HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2019-09-26 AdvertisementMiami Herald Media Company 3511 NW 91 Avenue Miami, FL 33172 Miami fleralb AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account # Ad Number Identification PO 181841 0004386094-01 30782 - TRIM Notice ELN Atencion: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY OF MIAMI - CLERK'S OFFICE MIAMI, FL 33133 C a .1 s to w r W a J ., ELNUEVO HERALD Un Periodico McClatchy PUBLICADO DIARIAMENTE MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA CONDADO DE MIAMI DADE Ante la autoridad qua suscribe se presento en persona: YELINA DAVIS, CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS Quien bajo juramento dice qua EI/ella es de El Nuevo Herald, un periodico en Miami, Condado de Miami Dade, Florida; Clue la copis adjunta de este anuncio fue publicado en dicho periodico, en las ediciones de: Publication: El Nuevo Herald September 21, 2019 El declarante afirma ademas qua El Nuevo Herald as un periodico qua Se publics an at mencionado condado De Miami Dade, Florida y qua ha sido Publicado diariamente an dicho condado De Miami Dade, Florida, habiendo sido clasificado por las Oficinas de Corrects an Miami condado de Miami Dade, como material con franquicia de segunda clase desde El 29 de Marzo de 1976. El Declarante Asegura que no ha pagado ni prometido Pagar a personal alguna, firma o Corporacion ningun descuento reembolso Comision o devolucion de fondos con el Proposito de lograr la publicacion de este Anuncio en dicho periodico. Jurado y subscrito ante mi en Este Dia 23rd, de September, 2019 - az'-� L' tar'• ", I5I5 VIERA g •'- Notary Public • State of Florida ® i Cornmission 1 GG 25150I d� !y... My Comm. Expires Nor 13, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Miami Herald Media Company 3511 NW 91 Avenue Miami, FL 33172 Miamilicral)t AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account # Ad Number I Identification PO 181841 0004386295-01 30782 - Budget Summary ELN AtenciOn: EL NUEVO HERALD Un Periodico McClatchy CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE PUBLICADO DIARIAMENTE CITY OF MIAMI - CLERK'S OFFICE MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA MIAMI, FL 33133 ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA CONDADO DE MIAMI DADE Ante la autoridad que suscribe se presento en persona: YELINA DAVIS, CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS Quien bajo juramento dice que EI/ella es de El Nuevo Herald, un periodico en Miami, Condado de Miami Dade, Florida; que la copis adjunta de este anuncio fue publicado en dicho periodico, en las ediciones de: Publication: El Nuevo Herald September 21, 2019 El declarante afirma ademas que El Nuevo Herald es un periodico que Se publica en el mencionado condado De Miami Dade, Florida y que ha sido Publicado diariamente en dicho condado De Miami Dade, Florida, habiendo sido clasificado por las Oficinas de Correos en Miami condado de Miami Cv Dade, Como material con franquicia de segunda clase desde El 29 de Marzo de 1976. El Declarante Asegura que no ha pagado ni prometido Pagar a personal Y alguna, firma o Corporacion ningun descuento reembolso Comision o pr devolucion de fondos con el Proposito de lograr la publicacion de este Anuncio en dicho periodico. Jurado y subscdto ante mi en Este Dia 23rd, de September, 2019 i '•, 1815 VIERA +T • Notary public • State of Floj ®' Commission it GG 25750 dA; My Comm. Expires Nov 13, Bonded through National Notary 4A I Locates I I omwa Nxmy ELNUEWNERMOM VIENE DE U 3A de d. on h .....tonr.d. tes to to, proximo:,A.. a por lo, electores, deb, at valor de la propiedad no 2020 omen,., en 2020, menos .cede I.. e.timados. El de 1Y el plan de pre..