HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Public Comments Submitted Online for the July 9, 2020 Virtual City Commission MeetingCommission Report (Copy)
Commission sion ll eeting Public l::lonbment ... M.lWY 23rd, 2020
Jifly 23, 2020 1 : 4 II'°° Ilii IIVD IF
Public Comment
mote ro@miar igov.com
Hu'l'l °ll'Iirir e a^SII 114,11rine Slllireelll Nktress Ageirida Illeiriru
"uulluViic c.:oinnirirucru119
I respectfully request
approval of the
supplemental budget
for the Liberty City
Revitalization Trust.
The Trust is a vital
and integral part of
the Liberty City
community and
addresses all facets
of life within it
boundaries. Programs
that deal with the
Elderly, Juveniles,
RE. 3 7586 Approve
Supplemental Budget
samuel latimore 937 n.w. 55th street -Liberty City
housing and related
Revitalization Trust
issues just to name a
few. Additionally, the
Trust works well with
Community based
organizations, Home
serves as a bridge
between quality of
life issues and
governmental and
non governmental
services. It has been
very effective in
responding to citizens
concerns and needs.
7681 Submittal -Public Comments Submitted Online for the July 23, 2020 Virtual City Commission Meeting
Hu'l'l airir e aslll "Jairir e Smell eburs^ s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
nicole young
The Commodore Trail
is heavily utilized and
yet in a poor state of
repair and highly
dangerous in a
number of places. I
have lived in Coconut
Grove for 32 years
and watched this
jewel of a trail
RE. 13 7639
deteriorate to its
I nterlocal Agreement
present sorry state. In
- Commodore Trail
fact, I consider the
Master Plan
portion of the trail
near me so
dangerous that I
rarely visit it
anymore. Please vote
for resolution RE. 13
to support the
development of a
master plan and
improvements to the
Commodore Trail.
Commodore Trail is a
big part of my daily
exercise routine,
especially since the
60 edgewater drive.
RE. 13 7639
Covid pandemic.
Interlocal Agreement
11c Coral Gables,
Anything that can
Florida 33133
- Commodore Trail
continue the
Master Plan
improvement of this
neighborhood gem is
well spent money.
Thanks, Patti Elias
we do NOT support
item #6 as the
amendment to the
code would allow for
additonal bonuses for
T-6-80. Public
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
NW North River Drive
Text - TOD Public
ridership is DOWN
Benefits Program
31% since March
2015 vs March 2019
per Miami Dade
Transportation and
Public Works Dept. I
DO NOT supportHH
I iura'll "Jairir e
maria victoria
I a^SII "Jairir e
christophe petit
Slireell Aehtress Ageirida Illeiriru
ululbiic c::oiriruirirucruull
This is a very
important project to
Miami's vast and
growing cycling
community. Please
continue to make
sure important
RE. 13 7639
projects such as this
1729 SW 12 St, I nterlocal Agreement
get the funding and
Miami FL - Commodore Trail
support that they
Master Plan
deserve. Cycling and
improvements are a
high priority for me
and many electors
that I associate with.
Thank you for your
PZ. 16981 HEPB
3965 Leafy Way, Decision Appeal - I'm against this
miami FL 33133 2167 S. Bayshore Dr project.
(Special Certificate of
squeeze... Is that the
image of what the
GROVE wants to be?
The only advantage
from this ridiculous
architecture showing
up on Day and Bird
Ave is that you can
borrow the neighbor's
salt by extending
RE. 117404 your hand through
Ohio St 3100 Settlement - 3384 the window and right
out on his kitchen
Day Avenue
table. Common folks,
please don't let that
happen. Only
cemeteries proceed
this way. So please
take exemplary,
"Lesson -teaching -
action", and don't let
developers turn our
place into a packed
I iura'll "Jairir e
I 'I SII: "Jairir e
Slllireelll: aures
Ageirida Illeirir11
11:,UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
I lived in Miami for 40
years, in the Grove
for 11. Went to
Ransom Everglades
7-12 grade. The traffic
in the Grove is one of
the reasons I pulled
up my family and
moved out of Miami a
PZ. 16981 HEPB
few years ago. I
Decision Appeal -
2602 La Ronde St.
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
come to visit and am
Austin, TX 78731
shocked at how bad
(Special Certificate of
the traffic is now.
Bayshore is such an
important artery, it
seems ridiculous to
even consider putting
another school there.
Please don't let
Carrolton build on the
Villa Woodbine
We are parents of
three school age
children who play
outside in the
neighborhood, walk
to Kennedy Park and
bike ride through
town. Twice my
children have been
almost run off the
road on Tigertail,
PZ. 16981 HEPB
resulting in injury. The
Decision Appeal -
traffic is terrible and
2321 Trapp Avenue
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
this is a family
(Special Certificate of
community. Would
you want to put your
own children in more
harms way? Let's do
the right thing here
and not add
additional traffic to
the neighborhood, in
spite of any dollars
that may bring in.
This is about people,
their lives and their
3400 SW 27 Ave Apt. RE. 13 7639 1 am in support of the
Susan Silver 1105 Coconut Grove, I nterlocal Agreement Commodore Trail
FL 33133 - Commodore Trail funding and urge you
Master Plan to approve it.
Hu'l'l "Jairir e
I aslll: "Jairir e
Stephanie St. Louis
Slllireelll Nktress
Ageirida Illeiriru
I"uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
My name is Steve
Wernick. I am a
resident of Coconut
Grove, and a father to
3 young boys.
Serving on the Board
of Friends of the
Underline, I've seen
the immense benefits
of integrated trails for
our community - as
mobility corridors,
recreation, exercise,
public health and
safety. Perhaps most
investment in
pedestrian / bicycle
infrastructure has
RE. 13 7639
2501 Swanson
been shown to have a
I nterlocal Agreement
Avenue, Coconut
significant return on
Grove, FL 33133
- Commodore Trail
investment (ROI),
Master Plan
10x greater than that
seen for dollars spent
on auto -oriented
infrastructure. The
Commodore Trail is a
key trail that can
serve residents and
families throughout
Miami. And this trail
is in need of planned
improvements to be
safe for users and to
connect people with
the growing network
of trails in Miami. For
these reasons, please
support The
Commodore Trail and
item RE.13.
2901 SW 102nd Ave,
PZ. 16981 HEPB
(Please note: I would
Miami, FL 33165
Decision Appeal -
prefer that my video
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
comment, submitted
(Special Certificate of
on 7-22-2020 from
V uufi^ 7irircVVll:cu .cir
g, be used for
purposes of the 7-23-
2020 hearing and the
record. I am providing
my written comment
here only in the event
that my video did not
transfer properly and
is not available.) I am
an alum and
employee of
Carrollton School of
the Sacred Heart. I
strongly support
Carrollton's plan for
2167 S. Bayshore
Drive, and believe it
could be the best way
to preserve Villa
I1o'lll 11jairine11'a"'11l 11jairine Slireell Nkliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
Woodbine's historical
and environmental
integrity while also
providing value to the
community. While so
many historical
properties in Coconut
Grove have been torn
down, El Jardin
remains and is
lovingly and
painstakingly cared
for. It is appreciated
by all who attend,
visit, and work at the
school. All members
of the community
treasure and respect
the natural beauty
around us in the
trees, shrubs, and
other plants in
throughout the
property. For
Carrollton, the
historical and
ecological elements
of Villa Woodbine are
not obstacles to
overcome but rather
assets to be
embraced, and are
what make it a
perfect location for a
small, all -boys
school. As evidenced
by so much of the
development in
Coconut Grove, is
seems that it would
be very difficult, if not
impossible, to find
another owner who
would so highly value
these aspects of the
property. Our
community would
benefit so much from
a school providing an
all -boys education for
young men, instilling
in them the values
that have made so
many members of
the Carrollton
community so
involved in helping
others and being
forces for good. While
I realize that the
traffic issue is
concerning to some
neighbors, I believe
that it can be
resolved and hope
you will give
Woodbine School the
I1o'lll 11jairine11'a"'11l 11jairine Slireell Nkliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
opportunity to do so.
Thank you. (Please
note: I would prefer
that my video
comment, submitted
on 7-22-2020 from
^SII Vr� a ufi^��a7 � � irircVVll:cu��. cir
g, be used for
purposes of the 7-23-
2020 hearing and the
record. I am providing
my written comment
here only in the event
that my video did not
transfer properly and
is not available.) I am
an alum and
employee of
Carrollton School of
the Sacred Heart. I
strongly support
Carrollton's plan for
2167 S. Bayshore
Drive, and believe it
could be the best way
to preserve Villa
Woodbine's historical
and environmental
integrity while also
providing value to the
community. While so
many historical
properties in Coconut
Grove have been torn
down, El Jardin
remains and is
lovingly and
painstakingly cared
for. It is appreciated
by all who attend,
visit, and work at the
school. All members
of the community
treasure and respect
the natural beauty
around us in the
trees, shrubs, and
other plants in
throughout the
property. For
Carrollton, the
historical and
ecological elements
of Villa Woodbine are
not obstacles to
overcome but rather
assets to be
embraced, and are
what make it a
perfect location for a
small, all -boys
school. As evidenced
by so much of the
development in
Coconut Grove, is
seems that it would
be very difficult, if not
I1o'lllI'JairirueI'a"'11lI'Jairirue Slireell Ashliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
impossible, to find
another owner who
would so highly value
these aspects of the
property. Our
community would
benefit so much from
a school providing an
all -boys education for
young men, instilling
in them the values
that have made so
many members of
the Carrollton
community so
involved in helping
others and being
forces for good. While
I realize that the
traffic issue is
concerning to some
neighbors, I believe
that it can be
resolved and hope
you will give
Woodbine School the
opportunity to do so.
