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Ron DeSantis
August 26, 2020
Frank Rollason, Director
Miami -Dade County Emergency Management
9300 Northwest 415t Street
Doral, Florida 33178
Jared Moskowitz
Re: Miami -Dade County Local Hazard. Mitigation Plan Approved Pending Adoption
Dear Director Rollason,
This is to confirm that we have completed a State review of the Miami -Dade County Local
Mitigation Strategy (LMS) update for compliance with the federal hazard mitigation planning
standards contained in 44 CFR 201.6(b)-(d). Based on our review and comments, Miami -
Dade County developed and submitted all the necessary plan revisions and our staff has
reviewed and approved these revisions. We have determined that the Miami -Dade County
LMS plan is compliant with federal standards, subject to formal community adoption, for the
jurisdictions below:
Miami -Dade County, unincorporated
City of Aventura
City of Coral Gables
City of Dora[
City of Florida City
City of Hialeah Gardens
City of Hialeah
City of Homestead
City of Miami
City of Miami Beach
City of Miami Gardens
City of Miami Springs
City of North Miami
City of North Bay Village
City of North Miami Beach
City Qpa Locaa
City of South Miami
City of Sunny Isles Beach
City of Sweetwater
City of West Miami
Town of Bay Harbor Islands
Town of Cutler Bay
Town of Golden Beach
Town of Key Biscayne
Town of Medley
Town of Miami Lakes
Town of Surfside
Village of Bal Harbour
Village of Biscayne Park
Village of El Portal
Village of Indian Creek
Village of Miami Shores
Village of Palmetto Bay
Village of Pinecrest
Village of Virginia Gardens
Upon submittal of a copy of all participating jurisdictions' documentation of their adoption
resolutions to our office, we will send all necessary documentation to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) who will issue formal approval of the Miami -
Dade County LMS.
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard www.FloridaDisasler.org 2702 Directors Row
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Orlando, FL 32809-5631
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your LMS Liaison Laura
Waterman at Laura.Waterman em.m orida.com or 850-815-4512.
Miles E. Anderson,
Bureau Chief, Mitigation
State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Attachments: MEMORADUM: State approval of LM5 plans under Program Administration
by States (PAS)
cc: FEMA Region IV, Mitigation Division — Risk Analysis Branch
August 28, 2020
Municipality Address
To Whom It May Concern:
Office of Emergency Management
9300 NW 41 Street
Miaml, FL 33178
Email: eoc@miamidade.
Phone: 305-468-5400
Fax: 305-468-5401
RE; Miami -Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) 2020 Approval Process
This letter is to inform you that the State of Florida has completed the Miami -Dade County
Local Mitigation Strategy Plan (LMS) review and determined that the Plan meets all the
requirements as it relates to Federal Hazard Mitigation Planning Standards contained in
44 CFR 201.6(b)-(d).
In order for a jurisdiction to maintain compliance with Federal standards and continue to
receive LMS funding, each municipality must adopt the Miami -Dade County LMS Plan
prior to the September 15, 2020 - expiration date of the current LMS. Furthermore, local
governments acting as sub -grantees must adopt the attached Miami -Dade County LMS
Plan to have eligibility to apply for and/or receive payments and reimbursement under
executed grant agreements for the following hazard mitigation grant programs:
• Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
• Business Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIG) — formerly known as
Pre -Disaster Mitigation (PDM)
• Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program
• Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Grant Program
Please submit a copy of your jurisdiction's fully executed LMS adopted resolution to Robin
Yang, Whole Community Mitigation Planner, at robin. an miamidade. ov. Should you
have any questions regarding the process or need further clarification, please contact Mr.
Frank K. Rallason
Thl,pr.ject t.p.rchareand Install If gauges, land based fl.......... and as,oclated t,lem,try rystemsand other mat,rlal,thr.ugh.utth, Clty of Mlaml,th, dty of Mlaml Bachand me MI—ID-0d, County
a and rlverinewaterfr.nth. monitor fl- at.n,In water f heightand create better predltlablllty o f m,-mg and degreeofseasonal Udal and storm surge flooding.This,111 allow forImproved resS....
es and real data F. tertst.rms.rg,and tdal Hood pr,dlctl.n,and models. There would be Installed and monitored In parmersNIS with Unlv,rslty and NOAA par,h and m,data would be publldy ava11abl,. Data,111
IS, compared with... b{ d buoys In order to sWdy the r,lla ,,hIp between Udesand Hooding. Addltlonally, thlsw111 help u s to create a -[-Id, Hood warning system,,blch,111 p.,Itiv,1y affect the C... ty', and
the Individual m11111,11U11 CRSa 1191.
Currentlythe Clty of Mlamlrelies on one ddal monitoring-U.,Installed and monitoredby NOAAat VUgI,I, ,y. The Oty currently has no land bared Hood sensors. To docu men[ the flood o- t of H.rdan,Ihma, for
E es111e Installatl.n of Udal
c, the dty of Mlaml... d staff and v.l.nt„r,t.d... m,nt high water lines a nd sp ak to reddent,. Whll, ml,gav, the Clty ar,IaUv It-f'th, Hood extent th, data was not reliable for f.ivr, predl[tab111ty or
gauges, land based
modeling. Land based Hood gauges mind aim IS, sdt. create baseline data b,f.r„t.rm water a nd coastal mfi—btr ... is Instal l ed.
and f ood s.........d ,FI..d,F1..d/Storm
Public a iated telemetry S.rg,S Level
4/10/202011:16 Works systems F.Wr, Unfunded Project RI„St.—Surge Equipment Identlfled Funding S..rce 330,000.00 97
MIam1 Isa majorportdty.nthe At-D,c.a,t.f... fhH.rlda In.th,southeastern United States. As the,at. f Mla ID-0 d,C..nty,the munldpallry Is th,principal, central, a nd tv, most populous Fy fthe Mlamf
tr.p.11-area and pa rtof m„ec..dm.,tpopulousm,tr.p.11, In the southeastern United States. A¢ordingt.theU.S. Census B ureau, Wan', metro area Is the eighth-mostpopulous and f... thaarg„tu ,ban area
1n the U.S., with a P.P.a"' .f around 5.1 m1111—
The Clry .f Mlan 1, home I. a very diverse p.pula ton with over 450,000 residents In a 38.5 square m11, radius making the Clty extremely dense with regards I. Its p.pulatl.n and p.pula0.n density. The CIty .f Mlam1
D,partrnent.f Fr, Rescue 1,a fu 11 service F1,, D,partrn,nt pr.vlding Hr, pr.teNon, Emerg,nry Medical Services, Hazardous Ma -dal, response Marine Operatl.n,, as well as h.,tlng.n,.f the 28 natf.,al Urban Search
and Rescue Team,. The D,partrnent.f FIr, Rescue Is a days 1 ISO rated .rga,[,atl.n thatrerves the Clry .f Mlam1 Resident, and visits,, r„p.ndlng F. over'03,000 runs In 2016. The contln..d growth .f the OIL,provides
a nlq., challenge, ., the D,paUtn tt. be able[. keep upwith the very Increasing demands f...... I s.
order[. keep pace with col, Increased level .f....Ices, It is lm peative I.,th,IF,, Departrn,nt, lad,r,hlp I. bevlgllancln mamtalnmg an ad,g.at,w.rkf.rc, trained I. the high„[ levels. The CI L,d ,a nd .peat,,
wn Flr, Rescue Tammg center l.at,d In the dty', m dte neighborhood known as C.con.tGrovetaskedwith Uammg f.Wr,fire fighters In all .f the asp,ct,.f today', fire service.
Thl, fadllty is cru dal t. the CIty f Mlaml ,.homy I., the b ammg It IS fd„I, the fir,d,partrn"t'but Italso serves m.Itlpl,usesI.,th...rentlal.p,atf.,,.f,m,rg,nry services. There addltl.nal use, mcl.d,serving
,a bad: I. the dty'. PSAP (Public Safety Answering Pomis), I. house dty employees and hmllles during dlsasters (a, In H.rrlan, Irma), t. condo ct comm.nity outreach and dlsast,, d.a—, as a staging area during
Surge Health,P.w,r
dla,t,r, Including the need f., K-9 hc111tles m h..s. USA&R search and reswe dogs, and a,a p.Int.f dl,trm.tl.n (POD) when needing I. condoct halm evaluatl.ns and'a, I,aU... as In the nu menus pand-1,,
Fa11.,,Sa Level
e.p,,[enced by m1, mmmunity. Finally, the dty', EOC I, al,. ba,k,d-up atcol,hduty.
Over the years, thl, hc111ty has e.p,,[enced r,p,tltiv, losses du ring natal event,. The roof Is beyond r,pal, and needs I. be completely replaced and m, damage cured by the recent words and water from Irma makes
the r,rt n.f thl, hduty q... U.nabl,.Th,r,pla,--t.f thl, cdtlal hduty w.uldserve the F,,D,partrnentandm, dty much better d.,t.th,ag,and.,dltlh .,,.f the dllty. PrevI...... tan-U.n I. the
* F,, R..... Taming Surg,Techn.l.glcal
grounds could require mltlgatl.n actl.n, that w..Id be I,ally restrlctiv, I. any re,Yoa— project
Center/Bad<.p 911 Dlsru ptl.n,W11d InfiastrucW re
W,ar,a,king1.,$25,000,000.00 F. be able t. r,pla ce col,aging fadllty with an adequate replacement
9/11/201914:17 Fr, Center FUWre Unfunded Project FIr,Wlnd (Building) Identlfled Funding S..rce 23,000,000.00 91
Fa11ur,S,a Level
Davin IT mg:The dty.f Mlan I .... kmgt.provId, bk,k,ppower f.,electrical systems In the b.1ldingwhichprovId, f.,computers,servers, HVAC Ilghtlng,eF1.Thl,building house, personnel from the Offic,.f
Davin Herdng Center Surg,Techn.l.glcal
FIT—nry Management&Homeland Security as w 111 as dlsast,, read[,,,, equipment(a maj.,Fy fwhich are UASI IFurchased).The I.atl.n I, all. d„Ign,dt. serveasa ba,k,p Emerg,nry Op,atl.n, Center and Is
5/12/202016:02 Po11e, Badk,p 6eneat., F,W re Unfunded Project Dlsru ptl.n,Wlnd Equipment Identlfled Fun ding Source 300,000.00 90
tal I. c.nUmlly.f.p,atf.,,.
C.mmunlcati.n1,vital f.,th...coes..f dty In r,,p.,df,g I. and. ... dlnatlng the eff.rI, fva,[... depa Ut—,t,and ag.nde,f.1l.wmga dla,t,r. Thedty wrrenFly does not haves,ff[, n red.ndanry deigned., bunt
adl. and t,l ec.mmunlatl.n ryste The Fy Is proposinga threea eve[approach t. ensure that It is able F. oral—, an eff,Nv, co r,u atl.n system f.1l.wmga dlsast,,. The firstlevel Is the use.f satellite
telephone, (such as rldIt m), whlch d. not requ Ire any gr.und based hc111tles. Each .f there ph....., communlate , th other Irldfur, phone, by u,mg only the atellft, system. Appr.x lmately 20.f these ph.... —uld
pr.vm, a basic[ eve[ .f cdtlal ,,,u,[atf...among the EOC fir,p.11ceand the 13 NET centers l.at,dthr.ugh.utth-Ty.Th,recond level.f bad<.p communlatl.nIst.acqulr,a temp.ary ad[. twer, such as the
Bad<up System f., Clty Technological
p.,D"k,trallers us,d F.11.wIgg Hurrlane Andr,wt. IS de lllular ph.nese'I"'thatan be deployed and„Wpwlthma hwh..r,.fa disasterand,.,Yore s.ore, If n. tm.st.f the apablIfty f the ad[. system. The
5/13/202019:31 Fr, C.m munIaf... Fu Wre Unfunded P,.j,ct Dl,ruptl.n Equipment I d,ntlfi,d Fun ding Source 26,000.00 89
fmal phase .0 I d IS, a more c.mpreh,nsIv pr.JeR thatw.0 Id badku p al l .f the commun[aU., apabll U,, n. a Ily ava Ila bl e I. the dty. f Mla m 1.
,Wmd,Sea Level
RI„Power l,fa,trucWre
St. ,,ate, Master Fallur,Health,Fl..d/St (Water/Sewer/Dralnag
Update the dty'., --ter master plant. mlUgate fio.ding and Improve damage
5/13/202017:5200 Plan Update J5%complete rm 9trg,0ther e) 8,751,134.74 89
Road and damage Infia,tructure Impr.vement,w111 be performed In the area bounded by the Mlan River, SW 9th StreetSEl,tAvenu, SW 12th Streetand SW 1st Curt At a mmlmum, me new damage fac tee mdude
Ma ry B,Ickell Village Infiastucw,e
.mbinat , ferflltrat., trenche,(French dam,), rt. sewer pipe, I.,g Fy conveyance, baffle,manh.le,, catch ba,[,,, cr.s, dal,,, —ale trenches, regadmg and re .ddl,g Swale areas. Mlscellan e_road
5/13/202017:1900 Dalnagelmpr.vement, C... trucU.,/Project B,gu, ,Flood (Roadway) dentlfied Funding S.urce 5,275,657.94 CJ 89
Imp___ 1,c ade but n.tl lmlted I.r.ad,,ay m111mg and re,unc�mg, ADA amps repal, damaged sld—alk,, curb and/.r guter,replacement.f damaged .,d1,figu red Uafficsfg,, and tree plantlng.
