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33610 Rescheduling of City Commission Mtg 02-24-20
MIAMI, FL 33133 Before the undersigned authority
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Publication: Miami Herald
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February 1 2020
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Sw m to an ubscribed before me this
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- RO i
&1y Notary 9J # 131868068
�., ,_ E'fPires !,1I:uary 25, 2t7_-3
aft Local f: State ifL7nu !')MO i IUEWA F 92WMMMMM
Vice mayor sought
restraining order after she
said mayor threatened her
Fairdough-Staggers hen-
boyfriend and now -ex-
husband, Melvin McCor-
mick, choosing ironto en-
Marcnis after the Home,
dome Losner for an empty
stead City Council ad-
cunt seat after he had
)Domed ifs December meet-
initially pledged m support
ing, Maya Steven Losner
him. Losner said he be,
up and tamed to speak
Beres Fatrclough-Staggers
m V Mawr Pamcia Fair-convinced
McCormick to
dough -Staggers, who-
change his vote. which led
directly to his kfr on the
to a tense conversstion
dais. After a hetef exchange,
between the three in the
the vice may. walked away
council chambers.
The mayor aclmowl-
Late, that rught, Fair-
edged that he brought up
dough -Staggers filed a
the 2007 incident after the
police report saying she felt
December meeting, but he
scared and threatened by
said it was meant as a joke.
Loaner's bvt ehao,. A few
Fairdnugh-Staggers "um -
days after that, she filed a
medutely a aJated"the
petition for a restraining
situation, he said, accusing
order against the mayor,
him of atta,king her.
which she later derided not
The interaction on the
to pursue.
dais lasted less than 30
Armrd.W m a sworn
seconds, and it ended when
written statement that
the vice mayor "threw her
Fatrclough-Staggers gave to
hands up in the air and
Home.ead polt., Losner
sald,'1 jar. can't take this;
made several cornmenu
that she saw as threatening,
and .otnped nut," Leaner
including: "How dare you
"1 probably did indicate
-] distch,II'rtimmcomie":
to her that he needed
- -1 ng after
.op playing the sictim�"he
you"; and "Stop playing the
_ victim, bitch"
said, bar be added: "I did
not use the word 'bitch.'
He spoke to her "force-
Absolutely na."
fully and in an intimidating
The mayor said he
she said.
learned the near day that
walked away fe ful
Fairdmigh-Staggers had
and afraid of what Mawr
gone into the City Hail
Loaner's intentions as it
IobN• after the exchange
- - related to'reralinism' are,"
wrote Fairclough-Staggers,
and "mad, a big show of
being distraught, wailing
r' who was more than six
and moawng and loudly
months' pregnant at the
time. "Asa pregnant fr
professing that 1 had at:
tacked her and threatened
y male, the _. mtiruidning
her," he told the Herald.
has caused stress
Fatrclough-Staggers said
and my unborn
she was afraid at the time
and did what she thought
Lome, disputes the vice
w ceasmy.
mayor's account. telling the
"The only reason I did
Miami Herald this week
the polim report is because
that he didn't make any
1 was concerned for my
threats or use the word
safety, and I wanted a re -
"bitch," and that Fair-
cord if something was to
dough -Staggers was rr
occur as a result of it," she
-sponsihle for escalating
said thu week. "As long as
I've been on the data, I've
"Totally inaccurate,
never experienced anything
blown way out of propor-
like that. I know what hap -
bon, and I'll even use the
petted, and I stand on the
wind 'false' when it comes
to ben characterization and
stare. nts as to unbar hap-
petted," he said. "I an
really shocked at the level
A few days *her going to
the opposition is willing to
police, Fam,louO-Suggers
take it to in Homestead."
went a rep further: She
L.—chalked up the
filed a petition for a re-
vicemawr's reaction to .straining
order against
political ploy, saying Fair-
Losner in Mianu-Dade
cimigh-Staggers was trying
Crtut Coup.
m get tun of office.
But the case was dis-
The exchange between
missed when Fairdough-
them took place just after
Staggers didn't appear for a
the tamed had declined to
scheduled hearing on Ian.
confirm Lomer's preferred
15, according to county
candidate m fill an emptyrecords.
