Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice Information Services
Name of Subaward Recipient:
Authorized Official for Subaward Recipient or Implementing Agency
Typed Name of Authorized Official:
Typed Title:
Telephone Number ( )
1. Briefly describe the proposed contractual services andlor equipment and how it relates to your
The current RMS vendor for our agency has evaluated the project scope and business
requirements. Current system architecture will be leveraged to implement the new Florida
Incident -Based Reporting System requirements.
2. Explain your reasons for proposing to contract with, or purchase from, a non-competitive sole
source. Address the expertise of the contractor, management, responsiveness, program
knowledge and experience of contract personnel. Also provide the results of a market survey to
determine competition availability or address why a market survey was not conducted.
To accomplish the goals of this grant, the contract agreement must be made with the agency's
current vendor so they can conduct an analysis of requirements, update the system and business
process documentation, design the new submission process, and test the process once complete.
3. Indicate the contract period and explain the potential impact on contract deliverables if due dates
are not met. Relate this information to the approval period for your grant award. Estimate the
time and cost to hire a competent replacement should the current contractor default.
The contract period will not exceed September 2021. Without an agreement with the agency's
current RMS vendor, the deliverables of the FIBRS project would be unattainable by the deadline
of January 1, 2021.
4. Describe what is unique about the project and the proposed sole source contractor that would
warrant a sole source contract.
Due to the nature of the project, analysis and updates must be made to the current vendor's
system in order to be able to meet the deliverable of the FIBRS project by the deadline of January
1, 2021.
5. Explain any other points you believe should be covered to support your request for a sole source
It is in the best interest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Information Services to obtain sole
FDLE Criminal Justice Information Services
Rule Reference 11D-9A06
Sole Source Form
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Rev. 12119
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice Information Services
source procurement. In order to meet the deliverables of the project by the deadline, it is
necessary for the success of the project to work with the current agency RMS vendor.
Make a declaration that the action to be taken is in the "best interest" of the subaward recipient
and the implementing agency.
It is in the best interest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Information Services to obtain sole
source procurement. In order to meet the deliverables of the project by the deadline, it is
necessary for the success of the project to work with the current agency RMS vendor.
7. Address the Conflict of Interest Review (i.e. proposed contractor is not excluded or debarred and
was not involved in development of the procurement)
The proposed contractor is the current agency vendor, they are not excluded or disbarred and did
not participate in the development of this project.
FILE Criminal Justice Information Services
Rule Reference 11D-9M6
Sole Source Form
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Rev. 12119
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice Information Services
Name of Subaward Recipient:
Authorized Official for Subaward Recipient or Implementing Agency
Typed Name of Authorized Official:
Typed Title:
Telephone Number ( )
Each grant has a list of special conditions that agencies are required to adhere to when
accepting federal grant funds. A special condition of this grant states that the award does not
allow for any consultant rate to exceed $650.00 per day. As a result, the purpose of this letter
is to provide justification for hourly rates exceeding that threshold.
In most cases for specialized technical work, we have found that the $650.00 per day
threshold is not realistic. This equates to roughly $81 per hour. Experienced programmers,
analysts, and managers typically require rates in the $100 to $200 per hour range. Actual
rates will vary depending on the experience and skill level specified by the job category and
the individual contractor.
Due to the nature of the FIBRS Project, updates must be made to our current RMS vendor's
system in order for our agency to be able to submit incident -based data to the FBI via FDLE.
The existing contract between our agency and vendor was procured in accordance with
Florida Statute Chapter 287 and Rule 60A Florida Administrative Code. Therefore, we are
requesting to be able to retain contracted services at the previously agreed upon hourly rate
outlined in the existing contract with our RMS vendor.
