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Department of Housing and Community Development
Annual Action Plan
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DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Table of Contents
AP -05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b)........................................................................3
PR -05 Lead & Responsible Agencies — 91.200(b)......................................................................................9
AP -10 Consultation — 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(1).................................................................................10
AP -12 Participation — 91.105, 91.200(c)................................................................................................. 21
AP -15 Expected Resources — 91.220(c)(1,2)........................................................................................... 23
AP -20 Annual Goals and Objectives........................................................................................................26
Projects................................................................................................................................................... 31
AP -35 Projects — 91.220(d)..................................................................................................................... 31
AP -38 Project Summary..........................................................................................................................32
AP -50 Geographic Distribution — 91.220(f)............................................................................................. 38
AP -55 Affordable Housing— 91.220(g)...................................................................................................39
AP -60 Public Housing-91.220(h)...........................................................................................................40
AP -65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities — 91.220(i)............................................................42
AP -70 HOPWA Goals— 91.220 (1)(3)........................................................................................................45
AP -75 Barriers to affordable housing — 91.220(j)...................................................................................45
AP -85 Other Actions — 91.220(k)............................................................................................................46
Program Specific Requirements..................................................................................................................51
AP -90 Program Specific Requirements-91.220(1)(1,2,4)......................................................................51
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Executive Summary
AP -05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b)
The Five -Year Consolidated Plan and its corresponding annual Action Plan are submitted to the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and serve as the planning tools for jurisdictions
funded, under the Community Planning and Development (CPD) formula to include grant programs. The
formula grant programs guided by the Consolidated Plan consist of the following: Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Housing Opportunities for
Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) and the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program.
These plans provide an assessment of the housing and community development needs in the City of
Miami; a strategic plan for addressing these needs; and a specific one year Action Plan for the use of the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development formula grants funds. The Five -Year Plan is a
document submitted to HUD with the intention of serving as a forecast instrument utilized to identify the
comprehensive housing affordability strategy and as a community development plan for jurisdictions
funded under the Community Planning and Development formula.
Briefly stated, the FY2020 annual Action Plan is a yearly illustration of community development needs in
the City of Miami and includes an analysis and inventory of community services; proposed funding to
respond to community issues; and goals with objectives to address community priorities. To summarize,
the Consolidated Plan and the annual Action Plan serve the following functions:
• A planning document for the jurisdiction
• An application for federal funds under HUD's formula grant programs
• A strategy to be followed in carrying out HUD programs
• An action plan that provides a basis for assessing performance
Summary of Objectives and Outcomes Identified in the Plan
The City of Miami continues to experience a large population growth as evidenced by a 18.4 percent
growth rate from 2010 to 2017 (+71,896 residents) as well as an increase in household income which is
partly due to the increase in high-end, multi -family construction in the Downtown district bringing higher -
earning households to the market. However, most City residents are not able to keep up with the
expanding mismatch between household income and housing costs, as such an estimated 62.8 percent of
Miami's renter households are cost -burdened (housing costs in excess of 30 percent of household income)
and 35.4 percent of renter households are "severely" cost -burdened (housing costs in excess of 50 percent
of household income) as per US Census, ACS 2011-2015 5 -Year Estimates. The City's median contract rent
of $1,041 is an increase of 32.1 percent since 2010.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
This is a City where socio-economic and housing trends for its residents are directly affected by a real
estate market that is still driven by a large investment of foreign capital. The City is located in one of the
top ten Metropolitan Statistical Areas with the widest wealth gaps and income disparities in the country
which correlates with the increasing housing costs City residents are experiencing. This trend has
contributed to the excessive number of cost -burdened households and overcrowding in the City. In
addition, population growth signals a higher demand/need for housing, especially for the City's older
population which has been increasing in the past few years. This segment of the population tends to be
situated in the lower income bracket and depends, forthe most part, on a fixed, limited retirement income
Map ES -05.1: City of Miami Boundaries
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Addressing non -housing community development needs is also a high-level priority for the City of Miami
Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The Consolidated Plan FY2019-2023 focuses
on stimulating neighborhood development through the implementation of programs, strategies and
coordinated planning to integrate public services, economic development, infrastructure improvements
and housing activities for low -to -moderate income households. Improved public services that provide
services to the elderly, disabled individuals, youth, children, and employment training are important as a
means to support our residents and to provide economic opportunities to families who, if it was not for
the provision of these services, would otherwise be unable to work or look for employment. The HCD
understands that economic development programs are vital for neighborhood revitalization; therefore,
the HCD supports programs that help low -to -moderate income persons attain employment in conjunction
to facilitating business development. It provides assistance for public facilities and parks to improve the
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
health and welfare of communities and assists the City in supporting infrastructure improvements such
as curbs, sidewalks, and other street improvements to sustain and revitalize neighborhoods. The following
are the specific goals and funding priorities the City is focusing on achieving in the next five years:
■ Expand and preserve affordable housing opportunities for homeowner- and renter- households
— Increase and preserve the supply of affordable housing through multifamily new construction
and multifamily rehabilitation efforts. Provide rental subsidies to make market units affordable to
lower income residents and continue providing direct financial assistance to new homeowners
for purchase as well as rehabilitation funds for existing homeowners to maintain their properties
■ Provision of public services — Maintain and improve the delivery of social services for very low-,
low-, and moderate -income elderly, youth, children, and people with disabilities, homeless, and
those seeking employment training.
■ Creation of economic opportunities — Support business development and sustainability through
low interest loans and programs that assist businesses in improving their store fronts and
remediating code violations. Increase opportunities for job creation/retention and equitable
business ownership strategies. Provide technical assistance to for-profit businesses.
■ Make improvements to parks, public facilities and infrastructure — Increase equal access and
support activities that improve, upgrade, and make security enhancements to community parks,
neighborhood facilities and open areas designated for public use. Improvements to roads, streets,
and upgrades to water and sewer infrastructure.
■ Support homeless and special need populations — Continue to fund activities designed to address
or reduce homelessness rates such as street outreach, homeless prevention, and rapid re -housing
programs. Support long term rental subsidies for people with HIV/AIDS to assist in the reduction
of viral loads in an effort to eradicate the propagation of the viral condition.
In 2006, U.S. HUD implemented a new system to measure the performance of programs funded with
federal entitlement dollars that would allow HUD to provide decision makers direct results to emphasize
program outcomes for future funding consideration. As such entitlement jurisdictions are mandated to
include outcome performance measure on all programs and activities. All activities must meet one
objective along with one outcome:
1. Creating suitable environment
2. Providing decent affordable housing
3. Creating economic opportunities
1. Availability/Accessibility
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
2. Affordability
3. Sustainability
Evaluation of past performance
It is noteworthy to mention that the goals and outcomes set forth in the previous 2014-2018 Consolidated
Plan were based on projection of higher HUD funding. Despite cuts in funding allocations in all entitlement
programs, the City managed to continue servicing its residents to the best of its ability, acting in a
responsible manner to ensure that services provided and necessary infrastructure projects were not
affected by any funding reduction. As such, the City was able to, in many cases, maintain the same level
of service it had originally anticipated to provide.
Some of the highlights and accomplishments include:
Affordable Housing - During the last consolidated plan period, the City was able to add 621 new affordable
housing units and rehabilitate an additional 296 units. The City also assisted 94 low -to -moderate income
families in purchasing their first home through its down payment assistance program and an additional
77 families in maintaining housing affordability by rehabilitating their primary residences. Under the
HOPWA program, the City provided permanent housing assistance to over 1,000 households and short
term housing assistance to at least 150 households. The City continued its commitment to eliminating
homelessness by funding Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention programs where over 550
households were kept in safe and sanitary housing arrangements and off the streets. In addition to
programs funded with entitlement grants, the City administers approximately 392 Section 8 units to
provide additional affordable housing opportunities to its residents.
Economic Development - The City focused on street and park improvements to enhance existing public
facilities in qualifying low -to -moderate income residential areas in an effort to improve accessibility and
sustainability of those neighborhoods while providing residents with safer and more attractive living
environments. Under the commercial fagade/code compliance program, the City assisted over 322 for-
profit businesses with store front improvement, to support the provision of good and services to
communities while providing technical assistance to over 141 additional businesses.
Public Services - The City utilized CDBG and local funds to bring services to low income families
and concentrated much of its efforts in servicing the elderly, youth, and disabled. Over 8,300 low-income
elderly received nutritional meals and over 800 children and youth were able to take advantage of
programs that focused on learning and improving their well-being while allowing their parents to continue
to work or look for employment. The City also supported programs for the disabled and those with
intellectual disabilities.
On an annual basis, the City reports to HUD via its Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation
Report (CAPER) accomplishments for the fiscal year that just ended. The CAPER is due to HUD 90 days
after the end of the City's fiscal year. The latest CAPER for FY2018 was submitted on December 2019 which
highlighted the different outcomes and progress the City has made in meeting its goals in the areas of
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
public services, economic development, affordable housing and in its efforts to make sustainable
communities a reality.
Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process
The City of Miami focused on a comprehensive citizen participation process that targeted all of
its stakeholders in an effort to create a well-balanced and sensitive Action Plan where the needs of city
residents, community-based organization, and private agencies were responsibly captured and
addressed. This year, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City needed to be cautious and
followed the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which included
social distancing and canceling events of 10+ people; therefore, while the City had already scheduled
venues to hold its public hearings, these needed to be canceled and replaced with virtual public hearings.
City efforts included advertisement in the city's website, email blasts, flyers and public service
During these virtual hearings, the city was able to properly capture the needs, concerns, and
expectations many residents expressed, gathered suggestions and proposed avenues to alleviate those
needs. The virtual public meetings to discuss CDBG, HOME and ESG funding for the Action Plan were held
after working hours via Zoom which is one of the leaders in video communication solutions that allows
for easy and reliable, ADA compliant, video and audio conferencing across mobile devises, telephones,
desktops, etc. In addition, the city, as administrators of the HOPWA program, held an additional virtual
meeting to discuss the needs, expectations, and future plans for the allocation of program funds.
In May 2020, the City of Miami also updated its Citizen Participation Plan to introduce the potential of
utilizing virtual public hearings during emergency declarations. This new version of the plan improved
upon the previous Citizen Participation process by consolidating and standardizing areas and made
citizen's accessibility its priority. The City focused on a comprehensive citizen participation process that
targeted all of its stakeholders in an effort to create a well-balanced and sensitive Action Plan where the
needs of city residents, community-based organizations, and private agencies could be responsibly
captured and addressed.
The City held three virtual public hearings at the following dates:
Public Hearing #1
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Virtual Public Hearings
In addition, another meeting was scheduled to discuss program and funding priorities for the Housing
Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) program.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Public Hearing #2 2 - HOPWA-specific public hearing
Monday, June 291h, 2020
Virtual Public Hearings
Public Hearing #3
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Virtual Public Hearing
Summary of public comments
Public comments for the action plan were taken during and prior to the virtual public hearings. Residents
had an opportunity to provide comments through several methods. These included pre-recorded video
and voice messages, live video comments at a specified location during the public hearings and an online
comment form. All comments were properly heard, addressed and accepted. In addition, a comment
period of at least 5 days was provided in adherence to HUD -issued guidance and waivers regarding
consolidated planning and its respective comment periods during COVID-19.
Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them
All public comments received either through a public hearing or submitted to the City were reviewed and
The City of Miami FY2019-2023 Consolidated Plan and the FY2020 annual Action Plan aim to reduce the
high levels of poverty that exists within its boundaries through its community and economic development
efforts. The objective of this plan is to revitalize distressed neighborhoods by implementing community
and economic development strategies in an effort to improve the quality of life of low-income City
residents by providing them with access to services which aids them in achieving self-sufficiency and
economic stability.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
The City of Miami Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is the lead agency
overseeing the development of the Consolidated Plan and it is responsible for providing guidance and
policy direction for the implementation of eligible programs that support the overall City strategy for
community revitalization, including CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG.
