HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsCity of Miami Planning DepartirnenY ANALYSIS FOR Rezoning NOTICE Thls su bm" needs b be sche&W dbr a,u bk hewing In eccorbanre wkh timelines left in the City M Mlarni Code. The applies Pie dmiWon-making body will reWewtheinformation at the pubkc hearing t.—dn ,e recommendation or a final d.dm.n. PZ-20-7526 �\ 07/22/20 Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-7526 Location See PZD-7 Folio Number See PZD-7 Miami 21 Transect "76-8-L" Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited MCNP Designation Restricted Commercial Commission District District 5 - Commissioner Keon Hardeman NET District Overtown Planner Joseph Eisenberg, Planner II Property Owner Multiple Project Representative City of Miami Planning Department A. REQUEST The City of Miami (the "Applicant"), requests to change the zoning designation of the property generally bounded the 836, the Metrorail guideway, and NW 71" Avenue from the "76-8-L" Urban Core Transect Zone - Limited to the "76-8-0" Urban Core Transect Zone - Open per Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended. These collective parcels (the "Property"), approximately 911,275 square feet or 20.92 acres, are described by the attached legal description. B. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section of Miami 21, the Planning Department recommends Approval of a rezoning from T6-8-L to T6-8-0 based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. C. PROJECT DATA SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 MCNP / Density Existing Use North "CI -HD" (Civic Institutional Major Public Facilities Variety Health District Transect Zone) 150 D.U. per acre South T6-8-0 (Urban Core Transect Commercial Variety Zone) 150 D.U. per acre East "D1" (Work Place District Light Industrial Variety Transect Zone) 36 D.U. per acre Restricted "Cl" (Civic Institutional Major Public Facilities 65 West functioning as T5-0) and T6- D.0 per acre and Restricted Variety 8-0 (Urban Core Transect Commercial Zone) 150 D.U. per acre Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 1 D. BACKGROUND In 2019, the City of Miami's Planning Department began a neighborhood - wide study of the area bounded by the Miami River, the 836, and 1-95. This study was called `Culmer Quadrants'. The intent of this study was to attempt to understand why portions of this neighborhood were underdeveloped relative to Transect Zone intentions, despite being extremely well -served by mass transportation and proximate to many other neighborhoods, and to develop some restrained prescriptions to encourage redevelopment if appropriate. This study is included in this application as PZD-4, with an excerpt to the right. This study contemplated the existing, on the ground conditions and inferred intent from the rezoning that occurred between the 11000 ordinance and Miami 21. Under the 11000 Zoning Ordinance, the City's prior zoning ordinance, this neighborhood was zoned mostly R-4, with a handful of parcels zoned R-2, O, and SD-12. R-4 provided the same base residential density as the property has now, similar floor area, Miami 21 Zoning Miami 21 did not enforce any major changes to the land use of the site other than converting a majority of R3 and R4 designations into T6-o designations, allowing for more floors, dwelling units per acre and program- mingappropriatefor an athan core. This change gave the site a stronger commercial axLs diagonallyacross Quadrant t7ne and to Quadrant 'I7tre.e. NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled b, a public nearing In eccordana wkh timelines set forth in the City M Miami Cotle. The applicad' deciWon-making bWywill reWewihein ad at the public hearing t. made,e recommendation or a final d.dm.,. PZ-20-7526 �\ 07/22/20 and a similar range of uses as the current zoning of T6-8-L. The primary difference between R-4 and T6-8-L is the ability to have a commercial or office component at a building's lower floors. Presumably, the opportunity to include some office or commercial uses in this neighborhood was intended to catalyze development around the Culmer Metrorail station. Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 2 NOTICE n,'�as�bminal neatlam b�s�neaei�.e mr a p�bk� hearing _.NW 15City& Miami Cwtl . The appu.de tlsislon-making bWy Wil reMewihe Informanon at the pubkc hearing t. render e �L nxommentlatlon or a final d.dm.n. PZ-20-7526 07/22/20 � 4 0 d •.�r Rezoning Boundary Excluded Parcel 1 c•'. l..' V - r 1l'7 The study identified the northwestern quadrant as the first piece of the study to move forward. This was selected for several reasons. First, it is accepted best practice to have high density and intensity development around mass transportation nodes. This is one of the areas in the City of Miami that is best served by a variety of mass transportation options, and despite high density and intensity zoning, is only developed to around 5% of maximum development capacity. It is probable that the zoning is one of the things preventing redevelopment of this neighborhood. Second, this area already has a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of Restricted Commercial, meaning that the City's proposed change in zoning does not require a companion Comprehensive Plan amendment. In other words, the existing Future Land Use designation already accommodates the proposed zoning. Staff Analysis ePaan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 3 NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled br a public hearing In eccorbanre whh timellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cwd .The appliesd, dsisbn-rna Xing bdysWll Lastly, due to the neighborhood's proximity to the City's two largest job centers, "eW"�o m�ot�o°a��aPae�lao�°�°°efB location for the construction of Workforce housing. On July 1, 2020, the Plannin PZ-20-7526 Appeals Board recommend approval of a zoning text amendment (File ID #746 07/22/20 confer additional FLR and height flexibility to T6-8-0 properties in Transit Oriented De Areas (TODs) in exchange for Workforce housing at or below 100% AMI. With this propos amendment, combined with the proposed rezoning of the Property, this neighborhood could begin to produce significant Workforce housing. That said, even without this text amendment, Planning Staff believes that the rezoning alone will catalyze high quality redevelopment in this neighborhood. E. ANALYSIS Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) On the adopted 2020 Future Land Use Map (the "FLUM") of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (the "MCNP"), the Property is zoned T6-8-L and has a Restricted Commercial FLUM designation. The current FLUM designation is the expected correspondence with the current zoning and the proposed zoning. As a result, the requested zoning does not precipitate a FLUM amendment. Miami 21 Code The zoning for the Property is proposed to change from T6-8-L to T6-8-0. MIAMI21 (EXISTING) T, fi8A 101 Go MIAMI21 (PROPOSED) 0 Figure: Miami 21 Transect Zone Zoning changes typically effectuate three things: 1) A rezoning can modify underlying residential density; 2) A rezoning can modify the built form of new buildings; and, 101 Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 4 - AW1. .... V r NOTICE ""'°bm�alneeWsobaec"�e�f-"'ntbCi'eking 3) A rezoning can modify allowable uses. In accords ffl, t mellnesset forth in the Cl of Miami cwtl .The appbrade beci-n-making bWy will reWew theint nna-at the p, bkc hearing to rend,,e nxomme dtl on or a final d.dm n. 1) Underlying Residential Density: The existing zoning category of the Property, T6-8-L, has a residential den 6�PZ-20-7526 dwelling units per acre. The proposed zoning category of T6-8-0 has a residential density dwelling units per acre. There will be no increase in residential density from this rezoning. 