOR MIDTOWN ADM EXPENDITURES $98AG7 $BQ837 $9,630 RESERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT- MEC $125,000 $12SAW $0 RESERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT-14(n GROUP LLC $40,000 $40AM $0 RESERVE FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $1,321,442 $1,28DAS9 $30,793 RESERVE - BILLBOARD (INCOME GENERATED) $su2 $0 $80,322 RESERVE FOR PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES -MEC $208,867 $192,596 $17,271 RESERVE FOR LOAN PROCEEDS SERIES 203E A 11, B $47.SO0 $47,500 $0 RESERVE FOR UNSOUCTTATED PROPOSALS S50,000 $50,000 $0 2019 BUDGET RESERVE (Budget Surpl-) $28.893 $95,702 466,809 2020 BUDGET RESERVE $249,298 $1,119,471 -$R70,173 1 eUD6 5739.809 5739 809 .4.•< r.• v - 54 i B1 6M The ABenays obApdwr with resped to Mrnarn Pork under the dobol krtabcci Agreement arc the subkd 9f &Vok0 dhouska between the city and NreAprnry. Tluireclppol AQnement ObNyoWns e,akrde flee amounts Payable Jn oaoardaeoe rMtfi the arlpkxA terms of tUw Glabd p><erloralApreentent ond/wmeh atheromotert wshrnhr rkterntfned M'theresolutJon of srsdr aryalrrpdbcvalam fbeRln honest shok eRceed tUre anaurn poprbk ender the o W"I tome of the G► c0 Wwkcaf Agreement with respect to Museum Park.) 202IMF Revems $32.172.641 2I=LTF RsvforAffondabk 11001ng $3,L17AH %=I Or for Affordable Housing WN ZO21 TF Revenue $31,172,641 2021AdnUnktrative Expenditures 51,818,800 % Administrative Exp / 2021 TIF Revenue bat Budget RINUM (2019, =0 and 2021) $1,018AW Total 2021 Budget $62AS6A96 % 2021 Budget Reserve / ToW 21121 Bedgee 1.62% OBJ 411100 434000 437000 439000 448000 461100 461110 461300 462000 469000 481000 481100 512000 514000 516000 521000 522000 523000 531000 531010 532000 534000 540000 540010 541000 541100 543000 544000 545000 546000 547000 548000 548100 549000 551000 552000 552200 554000 661000 663000 664000 670000 881000 883000 891000 895000 896000 899000 r0'R1S1,11A1,1ACKUP IDOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL CAN SE SEEN AT ND F TIS DOCUMENT. Omni CRA Budget Template FY 20-21 Proposed Budget FY 201s-16 Actuail FY 2016-17 Actuall FY 2017-18 ACtuall FY 2018-19 Actuall FY 2019.20 Bud et I FY 2019-20 ProjectionProjectlonj Differencel Notes Number of Full -Time Positions 11 11 12 +1 Are any positions funded In other budgets? No No Nu If so, how much is in this budget? _ If so how much is in the other bud et? ve s Ad Valorem Taxes -Real 5t4948,972 $18.129,129 518721,974 19,974301 $29,432,015 $29,406.714 $32,41%547 +2987532 State Grants -53 287 $0 $0 0 so 50 50 Grants From Other Local Unit 5641,491 0 50 $0 50 0 $0 $0 Pmts Other Local U In Lieu O 50 50 _ 58.333 0 50 $0 $0 50 CFS-Rents And Ro valties 50 0 0 so % 50 $0 Misc-Int & Pen -Lot Clear & D So 0 $0 $0 so 0 0 50 Misc-Int&Pen-investment $60142 $188.888 S251,459 5240852 50 $115,254 s0 0 Misc-Net Increase Decrease l 7.545 -513,891 - 2 676 $23 057 0 5430 $0 s0 Misc-Red Li ht Camera Fines Stl 0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 50 Misc-Other Miscellaneous Rev S1 434 060 5609 028 2,091811 93.951 $11 946 070 $195 445 $11,945,839 5231 Other-Interfund Transfer 0 549.466 564,282 $0 0 0 s0 0 Other-Intrafund Transfer s506529 -.10429 $4.610000 0 0 0 s0 Fund Balance-Car,•over $0 50 0 _ 50 512,667,M6 s0 18.491.610 +55824304 Revenue Grand Total S17 90.504 518 952 190 521235182 25 342 61 $S4A45,392,I 9 717 $62,856,996 8,811,605, Regular Salaries and Wa�es i=11! '�456,585 '455,220 $528,285 5942,540 5570181 $913,640 +571.100 Overtime SO 0. $ 50 $0 s0 S0 5a Fringe Benefits $190 $22A01 522404 521922 $54,500 