Brld<ell Bay Drive Unear
Pa rk and Seawall De sign ,FI..d,F1..d/5torm
DesignCrlteda Package f., Res111enry Sea Level Rl,k Mltlgatl.n at Brld:ell Bay Drive-(mclude,de,Ignf., rebulldmg seawall and creat.n.flmear park)
5/13/202018:3200 Crlterh Package Funding Applied for Surg,Sea Level Else Beach/Seawall 16,939,157.00 88
nceImprove Damage
and Outslde.f Prl.dty
Improve 501.atl.ns and perform reconstru N.n.fr.ad,,ay base and asphalt curbing, and st.--ter Inlets, as necessary, I. support the lnstallatl.n.f backf— -en —valves and., p.nding mltlgatl.n f., me Very
Pu bl lc Damage Baslns(Phase ,Flood/Storm Surg,`Sea InfastrucWre
P. roadway reconstru N.n effort,
10/1/201913:50 Works 1) Funding Secured Level Else (Roadway) 2,300,000.00 88
drywlde Outhl is (Water/Sewer/Dralnag North
The clry.f Mlaml has 300.uffallsthaCSYage control the am.unt.f runoff and p.IlutanCdlscharging Into adjacentwarer b.dles.Aker Hurrlane Katrina, the am.unt.f debrlstlushed Into the dalnagerystems have been
9/4/20199:15 1 1ng FUWre Unfunded Project FI..d e) dentlfied Funding S.urce 600,000.00 Blsayne Bay 88
mulcted lnslde there control structure boxes and ausing the headwater[. -Ire, therefore Increasing the llkellh..d.f streetfi..ding.These strucWres are being cleaned .n a yearly basis.
The tlry .f MIam1 has 25,000 Inlets and 1,800,000 Unear feet.f va,[.us plpeslze that requI,e deaning twice a year. Currently, In a normal year the Public Works Depa,tment Is able F, perform this deaning using their own
Clrywme Norm -South FI..d/Storm (Water/Sewer/Dralnag
fleet .f four Vac-tru d<sandals. by subcontracting this service H.w,v,r,thls task has been ma de even more dlff c It by the huge am.unt.f debris and leaves that g.t blown,., dalned lnslde the Inlets following Humane
9/4/20199:10 Storm Sewer deaning FUW re Unfu nded Project Surg,Fl..d e) dentlfied Funding S.urce 5,000,000.00 88
Kat Ina. deaning.f these Inlets and pipes is necessary t.malnt31n the c.nveyance.f the system and me level .f pr.tectl.n against Hooding.
Low power portable ad[. statl.ns would allow f., the transmission .f vital and Ume cdtlal Inf.rmatl.n I. the pu b11c. These unit, are small trailer unit, slmlla, td those used I. provide Inf.rmatl.n. I. m.-Ists ab.uta
variety .f topics, such as alrp.rt lnf.rmatlro .n, adwcotr ay nsuctl.n ,amings, parks and rec,eatf.n Inf.rmatl.n, etc. They havea short a nge (approximately three m11,s In most arcs) and an be set up quickly. The unit,
would be used thr.ugh.uta disaster. Intlally, theyw.uld be used during evacuat.ns I. provide Inf.rmatl.n ab.utUaffic route,, b1.d<ed roadways and other key Inf.rmatl.n. Following a disaster, these unit, could be
used In c.hunctl.n with MIam1's NET Centers and br.adast Inf.rmat.n about me I.atl.ns.f food and medical centers, Ice dlstrmutl.n centers, and other cdtlal Inf.rmat.n wlm.utthe delays associated with other
Low Power Portable C.mmunlatl.ns
medh. An.tter benefltls that this Inf.rmatl.n an be speckIcally targeted I. the I.al people (ego, those-Fln a single NET service area) and not the entlre regl.n. The m.blle ad[. statl.ns also could be used I. provide
8/28/201913:35 Fire Radl. Statl.ns FUWre Unfu nded Project Fallure Equipment dentlfied Funding S.urce 0.00 88
Inf.rmatl.nabout hazardous materhl spills,.the, p.11ce.r fire emergendes, and spedal events. The cFy fMhml proposes[. acquireseven.f these unfit, F. properly cove, the tlry.
f employees being away from HIP,[, fi-1111,_ -d loved on . . 1, a Ithat adIy Of—, the dy', abffty t. ,,p.,d d, Ig a dl_E l,pI.y'j.b f-, may
_d _1.....y elect t. —1, —h ttef, fi—Ife, --d f responding t. ty need,. 0--y t. .I,e thl, problem 11 t. 11-
,....[beta thl, dhelte, pe,fff,klly dedf—ed t. ty pe,,.,,el
andtheftfi-- 11Thl,ld help e the ty', —-- e-ge-ykthat thef, fi—Ife, ,fll be 0e during a df,—, -d 0them td --- on p ,, dmg ee,tfkl e,,f,e,. A, I,- f thf, t, 1e,the dry would
dt.,�dhel., f
... d,,t study t. de eme the b—l—R., f., such a shelter, whether .,e e helte, ., —IRple -Ile, helte,, should be ,--d, IT there I ane.fltflg f-fIfty (., —ItIple fi,dIP—) that .,Id —et these
,f,,d w,e
eq,I,e,e-d e,Rt,d t. Re,.,,,e,-d e,,Ie, needed rd,de Oey -d e Iy, df,I efood -d lodging, -d Te Wdy a1. d -me 6e effect f th,e dedf-ed
5/13/202019:34 FI,e
F e Unfunded Protect All Hazards ��mg) de,ttled Funding Source e 750,000.00 86
shelte,,onthe Ie, shel., defidt that 1 th—gh.—I-1 Dade County.
Re ... t,,,t "Ve, Poor"
t, f ,,W,e
Re .... t 3.7 f roads fle, ty,,lde In theVe,y P.., y thatfikll ,lde of the p,[.,Ity d,basins
5/13/2020 18:00 OCI
Rd'd' C "t de
25% d—plete FI..d(Roadway) Rdy) 7,590,182.00 86
Surge Health, " -el
Fae, ,Se ... fly
S,,ge,Te,h,.I.gf,kl I,fe
B,Ildanew ff,e,tntf.,fael[Lytenhance ,ity',response pre ftIg—, and d,,I,g —e-g-, event,
10/3/2019 11:58 QCI
New Ff,, S-I., 111ty
F-e Unfunded Project Dlsru ptf.,,Wf,d (B,fldf,g) lool000l000.") 86
This 1 et,,, e d Improve e, , replace seawalls oared fifteencity owned k' "d "'e' P' bpe,tle, aloBiscBiscayne - 31yBay andthe MI-1 River. Thee11, c-— fly 1, fi,f, t. p.., dIdFO
.f the seawalls _ , d resultof C, proper— ea ed
e" t , the " ty, t. —l-by It"Cte, --- d Increase In safety P,d, All of the affected seawalls are —de of concrete. The pecIfic de,fg, of seawalls to be replaced
been dete-med, although It is Ilkely that b.,Ide,, -d 1 p would t. ld be c,ded serve a, A,baffle,.l baffle,. The �areas
, In greatestneed f,e,f ' -d Improvement — 6te e— Mace. . Park, LeA,.,
Pa_.t " Pa k, B..d Park,dPO.—Ok. In addf tothe ctyk, two other areas owned by the cHy of MI-1 containc.,C,ete ,e_aI,thHheefi,IIP,g,eI,p... dIR.,.The,eI.... are .,
the north sld e f the Florida E-C.- (FEC) Railroad b-t Pp andthe BIce,tekI Ce,te, I , —1—H., "Ith the p, - pded ekllteb a cemt -d --e-, — cHy —ed boat ramps( ttheWt"I'I"d
Marina -dth Seminole boat ramp In C....t b e) eed t. be Improved t. 0— faster removal of boat, In 6e ,e'tbfa mal., ',ddR ,the5tadf—Ma,I needs dock, that would ,,,e a, a staging area
Replace -d Improve
,h eb — t the[, ... . bere—ed from the water. Both t. thee ... — It reduce the — ... t f damage not only t. 6e L.- left In the water, but also t. cHy —ed t,,c,,e-d p-l— property that -Id
Cfly —ed Seawalls
F-e Unfunded Project Flood/Storm Surge Beach/Seawall de,tted Funding S...e 15,000,000.00 DA 1 .6
_�tLt.- being U.— Inland.
,f t,cw,e
Cy_, Hole
d,FI..d/St �W .,/S—e,/ aIg
There are t,g e, hole d te— that d. not —ply with current CH, Stda,d, -d State 31M.— The CH, f MI-1 is eekf,g funding to replace the — c—plWmt te—Ith drainage
F e U,f,,ded P,dject Surge e) de,ttled Funding Source 2,500,000.00 86
mf—t—t— t. add-, fl..df,g concerns -d reduce maintenance cost,.
- cl,Ide
F -d/D--ge
MfRg tl
lg�f .,e, 100
— k,
Fl..d,Fl..d/St I,fc,e
S-e,- -el (W/S—e/Ig
Thl, project
is f., nelghborhood daIge t, djelth—gh— the CH, of MI-1. The c,,,e,tlf,t Ind -de, 148 project, for 1, -fl—ted c.,t.f $6 1111— The avengedjelt cost I,approxl—tely $40k. dMd-I project,9/4/2019
9:01 Works L.-I...
F-e U,f,,ded ProjectRI,e,St Surge e) de,ttled Funding Source 6,000,000.00 86
—ge ft— $20k tb $200k
Thl, project is a dy t. Inve,tlgate A,— to best preserve 6te cty', HkI records d the, document, h �I Hy The cPa, been T-c. approximately 1,300 boxes f records In the b--t f
— the MI1 ItyOan flooding tta , 700 b. e, a etPavinghavedy Pbeen - ed -- tp, t—ge 1, the C.c ... t Grove C ... e,R., Ce,te, approximately Lt b,t 600 .— tll
P, �,th�t 1, subject t. ..df,g d,,I,g a 1 ... More
'ee d to b ecZLt ,ed. All f the .— t. need be I--l-
eled forvital c. kI e,d, (I.e., th _'elated td b,,I,e,, c—l-ty), ec.,d, f PIN-Ical ., archival al,e, a,d f,actf,e ec.,d,. The cHy already ha, de,ttled a, .-Ide
t. p stooge ge f., mctl a,e ec.,d, that an be dl,p.,ed f .,ce aeq,[,ed P.Idmg - mete has been The cHy e—dt ate, at app two c. T,ately . to three percentof the Rmg e,d, Mt. I need be
Protect Vital CH,
'eta , ed In a t, c,,Bl 'ed e,, Ie,t,,he,etel,pe,ae and PIdIty a,e —f-ed a,d,,he,e eHy fthe d.c—e-ca, be a Th ed.ep,.p.,ed -— dyld de,tty the —c, be, f,,e,ta,d furorerecord,
5/13/2020 19:22 Clerk
All Hazards Other de,ttled Funding Source 60,000.00 DA 1 85
that need to be protected In a, e---t, 1tally c.,.l ed area, a Itemat-, f., provldmg the needed -,age, and 6te -1—ted t.
P, 11c Works
Currently, vital -I, (I.e. chain —, cutter,, etc.) and personnel are housed In portable k alle- —cy D,,I,g a, e-ge,ft,atf.,, these trailers are not being used f., b,f .... afety reason. A, a result the depal-t—t', ff,,t
9/4/2019 9:14
F-e Unfunded Project ,Other (B,Ildf,g) de,ttled Fun ding Source 8,000,000.00 C7 85
response crews wait at h—e 11 the —e-g-, , It,atf., 1, fted. A h ... Ica,e p,..f faclIfty would all— Public Works to havethe —, available ., board right after a, e—g-, C.,dftf.,.
Water -filled barriers that an be ,ed f., dry fl..dp,..fl,g d,,I,g expected flooding event, and f., —d barriers d,,I,g special event. Thl, project is f., 2 t,alle,, with —HY h the mtehat.Ill be ,ed at CHall d,,I,g
known fl..df,g event,.
ever changing climate that brings about ea I—If-f,e and Increased Hooding t. the CH, of MI-1. Tiger Da,, Systems provides E�
We are p,.p.,I,g the p,,cha,e of,ftal equipment to be able to adaptt. the,ge
... ,f a ,
M aage,, a a abl e 1 t. be abl e to f,e a, d IRgate the p.te,tfal cata .phIc I .,,e, t. c-ItIca I f,f,a,t,, C-e d, e t. . .dg and ea1 1 I,e. 0 e f the main fi, —/'e f Egecy
m a _ aget the M Rg aprocess and we be f� e by having Tiger Da,, Systems, ca e, ——tf gate p.teI I.,,e,by p,e,e,,g th—ate, t. cl-Rical ,Ildmg. been that a ca t,
,eap $4 dollars f p.tetfal saving he, dl,a,te,, t,fke (MM.). The Tiger Da,'" f ,ed t, create dike,,ct protect f,f,a,t,,ct,,e, divert river flow, keep open ,d p-ecte—,tal,t[Ifte Ig a — a
c_ l, roads
Tiger Da, 'D'y
Port of the, applIcatf.— The ap d depl.y—t ,, teIs both lab., and energy e� f1cle 't a, a, eI,e,.IIy friendly when compared t. sandbags.