2) Built form: The general effect of this rezoning on the Property's built form is negligible. The aforementioned zoning text amendment (PZAB File ID #7463) could confer some additional height and FLR to the Property; but it would be voluntary and at the discretion of an individual applicant, in exchange for public benefits, and the text amendment has not been formally adopted yet. 3) Allowable Uses: The proposed rezoning would only allow one additional use: Regional Activity Complex, and only by process of Exception. T6-8-L only permits Office and Commercial uses for 25% of the building's FLR, and only the first two floors allow Commercial and the first four floors allow office. T6-8-0 permits 100% of the building to be either Commercial or Office. Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 5 DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE) RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COMMUNITY RESIDENCE ANCILLARY UNIT TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE MULTI FAMILY HOUSING DORMITORY HOME OFFICE LIVE - WORK WORK - LIVE LODGING BED & BREAKFAST INN HOTEL OFFICE OFFICE COMMERCIAL AUTO -RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB_ ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT ENTERTAINMENT ESTAB_ -ADULT FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTAB_ GENERAL COMMERCIAL MARINE RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB_ OPEN AIR RETAIL PLACE OF ASSEMBLY RECREATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT CIVIC COMMUNITY FACILITY RECREATIONAL FACILITY RELIGIOUS FACILITY REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEX CIVIL SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORT FACILITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES MAJOR FACILITY MARINA PUBLIC PARKING RESCUE MISSION TRANSIT FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE COLLEGE 1 UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING CENTER MIDDLE I HIGH SCHOOL PRE-SCHOOL RESEARCH FACILITY SPECIAL TRAINING 1 VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AUTORELATEDINDUSTRIAL ESTBL. MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING MARINE RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES STORAGE! DISTRIBUTION FACILITY SUB -URBAN 9 9 i6 R R R R R R R R R R R E E E E E E W W W E E E E E E E E E URBAN GENERAL 36 F 36 F 36 R I R I R R R R R R R R R R R R R E E R R R R R W R R R RR R R R E E R R W W E R R E R R W W W W W E w W W W w W E W W E E E E E E E E E E E R R E URBAN CENTER 65 65 65 R R R R R R R I R W W R R R E E R R w w W W R R R R W W E R R E R R w W W w W E W w E w W E w w E w W w W E W W R R E W W E R R R R W W URBAN CORE Awl NOTICE c eMreI anci(oomennmdaesgnobdn aatitotnhooherpdeu ubflXneadlhh-dmecaiXvpinognb. crehntl meri neg CIVIC ,da„-wn b-12i.th mthe City& MamoeThe eppli.h,ednial.,eboy vll NIA A PZ-20-7526 07/22/20 R R R E R W E R E E E R E W E R E E E R W IEW E E E W E W E R R E E R E R E R E E R E R E R E E R E R E R E R E R R R R R W R R R R R R R W E E E R R W R R R R R W R R W R R W R R R R R R W R R W w R W E E E R R R R R W E W W R R W E E E E E E R R W R R W R R W R R W R R R R R W R R W Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 6 NOTICE Rezoning Criteria hissobm�'"ee°`mbee`"e°°�°ro'ap°°°`ty In eccortlanawkh timelines setforih in the Cl M MiamiCwtl.Th applicade tleci-, making bWy will reWewihe inlormatlon at the pubkc hearing to rentler e The following is a review of the request pursuant to the rezoning criteria in Art �omme"tlad°"nrafialtle"°° PZ-20-7526 (f) of Miami 21, as well as on the additional criteria derived in the light of the 07/22/20 Criteria 1.a: "The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objecti policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations." Analysis: Comp Plan Objective LU-1.1: Ensure that land and development regulations are consistent with fostering a high quality of life in all areas, including the timely provision of public facilities that meet or exceed the minimum level of service (LOS) standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The Planning Department believes that the proposed rezoning would facilitate an increased quality of life by encouraging infill development, which would subsequently enhance the public realm. A large percentage of vacant properties means the neighborhood lacks the "eyes on the street" encouraged by Miami 21, potentially making the neighborhood feel unsafe for pedestrians. This is combined with narrow sidewalks and aging infrastructure. Aging infrastructure is particularly concerning considering approximately half of the property in this neighborhood is in the AE flood zone (considered a "high risk" area) due to its proximity to the Miami River. Despite high intensity zoning, this neighborhood is still developed to a relatively low intensity. This proposed rezoning is expected to catalyze new development and redevelopment in this neighborhood, which will provide subsequent infrastructural improvements such as enhanced water and sewer infrastructure, new stormwater infrastructure, and wide sidewalks enfronted by active uses. Policy LU-1.1.7: Land development regulations and policies will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit. The T6-8-L zoning designation prohibits buildings that are entirely office or commercial. This has likely reduced the availability of jobs in the neighborhood, potentially reducing the desirability of redevelopment. The rezoning as proposed would permit the development of a more robust mixed - use neighborhood, facilitate a walkable streetscape, and potentially boost ridership for the neighborhood's abundant mass transportation options. Staff Analysis ePaan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 7 One of Miami 21's development goals is; "Rebt commercial Corridors to function as Mixed -Use, walkable centers for adjacent Residential Neighborh( It C_. NUKI H.AUk - UUWN IUWN NIGHTOA t — P NOTICE rnla submittal neeaa b be seneauletl mr a fothC e City nearing In aceortlance wM1h timelines set rth in thity M Miami Cotle. The applicade decision-maXing hotly will renewthe Inbrmatlon at the pubYc hearing to rentler e o enda0on orafinal tlecivon. PZ-20-7526 �\ 07/22/20 t� r m � el l9 4 'tab° c a o Stadiumrbourd `m - _T 0 0 YP� -0m 06 I �Oigzl $�A� rr 1 IREGt1Lf�tT , MET3201 Nit- SC1-IFRl1l= C r 7E ml EM 'ME Overiown -inbound I <'' _LIAIRPO owr RT I VIA 7ST� I LILYZ A over 11 -inbound 1 BUS Routes - - Route 246 Trolley Routes Future Land Use Designations • Route 113 Route 277 —Alapatlah - inbound Public Perks and Recreation — — - Route 195 — — Route 7 Health District - inbound Single Family- Residential Overtown - inbound Medium Density Multifamily Residential - - Route 196 Route 77 - Stadium - inbound Medium Density Restricted Commercial - - Route 2 - - - Route 95 Restricted Commercial — — • Route 21 •• Route RA" _ General Commercial Route 211 Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities Light Industrial m� Industrial The Property is in a neighborhood that is exceedingly well served by mass transportation. At its core is a Metrorail station, and the neighborhood is transversed by numerous County bus routes and City trolley routes. This neighborhood, despite being walking distance from Civic Center and the Downtown Core, is largely underdeveloped relative to transect zone intentions. The lack of development negatively impacts the walkability of this area, whereas redevelopment into an active and mixed -use neighborhood would improve both walkability and bolster transit ridership. Some of the citywide guiding principles, Article 2, Section, are as follows: Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 8 l("­ �� ..NNOTICE In accordance wM timelnessetforthinthe CityM MiamiCtle. The - ,decision-rnaXing bWy will"Growth strategies should encourage Infill and redevelo man°natthep°°°`"`°"°°'°renders tlatl on or a final —ii,g t PZ-20-7526 Despite having mostly T6-8 (Urban Core) zoning, the T6-8 zone 07/22/20 