Thank you.
3536 Rockerman PZ. 16981 HEPB
We are requesting
Road Decision Appeal -
that you please
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
uphold the December
(Special Certificate of
3, 2019 HEPB
decisions that denied
the Special Certificate
of Approval and
Special Certificate of
Appropriateness. We
strongly oppose
Carrollton's Woodbine
School at the Villa
Woodbine property.
Now is the time to
stop this project. The
proposed school is
wrong on so many
points, among them:
Per a June 24, 2020
Traffic Study Report
and Crash Analysis
Study: - adds over
1,400 DAILY school
generated trips to a
site with over 138
accidents reported
during the last 3
years within 1/3 mile
in any direction of
Villa Woodbine, and
provides only 53
parking spaces when
traffic study indicted
the minimum should
be 123 spaces. One
of the 13 existing
Hu'l'l airir e aslll "Jairir e Slllireelll Ahtress s geirida Illeiriru I"uulbViic d::oiriruirirucruull
private schools in the
area is practically a
stone's throw away
and already creates
massive traffic tie-ups
every single school
day. This site will
produce a traffic
nightmare extending
well past the
boundaries of the
proposed school and
severely adversely
affect the quality of
life of nearby
residents and the
safety of all who
travel through the
area. B TREES /
project will aggravate
environmental issues
and heighten the
impact of coastal
disasters such as
storm surge and
flooding created by
intensifying rising
seas and stronger
hurricanes. The
project removes over
60% of the tree
canopy on almost 4 -
acres, keeps only 26
of 66 species trees
and removes over
1,000 of DBH (tree
trunk girth), plus adds
over 104,000 SF
Footprint of new
construction and
blocks the protected
view of Scenic
Corridor with a pool
and deck that
obscure the protected
Silver Bluff. The
significant removal of
green areas and tree
canopy, combined
with increased traffic
carbon emissions, will
have an undisputable
adverse impact on
our local
environment. This
poses a measurable
threat to the safety of
Miami residents the
risk of which simply
shouldn't be allowed
to exist. C. PUBLIC
BURDEN — Coconut
Grove is an area less
than 5 square miles
and there are 13
1 1o'lll Ill irir e I 114,11rine Slllireelll Aakkess s geirida Illeiriru 1"uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
private schools that
pay no real estate
taxes and have a
combined assessed
property value
totaling over $230
million. This project
does not generate
real estate tax
revenue and shifts
the public service tax
burden onto the City
and taxpayers at a
time when the
economy is in an
already tenuous
position given the
COVID-19 impact.
Please and help us
protect our coastal
city from the impact
of a project that will
clearly have an
adverse impact to
genuine stewardship
of Miami and poses
significant life safety
hazards and financial
burdens on its
taxpayers, the city
and county. Sharon
Quinn Dixon and
Robert A. Dixon 3536
Rockerman Road
3536 Rockerman PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
We are requesting
Road Decision Appeal -
that you please
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
uphold the December
(Special Certificate of
3, 2019 HEPB
decisions that denied
the Special Certificate
of Approval and
Special Certificate of
Appropriateness. We
strongly oppose
Carrollton's Woodbine
School at the Villa
Woodbine property.
Now is the time to
stop this project. The
proposed school is
wrong on so many
points, among them:
Per a June 24, 2020
Traffic Study Report
and Crash Analysis
Study: - adds over
1,400 DAILY school
generated trips to a
site with over 138
accidents reported
during the last 3
years within 1/3 mile
in any direction of
I1o'lllI'JairirueI'a"'11lI'Jairirue Slireell Nkliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
Villa Woodbine, and
provides only 53
parking spaces when
traffic study indicted
the minimum should
be 123 spaces. One
of the 13 existing
private schools in the
area is practically a
stone's throw away
and already creates
massive traffic tie-ups
every single school
day. This site will
produce a traffic
nightmare extending
well past the
boundaries of the
proposed school and
severely adversely
affect the quality of
life of nearby
residents and the
safety of all who
travel through the
area. B TREES /
project will aggravate
environmental issues
and heighten the
impact of coastal
disasters such as
storm surge and
flooding created by
intensifying rising
seas and stronger
hurricanes. The
project removes over
60% of the tree
canopy on almost 4 -
acres, keeps only 26
of 66 species trees
and removes over
1,000 of DBH (tree
trunk girth), plus adds
over 104,000 SF
Footprint of new
construction and
blocks the protected
view of Scenic
Corridor with a pool
and deck that
obscure the protected
Silver Bluff. The
significant removal of
green areas and tree
canopy, combined
with increased traffic
carbon emissions, will
have an undisputable
adverse impact on
our local
environment. This
poses a measurable
threat to the safety of
Miami residents the
risk of which simply
Hu'l'l I'Jairirue 11 'a"'11 I'Jairirue Slireell Aakkess Ageirida Illeiriru "uullbk: Conniruueuull
shouldn't be allowed
to exist. C. PUBLIC
BURDEN — Coconut
Grove is an area less
than 5 square miles
and there are 13
private schools that
pay no real estate
taxes and have a
combined assessed
property value
totaling over $230
million. This project
does not generate
real estate tax
revenue and shifts
the public service tax
burden onto the City
and taxpayers at a
time when the
economy is in an
already tenuous
position given the
COVID-19 impact.
Please and help us
protect our coastal
city from the impact
of a project that will
clearly have an
adverse impact to
genuine stewardship
of Miami and poses
significant life safety
hazards and financial
burdens on its
taxpayers, the city
and county. Sharon
Quinn Dixon and
Robert A. Dixon 3536
Rockerman Road
11o'lll "Jairir e
I "Jairir e
Sllireell Aehtress
Ageirida I lleirir11
11:'UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
Roselvic Noguera,
Antillean Marine
Shipping, 3038 NW
North River Drive,
Miami, 33142. ITEM
CHAPTER 20,29 and
We are opposing the
3038 NW North River
SR. 17338 Amend
approval of this
Drive, Miami, FL
Code - Chapter 20,
ordinance, because
29 and 54
the proposed
elevation requirement
will diminish vessel
docking capabilities
and could cause a
negative impact on
the economy of the
Miami River. Vessel
docking and
customary upland
facility access are
essential for efficient
and viable marine
industry operations.
Strongly oppose this
PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning
810 NW 9th Ave
rezoning proposal.
- Various
Thank you.
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
Strongly oppose this
810 NW 9th Ave
Text - TOD Public
Benefits Program
The Spring Garden
Civic Association and
I (a Director) do not
support a zoning
change because it will
increase traffic and
density in our area.
Make the
infrastructure more
723 NW 9 Ave. (Rear
conducive to
PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning
house) Miami, FL
accommodating more
density before
allowing developers
more leeway. It is
time for you to
consider the needs of
the surrounding
neighborhoods by
enabling a better
quality of life for all.
Do better.
11o'lll "Jairir e
a SII "Jairir e
Sllireell Nktress
Ageirida I lleirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
This trail is in real
need of renovation,
RE. 13 7639
and a plan for
I nterlocal Agreement
improving it will get
2954 Day Avenue
- Commodore Trail
us on track to make it
Master Plan
a much more
welcoming and useful
I do not support this
723 NW 9 Ave. (Rear
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
amendment to the
house) Miami, FL
Text - TOD Public
code as it would allow
Benefits Program
for additional bonuses
for T-6-80.
RE. 13 7639
3091 SW 19 St
I nterlocal Agreem ent
Miami, FL 33145
-Commodore Trail
Master Plan
Please support
improvements to the
RE. 13 7639
Commodore Trail. It
3536 St. Gaudens
Interlocal Agreement
beautifies the City
Rd. Miami
- Commodore Trail
and creates an
Master Plan
incentive to better
public health.
2993 Ruth Street
PZ. 16981 HEPB
Travesty that this can
Miami Fl 33133
Decision Appeal -
even be a
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
consideration to take
(Special Certificate of
a quaint and
diverse protected
biome and continue
to degrade it due to
the will of
privileged. The grove
is not only a unique
location which can
benefit from
economic prosperity
by protecting and
promoting the
uniqueness of the
community, but it can
stand up to
preserving a biome of
diversity quickly
endangered to mans
encroachment. I will
leave the grove if this
development occurs.
The volume of traffic
and loss of our tree
canopy and
uniqueness as a
neighborhood has
been rapidly a
concern as the
"Brick iliztion" of the
Hu'l'l airir e aslll "Jairir e Slllireelll Nktress s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
Ramon Fernandez
grove has eradicated
original bungalow
homes replaced with
violation height
homes, loss of d
growth trees due to
minor fines that large
corporations can pay,
loss of trees due to
compromising root
structures and power
companies cutting
trees inappropriately.
The gentrification that
has occurred as well
is an insult to the
heritage of the
original settlers of the
grove. Many
communities have
pain during minor
changes as we
progress through
time, what is going
on in the grove is a
mass extinction Of
flora, fauna, culture,
uniqueness,comm unit
y and all due to
privileged citizens
who can buy
whomever and what
ever they want. We
don't need another
damn private school
on a land plot with
flora and fauna and
we certainly don't
need the damn traffic.