51661 554.500 [p Fica Taxes $431 k35,435. $34 518 539,903 64 454 543,185 569,893 +55 439 Retirement Contributlons 5 355 520,97 523,861 S27 364 SS0 nou 524.525 50.000 s0 Life and Health Insurance $0 143,238 574.47 82 385 $90 000 577 874 $120,000 +, 30,000 Professional Services $313 430 $132.704 $214.454 $683.379 $ 603 384 5122.077 $325.922 - 277 464 Professional ServicesA al 55 o 80 W 5143 50 50 0 _ SO 0 Accounting and Auditing 50 $0 $0 $0 $15 000 515,000 515,000 0 Other Contractual Services 520681 $605.593 `•350,613 5175,434 ST2 692 $121.639 $430000 -5298692 Travel and Per Diem 50 $2.226 $7,081 $9,895 $30 om 54,550 530,000 $0 Training $0 $0 $6.399 50 50 $0 0 SO Communications & Related Ser $0 $463 $0 $0 So $0 0 _ s0 Posta a $0 $34 $846 55 S: 000 $38 $2,000 so Utility Services 0 $17,260 $15,135 $29623 520mv 512472 $20,300 Rentals and Leases 5192 52863 $0 $1552 53600 $0 53,600 $0 Insurance $0 $130 112 $208 530 $133,692 $104.166 $30.621 $115,000 t$10834 Repair and Maintenance Semi 50 51814 54,69 $1,134 910w $0 $2.000 $0 Printin. and Binding _ SO 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 % Promotional Activities $0 $0 50 $0 so $0 0 50 Advertising and Related Cost 0 $23,386 $20.169 _ $26,838 530000 ?6423 530000 $0 _ Other Current Chanzes and Ob $S.06128 $6,997785 57,256,584 57668.537 5199596 $16,261 $216867 +517271 Office Supplies 10,542 _ $5852 $9.738 $10,000 3698 $10.000 50 Of,eratinp, SupPlies $0 $4..839 55.624 59.194 $14000 $243 $10.000 0 Clothin Uniform Supplies So 50 50 $0 50 0 0 0 Subscr1r,tions, Membershl s. 50 $8,949 29,380 515054 5170m $7310 517.000 20 Land $0 ,A 508,613 $0 5397 226 0 50 Im ravements Other Than Buil 50 0 so So S0 50 0 $0 Machinwv and Euuh,ment 0 56771 s0 i18252 $T4000 $5020 $6,000 - 18000 Construction In Progress 51994076 _ $1485 $0 $123786 50 0 _ SO $0 Alds to Government Agencies $0 50 _ So— $0 W s0 So_ Other Grants and Aids $2 179 365 53.242 281 $4.196,713 82.452, 223 528633 639 S3,515,099 37,401,708 + &768 069 Transfer Out-Interfund Trans S 04,ms '6.910563 _ 1,5.460.786 $6.976.158 $4249000 $4231000 c4231,000 318000 Other Nonor:�erating Uses 51000 50 .50 s0 0 50 $0 $0 Budget Reserve 0 0 $0 $0 SO _ so s0 s0 Other Uses Sp O SO, 50 SO Sib 261520 514.639231 518,782568 _ +5521048 Expenditure Grand Total 515,906,222 23186 513 18,373 486 $19.432 131 S54,045,3511$23 448,106 $62 856.996 58 811605 Revenues Minus Expenditures 1,684,282 - ,234,323 52.761.6971 $5.910.0301 Sol S6,2693371 I SO ESUBSTITUTED TO BE SUBSTITUTED Composite Exhibit A: OMNI CRA's Board approval of August 31, 2020, all attachments thereto, and required Budget Form SUBSTITUTED FY'2021 FY 2020 BUDGET OMNI TAH INCREMENT FUND BUDGET PROPOSED ADOPTED VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET REVENUES CITY OF MIAMI -TAX INCREMENT $18,726,124 $16,975,009 $1,7S1,115 MIAMI DADE COUNTY -TAX INCREMENT (ORIGINAL BOUNDARIES) $11,401,482 $10,465,5G2 $935,919 CITY OF MIAMI -TAX INCREMENT (2009 ADDITION EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $650,015 $531,687 $118328 MIAMI DADECOUNTY - TAX INCREMENT (2009ADDITION EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $395,021 $327,756 $67,265 Total1IF Revenues $uinfi41 2020 FUND BALANCE LOAN SERIFS 2018 A and 2019 B (Funds held by Bank United) $13,767,372 $11,755,752 $11 0 TRANSFER FROM MIDTOWN CRA (Administration) $98,467 $88,837 ,630 RENT INCOME $80,000 $102,481 21,481 2020 CHILDREN TRUST CONTRIBUTION $1,246,906 $1,132,001 $114,905 2020 ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE (It Indudes the $4,552,500 - Reimbursement