this neighborhood is developed to only approximately 5% of development capacity with many properties completely vacant. Additi the Culmer Metrorail station is the 5th most underutilized station along the Metrorail network (based on a weekday average) according to data from regular ridership reports issued by Miami -Dade Transit. There is a compelling argument that the zoning in this area is the root cause of underdevelopment. This neighborhood has many locational advantages, so its underdevelopment is seemingly inexplicable. The Planning Department believes that a rezoning from T6-8-L to T6-8-0 could encourage the development of a handful of full commercial and office projects, that would catalyze subsequent rezonings. "Transportation Corridors should be planned and reserved in coordination with land Use." NW 71" Avenue in this area of the City is a Transportation Corridor, meaning it has a high frequency of bus service. The Property is also within range of the Culmer Metrorail Station. Proximity of the property to frequent bus service and passenger rail suggests that it is well situated to absorb additional residential density and development capacity. "A diversity of land use should be distributed throughout the City to enable a variety of economic activity, workplace, residence, recreation and civic activity." The Property's current T6-8-LTransect Zone, limits the volume of Office and Commercial development around the Culmer Metrorail Station. This rezoning would permit the development of "workplaces" in this neighborhood, permitting the development of a fully mixed -use neighborhood and enhancing the diversity of uses around the Culmer Metrorail Station. Finding: Consistent. Criteria 1.b: "The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary." Analysis: The Property is well suited for a more mixed -use development fabric due to its proximity to the Culmer Metrorail station. A rezoning from T6-8-L to T6-8-0 would permit a higher intensity of Office and Commercial uses, and potentially catalyze the development of a mixed -use neighborhood, speeding up the delivery of Workforce Housing units. The rezoning has the potential to create jobs adjacent to a Metrorail station and on numerous bus and trolley routes, potentially reducing transportation time and cost for employees that live at the geographical extents of the City of Miami. Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 9 NOTICE This submittal needs m be scnetlulee mr a public heming In accordance wM timelines set forth in the City M Miami Cone. The appUm Lie asision-making bony will The City of Miami is undergoing an unprecedented affordable wew"eno me°natthepab°`"ear'°°'ere°sere ntlatl onor bkh—iivit while this crisis has been building over time, it has been a 4�PZ-20-7526COVID-19 related job losses. There is a need for income restricte every income level. Lower income levels are served by a variety of g subsidies. Higher income levels are served by market. There is a gap in income housing that has been identified by our elected officials and the City's affordable housing master plan, at 100% AMI. This rezoning, combined with the aforementioned zoning text amendment (PZAB File ID #7463), could create a meaningful pocket of Workforce housing in this neighborhood that is accessible to jobs that may result from the rezoning, and jobs that are abroad due to the neighborhood's proximity to mass transportation. That said, even absent the text amendment, this rezoning has the potential to catalyze new development and redevelopment in this neighborhood to the benefit of the City as a whole. Findings: Consistent. Criteria 2: "A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of this Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height." Analysis: The T6-8-0 zoning designation is a successional zoning category from, and is transitional in scale and intensity from, T6-8-L. As the built form analysis in Section E.2 of this report shows above, there