The City executes its housing and community development plan in harmony with public, private and non-
profit agencies. Non-profit organizations include developers, community housing development
organizations (CHDO), and social and economic development service providers. Private sector partners
include local financial institutions, for-profit developers, microenterprises, and other local businesses. The
City works closely with its partners to design programs that work to address the present and future needs
of its residents. Still, it is clear that some program delivery gaps exist, which can be attributed to funding
shortfalls which serve as impediments to the coordination process.
Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information
All inquiries and comments regarding the Consolidated Plan and its process and/or matters regarding
CDBG, ESG, HOME, and HOPWA funding should be addressed to Roberto Tazoe, Assistant Director,
Department of Housing and Community Development 14 NE 1st Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami, FL 33132;
(305)416-1984; rtazoe@miamigov.com
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -10 Consultation — 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(1)
The City of Miami Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is the lead agency
overseeing the development of the annual Action Plan and it is responsible for providing guidance and
policy direction for the implementation of eligible programs that support the overall City strategy for
community revitalization.
The City executes its housing and community development plan in harmony with public, private and not-
for-profit agencies. Not-for-profit organizations include not-for-profit developers, community housing
development organizations (CHDO), and social and economic development service providers. Private
sector partners include local financial institutions, for-profit developers, microenterprises, and other local
businesses. The City works closely with its partners to design programs that work to address the present
and future needs of its residents. Still it is clear that some program delivery gaps attributed to funding
shortfalls are still present and serve as impediments to the coordination process.
As a HOPWA grantee, the City works closely with the Miami -Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership and its Housing
Committee to develop a metropolitan -wide strategy to address the needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA) and their families. The Miami -Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership is the official county planning board
for HIV/AIDS. Its members are PLWHAs, care givers, Ryan White Program service providers, government
representatives and community members. The City of Miami is formally represented on the Partnership
and its Housing Committee. The Housing Committee is comprised of PLWHAs, HIV/AIDS care providers,
HOPWA-funded agencies, housing providers and members of the community.
The City looks to the HIV/AIDS Partnership's Housing Committee for community input and advice
concerning resource allocation, HOPWA program policies, and coordination of efforts to address housing
needs with care and treatment services and activities directed at persons living with HIV/AIDS. In
coordination with the Housing Committee, the HOPWA Program conducts county -wide Housing Needs
Assessments of PLWHAs to further determine the use of resources.
Summary of Jurisdiction's activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted
housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health and service agencies
In order to enhance coordination between housing providers and other community development
stakeholders, the HCD participates in numerous boards: it sits on the Board of the Housing Committee of
the local Continuum of Care (CoC) (Miami -Dade Homeless Trust), it participates in the Advisory Council of
the HAND program which provides homelessness prevention and rapid re -housing funds locally, and it sits
on the Board of the Miami Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership which addresses the needs of the HIV/AIDS
community in Miami -Dade County. Participation in all of these committees/boards allow the HCD to stay
abreast of the latest developments in numerous publicly funded programs, and to address the public's
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
issues and concerns. Aside from this, the HCD holds several workshops a year to educate housing
providers on a variety of issues including fair housing matters, Davis Bacon regulations, and more.
Throughout any given year, HCD's administrators participate in hundreds of meetings, attend dozens of
informational conferences or workshops, and speak directly to representatives of multiple agencies and
entities throughout Miami -Dade County to consider proposed collaborations, new projects or services, or
simply to share and/or request information. This type of in-person communication is essential to the
collaborative nature of community development. Some of the entities we work with are as follows:
Homeless Services: Miami -Dade Homeless Trust, Citrus Health Network, Miami Coalition for the
Homeless, Inc., Department of Human Services, Carrfour Supportive Housing.
Social Services: Miami -Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership, Alliance for the Aging, multiple Social Service
providers servicing the elderly, youth, children, and persons with disabilities.
Housing: Various for-profit developers, Community Development Corporations (CHDOs), Neighborhood
Housing Services of South Florida, South Florida Regional Planning Council, Public Housing and Community
Development Department of Miami -Dade County (PHCD), HOPE, Inc., Miami Realtors Association.
Economic Development: The Beacon Council, Democracy at Work Institute, National League of Cities,
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).
Health Services: Miami -Dade Health Department, Florida Department of Health.
Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of
homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with
children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness.
As voting members of the Miami -Dade Homeless Trust (MDHT) and its Joint Housing Services Committee,
the City of Miami seeks to share funding and ideas toward a coordinated effort to address homelessness
with the entire CoC working towards a "Housing First" approach.
The MDHT serves as the CoC for Miami -Dade County in accordance with the Homeless Emergency
Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH). The MDHT has established a centralized
Coordinated Entry strategy in consultation with the City of Miami and other ESG recipients in the county.
This provides an initial, uniform comprehensive assessment of the needs of individuals and families for
housing and services regardless of how or where they enter the system. In addition, the MDHT has a
specific procedure that addresses the needs of individuals and families fleeing from domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault or stalking, but who are seeking shelter or services from non -victim service
The CoC has developed and implemented Standards of Care to ensure the health, safety and well-being
of homeless persons and to provide for higher coordination among the service provide community. The
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
City of Miami collaborates and engages in the day-to-day operation of some of these programs by
providing ESG funding for street outreach, rapid -rehousing and homeless prevention programs within its
geographic boundaries.
Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in
determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate
outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and
procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS
The City maintains a good working relationship with the Miami -Dade Homeless Trust and the overall CoC
and meets several times a year to discuss policy, procedures, programs and funding allocation, including
ESG dollars. In addition, the county and some other cities within Miami -Dade County utilize the same sub -
recipient, Citrus Health Network, to administer their rapid -rehousing and homeless prevention programs
funded with ESG monies. This program is locally known as the Housing Assistance Network of Dade
(HAND) program and covers geographical areas within the county mostly affected by homelessness. The
City and MDHT have made coordinated efforts to monitor the sub -recipient to ensure that Citrus Health
Network has been meeting the objectives of the program and to ensure that there is a consistent and
consolidated effort to report accomplishments.
The Miami -Dade Homeless Trust is the CoC's lead agency and has developed necessary policies and
procedures and performance standards, including the Policies and Procedures Manual forthe CoC's HMIS
for all users and user agencies. The MDHT meets with participating partners to review project level data
quality and to discuss HMIS system updates. However, all CoC agencies are responsible for maintaining
their own compliance with federal regulations as set by U.S. HUD and with HIPPA standards.
Describe Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and
describe the jurisdiction's consultations with housing, social service agencies and other entities
1 I Agency/Group/Organization
Agency/Group/Organization Type
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Miami -Dade Homeless Trust
Services -Homeless
Other Government -County
Homeless Strategy
Homeless Needs —Chronically homeless
Homeless Needs — Families with children
Homelessness Needs —Veterans
Homelessness Needs — Unaccompanied youth
How was the Organization consulted and This entity leads the area's CoC and administers HUD
what are the anticipated outcomes of the funding, as well as local Food & Beverage Tax dollars
towards fighting homelessness in all of Miami -Dade
County. HCD sought out the Trust's input for the
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
consultation or areas for improved
2 1 Agency/Group/Organization
Agency/ t3roup/urgamzation type
Consolidated Plan, and these comments were
Citrus health Network, Inc.
Services -Homeless
Services -Persons with Disabilities
What section of the Plan was addressed by Homelessness Strategy
Consultation? Homelessness Needs —Veterans
Homelessness Needs — Unaccompanied youth
How was the Organization consulted and
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
the consultation or areas for improved
3 Agency/Group/Organization
Citrus Health Network, Inc. is a sub -recipient under the
Emergency Solutions Grant program and addresses Rapid
Re -Housing and Homelessness Prevention activities. They
provide the City with input on these programs as they
develop, issues that may arise, and
Carrfour Supportive Housing
Agency/Group/Organization Type I Services -Homeless
Services -Persons with HIV/AIDS
What section of the Plan was addressed by Homelessness Strategy
Consultation? Homeless Needs —Chronically homeless
HOPWA Strategy
How was the Organization consulted and Carrfour Supportive Housing is a project sponsor under the
what are the anticipated outcomes of the HOPWA program and addresses housing for homeless
consultation or areas for improved persons with HIV/AIDS. They provide the City with input on
coordination? these programs as they develop, issues that may arise, and
4 1 Agency/Group/Organization
Miami -Dade Health Department
Agency/Group/Organization Type ____FHealth Agency
What section of the Plan was addressed by HOPWA Strategy
How was the Organization consulted and The Miami -Dade Health Department and the Florida
what was are the anticipated outcomes of Department of Health provided with up-to-date
the consultation or areas for improved information on people with HIV/AIDS and the lead
coordination? program.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan 13
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HOPE, Inc.
Service -Fair Housing
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Housing Needs Assessment
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Market Analysis
How was the Organization consulted and
HOPE, Inc. provides the City with up-to-date counts on
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
housing discrimination claims filed in the City, and
consultation or areas for improved
identifies undeserved areas and areas of concern in the
City in relation to fair housing violations or impediments. It
also conducts fair housing testing and verification.
Miami -Dade County Public Housing and Community
Development Department
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Other Government -County
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Needs Assessment
Public Housing Needs
How was the Organization consulted and
The HCD reached out to the Miami -Dade County Public
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
Housing and Community Development Department
the consultation or areas for improved
(PHCD), who acts as the public housing administrator in all
of Miami -Dade County including 50+ Public Housing sites
within City of Miami limits, to gather their input and plans
for improvements at Public Housing locations, and their
levels of engagement with the public.
Miami Community Redevelopment Agency
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Other -Economic development
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Needs Assessment
Economic Development
How was the Organization consulted and
The CRA provided input on future plans and Housing and
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
on Economic Development projects in the Southeast
Overtown area. This information is utilized by the HCD to
plan and to leverage future resources to continue
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
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DRAFT Annual Action Plan
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consultation or areas for improved
improving areas the CRA is addressing with their own
City of Miami
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Other Government -Local
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Needs Assessment
Homelessness Strategy
Non -Homeless Special Needs
Economic Development
Anti -Poverty Strategy
How was the Organization consulted and
The HCD consulted with the Office of the Mayor, City
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
Commissioners, and multiple departments.
the consultation or areas for improved
Apple Tree Perspectives, Inc.
Other -Technical assistance
Agency/Group/Organization Type
What section of the Plan was addressed by
HOPWA Strategy
How was the Organization consulted and
Apple Tree Perspectives, Inc. provides technical expertise
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
to the City on the latest nuances of federal, state and local
consultation or areas for improved
laws and regulations regarding the HOPWA program. Also,
it conducts the HIV/AIDS Needs Survey and Assessment.
The agency also attends the meetings of the Miami -Dade
HIV/AIDS Partnership where stakeholders provide input,
and provides objective suggestions on how to improve
local and federally funded programs that benefit the low -
to mod -income HIV/AIDS community.
Florida International University Metropolitan Center
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Other -Technical assistance
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Needs Assessment
Market Analysis
How was the Organization consulted and
The Metropolitan Center at Florida International University
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
was contracted to provide its expertise in analyzing current
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
the consultation or areas for improved
Market trends and its relationship to Housing, Economic
Development, and Social changes the City has experienced
in the past few years. In addition, the Metropolitan Center
provided with views and recommendations on how to
address such changes, including affordable housing and
other activities that promote economic prosperity.
11 Agency/Group/Organization
Centro Mater Child Care Services, Inc
Services — Children
Agency/Group/Organization Type
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Other: NA -50
How was the Organization consulted and
CBO attended public hearings and provided input on need
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
for childcare/youth services in Little Havana area.
consultation or areas for improved
Southwest Social Services Programs, Inc.