The case file is
cunt seat, which was
ow sealed, with only a
stated afte, Chia Maldo-
judge's.der dismissing
nado reigned to ,tan for
the case still publicly to sil-
the Miam-Dade Coumy
Commission. Fairclough-
She told the Herald she
Staggers said during the
decided to abandon the
Dec. 18 meeting that the
effort because of recent
mayor's twice, Bradley
health concerns about high
Compton, doesn't reset
blood pressure and anxiery
the dtvervry of Homestead,
in the late stages of her
telling Losner that other
pregnancy. She is due to
apphcanu "stand head and
give booth in six weeks.
shoulders above your Ipro-
"I needed to let tots go
posed] appointee."
for my health," she said.
One other council mein-
"Mentally, I had m let it
ber, Sean Fletcher, rurally
supported Campton, llut a
The vice mayor suggest-
morion appoint him
ed she never intended for
failed for lack of a second.
the details of the inter -
Under the city thane, the
actionm pu become blic.
mayor hai 60 days m se-
"I really warn i trying to
council approval for
make a public,of
his preferred nominee.
Be,ca he didn't do so,
it, because it was veryinau-
rommig for me," she said.
the council will emav vote
"I wam't trying to play a
among five applicants,
victim, I didnY warn any
including Compton, at its
sympathy. 1 lug did n for
Wednesday meeting. The
winner will fill the seat
But during a tense politi-
through 2021.
cal transition period in the
Compton was one of four
city, Losner ascribed more
candidates for mayor last
cynical motives to the vice
yen and finished lag in the
mayor's actions. Her ded-
primary with 16% of votes.
sion m pursue a restraining
After the December
order, he said, was nothing
meeting adjourned and it,,,
short of an attempted
city', video stream w•as
"coup" to remove him from
seat off, Iosne, confronted
office. Losner, wasslecred
Fanciough-Staggers about
to a two-year term as
her opposition to Compton,
mayor in November.
asking her if this was pav-
"If a regaining order
back for a feud between
had been issued. how
Losner and Faircmugh-
would we both attend coun-
Staggers in 2007.
c0 meetings?" Loner said.
Tbm dispute my Wed
"I think there is a bigger
agenda at play here."
Losner and Fairclough.
Staggers an, serving mgeth-
the camel for the
fast timr psoc as pren-
o sly a countbhan from
2001 w 2007 slid ran un-
successfully for mayor in
2011, the year Fairclough-
Staggera was first elected.
Her second and lot four -
ends in Navem-
Fatrelo igh-Staggers said
the December incident was
her first -""
counter with Losner, and
that thew relationship had
been cordial to the past.
But the maw, now per-.
yes Farclo ugh -Staggers
.a the most vocal among
several council members
trying to consolidate power
again. him. She supported
Jeff Poner, a former mayor
who resigned in 2018 to
rim for Florida agriculture
in the No-
embersmayoral election
that Losner won.
Now, Losner said the
question of who will fill the
seventh and final seat on
the council could be key in
solidifying opposition
again. him.
But Fi rdough-Staggers
rushed off that suggestion,
ring she has never men
Losner as it rival. Count -
an Stephen Shelley, who
also declined to support
Loaner's nominee for the
vacant seat, said he dawn i
me anyone trying to form a
coalition against the mavor
— although he admowl-
edged that relationship*
among council members
aren't as smooth as they
could be.
"I think as a body, were
still adj sting m the new
embers on the count,"
he said, referring to Losner
and Fletcher, the lone
ant member who mp'
ported Lomer's nomination
Compton. "It's some-
thing that we're going m
have to work through and
Both Falrclough-Staggers
and Losner say no one else
heard the heated exchange
between them on Dec. 18.
Lome, said there's no au-
dio of the moment, and the
city anomey —fly denied
his reque. to release s n-
veillance footage from the
until chambers and the
The cityrejeted the
Miami Herald's request for
the surve0lanct, rapes
Wednesday, citing an ex-
emption in Florida public -
records lawn for infomu-
tion that "reveals a security,
ry� four the, count
embers all mid the Her-
ald they didn't hear what
happened. Shelley and
Fletcher said that when the
exchange took plan, they
ere bury talking to the
city arorney.