- presup... 1, de 2020 tam- puerto de Gimenez no creo bien elunin, una propue,ta mocha controverda. de .1. de 25e en el pa.aje t-nrivaao. La n ev. rrcwntaaa en jmt.,.. eel vana)wne pJniCo. estrftc[un nrifaria modifi• presupuesto de 38,900 L, cornisionada Dadella a it presto del - urnen de nrillones contempla que Levine Cava, candidate a ague que en lea .Igunas htt4iotecas eaten e.pWar . Gierener, que viviendaa y empress&, en Abiertaa mi, tiempo, mis debt, mnunciar en 2020, que los ingresos generales plazas p.r. Jos bomber,,, dijo que el plan era preosw de Is. cuenta, individuales paramedicos y policias, panic, porque pone it Pelt- deben aursentar 6%. fondos para Ihnpiar la, go d servicio. "Much.. A—q— Jos c.mutona- playas de alga, y $3 mW, me hen ..nude sobre W. do. Y..P-b,rm on juni, co on rondos frescos par& definenria. del &isteena de on al.. de 4% an la tan(. it fidew—uso mnd.l de I. transport. pdblim", dijo. de recogida de basura, la n ienda as<quible. "Nos han explicado las aprohacibn final, del jtrevee Aunque el imPues,a a la ,axon.. por la, que ew. $5 foe 7 a 6. piedad man.mtiene Vo. miiloone n o soec unos, to Coall impuesto a la p,roos c 'a m�n' ej en pc, on ..toy co,venerJ.". propiedad casi no cambi6 2020, .1 prc.up-- de A-que el pre.up-.tn —e1 unp t , que page la Gimenez contempla faltan- contempt& un .mono de VIENE DE LA 3A LOTERIA p.ha. que cutfcan. Los paiae e.cluidoa para el ado fiscal 2021(DV-2021) son: Bangladesh, Bnstl, C... di, China (nacido en el conttnente), CdomM., Repeblica Dominican., EllSalvador, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamat- c., WILIC., Nigeria, Niumin, Filipinas, Care. del Sur, Rein. Unido (e.mplo b- land. del Norte) y a,, territon.s depeo- dienws, y Viemam. Ademis, a los aspirantes se lea exige haberae gaduado de educaci6n secunds- u equivalents, , toner dos .fi.. de e.pertenet, laboral — una oenp,66n que Emna al nos do. ad.. de entren to, meen it plaza de Ins Wtimos tint, an;i de 23 mtllone, de penonaa de todo el .-do, I- sohea-le y aria fartuaues o "d,rmdos", Intentaron sale .d. inml- gar kil.lmente a Jos Eatados Unidna a travts del progruna de Mod. DV-2020. Las mis benefidados por la tits en Lati- ca y el C,rlbe fueron los partici- pant,, cubanos, que smaron 2,703 seloo ....do,, wgutdo, por to, wn,zd,awa C61` 0 PARTICIPAR EN LA LOTERIA DE VISAS DE 2021 Los sdicitantes dehen enviar su formw lano de inrcripcidn a dvlo0ery.atate.gov y sob se Perini. un registro por passion., de to contrano el candidato es d,scaliftcado. Tm inscnbtru an line., el aspirant, a L. are,, ud veri =a pantalla de confir mono, con so nmbre y numer, de con- fimucion que deb. tmprimir par. vertfE- ,•ee el,gido en- Los g n.dom.. Lasran as que ya viven on Euad,s m Ud,pe,status de—iruniga..ewn- bien pueden panicipar, siemprc que su Pais de origin este incluido. El gobiemo estadourud—at, hari Is se1ec66n a troves de on sort, alootori. omputarizado y distribuiri [as visas entre .is regtune. geogrili a . NUEVO REOUISITO Env., en la toted. de visas y. no sesi ran ficil Como ante,. La agenda de politics exterior ind)ca que a panty del proximo wrteo DV-2021 e.igtri . Jos ciudadanos e.tianjar.a - panporte vilido y vigenta pan p"cipar. Haste shot. n, se precl„ba toner un pauporte valid, par, participar, amq,e ai as no para la entrevists an la emba- jad. ode Eatados Unido, o conadado que deben pasar los ganadores del programs ante. de emtgar. El Departamentu de Estad, explica en el document, que all nuev, mquisim era xceaario para frenar el alto nmero de .