F1. dp'..I'g , Road
A, we co Rme t. -and ... E—g-, Ma,age,,e,tp,.g,a we are constantly taty 1,,kflg t, assure , p e, provide the needed e,,Ict. 6te CIRIell f the CH, f MI—1. We feel strongly dtat being able t. Hgate
we an5/13/2020
19:35 FI,e
F e Unfunded Project S,,ge,Sec,,Ity Breach Equipment de,ttled Funding Source 409,000.00 84
t. 'e 't a,c,
1 ... e is a very tort effectf,e altematf- to have to rebuild, ef,,bl,h a,d/., try c,eate h I—.
jectf, a
Thl, —
f — ,,that c., the be ,ed t. protect e beach and ed,ce the I- f and fromfromVf,gf,fa KKeyHy Beach. The cbf Mf—f owns approximately 2 acre, f ocean front beach . Vf,gf,fa KReduceSt,dy,
t. Red,E I.,
one is" currentlypa,f a beach Improvement plantha-Ill Include Imp-mgsand tothe area. The cHy ec.g,[,e, that f,h.,eg,, (c .... gated tee p Ile, d,[,e, mto the cea,
p p T,ately ,e , Ile I.The beach area
5/13/2020 18:16 Parks
_ Vf,gf,fa Key Beach
Funding Se—ed All Hazards Beach/Se—all de,ttled Funding Source 75,000.00 Blayne Bay 84
floor) have been with 1, other areas h only Ill,fted " cce The cl hy is eekf,g a .I , R., that ,111 help ,d, c, a,d I... ,P11 e al lowing f., maxim -cop- bl lc eq. e, t f the beach.
Jose M a, t Pak Flood
Se—all/31--al k d"dy and Design f., 11le ea level risk —gatlo, at Jose Park -to serve a, standard f., I,e,,Id projects. Se —all eb, IdIng to all— a, mc,ea,ed height In c—pIla,ce f., ty code and
Mftfgatf., Stdy'
ed,ce ... ge f .df,g. Rete,tf., and damage design to all— park t. —date Increased -1—e f elated ,ate, and 0— flood control and HIgate pdte,tfaI damage Impact to ....... dl,g
Design, and
FI..d,FI..d/St Wa.,/S—e,/D,al,ag
5/13/2020 17:03 OCI
C ... k , CH.,
50% c—plete S,,ge,Sea -el Rf,e e) 10,000,000.00 84
, Basin .06:
S �.
�,,,a a�ee �
S , D-nage
S.,ateDamage Improvement, In Ba,ln, deffned In the CHy', 2012 St. —ate, Master Plan. Work Ind -de, the de,Ign and c.n,t,,ctf.n a n— 1--, —— atenagent ,, teto address flooding and p-ectIffe and
9/24/2019 11:42 OCI
Unfunded Project Fl..d,5ea Level RI,e e) 5,046,900.00 84
St. —ate, Ba,ln CC7 S
25 Std, "ate'
S —ate, Damage I— —ent, In Ba,ln, deffned In the CHy', 2012 St. —ate, Master Plan. Work Incl,de,the de,Ign and c.n,t,,ctf.n a ne—t.—ate, —nag—ent,t— to address flooding and p-ectIffe and
9/24/2019 11:42 OCI
D,afnage —ent,
F,W,eUnf,ndedP,.Iect Fl..d,Sea Level RI,e e 10,405,091.13 84
St.—ate, Ba,ln CC7 S
24 Storm
DamageS��ateDamage Improvements— In Ba,ln, defined In the CHy', 2012 St.ate, Master Plan. Work Incl,de,the de,Ign and c———management — floodingt—Ron a net.ate,tt. address flooding and protect)..e and
9/24/2019 11:34 OCI
D afnag7ept.,e,, ent,
F e Unfunded Project Fl..d,Sea Level RI,e e) 8,484,355.00 84
oPe,, .
St,mwate, Basin CC6-
N-12: Sto,mwater
St --,Damage Improvements In Basins defined In the CIty's 2012 St ---Master Plan. Work mdude. the design and mnstru Non a new stormwater managemenisystem to address Hooding and p,otectllfe and
Damageprovement F,W,eUnfunded P,.I,,t
,Flood,Sea Level R ire e) 25,202,708.00 84
During emergenry slWatlons, It Isvery dlfflcult to effld-ty track Pu bllc Works eq ulpment and dl,ect their op—trs to the disaster area most In need. Asa resu It come disaster areas are not being addressed In a tlm lly
Vehlde Tacking Devices FuW re Unfunded P,.I,,t
All Hazards Equlpment Identlfled Funding Source 250,000.00 83
era Asotutlon to these defld...d,,111 be to Install vehide traddng devices which will relay theirposltlon I. the emergenry op—tl—center. Thiswould al low the m ore tlmely and effldentdlspatch of eq ulpment.
Roadway and Damage Improvements Involves roadway remnstru Non and/o, mng & resu rhdng, damage Improvement, damaged sidewalk replacement repair of driveway approaches, .wale restoa Oon, striping,
South Baysho,e
InfiastrucW re
slgnage and ADA a cops. MDWASD D esign and C...T 1.1 IPA. Thesemnd pha Istlm mnstruNon of tlm stormwater pump st R—Thesmp, ofwork may besubj,,t to change based on sub,,q...tengineering
Lane/F.I, I —Street
,Storm Sur ,.Level (Water/Sewer/Dralnag
(Eastand Wert) ConstruNon/Protect Btgun
Rlse Flood e) 4,944,615.38 82
Armbrlster Park
Communlry Center
Design for new community cen ter. Thlspa,k,111rerveasa resIf—, h,b In the fut—. Thls funding is for design only. Will need to seek funding for constru Non.
Design OUT,,
,Wind (Building) 780,000.00 82
MIa m1 Police
Departlnent Central
The Clry of Mlaml Is reeking funding to harden the roof of It poll,, headquarters building. The headquarters building which Is 5 stories In height and approximately —,000 square fee[ houses the 911 all center for both
Headquarters Roof
police a nd fire an Emergenry Opeatlons Center, all adminlstrative offices of the poll,, depaUt—t, Induding the offf,e of the Chief of Po11ce and the Deputy and Assistant Chlefs, C-Ime Scene I....Rgatlons, a compute,
Hardening Hellpad
InfiastrucW reHand_'
and nu merous other Crltlal f...—s. A direct hit by a hurrlane or strong windstorm could ausese,I... damage to the building and Its content and render Ihls 31 million dollar building a nuseable The roof
5/13/202019:39 Poll,, Protect Constr11R.1/PI.j11tBt 1
,Othef (Bullding) Identlfled Funding Sour,, 1,600,000.00 C6 81
of the PoIlee hadqua,te,ss,rvZadual funNon ofpmteNng the bulldmg andserving as a Hellpad for multlagenry first responders 1, the —It of a disc-1.
The CH, of Mlaml seeks I. bu Ild a network (8 fadlltles) of—111.... Hubs atstrateglcallysaI acted Cltµowned pmpe,tle. to prepare our communitles for dlmate change Impact and ac,,leate recovery after dls,uptlons
such as hu,,lanes. Res111ence Hubs are nelghbo,hoods—,g Convening centers that operate year round but are e'p,'I l y e.sen0al port-dlart,,. They will serve.. central point of Informatlon, resource dlstrlbu0on
(PODS)and refuge I., CH, mnstlWants beforeand aftera disaster event butalm provide ou r m nstftu .with pmgamming,sodal services, and amenitles thatam m.ne.t them to..... it.opp.,Wnlry and enhance
publ, heald, and safety.
N of only does the CH, of Mlaml plan to storm -harden these fadlltles, they also plan to ensure they an power themselves I., up to J2 hours and Install other enhancement I. meet community needs. These upgades may
dude: Improved ADA a¢esslbll lty; elevated on-sitegeneat,; solar panels and battery stooge; short and long-term stooge space; retigeat ,;expanded WIFI apabllltles; and charging statlons. Many Cty of Mlaml
fadlltles are already wellknown and wellutlllzed among constl W ent and we hope I. contlnue and grow m mmunitygovezent pa,me,shlps via Redllence Hubs. The Cty will partner with 1-al non-profit m pmvlde
supplemental pmga—mg su ch as flnandal theory training, ad..ary p,oga—,, energy efflclen, eduat.n; as well as connect mnstltrients to disaster mHgaR.n resources and serve as a loatlons I., CERT teams to
Ifal.e wlrh CHy staff.
Cu„ent parks under .ns[deatlon:
TIER 1 (priority):
1. Shades Hadley
2.Iose Ma,tl
3. Shenandoah
TI ERS land 3:
-1 le Haiti
6.Douglas Park
J. West End
Surge Power
8.6apeland Heights
Reslllen b Hubs
F2eeSea Level Infastru,W,e
5/13/202018:10 Parks
Network Funding Applied I.,
Rlse,Sto,m Surge,Wlnd (Bullding) 10,000,000.00 81
Tle,I(Assessment, Dedgn,Const,uNon)$4M;T1e,s land 3(SWdy, Design, Const,uNon)$6M
Fl,e Fadlltles Reslllenry
Maste, plan / site plan, —rep W al design, and due d1111gence studies I., repla—ent.f FI,e Statlon #10 at 4101 NW Jth ST.
P,.Ie,t(FSIO)-Design P,.jectln Planning Stage
,Other Otte, 13,650,792.00 81
Seawall rebulldIng I.allow an Increased helghtln compliance I., dty code and reduce st,m surge flooding.Retentlon and drainage design to allow park to a¢ommodate Increased volume of storm. related water and allow
flood control and mltlgate potentlal damage Impacttb su„oundIng nelghbo,hood. There Is currently no pub 1 1, —ess It Blsayne Bay. This p,.1ect also proposes a p,.tective Baywalk ertenslon Ih. twill help to attenuate
,Flood,Flood/Storm Infast--e
surge, and king It—Thlswalkw111 al.servea mc,aR.nalpu,powand,,111provldewate,amesstothepubllc atasa Salt plants servenu,tat banhabland,111 also help I. stabilize the
B,I,kell P,esbyte,lan
Surge,Sea Level (Water/Sewer/Dalnag
sho,ellne In theofaceof,Ising sea levels.
Church Publl, Baywalk J5%complete
Rlse,Sto,m Surge e) 1,600,000.00 81
Douglas Park
Thls pmle-111 provide damage Improvements I., the a,ea bordered by US1, SW 22nd Street, SW 32Ih Avenue and SW 37Ih Avenue. The new damage fadlltlesw111 Include but may not be limped I. a mmbinatlon of er
N elghbo,hood Damage
,Flood,Flood/Storm (Water/Sewer/Dalnag
HItad.n darns, deep damage wells, and storm water pump statlon(s). Road Improvement lndudem 11lIng and resurfadng, remrutruc0on,new o, repair sidewalks, curb and gutter, ADA a cop. regade o, re .ddfng
Improvements FUW re Unfunded-1—
Surge e) dentlfled Funding Sou„ 2,000,000.00 DA-1 81
swalea,eas, epal, o, repla,ed—agedo,dlsflgu,ed'trzfflcslgns. and Ueeplantngs.
St.,mwater Basin CC-
IN 7Stormwate,
St. —ate, Dalnage Improvement In Basins defined In the CIty's 2012 St. —ate, Maste, Plan. Work Indudes the design and mnstruNon a new St. —ate, management system to address flooding and p,otectllfe and
9/24/201911:33 OO
D alnage Improvements F—e Unfunded P,.Iect
,Fl..d,Sea Level Else e) 23,704,533.00 80
Sto,mw.te, Basin CC-
IN IStr —e,
St. —ate, Damage Improvement In Basins defined In the CIty's 2012 St. —ate, Maste, Plan. Work Indudesthe design and mnstru Non a newsto,mwate,managementsystem to address flooding and p,otectllfe and
D afnagell,provements F—eUnfunded P,.Iect
,Fl..d,Sea Level Else e) 13,949,842.00 80
Planning w111 submlta proposal under the Coastal PaUtne,shlp Initlative for a Vlrglnla Key master plan. That plan ,111 Indude provlslons for restd,fng natual Rdal actlon near the hIs-I, Afrlan Ame,lan beach. Such
ould contribute towards. _.,at on of beach emslon. The plan rem nf,es the Importance of naWal plant mmmunitles and habitats and the Idle each play In stab111zing the m11 I., Ihls natual ba„ IeT Island.
As stated In the proposal: The pmces of a new master plan, taking Into account the entl,e Island, ,h1le Induding all stake holders and the public w111 allow for a mmp,ehenslve p—es to add,essa very complex bade,
Maste, Plan. I., Virginia
Island. The plan,blCh lndudes economic, envlmnmental, a,,hlteCWal,design, traffl4 and landsaping c,Ite,la w111 glue the new masterplanconcrete proposals W Insure sound land use decision I., this unique
Key FUW re Unfunded P,.Iect
All Hazards Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding Sou„ 550,000.00 Blsayne Bay 79
unln hablted bade, Island.
The South -North path and greatslze of Hurrlanelrma erposedth,v,I,eabll I of the supply Chain In Florida. FIT— e„ys,ppl IF, were being staged I—AdaI.,how,v,r,th, pa tb of Irma brought It over South Florida
and evenWally ro Atlantaasa troplcal depress ion. Due the storms rou te,,n,r supplies m ind not leave Atlanta, 11 after thestorm passed tlT full-length of Florida,then Atlanta, which added days to the dellvery.
Delays emphasized the need for the CIL, of Mlanl to be nor,sdfYdl-t.
The product is the EV ARC. htys://www.envlslonsolar.Com/evert/--/
This is a movable s—Wr, ,hI,ha, be deployed as,,,d,dtoW,ctlo, In place of,orr,d,c, demand on, gas or diesel- fired genera mrs during emergencies. Thesolargene.—,, would belocated at dispersed dty
an fadlltles during nonremergenry If— In y parking tot and meld provide power to thosefadlltles throughout their Ilf,spa,.
Price [,dudes:
a.40 generators (Estimated Cost $2,874,900)
b -$65k /unit (final „It msts, bj,ct to negotiation and size of order)
c-$2k / „It for r,novableanchor Installations dispersed locations m resist, plIF.
d -$5k /unit for electrical mnnectio,s atdlsp,rsed locations to power adJa,,,ifadllties.
e.Generators areer peeredto prod uce$60-80k— tb o f el ectrldty over a typ[ca 120 year pan el service period, so tb Is potential for a,tga— Illespa, costrath,, than namte,a„cost
A portable solar geneat., has benefits over dles,l geneators.
