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SHARON CASTRILLON RESIDENCE 713 NW 7 STREET ROAD MIAMI, FL 33136 TAME OF CONTENTS LANDSCAPE PLANS SHEET DESCRIPTION L-I LANDSCAPE PLANS ARCHITECTURE SHEET DESCRIPTION A-010I HISTORIC ANALYSIS A-0,02 HISTORIC ANALYSIS A-OD3 HISTORIC ANALYSIS A-0,04 HISTORIC ANALYSIS A-IDI SITE PLAN 2 ZCNMG INFO A-ID2 FAR CALCULATIONS A-201 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-202 SECOND FLOOR PLAN 4 ROOF PLAN A-3DI ELEVATIONS HEP-301 HISTORIC MATERIAL SHEET HEP-3.02 HISTORIC MATERIAL SHEET CALIL A R C H I T E C T 5 M Pfi(9194 1729 CORAL WAY. SURE-702 MNMI, F-1- 3314 PHDNL I-) 86 -, FM: (.1) Bfi0-.2 CLIENT SHAM CASTRILLON 113 NW T STREET ROAD MIAMI, FL 331X ARCHITECT CALL ARCHITECTS 1126 CORAL WAY, SUITE 1O2 MIAMI, FL 33145 (305) 56O-9600 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAU. LLERE IA 1 ASSOCIATES MC 13110 SW 126 ST MIAMI, FL 33186 '305, 256-1159 SHARON CASTRILLON RESIDENCE 713 NW 7 STREET ROAD MIAMI, FL 33136 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARCHITECTURE SHEET DESCRIPTION A-101 51TE e LANDSCAPE PLANS i ZCNING Iwo.. A-102 FAR CALCILATILN5 A-201 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 SCHEDULES A-202 SECOND FLOOR PLAN ! ROOF PLAN A-301 ELEVATIONS A-401 SECTIONS A-402 SECTIONS HEP-301 HISTORIC MATERIAL SHEET CALIL A R C H I T E C T 5 M 26001�9 I]28 COPAL WAT, MITE-]D2 MIA Z 3310 wwne (.>osl em-seoo s FAX --- CLIENT SHARGN CASTRILLON 113 NW l STREET ROAD MIAMI, FL 33136 ARCHITECT CALL ARCHITECTS 1126 CORAL LAY, SUITE 102 MIAMI, FL 33145 (305)860-5600 mom Nam Nam Elm Elm New ■gym i gym COVER HISTORIC CRITERIA HISTORIC CRITERIA PREVIOUS STRICTUIRE PROPOSED COMPLIANCE COLOR THE GRET AND WHITE COLORS ARE FREGMENTLY FOUND ON THE GREY AND WHITE COLORS ARE THOSE FREOUENTLT FOND IN THE THE FACADE NEIGIIBORN S AREAS AND PREVIOUS STRUCTURE FORM THE GEOMETRY OF THE WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION CONSISTS WE HAVE RESPECTED THE FORMER GEOMETRIES BY IMPLEMENTING THEIR FORMS OF 3 DISTINCT INTERSECTING PLANES (AABF) AND A LNTEL AND PROPORTIONS INTO THE DESIGN. THE EOJAL FORM OF AA INTERSECT THAT ELEMENT (D) THE FIRST PLMME IS THE ENTRY ELEMENT (AA), CF B. C 15 RECESSED SIGNIFICANTLY FROM FORM B THE LINTEL PIECE D IS EMPHASIZING HORIZONTALITY, ALONG WITH ITS LINTEL PIECE, EVEN EXTENDED TOWARD THE RIGHT OF THE FACADE AS WAS WITH THE REAKING BCCWN THE SCALE OF THE MAIN RESIDENCE /5) PREVIOUS 5MCTURF THE THIRD PLANE (C) IS RECESSED 45 TO NOT HAVE THE MAN FACADE BE OVERWIHELMING SPACING THE SETBACKS OFTHE PRINCIPAL FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, WE HAVE INCREASED THE SETBACK AT THE FRONT FACADE SMPICANTLY MORE OR PEAR THE MNIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER, MAY BE THAT THAT OF THE ORIGINAL RESIDENCE. THE PORCH, ALTHOUGH ALLOWED AS VISUALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER INCORPORATIQI CF AN ENCROACHMENT, IS ALSO WELL WITHIN THE SETBACKS THE PRINCIPAL THE PORCH THE SIDE SETBACKS ALSO SEEM TO BE AT THE RESIDENCE VOLUME IS SET BACK A SIGNIFICANT AMO.NT ON BOTH THE FRONT MINI7'MWT THE REAR SETBACK SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. (OVER 30 FT) AND REAR (OVER SO FT TO THE VOLUME, 27 FT TO A WALL) YARDS, THE SIDE SETBACKS ARE SLIGHTLY INCREASED AT 5'-6', BUT VISUALLY REDUCED BY BR£AKNG UP THE MASSMG BY EITHER PUSHING BACK WALLS, TERRACE AREAS, OR CUTTING BACK VOLUMES. HEIGHT THE PREVIOUS STRUCTURE WAS A 1-6TORY STRICTURE THE NEW STRICTURE IS INCREASED IN ITS BASE HEIGHT TO MEET FLOOD 5EEMNELY BELOW THE FLOOD CRTERIA. CRITERIA. THE NEW STRUCTURE IS AL50 BELOW THE MAXIMUM ALLOYED HEGHT BY CODE AND USES OVERHAN35 TO FURTHER VISUALLY REDUCE ITS SCALE, YARDS THE SETBACKS OF THE PRINCIPAL FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, WE HAVE CREATED A GREAT AMOUNT OF YARD SPACE IN THE FRONT AND REAR OR NEAR THE MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER MAY BE YARDS BY PUSHING BACK THE MAN VOLUMES' SETBACKS A GREAT AMOUNT. IN VISUALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER INCOYDRATIGN OF ADDITION TO THIS, WE HAVE ADDED AN OPEN-AIR COURTYARD WITHIN OE OF THE PORCH. THE SIDE SETBACKS ALSO SEEM TO BE AT THE THE SIDE YARDS AND INTRODUCED GROND AND ROOFTOP PLANTERS TO MINIMUM, THE REAR SETBACK SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. INCREASE THE 'YARD' AND SREEN AREAS OF THE PROPERTY. MATERIALS THE PREVIOUS STRUCTURE WAS ALMOST ENTIRELY WOOD WE ARE U5NG BOARD FORMED CONCRETE TO PAY HOMAGE TO THE SIDING. ITS OPENINKS AR WERE WOOD DOORS OR CLE PREVIOUSLY WOOD -VENEERED STRUCTURE. THIS TTPE OF CONCRETE FINISH GLAZING, WOULD LEAVE AN IMPRINT OF I75 LOOD FORMWORK ON ITS EXTERIOR WE ARE ALSO INTRODUCES 5TU000 FNISHES TO REDUCE THE SCALE OF ITS FACADES AND DEFINE THE BASE SUCH AS THE PREVICUS RESIDENCE HAD ITS CRNLL SPACE DEFINED. CLEAR GLAZING SUCH AS THE PR IDUS RESIDENCE SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED. RHYTHM N PATTERN THE OPENINGS ON THE PRINCIPLE FACADE ARE ORGANIZED WE ARE RESPECTING THE PATTERN OF THE OR61NAL OFENINiS, ONE OF WHICH IS OF OPENINGS WITHIN IT, BREAKING IT UP VISUALLY INTO 4 EVEN OFENIMWS NOW OUR PRINCIPLE ENTRANCE THE SCALE OF THESE OPENINGS ARE FURTHERMORE, THE CARPORT AND PORCH OPENINGS REPEATED ON M05T FACADES THAT ARE SIMILAR IN NATURE. OTHER WINDOW FURTHER DEFINE THE PRINCIPLE FACADE AND REDUCE ITS TREATMENTS ARE ALSO REPEATED AS WELL AS RESPECTING EACH OTHERS SCALE. HORIZONTAL VISUAL LNE WE ALSO INCLUDED SLIDING DOOR LPENNSS AT THE REAR YARD, AS THE ORK INAL STRICTURE DID. 1 � �11�1■Ira1�11■il FORM ANALYSIS (FRONT ELEVATION) FORM ANALYSIS (PREVIOUS STRUCTURE IMAGES) amm 45TORIC CRITERIA HISTORIC CRITERIA PREVIOUS STRUCTURE PROPOSED COMFLANCE COLOR THE GREY AND LLHITE COLORS ARE FREQUENTLY FOND ON THE GREY AND WHITE COLORS ARE TH06E FREQUENTLY FOUND IN THE THE FACADE NEGHBORNG AREAS AND PREVIOUS STRICTURE FORT! THE GEOMETRY OF THE WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION CONSISTS WE HAVE RESPECTED THE FORMER GEOMETRIES BY IMPLEMENTI THEIR FORMS OF 3 DISTINCT INTERSECTING PLANES (AAAO) AND A LINTEL AND PROPORTIONS INTO THE DESIGN. THE LWAL FORM OF AA INTERSECT THAT ELEMENT (D1. THE FIRST PLANE 15 THE ENTRY ELEMENT (AA), OF B. C IS RECESSED SIGNIFICANTLY FROM FORT B. THE LINTEL PIECE D 15 EMPHASIZING HORIZONTALITY, ALONG NTH R5 LINTEL PIECE, EVEN EXTENDED TOWARD THE RIGHT OF THE FACADE AS WAS WITH THE BREAKING DON THE SCALE OF THE MAIN RESIDENCE (B). PREVIOUS STRUCTURE. THE THIRD PLA1E (C) IS FZECE66ED AS TO NOT HAVE THE MAIN FACADE BE OVERWNELMNS SPACING THE SETBACKS OF THE PRINCIPAL FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, WE HAVE INCREASED THE SETBACK AT THE FROM FACADE 5I3WPICANTLY MORE OR NEAR THE MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER MAY BE THAN THAT OF THE ORIGINAL RESIDENCE THE PORCH, ALTHOUGH ALLOWED AS 11SULLY REDUCED NTH THE PROPER "CORPORATION OF AN ENCROACHMENT, IS ALSO WELL WITHIN THE SETBACKS THE PRINCIPAL THE POR<H THE SIDE SETBACKS ALSO SEEM TO BE AT THE RESIDENCE VOLUME IS SET BACK A SIGNIFICANT MOUNT ON BOTH THE FRONT MINIMUM. THE FEAR SETBACK SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. (OVER 30 FT) AND REAR (OVER 30 FT TO THE VOLUME, PT FT TO A WALL) YARDS. THE SIDE SETBACKS ARE SLIGHTLY INCREASED AT 5'-5', BUT VI6IUALLT REDUCED BY BREAKING UP THE MASSING BY EITHER PUSHING BACK WALLS, TERRACE AREAS, OR CUTTING BACK VOLUMES. HEIGHT THE PREVIOUS STRICTURE WAS A 2-STORY STRICTURE THE NEW STRUCTURE B INCREASED IN ITS BASE HEIGHT TO MEET FLOOD SEEMINGLY BELOW THE FLOOD CRITERIA ORITEMA THE NEW 5TRUCTURE 15 ALSO BELOW THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED HEIGHT 8Y CODE AD USESOVERFWN'5 TO FURTHER VISUALLY REDUCE ITS SCALE. YARDS THE SETBACKS OF THE PRINCIPAL FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, WE HAVE CREATED A GREAT AMOUNT OF YARD SPACE IN THE FRONT AND REAR OR NEAR THE MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER MAY BE YARDS BY PUSHING BACK THE MAIN VOLUMES' SETBACKS A GREAT AMOUNT. IN VISUALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER INCORPORATION OF ADDITION TO THIS WE HAVE ADDED AN OPEN-AIR COURTYARD WITHIN ONE OF THE PORCH THE SIDE SETBACKS AL60 SEEM TO BE AT THE THE SIDE YARDS AND NMRODND UCEO GRAAND ROOFTOP PLANTERS TO MINIMUM THE REAR SETBACK SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. INCREASE THE MARD' AID GREEN AREAS OF THE PROPERTY. MATERIALS THE PREVIOUS STRICTURE WAS ALMOST ENTIRELY WOOD WE ARE USING BOARS FORMED CONCRETE TO PAT HOMAGE TO THE SIDING. ITS OPENINGS WERE WOOD DOORS OR CLEAR PREVIOUSLY WOOD -VENEERED STRICTURE. THIS TYPE OF CONCRETE FINISH GLAZING. WOULD LEAVE AN IMPRINT OF ITS WOOD FORIJO K ON ITS EXTERIOR WE ARE ALSO NTRODUCI STUCCO FN15WEB TO REDUCE THE SCALE OF ITS FACADES AND DEFINE THE BASE 51CH AS THE PREVIOUS RESIDENCE HAD ITS CRAWL SPACE DEFNED. CLEAR GLAZING SUCH AS THE PREVIOUS MIIDENCE SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED. RHYTHM N PATTERN THE OPENINGS ON THE PRINCIPLE FACADE An C%ANIZED WE ARE RESPECTING THE PATTERN OF THE ORGNAL OPENINGS. ONE OF WHICH IS 6 OPENINGS WITHIN IT, BREAKING IT UP 05NALLY INTO 4 EVEN OPENINGS. NOW OUR PRINCIPLE ENTRANCE. THE SCALE OF THESE OPENINGS ARE FURTHERMORE, THE CARPORT AND PORCH OPENINGS REPEATED ON MOST FACADES iNAT ARE SIMILAR IN NATURE. OTHER WINDOW FURTHER DEFINE THE PRINCIPLE FACADE AND REDUCE ITS TREATMENTS ARE ALSO REPEATED AS WELL AS RESPECTING EACH OTHER'S SCALE. HORIZONTAL V15UAL LNE. WE ALSO INCLUDED SLIDING DOOR OPENINGS AT THE REAR YARD, 45 THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE DID L---J i ���i IL . r .