But Shelley said he later
saw the Vice mayor "m
tears" as people consoled
her in a hallway between
the dais and the lobby.
"She was still visibly
shaken by the events, what-
cuned," Shelley
Fairdough-Staggers said
she believed Councilman
Larry Roth heard com-
menu that Lome, made
after she walked away, but
Roth said he left the cham-
bers at man as the meeting
He distr sated questions
about the allegedly explo-
sive exchange between the
mayor and vice may.,
saying. wasnt relevant to
city business.
It didn't affect me in
any way, it hams affected
the city in any way, and it
hasn't affected any dori-
sions the council at any
point," Roth said.
Councilwoman )miter
Bailey said she didn't wit-
ess the exchange w its
aftermath. And, like her
colleague,. she denied
being pats of any coalition
funning within the council.
"As far as I'm concerned,
I'm nor with or against any
person," she said.
Homestead, a South
Dade community whose
population has nearly tri-
pled to more than 70,000
in the 28 years since it was
ravaged by Hurricane An-
drew, is continuing to build
out its downtown and chart
its tune, debating issues
related to traffic and hous-
ing density. The dry coun-
sil, Ruth said, has bigger
issues to worry about than
personal feuds.
"It goes way beyond a
erle incident after a ccan-
cil meeting," he said. "We
taunhave to work
together, t and we are work-
Ing together."
Fletcher said Compmn
had strung support in the
so-called Waterston, com-
unm ities in Disct 5, in the
northeast part of the city,
and in Fletcher', District 2,
which includes the Keys
Gate communities.
But Fairdough-Staggers
suggested at the December
meeting that Compton
didn't have citywide sup-
w"1 was looking for
some -who was more of a
unifier," she said. "One
who didn't come up her to
work with a certain senor
ofthecouncil, but all W the
c Mumi Hnadd SraffIv r
a Monique O. Madan con-
tributrd m shis repair.
Thursday, February 20.7 p.m.
Daar cdlege iwanson Gmpual, Car — Cxaemnm C r e,
R,.n: iciC:Buildmg, �.2nd n.nr;, 25a k:Y.lwaam 4r-'lrr+ Mmmrc
o srolncWvgd smgw6uatlyew•old you BAmer'"Mmy were commp<ed
w pin the you e8on and wielded Dew power through joM auuide floe borne
)Y,i rlxi-iMumee "nor limited w fanar. Uoors. same women u,Mtha-aaad and-Itud
paiuom w fight look ",slow uolgio,duo and aouod floe alum abort rk ppg1v oCEuopcs
AWm(.waca par N,dr Wuar .lets mgaoiac an.d,e,mc.
Ivin m to upbre me coke rick m<rvdry roman dwogrbb <n u well u floe miadwr and
m of a (ew exaanraimry idinduaty who lard au aci ivdudivg Loin Goode,,
Fdnh Rog.. aM Elmm Rvwmel,
Tuns programafi«aid.pact ro h< p.bbc binr«rvanovs u<rryuved
m mMw.arywemslromenwdwal. For come mfarmmoa pleue cooun
Ne TSue„ms Socti,ean Regiunil O&re a<Si1915.6-lrsuraoutlwrt@uJ,a�.ory
�o-omvr:?_9 nit UNI
.Hc alr 4Rmmt$rraP ►,/�"r „ a _..-- USEUM
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution
R-20-0032 adopted on February 13, 2020, the Miami City Commission changed the
City Commission meeting date originally scheduled for February 27, 2020.
The City Commission meeting originally scheduled for February 27, 2020 will
now take place on February 24, 2020. The meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m.
in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, which is located at 3500 Pan American
Drive, Miami, Florida.
All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting. Should any person desire
to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal
may be based (F.S. 286.0105).
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing
special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of
the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior
to the proceeding. TTY users may call vie 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than
two (2) business days prior to the proceeding.
Ad No. 33610 Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution
R-20-0032 adopted on February 13, 2020, the Miami City Commission changed the
City Commission meeting date originally scheduled for February 27, 2020.