1.No fuel r,,,f,,d.
2 Less Iar
rtg, na1,@,a,c,.
3.May be grldmnneRed ro reduce or eliminate demand for diesel generators atbulldings.
4.A-d the ongoing nal,t„a,c, Issues of dles,l geneato rs which need to be p,rlodlcally operated
Surge Power
S. May be used F. charg,a IS,IIdmg or v,hld,s, d,p„dl,g on which has tlT, grea ter need.
Plannl P. tabl—lax Fall,reTechnologlcal
6.Solar gem may IS,—d atsts with llm[ted spacewhI,h wo uld m ake CO emiss[ons from d[esel geneaors dangerous.
5/12/202015:22 ng G,n,ators FUW re Unfunded P,.I,ct Dlsr,ptlon,Wlnd Eq,lpment Identlfled F, nding Source 2,874,900.00 79
7 SII,nt operation
Acq,Ir, Portable Pumps ( Water/Sewer/Dralnag
Trzll,rmo,nt,d portable pumps are needed to remove floodwaters during and after nal., storms. The Clty's P,b11c Works D,pal-t—nthas recently acq,[,,d four (4) portable trailer mounted pumps (61nch s,Ctlon plp,).
9/4/201910:07 and G,n,ators 50%complete Flood/Storm S,rg, e) Identlfled F,nding Source 70,000.00 79
In addltlon portable generators are needed to supply power to —Is that a,, red In a variety o f app11a0or1s following a dlastr. The dty has Identlfled a need for six of there portable genearors.
Old, of MIan1-Solld
Waste Bull ding
Thlswlnd retrofltproJeciwlll Include: obtaining a st— al ad,q,ary reportfromaqualified registered Professional Engineer for tlTeSolid Waste Maln and Shop Bullding bated at1290 N.W. 20th Street Mlaml, FL33142;
Solld Window/Doors
replace,„tof th,roof, Installing approx lnat,ly 3,200 square f„tof ®Sure Guard Plus 200®Window Sewrlty Barrier System farall erlstlng glasswlndows; replacementof[wo (2)Solld Sving-0utMetal Doorsatthe
8/27/201913:57 Waste Hardening P,.I,ct Const,,Ctlon/P,.I,ct Btg„ ,Wind Other Identlfled F,nding Source 421,100.00 C6 79
Maln Bullding and(2)Solld S,IngO,t Metal Doors atth,STop Bullding; an ACmrdlon sh,tterat the ent,an,, ftlTe Maln Bullding;�nd 0e downs for roof eq,Ipment at both buildings.
A[Vlrglnla Key,aportlonofthesmp, ofwork In a Coastal Pa,tn,rshlp Initlativ, proposal ,111 Ind,d, natrial,roslon IS ntlon/nitlgatlon by r,pla,fng-1,st ith,ad-spedesalong the mangrove hannod< area. These
R,stoatlon of Nad- South
especles have rootsystens thatstab111z,d tlTesoll In tlT, uplandsand,tnt-d—reducing beach eroslon.Th,p,.I,ctInd,desoth,,d—nts not related to LMS b,t at last$75,000 In hard-msts aswell as volunteer
5/13/202018:15 Parks. $m[es F,nding S,c,r,d Flood/Storm S,rg, Other Identlfled F,nding Source 75,000.00 Blsayne Bay J8
ew111bea11oatedtoerotlC removal.
The first Hoorofthe main Po11c,Bullding(Ioat,d at 400 NW 2nd Street)Is belowgad, and Is--tybeing used ro storether,mrds,property,and evidence for thedty of Mlan1. Th,s,ltensm ustbe Ina
InfastrucW re
to preventlnproperacces wh11,allowing,re by po11c, for ongoing Inv,stlgatlons. The proposed n ltlgatlo, p,.I,ct would IS n-ater from entering tlT, first Hoor and IF— d,a water removal system to
Hood-0roof First Floor (Water/Sewer/Dralnag
protectth,b,llding from fiooding. The protect would Ind,delnstallatlon of floodgatesthatwo,ld b,p,tlnto pla,ed,ring high ,fsk p,rlodsfor fiooding. Thlswo,ld notonly prot,,tvltal poll.eremrds, b,two,Id ensure
9/4/2019924 of Malt Poll,,Bullding F,Wr, UnW nd,d P,.I,ct ,Flood e) Identlfled Funding Source g50,000.00 J8
the mntlnuous opeatlon of this crltlal fadllty b.tbd,ringth, disaster and d,ringth,r,sp.ns, and recovery phase of the disaster.
Clk-ld, Non -Standard Infastr,CWre
D alnag, System (Water/Sewer/Dralnag North
There a,, tng slabmvered trench, o p,n Joint plpes, and oth—that are lneff,,t,, and do notmmply with c,,,,nt OF,Standards. The Clty of M1am11s reekingfunding torepla,,tb, outdated systems with appmprlate
9/4/20199:09 Improvements P,W re Unf,nd,d P,.I,ct Flood ,) Identlfled F,nding Sour,, 3,000,000.00 Blsayne Bay 78
dafnag,Infast—t... F. adders fioodlng concerns and red„ nalnt,nanc, costs.
Many st tends Inthe Clof Mlaml arevulneable Co storm su rgeand king tide fioodlng. This p,.!,ctIsto Improvestreetendswith highers,awalls Inthe dty of Mlanl and potentlally design fib—s—alls Co serve dual
uses, such as baywalk/sea wall conblnatlons, as done In the N,th,rlands. tIsa high prlorlty duetotlT,mns,q„n,,ofthe hazard this p,.j,ctaddr,ss,s, storm surge
Coastalfiooding as a resultof H,rrlan, Irma was o- nslv,wlihlnthe dty of Mlan1.The following Is an exampleofa p,.I,ctthatwo,Id be funded with thlsp,.j,ct
•Edg,wat,r Is a high pop, lation density neighborhood on the .asin.Ttb of downtown
•Edgewater Is In evacuation zone C, and Is notmnsldered ro IS Ineabl,ro high storm s, rg, based on awent modeling.
•Based on Initial st,dl,s, flooding In Edgewa....... d,d pr,dlct,d levels by 2A' which daatmaa ged ,s and made It, ll dings Inam,sslble
•Much of tlT, storm surge entered the neighborhood v[a p,bllcrlght-of, way street ends thterminate atBlsayne Bay.
•As this neighborhood Is very l— ying on tlT, eastb,t,fs,sup[otb-fland,Coastal Rldg, I. th, west It collects ral—ate, and Is v,I,eabl,rofloodingfrom tlT, mmbination of kingtid,s and rainfall. Streetswithlow-
lying outlets are particu Ia,ly v,In,abl,.
•The dry would Ilk, to make Improvements F. the street ends In order F.make fib— Inv,I,eabl, F.King Tld,s and more —Is ta, t to storm s, rg,.
•35th street at the northerm end of the n,Ighborhood Is a ,ld,,cul-d,sa, and does no C have building ent,an,,s or drlveways near the water, ensuring that tb Is room for Improvements with I Itt1, r,g,latoryconflict
-An era mple proJec —ld Ind,d, the Improv,m,ntof the following:
o Seawall
od'a nag stru cW res
nce&S * St eetend ,Flood,Flood/Storm
oA baywalk allowing IS dest lan amess F.the N.Ttb, South, and West F, the bay
In mprovements and S, Sea Level Infastr,CWre
oA stormwa ter retentio ...essing green Infast cW re elementto reduce Flooding ass -dated wIth raln and scorns
8/29/201914:16 ally Baywalks FUW re Unfunded Protect Rlse,Srn Surge (Roadway) dentlfied F,nding SS,rc, 2,544,000.00 78
The MIan1 Flre Departrnent provides ongoing E.M.S., fire s,ppresslon and fire preventlon services F. our 362,470 residents and the 480,000 Indlvldualswho traverse o,, dty daily. Mostof these services begin with a all ro
and responseI_one of 14 fire statlons. The Impart of a h, mane could severely damage flre statlons as well as the o- ensive appaa W s that Is housed wlIb n these staff s. Some flre statlons are more vulnerable than
others; therefore tlT,y are more sus ept bl e to Impending h,rrlane damages. To nitlgate these Impending h,rrlane damages, the:dty of MlamI Flre Re—e Departrnent proposes a h,rrlane hardening protect to protect
Fall, reTe,hnolog[cal Inf', trd-Wre
key statlon andfadlltles.Thls p,.IectInd,desthe lnstallatlon of MI --Dade Co,,tyh,rrlane-deapproved,perfoated, stainlessteel h,rrlane Fame,,,e.g., Exeter Storm Shleld or better and the lnstallatlon of
8/28/201913:38 fire Statlon Hardening F,nding Se cured Dlsr,ptlon (Bullding) dentlfied Funding Source 144,000.00 78
geneators at st ns. This p,.Iectalsolncl,desthe lnstallatlonof—generators atthe FlreTalning Center/dty Ba,k,p 911 Cente,
S,d Handheld Radios for ,Technological
5/20/20201J44 Waste Sslld Waste F,nding Se cured Dlsr,ptlon Eq,Ipnent dentlfied Funding Source 979,860.00 C6 JJ
150 Radios for use by Sslld Waste There adios would be able to a t111ze police/fire towers. The adl.sw-ld beused by Solid Waste to Comm,nlate post disaster d,ring,nergen, prote,tive measures.
Spring Gard en Park ,Flood/Storm Surge Sa
Shoreline Concrete Bulkhead replacement of approx lnately 315 Feet along S,ybold Canal. Const--of a Kayak Rampa -d,shoreline ofthe park alongthe Mlan1 River. Add north stgnent replacement+/-60 LF
5/13/20201—OCI SeawaI l and Kayak Const—R.n/P,.jectBtg,n Level Rlse,Health Beach/Seawall 2,587,000.00 77
Th1. prolotwl I provide damage Mprovemen W a- the area bord... d by US 1, SW 22nd St,„t SW 16th Avenue and SW 27th Avent.. Th, new damage ad,IR,, Ml matte but may not IS,IImlt,d t. a mmbmatlon of
Silver Bluff Damage
erfll Patlo n dams, deep damage wells, and .ro water pump statlon(,). Road Improvements ndid, mllling and rest-fzdng,roonstuNon, new or repairsldewalk,, wrb and gtut,-, ADA amps, -egad, or re.ddfng
F,W-, Unfunded P-ol.,t Surge Other Identlfled Funding Sot-ce 2,000,000.00 RA JJ
walearas repair or replace damaged or dl.flg t-.d taffl,slgn., and tree Iantng,.
Theftyof,MIam1, -,ntlydoes not haven backup om pu ter for memalnfam,thatp-ovldes,o-,ary....I... thedtyonday-t. day basis. Loss ofthe computer cent,,atthe MIam1Rlve-slde Cent,-buildingwouldaff—
Ba,k,p for Essentlal
the Ly', ablllty to-espond to and -emverfromadlsast,,byp-,ventlng ao.ss to c-Itlalfun,tlon..0 ch as pay-.,,, pi-cha.Ing, fl-,and police records, and other essentlal fry.,,.Ices. A new backup omptt,, system is
T echn
dry Malnfame
needed to allow crltlalfun,tlon, t. be quickly rest...d and allow m,clty to .nt[n,, op,aR.ns hII, the main system 1,-eloat,d o-repaired. The new omptt,,, t.IS, Installed In the ty', ,-glory op,atlon, cent,,,
8/27/201913:51 .logy
Ft n,tlon.
F,W-, Unfu nd.d P-ol,R Dlsruptlon Egtlpm,nt I dentlfled Ft nding Sot-ce 1,000,000.00 C6 JJ
would rep, late esrentlal fun,tlon..t--enfly performed on m, dty', pdmary maInf—,e put,,, bitwotld no IS Id, a,lof the function. needed by the dty.
Street Sveeping
Thecfly ently has minima, staff and egtlpmentasslgned to sweep streets so as to minimize b,od:age of storm dams. This p-ole,tlnatde.meacgtlsltlon of fiveaddition,pleces of egtlpment one yea - of egtipment
Progam lm prov,ment
Ft eUnfunded P-ole,t A„Ha,a-d. Egtlpment dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 900,000.00 J6
e, tipping fees and the Mang of equipment peators. Street sweeping progamwou Id be.nd,,ted LmIdeon a syst,matl4 p-ogammed basis.
N.W. J1st StreetMaln
Thl.p,.Ie,tw1,I provide posltive da In age for N Jl.t Street between N 717 Avenu e and Mlam l Avenu e and also providea-e,lef yttemand.,allow,onne,tlon fo,the Ub,,ty, Falrway, and No omwesism-m sewer dl.mR
Trunk Storm Sewer
(Water/Sew,,/DLaing North
prole,t This p-oJe,t 1,a re, ,,endaR.n of the Storm Damage Mate -Plan. The trunk main wl„be.n,trt Red In N.JlsCSt eetro elm,,N. MIaml Avenue. -NE Ind Avenueatwhmh point themainwlllbeo- tended north
FUW re Unfunded Prole,[ Flood/Storm Surge a) dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 7,500,000.00 Blsayne Bay 76
to the Utfle Rlve-Cana,.