I was born in the
Coconut grove, So
much has changed
and its only getting
worse with the
construction thats
going on, Enough is
PZ. 16981 HEPB
enough! Schools are
Decision Appeal -
not needed within the
357 Almeria Ave Apt
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
coconut grove district
(Special Certificate of
as if theres a need for
schools it can be on
the outskirts which
would be much more
economically viable
for the school and we
will maintain a
healthy green eco
living village
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Patrice Gillespie Smith
Sllireelll: eburs^ Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
On behalf of The
Underline, I am
writing to support for
item RE 13. By
funding the
construction of
portions of the
Commodore Trail, this
resolution will
improve our trail
network and grow
mobility options for
our current and future
residents. Now, more
than ever, Miami
residents are relying
on multimodal trails
to get around. On the
Underline trail in front
of Vizcaya Station,
bicycle ridership and
pedestrian counts
have more than
doubled since the
pandemic began.
Like The Underline,
The Commodore Trail
is particularly
important because it
RE. 13 7639
offers an alternative
120 SW 8th Street, I nterlocal Agreement
to car -based
Miami, FL 33131 - Commodore Trail
commuting through
Master Plan
densely populated
neighborhoods in the
City of Miami. It
creates a safe, off-
road biking and
walking corridor
within a natural and
beautiful setting. It
links to 3 other major
multi -use trails, 10
parks, 11 historic
sites, and 11 schools.
As we realize the full
capacity of this trail
and connect it to The
Underline, we will
develop a bicycle and
pedestrian network
that can serve
hundreds of
thousands of Miami
residents, employees
and visitors. We hope
you will support RE
13 and take this
important step to
ensuring a connected,
resilient and
economically viable
community for
generations to come.
Hu'l'l airir e aslll "Jairir e Slllireelll Ashliress s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
Nicholas Copeland
I am in support of this
resolution. The
Commodore Trail is
one of the most
RE. 13 7639
popular in Miami. It
3403 Poinciana
I nterlocal Agreement
needs to be improved
- Commodore Trail
in order to
Master Plan
accommodate its
growing use, as it will
facilitate more biking,
and make it safe for
all users.
I do NOT support the
zoning change for
item #7 as it will lead
to even more parking
challenges, more
traffic which is
PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning
NW North River Drive
already horrific and
- Various
more density which
will definitely impact
our neighborhood. I
the Zoning change for
item #7
Let's get green and
RE. 13 7639
get people healthy
Gifford Ln, Miami,
I nterlocal Agreement
and protect our
- Commodore Trail
history by supporting
Master Plan
the Commodore Trail!
I iura'll I°ll irir e
I a^SII°ll,11rir e
Neill Lewis
Slllireelll: eburs^
Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
My name is Jessie
Capote. I reside at
3965 Leafy Way,
Miami FL 33133 and
my family and I are
in support of item
RE.13 on the July 23
agenda. Thank you
Commissioners for
supporting this
Commodore Trail is
one of the most
popular in the
County's trail
network, but it has
been neglected and
in many parts is
unsafe.Passing this
resolution will help to
create much-needed
improvements to the
RE. 13 7639
Trail and make it
I nterlocal Agreement
3965 Leafy Way
safer for all users.The
- Commodore Trail
resolution will enable
Master Plan
the City of Miami to
accept $1.728 in
funds from the
Transportation Plan
for the Commodore
Trail. The City of
Coral Gables has
already passed a
similar resolution to
accept a much
smaller share of the
funds and will work
collaboratively on the
project with the City
of Miami. My kids
walk to school on the
Commodore Trail and
they're safety along
with that of many
other children is
1010 NW 11th Street
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
1, Neill Lewis, on
#507 Miami, FL
Text - TOD Public
behalf of the Aragon
Benefits Program
Plaza Board of
Administration, a
representing 45
affected home owners
at 1010 NW 11th St,
for which I am
presently serving as
President, hereby
request rejection of
this agenda item. In
development intensity
benefit will serve only
I1o'lllI'Jairirue 11'a^'IlI'Jairirue Slireell Nkliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
the profit interests of
developers, not the
interests of the
adjacent community
and certainly not the
future residents of the
Highland Park
neighborhood. The
reality of the state of
Public Transit within
Miami Dade County
is such that the
system unfit to serve
as a realistic option
for an overwheming
majority of
commuters. The
single 22 mile rail line
does not provide
access to the majority
of work sites. This
failure is reflected in
decreasing ridership
YoY for the years
2016-2019 (even pre -
pandemic). As such,
the justification of
intensity, and
decreased parking
requirements, based
on the proximity to
Culmer metrorail
station, is a farce
which serves only to
enhance developer
profitabiity, and will
ultimately harm both
future residents (who
will have limited
parking options) and
current residents (who
will see increased
arterial congestion).
With respect to
arterial road
congestion, note that
traffic from the civic
center area is already
directed at high
intensity down 10th
ave (which becomes
8th st road), then
west on 11th street.
The area is highly
congested at many
times during the day,
most notably at
hospital shift
changes. The
infrastucture of this
area is barely
equipped to handle
the additional
development already
I1o'lllI'Jairirue 11'a^'IlI'Jairirue Slireell Ashliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
allowed under the T-
6 -L existing zone,
much less enhanced
intensity. In
conclusion, if both the
zoning and allowed
intensity are
changed, the city
commission is
determining that it
values the profit
interests of
developers interested
in the Highland Park
neighborhood are
paramount and any
concerns for the well
being of existing and
future residents are
subservient to the
needs of these
developers. The
appropriate action for
this city commission
is to reject this
proposal and to leave
the existing definition
of T-6-0 intact. The
city zones are named
specifically for the
number of floors
allowed, to simply
allow T-6-0 to have
eight floors is
antithetical to the
intent of the zoning.
If developers with to
be able to develop
eight floors, they
should lobby to
change the zoning of
an area to T-8, rather
than attempt to
sneak provisions into
an ordinance with
weak justifications
based on the
significatn availability
of lackluster and
ineffective public
options. Voters WILL
take note and we will
work vigorously to
oppose any politician
who advances the
interests of
developers over the
interests of current
and future residents
of our community.
Thank you for your
1010 NW 11th St, PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning I, Neill Lewis, on
#507 Miami, FL - Various behalf of the Aragon
33136 Plaza Board of
Hu'l'l airir e I: "Jairir e Smell aures s geirida Illeiriru I"uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
Administration, a
representing 45
affected home owners
at 1010 NW 11th St,
for which I am
presently serving as
President, hereby
request rejection of
this agenda by the
city commission. The
existing provisions of
T -6-L zoning code
already allows
significant increase in
density of the area
north of the Culmer
Metrorail station vs
what's present today.
There is no dis-
incentive for
developers from
advancing projects
with the existing
zoning; what they are
instead seeking by
attempting to re -zone
the area is additional
profit. If the prior
agenda is passed, the
transition from T -6-L
to T-6-0 is effectively
a transition to T-8-0.
This flies in the face
of the original zoning
intent of the Miami
21 code, and
effectively allows this
neighborhood to
become an office
park. This will serve
to the detriment of
both future residents,
future workers, and
current residents of
the immediate and
the surrounding
community. Due to
the highway and river,
this area is
dependent on arterial
roads for connectivity
to other communities.
These roads are
barely equipped for
the density which
could be brought on
by development
within the T -6-L
zoning which exists
today, and to
exacerbate this with
development intensity
will result in traffic
Hu'l'l airir e 'I SII "Jairir e Smell aures s geirida Illeiriru 11:'UbViic d::oinnirirucruull
problems. With
respect to arterial
road congestion, note
that traffic from the
civic center area is
already directed down
10th ave (which
becomes 8th st road),
then west on 11th
street. The area is
highly congested at
many times during
the day, most notably
at hospital shift
changes. The
infrastucture of this
area is barely
equipped to handle
the additional
development already
allowed under the T-
6 -L existing zone,
much less enhanced
intensity. The agenda
item text excuses
development intensity
by noting the
proximity to Culmer
Metrorail station.
Unfortunately, the
reality of the state of
Public Transit within
Miami Dade County
is such that the
system unfit to serve
as a realistic option
for an overwheming
majority of
commuters. The
single 22 mile rail line
does not provide
access to the majority
of work sites. This
failure is reflected in
decreasing ridership
YoY for the years
2016-2019 (even pre -
pandemic). As such,
the justification of
intensity, and
decreased parking
requirements, based
on the proximity to
Culmer metrorail
station, is a farce
which serves only to
enhance developer
profitabiity, and will
ultimately harm both
future residents (who
will have limited
parking options) and
current residents (who
Hu'l'l airir e aslll "Jairir e Smell aures s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
will see increased
arterial road
congestion). In
conclusion, if both the
zoning and allowed
intensity are
changed, the city
commission is
determining that it
values the profit
interests of
developers interested
in the Highland Park
neighborhood are
paramount and of
more consequence
and any concerns for
the well being of
existing and future
residents are
subservient to the
needs of these
developers. The
appropriate action for
this city commission
is to reject this
proposal and to leave
the existing zoning T-
6 -L intact. Voters
WILL take note and
we will work
vigorously to oppose
any politician who
interests of
developers over the
interests of current
and future residents
of our community.
