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of Miami Initiative Program
FundIng Request Form
Contact Person: Michael Bryant
Title: President/Director of Agape Enrichment Summer Academy
Phone number: 305.801.2552
Email Address: agape4.(@
Name of Person completi�,,.ng this form- Yichael Bryant & Andre Joyce
Legal Name of Organization: Agape 4 Orphans Inrernational, Inc.
Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code): 3330 Frow Avenue, Ste A
Coconut Grove, Florida 33133
Executive Director mfOrganization: Mi
Executive Director email: ag=1^e4@°°"
Executive Director Contact Phone Numb
� 305'801,2552
The organization is a registered and active State of Florida Corporation (select one):
For-profit organization
WINot-for profit organization IS( 1(3)(c)l
F] Local governaiental unit
F-1 State governmental unit
F1Educational and academic on
| |City VfMiami department, aoeDcyand board |
_.... ........ | Page1ofS
Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com '
ty of Miami
-Poverty Initiative Program
Fundi ig Request Form
Organization History and BackgroundInf rmation:
For ten years, Agape 4 Orphans International, Inc. of Coconut Grove, Florida has been at the forefront of youth
development. We have worked with over 500 plus children with disabilities, special needs and the disadvantaged.
Going forward, we are dedicated to ensuring that z 11 of 04 community youth will have a greater access to summer
services and programs geared for children with special needs. This will help them contribute & shape our fiu lures.
Is your program/project providing directservices to residents of the City of Miami? Yes0v No❑
Number of residents your entity will serve: 50
Frequency of Service: 7 weeps
Age Group Served: 5-18 of ages
Is your program/project impacting one al Miami's disadvantaged communities? Yes FV No []
Geographic Area Served (specific to t is project/program)
District Served (1, 2, 3, 4, S, City ide) Citywide
Neighborhood/Community being served: Coconut Grove
Program/Project Prioriity area (Select one
EducationalPrograms for chit
QCrime Prevention
Elderly meals, transportation
❑✓ At -risk youth or youth summ+
Transportation services and I
Job development, retention
F]Homeless Services
Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com
Last revised: September 16, 2019
n, youth and adults
recreational and health/wellness related activities
job programs
training programs
Page 2 of S
For ten years, Agape 4 Orphans Inte national, Inc. of Coconut Grove, Florida has
been at the forefront of youth developr ient. We have worked with over 500
disadvantaged young people that othe youth serving organizations have struggled to
reach. Going forward, we are dedicated to ensuring that all of our community's young
people have greater access to programs that will help them shape great futures.
One type of program that is desperatE
programming with a strong academic
youth lose about two months of grade
skills over the summer months. Low i
reading achievement. As a matter of
achievement gap between disadvanta
can be explained by unequal access t
elementary school years.
To address this needs, Agape Summe
program called Summer Brain Gain.
activities to the typical summer camp
the average low-income U.S. student
the average Summer Brain Gain parts
many of our camper actually experier
century skills, like collaboration and c
most youth experience significant sur
To maximize our impact over the sun -
Grove, Florida is requesting funding
Enrichment Academy Summer Servi
summer academy with all operational
$41,425.00. A detailed breakdown of
this proposal's Budget and Plan for S
Agape 4 Orphans International, Inc.
responsible, caring, productive citizen1c
Coconut Grove, Florida has the staff
life. We thank you for considering this
community's youth go on to have grea,
y needed in our community is summer
Dmponent. Numerous studies show that most
evel equivalency in mathematical computation
come youth also lose more than two months in
ict, two-thirds of the ninth grade reading
ed students and their more advantaged peers
summer learning opportunities during the
Academy has developed and tested a new
ummer Brain Gain adds engaging, educational
xperience and is for youth ages 5 to 18. While
>st at least two months of learning last summer,
pant did not experience learning loss. Moreover,
ad gains in learning especially in vital 21st
ical thinking. This is very encouraging, given that
ner learning loss.
, Agape Enrichment Academy of Coconut
The City of Miami to implement Agape
To implement a full seven weeks successful
t to our institution, we request the amount of
these dollars will be allocated can be found in
seeks to help our community's youth become
. Agape 4 Orphans International, Inc. of
and tools necessary to see this vision come to
'equest. Together, we can ensure that our
Statement of Need
Now more than ever, community partners play a critical role in shaping the lives of
America's young people. Agape Enrichment Academy is a uniquely positioned to make
a significant difference. We engage the youth who need us most and provide programs
that will help youth develop positive outcomes and achieve great futures.
One type of program that is desperately needed across the nation is summer
programming with a•strong academic component. Numerous studies show that most
youth lose about two months of grade -level equivalency in mathematical computation
skills over the summer months. Low income youth also lose more than two months in
reading achievement. As a matter of fact, two-thirds of the ninth -grade reading
achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their more advantaged peers
can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities during the
elementary school years.