Services - Elderly Persons
Agency/Group/Organization Type
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Non -Homeless Special Needs
How was the Organization consulted and
CBO attended public hearings and addressed importance of
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
elderly meals/services. CBO operates five senior centers in
the consultation or areas for improved
County, with main location in the City of Miami (district
4/Flagami area).
The Start Program, Inc.
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Services — Children
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Other: NA -50
How was the Organization consulted and
Agency attended the public hearing and expressed
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
importance of youth services in inner-city communities,
consultation or areas for improved
including after school homework help. Agency is based in
Coconut Grove (Dis. 2) of the City.
14 Agency/Group/Organization
Miami Lighthouse for the Blind
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Services - Children
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
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DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Non -Homeless Special Needs
How was the Organization consulted and
Agency attended public hearing and expressed importance
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
of funding for this childcare program for disabled children.
the consultation or areas for improved
The agency is located in the Little Havana area of the City
(Dis. 3).
The Association for the Development of the Exceptional
Services — Persons with Disabilities
Agency/Group/Organization Type
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Non -Homeless Special Needs
How was the Organization consulted and
ADE attended our public hearing and discussed the
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
importance of continuing to provide local and state funding
consultation or areas for improved
for their program, which offers specialized academics and
vocational training, focusing on participant's
(developmentally disabled adults) abilities, maximizing
their potential while guiding them towards a path of
acquired skills, self-determination and community
National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Planning Organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Economic Development
How was the Organization consulted and
NALCAB attended one of our public hearings and presented
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
significant comment for the record on potential economic
the consultation or areas for improved
development strategies in some of the City's
neighborhoods. Please see complete submission in
Appendix, titled "Addressing Commercial Gentrification in
Assistance to the Elderly
Agency/Group/Organization Type
Services — Elderly Persons
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Non -Homeless Special Needs
How was the Organization consulted and
Agency representative attended Public Hearing and
what are the anticipated outcomes of the
discussed the cost of adding generators (as per recent
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
consultation or areas for improved
18 1 Agency/Group/Organization
State of Florida law) to Assisted Living Facilities in the event
of emergencies (especially storm -related). The agency's
building located in the City of Miami- Residential Plaza at
Blue Lagoon - is one of the largest ALFs in South Florida and
the operators are grappling with the cost of purchasing a
generator that is adequately sized for their operation.
Agency/Group/Organization Type I Other: Economic Development Organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by Economic Development
How was the Organization consulted and
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
the consultation or areas for improved
19 1 Agency/Group/Organization
Prospera is an economic development, nonprofit
organization specialized in providing bilingual assistance to
Hispanic entrepreneurs trying to establish or expand their
business. Prospera empowers these entrepreneurs through
training, support and resources so their businesses can
grow and prosper. They are seeking to aide businesses in
the City of Miami in the coming years.
Miami Association of Realtors, Inc.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing; Regional Organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by Housing Needs Assessment
How was the Organization consulted and
what was are the anticipated outcomes of
the consultation or areas for improved
Organization's public liaison was contacted for information
on their efforts on behalf of the realtors' community and
their thoughts on the housing data for the City and County
to better understand the gaps in the market for lower-
income households and potential barriers to
Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting
The City did not consult with philanthropic agencies in the community. This type of entity has never
actively participated in the HCD's sponsored programs and activities. The HCD does not have direct
contact with these entities and did not have the ability to reach out to them. The City researched and
consulted with internet service providers regarding broadband access in Miami and found that broadband
availability was not an issue in the City, but rather an issue of subscribership. The full report can be
accessed in the Housing Market Analysis.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan
of Plan
Lead Organization
.. the goals
How with the plan?
Continuum of Care
Miami -Dade Homeless
The CoC's ten-year plan outlines the community's
goals to address homelessness, including the
number of emergency beds, transitional beds, and
permanent beds needed to accommodate the
homeless population.
2018 Greater Downtown
Miami Downtown
Miami Demographics
Development Authority
The Miami Urban Future
Richard Florida/Creative
Class Group/FIU
2017-2021 Integrated
Florida Department of
HIV/AIDS Prevention and
2017 City of Miami Resident
ETC Institute
Setting city residents' priorities in regards to
services provided by the city.
One Community, One Goal
The Miami -Dade Beacon
Miami Comprehensive
Planning & Zoning Dept.,
Neighborhood Plan (MCNP)
City of Miami
Updates: 5/18
Miami -Dade County Public
Public Housing &
Public Housing Activities & Goals.
Housing & Community
Community Development
Development PHA Plan
PHCD) Dept., Miami -Dade
Connect Capital Initiative
Connect Capital / City of
Describe Cooperation and Coordination with Other Public Entities, Including the State and any
Adjacent Units of General Local Government, in the Implementation of the Consolidated Plan
The City has conferred with the Miami -Dade Homeless Trust, who operates the area's CoC, to align our
ESG goals with those of the Trust in order to best aide the homeless community with housing, resources,
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
and further supporting the main goal of ending homelessness. The City also confers with Miami -Dade
County's Public Housing & Community Development Department (PHCD), which serves as the County's
Public Housing Agency (PHA), to stay up-to-date on any renovations under way at Public Housing sites
(operated by PHCD) within City limits and any changes to their public housing goals. Attention is also paid
to the County's own Consolidated Plan submission to U.S. HUD, to understand their focus areas and
community development efforts in the County -at -large. The HCD has attended several of the Beacon
Council's planning sessions and reviewed its data and findings to better understand the economic needs
of our area.
For the implementation of the HOPWA program, the City consults and has active membership with the
Miami -Dade HIV/Partnership and works directly with the Department of Health to further the
availability of affordable housing opportunities for people HIV/AIDS.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -12 Participation — 91.105, 91.200(c)
Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation.
Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal -setting
The HCD makes every attempt to target as many stakeholders as possible to join the Consolidated
Planning process. The main form of outreach to the public has always been the public hearings, whereby
all residents, developers, public service agencies, housing associations, economic development providers,
clients, and other City Departments are invited via a printed advertisement in The Miami Herald, multiple
e-mail blasts, and printed flyers mailed out to all agencies and to the City's 12 Neighborhood -based
outposts (NET offices). At these hearings, a survey was made available to all those in attendance to further
address their District's needs, and the same survey is posted on the HCD's website for digital submission.
In adherence to U.S. HUD's suggestions for informational meetings, at the hearings the public was
provided with an informational handout that included the latest total funding allocation breakdowns and
an up-to-date listing of entities funded with federal monies (HUD) as well as a historical review of past
federal funding received. The public meetings to discuss CDBG, HOME and ESG funding for the upcoming
Five -Year Consolidated Plan were held after working hours, as follows:
Citizen Participation Outreach
Mode of Outreach
Target of
Summary of Response/
Summary of Comments Received
Website Notification
Non-English Speaking
Placed on the City's website, this
Not applicable
(Spanish, Creole)
notice announced the
locations/dates/times of the virtual
Non -targeted/ Broad
public hearings in English and
provided information in Spanish and
Public Hearing
Non-English Speaking
Three virtual meetings were held to
A summary of comments will be included in
(Spanish, Creole)
address community needs and future
the appendix. All comments were accepted.
allocations of CDBG, ESG, HOME, and
Non -targeted/ Broad
HOPWA programs.
Non-English Speaking
Flyer advertised the availability of
Not applicable
(Spanish, Creole)
Public Hearings were distributed
electronically to as many outlets as
Non -targeted/ Broad
possible to provide additional
notification for these meetings.
Internet Outreach
Non -targeted/ Broad
An email blast was sent to over 500
A summary of comments will be included in
institutions and individuals to
the appendix. All comments were accepted.
promote the public hearings and the
availability of the online survey. The
informational flyer, along with
details, was also posted on the
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Mode of Outreach
Target of
Summary of Response/
Summary of Comments Received
Department's main web page,
Facebook page, and Twitter account.
Non-English Speaking
A notice was published in the City's
A summary of comments will be included in
(Spanish, Creole)
website announcing the issuance of
the appendix. All comments were accepted.
the annual Action Plan 5 -day
Non -targeted/ Broad
comment period, how to access the
plan and how to submit comments
for it, .
Public Hearing
Non -targeted/ Broad
Draft Consolidated Plan was
A summary of comments will be included in
presented in front of City
the appendix. All comments were accepted.
Commission for approval.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Expected Resources
AP -15 Expected Resources — 91.220(c)(1,2)
The City of Miami provides General Fund dollars to leverage, and complement, approved CDBG-funded
public service agencies and to provide additional public services that otherwise could not be funded due
to the 15% CDBG cap on the funding of public services. These City funds, known as Social Service Gap
funds, help stabilize these agencies. The City of Miami Planning & Zoning Departments also collect
financial contributions (as stipulated by the current Zoning Ordinance) from private developers who opt
for specific provisions allowed by the City of Miami Zoning Code (Miami2l) to developments providing a
certain number of affordable units in a given project, as defined by the Code. These collections are then
dedicated to the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), with funding from this source used to
further the HCD's existent housing programs, aiding both homebuyers (first-time and existent) and
developers (multi -family rental and homeownership projects), as delineated in the Affordable Housing
Trust guidelines approved by City Commission in Resolution #07-0203.
Anticipated Resources
Source of Funds Annual
Public—Federal $5,578,293.00
Expected Amount Available Year I
Expected Amount
Program Prior Year Total Available
Income Resources Remainder of Con
$500,000.00 $99,820.80 $6,178,113.80 $16,500,000.00
Uses of Funds:
Narrative Description:
• Acquisition
CDBG funds are utilized for housing rehabilitation, acquisition, relocation,
• Admin and Planning
clearance and demolition, code enforcement, public services, economic
• Economic Development
development, and public facilities and infrastructure improvements. A
• Housing
minimum of 70% of CDBG funds will be used to address low and moderate
• Public Improvements
national objectives. Expected Amount Available RemainderofCon Plan
• Public Services
assumes level federal funding and program income receipts.
Uses of Funds:
Narrative Description:
• Acquisition
HOME funds are utilized for construction of new rental and homeowner
• Home buyer Assistance
units, housing rehabilitation, and direct financial assistance to homeowners.
• Homeowner rehab
Expected Amount Available Remainderof Con Plan assumes level federal
• Multifamily rental new
funding and program income receipts.
• Multifamily rental rehab
• New construction for
Public—Federal $11,572,054.00
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Source of Funds Annual
Uses of Funds:
Expected Amount Available Year I
Expected Amount
Program Prior Year Total Available
Income Resources Remainder of Con
Narrative Description:
• Permanent housing in facilities
HOPWA funds are utilized for rental assistance through the Long Term
• Permanent housing placement
Rental Assistance program, short term rental mortgage and utility
• Short term or transitional
assistance, and project based operational support activities. Expected
housing facilities
Amount Available Remainder of Con Plan assumes level federal funding and
program income receipts.
• Supportive Services
Uses of Funds:
Narrative Description:
• Conversion and rehab for
ESG funds are utilized to fund Homeless prevention, rapid re -housing, and
transitional housing
street outreach. Expected Amount Available Remainder of Con Plan assumes
• Finance assistance
level federal funding and program income receipts.
• Overnight shelter
• Rapid re -housing
• Rental assistance services
• Transitional housing
Public — State
Uses of Funds:
Narrative Description:
State funding for housing activities authorized by the 1992 William E.
Home buyer Assistance
Sadowski Affordable housing act. The department has not been able to rely
Homeowner rehab
on these funds on an annual basis as these can be reprogrammed by the
Multifamily rental new
State for other non -housing purposes.
• Multifamily rental rehab
• New construction for
Section 8
Uses of Funds:
Narrative Description:
• Rental Assistance
These funds are used for the operation of the Section 8 voucher and mod -
rehab programs. Most of the funds are for rental payments.