Thank you for your
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Michael Connelly
Smell aures Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
As a resident of N
Bay Homes Drive off
of Douglas Road and
a daily user of the
Commodore Trail, I
am strongly in favor
of extensive
improvements to
protect the numerous
bikers, runners, and
walkers along the
entire corridor from
Cocoplum Circle to
CocoWalk in the
including barrier -
RE. 13 7639
protected bike lanes
3550 N Bay Homes I nterlocal Agreement
and bollards, are
Dr - Commodore Trail
needed especially at
Master Plan
the intersection of
Douglas Road and
Ingraham Highway,
which had been far
too dangerous for too
long. I have
personally witnessed
pedestrians struck by
cars at this
intersection and
demand that a
crosswalk and
signage be installed
to protect people at
this location, and
connect across to
Park Drive.
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Mary Munroe Seabrook
Sllireelll: aures Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
I am the co-chair of
the Friends of the
Commodore Trail and
I'm writing in support
of RE 13, the
interlocal agreement
between the city of
Miami and the county
to pay for a master
plan and
improvements to the
Commodore Trail. I
wish to thank the
Commission and
Commissoner Russell
for their support of
this resolution The
Commodore Trail is a
vital resource for our
community and it's
repair and
improvement is long
RE. 13 7639
overdue. It is one of
3564 Saint Gaudens I nterlocal Agreement
the oldest and
Road Miami, 33133 - Commodore Trail
heaviest used trails in
Master Plan
all of Miami Dade
County, and
continues to provide
an essential and over-
growing service to our
community, I have
been riding the
Commodore Trail with
my children to school
since they were 3
years old and
continue to ride it
almost daily to go
shop and dine in the
Grove, visit friends
and exercise. To me,
the Commodore Trail
is my neighborhood,
and it should be
valued and improved
so that all people can
safely and effectively
use it.
11o'lll "Jairir e
u sell I"Jarre
Martina Gallus
Slireell Aehtress
Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
The Commodore Trail
is one of the most
used trail and
perhaps the most
neglected. Passing
this resolution will
allow the City of
RE. 13 7639
Miami to have funds
2954 Day Avenue
I nterlocal Agreement
to be used to make
Coconut Grove
- Commodore Trail
the much needed trail
Master Plan
repairs. As a result,
these improvements
will make the trail
significantly safer for
the many people who
use the Commodore
Coconut Grove has
the honor and
privilege to be one of
the few, if not the
only area left in
Miami, where
buildings and houses
are matching with
mother nature in an
unique way. Thanks
to the many parks,
less cars and more
bikes and walks this
balance is possible,
creating an oasis in
between bricks and
concrete. Adding one
commercial building,
this fragile balance
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
will no longer be
Decision Appeal -
there. The scale will
1840 Micanopy Ave,
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
tilt in the concrete
Miami FL 33133
(Special Certificate of
favor. No souls in the
planet Earth wants to
be surrounded by
concrete. Let Villa
Woodbine live again.
There are plenty of
places in Miami
where to build a
school and I'm sure
better and most
appropriate than Villa
Woodbine. Let Villa
Woodbine be another
lung for the Grove
which allow us and
everybody who
comes to visit to
breath the freshness,
the nature and the
beauty of this unique
I iura'll I°ll irir e
I a^SII°ll,11rir e
Mario Cohan
Sllireelll: eburs^
Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
My name is Mark
Heinicke and I live at
8558 SW 115 Pl„
Miami, FL 33173. I'm
in support of item
RE.13 on the July 23
agenda and thank the
Commission for
supporting this
resolution. The
Commodore Trail is
one of the most
popular in the
County's trail
network, but it has
been neglected and
in many parts is
unsafe. Passing this
resolution will help to
create much-needed
improvements to the
Trail and make it
RE. 13 7639
safer for all users.
8558 SW 115 PL,
I nterlocal Agreement
The resolution will
Miami, FL 33173
- Commodore Trail
enable the City of
Master Plan
Miami to accept
$1.728 in funds from
the People's
Transportation Plan
for the Commodore
Trail. The City of
Coral Gables has
already passed a
similar resolution to
accept a much
smaller share of the
funds and will work
collaboratively on the
project with the City
of Miami. The
Commodore Trail is
the original Bike
Route #1 and it will
be great to plan and
improve it so it can
reach its full
I DO NOT support
Item #6 as the
amendment to the
Code would allow for
additional bonuses for
T-6-80. Public
978 NW North River
PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning
ridership is down 31%
Dr # 1
- Various
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT."
It will negatively
impact our area.
Spring Gardens )
Hu'l'l "Jairir e
^SII "Jairire
Sllireelll Aehtress
Ageirida Illeiriru
11:,UuViic c::oinnirirucruull
I DO NOT support
Item #6 as the
amendment to the
Code would allow for
additional bonuses for
T-6-80. Public
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
978 NW North River
Text - TOD Public
ridership is down 31%
Dr # 1
Benefits Program
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT."
It will negatively
impact our area.
If you want to save
our canopy - "No" to
Carrollton project:
only 26 of 66 species
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
trees kept -144ft
Decision Appeal -
removed!! No need
2903 Center Street,
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
for more schools,
(Special Certificate of
traffic, and removal of
our tree canopy.
STOP, please and
character of Coconut
Please, do NOT
waive conflict of
interest. There is a
RE. 19 7664 Waive
2903 Center Street,
Conflict of Interest -
Developers ONLY!!
Miami 21 Report Ad
Where is adequate
Hoc Task Force
representation for
environment? _
Arborist/ E nvi ron m e nta
If you want to save
our canopy - "No" to
Carrollton project:
only 26 of 66 species
PZ. 16981 HEPB
trees kept -144ft
Decision Appeal -
removed!! No need
2903 Center Street,
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
for more schools,
(Special Certificate of
traffic, and removal of
our tree canopy.
STOP, please and
character of Coconut
RE. 19 7664 Waive
3613 Loquat Avenue
Conflict of Interest -
Miami, FL 33133
Miami 21 Report Ad
Hoc Task Force
Hu'l'l "Jairir e
I aslll "Jairir e
Sllireelll sl aures
3613 Loquat Avenue
Miami, FL 33133
Ageirida Illeiriru
RE. 19 7664 Waive
Conflict of Interest -
Miami 21 Report Ad
Hoc Task Force
11:'UbViic d::oinnirirucmull
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Margaret Cardillo
Sllireelll: eburs^ Ageirida Illeirir11
11:'UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
Dear City
Commissioners, This
seems like a pretty
obvious one to write:
but do we really need
to be voting on
whether or not to let
two people, Melissa
Tapanes and
Bernardo Fort -
Brescia, who have a
clear conflict of
interest, should sit on
the Miami 21 Task
Force? Does the title
of this proposition not
provide the answer?
There should be NO
ONE with a conflict of
interest on this
extremely important
task force. The
citizens of Miami
have worked
tirelessly to provide
assistance and code
revision to protect our
community. Allowing
two people with
conflicts of interest is
not only an insult to
RE. 19 7664 Waive
the work done in
3613 Loquat Avenue Conflict of Interest -
good faith, it is a
Miami Florida 33133 Miami 21 Report Ad
Hoc Task Force
clear ETHICS
violation. Is there no
one else qualified
without a conflict of
interest who can
serve on this task
force? To be honest,
at this point, an item
like this feels
insulting to the
taxpayers and
citizens of Miami. It
is just another
example of efforts to
undermine and
corrupt what can and
should be clear city
politics and best
efforts to improve the
community. Melissa
Tapanes and
Bernardo Fort -Brescia
allowed to sit on the
Miami 21 Task Force.
They do not represent
best efforts, they
represent their
clients. I hope you
will not allow this to
happen. Thank you.
Margaret Fronefield
11o'lll I°ll irir e
I 'I SII: °ll,11rir e
Kurt Kaminer
Slireell Nktress
Ageirida Illeirir11
11:'UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
I, Marg Chauvin, am
a resident volunteer
for Florida State
Parks with several
rotations through Bill
Baggs Cape Florida
State Park, thus I am
familiar with the
Miami bicycle routes.
The Commodore Trail
has the potential to
be a world class bike
route; however, it falls
short with poor
surfaces, missing
RE. 13 7639
signage, and missing
I nterlocal Agreement
links. Considering
3296 NE 163rd Lane
- Commodore Trail
Miami traffic, the
Master Plan
need for outdoor
recreation, the need
for safe alternate
transportation why
not the trail? Please
support item RE.13
on July 23. This can
be a win-win situation
for you, the local
economy, tourism.
Thank you for
supporting this
upgrade. Marg
Resident Volunteer
for Florida State
4370 S.W. 13th
RE. 13 7639
To the City of Miami
Terrace Miami,
I nterlocal Agreement
Commission: The
Florida 33134
- Commodore Trail
Commodore Trail is a
Master Plan
jewel in the City for
commuter and
recreational bicycle
riding, running for
exercise, and the
simple joy of walking
for pleasure. But the
current limitations of
the path have long
needed to be
addressed. Much of
the path is not wide
enough for two-way
bicycle traffic on its
own; much less when
combined with
pedestrian traffic,
since it is a multiple -
use path and neither
bike or pedestrian
specific. Additionally,
it is barely protected
from traffic in areas,
posing a safety risk
for both those on foot
and on bicycles; not
to mention that the
deviations in path
I1o'lllI'JairirueI'a"'11lI'Jairirue Slireell Ashliress AgeiridaIlleiriru 11:'UbiicConniruueu1111
design (e.g., the
Siegendorf Bicycle
Path, which is
essentially a walking
and jogging path) -
makes commuting on
a bicycle or
micromobility device
more difficult than it
need be. It could be a
world-class protected
bicycle highway (or
cycletrack, depending
on design and space
in each location), but
it isn't, yet.
