HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice to the PublicSPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING
Thursday. Aoril 30. 2020 at 9:00 A.M.
Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require that a participating jurisdiction provide citizens with
reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any new allocation and/ or amendment of HUD programs. In addition, the
public is advised of the proposed new allocation(s)/ amendment(s) to the funding of the City program(s) as indicated below: * T
1. Discuss and propose a resolution approving a substantial amendment to the City of Miami's ("City") Citizen
Participation Plan ("CPP"), to reflect changes in the citizen participation process, tied to the novel coronavirus
("COVID-19") (agenda item previously scheduled for CC Meeting on May 14, 2020.)
2. Discuss and propose a resolution authorizing the allocation of supplemental Emergency Solutions Grant
(ESG-CV) funds, in the amount of $1,633,034 for fiscal year 2019-20, to be used to prevent, prepare for, and
respond to COVID-19 among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance.
City of Miami — Dept of Housing & Community Development (HCD) — ESG-
CV Admin
Citrus Health Network, Inc. — ESG-CV Administration
Citrus Health Network, Inc. — Homelessness Prevention & Rapid
City of Miami — HCD — Street Outreach from 3/1/2020 to 9/30/2021
City of Miami — HCD — Homeless Programs — Hotel/Motel Vouchers
3. Discuss and propose a resolution authorizing the allocation of supplemental
Housing Opportunities for
Persons with Aids (HOPWA-CV) funds in the amount of $1,684,063 for fiscal year 2019-20, to be used to
prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, among eligible low-income individuals and families living with
City of Miami — Dept of Housing & Community Development (HCD) —
Empower U, Inc. — STRMU HOPWA-CV Administration$20,000.00
Empower U, Inc. — STRMU Housing Case Management and HQS
Inspections ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
City of Miami — HCD — STRMU Payments
City of Miami — HCD — TBRA Payments$603,500.00
City of Miami — HCD — Meals Programs
4. Discuss and propose a resolution authorizing the allocation of supplemental Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG-CV) funds, in the amount of $3,281,526 for fiscal year 2019-20,
to support economic and
community development activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A enc Y
Amount Allocated
City of Miami — Dept of Housing & Community Development (HCD) — Small
Business Emergency Loan Program
City of Miami — HCD — Business Continuity Micro -Enterprise Program
City of Miami — HCD — Public Services for meals, rent or other eligible
activity the Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program)
.... ............................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................
City of Miami — HCD — CDBG-CV Administration$656,305.20
5. Discuss and propose a resolution approving an Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance
program, to provide
assistance to eligible low-income tenants in the City of Miami ("City"), who have
lost their jobs due to the
outbreak of COVID-19.
* The adoption of an Ordinance or Resolution by City Commission, related to the proposed funding
recommendation(s)/ amendment(s), authorizes the City Manager to draft/amend the appropriate City of Miami
Consolidated/Action Plan.
t This item(s) will be available for public comment and review for a period of no less than 5 days. The review and
comment period begin, Tuesday, April 21, 2020 and ends Sunday, April 26, 2020. The proposed funding
recommendation(s)/ amendment(s) will be presented to Special City Commission for approval on Thursday, April
30, 2020 (Virtual Public Hearing) as authorized by HUD. All VPHs will be held on an ADA compliant web-based
platform. Comments may be submitted at the day of the VPH or in writing via email during the public comment period
at rtazoe(o)miamigov.com. To access the VPH, please go to:
https://www.miamigov. com/Government/Instructions-for-Virtual-Commission-Meeting