The City Commission meeting originally scheduled for February 27, 2020 will
now take place on February 24, 2020. The meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m.
in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, which is located at 3500 Pan American
Drive, Miami, Florida.
All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting. Should any person desire
to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal
may be based (F.S. 286.0105).
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing
special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of
the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior
to the proceeding. TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than
two (2) business days prior to the proceeding.
Ad No. 33610
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
1 fl
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Miami City Commission Resolution
R-20-0032 adopted on February 13, 2020, the Miami City Commission changed the
City Commission meeting date originally scheduled for February 27, 2020.
The City Commission meeting originally scheduled for February 27, 2020 will
now take place on February 24, 2020. The meetin will commence at 9:00 a.m.
in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, which is located at 3500 Pan American
Drive, Miami, Florida.
All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting. Should any person desire
to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be
considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal
may be based (F.S. 286.0105).
in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing
special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of
the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior
to the proceeding. TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than
two (2) business days prior to the proceeding.
Ad No. 33610
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Miami Herald Media Company
3511 NW 91 Avenue
Miami, FL 33172
Miami ��erall r t I t l
Account #
Ad Number
I Identification
33610 Rescheduling of City Commission Mtg 02-24-20 SPANISH AD
MIAMI, FL 33133
Un Periodico McClatchy
Ante la autonclad que suscribe se
presento en persona: VICTORIA
Quien bajo juramento dice que EI/ella as de
El Nuevo Herald, un periodico en Miami,
Condado de Miami Dade, Florida; que la
copis adjunta de este anuncio fue
publicado en dicho periodico, en las
ediciones de'
Publication El Nuevo Herald
February 19, 2020
El declarante afirrna ademas que El Nuevo
Herald es un periodico que Se publics en el
mencionado condado De Miami Dade,
Florida y que ha sido Publicado diariamente
en dicho condado De Miami Dade, Florida,
habiendo sido clasificado par las Oficinas
de Correos en Miami condado de Miami
Dade. Como material con franquicia de
segunda clase desde El 29 de Marzo de
1976. El Declarante Asegura que no ha
pagado ni prometido Pagar a personal
alguna, firma o Corporation ningun
descuento reembolso Comision o
devolution de Tondos can el Proposito de
lograr la publication de est rtcio end
dicho periodico.
o y subscrito ante mi en Este Dia
de February, 2020
•.=o:t••••`•:��; Ltl_gETHAILEENCORDERO
My Notary ID # 131868068
Expires January 25, 2023
YIEKatF51a N FBK MC '�i dllipllle� FAMOGIRIl IVIREVglrtMlB I 12A
wONNE BATANERO de Adele Myers and Dancers.
Miami Dance Hub presenta programa
con solos de danza
ro. ouamro TAquacBeWAATepatnuAan
Dance Hub (MOM ofrereri an el Little
Haiu Colour Center sma bl. (un.m eau jue-
kes 20 de, febrero de uv programa utwado Brea-
ing Me WW: Danis solo, (en ,spars." "Rom-
pimao el Mmo: Solos de Dann") en el que ae ofreceran
o<hd peens c.nceb,das
pan .er hulada. Por un
yob hsreryrem
Cameron Baaden y Tna-
ha Caner .. MDH en
ro de 2918 con la ...-
olds de ,awr, ed-. y en
mar a bwl.rine, y ea-
pe-d—P. ig.al. Gel`
brand. an pnmer afro de
sscra,fAiDH) preaen-
to encenero'de 2019 as
pse.s de dV— par. dos•
interprets en Tke 5p.ce
Serves[ t jr[e rue Eryo-
,.e. Le acn a v a fix may
barn,,,Mole y ahem nu
gresan con arse idea tuw-
El muro .1 que hat,
nraeoda d ,raw. ae care
prognnu de,W., run el
que Cameron y T..h.
celebrao el to ano do la
=wad. que
mandad la "eua,.
Pared" innsible que aepare
a loss aroma W,el e an en
el eacenano del pdbuco
que ae a.— or. ...d.
en la sal..