Our community faces these issues outlined in the national research. In Miami
Dade County, 11.20% local dropout rate and other relevant statistics and
information demonstrating educational needs of local youth, including
demographic characteristics of the youth population served by Miami Dade
County, statistics from schools on standardized test scores, or other related data.
Anti -Poverty Initiative
Program/Project Title: Agape Enrichm
Project/Program Description- Our summer
We answer desperately the needs of services that are not
of Miami
Program - Funding Request Fortin
nt Summer Academy 2020
services provide programming for children with special needs.
available during the summer months when the school year has ended.
Agape Summer Academy uses Summer Brain Gair
and Starfall Sofeware for academic curriculum as it educational
component. This program provide two months of g�ade
level equivalency summer learning skills and services.
Program Start Date: June 15, 2020
Please describe how this program/project
Please see attached page and propsal for Agape Ent
program End Date: August 4, 2020
and funding will alleviate poverty within the City of
ichment Summer Academy. This will serve as our 4th
year providing summer services for children with special
needs and disabilities in Coconut Grove, Florida.
Describe overall expected outcomes and p
Please see attached page. All services is provided F
rformance measures for this project/program:
E for all who meets the application process.
Please attach additionalpages to the bac
of this packet, if the space above rs aot sufficient.
Page 3 of 5
Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com
Last revised: September 16, 2019
City of Miami
Anti -Poverty Initiative Program -Funding Request Form.
Agape 4 Orphans International, Inc.
Attachment Page:
Describe Program: If granted the funding, the funds will be used for the following. In an effort
to meet the needs of disadvantage at risk students that are diagnosed as special needs. The
goal is to be able to be a resource to the parents, families, and community in order that they
become educated about the condition of Autism. This will help dispel any myths about the
One of the objectives of the program is to teach these individuals social skill along with
employment skills so that these individuals will be able to function in main society and feel
good about themselves. When this happens, the likelihood of these individuals depending on
social systems has been reduced, and
Impact and Performance: The impact will
these individuals meet specific benchmarl
the programs. The goals will be outlined b
individuals in the project are meeting the
social skills, Student will learn Coping Skill:
no longer have to depend totally on social
be measured by making sure that a percentage of
;s within a certain period of the course of the term for
y the consultants, and measured to make sure that
defined goals. (F.G.) Outcome: Student will learn
and Studentv' ill learn how to utilize Anger
Management Skills. After student has comlpleted the first 'module student .will move to the
employment module. Student will be screened for job readiness, Student will be placed on a
job through a job developer, Student if employed will be monitored weekly by developer to
check on progress or lack of progress. All participant, successful at the completion of post-
secondary of this progrann will give an evaluation of the outcome of this summer project. Any
challenges that the student is having will l e addressed by' he Job Developer/Job Coach. This
will be available at the report closure of pioject to stakeholder at their request.
Ci y of Miami
Anti -Poverty Initiative Program - Funding Request Form
Amount Requested: $_ 41,425.00
Explain how the City of Miami Anti-Povert� funding will be utilized:
The Agape Enrichment Summer Academy will uti izcd all of the City Anti -Poverty funding for the sole purpose
outlined in this grant propsal attached. All applicants will receive all summer services for free. Our target goal is
at risk youth, children with special needs and low �ncome students referred by their social workers or teachers.
Itemize API funding related to expenditu
Personnel Salaries & Wages:
Personnel Benefits
Space Rental
Utilities (Electricity, Phone, Interr
Transportation (Participants):
Meals (Participants):
Professional Services (List each):
Other (please describe): 8136.00
Other (please describe): 5504.00
Other (please describe): 1205.00 1
!s below:
$ 9960.00
$ 5200.00
t): $ 1300.00
$ 4200.00
4350.00 Occup/Phys. Therapist,
amp swim storage & Computers
Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com
Last revised: September 16, 2019
Trips & Van Fuel pick up
ig Supplies and Background checks
Page 4 of 5
City of Miami
Anti -Poverty Initiative Program
Funding Request Form
To be completed by the !Entity/Recipient
By signing below you agree to the guidelines and stipulate that the informatia rovided on this form is
accurate and complete. /�
Completed by (Print & Sign): Michael Bryant
Date: December 5, 2019
Additional Comments:
Please see attached documentation to support this request.
To be completed by District Commissioner/Mayor's Office
Recommended for funding: YesNo❑
Funding Recommendation:
Commission Meeting Date:
Additional Comments:
Completed by (Print & Sign): i�'r 40vo ��:•�ir a
Date: Q 74 '�%7 _70 }
To be completed by the Department
Received by (Print & Sign):
Date: 4/13/20
Additional Comments:
Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com
Last revised: September 16, 2019