—pctono. fraudulent.. "Le recomendamos encarecidamente que complete el formWario de Inwripci6n scaled nusmu, at. un'a&eeor de visas', un 'agente de visas' u olio tacilitador que ofrexc. ayuda. Si aiguten to ayuda, debt,& estar presente cuando 1, Inscnpc,5. sc emi prepanndo para que pueda propor- nu las respuestas con ems a Las pre- guntas y wnservar la pigina de conftmu- on V au ndmero de confirrnaer6n dots.", advutr6 el depanamento en To, insvuccio- ties publicadas it jueves. Daniel Shan R,th: 309-376-2167, VDanielShonRarh VIENE DE LA3A ad, c„lasa,t,,id,d,,, CARCEL sebi. e..d.penudup habiaestado —Beer, on Cdombia halo conditions scEl abog.d. defenwr, des de rnignci6n para air Lots uer, manifesto a Gra cl. orrado a su psis una vez The A.—iated Pre,. que que cumpla au c-dena. "l. ae.tenci. fue just,". A PtednMta-CebaOos, Piedrahua-Ceballos, que de ­rd. con do- conwido coma "Ell Mabe". ..or..estadountd.e., figure en Is Its, de no., mantenia e,rech,s relaslo- traficantes de la Oficin, de on Jos cabeall.. del Control de Actives del Cartel de Cah, le qued.rian Departamento del Tewro sea do • de defen- dead, may. de 2016. - aMiam De...rdornnlafx-s- EI colmMarw enfmn(&- lie, el e. agente ,,.do-.- ba una condena mixima de dense Cicerone recibt6 uatro ad.. de prW6n $20,000 an efestrvo de y la fiwalia hahia recomen- Piedrahita-Ceballos, quien dodo un minim. de ons, tambien le pag6 cenas, noitjuez dijo que turn tragos y prostirtt— nuen- nstdensl6n que el traa at, hospedaha onno col mbiano habia colabo hotel de Bogoti. dao aMnn ]Opam anon".. ea Jar �Npmi««n"o.a ro,o,o IF«o, a, <c„x,n,c.raLc„daux nrw d ,« OEN.TAYENTO, Be XOTICIA,i o.Pwu, e.wv�"",r,.. sos.nstssa .«�«d MS-P4rss E,ECUn bo' Of EA NCDACC16N Ow,rN.r «tine rdama,N"n v+cXl« e"op.i,e� sos n44u1 a..�9�,n.,,a a.,da,o. AVTO[IrACIUN ....41MP[latUb pwN e.«icop, q,a. E�bY hrn««M, 4.",wl .m1• WeN,w,/Tn.mMdarmm EXT[ECA A DO,YCIl10 F"NXw,.ade r,raw«d:1 dw - f]L..w.�d N«","do"wao - fNMamanN.+aasno Y danm,a l,W ib boast c, 5 o [.'„ine,iw"n: ,iT­oopn.. moon,. Ee"on FspecW fa w A Iambi. de Los s.bor- oa Cicd..e f,l,if.6 datum-,., ofidales, mtn- fi6 a sus superviwrea, a 1. fscaBa y a otras autorida- dea fed—les para que le rctuaran lea aour—on... liedrahita-Ceb.l1- En febrero del 2018 Cicci.n, No condenado a 36 meses de ca., . 3%en el X.m. to. .duc- $15,000 mtllones par. Wain de Cjmenez que to y alnntarillado par, proyecto, a largo platy on estudiara Is pouladidad de 2020, los tondos a largo 2018 it pre,up.... de user lo, h o, de par,, piano par, proyectos de 2020 eontempl, ono, Para ayuda, en dro. pro amplia66n bajan 45% $7,500 millone, haste blemas a largo plow on 0 dmante Jos pr6aimo, IS 2035. sistema de Ae,ntarillado .fi.. debido a la elunno- "No ...or . gastar del Condado, comp conec- o'n de planes para plants& dinero inneoesariamente", tar A ustema mis de as que se dijn e,t,ban thin Gimenez daap si, de la 91,000 vivie,das y empre- plane.das sob. 1. base de vot,ci6n final. us que w. tanques seph- proyec es de aw x,g,. La conrWonad, Barbara os que peligran ante d radaa. En l.gar de Jos Jordan pidid a la adminw ascenw del manta freitico • 1. 17N 1101170••• a La Ciudad de Miami ha adoptado tentativamente, un aumento a los impuestos de propiedad. Impuestos Be propiedad del alto pasado: A Impuestos propuestos odginalmente - ---- 5404,793.677 B. Menos reducclones an Impuestos propuestos por la Junta de aluste9 de val0res Y Otros camblOS ' ' 37.591.318 C. Impuestos de propiedad reales--- ----- -. i3a7Op 35. Impuestos propuestos pare all ado presente ............... S446,14e.942 Todos los ciudadanos interesados estan invitados a asistir a la audiencia publica del incremento de impuestos que tomard lugar el: FECHA: jueves, 26 de Septiembre, 2019 HORA: 5:05 p.m. LUGAR- La Alcaldia de Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida CIUDAD: Ciudad de Miami SE TOMARA UNA DECISION FINAL sobre el aumento de impuestos y del presupuesto en esta audiencia publica. Ad x30782 RESUMEN PRESUPUESTARIO / CIUDAD DE MIAMI - ANO FISCAL 2019-2020 LOS GASTOS DEL PRESUPUESTO DE OPERACION PROPUESTOS PARA LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI SON 3.4 % MAYOR QUE LOS GASTOS TOTALES DE OPERACION DEL ANO PASADO. Fans, General 7.5665 ncuda Pnr W. 0.4236 FUND, DE FaROg eE DE EEIMDE IMGLO mNWINGREEE GENA ESPEgAa SERMIG SEME BE KU0.NTTRWE TOTAL Impuestos: Mile—m tle D61ar po131 W0 Ito,best,&por Avalu, 7.6666 423,8 %WO 423,8":0, Impuestos por Avalu OA23fi (,,, rats) 23,725,WO 23,725,OW ilF Lansle,encias iCMJ (37,013.000) (37,013,000) b�,pu Ws por Avaha, Alnazdos 9,325,W0 9,325000 G,avi,m;,ms sob,'We,— por Avalue f,,,las tie Frangwrn Yob. I.Puest. 300,0W 116,481 :tw:ow 11671, 0 Inle,eses 7,10N90D 26,000 746ODN MUy W11 cl.- 5,904,000 1,050,000 6,954,00O0 In",.Intergubans-Wale 81,866,0DO 69,96D.000 3,495.000 155,31 I'M L111-u y Permiaos 67,905,000 1133,000 so,o38,OW 8' 0Vo5ingusos 7,365,WD 69:4S1,OW 2,359,0W 89,448,DDO 19A93 WO Cugoa por SonAdoa 122,669,0W 10,951,000 133,820,wo TOTAL BE FUE11TES DE INGRESO 804,771,ODO 152.581,000 29,579,000 89.448.000 1,06,379,0W Pal,slerenclas Redbidu 3,862,000 7,213,000 4534.000 59,614,000 Salto de Fondos/Row-slActivos Netos 0 TOTAL BE INGRESOS, TRANSFERENCW Y SALDOS 806.633,0W 159.799.000 78,113.000 89,448,000 1,136,0930W GASTOS/COSTOS GOO, — General PI. —On y Desarrollo 87,901.000 26,588,BOB 9,233,000 24,179,000 9,005,000 106,039,OW 50,767,ON U_%NO C.niunllvl, 2,437,0W 51,00g600 53,4d8,00o Cheri Nbl,— 94,6770W 23,552,OOD 118,229,000 Seyn,s M Rlbli 427,167,0W 31:303.000 ":,470.000 011.1 C,sl,s G,s,ws no Depart.m,ntalcs 69,479,00 34jG4,0W 7,542,000 687,000 80,443,0W 157ON 35,4":' fnslns era Deuder 73113.000 To, 13NO TOTAL BE GASTOS/COSTOS 742,913,000 147,505,001) 78,113.000 89A48.ODO 1,057.979,000 T,amf.--Ot„gadso W,720,001) 12,204,000 73,014,0W Salto de Fand,sdteservx./Aetivm Nelos 5,000,000 6,DDD,000 TOTAL BE GASTOS APROPRIADOS, TRANSFERENCIAS, RESERVAS Y SAL00S 906,633,000 159.799,000 78,113.000 69.448,000 1,135,993,000 LOS PRESUPUESTOS PROVISIONOIES. ADWTADOS Y/O DERNUMS SE EKMNTRAN ARCMADOS EN LA OHONA BE IA ANTES MLNLTONADAAUTOl9DAD FISCAL COMD NEGISMO PUBUCO. Ad 130782 Miami Herald Media Company 3511 NW 91 Avenue Miami, FL 33172 Miamilafiralb AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account # Ad Number Identification PO 181841 0004386021-01 30782 - TRIM Notice MH Attention: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY OF MIAMI - CLERK'S OFFICE MIAMI, FL 33133 PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: YELINA DAVIS, who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: Publication: Miami Herald Zone: MIA -Full Run September 21, 2019 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day and has been entered a second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid or promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s). /% A Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd, day of September, 2019 . _V'441� L.., 1jFY•+y 1515VIE RA g • `" - Notary Public • State of Florida ® Commission If GG 251502 ary My Comm. Expires Nov 13, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Miami Herald Media Company 3511 NW 91 Avenue Miami, FL 33172 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION el Nuevo HePold Account # Ad Number I Identification PO 181841 0004386068-01 30782 - Budget Summary MH Attention: PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI - CLERK'S OFFICE COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE MIAMI, FL 33133 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: YELINA DAVIS, who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: Publication: Miami Herald Zone: MIA -Full Run September 21, 2019 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day and has been entered a second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami -Dade N , : r County, Florida, for a period of one year l,< next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither fra ' paid or promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s). �vv — Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd, day of September, 2019 %.do. az-'� L, ?F; Notary public • State of Florida ® Commission I GG 251502 dMy Comm. Expires Nov 13, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. t0A I Local fr State iRjmni ifrmlD YWINFMt0C0Y THE KEYS A doctor was charged after an elderly woman died. The case was dropped .Prosecutor, In the Florida Keys dropped charges her akin w.. bad, but it ayal oat a Miami Beach doctor accused In an aggravated likely had been for, long elderly abuse case In Monroe County. Charlie, a,, fill time, and there was no pending against the woman accused of operating the dicadon it was Nat way two facilities in question. because of Tamayo , Ere- ment or lack therm(. — other in Plantation Key— "We couldn't tie the DAVIDetroDxuE nested— Idefl, doctor toabuse,"said Air eao"awopPs_n neglect at his Miami Reach at=' Mamoe County Gall C-011 home a month later and . The Mo— County Florida Keys prosecutors held initially on a $200,000 bond. toexaminer also have dropped char es PPe g against a Miami Beach But Mtrmoe County State o luded Valdes was not doctor police arrested in Attorneys Office prose- malnourished or mder- weight, GonollY said. 2017 on counts of operating tors said Ian week that they never found Nat Ta- '•She was where she two unlicensed elderly care facilities in Mom« County yo was anytlting but the should be roe her height," where detectives say pa- doctor whom the owner, she said. said he was bents were Lie acted and died malnourished and Amarlys Mariatan, hired to heck a her clients. Pon "Tama eneved The char.... t ..fins suffrnng from severe bed- And prosecutors sail they him were dropped, buy that he is angry a[ Nenff's of - This a didn't its evidence to p rove he knew the facilities fie investigators for con - eluting he mistreated him ve.iit-. that included sorrex t t included accusations of neglect all w unli<e id They ,lag said they did patients and had anything sixPatients living m the a not have enough evidence to do with the facilities' op—tin mans. two facilities, especially to show he failed to provide he investiga- never done any.regarding the patient who ended up dying. Re a the care told tors he did and for which thin t an f 6 wrong a6ains y o Valdes, was an 85-yearold he billed Medicare. my patient.," he said. According to Florida xv.exanwho poke say was bleeding, covered in urine Charges again. Tamara we dropped o , Aug. 19. Department of Health re - d feces, as well as the "lt was a very difficult cords, Tamayo has had no public complaint ftl<d bedsore,, when she was decision to make. We put a iot time and effort into g - at him since his med- brought to Marine, Ell _ tail in Tavernier on Nov. 30, of this case•" said Mo— i I License was issued in October 1987. 