Nevertheless, it has
the potential to be
revamped into one
and there are a
multitude of excellent
opportunities -
including a proposed
connection to the
Rickenbacker and
safer connectivity
with the M -Path - that
would be possible
with proper funding.
That said, I support
resolution RE.13
7639 supporting the
City's acceptance of
SUN Trail funds
through Miami -Dade
Suarez's office to
support the
Commodore Trail
Master Plan. Thank
you for your time and
Sincerely, Kurt
Kaminer Miami,
Florida USA NOTE: I
work for the
University of Miami's
501(c)(3) WalkSafe
and BikeSafe
Programs, but the
comments herein
reflect my own
personal opinions and
are in noway
connected with the
4370 S.W. 13th RE. 18 7663 Execute
To the City of Miami
Terrace Miami, Joint Agreement - A
Commission: There is
Florida 33134 Micromobility
an unprecedented
bike boom in the
midst of COVID-19.
We need only to look
outside our windows
to see people, young
and old, enjoying the
outdoors on foot or
Hu'l'l airir e 'I SII "Jairir e Slllireelll Aehtress s geirida Illeiriru 11:'UbViic d::oinnirirucruull
on bicycles. And
indeed, about a
month ago - prior to
the alarming increase
in traffic - they could
be confident in the
fact that their streets
were safe from a vast
majority of
automobiles. But
traffic is rapidly
returning to the old
normal. The desire to
ride is not, nor is the
population of our
cities. This brings me
to the protected
bicycle lane network
proposed for
Downtown Miami - or
rather, micromobility
lanes, as described in
the City's agenda.
networks are now a
feature both familiar
and expected of any
modern US
metropolitan area.
Countless cities
throughout the US -
Chicago, New
Orleans, Memphis,
and New York, to
name just a few -
have already
reoriented their
streets with these
networks, ensuring
that people can ride
bicycles or use micro
vehicles in safety.
These lanes are an
absolute necessity
not only for safety,
but to encourage the
reduction of
automobile use that,
as we know, clogs our
city daily. This not
only reduces pollution
and greenhouse gas
emissions, but these
lanes effectively
redistributes our road
space in an equitable
fashion for those who
cannot afford a
private automobile -
or simply do not want
the extra burden.
Additionally, given
COVID-19 fears,
protected bike lanes
provide a safe
alternative to public
transit, and with a
1 1o'lll Ill irir e I 114,11rine Slllireelll Aehtress s geirida Illeiriru 1"uulbViic d::oiriruirirucruull
J udy Kramer
protected network,
safe mobility is within
the reach of just
about anyone. It is
time for Downtown
Miami to follow suit
with other world-class
cities. We owe it to
our residents and
visitors to provide a
truly safe and
equitable bicycle and
Nevertheless, this
project cannot move
forward without
support. As such, I
recommend passing
the resolution item
RE. 18 7663 on the
July 22nd agenda of
the City Commission.
Thank you for your
time and
Sincerely, Kurt
Kaminer Miami,
Florida USA NOTE: I
work for the
University of Miami's
501(c)(3) WalkSafe
and BikeSafe
Programs, but the
comments herein
reflect my own
personal opinions and
are in noway
connected with the
RE. 16 7661 Us Army
Corps of Engineers'
1766 Opechee Drive,
Miami, FL 33133
Miami -Dade Back
Bay Coastal Storm
Risk Feasibility Study
The Grove does not
need another private
school on S.
Bayshore Dr. to
create further
bottleneck on the
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
road in front and back
2669 S Bayshore
Decision Appeal -
of the school. There
Drive 401 Miami Fl
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
should be plenty of
(Special Certificate of
commercial spaces
available with better
access and parking to
accommodate a
school. There is no
reason to destroy and
remove trees.
11o'lll I°ll irir e
a SII 114,11rine
Sllireell Aehtress
Ageirida I lleirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
S. Bayshore Dr. does
not need another
private school in a
residential area. None
of his children will be
walking to school the
PZ. 16981 HEPB
traffic will be
Decision Appeal -
2669 South Bayshore
unbearable. We do
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
dr Miami FL 33133
(Special Certificate of
not want to lose more
trees in the Grove.
Certainly there are
plenty of commercial
spaces available in
the city now to
accommodate the
PH. 10 7611 Bid
425 s biscayne blvd
Waiver - Dade
I am in support
Heritage Trust, Inc.
I currently live in
Coral Gables but I
grew up in Coconut
Grove and have been
bike riding on the
Commodore Trail all
my life. The trail is an
important link in the
county -wide cycling
RE. 13 7639
Unfortunately it has
4015 University
I nterlocal Agreement
never had any real
Drive, Coral Gables
- Commodore Trail
improvements on it
Master Plan
since the 1960's when
I used to ride it to
school at Coconut
Grove Elementary.
Please do not pass
up on this opportunity
to finally make at
least some of the
much needed
improvements to the
Commodore Trail.
Hu'l'l I°ll irir e
I 'I SII: °ll,11rir e
Jessica Ginsberg
Slireell Nktress Ageirida Illeiriru
11:'UuViic c::oinnirirucruull
Please do no develop
Villa Woodbine. We
are 100% opposed to
an additional school
in Coconut Grove!
Especially a private
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
school, of which there
Decision Appeal
are plenty! The
3917 Crawford Ave
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
destruction and
Coconut Grove 33133
privatization of this
(Special Certificate of
property to add an
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
additional school is a
Decision Appeal -
travesty. why should
3275 Mcdonald St 2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
the residents of the
(Special Certificate of
grove have to deal
with more traffic
issues and
construction, delays
and inconvenience all
around? There is no
shortage of private
schools, and this will
make traffic even
worse than it already
is. This is a
shameless money
RE. 13 7639
3917 Crawford Ave I nterlocal Agreement I support improving
Commodore Trail with
Coconut Grove 33133 - Commodore Trail
help from the County.
Master Plan
PZ6981 and PZ6982 I
am against allowing a
school on the site of
Villa Woodbine. The
traffic from Ransom
Everglades Middle
School combined with
traffic from the
increased density due
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
to the new high rise
Decision Appeal
3917 Crawford Ave
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
condos has created a
Coconut Grove 33133
gridlock already. A
(Special Certificate of
new school a few
hundred yards from
Ransom would make
it so much worse!!
There is also the loss
of tree canopy from
Villa Woodbine and
the destruction of the
character of the
1 1o'lll Ill irir e aslll 114,11rine Slllireelll Nktress s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
I rene Warner
I oppose the request
to change zoning for
an unneeded school
to be constructed. I
live directly off of S
Bayshore and traffic
congestion is already
overwhelming. Taking
away tree canopy
and green space is
wrong! The school for
"boys" is so
inappropriate in this
day and age. Where
do non binary
students go? Why
would the city agree
PZ. 16981 HEPB
to change zoning for
Decision Appeal -
an unnecessary and
2 Grove Isle Dr 805
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
unneeded and
Miami FL 33133
(Special Certificate of
unwanted facility?
The city will also lose
real estate taxes as
this is a tax exempt
organization yet their
carbon footprint and
use of city streets etc
will be at taxpayers
expense. Further the
fact that they
purchased the
property knowing it
wasn't zoned for their
intended use shows a
flagrant disregard to
city planning and
Please say no. Stop
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Gary P Simon
Slllireelll: aures
Ageirida Illeirir11
11:,UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
My name is Holly
Hawkes of 3645
Loquat Ave, Miami.
FL 33133. 1 am urge
the City of Miami
Commissioners to
reject Resolution 19,
waiving conflicts of
interest on the Miami
21 Task Force.
Individuals with
conflicts of interest
should not be voting
on the fate of Miami
RE. 19 7664 Waive
21. The Miami 21
Conflict of Interest -
Task Force should
3645 Loquat Ave
Miami 21 Report Ad
represent the tax
Hoc Task Force
paying residents of
the City of Miami,
and not developers
and special interests.
Stop wasting our time
and tax revenues
trying to skirt the law
by violating the
Florida Code of
Ethics. Focus on
representing us, the
tax paying residents
who elected you, by
rejecting Resolution
19 today.
I am an avid cyclist
and recommend
support for funding
RE. 13 7639
for the Commodore
2791 Kirk St Miami,
I nterlocal Agreement
Trail improvements It
Fl 33133
- Commodore Trail
is an ecological and
Master Plan
recreational asset to
our community.
Thank you Helen
For the City of Miami
to "settle" would be a
travesty. For years
Planning & Zoning
has stonewalled
RE. 117404 objections to illegal
4050 Ventura ave Settlement - 3384 construction so that
Day Avenue developers can finish
their structures and
claim exemption
because "Concrete
was poured" Without
punishment this
practice will continue
PH. 4 7520 Allocate
6365 SW 110 St Grant Funds - I support Conmodore
Pinecrest FL 33156 Housing Trail.
Opportunities for
Persons With Aids
4?P� i r cr ?N IISW43, rrace
Miami, Florida 33133
�e�u:w��h, Waive
Conflict of Interest -
Miami 21 Report Ad
Hoc Task Force
attention that the City
of Miami is
considering for vote
at its July 23rd
meeting a fast -
regarding the
proposed Miami 21
Task Force which
ultimately waives any
potential conflicts of
interest by a 4/5's
vote. The Task
Force's members
include power brokers
representing special
interests which
ultimately will
personally benefit
financially at tax
payer's expense. The
City of Miami
Commission is well
advised to reconsider
how the Task Force
should be
reconstituted in order
to ensure a true
representation of
general public, i.e.
with the general
public's best interests
in mind at all times.
