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el Nuevo Nereld
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I Identification
30820 - Special Comm. Mtg Miami Freedom Park
MIAMI, FL 33133
................................ _ .----------------- - --- ------ ----------....-....
Before the undersigned authority
personally appeared: YELINA DAVIS,
who on oath says that he/she is
of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper
published at Miami in Miami -Dade County,
Florida; that the attached copy of the
advertisement that was published was
published in said newspaper in the
issue(s) of:
Publication: Miami Herald
Zone: MIA -Full Run
November 07, 2019
Affiant further says that the said Miami
Herald is a newspaper published at Miami,
in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and
that the said newspaper has heretofore
been continuously published in said Dade
County, Florida each day and has been
entered a second class mail matter at the
post office in Miami, in said Miami -Dade
County, Florida, for a period of one year
next preceding the first publication of the
attached copy of advertisement; and
affiant further says that he/she has neither
paid or promised any person, firm or
corporation any discount, rebate,
commission or refund for the purpose of
securing this advertisement for publication
in the said newspaper(s).
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
11th, day of November, 2019,
N'tary isuwk State of rlorica
Commission #GG M7502
My COMM. EnpiresNovl],1022
�iScntrGthroughN600,11 Notary Assn.
1A I From the front page
i{(emu tin nlJ TNMS YIKIYEMaFa110
NigH-Brno castrucuon noise caused sleep-depmed�
_ad.. on Mts Upper East Side to protest to the city.
which revoked a walva and Hinted work to 8 a.m, to 6 p.m.
FROM PAGE lA project's contractor on
Apr' 22wamngrhar re;i-
sent; werecomgainirg
and the waiver could be
Blinding lights add to the
nightmare, mid Andres
Consist has scheduled e
Thompson, whose unit a
meeting with residents and
right across the street
Neighborhood Enhance-
5 diving in a stadi-
ment Team representatives
sna instead of your own
on Thursday.
home," she said. "It in-
"Coastal will make every
tecupts your peace of
effort to make everybody
happy," mid senior supet.
The neighborhood
visor Ted Manning.
known for its Miami Mod-
"That's what the company
e. architecture and bay-
does They cooperate with
front Upon Park is enjoy.
residents during projects"
ing a resurgence as new
But neighbors are con -
condo and apartment
maned about enforcement
buildings go up near streets
of working hours and what
lined with vintage houses.
might happen during the
The old American Legion
next phase of MiMo Bay.
Pon and a few surrounding
Manning contacted the city
homes were tom down to
about renewing the permit
make way for MiMo Bay.
to work from 6 or 7 a.m. to
The contractor for the
8 a. wring the city
MiMo Bay project, Coastal
that "weshave no more
Consruction, applied for
early naming concrae
aril was granted a waiver
pours" scheduled.
nine months ago from the
Coast,] Construction is
city of Miami's building
always sensitise of the
department. The waiver
surrounding areas with
auowea night work from
which it works, I'm train
10 p.m. to 8 a.m., in addi-
that we can present a new
than to the city's regular 8
plan of action to the ad.
to 6 p.m. Monday
jamni neighbors so work
through Saturday window,
can move forward," he
Coastal said the extra
hours were necessary to
Said Thompson "We're
"protecs the safe accent of
not interested in a new
resdenls and visitors" to
proposal or a compromise.
Legum Park and Nirvana.
They can get their work
Bur nobody at Nirvana
done. it's joss more co"
bought shot a, a logical
rent if they arc behind
justification There are
schedule for them to do it
three aImmare entrances
whenever they want with
to both places "that we
no regard for the people
would gladly use as op-
living nearby. What they
posed to having our lives
did was unfair and it's
impacted in such a nega.
been banned. We are wor-
tive way," said Soria Hon
tied they will try to cicum
verb, a physician who is
vent the older."
five monrbs' pregnant and
Thompson mid rbe origi-
has to wake at 5 a.m. for
net proposal for M,Mo Bay
her job.
was 20 mories Residents
At 2 a.m. on a recem
revolted and the height
right, bleNirvana
s reduced to six stories.