2016. County State Attorney Dennis Ward. Tamayo acid he did not Valdes died the next day .,Valdes H,,piril in Ken- Toe U.S. Department of know Mature. a f"thu., a out-naed, nor did he da[]. Man... Hospital Health and Human Be- ask. He said he's provided staff celled Ne Florida ones Office of Inspector G Lie lilw mvestigated medical urvies for seven) Department of Children d Families after seeing Ne fa Lilies, as we. as assisted living f2ilies throughout his career and Valdes, condition, and DCF a • ems M the sheriffs vet felt it was his vestigators contacted the office that Tamayo was responsibility to ask if they Monroe=Iiy Sheriff. Office, lamching the in- lilting Medicare for serv• ice. he didn't provide. But the federal investigator. erelicensed. w "M a physician, you ve ligation Dr. Raul Tamayo, 68, findings didn't match those ever ask do you have a license.' They'll just say, no detectives said in a romd by the sh,nff's or. I call aomecut May 2017 probable cause lice, Ward said "amaid. t "oQe led and facilities— ou; didn't nave a gardhe said. ..Regarding The stale is still main'. main'.. ed' the one N Key largo and the Valdes, pone- <ntorn acts me condition of 9, who �� es twoacount, of elderly SOUTH FLORIDA tampering," the U.S. At - found Torrey . gffi- wrote. Miami man is fed,.]d-rici�"�'m.,in guilty of Miami. is coin spend the real of his rife N prise... C. Snu1Li'h prostituting a 302-373--373-8866, /�stdaudrii 17-year-old girl r — neglect with great harm. "The investigator in this not meet Ural burden. I Her next court appearance .untd a sit- respect their decision and is scheduled for Nov. It .1 uarmn here e ob.cm ly I- appreciate their continued the Plantation Key court- lieved was putting elderly efforts, in the co-defen- house. She could no be resident, at nak and took dant's aggravated neglect rea ched for ant. action to stop it. The bur- of an elderly person case, Monroe County Shenff den of proof the State At- which is still pending." Rick Ramsay said he stand, tomey most meet is higher — by his lead detective in the than required for an at- David Goodhar: u, but understands the rest," Ramsay said u an 3D5-923-9728, decision by the State At- mail Tuesday. "I under- (,*DmvidGoodhur tnm.y. Office. :tend they feel they could NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAXINCREASE The City of Miami has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially proposed tax levy - ------ — -- $404,793,677 B. Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment Board and other assessment changes - $7.591 318 C. Actual property tax lery......__..........-. _.....___..__..... S397202359 This year's proposed tax lery------------------ 5446.132.942 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on: DATE: Thursday, September 26th, 2019 TIME: 5:05 p.m. PLACE: City Hall, City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida CITY: City of Miami A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. Ad A30782 BUDGET SUMMARY / CITY OF MIAMI - FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 room for, few eight& an • THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF MU1MI .,L oati No cs:e.II A he could have sex WIN ARE 3.4%GREATER THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES. _ ww..n,.m.xn.0 r"m ctislmer, whohadre- sponded to her online ad. Genr,A Fund 7.566: uaynJ/vnn.an lv.Wd.r°In When Gadin arrived on I W. Dcht 0.423 I.wn Gatlin (traced. the 281h, the minor said CEt1ERAL SPECK DEBT 1NTFWNM 17-yearold girl into thesex she didn't have any money E6TMMTED PEVEMIIES FUND REYFItIE SFAVIDE 6ERVICE FIAND TOTAL trade in Miami -Dade and for him. Gatlin hit her Tue.: 14111a9e Par $1000 the Keys, took videos and a ow the face and drove Ad Valorem Taxes 7.5665 423,829,Do0 423,829,000 pictures of her having sex her [o Monroe