is no difference between T6-8-L and T6-8-0 as it relates to built form. The Property abuts several other areas zoned T6-8-0, so there is precedent for this zoning category in the area. The existing zoning T6-8-L and proposed T6-8-0 Transect Zones, have the same density (150 du/acre). The fundamental difference is in the Office and Commercial Uses which are limited to 25% of the Building area and to two stories in the T6-8-L Transect while there are no limitations in the T6-8-0 Transect. The flexibility permitted by the T6-8-0 will allow and possibly promote mixed -use development The zoning text amended that received a recommendation of approval from the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board on July 1, 2020, could potentially confer some additional FLR and height flexibility to the Property. That said, this proposal is mindful of the fact that the Spring Garden neighborhood is proximate to the rezoning area. Development within 500' of the T3 zoning category may not exceed the codified maximum height in feet of the T6 zoning category, even when taking advantage of the proposed text amendment's benefits. Again, Planning Staff believes this rezoning has the potential to catalyze new development and redevelopment in this neighborhood to the benefit of the City as a whole. Finding: Consistent. Staff Analysis ePaan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 10 F. CONCLUSION NOTICE mis seeds m be SEhedwed w, a p�bk h-1,g Ida wkh tlme1— set f.dh inthe City& MiamiCWe. The appli de decon-making bWy will renew the inlonn— at the pubic hearing t. render e Based on the findings and analysis as outlined above, the Planning De artme �emme-20-,ah�aldeudo� g Y g p PZ-20-7526 Approval of the application to change the zoning designation of the prop 07/22/20 bounded the 836, the Metrorail guideway, and NW 7th Avenue from the "T6-8-L" Transect Zone — Limited to the "T6-8-0" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open. This r UMSS4 could create a mixed -use development in neighborhood that is very well served by mass transportation. i "signed b� ueline is,J cq ueline Date- 2020.07.2208:1424-04'00' NOTICE The final decision may be appealed by any aggrieved party, within fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a written appeal and appropriate fee with the Office of Hearing Boards, located at 444 SW 2nd Ave., 31 Floor, Miami, FL 33130 Telephone number (305) 416-2030. Staff Analysis ePlan file ID No. PZ-20-7526 — Page 11 AW1 . .... Vr NOTICE NOTICE ,I,b,,I -d, b ­hI,d,�d �, , public h-1,Ig -1111 submittal Illd, " "' hd' " d �, , p " bl, 11, "9 ID S-Rdll-t, timelines lefl,th in the 0I In SDGIR' DO `- forth I FRI City & Ol. �GTZI I I I I'D I AYl I FG,,I G,", LZIS 111 11 C, 1. 1 I'll I I I'llI., "I FIG �,G 1O11 LOT I I 1 11 "11111 11 LOT I 1 .111 1, TO 1. LET E G, I I I IS I IT I M,._ �� m _ MI"I Cd dm The - �I,DijbI 11 I wLV I I I I I 1111111111 SIT E. F, AIR L,-T ITT TO .I LOT GIG, A, GO IT RES SGO, 1 11 I'D I lOG D�o_ t,I, d thI, pEbk hI,.,,g t. -I b g t. NI h� recommentlatlon ., a final J.DIIIJ., Ol. I'll 11 1111= 12"IDD 1211 R� �111 Ell I'll PZ-20-7526 52 �11=,Fllll LOTS DO, EGGS LOT, L", I C, F ... C 12"IDD 12,1 GEll`GGE1.1Tll%1.`Fll.l. 1.11F, FIT, FLY. IT- GICI. I,' LC,C,,C, I ""C,F ... C 'N. 07/22/20 0 ��NVIIGLID ��21.�ICGLID � 3 11 1 4 E. A OF Ol AS OF Ol. OF Ol. OF Ol �JSTR RR 11GO E. I SLID F " I ST., "'T 1 0 ..... . SE'RER", I�Z2Z I 1 1111 I'll F1. 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GGIC"I"I'LI,ANNNNNNN NNINAAAA7FF IIIO I"FNT"IT2 4OTO ,EEI SC =F SSF G111ITATEI I All OSE'ER II IT2OEOR 2 ,EIS2 IGIEG .�2442I II, IID RR22E11R OG 2IFIS 1l 11,"1' �II F71IT 1A IELF SEO '12S77E OT11 1 1IC2CT GOI1IRR OIGTC FAEOFA"'EA -'-G4SI""I1FF'=S..S1 121.N.IO TE l' ARRRRR 4 TI G2 011111.1122D. 11.11NDNARIIR2 11 LOTI FI 1I ITSEOFAGl1. aA. CO3EDIEROR-11412 LOT SIZE 1. 