Thesopeof work .n,[,, of furnlshing all mat,,lals,labor,and equipment necessary to design and constrict damage and road Improvements at needed Ioatlons v,LLIn the highest lank basin aarording t. the dty of
Mlaml Storm ter Management Ma.t,,Plan. The basin is approximately bounded byN W545t(to menortli). SR112(ttthe... m). NW 19 Ave(west).and 1-95(to the east). The dainagesyste mainly ompd.es
Hadley Pa-k
erfl,Patlon ten,h(french dams), rto-m sew,,.a-gavlty .n,eyan,e, Inlet wLL pollitlon -eta-dantb,ffl,,, Id-R.nw,,,., and s.-facere,.atlon wlthlnthe p-.built, Road work omp-I.es-oadway mllling&
Nelghbo-hood Damage
(Water/Sew,,/DLaing North
-sirfa,Ing,limitedload -oon,t--on, damaged sidewalk-ep,acement new sidewalks, new wrb and gift,, o--epal-of.t-b&gutter, some new tree dantng., retrofit of ADA o dalnt w rb amps, and pavement
FUW re Unfunded P-ole,t ,Flood/Storm Surge a) dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 9,500,000.00 Blsayne Bay 76
ma-king.wlthln the p-ole,t Intl.
Loated between the IIm It, of Darwin Streetand Me ry Way, Im p-ov.mentwo-k. along South Baysho-e Drive Indide the constructlon of damage fadlltles on,[,tfng of a ,ombinatlon but not limited to erfl,tatlon trenches
So,dt Baysho-e Drive
,Flood/Storm Infa.ti,W-e
(F-en,h dams), deep damage we,,., pump statlons, storm sew,, pipes to, gavlty on,,yane,baffles, manholes,at,hba.In., cross dams,swa,e trenches,Segadgg and re-f,ddfng—alea-a.. Road imp--ent.
Roadway and Damage
SurgeHalm,S=a Level (Water/Sew,,/Dralnag
Includeand notllml[edroroadway mllling and resuracing,ADA amps, blkeand Oval kway lanes, repair damaged sidewalks, curb and/orgutt,,,-.placementof damag ed.-disfigured Uaffl,sIgn, and tree p,antlng.
P-ole,tln Planning Stage Rlse=d a) 18,000,000.00 J5
Cur-ently, the dty of MI-1 has a rev,,e shortage of hardened toage Ioatlons for dty equipment di-Ingamalo, disaster.EgtIpment such as the fire depa-trnent'surban .earch and reswe tall,,., Pib,1, Works' heavy
egtI-en,parks depa-trnent buses, and other slml,a-Itemsa-esto,ed of Ide on a normal day -to day bads and could be damaged and dest,oyed di-Ingastorm. Much of thls egtIpment I.vlta, di-Inga disaster to e,,e
fin,tlon, w ch a,-esw Ing trapped citizen., tea-Ing roadways, and p-ovming s,ppo-t to ome-dlsaste, reo,e,y opeatlon..
The city of Mlam1 has Identlfled a need for three ha-dened fadlltles, bated In three dlff,,ent areas of the city thatwot,d allow for the proper protection of Pit. equipment and allow to, the apld deployment to a
Stoage Fa, Iffe. for
dla.te, The fz,11Ity would need to meet and In mo,ta,e, er,eed wrrant on,t,,Non and p-ote,tive egtlpment-egtl-ements and have emergen, pov e-and ommunlatons egtlpmentto, worker.atmese ad,Itles.
CLIP aI Egtlpment
Ft W-e Unfunded P-1-t A„Haza-d. (Bul,ding) dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 0.00 75
Thls p-oje,tlnvolves the Installation of m ilitary/,om ,dal glade C:fV systems at Oty Ma -Ina, and Boat Ramps(spedfla„y, Dlnn,, Key Ma -Ina, Mlamadna,Madne Stadium Marina, Semmo,e Boat Ramp, WaGron Island
Boat Ramp). These am eas w111 provide dtymanagement emergen,y/caw enfo-cementse..Iceswlth -eat-tlne.... elllan,eof inesewat,,f-ontp-op,,tles. Cameas wl„ help dowmentdamages from.to-m.and oth,,
dlsaste-., aswell a.assl.tlnp=e'nbng and Investigatingpotentlal a, oft,,-o-I.m,sabotage drug and human taffld<Ing. The Cities access to hlghyta,ltyphotos/video prod,, ced by this equipment wl„assist In a„evlatlng
Cur-ent y, dty of Mlaml manna, and boat tat nch areas are not adequately eqt 1pped to apWre Images/video related to the aft, —ento had vt l neabl, Itles; tltls-et,l-es the dty to omm It IT, ted IS, bl1, afety/sect-Ity
In It,
The qt a,Ity/feat,-es of me type of system being on,lde,ed suggest, that such mitigation Is o- e,ted to,a.t titrough and addLess hazards foro,a, 10years, but po..mly less than 20. Th,,eseems to be no apparent effe,t
on the e-I-onment from the m.tallatlon of ... h equpment ome-man P,atltwm Improve me C1ty', abluty to-epo-elp-,vent e-I-onmental har_a-d, In o- near ot-waterways.
Modern madne CCTV systems, pa-tlwla-ly mosewhlch are of comme,dal/military gade are apabl e of apt,,Ing/,e,o-ding high definition Images over long dlstances/and In a—Ith,de of env)-onmenta, conditions (night
a ,wind,etc). Chen thesead,antages, having hlghgade amens atme p-opo.ed l oat on, may benefit a,eas/i-I,JI,Ron, o—de the dty of Mlaml's ont-ol:state/fedeal ,bmergedlands,poot,and ome-
,U,IpaIIRe,. The pdmary-esponslblllty of opeatlng and a,,es.ing these amens w1„ be,ont,o„ed by the Clty of Mlam1 Po,Ice Department which would be the d1-eR,1al.on to fedea,/state law enfo-cementbodles.
E mergen,
Surge Heal m,Powe-
Given me vtlneab111tles Involved, such egtlpmentwlll have the poten0a, of prote—g/savmg well over 1,000 IIves.
Management Area
Fall,, -,Sea Level
At m1, w--entpofnt[n tlne me dty of Mlam1 has a„oaom ted se resources for the In.ta„atlon of these amen. at 1-2,oatons. l t has been deta mined that such egtlpmentwlll req,[,e spedall,ed erpeNse and would
ComPIehensI,e Sewdty
Ilke,y take 6 months to l J years to, Bete.
Camea System to-Cty
5/13/202019:01 M
Marinas and Boat Ramp
50%complete Su rge,Wlnd Egtlpment dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 1,000,000.00 74
Thls bi.lne .Wdy w1„mml Indide an eno, analysis of theval,e of ourrisk -iti edon plans In ot-LMSand wl„wlm add-es.—ItIp,e haza-d., a to on flooding and sea le,elrI,e. Thls ana,ysls wl„m e.daln erI,k
City of MI-1 MIRgatlon
't oflnacion(In do„a-term.)and the extent to which me ask mrt is llke,y to be -educed as result of me dty'slnfastru,W-e lnvestnents(also In do„a-to-ms). The work w1„mnsIde, the,. dp relatlonsh[p and
Plan Buslness Case
Impacts a thong me Cty's planned Inve—ents to the Clty's prop,,ty tax bare, flood Instance, real estate market and flnanda, mortgagery Ies, and Clty credit atlngs, land use Issues, o-any ome-faao-mat may be
5/13/202018:17 ORS
Ft eUnfunded Prole,[ H-eWlnd,Om,, Ome- Gant,apoled For 500,000.00 74
Mo-nlng.me Reglona,
Seawall-ebtlldmgto allow an Increased helghtln,omp,lanee to-dty ode and reduce storm surge flooding. Retentlon and damage design to allow park to aodate Increased volume of storm -elated Ovate - and allow
Storm Ovate'
Surge Sea Level
flood ontro, and mftlgate potentlal damage Impact to sir-oundl ng neighborhood.
5/13/202017:27 OCI
FUW-e Unfunded P-ole,t Rlse,Stt-m Surge Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 20,000,000.00 74
Effe,tiveand VI,Ienitod mbnlatlon Is vita, to allow to -the apld, ,atlon of,L,ens pdo-to the Impa,t of a ht--lane In theclry of Mlam1. WImares[dentlalpopt,atlon of about 400,000popeandacommute-
populatlonmatatlas, doubt es me affected popt,aton du-Ing me work week, taffi,lam. are a ce-talnty. Po -table taffl, cont-ol signs mat p-ovmesc Iling tertm essages wou It allow taffl, to be dl-eaed to act,,native
lot tes and to p-ovme other vital Info-matlon to motorlm. The po-table signs have ome-uses besides asslNng In evawatlons: they an be used to display Info—dt-Ing events such as fire/-eswe—e-gendes,
Po rta bleTaffl, Control
haza,dots ate-Ialspl„s, speda,events,te"oast1, ddents, and speda,po,I,e events such as SWAT opeatlons. These signs display a tertm essage that is easily prog,m ed Into the,, Ut and an be m o,ed using m ost any
Ft W-e Unfu nded Prole,[ A„Haza-ds Egtlpment dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 500,000.00 74
clry vehIdewlm a tafl,, Mich. The dty of Mlan would pt-chase ten of these units at a costof abott$50,000 ea,h,p,is adltlona, ,ate- hitches for po,Ice vehldes.
Inflast i, W e
Garden Storm S—e-s
( Water/Sew,,/DLaing
Thls p-ole,twlll p-ovmea modern damage system to- the a -a bordered by NW 26m Street, NW 38m Street N W 22nd Avenue and NW 2Jm Avenue. The new damage adlltleswl„ consist of a ombinatlon of a. filtatlon
P-ole,t-Phase I
Ft eUnfunded P-ole,t Hood/Sto-m Surge a) dentlfled Funding So 4,300,000.00 DA-1 J4
dms,grease&a1,InC,,,epto-s and other poII,Ron ontroI st res.
Auburn Sto rm Sewers
Inflasti, -e
P-olect-Phase I and
Thlsprolec vo,ves const a Ron of a loa, damage system to,urea-ea bounded by N.W. Jm Street N.W. 2Jm Avenue, W.Hag,,, Street and N.W.3Jm Avenue Road lmpovements lndidem 11IIng and rest-hang,new
Phase ll
Ft eUnfunded Prole,[ Hood/Sto-m Surge ,) dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 4,000,000.00 DA-1 74
repal, smewa,ks,w-b andgitte, ADA lamps,-egadeo--e-sodding.wa,ea-eas, repal- o--ep,a„damaged o-dlsflgired taffl,slgns, and Ueedantng.
Inflasti, -e
Thlsp-ole,twlll providea posltivedamagesystem to meara bounded by NE J1st StetFECRailroad, NE 625teetand NE 2nd Avenue. Boreandlad:constructlontote' meFECRailroad atNE Jl Streetwlll be required.
Reid Acres Storm
,Hood,Hood/Storm (Water/Sew,,/Dalnag
Theposltiveou tall llnewlll beonstutedon NESm Aventetome Little Rly,,Cana,. Road imp-ovementslnatdemflling and-esu-fadng, ne repairsidewalks, w,bandguthe, ADA amps,-egadeo--esodding.wale
Sewers P-ole,t
FUW-e Unfunded Prole,[ Surge a) dentlfled Funding Sot-ce 4,300,000.00 CJ 74
ns, repal,o--ep,a„damaged o-dlsflgi-ed taffl,slgns, and Ueeplantlng
Lltfle Rlve-Storm
Infers-1 -e
Thisp-ole,twlll p-ovmea m odern dalnagesystem a -urea -ea bordered by NWJ9m Street Uttle Rlve- Cana,, and N. MIam1Avenue The o- Rng system w1„ be expanded and a pg,,ded. The new damagefadlltleswill
S,we-s Retrofitting
(Water/Sew,,/DLaing Norm
f=adomb[natlon of a. filtatlon daln, deep damage wells,grease&ol, Inte,,epto-s and ome- pollution ont,ol stuc es. Any storm sewsIdentlfled as Illegally onne,ted to a sanitary sew,, w1„be
Prole,, PhaselI
FUW-e Unfunded Prole,[ Hood/Sto-m Surge a) dentla fled Funding So 3,000,000.00 AIsyne Bay 74
dls'o tea.
I,Aastr, OW re
Fairway Storm Sewers
Thlspr.Jec v.I... the dedg,a,d—,t—U., ofalocal dalnageryst,, In the area bounded by NW 21dAvenue, FECRaII,.ad,NJ3,d Street, and N 62,d Street Road Improvements ncludem llling an —,f-mg,new
e Unfunded Protect Flood/Storm Surge e) Identlfled Funding Source 4,200,000.00 CJ J4
repairsidewalks, wrb and gutter, ADA am It,,egade or,es.dding,waleareas, repair or replace damaged or disflg, red trafflcsig,,, and tree pla,tl,g
InfiastrucW re
This pr.Jec[wlll provId, a m.de„ damage system for the area bordered by SW 22nd Street, SW 27tlt Street, SW 2th Avenue and SW 32nd Avenue Currently, this area Is served by scattered I.allzed damage strucW res
Avalon St —Sewers
that are old and Inadequ ate to properly dal, the area. The new damage tadlltles will consist ofa mmbnatl., of e. flltratlon dams, deep damage wells, grare &.II In tercep-, and other p.11,tl., control strucWres.
F,W,e Unfunded Protect Flood/Storm Surge e) Identlfled Funding Source 5,300,000.00 DA-1 74
Road Improvement, ndude m llling and res,rf-mg, new or repair sidewalks, w rb and g,tte,, ADA. I—,r,g d,.,res.ddl,g swalearas, repair or replace damaged or dlsfigured trafflcsig,,, and tree pla,tl,g.
Lt I—Pa,k Seawall and
Surge, Sea Level
R... n,t,N.n of boat amp and parking lot, new s—all,bay-alks, solar l lght,g,dafnag, pKad,, and a new metal picket fence with gate.