FDLE Criminal Justice Information Services
Contractor Rate Justification Form
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Rev. 1120
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
Subgrant Recipient
Organization Name: City of Miami
County: Dade
Chief Official
Name: Francis Suarez
3500 Pan American Drive
FL Zip: 33133-5504
305-250-5300 Ext:
Chief Financial Officer
Name: Sandra Bridgeman
Assistant City Manager
444 S.W. 2nd Avenue
10th Floor
FL Zip: 33130-1910
305-416-1025 Ext:
Email: SBridgeman@miamigov.com
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Contract 4 2020-NCSX-DADE-3-D6-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
Implementing Agency
Organization Name: City of Miami Police Department
County: Dade
Chief Official
Name: Jorge Colina
Title: Chief of Police
Address: 400 NW 2nd Avenue
Room 419
FL Zip: 33128-1706
305-603-6100 Ext:
Project Director
Name: Tymekia Gibson
Contract Compliance Analyst
400 Northwest 2nd Avenue
FL Zip: 33128-1706
305-603-6142 Ext:
Application Ref # 2019-NCSX-14 Section #1 Page 2 of 2
Contract # 2020-NCSX-DADE-3-D6-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
General Project Information
Subgrant Recipient: City of Miami
Implementing Agency: City of Miami Police Department
Project Start Date: 4/30/2020 End Date: 9/22/2020
Problem Identification
As The City of Miami Police Department (MPD) transitions its Records Management System
(RMS) interface to be NIBRS-compatible and ultimately transition into the Florida Incident -Based
Reporting System (FIBRS), it must make considerations in its processes for data integrity. An
FIBRS-compatible RMS interface can contain many details. For officers or other personnel tasked
with completing NIBRS reports, it is easy to overlook data inputs„ especially when working with
the high -volume of data inherent with large -sized police precincts working in high -crime cities. The
City of Miami Police Department has over 1300 officers. In 2018, the number of cases reported to
MPD included 3,186 assaults/batteries; 3,075 domestic violence; 276 sex offenses; 837 robberies;
and 330,446 CAD generated calls.
In addition, if data entry personnel need to manipulate the forms to enter data, users tend to forget
to enter the necessary data elements, and, if data inputs are all the same color and layout, they
may be easy to overlook. These capability gaps increase in likeliness when data entry is left in the
purview of minimal staff, such as data analysts, who also have other functions they have to
dedicate time to. Currently, one Senior Application Support Analyst in the Miami Police IT Section
is responsible for analyzing AND entering all crime data in the RMS. MPD's high volume of calls
for service, crime incidents and cases demand an expansion of trained, certified data entry
personnel that will be able to navigate the transition to the FIBRS in order to use this interface to
its maximum potential to decrease crime in the City of Miami.
Furthermore, implementation of a FIBRS-compatible RMS interface will also address the following
capability gaps:
- MPD is unable to report FIBRS data in the FDLE required format.
- Data elements are missing from current reports.
- Data elements in tables are not updated to IEPD standards.
- Users currently have no training or knowledge on how to export FIBRS reports from the RMS.
MPD will prioritize the work to address the above mentioned capability gaps by performing the
- Create FIBRS module in P1.
- Install FIBRS module in P1.
- Update code tables in testing environment to meet IEPD standards.
- Update the reporting module to include new FIBRS, FDLE, and LINX data sets.
- Create a sample data set in testing environment to test reporting capability.
Perform 6-month test with FDLE.
- Train MPD Records Unit Personnel in use of FIBRS module.
- Complete acceptance testing.
- Implement FIBRS module in production environment.
Project Summary (Scope of Work)
In 2021, the City of Miami will change its methodology of reporting crime from its
Application Ref # 2019-NCSX-14 Section #2 Page 1 of 3
Contract # 2020-NCSX-DADE-3-D6-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
previous reporting process, Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program to the new national industry
standard, National Incident -Based Reporting System (NIBRS). This new standard is spearheaded
by the National Crime Statistics Exchange and is utilizing NIBRS' state counterpart, Florida
Incident -Based Reporting System (FIBRS), to ensure the transition is completed properly. At a
minimum, the City of Miami Police Department will meet the FDLE technical specifications for the
FIBRE Project that will require local agencies to demonstrate that their RMS is capable of
submitting data for FIBRS, Use -of -Force, and the Florida specific data elements. MPD has
already initiated the transition and has contracted Motorola Solutions Inc. as the software provider
for this transition to FIBRS.
Federal grants are being utilized through FIBRS to assist financially with the numerous aspects of
the transition. To close the capability gaps listed in the Statement of the Problem, The City of
Miami is requesting funding to assist with training its Records Unit, which will be the responsible
party for ensuring accurate and timely reporting to FIBRS. Additionally, funding will be allocated
for provisioning support and remote support for the first state submission once the FIBRS is
implemented and ready for use. Provision support will be necessary since changes to the base
report are done through the Premier One Advanced Configuration Tool. Use of this tool is highly
technical and we do not have sufficient experience with the application to feel comfortable doing
the changes. MPD will also need remote support as this is a new interface that has not been used
before. Motorola will provide remote support to ensure that all reports are generated correctly.
The Records Unit personnel will take over data entry duties from the Senior Application Support
Analyst in the Miami Police IT Section. The expansion of certified personnel who can work with
the FIBRS will ensure data integrity is maintained and will allow the Miami IT section to dedicate
more time to crime analytics, as the data entry duties are transitioned to the Records Unit. The
Records Unit currently has fifteen (15) personnel assigned to the Unit. The Unit consists of a
Lieutenant (Unit Commander), a Records Custodian (Deputy Unit Commander), an Administrative
Aide, a Typist Clerk III, five (5) Typist Clerks and six (6) Clerks. All assigned personnel will be
trained in the new FIBRS standard.