111. OR 12.27 1IS1 12S2 1 IFATEI I All ClIZEI IER 11111412 FIT SIZE 11 1232 ARI �IT 21EGG FIR Y�� ' F � I CLOS I I C1,4,2FCTSZEI,.SFT./F I I NO I I I GT�RF 1I " / 1 "112 I I '211'N 'A N. �A OF I R C' 2 1 A I "ER' R' I I lARlLl 2 Cl�IT 12 2 =E. ICIA SE Rl.lTES G2 FIT ESZ, FT I I I I I "S" OF .�4 I OT I I CS I 2 E'1'/2 I `:lE/ A" D ICET RD 11ER R. F An.a I I ERIC F I I /F �4 N' 1 2211 1 IIIN I NAR' 112 TO LITISTAN D1' "TSZE=.Rl2'.7FA=E2"A�11C�.E�IER.R�l�412�.TSIZEII.SIFT�/ FAL1.11111.1121. AS ��_j , G"NN NARI COND FARE IR 2 11 LOT 1/ F N' I I I IIIN I NAR I 1 1' GO " 1 4"' 7,2 1 OF I G"NN NARI IR LOTS GFTAS�FEEI'�`Y. .11ACI `CR1GE7'lE' GOOD 1 412 LOTEIZE GI.Gll 121S N. 1 .11111.11221. 11 .11ND NARI IR 2 11 FOLLY I S 4 FLI 11 LOT SIZE I I FOR I 1S. OR 1.71 .124/.172 FDIC 1 N' I I ILAN I I N. �A ARE OR IT 1�1 11 I�A " I A" C IS 11 GO I ��4 ITT OF �l AS G"NN NARI IR �GT �� R I w1nI A�'F1' C�GI �R ALI R ORN 4�� �GTSZ�'.SG�T 14 NC 1114 FIT S IF 7111 SILLARE FEET OR llLoL SIZlE7G1,7.1S4,CIN 21121 2177 1 2111 I I FLE, L'S ALL CLOSED 'ER ORN 1_2 IT NI �1GGTRI I 1 11, 1 NARI R�I`Tll N. T I =D "' I T AIR 12 1, 12 1 A 14 2 FILE I 4 �N' I I I ILAN I NAR IT 11 2 FA EIIIIE All I I 'ERG Ill �4, T G� F N. �A I OF I �GI F, T�l 1 �'�`E' "A I L'S ALL CCOSS I IER R I �FO >E OF SO ITT'./ ED AIR 1 1 /�/G IF 4 FEET 2412 IS IT FlITT= '.TlE2 I NI TRI I I G'FANR NA N. �1AG 'N R I I 2C!FGl'�'lA.RG � ALI CC`�IGYYR 17z"ON, 1= GOT SIZE 11. SO IT 11. N. 7 OF .11111.1112D. 11 .11ND NARI IR 2 11 LOT I FLI 7 � El 2 OF AFFEI 1. . � A. CLOSED IER OR. 11412 LOT SIZE GREG SO 11/1 OR 1721 1711/11-12 11114 GO 11122 217111111 17 E12 1 1' " 1 11112 IF ATEI III I I All CTIGEI IER 11111412 11 SIZE 1111 SO I EST I C, I I SSLOTSIZE 11741S"./F I 1�4FI,11F FEE GEFSTYSSI 2 IT I CAR SEELOT'S7T& I IT 1. , ' '=2 I L F� AYEA' I INSE "' DO OF N. � OF �Z24 NO A'T 7 7TI I `/ 2 IF, ' El=,IA"EC''SEI'GO'" R NRI'. 2 TO S -DIF l'- � �AREA�FIRIE1'N42ECTRSFZER'�..TS'I'E/�1741SIl./F 1111 N. I . 11 .11ND NARI IR 2 11 LOT 1. FLI 7 & .112 IF ALLEY1111 Al CLOSED PER 1- 11412 FIT SIZE IRE) SO 11/1 AIR 11 ��T 1�1 I � I A IA C IS I ORnu I T�R �� I I C�GS�l " 134 'T I �R N' NO I ALI R I N. � OF 1211N 'AR A�' FIG '. R. 4�GI �. I N NARl DF 2S ll/.,IF A I I Ejl�A IEO =�2 ICI ' ' I 1 1 'Tl I C= TCS2Z_121121jGl I I/TEIGR 12111122 17 111 N. � I OT AS 'AL" R 2 1'�'4 ROE I L FOR I 1 2 112. IT TO SIZE 121 OR 21 4 NARl DF 2S 1 ITT L " ll/.,IFAIE1 "" Ejl�A` C= G�EO =�2 FOLI 1211211SI 11/1 OR 12111122 17111 N. �A OF 1=' 'ARE R2 OT 1'�'4 R F11 ED I TO SIZE FOR 1 21 OR 21 4 1 IS 2 11 2_ NO 'ARI 11 �GT �1�1111�7FIITS�EEF=��ICIR 1211,2C �4.� 1 1 T OF CLOSED 1�7 I I '211'N I �A OF �Z�Z NAR 2. 1 1121 N.I. .11111.11112. 11 .11ND NARI IR 2 11 LOT 12 FLI 7 S .112 IF ATEI 1111 Al CLOSED IER 1- 11412 FIT SIZE IRE) SO 11/1 GO 21417 211111111 1117 N. I . o1313Eo191330 11114111 .11ND AARI . 2 11 LOT 11 ITE 7 11112 IF AFFEI 1111 Al CLOSED IER 1- 11412 FIT SIZE 1111 SO 11/1 CIC 21111 14121112 111111111 GLEE A IER 1 '111412 LOTS SE 11. SO I RRI lARlLl 2 7 'FALL � I TO D . 1,40 I OT I 4 C'�l 7T 712 E=' 'A I" SE% C�'G�E 2 LOT S I I Il. SO IT RRI N' I I I I ILAN I NAR 12 11 FIT I LESS R 11111 FILE ZE �A I STE 'A"E CC2 2" 11 CORE 4 OF GO �l G"NN NARI IR 2 1, LOT I FF,7 � EFE�,G FALLE, L'S ALI CLOSED IER ORDS lG412 LOTSIZE GI.Gl I ./F 1141N.1 11 .11ND AARI IR 2 11 LOT 14 FLI 7 � win IF ATEI 111 & ARL CLOSED'ER GRDS 13492 LOT SIZE 3180 SO IT MET ��Nl AS I I =, GAR' '12 1' LOT 71 & /. 'FALLL.1.1&1�& ALOSELOSE I GE R. RD# SLOT SIT G=G1 I I/L GO 19711 147 11111 . OF I � I "ND NARI . 21GGLNE /2'T LE I C DC R R jG4912 IF T RDT 11E1N. I . .11111.1911G. 11 .11ND AARI IR 2 11 wRSFT OF LOT 1I LESS DEC N. COR TI SIR 2EFT FLY & NEI am OF 17 171 NEI 42 .11 FEE 121 SVII Ll ARC DIST 19 SIT S21 FEET TO III & LESS SVIFT & GOT AREA IF CIRSEE IN NI CIR FOR REDS, CO, 21121 .11 G SELF 1 T I I IF R IS =RE ESE' T 1' IILDEGG/A 'SRC F T IIIND NAR I LOT lT' �� 'ET 2 IT ED ARIIR I OFTO I R IANA GO 2L2'1/1 III AT El/4.211.TgIALIS/Ll2llFTTIIIIAIAIRCEL221&El/2GFALLEII.