• I I'll 2 ifl Fiil= �- Mon 0mm A _--_ ________________________ z f S �r oC — 0 Y q�yyy -�a — ------ ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- SSA 2 RHYTHM & PATTERN OF OPENINGS ANALYSIS ° (ELEVATIONS) J ` o G _ a i5 J Tia,if u s --_ ------ ______ 2 ill E2 2 �li -F2111 I 'Yq ------------------------------ ----- A-0.02 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �FmN Aft 0 HISTORIC CRITERIA HISTORIC CRITERIA FREVI0115 STRICTURE PROPOSED COMPLIANCE COLOR THE GREY AND WHITE COLORS ARE FREQUENTLT FOUND ON THE GREY AND WHITE COLORS ARE THOSE FREQUENTLT FOUND IN THE THE FACADE NEIGHBORING AREAS AND PREVIOUS STRICTURE FORM THE GEOMETRY OF THE WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION CONSISTS WE HAVE RESPECTED THE FORMER GEOMETRIES BY IMPLEMENTING THEIRFORMS OF 3 DISTINCT INIERSEGTING PLANES (AF1,5,C) AND A LINTEL AD FROPORTIONS INTO THE DESIGN. THE EQUAL FORM OF AA INTERSECT THAT ELEMENT (D). THE FIR5T PLANE 15 THE ENTRY ELEMENT (AA), OF B. C IS RECESSED SIGNIFICANTLY MON FORK e. THE LINTEL PIECE D IS ER`PR HASIZING NG HORIZONTALITY, ALOWITH ITS LINTEL PIECE, EVEN EXTENDED TOWARD THE RIGHT OF THE FACADE AS WAS WITH THE BREAKING DOM THE SCALE OF THE MAN RESIDENCE (B) FREACUS STRICTURE. THE THIRD FLAVE (C) 15 RECESSED AS TO NOT HAVE THE MAIN FACADE BE OVERWHELMING. SPACING THE SETBACKS OF T PRINCIPAL FACADE SEEM TO W AT, WE HAVE INCREASED THE SETBACK AT THE FRONT FACADE 61GNFICANTLY MORE OR NEAR THE MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER MAY BE THAN THAT OF THE ORIGINAL RESIDENCE. THE PORCH, ALTHOUGH ALLOWED AS VISUALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER INCQRPORATICN OF AN ENCROACHMENT, 15 ALSO WELL WITHIN THE SETBACKS. THE PRINCIPAL THE PORCH. THE SIDE SETBACKS ALSO SEEM TO BE AT THE RESIDENCE VOLUME IS SET BACK A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT ON BOTH THE FRONT MINIMUM. THE REAR SETBACK SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. (OVER im FT) AND REAR (OVER V FT TO THE VOLIM, ]T FT TO A WALL) YARDS, THE SIDE SETBACKS ARE SLIGHTLY INCREASED AT 5'-6%BUT VISUALLY REDUCED BY BREAKMG UP THE MASSING BY EITHER RUSHING BACK WALLS, TERRACE AREAS, OR OUTTMG BACK VOLUMES, HEIGHT THE PREVIOUS STRICTURE WAS A 1-STORY STRICTURE THE NEW STRUCTURE 15 INCREASED IN ITS BASE HEIGHT TO MEET FLOOD SEEMNGLT BELOW THE FLOOD CRITERIA. CRITERIA THE NEW STRICTURE 15 ALSO BELOW THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED HEIGHT BY CODE AND USE5 OVERlAN 5 TO FURTHER VISUALLY REDUCE ITS SCALE. YARDS THE 5ETBACKS OF THE PRINCIPAL FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, WE HAVE CREATED A GREAT AMOUNT OF TARD SPACE IN THE FRONT AND REAK OR NEAR THE MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER MAY BE YARDS BY PUSHING BACK THE MAIN VOLUMES' SETBACK$ A GREAT AMOUNT. IN vl5UALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER MCOIgIORATICN OF ADDITION TO THIS, WE HAVE ADDED AN OPEN-AIR COURTYARD WITHIN ONE OF THE PORCH. THE SIDE SETBACKS ALSO SEEM TO BE AT THE THE SIDE YARDS AND INTRODUCED GRAND AND ROOFTOP PLANTERS TO MINIMUM, THE REAR SETBACK SEEMS SIGNIFICANT, INCREASE THE 'YARD' AND GREEN AREAS OF THE PROPERTY. MATERIALS THE PREVIOUS STRICTURE WAS ALMOST ENTIRELY WOOD WE ARE IUBNG, BOARD FORMED CCICRETE TO PAT HOMAGE TO THE SIDING, ITS OPENINGS WERE WAD DOORS OR CLEAR PREVIOUSLY ODOD-VENEERED STRUCTURE. THIS TYPE OF CONCRETE FINISH (sfAZING. ITS WOULD LEAVE AN IMPRINT OF ITS WOOD FORMIIDW ON ITS EXTERIOR WE ARE WE ALSO IMROWCING STUCCO FINISHES TO REDUCE THE OF ITS AND DEFINE THE BASE SUCH AS THE PREVIOUS RESIDENCE HAD ITS CRAWL SPACE DEFINED. CLEAR GLAZING EUCH AS THE PREVIOUS RESIDENCE SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED, RNTTHM N PATTERN THE OPENINGS CN THE FRINCIPLE FACADE ARE ORGANIZED WE ARE RESPECTING THE PATTERN OF THE ORGNAL OPENIGS, ONE OF WHICH IS OF OPENINGS WITHIN IT, BREAKING IT UP VISUALLY INTO 4 EVEN OPENINGS. NOW OUR FRNCIPLE ENTRANCE. THE SCALE OF THESE OPENINGS ARE FURTHERMORE, THE CARPORT AND PORCH OPENIRW'5 REPEATED ON MOST FACADES THAT ARE SIMILAR IN NATURE. OTTER WINDOW FURTHER DEFINE THE PRINCIPLE FACADE AND REDUCE ITS TREATMENTS ARE ALSO REPEATED AS WELL AS RESFECTI% EACH OTHER'S SCALE. HORIZONTAL VISUAL LINE. WE ALSO NCLUI SLIDN3 DOOR OPENINGS AT THE REAR YARD, AS THE ORIGINAL STRICTURE DID. HEIGHT ANALYSIS (PROPOSED FRONT FACADE) TYPICAL PITCVED ROOF DESIGN HEIGHT ANALYSIS (TYPICAL STRUCTURE) mom Elm E-m ■-m ■-m ■-m ■-m ■_■ 1 I F �'8 $g u _ mu Si Q U a$ g5 u < I ILI A-0.03 EAG�R 77 Z,® HISTORIC CRITERIA HISTORIC CRITERIA PREVOUS STIICTURE PROPOSED COMPLIANCE COLOR THE GREY AND WHITE COLORS ARE THE GREY AND WHITE COLORS ARE THOSE FREQUENTLY FCURD ON THE FREQUENTLY FOUND IN THE NEIGHBORING FACADE AREAS AND PREVIOUS STRICTURE FOR1 Tiff GEOMETRY OF THE WEST WE NAVE RESPECTED THE FORMER (FRONT) PLEVATIM CONSISTS OF 3 GEOMETRIES BY IMPLEMENTING THEIR P16TNV INTERSECTING PLANES FORMS AND PROPORTIONS INTO THE (AABG) AND A LINTEL ELEMENT DESIGN THE EQUAL FORM OF AA (D). THE FIRST PLANE IS THE NTERSECT THAT OF B. c IS RECESSED ENTRY ELEMENT PH (AA), EMASIZING SGNFICANTLY FROM FORM B. TIE LINTELHORIZONTALITT, ALONG WITH ITS PIECE D IS EVEN EXTENDED TOWARD THE LINTEL PIECE, BREAKING DOWNTHE RIGHT OF THE FACADE AS WAS WITH THE SCALE OF THE MAN RESIDENCE PREVIOUS STRUCTURE. (B). THE THIRD PLANE (C) IS RECESSED AS TO NOT HAVE THE MAIN FACADE BE OVERWHELMING, THE SETBACKS OF THE PRINCIPAL WE HAVE INCREASED THE SETBACK AT -lE 5PACING FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, OR NEAR, THE FRONT FACADE SIGNIFICANTLY MORE THAN THA- MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER MAY BE OF THE ORIGINAL RESIDENCE, THE PORCH, VISUALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER ALTHOUGH ALLOWED AS AN ENCROACHMENT, IS INCORPORATION OF THE PORCH. THE ALSO WELL WITHIN THE SETBACKS THE SIDE SETBACKS ALSO SEEM TO BE AT PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE VOLUME 15 SET BACK A THE MINIMUM. THE REAR SETBACK SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT ON BOTH THE FRONT SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. (OVER 30 FTl AND REAR (OVER °A FT TO THE VOLUME, 21 FT TO A WALL) YARDS. THE SIDE SETBACKS ARE SLIGHTLY INCREASED AT 5'-6'. BUT VISUALLY REDUCED BY BREAKING UP THE MASSING BY EITHER RL541I BACK WALLS, TERRACE AREAS, OR PUTTING BACK VOLUMES. THE PREVIOUS 5TRUCTIAE W45 A THE NEW STRICTURE IS INCREASED IN ITS BASE HI ]-STORY STRUCTURE SEEMNGLY HEIGHT TO MEET FLOOD CRITERIA. THE NEW BELOW THE FLOOD CRITERIA. STRICTURE 15 AL60 BELOW THE MAX MUM ALLOWED HEIGHT BY CODE AND USES OVERHANGS TO FURTHER V16UALLT REDUCE ITS SCALE THE SETBACKS OF THE PRINCIPAL WE HAVE CREATED A GREAT AMOUNT OF YARD YARDS FACADE SEEM TO BE AT, OR NEAR. THE SPACE IN THE FRONT AND REAR YARDS BY MINIMUM SETBACK HOWEVER, MAY BE PUSHING BACK THE MAIN VOLUMESSETBACKS A VISUALLY REDUCED WITH THE PROPER GREAT AMOUNT. IN ADDITION TO THIS, WE HAVE INCORPORATION OF THE PORCH. THE ADDED AN OPEN-AIR COURTYARD WITHIN ONE SIDE SETBACK5 ALSO SEEM TO BE AT OF THE SIDE YARDS AND INTRODUCED GROUND THE MINIMUM. THE REAR SETBACK AND ROOFTOP RANTERS TO INCREASE THE SEEMS SIGNIFICANT. 