Records Unit personnel will participate in two (2) three-day training sessions. Motorola, the City of
Miami's software provider, will provide onsite training to the Records Unit personnel. The course
will be held in the Records Unit training room. Motorola, who the City of Miami has giving the
responsibility for ensuring FIBRS software compliance, will supply all training documents and
instructors. Motorola has also committed to ensuring a smooth transition from their Uniform Crime
Report (UCR) compliant software to the new FIBRS complaint software and will be on site during
the transition period.
The following should be noted:
- FIBRS will become the responsibility of the Records Unit, taking the reporting of crime statistics
from IT.
- While FIBRS appears to be a more accurate way of collecting crime statistics, it may prove to be
labor intensive because of its monthly reporting requirement. Thus the need for transitioning
reporting of crime statistics to the Records Unit.
- A benefit of FIBRS in relation to crime statistics is that inputted data will be accurate and
immediately accessible without having to wait for the midyear and end of the year statistics.
- Because of the lack of personnel, the Records Unit will employ an all hands on deck approach to
ensure accurate and timely monthly reporting.
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Contract # 2020-NCSX-DADS-3-D6-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
Finally, in order to be FIBRS compliant, Miami Police Department will perform the following
Completion Estimated: 9/1/2020
- Creation of FIBRS Module in P1
Estimated: 9/15/2020 - 11/15/2020
- Installation of FIBRS module in P1 test environment.
- Update of code tables in testing environment to meet IEPD standards.
- Update reporting module to include new FIBRS, FDLE, and LINX data sets.
- Testing 6 months of previous month data to ensure accuracy.
- Creation of sample data set in testing environment to test reporting capability.
- Completion of acceptance testing.
Estimated: 11/15/2020 - 12/1/2020
- Training of MPD Records Unit personnel in use of FIBRS module.
- Implement FIBRS module in production environment.
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Contract # 2020-NCSX-DADE-3-D6-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
General Performance Info:
Performance Reporting Frequency: Monthly
Prime Purpose Area: NCSX - NCSX
State Purpose Area: G - General Questions
Objectives and Measures
Objective: General - General Questions
Measure: 1
Is the applicant aware this grant requires the submission of performance data to
FDLE for each reporting period?
Goal: Yes
Application Ref # 2019-NCSX-14 Section #3 Page 1 of 1
Contract # 2020-NCSX-DADE-3-DE-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
General Financial Info:.
Note: All financial remittances will be sent to the Chief Financial Officer
of the Subgrantee Organization..
Financial Reporting Frequency for this Subgrant: Monthly
Is the subgrantee a state agency?: No
FLAIR I Vendor Number: 596000375
Budget Category Prime Match Total
Salaries and Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services
Operating Capital
Indirect Costs
-- Totals --
Project Generated Income:
Will the project earn project generated income (PGI)?
cation Ref # 2019-NCSX-14 Section 94 Page 1 of 2
Contract # 2020-NCSX-DADE-3-D6-012
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
National Crime Statistics Exchange
Budget Narrative:
Contractual Services: $192,184
Project Management Consultant- $55,000
Project Management -Consultant will provided technical assistance during the conversion to the
new FIBRS system. Will support the Scope of Work. 220 hours x est. $250 = $55,000
Training - $34,184
FIBRS Training for 15 MPD Records Management Personnel @ two (2) three days session
$17,092 x two sessions = $34,184
Additional Support Services- $103,000
Support Services based on flat rate deliverables
1. Assess/recommend/make changes that will be necessary in the FIBRS related Offense Ust(s) to
support successful FIBRS submission. This should correspond with the State of Florida
determination of the FIBRS code to NOC. In addition, the changes will have to support the
requested field change from above. $8,400.00
2. Check CoM Case Report Schema to ensure its viability for submission of FIBRS. Recommend
and make changes as necessary. All fields necessary for FIBRS submission will need review for
standards. $10,060
3. Assist with testing and validation with the State of Florida to get certified in FIBRS submission.
Make changes as necessary. $9,820.00
4. Check, and verify all LIST (tables) for FIBRS required fields to ensure they are populated
correctly. Recommend and make changes as necessary. $12,750.00
5. Create written content to be provided to report writers in relation to correct FIBRS report writing
within PremierOne RMS. $14,830.00
6. Technical Assistance providing a Report Writer orientation to FIBRS and report submission; this
will need to include necessary documentation. $8,100.00
7. Advanced Configuration Tool (ACT) work required for new or changed fields $24,800.00
8. SSRS report changes $14,240.00
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Contract # 2020-NCSX- DAD E-3-D6-012