5/13/202017:11 OCI
Boat Ramp
75%complete RIse,Othe, OUT,, 2,210,072.00 73
W Rhin the dty of Mlaml, there are numerous anal, and waterways thatpr.vId, ,corm water damage I. Blsayne Bay. Debris, and, and other materials that block the anal, threaten their ablllty I. provide e,,ntlal
damage of --a- to .,[falls. The dty proposes to Hgat, this tlt,at by performing maintenance dredging on these anal,, removing ...U, (n.n native) trees from the banks, and cleaning up a¢u m,lated debris.
The most Important affected waterways, Ilsted In order of priority, are:
® Wagner Reek, which dams approximately 600 acres of d-Dal and commerdal property. Activltles already completed Include removal of household refuse and ,dI—n1, Installatl.n of new f—Ing, and bank
stabfl ,,/U.n activitles. P.11—n control measures ,1II be added to the.,[falls and any Illegal .nn,N.n, Identlfled du ring the I,an,p ,1II be disconnected and plugged. The anal sediments are also contaminated with
dl.x Ins/leans, and dredging the anal ,df—ts,1II slgnlflantly reduce the dioxins amount,. Thlsopen channel creek—nds from NW 20 Street to NW 11 Street
®Seyb.ld Canal, a navigable waterway that dams approximately 500 acresof resld-Dal and mmmerdal property. a . Thls nal—ndsfrom NW 11 Street to the Mlaml River. The anal ,dI—nts are also contaminated
with dioxins/fuans, and dredging the anal sediments will slgnlflantly reduce the dioxins amount
Lawrence Waterway,which dams approximately 64 acres of resld-Dal and commercial property. Someof the work already has been completedas partof the dty', regular maintenancepr a-Thls waterway—nds
Infa,- re
from NW J Streetto the Mlaml River. The anal sedimentsarealsocontaminated with dioxins/fuans,and dredging the anal sedimentswillsignifianty red, ce the dioxins amounts.
Clean and Dredge
,FI..d,FI..d/Storm (Water/Sewer/Dralnag
Mlaml River -South F.,k,r,q,Ires the dredging o fs,dI—ntr,a-IaI along approx lmately 4,9001In-, feetof the anal', bottom Induding removal of debris,and ... U, tree removal from the banks between N.W. 27th
Canals and Waterways
FUW re Unfu nded Pr Ject Surge e) Identlfled Funding Source 45,000,000.00 C6 73
Aven,et. the Mlaml River. Further sar,plingwill be.nd,Red I.dete,mineif c.,taminatl.n e.I,t In this area.
Thlspr.Jec[wlll pr.vId, a modern damagesystem for the area bordered by W. Flagler Street, SW 8th Street, SW 27th Avenue and SW 32nd Avenue. At the present Um tltisarea Is served bynattered I oal lzed damage
es thata,e old and Inadequateto properly dain theara. The new damage fadll le, will .nslst of a c.mbinatl., of er-fll tratlon chins, deepdrainage wells, grare&oil Interceptors and other pollutlon .nt,.l
Auburn Storm Sewers
es. Road Improvements lndude m filling and rew,hdng, new or repair sidewalks, w rb and gutter, ADA amps, regade or re .ddfng Swale areas, repair or replace damaged or disfigured traffic signs, and tree
FUWre Unfunded Protect Flood/Storm Surge e) dentlfled Funding Source 5,300,000.00 DA-1 73
The Watson Island ShorelineStablllzatl.n Protect, I.ateden ihesouthea,ternse,'t not Watson Island,,1II stablllzea 500 f..tsectl.n of the Blsayne Bay sh.,ellne along the southeaste,n sh.,ellneof Watson Island.The
Watson Island
Flood/Storm S,rge,Sea North
p,.jectwll l eniall fP,talla dn.f,lp-ap along this shorellneand c.nstr a Non ofa seawall to stablllze andcontain erosion[. tltis sh.,ellne, along a proposed bay++alkwhichwill run paallel to this —,,all. Complementary
5/13/202019:07 M
St.,ellne Stablllzatl.n
FUWre Unfunded Pr Jet Level Rlse Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding Source 300,000.00 Blsayne Bay Jl
p,bllca,,essfeaw,eswill be.n,t,, Red and Installed to enhance this waterfront area.
mediate Flood
Infastr,, W re
There are over 400--ate,.,[falls In the CIry. The CIry has already Installed over 50 ba,kf — p,eventers throughout the dry In high priority areas but there remain many more throughout the CIry that do not have
Control: Install Bad:flow
,Fl..d,Sea Level (Water/Sewer/Dralnag
5/13/202016:39 OCI
Val —(Phase l)
C.n,t Non/Project Bt n RlseStrt,m Surge e) 47,000,000.00 Jl
LawnvI—Storm Sewers
Thls p,.jec v.Ivesc.nstr-U.n of a 1-al damage system for the area bounded by SW 8th Street, and SW 17th Aven,e,W. Flagle,SUeet, and SW 22nd Avenue R.ad Improvements lnd,dem llling and res„fadng, new or
FUW re Unfunded P,.ject Flood/Storm Surge e) dentlfled Funding Source 4,300,000.00 DA-1 Jl
repair sidewalks, wrba ndg,tte,, ADA amps, re ade., re -sodding swalea,eas, repair or repla,edar,agdd or disfigured Uafflcsigns, and Ueeplan Ong.
Moore Park Gym Design
Inf,,;d- W re
Design and build a new gymnasium as an add on to the er lstlng community center. The building ,1II also serve as a ,eslllence hub.
5/13/202018:26 OCI
and C.nstr,Non
P,.jectln Planning Stage ,Wind (Bulling) 8,700,000.00 70
Thlsp,.jec sof an lnspectl.n of thewrrent dty Hall ba—entand p,e,elU.,.f feasiblllty/msts.fs.I,t'.n, to fortlfy the basement 1-3-5 foot+storm/surge or flood waters. This p,.je,t aims at flndinga
feasible s.1—n I. p,eventtl..ding In the ba—ent of the historic CIty Hall bu lining bated at3500 Pan Amerlan Dr. Such an Improvementwould allow the foundatlon and contents to be p,ote,ted from Intruding waters
sof a result of a hurricane or tropical storm.
D„Ing H—Iane rma, Dlnne, Key Marina Inwrred damages In excess of $100,000 In opeatlonal equipment alone Some of this eq,lpmentwas stored In the CIty hall basementand w b,eq,ently damaged by storm surge
This eq,Ipmentis crltlal to every -day opeatlons of the marina and the maintenance of the surr0unding property.
torn f atlon of dty Hall
toNfying the hlst.dc CH, Hall st,,,t,,e an prevent damage to its foundatlon and lnfastrucW,e.Glven the above descdbed, su cha p,Jectwould take lessthan 6 months to complete as HIT-1—a site—e—ent&
basementf., up to 35
Su e,Sea Level Infastr,,W,e
5/12/202018:B4 M.
footw rge
F, W re lJ nfu nded P,oj ect RlseStrt,m Surge (Bullding) dentlfled Funding Source 2,500,000.00 70
Thls p,ojectis a feasiblllty sW dy on the Impact of a breakwater In o, a,o, nd the MI —al -Ina, prote—g Its users from storm/wind damage similar t. that erperlenced during Hurricane Irma. Aker Hurricane I�co�, damages
at Mlamadna were found to be non final In comparison to thoseo- edenced at Dlnne, Key Marina. However, h,„lane related to —surge did effectthe ate,nmostpo,tlons of the manna, causing damages to pllings
and electrical pedestals/transformers. Mort damages sustained appeared to be,elated to the thashing of vessels against the marina's strucwres.
This Is project Is an efflary sW dy of breakwater systems tha t will protect the Mlamadna from powedu I storm surge and further reduce the manna's exposure to wrb, I ent wa ters. The sw dy would to on breakwater
,which an be deployed In a safe and environmental friendly manner. The work would Involve an engineering/environmental review and proposal EvenwaI mnstru Non would be aimed at Increasing the He pan
of one of the CH es largest manna fadlltles, beyond 20 39 yea -
The seeks to address 3 hazards (life -safety, environment, and propertylstrucW,e damage). Based on the damaged assessed ffom the most,ecent Inddent, such damages may posea He afety & environmental risk.
I n pa,tlwlar: submerged debds and vessels, heavy (flesh) water leaks, displaced fireboxes, broken Uansfo,mers/electrical equipment and loose pllings.
Glven the described, such a project woe Id Rely take 6 months to 1 yea, to complete as It Involves a site assessment and feasiblllty -dy. The mmpl et.n of this p,olectwould allow the CIty to pursue the,eallzatlon
B,eakwate,/jetty to,
Su e,Sea Level
(m on)of the p,oposed. This would positively lmpactthe welfare and resfl[enry.ftlte loal mmm,nity,w„o,ndfng waterways, and lmpatwell over 10,000 people In a given year. Successful mmpletlon of
3/24/20201J:38 M
Mlamadna Bayslde
FUWre Unfunded Project RlseStrt,m S,rge,Wlnd Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding Source 3,000,000.00 70
breakwater system near Mlamadna Involves prot-Ung p,bllcassets wo,th.ve,$50 milli on dolla,s a, well a, e,eal m llllon In pdvate property.
The city of MI-1 damage basins a,e dained by a sizable number of deep damage wells angIng In depth of 80 feet to 160 feet. A total of 90 deep damage wells a,e scattered throughout the city. Pe,Iodlc annual cleaning
CHywlde D eep Dalnage
Flood,Flood/Storm (Water/Sewer/Dalnag
requ fired especially afte, a hu„lane lnthe magnlW deof Kat Ina whe,ea tremendous amount of windblown leaves and debds clogged tltese wells. This project consists of the deaning and jettlng of these wells, and the
Wells deaning
FUWre Unfu nded Project Surge e) dentlfled Funding Source 500,000.00 70
nstallatlon of gates to p,eventfurthe, d ogging.
Property Maintenance Dlvlslon 105k1l owatt em erge,ry geneato, project tltat encompasses the following: Purchase a nd Insta l Iatlon of a new 105 KW eland by gen eato,, tra nsfe, switch, and el ectr lcal upga des to bring the
Property Maintenance
bu Il ding up to code (the Flodda Bullding Code), to provide electrldty to, the dty', Property Maintenance Dlvlslon bullding In case of catastrophic electrical fallu,e. The bull ding Is the opeatlons base d, trade personnel that
DM,[on Upgades
Funding Secu,ed ,Other Equipment dentlfled Funding Source 160,000.00 C6 70
p,ovIdese es tlt,oughout the city to, other depa,trnents. The lnstallatlon lndude, all requf,ed Improvements necessary to meetcu„ent code,.The,e is no o- lstlng geneato, at this 10atlon.
Liberty Storm Sewers
Put, e Unfunded Project ,Flood/Storm Surge e) dentlfled Funding Source 4,200,000.00 CJ 70
Thlsprojectin,ol—the design and mnstructlon ofalocal dalnage system In the area bounded by NW 17th Avenue NW Jlst Street, NW 12th Avenue, and NW 62nd Street
Spring Garden Point
Design and mnstru Non of new.nesto,y Hlstodc Community Bullding
Park Hlstodc B ullding
50%complete ,Wind (Bullding) 1,654,059.27 68
Floodp,00flng to,
Surge,Sea Level InfastrucW,e
This p,ojectis to al,e the homes of,esldents that have been previously affected by flooding. Residents will be expected to pay a 25%cost match with thegant funding not more than $150,000. This will fund a maximum
5/12/202019:53 HCD
FuW,e Unfunded Project RlseStrt,m Surge (Bullding) dentlfled Funding Source 1,000,000.00 68
This Isa -dy and real I,atl.n (mnstru Non) of I .... ative hardening s.I, Dons to ❑ty Boat amps which would assist In p,.tectlng/recovering from a majorstorm or adjust to Impending — level ,Ise The -dy would focus
on tl.atlng d-1-d rigging systems (permanent In naWre) which an be easily removed and redeployed at the.nset of a storm (,epetltively). The work would Involvean engineering/environmental review and
c f. n of replaceable/m oveable Hoatlng dock rystem. Such work, woul d aim atlncr—mg the IT, p-of Wo of the Cf—largest boa t a cop(launch)fadlltles,robetween 2039 years. During Hurrlanelrma, the
fty', W [ on Island and Sem hole Boat Ramp fa dl ltles o-pe,Ienced extensive damage from 3-5 footstorm surge Such damage Ind a dad, duet water damage (Hood), physical damage, and the rel ease of related debris. The
exerted undesfable buoyancy to the fadlltles' finger pier and amp st--e(s). This damaged, coupled with sunken vessels/debris forced the CYty to make a p,ea,tlona,y (life/safety) dedsion to close there
t launch areas to the p, bl lc.
Seminole Boat Ramp resides near Dinner Key; thatwhich Is Ioated In close proximity to a resfdentfal /commercial area. The boat a cops are regularly used access points by residents, visitors, businesses, staff, and
emergency services. Given th e,tlllty yea,YoundI disabling such a fadllty may Impact over 10,000 people any given year.
Thlsa pgade projectwould address the p,otectlon from 3 hazards(I lfe-safety, environmental, and damages to operty/s- res). Based on the damaged assessed In the declared InddenC the destru Non of the boat
(removable) Hoatlng
amp created an a nhosphable area In/and around the boat a cop shoreline, which Included s, bmerged debris, vessels, broken docks, and loose pllings. Bea,se of the Ioatlon and acoessiblllty of these fadlltles, It Is difficult
dod:s/o, other marine
to, the City to control access to the public without dediatlng a signifianta mount of public safety, sec„ Icy, and administ ative rem, roes.