'YARD' AND GREEN AREAS OF THE PROPERTY THE PREVIOU5 STRICTURE WAS ALMOST WE ARE USING BOARD FORMED CCNCREIL 10 MATERIALS ENTIRELY WOOD SIDING. ITS OPENINGS PAY HOMAGE TO THE PREVIOUSLY WERE WOO DOORS OR CLEAR WCOO-VENEERED STRICTURE, THIS TYPE OF GLAZING. CONCRETE FINISH WOULD LEAVE AN IMPRNT OF ITS WOO FORMWORK ON ITS EXTERIOR WE ARE ALSO NTRODUCING STUCCO FNSHES TO REDUCE THE SCALE OF ITS FACADES AND DEFINE THE BASE SUCH AS THE PREVIOUS RESIDENCE HAD ITS CRAWL SPACE DEFINED. CLEAR GLAZING SUCH AS THE PREVIOUS RESIDENCE SHALL AL60 BE PROVIDED, FAY" N PATTERN THE OFBNINCi6 ON THE PRNCIPLE WE ARE RESPECTING THE PATTERN OF THE OF pPENN's FACADE ARE OFGANIZED WITHIN IT, BREAKING IT UP VISUALLY INTO 4 EVEN ORIGINAL OFEINNGS, ONE OF UNION 15 NOW OUR PRINCIPLE ENTRANCE. THE SCALE OF THESE OPENINGS. FURTHERMORE, TIE OPENING5 ARE REPEATED ON M05T FACADES CARPORT AND PORCH OPENINGS THAT ARE SIMILAR IN NATURE. OTHER WNDOU FURTHER DEFINE THE PRINCIPLE TREATMENTS ARE ALSO REPEATED AS WELL AS FACADE AND REDUCE ITS SCALE. RESPECTING EACH OTHERS HORIZONTAL VISUAL LINE. WE ALSO INCLUDED SLIDING DOOR OPENINGS AT THE REAR YARD, AS THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE DID. OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM 4,034 SQ.FT. SPACING ANALYSIS (FIRST FLOOR PLAN) -- ------------------------- SS -4�TaSEORT MAIN SULOW Vrn tls -------------------- SPACING ANALYSIS (SIDE ELEVATION) ----------------- J-- ----------- OBOARD FORM CONCRETE OSOLID WOOD ENTRY DOOR LEGEND: (SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR C OLLEC TI ON) 7_ KFYSTONF GRAY COLOR # SW 7504 8. IBIS WHITE COLOR # E9 SW 7000 9. CHATEAU BROWN COLOR # SW 7510 0 SMOOTH STUCCO FINISH WITH SHERWIN WILLIAMS IBIS WHITE PAINTED OVER 0 CLEAR LOW-E IMPACT RESISTANT GLASS WINDOWS WITH BRONZE ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME OWARM BROWN ANODIZED ALUMINUM FLAT BAR RAILING OBRONZE ANODIZED ALUMINUM GATE V", _ O 171 m OBOARD FORM CONCRETE ¢� SOLID WOOD EMRY DOOR LEGEND: (SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR COLLECTION) 7_ KEYSTONE GRAY COLOR # SW 7504 8. IBIS WHITE COLOR # E9 SW 7000 9, CHATEAU BROWN COLOR # SW 7510 2O SMOOTH STUCCO FINISH WITH SHERWIN WILLIAMS IBIS WHITE PAINTED OVER OCLEAR LOW—E IMPACT RESISTANT GLASS WINDOWS WITH BRONZE ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME OWARM BROWN ANODIZED ALUMINUM FLAT BAR RAILING OBRONZE ANODIZED ALUMINUM GATE vim ■ ns� [ �$ p F J E �w €E 1g s lBf60 HEP-3.02 RJR LOCATION MAP %.ram► y� STANDARD THAN 7'-6" DRIVEWAY APPROACH UNDER CITY STANDARDS MISC 3545-22 G. STANDARD DRIVEWAY DETAILS FOR ./PARKWAY GREATER THAN 7'.6" IN WIDTHI DRIVEWAY APPROACH UNDER CITY STANDARDS MSC 35-85-22 IACArION MAP �nw.wian.n.imura '"'O1meW�:wwn tXdo.xotes.wwii 140.00' SITE PLAN z 0 ————— — — — — —— i \Arm' I —.—.— —.—.— — J SECOND FLOOR PLAN F.A.R. u ro IWS PA T —am spAR sm SQ.FT. um SQFI'. GREEN_ SPACE DIAGRAM & PERVIOUS PAVER AREA Wa SQJT EOT COVER SECOND FLOOR LOT COVER i...... .N %, FIRST FLb*Y. LOTNVER _ I�. _ o HE in ous I -GREN SPACE 2967 1 zm SQFf. 15 GREEN SPACE DIAGRAM & PERVIOUS PAVER 3._1 m h '91 PERVIOUS PAVER CHECKER EILOCK DETAIL III I. ,y� �� nlllllllllllllllll ,�.m IIt1711 I, IIf7F�ill ■ ........ ........ ... . ................. Minn mall I1 _. � III -'!.!•II __..............................................................; FIRST FLOOR PLAN Eu S 000�0 �moo� �moaaaaaavo� �aamoaoo� �000© �am000� �amo�oaa� PERVIOUS PAVER CHECKER BLOCK DETAIL O=m==mmO Col Kell 0®®©C� cm Elmsco�a� gOo©mr� co p00 LEGEND MSULATILN MATERIAL NOTE s ■ meen FINISH MATERIAL NOTE Po �IPo�e � EttPR iEAECfAVLE N�e Am4E 3.9EG1NN 3.Q]bl: FI�LDNG tt61FRIPlS LLSm to uARi WM �sE �I� E�ALL�P�Pnpp,l,��PL�,�EAa APDRI�EPo�Di�F�Ar r�P,��IIP TMPi�'EEBl RAtFD BY INF �IL�RA�� ff1L OR Y�iM� _DFftA A—, 9, CE LGMCOLOt<D,xPM ALFEW GR � .PFL� RENT NOFcB PNNFEiB 6 r1E nMEtC: fffl[tlRIECEOSMT i0fmEAL R, NID nA%BLfI NE rolfHr. mQER FLlC0L1d:8 f5 ELNAi01ffi DR IEtAleWD4 EOIIDR PoR IXMN1FNEiP=M1A%IHl'I IEI(irt r„'RHAiE%IflEO�M T0 �€ SNPLL W ro LIHIiAiIRI fDRpaWflliAL EMFiFiEIDIB AFO.E PHNRYH �IGL EbARENfbw D=CY5010LL PE FERIPIED YP i0 Mnw'Wtw olfELLIBEerfATB�AevrE TE KlMEEN IId) IBaIIf191FM8 iGEL045.WED FmR4 NDiEe dt<RI0.£ 3. EECTR13p]L.! R'AhWi Halal A— RxFB WIN V"CPd To tfi lml eL LENDIH I1 PI1I iO A NA R'KF9 WIN ELOPE4 cF A PoBE CP w fil YliO M A fHaLL �iN LElG1N R P NxrtS lx:p Wi0)ILOLL&Gf-ID') I1E l0.LcuW fEW1IfE14Mttz �A) LCW-EL�ID Po?JFB ta6IWD1EDA9 PMR CP P NFL ao�w S,Lnu ura� Isarn rwoucn ruAr T�ux¢o eN uruL usLEa �Pue a mn oR -YEAR Mei4Lm AEciaYE ruF coa PoxF RPrE�p m e�rsia 'T — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I rEIALDOG SERAIXLBE I I II B-B•xp-q' � I P.AYIERI P I GffB1�.� I I I I aPBlfr�ACE _____li-T%Q_0_ I I �__ ___________ I I MRGLErbYKLI� cL_ ®D l i I F NB I I I � I I I i a„N. IIII � I I ® eua � FEDraDM,P I — — L ----- — —�_- -— — — — —, —, —, — _ — — — — —,— —, —, —, —, SECOND FLOOR PLAN oPoA EM9 NOW I � DR.Me� NDA• I . I 1� EIOf£ jP °AafE &~p£ I I w~p~P I I , I I I I I — J ROOF PLAN Jo____ __- �I�Illu Iiu.aMIlal : : : Imo. ■���■���■r�� - �,�� i I i Iv-�NOTICH�- I I I ;e I _____________i_� d g$ r rases— r t t - r �a r uwrawxr wu V �j i i a SECOND FLOOR PLAN z L( �7 &In2e A --- i ` �eciesx per= - F e tll J j$ge aI a � =1 x u i 4 a. I Q I 1 5 — mN BLofE >Fi i 4x�v + /� \ "1 a�v J___--------------------- — — — — » ----\-- — — f —---� --------__________________T---------------i A-2.02 i _ _ i — — — — — — — — owe _� — oruux enc.a ROOF PLAN x� W,E 9UOT1 �F�Y _______==---i--- �n .� i d Lei &bOIX LYMGIET YY.biH MILD fddIED ------------ 5 STICCO ENEH �fr WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION ---------------- --------------------rams---- aci-�s�Eravi P ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- --- ------------ ---- ------ ------------------------- -------------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ------- i -------EE .nm------ �, ELEv.R e' Le - - ELEV<-- -g _____ ESi0.9'JN®WWE \ONGyD.•.4Y 1�U= �ju ', Btu�lA�H SOUTH (SIDE) ELEVATION NORTH (SIDE) ELEVATION EAST (REAR) ELEVATION ------------------- ELEv..]i'4o� - P[calm PS utt WOPIt C\BEFALLWL IA- ---------- EIEV..n•.b• � s I rsw rems�ele g h d _ �--LEEtaOilaA6LAB 'Q gR� it rF F q �e J = s ar ELEv.. a•.m � u = „ c ---�-----._...------- ova .� Li m9-rt------ A-3.01 E�LE `I etty ,ue oka G ,- v. , y`U, a...:, w i� "7 burro - uucoswE a -- as I uacpn I ... t .1 a� _, � i - n3 — ---t { ��,� G� �.� � - r`n— � I— rrI 7 - xoyTc ------------ F m,K Xt''rr,.'a &nvfA &GR113 Wxd tdL ae es.wt. hvx."N EF•'.W1 �J L LGvx.?,.H. r mGVD WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION EAST (REAR) ELEVATIONt n re PtiNi i �.i vJ �= . Fl&' WLIN �ECx ftcNO VAEL �Ltna L.5t— FM4'u�Aa aK91L4t xrGtn.,.LG uPRtfliin fli.E L3 +u �� ^ wdGlhF tUi t�Ct. sanRV SOUTH (SIDE) ELEVATION � 'fin F a "—" P1 to PEpef�+EP� F:-N �1 eW m y 1 7{' I E_Ev R2 t- 1 v F r -40 w 'Pr F GNro UMPOtb LU EN'NYE btYTatED Ero'xID'+� uY41v.Ap�� �->* atW __— —_ WU u. �r51Pt Y�6MUYx a1P 4V SLYY kf@ uaa.a k".wYCWiz iiLE� uL✓:W hR,.crbhrc,ccL G D. ..Ib NORTH1 (SIDE) ELEVATION �i Ae r 1 1 � L=- rAV4 tttkiid ,.72 1aa, - sxmv>:uca�r � SECTION 'A',F.Y6En 4r ' i R>Ba�aA,awn I� :I WentE - I, ' LaFr 4 — waz ,A _ _ � � € e ,.3 a g .. 8 I- i wf EiA^ramyi IIALL 9 0 ewp 'L n � —---------- -------- �® — -- a „s6�wP,s a _ — — — ^ u6n.' E4ELvatem' �.gg _ '3 SECTION W � E , SECTION "C" S u a E Ian FI ... � IN M RE 6iw,4,'EUN1 It'd�C tKH: i ' 3 k orMc O — �re A r' z;u tt aARledR Td SECTION 'D" �� Nuv LaaswroaAa"rsro� n a-roeFanrroa+ a-�eFaarrom 10 Yim.EO BT ILY.NiFDi � EBPAiKN y 1.•!P• _Ir ---- ______________------------- I _ __________ ----------------------------- F 1 _.__yNGVD.•�H¢m' _____ ELEY. .14•,b• L Lrtes iO� iBtF OFd<Rxie I _ ® _ cELixE fliP1 DFiMLW � SEftIN:K CRf ipOK fEaIICAL [DAiNG 1FD t LaT yY MT19AR NOTE. KL EzlEapa G.A55 RNLIIYa 51YR _ iO EE PFPaWEO BT_4P4_NI_FECI _eND_______________ .2 ___ ____________. <=._ ® --___ -_-_______--_______ nopEL �LIxA�Ae4 _-_______--_______-__-_____ ____� AIWfIPIXF_______ y-__ -------- ------------__ _ _ I ___ _______ ___________ PO 5.. � � O DRlalau R il aglaiEC �— 9� ai b eALiwIg1OW D&K 'IFumn = �AIFsY`� by -. t�� ➢� FOYERS PA ® © 7 -- J_- --- - �� flEv •pm ------ LLWKYkY xavn .. bmm __.________________________________________________________________________________________________ i-----'€____ ----------------------------------- - -- D4 EPaN aNRD9m Z SECTION 'E" ' °`"pig ` i DEr 11 Kw.ELai FBSE DEfML lttF4'A�Br oNE% lB�,t ExCP � wanFF%vK, PARTIAL LOW WALL FENCE Fl�OOR PLAN �"� �BENEEN i BSEDnEPNPD� ' - s, �eaK wutxE n.ww § y E6 E SECTION R � B1aICILIxAL ftMB) � :Boiw51PE5 � P,�INaALFLKE, SECTION m 0 reFe BmwF.ftaw, i�maa�ftAwi l5EE 5wer. vLMsi K st�"ur-,oNiw�eu��i � a�• � ,� e'm IaBx caa.cowlx - FIo�,BABarEla'mx�,` Z roIK HEI4NIcf FDCEI B. ---------------------------------- --- -------------------------------------------------- • �� �„��� �e � �-�-�-• a ®x��N�L --- �MD11aa, NORZa1IK � i f W. roiK�I�PD�t�ILE, �g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- u ne F qa amg AWl L __ ��&L'P� � KVIINN LWYER oPEAl fttflCK, BT ORE%. !W&IDi &1GP w.'Ga - aTLNG W2 CBSUKL AH"mrK A`�"�`� PoRH�fA3✓� Krs vFPovul.. cBE Pau Y s��k ____ --- b __ - __ _-___ __-- .� ------------------m-------------- __________ _________________ �g -------------- ----- o -w,__ ________________ - Jm� NBN+a'TINMC&tlnw _____ ISL 4itWgc9M1POM_____ � __ NB9}�MICK MroOiH ____________________ �ITM�K FRONT GATE ELEVATION SOUTH GATE ELEVATION u a A-4.02 FAC JR DK!?4o EK. OAFS JIE Tt &KE eNJla �N.. ?pv,. R Sss:'StiAY:l% ✓ Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board File ID 15-01637 January 5, 2016 Item HEPBA Mr. David Freedman offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS (ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A), AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION LOCATED AT 713 NW 7TH STREET ROAD, WITHIN THE SPRING GARDEN HISTORIC DISTRICT. Upon being seconded by Mr. Todd Tragash, the motion passed and was adopted, as amended, by a vote of 6-0: Mr. Timothy A. Barber Mr. David Freedman Mr. Jonathan Gonzalez Dr. William E. Hopper, Jr. Ms. Lynn B. Lewis Mr. Hugh Ryan Mr. Jordan Trachtenberg Mr. Todd Tragash �G Megan Schmitt Preservation Officer Absent Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes Execution Date STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADS Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Megan Schmitt, Preservation Officer of the City of Miami, Florida, and acknowledges that she executed the foregoing Resolution. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS �Cj DAY OF Print Notary Name Notary Public State of Florida Personally know or Produced I.D. My Commission Expires; Type and number of LID. produced Did take an oath or Did not take an oath BEATRIZALVAREZ MYCOMMI5Si0NFF0I13�Q EXPIRES: NavogNr,2Q 2t117 ' 3r4A SW Bonded ThrkLWt'WF4b;11 tlxJo yV �qt ' id nwai•.mwwwm. EXHIBIT A Conditions 1. All glass shall be clear. 2. The exterior wall finishing shall be as indicated in Sheet A3 of the plans, which is 5/8" stucco — - - - - --- with -simulated -planking on top-of-the-8"concrete masonry -units. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. The applicant consider a tile roof instead of an asphalt shingle. 4. City Historic Preservation staff shall oversee the design details with the goal that the new building pay some homage to the frame vernacular building that existed on the property before, such details shall include but not be limited to the representation of horizontal siding in a contemporary way. 5. This Certificate of Appropriateness is subject to approval by zoning, building, and all other required city departments. TARIMATEC VERTICAL COATING HOLLOW DECK TEC NC MODEL # I_UNA-2364 OGLASS GARAGE DOOR WITH SILVER ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME NOD TO PREVIOUS HOUSE: THE DESIGN OF THE HOUSE PAYS HOMAGE TO ITS PREDECESSOR THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF THE HORIZONTAL TARIMATEC BEGINNING AT THE FRONT FACADE, AND WRAPPING AROUND THE SIDES. THE FRONT PORCH AND ITS LOCATION IS ALSO A NOD TO THE PREVIOUS PORCH. OSMOOTH STUCCO FINISH WITH SHERWIN WILLIAMS IBIS WHITE PAINTED OVER OGREY TINTED LOW-E IMPACT RESISTANT GLASS WINDOWS WITH SILVER ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME LEGEND: (SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR COLLEC HGN) IBIS WHITE COLOR N E9 SW 7000 SILVER ANODIZED ALUMINUM 0 SOLD WOOD ENVY DOou FLAT BAR RAILING OSILVER ANODIZED ALUMINUM O PROFIT MODERA LEDGESTONE GATE INTAGLIO N� F,:1 JN ,CALL: 5/16. -1. 0. Pei NORTH (SIDE) ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" m FIRELIMINARi LANDSGARE PLANO SCALE: MIAh'II 21 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS (Article 9) OP 5 a6PA0E -T LOr aRE REmiREO pROvivED NET Lm %TE C aa55 a e ARTICLE as a 141ED cN 11TE FLaN: PACE ¢EouIRED LAh'N 4fg LAT F ' 2�_• � J�azJ_ B. n4xl LAWN AREA IaOD)PEPo'1RTED•�p$ x mteB HMlll halc15 gau mg! TfsEEB F4M R E6 M SFER LOi FETING MIWMIf1REmREMENTa 3_�TOT4La e. x PALna 4LLOwEO: rv0. TREES D[D x z 1. J— � % 'a F4LM6 �iB IITlEO ro �wE r� 5—EFir�ES oN I�1-16 x OE. ET _^�[ � EEEi 4a+t.6TREE� ro wER LIrvE9 tHax. 4vER4GE sP4ciNG w zs Oc. O � �N�O�oFA xILIIEI_ No LE%TN4N 50x aF xL REaulf-Eo E9 86 S LLL ®E LOW M—EN—E I -IT io T svIECIE6. PLANT LIST OTT l BOTANICAL. NAME GCMMdJ NAME D.T. 61ZE REMaPoCS REFS ne>E GEIGER �A]L cE -- EREcr4 —11 GREEN -TT- Wow I" N' n IT.. i o -1, _ ewes E•rcuo 11-1 P 1 .s MIl w IT —IT- M4.cNEo, F� BaLArvufi Ic4co n NGLE6 aaL,:4 oc. s.R.. GRCW 'FRI � REavu. GDLDM wD eoI TRADE1D4NTT4 PA L D4 wRP E mEENIE �E aoD B ENDTA ROW To BE PLIT,.—"' REED, FLOR4T4M BB A oD AAATION6. INSA DROUGHT TCLEEDE ORIGIN Oa T. o ESIGNINc BEAUTIFUL s Cn LLERENA & ASSOCTATLAURARS_. LAND BCAPE ARCHI'MiC, 131'/0 S.TW. 33 Miami,FL 331A6 S/I _ wes6low C1r Mnpb■y 05-2 6-119 Tel: 305-228T56-1199 /Fax: 305-256-1155 :30 www.11lercoa-assoc h �I First Name: City of Miami Plane ng Department & Office of Zoning httnl/u ww.n-iinvL,ov.com'nlnrnning btto//-,"kw.rtiamigov.conY7oning E-rrm ep-uVz&Aarrigov.com Planning (305) 416-1400 Zoning (305) 416-1495 Jessica Last Name: jsanta- ana a;calnlaml itect com First Name: Jessica Last Name: Collaw Corporation: Call Architects Inc Address: 1728 Coral Way City: Miarni State: Florida Tip: Email: jsanta-ana@calnlarchitectcom Phone: (305) 778-4329 First Nate: Sharon Last Nam: Castmllon Corporation: Address: 713 NW 7 STRD City: Miami State: Florida Tip: Email: eduardo@cablarchkects.com Plane: (305) 860-9600 Special Certificate of Appropriateness Request Number Application PZ f 9-3790 Collaw 33145 33136 Project Narne: Sharon Casttillon Residence Project Address: 713 NW 7 STRD Unit Nundrer: City: Miang State: Florida Tip: 33136 Master Folio Number. 0131350270900 That under the penalty ofperjuay, I declare that all the Mor ation contained in this pence application is accurate to the best ofmy knowledge. • That NO work or installation will cormrence prior to the issuance of a bu ilding pemm and that all work will be perfamad to rmet the standards ofad laws regulating construction and zoning m this jurisdiction • I wain all respects, perform work in accordance with the scope ofthe perrrit, the City of Miami's codes and all other applicable laws, regulations, standard and ordinances. • That all information given will be accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. • That separate permits may be required unless specifically covered with the submittal ofthis application • That there maybe additional permits required from other entities. • Fees shall be paid prior to the review and issuance ofthe pemit as necessary. • Permit fees are non-refindable ruwt Name: Signature Date: APPLICANT ONVNER / OtiVNER REPRESENTATIVE j es LAST. (I CA Cj Name: First last r. Name: () ��is I Name: ) lV z V Signature: Date: —7 j COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF EXISTING SITE e, r a � S " -� d� y �.� � � � y a,a», ` ��� ax =,..y. . � � � � : / /� \� /� � � � � \ d.? :— y :. r «..mom:%��:�\�2`�A�":2d» . a . .� . � «m © » \� \� � »\ »� /z «.«� y> � \� \� :- ».� c», : � �.}§� .«� - <�>« 3 «� %\2??<:� ��%\� ~«©%� ^d�`� a» .. d<§ ! _ 7`t , . ��-.\:.�.: .: « » � � «ac.»� g>-f®y� � ^ \ r:�g>a«.<y. §� \ �< \w2��,». >.,\�© .p `2\ �� .«e« \%\�~� \ �� : . ©wv /\ \� ?f � � 2� �,»a. » \� � \: : \.� � <«� »�•° » « . t - . . wl� . . ,= \ !<, illi!al� cI I archtect A- 1728 Coral Way, Suite 702 Miami, FL 33145 T- 305.860.9600 F- 305.860.9602 E- eduardo@calilarchitects.com RE: 713 NW 7 St Rd PZ-19-3790 To whom it may concern: Letter of Intent Describing the Nature of Application August 15, 2019 I am writing this to inform you that the above mentioned property is going to be a contemporary residence on vacant lot to pay homage to the previous residence and neighboring properties in the neighborhood, blending both in proportion and detailing. Sincerely, Eduardo A Calil, Architects PAINT AND MATERIAL SAMPLES -7 if-r-n4-- 4t t� P-3. c) l a nd 4vt 3.OZ QE) Wir Tarimatec besct`)pc 0fI TarLmatec' es un payment- VVPC. esta compuesto de fibras vegetales y Pane Plasoca. Las tarimas WPC son de bajo mantenimiento. Dlspone de dos formates alveolar VOW.. En el tormato alveolar dos aca6ados Nature (cePiltado natural) v Tecno {ranurado uknico) con mas de 30colores en to; al. La mayor gams del Mercado. El sistema Tarimatec' se —Pieta coo dips de aceroy pertiles dealummi0ensu estnlctura.101 MejJres Materlales pars ,ganntizar una largo durabilidad. Tarimatec, ee fabrics en ERYOUa con meeeriales de prnr;era calidad, t to nzndriatada.,4. aeneisc uri�Mptl t op„rir fAlo . y ,a been Markeing omµtetann e..ra oferta pars pavtrnentosdeeti�6erinc L,7 RESISTENCIA AL IMPACT. Y A LA ABRASION QV ALTA RESISTENCIA AL FUEGO ONO SE AGRIETA, ASTILLA O DESCONCHA ® NO PRECISA DE TRATAMIENTOS ADICIONALES 0 INALTERABLE FRENTE A INSECTOS Y BACTERIAS /® 100% RECICLABLEECO-SOSTENIBLE GRAN DURABILiDAD SUPERFICIE ANTIDESLIZANTE ® BAJO MANTENIMIENTO 0 FABRICACIONNACIONAL Innovation ecologica Tarimatec' sen repreta la combination perfecta entre naturaleza y tecnologia pars crear Lin producto que soma la belleza y calidez de Is Madera can la durabilidad y bajo mantenimiento del PVC. Plasticmod &, el material de Tarimatec', esta compuesto en un 50 %de fibras vegetates (cascara de arrcz), estas no provienen de to tala de arboles, si no que Pro -den de la reutilizaci6n de subproductos del cnitivo de cereales- Tarimatec' es 100 %recidable, ademas de ser una akemativa—sostenible a la Madera tropical, ayudando a mejorar el medio ambiente. Tarimatec* es un material idbneo pars exteriores. restlstente y duradero sin necesidad de tratamientos adiclonales. no contiene productos toxicos y necesita Lin ntinimo de mantenimiento v limpieza. Tarimatec permanece inalterable ea el tiempo. inclus0 bajo candiciones climatologicas extrernas. L� ilrr Tarimatec Cuando naturaleza y tecnologia se unen para crear belleza R 4 Componentes Tmima maciza Nature T.Hrnahueca Teen Perfil tarima Perfiltarima 150 x20 x 2500 mm 150x27x2500mm Tarima hueca Nature Perfil de terminacidn Nature Perfil tarima 180x 10x 3000 mm 150 x 27 x 2500 mm Perfil de inicio aluminio Clip defijaci6nacero/tornillo 40x 10 x 2000 mm 40 x 45 mm/ 4.2 x 22 mm Rastrel aluminio A Rastrel aluminio B Perfil aluminio F 49 x 49 x 3000 mm 50 x 30 x 3000 mm 63 x 30 x 3000 mm Componentes Vertical Perfil Annapurna 0x40x3007 ,,,n Pend K2 Perfil Mont Blanc 110x 15x 3000mm 150x 15 x 3000 mm Tanmeec• cuenta con la gamade acabador y colorer mar rompieta del mercado, esto se pone en valor en la coleccidr, MIX&FUN. en donde invitamos a nuertros c l ient " ajugar con nu'n" colorer para crear ambientes unlcos y exclusives, MIX&FUN combing colorer y largos para n of loom li pe,. I del calla oroyecto con eI toque personal del que to mas,— h c,:.,vcuaea aw,o,roewK:>u�.raam:�w%araw:ab+�.v; L "gA 23a q La familia Tarimatee crece con la zparicion de VERTICAL tres perfiler never y diferentes par. dar s.Ncim en cualquier acabado vertical desde fachadas a villas pasando per celoslas o mampans visuales VERTICAL invita a ri,-tros cllentes a buscar nuevas y difemnme aplicaclgnes. 