reside.$ staggered down-
"Tut yeah ago this area
stairs in their pajama0.
we, skanky," Boehne mid.
recorded the racket on
"there were prostitutes
thew phone$ and decided
and drug dealers on the
to stop it. They put up flien
comers, no -tell motels. It's
I. their budding, wrote
evolved into a friendly,
emails to 'he city, sod
trendy, wonderful neigh.
called thew local Neigh-
borhood. And it is — or was
boyhood Enhancement
— still peaceful. One of the
Team office.
few spas left in Miami
"1 am respectfully asking
where you can hear the
that the permits be imme.
birds sing in the morning.
"The city has allowed
is sir need for this work to
the typical crowding of
be performed at right,"
new buildings with mini.
wrote Andrew Doves, who
m,] setbacks This new
works in the construction
development took away my
business and said he knows
view, which a the price you
how costly delays can be.
pay for living in a growing
"I have lived in many
city. We want to preserve
different cities including
what makes it pleasant."
Chicago which is a loud
Thompson mid what she
city with constant con-
and her neighbors accom-
structim and I have never
plished can be an example
run into this issue before. d
to other Miami neigh.
ask that you piece the
borhoods besieged by con -
needs of the public before
the profits of s constmo
'This I, hot grasmow,
rim company and devel-
community effort is all
option, company."
about," she said. "1 called
Michael Mazer wrote
the city manalia's.fice to
saying he understand
get to the right person
why night construction
directly. The city is like a
might be necessaryon
big unwieldy animal. You
highways but not at "a
can't be passive. Nothing
private waterfront condo-
will change. Hopefully
um building on a quiet
because of what happened
side street in a residential
here, the city will never
issue a waiver like this
Guess what? The city
again in a residential area."
Added Bnehne: "We've
The noise waivers were
made a good blueprint for
revoked by City Manager
people with a genuine
Emilio Gonsalez and can-
grievance about contour -
not be re-appfied for. Can-
rim activity, which is not
lade: cited two specific
going away. Document
code violanom: Failure to
what they're doing, we if
retrofit machinery so that it
they're in compliance, alert
word emit only white
your government leaden, I
and failure to install
kind of like the outlaw
sound -dampening shrouds
nmom of Miami, but
on the concrete pump. The
there'$ a line of mnity that
city form bent a letter to the
mum be maintained."
in Ukraine wan subject to a
Congress' inquiry. In an opening statement
"n of politically motivated
Kuppeman.ed an that became public'I the
premnditiom that the pros-
INQUIRY ndent was demanding.
unusual lawsuit last month time, Taylor Wit out how
asking a judge to determine he came to mmderstand
n "That was my clear u
whether he shouldlismir I from others within the
Conan it sector, ham derstandmg, woody assist-
Trump— who ordered hum administration that doe
bers, was a sign that Demo- momy wouldrot
to not cooperate with entire American relation-
marsfeel they have as -come m J the president
House investigators — or ah� with Ukraine had
re sembled a strong enough committed to purmthe
comply with the subpoena. become dependent on is
sent esent voters. mvologelson,"Taylor said,
record pre
The panel asked the judge leaders publicly discrediting
The hearings will also ad- secording to the transcript.
overseeing thun e suit to dis- Tr p's political rivals by
must cenairy usher It was the fifth transcript
misa the use and said it committing to smonncing
re intense round of that Democrats have re-
expected Kupperman to they were opening investi.