En B,,akmg oh, Wall:
Dance Sal., Paniciparin
bailanns de Adele Myers
y Bade u e., Ballet osa, fla-
co La RBillet
Vero Beach, Dance NOW' Miami, Dimon— Dance
Theatre de Miami, nor,- W.— Gnu -nave y lea co,ed-
grafoa Oscar Trujillo y Randolph Ward con obis de au
a5egun C--. "hay muehos upm ddeunus de dare
en Miami y aeo antlea s el qW y my moa,nin de«afrdey
vmplem an 1. clue de y
macho _1iendan reahneme to We ,scan vien-
do. No ea que rse<eaten entende.o u do, pero no he,
oared a traundo de dear .Ig. o r se i upon, que sus
a mdican algo'.
m1' ag.".. ".l igual We nuestro evento del .bo p..do
habra .. a may breve haruaom anus y de.pues de cad. yob
viurddialog. a.— d aetlau, el pdbbee, v el
mPa. T. aha. "bad.r un ,.Iv et,.- un. form. wuca de
,.prey'., panel aruata / i,teq r que puede mbi caar
cad. vex que - realaaa. En ba trabyos grupales, to bail,
deb. as may auriilar en relation con lea otros eras,. en
el ,acmes.. En un'wb', hay may lin"'n <on to -a,-
purl..... Tre—, uene re , y e.Pa.-, per. gen
ralmee bra nrenoa rigid- en on ent=o individual".
"Una peno.a W. an al eace.ano.. on ,nb" at
C ;:,r,n. Entonces, <podern- dear qua la vaned., de
un paz , deux ea farm i. un ,.I z
Asa to _picaa Trisha: "Cuando eacucbe'variacicn',
presume de mm,d,aro We es ma vanadoo clan" a 1.
que u hac. referenaa como Lilac Fatty, Sugarplum,
Aurora An 11. Ode u Odue ivclub G-Ile A. 1. Mien-
traa W, —do eacuc vio sup..g. We es pan algo
f.en del repenono disico, eoAgwer coca, dead, moder-
on hang r,eodi.ico y contemporineo. Pero eras defw'-
xon peraonales para mi y on,m i huade opmon. Una
cion esun solo, y un ,doe ; el tenr us
pedfim uene may We ver con el eatdo d, bbade al que
na< rer.e
Ev erta .[aeon. poi epropl., la bail.nv Claudia Le.-, de D,mev.i Davice Theatre of Miami parudpr
..""undo el sdo de Ia muene de Nibya del Mllet
"L. B.y.den
E. el otro t. del eapectro de la ereacim mreo-
gafica. Oa", Tro di. y Randolph Ward ,wren prec,n-
.do wbaps absulutzme.le--onporan-,
CLAUDIA LEXAN0 en el -sob' La Muenerde Nibya de
-La Bayadete'.
"E] sdo que elegi hacer", dice Oa"c, "ea de arse nuev.
pica ails <n proab clue es on [arena.. Ai que as reali-
dad esarse aeccion con cmuo Personas, pero tres,clan
bailando d unia000 v otra persona ..,a h.... ndo an pro
In, rno i ...to an op,,idon a In, Duos vea. Por to que
podemos dery We es un sdo de.— de un cuaneto'.
Y agog.. "la prey . ,suer ara pars el 30 amversario
de Karen P.— & Dancers en la pnmavan. He .—do
badando con eua dunm, 2
v — vez eua me
—.go hacer one Pie.
.br lla comp.fim La .bra
a dear un pequedo
eo de Karen c Por au pane. Randolph
".ropes, con nosotro We
el rota que uu,rpres'
Natanael Leal es de one
obey uvdada'Boys Will be
Boys' v es mas uatro We
love. Hay zm memento
e. We N.,—. Dega
h.— el 11—o, bay much.
teau.hdad. Teng. cunuu-
dadpmvacomoe.r ila.
do porque no We aeado
pars p..ar..ane at mane-
,,Como u
,man —.dog on
tr. col. en el ,acmes.?
Breaks,, the Wall: Dance
Solos .,—,.,a responder
la pregunu en to que pro-
mote., una e.penenda
interacova ermquecedora
pan n do. lo. uue sad..
ev la darts.