In fastr,ct,,e
Thes,ccessf,I completlon of such Improvements will reducethe t ne Itwfll take the marine fadllty to avail access to the connected waterways. Further, the speed atwhlch these facllltles recover pootstorm benefits
Intov on for Boat
fede,a:tate,local ergency services In gantng altemative access points to resp.nse essels. The ablllty for these a cops to become.peatf.nal shortly afte,a storm p.sitively enforces the oveall recovery of local
Ramps at
IS, slnesand Ielsure activitles.
DREA Senn.le/W,ts—Boa[
S,rge,Sa Level
Given the described, such a projetwould likely take 6 months to l year to complete as It Involves a feasibllltyldesign phase and the lnstallatl.n of movable str,c-es. The combined p,.ject(Wats.n l sland/Seminole Boat
3/24/202017:29 M Ramps
F,W,e Unfunded Project
Rlse,St.,m Surge
Other dentlfled Funding Source 900,000.00
68 Ramp)would p.sitively lmpactthe welfare and restlen of the l.cal comm,nity, s,,,.,nding waterways, and Impact m ore than 10,000 people In a given year.
Fa llu,e,Techn.l.gfcal
C.— Iati.ns Services DIVISI.n 50 kilowatt emergency geneat., and transfer switch project that encompasses thef.Il.wing: Purchase and Installatlon.f a n ew 5 KW and transfer —Itch mprovide elect Iclty for the
cty's c. ns system In aseof atastr.phlc electronic failure Thls replaces the 31 KW geneat.,and tan sfe,switches thata,e Inadequate for the dty's erlstlng needs. Thegeneat., is bated atthe dty's fire
5/13/202019:32 F1,e Systems Geneat.,
C.nstr,ctl.n/P,.jectBt n
Eq,lpment dentlfled Funding Source 60,000.00 Ck
67 gaage. The erlstlng area housing the 31 KWgeneat., an acc.—date the newgeneat., thatis mmpllan-Ith c,,,entc.des.
This Is project consists of comprehensive feasiblllty study and the Implementatl.n of measures to f-ty Dinner Key Marina and Mooring Held to better wlths.nd tropical storm and hurrlane related damages. The work
wou It Involve an engineering/environmental stidy and c.nst Non of strengthened marine str,c-es(marina d.d<s,piers, and pllings.) Such work would an atIncreasing the I lfe-span of main marina stuc-e for 2039
years, possibly more.
This Item I s a crltlal counterpart to the proposed mitlgatl.n of Dinner Key Marina's elect al/plumbing system, hence It directly Implies slmllar benefits/risk red, N.n chaatel-f-s. The Dinner Key Marina faces the S.uth-
Eastern Caribbean and Is v,lneable to churning storm su rge thatente,s between Key Blsayne and EIII.t Key from the Atlantic
During H,,,lane Irma, Dinner Key Marina o- ,lenced damage from 3 to 5 foot storm su rge. Such damage Included:di,ectwate,damage(Hood), physical damage, and debris. The storm su rge—ted,ndesiable
buoyancy (upward pressure) to the marina's d.ck/pier Infast,ct,,e and related components. In additl.n, the storm s,rgesmashed vessels Into the d.cks/pier str,c-es; breaking pllings, pipes, elect, caI pedestals,
condaa uits, and rel easing debris Into Blsyne Bay. This a pgade addresses the p,.tectl.nfrom 3 hazards(Ilfesafety, environmental, and property/str,cW,e damage). Dinner Key Marinaresides near a resIdentlal c--clal
as (spedfially, the Coconut Gr.vea,a). which maintain a high volume o ftesta,ants, attra N.ns, and related foot -traffic Glven Its loa— and design, the marina site has multlple access points (Ind,ding duet
Surge Power
linkages to p,bll—alk—ys) which become difficult to control once thesite has been compromised by a disaster. This Increases risk of physical Injury to Ioal residents/marina patrons attempting to traverse the pathways
Fallu,eSea Level
and d.cks. Thes,ccessf,I completl.n of such Improvementswlll reduce the time Itwlll take the marine fadllty to continue Its essentlal services cake, a disaster, further redudng risk to private property (such as
Str,—nl Upgadesro
unken/dlsabledvessels)and ass.dated hazards. The speed atwhlch this marina re covers fro m a storm Influences multlple factors, such as:,eslll—of dry assets,service to llveab.a,d wst.me,s, recovery of local
Pllingsan d Rlgging
business and Ielsure activitles, marina revenues(CAty),recovery of private property,c.—Baccess to nearby waterways, and. all public safety.
DREA System at DKM&
Glven the above described, such a projetwould l lkelytakeI I. 2yearsto completeasltlnvolves mmplerwork and design. However, the projetwould posltively lmpatthewelfareand restlen ofthe local community
5/13/202019:17 M Mooring Fled
C.nsR,N.n/P,.jectBt n
(Building) dentlfled Funding Source 4,250,000.00
67 and marina vIsft.,s(m.re than 10,000 pe.pl e).
Seawall rebuilding w allow an Increased heightln compliance for dty code and reduce st— surge flooding. Retentl.n and damage design to allow park to accommodate Increased volume of storm related water and allow
dwell Park storm water
Surge Sea Level
flood control and mltlm gate p.tentlal daage Impact to surrounding neighborhood.
5/13/202017:290d anagement
F,W,e Unfunded P,.ject
Rlse,St.,m Surge
Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding S... ce 6,224,495.00
Surge Sea Level
Post Hur,Icane Irma, staff members from Planning, Zoning, and Restlenry, along with 4-1-tee, teams from Grove 2030, canvassed the CIry of MI —I. The goal was to locate the crest of storm surge created by the
Port -Storm Assessment
h,,,lane and changes to the Clty's tree canopy. A moblleappllatlon called S,rvey123 I.,A,CGISwas atllf,ed to add lnf.,matl.nm—tIng Ge.gaphlc lnf.,matl.n System maps Inthe❑ty of Mlaml database. With this
Plannl Moblle Applla—
projec[wew.,Idllket.erpand.nf„theIS, el.ping this a ppllatl.nt.ofrontfadngcft,enpo,talwhichwouldfadlltateassistancefrom the communlry regarding the recoIt[ ngofsto,m surge and changes I. the tree
5/12/2020 1— ng Clt,en Portal
FUWre Unf, nded Project
Outreach I dentlfled F, nding Source 50,000.00
67 can.py.
LZI.n Park st,m water
S,rge,Sa Level
Sh.,el lne enhancements with natrial and .,hardened mate,Ials. Gading and active., passive damage systems to reduce sunny -day flooding and the Impacts of sea level -Ise. This p,.jectwlll prevent f,W,e damage t.a
rk 3/24/202016:43 Parks nag— ent
FUWre Unfunded Project
Rlse,St.,m Surge
Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding Source 3,674,935.00
67 cl lwlderec,eatf.n a,ea and a hIs-Ically designated pa,k and fadllty.
Public * Margaret Pace Park
Sho,ellneenhancementswlthnatrial and.,ha,dened mate,Ials. Gading and active.,passive damage systemst. reducesunny-dayfl..dingandthelmpacts.fsealevel,lse. Preventfutri,e,epal, costs and lmpactf,.m
Works stir
S,rge,Sa Level
flooding on s,,,.,nding neighborhood.
8/29/201914:17/ParIts management
FUWre Unfunded Project
Rlse,St.,m Surge
Beach/Seawall dentlfled Funding Source 9,586,050.00
Currently, the Clty of MI—F, c,I W al resources are under threat of de,—N., .,I... by rising sea level and storm surge. Storm s. rge from h... lane, has already destroyed hi,t..lc p..pe.tles along MI—F, c.asC and
wlih FEMA', projected 50, Hood l evels many of MI—F,..It"Il resources will suffer sfg,fflant damagewlthm the ner lofty years. The proposedp 1--lll allow for the prey—, of thlsl oss of..Itrtal resources
through Ire Identlflatl.n and prl.rllzatl.n of atYlsk site, and Ire development of mltlgatlon and preventlnn guldellnes and tools. F. rlterm.re, the project, Im, wlih LU-1.5 and LU-2.2 of the Mlaml Neighborhood
C.mp.eh...- Planwhich states thatthe Cltywill p.eserveand p..tectthe ty', natrtal and Coastal resources,and Itshi,t..lcand a rchaeological sites.
To reduce risks F.hi,t..Ica1 and ..I W al resources by developing g.Idellnes op rI,k b—d performance goals and criteria for md.,l.n In ...rent or adjusted l.al preservatl.n.,.,dads, or for..1. ntary reference hi,t..lc
and neighborhoods and a.Chaeologlcal sites and zone,).O—lIp data set nga.dmg geological morphology,urban morphology, I,,hlteehial typology ,,t- a1 system, a nd--surge mfo—l—, to Illb,Ite
loaf needs and risks, to late. Inform best paNces guidelines for hi,to.lc neighborhoods, hi,to.lcsltel, archaeologlal sites and zones, and depI—ental preservatlon tools.
11. St,dy Area:
Refe.endng geologial morphologies, (I.e. coastal, rlverfr.ntaYtd previous hardwood hammock substrata sites -now urbanized), sample 30 blocks (approximately 10 per type), whld..al,o possess paadI-ItI,
chaacterlstl¢ Itatdefine histodC neighborhoods and their building types, hi,to.lcsltes, and archaeologlal sites and zones, with a focus an,Ite...l—Ible to SLR and/or storm surge
111. Phases of W..k (E,tlmated Timeline, a nd E,tlmated Budgets):
Phase 1: (" 5 - 8 months)
E,tlmated Budget: $145,000
1.Data ColleNon:
I. bathe, rele—tgeologI,II mapping data; Flood Hazard Mapping and Storm Surge data;
b.l dentify paadlgmatic hi,to.lc n elghbo,hbod blb,k,, hi,to.lc sites, and archaeologlal sites and zones and cross reference with geological mapping data;
cl dentify urban morphology as well as histo.IC typologies a nd the[, o,,e,po,df,g strucW rat type a nd archaeological layers;
d.Map histo.IC b.Ilding typologies, strucW rat types, and archaeological layers by utilomg ARC-GlS platform o. equ Ivale,F
Assessor entof
2. Consul ta0ons: WIth. MI —I DIde Office of Resille,, and other Southeast Flo.lda Reglonal Comp —Lade., to gather lessons related to regional strategies and tools a nd to maximize gains, a, III— to histo.IC
IT to, I and C,ltrial
neighborhoods,buildings, and ... haeologial areas.
Plannl Resources In the Clry of
,FI..d,Wlnd.Sea Level
a.ldentity barriers and c.nstralnt preventing resilience, Induding regulatory,(. nding, andjurlsdlc[i.nal impediment ltatprevent effective resp.nset. the resilience challenges;
5/12/20201—n9 Mlaml Phasel
F.W.e Unfunded Project RI,eSto—Surge Otte.
66 b.e.eak down Iflossepaating multiplefunctional areas of re,fl[e,,e planning,'
Thisp.ojectcon,ls6of.pgadmg the electrical mmpo,e-/Conduits,piping,plumbing,and--to.... ppling Dlnne.Key Marina(3400 Pan American D.)do,k,toa level Whl,h wo uld withstand damage IT— to,
surge o.Hoods.Acrllal element of this wo rk Is Improved a coe, controls which wo uld allow emergen workers and Clty sta ITtofurtherprevent hazardous con thorn, In the event of a disaster. These a pg,Ide, are
la In preventlng el e— kI fires, electro..tlon, water/sewage leaks In the event of the It—ophl, to— D..Ing H—f...e Irma, City staff and vendors reported various InddenC of the above mentioned th.eats,
whlchco.ld be more revere In the event of a major--,ophicsto—Hence, these apg Ide,address the p..teNonfrom 3 hazard,(Ilfe-Ifety,environmental,and property/,.-.cW.e damage). Hazardous o,ditlo,,
arising from a potentlal electrical floe o, sewage/water leak have the hlghe,tm pact., III e- Ifely and health at Dinner Key Madna, as It.eslde, near residential/,o—e,dII areas (pa.tl..l I,ly, the Co,o nu t Grove area); one
which maintains a high volume of IF-, a-,, attra Non,, and .elated foot -traffic Thus, given tha t mag nl W de of a deda.ed mddenC such hazards may I—I,t more than 10,0001 ocal Inhabitants, aside from having adverse
effect on the envi.onm IF
HI,dening such Infa,tr.cW,e to withstand da mages I Ike those o- pe.lenced during H..dane I rma(o. stronger to— 1)necesltte, the ure of rob— m easures capa bl e of p.otectlnga network of p, bl1,—et, worth over
$75 million dollars.
EIeco-I,I /Plumbing
Glven the above die...'bed, such a project would take 1-3 years to complete as It Involves Complex work and design. However, the project w.. It posltively Impact the wet fare and .eslllen, of the local c.mm.nlry and It,
DREA ITpgade, to Dlnne. Key
S.rge,S,I Level Infastr.cW.e
vast.,( more than 10,000peoplea yea.).
3/24/202017:26 M Madna
P.ojectln Planning Stage RI,eSto—Surge (Building)
dentlfled Funding So ... e 3,500,000.00
Rod:e.man Canal
Dredging and
Located In the Clty of MI—F, Coconut Grove area, the canal serves I, I channel to allow the p.bllc boat acres Into Biscayne Bay. The goal Is to Improve navigable waters for boats t—eling within the anal. Thes,ope of
5/13/202017:27 OCI StIb[If Iton
F.W.e Unfu nded Project All Hazards Other
dentlfled Funding So ... e 900,000.00 DA-1
64 work lnd.de,and is notIlmlted to canal dredging, trimming ofmang.oveand other—tictree,,sho.ellnestabllhatlon and possibleplantlng and/o, relocatlng mangrove trees.