9 8/14/2019 SW70001bis White - Sherwin-Williams ;'1Rr SHERWIN" WILLIAMS. SW 7000 Ibis White Interior/Exterior Locator Number 260-C2 Color Details Color Family: White & Pastel RGB Value: R-242 I G-236 I B-230 Hexadecimal Value: #F2ECE6 LRV: 84 Due to individual computer monitor limitations, colors seen here may not accurately reflect the selected color. To confirm your color choices, visit your neighborhood Sherwin-Williams store and refer to our in-store color cards. MY STORE: NOTES: https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/find-and-explore-colors/ColorDetailsPrintView?colorN umber=SW7000&print=true ® Ser snec,-S -14E-P 3.0-L -4- -4NG? 3. o i (ED CAP RAIL OPTIONS SEE PAGE 7.0 n� v ELEVATION TRIM RING 1 3/4 MOUNTING OPTIONS SEE PAGE 7.0 POST OPTIONS SEE PAGE 7.0 BAR OPTIONS SEE PAGE TO FINISHED FLOOR CAP RAIL OPTIONS SEE PAGE 7.0 I ' � r 2 PLAN 3/4" WENTWORTH METAL WORKS 148367TH STREET EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 TEL (810) 801-1240 FAX (610)601-1440 PROJECT: SPECIFICATIONS CONTACT: DATE: D4123/2019 TITLE: ALUMINUM FLAT BAR RAILING SYSTEM SCALE: 3/4.. DRAWN BY: MY DR�A�W/IIN�G��S/HEET: V VIVIVV - 8.0 2 NO SIDE MOUNTING 2-1/4" X 7Ar ALUMINUM CAP 2020 S rxr ALUMINUM SNAP POST 1-1/4" X 5/B" ALUMINUM FLAT BAR FLOOR SPACER AS NEEDED FASCIA BOARD RECOMMENDED WN 4" X 10" RIM JOIST GRK SS 5/16' FASTENER BOTTOM CAP AS NEEDED 25B"X 1" '�Ir 22�'�l�1�1�/���' 2-1/Z'X 1" +— --r ALUMINUM CAP All ALUMINUM CAP A 222 3"X 1-114, SAPELE WOOD CAP WDCR 2'X1" WOOD CAP WDHR r Z'X 1-1/Z' ALUMINUM SNAP POST 1520 S 112"X Z'ALUMINUM 3-PIECE POST 1520 C 2' X 2" ALUMINUM 3-PIECE POST 2020 C 1-3/4"X 5/8" lD.700" ALUMINUM FLAT BAR ROUND PICKET AFBLG RPSM 314" SQUARE PICKET SPSM SST STANCHION RAILING POST ALUMINUMFLATBAR 11M XS/8" 5" X 5" BASE PLATE TRIM RING FINISH GROUT Q POST BY G.C. ALUMINUM FLAT BAR 5 8" FLOOR TILE 5" 03"X4t/J"PEEP RAILING POST /6 POST POCKET BY G.C. CONCRETE FLOOR THINSET OR CURB WONDER BOARD OR CEMENT 3/4"PLYWOOD I Fw I _ _ _ _ TX 17 WODD JOIST OR (2) 7 X W BLOCKING I p _ _ _ _ _ _ I OR(1)4"Xa. BLOCKING °- GRK, SS 5/16' FASTENER L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 3/4' 3/4" 3" _ 112" SHEAR WALL 314"SIDING OR 718"STUCCO POURED MOUNTING ET:OPM�OU�NTING WATERPROOF MOUNTING WENTWORTH METAL WORKS 1483 67TH STREET EMERYVILLE, CA 54608 TEL (510)601-1240 FAX: (510) 601-1440 PROJECT: SPECIFICATIONS CONTACT: DATE: 04/23/2019 NOTES: TITLE: ALUMINUM FLAT BAR RAIUNG SYSTEM SCALE: DRAWN BY: MY DRAWING SHEET WMW- FACTORY COLOR CHART DECK-RAIL.COM 510/601.1240 White Brilliant White Artic White — White White White [White 001 Clear Anodized Optional Fast Track White Brilliant Ultra Pure Classic (Martin) White White White White Bone White (Martin) = Bone White White Abalone White Linen 032 Sandtone Desert (Andersen) [ Sand Sandtone Sand Clay Fossil Pebble Gray Gull Gray (Marvin) Pebble Gray Putty 007 Terratone ® Terratone Terratone ' (Andersen) Chestnut Bronze Chestnut Medium Tuscana (leld Wen) Bronze Bronze Brown Dark Chocolate ® Dark Bahama Chestnut Regal (Jeld Wen) Chocolate Brown Gingersnap Brown Brown 059 Black (Martin) ® Black Ebony Black Coal Black Black Black Black Hartford Green Hartford Evergreen Forest Hartford Hartford Hartford Hartford (Jeld Wen) Green Green Green Green Green Green 050 Mesa Red Mesa Red Wineberry Chutney Brick Red (Jeld Wen) Statuary Bronze ® Medium Bronze Dark Bronze Tuscany Brown Medium Bronze Medium Bronze Charcoal Fashion Gray Timberwolf Eldridge Gray Colonial Gray Rustic Slate Gray Rosewood Boysenberry Boysenberry ICI Brown Brick Red _. Patina ® Hampton Patina sage Green 051 0) See Shdf4 -ER 3.01,c4-+VEp-3. o-,)- + 8/15/2019 Modern Architectural Doors Model Zen - DOORS 0 HOMe (https://www.doors4home.com) 1-877-929-3667 (te118779293667) MENU Q 1-877-929-3667 (tel:18779293667) 0 A (sIM!ingcart.aspx) Modern Mahogany Double Entry Doors with Contemporary Grooves Design Brand: Modern Architectural Doors Vm-15- modern -arch itectural-doors.aspx) Item #: 5392 Model Zen-2 Door Size (WxH) 72„x96" W-o"x&-o') + $400.00 Pre -Hanging [ Help A 1(//d2c3qrLfnOO567.cLoudfront.net/prehungyesnojpg) No $2,,660.00 https://www.doors4home.com/p-5392-zen-2.aspx 8/15/20'19 ADD TO CART GROUND DELIVERY SURCHARGE: $300.00 Delivery surcharge for each additional door $35.00. l Share 1 Houzz Project: Save 3 Product info PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Modern Architectural Doors Model Zen-2 v > Engineered stile and rail construction protects the door against warping, shrinking and splitting > Stile and Rail core contains the same mahogany species and provides superior durability With excellent sound -damping qualities > Wood species: Mahogany > Door thickness: 1-3/4" > Picture illustrates a 96" tall finished doors. Doors are sold UNFINISHED > Priced per pair SPECS: Door Type: Exterior Door Style: Contemporary Wood Species: Mahogany Core: Mahogany Construction: Engineered Stile and Rail Door Thickness: 1-3/4" Pre -hung unit size: 73-1/2" x 81-1/2" 73-1/2" x 97-1/2" https:/Iwww.doors4home.com/p-5392-zen-2.aspx --2/5- 8/15/2019 Modern Architectural Doors Model Zen-2 Warranty: 1 Year Limited Manufacturer Warranty ADDITIONAL INFORMATION > ® Manufacturer Warranty (//d3sm9ugi4r5d3e,cloudfront,net/docs/HCD/ModernArchitecturalDoorsLimitedWarranty.pdf) SHIPPING & LEAD TIMES We ship directly to your job site in the 48 contiguous United States! HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR MY ORDER TO SHIP? > Door/slab (unprepped door), unfinished: 5-7 business days > Pre -hung door (door mounted onto a frame), unfinished: 3-5 weeks HOW IS MY ORDER SHIPPED? Your order will be shipped ground via freight company UL). Our shipping is a curbside delivery with lift -gate and pallet jack service. Curbside delivery service provides delivery of your order to the curb at the end of your driveway. This service does not include set up or assembly of items or removal of packaging materials. We will provide you with all necessary delivery information to prepare you for delivery, including: full carrier information, contact numbers, a link to the freight carrier's website and tracking numbers, You will be able to track your shipment online from departure to arrival. The delivery terminal will call you when your item arrives to schedule a delivery appointment. Orders are shipped on a solid and secure crate. The crate is designed to protect your door and ensure that it will arrive in perfect condition. We only ship with freight companies who provide our customers with an online tracking system and superior service. 