"Breaks., 1h, Wall:
Dance Solo,"., U—., a
raM d�urx, 20 de)ebnrn
dr 7:00 p.m. a 9:.a0 p.m. sn
'I C_ C.U.,.l Lisle
Have . hd.m [acme. $
10 fsnduye .— fi,kd.), despo,ible e. Ev.srbnuy en la
Arrh.r.Mzamacom.any)a,., nay funu al, I r de
be, tuna, da...... easel., -ant. y art.
Elizabeth Baldwin
y Roman -Lalcic
en espectacular
concierto en la serie
St. Hugh -Steinway
GpmaLH N„m H,r.W
a "fe a nente talentoaa" ha aido ca�cada
Ehi heth Baldwin poi el San Fnnciaco E..ml-
ein dada, su bp—. peU roi. s arse
fiery en ,arena como pudiaon pw bar I-
que la nmcosrcie o Siegh,da en el no o(rec,do
has poem yea poi el Wagner 1—un, an Mam ii.
Su--Udad le pernnue bNlar rant. e. Ias atro-
nadons heroines wagne...... corn. en la. e.gwsite-
mis deh,,das del be] [auto. Su mlerpretadon an
Chile, en 20IS, do la atonnenuda Nomu. de Belhni,
for adamada poi la pies. especialwda de la capful
de eye pale. Ene viemes 21 podremos volver a dW.-
tar de . a.e incomparable en el cmaerto que of,e-
en la acne St Hugh -Steinway que se peeaenn en
au — ternmrada en el umplo de la Eaeoela e
lgkua St Hugh de Co ut Grove.
ELIZABETH BALDWIN y el brllono Ronain Lalac
Baldwin ha normcido mmnerons diaunaone. y
premws poi su ane, entre Bus el Gran Premro de la
Compeuvda de la Fundaddn Sullivan, el Primer
Nemz. en la Nrtwnal Orphem Vocd Comp,..... y
el de la Heide Be—. Ivtem.uon.l C mp-n.n.
Gump— la cartel.. — eau diva epl..dad. wter-
onalmente, el no menus memos. bam... /balo
Roman Lai- DiadpW. de leyendaa c.mo N.-I.Ch.—, Kun Mob y Charlew s %-ke,, el <an,e ha
...had. apl.usoa an roles di i.les cons. Sp.nfuci-
be en RqW .o, y Fenando en V Trov.ror,, de V.d,, o
Fafner en El a.elo del Nibd.gn y ev SiVndo, de
Wagner, o Tom.ky e. La dams de pique, de Ch.-
ov.kv. Tambien ae ha deatacado como el Kaapar, de
Der Fe ,",x, de Weber, que el curb- I.— puede
d,afrm en S.umhe en tree va.-. d—I.,
Y per .up__, al piano, aoornpanand, a im "n-
uvua, el —e—Roberto Be.ocal, doer =.I
y ae.doe de ru. evmsa acne. Be—.] uene one
a agenda, unto como bhsu con- ammpahante
de grandee hguras. Entre cars mas r—n,. logos x
—or. el babe, cdaborado con la 1— cops,.
Smva Yoncheva.
FJ programa ind.,a anar y done de Pucavi (T..),
Wagner (V ha di, crone); de Car-ns, de Bizet y
otro. f.-.101 da.icoa del publicu, aci como famoaoa
h,jime s de opereus y muakale. de Bmadway.
Una of.- or gran made. en lac .oche. del grin
. C M
Concuss d,.1 raah.h Baldwin y Roman oi, .4 inn
Roberto Baroea/ en SrHugh Cburh P srhod, .a460
R.yal Road. Coconut Grove In)orrnandny ,Hades:
305 318 S(MP y a. rrhughconc,rt,.nrg.
TENGA EN CUENTA QUE, de conformidad con la Resoluci6n R-20-D032 de to Comisi6n
de la Ciudad de Miami adoptada all 13 de febrero de 2020, to Comisi6n de la Ciudad
de Miami cambi6 la fecha de to reunion de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad originalmente
programada para el 27 de febrero de 2020.