from Loan $18,491,610 $12,667,305 $5,824304 Series 2018A 62-.SM'996 $54045 8,811,605 ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT $15,000 ,000 $0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -OTHER $325,920 603,384 -$277,464 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE'S $30DAM $638,692 -$338,692 INTERFUNDTRANSFER (Debt Servloe) $7,V74048 $7,046,026 -$886 INTERFUND TRANSFER (Grant) $2,$2,501,723 -$342317 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $10, $9,9D5,005 $1,005,419 OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS S37 528 633 639 S8 768.069 &WOIST1G4i`1V1; E1fPEN61TURES'.:.`: REGULARSAIARIFS $913,640 $842,540 $71,100 FICA TAXES $69,893 $64,454 $5,439 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE $120,000 $90,000 $30,00D RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION $50,000 $50,000 $0 FRINGE BENEFITS $54,500 $54,50D $0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $130,ODO $90,000 $40,000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $30,000 $30,000 $0 UTILITYSERVICE $20,300 $20,300 $0 INSURANCE $115,000 $104,166 $10,834 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $216,867 $199,596 $17,271 SUPPLIES $10,000 $10,000 $0 OPERATING SUPPLIES $10,OD0 MAW $0 SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHIP $17,DD0 $17,000 $0 MACHINERYAND EQUIPMENT $6,0D0 $24,000 -$18,000 ADVERTISING $30,000 $30,000 $0 RENTAL AND LEASES $3,600 $3,600 $0 POSTAGE $2,000 $2,000 $0 REPAIRIMAINTENANCE- OUTSIDE $2,000 $2,000 $0 INTERFUNDTRANSFER S1B4OD0 $woo 0 $98,467 $88,837 $9,630 RESERVE FOR MIDTOWN ADM EXPENDITURES RESERVEFORSECURITYDEPOSIT -MEC $125,000 $125,000 $0 RESERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT -1401 GROUP $40,000 $40,000 $0 RESERVE FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $1,311,442 $1,280,659 $30,783 RESERVE - BILLBOARD (INCOMEGENERATE $80,322 $0 $80,322 RESERVE FOR PAYMENT OF PROPERTY T - MEC $209,867 $192,596 $17,271 RESERVE FOR LOAN PROCEEDS SERIES 9 A & S $47,500 $47,500 $0 RESERVE FOR UNSOUCITATED PRO LS $50,000 $50,000 $0 2019 BUDGET RESERVE (Budget S lus) $28,893 $95,702 466,809 2020 BUDGET RESERVE $249,298 $1,119f171 -$870,173 2021 BUDGET RESERVE S739,809 Sol S739.809 TC1TkLFGN[3HFllAI�F._.'. `': :`. $0 so 5a o Museum Park under the GlobolfnterlomlAgreement are the subject of ongoing discussion between the City and Obligations faclude the amounts payable in accordance with the original terms of the Global lnterlocal Agreement determined by the resolution of such ongoing dlsmsslons (but in no event shall exceed the amounts payable under ?col Agreement with respect to Museum Park.) 2021 TIF Revenue $32,272,641 2021 Ti F Rev for Affordable Housing $3,127,264 % 2021 Budget for Affordable Housing 104i 2021 TIF Revenue $31,272,641 2022 Administrative Expenditures $1,818,800 % Administrative Exp / 2021 TIF Revenue 6% Budget Reserve (2019, 2020 and 2021) $110181000 Total 2021 Budget $62,856,996 % 2021 Budget Reserve / Total 2021 Budget 1,624E OBJ 411100 434000 437000 439000 448000 461100 461110 461300 462000 469000 481000 481100 512000 514000 516000 521000 522DOO 523000 531000 531010 532000 534000 540000 540010 541000 541100 543000 544000 545000 546000 547000 548000 548100 549000 551000 552000 552200 554000 661000 663000 664000 670000 881000 883000 891000 895000 896000 899000 CRA Template FY 20-21 Proposed Budget SUBSTITUTED Difference[Notes Notes Number of Fisltions 11 11 12 +1 Are any positionull-Tmes funde other budgets? No No Nu If so, how much is in this bud e[ If so how