HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit ACity of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact Person: (_�-�i n 1 Title: �vf_� i 6i -C l�" C!FaC) Phone number: V' Email Address: (," b - I �S 2. V-. OCA la T'['1WLfYl1nr0i . Name of Person completing this form: Legal Name of Organization: IW�n LIu � r yf,V o Address treet, City, State, Zip Code): K``''UM 1 r I I -- Executive Director of Organization: N( I- . nic LU Executive Director email: &r1 ,�ryl y nei&M�Y-MlOr``1•j . CO rn Executive Director Contact Phone Number:(�C��s�� The organization is a registered and active State of Florida Corporation (select one): ❑ For-profit organization 01i of -for profit organization {501(3)(c)} ❑ Local governmental unit ❑ State governmental unit Educational and academic institution ❑ City of Miami department, agency and board Page 1 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised: September 16, 2019 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAM/PROJECT INFORMATION Organization History and Background Information: 'ISCA*bLIN00 rl-�t 6MMdAIA-V .10 41\L ci+u 0� maml Is your program/project providing direct services to residents of the City of Miami? YesoNoEl Number of residents your entity will serve: U �affi ;ds Frequency of Service: Ole' (Dutlrd Age Group Served: _�kr)i.f tts Is your program/project impacting one of Miami's disadvantaged communities? Yes ONO ❑ Geographic Area Served (specific to this project/program) District Served (1, 2, 3, 4,PCitywide) Neighborhood/Community being served: (l n -hl iV►ae(p) C'Y/)-;#V V4;�i Program/Project Priority area (Select one): b0fhw, n yoWood Educational Programs for children, youth and adults 11 Crime Prevention ❑ Elderly meals, transportation, recreational and health/wellness related activities At -risk youth or youth summer job programs Transportation services and programs Job development, retention and training programs Homeless Services Page 2 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised: September 16, 2019 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program - Funding Request Form Program/Project Title: _ MIK v - WVIL RV4Yarvi Project/Program Description: MM_ Whak �D \00r�_ b CiGfV1 kj�Cl 145 W)o VA b� WO(IL ►n b, 54., a S. Program Start Date: Program End Date:�'� Please describe how this program/project and funding will alleviate poverty within the City of Miami? .� aid IMPACT AND PERFORMANCE: Describe overall expected outcomes and performance measures for this project/program: _3U_((f_3 induk eofnrfu6o-�'ryi cC k' e_ tiA s V -utV3 n . Please attach additional pages to the back of this packet, if the space above is not sufficient. Page 3 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised: September 16, 2019 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program - Funding Request Form FUNDING REQUEST INFORMATION: Amount Requested: $_ ✓ , Utiv Explain how the City of Miami Anti -Poverty funding will be utilized: 15ft 14#6 me Itemize API funding related to expenditures below: Personnel Salaries & Wages: $ Personnel Benefits $ Space Rental: $ Utilities (Electricity, Phone, Internet): $ Supplies: $ Marketing: $ Transportation (Participants): $ ��� aD Meals (Participants): $ Professional Services (List each): ac,, Other (please describe): � UUl-fince IC20, bw Other (please describe): Other (please describe): Page 4 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised: September 16, 2019 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form To be completed by the Entity/Recipient By signing below you agree to the guidelines and stipulate that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete. Completed b (Print & Sign): Date: Additional Comments: To be completed by District Commissioner/Mayor's Office Recommended for funding: Yes[21 No❑ Funding Recommendation: $135,000 Commission Meeting Date: Additional Comments: Completed by (Print & Sign): Natal a San ster Date: 4/6/2020 To be completed by the Department Received by (Print & Sign):, Date: 4/6/20 Additional Comments: Page 5 of Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised: September 16, 2019 The Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation Wheels to Work Program Wheels to Work is an initiative of the Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation (MLKEDC) that will provide transportation opportunities to low income residents living or working in the City of Miami District 5. MLKEDC has partnered with companies in the automotive industry, i.e. insurance companies, auto maintenance shops, etc. to implement the Wheels to Work initiative. Clients will receive reliable automobiles, under a manufacturer's warranty at wholesale prices, affordable insurance and car maintenance services. Owning a dependable car can mean the difference between employment and unemployment, accessing childcare, participating in children's school related activities, and self-improvement through additional job training or higher education. District 5 in the City of Miami is home for many "Working Poor Families". The average Working Poor Family earns between $15,000 and $22,000. Forty percent (40%) of the working poor's income is spent on transportation related costs as opposed to 24.6% of the general population. The public transportation system can be inaccessible or unreliable for parents who work until 5:OOpm that are dependent on public transportation to pick up their children from daycare or school by the required pick up time, which is often times nearly impossible as it is usually a mere hour after the end of the work day, usually 6:OOpm. Extracurricular activities are often unavailable even where such activities are offered within the community for families dependent on public transportation. Many low income families have no credit history or poor credit which makes them vulnerable to predatory lenders. Lenders take advantage of the lack of credit or poor credit by charging high interest rates for used vehicles with poor or no maintenance records. These cars are often wrought with major costly mechanical problems. The cost of insurance and car -care services can make it impossible to get and keep a vehicle. The vehicles often break down before the owner can pay off the loan, leaving the purchaser without transportation and possibly a judicial judgment further impeding future opportunities. MILK Wheels to Work will make available to low income families affordable, reliable automobiles, insurance and car -care services enabling them to arrive at work dependably, take their children to school, shop for groceries and participate in community activities. Clients "buy" a vehicle from the program by making monthly payments to MLKEDC they can afford and eliminating the obstacles a Working Poor Family faces as a car owner and simultaneously allows them to build a good credit history. Client Eligibility Requirements ➢ Live or work in City of Miami District 5 ➢ Low to moderate income person ➢ Have worked for at least 1 year ➢ Must be 18 years or older ➢ Have a valid Florida Driver's License and a satisfactory driving history ➢ Demonstrate a transportation hardship Wheels to Work Program ➢ Receive a vehicle in "A-1" condition based on family needs (valued at over $15,000 retail) to include insurance for one years. The client will only pay approximately $105 a month (after three years of participating in program client will own the vehicle). ➢ Provide sweat equity to a community project ➢ Attend interactive meetings on: Car maintenance/ Servicing, Financial Management, etc. ➢ Each Client will have a Personal Coach Impact—Wheels to Work—A Reliable Vehicle ➢ Improved employment situation ➢ Late to work less often ➢ Missing fewer days from work ➢ More likely to receive a promotion or increase pay ➢ More confidence and self esteem ➢ Improved credit score ➢ Permanent changes in Lives as a results of newfound knowledge