71, https://www.doors4home.com/p-5392-zen-2.aspx -3/5— 8/1512019 Modern Architectural Doors Model Zen-2 Doors4Home 5446 W US HWy ego Service Rd #sot Austin, TX 78735 Toll Free:1-877-929-3667 Local: 1-512-294-2747 Fax: 1-512-597-8394 Email: Info(at)doors4home.com vvww.doors4home.com (https://WWW.doors4home.com) f in O (https(l�t�(i�,tf� � 1e.com) Company Info Support About us (t-about.aspx) Customer Support (support.aspx) Contact Us (contactus.aspx) Press (press,aspx) Testimonials (t-testimonials.aspx) Careers (t-careers.aspx) Flours of Operation Monday -Friday: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. CST Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Your Email Address GO My Orders (account.aspx#OrderHistory) Quote Request (quote-request.aspx) Shipping (t-shipping.aspx) Returns (t-returns.aspx) Bo, t of houzz Best of h houzz Bust of h houzz Eat t of h houzz Befy t of 8("st of h houzz V1 houzz 2 1L 201'5 201 2017 201 2019 (http://www.houzz.com/pro/doors4home/cloors4r,ome) 13613 Plating' A - as of °`?5120_9 S` � �,; . Click for P-oril- (http://WWW.bbb.org/central-texas/business- reviews/doors/doors4home-llc-in-austin-tx- 900716o5/#bbbonlineclick) r:LetK I (iVALIDAIE Site Map (sitemap2.aspx) https://www.doors4home.com/p-5392-zen-2.aspx -4/6- * se(f sheef 44U N 3.o i 4--4j: P3.0 2 - 5 8/15/2019 Contemporary Aluminum & Frosted Tempered (Privacy) Glass Garage Door — Lux Shipping Nationwide. Best Prices! Calt Us Today (844) 999-2626 Q LtT",O GARAGE DOORS Home Wood Garage Doors Glass Garage Doors Steel Garage Doors Roll Up Doors Vinyl Roll -Up Doors I Exterior Entry Modern Doors Exterior Solid Wood Doors - I I Accessories & openers I I Contact Us Contemporary Aluminum &Frosted Tempered (Privacy) Glass Garage Door 0 https://luxgaragedoors.com/collections/modern-aluminum-glass-garage-doors/products/contemporary-anodized-aluminum-frosted-tempered-privacy-gl... 40 k 8/15/2019 Contemporary Aluminum & Frosted Tempered (Privacy) Glass Garage Door — Lux Garage Doors Custom !ZeS Available & Other Aluminum Colors Available ® Garage Doors are delivered complete including tracks, springs & hardware Lead Time. 4-5 Weeks ® 249 Flat pate Shipping to any residential or commercial address nationwide * $75 for each additional door * Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii, please contact us for a quote The perfect choice to modernize any home the glass garage doors not only transforms garages; it can also be used as an interior loft partition or a versatile patio door to seamlessly merge indoor and outdoor living spaces. At the press of a button, the garage doors are automatically raised, allowing traffic to flow during gatherings. Closed, they create an attractive wall of windows, adding a panoramic view to any living space. Many window options are available to control the degree of light transmission and privacy. Insulated glass is also available for increased energy efficiency. kIi r d e y !i,r„s � � https://luxgaragedoors.com/collections/modern-aluminum-glass-garage-doors/products/contemporary-anodized-aluminum-frosted-tempered-privacy-gl... t; IS 8/15/2019 Contemporary Aluminum & Frosted Tempered (Privacy) Glass Garage Door — Lux Garage Doors Aluminum Color Options Clear Anodized Aluminum (Natural Color) White Powder Coat Aluminum Black Anodized Aluminum Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum Other colors are also available Specifications: 1. Aluminum Finish: Natural Anodized Aluminum 2. Frame Thickness: 2-1/8" Rust -proof Aluminum Frame 3. Frame Color Options: Natural Anodized Aluminum, Powder Coat White. (Other Colors are available for additional cost: Anodized Dark Bronze, Anodized Black, Powder Coat Black and Powder Coat Brown) 4. Glass Thickness: 1/8" Single Pane Tempered Frosted Glass 5. Custom Capabilities: Size, Finish, Glass NEED HELP 6. Maintenance Level: Low https://luxg araged oors.com/collections/modern-aluminum-g lass-ga rage-doors/prod ucts/contemporary-anodized-aluminum-frosted-tem pered-privacy-gl... 10 3 8/15/2019 Contemporary Aluminum & Frosted Tempered (Privacy) Glass Garage Door — Lux Garage Doors 7. Packaging: Loose 8. Project Type: New construction and replacement Track and Hardware Details. 1. Spring Type: Torsion, Oil Spring 2. Track Size: 2" Flag & Jamb Bracket iambs 3. Track Mount: Bracket 4. Track Lift: Standard (High Lift or Low -Lift available for additional cost) 5. Track Radius: 12" or 1511 6. Packaging: Loose 7. Rollers: Heavy-duty steel bat( bearing rollers with nylon tires provide quiet operation 8. No lock hole Construction CLearView A Strut Full[View Glass Panels Aluminum Panel Bottom Weathe, Seat Handles • 2" thick extruded commerciat-grade aluminum frame provides durability, tow maintenance and corrosion resistance Tongue and groove section joints and bottom weather sea[ provide additional protection against the elements ClearView Aluminum Strut System does not restrict viewing area and adds strength and durability to doors 16'to 24'wide * Wind load options available to meet local building codes * Attractive, modern exterior handles (21 included Available In 21"and 24"section heights; 18" for odd height doors Available in 1"width increments up to 24' SHARE WTWEET [§LP PIN T https://Iuxgarag edoors.com/collections/modern-aIuminum-glass-garage-doors/products/contemporary-anod ized-aluminum-frosted-tempered-privacy-gi 3. ol 4- -III° 3. CJ9- 4 !o 8/15/2019 Casement Window Series 238SN - CGI Windows: CGI endows HOME WINDOW Dealers Architects Blob, INFO DOORS WINDO%MLLECIMMISERIES (� CASEMENT WINDOW SERIES 238SN Casement Window Series 238SN } CGI's Sentinel impact resistant casement windows have very clean lines and incredible eye appeal with the advantage of quality aluminum construction. WHAT TYPE OF WINDOW IS RIGHT FOR YOU? Casement Windowsv Project-Out/Awning Nwdditisid ows Designer Fixed aW Wang Windows Horizontal Rolling Windows DO YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION? Privacy - Terms 1/3 https://cgiwindows.com/Wndow/sentinel-by-cgi-casement-window/ 8/15/2019 Casement Window Series 238SN - CGI Windows: CGI Windows CGI's impact resistant 238 series of casements, and project -out windows have matching sight lines which allows them to be used interchangeably throughout your home. Finishes Glass Collections Hardware Features Optional Items Sizes NOA/Performance Energy Values Available Finishes White Bronze Clear Anodized. Note: that it is typical for anodized finishes to have color variation and dye and processing marks that occur during manufacturing. These are not considered defects or covered under the warranty. https:Hcgjwindows.com/Mndow/sentinel-by-cgi-casement-window/ Toll Free 800-442-904: PriNny_Terms 2/3 8/15/2019 Fixed Window Series 130 - CGI Windows : CGI Windows Who Is CGI? Architects Blog INFO DOORS WINDOLLECIGMISERIES HOME WINDOW FIXED WINDOW SERIES 130 Fixe d Win dow Seri es 130 Like 0 Tweet The Sentinel Rectangular Fixed impact window is available in sizes up to 33 square feet and offers a narrow frame design allowing you to maximize your available glass area. The fastener covers finish off this product choice nicely making this a very clean looking window for any room in your home. WHAT TYPE OF WINDOW IS RIGHT FOR YOU? Casement Windows Project-Out/Awning Wbadditivdows Designer Fixed Wfi#bWung Windows Horizontal Rolling Windows DO YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION? Privacy- Terms https://cgiwindows.com/window/sentinel-by-cgi-fixed-window/ 1 /3 8/15/2019 Finishes Glass Features Optional Items NOA/Performance Photos Available f White Fixed Window Series 130 - CGI Windows : CGI Windows Collections Sizes Energy Values Note: that it is typical for anodized finishes to have color variation and dye and processing marks that occur during manufacturing. These are not considered defects or covered under the warranty. Blog Privacy Policy Careers Sitemap Contact Info Doors Windows Collections Contact Us CGI NEWSLETTER CONTACT Fields marked with an * are Toll Free 800-442-9042 required Name * 3780 W 104 Street, Hialeah, FL 33018 Showroom Available By Appointment Only � Directions Privacy- Terms https://cg iwi ndows. com/window/sentinel-by-cgi-fixed-window/ 2/3 8/15/2019 Sliding Series 150 Doors - CGI Windows: CGI Windows Who Is CGI? DOORS WINDO%MLLECIGMSERIES a y, HOME DOOR SLIDING SERIES 150 DOORS Slidi ng Seri es 150 Doo rs C The Sentinel Sliding Glass Door is a value priced offering built with many standard features that CGI customers have come to expect. The Sentinel Sliding Glass Door is available in many sizes and configurations including two track (up to 4 panels), three track (up to 6 panel), and 4 track (up to 8 panel) configurations with our without pocketed doors and is available with individual door panels as large as 4 1/8 x 10. WHAT TYPE OF DOOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? Sliding Glass Doors French Doors DO YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION? Privacy- Terms https://cgiwindows.com/door/sentinel-by-cgi-sliding-glass-door/ 1/3 8/15/2019 Sliding Series 150 Doors - CGI Windows: CGI Windows The Sentinel Sliding Glass Door includes top of the line standard features not always offered in other competitive products such as concealed installation fasteners, tandem stainless steel rollers, mitered corner detailing, stainless steel fasteners, class I anodized sill track and a screen that is built as tough as many door panels. Finishes Glass Features Optional Items NOAIPerformance Available Finishes Sizes Energy Values _____._______ White Bronze Clear Anodized Note: that it is typical for anodized finishes to have color variation and dye and processing marks that occur during manufacturing. These are not considered defects or covered under the warranty. Privacy- Terms https://cgiwindows.com/door/sentinel-by-cgi-sliding-glass-door/ 2/3 8/15/2019 louvers I Ideal Aluminum Products Louver Uprights (Punched To Receive Blades) Louver Center Mullion (Punched To Receive Blades) Meal oluminu."qMW Fence Gates Specialty Gallery Informal f G* 0) ideal-ap.com/louvers/ 8/15/2019 louvers I Ideal Aluminum Products Deal aluminum Fence - Gates - Specialty our louvers are built with 2" aluminum oval blades that are fully welded in a heavy duty 6063 T5 aluminum frame with punched mullions to insure the blades stability. 