HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit A SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION. THE ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Exhibit A-1, Page I of 10 . ............ . . . . . . . . . . m1amidade,gov City of Miami Mr. Juvenal Santana Director of Public Works Departmew) 444 SW 2ndAve Miami, FIL 33130 NOTAV Office of the Director Overtown Transit Village 701 N.W. 15t Court - 17th Floor Miami, Florida 33136 Re: Maintenance Agreement between the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County Improvements within the City of Miami Right -of -Way between the Miami River and $W 13th Street. This document provides a detailed list of the improvements for implementation and maintenance by Miami -Dade County in relation to The Underline Project — Phase 1 between the Miami River and SW 131h Street, Exhibit A-1, Page 2 of 10 N1N A murm= M =_ lZURM Transportation and Public Works Office of the Director Overtown Transit Village 701 N.W. 15t Court - 17th Floor Miami, Florida 33136 Ill. 6,320 sf of along the eastern edge of SW 1st Court between SWIOth and SWI I th Streets. Bump out includes a new sidewalk, a new planti beds with trees and understory planting, Underline pavement marking and a very small portion of the Underline path including a ramp to connect to future on -road bicycle lanes. Area also Includes 4 dedicate parking spaces for MDT personnel. See sheets L-1 04 and L-1 05. iv. 285 sf of new sidewalk along southern edge of SW13th Street. See sheets L-1 07. 6. Replac ement in kind of 1580 sf sidewalk along western edge of SW1 st Ave a the in introduction of 418 sf of new planting bed with three trees and understo planting within this sidewalk, See sheet L-102. 7. 318 SF of new planting and soils and two boulders located between the MDT ROW and the existing Southside Park fence, See sheet L-1 06. 8. 76 SF of a concrete walkway connecting SW1 2th Street to the Underline path, surrounded by 284 sf of new planting. See sheet L-107. These items will be maintenance by Miami -Dade County until that resR# # by a third party or until the Maintenance Agreement is terminated. elease review the list and accompanying diagrams. Once your review Is complete-, please let us know so that we can incorporate these items as part of the Maintenance Agreement for the on-going Underline Project. Sincerely, I I ne Hegedus h f ief of Transportation Enhancements Miami -Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works 701 NW Is' Court, Suite 1700 Miami, Florida 33136 786-469-5395 ihagedus@miamidade.gov Exhibit A-1, Page 3 of 10 ---------Yrnrl - - ---RM Wl 11 1i ff RE j 6. THE UNDERLINE - PHASE 1 f .......... 0) s FINAL CONSTRUCTION OCCUMENTS FOR CONTINUATION N\N THE UNDERLINE - PHASE 1 f p FINAL CONSTRUCTION OCCUMENTS I ODI SWI 6T AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 U" THE UNDERLINE - PHASE 1 FINAL CONSTRUCTION OCCUMENTS I ODI SWI 6T AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 U" Exhibit A-1, Page 4 of 10 I I I e I I $ MATCH LKE x SEE(. 102 zl I ro�,mmu li I a dVT T I ' I' II cT� II w. to b I � � r �l I 6 � a � 7 � � i x' ne.=^rum I g tnexoe ogrxeuxounuxem pnnrxenelllr Wmx �� ;”"' THE UNDERLINE- PHASE 1 uw.n.weecalmrsroxrnrrox�rue=mww�.ceprnnrni.xr r;"=••F• 9 ss uw l.ono.caxmru ,necnennoxatoaee cpncesoev nrmexr SS;;yv d FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS x5�k'.:dta 1001 SW101 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLOWA33130 ¢Wop ��InIAMea amrxCn Fleln opCMnoxa "�"1b" • + „� v A'L I I[� ¢'� �1Aa• 1eieNrH AYe.Orxil00n, NEWYOKK, NY 10011 "�"I"�' 1 __ L•1W L -Nb II C -i65 L,O6 �'., L-tP.t i ( L•i(Q tl L-1% i�l'MPP SCn ENrB Nps , � � c CO-TRUCtION ._._I G4YTI}i SC ST0.O*?S.flO 9pCO661F32686263 E000071. 