Lobbyists and special
interests should not
be member
participants in the
decision making
process affecting the
lives and interests of
the City of Miami
Residents. Efforts to
the contrary are in
violation of Florida
State Ethics Laws.
This is a blatant
attempt to take
advantage once again
of an opportunity to
benefit special
interests groups and
Lobbyists at the
expense of the Tax
Payer, circumventing
existing laws and
norms, and
undermining the
Public's Trust in their
Government and
elected officials.
Should the City of
Miami Commission
proceed and approve
what this effort to
deny the Public their
Rights to
Representation and
vote against the
1 1o'lll Ill irir e 'I SII 114,11rine Slllireelll Nktress s geirida Illeiriru 1"uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
Fred Teger
Public's best
interests, the
repercussions will be
serious and great and
no one will gain. The
City Commission
MUST reject any
further efforts to allow
the Miami 21 Task
Force to be
comprised solely by a
majority of special
interests and
I strongly support
funding RE.13 Master
Plan for the
Commodore Trail on
the July 23 agenda. I
thank the
Commission for
supporting this
resolution. • The
Commodore Trail is
one of the most
popular in the
County's trail
network, but it has
been neglected and
in many places is
unsafe. • Passing this
resolution will help to
create much-needed
improvements to the
Trail and make it
RE. 13 7639
safer for all users,
2843 S Bayshore Dr,
I nterlocal Agreement
both bicyclists and
Apt 6C Miami, FL
- Commodore Trail
pedestrians. • The
Master Plan
resolution will enable
the City of Miami to
accept $1.728 in
funds from the
Transportation Plan
for the Commodore
Trail. The City of
Coral Gables has
already passed a
similar resolution to
accept a much
smaller share of the
funds and will work
collaboratively on the
project with the City
of Miami. • I
frequently use the
Trail for biking, and
would greatly
appreciate seeing it
improved. Thank you.
11o'lll I°ll irir e
a SII 114,11rine
Sllireell Aehtress
Ageirida I lleirir11
ululb iic Coinnirir ell1111
To whom this may
concern: I support
item RE. 13 on the
July 23 agenda.
When I bike into the
Grove with my kids,
RE. 13 7639
I've always been
I nterlocal Agreement
concerned about
14601 SW 79th Ave.
- Commodore Trail
parts of the trail being
Master Plan
unsafe. It's already
one of the prettiest
trails in our area;
please help make it
safe as well. Thank
you for supporting
this resolution.
PZ. 3 7575 Street
Closure - South of NE
333 SE 2nd Avenue
30 Av, West of
Biscayne Blvd, North
of NE 29 St, and E
RE. 13 7639
PO Box 450601
- Commodore Trail
Master Plan
I urge you to support
this initiative. The
money is already
allocated from the
RE. 13 7639
County and now that
I nterlocal Agreement
we find ourselves
4051 Ensenada
- Commodore Trail
back in Phase 1, the
Master Plan
safe use of outdoor
spaces like the trail
are more important
than ever. Please
vote yes.
1105 NW 122 Ter,
RE. 16 7661 Us Army
As someone that
Pembroke Pines, FL
Corps of Engineers'
visits City of Miami
Miami-Dade Back
frequently and who
Bay Coastal Storm
works to help
Risk Feasibility Study
marginalized voices,
especially people of
color communities, I
ask you to include
the following in your
resolution: PLEASE,
direct staff to tell
USACE and Miami-
Dade County to
demand more time so
the county can come
up with a LOCALLY
with more input from
cities like Miami and
other coastal
residents AND more
time for a truly
inclusive and
Hu'l'l airir e aslll "Jairir e Slllireelll Aehtress s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
intentional public
input from our low
income residents in
vulnerable areas,
especially considering
we are still in the
worst of the
pandemic. PLEASE,
request for this
alternative to include
more nature and
nature -based
solutions. Living
opportunities, coral
reef and dune
restoration, and
construction of
mangrove barrier
islands were screened
out of the process,
which is ridiculous
considering the
documented benefits
of nature -based
solutions for our
coastlines and the
economic value they
provide. We need a
plan that's more in
line w/
recommendations of
Resilient 305 and the
Southeast Florida
Regional Climate
Change Compact.
were based on years
of stakeholder input
and expert analysis.
And, we need a plan
that in works
holistically with
current and upcoming
restoration efforts.
AND just as
important, the
alternative must NOT
over -emphasize
benefits based on
property value and
inequalities already
happening in Miami.
How is it Ok to spend
PUBLIC dollars to
elevate almost 200
luxury homes with
values that exceed $4
million? How it is Ok
for the county, for the
city to accept a
USACE plan that will
result in more
inequitable federal
investments that
Hu'l'l airir e 'I SII "Jairir e Slllireelll Ashliress s geirida Illeiriru I"uulbViic d::oinnirirucruull
keep impacting and
encouraging the
gentrification of
historically vulnerable
Protecting our Bay
and our coastline
makes economic
sense. But
disconnecting the
community from its
waterways while
economic, and
cultural damage
through the
construction of walls
does NOT. The
Brickell floodwall is
proposed within the
footprint of Biscayne
Bay and will cause
unacceptable impacts
to habitat, recreation,
viewscapes, and
wildlife. PLEASE,
include these in your
resolution today.
Hu'l'l I°ll irir e
u sell 114,11rine
Sell ireelll st hues^
2453 Inagua Ave
Daniel Frolich 1393 SW10th Street
s1geirida Illeiriru
1uulluViic Coinniriruemull
I encourage the
commission to
approve item RE 9,
allowing for the
placement of a State
of Florida Historical
Marker on the Plaza
St. public right of
way. The plaque will
honor the legacy of
early South Florida
pioneers and their
families who made
the area one of South
Florida's earliest
planned communities,
known then as
"Cocoanut Grove
Park:" The location of
the maker will be
within a parcel
RE. 9 7571 Support -
deeded to the city
Florida Historical
more than a century
Marker Designation
by the community's
founders to be used
as a "public plaza"
connecting its
residents with the
largely Bahamian
community within
West Coconut Grove.
The marker's
organizations — the
Coconut Grove
Village Council and
Grove 2030 have
worked closely with
local residents on this
initiative, with funding
for the marker
provided by the
Miami Foundation
Public Space
Challenge program.
I fully support this
plan and hope that an
effective micro
RE. 18 7663 Execute
mobility network is
Joint Agreement - A
created in downtown
Miami to ease
congestion and make
our city more
Hu'l'l "Jairir e
I sa^slIl "Jairir e
Sllireelll st dues^
190 SE 12 Terrace
s1geirida Illeiriru
11:'UbViic Coinniriruamull
Writing in support of
item RE.13. The
Commodore Trait is
one of the most
popular in the
County's trail
network, but it has
been neglected and
in many parts is
unsafe. Passing this
resolution will help to
create much-needed
improvements to the
Trail and make it
safer for all users.
Serving as one of
Miami's main cycling
paths, and as a
RE. 13 7639
connector to transit
I nterlocal Agreement
options, the
- Commodore Trail
Commodore Trail also
Master Plan
features a number of
parks and historic
venues along its
route. With proper
planning, signage and
interpretation of these
venues, the Trail also
becomes a unique
educational and
cultural resource for
both residents and
visitors. We commend
the Commission for
supporting this
legislation to enhance
this vital resource,
available and
accessible to all
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Cheryl Hardwick
Sllireelll: aures Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
Thank you for this
opportunity. This is an
entirely unnecessary
massively out of
scale project planned
on a beautiful lot that
should not be
commercially zoned.
There is an existing
private school nearly
a stone's throw away.
The current traffic
congestion is already
concerning, often at a
standstill after school
hours and into the
evening. The Grove is
a vibrant, unique,
cultural space in
Miami, one of the few
with remaining
historical sites, with
the Villa Woodbine
being one of the last
remaining green
spaces. It should be
preserved, a place
where family and
community could all
enjoy, to destroy this
PZ. 16981 HEPB
would be a tragedy. I
Decision Appeal -
am a mother of two
550 Ocean Dr 7G,
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
children, and the
(Special Certificate of
value of education is
not lost on me. In
fact, there are
already 17 schools in
this area alone, one
merely 150 yards
away from the
proposed project. I
am afraid we are
losing sight not only
of the immense value
of the area, but the
proven scientific
benefit of mature
trees and canopies
against an incredibly
rapidly growing
population: they
provide better air
quality, improved
health outcomes,
cooler temperatures,
and flood mitigation
to name a few. There
is no need for an 18th
school in this 5
square mile zone
when what we really
need is to protect
everyone's health.
Please stop this,
thank you so much.
Hu'l'l "Jairir e
I sa^slIl "Jairir e
Slllireelll st dues^
Charles Munroe Munroe 3530 St. Gaudens Ct.
s1geirida Illeiriru
11:'UbViic Coinniriruamull
I am in support of
item RE.13, and
encourage and thank
the Commission for
supporting this
resolution. The
Commodore Trail is
one of the most
popular in the
County's trail
network, but it has
been neglected and
in many parts is
unsafe. Passing this
resolution will help to
create much-needed
improvements to the
Trail and make it
safer for all users.