1✓ Solutions v0e V✓ > Dumpster Enclosures > Window Screens > Sunshades > Privacy PROUDLY 0MRD MADE IN LIFETIME US A W4QRAN W Options > 6 & 8' Wide Sections > 48", 60", 72", 84", 96" High > Available in All Gate Styles > Single Gates up to 24' Openings > Double Gates up to 40' Openings Standard Colors: Black, White, Bronze, Hunter Green Specification Drawings Louver Panel Louver Double Swing Gate Additional Information Louver Brochure 3-Part Specs Green Leed Information We take pride in delivering only the best. We're a company born out of a passion for making great products. Gallery Informal f G• t/ 0) ideal-ap. com/louvers/ 8/15/2019 louvers I Ideal Aluminum Products i9w k Fence Gates Specialty Gallery Informal f G* er 0 ideal-ap.com/louvers/ 3/5 Post Cap (Option. Available) Top Member 2T"x 1.40" Post Size Varies (See Order Form For Size Options) Louver Blades 2" x 0.375" Louver Side Frame, 2 �, x 1 J" Louver Center Mullion, 2 �' x 1 T" Bottom Member 2 �' x 1.40" Post Footing (Depth Vwl Vary With Post Length) __.� Louver Fence Panel 01 0% Visibility Scale: NTS � 1.275" � � 1.25" � �1.125"� T o T T N �'I 2" I'� N N i O-T H - 1 L 1.4" f 1.25" Top & Bottom Blade Uprights Center Mullion „ Louver Material Specs 01 Scale: NTS no+nil A Rails Screwed @ Post Post Punched (To Receive Rails) Rails Over Hangs Uprights Louver Fence Panel Meal DRAWING NOTES: Don't Scale From Drawings. Please See Our Fence & Gate Style Sheet For Other Options. aluminum Approved By: iDeal Aluminum Quote #: Pence gates railing Drawn By: JMixon Drawn Date: 26-Nov-13 2000 Brunswick Lane Phone: 386.736.1700 5 Deland, FL 32724 Fax: 386.822.4956 Louver Series Fence Details 1 OF 1 A Beginner's Guide TO MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER When it comes to selecting the right materials We've put together this guide to help you and for your project, it's important to consider every your clients better understand manufactured last detail during the design phase in order to stone veneer and, ultimately, select the material streamline your processes on the job site later. that's best -suited for the job. und-NG�3:c�- (ED 0 0 6 T. r-t- - al -lel ai W"Uggest yo,jat pn, rct sa es0b,eyo, I CULTURED 5TONE MORTAR JOINT MORTAR siETT Na aw CMIJ WALL RE5AR 1,417ERE OGCUR5 6R.OJTED CELL W iEge OCCURS CULTURED STONE MORTAR JOINT MORTAR SETTING BED POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE WALL REBAR WHERE OCCURS CULTURED STONE OVER GMU INSTALLATION ON CONCRETE WALL SCALE N.T.S. � SCALE AS NOTED GUL"NRW STONE MORTAR JOINT MORTAR SETTING EIED PREPARE .,SURFACE FOR MORTAR ADHESION SEE TABLE I OF THE INSTALLATION IH5TRUC7JONs. TROKLE12 5URFA0E MAY RW. ADDED PREP. TILT -UP CONCRETE WALL ROAR WffPRE OGGUR9 CULTURED STONE 1 OVER TILT -UP WALL SCALE 1 1/2` = I"-0" 1.800.255.1727 1 culturedstone.com 051418 0 2018 Cultured Stone PRELIMINARY ZONING REVIEW — HEPB REVIEW PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 713NWiSTRD Zoning Designation: T3-R NET District: Overtown Review Date: September 19, 2019 The project is subject to a Zoning review and compliance with the requirements of the Miami 21 Code, as applicable. The following comments were generated based on a review of the submitted plans and associated documents to assist in permit applications based on the applicant's modifications of the project / plans as required herein. The following comments must be satisfactorily addressed, with written responses provided to the Office of Zoning. 1. Article 3, Section 3.3.4: "For the purposes of this Code, Lots are divided into Layers which control Development on the Lot." ® On the site plan indicate the required layers. The 1st layer is the first 20' of the lot from the base building line. The 2nd layer is the following 20' and the 3ra layer is the remainder of the lot. 2. Article 3, Section "At intersections of driveways with Thoroughfares with Building Setbacks: Visibility Triangles shall be maintained to include an area bounded by the first ten (10) feet along the intersecting edges of the Base Building Line and the driveway." ® Provide details of the required visibility triangles and or label the distances of triangles. 3. Article 4. Table 4 Density, Intensity and Parking, T3- Sub -Urban Zone: "Minimum of 2 parking spaces per principal Dwelling Unit". ® Add the required parking spaces graphically. ® Ensure it meets minimum parking standards. 4. Article 5, Section 5.3.1.h. Accessory Structures shall follow the setbacks for Principal Buildings as shown in Illustration 5.3. One (1) Story, non -habitable Accessory Structures, of a maximum of two hundred (200) square fleet or ten (10%) of the Floor Area of the Principal Building, whichever is greater, shall be located in the Second or Third layer of the property and shall be setback a minimum of five (5) feet from any side Property Line and ten (10) feet from any rear Property Line. Setbacks for such structures may be reduced by Waiver. ® Elevated pool area is considered as an Accessory Structure, Rear setback is ten (10) feet from any rear Property Line and 5' from the side. 5. Article 5, Section 5.5.2(b): "Encroachments shall be as follows: At the First Layer, cantilevered Awnings and entry canopies may encroach up to one hundred percent (100%) of the depth of the Setback; except as may be further allowed by Chapter 54 of the City Code; above the first Story, cantilevered balconies, bay windows, roofs and Facade components promoting energy efficiency such as shading and Screening devices that are non -accessible, may encroach a maximum of three (3) feet into the Setback. Other cantilevered portions of the Building shall maintain the required Setback. At the Second and Third Layers, no encroachments are permitted." Provide projection of the stairs/steps into the 1st layer. ®. Porch column/2 story balcony column not allowed in the 1st layer as it is part of the building. Building setback is 20' in the 1st layer. Reviewer: Jonat an ME e 1 0 2"' story balconies and building overhang is project into the front setback. -- ® Show all floor plans in context with the property lines. Dimension all setbacks and encroachments on all levels. 6. Article 5, Section 5.3.2(f): "All outdoor storage, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and communications equipment and appurtenant enclosures, shall be located within the Second or Third Layer and concealed from view from any Frontage. These shall not be allowed as Encroachments, on any required setback." On the site plan indicate the location of the pool equipment. Ensure that they are located in either the 211 or 3rd layers. 7. Article 5, Section 5.3.2.e. Building Heights shall be measured in Stories and shall conform to Article 4, Table 2 and be as shown in Illustration 5.3. The first -floor elevation of a Principal Building shall be a maximum of two and a half (2.5) feet above grade, or as regulated by FEMA, whichever is higher. A flat roof shall be a maximum of two Stories and twenty-five (25) feet. A pitched roof shall be a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet to the eave and shall not exceed ten (10) feet overall Height above the second Story. ® Indicate FEMA / Base Flood, as indicated on the survey. Survey states 9'. 8. article 5, Section 5.3.6(b): "At the First Layer, pavement shall be limited as follows: Impervious pavement shall be limited to thirty percent (30%) of the area and pervious pavement shall be limited to sixty percent (6016) of the area; a combination of pervious and impervious pavement shall be limited to sixty percent (6016) of the area in the First Layer." ® Provide calculations which illustrates the amount of impervious and pervious pavement within the 111 layer (front setback). Ensure compliance with the regulation above. 9. article 5, Section 5.3.5(b): "Roof materials should be light-colored, high Albedo or a planted surface." ® Add a note to the roof plan matching the specific language of Article 5, Section 5.3.5(b). 10. Article 5, ILLUSTRATION 5.3 SUB -URBAN TRANSECT ZONES (T3) ® Plans state 3 parking spaces, Provide locations. Parking is only 30% of the Fagade. 11. Article 5, Section 5.3.6.a. A minimum of one shade tree shall be planted within the First Layer for each fifty (50) feet of Frontage Line. ® Provide required shade tree. Not part of Landscape legend. 12. Article 9, Section 9.3.3. "A vegetation survey shall be provided for all sites at the same scale as the landscape plan. The vegetation survey shall be accompanied by an aerial photograph which outlines the subject site without obscuring its features." ® Provide the required vegetation survey of the existing trees on site. ® The relocation or elimination of any existing trees requires approval from the Environmental Resources Division. 