&ADI CLOSEDIERORD11492 LCTSIZEE111SIFT./L 1' IE,12��FTNI`�-C�ITRF.Tll&l ILN �l DEC 27Z SO C 1 1' 2 " FT�SR TO .1 ST 'I ND NARI R2 IS IT IF S4 41 RE R I I CTS I IN S 1 21 FARE FEET 4 ZE GITAR EE IT 1 ,�4 I EST I I NARD 11SC gl& CE.7 LE' ETAT4141 &F4�2TFF' I' LOTS 'FT., 2EIFNYT lIE4121=I 1. -GLY 11TIRI 11 -GTlG LE..79FT&LESSSIICFLCT 9 &LEGISVIFTOFTC- 11 ILI 1 &.112 GFALLEYLY3 I CFFEGEDOERGRD ' ST I ' 'll`AR' R 2 1, OT GGI�F 4 N. �4 �Z 1= I I , SE C OR TI .49 IFT I ��2, 1' REG SElCILR FOLI 'TFLCITES 21S"7I I IT I 1 2 ==1j&Cll/222=�YFYG�E.ADI CLIZED IER IRD 11492 FIGIZE 1191 SO I NNIAR, R 2 1 1 S 1. R� I TE7'1. ARE FEET IN I. I ,4 Z� �� SILLAR IF 4 N' I FIND NAR, S I� ��T Z IT S"I �T C .�4 ST 4�' 1 ,�G_ COC �4 I ED AR S� I T2�R % �GTSZ 4'�1'12 NAR' 12 GTE ITIR ' LEI R EGGS C R IF TO T G=lFYTASDZ� '2' ESS DEG ILEFFTELYNELY NLYAD ::�TN :�D -TO'.�OR-&- IFT.FL.-lTIRII&E21-.FL.-3eTIR142LESSNIFT 1,Sl/ I LOT R I T FY`G & A2CL G`EDII I TO 1�. IFT NARILDS 2 GOFF STIR '&lEllL/2FA Ey T D�G X I I I ILANDIAR I ��TY TO R I�GN GO SLYSILYILYAD S I G�: TO S�TTR IT G� ��TY I RI 4 S I T, & I TS �� Ly SSSFY SSFY �l NZD ��T N97 24FT I IT TO 'Cl FOR ww & ��T T, R, 4� IT S �l Z' . R GN� C '� ��T I I I I �G_ TS N. ST I ED AR"D T, R' R I �� ��l COR I T�T`Z� "IS AD ��l G�'.'I�LYN�LYN NG7DEGEIFT "&.�TO TS R' SS N��T I I & ADI CLIZED IER 'T I III SO I I/L OR 1721 1711/19.7-12 .99. 4 OR 19922 2E71 .9.11 � N' I ED ARE I A�� I . & I CLOS , IREEESCIFT N. ST 1� Gll'ND NAR ' �� ��T & A �y LYG An. ED ER=LLCTS:ZE 77. N. 11 ST .11111.19111. 11 GILAND AARI IR 2 11 LOT 14 FLI I & .112 IF ALLEY IG I & Al CLOSED'ER IND 11492 LIT SIZE IRE) SO FT NOTICE In ecc MiamiCWI,. The ppIi. II,dImi-I, —ki,gbWyW[l PZ-20-7526 07/22/20 ....... SEE E. 11 EL orarasorsxizo 1111 a, 11 .11EIE I— . 1 11 LZLE I a S SLI 11 � LESS SELL — M 1n c . .. .. , " Z, Z, ...E/W LQL SIZE 11741 Ea FL MEN �4 1 4 4� �WW ST 4� .11EIE 1— .1 ��T T ��l ,��_1/--LLEILEZSS—El ILZEEEIEIZIE11411�,TE E LES Z� �4 1/""'EL"E"" 'LSEZ1'E1'1=.117111171 .11 EroEEwozwEozoE oo �W W��ST 1 11. 1 1LILITS I 111 ILI LIE LZTE ZE IE71 E11T 1/11 .1 E E S E ST 11EIE .11 IS 1 11 LZT I SLI 17 Z1 2' �-= �2 �WW ST 41 11 .11EIE —1 IS 1 11 L— 1 � I SLI 14 LZT SIZE I- — - 1E. w = 1, .IE= 111 .1,11113 _To11 Eo%Tal E, LIT E Z E 1. L, 71 Z1 SLI 4 E1T E111 S71 I W111 TT SI ao sEE LE SEE S. 4 LZZE 1E.1 EI l Mn �wST Z� r9 * I N C 0 R P GRATED 7f iG ss 171 <OR1� PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Fact Sheet, This document is used to provide a summary for Planning Department related pro Project Name: Culmer Quadrant Rezone Project Address: Generally bounded by the 836, Metrorail Guideway, and NE 7th Avenue Company Name: City of Miami Primary Contact: Arthur Noriega, City Manager Email: anoriega@miamigov.com Secondary Contact: mail: Lead Staff: Joseph Eisenberg Principal Division: Urban Design NOTICE rni: sobn,itlal —& m —heawee wr a p�bk healing —'--.en en,ehnes �'.fnnh inme City& M am CWe The appl d tl i_ king bWY will reWewthenlormati �lh pub�ch glo rentlere �emm aati nnale on. PZ-20-7526 i Email: JEisenberg@Miamigov.com IMP GRAPHIC(S) Q HEPB Q WDRC Q PZAB ® City Commission Q UDRB Q AIPP Transect Zone(s): T5-8-1- Commissioner District(s): 5 NET Office(s):Overtown Department Director: Francisco Garcia Revision Date: 1/15/2020 N-144TH TER 0 � C I, H 0 z N 250 500 MIAMI 21 (EXISTING) on kI-Als ril lzkN, IT2-6-L 11 IN U z NW-12TH-ST NOTICE This submittal needs b be sche&W dbra public heering In —.ldan — Omellnea se 1— mbe clty M Mlaml We. The appli.de decislon-making body will reWewihe Inbrmatbn at the pubge hearing to render e reco mendatlon or a flnal decdon. L�, PZ-20-7526 \` 07/22/20 U_ 2 H rn Zw NW-1OTH-ST z z 1,000 Feet CI M IAM 121 (PROPOSED) N-144TH TER 0 � w00 z 7 2 7)y�O V Ki N 250 500 1,000 Feet U 2 Z r-NW-12111-S S. NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled bra public heering In accordance—Omellnea setforth mbe clty M Mlaml Code. The appli.de decislon-making body will reWewihe Inbrmatbn at the pubge hearing to render e reco mendatlon or a flnal decdon. L�, PZ-20-7526 \` 07/22/20 CI