Pan.warfare as Repub. leased so far. Another, of
abide by a ruling in a sini- gations into Democrats. He
ficans tryro blunt what they testimony by Yovanovitch,
tar case that is expected in singled out Gordon San -
see as an esidential threat laid cam how she was tar.
the caning days. dland, the U.S. ambassador
to Tramp's presidencygeted by Giuliani and felt
Koppertnan', lawyer, to the European Union,
AB three witnesses Derr- threatened by the pm4-
Charles Cooper, also repro- who Taylor said informed
Dears have called for public dent'; disparaging rum-
aenrs Bottom Democrats him that Trump had made
testimony have spoken meets about her.
have not yet subpmued a White House meeting
privately with investigators, In his testimony, Taylor
Balton to testify. If they do, with Ukraine's new, presi-
givitg damning accounts of singled our Giuliani as the
Cooper is likely to file a dent and the delivery of
Trump's dealings with leader of the effort to get
Ukraine and of how Yova- Zelenskly to wmmit public-
similar suit asking a judge $391 million in security aid
to determine whether Bol. for the country contingent
novuch was treated. They ly to investigations that
ton should speak wish in- an the investigations.
have portrayed a president Trump wanted, including
vestigators. The transcript released
detemuned to enlist one of Burisma, an energy
Rep. Adam Schiff, D- Wednesday fleshed out that
Ukraine in publicly under- company that employed
Calif, the chairman or the story, adding new details
mining his political rivals, Hunter Bider, the former
Intelligence Committee, Taylor testified that Bolton,
including former Vice Pres- vice president's son.
said hap el, which is Secretory of State Mike
ident Foe Bider, and to use Two high -profile witness-
leading the impeachment Panpm, Secretary of De -
as leverage a µhcY.'ago or — Ihn Bolton, the prest-
inquiry, would soon an- tense Mark Esprr. and Gina
mailary assinance that the dent'; former national-
nounce additional hearings Haspel, the CIA din tor,
country badly needed and a security adviser, and Mick
and continue to release had sought a meeting with
White House meeting Mat Mulvaney, the acting White
transcripts or m private depo- Trump this summer to try
as new president, Volody- House chief of staff — ere
si lons. to persuade him to release
myr Ze e,,k y, coveted. expected to defy congms-
'"those open hearings the security assistance. But
While the transcript of sional requests to appeal an
will be an opportunity for they struggled to find a
Taylor's testimony did not Thursday and Friday.
the American people to time to meet for rearms
meanh substantial new De —Is gave yet
evaluate the witnesses fa both mundane and binrre.
information about the another sign on Wednesday
themselves, to nuke their rums cam, Mr. Chair -
Ukraine affair, it made it that they would nor wait
own determinations about man, that those principals,
dear why Democrats have around to try to force non-
the credibility of the wit- as we call them were an
settled on him — a nutnary compliant witnesses to
nemes, but alto to I,— different trips at different
veteran and nonpartisan appear. They unexpectedly
fuss hand about the facts of times," Taylor said. "I think
ee public servant — as pulled a subpoena for Bol-
the president's mist this was also about the time
their fast witness. In it, tads deputy, Chides Ku p.
door," Schiff told reporters of the Greenland qu..I—
Taylor recounted in mark pernan, informing him that
on Wednesday. about purchasing Green -
terms how he came to his decision no to show up
Democrats consider land, which took up a la of
understand that U.S. poficy would hssl pad a use that
Taylor to be perhaps their energy in the NSC."
bent witness
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Pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution R-19-0437, adopted on October 24. 2019. a special
meeting of the Miami City Commission will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at
9:00 a.m., at Miami City Hell located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133.
No business shall be conducted or a vote taken at a special City Commission meeting on business
other than the subject for which the special meeting is called.
All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting. Should any person desire to appeal any
decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that
person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and
evidence upon which any appeal may be based IRS. 286.0105).
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special
accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at
(305) 250.5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding. TTY users may
call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding.
Ad No. 30820 Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Miami Herald Media Company
3511 NW 91 Avenue
Miami, FL 33172 Miami
Account #
Ad Number
30820 ELN - Special Comm. Mtg Miami Freedom Park
MIAMI, FL 33133
....... .............................. --- -------------- - - ........