The resolution will
enable the City of
Miami to accept
$1.728 in funds from
the People's
RE. 13 7639
Transportation Plan
I nterlocal Agreement
for the Commodore
- Commodore Trail
Trail. The City of
Master Plan
Coral Gables has
already passed a
similar resolution to
accept a much
smaller share of the
funds and will work
collaboratively on the
project with the City
of Miami. My wife
and I use the trail
regularly to walk our
dogs and go out to
dinner in the business
district. My son rides
his bike on it daily to
go to school. We
witness firsthand both
the widespread
popularity of the trail
and also its unsafe
condition and
navigation difficulties.
Thank you for
supporting this
I iura'll I°ll irir e
I a^SII°ll,11rir e
Carlos Salas
Sllireelll: eburs^
Ageirida Illeiriru
11:'UbViic c::oinnirirucruull
It is absolutely
outrageous that the
City Attorney came
up with this option as
a solution. This shows
an extreme lack of
judgement on her
part; something that
we have seen in the
past with her on other
issues. How can a
conflict of interest be
waived?? I know the
the City of Miami
thrives on waivers,
but this has got to
stop! This is
RE. 19 7664 Waive
Conflict of Interest -
corruption at its
3130 Jackson Ave
worst. How these
Miami 21 Report Ad
individuals were
Hoc Task Force
appointed to be on
this committee is
astonishing 1, when
we take their
relationships with the
very developers that
are destroying our
neighborhood with
their waivers and
warrants into account.
Enough is enough, it
is your responsibility
as our elected
officials make sure
this does not happen!
I beg you to not pass
I a resident of
Spring Garden
Historic District.
Traffic is horrible
throughout our
neighborhood and
surrounding streets.
We have been waiting
for years for traffic
calming solutions to
get funded with an
PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning
approved plan. We do
- Various
NOT support the
zoning change for
item # 7 as it will lead
to more parking
challenges, traffic and
more density. Also,
public transportation
ridership is down 31%
since 2015 per Miami
Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT.
I iura'll I°ll irir e
Ca rlos
I a^SII°ll,11rir e
Carlos Salas
Sllireelll: eburs^
Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
I a resident of
Spring Garden
Historic District. I DO
NOT support item #6
which would allow for
additional bonuses for
T6-80. New
developments should
adhere to the rules
already in place and
be required to have
proper parking, guest
parking, density and
height limits. They
should NOT be
entitled to a bonus or
perks because of
their proximity to a
TOD. New
developments already
get enough waivers or
warrants that go
unopposed as many
residents are not
familiar with the
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
process to oppose
Text - TOD Public
Benefits Program
developments and or
have to work and
attend to their family.
Most of the agents
that represent new
developments are
very aggressive and
difficult to work with.
Furthermore, public
ridership is down 31%
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT.
Traffic is horrible
throughout our
neighborhood and
surrounding streets.
We have been waiting
for years for traffic
calming solutions to
get funded with an
approved plan.
PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning
July 22nd, 2020 To
- Various
whom it may
concern: City of
Regarding: Planning
and Zoning Item #6
(7579) and #7 (7578)
on the City
Commission agenda
on 7/23/2020 The
Spring Garden Civic
Association (SCCA)
I iuraall I'J airirua 11 'a"'11 I'J airirua Slireell Ashliress Ageirida I lleiriru I"uullb iic Conniruua uull
has represented the
residents of Spring
Garden Historic
District for decades.
The Spring Garden
Civic Association's
board members DO
NOT support Planning
and Zoning Item #6
(7579) and #7 (7578)
on the City
Commission agenda
on 7/23/2020. The
support the zoning
change for item # 7
as it will lead to
parking challenges,
traffic and more
density. Also, the
support Item #6 as
the amendment to
the Code would allow
for additional bonuses
for T-6-80. In
addition, public
ridership is down 31%
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT.
Our historic district
experiences a large
amount of traffic in
the morning and
afternoon rush hour
and 4 nearby projects
still under
construction have not
been completed. Our
historic district has
been approved for
traffic calming
solutions for years
confirming the
excessive amount of
traffic already in the
area and we still have
no resolution to our
traffic concerns.
Please DO NOT
support Planning and
Zoning Item #6
(7579) and #7 (7578).
Thank you, Carlos
Salas 305-790-9240
President; Spring
Garden Civic
Association CC:
Commissioner Alex
Diaz de la Portilla,
District 1 -
vaWfiv�a:W�rVvIl�c�irllfiVV b�a7irirufi
Commissioner Ken
u "ur; 11 Ijarn
Ca rlos
Slireell Ashliress Ageirida Illeiriru
1021 NW NORTH PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
RIVER DR Text - TOD Public
Benefits Program
Russell, District 2 -
Ikiru u��^�r�VV�a7irirufiairiruiit;¢rv:¢,
airiru Commissioner
Joe Carollo, District 3
riru Commissioner
Manolo Reyes,
District 4 -
iriru ir�r7�r^��a7 irirufia iriru fit;¢rv: ¢,
airiru Commissioner
Keon Hardemon,
District 5 -
I<Ii Ila ira: eniruamr(a -p riruiiairir,Ig
July 22nd, 2020 To
whom it may
concern: City of
Regarding: Planning
and Zoning Item #6
(7579) and #7 (7578)
on the City
Commission agenda
on 7/23/2020 The
Spring Garden Civic
Association (SCCA)
has represented the
residents of Spring
Garden Historic
District for decades.
The Spring Garden
Civic Association's
board members DO
NOT support Planning
and Zoning Item #6
(7579) and #7 (7578)
on the City
Commission agenda
on 7/23/2020. The
support the zoning
change for item # 7
as it will lead to
parking challenges,
traffic and more
density. Also, the
support Item #6 as
the amendment to
the Code would allow
for additional bonuses
for T-6-80. In
addition, public
ridership is down 31%
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT.
Our historic district
experiences a large
amount of traffic in
the morning and
furarll Ill irir e I 114,11rine Slllireelll Ashtress s geirida Illeiriru I d::rinniriruaruull
afternoon rush hour
and 4 nearby projects
still under
construction have not
been completed. Our
historic district has
been approved for
traffic calming
solutions for years
confirming the
excessive amount of
traffic already in the
area and we still have
no resolution to our
traffic concerns.
Please DO NOT
support Planning and
Zoning Item #6
(7579) and #7 (7578).
Thank you, Carlos
Salas 305-790-9240
President; Spring
Garden Civic
Association CC:
Commissioner Alex
Diaz de la Portilla,
District 1 -
raWurr,+aWrap,rrllvrairll upprrr�"a)iriruii
anniig v'Coinru
Commissioner Ken
Russell, District 2 -
II<iruu a carpVr��a)iriruur�iriruii7�ay.�
onru Commissioner
Joe Carollo, District 3
Ica rrpprrra) iriru!!a riru iigov,Co
riru Commissioner
Manolo Reyes,
District 4 -
uirrYr,,murk,) iriruutriririlllgov.v
onru Commissioner
Keon Hardemon,
District 5 -
KII Ila irdeniriloin +)irir,!!arirulig
11o'lll I°ll irir e
I 'I SII: °ll,11rir e
Camila Quaresma-Sharp
Slireell Aehtress Ageirida Illeirir11
11:'UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
My name is Camila
Quaresma-Sharp and
I am the Director of
Development of
Sharp Dentistry in
Coconut Grove. I am
on the Board of the
Coconut Grove
Chamber of
Commerce, where I
chair the
Sustainability and
Committee. I also on
the Board of Friends
of the Everglades,
and in the Steering
Committee of
Biscayne Bay Marine
Health Summit, and a
member of the
Committee of the
Woman's Club of
Coconut Grove. I am
in support of item
RE.13 on the July 23
agenda. Thank you,
Commissioner Ken
RE. 13 7639
2601 S. Bayshore Dr
Russel for supporting
I nterlocal Agreement
Suit 760 Coconut
Commodore Trail
this resolution. The
Grove FL 33133
Commodore Trail is
Master Plan
one of the most
popular in the
County's trail
network, but it has
been neglected and
in many parts is
unsafe. Passing this
resolution will help to
create much-needed
improvements to the
Trail and make it
safer for all users.
The resolution will
enable the City of
Miami to accept
$1.728 in funds from
the People's
Transportation Plan
for the Commodore
Trail. The City of
Coral Gables has
already passed a
similar resolution to
accept a much
smaller share of the
funds and will work
collaboratively on the
project with the City
of Miami. THANK
11o'lll I°ll irir e
I a^SII°ll,11rir e
Bruce Brown
Sllireelll: eburs^
Ageirida Illeirir11
1uulbViic Coinnirir ell1111
Hello, My name is
Bryan Windmark, of
3123 Virginia Street,
Miami, FL 33133. 1
am calling to urge the
City of Miami
Commissioners to
reject Resolution 19,
waiving conflicts of
interest on the Miami
21 Task Force.
Individuals with
conflicts of interest
should not be voting
on the fate of Miami
RE. 117404
21. The Miami 21
3123 Virginia Street,
Settlement - 3384
Task Force should
Mlami, FL 33133
Day Avenue
represent the tax
paying residents of
the City of Miami,
and not developers
and special interests.
Stop wasting our time
and tax revenues
trying to skirt the law
by violating the
Florida Code of
Ethics. Focus on
representing us, the
tax paying residents
who elected you, by
rejecting Resolution
19 today.