215iO I...'..... ?. _ Sw81R9T r > z PRGi%YuEO LIGHT POLE Nps , � � [ CONSTRUCRON ._._I mNsrRucrwN !1 t=' �1 _ Sw81R9T r > z PRGi%YuEO LIGHT POLE 2 Z ..Tov` E omRsw& JI L<p UNE ar IXISIINGL[GHT FIX[IJREG _1 Nps , LEGFA� 1. RFggi TO EI:tARGE YOUTPI MR /'1 L0.YOITANIJOTATONG &DPAEN9ONS. L -2m TC L.21A O FJ3STiNG 9U[DMG r > z PRGi%YuEO LIGHT POLE 2 Z ..Tov` E omRsw& ________ L<p UNE ar IXISIINGL[GHT FIX[IJREG taE5mNNP ix GRAPHICSIGIS _.._ I OFMYULOM ®B TW19i&;Lfay IAIG EXMTING CIRLfi TO REMPA � �..�.� PROJE4TLDAGLME � W&SMG 6UIIDMG N,RhYfF 4 MGVea cFURNRURE �.- &5FOOTARFRGRMCGLUMN 85 mOTARE/OFFSEr ©� �G 6EC4GFfLPoIE OOlii£eOVI.�EFG 3.196 sf bump -out Bump out includes a new S-ioot arid. sidewalk, a new planting bed with palm trees and unde..t— pi.nffmg, ADATac- bie Yraming strips at ramps and Undedhe, pavement markings. Two FPL poles vrHI be re- located to this area on MDT RIGHT t OF WAY �1 w 1 ' SIGNTPET2 .I �WS SIGN I €ton of 413.1 of new ptanting bed € with three'trees and understo. ry planting within this sidewalk. 1 �s c� 5�� g z=a ¢a- ElL Z o= z� Z„� J � fl z '¢ zoo amu_ wQ� On m�,9x urav vuv F '� Y�/tet• �.uWS.t'd ltr�a 67 }161 m 102 zz�,a (R Exhibit A-1, Page 6 of 10 SW 9TH ST _ _ P =-- _ MATCH LINE SEE l-104 �„HO,�rr 'i;m:.:;.^m, �8 8 2 I, 7 N• � � � S a l I I � � THE UNDERLINE - pFIASE 1 r ^I wa ! I: 6 T Q .NF :A,IeN xeo,FnsoweFeFo.e,MEx, a n R q $ �n�n II I=_ I_ g 99 TJ II i_ MF-•- I°daii taan JANee OONNCR fIBl00P6MT10N0 3133 111iF1111hVG 0111 tt00h NflVYONR. NY 10018 S -) MATCH UNE SEE- :102 - P r SW QTt ST I I , w Onsy. Imo\ W 7HBT= -' W STH 9T"= R w 1.T= 8 .ut.:_ 41 St= i 3 Ba.6 0°°,.,:olFr� � � y � � I I - .Ama,�",. �„HO,�rr 'i;m:.:;.^m, x r^ � 5 � 7 N• � � � S a l I I � � THE UNDERLINE - pFIASE 1 PNIClIe00K 1114 NNOBBlINB1N PARTNEROIIIP VxYHI '�^^^• Nwel-0neecoNxrsmnx:vonm,loxeaunrowcnBeoePM,xexr U"°°'^' N.I.e.ee�NxwP wa ! 6 rINAI CONSTRUCTION .NF :A,IeN xeo,FnsoweFeFo.e,MEx, a n R q $ 1001 SW18T AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 83130 g 99 I I°daii taan JANee OONNCR fIBl00P6MT10N0 3133 111iF1111hVG 0111 tt00h NflVYONR. NY 10018 'I°5'M m"�"""' - I I , wax im�u�ui.u��i� Exhibit A-1, Page 7 of 10 •il \ t �� W -� � O I, I w OR r— c I� MATGN 76_, ' Ssy�dSS ��nnI 's� Q� n �I 1 lil D y a2u E� N' el reipikn I iRICNo90F rII9 UNOGR4INRIN PMiNeRe111PW1T111 L � r g g + �N THE UNDERLINE - PHASE N ucP aecemmm xlPURmnWILPUfi,kW losPnn eM v E 1 uu.,4oncecoNweuuc necNe.rlorvAvo oveRerncev oFravrrnelrc;5;, �M- L FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS pp $ a , , Rol SWIST AVENUEMIAMIFLORIDA33130 uw�cw unx+�ewwnua :'w.._ � � 7 I iN{7 I JNAIJ OORNER FICIO UPfiMTlON9 1Nl! UIR-11 iMi wi°iu°1 I I I I u7ix nerelRll AVe Oru t<aoP NFwmat ur waP o 9RY^""^ imvil}iinu n��n t I a SW 10Th1 5T , O IJP I w OR r— c I� MATGN 76_, ' Ssy�dSS ��nnI 's� Q� n id Oro In Y} BW 9TH 5T _ p�Nk NN , � IIST.