Public — Local
Uses of Funds:
Narrative Description:
Home buyer Assistance
Miami Forever Bond - A $400 million general obligation bond that will fund
Homeowner rehab
projects to protect homes and property from sea level rise flooding and
increase affordable housing. $192M for sea level rise/flood prevention;
• Multifamily rental new
$100M for affordable housing; $78M for parks and cultural facilities; $23M
for road improvements; $7M for public safety.
• Multifamily rental rehab
• New construction for
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local
funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied
The City continues to leverage federal dollars as part of its strategy to create new affordable housing
opportunities for its residents. During the 2014-2018 Consolidated Plan period, taking into consideration
completed housing projects only, the City invested $43.7 million while leveraging close to $310 million of
private and other public funding, creating or maintaining 2,125 affordable units. Miami (HCD) has been
determined to be a high poverty area; therefore, the City is only responsible for one half of HOME match.
These funds shall be matched with AHTF (local) funds and/or State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP)
funds to continue creating affordable housing opportunities or similar local funding. In regards to ESG
funding, dollars shall be matched by sub -recipients with funds that may derive from the Veterans
Administration or from the CoC's NOFA.
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be
used to address the needs identified in the plan
The HCD currently manages a portfolio of approximately 50+ parcels that are owned by the City of Miami.
Some of these sites can or must be used to address some of the needs identified in this plan. These parcels
each have limitations associated to the type of development that can occur on the individual site. As
funding becomes available, the HCD incorporates the appropriate sites in a Request for Proposals
(RFP) which is properly advertised and then publically issued to interested parties who have to meet
certain thresholds of experience, knowledge, financial capacity, etc. RFPs are reviewed, scored, and
recommendations presented to either the City of Miami Commission or the City's Housing & Commercial
Loan Committee, comprised of private individuals with different specialties in the banking, housing,
private/public sector who volunteer their time and meet several times a year to award funding. This
Committee was granted the authority to make these decisions by the City of Miami Commission
Disaster Response and Recovery
South Florida is an area vulnerable to natural disasters mainly related to extreme weather conditions such
as hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, wildfires, and floods. Through the years, the City has
experienced its share of devastating disasters followed by aftermaths and rebuilding efforts. As such, the
City is always at high alert and maintains an up-to-date Hurricane Plan that deals with preparedness and
operational activities prior, during, and after a storm; establishes procedures to minimize storm -related
damage and protects the life of personnel and City residents. Understanding that the federal
government's function is to provide disaster relief through the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) to meet short-term recovery needs, the City strongly
believes that there are scenarios where assistance is needed to safeguard the health and well-being of its
residents by addressing emergency housing repairs and providing long-term affordable housing solutions
among other essential services for residents in need after a natural or man-made disaster.
Need to Reallocate Funds in Case of a Disaster -The City is electing to leave open the option to utilize its
CPD funding for emergency, short-term assistance and/or long-term recovery assistance when those
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
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activities are not fully funded by FEMA, SBA, or other alternative sources. If the City were to utilize its
CDBG funding, it would apply it toward activities allowed by CDBG regulations, including, but not limited
to meeting the interim assistance criteria defined under 24 CFR 570.201 (f)(2) to alleviate emergency
conditions. CDBG funds can also be used for other public service activities, not to exceed the 15% public
service cap, which would assist those impacted by the disaster. While the general rule is that CDBG funds
may not be used for income payments, such as rent and security deposits, food, and utilities, CDBG funds
may be used as emergency grant payments over a period of up to three consecutive months to the
provider of such items or services on behalf of an individual or family.
Funding Reallocation - Once South Florida receives a major disaster declaration, the City shall be open to
the possibility of reallocating its CPD funds toward eligible activities to help counteract the effects of a
disaster on its residents. Any and all CPD funds available or previously allocated to any activity on any
fiscal year may be reallocated toward disaster response and recovery. This decision is left solely to the
discretion of the City of Miami as it best see fit in the aftermath of a major natural or man-made disaster.
The City will, at all times, adhere to its citizen participation plan requirements.
Utilization of CPD Funding - As it is understood that HUD assistance is intended to supplement, not
replace, other public, private, and non-profit sector resources that have already been provided for the
same need or loss, the City will be careful to review and document household's eligibility, financial
resources, and other assistance available or reasonably anticipated for the same purpose as the CPD
program assistance in an effort to avoid duplication of benefits. The following are projects the City will
utilize CPD funds for in the case of a disaster:
• Public services (up to an amount not exceed 15% of CDBG allocation for the PY);
• Emergency housing rehabilitation (up to $1,000,000);
• Homebuyer programs (up to $1,000,000);
• Acquisition programs that purchase properties in floodplains (up to $1,000,000);
• Infrastructure improvements (up to $2,000,000);
• Demolition of buildings and unsafe structures (up to $2,000,000);
• Reconstruction or replacement of public facilities (up to $2,000,000);
• Small business grants and loans (up to $500,000); and
• Relocation assistance for people moved out of floodways (up to $1,000,000).
AP -20 Annual Goals and Objectives
The following are the goals related to the annual Action Plan FY2020
DRAFT Annual Action Plan 26
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name
Category Geographic Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome
Area Indicator
Production of Bond Proceeds: Household
New Units $3,000,000 Housing Units
Increase the supply of affordable rental housing available to extremely low-, very low-, low- and
low -to -moderate income residents through new construction. The City will finance project costs for
site development and will offer soft and hard construction financing associated with the
Goal Description:
development of affordable housing units. The City will ensure compliance by reviewing rent rolls,
leases, tenant income files, financial statements, operational licenses and certificates, annual unit
inspection, etc.
Construction of New
Housing Added:
City of Miami
Tax Exempt
Home Owner Units
Production of
40 Household
Bond Proceeds:
New Units
Housing Units
The City will seek to increase the supply of affordable home ownership through new construction
of home owner unit. The focus will be to promote and create affordable home ownership
Goal Description:
opportunities for City residents. This will be achieved by financing project costs associated with the
development of affordable housing units and by providing hard and soft construction financing.
Rental Units
Rehabilitation of
Rehabilitated: 40
City of Miami
Tax Exempt
Affordable Rental Units
Rehabilitation of
Bond Proceeds:
Existing Units
Housing Units
Rehabilitation of multi -family rental properties to help preserve affordable rental housing for
extremely low-, very low-, low-, and low -to -moderate income residents. This strategy aims to
preserve affordable rental housing stock in the City from continue to decline and to improve the
Goal Description:
condition of rental inventory available to our target population.
Rehabilitation of Home
City of Miami
Rehabilitated: 13
Owner Units
Rehabilitation of
SHIP: $250,000
Existing Units
Housing Units
The City will provide home improvement and rehabilitation assistance to home owners in order to
improve the condition of existing housing stock and maintain the affordability of these homes.
Under the Single Family Rehabilitation program, extremely low-, very low-, low- and low -to -
moderate income home owners that reside and maintain a property as their principal residence in
the City will be able to obtain a deferred loan to bring their property to decent, safe, and sanitary
housing standards or to correct existing code violations. In addition, the City recently approved a
Goal Description:
Home ownership Preservation Strategy that will target the same population, but will concentrate
on hardening the property to better withstand natural weather occurrences and to maximize the
energy efficiency of the home. Whenever the housing unit cannot be properly rehabilitated with
the abovementioned programs, the City also implemented a Single Family Replacement program
that concentrates on replacing unsafe housing structures by demolishing them and replacing it with
a brand new housing unit on the existing lot.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name
Category Geographic Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome
Area Indicator
Affordable ESG:
Housing Rental $61,565.40 Tenant -Based
City of Miami,
Rental Assistance —
Affordable Assistance, HOPWA: rental assistance/
Miami -Dade
Housing, Homeless and $13,142,992.38 Rapid Rehousing:
County (HOPWA
Homeless Special Needs 1,272 Households
Population Section 8: Assisted
Assistance $4,700,900.00
Provide rental housing assistance through the HOPWA TBRA program, ESG Rapid Rehousing
program, and Section 8 voucher and moderate rehabilitation programs. All these rental assistance
programs are designed to assist lower income households live under safe, decent, and sanitary
Goal Description:
conditions. In the case of the HOPWA TBRA program, it is important to assist participants maintain
housing stability in an effort for them to utilize their resources toward improving their access to
and engagement in treatment and care.
Direct Financial
Direct Financial
Assistance to
Housing Down
Assistance to Home
City of Miami
Home Buyers: 13
SHIP: $250,000
Assist low, low -to -moderate income households obtain home ownership by providing financial
Goal Description:
assistance in the form of down payment or closing cost assistance based on program availability.
Public service
activities other
Non -Housing
Provision of Public
Provision of
City of Miami
Public Services
Income Housing
Benefit: 1,500
Persons Assisted
Provide nutritional meals to the elderly and people with disabilities. Provide childcare, youth
Goal Description:
development activities, services for people with disabilities, employment training among other
programs. Previous Year funding and COVID-19 flexibilities for FY2020 being applied.
Public Facility or
Public Facilities
Activities other
Public Facilities and
Non -Housing
City of Miami
Income Housing
Benefit: 1,000
Persons Assisted
Encourage community revitalization by investing in public facility or infrastructure improvements
such as street or park improvements. This is an area benefit and shall benefit residents in an area
Goal Description:
where at least 51 percent of the residents are extremely low-, very low-, low-, and low -to -
moderate income persons. The GO] for this section reflects the number of persons of such area
that will benefit from these activities.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name
Category Geographic Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome
Area Indicator
Non -Housing treatment/
Economic CDBG:
Community City of Miami business building
Development $700,000
Development rehabilitation: 50
The program covers the rehabilitation of privately owned for-profit commercial buildings limited to
improvement and correction of code violations. Under the commercial facade program, all
Goal Description:
improvements are limited to those that are visible from a commercial corridor. This is an area
benefit and shall benefit residents in an area where at least 51 percent of the residents are
extremely low-, very low-, low-, and low -to -moderate income persons.
Non -Housing
Technical Assistance to
Assisted: 30
City of Miami
Provide technical assistance to for-profit businesses in order to build capacity, generate economic
development opportunities, and create/retain jobs for extremely low-, very low-, low-, and low -to -
moderate income persons. Technical assistance includes, but it is not limited to financial
Goal Description:
consultation, permits/licenses, zoning information, infrastructure, business
relations/relocation/expansion, business attraction, security improvements, seminars/workshops,
general business services, and marketing/promotion assistance. Also included the micro enterprise
assistance program.
Jobs created/
Non -Housing
Job Creation/ Retention
City of Miami
retained: 3 Jobs
Create and maintain employment opportunities for extremely low-, very low-, low-, and low -to -
moderate income persons (target population). Subrecipients funded for job creation activities must
be able to verify that at least 51 percent of the jobs are held by the target population or it must be
Goal Description:
able to proof that at least 51 percent of jobs were available to the target population. Conversely,
when an activity is funded to retain jobs, it must provide evidence that the jobs held by the target
population would otherwise be lost if it wasn't for the CDBG assistance provided.
Homeless and
Homeless Prevention
Special Needs
City of Miami
Persons Assisted
ESG-funded Homeless Prevention and HOPWA-funded Short Term Rent Mortgage and Utilities
programs provide direct assistance to extremely low-, very low-, low-, and low -to -moderate income
Goal Description:
households to prevent them falling into homelessness. There is a high -demand for these programs
as there is a high percentage of City residents that are cost -burdened and severely cost -burdened.
Homeless and
Homeless Person
Homeless Street
Special Needs
Overnight Shelter:
City of Miami
ESG: $267,745
1,500 Persons
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name
Category Geographic Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome
Area Indicator
Street outreach activities target a large number of unsheltered homeless persons located within
City limits. These funds are used toward engagement in order to locate, identify, and build
relationships with the unsheltered population to provide immediate support, intervention, and
Goal Description:
connections with homeless assistance programs and mainstream social services/and or housing
programs. In addition, whenever appropriate, the City may utilize ESG funding to cover for
hotel/motel expenditures related to maintaining homeless families off the street whenever shelter
space is not available.