Un Periodico McClatchy
Ante la autoridad que suscribe se
presento en persona: YELINA DAVIS,
Quien bajo juramento dice que EVella es de
El Nuevo Herald, un periodico en Miami,
Condado de Miami Dade, Florida; que la
copis adjunta de este anuncio fue
publicado en dicho periodico, en [as
ediciones de:
Publication: El Nuevo Herald
November 07. 2019
El declarante afirma ademas que El Nuevo
Herald es un periodico que Se publica en el
mencionado condado De Miami Dade,
Florida y que ha sido Publicado diariamente
en dicho condado De Miami Dade, Florida,
habiendo sido clasificado por las Oficinas
de Correos en Miami condado de Miami
Dade, como material con franquicia de
segunda clase desde EI 29 de Marzo de
1976. El Declarante Asegura que no ha
pagado ni prometido Pagar a personal
alguna, firma o Corporation ningun
descuento reembolso Comision o
devolucion de fondos con el Proposito de
lograr la publication de este Anuncio en
dicho periodico.
Jura y subscrito ante mi en Este Dia
11th, de November, 2019
f:�jt+ 9815'i�BA
Nadry puwk - State of f ]*two
3 r Commission *fG, 157502
ort}. ' My eo�'m. E►pifes Dior 13, 2022
r Banded tMouyh Naticnil Notary Assn.
aA Locales
[EYES 7 FE awaaa[E 10"
cores con been..., a m,lus , Jusman los beneficios que
aque0os que conduce. con puede. producese to el
ece.6. rmpendidas, se- zmbiro de, la s4,. id.d vial,
gun d bdorme Je FPI.
tambiM muestran como
Ha surgido una correla-
exa politics puede compro.
core el mayor screw
meter Is privacidad de los
las licenet., y la segue-
mmigranles, pemsitiendo
dad vial en muchos de los
que las agencias del Depar
cuados que pemulen que
tamento de Seguridad Na-
Im 4unigrantes indonunen-
clonal de EEUU (DHS)
:ados endurcan Iegalmen.
obtengan accew a inform.
::, con cases de conduno-
don comidencial.
seguro, accidentes
En judio se derubrio que,
acienados con el alcohol
en al mends tres Madan
y accidentes faudes en
que ofrecen licencias a
Iona disminuckm luego
uunigrmte, indocu ma-
de que cambims la ley.
dos, Im fwcm nos de
En California, despuos
h ugracid. y Control de
que se otorgaron licencias
Aduans (ICE) wilisaron
de, conducir a is de an
temologia de, mor oci-
nu116n de inmigrmtes indo-
meento facial par. anlizar
awnmtado6 los Au -and-
bases de dates estatales de
runs, disminuyemn on an 10
form de licencias, extrayen-
por ciento, "to que sugiere
do millones de, folds sin el
que la politics redujo los
conocimiento o cwsenti.
temores de deportacilm y
miento de los autonwAis-
coaffiscadon de vehicula",
segon =a investigacionLa
colaboracion to-
publicada n an esndio
ICE y les DMV estatales
scadmuco. Despuis de que
tambim puede tomar otras
Connecticut expandto el
fomua, con las autoridades
accew s Ise licencias, los
de inmigracidn simplemen-
Jun...d__ en ciertas
ee pidiendo que los DMV
ciudades se redujeron en an
compartan difertmes datos.
15 par cienro segue data,
En el estado de Washin-
oficules, ayudando a Ian
gln —a pesar de Is, opwi-
conductores a ahorru mi-
cion signif tiva a Is age.
Bees de dolarea en gastos
da de inmipwi6n del presi-
relacircados con los acci-
dense Donald Trump— el
Depanamento de Licencias
Un poll ica de licencias
entrego las mlicimdes de
mas inclusiv,Iunbi6n
licenda de conducir de los
podn'a resultar en un mayor
inmigrmta tes indocurnen-
prrcentaje de conduc'mr,
dos a funcionarim de ICE,
aseg.adoa. En Nuevo
un pricnca que resuR6 en
Mbxico, los data, del DMV
anestos y deportaCkmaL Y
del estado sug—n que la
en Vermont se descubri6
rasa de personas sin seguro
que el el DMV del estado
disminuyo del 33 por ciento
habia envi,do numbres,
m 2002 al 9.1 por ciento en
fctos, regisma, de ins omd-
2011, coincidiendo can an
viler y otras mforrmcionea
cambia to la ley que expert-
sabre trabajadores mignn-
did el acres , a lax licencias.
tes a ICE.