- i li I �ro� D y a2u E� N' el reipikn I iRICNo90F rII9 UNOGR4INRIN PMiNeRe111PW1T111 L � r g g + �N THE UNDERLINE - PHASE N ucP aecemmm xlPURmnWILPUfi,kW losPnn eM v E 1 uu.,4oncecoNweuuc necNe.rlorvAvo oveRerncev oFravrrnelrc;5;, �M- L FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS pp $ a , , Rol SWIST AVENUEMIAMIFLORIDA33130 uw�cw unx+�ewwnua :'w.._ � � 7 I iN{7 I JNAIJ OORNER FICIO UPfiMTlON9 1Nl! UIR-11 iMi wi°iu°1 I I I I u7ix nerelRll AVe Oru t<aoP NFwmat ur waP o 9RY^""^ imvil}iinu n��n _�—L I O IJP I ws elw ,—�W TIIET= n . ., ..MATCH LIsee LL-'1'03oa , NG ._._... _ BW 9TH 5T _ , D y a2u E� N' el reipikn I iRICNo90F rII9 UNOGR4INRIN PMiNeRe111PW1T111 L � r g g + �N THE UNDERLINE - PHASE N ucP aecemmm xlPURmnWILPUfi,kW losPnn eM v E 1 uu.,4oncecoNweuuc necNe.rlorvAvo oveRerncev oFravrrnelrc;5;, �M- L FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS pp $ a , , Rol SWIST AVENUEMIAMIFLORIDA33130 uw�cw unx+�ewwnua :'w.._ � � 7 I iN{7 I JNAIJ OORNER FICIO UPfiMTlON9 1Nl! UIR-11 iMi wi°iu°1 I I I I u7ix nerelRll AVe Oru t<aoP NFwmat ur waP o 9RY^""^ imvil}iinu n��n IJP ,—�W TIIET= I IIST.- D y a2u E� N' el reipikn I iRICNo90F rII9 UNOGR4INRIN PMiNeRe111PW1T111 L � r g g + �N THE UNDERLINE - PHASE N ucP aecemmm xlPURmnWILPUfi,kW losPnn eM v E 1 uu.,4oncecoNweuuc necNe.rlorvAvo oveRerncev oFravrrnelrc;5;, �M- L FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS pp $ a , , Rol SWIST AVENUEMIAMIFLORIDA33130 uw�cw unx+�ewwnua :'w.._ � � 7 I iN{7 I JNAIJ OORNER FICIO UPfiMTlON9 1Nl! UIR-11 iMi wi°iu°1 I I I I u7ix nerelRll AVe Oru t<aoP NFwmat ur waP o 9RY^""^ imvil}iinu n��n al 3 3 2 Ji �RiMINAIA r: Underline pavement markings and a very small portion o#Baz Underline path including a:amp scu.erns to connect to future on -road bicycle lanes 3 I I — _4----t l NOTES t. REFERTO FMMGED IAYOUTPIANS FOR ALL LAYOUTANNOTAPONSBDRdEM1510NS � £VSrINGBUIL➢ING � > x PROPOS®LIGHT FOtE L-mt To �za 2 RFFERTO WSERFS FOR aMEB------- M TOH LINE ^•-• EXLSriNG LIC -Hr F[kR1R6 PEDESniIFNP Ii GRAPFROS[GNS. —..— WGHTOFYfAY (FLO.Yt3 O,3 TRtSH& G E%I5rING CURB TO ftEMFM �� REG,tiFII� �NGW =_'_� 85POCS AREAOFF� uuaa� �� MONaeLEFUPNmIRE S � S} Boc s_-cixwxc oPcuRVE ooL3rE BouLOFRs 'a. � s_:s `r�'€ 6,324 sf of bump-ott between SY1tYDUr and 3V#lith Eoc Erw oFcuavE Streets Bump out includes a new sidewalk, a nevi o planting beds with trees and understory planting. t = �o MDT PJGHiOFWAY ilk 1 N:52D5Si9fIEOCPa3� .......,ti ... . .� 4 dedicated aarking spaces I 1= I` � � � � w for MQT personnel.Under- rim pavement markings. I (? r to Esza9tzsrt ' IDrPazsoNNEL d 1 d�. L = � n � �' B59 E92CSttaa I�—LDDA 8ICYCCE �' u c e 0,8 N5i6]— G GONBI -ON I i aPEDES,WAN B m o o g # SW tSTAVE �SNtOrHs i �MO61UrY S Y p2p E32roi1�2 '/ --\ RRPPOVEMENr6 - 3 .„� 619 NSi6]3QOe B CONSIP.IJOnON 3 1' R.QYf. s \ I 0.S ! SIGNTYt <'PS CURVEpil }SIGN TYPE'F.T CURVE OT/ Z o mMffs— t ------—=y 1 STATION k F LL o - rLLa 1 I _. /. :c; .!-_._y :.<_c_ .!_::. /✓moi:.:: r .... .... .... _t'_. 1.✓r_../l=_. /..1. .ad _ 7 c - R..n.,.'r• o Sw i$T AVE 1 i Y INsusssafl-=ocPml . 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Bp � � � � �--I � � � d� �wA«'me THE UNDERLINE - PHASE 1 FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 19 "$T= U" I miamldade,gov City of Miami Mr. Juvenal Santana Director of Public Works Department 444 SW 2nd Ave Miami, FIL 33130 SUBSTITUTED. Tr177nansportation ana PuDlic Mr, Office of the Di i1> t Ovn Transi ill 7.W. I erfA towCourt - th F Miami, FI ida 33 SUBSTITUTED. Transportation and Public VJ 7]:, Office of the Dir c; _ MIAW Overtown Transit Illa I th Flo. a 701 N.W. I st Court - I th Flox Miami, Flo da 331.:* V � M M Please review the list and acco»4anyingdagrams, Once your review is completg', incorporate these items as pail of the ---- --- e on-going Underline Project. 0 Mor W2<# t ofTransportation anUTO =T's CorSite1700 ida 33136