City of Miami,
HIV/AIDS Housing
HIV/AIDS Housing
Miami -Dade
Housing — Other
Operations: 26
County (HOPWA
Housing Unit
Project -Based housing relates to subsidies toward the operational cost of the unit. Tenants are
Goal Description:
required to pay a portion of their rent (including utilities) based on their monthly income. The
operational subsidy stays with the assisted unit once the tenant vacates it.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -35 Projects — 91.220(d)
The City of Miami will work with activities that support one or more of the following projects during
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
In FY2020, the City will once more concentrate its efforts in funding eligible programs based on the input
received though the citizen participation process. Provision of public services for the elderly would be one
are the HCD is focusing on as well as the provision of additional affordable housing opportunities for City
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Project Name
Public Services 2020
Economic Development 2020
Sustainable Communities 2020
Affordable Hsg - Single Family Projects 2020
Affordable Hsg - Brick and Mortar Projects 2020
Affordable Hsg - Down Payment Assistance 2020
HESG - City of Miami/Citrus Health Network/Admin 2020
2020-2022 - City of Miami FLH2OF005 (COM)
2020-2022 - Carrfour Supportive Housing FLH2OF005 (CSH)
2020-2022 - Center of Information and Orientation FLH2OF005 (CIO)
2020-2022 - Empower U FLH2OF005 (EU)
2020-2022 - SABER FLH2OF005 (SA)
2020-2022 - Sunshine for All FLH2OF005 (SFA)
2020-2022 - Care Resource FLH2OF005 (CR)
2020-2022 - Latin Mission Ministries FLH2OF005 (LM)
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
In FY2020, the City will once more concentrate its efforts in funding eligible programs based on the input
received though the citizen participation process. Provision of public services for the elderly would be one
are the HCD is focusing on as well as the provision of additional affordable housing opportunities for City
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -38 Project Summary
Project Summary Information
KPublic S.r,(,c.s 0�
Target Area City of Miami
Goals Supported
Provision of Public Services
Needs Addressed
Provision of Public Services
CDBG: $1,679,564.75
Provision of public services to extremely low, low, and moderate income households. Services include,
but are not limited to Elderly meals, childcare, youth programs, services for the disabled, job training,
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
Elderly Meals: 1,400 People
families that will benefit from the
Child Care: 40 People
proposed activities
Youth Development: 50 People
People with Disabilities: 5 People
Employment and Training: 5 People
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami
Planned Activities
Elderly Meals, child care, youth programs, programs for people with disabilities, job training.
.- r r c Ma
mAm MA
City of Miami
Target Area
Goals Supported
Public Facilities and Improvements
Commercial Facade/Code Enforcement
Technical Assistance to Businesses
Job Creation/Retention
Needs Addressed
Economic Development
CDBG: $2,532,890.45
Create and maintain employment opportunities for extremely low-, very low-, and low -to -moderate
individuals. Provide technical assistance to for-profit businesses in order to build capacity, generate
economic development opportunities, and create/retain jobs for extremely low-, very low-, and low -
to -moderate income persons. Technical assistance includes, but it is not limited to financial
consultation, permits/licenses, zoning information, infrastructure, business
relations/relocation/expansion, business attraction, security improvements, seminars/workshops,
capacity building, general business services, and marketing/promotion assistance.
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
Public Facilities and Improvements: 1,000 Persons
families that will benefit from the
Commercial Facade and Code Compliance: 50 Businesses
proposed activities
Technical Assistance to for profit businesses: 30 Businesses
Job Creation/Retention: 3 Jobs
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami
Planned Activities
Technical Assistance to for profit businesses, Commercial Fagade and Code Compliance
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
LS.�,..i..bl. Communities 020
Needs Addressed
Sustainable Communities
CDBG: $500,000
This project relates to Building Acquisitions and Brownfield Restoration activities.
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Buildings Demolished: TBD
Location Description
Planned Activities
Demolition of Building, Brownfields clearance
"ff.rd.ble Hsg — Single Family Projects
Target Area
City of Miami
Goals Supported
Rehabilitation of Affordable Home Owner Units
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rehabilitation of Existing Units
CDBG: $250,000
SHIP: $250,000
Preserving and creating affordable housing opportunities for City residents
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Single Family Rehabilitation Program: 13 Household Housing Units
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami
Planned Activities
Single Family Rehabilitation Program. Single Family Replacement Program.
e Hsg — Brick and Mortar
Target Area
Projects rr in
City of Miami
Goals Supported
Construction of New Rental Units
Construction of New Home Owner Units
Rehabilitation of Affordable Rental Units
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Production of New Units
Affordable Hsg - Rehabilitation of Existing Units
HOME: $6,871,180.40
Tax Exempt Bond Proceeds: $4,000,000
Preserving and creating affordable housing opportunities for City residents
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Rental units constructed: 280 Household Housing units
Rental units rehabilitated: 40 Household Housing units
Homeowner Housing Added: 40 Household Housing units
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami
Planned Activities
Construction/Rehabilitation of Rental units, construction of homeowner units
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
LA ff., d..b I... H Down Payment Assistance
Target Area
City of Miami
Goals Supported
Direct Financial Assistance to Home Buyers
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Down Payment Assistance
HOME: $500,000
SHIP: $250,000
Creating affordable housing home ownership opportunities for City residents
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Direct Financial Assistance to Homebuyers: 13 Households Assisted
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami
Planned Activities
Down Payment Assistance Program
7 — HESG — City of Miami/Citrus Health
Target Area
Network/Admin 2020
City of Miami
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Homeless Prevention and STRMU
Homeless Street Outreach
Needs Addressed
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HESG: $473,580
Homeless Prevention, Rapid Rehousing, and Street Outreach programs to support CoC's effort to
combat Homelessness.
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Rapid Rehousing: 30 People
Homeless Prevention: 50 People
Homeless Street Outreach (Under Homeless Person Overnight Shelter): 1500 People
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami
Planned Activities
Rapid Rehousing, Homeless Prevention, Street Outreach
2020-2022 — City of Miami FLH1
11 •
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Target Area
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Homeless Prevention and STRMU
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rental Assistance
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $11,386,778.38
City of Miami funding for HOPWA program activities related to the management and administration of
TBRA and STRMU programs among others. It includes HOPWA Administration and Resource
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
TBRA: 850 People
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Location Description Various sites —City of Miami, Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
Planned Activities TBRA, STRMU programs
F2020-2022 - Carrfour Supportive Housing OO
Target Area City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
HIV/AIDS Housing Operations
Needs Addressed
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $44,100
Project Based Operational Support to support affordable housing for eligible HIV/AIDS clients
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
HIV/AIDS Housing Operations: 14 Household Housing Units
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami, Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
Planned Activities
Project -Based housing operational support
iFLH20FOOS (ELI) cow
and Orientation FLH20FOO5•
10— 2020-2022 — Center of Information
Target Area
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rental Assistance
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $431,390
HOPWA TBRA Housing Specialists and HQS Inspection Services
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Tenant -based rental assistance / Rapid Rehousing: 205 Households Assisted
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami, Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
Planned Activities
HOPWA Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program
iFLH20FOOS (ELI) cow
Target Area
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rental Assistance
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $431,390
HOPWA TBRA Housing Specialists and HQS Inspection Services
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Tenant -based rental assistance / Rapid Rehousing: 205 Households Assisted
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami, Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
12— 2020-2022— SABER OO
Target Area
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rental Assistance
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $196,900
HOPWA TBRA Housing Specialists and HQS Inspection Services
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Tenant -based rental assistance / Rapid Rehousing: 110 Households Assisted
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami, Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
Planned Activities
HOPWA Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program
13— 2020-2022— Sunshine for All FLHi
Target Area
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rental Assistance
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $431,390
HOPWA TBRA Housing Specialists and HQS Inspection Services
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
Tenant -based rental assistance / Rapid Rehousing: 205 Households Assisted
Location Description
Various sites — City of Miami, Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
Planned Activities
HOPWA Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program
14— 2020-2022 — Care Resource
Target Area
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
Rental Assistance - TBRA/Rapid Rehousing/S8
Needs Addressed
Affordable Hsg - Rental Assistance
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $209,430
HOPWA TBRA Housing Specialists and HQS Inspection Services
Target Date
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Target Area
City of Miami, Miami -Dade County
Goals Supported
HIV/AIDS Housing Operations
Needs Addressed
Homeless and Special Needs Population Assistance
HOPWA: $37,800
Project Based Operational Support to support affordable housing for eligible HIV/AIDS clients
Target Date
Estimate the Number and Type of
families that will benefit from the
proposed activities
HIV/AIDS Housing Operations: 12 Household Housing Units
Location Description
Miami -Dade County (HOPWA Program)
Planned Activities
Project -Based housing operational support
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
The needs assessment and housing market study revealed that a large portion of City residents, either
renters or homeowners, are cost -burdened or severely cost -burdened. In addition, City workers make less
than the average median income while the costs of living in the City is one of the highest in the nation. As
such, there are many low- to moderate -income residents in need of services, from affordable housing to
public services and economic development activities that can provide support for those families in need.
The main issue the City faces, however, is the lack of resources. The City utilizes its local, state and federal
resources to its maximum ability, allocating for various activities to help establish and create decent, safe
and affordable housing that improves the lives of its residents. The HCD also concentrates in providing a
variety of services for the elderly, disabled, and underserved in an effort to be socially responsible and
support those who have less resources to take care of themselves.
In FY2020, the City will once more concentrate its efforts in funding eligible programs based on the input
received though the citizen participation process. Provision of public services for the elderly would be one
of HCD's focus as well as the provision of additional affordable housing opportunities for City residents.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -50 Geographic Distribution — 91.220(f)
Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and
minority concentration) where assistance will be directed
The city works mainly on a citywide basis to provide services to all its low -to -moderate income residents.
Nevertheless, the city continues to support a system where it targets distressed neighborhoods which are
in most need of assistance, known as Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZs). Community
Development funding will continue to be targeted and priority will be given to viable projects in the NDZs.
The NDZ concept is a comprehensive long-term approach to neighborhood revitalization that focuses on
community assets as a means of stimulating market driven redevelopment. It is a holistic approach that
calls for sustained, multi-year commitments from the city, the private sector, and community based
organizations. The infusion of resources to the NDZ supports the stabilization of the area and spurs
growth. The NDZ seeks to: (1) Create physical improvements through infrastructure and streetscape
improvements, code enforcement, and removal of slum and blight; (2) Improve housing conditions by
targeting rehabilitation and new construction assistance in the NDZ; (3) Stimulate economic development
through facade improvements and other forms of targeted business assistance; (4) Improve the living
condition of residents; (5) Spur economic growth and revitalization.
The geographic distribution of funding is not directly driven by the NDZ, but rather by the district in which
it is located. The city attempts to work with private sector partners and community-based organizations
to serve neighborhoods within NDZs, but no specific percentage of funds is reserved for these target areas
as the funding is extremely limited. The city allocates its funding on a citywide basis unless otherwise
noted in this plan.
Geographic Distribution
Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically
Due to the limited amount of resources available, the city cannot reserve funding based on a specific
geographic target area. However, the city does provide an avenue whereby it prioritizes projects within
those areas whenever such project is beneficial to area residents. Grant funding, is therefore, best utilized
with the premise that it will directly assist low -to -moderate income residents.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Affordable Housing
AP -55 Affordable Housing — 91.220(g)
The City of Miami will continue to allocate CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and SHIP funding for the development
of housing opportunities. In addition to this funding, the City will invest approximately $100 Million
through the issuance of general obligation bond, the Miami Forever Bond, in order to build a stronger,
more resilient future for Miami.