"Ell Washington, ICE
bisicamente solo decia:
'Hey, queremos esto', y
Si bier Us experimcias
sirupl-urn a se It entrega-
de otros estado, que hall
ba todo sm hater pregun-
otorgu]o licencias a imsd-
tas", dijo Davis "Emnce,
grams,, indocvmentados
tuvieron que movilissaw y
wu„tw e.nesa
oar. wan
.u.N,w. a.wwras<.: two wszw
,... zoo.w a xao wn
ue.ee. ~<...e". ew,nvor rap sra. a noo.,e.
W Y W .rrn[tls w WIa,trN 51 w N rec'e,aow aWo,nlEr M W 6
...Irso.w. w,e. as.waw w waso,a" We".a se a rwo
rNtaFauo nano-euurn p., a.," w.,,,,.,oP, a,wewWo w
oN,., awa„D,waenwa<sa,w�wo,wm.n. u,w.m,asu
w srsAn.ue w, "osarrm rwa m <a","".�, <„+a:.•.rra..
Dvsarass[Nrro D[ Nontaas:
owns. wsnsa-nu
aa„ae<„xrov.,,...- ,usos ass
wt»[ at
alnoaaaa6N r�u t[Isensaa:
.asps van
sn nr aeasKa,e,i a w,al r�io. wre,sw
PaMc�,unoarrwN w V..mw ew ewrltu Vora w".al, wta,xeah, Wane. W
r wx,os. zmaro-nu. w,,,"„w N,.w:
iwr:Ew � oowuilo
•,i4 z a. • szmEwaw:
n.e,,,.w: warm r m,wwe fw w„w�a
rw sro.a.s=as m.o,"a.. v,.�b e.i wr,sa<o.dm ia:a.b sxoo t"ea."wuo, soli a zs r sz old „W
.i sues
Epaworth+ Village
Cuidado respotaseble y
compasivo por mis de 70 arias
® ps s <
'Pt[geiu par d m[ GRATIS o 504 070 saDelusiu da Splaided
'W. wo,xwws Arms r ear <i, ..,manes.,
Epwo,th Village ofrecs:
•pm x, b.".,,��. ao ,a w. wm�.w
ao i.
• AmV�an+wu�'L,�, u,,lu> -E.,ib Ha{wrww' Ov t y t AVr�nI Wrus
eubiw,",,.msa r:,sn,xbs
•Car' ax 0.H., yEm "r l,la
hate m,bm
Los tocir el. r . f dos
pan reduce in Bore an de
infarmacion cluy<ron
solicit. a ICE qua produz-
n orients judirldes pus
bade infom,acion sabre
i mon—Wistas. Ademis,
ahora se exige una revisi6n
w par caw de solicitudes
pot la pane de agentes
federales par, oblener
folds, registros de vehiculos
u omos documemos. Esas
son solucimes que Davis
pie— que 1. Florida cam-
bium podria intplememar
Pam salvaguaniar la rum.-
cidad de Ian imnigrames.
"Hoy en dta, Fords es
como Washington sdia art.
Cando alguim Its solicits,
inftxmaci6n, la comp-m.
No hay nada que lea proht-
bs hater Rao", dijo. "Enton-
ces, pars I., acti,,iss., y la
legisladores y las personas
que w ratio preparmdo
par, Impdsar ease movi-
em., its w problem.)
que card en el radar de
El senador esntal repu
bill— David Simmons,
presideme pro tempo, del
Senado de Florida y presi.
dente del Comile Judicial,
dijo que tiene la Intenci6n
de press,.., un p.yecto de
ley m I. Stain. Legul.1w.
2020 que permitiria a Jos
esidentes indoccammados
tener acceso a licencias de
Alexis Davis, Is aurora
del estudio de FPI, dijo que
mentadosJ son personas
que ya estin contribuyendo
nueama estado. Son nues-
vas vecmca V nueatros
amigos. Sabemos que es
recto p,..I,r que pm- i-
cipen pleramenle en nes-
tra ecnomia y que condw-
can Sin realm".