Miami River Marine
SR. 17338 Amend
July 22, 2020 Hon.
Group 3033 NW
Code - Chapter 20,
Francis X. Suarez,
North River Drive
29 and 54
Mayor Hon. Keon
Miami, FL 33142
District Five Hon.
Alex Diaz de la
District One Hon. Ken
Russell, Chair, District
Two Hon. Joe
District Three Hon.
Manolo Reyes,
District Four City of
Miami 3500 Pan
American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Dear Mayor,
Chairman and
Commissioners: Re:
City of Miami -
Ordinance 7338
(passed on first
reading April 23,
2020.) Amending City
of Miami Code -
Chapter 20 -Flood
Hu'l'l I'Jairirue 11 'a^'Il I'Jairirue Slireell Nkliress Ageirida I lleiriru 11:'Ub iic Conniruue uull
Damage Prevention,
Chapter 29 -Landfills
and Waterfront
Improvements, and
Chapter 54 -Streets
and Sidewalks.
Understanding the
impact of high tide
flooding associated
with sea level rise,
the Miami River
Marine Group
(MRMG) joins with
the City of Miami in a
collective effort to
mitigate coastal
flooding. However,
the MRMG urges that
any amendment to
City of Miami Code
regarding shoreline
protection and
stabilization should
reflect reasonable
flexibility for
requirements for
waterway -dependent
marine industry
operations in
connection with the
designated land use
for these waterfront
marine industrial - D3
Zone properties and,
to avoid any
restrictions to the
marine industry --
vessel docking and
customary upland
facility access will be
essential for efficient
and viable marine
industry operations.
Sincerely, Bruce L.
Brown, President
Miami River Marine
Group Alan Dodd, PE
Director, Resilience
and Public Works,
City of Miami Arthur
Noriega, City
Manager, City of
Miami [Founded in
1988, The Miami
River Marine Group
(MRMG), a 501(c)(6),
Florida not-for-profit
trade association, is
an alliance of
shipping terminals,
ocean cargo carriers,
boatyards, marinas,
companies, tugboat
operators, marine
related businesses,
I1o'lllI'JairirueI'a"'11lI'Jairirue Slireell Nkliress AgeiridaIlleiriru I"uullbiicConniruueuull
individuals and area
businesses supporting
the Miami River ---
joined together to
create a climate for
success and growth
for the marine
industry and
community interests
supporting Miami's
"working river."]
RE. 13 7639
191 Grand Ave.
Bruce Matheson 3191 Miami, Fl. I nterlocal Agreement Please support the
Commodore Trail Commodore Trail.
Master Plan
Hu'l'l "Jairir e
I 'I SII "Jairir e
Brenda Lee
Sllireelll Nktress s geirida Illeiriru "uulbViic d::oiriruirirucruull
Good morning,
Members of the City
of Miami Board of
Commissioners. I am
opposing this change
to my neighborhood.
Here I am again
fighting to save what
use to be a historical
neighborhood. Back
on May 23, 2019
your Planning, Zoning
Appeals Board held a
meeting regarding the
surrounding vacant
lots were changed
from T6 -8-L Urban
Core to T6 -12-L
Urban Core, but after
the "Developers or
property owners"
couldn't get any of
the adjacent property
homeowners to sell,
the Developers resold
the lots to other
potential developers
at a much higher
price. I have been
1147 NW 8 Avenue, PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning expressing my
Miami, Fl 33136 Various neighbors
disappointment as to
how no-one is
listening to us, sure
you have appointees
to the City Planning,
Zoning Appeals
Board, that I have
came before since
October 18, 2017
only to be heard and
ignored. Since 2015,
here is what happen
to our neighborhood:
Washington Square
1146 NW 7th Court (8
stories, 2 story
garage); Seybold
Pointe 816 NW 7th
Avenue (11 stories,
ground level parking);
St. Martin's Place
1128 NW 7th Avenue
(11 stories, 3 story
garage); also a
development located
at 820 NW 7th
Avenue (5 stories,
ground level parking).
"Enough is Enough".
Thank you
11o'lll "Jairir e
I I"Jarre
Ariel Salazar
Slireell Aehtress
Ageirida Illeirir11
11:,UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
During the Miami
River Commission's
March 2, 2020 public
meeting, the City
proposed, distributed,
and presented draft
revisions to the code
to increase seawall
elevations in
response to sea level
rise. The Miami River
approval with the
following conditions:
1) Work on
addressing the
required financing 2)
SR. 17338 Amend
1407 NW 7 ST, STE 2
Include both private
Code - Chapter 20,
Miami, FL 33125
and public sector
29 and 54
seawalls 3) Consider
any differences which
may be needed in D1
and D3 zoning, in
order to avoid any
unintentional impacts
4) In response to a
Code Violation,
amend the
compliance deadline
to 5-6 years to
provide time needed
to secure funding 5)
No Code
violations if flooding
in severe storms Your
time and support for
the Miami River are
I DO NOT support
Item #6 as the
amendment to the
Code would allow for
additional bonuses for
PZ. 6 7579 Zoning
T-6-80. Public
955 NW 10TH AVE
Text - TOD Public
MIAMI, FL 33136
Benefits Program
ridership is down 31%
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT."
Hu'l'l I°ll irir e
u sell 114,11rine
Allison Langer
Slireell Nktress
Ageirida Illeiriru
1uulluViic c::oinnirirucruull
Mayor and
Commissioners: I
SUPPORT passage of
R.E. 13 which will
enable the City of
Miami to accept
$1.728 million in PTP
funds for the
Commodore Trail
(CT). I urge the
Commission to show
its continued support
for the CT by passing
this resolution on July
23rd. I regularly use
the CT for exercise
(biking and running)
and to get around
town (by bike). The
CT is one of the most
RE. 13 7639
1410 Trillo Avenue,
popular in the
I nterlocal Agreement
Coral Gables, FL
County's trail
- Commodore Trail
network, but it has
Master Plan
been neglected and
in many parts is
unsafe. Passing R.E.
13 will help to create
improvements to the
Trail and make it
safer for all users.
Passing the resolution
will allow the City to
work collaboratively
on the CT with the
City of Coral Gables,
which recently passed
a similar resolution to
accept a smaller
share of the funds.
Please vote YES for
R.E. 13. Thank you.
Andrea England
Please consider
RE. 13 7639
spending money on
Interlocal Agreement
- Commodore Trail
the Commodore Trail.
is used and
Master Plan
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Alexander Moskovitz
Sllireelll: aures Ageirida Illeiriru
11:'UbViic c::oinnirirucruull
Once again, I am
requesting Intervenor
Status to be
recognized by the
Commission. I have
requested it at the
HEP Board but was
told only the Miami
Commission could
grant it. Given the de
novo status of the
subject matter in front
of this commission, I
would like it formally
recognized that my
property rights are
PZ. 16981 HEPB
more significantly
Decision Appeal -
2185 S Bayshore Dr,
impacted than the
2167 S. Bayshore Dr
Miami, FL 3333
general community
(Special Certificate of
given my shared
property line with the
subject matter
property. I have
substantially more to
say than 2 minutes of
public comment
afford. Furthermore, I
should be granted the
opportunity to cross
examine the
Carrollton school
representatives and
experts. Thank you
for your
consideration, Alex
I iura'll "Jairir e
I a^SII "Jairir e
Alexander Moskovitz
Sllireelll: aures Ageirida Illeiriru
11:'UbViic c::oinnirirucruull
Once again, I am
requesting Intervenor
Status to be
recognized by the
Commission. I have
requested it at the
HEP Board but was
told only the Miami
Commission could
grant it. Given the de
novo status of the
subject matter in front
of this commission, I
would like it formally
recognized that my
property rights are
PZ. 2 6982 HEPB
more significantly
Decision Appeal -
2185 S Bayshore Dr,
impacted than the
2167 S. Bayshore Dr,
Miami, FL 33133
general community
(Special Certificate of
given my shared
property line with the
subject matter
property. I have
substantially more to
say than 2 minutes of
public comment
afford. Furthermore, I
should be granted the
opportunity to cross
examine the
Carrollton school
representatives and
experts. Thank you
for your
consideration, Alex
11o'lll "Jairir e
I I"Jarre
Sllireell Aehtress Ageirida Illeirir11
11:,UbViic Coinnirir ell1111
Commissioners -
thank you for taking
this comment. I live
on North Bay Homes
Drive just one house
in from the Douglas
Highway overlap
section of the
Commodore Trail
near the Kampong.
My family and I walk
that section of the
trail into the venter of
the Grove everyday.
While the trail is a
great asset to the
RE. 13 7639
community - frankly
3685 N Bay Homes I nterlocal Agreement
Dr - Commodore Trail
that stretch - from
Park Lane north until
Master Plan
Main Highway and
Douglas separate is
dangerous and in
disrepair. I support
RE 13 to ensure the
trail- and particularly
this section gets
repaired. This is a
main concern I have
as a citizen who uses
the trail daily and I
am also willing to
work on any
community program
to improve this
section. Thank you
for your support.
I DO NOT support the
zoning change for
item # 7 as it will lead
to parking challenges,
traffic and more
955 NW 10TH AVE PZ. 7 7578 Rezoning density. Also, public
MIAMI, FL 33136 - Various transportation
ridership is down 31%
since March 2015 VS
March 2019 per
Miami Dade County's
Transportation and
Public Works DEPT."