Creation, maintenance, and resiliency shall be accomplished by implementing the strategies that
concentrate in alleviating citywide housing needs. As depicted in the Housing Needs Assessment section
of this plan, Miami is a Citywhere wages and job growth have not been able to keep up with the increasing
cost of living, as such over half of City residents are cost -burdened.
Tahlp AP -55.1. Onp Year Goals for Affordahlp HnusinE by Sunnort Renuirpment
One Year Goals for the Number of Households to be Supported
Non -Homeless
Special -Needs (TBRA, STRMU, Section 8)
Homeless goals for the number of households to be supported include Homeless Prevention (50), Rapid Rehousing (30); Non -
Homeless goals for the number of households to be supported include Down payment assistance (13), Single family rehabilitation
(13), New construction (320), and Rehabilitation of existing units (100); Special needs housing goals for the number of households
to be supported include HOPWA TBRA (850), STRMU (30), Project Based (26), and Section 8 (392) programs;
Table AP -55.2: One Year Goals for Affordable Housine by Support Tvoe
One Year Goals for the Number of Households Supported Through
Rental Assistance
Production of New Units
Rehab of Existing Units
Acquisition of Existing Units
Rental Assistance includes: HOPWA TBRA (850); Homeless Prevention (50); Rapid Rehousing (30); STRMU (30), Project Based (26),
and Section 8 (392) programs.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -60 Public Housing — 91.220(h)
Miami -Dade Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD) oversees Public Housing throughout
the County, including within the City of Miami's jurisdiction. Much of the information cited here is
attributed to PHCD which is committed to provide to low, very low, extremely low and moderate -income
residents of Miami -Dade County with:
■ Quality affordable housing opportunities.
■ Neighborhood revitalization and stabilization activities.
■ Partnerships with private and public entities to optimize resources through innovative programs
■ Efficient and effective management of resources.
PHCD administers over 9,100 public housing units. The waiting list for public housing is currently closed.
There are over 70,000 people on the tenant based list and over 40,000 remaining on the project -based
list. It varies depending on the bedroom size and program. The City has done an analysis of PHCD"s units
and approximates that approximately 6,000 of these are within City of Miami limits.
Actions planned during the next year to address the needs to public housing
As identified in its most recent 5 -Year PHA Plan, the PHCD plans on the following action during the
next few years:
1. Improve the quality of assisted housing
a. Continue improving its Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) score with emphasis on
management (MASS) and physical inspections (PASS) sub -indicators
b. Continue the applicability of EIV's Income Information and Verification Reports
c. Increase customer satisfaction
2. Concentrate on efforts to improve specific management functions
a. Deliver quality maintenance services to public housing units
b. Implement preventive maintenance efforts
c. Review options to ensure economic viability of the Helen Sawyer Plaza ALF
3. Renovate or modernize public housing units
a. Implement Capital Fund Program 5 -Yr Action Plan
b. Utilize contractors for projects presented in the 5 -Year Action Plan
c. Continue utilizing Construction Services Contract, Miscellaneous Construction Contracts
(MCC) 7360, as necessary, for miscellaneous work and vacant unit repairs
d. Implement an energy audit contract
e. Incorporate Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) practices during
the design phases of new development projects in consultation with police departments
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Actions to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and
participate in homeownership
In an effort to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management, PHCD has
implemented quarterly meetings with resident councils to provide training on various aspects of resident
organization and empowerment. In an effort to encourage homeownership, PHCD also coordinates the
County's Section 8 Homeownership program which was approved by the Miami -Dade Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) in December 2001. The Section 8 program is comprised of 14,904 allocated Housing
Choice Vouchers (including 125 VASH) and 2,101 Moderate Rehabilitation project based units.
Additionally, PHCD administers 987 units under the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Section 8 Moderate
Rehabilitation Program and Stewart B. McKinney Act Shelter Plus Care Program, targeting assistance to
disabled homeless individuals with mental illness, substance abuse and/or HIV/AIDS.
a. Size of Program:
■ PHCD is limiting the number of participants in the homeownership program to 200. Currently,
there are 188 families in the program.
b. PHCD-established eligibility criteria:
■ The family must be currently in good standing with the housing agency, including no outstanding
debt to PHCD for previous quality standard damages or unpaid rent. Meet HUD income
requirements. Must earn the minimum wage equivalent to 2,000 hours annually at the State of
Florida minimum rate. The family must be in compliance with the current lease. The family shall
not have quality standards violations existing in the unit. The family shall not have a history of late
payments. The family must not have a previous default on a mortgage obtained through a PHCD
homeownership program.
As an alternative to homeownership, PHCD may consider pursuing lease -to -own options for
homeownership units.
If the PHA is designated as troubled, describe the manner in which financial assistance will be
provided or other assistance
The PHA is not designated as troubled.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities — 91.220(i)
The City of Miami adopts the CoC goals, which area I igned with HUD's key system performance measures:
• Shorten the length of time persons remain homeless
• Reduce the number of persons returning from homelessness
• Increase income and job access for people experiencing homelessness
• Reduce the number of persons who become homeless for the first time
• Increase successful housing placements
Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their
individual needs
The City will continue to support the CoC's Coordinated Entry System (CE) and Coordinated Outreach,
Assessment and Placement Program (COAP) by utilizing approximately 60% of its ESG allocation to fund
homeless outreach and engagement within the City of Miami with a goal of assisting approximately 3,500
persons per program year. The City will comply with the CoC's CE policies and procedures.
The City of Miami's Homeless Assistance Program (MHAP), serves as the front lines in the City's fight
against homelessness and has handled street outreach services for the CoC for over a decade. MHAP
receives separate funding from the Homeless Trust to provide OAP services in areas outside of City of
Miami limits.
As detailed in the Miami -Dade County CoC's Coordinated Entry (CE) Process Policies & procedures, the
CoC's CE process is linked to street outreach efforts so that people sleeping on the streets are prioritized
for assistance in the same manner as any other person assessed through the CE process. An unsheltered
client who is refusing shelter may still obtain written homeless verification and referral for services,
including rental assistance focused on shortening their homeless episode in accordance with the CoC's
Housing First approach. Street Outreach (SO) includes two specialized behavioral health outreach teams,
Camillus House's Lazarus Project and New Horizon's PATH program. SO teams provide in -the -field
assessment of unsheltered persons and provide transportation following shelter or permanent housing
placement. MHAP works with the CoC's Housing Coordinator to place assessed homeless persons on By
Name List(s) for permanent housing placement in accordance with the CoC's Order of Priorities. MHAP
also assists persons on the street with obtaining necessary documentation (homeless verification, birth
certificates, I.Ds and social security cards) and makes referrals to community services and resources. SO
workers follow the HMIS workflow, which includes collection of the HMIS Notices and Disclosure and
HMIS Consent to Release and Exchange of Information. SO teams also attempt to place victims of
Domestic Violence (DV) in shelter designed for survivors of domestic violence.
In FY2017-2018, MHAP received 60% of the City's ESG allocation (approximately $250,000), and assisted
a total of 4,074 persons via outreach activities including 151 veterans, 30 persons fleeing domestic
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
violence, 369 elderly persons (62+ years of age), 122 persons with HIV/AIDS, and 265 chronically
homeless persons. It also provided outreach to approximately 770 persons with disabilities, 1027 persons
who are mentally ill, 639 persons with chronic substance abuse issues, and 265 persons with a chronic
health condition MHAP also receives nearly $1 million in funding for outreach activities via the Homeless
Trust (CoC).
Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons
The City of Miami does not operate emergency shelters/transitional housing with the exception of the
Motel/Hotel Program providing immediate shelter to families with children when there no shelter beds
available. Chapman Partnership, which operates the county's primary shelters, provides case
management to families placed in motel/hotel. The City's MHAP teams work closely with CoC shelters to
coordinate placement into available shelter beds.
The City provided $100,000 in funding towards the Day Services Program at Camillus House designed to
provide meaningful, engaging activities for a period of one (1) year, for the City's homeless, which also
provides participants with mail boxes and ID services to assist with re-establishing personal identification
and necessary documents. The City is looking to renew this same funding in FY19-20. In the spring of
2018, the City of Miami OMNI CRA authorized a grant of $175,000 to Camillus House, Inc., to underwrite
the costs tied to the Miami Shelter Program. Camillus has a proven track record of helping the homeless
population including the chronically, along with the homeless population in the Redevelopment Area.
As of January 21, 2016, the continuum's housing inventory (year-round beds) was as follows: 1,716
emergency shelter beds, 24 safe haven beds, and 1,266 transitional beds, amounting to a total of 3,006 in
this category, plus 247 overflow/voucher beds. Meanwhile, there were 3,996 permanent supportive
housing beds amounting to a grand total of 7,249 beds in the continuum.
Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families
with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to
permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that
individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals
and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were
recently homeless from becoming homeless again
When analyzing the data from the most recent PIT in regards to the sub -populations identified, the two
characteristics found most frequently, are mental illness and substance abuse, in both the sheltered and
unsheltered categories. This data would seem to indicate that a bulk of homeless persons are battling
another underlying issue(s) and as such, are in need of housing and supportive services. Addressing these
needs given dwindling funding on a federal, state, and local level creates several obstacles. First,
establishing on-going support services for persons who are formerly homeless is difficult. Secondly,
unemployment levels in South Florida continue to be some of the highest in the nation and lack of
employment is a key factor in a person's ability to retain housing and finally, there is a limited supply of
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
affordable housing units within City limits, specifically for the very low-income. To that end, the City works
within the means available and awards federal funds to supportive housing projects within City limits.
Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely
low-income individuals and families and those who are: being discharged from publicly funded
institutions and systems of care (such as health care facilities, mental health facilities, foster
care and other youth facilities, and corrections programs and institutions); or, receiving
assistance from public or private agencies that address housing, health, social services,
employment, education, or youth needs.
The City will award approximately 30% of its ESG allocation towards CoC rapid re -housing and homeless
prevention programs. Awarded providers will be required to comply with the CoC's CE policies and
procedures as well as Standards of Care for both program strategies. The City will coordinate its efforts to
ensure that the City's ESG funds are directed toward CoC priorities for prevention and RRH assistance.
Rapid Re-Housinq (RRH) targets families and individuals currently in emergency housing programs or living
in places not meant for human habitation, for the purposes of rapidly moving them into private market
housing. Rapid rehousing programs may provide rental assistance for up to 24 months or other types of
financial assistance required to secure permanent housing. Households receive supportive services on a
time-limited basis, including assistance with locating, securing, and stabilizing in affordable housing so
that they can independently sustain their housing after assistance ends. Rapid Re -Housing also includes
bridge housing for homeless persons who qualify, but are waitlisted for placement in permanent
supportive housing. RRH funded by ESG must be conducted in compliance with ESG regulations.
Homelessness Prevention provides cash assistance with rent and mortgages, security deposits, or utility
payments, made on a case-by-case basis to help to families and individuals at risk of becoming homeless
to resolve a housing crisis. Prevention funded by ESG must be conducted in compliance with ESG
Other activities
In response to increased heroin overdoses, particularly in the urban core located in the City of Miami, the
state authorized a needle exchange program, the only one in Florida (the IDEA Exchange Program
establishes under the Florida Infectious Disease Elimination Act. The: harm -reduction focused IDEA
Exchange Program is operated by the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami. The Homeless
Trust and City participate in IDEA Exchange coordination.
In the fall of 2018, the City of Miami along with the Downtown Development Authority installed the first
permanent, public bathroom for the homeless. The bathroom is attended 12 hours a day (seven days a
week) by a person hired from Miami's homeless shelter who makes sure that the bathroom's rules are
followed and that it remains clean. It cost just over $300,000 and it is the first of its kind.