Agrego: "Pew wonozco
que tendrin que tomar ere
decisidn indivuludmente.
Podemos tom. —did.
pars proteger la corJden.
ci,lidad Pero, par supuesto,
tw gmantia. Fmn-
a rener que lener en
cuenta ere riesgo"
Por el momenta, otros 14
elastics, el Distrito de Co-
lumbia y Puerto Rico ya
ban adop,,do planes que
en penniaa twos sus rest-
demes .saner licencias de
conduce, independiente-
mem a del wall. migrato-
Lautaro Cri.pan:
can [a 1. noursasi
Agreg6 que van a involu-
ar a la commidad de
Miami par& que puedan
ayudar a his victimas y
reportar sir undone" we-
La camp&fi. se enfoca
en tree rumssjes par. 1.
*"See it. Snap it. Send
it", que se traduce como
"et to VM tome foto y
mindalo". Este mensaje
I &visari & Is
que tendrin ana It-.
local dfrecia donde po-
drip mandar tips o repor-
t. sand... sospecho-
sas al 305-FIX-STOP .
travels de Ramada o testa.
a"Not What You
Think", o "n es to que
piensas", que Iri acompa-
dada con una torn de ma
muier mayor coal una
adolescents, informando a
Is comunidad que I& tnta
de personas puede set
facilitada tanto per hom-
bres como muieres.
a"Buy Sex. Be Expo-
sed" o "compra sexo y
saris expuesto", recor-
dando . la comunid.d
que pagar par sexo es
Regal en Florida. El Con-
dado Miami -Dade time Is
smusci6n mis grave de
trata de personas en Flori-
da y el estado es el 'ane-
ro en la cantidad de cases
en Esndos Umdos.
En Miami -Dade aprod-
madamente el 40 For
ciento de has victimas son
e..., de ed.d, y 60
por ciento son ad,llm de
entre 18-23 ahos.
La Fiscal Federal del
Distrito Sur de Florida,
Arian Fajardo Orshan,
dip que los que cometen
estos crimenes se aprove-
chan de Im miembros
cis vul=bles de nes-
t. tomunidad.
"La Fiscalia Federal
esti lists Para hater justi-
is Para I., victim., y It
pedimos at pueblo que
s ayude a protege, y.
servir nuestr, comumdad
reportando cualquier acto
sospechoso de trata de
hlmanos o de conlnban-
do de persons con fines
un xles", dijo.
Ademis de I. lines
local, exiue un lines
d recta n,cional de trots
de hummos. Puede fia-
mar al National Human
Trafficking Hahne al:
1-988-373.7888. Hay asis-
tencia en Inglis, espadol,
creole, y 20 Gros idio-
PANCARTA EN un plalaforma del melromover en la estad6n Knight Cenw. ubicada
an el 1DO SE Segunda Calle, el martes 6 de nap iembre de 2019.
un 20 par cienro por la
sendon Warm,
EI:rotes balm, mire los
aspirants,, a b nminci6n
por el Parttdo Demhnla,
el ex secremrio de Vivien-
rriquedos radicados en
la encuesra, que time
da Juliin Castro, es el
este estado, on, 64 par
un margen de error de ./-
escogido par el 5 por cien-
ciento esai descmtenm
3,9 por ciento, muestra
to de los encuestados.
con Trump, at que w am-
que el apoyo de los hispa-
Florida, con m 26 par
as de n, hailer prestado
nos aI gober m for Ron
cientode jx lbaci6n hispa.
sulciente ayuda a Puerto
DeSmtis, se psido, de
m estado "lave to
Rico cuando fue asolado
Tamp, es de un 36 pa
las e lecciones presidend -
Jaw el hocin Maria en
cienro, frente a un par
lea, on solo porque brinda
ciento de opinions desfa-
un impoaante monero de
Par el enrnno, en el
vorables y w 34 pa cien-
vaos en el Colegio Eleclo-
caw de Jos cobans, el 47
to de n respuestas.