La reuni6n de to Comisi6n de to Ciudad originalmente programada para at
27 de febrero de 2020 ahora tendr8 lugar el 24 de febrero de 2020. La reuni6n
comenzare a lac 9:00 a.m. en las Camaras de to Comisi6n de to Ciudad en el
Ayuntamiento, que se encuentra en 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
Todas las personas interesadas estan invttadas a asistir a esta reunion. Si alguna
persona desea apelar cualquier decison de la Comisi6n de to Ciudad con respecto
a cualquier asunto que se considere en esta reunion, esa persona Be asegurara de
que Be hags un registro literal de los procedimientos, incluidos todos los testimonios
y pruebas en los que pueda baserse cualquier apelaci6n (FS 286.0105).
De acuerdo con to Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990, las personas
que neceshen adaptaciones especiales para participar en Bate procedimiento pueden
comunicarse con la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad at (305) 250-5361 (Voz) a mas
tardar dos (2) dias habiles antes del proceder. Los usuarios de TTY pueden homer a
travEs del 711 (Servicio de Transmisi6n de Florida) a mas larder dos (2) dies habiles
antes del procedimiento.
Anuncio no 33610
Todd B. Hannon
Secretario de la Ciudad
TENGA EN CUENTA QUE, de conformidad con la Resolucion R-20-0032 de la Comision
de la Ciudad de Miami adoptada el 13 de febrero de 2020, la Comision de la Ciudad
de Miami cambio la fecha de la reunion de la Comision de la Ciudad originalmente
programada para el 27 de febrero de 2020.
La reunion de la Comision de la Ciudad originalmente programada para el
27 de febrero de 2020 ahora tendra lugar el 24 de febrero de 2020. La reunion
comenzara a las 9:00 a.m. en las Camaras de la Comision de la Ciudad en el
Ayuntamiento, que se encuentra en 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
Todas las personas interesadas estan invitadas a asistir a esta reunion. Si alguna
persona desea apelar cualquier decision de la Comision de la Ciudad con respecto
a cualquier asunto que se considere en esta reunion, esa persona se asegurara de
que se haga un registro literal de los procedimientos, incluidos todos los testimonios
y pruebas en los que pueda basarse cualquier apelacion (FS 286.0105).
De acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990, las personas
que necesiten adaptaciones especiales para participar en este procedimiento pueden
comunicarse con la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad al (305) 250-5361 (Voz) a mas
tardar dos (2) dias habiles antes del proceder. Los usuarios de TTY pueden Ilamar a
traves del 711 (Servicio de Transmision de Florida) a mas tardar dos (2) dias habiles
antes del procedimiento.
Anuncio no 33610 Todd B. Hannon
Secretario de la Ciudad
noticias sobre teatro, anza, drtes MOW,
L��t OFA�
J p
TENGA EN CUENTA QUE, de conformidad con la Resoluci6n R-20-0032 de la Comisi6n
de la Ciudad de Miami adoptada el 13 de febrero de 2020, la Comisi6n de la Ciudad
de Miami cambi6 la fecha de la reunion de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad originalmente
programada para el 27 de febrero de 2020.
La reunion de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad originalmente programada para el
27 de febrero de 2020 ahora tendra lugar el 24 de febrero de 2020. La reunion
comenzara a las 9:00 a.m. en las Camaras de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad en el
Ayuntamiento, que se encuentra en 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida.
Todas las personas interesadas estan invitadas a asistir a esta reunion. Si alguna
persona desea apelar cualquier decision de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto
a cualquier asunto que se considere en esta reuni6n, esa persona se asegurara de
que se haga un registro literal de los procedimientos, incluidos todos los testimonios
y pruebas en los que pueda basarse cualquier apelaci6n (FS 286.0105).
De acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990, las personas
que necesiten adaptaciones especiales para participar en este procedimiento pueden
comunicarse con la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad al (305) 250-5361 (Voz) a mas
tardar dos (2) dias habiles antes del proceder. Los usuarios de TTY pueden Ilamar a
traves del 711 (Servicio de Transmisi6n de Florida) a mas tardar dos (2) dias habiles
antes del procedimiento.
Anuncio no 33610
Todd B. Hannon
Secretario de la Ciudad