Comty, Ad Valorem Taxes 0.4235 (Voted Debt) 23,725,000 23,726,000 to at... cfiem, and then where she had sex with RF Transfer (CRA) (37,013,00(3) (37,013,000) bided the victim to lie, a me —semen, the eom- Oebyuent AD Valmem taxes 9.325,DOD 9,325,000 federal fury derided Mon- plaintaaya. InlcreslMValorem taxes 300,000 3o0,oxo day. While us Mo—, Gatlin Fars A Obwr Taxes 115,/81,000 115,461,000 After a two -week trial in beat her to the point of ,—Ion. Interest 7,150,000 26,000 7,176,000 Fort Lauderdale federal unconexiouanesa after she Flies A Forl.ht. Inhr9overomental Revmne 5,904,000 81,856,000 1,05D,ODD 69,960,000 B,954,000 3,495,OD0 155,311,000 coon, the jury convicted threaten to call the po- llnmee act Permits fi7,905,000 69,638,OW Gatlin, 42, of Miami, on lice on him if he didn't take Other Re venues 7,365,ODD 9,133,OOD 69,481,000 2.359,000 89,448,000 168,620,IHN0 arms or sextnffionof her back to Miami -Dade Charges la Services 122,668,000 70,951,000 13J,820,000 of il minor, of County, records show. TOTAL SOURCES 801,771,000 152,581,000 28,579,000 89,448,000 1,06,379,000 grahy end eh child pornography and Gatlin eventually ..lent- witness tampering. He will be sentenced in ad and two days later, they were tin the road back to Traml m4,r 3.562,0ao 7,218,000 4B,534,000 59,614,000 December. Miami.D,de, the eom- Furrtl PalanceMeserveaM. Assets O TOTAL REVENUES, TRANSFERS A criminal complaint plant aaya' aaegea Gatlin fix., met the girl• whom the reds ssy he The teee asked hum,o her her use a hathroen at a i BALANCES s0B,6sSoo0 159.7N DM 78AI3,000 89,448.DM 1.136.993,000 EXPENDITURES knew was being sex traf- gas station. Once inside Ticked by other,, in Octo- the b.throom, she locked Gerwral Government 87.11GIA00 9,233,DOD 9,OO5,000 11'139,000 bee 2018. They met at a herself in and called 911 on McDonald's in the Florida Nov. 30. Momoe comfy Pisan p 6 Dev Aepniem 26,588,000 24,179,000 so,767.ON Keys and Gatlin offered Sheriffs deputies romd Camm,�Ity D-4,iol 2,437,000 51.00),000 53,440.UW her mono to work for him, her with"as Uen face, Public woks Public Safety 94,677,000 427,477,000 23,552,000 37,303.000 110,229,D00 45B.a7.,000 ctrun t<cords show. He and bloody, ripped amers 7,aer000 BO,H3,OD0 157, Bri aced the I he want- clothes;' accordui to the g Non-S"'v menial 34jM,00o 31,7W,000 6B7,OW 5I.No 35,a51,0oo ed to many her. U.S. Attomey a Office. Debi Snrvkas 78.113,000 78,113,OW But investigators say that Gatlin was arrested a few over . two -month span, he day, later in Miami -Dade. EXPENDITURESTOTEXPENDITURESUREs 712,913,000 147,505,000 78,113,000 09,448,000 1,057,978,000 taught her how to post ads of herself to mace cm- While in jail, Gatlin bribed the girl to tell in- Realea-Out 60,710,000 12.294.OD0 73,014,000 tamers. If she didn't give vestig To. that she was Fuss! Balance/Reseryes Wet Assets 5,000.0o0 6,000,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES, him enough money never u,fficked. It was through prostitution, he Gatlin', mother who TRANSFERS, RESERVES i BALANCES 808,633,000 159.799,000 78,113,000 89,448.000 1,135,993,000 beat her, according 1, the housed the girl and drove criminal complaint. her to the defmee attor- Gatlin oho rented rooms ney's office for her to re -THE TENTATNE, ADOPTED, AND/OR FKAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE ill THE OFFICE OF THE ABOVE MENTIOIED TAXING AUTHORITY AS A in the Keys for the teen to carx, her story, court re- PuBUc RECORD. mus <t her tomers. c ord, show. On Nov. 26, Gatlin took "The government pm her to a Morel 6 or Culler acnted recorded evidence Ad F3o792 Bay, where he rented a at trial to prove the witness