ral, que es dnde al final
por ciento esti a favor de
De has 600 mcuests-
se decide quim es el gar
an presktente que ha en-
dos, 152 se declanron
dor, sino poque no time
durecido Is, pohtica hacia
republicanos y m 77 par
on patron de voto fijo y to
el rigimen de Cuba.
ciento de elms Will que
mismo puede inRnrse
REP[ ennevisto para
votaria For Trump en mas
par los republicmos que
este wndeo a 600 hispa-
elections primarfas de su
For los dem6cratas.
s regamulos como
pa nwo.
En 2012 vutb par Banck
mantes, ana pane . tra-
De los 268 dem6cntas,
Obama y en 2016 par
via de internet y an par
an 27 par ciento votaria
telefono fijo, del 30 de
poll, el senadn Sanders, un
ambre al 2 de noviembre.
21 por ciento par Riden y
11, "
1+a r
De eonformidad con to Resolucidn R-19-0437 de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami, adoptada at
24 de octubre de 2019, as Ilevard a eabo una reun16n especial de Is Comisibn de Is Ciudad
de Mlaml of marten, 12 de novfembre de 2019, a lac 9:00 a.m., on of Miami City Hall ubicado
on of 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133.
III prop6sjto de esta reunion especial as discutir v lama, lads, v coda una de las decisions
esociadas eon 111 una Resoluci6n de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami. Data anrobar o negar
de conlormidad con la Section 29-8 de la Cads, Constjtutiva de la Ciudad de Miami. un conbato
de arriendo all como los acuerdos de urbanjzaci6n relatives a la consWccion de un estadio de
IuthoL un parpue Dublico. un cenlm tecnolbgico. Areas de art, y entret,nimiant,. aitios de comida
v Deb do v un hotel v centro de convent; ones Data usos comerciales auxiliarea an el 1400 NW 37th
Avenue. v (21 una Resoluci6n de la Comisibn de la Ciutlad de Miami Due ordene al Adminislrador
de Is Ciudad de Miami v al Alcalde Due cesen toda neaociaci6n con Miami Freedom Park. LLC
an relaci6n con In Dropuesta de urban izaci6n v construction de un estadio de fulbol. un Daroue
puhlicp. un centro tecnpl6gico. areas de aria v entretenimiento. aitios de comida v behida v un
hotel v centro de convenciones Data usos comerciales auxiliares en el 1400 NW 37th Avenue. v
(31 una Discusi6n de la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami Dara ofrecer una actualizaci6n acerc
del estado de las neoociaciones entre la Ciudad de Miami v Miami Freedom Park. LLC Data el
contrato de arriendo v la construcck5n de un estadio de Nt6ol. un Daroue publico. un centro
de tecnolopla. Ara d art v nlr 1 nimi nlo. itio d ommda V b bida v un hotel v centro d
convenciones care usos comerciales auxiliares en el 1400 NW 37th Avenue.
En ants reunion especial de la Comisibn de la Ciudad no se discutira ni se votarA stereo ningun
otro lama que no sea at tema para at cual se convoc6 a Rate reuni6n especial.
Todas las personas Interesadas pueden asistir a esta reunl6n. Si alguna persona desea abater
alguna decisi6n de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado an
esta reunion, debe asegurarse de hater un registro textual de las actas incfuyendo todos Jos
testimonios y toda Is evidencia sobre los cuales se va a baser Is apelaci6n (F.S. 286.0105).
De acuerdo con to Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 (Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990), las personas que necesiten acomodaci6n especial para participar an
Rate reunion pueden comunicarse con Is Oficina del Secretario Municipal at (305) 250-5361 (Vort
at mends dos (2) dies h9biles antes de Is reunion. Los usuarios de TTY pueden flamer al 711
(Florida Relay Service) at menos dos (2) dies habifes antes de to reunion.
Anuncio No. 30820 Todd B. Hannon
Secretario Municipal