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP -70 HOPWA Goals— 91.220 (1)(3)
Table AP -70.1: One Year Goals for Households to be Provided HousinE with HOPWA for:
Short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to prevent homelessness of the individual or family 30
Tenant -based rental assistance
Units provided in permanent housing facilities developed, leased, or operated with HOPWA funds 26
Units provided in transitional short-term housing facilities developed, leased, or operated with HOPWA 0
Total 906
AP -75 Barriers to affordable housing — 91.220(j)
The City has long had to combat several factors outside of its control that act as barriers to the
development and preservation of affordable housing. First, because Miami is the oldest jurisdiction in
South Florida, there are relatively few larger -sized residentially zoned vacant tracts in the City as
compared to other suburban areas in Miami -Dade County that were developed later. Many of the City's
available vacant parcels are scattered and situated in the City's most economically distressed
neighborhoods and would have to be developed on an in -fill basis. The scarcity of large vacant residential
parcels raises housing development costs since the private market is unable to realize cost -savings
attributed to economy of scale or higher density housing projects. Also, due to our area's sea levels
and proclivity to hurricanes, building codes tend to be stringent and thereby costly. Also, although they
vary considerably in different parts of the City, land costs in most neighborhoods are high which makes it
difficult for the private market to construct affordable housing for lower income households in Miami
without government subsidies.
As such, the City's form -based zoning code (Miami 21) provides flexibility and opportunities for higher
density, mixed used development which is fundamental to a city's affordable housing toolkit. However,
upzoning to stimulate higher density and mixed-use is no guarantee that affordable housing will be
constructed or preserved. In fact, upzoning will typically increase real estate values thereby creating an
economic disincentive to develop affordable housing.
Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as
barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning
ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the
return on residential investment
The City of Miami, as part of its forthcoming Affordable Housing Master Plan, will look into how Miami 21
can be used to better encourage and target affordable housing development and preservation at the
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
neighborhood level in areas of opportunity. Higher densities and mixed-use design can be effective zoning
tools in creating mixed -income development projects coupled with job opportunities for low- and
moderate -income residents.
In the summer of 2018, the City of Miami was one of six teams selected across the country by The Center
for Community Investment (CCI) to take part in the Connect Capital initiative which assists communities
in attracting and deploying capital in low-income and disinvested areas to address pressing local needs.
The City was awarded a $200,000 grant to convene a team of partners that could advance the local
discussion on addressing the need for more affordable housing. There have been more than a dozen
Connect Capital Miami meetings since then amongst stakeholders and residents to work on strategies and
principles, including the enabling environment, that can most efficiently lead to accomplishing the
overarching goal of preserving and creating a combined 12,000 affordable housing units in Miami by
To address past and present issues of fair lending in the City, Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) lending
activities and performance must be continually monitored by the City and local housing agencies. The
best source for monitoring lending data now originates with the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
On December 21, 2018, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection issued final policy guidance
describing modifications the Bureau intends to apply to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data
reported by financial institutions that is made available to the public. The Policy Guidance applies to
HMDA data compiled by financial institutions on or after 2018 that will be made available beginning in
The HCD plans to continue its longstanding relationship with Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence
(HOPE) Inc., our local Fair Housing Center (FHIP), given the latter's ability to monitor and respond to the
different faces of discrimination especially in light of potential issues related to predatory
lending/refinancing. As required, HOPE assists the HCD and City in testing for fair housing law violations,
pursuing enforcement of meritorious claims, and conducting fair housing education and outreach. Their
insight into fair housing matters is crucial in the HCD's efforts to affirmatively further fair housing.
AP -85 Other Actions — 91.220(k)
The following introduces other actions/strategies the City of Miami will implement, whenever possible, in
2020 to,
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
• Meet underserved needs;
• Foster and maintain affordable housing;
• Reduce lead-based paint hazards;
• Reduce the number of poverty -level families;
• Enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies.
Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs
The City of Miami, through the Action Plan, petitions for federal funds to assist the needs of residents that
have traditionally been underserved by existing local social service programs. The activities funded are
carefully designed to provide appropriate and needed services, particularly to those that may not be
eligible for assistance from other local sources, those that are geographically isolated by lack of
transportation, and those that lack basic amenities in their neighborhoods. As an example, for senior
citizens and homebound frail elderly persons, physically and developmentally disabled persons, and
infants and youth.
Language barriers — ensure that marketing materials for County -funded programs are available in
languages specific to the populations seeking information.
Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing
Efforts planned to foster and maintain affordable housing include: continue to implement neighborhood
revitalization via the Neighborhood Development Zone (NDZ) concept which encourages public and
private development (Miami's NDZs are explained in SP -10); support mixed use and mixed income
development throughout the City; make efforts to assist existing homeowners bring their units into safe
and sanitary conditions; make HOME funds available towards new construction and rehabilitation of
multi -family structures; continue providing rental subsidies to over 1,000 families on a yearly basis,
etc. With Miami residents voting to fund $400 million in spending to help counter against the effects of
sea level rising and lack of affordable housing, residents made a conscious choice to tax themselves to
preserve and ameliorate the current affordable housing stock left in the City. It is estimated that
approximately $100 million will be earmarked toward affordable housing projects, $78 million for parks
and cultural facilities, $23 million for road improvements and $7 million for public safety.
Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards
In 1978, the use of lead-based paint was declared hazardous and prohibited in residential housing. Due to
the proportion of pre -1978 housing units within the Miami City limits, the City is required to comment on
efforts to identify housing units in which lead may be present and to remove this hazard. Lead is a
particular concern in units where children reside. HUD regulations have been unified and now require that
lead-based paint inspections be expanded. The reduction of elevated lead blood levels ("EBL") in children
is a top priority for HUD. The City of Miami requires that inspections be conducted on all general housing
rehabilitation projects involving construction dating prior to 1978. Asbestos assessment and lead-based
paint reports are generated from the inspections to identify the presence and location of hazards. The
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City requires that certified lead-based paint contractors perform the work on housing projects where
hazards have been identified, to ensure that safe work practices are followed as implemented by Florida
In addition, the City distributes an informational brochure to contractors and citizens regarding the use of
Federal housing monies to abate lead-based paint hazards. The following procedure will be enforced for
all housing units assisted by the City. All housing units are inspected for Housing Quality Standards ("HQS")
before housing assistance is provided, regardless of the age of construction or the age of the prospective
tenants. The City's HQS inspection includes a check for signs of lead-based paint and dust hazards
(chipping, peeling and scaling of paint) as required under HUD lead-based paint regulations. Properties
identified as having potential lead-based paint and dust hazards are reported and hazards are abated.
Finally, the City provides a written notice regarding the hazards of lead-based paint to each family or
applicant who is receiving housing assistance for units built before 1978. The notice must be signed by
the applicant and maintained in the applicant's file to ensure awareness of the potential hazard. The City
does not limit the inspections, abatement, or notices to families with children under age 6.
Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty -level families
The City strives to reduce the number of poverty level families by supporting human development and
economic development activities that facilitate the creation and retention of employment opportunities
allowing extremely low- and very low-income residents to move toward self-sufficiency.
The mission is to fund or participate in programs that work towards getting families out of poverty. The
City also works to develop the infrastructure support to assist economic development projects that
compliment workforce enhancement.
Traditionally, the norm has been to provide funding to organizations rendering social services, housing,
economic development programs, and services to the special needs population. As such, a series of
funding gets committed to agencies identified as providers catering to the needs recognized in the public
hearing process.
Actions planned to develop institutional structure
The HCD is doing this via its participation in the Connect Capital Miami effort. The initiative is comprised
of dozens of local non -profits, private organizations, educational institutions, and public representatives
who have convened several times in the past year and are working together to better address affordable
housing concerns in the City of Miami, collectively.
Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social
service agencies
The City participates in a number of boards and committees such as the Miami -Dade Homeless Trust
Board, the Miami -Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership Housing Committee, and the Greater Miami Chamber of
Commerce's Housing Solutions Task Force, amongst others to be able to properly assess some of the
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
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needs of our economically disadvantaged population. Meetings are attended by public and private
partners which allow for better coordination and cooperation in finding common grounds and an
opportunity to collaborate and bring the necessary services to community. The HCD continues to work to
enhance the programs and services it already provides to many of its residents and promotes cooperation
among industry leaders from both public and private agencies.
Disaster Response and Recovery
South Florida is an area vulnerable to natural disasters mainly related to extreme weather conditions such
as hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, wildfires and floods. Through the years the City of Miami has
experienced its own share of devastating disasters followed by aftermaths and rebuilding efforts. As such,
the City is always at high alert and maintains an up-to-date Hurricane Plan that deals with preparedness
and operational activities prior, during, and after a storm; establishes procedures to minimize storm -
related damage and protects the life of personnel and City residents.
Understanding that the federal government function is to provide disaster relief through the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) to meet short-term
recovery needs, the City strongly believes that there are scenarios where assistance is needed to
safeguard the health and well-being of its residents by addressing emergency housing repairs and
providing for long-term affordable housing solutions among other essential services for residents in need
after a natural or man-made disaster.
1. Need to Reallocate Funds in Case of a Disaster
In case of a disaster, the City is electing to leave open the option to utilize its CPD funding for emergency,
short-term assistance and/or long-term recovery assistance when those activities are not fully funded by
FEMA, SBA, or other sources. If the City were to utilize its CDBG funding, it would apply it toward activities
allowed by CDBG regulations including, but not limited to meeting the interim assistance criteria defined
under 24 CFR 570.201 (f)(2) to alleviate emergency conditions.
CDBG funds can also be used for other public service activities, not to exceed the 15% public service cap,
that would assist those impacted by the disaster. While the general rule is that CDBG funds may not be
used for income payments, such as rent and security deposits, food, and utilities, CDBG funds may be used
as emergency grant payments over a period of up to three consecutive months to the provider of such
items or services on behalf of an individual or family.
COVID-19 Update:
Under the Coronavirus Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) which was approved by congress
and signed into law on March 27, 2020 the City was awarded CDBG-CV, HOPWA-CV, ESG-CV funding which
were allocated in FY2019; therefore, not part of this plan, however, the City will be utilizing the flexibilities
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and waivers granted by HUD for FY2020 related to the use of CDBG, HOME, HOPWA and ESG for
prevention, preparation and response to COVID-19.
On a letter from Mr. John Gibbs, Acting Assistant Secretary for CPD, addressed to the City of Miami
regarding the CDBG-CV special allocation, the additional flexibility allowed to grantees is explained where
the public comment is reduced to no less than 5 days, the use of virtual public hearings is allowed, and
the public services cap is suspended during this emergency as part of the response to the pandemic. In
addition, the City applied for and was granted a number of waivers, as allowed by HUD, which provide
alternative requirements of statutes and regulations for FY2019 and FY2020. These waivers allow for the
City to expedite and facilitate the use of funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.
2. Funding Reallocation
Once South Florida receives a major disaster declaration, the City shall be open to the possibility of
reallocating its CPD funds toward eligible activities to help counteract the effects of a disaster on its
Any and all CPD funds available or previously allocated to any activity on any fiscal year may be reallocated
toward disaster response and recovery. This decision is left solely to the discretion of the City of Miami as
it best see fit in the aftermath of a major natural or man-made disaster.
The City will adhere to its Citizen Participation plan requirements.
3. Utilization of CPD Funding
As it is understood that HUD assistance is intended to supplement, not replace, other public, private, and
nonprofit sector resources that have already been provided for the same need or loss, the City will be
careful to review and document household's eligibility, financial resources, and other assistance available
or reasonably anticipated for the same purpose as the CPD program assistance in an effort to avoid
duplication of benefits.