Surge Sea Level
Rise Power
Fall ure HeKth,Se—Fy
Breach,Srorm InfiastrucW re
Rest.atl.n of the Hlrtorlc Marine3tdlum Bullding l.atedat Virginia Key
5/13/202017:13OCI Restoatlon
25%complete Surge Wlnd,Othe. (Bullding)
Str.CW a1 Upgade, F,
DREA Manuel AIt Te Office
,Flood,Flood/Storm Infa,tr.cW.e
Thl, pr.Jec to lmprove.n.epai.,al.eady ande—y at the Manuel ANme Office Bullding located at 970 SW -Street. The Office Bullding is cu rrenty In need ofstrucWal repairs to prevent heavywate. Intrusion.
5/13/202019:10 M Bullding
Funding Se ... ed Surge Wlnd (Bullding)
dentlfled Funding S..... 550,000.00
62 Thlsproject aim ,trtdying lhefeI,d lty of lnnovativeupg,Ide, to the bulldingto further strengthen It, resistances to wind/ain damage.
The kodry of the ty', anal and bay sho.elme(70percent)I,pl-f—ely owned and—Intolned, mu ch ofwhich I, In poor o, overgrown ondltlon. n the event of a majo.,to—,there could be tremendous low of property
Loans to Pdvate owner,
Into the dN,damageanal,,—,Ing up,o-eamflooding.Thl,p.oje,t—ognl—the need to harden,awal1,onpdvate property within the pity and wool d complement the.epl--ent and Improvement of ty—ned
SeK Level
wall,.The Fty o,ld estobu,h I loan p.og—that—ldp.ovldeInmCentiveto, pdvate property owner, to .eplI,e o.Imp.oveI—, of dete.matlnK e—Illonthe 1, property, allowing for a grate, oveau level of
5/12/202019:55 HCD StIblllze Sho.ellnes
F.W.e Unfunded Project Rlse Flood/Storm Surge Beach/Seawall
dentlfled Funding So ... e 250,000.00 DA-1
62 mltlgatlon FMIde. The prol—Ind,de,e,tIbll,hing and admini,terIng the loan prog—but not I -Illy providing dtyf.nding to borrowers.
Jose= PIT, Bullding
Inf,, W.e
5/13/202016:41OCI Improvement,
F.W.e Unfunded Project ,WInd,Ofhe. (Bllding)
60 Hardening the b.11ding agaln—to.m damages.
Glven damage,,., bIlned during H—I,Ine Irma and to address the Immediate needs of marina ..st.m e., (,afety, power, water) In such InddenC Thl, p.ojectsee, to provide Clty Madna, for a permanent (owned)
tf,e to entInK tempo—y electrical marine equipment for do,k, and piers. A unique aspect.f su ch equipment Is It, utlllty, as It flerlble In a seller of disaster s,enI,lo,. Technically, such equlpmentwould be deployed
and controlled by Clty emerge, servicesasap.ea.tlon to haza.d,which would require..tting power to madna hdlltles.Further,avalling such equipmentwould reduce the Clty's Ilablllty as to private/p.b11c property
da mage and Ilfe- Ifety In the eventthatc.tting the madna', power Is required optlon. C,ttlng power at Clty of III— madna fzclllles (where there are docked/connected vessels) would Impllate risk to p.lvate property
worth well over $100 million (combined).
Thl, eq.lpment, an effete mltlgatlon measure In preventlng electrical fires, elect,... tlon, and the sinking of d,,ked vessels. D..Ing H...lane Irma, Cltystaffand boaters reported va.l.., InddenC of the
Surge Power
af.rementl.ned, Ihatwhlch an be mu ch m.resevere In the event of a major-,-phl, storm. Hence this apg Ideaddres,es the p..tectl.n for It3 hazards (Ilfe- Ifey, environmental, and damage F.
Fallu,eSeI Level
propertylstr res). Given lteab.ve describe.{, sucha pr.JeRw.uld take less than 6m.nths t.c.mpleYeasltnv.lvesa siLdy.fpaNablllty and lhepr.curemenYof equipment. The p.ojectwould p.sitively Impa H'the
Portable Electrlal
welfa.eand resell— of the I.a1 community and madna vfs[t.,s (more than 10,000 people).
BI,k,p U nit for Chy
BreI h;St.'m
These bI,k,p units would directly Imp- less than 1,000 Inhabitants (madna ..,tomes). However, It an red-e.lsks associated wlih a power outage, one which an have a much broader effect It I —Ine fzclllty (Ex.
DREA MI-Inas(temp.
st—t—Ifire sinking vessels and related fuel splllage, elect,... ion)
3/24/202017 22M pedestals, hook a ps)
F.W.e Unfunded P..ject Dls..ptl.n,Wlnd Equipment
dentlfled Funding S.... e 1,800,000.00
Alice Walnwdght-lb
Design, and replacement of 1,1001In— feet of erlstlng seawall and new baywalk adjacent to Blsayne Bay. Baywalk amenitles Ind.de pedestrian Ilghtlng, benches, landsaping and trash receptdes.
10/1/201913:55 OCI Seawall and Baywalk
Other S-e,S,K Level RIse Beach/Seawall
This projectalms at mnstru Nng an elevated stooge bullding atthe Dinner Key site allowing MaIf, a staff to safely protect tools/equlpmen[/vehldes from flood waters/or stormsu rge During Hurricane Irma, Dlnner Key
Marina Incurred damages In o-ce of$100,000 IF SIR f equipmentalone. A good majority o f this equipmentsu¢u robed to water Intrusion damages and Induded: golf ca rts, forklift genera tors, power-tools,hand-
- eequipnt a nd op-mgs,pplles.Lhf equipm ,tfs tkI to every -day marina opeatland
Ime d the m mtenanceof surrounding property.
p Such aojectwll1 nvolve the constru Non of an elevated and fortlfied struc ... which would allow for thesafe storage of marina asset In the f a major hurrlane/troplcal norm. Further, It Is Im portantto .,side,
theInadequades of the marina's wrrentstoogearea: It does not effeNvely protect Ir mntena fromflood wa ters, It has I lmlted space(much less -than a nd may n.twithsta d a strong er occurrence o f sold
dedaatlon (alloy strucWre).
New elevated Stooge
Further, this project would weigh on the advantages/dlsadvantages of rtoring equlpmentneara hlghYI,k area (waterfront property) given experiences noted during Hurricane l I—For example, marina staff (force labor)
Shed ey for Dlnner K
re Illcequfpp,d for rapid moblllzatlon and debris decamp as almost all essentlal equipment/tools were destroyed. Thls required the CYty to procure external .,tract work and rental equipment
Ma rina(storage of
Pmt' mgsuch asset In a fortlfled strucWr. can prevent"lllbver$100,000 of property damages and poCentlally avoid Yens of thousands more In rem very work.61ven the above described, su ch a project would take 1 to
DREA obis/equipment/golf
Surge3ea Lev el
years complete as It Involves design wo rk a nd mnstru Non.
3/24/202017:18 M arts)
Projectln Planning Stage
RlseStorm Su rg—d
Identlfled Funding Source 335,000.00
Surge Power
Hardening electrical
Fall ureSecurity
breaker boxes and
DREA ansformers for
6lven damagessustained during Hurrlcanelrma a nd to address thelmm ediate needs of marina wstomers(safety, power, water) 1, s h Inddent Thls project aims at u pg d1mg eastside a nd northern electrical power
3/24/202017:17 M Mlamarina Bayslde
FUWre Unfunded Project
Dlsru ptlon,Wlnd
Identlfled Funding Source 150,000.00
59 equipmentboxes, strengthening them to be able to resist physical damage from ve llswhlch may ollIde with dod< and or pier.
Thls prol ctwlll be to provide funding to v Rally elevate the homes of Mlaml re,lde,t,.. Wewlll model FEMA Flood Mltlgatlon Asslslance (FMA) to, fund distributlon. All residents the receive funding musthave flood
e. Funds will be dlst ld, ted on� first--e,If-e,,ed basis OFF, co, no ng torthe to l lowing: SevereReped—Loss(SRL), Repetltive Loss(RL), and any other To roes with fl ood Insuance The If-Rer of funding
will be SRL homes, the remnd RL, and all other homes will bea part of the Ihlyd tler. Funded homes with SRLwlll receive $200,000, funded homes with RL will receive $180, 000 with a $20,000 mstshare, and all other
funded homes will recel,e$150,000w1iha 550,000 costshareuntll thegantawardlsfullyencumbered. Theco,t share. tbepaIdfo,by FberesIdent Fundswlll be dlstrlbuted on a relmbu eme,1ba,Rp,o,Ided the
residents fully Imply with all program rules.
SRLand RLwlll be defined as per FEMA's defmIRons on the 2017 FMA fact sheet Residents will have to prove that their homes meet the deflnitlons.
Surge Sea Level
5/13/20201823 ORS flood prone areas
FUWre Unfunded Project
Rlse,Storm Surge
dentlfled Funding Source 1,000,000.00
56 Thlsproga will fund 56 homes.
Design and mnstru Non for a new roof, bathrooms upg ade/remodel, replacement of selected doors and windows, terazzo repairs, new epoxy flooring to replaceVCT In selected areas, add elevator (code requirement),
MEP equlpmentupgade, new fire alarm system, new amustical cellmgs, Ilmlted Interior layout modlflcaoons, remnd floor finishes, Ilmlted cabinetry, mllling and resurface existlng parking lot (as a bid alternate), a new
Ltglon Park Communiry
InfastruCW re
tennis court (no Ilghtlng), and miscel lanmus repairs of bullding exterior walls sidewalks, and teraces
5/13/202017:080O BUIldIng l m proveme-
CLrtls Park Community
InfiastrucW re
Design fora new community center. Cost does n otincl,de constru co,. Center to serve asa resilience hub.
5/13/202018:3600 Center Design
Project In Planning Stage
Thls area of the CTty Is at the forefront of sea level rise We have been doing ongoing work here, Induding a reslllentrededgn workshop to examine how to adapt the neighborhood to ea level rlseand the lmplementatlon
of a Kmg Tlde ANon Plan. It Isa high priority for (u nding beca, e of the frequency of come of the hazards this prolectwlll address (tldal/pluvial flooding) and the consequences of storm surge In the neighborhood. Thls
neighborhoodo- erienced surge and pluvial flooding due to Irma, and Hood during the king tldes every auW Thls proles-11providesto— sewers to the area bounded by NE 83rd Street East Dlxle Hlghway, North Clty
Neighborhood Street
Ilmitsand Blscayne Boulevard. Road Im proveme-Indude mllling and resurfadng, new or repairsidewalks, cu rb and gutter, ADA a cops, r ade or re oddl,g Swaleareas, repair or replace damaged or disfigured traffic
and Damage
signs, and tree plantlng.Thlsprojectwlll address severefloodmg lssu es that this neighborhood experiences from Both,atrial dlsasters,pluvial floods, and king Rdes. The CTtyof Mlaml is orwlll bepartrtel-mg-LMlaml-
5/13/202018:2800 Improvement
Projectm Planning Stage
Surge,Sea Level Rlse
52 Dade County, the South Florlda Water Management District and FDOT.
Damage l FIT— Induding pump statlo,. Thls proles-11 provide damage lm proveme- tof the area approximately bounded by Blscayne Bay, -750 ft.noQh,,e,tf,om N. Bayhomes Rd., N. Bayhomes Dr. and S.
Bayhomes Drive She new drainage facllltles will Indude butmay notbe Ilmlted to a mrtibmaton of e fht,atlon. dams, deep drainagewells, and storm water pump statlo,(s). Road Improvements Indude mllling and
Bayhomes Drive
Surge Health,Power
resurfacing, remnstru Non, new or repair sidewalks, w band gutter, ADA amps, ,egad, or resoddl,g Swaleareas, repair or replace damaged or disfigured trafficsfgns, and tree plantlngs.
5/13/202016:1800 Damagel m proveme-
Projectm Planning Stage
Failure Wlnd
Vlrglnla Key Beach
DREA so,-wa
SurgeSea Level
SWdy and lmplementatlon of op0onsapproved by DERM and code to protect the shorellneand beach areas. Preventbeach erosion and allow preparing area forstorm surgeand Hood control.
3/24/20201J:13M anagement
FUWre Unfunded Project
Rlse,Storm Surge
dentlfled Funding Source 15,096,495.00
MIamI Rowing dub
InfastrucW re
Metal roof replacement of approximately 6,700 SF. Prevlous storm damage shows the need for hardening of roof to preventfurther damage to existmg roof and Interior fea-es. Fadllty needs Impact floor-tocellmg
5/13/202018:12 Parks Bullding Repalrs
Fu Wre Unfu nded Project
49 windows, no cu ntshutters or wind protectlon In place for the fadllty.
Surge Sea Level
Improve. en re o allow less Impact to bullding as a result of flooding, high winds and disasterconditlons. Park lm provements to assist In reducing, ative Impacts from lack of damage and
Mommgslde Park
assist in resIlle,ce lm provements to p otect park and neighborhood.
bullding hardening and
Su rge,Wlnd,Sew Fy
5/13/202018:14Parks 'eslllent upgades
FUWre Unfunded Project
Identlfled Funding Source 5,000,000.00
Antonio Maceo Park
Renovate Maceo Park Boatramp Induding the concrete boavamp, sidewalks, parking lot statlonery dock and the floatmg dock
5/13/202016:1100 Boatramp
Funding Secured
Surge,Sea Level Rlse
Renovate and/or reYoof bulldmgswithin 10 parks throughout the ty,to Indude Caribbean MarkeWlacewhlch may require a substantlal remnstruNOn
City wide Parks Roofing
Infad a Wre
5/12/202016:37 Pas Rec rkonstrucdon
Funding Secured