much is in the other budge, ��Yenues Ad Valorem Taxes -Real 5I4948.972 $18.129,129 518721,974 19,974301 $29,432,015 $29,406.714 $32,41%547 +2987532 State Grants -53 287 $0 $0 0 SO SO SO Grants From Other Loca l Unit 5641,191 0 s0 $0 SO 0 $0 50 Pmts Other Local U In Lieu O SO $0 58.3 0 SO $0 s0 50 CFS-Rents And Ro valties _ 0 0 0 SO 50 50 $0 Misc-Int & Pen -Lot Clear & D so $0 $0 SO 0 so 50 Miss-Int&Pen-investment $60142 $188,888 S251,459 5240852 SO 5115,254 s0 So Misc-Net Increase Decrease 1 7.545 -513,891 - 2 676 $23 057 0 5430 $0 s0 Miss -Red Li ht Camera Fines Stl So $0 $0 50 0 $0 SO Misc-Other Miscellaneous Rev S1 434 OSQ 9,028 2,091811 93.951 $11 946 070 $195 445 $11,945,839 S231 Other-Interfund Transfer 5 6 S64,282 SO p 0 s0 0 Other-Intrafund Transfer SSQ6529 -�10,4 $4.610000 0 0 0 s0 Fund Balance-Car,•over SQ •,;0 0 50 5 667306 SO 18.493.610 +55824304 Revenue Grand Total S17 90.504 512 952 190 52 135182 _ 25 342 61 54 5 393 9 717 li2 FZM1 I8 811605 Regular Salaries and Wa�es i=41! '�456,585 20 528.285 5942,540 5570181 $913,640 +571.100 Overtime SO o N $0 $o s0 SO 5a Fringe Benefits $190 $22A01 S22404 N, 521922 $54,500 51661 S54.500 [0 Fica Taxes $431 k35,435. $34 518 P39,903 64 454 $43 185 S69,893 +SS 439 Retirement Contributlons 505 520,972 S23 861 $27 364 SS0 nou 524.525 50.000 s0 Life and Health Insurance So 143,238 574.47 82 385 $90 000 577 874 $120,000 +530 000 Professional Services $313 430 $132.704 $214.454 5tW,379 $ 603 384 S122.077 $325.920 - 277 464 Professional Services -Legal 56800 W S143 50 0 _ SO 0 Accounting and Auditing s0 $0 $0 $0 $15 OOO 515,000 S15,000 0 Other Contractual Services 520681 $605.593 `•350,613 5175.434 ST2 691 $121.639 $430.000 -5298692 Travel and Per Diem 50 $2.226 $7,081 $9,895 $30000 54.550 S30,000 $0 Training $0 $0 $6.399 50 50 $0 0 $0 Communications & Related Ser $0 $463 $0 $0 50 $0 0 _ s0 Posta a $0 $34 $846 55 $, 0 $38 $2,000 so Utility Services 0 $17,260 $15,135 $29623 $?030. 512472 $20,300 Rentals and Leases S192 52863 $0 $1552 sow $0 53,600 $0 Insurance $p $130 112 $208 530 $133,692 S304, 166 S30.621 115,000 i$10834 Repair and Maintenance Semi 50 51814 54699 1.138 57,tlpcl $0 $2.000 $0 Printin. and BindingSO _ 0 $0 $0 50 g0 $0 Promotional Activities $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 54 Advertisingand Related Cost 0 $23,386 $20.169 _ 26,838 53tl,ilpp $64 530000 $0 _ Other Current Cha es and Ob $S.06128 $6,997785 57,256,584 57668.537 S199596 16,261 $216861 +S17271 Office Supplies 10,542 _ $5 852 9.739 10,000 3 698 $10.000 SO O eratin Sv Iles $q $4..839 55.624 59.194 $14000 $243 $50,000 0 Clothin Uniform Supplies SO 50 $0 $0 Sp 0 Subscri tionsMembershl s. 50 8,949 9380 515054 517ON $7310 X-0000 50 Land $0 54508,613 $0 5397726 0 EE Improvements Other Than Buil 50 0 0 SO $0 50 504, $0 Machinwy and Euulr,ment $D 56771 s0 i18252 $T4 Opp $5020 $6,000 -S180Op Construction In Progress S1994076 _ $1485 $0 $123786 50 0 Alds to Government Agencies $0 SO _ So— $0 W s0 _ Other Grants and Aids $2 179 365 $3.242 281 $4.196,713 82.452, 223 528633 639 S3,515,099 37,401708 +58,768 069 Transfer Out-Interfund Trans S 04,ms '6.910563 _ 55.460.786 $6.976.158 $424901)0 $4231000 S4231,000 -518000 Other Nonor:�eratlng Uses S1000 50 .50 s0 p 50 $0 So Budget Reserve 0 0 $0 c0 SO _ s0 SO Other Uses Sp SO 50 SO 518 261 520 $14.639231 S18,782 568 +S521048 Ex endlture Grand Total 515,906,222 23186 513 18,373 486 $19.432 131 S54,045,3511$23 448,106 $62 856,996 SB 811605 Revenues Minus Expenditures 1,684,282 - ,234,323 52.761.6971 $5.910.0301 Sol S6,2693371