The following are projects the City will utilize CPD funding for in the case of a disaster:
■ Public services,
■ Emergency Housing rehabilitation,
■ Homebuyer programs,
■ Acquisition programs that purchase properties,
■ Infrastructure improvements,
■ Demolition of buildings,
■ Reconstruction or replacement of public facilities,
■ Small business grants and loans, and
■ Relocation assistance
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Program Specific Requirements
AP -90 Program Specific Requirements — 91.220(1)(1,2,4)
The following addresses the program specific requirements for the Annual Action Plan. It includes
information regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership
Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG).
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Reference 24 CFR 91.220(1)(1)
Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the
Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in
projects to be carried out.
1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of $100,000
the next program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed
2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the
year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee's 0
strategic plan.
3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements
4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use 0
has not been included in a prior statement or plan
5. The amount of income from float -funded activities
Total Program Income:
Other CDBG Requirements
1. The amount of urgent need activities
2. The estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that benefit
persons of low and moderate income. Overall Benefit - A consecutive period of one, two
or three years may be used to determine that a minimum overall benefit of 70% of CDBG
funds is used to benefit persons of low and moderate income. Specify the years covered
that include this Annual Action Plan. 70.00%
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HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
Reference 24 CFR 91.220(1)(2)
1. A description of other forms of investment being used beyond those identified in Section 92.205 is
as follows:
The HCD will also utilize State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP) funds from the State of Florida,
Affordable Housing Trust funds (AHTF), and, the Miami Forever General Obligation Bond (GOB). The
City may use SHIP and/or GOB funds as a local match to leverage additional HOME monies. The City
also may use SHIP funds for all of its single-family home programs (down payment assistance,
emergency rehabilitation/replacement). The AHTF collects financial contributions from private
developers who desire to take advantage of various incentives allowed in the City's Zoning Code.
Housing programs include: assistance to for-profit and not-for-profit developers for homeownership
or rental developments, existing homeowners, and first-time homebuyers. All AHTF funding must be
approved by the City's Housing and Commercial Loan Committee and/or City of Miami Commission.
The Miami Forever Bond, voted on and approved by City residents, is a $400M general obligation
bond that will fund projects that protect property from sea level rise and flooding, increase affordable
housing, improve parks and cultural facilities, improve roadways and enhance public safety. Out of
the $400M, $100M is for affordable housing and economic development activities. The City has issued
a request for applications for multi -family affordable housing developments, where bond funding can
potentially be used.
2. A description of the guidelines that will be used for resale or recapture of HOME funds when used
for homebuyer activities as required in 92.254, is as follows:
If the owner sells and/ or transfer the house before the end of the end of the HOME affordability
period, the City of Miami shall apply the RECAPTURE provision of 92.254.
a. If the property is sold prior to the maturity of the HOME affordability period, the City shall recoup
all or a portion of the HOME assistance to the homebuyer.
b. For any 'early' sale or transfer, the City shall share in any 'gain' realized, based on its pro -rated
share of participation in the original purchase. Furthermore, if the sale occurs within the first 3
years, the City shall keep 100% of its pro -rated share of the 'gain', from year 3 up to year 20, the
City's share of its pro -rated 'gain' shall decrease by 5% every year, while in turn, the owner's share
shall increase by 5% each year. At year 20 up to the City's loan maturity, the owner shall retain
100% of the City's 'gain'.
c. This above share gain proposal terminates in the event of a foreclosure, with the lender required
to provide the City the right of first refusal to purchase the loan at a negotiated price. In the event
of a foreclosure, the City will recapture any amount of net proceeds available from the sale of the
property. In the case of refinances, the City Manager or his designee will determine the amount
that has to be paid back based on the funding source.
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3. A description of the guidelines for resale or recapture that ensures the affordability of units
acquired with HOME funds? See 24 CFR 92.254(a)(4) are as follows:
Multifamily Rental projects which have been funded by the City will be monitored according
to established procedures during the affordability period and as stated in the Rent Regulatory
Agreement (Agreement) signed with the City of Miami. The duration of the affordability period will
depend on the total City funding in the project. The Income and Rent monitoring (tenant eligibility)
will be based on annual Adjusted Rent and Income Limits as published by U.S. HUD. The monitoring
will include confirmation of tenant eligibility and rent structure for the initial lease -up which will be
held at the time of the construction close out process. In addition, an annual tenant eligibility
monitoring will begin with the first anniversary of the project's Certificate of Occupancy, and as close
as possible to the project's anniversary during each following year for the entire term of the
affordability. This monitoring will be conducted separately from any property inspections. During the
on-site file review, the documentation of a sample of 10% or more of Tenants is analyzed to confirm
compliance with all HOME regulations. Upon completion of this review, an exit interview is conducted
with the developer/property manager to discuss results. If in non-compliance, potential remedies are
discussed to be considered in the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) with specific due dates established for
the corrections. If in compliance, the project is certified in compliance for a year.
4. Plans for using HOME funds to refinance existing debt secured by multifamily housing that is
rehabilitated with HOME funds along with a description of the refinancing guidelines required that
will be used under 24 CFR 92.206(b), are as follows:
We do not plan for this, and so we do not have guidelines for any such program.
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Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
Reference 91.220(1)(4)
1. Include written standards for providing ESG assistance (may include as attachment)
This is provided as an attachment to address rapid re -housing and homeless prevention activities.
2. If the Continuum of Care has established centralized or coordinated assessment system that meets
HUD requirements, describe that centralized or coordinated assessment system.
The Continuum of Care (CoC) program Interim Rule at 24 CFR 578.7(a)(8) requires that a CoC
establishes a Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System. The purpose of the Coordinated Entry
(CE) is to improve the service delivery for individuals and families experiencing homelessness and
increases the efficiency of the homeless response system by simplifying access to housing and services
for people experiencing homelessness.
The Miami -Dade Homeless Trust (MDHT) is responsible for the oversight of the CE. The CE has been
designed and implemented over time through the work of the Homeless Trust Board, its Services
Development Committee and workgroups comprised of CoC stakeholders. An annual review is
conducted to ensure that the CE's is functioning correctly and effectively.
The CE is composed of CoC access points and four key elements:
■ Assessment of Need;
■ Identification of Housing Intervention;
■ Prioritization for Assistance, and;
■ Referral
Possible CE outcomes for persons seeking assistance are:
■ Homeless Prevention assistance;
■ Diversion from the CoC;
■ Emergency Shelter;
■ Transitional Housing or Safe Haven;
■ Rapid Re -Housing through short-term housing assistance;
■ Placement into Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
The CE provides households experiencing homelessness access to services from multiple locations to
ensure a fair and consistent process is applied across the continuum. Entry into the system may be
initiated in person, at a program access point, through the CoC helpline, or street outreach teams.
1) Helpline - The CoC offers a toll-free helpline. The CoC Helpline is staffed by the Street Outreach
(SO) Program. Helpline staff initiate collection of data for the individual or family's HMIS Uniform
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Data Elements record (UDE) over the phone and dispatch SO teams to verify homelessness and
complete UDEs, housing and vulnerability assessments for unsheltered persons
2) Street Outreach -The Coordinated Entry process is linked to street outreach efforts so that people
sleeping on the streets are prioritized for assistance in the same manner as any other person
assessed through the Coordinated Entry process.
3) CoC Shelters - The CoC provides dedicated CE access points for homeless youth and individuals
and families who are fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, or stalking.
4) Child welfare system - Child welfare agencies serve as an access point for youth exiting foster care.
5) Homeless Youth Access Points - Youth access points are organizations whose primary mission is
to provide direct services to unaccompanied or parenting youth who are 24 years old or younger.
6) Victims of Domestic Violence Access Points - DV access points are organizations whose primary
mission is to provide direct services to those fleeing DV, including human trafficking. These access
points use common assessment tools to assess for needs at intake.
Upon accessing the CE, the individual or family household will be screened to determine if homeless
prevention assistance or diversion from the CoC is most appropriate. If it is determined that the
individual or family person cannot be assisted with homeless prevention or diversion, the household
will be assessed using a standardized tool to quickly identify an appropriate housing intervention and
establish prioritization. Furthermore, assessment is a continuing process through CE and referral to
build an accurate and concise picture of the person's needs and preferences to connect them with an
appropriate intervention.
To ensure that the Process is effective and manageable for homeless and at -risk households and for
the housing and service providers tasked with meeting their needs, the CoC anticipates adjustments
to the processes described herein. The Coordinated Entry Process will be periodically evaluated, but
not less than quarterly. The evaluation will include both provider and client feedback regarding the
quality and effectiveness of the entire coordinated entry experience for both participating projects
and households.
3. Identify the process for making sub -awards and describe how the ESG allocation available to private
nonprofit organizations (including community and faith -based organizations).
The City has historically awarded the bulk of its ESG funding to the Miami Homeless Assistance
Program (MHAP), a City unit that has handled homeless street outreach since 1991. MHAP's staff --
many of whom are formerly homeless - provide outreach, assessment, placement, information,
referral and transportation services to homeless individuals and families. They also receive funding
from other sources and are an actively engaged participant in the local CoC, utilize the Homeless
Trust's master Homeless Verification Form, report all necessary data in HMIS, and participate in the
bi-annual Point -in -Time (PIT) counts of homeless persons, County -wide. Currently, 60% of the ESG
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allocation (the maximum allowable) is awarded to MHAP given the continued trend of unsheltered
homeless persons who live on City of Miami streets.
Outside of this, the HCD issued an RFP early 2019 accepting proposals from those entities seeking the
remainder of ESG funding towards rapid re -housing and homelessness prevention activities. All RFPs
were independently scored, with the agency awarded the highest number of points then
recommended to City Commission for funding approval.
4. If the jurisdiction is unable to meet the homeless participation requirement in 24 CFR
576.405(a), the jurisdiction must specify its plan for reaching out to and consulting with
homeless or formerly homeless individuals in considering policies and funding decisions
regarding facilities and services funded under ESG.
Of the 27 -members serving on the Board of the Trust, three are formerly homeless persons. Aside,
from this the HCD invited all CoC agencies via e-mail to its public hearings, and notified the Homeless
Trust of this Annual Action Plan, as well as providing specific sections of the AP addressing homeless -
related issues and activities to them for their review.
5. Describe performance standards for evaluating ESG.
As part of the CoC, the City of Miami allocate ESG resources to activities that directly and strategically
support the objectives of the Miami -Dade Homeless Trust. Currently, the City of Miami dedicates
approximately 60 percent of its ESG funding toward Street Outreach and approximately 32.5 percent
of toward Rapid Re -Housing and Homeless Prevention activities which are administered by Citrus
Health Network, Inc.
The City of Miami's Homeless Assistance Program (MHAP) provides homeless individuals assistance
by placing them into appropriate housing and/or shelter. MHAP provides outreach, assessment,
placement, information, referral and transportation services to homeless individuals and their
families. The HCD assesses street outreach efforts by monitoring its agreement with MHAP. In
addition, MHAP is required to submit monthly reimbursement requests with back up documentation
detailing the number of homeless individuals they assisted for that reimbursement period.
Citrus Health Network, Inc. manages Rapid Re -Housing and Homeless Prevention activities under the
Homeless Assistant Network of Dade (HAND) program and keeps record of the population they are
assisting. Citrus is also required to submit monthly reimbursement requests which allows the HCD to
evaluate their progress.
All ESG-funded providers utilize HMIS to enter all client -related service information which is then
reported to HUD at the end of the fiscal year via the SAGE HMIS Reporting Repository system as part
of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
The goals of the HAND program are:
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
■ Prevent or end homelessness in households at risk
■ Reduce the number of households that enter the Homeless Continuum
■ Monitor the number of households assisted who return to shelters after Homelessness
prevention or Rapid Re -housing Assistance is provided. At least 70% of households will
continue to be in stable housing at least 12 months following the period of assistance
DRAFT Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)