13, Article 9, Section 9.3.2(b): "The landscape plan for development other than provided for in 9.3.2 (a) above, shall be prepared by, and bear the seal of, a landscape architect licensed to practice in the State of Florida, or by persons authorized by Chapter 481, Florida Statutes, to prepare landscape plans or drawings. Preliminary landscape plans shall be provided as part of the submission for approval ® Section- Open Space, Line B. Sod are is 50% of lot area. Provided trees shows, 0 but the site is providing 3. Update. Reviewer: Jonathan T o e 2 14. Article 9, Section 9.3.4: "An irrigation plan shall be submitted if an irrigation system is required by this code or where an irrigation system is to be provided regardless of code requirements. Where a landscape plan is required, an irrigation plan shall be submitted concurrently." ® Provide the required irrigation plan. Can be conditioned to Building permit. 15. Article 9, Section 9.5.3(b): "Street trees shall be of a species typically grown in Miami -Dade County which normally mature to a height of at least twenty (20) feet. Street trees shall have a clear trunk of four (4) feet, an overall height of fifteen (15) feet and a minimum caliper of three (3) inches at time of planting, and shall be provided along all roadways at a maximum average spacing of thirty (30) feet on center, except as otherwise provided in this Article." ® Provide the required street trees at 15' GENERAL COMMENTS TO RE ADRESSED: 1. Show all floor plans in context with the property lines. Dimension all setbacks and encroachments on all levels. 2. Miami River Green- Design Guidelines - Miami 21. (Planning Review Required) 3. 3.10 HISTORIC PRESERVATION STANDARDS- "See Chapter 23 of the City Code, titled Historic Preservation, for regulations and additional height requirements. Spring Garden- Historic Districts. (Historic Preservation Review Required) 4. The property is within an area designated as having a Moderate Probability of finding historic or pre -historic artifacts. Any ground disturbing work in this area will require a Certificate to Dig from the Planning & Zoning Department's Preservation Office. 5. Provide 2 full sets of revised plans (11" x 17"). All Plans must be signed and sealed plans. 6. Provide a written narrative responding to all of the zoning comments. Additional comments will be provided upon review of a detailed re -submittal. The City of Miami reserves the right to comment further on the project as re -submittals are provided and •may revise previous comments based on additional information provided. Reviewer; Jonat an T o e 3 3 F� MARTINEZ & MARTINEZ ENTERPRISES, INC. Business License # 7702 7179 W. 13 Avenue, Hialeah , Florida 33014 EmaiI:pispsm@gamil.com Cel: 786-277-4851 Website:martinezandmartinez.com Property Address: 713 NW. 7 STREET ROAD, MIAMI, FL. 33136 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 27, in Block 10, of " SPRING GARDEN " according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 38 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1) The above captioned Property was surveyed and described based on the above Legal Description: Provided by Client. 2) This Certification is only for the lands. as described. It is not a certification of Title, Zoning, Easements, or Freedom of Encumbrances. ABSTRACT NOT REVIEWED. 3) There may be additional Restrictions not shown on this survey that may be found in the Public Records of this County, Examination of ABSTRACT OF TITLE will have to be made to determine recorded instruments, if any affecting this property. 4) Accuracy: The expected use of the land, as classified in the Standards of Practice , is "Residential High Risk". The minimum relative distance accuracy for this type of boundary survey is 1 foot in 10,000 feet. The accuracy obtained by measurement and calculation of a closed geometric figure was found to exceed this requirement. 5) Foundations and/or footings that may cross beyond the boundary lines of the parcel herein described are not shown hereon. 6) Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties are prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 7) Underground utilities are not depicted hereon, contact the appropriate authority prior to any design work or construction on the property herein described. 8) The surveyor does not determine fence and/or wall ownership. 9) Ownership subject to OPINION OF TITLE. 10) Type of Survey: BOUNDARY SURVEY. 11) Flood Zone: AE Base Flood Elev.: 9.00 as per map 120650, Suffix L, Panel 0314 Date of Panel 9-11-09 12) A complete list of abbreviations used in this survey are shown on the back of this sheet. 13) Survey # 14-207E 14) This PLAN OF SURVEY has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entities named hereon. The Certificate does not extend to any unnamed party: A.) SCMD Land, LLC B.) Sharon Castrillon C.) Maribel Cortes Up -date: 12-11-2015 Up -date: 03-03-2016 Up -date: 1-31-2017 Up -date: 5-16-2019 Page 1 of 2 A AC ADON ALUM APPPZ ASH AVE .. BC BL BLDG BLK BLVD BN BNOY BDTT CNE C/Caic CB CD CHS C/B cgs CL CLF CM CMP Co COL CONC cow Cm CDR COY CA CS CT CULY a DB DC DCR DEFL DIA DIST DR DRA DE DWG DWY E ENC ELECT EL ENCL ESNT EOw EXIST FCW FND FEMA FiAW FF FFE FS Legend of Survey / Abbreviations Are Length Air Conditioner Addition Aluminum Approximate Asphalt Avenue Braward County Base Line Building Block Boulevard Bench Mark Boundary Bottom Canal Maintonance Easement Calculated Catch Basin Chord Distance Chord Bearing Concrete Block Curb & gutter Center Line Chain Link Fence Concrete }bnument Corrugated Metal Pipe Cleanout Colunm Concrete Construction Coordinate Corner Covered County Road Concrete Slab Court Culvert Deed Deed Book Dade County Dade County Record Deflect or Deflection Diameter Distance Drive Drainage Retention Area Drainage Easement Drawing Driveway East Encroach Electrical Elevation Enclosure Easement Edge of Water Existing Found Concrete Monument Found Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program Finish Floor Finish Floor Elevation Fire Hydrant FIP Found iron Pipe/Pin RNG Range FL Flowllne RP Radius Point FN Found Nall RR Railroad FT Feet or Foot RD Road FIE Flowage Easement R/W Right -of -Nay GAR Garage , S South GR Guard Rail SAN Sanitary GD Grade sew Set Concrete Monument GND Ground SCN Screen GOUT Government SE Southeast GPS Global Positioning System SEC Section sw Guy wire SEW Sewer HORIZ Horizontal SIP Set Iron Pipe/Pin HP High Point SN Set Nall HT Height; SP Screen Parch HW Head Nall SPEC Specification HWL High Water Line SO FT Square Foot IF Iron Pipe or SF IV Invert �SR State Road LME Lake Maintenance Easement ST Street L Length STD Standard LP Light Palo STA Station LT Left STM Store NAINT Maintenance STRUC Structure us Masonry STY Story WAX maximum SUE Subdivision WH Man Hale SW Southwest N Field Measured SWK Sidewalk WIN Minimum T Tangent MKR Marker Tam Temporary Bench Mark MN Mean TEL Telephone WON Monument TEMP Temporary WSL Wean Sea Level 708 Top of Bank N North TOP Top of Pipe NED Mali & Disk`,• TR Tract/Trail NAD 83 North American TRANS Transformer Datue of 1983 TYP Township HE Northeast TYP Typical NO . Number UE Utility Easement K. Rad Not Radial UM Underground NTS Not to Seale USES US Geological Surrey NGYD National Geodetic UTiL Utilities Vertical Datum UB Utilities Box Nw Northwest V Vertical NFIP National Flood VAR Varies Insurance Program VC vertical Curve OHC Overhead Cable VOL Volume ORB Official Record Book W West P Plat WD Wood PAR Parcel WN Water Water PAT Path WMN water main WT water Table PAY Pavement NY Water Valve PB Plat Soak PC Faln$ Of Curvature SYMBOLS PCP Permanent Control Point d Delta Angle FED Pedestal 00 Degrees P Page PI Point of intersection 0' Minutes PK Parker Kalon Nall 0° Seconds PL Property Line Feet When Used in Distance. PLTA Plantar Inches khan Used In Distance PiS Point of Beginning 10.0 Existing Elevation PP Power Pole x10.0 Proposed Elevation PRM Permanent Reference Monument R-opcsed Surface Flow PROJ Project 0 Set iron Pips or R Record by Plat/Deed Kit 1th Cep 05443, PAD Radial/Radius ` unless otherwise shown REF Reference a/a Rare or Less RES Residence x Distance Not Supported RET Retention/Retaining by Field Measurement SKETCH OF SURVEY SCALE: 1" = 20' (65' TOTAL R/W. PER THIS PLAT) NW. 7 STREET ROAD 37.5' PAVEMENT L=14.64' R=319.60' tp2'37'28' 7.3' PARKWAY CONC, SLAB 5' CONC. SIQE' ALK FDH °�9 FIP. 1/2" 9 RIP. 7/2" NO. Q20' ,a �%1 s-1 0.60' VACANT LOT-27 BLOCK-10 0.50' 1.50' 0 ROCK WALL 2.00' LOT- 28 BLOCK-10 1.50' WALL GAZEBO o 0 FOUND 22.00' NAIL ao EDGE OF WATER-72.3' SEA WALL 50.00' r:e Vf y "*` �; ;r, SEYBOLD CANAL lu� THIS U VEY MAP OR- E COPIES 7 1 OF ARE LEGEND o° NO VAL WITHOUT THE SIGNAT1tk�E`' +°' =Existing Eievatlon: AN TH ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF —� —Overhead Wire tine =Water Meter A F DA UCENSED�SURVEYOR & MAPPER.. — x —Wood Fence =catch Palm — x — Chainlink fence - `,O, =Power Pole li 3 U FOUND NAIL LOT-26 BLOCK-10 Sheet 2 of 2